What does the word dwarfed mean

  • 1

    dwarfed отставший в росте; искусственно задержанный в росте

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > dwarfed

  • 2


    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dwarfed

  • 3

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dwarfed

  • 4

    отставший в росте; искусственно задержанный в росте

    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > dwarfed

  • 5


    English-Russian dictionary of geology > dwarfed

  • 6

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > dwarfed

  • 7

    1. остановил развитие

    2. отставший в росте

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > dwarfed

  • 8
    dwarfed growth

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > dwarfed growth

  • 9
    dwarfed enamel

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dwarfed enamel

  • 10
    dwarfed growth

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dwarfed growth

  • 11
    dwarfed potted tree

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dwarfed potted tree

  • 12
    dwarfed enamel

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > dwarfed enamel

  • 13
    I felt completely dwarfed by my surroundings

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I felt completely dwarfed by my surroundings

  • 14
    big steamer dwarfed our little boat

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > big steamer dwarfed our little boat

  • 15
    get dwarfed to insignificance

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get dwarfed to insignificance

  • 16
    the big steamer dwarfed our little boat

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the big steamer dwarfed our little boat

  • 17

    a низкорослый, чахлый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. runted (adj.) runted; runtish; runty

    2. small (adj.) diminutive; dwarf; dwarfed; Lilliputian; little; small; tiny; undersized

    English-Russian base dictionary > stunted

  • 18

    1. сущ.
    1) а) карлик Syn: pygmy, midget б) миф. гоблин, гном
    2) карликовое животное, карликовое растение
    2. прил. карликовый, миниатюрный;
    малорослый Those little dwarf spirits, we call elves and fairies. ≈ Этих маленьких карликовых духов мы называем эльфами и феями. Syn: diminutive, pygmean, pygmy
    3. гл.
    1) останавливать рост;
    препятствовать развитию Syn: stunt
    2) уменьшить, заставить казаться маленьким There was an immense chandelier suspended in each of these rooms dwarfing the apartments. ≈ Это была большая люстра, такие люстры висели в каждой комнате, как бы уменьшая размер помещения. карлик карликовое животное или растение (фольклор) гном (астрономия) карлик, карликовая звезда — white * белый карлик карликовый;
    малорослый — * star (астрономия) карликовая звезда мешать росту;
    останавливать развитие останавливаться в росте;
    задерживаться в развитии подчеркивать малые размеры или незначительность( чего-л.) по контрасту;
    затмевать — the big steamer *ed our little boat рядом с большим пароходом наша лодка казалась совсем крошечной — he *s other writers по сравнению с ним другие писатели кажутся пигмеями — I felt completely *ed by my surroundings я чувствовал себя совершенно потерянным среди этих громад
    dwarf миф. гном ~ карлик ~ карликовое животное или растение ~ карликовый ~ мешать росту;
    останавливать развитие ~ создавать впечатление меньшего размера;
    the little cottage was dwarfed by the surrounding elms маленький коттедж казался еще меньше из-за окружающих его высоких вязов
    ~ создавать впечатление меньшего размера;
    the little cottage was dwarfed by the surrounding elms маленький коттедж казался еще меньше из-за окружающих его высоких вязов

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dwarf

  • 19

    1. [dwɔ:f]

    1. карлик

    2. карликовое животное растение


    карлик, карликовая звезда

    2. [dwɔ:f]

    карликовый; малорослый

    3. [dwɔ:f]

    1. 1) мешать росту; останавливать развитие

    2) останавливаться в росте; задерживаться в развитии

    2. подчёркивать малые размеры незначительность () по контрасту; затмевать

    the big steamer dwarfed our little boat — рядом с большим пароходом наша лодка казалась совсем крошечной

    he dwarfs other writers — по сравнению с ним другие писатели кажутся пигмеями

    I felt completely dwarfed by my surroundings — ≅ я чувствовал себя совершенно потерянным среди этих громад

    НБАРС > dwarf

  • 20

    1. n карликовое животное или растение

    2. n фольк. гном

    3. n астр. карлик, карликовая звезда

    4. a карликовый; малорослый

    5. v мешать росту; останавливать развитие

    6. v останавливаться в росте; задерживаться в развитии

    7. v подчёркивать малые размеры или незначительность по контрасту; затмевать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. small (adj.) diminutive; dwarfed; Lilliputian; little; small; stunted; undersized

