What does the word centuries mean

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Sid Flatley

Score: 4.9/5
(19 votes)

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred. Century is sometimes abbreviated as c.

How do you define centuries?

1 : a period of 100 years a company that has been in business for more than a century specifically : one of the 100-year divisions of the Christian era or of the preceding period of human history the third century A.D./B.C the 18th century. 2 : a group, sequence, or series of 100 like things.

What does the word century mean in a sentence?

Word forms: centuries

countable noun. A century is a period of a hundred years that is used when stating a date. For example, the 19th century was the period from 1801 to 1900. The material position of the Church had been declining since the late eighteenth century.

What is an example of a century?

The definition of a century is a 100-year-long period of time. An example of a century is the years 1800-1900. In ancient Rome. A military unit, originally made up of 100 men.

What do you call a 100 years?

a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

17 related questions found

What are the synonyms for impossible?

synonyms for impossible

  • impassable.
  • impractical.
  • inaccessible.
  • insurmountable.
  • preposterous.
  • unimaginable.
  • unreasonable.
  • unworkable.

Are we in the 20th or 21st century?

We live in the 21st Century, that is, the 2000s. Similarly when we say «20th Century,» we are referring to the 1900s. All this because, according to the calendar we use, the 1st Century included the years 1-100 (there was no year zero), and the 2nd Century, the years 101-200. Similarly, when we say 2nd Century B.C.E.

What century is 2020 called?

The 21st (twenty-first) century (or the XXIst century) is the current century in the Anno Domini era or Common Era, under the Gregorian calendar.

Is 2021 in the 21st century?

The numeral 2021 is the 21st year of the 21st century. … The calendar of 2021 is the same as the year 2010, and will repeat in 2027, and in 2100, the last year of the 21st century.

What do you call a 1000 years?

Millennium, a period of 1,000 years. … Thus, the 1st millennium is defined as spanning years 1–1000 and the 2nd the years 1001–2000. Although numerous popular celebrations marked the start of the year 2000, the 21st century and 3rd millennium ad began on January 1, 2001.

What are 20 years called?

Word Origin for vicennial

C18: from Late Latin vīcennium period of twenty years, from Latin vīciēs twenty times + -ennium, from annus year.

Why it is called 21st century?

Originally Answered: Why is this period called the 21st century? Because you count from 0 to the end of 99 and that was the first century the second century started on 100 to 199 etc so you are always looking backwards to the previous years to determine what century you are in or have been in.

What is every 10 years called?

1 : consisting of or lasting for 10 years. 2 : occurring or being done every 10 years the decennial census. Other Words from decennial More Example Sentences Learn More About decennial.

What is the meaning of centuries ago?

1 a period of 100 years. 2 one of the successive periods of 100 years dated before or after an epoch or event, esp.

What is the 21st Century known for?

The 21st Century spans 100 years. Currently, it encompasses the Information Age — an era marked by rapid adoption of new technologies. This Information Age is being fueled by a Knowledge Economy that values problem solving and critical thinking over the rote skills of the Industrial era.

What are the 21st Century life skills?

Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information. Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning. Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression. Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative.

Is this year 2020 or 2021?

There has been much debate about when the old decade ends and the new one begins. Some say the old decade ended on December 31, 2019, and the start of the new one began January 1, 2020. For others, the new decade doesn’t start until January 1, 2021; the old one concluding on December 31, 2020.

Is 2000 in the 20th century?

The 20th Century consists of the years 1901 through 2000 and will end Dec. 31, 2000. The 21st Century will begin Jan. 1, 2001.”

What millennium are we in now?

In contemporary history, the third millennium of the anno Domini or Common Era in the Gregorian calendar is the current millennium spanning the years 2001 to 3000 (21st to 30th centuries).

What is the difference between 20th and 21st century?

20th Century — The focus of learning was entirely on the content. … 21st Century — Today the focus is on real world, practical application of the material being presented. 21st Century students better understand the material because they understand the relevance and how to acquire additional information as necessary.

What is an impossible task called?

A Sisyphean task seems impossible to complete. … You can use Sisyphean to describe things that require a lot of hard work and yet will never be truly finished.

What is an impossible situation called?

1 beyond one, beyond the bounds of possibility, hopeless, impracticable, inconceivable, not to be thought of, out of the question, unachievable, unattainable, unobtainable, unthinkable.

What is an impossible problem called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In planning and policy, a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.

