What does the word drawn mean

  • 1

    drawn [drɔ:n]

    1) напряжённый, искажённый;

    2) оття́нутый наза́д; отведённый

    3) расто́пленный;

    4) зако́нчившийся вничью́

    5) нерешённый, с нея́сным исхо́дом ( о сражении

    и т.п.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > drawn

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > drawn

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > drawn

  • 4

    1. a вытащенный

    2. a вытянутый; оттянутый

    3. a отведённый

    4. a искажённый, искривлённый

    5. a обнажённый

    6. a выпотрошенный

    7. a спитой

    8. a прочёсанный

    9. a горн. выработанный

    10. a спорт. закончившийся вничью

    11. a нерешённый

    12. a метал. тянутый

    13. a метал. отпущенный

    14. a метал. амер. растопленный

    drawn butter — растопленное масло; топлёное масло

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. gaunt (adj.) emaciated; famished; gaunt; starved; thin; wasted

    2. haggard (adj.) careworn; haggard; pinched; worn

    3. attracted (verb) allured; appealed; attracted; bewitched; captivated; charmed; enchanted; fascinated; lured; magnetised; magnetized; wiled

    4. depleted (verb) bankrupted; depleted; drawn down; exhausted; impoverished; used up

    5. drained (verb) drafted; drained; drawn off; pumped; siphoned; tapped

    8. extended (verb) drawn out; elongated; extended; lengthened; prolonged; protracted; spun out; stretched

    10. induced (verb) argued into; brought around; convinced; drawn in; drawn on; got or gotten; induced; persuaded; prevailed on; prevailed upon; procured; prompted; talked into; won over

    11. inferred (verb) collected; concluded; deduced; deducted; gathered; inferred; judged; made; made out

    12. paid (verb) bring in; cleared; earned; gained; grossed; netted; paid; produced; realised; repaid; returned; yielded

    14. pulled (verb) dragged; hauled; lugged; pulled; towed; tugged

    English-Russian base dictionary > drawn

  • 5


    amount drawn сумма, снятая со счета drawn p. p. от draw drawn горн. выработанный drawn искаженный; drawn face искаженное лицо drawn нерешенный, с неясным исходом (о сражении и т. п.); закончившийся вничью drawn обнаженный (о шпаге и т. п.) drawn оттянутый назад; отведенный drawn растопленный; drawn butter топленое масло drawn растопленный; drawn butter топленое масло drawn искаженный; drawn face искаженное лицо loans drawn полученные ссуды

    English-Russian short dictionary > drawn

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > drawn

  • 7

    Англо-русский технический словарь > drawn

  • 8


    1. 1) вытащенный

    2) вытянутый; оттянутый

    3) отведённый

    2. искажённый, искривлённый

    drawn face — искажённое /вытянутое, перекошенное/ лицо

    4. 1) выпотрошенный ()

    6. 1)

    закончившийся вничью

    2) нерешённый

    1) тянутый

    drawn butter — растопленное масло; топлёное масло

    drawn butter sauce — соус из растопленного масла, трав и лимонного сока


    от draw2

    НБАРС > drawn

  • 9



    выбранная к погашению

    if there is a coupon payment in this period it will also be paid to the holder of the drawn securities


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > drawn

  • 10

    1) вытащенный; вытянутый

    3) нарисованный; начерченный

    4) искажённый; искривлённый

    5) с неясным исходом; ничейный

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > drawn

  • 11

    1. тянутый, вытянутый

    as drawn — в холоднотянутом состоянии

    — cold drawn

    Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов > drawn

  • 12


    прош. вр. от draw


    1) вытащенный; вытянутый

    3) натянутый, растянутый

    4) нерешённый, с неясным исходом



    закончившийся вничью

    We played a drawn game at chess. — Мы сыграли в шахматы вничью.

    8) искажённый; искривлённый; натянутый

    His lips were drawn. — Его губы искривились.

    9) собранный в сборки, складки

    Англо-русский современный словарь > drawn

  • 13

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > drawn

  • 14

    1. тянутый
    2. отпущенный (о стали)
    3. выработанный

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > drawn

  • 15


    past participle

    of draw 2.

