What does the word explain mean

объяснять, разъяснять, растолковать, толковать, оправдывать


- объяснять

to explain the meaning of a word — объяснить значение слова
explain this problem to me — объясните мне эту задачу
explain to me what this means — объясните мне, что это значит

- оправдываться, давать объяснения

he was unable to explain his conduct — он не смог объяснить своего поведения
he explained that he had been delayed by the rain — он объяснил, что задержался из-за дождя
when he has done wrong he never explains — когда он поступает неправильно, он никогда не оправдывается

- толковать, разъяснять

to explain smb.’s viewpoint — изложить /разъяснить, развить/ чью-л. точку зрения

- объясняться
- объяснять своё поведение, свои мотивы и т. п.

Мои примеры


attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world — попытки объяснить происхождение зла в этом мире  
to explain satisfactorily — толково объяснять  
to explain by giving an example — объяснять на примере  
explain in detail — подробно объяснять  
explain coup — давать объяснение по поводу государственного переворота  
background of the deal was easy to explain — подоплёка этой сделки была легко объяснима  
explain in complete detail — объяснить в деталях полностью; объяснить в деталях подробно  
explain in terms of an example — объяснять на примере  
c to explain away — оправдываться  
explain a lesson — объяснять урок  
explain a problem — разъяснять проблему  

Примеры с переводом

Give me a chance to explain.

Дай мне шанс объяснить.

Wait! I can explain everything.

Подождите! Я могу всё объяснить.

He explained why he was late.

Он объяснил, почему опоздал.

Let me explain what I mean.

Позвольте мне объяснить, что я имею в виду.

Let me explain it this way.

Позвольте мне объяснить это так.

She explained the problem to me.

Она объяснила мне суть проблемы.

We miss any attempt to explain.

Мы упускаем шанс что-либо объяснить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…trying to explain a mix-up in my mail order to a clearly raddled clerk in customer service…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

explainable  — объяснимый
explained  — объяснять, разъяснять, растолковать, толковать, оправдывать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: explain
he/she/it: explains
ing ф. (present participle): explaining
2-я ф. (past tense): explained
3-я ф. (past participle): explained

Table of Contents

  1. What type of word is explain?
  2. What is the base word of explain?
  3. What is the noun form of explain?
  4. What is parts of speech explain with example?
  5. What is the noun form of perfect?
  6. What word class is perfect?
  7. What is the Word Perfect?
  8. What is a better word for perfect?
  9. What is the most perfect word?
  10. What is the new word of proper?
  11. What is another name for proper?
  12. What is opposite word of proper?
  13. Which is the proper?
  14. What are 20 proper nouns?
  15. What are 10 common nouns?
  16. What is a proper?
  17. What is an example of proper?
  18. What’s your proper?
  19. What does proper mean in city?
  20. What is difference between city and metro?
  21. What is town proper?
  22. Is Metro the same as urban?
  23. What does Metro mean?
  24. What is meant by urban agglomeration?
  25. What do suburbs consist of?
  26. What is a suburb example?
  27. Why are they called suburbs?
  28. What makes a suburb a suburb?
  29. What is the purpose of suburbs?

explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret mean to make something clear or understandable. explain implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known.

What type of word is explain?

verb (used with object) to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible: to explain an obscure point. to make known in detail: to explain how to do something.

What is the base word of explain?

explain (v.) early 15c., explanen, “make (something) clear in the mind, to make intelligible,” from Latin explanare “to explain, make clear, make plain,” literally “make level, flatten,” from ex “out” (see ex-) + planus “flat” (from PIE root *pele- (2) “flat; to spread”). The spelling was altered by influence of plain.

What is the noun form of explain?

“Explain” is a verb which means – to describe something. The Noun form of it is – “explanation”.

What is parts of speech explain with example?

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.

What is the noun form of perfect?


What word class is perfect?

Word Type. ✕ Perfect can be an adjective or a verb.

What is the Word Perfect?

Something that is perfect is complete and without defect or blemish. It might also be precisely accurate or exact. The word perfect can also be used as a verb meaning — you guessed it! It originally comes from the Latin word perficere, which breaks down into per- (“completely”) and facere (“do”).