Asked by: Sid Flatley

Score: 4.9/5
(19 votes)

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred. Century is sometimes abbreviated as c.

How do you define centuries?

1 : a period of 100 years a company that has been in business for more than a century specifically : one of the 100-year divisions of the Christian era or of the preceding period of human history the third century A.D./B.C the 18th century. 2 : a group, sequence, or series of 100 like things.

What does the word century mean in a sentence?

Word forms: centuries

countable noun. A century is a period of a hundred years that is used when stating a date. For example, the 19th century was the period from 1801 to 1900. The material position of the Church had been declining since the late eighteenth century.

What is an example of a century?

The definition of a century is a 100-year-long period of time. An example of a century is the years 1800-1900. In ancient Rome. A military unit, originally made up of 100 men.

What do you call a 100 years?

a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

17 related questions found

What are the synonyms for impossible?

synonyms for impossible

  • impassable.
  • impractical.
  • inaccessible.
  • insurmountable.
  • preposterous.
  • unimaginable.
  • unreasonable.
  • unworkable.

Are we in the 20th or 21st century?

We live in the 21st Century, that is, the 2000s. Similarly when we say «20th Century,» we are referring to the 1900s. All this because, according to the calendar we use, the 1st Century included the years 1-100 (there was no year zero), and the 2nd Century, the years 101-200. Similarly, when we say 2nd Century B.C.E.

What century is 2020 called?

The 21st (twenty-first) century (or the XXIst century) is the current century in the Anno Domini era or Common Era, under the Gregorian calendar.

Is 2021 in the 21st century?

The numeral 2021 is the 21st year of the 21st century. … The calendar of 2021 is the same as the year 2010, and will repeat in 2027, and in 2100, the last year of the 21st century.

What do you call a 1000 years?

Millennium, a period of 1,000 years. … Thus, the 1st millennium is defined as spanning years 1–1000 and the 2nd the years 1001–2000. Although numerous popular celebrations marked the start of the year 2000, the 21st century and 3rd millennium ad began on January 1, 2001.

What are 20 years called?

Word Origin for vicennial

C18: from Late Latin vīcennium period of twenty years, from Latin vīciēs twenty times + -ennium, from annus year.

Why it is called 21st century?

Originally Answered: Why is this period called the 21st century? Because you count from 0 to the end of 99 and that was the first century the second century started on 100 to 199 etc so you are always looking backwards to the previous years to determine what century you are in or have been in.

What is every 10 years called?

1 : consisting of or lasting for 10 years. 2 : occurring or being done every 10 years the decennial census. Other Words from decennial More Example Sentences Learn More About decennial.

What is the meaning of centuries ago?

1 a period of 100 years. 2 one of the successive periods of 100 years dated before or after an epoch or event, esp.

What is the 21st Century known for?

The 21st Century spans 100 years. Currently, it encompasses the Information Age — an era marked by rapid adoption of new technologies. This Information Age is being fueled by a Knowledge Economy that values problem solving and critical thinking over the rote skills of the Industrial era.

What are the 21st Century life skills?

Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information. Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning. Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression. Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative.

Is this year 2020 or 2021?

There has been much debate about when the old decade ends and the new one begins. Some say the old decade ended on December 31, 2019, and the start of the new one began January 1, 2020. For others, the new decade doesn’t start until January 1, 2021; the old one concluding on December 31, 2020.

Is 2000 in the 20th century?

The 20th Century consists of the years 1901 through 2000 and will end Dec. 31, 2000. The 21st Century will begin Jan. 1, 2001.”

What millennium are we in now?

In contemporary history, the third millennium of the anno Domini or Common Era in the Gregorian calendar is the current millennium spanning the years 2001 to 3000 (21st to 30th centuries).

What is the difference between 20th and 21st century?

20th Century — The focus of learning was entirely on the content. … 21st Century — Today the focus is on real world, practical application of the material being presented. 21st Century students better understand the material because they understand the relevance and how to acquire additional information as necessary.

What is an impossible task called?

A Sisyphean task seems impossible to complete. … You can use Sisyphean to describe things that require a lot of hard work and yet will never be truly finished.

What is an impossible situation called?

1 beyond one, beyond the bounds of possibility, hopeless, impracticable, inconceivable, not to be thought of, out of the question, unachievable, unattainable, unobtainable, unthinkable.

What is an impossible problem called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In planning and policy, a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.