    1) нерешенный, с неясным исходом (о сражении и т. п.); закончившийся вничью

    2) оттянутый назад; отведенный

    3) обнаженный (о шпаге и т. п.)

    4) растопленный; drawn butter топленое масло

    5) искаженный; drawn face искаженное лицо

    6) mining выработанный

    * * *

    1 (a) выпотрошенный; выработанный; вытащенный; вытянутый; искаженный; искривленный; нерешенный; обнаженный; отведенный; отпущенный; оттянутый; прочесанный; растопленный; спитой; тянутый

    2 (n) закончившийся вничью

    * * *

    прич. прош. вр. от draw

    * * *

    [ drɔːn]
    вытащенный, оттянутый, отведенный; искаженный, напряженный, нерешенный, с неясным исходом, растопленный, вычерченный

    * * *













    * * *

    1) вытащенный; вытянутый
    2) нерешенный, с неясным исходом (о состязании и т. п.); закончившийся вничью спорт
    3) обнаженный (о шпаге)
    4) выпотрошенный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > drawn

  • 16

    тянул; рисовал; протянутый

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > drawn

  • 17
    drawn in

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > drawn in

  • 18

    составил; составленный

    drawn up — составил; составленный

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > drawn

  • 19

    3) вытянутый; отведённый назад

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > drawn

  • 20
    drawn I

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > drawn I


  • Следующая →
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  • 2
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  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Drawn — Drawn, p. p. & a. See {Draw}, v. t. & i. [1913 Webster] {Drawn butter}, butter melter and prepared to be used as a sort of gravy. {Drawn fowl}, an eviscerated fowl. {Drawn game} or {Drawn battle}, one in which neither party wins; one equally… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drawn — drawn; un·drawn; with·drawn; with·drawn·ness; …   English syllables

  • drawn — /drawn/, v. 1. pp. of draw. adj. 2. tense; haggard. 3. eviscerated, as a fowl. 4. Glassmaking. a. of or pertaining to the stem of a drinking glass that has been formed by stretching from a small mass of molten metal left at the base of the bowl… …   Universalium

  • drawn — index undecided Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • drawn — c.1200, from O.E. dragen, pp. of DRAW (Cf. draw) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • drawn — [adj] tense, fatigued fraught, haggard, harassed, harrowed, peaked, pinched, sapped, starved, strained, stressed, taut, thin, tired, worn; concept 485 Ant. relaxed, unstressed …   New thesaurus

  • drawn — past participle of DRAW(Cf. ↑draw). ► ADJECTIVE ▪ looking strained from illness or exhaustion …   English terms dictionary

  • drawn — [drôn] vt., vi. pp. of DRAW adj. 1. pulled out of the sheath 2. with neither side winning or losing; even; tied 3. disemboweled; eviscerated 4. tense; haggard …   English World dictionary

  • Drawn — draw draw (dr[add]), v. t. [imp. {Drew} (dr[udd]); p. p. {Drawn} (dr[add]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Drawing}.] [OE. dra[yogh]en, drahen, draien, drawen, AS. dragan; akin to Icel. & Sw. draga, Dan. drage to draw, carry, and prob. to OS. dragan to bear,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drawn — drawn1 [ drɔn ] adjective someone who looks drawn has a thin face and looks very tired, sick, or worried drawn drawn 2 [ drɔn ] the past participle of DRAW …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • drawn — [[t]drɔ͟ːn[/t]] 1) Drawn is the past participle of draw. 2) ADJ GRADED If someone or their face looks drawn, their face is thin and they look very tired, ill, worried, or unhappy. She looked drawn and tired when she turned towards me …   English dictionary

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Quinn Bayer

Score: 4.2/5
(57 votes)

adjective tense, worn, strained, stressed, tired, pinched, fatigued, harassed, fraught, sapped, harrowed, haggard She looked drawn and tired.

What type of word is drawn?

verb (used with object), drew [droo], drawn [drawn], draw·ing [draw-ing].

