What does the word commute mean

  • 1

    1) заменя́ть



    смягча́ть наказа́ние



    по́льзоваться сезо́нным биле́том

    4) соверша́ть регуля́рные пое́здки на рабо́ту в го́род из при́города



    переключа́ть ( ток)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > commute

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > commute

  • 3


    commute ежедневная поездка из пригорода на работу и обратно commute ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода и обратно commute заменять commute заменять один вид оплаты другим commute эл. переключать (ток) commute пользоваться сезонным билетом commute юр. смягчать наказание commute смягчать наказание commute совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода

    English-Russian short dictionary > commute

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > commute

  • 5




    to commute annuity into [for] a lump sum — заменить аннуитет единовременной выплатой определенной суммы



    смягчать наказание


    My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city. — Мой отец жил в пригороде в собственном доме, и каждый день ездил в город в офис.




    He got fed up with the daily commute into London. — Ему крайне надоели ежедневные поездки на работу в Лондон.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > commute

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    He commuted his pension into a lump sum. — Он предпочёл получить пенсию в виде единовременной выплаты.

    2) компенсировать, восполнять

    3) юр. смягчать наказание

    The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. — Смертная казнь была заменена пожизненным заключением.

    My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city. — Мой отец жил в пригороде и каждый день ездил в город на работу.



    переключать, коммутировать



    менять местами без изменения результата




    расстояние, преодолеваемое во время ежедневных поездок из пригорода в город

    Англо-русский современный словарь > commute

  • 7

    kəˈmju:t гл.
    1) заменять( for, into) Syn: exchange
    2., interchange
    2., change
    2., alter
    2) менять (один вид оплаты другим, напр., замена единовременной выплаты выплатой по частям и т. п.))
    3) амер. покупать и использовать сезонный билет;
    совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода (between) My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city. ≈ Мой отец жил в пригороде в собственном доме, и каждый день ездил в город в офис. Regular train travellers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets. ≈ Люди, которые регулярно ездят на электричках, могут заплатить за месяц вперед и не покупать каждый день билеты.
    4) юр. смягчать наказание( from;
    for, into, to) The punishment was commuted from death. ≈ Смертную казнь ему заменили на более легкое наказание.
    5) компенсировать, возмещать( for) Syn: make up, compensate, compound I
    6) электр. переключать (ток)
    7) мат. менять местами без изменения результата
    поездка на работу и обратно расстояние от места работы до места жительства;
    — an hour’s * from the university на дорогу в университет нужен час( into, for) заменять (особ. один вид оплаты другим) — to * annuity into a lump sum заменить аннуитет единовременной выплатой определенной суммы (юридическое) смягчать наказание;
    — to * the death penalty to imprisonment for life заменить смертную казнь пожизненным заключением ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно, обыкн по сезонному билету (электротехника) переключать (ток)
    commute ежедневная поездка из пригорода на работу и обратно ~ ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода и обратно ~ заменять ~ заменять один вид оплаты другим ~ эл. переключать (ток) ~ пользоваться сезонным билетом ~ юр. смягчать наказание ~ смягчать наказание ~ совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > commute

  • 8

    1. [kəʹmju:t]

    1) (ежедневная) поездка на работу и обратно (

    по сезонному билету)

    2) расстояние от места работы до места жительства

    2. [kəʹmju:t]

    1. (into, for) заменять (

    один вид оплаты другим)

    to commute annuity into /for/ a lump sum — заменить аннуитет единовременной выплатой определённой суммы

    2. (for, to, into)

    смягчать наказание

    to commute the death penalty to imprisonment for life — заменить смертную казнь пожизненным заключением

    3. ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно,

    по сезонному билету

    НБАРС > commute

  • 9

    1. n поездка на работу и обратно

    2. n расстояние от места работы до места жительства

    3. v заменять

    4. v юр. смягчать наказание

    5. v обыкн. ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно, по сезонному билету

    6. v эл. переключать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. exchange (verb) change; exchange; interchange; put in place of; substitute; supplant; surrogate; switch; trade; transpose

    2. reduce (verb) alleviate; decrease; diminish; mitigate; plea bargain; reduce; remit; shorten

    3. transform (verb) convert; metamorphize; metamorphose; mutate; transfer; transfigure; transform; translate; transmogrify; transmute; transubstantiate

    4. travel (verb) drive; go back and forth; shuttle; take the bus; take the subway; take the train; travel

    English-Russian base dictionary > commute

  • 10

    Politics english-russian dictionary > commute

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    Англо-русский юридический словарь > commute

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    1. коммутировать


    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия


    • переключать


    • commute

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > commute

  • 13

    1) коммутировать

    2) заменять

    Англо-русский технический словарь > commute

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    1) Общая лексика: заменить, заменять, обменивать , переключать , поездка на работу и обратно , пользоваться сезонным билетом, расстояние от места работы до места жительства, смягчать, смягчать наказание, совершать ежедневные поездки, совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода, ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно , заменять , добираться