Мои примеры


a venerable tradition that colleges have been maintaining for centuries — древняя традиция, которая вот уже много веков поддерживается в университетах  
the collected wisdom of many centuries — познания, накопленные за многие века  
cultural inheritance of the past centuries — культурное наследие прошлых веков  
a centuries-old tradition — многовековая традиция  
a centuries tradition — многовековая традиция  
centuries revolve — столетия сменяют друг друга  
distant centuries — давнопрошедшие века; далекие века  
seven centuries — семисотлетие  
three centuries — трехсотлетие  
four centuries — четырехсотлетие  
six centuries — шестисотлетие  
for centuries — на века; веками  

Примеры с переводом

Pharaohs reigned over Egypt for centuries.

Фараоны правили Египтом многие века.

The novel spans three centuries.

Роман охватывает три столетия.

Predators have inhabited the woods for many centuries.

В этих лесах на протяжении столетий обитали хищники.

This ring has come down in my family for two centuries.

Это кольцо передаётся в нашей семье по наследству уже два века.

For centuries scholars have been divided on this issue.

Этот вопрос уже несколько веков вызывает разногласия среди учёных.

The source of the text has been disputed for centuries.

Об источнике данного текста споры ведутся уже несколько веков.

The war was fueled by hatreds that were centuries old.

Война была подпитана многовековой ненавистью.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The steps were hollowed by centuries of use.

The castle was centuries old and full of atmosphere.

The people were held down for centuries by their conquerors.

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(Redirected from Centuries)

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred. Century is sometimes abbreviated as c.[1]

A centennial or centenary is a hundredth anniversary, or a celebration of this, typically the remembrance of an event which took place a hundred years earlier.

A century from now will be 14:58, 13 April 2123.

Start and end of centuriesEdit

Although a century can mean any arbitrary period of 100 years, there are two viewpoints on the nature of standard centuries. One is based on strict construction, while the other is based on popular perception.

According to the strict construction, the 1st century AD began with AD 1 and ended with AD 100, the 2nd century spanning the years 101 to 200, with the same pattern continuing onward.[note 1] In this model, the n-th century starts with the year that ends with «01», and ends with the year that ends with «00»; for example, the 20th century comprises the years 1901 to 2000 in strict usage.[2]

In popular perception and practice, centuries are structured by grouping years based on sharing the ‘hundreds’ digit(s). In this model, the n-th century starts with the year that ends in «00» and ends with the year ending in «99»;[3] for example, the years 1900 to 1999, in popular culture, constitute the 20th century.[4] (This is similar to the grouping of «0-to-9 decades» which share the ‘tens’ digit.)

To facilitate calendrical calculations by computer, the astronomical year numbering and ISO 8601 systems both contain a year zero, with the astronomical year 0 corresponding to the year 1 BCE, the astronomical year -1 corresponding to 2 BCE, and so on.[5][6]

Strict vs Popular usage

Year 2 BC 1 BC 1 2 99 100 101 102 199 200 201 202 1899 1900 1901 1902 1999 2000 2001 2002 2099 2100 2101 2102
Strict 1st century BC 1st century 2nd century 3rd century 19th century 20th century 21st century 22nd century
Popular 1st century BC 1st century 2nd century 3rd century 19th century 20th century 21st century 22nd century

Alternative naming systemsEdit

Informally, years may be referred to in groups based on the hundreds part of the year. In this system, the years 1900–1999 are referred to as the nineteen hundreds (1900s). Aside from English usage, this system is used in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish and Hungarian. The Swedish nittonhundratalet (or 1900-talet), Danish nittenhundredetallet (or 1900-tallet), Norwegian nittenhundretallet (or 1900-tallet), Finnish tuhatyhdeksänsataaluku (or 1900-luku) and Hungarian ezerkilencszázas évek (or 1900-as évek) refer unambiguously to the years 1900–1999.

Italian also has a similar system, but it only expresses the hundreds and omits the word for “thousand”. This system mainly functions from the 11th to the 20th century:

il Quattrocento (that is “the four hundred”, the 15th century)
il Cinquecento (that is “the five hundred”, the 16th century).

These terms are often used in other languages when referring to the history of Italy.