What does the word drawn mean in English?

Drawn describes the look of someone who is tired, overworked, or ill. People will worry about you if your face looks drawn every morning because you stay up so late doing homework. The adjective drawn comes from the Old English verb dragan, which means to pull or to drag.

How do you use drawn?

1. Drawn is the past participle of draw. If someone or their face looks drawn, their face is thin and they look very tired, ill, worried, or unhappy. She looked drawn and tired when she turned towards me.

What is the difference between draw and drawn?

«draw» is just the verb not conjugated, «drawing» means that someone is doing that action currently. … «i’m drawing» means that i am currently doing that.

35 related questions found

What does it mean to be drawn to someone?

to be drawn to someone: to be attracted to someone. idiom. to draw (someone’s attention): to attract (someone’s attention)

Can you be drawn to something?

If you are drawn to someone, it means they have a quality that draws (pulls/attracts) you to them. Being drawn to someone means you are attracted to them but it doesn’t have to be sexual it can but also it can mean their good behavior attracts you.

Is drawn or was drawn?

The first sentence is correct. Drawn is a past participle and so needs a main verb to go with it.

Is drawn in a sentence?

Drawn Sentence Examples

Her attention was drawn to the little filly. His face was drawn and pale, his eyes wild. I refused to be drawn into the discussion. I could see a man and a boy some distance away, pitching hay into a horse drawn wagon.

Is drawn past or present?

The past tense of draw is drew. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of draw is draws. The present participle of draw is drawing. The past participle of draw is drawn.

Why is it called a draw?

By the Oxford English Dictionary’s (OED) reckoning, the earliest record of draw, as in a contest that ends with no winner, comes in reference to an 1856 US chess match. … This draw is short for draw-game, which the OED finds for a “tie” by 1825. A draw-game, in turn, is a variation on a drawn battle or drawn match.

What is feeling drawn?

It means to feel attracted to something or to have your attention move towards something. For example: «I was drawn towards the light across the bay.» «I was drawn to the quiet corner of the room.»

What is the meaning of Cheque drawn?

When a certified cheque is drawn, the bank operating the account verifies there are currently sufficient funds in the drawer’s account to honour the cheque. Those funds are then set aside in the bank’s internal account until the cheque is cashed or returned by the payee.

Is drawed a word?

(dialectal) Simple past tense and past participle of draw.

What does it mean to drown someone?

to die by being under water and unable to breathe, or to kill someone by causing this to happen: [ I ] He drowned in a boating accident.

Is drawn by me correct?

Grammatically, both of these are perfectly correct. Perhaps in everyday speech we would say: (1) This is a picture drawn by me or This is a picture I drew. (2) This is a picture drawn by my father or This is a picture my father drew.

Is Drew a past tense?

Drew is the past tense of draw.

Why do I feel drawn to a person?

You’ve likely experienced the feeling of being drawn or attracted to a person at work or a social gathering more than others, Perlstein says, whether it’s because of their sense of humor, shared interests, or just the way they make you feel validated and heard.

Why do we get drawn to someone?

More hormones

Love is connected with several hormones that make us feel warm and fuzzy. Dopamine is the reward hormone that is released when we do something that makes you feel good, such as spending time with loved ones and having sex. … Attraction is also associated with higher levels of serotonin, the happy hormone.

Can you feel it when someone is attracted to you?

Can you feel when someone is attracted to you? Yes. When someone feels you are an attractive person, some things come up between you that aren’t there otherwise. The clues aren’t always obvious, but you can see some of them by paying attention.

What is unspoken attraction?

Unspoken attraction is when two people feel attracted to each other, but they do not say it aloud. This attraction exists based on subtle or clear physical behaviors both parties exhibit when they are close to each other. … This may be because of the unspoken attraction the two of you share.

How do you tell if someone is into you?

We spoke to dating experts and psychologists to find out how to tell if someone is actually interested you.

  • They pull their sleeves up. …
  • You talk about mundane things. …
  • They remember what you say. …
  • Texts often end with a question. …
  • They will alter their body language to be closer to you. …
  • They try to impress you.

