What does the word environment mean what are the most serious environmental problems

1)The environment is a set of conditions that surround us at a given moment in time and space.

2)Deforestation, dumping of industrial residues into ponds, Global warming and etc/

3)The number of vehicles is constantly growing.

Emissions of hydrocarbon combustion products harmful to humans into the atmosphere are increasing. the number of factories,factories that are an important source of harmful fumes and a source of atmospheric pollution are increasing.

4)The climate is changing.The ecological situation in the world is getting worse every day.If we do not act, then by 2035 we will expect an increase in precipitation in some areas and droughts in other places. Habitat change and extinction of many species of flora and fauna. The growth of poverty and hunger, the strengthening of economic inequality between nations. Mass migration

1)The environment is a set of conditions that surround us at a given moment in time and space.

2)Deforestation, dumping of industrial residues into ponds, Global warming and etc/

3)The number of vehicles is constantly growing.

Emissions of hydrocarbon combustion products harmful to humans into the atmosphere are increasing. the number of factories,factories that are an important source of harmful fumes and a source of atmospheric pollution are increasing.

4)The climate is changing.The ecological situation in the world is getting worse every day.If we do not act, then by 2035 we will expect an increase in precipitation in some areas and droughts in other places. Habitat change and extinction of many species of flora and fauna. The growth of poverty and hunger, the strengthening of economic inequality between nations. Mass migration


      The word environment means simply what is around us. Some people live in a town environment; their environment is the countryside. But the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the environment. Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s lives. The most serious environmental problems are:

· pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution);

· noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.;

· destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty;

· shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);

· the growth of population.


      The sea waters today are very dangerous. There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. The Pacific Ocean, especially, has suffered from nuclear pollution because the French Government tests nuclear weapons there. Many seas are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. Britain alone dumps 250,000 tons of industrial waste straight into the North Sea. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. «Nuclear-poisoned” fish can be eaten by people.

     Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave their habitats and many plants die. If people drink this water, they can die too. It happens so because factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison the water. Factories use clean water. After the water is used it becomes poison which goes back into rivers, lakes and seas.


      When the Americans decided to clean up the Statue of Liberty in 1986, the first thing they had to do was to make a hole in her nose and take away the acid rain that had collected inside. The polluted air of New York had mixed with the rain and damaged the Statue badly. And you certainly know that most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars and buses. More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation, but if there are holes in the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation can get to the earth. Many scientists think that these holes are the result of air pollution.

       Nuclear power stations can go wrong and cause nuclear pollution. This happened in Windscale in Britain, in Three Mile Island in the USA and Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union. Nuclear pollution cannot be seen but its effects can be terrible. To make air clean again we need good filters at nuclear power stations, at factories and plants and also in cars and buses.

      Both clean air and clean water are necessary for our health. If people want to survive, they must solve these problems quickly. Man is beginning to understand that his environment is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth. That’s why people all over the world think and speak so much about ecology. 


an environment (n): окружающая среда; healthy environment. A noisy room is not the best environment to work in. many people understand they should protect the environment. Cars are ruining our environment.

to pollute(v): загрязнять; to pollute the water, air, atmosphere means to make it dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in or to use. Nowadays many newspapers write about the polluted atmosphere of towns and cities.

pollution (n): загрязнение; еnvironmental pollution is becoming dangerous. Many scientists speak about serious changes in the climate because of the pollution of the atmosphere. The government didn’t seem to notice the pollution and the noise.

to cause (v): быть причиной, вызывать; to cause a fire, to cause an illness, to cause danger. A burning cigarette caused the fire. What causes hot air to rise? Overeating causes a lot of diseases. a destruction (n): разрушение, уничтожение; an awful destruction, the destruction of the environment. As the result of the fire we can speak about the destruction of the whole forest. The destruction of the city took place in 1942. Pouring oil into the water will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and rivers.

a shortage (n): недостаток, нехватка.There was no shortage of helpers. After the hot summer there was a shortage of water.

a population (n): население; a small population, with a population less than … .What’s the population of London? The population in Western European countries is growing. Moscow is a city with a population over 10 million.

a dump (n): свалка.Take all that litter to the town rubbish dump. This town is a real dump!

to dump (v): выбрасывать на свалку.They dumped a lot of rubbish in the river. All the countries protest against dumping acid wastes in the seas and oceans.

waste (n): отходы; nuclear waste, radioactive waste, industrial waste. A lot of waste from factories and plants goes into the river. The scientists try to solve the problem of radioactive waste.

poison (n): яд.There’s poison in some mushrooms. In the fairy tale the princess ate an apple with poison but she didn’t die, she only fell asleep.

to poison (v): отравить.People can be poisoned by industrial waste. Someone tried to poison our dog’s food. Isn’t it cruel?

nuclear (adj): ядерный; a nuclear war, nuclear tests, a nuclear-free zone. There are no winners in nuclear war. Nuclear waste endangers people’s lives. People all over the world protest against nuclear tests. I should like to see Europe as a nuclear- free zone.