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > commute

  • 15


    ездить ежедневно из пригорода в город и обратно

    Англо-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > commute

  • 16




    покупать и использовать сезонный билет; совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода

    смягчать наказание

    компенсировать, возмещать


    менять местами без изменения результата

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > commute

  • 17

    English-russian dictionary of physics > commute

  • 18


    коммутировать, переключать



    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > commute

  • 19


    1) заменять



    смягчать наказание



    переключать (ток)

    4) пользоваться сезонным билетом

    5) совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода

    * * *

    1 (n) поездка на работу и обратно; расстояние от места работы до места жительства

    2 (v) заменить; заменять; переключать; переключить; смягчать наказание; смягчить наказание

    * * *

    * * *

    [com·mute || kə’mjuːt]
    заменять, смягчать наказание, смягчать; пользоваться сезонным билетом, переключать

    * * *





    * * *

    1) заменять (for, into)
    2) менять
    3) амер. покупать и использовать сезонный билет; совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода (between)
    4) юр. смягчать наказание (from; for, into, to)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > commute

  • 20

    1) /vi/ коммутировать; 2) /vt/ переключать

    Англо-русский словарь по электроэнергетике > commute


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • commute — com‧mute [kəˈmjuːt] verb [intransitive] TRAVEL to regularly travel a long distance for your work: commute between • a businessman who commutes between Northern Ireland and Hong Kong commute noun [countable usually singular] : • He got fed up …   Financial and business terms

  • Commute — Com*mute (k[o^]m*m[=u]t ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Commuted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Commuting}.] [L. commutare, mutatum; com + mutare to change. See {Mutation}.] 1. To exchange; to put or substitute something else in place of, as a smaller penalty,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Commute — Com*mute , v. i. 1. To obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; to effect a commutation. [1913 Webster] He . . . thinks it unlawful to commute, and that he is bound to pay his vow in kind. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. To pay, or arrange …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • commute — com·mute /kə myüt/ vt com·mut·ed, com·mut·ing 1: to convert (as a payment) into another form 2: to change (a penalty) to one less severe esp. out of clemency compare pardon com·mu·ta·tion /ˌkä myə tā shən/ n …   Law dictionary

  • commute — [v1] travel to work drive, go back and forth, take the bus/subway/train; concept 224 commute [v2] reduce punishment alleviate, curtail, decrease, mitigate, modify, remit, shorten, soften; concepts 236,247,317 Ant. increase, lengthen commute [v3 …   New thesaurus

  • commute — (v.) mid 15c., from L. commutare to often change, to change altogether, from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf. com )), + mutare to change (see MUTABLE (Cf. mutable)). Sense of make less severe is 1630s. Sense of go back and forth to work is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Commute — Commute, commutation or commutative may refer to: Commuting, the process of travelling between a place of residence and a place of work Commutative property, a property of a mathematical operation Commutation of sentence, a reduction in severity… …   Wikipedia

  • commute — ► VERB 1) travel some distance between one s home and place of work on a regular basis. 2) reduce (a judicial sentence, especially a sentence of death) to a less severe one. 3) change (one kind of payment or obligation) for (another). DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • commute — [kə myo͞ot′] vt. commuted, commuting [ME commuten < L commutare, to change < com , intens. + mutare, to change: see MISS1] 1. to change (one thing) for or into another; exchange; substitute 2. to change (an obligation, punishment, etc.) to… …   English World dictionary

  • commute — v. 1) (D; intr.) ( to travel regularly ) to commute between; from; to (to commute between two cities; to commute from the suburbs to the city) 2) (D; tr.) ( to change ) to commute to (the Governor commuted his death sentence to life imprisonment) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • commute — com|mute1 [kəˈmju:t] v [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: commutare to exchange, change , from com ( COM ) + mutare to change ] 1.) to regularly travel a long distance to get to work commute to/from/between ▪ Jim commutes to Manhattan every day.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

смягчать, заменять, переключать, смягчать наказание


- заменять (особ. один вид оплаты другим)

to commute annuity into /for/ a lump sum — заменить аннуитет единовременной выплатой определённой суммы

- (for, to, into) юр. смягчать наказание

to commute the death penalty to imprisonment for life — заменить смертную казнь пожизненным заключением

- ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно, обыкн. по сезонному билету
- эл. переключать (ток)


- (ежедневная) поездка на работу и обратно (обыкн. по сезонному билету)
- расстояние от места работы до места жительства

within a two-hour commute from my home — в двух часах езды от моего дома
an hour’s commute from the university — на дорогу в университет нужен час

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

My morning commute takes 45 minutes.

Утром я добираюсь до работы за 45 минут.