What is a better word for perfect?

What is another word for perfect?

flawless excellent
impeccable pristine
defectless faultless
intact irreproachable
mint optimal

What is the most perfect word?

“Cellar Door” One of the most famous theories comes from Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien, who proposed in a 1955 speech that “cellar door” is the most beautiful word (or phrase) in the English language.

What is the new word of proper?

Some common synonyms of proper are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, and suitable. While all these words mean “right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,” proper suggests a suitability through essential nature or accordance with custom.

What is another name for proper?

What is another word for proper?

right appropriate
accepted apt
correct conventional
established fitting
suitable formal

What is opposite word of proper?

Surprise! Improper is the opposite of proper. Something that’s improper goes against what people think is right.

Which is the proper?

Proper is an adjective that describes something that is appropriate, adheres to polite behavior, or is correct. Proper is also used in grammar to refer to nouns that identify specific people, places, or things. The word proper has additional senses as an adjective, adverb, and noun.

What are 20 proper nouns?

Proper Nouns

common noun proper noun
man, boy John
woman, girl Mary
country, town England, London
company Ford, Sony

What are 10 common nouns?

Examples of a Common Noun

  • People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man.
  • Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf.
  • Things: table, truck, book, pencil, iPad, computer, coat, boots,

What is a proper?

1 : correct according to social or moral rules proper behavior. 2 : appropriate entry 1, suitable Use the proper tool for the job. 3 : strictly accurate : correct “… do everything in the proper order …

What is an example of proper?

A proper noun is a name of someone/something which denotes a particular person/thing. It always begins with a capital letter. Example of Proper Noun: Alex is a wonderful player.

What’s your proper?

It’s an important part of your identity. So people ask, where are you from, and then, “Where are you from, proper.” As in, really, actually, properly. So it means, “Where are you from, actually” – This has slowly decayed into “What’s your Proper.”

What does proper mean in city?

A city proper is the geographical area contained within city limits. The term, proper, is not exclusive to cities; it can describe the geographical area within the boundaries of any given locality.

What is difference between city and metro?

A metropolitan area is often composed of a couple of cities. A city is a legally defined place with its own borders and government. A metropolitan area is just an area where a bunch of people live. It’s generally made up of a bunch of surrounding cities, suburbs & some of the unincorporated areas around them.

What is town proper?

A “town proper” is typically the area actually defined by the township (or city’s) border, and is administrated by the city’s government. This can include smaller towns, suburbs, and rural communities that associate themselves with the ‘proper’ area and provide a larger economic zone for the region.

Is Metro the same as urban?

“Urban” is the contiguous built-up area. “Metro” includes smaller towns that are not directly connected to the city but are still nearby and within it’s sphere.

What does Metro mean?

metropolitan area

What is meant by urban agglomeration?

Urban agglomerations can be defined as contiguously built-up area, shaped by one core city or by several adjacent cities, sharing industry-, infrastructure- and housing-land use with high-density levels as well as embedded open spaces.

What do suburbs consist of?

Suburban areas are lower density areas that separate residential and commercial areas from one another. They are either part of a city or urban area, or exist as a separate residential community within commuting distance of a city. As cars became the dominant way for people to get to work, suburbs grew.

What is a suburb example?

The definition of a suburb is an area of homes outside of a city. An example of a suburb is a series of gated communities outside of a large city. A usually residential area or community outlying a city.

Why are they called suburbs?

The word suburb comes from the Latin word ‘suburbium’ meaning ‘outlying part of a city’. In English, the word suburb first appeared sometime in the early 14th century, when it was used to refer to the village or area outside of a larger town or city.

What makes a suburb a suburb?

Neighborhoods meet city boundaries For example, a common way researchers define “suburb” is any city that’s in a metropolitan area, but isn’t the “central city” of that metro area. “Whereas (in) other metropolitan areas there are lots of neighborhoods outside the city boundary that residents would consider urban.”

What is the purpose of suburbs?