a weapon (n): оружие; nuclear weapons. Guns and knives are weapons; they are used to kill or hurt people in a fight or a war. That night the great detective was not carrying a weapon. What countries of the world have got nuclear weapons?

to survive (v): выживать.The first settlers in America survived their first severe winter on the new continent and celebrated it with their Indian friends.

safe (adj): безопасный, надёжный. This food is not safe for babies. Bye-bye, have a safe journey. A knife is not a safe toy.

oxygen (n) кислород

a rainforest тропический лес

carbon dioxide углекислый газ

the greenhouse affect парниковый эффект

an influence, to influence влияние, влиять

Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and words combinations:

1) жить в условиях города

2) решать проблемы окружающей среды

3) угрожать жизни людей, подвергать жизнь людей опасности

4) загрязнение водной среды 5) загрязнение воздуха

6) разрушение, уничтожение живой природы

7) красота сельского ландшафта

8) нехватка природных ресурсов

9) использоваться в качестве мусорной свалки

10) проводить испытания ядерного оружия

11) промышленные и ядерные отходы

12) рыба, подвергшаяся радиационному заражению

13) покидать места своего обитания

14) сливать отходы в близлежащие реки

15) сильно испортил статую

16) атомные электростанции

17) испортиться, выйти из строя

Answer these questions on the text:

1. What does the word environment mean?

2. What are the most serious environmental problems? Which of them are described in the text?

3. What makes the sea waters dangerous nowadays?

4. Why is it dangerous to dump industrial waste in the sea?

5. Why was the Statue of Liberty in New York damaged?

6. Where does air pollution in the cities mostly come from?

7. Why is it not safe to be in direct sunlight in certain places?

8. Why are nuclear power stations dangerous?

Choose the best way to define these:


1) dirty water, air and atmosphere;

2) making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in;

3) people who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous.


1) air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live;

2) an organization that wants to protect the natural world;

3) something that we do to prevent air and water pollution.


1) natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment;

2) plants growing in some area;

3) part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life.

Greenhouse effect:

1) a building in a garden or park which has glass walls and a glass roof in which you grow plants;

2) a salad made mainly with green vegetables;

3) the problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Prove the following with the help of the text.

1) Nowadays there are a lot of environmental problems.

2) People destroy many habitats of animals.

3) Direct sunlight can be dangerous.

4) Nuclear power stations can cause a lot of trouble.

5) Man should solve ecological problems as soon as possible.



What does the word environment mean? The word environment means simply what is around us. The air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the environment.

What does the word environment mean?

The word environment means simply what is around us. The air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the environment.

Our planet is in danger! The most serious environmental problems are: pollution in its many forms( water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution); noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.; destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty; shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel); the growth of population.

Our planet is in danger!

The most serious environmental problems are:

  • pollution in its many forms( water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution);
  • noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.;
  • destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty;
  • shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);
  • the growth of population.

Our precious planet Rainforest Pollution Endangered species Public transport Logging company Wildlife Acid rain Recycling

Our precious planet



Endangered species

Public transport

Logging company


Acid rain


Find the definitions Rainforest Pollution Public transport animals and plants in natural conditions Endangered species animals and plants that can soon disappear companies cutting down woods Logging company the process of making air, water and land dirty and not suitable to use Wildlife buses and trains for everyone to use a tropical forest growing in an area where it rains a lot

Find the definitions



Public transport

animals and plants in natural conditions

Endangered species

animals and plants that can soon disappear

companies cutting down woods

Logging company

the process of making air, water and land dirty and not suitable to use


buses and trains for everyone to use

a tropical forest growing in an area where it rains a lot

Listen to three facts and say which of them are true: a. Every day in Britain enough rubbish is produced to fill Trafalgar Square up to the top of Nelson Column. b. Every minute people are destroying about 100 acres of rainforests which is equal to fifty football pitches. c. One of the rarest monkeys in the world is golden lion tamarin in Brasil. There are only 200 left in the Brazilians rainforests.

Listen to three facts and say which of them are true:

a. Every day in Britain enough rubbish is produced to fill Trafalgar Square up to the top of Nelson Column.

b. Every minute people are destroying about 100 acres of rainforests which is equal to fifty football pitches.

c. One of the rarest monkeys in the world is golden lion tamarin in Brasil. There are only 200 left in the Brazilians rainforests.

Make sentences about rainforests, use Passive Voice: thousands of square kilometers of rainforests – destroy – every year 6,000 trees – cut down – every hour wood – sell – countries rainforests – burn – by farmers animals – kill – by the fires many kinds of animals and plants – lose – when the rainforests disappear some medicines – make from – rainforests plants weather – change – by the distraction of the rainforests

Make sentences about rainforests, use Passive Voice:

  • thousands of square kilometers of rainforests – destroy – every year
  • 6,000 trees – cut down – every hour
  • wood – sell – countries
  • rainforests – burn – by farmers
  • animals – kill – by the fires
  • many kinds of animals and plants – lose – when the rainforests disappear
  • some medicines – make from – rainforests plants
  • weather – change – by the distraction of the rainforests

Our precious planet Listen to children from Kenya, Brasil and Italy, speaking about environmental problems. Complete the table: put down the problem, what it causes and possible solution of the problem. Problem Cause Cars Solution Air pollution Hunters kill endangered species Endangered species are disappearing and there will soon be none left To ban cars and to improve public transport. People should walk more, or use a bike Logging companies destroy the rainforest To create special parks for animals Animals and rare plants die when the trees disappear To make the logging companies plant new trees

Our precious planet

Listen to children from Kenya, Brasil and Italy, speaking about environmental problems. Complete the table: put down the problem, what it causes and possible solution of the problem.