He commutes to work every day by train.

Он каждый день добирается на работу поездом.

He got fed up with the daily commute into London.

Ему крайне надоели ежедневные поездки на работу в Лондон.

Jim commutes to Manhattan every day.

Джим ездит в Манхэттен каждый день.

The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

Смертная казнь была заменена пожизненным заключением.

My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city.

Раньше мой отец жил в пригороде, и каждый день ездил в город на работу.

The worst part of working there is the long commute.

Самое худшее в этой работе — это то, что приходится долго туда добираться.

She commutes 400 miles a week.

Она проезжает на машине четыреста миль в неделю.

He commuted his pension into a lump sum.

Он предпочёл получить пенсию в виде единовременной выплаты.

The judge commuted his death sentence to life imprisonment.

Судья заменил смертный приговор на пожизненное заключение.

…the downside of living in the country is, of course, the long commute to work…

…оборотная сторона жизни в сельской местности, конечно, долгие поездки на работу…

A substantial number of people commute to work each day.

Каждый день на работу ездит значительное количество людей.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

These operators commute with each other

…the treadmill of the morning commute to work…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

commutable  — заменимый, заменяемый, неокончательный, годный для обмена
commutative  — коммутативный, перестановочный, касающийся замены, смягчающий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: commute
he/she/it: commutes
ing ф. (present participle): commuting
2-я ф. (past tense): commuted
3-я ф. (past participle): commuted

ед. ч.(singular): commute
мн. ч.(plural): commutes

Personally, I love to drive, so the commute is actually part of my leisure time. ❋ Unknown (2010)

(We’re about to learn that she drives a vintage Mustang convertible, probably inherited from the father Paul reminds her of and that she holds onto for sentimental reasons, sure, but also for the sheer fun of driving it — her commute is the highlight of her day.) ❋ Unknown (2009)

Figuring the cost of the patrol car, the patrolman’s time and the overall distance covered, the cost per mile for her commute is astonishing. ❋ Unknown (2007)

One of the legs of my commute is a short hop down the Green Line that starts at the station at Aviation and Imperial. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Hey, I have a home office too, and my morning commute is down two flights of stairs to my basement – even less distance than from the WH residence to the West Wing. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I temp, and I’ll turn down job assignments if I see the commute is going to be too long (e.g. in my case, that’s requiring I get up before 6 am or require more than 60 minutes of transit commuting). ❋ Unknown (2010)

Unless your commute is over two hours, you spend most of your time on roads that are 100% subsidized. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Do you want to leave families with children little option but to commute from the Eastside, or more suburban areas of Seattle proper? sarah68 ❋ Unknown (2010)

To a new house across town. to a suburb within commute distance … ❋ Unknown (2010)

I don’t know why they won’t participate in finding solutions to our many problems … maybe the commute is too long or they are too busy with their mistresses. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I firmly believe a long commute is a waste of life, and a short commute is very valuable to me. ❋ Unknown (2010)

To say the commute is hard is to imply that the location of the state capital was a surprise to her. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The biggest problem is that the sound quality is not all it could be — I couldn’t listen to these on my normal train commute, though they were OK for Wii workouts or driving. ❋ Nwhyte (2009)

I drive that road nearly every day, and my commute is jarring. ❋ Post (2010)

I commute from the Eastern Shore in Baldwin County, AL, to Mobile, and I see some good sized ones from the elevated Bayway in the morning hours. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But most of the time, I just feel extremely grateful that it works for me, because my commute is AWESOME! anne ❋ Unknown (2010)

see that [green] [ford focus]? he let me over yesterday on the way into [the office]. man, what a great member of the commutity. ❋ Speedy Marie (2009)

Man — I can’t believe this commutism, the people in [Jersey] get to [stay home] while I wait for [a bus] that won’t come and have to show up to the office. ❋ B-Sauce The Boss (2010)

Dude #1: «You should [collect] food for the [poor].»
Dude #2: «[Fuck you], you fucking commutator!» ❋ Naraic (2008)

person one: are you [comming] in to the [office] [tomorrow]?
person two: i am just considering the commutefulness of it. ❋ Dlef (2011)

[Babe], I really enjoyed our [chat] on the way home from work today. That was some amazing [commutication]. ❋ BrandingQueen (2020)

I’ll commuticate with you [when I’m] [in the car]…OR…Stop commuticating and [drive]. ❋ CookieBush (2018)

[Check out] these new [slicks] on my [commuter]! ❋ Katcorot (2010)

As a complaint from a [commuter]:
I hate when you get stuck behind someone blocking the only stair/[escalator] and your train leaves just before you get there. Such is [commutism]. ❋ Dodoextinct (2009)

did you read [commuter dan’s] [article]? it was so deep and he got a [19/20]! ❋ Residential Emily & Lena (2009)

My commute is no longer a [grueling] [ordeal] since I started practicing the [principles] of aerobic commuting. ❋ TheAerobicCommuter1 (2010)

commuted; commuting. Essential Meaning of commute. 1 : to travel regularly to and from a place and especially between where you live and where you work He commutes to work every day by train. She commutes 400 miles a week.

