What does the word budget

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A budget is a calculation plan, usually but not always financial, for a defined period, often one year or a month. A budget may include anticipated sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities including time, costs and expenses, environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, other impacts, assets, liabilities and cash flows. Companies, governments, families, and other organizations use budgets to express strategic plans of activities in measurable terms.[1]

A budget expresses intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them with resources. A budget may express a surplus, providing resources for use at a future time, or a deficit in which expenditures exceed income or other resources.

Comme Sisyphe – Honoré Daumier (Brooklyn Museum)


The budget of a government is a summary or plan of the anticipated resources (often but not always from taxes) and expenditures of that government. There are three types of government budget: the operating or current budget, the capital or investment budget, and the cash or cash flow budget.[2]

By country[edit]

United States[edit]

The federal budget is prepared by the Office of Management and Budget, and submitted to Congress for consideration. Invariably, Congress makes many and substantial changes. Nearly all American states are required to have balanced budgets, but the federal government is allowed to run deficits.[3]


The budget is prepared by the Budget Division Department of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Finance annually. The Finance Minister is the head of the budget making committee. The present Indian Finance minister is Nirmala Sitharaman. The Budget includes supplementary excess grants and when a proclamation by the President as to failure of Constitutional machinery is in operation in relation to a State or a Union Territory, preparation of the Budget of such State.[citation needed]

The first budget of India was submitted on 18 February 1860 by James Wilson.
P C Mahalanobis is known as the father of Indian budget.


The Philippine budget is considered the most complicated in the world, incorporating multiple approaches in one single budget system: line-item (budget execution), performance (budget accountability), and zero-based budgeting. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) prepares the National Expenditure Program and forwards it to the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives to come up with a General Appropriations Bill (GAB). The GAB will go through budget deliberations and voting; the same process occurs when the GAB is transmitted to the Philippine Senate.

After both houses of Congress approves the GAB, the President signs the bill into a General Appropriations Act (GAA); also, the President may opt to veto the GAB and have it returned to the legislative branch or leave the bill unsigned for 30 days and lapse into law. There are two types of budget bill veto: the line-item veto and the veto of the whole budget.[4]


A personal budget or home budget is a finance plan that allocates future personal income towards expenses, savings and debt repayment. Past spending and personal debt are considered when creating a personal budget. There are several methods and tools available for creating, using, and adjusting a personal budget. For example, jobs are an income source, while bills and rent payments are expenses. A third category (other than income and expenses) may be assets (such as property, investments, or other savings or value) representing a potential reserve for funds in case of budget shortfalls.

Corporate budget[edit]

The budget of a division, business, or corporation
is a financial forecast for the near-term future, aggregating the expected revenues and expenses of the various departments – operations, human resources, IT, etc. – and is thus a key element in integrated business planning, with measurable targets correspondingly devolved to departmental managers (and becoming KPIs[1]);
budgets can then also refer to non-cash resources, such as staff or time.[1]

The budgeting process typically requires considerable effort,
often involving dozens of staff; final sign off resides with both the financial director and operations director.
The budget is typically compiled on an annual basis, although this may be quarterly; the monitoring here is on an ongoing basis
(see Business process re-engineering § Ongoing continuous improvement).

Re the latter: if the actual figures delivered come close to those budgeted, this suggests that managers understand their business and have been successful in «delivering».
On the other hand, if the figures diverge, this sends an «out of control» signal;
additionally, the share price could suffer where these figures have been communicated to analysts.

Professionals employed in this role are often designated «Budget Analyst«,[7]
a specialized financial analyst role.
This usually sits within the company’s financial management area in general, sometimes, specifically, in «FP&A» (Financial planning and analysis).


  • Sale budget – an estimate of future sales, often broken down into both units. It is used to create company and sales goals.
  • Production budget – an estimate of the number of units that must be manufactured to meet the sales goals. The production budget also estimates the various costs involved with manufacturing those units, including labor and material. Created by product oriented companies.
  • Capital budget – used to determine whether an organization’s long-term investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new plants, new products, and research development projects are worth pursuing.
  • Cash flow/cash budget – a prediction of future cash receipts and expenditures for a particular time period. It usually covers a period in the short-term future. The cash flow budget helps the business to determine when income will be sufficient to cover expenses and when the company will need to seek outside financing.
  • Conditional budgeting is a budgeting approach designed for companies with fluctuating income, high fixed costs, or income depending on sunk costs, as well as NPOs and NGOs.
  • Marketing budget – an estimate of the funds needed for promotion, advertising, and public relations in order to market the product or service.
  • Project budget – a prediction of the costs associated with a particular company project. These costs include labour, materials, and other related expenses. The project budget is often broken down into specific tasks, with task budgets assigned to each. A cost estimate is used to establish a project budget.
  • Revenue budget – consists of revenue receipts of government and the expenditure met from these revenues. Revenues are made up of taxes and other duties that the government levies. Various countries and unions have created four types of tax jurisdictions: interstate, state, local and tax jurisdictions with a special status (Free-trade zones). Each of them provides a money flow to the corresponding revenue budget levels.[8]
  • Expenditure budget – includes spending data items.
  • Flexibility budget – it is established for fixed cost and variable rate is determined per activity measure for variable cost.
  • Appropriation budget – a maximum amount is established for certain expenditure based on management judgment.
  • Performance budget – it is mostly used by organization and ministries involved in the development activities. This process of budget takes into account the end results.
  • Zero based budget – A budget type where every item added to the budget needs approval and no items are carried forward from the prior years budget. This type of budget has a clear advantage when the limited resources are to be allocated carefully and objectively. Zero based budgeting takes more time to create as all pieces of the budget need to be reviewed by management.
  • Personal budget – A budget type focusing on expenses for self or for home, usually involves an income to budget.