While cities provide essential job opportunities and social networks, suburbs provide the necessary housing for the regional population, and it will become increasingly important for suburbs to grow to support cities as this population continues to rise.

The best way to explain is to tell a true story about something that happened just across the border, in Nevada, in 2006. ❋ Rob Kampia (2010)

Perhaps the best way to explain is to take a closer look at Rodriguez. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Japanese keyboards usually come with two layouts; one way to explain is to take as an example the word Tokyo, in kanji 東京. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We can’t say that to «explain» is to uncover the truth, as that would be arguing that science can determine it is true that certain natural phenomena occur without the intervention or influence of supernatural beings or events. ❋ Unknown (2005)

It’s impossible to explain, is a game that you can only understand when you play. ❋ SVGL (2009)

Firstly I must explain from the start that I manage an organisation called Two Sides, which has been set up by all sectors of the UK print and publishing industries to explore the Myths and set out the Facts about the Print and Paper industries which actually have a great environmental story to tell. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Part of what makes equilibrium warp thornier and harder to explain is that with credibility and determinacy warp you’re dealing with possibility and actuality, challenges to which can be resolved by filling in gapstory, rendering the story choate. ❋ Hal Duncan (2010)

The one I find hardest to explain is «mana», but I also had a bunch of trouble with «tapu» in the Guardian glossary — ended up asking one of my cultural consultants if she could help me out. ❋ Karenhealey (2010)

What he means, and he goes on to explain is that administration is not a position of power, because governance is so distributed (look at all the sources of money in the system for example). ❋ Unknown (2009)

While I see this with other health issues I have, one of the simplest to explain is the fact that I have terrible teeth despite having great dental hygiene. ❋ Mrissa (2010)

The only way I can explain is that I was only 21 when I started and after four years of being on TV and selling cookbooks I was struggling with success. ❋ Alice Fisher (2010)

Of course, what she meant, as most Oaklanders hasten to explain, is that the Oakland of her youth no longer existed. ❋ Unknown (2010)

What’s happened, the authors explain, is that higher-income Americans have been saving more of their income. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What they always fail to explain is what possible reason is there to cook up a global warming? ❋ Unknown (2010)

( «Plig,» as the four adults explain, is a fun slang word for the lifestyle.) ❋ Hank Stuever (2010)

Mom: Explain why you had sex on your screen?
You: I switched [to porn] because it would be easier to explain.
Mom: [Ass munch] doesn’t understand how to be safe on the internet
Guy: Explain explain.
Guy2: ….
Guy: [Spit it out]!
Guy2: Well your pretty much saying something or why you did something like going on porn
Guy: Oh ok! ❋ Anuser (2019)

[I need help] explaining how to [milk a cow]!!!! Somebody… anybody… HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [The lady] dosent think I explained it good enough. ❋ Rachel Ellis (2008)

She just doesn’t [get it]… I [tried] to [explainate] it to her, but she just doesn’t get it ❋ NachoFingLibre (2010)

I will explain why I always pick the people:
1) Mike
2) Liam
3) Lily
4) Bill
I picked those names since they are nice and short, and they came to my mind first. There, I just explained why I chose those names.
Mike: What’s it like to have a dishwasher? Explain to me why it’s so nice to have, and why I should spend my money on one.
Liam: Well, [first off], you don’t have to hand clean dishes, it does it for you. Also, it usually gets all the stuff off.
Mike: Explain why it’s easier than [hand washing] stuff.
Liam: [First off], you just have to put the dishes in, select the settings, start it, and enjoy life for the few hours you have before having to put them away.
Mike: Oh. Sounds like it’s pretty easy, I’ll get one tomorrow! ❋ TheStrangerWhoKnows (2018)

«[Yo], [what do you mean]….[ooo]….Explain» ❋ B-rad (2005)

After dropping an [F-Bomb] at a live school [board meeting], the school board member explainatively placed blame on a [whiney] dog. ❋ Thesonsofpico (2020)