Similarly, What is commute short for?


Acronym Definition
COMMUTE Common Methodology for Multimodal Transport Environmental Impact Assessment (EU urban planning strategy)

Additionally, What is meant by commute a sentence? To “commute a sentence” is the power to substitute a sentence imposed by the judiciary for a lesser sentence. In other words, it means the power to reduce or lessen a sentence resulting from a criminal conviction. For example, a ten-year sentence may be commuted to a five-year sentence.

Related Contents

  • 1 What does commuted mean in law?
  • 2 What’s commute time?
  • 3 What is commuted sentence mean?
  • 4 What does it mean for two things to commute?
  • 5 How do you get a commuted sentence?
  • 6 How do you use the word commutation in a sentence?
  • 7 Does a pardon mean you get out of jail?
  • 8 What’s the difference between pardon and commuted?
  • 9 What happens when a sentence is commuted?
  • 10 What is an example of commutation?
  • 11 What is a good commute time?
  • 12 What is average commute time?
  • 13 What is a commuting distance?
  • 14 What does commuted by the president mean?
  • 15 What does it mean for elements to commute?
  • 16 What does it mean for two matrices to commute?
  • 17 What does commute in maths mean?
  • 18 What are the minimum requirements for commutation of sentence?
  • 19 Who are eligible in applying commutation of sentence?
  • 20 How do you request a commutation?

What does commuted mean in law?

Commutation means the substitution of one thing for another. … In criminal law, commutation refers to reducing or lessening a sentence or punishment resulting from a criminal conviction, which can be done by the governor of a state (for state convictions) or president of the United States (for federal convictions).

What’s commute time?

If you commute, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work.

What is commuted sentence mean?

To “commute a sentence” is the power to substitute a sentence imposed by the judiciary for a lesser sentence. In other words, it means the power to reduce or lessen a sentence resulting from a criminal conviction. For example, a ten-year sentence may be commuted to a five-year sentence.

What does it mean for two things to commute?

Frequency: The definition of commute means to travel between home and work, or to change one thing for another. … For example, numbers commute under addition, which is a commutative operation. Generally, any two operators H and G commute if their commutator is zero, i.e. HG − GH = 0.

How do you get a commuted sentence?

To apply for a commutation for the first time or for the first time in three years:

  1. Submit a completed Commutation Application (2 pages) to the Governor’s Office. …
  2. Submit a completed Notice of Intent to Apply for Clemency (1 page) to the district attorney in the county of the conviction for your commitment offense; and.

How do you use the word commutation in a sentence?

The commutation of his death sentence had been due to some doubts as to his complete sanity, so atrocious was his conduct.

Does a pardon mean you get out of jail?

A pardon is a government decision to allow a person to be relieved of some or all of the legal consequences resulting from a criminal conviction. A pardon may be granted before or after conviction for the crime, depending on the laws of the jurisdiction.

What’s the difference between pardon and commuted?

In law, a commutation is the substitution of a lesser penalty for that given after a conviction for a crime. … Unlike most pardons by government and overturning by the court (a full overturning is equal to an acquittal), a commutation does not affect the status of a defendant’s underlying criminal conviction.

What happens when a sentence is commuted?

Commutation is a form of clemency that reduces the punishment for a crime. It usually takes the form of a reduced (“commuted”) prison term, but can also reduce court-ordered fines.

What is an example of commutation?

The definition of commutation is the act of substitution or the substitution. An example of a commutation is ordering French fries instead of whatever potato is listed as coming with the meal. An example of a commutation is a change in the sentence of a prisoner from death to life in prison without parole.

What is a good commute time?

Most people don’t want their commute to be too long or too short. It turns out the scientifically determined ideal commute time averages out to be 16 minutes — not long enough to feel like you’re wasting time, but not too short so you can catch up on the news or the latest podcast.

What is average commute time?

In 2019, the average one-way commute in the United States increased to a new high of 27.6 minutes. In 2006, the average travel time for the nation was 25.0 minutes. The increase of about 2.6 minutes between 2006 and 2019 represents an increase of about 10% over 14 years.

What is a commuting distance?

Commuting Distance is calculated as the straight-line distance between two points. … Commuting distance means the maximum one-way distance a worker could reasonably be expected to travel each workday between the worker’s residence and place of work.

What does commuted by the president mean?

The U.S. president’s power of clemency arises from Article II of the United States Constitution. … When the president commutes a sentence, it reduces the severity of a sentence without voiding the conviction itself; for example, a commutation may reduce or eliminate a prison term, while leaving other punishments intact.