  1. ^ a b c d «CIMA Official Terminology» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-08-10.
  2. ^ Cliche, P. (2012). “Budget,” in L. Côté and J.-F. Savard (eds.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration, [online], http://www.dictionnaire.enap.ca/Dictionnaire/en/home.aspx Archived 2012-11-05 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ «Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment Poses Serious Risks». Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Retrieved 2022-07-13.
  4. ^ «§015l. (CB) Line Item Veto». Budget Counsel. 2016-11-15. Retrieved 2022-07-13.
  5. ^ a b Jonas Elmerraji (2021). How Budgeting Works for Companies, investopedia.com
  6. ^ Edriaan Koening (N.D.) What is Corporate Budgeting?, chron.com
  7. ^ Budget Analysts Archived 2020-11-09 at the Wayback Machine, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  8. ^ Мarynchak, Yevhеn (2019). THE FINANCIAL NEXUS BETWEEN AN INDIVIDUAL AND A STATE. PUBLIC FINANCE: LEGAL ASPECTS: Collective monograph. Riga: Baltija Publishing. p. 130. ISBN 9789934571824. Archived from the original on 2022-01-03. Retrieved 2022-01-09.

External links[edit]

  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > budget

  • 2

    budget [ˊbʌdʒɪt]

    1) бюдже́т; фина́нсовая сме́та

    2) запа́с;



    су́мка и её содержи́мое

    1) предусма́тривать в бюдже́те, ассигнова́ть (for)

    2) составля́ть бюдже́т

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > budget

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > budget

  • 4

    Budget Control Section

    Секция контроля за выполнением бюджета


    English-Russian aviation dictionary > budget

  • 5







    бюджет, смета, финансовый план


    municipal budget — муниципальный бюджет, бюджет муниципального образования

    national [state] budget — государственный бюджет


    a budget data — бюджетные данные, бюджетная информация

    an item in [on] a budget — статья в бюджете

    the budget debate; the debate on the budget — обсуждение бюджета

    The budget debate [the debate on the budget] lasted for two days. — Обсуждение бюджета продолжались два дня.

    to submit [present] a budget — предоставить бюджет на рассмотрение

    to pass [approve] the budget — принять [одобрить, утвердить] бюджет

    The council could refuse to set a legal budget which would result in its being unable to borrow money and pay its employees. — Совет может отказаться от составления официального бюджета, в результате чего не сможет брать кредиты и оплачивать труд своих служащих.


    consumer budget 1), actual budget, administrative budget, adopted budget, advertising and promotion budget, advertising budget, alternative budget, annual budget, appropriated budget, bottom-up budget, balanced budget, bottom-up budgeting, baseline budget, capital budget, cash budget, civilian budget, Common Budget, complete budget, congressional budget, continuous budget, consolidated budget, consolidated cash budget, construction budget 1), cost of goods manufactured budget, cost of goods sold budget, current budget, defense budget, deficit budget, departmental budget, direct labour budget, direct materials budget, draft budget, executive budget, family budget, federal budget 1), financial budget, fixed assets budget, fixed budget, flexed budget, flexible budget, forecast budget, full-employment budget, functional budget, high-employment budget, household budget, incremental budget, labour budget, lame-duck budget, life-cycle budget, line-item budget, local budget, long-range budget, manufacturing overhead budget, marketing budget, master budget, materials budget, merchandise budget, military budget, national income accounts budget, non-appropriated budget, operating budget, original budget, overhead budget, partial budget, participative budget, performance budget, planned budget, president’s budget, production budget, profit budget, pro forma budget, programme budget, promotion budget 1) а), project budget 1) а), proposed budget, publicity budget, purchasing budget, regulatory budget, revised budget, sales cost budget, selling and administrative expense budget, short-range budget, state budget, stock budget, supporting budget, surplus budget, tax expenditure budget, top-down budget, training budget 1) а), travel budget 1) а), Treasury Budget, unbalanced budget, unified budget, zero-based budget, budget analyst, budget balance, budget deficit, budget director, budget surplus, budget accountant, budget allocation, budget analysis, budget analyst, budget assumption, budget authority, budget balance, budget bill, Budget Bureau, budget category, budget classification, budget day, budget deficit, budget director, budget engineer, budget estimates, budget examiner, budget expenditures, budget line, budget message, budget officer, budget planning, budget price, budget process, budget programming, budget proposal, budget receipts, budget report, budget resolution, budget revenues, budget statement, budget variance, budget year, balance the budget, Congressional Budget Office, Financial Statement and Budget Report, off-budget, Office of Management and Budget, on-budget, budgeting, backdoor financing, highlights