    2. tiny (adj.) dwarfish; itsy-bitsy; itty-bitty; midget; miniature; minikin; minute; peewee; pint-size; pocket; pocket-size; pygmy; teensy; teensy-weensy; teenty; teeny; teeny-weeny; tiny; wee; weensy; weeny

    3. homunculus (noun) gnome; homunculus; hop-o’-my-thumb; leprechaun; lilliputian; manikin; midge; midget; peewee; pygmy; runt; Tom Thumb; troll

    Антонимический ряд:

    gigantic; huge; immense

    English-Russian base dictionary > dwarf

См. также в других словарях:

  • dwarfed — adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑dwarf …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dwarfed — Dwarf Dwarf, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dwarfed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dwarfing}.] To hinder from growing to the natural size; to make or keep small; to stunt. Addison. [1913 Webster] Even the most common moral ideas and affections . . . would be stunted… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dwarfed tree — noun Bonsai • • • Main Entry: ↑dwarf …   Useful english dictionary

  • dwarfed — (dworft) of unusually small size; characterized by dwarfism. Called also nanoid …   Medical dictionary

  • dwarfed — Synonyms and related words: Lenten, Lilliputian, Spartan, Tom Thumb, abstemious, ascetic, austere, bandy, bandy legged, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, club footed, defaced, deformed, disfigured, dumpy, dwarf, dwarfish, elfin, exiguous, flatfooted …   Moby Thesaurus

  • dwarfed — dwɔːf n. abnormally short human, pygmy, midget; small man with magical powers (Folklore) v. reduce, minimize, miniaturize, make small …   English contemporary dictionary

  • dwarfed enamel — nanoid e …   Medical dictionary

  • being dwarfed — being overshadowed, being diminished, being dominated, being made to appear smaller; being stunted in growth …   English contemporary dictionary

  • suni — dwarfed southern African antelope Unusual Animals …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • bonsai — /bon suy , zuy , bohn , bon suy, zuy, bohn /, n., pl. bonsai. 1. a tree or shrub that has been dwarfed, as by pruning the roots and pinching, and is grown in a pot or other container and trained to produce a desired shape or effect. 2. the art or …   Universalium

  • Dwarfing — is a characteristic in plants and animals whereby one or more members of a breed or cultivar are significantly smaller than standard members of their species. The effect can be induced through genetic or hormonal means. Contents 1 Animals 2… …   Wikipedia

Мои примеры


shrubs dwarfed by the lack of water — кусты, чахлые из-за нехватки воды  
big steamer dwarfed our little boat — рядом с большим пароходом наша лодка казалась совсем крошечной  
dwarfed enamel — утолщённый эмалевый слой  
dwarfed potted tree — карликовое декоративное дерево в горшке; карликовое дерево в горшке  
dwarfed growth — угнетённый рост  

Примеры с переводом

The lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines.

Росту этих сосен помешала нехватка солнечного света.

I felt dwarfed, standing beside this redheaded amazon.

Рядом с этой рыжей амазонкой я чувствовал себя карликом.

The cathedral is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers.

Собор кажется карликом на фоне окружающих его небоскрёбов.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dwarf  — карлик, гном, карликовый, мешать росту
dwarfism  — нанизм, карликовость, недоразвитие



n. pl. dwarfs or dwarves (dwôrvz)


a. A person with a usually genetic disorder resulting in atypically short stature and often disproportionate limbs.

b. An atypically small animal or plant.

2. A small creature resembling a human, often having magical powers, appearing in legends and fairy tales.

3. A dwarf star.

v. dwarfed, dwarf·ing, dwarfs


1. To check the natural growth or development of; stunt: «The oaks were dwarfed from lack of moisture» (John Steinbeck).

2. To cause to appear small by comparison: «Together these two big men dwarfed the tiny Broadway office» (Saul Bellow).


To become stunted or grow smaller.

[Middle English dwerf, from Old English dweorh.]

dwarf′ish adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



n, pl dwarfs or dwarves (dwɔːvz)

1. (Physiology) an abnormally undersized person, esp one with a large head and short arms and legs. Compare midget

2. (Biology)

a. an animal or plant much below the average height for the species

b. (as modifier): a dwarf tree.

3. (European Myth & Legend) (in folklore) a small ugly manlike creature, often possessing magical powers

4. (Celestial Objects) astronomy short for dwarf star


5. to become or cause to become comparatively small in size, importance, etc

6. (tr) to stunt the growth of

[Old English dweorg; related to Old Norse dvergr, Old High German twerc]

ˈdwarfish adj

ˈdwarfishly adv

ˈdwarfishness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., pl. dwarfs, dwarves,
adj., v. n.