What does it mean for elements to commute?

In mathematics, a binary operation is commutative if changing the order of the operands does not change the result. … The idea that simple operations, such as the multiplication and addition of numbers, are commutative was for many years implicitly assumed.

What does it mean for two matrices to commute?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In linear algebra, two matrices and are said to commute if , or equivalently if their commutator is zero. A set of matrices. is said to commute if they commute pairwise, meaning that every pair of matrices in the set commute with each other.

What does commute in maths mean?

Kids Definition of commutative

: being a property of a mathematical operation (as addition or multiplication) in which the result does not depend on the order of the elements The commutative property of addition states that 1 + 2 and 2 + 1 will both have a sum of 3.

What are the minimum requirements for commutation of sentence?

The Board may review the petition of a prisoner for commutation of sentence if the following minimum requirements are met: (a) At least one-third (1/3) of the definite or aggre- gate prison terms; (b) At least one-half (1/2) of the minimum of indeter- minate or aggregate minimum of the indeterminate prison term.

Who are eligible in applying commutation of sentence?

WHO MAY GRANT COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE AND PARDON? sentenced to one (1) Reclusion Perpetua or one (1) life imprisonment, for crimes/offenses not punishable under Republic Act No. 7659 and other special laws.

How do you request a commutation?

In federal cases, the first step in the process is for the person seeking a commutation to submit an application, or petition, for commutation of sentence. The application can be found online by going to clemency.com. The petition must be sent to the United States Office of the Pardon Attorney.



v. com·mut·ed, com·mut·ing, com·mutes


1. To travel as a commuter: She commuted each day to her office downtown by subway.


a. To make substitution or exchange.

b. To serve as a substitute.

3. To pay in gross, usually at a reduced rate, rather than in individual payments.

4. Mathematics & Logic To satisfy a commutative property. If a × b = b × a, then a commutes with b, regardless of whether the operation indicated by × is commutative.


1. To substitute (one thing for another); exchange.

2. To change (a penalty, debt, or payment) to a less severe one.


An act or instance of commuting, especially the trip made by a commuter: a 22-mile commute; an easy commute.

[Middle English commuten, to transform, from Latin commūtāre : com-, com- + mūtāre, to change; see mei- in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (intr) to travel some distance regularly between one’s home and one’s place of work

2. (tr) to substitute; exchange

3. (Law) (tr) law to reduce (a sentence) to one less severe

4. (Insurance) to pay (an annuity) at one time, esp with a discount, instead of in instalments

5. (tr) to transform; change: to commute base metal into gold.

6. (intr) to act as or be a substitute

7. (intr) to make a substitution; change


a journey made by commuting

[C17: from Latin commutāre to replace, from com- mutually + mutāre to change]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. -mut•ed, -mut•ing,
n. v.t.

1. to change (a prison sentence or other penalty) to a less severe form.

2. to exchange for another or for something else; interchange.

3. to change: to commute base metal into gold.

4. to change (one kind of payment) into or for another, as by substitution.


5. to travel regularly over some distance, as from a suburb into a city and back.

6. to make substitution; compensate.

7. to serve as a substitute.

8. to give the same mathematical result whether operating on the left or on the right.


9. a trip made by commuting.

10. an act or instance of commuting.

[1400–50; < Latin commūtāre to change, replace]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: commuted
Gerund: commuting

I commute
you commute
he/she/it commutes
we commute
you commute
they commute
I commuted
you commuted
he/she/it commuted
we commuted
you commuted
they commuted
Present Continuous
I am commuting
you are commuting
he/she/it is commuting
we are commuting
you are commuting
they are commuting
Present Perfect
I have commuted
you have commuted
he/she/it has commuted
we have commuted
you have commuted
they have commuted
Past Continuous
I was commuting
you were commuting
he/she/it was commuting
we were commuting
you were commuting
they were commuting
Past Perfect
I had commuted
you had commuted
he/she/it had commuted
we had commuted
you had commuted
they had commuted
I will commute
you will commute
he/she/it will commute
we will commute
you will commute
they will commute
Future Perfect
I will have commuted
you will have commuted
he/she/it will have commuted
we will have commuted
you will have commuted
they will have commuted
Future Continuous
I will be commuting
you will be commuting
he/she/it will be commuting
we will be commuting
you will be commuting
they will be commuting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been commuting
you have been commuting
he/she/it has been commuting
we have been commuting
you have been commuting
they have been commuting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been commuting
you will have been commuting
he/she/it will have been commuting
we will have been commuting
you will have been commuting
they will have been commuting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been commuting
you had been commuting
he/she/it had been commuting
we had been commuting
you had been commuting
they had been commuting
I would commute
you would commute
he/she/it would commute
we would commute
you would commute
they would commute
Past Conditional
I would have commuted
you would have commuted
he/she/it would have commuted
we would have commuted
you would have commuted
they would have commuted