Air pollution

Hunters kill endangered species

Endangered species are disappearing and there will soon be none left

To ban cars and to improve public transport. People should walk more, or use a bike

Logging companies destroy the rainforest

To create special parks for animals

Animals and rare plants die when the trees disappear

To make the logging companies plant new trees

Future is  in our hands

Future is in our hands

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • The aims of the lessonEducationalformation of the concept of "environmental p...

    2 слайд

    The aims of the lesson
    formation of the concept of «environmental problems», to show the relevance of these problems around the world, to teach students monologue statements on environmental protection;
    development of students ‘ reading interest, control the skills of students to Express their opinions on the topic, develop creative abilities;
    Bring up
    to foster a sense of patriotism, to instill in students love and respect for nature.

  • WHAT IS ECOLOGY?	Ecology is a science about nature and relations of men and t...

    3 слайд

    Ecology is a science about nature and relations of men and the natural world.

  • Active vocabulary of the lessonan environment 		 	окружающая среда
to pollute...

    4 слайд

    Active vocabulary of the lesson
    an environment окружающая среда
    to pollute загрязнять
    to cause причина
    a destruction разрушение
    waste отходы
    to poison отравлять
    nuclear ядерный
    to survive выживать
    safe безопасный
    oxygen кислород
    carbon dioxide  углекислый газ
    the greenhouse affectпарниковый эффект
    to influence  влиять

  • Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental pr...

    5 слайд

    Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s lives. The most serious environmental problems are:
    — pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution);
    — noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.;
    — destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty;
    — shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);
    — the growth of population

  • The types of pollution that affect us can be classified into four main types.

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    The types of pollution that affect us can be classified into four main types.

  • is anything that contaminates the natural composition of the chemistry of...

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    is anything that contaminates the natural composition of the chemistry of the air

  • is when the water is no longer pure and contains bacteria or chemical impuri...

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    is when the water is no longer pure and contains bacteria or chemical impurities.

  • is when something happens to the soil or land that it no longer can keep its...

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    is when something happens to the soil or land that it no longer can keep its growth rate or if something disturbs the natural balance of growth in that land.

  • is when humans make and produce high levels of noise, which are beyond the...

    10 слайд

    is when humans make and produce high levels of noise, which are beyond the regular.

  • Task 1. Choose the best way to define theseEcology1.Plants growing in some ar...

    11 слайд

    Task 1. Choose the best way to define these
    1.Plants growing in some area;
    2.Part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life;
    3.Natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment.
    1.air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live;
    2.An organization that wants to protect the natural world;
    3.Something that we do to prevent air and water pollution.
    1.Dirty water, air and atmosphere;
    2.Making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for
    people and animals to live in;
    3.People who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous.

  • Task 2. Answer these questions on the text:
1. What does the word environment...

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    Task 2. Answer these questions on the text:

    1. What does the word environment mean?
    2. What are the most serious environmental problems? Which of them are described in the text?

  • Task 3. Watch the video and answer the questions1. What are some natural reso...

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    Task 3. Watch the video and answer the questions
    1. What are some natural resources you saw in the video?
    2. What are some ways people used the natural resources to live?
    3. What happened to natural resources like trees and water as people kept buying and using so many products?
    4. What would happen if there were even more people?
    5. How did the environment improve when people began to change?

  • GrammarGerundWatch the video

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    Watch the video

  • Translate into Russian, paying attention to the ways to translate the gerund:...

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    Translate into Russian, paying attention to the ways to translate the gerund:
    He always suggested staying here.
    The job involves travelling to Germany once a month.
    I proposed having party at the beach.
    I promised to care for the cat but I’m not much good at babysitting.
    He is capable of standing on his head and playing the saxophone.

  • Homework:Write tips to stop  air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution...

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    Write tips to stop air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution

  • "If you don't think about the future you will not have it" 
John Galsworthy

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    «If you don’t think about the future you will not have it» 
    John Galsworthy

Краткое описание документа:

The aims of the lesson


•formation of the concept of «environmental problems», to show the relevance of these problems around the world, to teach students monologue statements on environmental protection;


•development of students ‘ reading interest, control the skills of students to Express their opinions on the topic, develop creative abilities;

•Bring up

•to foster a sense of patriotism, to instill in students love and respect for nature.

Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s lives. The most serious environmental problems are:

— pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution);

— noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.;

— destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty;

— shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);

— the growth of population

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