How do you know if someone is attracted to you?

Physical signs of attraction:

  • Pupils dilate when they look at you. …
  • Blushing and flushed skin. …
  • Tonal voice changes.
  • Open body language. …
  • Leaning closer to you. …
  • Mirroring your behavior. …
  • Sneaky gestures to enhance their appearance. …
  • Increase in body temperature.

оттянутый, обнаженный, выработанный, вычерченный, вытащенный, отведенный


- вытащенный
- вытянутый; оттянутый
- отведённый
- искажённый, искривлённый

drawn face — искажённое /вытянутое, перекошенное/ лицо

- обнажённый (о шпаге)
- выпотрошенный (о птице)
- спитой (о чае)
- прочёсанный (о чаще)
- горн. выработанный
- спорт. закончившийся вничью
- нерешённый

drawn battle — бой с неопределённым исходом

- тянутый
- отпущенный (о стали)
- амер. растопленный

drawn butter — растопленное масло; топлёное масло
drawn butter sauce — соус из растопленного масла, трав и лимонного сока

- p. p. от draw
- p. p. от draw

Мои примеры


to be drawn into competition — быть втянутым в конкуренцию  
drawn out — извлечённый  
drawn to scale — вычерченный в масштабе  
drawn up in battle formation — выстроенный в боевом порядке  
to be drawn into a whirlpool — быть затянутым в водоворот  
hard-drawn wire — твердотянутая проволока  
hot-drawn wire — горячетянутая проволока  
bill drawn on (smb.) — вексель, выданный на имя (кого-л.)  
bill drawn on a nonexisting person — вексель, выставленный на несуществующее лицо  
drawn check — выданный чек  

Примеры с переводом

She was drawn to despair.

Её довели до отчаяния.

His lips were drawn.

Его губы искривились.

The rope was drawn taut.

Канат был туго натянут.

She had a drawn face.

У неё было измождённое лицо.

We played a drawn game at chess.

Мы сыграли в шахматы вничью.

Some wag had drawn a face on the wall.

Какой-то шутник нарисовал на стене рожицу.

I may have to have this tooth drawn out.

Этот зуб мне возможно придётся удалить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Drawn on the wall in crayon

…drawn on the wall in crayon…

My eye was drawn to a painting on the wall.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

indrawn  — втянутый, направленный внутрь
overdrawn  — преувеличивать, перерасходовать, превышать кредит

The only difference between true tapestry and drawn work, an example of which is here given, is, that the one is done on a warp that has not before been woven upon, and the other on a warp from which the weft threads have been _drawn_. ❋ Mary Buckle (1877)

It is a word drawn from the old French fur trade for engagés who served their time and went free. ❋ David Hackett Fischer (2008)

We should not be ethnocentric, a term drawn from anthropology, which tells us more about the meaning of openness. ❋ Allan Bloom (2003)

Mr. Feldman acknowledges these differences — starting with his title drawn from a Frankfurter law clerk ‘s characterization of the Supreme Court as «nine scorpions in a bottle» — but tries to celebrate all four «great justices» equally, as if their negative estimations of each other were mere personal foibles. ❋ Jeremy Rabkin (2010)

The Japanese call it nemawashi nimah-wash-ee, a word drawn from the practice of bonzai, and which means “preparing to plant.” ❋ Matthew E. May (2007)

Competitors include LHPH, a name drawn from the industry term Lease Here Pay Here. ❋ Unknown (2012)

After Vincente and the tech had left, Chase entered, his expression drawn, his ink-black hair still wet from a recent shower. ❋ Kresley Cole (2011)

Topspin, a term drawn from tennis, in messaging consists of first dealing directly with an issue, and then (and only then) to go on to state one’s own position. ❋ Unknown (2008)

He opened his hands palms up in a gesture of helplessness, his expression drawn, his eyes lightless. ❋ Jane Feather (2007)

Sometimes Rashi cites a verse by indicating the weekly lesson in which it occurs, or by giving the paragraph a title drawn from its contents, or from the name of the hero of the narrative. ❋ Liber, Maurice (1906)