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. commute — a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work; «there is standing room only on the high-speed commute»

journey, journeying — the act of traveling from one place to another

Verb 1. commute — exchange positions without a change in value; «These operators commute with each other»


math, mathematics, maths — a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement

change — undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature; «She changed completely as she grew older»; «The weather changed last night»

2. commute - travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and homecommute — travel back and forth regularly, as between one’s place of work and home

sleep out, live out — work in a house where one does not live; «our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home»

jaunt, travel, trip — make a trip for pleasure

3. commute — change the order or arrangement of; «Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word»

permute, transpose

change by reversal, reverse, turn — change to the contrary; «The trend was reversed»; «the tides turned against him»; «public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern»

map, represent — to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)

4. commute — exchange a penalty for a less severe one

exchange, convert

alter, change, modify — cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; «The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city»; «The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue»

5. commute — exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category; «Could you convert my dollars into pounds?»; «He changed his name»; «convert centimeters into inches»; «convert holdings into shares»

exchange, convert, change

rectify — convert into direct current; «rectify alternating current»

utilize — convert (from an investment trust to a unit trust)

capitalise, capitalize — convert (a company’s reserve funds) into capital

replace — substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected); «He replaced the old razor blade»; «We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago»; «the insurance will replace the lost income»; «This antique vase can never be replaced»

launder — convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones

switch, change, shift — lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; «switch to a different brand of beer»; «She switched psychiatrists»; «The car changed lanes»

break — exchange for smaller units of money; «I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. travel to and from, shuttle between, travel between, travel back and forth between He commutes to London every day.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



To give up in return for something else:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


يُبَدِّلُ عُقوبَه بِأخف مِنْهايُسافِرُ يَوْمِيّا إلى مكان عَمَلِهِ

dojíždětzměnit/zmírnit trest


käydä töissä toisella paikkakunnallamatkustaa

putovati na posao


breyta, milda



nuolatinis keleivispakeistireguliariai važinėti

mīkstinātregulāri braukāt

voziti se na delo



đi lại đều đặn



B. VT [+ payment] → conmutar (for/into por/en) [+ sentence] → conmutar (to por)

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vi (= travel as commuter)pendeln

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



2. vt (payment) to commute for or intocommutare in (Law) (sentence) to commute (to)commutare (a)

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kəˈmjuːt) verb

1. to travel regularly between two places, especially between home in the suburbs and work in the city.

2. to change (a criminal sentence) for one less severe. His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

comˈmuter noun

a person who travels to work daily.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يُسَافِرُ يَوْمِياً مِنْ و إِلَى مَكَان عَمْلِه dojíždět pendle pendeln μετακινούμαι με μέσο μαζικής μεταφοράς desplazarse al centro de trabajo, desplazarse diariamente al centro de trabajo käydä töissä toisella paikkakunnalla faire la navette putovati na posao fare il pendolare 通勤する 통근하다 forenzen pendle dojechać deslocar-se entre a casa e o trabalho, locomover-se entre a casa e o trabalho добираться на работу pendla เดินทาง her gün işe trenle gitmek đi lại đều đặn 乘车上班

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

commute — перевод на русский


Easy commute.

Легко добираться.

Long commute.

Далеко добираться.

I prefer a short commute.

Зато недалеко добираться.

She can go somewhere she can commute from here.

Она может пойти туда, куда сможет добираться отсюда.

Easy commute.

Удобно добираться!

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He has to work out of the baltimore campus, Which adds two hours to his commute every day.

Ему приходится ездить в университет Балтимора, а это значит, тратить на дорогу по 2 часа каждый день.

Won’t it be a hard commute from Nantucket to your marketing job?

Не будет ли трудно ездить из Нантакет на твою работу в сфере маркетинга?

— I can commute from New Jersey.

-Я смогу ездить из Нью-Джерси.

It’s way too big for us, and the commute would probably be hell anyway.

Расстояние слишком большое для нас, и ездить наверняка будет тяжко.

It’s in Notting Hill so I have to commute.

Это в Ноттинг-Хилл, так что я должна ездить.

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You do have the power to commute the sentence of such a court.

Вы можете смягчить приговор через суд.

Where he could see the fucking phone… And they were ready to commute the sentence if he told them who really ran the atomic spy ring.

И они готовы были смягчить наказание, если бы он им сказал, кто действительно возглавлял шпионскую сеть.

I had people on my staff search for a reason the public would find palatable to commute the sentence.

Я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что часть моего персонала ищет причину, которую общественность сочла бы приемлимой, чтобы смягчить наказание.

The best I can do is put in a good word, maybe recommend they commute your sentence to life.

Максимум, что я могу сделать — замолвить словечко, возможно, порекомендовать, смягчить приговор.

