What does the word foreigners

Мои примеры


a hatred of foreigners nurtured by the media — ненависть к иностранцам, взлелеянная СМИ  
foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways — иностранцы, которые упорно не желают принимать наши порядки  
deportation of foreigners — высылка иностранцев  
foreigners’ deposits — депозиты иностранцев; вклады иностранцев  
it is an aenigma to foreigners — для иностранцев это загадка  
long-term indebtedness to foreigners — долгосрочная внешняя задолженность  
regime of foreigners — режим иностранцев  
secret — no foreigners — секретно-не подлежит передаче иностранцам  
treatment of foreigners or aliens — режим иностранцев  
prostitute servicing foreigners — интердевочка  

Примеры с переводом

The city is becoming peopled with foreigners.

Город заселяют иностранцы.

Some of the local people are suspicious of foreigners.

Некоторые местные жители с подозрением относятся к иностранцам.

He had an irrational fear and hatred of foreigners.

Он испытывал иррациональный страх и ненависть к иностранцам.

The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled.

Император приказал изгнать всех иностранцев.

There have been several attacks on foreigners recently.

В последнее время произошло несколько нападений на иностранцев.

The pronunciation of Chinese is difficult for foreigners.

Произношение китайских слов трудно для иностранцев.

This attack raises fears of increased violence against foreigners.

Это нападение вызывает опасения относительно роста насилия против иностранцев.

Возможные однокоренные слова

foreigner  — иностранец, чужеземец, чужестранец, чужой, иноземец, иностранный корабль

1 : a person belonging to or owing allegiance to a foreign country. 2 chiefly dialectal : one not native to a place or community : stranger sense 1c.

How do you say foreigner in different languages?

In other languages foreigner

  • American English: foreigner /ˈfɔrɪnər/
  • Arabic: أَجْنَبِيّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: estrangeiro.
  • Chinese: 外国人
  • Croatian: stranac.
  • Czech: cizinec.
  • Danish: fremmed.
  • Dutch: buitenlander.

Who was foreigner?

Foreigner is a British-American rock supergroup, originally formed in New York City in 1976 by veteran British guitarist and songwriter Mick Jones, and fellow Briton and ex-King Crimson member Ian McDonald, along with American vocalist Lou Gramm….Foreigner (band)

Years active 1976–present
Labels Rhythm Safari Atlantic

Which is not the meaning of foreigner in the past?

Stranger and ajnabi are not the meaning of the words foreigner in the past.

Who is current lead singer of Foreigner?

Lou Gramm1992 – 2003
Kelly HansenSince 2005
Foreigner/Lead singers

Who is the original singer of Foreigner?

Lou Gramm
Kelly Hansen
Lou Gramm, original lead singer of FOREIGNER, was hospitalized at the Unity Hospital at Park Ridge in Rochester, New York last week with a severe respiratory infection, dehydration and fatigue.

What is a bona fide argument?

A bona fide argument has only one conclusion and one premise.

Is Dage a real word?

DAGE is not a valid scrabble word.

What is the meaning of ayam?

An ayam is a Korean traditional winter cap mostly worn by women in the Joseon period for protection against the cold. It is also called aegeom which literally means “covering a forehead” in Korean. During the late Joseon period, an ayam was usually worn by female commoners.

The term foreigner is used to refer to al — Qaeda associated operatives of Arab and Central Asian origin. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The term foreigner is locally used for al-Qaeda-linked militants of Arab and Central Asian origin. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In that case, marrying a foreigner is a privilege granted by the government. ❋ Unknown (2009)

For companies already incorporated in Mexico, a plain copy of the Corporate Charter and of the minutes of the shareholders ‘meeting must be included, in which the increase of capital or, as in this case, the acquisition of the shares by a foreigner is acknowledged. ❋ Unknown (2007)

If it’s an emergency, they can start tapping and days later provide «probable cause» that the foreigner is a foreigner to the secret court. ❋ Unknown (2007)

To be solved, the murder and torture of an elderly couple in an isolated farmhouse and the subsequent racially motivated crime that starts to spread when the old lady’s dying word, ‘foreigner‘, is leaked to the press. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The term foreigner is used to refer to al — Qaeda associated operatives of Arab and Central Asian origin. » ❋ Unknown (2010)

If I’m speaking Spanish, any foreigner is an extranjero (a). ❋ Unknown (2009)