Similar dating units in other calendar systemsEdit

While the century has been commonly used in the West, other cultures and calendars have utilized differently sized groups of years in a similar manner. The Hindu calendar, in particular, summarizes its years into groups of 60,[7] while the Aztec calendar considers groups of 52.[8]

See alsoEdit

Look up century in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Age of Discovery
  • Ancient history
  • Before Christ
  • Common Era
  • Decade
  • List of decades, centuries, and millennia
  • Lustrum
  • Middle Ages
  • Millennium
  • Modern era
  • Saeculum
  • Year


  1. ^ AD and CE year numbering, which are numerically equivalent, are now commonly used to number years, including those which occurred before these notations were invented; AD did not become widespread in Europe until early in the 2nd millennium.


  1. ^ «Oxford English Dictionary – List of Abbreviations».
  2. ^ «When Did the 21st Century Start?». timeanddate.com. Retrieved 23 November 2020.
  3. ^ «century». Oxford Dictionaries. Archived from the original on December 30, 2019. Retrieved 20 January 2021.
  4. ^ «Centuries and How to Refer to Them». Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 27 April 2021.
  5. ^ «Calendars». L.E. Doggett. Archived from the original on 10 February 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2021.
  6. ^ «Year Dating Conventions». National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Retrieved 27 April 2021.
  7. ^ «www.vedavidyalaya.com». Archived from the original on 17 December 2013. Retrieved 4 September 2013.
  8. ^ «www.aztec-history.com». Retrieved 4 September 2013.


  • The Battle of the Centuries[permanent dead link], Ruth Freitag, U.S. Government Printing Office. Available from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250- 7954. Cite stock no. 030-001-00153-9. Retrieved 3 March 2019.

centuries — перевод на русский

Early eighteenth century.

— Начало восемнадцатого века.

Happy new century!

Счастливого нового века!

Ignorance and prejudice reminiscent of 17th century witch-hunting.

В торжество невежества и предрассудков подобно охоте на ведьм 17-го века!

A potent figure of our century America’s Kubla Khan:

Один из столпов нашего века, американский Кубла Хан —

I’m afraid you’ve stumbled on the sorrow of Sidwich, the secret of the century.

Боюсь, ты обнаружил пятно Сидвичей. Это тайна века.

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Built by the Portuguese, centuries ago.

Построена португальцами столетия назад.

After centuries of investigation, it comes to this.

За столетия исследований пришли к этому.

For almost two centuries the Pyncheons have lived in fear of my ancestor’s curse.

Видите ли, вот уже два столетия Пинчены живут в страхе перед проклятьем моего предка.

The walls have withstood the atlantic gales for two centuries.

Стены противостояли атлантическим штормам два столетия. — Спасибо.

The sensation of the century.

Сенсация столетия

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Nijinsky could do 10, but that only happens once in a century.

Юджинский делал десять. Но такое бывает только раз в сто лет.

— It was spoilt centuries ago.

— Её уж сто лет как испортили.

After a whole century, what will a Romulan ship look like, Mr. Stiles?

Спустя сто лет, м-р Стайлс, на что похож ромуланский корабль?

If it were, considering the Platonians’ hostile propensities, two or three of them would have combined forces centuries ago and deposed Parmen.

Если рассматривать враждебные действия платонианцев, двое или трое объединили бы силы сто лет назад и свергли бы Пармена.

Until, after another Brahma century, he stirs recomposes himself and begins again to dream the great cosmic lotus dream.

Пока, еще через сто лет Брахмы, бог не пошевелится, не воссоздаст свою сущность и не вернется к великим космическим грезам.

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Captain the last such vessel was built centuries ago, back in the 1990s.

Капитан… Последнее такое судно построили сотни лет тому назад, в 1990-е годы.

But centuries of history and civilization have not changed the fact that humans are wolves.

Но сотни лет истории цивилизации не отменяют того факта, что человек человеку — волк.

But surely, Doctor, Cybermen died out centuries ago.

Но Доктор, кибермены вымерли сотни лет назад.

Cowering from the memory of something that happened centuries ago.

! Только лишь из страха перед событиями, которые произошли сотни лет назад.

The Daleks left you for dead centuries ago.

Далеки оставили тебя умирать сотни лет назад.

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The Zeon colony has existed for nearly half a century.

Зеонская колония существует уже полвека. Посмотрите на его рот.

You are tormenting yourselves with those test-tubes for half a century already, without even knowing what you have deprived yourselves from.

¬ы уже полвека мучаетесь с своими пробирками, даже не зна€ чего вы себ€ лишили.

Five minutes’ walk from here and half a century ago.

В пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда. И полвека тому назад.

I was married to the same woman for half a century.

Я полвека был женат на одной и той же женщине.

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And the surrounding hedge of thorns, which for a century no one had been able to penetrate.

И про колючую изгородь, через которую никто за 100 лет не смог проникнуть внутрь

The men of Elas have tried desperately for centuries to dispel its power.

Мужчины Эласа много лет пытались его найти.

You’ve been dead for centuries.

Вы уже много лет мертвы.

Perhaps in another century or two when our solar system is all explored we will also have put our own planet in order. Then we will set sail for the stars and the beckoning worlds around them.

Возможно, через сотню-другую лет, когда мы изучим всю Солнечную систему и приведем нашу планету в порядок, тогда мы отправимся к звездам и манящим планетам возле них.

My foot’s been asleep for six centuries.

Я спал шесть тысяч лет.

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It has taken you centuries to even grasp what we developed eons of your years ago.

Понадобилось много веков, даже тысячелетий, пока вы дошли до такого примитивного уровня, чтобы с вами можно было общаться.

«Nova» from the Latin word for new and «Crab» because that’s what an astronomer centuries later was reminded of when looking at this explosion or remnant through the telescope.

Крабовидной, потому что она напомнила краба астроному, который много веков спустя наблюдал останки этой звезды через телескоп.

Through centuries our ancestors had protected them up to this day.

Предки наши много веков берегли их и донесли до наших дней.

This technology is simply a route to powers that conjurers and alchemists used centuries ago.

Ваша технология — это то,.. …что алхимики и колдуны использовали много веков назад.

That means that human were here, …centuries, maybe eons ago.

Это значит, что люди были здесь много веков, а может и тысячелетий назад.

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It must have been here for centuries.

Она, должно быть, пролежала там несколько веков.

For centuries before the Earth colony arrived.

Несколько веков до прибытия колонистов с Земли.

Centuries ago, when we resettled the Swampies from Delta Magna, we shipped along a couple of specimens just to keep them happy.

Несколько веков назад, когда мы переселяли Болотников с Дельты Магна, мы привезли сюда несколько экземпляров им на радость.

This model was withdrawn centuries ago.

Эта модель была снята с производства несколько веков назад.

Centuries ago, you’d have been burned as a witch for teaching…

Мария, несколько веков назад вас сожгли бы на костре за ваши уроки.

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No need, the graves have been empty for two centuries.

Это без надобности, могилы пусты уже сотни лет.

Seems a thousand centuries ago.

Кажется, это было так давно, сотни, тысячи лет назад.

It may take decades, even centuries, for them to reach it, but they will reach it. And I must help.

Может пройти десятки, или даже сотни лет, пока цель не будет достигнута, но они достигнут ее и я должен помочь в этом.

What he didn’t realize was that most European nations had already fallen prey to the central bankers decades or centuries earlier.

Ћиндберг оказалс€ прав по всем пунктам. ќн только не понимал, что большинство европейских наций уже пали жертвой своих центральных банкиров дес€тки или даже сотни лет назад.

She needs the Taelon energy. Energy that allows them to live for centuries.

Ей необходима энергия тейлонов, энергия, которая позволяет тейлонам жить сотни лет!

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Через месяц будет уже 25 лет, как я здесь работаю, — четверть века.

Where do you think I’ve been this last breathless quarter of a century?

А где, по-твоему, я находилась последние четверть века?

That’s a quarter of a century.

Четверть века.

In his early 20s, Jim. That’s over a quarter of a century ago.

Когда ему было слегка за 20, Джим, четверть века назад.

— A quarter of a century, possibly more.

Четверть века, возможно больше.

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: a period of 100 years

a company that has been in business for more than a century


: one of the 100-year divisions of the Christian era or of the preceding period of human history

the third century A.D./B.C


: a group, sequence, or series of 100 like things



: a subdivision of the Roman legion


: a voting unit of ancient Rome constituted according to property qualifications


: a race over a hundred units (such as yards, miles, or meters)

Example Sentences

It took more than a century to complete the cathedral.

The pottery dates back to the sixth century B.C.E.

When the prince got married, it was called the wedding of the century.

Recent Examples on the Web

When South Korea was colonized by the Japanese in the early 20th century, the church aligned with Koreans to protest.

John Blake, CNN, 8 Apr. 2023

The piece explores Rane’s upbringing in Abbeville, where his family settled in the 19th century, and asks him to give a tour of the state.