And how Aunt Lily, in a fit of mercy, bought the goat off the guy in order to commute its sentence.

И как тетя Лили, преисполнившись сострадания, купила у фермера эту козу, чтобы смягчить ее участь.

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But there are many reasons for it to be commuted.

Но есть масса оснований для замены приговора.

After I get my sentence commuted and my transfer, I’ll give you more names.

После изменения приговора и моего перевода, я сообщу ещё имена.

Among those calling for his sentence to be commuted were Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Pope Benedict XVI, former President Jimmy Carter…

Среди тех, кто призывает ко смягчению приговора были Архиепископ Десмонд Туту, папа Бенедикт XVI, экс-президент Джимми Картер

I did what I could to commute his sentence…

Я сделал все что смог для смягчения приговора…

Offer to reduce or commute his sentence in exchange for telling us Seth’s location…

Предложите смягчение приговора его брату в обмен на информацию о Сете.

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Do you know that more people die in the East Bay commute every three months than that idiot ever killed?

В Ист-Бей по дороге на работу за три месяца погибает больше людей чем убил этот идиот за всё время.

He could go after the people that work there Or on their commute.

Он постарается добраться до тех, кто там работает, по дороге.

And her clinic’s in Portland, so… have a little commuting.

И ее клиники в Портленде, так что… это немного по дороге.

Well, that’s an awful long commute to get dinner on the table by 5:00.

Просто, дорога дальняя, вряд ли успеешь с готовкой ужина.

Like you’d commute to work or to the gym.

Как для тебя дорога на работу или в спортзал.

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You said you commute

Ты сказал, что едешь с работы.

So, how was your commute?

Как добираетесь до работы?

The storm is expected to last all through tomorrow, tapering off by tomorrow night, so, watch out on your morning and evening commute…

Буря продлится весь завтрашний день, и начнет утихать ближе к ночи, так что будьте осторожны по пути на работу и домой…

I used to think that this other guy was my commute buddy, but it turned out that he just lived on the subway.

Я раньше думала, что другой парень был моим другом по поездкам на работу, но оказалось, что он просто живёт в метро.

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See,leonard and I often use our commute time To exercise our minds with brain-teasers like that.

Знаешь, во время наших поездок, мы с Леонардом зачастую коротаем время, тренируя мозг такими вот головоломками.

He uses his truck to commute.

Он использует грузовик для поездок.

Sheldon McFee uses the truck to commute from Cedar Grove, New Jersey.

Шелдон МакФи пользуется этим грузовиком для поездок из Кедар Гров, Нью Джерси.

But the rush hour commute and the London Underground?

Но поездка в час пик в Лондонском метро?

Long commute?

Долгая поездка?

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I could commute from here and…

Я могла бы ездить на работу отсюда и…

It’s, uh, it’s just I’m worried about the commute.

Только беспокоюсь о том, как ездить на работу.

— Will either of you two be commuting to work?

Кто-то из вас будет ездить на работу? Я нет.

All right? I’ll commute.

Буду ездить на работу.

And you’ll stay here and commute until you can save for an apartment.

И ты можешь остаться здесь и ездить на работу, пока не накопишь на квартиру.

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I mean, for one thing it’s gonna be a really long commute.

Долго же ей придется добираться до работы.

You and your fiancé might want to think about the commute.

Вам и вашему жениху нужно еще решить, как добираться до работы.

I wanted a shorter commute.

Я хотел быстрее добираться до работы.

Since the commute is so long…

Добираться на работу непросто…

That’s a hell of a commute.

Тяжело, наверно, добираться на работу.

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A restauranteur in New York city is planning to convert an old Ferry in to a floating lobster restaurant combining the grand your of a terrible commute with the sanitary standards of the Hudson river.

Владелец ресторана в Нью-Йорке планирует превратить свой старый паром в плавающий ресторан лобстеров, то есть помочь вам совместить ужасную поездку на работу с великолепной экологией Гудзона.

I’ll fill you in at the staff meeting after keneally’s done telling us about his morning commute.

Я расскажу тебе подробности на собрании персонала после того, как Кинилли закончит заливать про свою утреннюю поездку на работу.

But for commuting and shopping and going out for dinner, thanks to the ride in the Mercedes and the gearbox in the Maserati, no.

Но для поездок на работу, в магазин или в ресторан, из-за подвески Мерседеса и коробки передач Мазерати — нет.

For local commuting, my car is faultless.

Для местных поездок на работу моя машина безупречна.

Best commute ever!

Лучшая поездка на работу!

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Other forms: commuted; commuting; commutes

A commute is a journey you take from home to work and back again. You might enjoy your subway commute because it gives you lots of time to read.

Your commute is your trip to work, and the verb commute describes making that trip — like your preference to commute by public bus. Another meaning of commute describes changing the length of a judicial sentence, like when a judge commutes someone’s time in jail. You can see this meaning in the word’s origin — the Latin word commutare, meaning «to change altogether.»