1. a person of abnormally small stature owing to a pathological condition, esp. a condition that produces short limbs or anatomical deformation.

2. an animal or plant much smaller than the average of its kind or species.

3. a diminutive being of folklore, often represented as a tiny old man, skilled as an artificer and having magical powers.


5. of unusually small stature or size; diminutive.


6. to cause to seem small in size, character, etc., as by being much larger.

7. to prevent the due development of; stunt.


8. to become stunted or smaller.

[before 900; Old English dweorh, dweorg; c. Old High German twerg, Old Norse dvergr]

dwarf′like`, adj.

syn: dwarf, midget, pygmy are terms for a very small person. A dwarf is someone checked in growth or stunted, or in some way not normally formed. A midget (not in technical use) is someone normally proportioned, but diminutive. A pygmy is properly a member of one of certain small-sized peoples of Africa and Asia, but the word is often used imprecisely to mean dwarf or midget. dwarf is a term often used to describe very small plants. pygmy is used to describe very small animals.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: dwarfed
Gerund: dwarfing

I dwarf
you dwarf
he/she/it dwarfs
we dwarf
you dwarf
they dwarf
I dwarfed
you dwarfed
he/she/it dwarfed
we dwarfed
you dwarfed
they dwarfed
Present Continuous
I am dwarfing
you are dwarfing
he/she/it is dwarfing
we are dwarfing
you are dwarfing
they are dwarfing
Present Perfect
I have dwarfed
you have dwarfed
he/she/it has dwarfed
we have dwarfed
you have dwarfed
they have dwarfed
Past Continuous
I was dwarfing
you were dwarfing
he/she/it was dwarfing
we were dwarfing
you were dwarfing
they were dwarfing
Past Perfect
I had dwarfed
you had dwarfed
he/she/it had dwarfed
we had dwarfed
you had dwarfed
they had dwarfed
I will dwarf
you will dwarf
he/she/it will dwarf
we will dwarf
you will dwarf
they will dwarf
Future Perfect
I will have dwarfed
you will have dwarfed
he/she/it will have dwarfed
we will have dwarfed
you will have dwarfed
they will have dwarfed
Future Continuous
I will be dwarfing
you will be dwarfing
he/she/it will be dwarfing
we will be dwarfing
you will be dwarfing
they will be dwarfing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been dwarfing
you have been dwarfing
he/she/it has been dwarfing
we have been dwarfing
you have been dwarfing
they have been dwarfing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been dwarfing
you will have been dwarfing
he/she/it will have been dwarfing
we will have been dwarfing
you will have been dwarfing
they will have been dwarfing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been dwarfing
you had been dwarfing
he/she/it had been dwarfing
we had been dwarfing
you had been dwarfing
they had been dwarfing
I would dwarf
you would dwarf
he/she/it would dwarf
we would dwarf
you would dwarf
they would dwarf
Past Conditional
I would have dwarfed
you would have dwarfed
he/she/it would have dwarfed
we would have dwarfed
you would have dwarfed
they would have dwarfed

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. dwarf - a person who is markedly smalldwarf — a person who is markedly small  

midget, nanus

hypophysial dwarf, Levi-Lorrain dwarf, pituitary dwarf — a dwarf whose condition is caused by a deficiency of growth hormones, rather than by genetic factors (as in the case of the achondroplastic dwarf)

hypoplastic dwarf, normal dwarf, primordial dwarf, true dwarf — an achondroplastic dwarf whose small size is the result of a genetic defect; body parts and mental and sexual development are normal

small person — a person of below average size

2. dwarf - a legendary creature resembling a tiny old mandwarf — a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure


Nibelung — (German mythology) any of the race of dwarfs who possessed a treasure hoard that was stolen by Siegfried

faerie, faery, fay, sprite — a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers

Andvari — (Norse mythology) a dwarf who possessed a treasure that was stolen by Loki

3. dwarf — a plant or animal that is atypically small

organism, being — a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently

Verb 1. dwarf — make appear small by comparison; «This year’s debt dwarfs that of last year»

overshadow, shadow

overtop, overlook, command, dominate — look down on; «The villa dominates the town»

2. dwarf — check the growth of; «the lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines»

stunt — check the growth or development of; «You will stunt your growth by building all these muscles»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. miniature, small, baby, tiny, pocket, dwarfed, diminutive, petite, bonsai, pint-sized, undersized, teeny-weeny, Lilliputian, teensy-weensy dwarf shrubs


1. gnome, midget, Lilliputian, Tom Thumb, munchkin (informal, chiefly U.S.), homunculus, manikin, hop-o’-my-thumb, pygmy or pigmy With the aid of magic the dwarfs created a wonderful rope.