Ben Flanagan | Bflanagan@al.com, al, 8 Apr. 2023

Many people from Ballina and the surrounding County Mayo moved to Pennsylvania in the 19th century.

Jill Lawless, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

From the start of pro baseball in the late 19th century through 1993, there was only one season when the average team hit more than 1 home run per game.

David K. Li, NBC News, 7 Apr. 2023

Fast-forward nine years, when the F.P. Journe x Francis Ford Coppola debuted at the 2021 Only Watch auction, featuring an automaton hand based on the prosthetic hand invented in the 16th century by Ambroise Paré, the father of modern surgery.

Laurie Brookins, The Hollywood Reporter, 7 Apr. 2023

The origin of the arsenic remains unanswered, but in the 19th century the poison was used widely; it could be found in wallpaper, beauty products and even medicine.

Samantha Baskind, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023

Some museums, including several in Germany, have begun to return the bronzes to Nigeria, where they were looted by British soldiers in the late 19th century.

Byscience News Staff, science.org, 6 Apr. 2023

Gullah Geechee people on Saint Helena still own their land because their ancestors put up cash to obtain deeds in the 19th century.

Sara Novak, Scientific American, 6 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘century.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Latin centuria, irregular from centum hundred

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of century was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near century

Cite this Entry

“Century.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/century. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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I have no desire to write historical anything or futuristic anything — I want to find a way to get at the essence of what it’s like to be alive now. The reason why great novels from centuries ago are still great is because that’s what they were doing; it’s like a message from another culture.

Jonathan Dee





Centuries is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



A century is one hundred years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages.

Synonyms and antonyms of centuries in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «centuries» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of centuries to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of centuries from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «centuries» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

শতাব্দীর পর শতাব্দী

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Berabad-abad lamanya

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

thế kỷ

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of centuries


The term «centuries» is very widely used and occupies the 12.795 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «centuries» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of centuries

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «centuries».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «centuries» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «centuries» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about centuries


Famous quotes and sentences with the word centuries.

When a tradition gathers enough strength to go on for centuries, you don’t just turn it off one day.

Everyone is aware that most of the built environment today lacks a natural order, an order which presents itself very strongly in places that were built centuries ago.

We have shown that Islam can rule the world perfectly for 14 centuries, and during this time of Muslim power we did not borrow ideas like democracy from others, so why do we need to learn democracy from them now?

If the lives of men can be measured in terms of years, ideologies in decades, and nations in centuries, then the unit measuring civilizations, born of the interaction among peoples, would be the millennium.

Whatever else may divide us, Europe is our common home; a common fate has linked us through the centuries, and it continues to link us today.

It is indeed an odd business that it has taken this Court nearly two centuries to ‘discover’ a constitutional mandate to have counsel at a preliminary hearing.

One aspect of this is the way we have come during recent centuries to appreciate that the world and indeed the very universe in which we live have evolved over immense periods of time.

Africa and its people are the most written about and the least understood of all of the world’s people. This condition started in the 15th and the 16th centuries with the beginning of the slave trade system. The Europeans not only colonialized most of the world, they began to colonialize information about the world and its people.

For many centuries, suicides were treated like criminals by the society. That is part of the terrible legacy that has come down into society’s method of handling suicide recovery. Now we have to fight off the demons that have been hanging around suicide for centuries.

I have no desire to write historical anything or futuristic anything — I want to find a way to get at the essence of what it’s like to be alive now. The reason why great novels from centuries ago are still great is because that’s what they were doing; it’s like a message from another culture.


Discover the use of centuries in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to centuries and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly

«A classic.»—Nouriel Roubini «This is quite simply the best empirical investigation of financial crises ever published.

Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff, 2011


The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261-1453

Its emperors in exile recovered Constantinople in 1261 and this book narrates their empire’s struggles for survival from that date until its final conquest by Ottoman Turks in 1453.


Electricity in the 17th and 18th Centuries: A Study of Early …

After examining the principles and individuals underlying the early advancement of physics, Heilbron discusses the scientific development of electricity as its roots in the theories and discoveries of pioneer physicists


French Gothic Architecture of the 12th and 13th Centuries

Traces the development of the Gothic style of architecture in France and examines the designs of French cathedrals and churches


Early Anthropology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Early Anthropology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries examines the history of some of the ideas adopted to help understand the origin of culture, the diversity of traits, the significance of similarities, the sequence of high …


Across Centuries: Nostradamus, Apocalypse, Destiny and the …

This is the edition you have been waiting for!