Definitions of commute

  1. noun

    a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work

    “there is standing room only on the high-speed

  2. verb

    travel back and forth regularly, as between one’s place of work and home

  3. verb

    exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category


    change, convert, exchange

    change, shift, switch

    lay aside, abandon, or leave for another

  4. verb

    exchange a penalty for a less severe one

  5. verb

    exchange positions without a change in value

    “These operators
    commute with each other”



    see moresee less

    type of:


    undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature

  6. verb

    change the order or arrangement of

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  • IPA(key): /kəˈmjuːt/
  • Rhymes: -uːt

Etymology 1[edit]

Borrowed from Latin commūtō.


commute (third-person singular simple present commutes, present participle commuting, simple past and past participle commuted)

  1. To exchange substantially; to abate but not abolish completely, a penalty, obligation, or payment in return for a great, single thing or an aggregate; to cash in; to lessen

    to commute tithes into rentcharges for a sum

    to commute market rents for a premium

    to commute daily fares for a season ticket

    1. (transitive, finance, law) To pay, or arrange to pay, in advance, in a lump sum instead of part by part.

      to commute the daily toll for a year’s pass

    2. (transitive, law, criminology) To reduce the sentence previously given for a criminal offense.
      • 1861, Thomas Babington Macaulay, “The utmost that could be obtained was that her sentence should be commuted from burning to beheading.”, in Lady Trevelyan (Hannah More Macaulay), editor, The History of England from the Accession of James the Second, volume V, London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, →OCLC:

      His prison sentence was commuted to probation.

    3. (transitive, insurance, pensions) To pay out the lumpsum present value of an annuity, instead of paying in instalments; to cash in; to encash
    4. (intransitive, obsolete) To obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution;
      • 1660, Jeremy Taylor, Ductor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Conscience in All Her General Measures; [], volume (please specify |volume=I or II), London: [] James Flesher, for Richard Royston [], →OCLC:

        He [] thinks it unlawful to commute, and that he is bound to pay his vow in kind.

  2. (intransitive, mathematics) Of an operation, to be commutative, i.e. to have the property that changing the order of the operands does not change the result.

    A pair of matrices share the same set of eigenvectors if and only if they commute.

Derived terms[edit]
  • commutative
  • commutation

finance: to pay out the lump-sum present value

to pay in gross instead of part by part

legal: to reduce a sentence

to obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution

to put or substitute something else in place of

Etymology 2[edit]

From commutation ticket, a pass on a railroad, streetcar line, etc. that permitted multiple rides over a period of time, eg, a month, for a single, commuted payment.


commute (plural commutes)

  1. A regular journey between two places, typically home and work.
  2. The route, time or distance of that journey.


commute (third-person singular simple present commutes, present participle commuting, simple past and past participle commuted)

  1. (intransitive, US, UK, Canada) To regularly travel from one’s home to one’s workplace or school, or vice versa.

    I commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan by bicycle.

  2. (intransitive, Philippines) To regularly travel from one place to another using public transport.
  3. (intransitive) To journey, to make a journey
    • 2015, Elizabeth Royte, Vultures Are Revolting. Here’s Why We Need to Save Them., National Geographic (December 2015)[1]:
      By one estimate, vultures either residing in or commuting into the Serengeti ecosystem during the annual migration—when 1.3 million white-bearded wildebeests shuffle between Kenya and Tanzania—historically consumed more meat than all mammalian carnivores in the Serengeti combined.

to regularly travel to and from work, school etc.

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 通勤 (zh) (tōngqín)
  • Danish: pendle (da)
  • Dutch: pendelen (nl)
  • Finnish: käydä töissä
  • French: faire la navette (fr)
  • German: pendeln (de), hin- und herfahren
  • Hungarian: ingázik (hu)
  • Italian: fare il pendolare
  • Japanese: 通う (ja) (かよう, kayou), 通勤する (ja) (つうきんする, tsūkin-suru)
  • Korean: 통하다 (ko) (tonghada), 통근하다 (tonggeunhada)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: pendle
    Nynorsk: pendle
  • Polish: dojeżdżać do pracy (pl)
  • Portuguese: fazer a jornada (de trabalho)
  • Romanian: face naveta
  • Russian: (регулярно) е́здить (ru) (jézditʹ) (на работу, на учёбу, etc.)
  • Spanish: pendular (es), (to work) viajar al trabajo, (from work) viajar del trabajo
  • Swedish: pendla (sv)

Derived terms[edit]

  • commuter
  • counter-commute
  • reverse commute
  • reverse-commute


  • Douglas Harper (2001–2023), “commute”, in Online Etymology Dictionary.



  • Homophones: commutent, commutes



  1. inflection of commuter:
    1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
    2. second-person singular imperative

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