If I’m speaking English, any foreigner is just that: a foreigner. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A foreigner from the United States of America is an estadounidense. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I’m not coming to the pub this [lunchtime], I’m staying at work to do [a Foreigner] for a [mate of mine]. ❋ Cree$e (2007)

[The foreigner] could not understand the [directions] to get to [Bounty] Street. ❋ The Alex (2005)

1. I am foreign to this area.
2. I hate those foreigners who don’t speak English.
3. Now [lookie here]… we don’t want none of them foreigners from [Jackson County] ’round here!
4. Sorry dude, I got so drunk at [the Foreigner] concert that I crapped my pants. ❋ Thedzone (2009)

An American: Damn those goddamn foreigners.
An Englishman: I loathe those bloody foreigners.
A Swede: Jävla [utl]änningar.
[A Finn]: Vitun ulkomaalaiset.
A Frenchman: Je [déteste] les étrangers.
A German: Arschlosche Scheisse lözsch blszslzhszöslszzöslch. ❋ FinnishPunk (2005)

1. [Frenchman]: [Mon Dieu]! c’est un etranger! 2nd Frenchman: [Oui], il habite au Bretagne.
2. Reggie Ray: Godamn those foreigners! They’re stealing our jobs as professors, lawyers, doctors, etc…
Johnny: That’s cause you’ve got the IQ of a slug Reggie Ray, and the only thing you’re good at is breaking rocks with other rocks ❋ Axelone (2006)

«Hey [Antonio] [look at that] [ugly] foreigner ❋ Lorenzo (2004)

hey this party is pretty [dope]. Wait, is that [a foreigner]. Eeewwww, Im fucking [leaving] ❋ JIM HAT (2005)

«Holy shit, I just saw [Foreigner] in concert!»
«Damn, [’bout] fuckin time. I saw em [last year].» ❋ Thadius Miller (2004)

[Have you heard about] this [edit] of this girl? People call her [a Foreigner] now. ❋ Curiosity Is Near (2020)

Person 1: [I be] pullin’ [up in] [foreigns] ❋ BNGRZ (2018)

foreigners — перевод на русский

They’re spies, foreigners.

Это шпионы, иностранцы.

Only foreigners and half-baked Americans fall for McCormick’s tricks.

Только иностранцы и новички-американцы попадаются на его штучки.

Maybe it’s because he’s a foreigner. They just don’t think like us.

Иностранцы говорят не так, как мы…

I’m not sure about Monta’s English, but the foreigners ran off to Gotenyama.

Я не уверен насчёт английского Монты. Но иностранцы убежали к Готеньяма.

The foreigners can see the strongholds we built to keep them out.

Иностранцы могут видеть крепости, что мы строили, чтобы держать их подальше.

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I feel sorry for Christine, because she’s a foreigner.

Мне жаль Кристину, ведь она иностранка.

She’s a foreigner among people who don’t speak her language.

Она иностранка, среди людей, ни один из которых не говорит на ее языке.

Bear in mind she’s a foreigner, so prepare for hysterics, even a fainting spell.

Помните, она иностранка, приготовьтесь к истерике, а может и к обмороку.

She’s a foreigner, unfamiliar with the subtleties of our language.

Во-первых, она иностранка, не очень знакомая с тонкостями нашего языка.

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That foreigner couldn’t have played Cornussds part that well!

Чужеземец не смог сыграть роль Корнюсса так хорошо!

Besides, you’re a foreigner and have been here, for a little while.

— Кроме того, ты чужеземец и пробыл здесь, недолго.

I’m a foreigner, that is true, but I have to try.

— Я правда чужеземец, но я должен попробовать.

No, if a foreigner wants to help… why should I stop him?

— Нет, если чужеземец хочет помочь … почему я должна его остановить?

Although he’s a foreigner, he speaks our language, don’t you?

Он чужеземец, но знает наш язык, не так ли?

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Warriors, away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village! Sokka, you’re making a mistake.

Чужак будет изгнан из нашей деревни ты делаешь ошибку.

I’m just a foreigner you keep around to run your errands and make you feel good about yourself, right?

Я всего лишь чужак, которого ты держишь рядом, потому что тебе так удобно.

What’s your business, foreigner?

Что тебе надо, чужак?

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You are a foreigner here …

Вы чужестранец здесь …

He’s a foreigner, you see ?

Он — чужестранец, понимаешь? Чужестранец.

A foreigner.


Miss, I’m a foreigner on your shores.