Three Centuries of Harvard, 1636-1936

Precise and luminous strokes tell the story of Commencement and Class Day, with punches and without; of institute and Hasty Pudding; of Porcellian and A. D. and Pi Eta and D. U.; of Navy Club and Med.

Samuel Eliot Morison, 1986


Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in …

Many Thousands Gone traces the evolution of black society from the first arrivals in the early seventeenth century through the Revolution.


Christianity Through the Centuries: A History of the …

The third edition of this classic textbook on church history is updated to the late twentieth century. 200,000 copies are in print through the first three printings.


Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Letters, Speeches, …

Between the covers of Slave Testimony readers will find the largest collection of annotated and authenticated accounts of slaves ever published in one volume.

John W. Blassingame, 1977


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term centuries is used in the context of the following news items.

Centuries all down the middle, and the first Test cricketer to be born

I was sorry that injury deprived Ryan Harris of one more joust with the Poms. He always seemed to get a lot of wickets when he played — did … «ESPNcricinfo.com, Jul 15»

Masood, Younus centuries put Pakistan on top

(Reuters) – Pakistan’s Shan Masood struck his maiden test century and Younus Khan his 30th to fuel their spirited chase for a daunting 377-run … «Stabroek News, Jul 15»

Centuries-Old Mummy Recovered from the Siberian Permafrost

If the centuries-old coffin really does hide the body of a child or a teenager, chances are these human remains were not preserved on purpose … «Softpedia News, Jul 15»

Fatal alligator attack in Orange is first in two centuries for Texas

Signs warning patrons not to swim in Adams Bayou are seen at Burkart’s Marina on Friday. Tommie Woodward, 28, was attacked and killed by … «Houston Chronicle, Jul 15»

Shan Masood, Younus Khan centuries put Pakistan on top

Shan Masood, Younus Khan centuries put Pakistan on top … 101 and becoming the first test batsman to score five fourth innings centuries. «Stuff.co.nz, Jul 15»

3D Scanning & Printing Brought in to Solve Centuries-Old Art History …

In February 2015, this team proposed Michelangelo as the true artist of these works, this time working to prove the centuries-old mystery with … «3DPrint.com, Jul 15»

BC-US—Centuries-Old Instrument-Recording,DISREGARD, US

BC-US—Centuries-Old Instrument-Recording,DISREGARD, US. The Associated Press. Posted: 07/05/2015 09:16:35 AM MDT. Updated: 07/05/2015 09:16:35 … «The Denver Post, Jul 15»

26 Centuries later, Athens has come full circle

Athens at the dawn of the 6th Century B.C. was an unremarkable city. The arts, science, and philosophy that would make it great were still … «OpEdNews, Jul 15»

Broadway’s British invasion: history of a centuries-old transatlantic …

British actress Helen Mirren accepts the award for best performance by an actress in a leading role in a play for The Audience. Photograph: … «The Guardian, Jul 15»

Man Killed in First Fatal Texas Alligator Attack in Two Centuries

Man Killed in First Fatal Texas Alligator Attack in Two Centuries. By Paula Mejia 7/4/15 at 8:49 AM. gator. U.S.. An alligator suns itself along the Anhinga Trail at … «Newsweek, Jul 15»


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What do centuries mean?

A century is a period of 100 years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and many other languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, meaning one hundred. … A centenary is a hundredth anniversary, or a celebration of this, typically the remembrance of an event which took place a hundred years earlier.

What is 100th anniversary called?

A platinum jubilee is a celebration held to mark an anniversary. … An anniversary of 100 years is simply called a centenary.

What is a period of ten years called?

A decade is a period of 10 years. The word is derived (via French and Latin) from the Ancient Greek: δεκάς, romanized: dekas, which means a group of ten.

What is a centennial generation?

Centennials, or Generation Z, are kids born in 1997 or after. They are 25% of the population of the United States (about 78 million people). Nearly 48% of them are minorities.

What do you call something that happens every 100 years?

Centennial means something that happens every 100 years, or that lasts 100 years. …

What’s after Diamond Jubilee?

The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II was celebrated across the Commonwealth of Nations throughout 2012. Her next level of jubilee would be a platinum jubilee (in February 2022).