Snow White’s seven dwarfs

Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إنْسان قَزَمقَزَميَجْعَلُه يَبْدو قَزَما





eltörpíteltörpül vmi mellett

dvergurgera lítiî í samanburîi



neūžauganykštukasvizualiai mažinti

likt izskatīties mazākampundurisrūķītis





chú lùn



B. N (dwarfs or dwarves (pl)) [dwɔːvz]enano/a m/f

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



adj [plant, animal] → nain(e)

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n pl <dwarves> → Zwerg m; (= tree)Zwergbaum m; (= star)Zwerg(stern) m

adj personzwergenhaft; dwarf shrubsZwergsträucher pl

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. adj & nnano/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dwoːf) plurals dwarfs (rare) dwarves (dwoːvz) noun

1. an animal, plant or person much smaller than normal.

2. in fairy tales etc, a creature like a tiny man, with magic powers. Snow White and the seven dwarfs.


to make to appear small. The cathedral was dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قَزَم trpaslík dværg Zwerg νάνος enano kääpiö nain patuljak nano 小人 난쟁이 dwerg dverg karzeł anão карлик dvärg คนแคระ cüce chú lùn 矮子

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. enano-a, persona de estatura inferior a la normal;

achondroplastic ______ acondroplástico-a;

asexual ______ asexual;

infantile ______ infantil;

micrometic ______ micromético-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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незначительными по сравнению




незначительным по сравнению








отставший в росте


Today it is dwarfed by the many skyscrapers surrounding the tower.

Сегодня она затмевается множеством окружающих башню небоскребов.

Even gold’s huge rise in Russian rubles is dwarfed by gold going to the moon in Argentine pesos.

Даже огромный рост золота в российских рублях затмевается золотом, идущим на Луну в аргентинских песо.

These people do not like themselves, feel dwarfed by the other, afraid of being rejected.

Такие люди не нравятся сами себе, чувствуют себя незначительными по сравнению с другими, бояться быть отвергнутыми.

However, for a long time these have been dwarfed by the amount of funds received from Cyprus alone.

Тем не менее, в течение долгого времени они были незначительными по сравнению с количеством средств, полученных только из Кипра.

The distant glacial summits are dwarfed only by the huge sky.

Отдаленные ледниковые горные вершины затмеваются только огромным небом.

But these shrinkages are dwarfed by population booms in other regions.

Но эти сокращения затмеваются бумом населения в других регионах.

But, whatever the potential benefits of this strategy, they are dwarfed by the risks of Trump’s crude and capricious protectionism.

Но, какими бы ни были потенциальные выгоды этой стратегии, они затмеваются рисками грубого и капризного протекционизма Трампа.

Lewis Desoto describes the painting as a simplified white church which is dwarfed by the sculptural forms of the surrounding forest.

Искусствовед Льюис Дезото, так написал о картине Карр: «Простая белая церковь, которая затмевается скульптурными формами окружающего леса.

Trade, private capital flows, remittances and private transfers currently dwarfed amounts contributed through aid.

В настоящее время вклад торговли, потоков частного капитала, денежных переводов и частных трансфертов намного превосходит объем оказываемой помощи.

It dwarfed any other cybercrime the FBI had tackled before.

Yet he never seemed dwarfed by it, which was to his credit.

Ведь он никогда никому не причинил зла — и при этом отстаивал свои убеждения.

Indeed, men and women can seem dwarfed in comparison with the city.

Sunday’s march dwarfed relatively large protests over education spending in 2011.

Воскресный марш затмил достаточно большие протесты 2011 года, связанные с расходами на образование.

This prehistoric croc would have dwarfed all but the largest of its living relatives, though.

Этот доисторический крокодил затмевал бы всех, кроме самых крупных живущих его родственников.

The scale and geographical extent of the eastern front dwarfed all earlier warfare.

Масштабы и географическая протяжённость восточного фронта затмевают все прежние войны.

But the amount of media attention he got dwarfed those small amounts.

Но объем внимания средств массовой информации он затмевал эти небольшие суммы.

Bonsai are not genetically dwarfed plants.

Бонсай — это не генетически выведенное растение.