«I’ve just invented a new word!»
«Could you give me a brief explaination?»
«One day a character with a ballooned ego blew his thumb until his brain burst to which he thought ‘Gee, that was fun, I wonder what else I can do? What would [Jason do]? [Hell in a hand basket]? Better quit while I’m ahead.'»
«What’s the word though?»
«I thought I just explained it to you!»
*Bitch Slap*
*Karate Chop*
*Jedi [Knife Trick]*
«Free scalp!» ❋ Ottomottopeer (2009)

Sam said «Can you explain [what fuck] means»
His Father said»Fucking is how you were born, it took alot of Cum and [dick power] to make you, so don’t [let it go] to waste.» ❋ ShutTheFuckUpAlready (2020)

After [Mitt Romney]’s televised speech I couldn’t help but feel that the whole thing had been little more than [Fish-Explaining]. There had been a lot of enthusiastic buzz-words but little had been actually communicated.
My mother-in-law forgot for the moment that I did not speak any Turkish. After she finished excitedly saying whatever it was she was saying I could only ask her what all her [fish-explaining] had been about.
The baby was incapable of speaking English but that didn’t stop him from enthusiastically telling anyone who would listen about the fish he was pointing at when visiting the New England Aquarium. I smiled at his [gibbering] antics- this was true fish-explaining. ❋ Turtle Poison (2012)

Interviewer: [Are you] [xenophobic]?
[Hanson]: Please explain. ❋ Kwayera (2009)

transitive verb



: to make known

explain the secret of your success


: to make plain or understandable

footnotes that explain the terms


: to give the reason for or cause of

unable to explain his strange conduct


: to show the logical development or relationships of

intransitive verb

: to make something plain or understandable

a report that suggests rather than explains


explain oneself

: to clarify one’s statements or the reasons for one’s conduct


Choose the Right Synonym for explain

expound implies a careful often elaborate explanation.

expounding a scientific theory

explicate adds the idea of a developed or detailed analysis.

elucidate stresses the throwing of light upon as by offering details or motives previously unclear or only implicit.

elucidate an obscure passage

interpret adds to explain the need for imagination or sympathy or special knowledge in dealing with something.

interpreting a work of art

Example Sentences

I need a lawyer to explain this contract to me.

The professor explained the poem to the class.

She explained how the machine worked.

I explained to them that I would be available by phone.

Scientists could not explain the strange lights in the sky.

I don’t know how to explain the dog’s strange behavior.

We asked him to explain his reasons to us.

Can you explain why no one was informed earlier?

That explains why we were so far behind schedule.

Give me a chance to explain.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

For example, when a glacier first recedes there is no soil, explains Ficetola.

Lesley Evans Ogden, Smithsonian Magazine, 4 Apr. 2023

The easiest way to understand the warp bubble is to picture spacetime as a trampoline, explains Erin Macdonald, an astrophysicist and the current science advisor for the Star Trek franchise.

Kimberly Hickok, Popular Mechanics, 4 Apr. 2023

As Zuber later explained, such instances can happen to riders as experienced as Steger.

Bradford Betz, Fox News, 4 Apr. 2023

As Montgomery explained before the start of spring practices, that could mean running five plays in quick succession and then slowing things down before hitting the gas again to keep the defense off-balance.

Tom Green | Tgreen@al.com, al, 4 Apr. 2023

As the New York court system’s website explains, an arraignment is different from an arrest.

Caitlin O’kane, CBS News, 4 Apr. 2023

When near-term contract futures fetch a steep premium, traders often expect prices to rise, as Joe Wallace explains.

WSJ, 4 Apr. 2023

Standing in his restaurant, Bostan Uyghur Cuisine in Arlington, Mirzat Salam explains that his father was the real chef in the family.

Tim Carman, Washington Post, 3 Apr. 2023

Geopolitics will take you only so far in explaining foreign affairs.