And if you hold these things by any other charter, hasten to get a new conveyance made and a new title drawn out. ❋ Whyte, Alexander (1894)

Commander-in-Chief, the ambition of Sarsfield was gratified by the rank of Earl of Lucan, a title drawn from that pleasant hamlet, in the valley of the Liffey, where he had learned to lisp the catechism of a patriot at the knee of Anna O’Moore. ❋ Thomas D’Arcy McGee (1846)

Messenger, a title drawn from a phrase this inventive, idiosyncratic composer has used to describe her principal instrument and creative palette, the human voice. ❋ Unknown (2010)

What exactly is a smartbook, aside from a term drawn from the the obvious blend of ❋ Unknown (2009)

Wingate’s force, known as the Chindits, a nickname drawn from the winged stone lions that guarded Burma’s temples, conducted hit-and-run attacks on Japanese bridges and communications for three months. ❋ Patrick K. O’Donnell (2002)

[Dawg] y ya [gotta] be [actin] all drawn ❋ P.M.S. (2005)

That dude is drawn. [Just look] at him. He didn’t even take real [puffs] of that [cigarette]. ❋ Flyboy5047 (2011)

[Bro] u [drawn] [chill out] ❋ Gee21st (2018)

Example 1: Wearing bright orange [two-pieced] suit to church. Why!!!!!? You drawing.
Example 2: «…But you [drawning] though. We all trying to read and you farting all-crazy. [Go in] the hallway or something. ❋ SIMON DICE (2007)

[Mr]. [Schecter], why you be [drawn]? ❋ Breastbrush (2014)

“Bro how I spend 3 years + with this bitch, just to see who she really is in the end. If [real recognize real], how come she was recognized? …because if [that’s her] really, all that shit is [drawn]…”
“Nah… she knew you since y’all was younger… she really drawn bruh…” ❋ TrenchTrophies (2021)

[Artist]: «Hey do you like what I just [drawned]»
Person:»[Yeh] it looks amazing» ❋ TwattyMatt (2019)

«You’re whining and [self-hating] and most likely bi-polar. You’re exactly [my type]!» -Genie
«And that is how you make a welfare check- I mean, baby» -Foxxy Love
All above are quotes from [Drawn Together] ❋ Coryinc (2006)

[Captain Hero] is [a character] on [the show] Drawn Together ❋ Legend Archer (2005)

«Wow! The drawn bandas just gave me an [issue 1], then [rode off] into the [sunset]!!» ❋ Beckna (2006)

(1) He found himself drawn, willy-nilly, into the argument. (2) Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality. (3) The ordeal left her looking pale and drawn. (4) Both sides were drawn, willy-nilly, into the conflict.

What does the term drawn mean?

Drawn describes the look of someone who is tired, overworked, or ill. People will worry about you if your face looks drawn every morning because you stay up so late doing homework. The adjective drawn comes from the Old English verb dragan, which means to pull or to drag.

What is the full meaning of drawn?

Drawn is the past participle of draw. 2. adjective. If someone or their face looks drawn, their face is thin and they look very tired, ill, worried, or unhappy.

Is it drawn or Drew?

(“Drew” is the correct past tense, and “drawn” is the past participle.)

What is the sentence of drawing?

He caught her, drawing her back into his arms. His hands found her waist, drawing her to him. She reached up, sliding her hand behind his neck and drawing his face down to hers. He stood and helped her up, drawing her into his arms.

What does drawn to you mean?

idiom. to be drawn to someone: to be attracted to someone. idiom. to draw (someone’s attention): to attract (someone’s attention)

What does it mean to be drawn to something?

What does feeling drawn mean?

It means to feel attracted to something or to have your attention move towards something. For example: “I was drawn towards the light across the bay.” “I was drawn to the quiet corner of the room.”

What is a draw in slang?

DRAW. Definition: Cannabis. Type: Slang Word (Jargon)

What kind of word is draw?

verb (used without object), drew [droo], drawn [drawn], draw·ing [draw-ing].

What tense is drawn?

Draw verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
draw drawing drew

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