Мисс, в этих краях я чужестранец.

And a foreigner.

И чужестранец.

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I’ve seen hundreds of foreigners before!

Да я раньше видел сотни иноземцев!



We’ve agreed No foreigners.

Мы же договорились: никаких иноземцев.

Ancient feudal Japan, a land shrouded in mystery, forbidden to foreigners.

Древняя феодальная Япония, страна окутанная тайной, запретная для иноземцев.

The foreigner’s with a cockroach girl.

Иноземец с этой тараканшей.

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No foreigners are going to dictate to us.

И никто чужой нам не будет ничего диктовать.

Go back to where you belong, foreigner!

Иди, откуда пришел, ты здесь чужой!

It’s weird I— I really needed to come home and now I just feel like foreigner.

Странно, я очень стремилась вернуться сюда. Но сейчас я чувствую себя чужой.

Even though she was born here, she’s a foreigner to this state.

Даже несмотря на то, что родилась здесь, она все равно чужая для этой страны.

We wouldn’t be foreigners.

Там мы не будем чужими.

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The Foreigners’ Quarter.

Квартал Иностранцев.

Burn down the Foreigners’ Quarter?

Сжечь Квартал Иностранцев?

You can burn down the Foreigners’ Quarter, for all I care.

Можете сжечь Квартал Иностранцев, мне всё равно.

Have you got the plans to the Foreigners’ Quarter?

Достал планы Квартала Иностранцев?

As I explained on the boat, Chobei the Carpenter drew up the plans for the Foreigners’ Quarter.

Как я и говорил, плотник Чобэй рисовал планы для Квартала Иностранцев.

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And you didn’t get those rogue foreigners.

И вы не достали этих иностранных жуликов.

Next, Obama expanded Bush’s doctrine of indefinite detention of foreigners without trial, to holding citizens without evidence indefinitely, without ever even committing a crime.

Затем Обама расширил доктрину Буша о бессрочном содержании под стражей иностранных граждан без суда, о задержании без доказательств на неопределенный срок американских граждан, даже не совершивших преступления.

She suddenly feels the need for foreigners in the house.

Ей хочется поселить у нас иностранных студентов.

The Vietnamese did not want any foreigners among their troops.

Вьетнамцы не хотели иностранного вмешательства.

We’re gonna sing songs by Foreigner in foreign languages, wearing all the costumes of the world’s nations.

Мы должны спеть песню иностранного исполнителя на иностранном языке, в костюмах других национальностей.

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: a person belonging to or owing allegiance to a foreign country


Example Sentences

I can tell by your accent you’re a foreigner in these parts.

Recent Examples on the Web

Alarmed by how many foreigners are sleeping in the streets, and begging for food and money, city officials have worked with immigration authorities to round up migrants.

Mary Beth Sheridan, Washington Post, 28 Mar. 2023

The bureau has files on tens of thousands of Americans and foreigners, most of which relate to various FBI investigations.

Bloomberg News, oregonlive, 28 Mar. 2023

Over the next three decades, Congress employed naturalization law to strip women who married foreigners of their citizenship.

Hardeep Dhillon, Smithsonian Magazine, 27 Mar. 2023

Moa Almeida Moreover, Carnival rejects perfectionism, inviting young and old, wealthy and working-class, and foreigners and natives front-row seats to celebrate individuality, creativity, and freedom with fervor.

Nerisha Penrose, ELLE, 24 Mar. 2023

The reigning Rana dynasty pursued an isolationist policy that effectively barred foreigners from the region until it was overthrown in 1951, and Nepal has banned the export of culturally significant materials since 1956.

Hannah Edgar, Chicago Tribune, 22 Mar. 2023

Creative work-arounds The war — and with it, the frequent missile barrages and drone attacks — means many foreigners and tourists are nowhere to be seen outside of western cities such as Lviv.

Michael Bociurkiw, CNN, 16 Mar. 2023

In addition to this material merchandise, the Mongols’ openness toward foreigners and foreign ideas also facilitated the movement of people, philosophies and pathogens across vast stretches of the Silk Road routes.

Sam Walters, Discover Magazine, 14 Mar. 2023

In 2022, just 115.7 million cross-border trips were made in and out of China, with foreigners accounting for around 4.5 million.

Reuters, NBC News, 14 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘foreigner.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of foreigner was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near foreigner

Cite this Entry

“Foreigner.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/foreigner. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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