These numbers may sound large, but they are still dwarfed by the information processing and storage capacity of nature.

Эти цифры могут казаться большими, но они по-прежнему незначительны в сравнении с потенциалом обработки и хранения информации природой.

The immediate needs of the revolution dwarfed artistic concerns.

Непосредственные интересы революции свели на нет все художественные соображения.

The dwarfed, misshapen beggar of the streets may have the noblest ideals.

Деформированный нищий карлик с улицы может иметь самые благородные идеалы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 597. Точных совпадений: 597. Затраченное время: 87 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Table of Contents

  1. Which is correct dwarves or dwarfs?
  2. Is it Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or dwarves?
  3. What are the 7 Dwarfs called?
  4. Why is dopey named Dopey?
  5. Is dopey a Geppetto?
  6. Is dopey mentally challenged?
  7. Who is dopey’s Son?
  8. What is Snow White’s name?
  9. What are the characteristics of the 7 Dwarfs?
  10. What colors are the 7 Dwarfs?
  11. Why is the dwarf called Doc?
  12. Why do Mal’s eyes turn green?

1 : to cause to appear smaller or to seem inferior dwarfed by his older brother has dwarfed the achievements of her predecessors. 2 : to restrict the growth of : stunt children dwarfed by malnutrition. intransitive verb. : to become smaller.

Which is correct dwarves or dwarfs?

In a foreword to The Hobbit, published in 1937, J R R Tolkien writes: “In English, the only correct plural of ‘dwarf’ is ‘dwarfs’ and the adjective is ‘dwarfish’. In this story ‘dwarves’ and ‘dwarvish’ are used, but only when speaking of the ancient people to whom Thorin Oakenshield and his companions belonged.”

Is it Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or dwarves?

No, it is ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’. Tolkien used ‘Dwarves’ to differentiate his ‘dwarf’ race from the likes of snow White’s companions. Actually, the real plural is “dwarfs” but Tolkien, the Lord Of the Ring’s writter use “dwarves” and precises that the historical plural is “dwarrows”.

What are the 7 Dwarfs called?

Unlike prior versions of Snow White, Disney named the dwarfs to fit their personalities. The seven dwarfs in the movie poster, from left to right are Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy and Sleepy.

Why is dopey named Dopey?

Dopey is the youngest of the seven dwarfs in Disney’s 1937 animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. He gets his name from his incompetence and penchant for silly antics. Dopey is the only dwarf who doesn’t speak, and instead communicates through pantomime.

Is dopey a Geppetto?

In fact, Dopey is none other then a young Geppetto whose slapstick adventures in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves were just the formative years that would eventually lead him to building Pinocchio. As the theory goes, Dopey Geppetto was found as a baby by the dwarves who mistook him as a fellow dwarf.

Is dopey mentally challenged?

He is also depicted as “a disabled person unable to live a successful life,” (Nelson, 6). Dopey is shown as defined by his disability– I mean his name is Dopey. Furthermore, due to Dopey solitary role as the only mute character his mental disability is furthered silenced by isolation.

Who is dopey’s Son?


What is Snow White’s name?

The name Chione means “Snow” in Greek and, in the story, she is described as the most beautiful woman in the land, so beautiful that the gods Apollo and Hermes both fell in love with her.

What are the characteristics of the 7 Dwarfs?

Page 1

  • Dopey. Dopey isn’t really dopey.
  • Grumpy. No matter what anyone says, Grumpy is always complaining.
  • Doc. is very wise and likes to think carefully about problems.
  • Bashful. Bashful is very, very shy!
  • Sleepy. Sleepy is very lazy.
  • Sneezy.
  • Happy.

What colors are the 7 Dwarfs?

* Snow White: yellow dress, red and blue cap. * Prince: red cape, white and blue tunic, brown hair. * Dopey: purple hat, green coat, pink pants, brown leather shoes. * Grumpy: brown hat, red tunic, orange pants, brown leather shoes.

Why is the dwarf called Doc?

Snow White animator Woolie Reitherman said in the press booklet, “For the leader we wanted a special kind of personality, a self-appointed bumbler who tries to take command but gets all tangled up. We called him Doc. It was a good handle for a person in authority, and it suited his personality.

Why do Mal’s eyes turn green?

As the daughter of Maleficent and Hades, Mal inherited the following powers: Fairy Magic: Like her mother, Mal is able to manipulate fairy magic at her will, which usually manifests a green energy glowing in her eyes.

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