What are the different types of Jubilees?

Other usage

  • Silver jubilee, for a 25th anniversary.
  • Ruby jubilee, for a 40th anniversary.
  • Golden jubilee, for a 50th anniversary.
  • Diamond jubilee, for a 60th anniversary.
  • Sapphire jubilee, for a 65th anniversary.
  • Platinum jubilee, for a 70th anniversary.

Will there be a Jubilee Medal in 2022?

The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal or The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal will be a commemorative medal to mark the seventieth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the thrones of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms in 2022.

Is 2019 a year of jubilee?

Jesus said, “the words that I speak to you they are Spirit and they are life.” So declare God’s goodness over your life because today we have a reason to celebrate and 2019 is the year of jubilee. Happy New Year Readers and thank you for your encouragement and support of this column throughout the years.

What do we mean by century?

A period of 100 years. noun

Each of the successive periods of 100 years before or since the advent of the Christian era. noun

A unit of the Roman army originally consisting of 100 men. noun

One of the 193 electoral divisions of the Roman people. noun

A group of 100 things. noun

An obsolete form of centaury. noun

In botany, a set of dried plants containing a hundred sheets. noun

In a general sense, a hundred; anything consisting of a hundred in number. noun

Specifically In Rom. antiq.: noun

A division of the people (originally so called, probably, with reference to the approximate number of its members, though there was no fixed limit), instituted by Servius Tullius, formed with reference to taxation and to the election of magistrates and enactment of laws. noun

A subdivision of the legion, corresponding to a modern military company of infantry, and consisting nominally of a hundred men. noun

An allotment of land of varying size; especially, the area of land allotted to soldiers in a conquered country. noun

A period of one hundred years, reckoned from any starting-point: as, a century of national independence; a century of oppression. noun

A hundred; ; an aggregate of a hundred things. noun

A period of a hundred years. noun

A division of the Roman people formed according to their property, for the purpose of voting for civil officers. noun

One of sixty companies into which a legion of the army was divided. It was Commanded by a centurion. noun

A period of 100 consecutive years; often specifically a numbered period with conventional start and end dates, e.g., the twentieth century, which stretches from (strictly) 1901 through 2000, or (informally) 1900 through 1999. The first century AD was from 1 to 100.

A unit in ancient Roman army, originally of 100 army soldiers as part of a cohort, later of more varied sizes (but typically containing 60 to 70 or 80) soldiers or other men (guards, police, firemen), commanded by a centurion.

A political division of ancient Rome, meeting in the Centuriate Assembly.

A hundred things of the same kind; a hundred.

A hundred runs scored either by a single player in one innings, or by two players in a partnership.

A score of one hundred points.

A race a hundred units (as meters, kilometres, miles) in length.

A banknote in the denomination of one hundred dollars.

Is one 50 mL shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes( this converts to roughly 10 European beers in an hour and 40 minutes). It is a drinking game popular among Backpackers and Canadians. Urban Dictionary

Doing 100 1oz shots of beer in 100 minutes. To complete the individual must take 1 shot a minute without vomiting. Most people make it to the 60-70 shot range before vomiting. Normaly several people attempt at one time. Urban Dictionary

A person born in the year 98-01 with a childlike experiences of a 90s kid and a 00s kid. Usually open minded and irresponsibly responsible. Younger than a millennium Urban Dictionary

Best band EVER.
If you don’t check them out, you are lame for the rest of your life.
They are from Tempe, Arizona
and are theeee most cutest, talented, nicest people ever! CHECK THEM OUT BRO.
CAUTION: Lead singer may make the stage collapse. :) Urban Dictionary

When you do 100 shots of beer over a hundred minutes (one beer shot a minute) Urban Dictionary

Century is 100 years — 90 years which really equals 10 Urban Dictionary

The best band ever. Urban Dictionary

An extremely famous song by the four-man band from Illinois; Fall Out Boy. Urban Dictionary

A town in northwest Florida largely known for its high African-American population, poltical corruption, crime, and of course, crack and meth issues. Across the river from Jay, across the bridge from Flomaton, AL, and an hour from Pensacola. Urban Dictionary

RM aka Kim Namjoon of BTS is referred to as the Songwriter of the century. He has written over 170 songs in his career, several of which have gained worldwide acclaim. His lyrics have touched the hearts of millions and his songwriting skills are unmatched. No one is on his level. Urban Dictionary

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