Robert D. Kaplan, wsj.com, 2 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘explain.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English explanen, from Latin explanare, literally, to make level, from ex- + planus level, flat — more at floor

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1b

Time Traveler

The first known use of explain was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near explain

Cite this Entry

“Explain.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/explain. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on explain

Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

ɪksˈpleɪn гл.
1) объяснять;
раскрывать, разъяснять;
изъяснять, толковать (значение) (to) to explain satisfactorily ≈ толково объяснять to explain by giving an example ≈ объяснять на примере She explained the problem to me. ≈ Она объяснила мне суть проблемы. He explained to us that the examination would take place later. ≈ Он объяснил нам, что экзамен состоится позже. Syn : clarify, unfold
2) давать объяснения, объяснять (причину, поведение) He explained why he was late. ≈ Он объяснил, почему опоздал. Syn : account ∙ explain away
объяснять — to * the meaning of a word объяснить значение слова — * this problem to me объясните мне эту задачу — * to me what this means объясните мне, что это значит оправдываться, давать объяснения — he was unable to * his conduct он не смог объяснить своего поведения — he *ed that he had been delayed by the rain он объяснил, что задержался из-за дождя — when he has done wrong he never *s когда он поступает неправильно, он никогда не оправдывается толковать, разъяснять — to * smb.’s viewpoint изложить /разъяснить, развить/ чью-л. точку зрения объясняться;
объяснять свое поведение, свои мотивы и т. п.
explain давать объяснения ~ объяснять;
толковать (значение) ~ объяснять ~ объясняться ~ оправдывать, объяснять (поведение) ;
to explain oneself объясниться;
представить объяснения (в свое оправдание) ~ оправдываться ~ разъяснять ~ толковать, разъяснять ~ толковать
~ away оправдываться
~ in detail подробно объяснять
~ оправдывать, объяснять (поведение) ;
to explain oneself объясниться;
представить объяснения (в свое оправдание)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «explain» в других словарях:

  • explain — 1 Explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret, construe are comparable when they mean to make oneself or another understand the meaning of something. Explain, the most general term, implies a making of something plain or intelligible to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Explain — Ex*plain ([e^]ks*pl[=a]n ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Explained}([e^]ks*pl[=a]nd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Explaining}.] [L. explandare to flatten, spread out, explain; ex out + plandare to make level or plain, planus plain: cf. OF. esplaner, explaner. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • explain — [ek splān′, iksplān′] vt. [ME explanen < L explanare, to flatten < ex , out + planare, to make level < planus, level (see PLANE2): sp. infl. by PLAIN1] 1. to make clear, plain, or understandable 2. to give the meaning or interpretation… …   English World dictionary

  • explain — (v.) early 15c., from L. explanare to make level, smooth out; also to explain, make clear (see EXPLANATION (Cf. explanation)). Originally explane, spelling altered by influence of plain. In 17c., occasionally used more literally, of the unfolding …   Etymology dictionary

  • explain — ► VERB 1) make clear by giving a detailed description. 2) give a reason or justification for. 3) (explain oneself) excuse or justify one s motives or conduct. 4) (explain away) minimize the significance of (something awkward) by giving an excuse… …   English terms dictionary

  • Explain — Ex*plain , v. i. To give an explanation. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • explain — I verb account for, annotate, assign a meaning to, cause to be understood, clarify, clear of obscurity, clear up, decipher, define, demonstrate, describe, disentangle, elucidate, enlighten, enucleate, exemplify, expedire, explanare, explicate,… …   Law dictionary

  • explain — [v] make clear; give a reason for account for, analyze, annotate, break down, bring out, clarify, clear up, construe, decipher, define, demonstrate, describe, diagram, disclose, elucidate, excuse, explicate, expound, get across*, go into detail,… …   New thesaurus

  • explain — ex|plain W1S1 [ıkˈspleın] v [I and T] [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: explanare to make level, unfold , from planus level, flat ] 1.) to tell someone about something in a way that is clear or easy to understand ▪ Our lawyer carefully explained …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • explain — ex|plain [ ık spleın ] verb *** 1. ) transitive to tell someone something in a way that helps them understand it better: My full name is Juliet Avery, Juliet explained patiently. explain something to someone: The doctor explained the risks to me… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • explain */*/*/ — UK [ɪkˈspleɪn] / US verb Word forms explain : present tense I/you/we/they explain he/she/it explains present participle explaining past tense explained past participle explained 1) a) [transitive] to tell someone something in a way that helps… …   English dictionary

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