    tight budget — напряженный [ограниченный, стесненный] бюджет

    to exceed [stretch] a budget — выходить за пределы бюджета

    to cut [reduce] a budget — урезать [сократить] бюджет


    advertising budget, construction budget 2), consumer budget 2), administrative budget, budget level, advertising and promotion budget, federal budget 1), training budget 1) б), travel budget 1) б), total budget, publicity budget, promotion budget 1) б), project budget 1) б) budget constraint




    бюджет, бюджетный фонд


    To get reimbursed from our budget for purchases, you must fill out a voucher form. — Чтобы получить возмещение стоимости покупки из нашего закупочного фонда, вы должны заполнить подтверждающий документ.




    запас, большое количество.

    If you don’t dedicate an adequate budget of time and money to marketing, it’s unlikely you’ll attract enough customers to sustain and grow your venture. — Маловероятно, что вам удастся привлечь достаточное количество клиентов, чтобы поддерживать и развивать свое предприятие, если вы не выделите на маркетинг достаточное количество времени и денег.





    намечать, планировать, составлять бюджет [смету], бюджетировать; предусматривать [выделять] в бюджете, ассигновать по бюджету

    The council is budgeting for a 25% increase in expenditure on roads. — Совет планирует двадцатипятипроцентное увеличение расходов на дороги.

    The university had to budget for an increase in the number of students. — Университету пришлось предусмотреть в бюджете средства на увеличение числа студентов.






    дешевый, недорогой; экономичный





    малобюджетный, имеющий ограниченный бюджет, с ограниченными средствами


    * * *

    1) детальный план (предполагаемые размеры) расходов и доходов правительства на новый финансовый год;
    2) прогноз финансового положения предприятия (компании) в течение определенного периода; расчет материальных затрат и потребностей; обычно расчет идет от бюджета производства и материальных затрат к наличному бюджету и далее — к расчетному балансу компании и счету прибылей;
    3) смета расходов и доходов по проекту, мероприятию;

    balanced budget;

    4) экономичный, на основе продуманного бюджета, дешевый (напр., бюджетный отдых (budget holiday)).

    * * *

    /vt/ ассигновать

    * * *

    бюджет; смета; финансовая смета; планируемые расходы; план по расходам; план по расходам и доходам

    * * *



    роспись денежных доходов и расходов государства, предприятия на определенный период, утвержденный в законодательном порядке см. bdgt


    количественное выражение плана, помощь для его координации и воплощения

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > budget

  • 6

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > budget

  • 7

    1) (государственный) бюджет, финансовая смета || предусматривать в бюджете, ассигновать

    2) план координации (ресурсов)

    3) запас, уровень

    4) смета (напр. расходов предприятия на программу) || составлять смету, бюджетировать

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > budget

  • 8


    activities budget смета затрат по видам работ ad budget смета расходов на рекламу advertising budget смета на рекламу amended budget бюджет с внесенными поправками annual budget годовой бюджет balanced budget сбалансированный бюджет basic budget исходный бюджет budget ассигновать budget ассигновывать budget бюджет; финансовая смета budget бюджет budget запас; a budget of news куча новостей budget запас budget планировать budget предусматривать в бюджете, ассигновать (for) budget предусматривать в бюджете budget составлять бюджет budget уст. сумка и ее содержимое budget уровень budget финансовая смета budget of authorizations бюджетные ассигнования budget запас; a budget of news куча новостей budget of profit and loss смета доходов и расходов budget on accruals basis бюджет на основе накоплений capital budget периодический отчет о состоянии основного капитала capital budget смета вложений в основной капитал capital budget смета капиталовложений cash budget кассовый бюджет central government budget государственный бюджет circumscribed budget ограниченная смета circumscribed budget ограниченный бюджет Community budget бюджет Европейского экономического сообщества current and investment budget текущие статьи доходов и расходов и смета капиталовложений current budget текущие статьи доходов и расходов бюджета defence budget ассигнования на оборону defence budget военный бюджет draft budget проект бюджета draft budget проект сметы exceed the budget выходить из бюджета federal budget федеральный бюджет (США) framework budget общий бюджет household budget семейный бюджет introduce the budget вносить бюджет на рассмотрение investment budget смета капиталовложений lending budget ссудный бюджет liquidity budget бюджет ликвидности local authority budget муниципальный бюджет long-term budget долгосрочный бюджет municipal budget городской бюджет national budget государственный бюджет operating budget оперативная смета operating budget смета текущих затрат pared budget урезанная смета pared budget урезанный бюджет pass a budget утверждать бюджет planned budget предварительная сводная смета present the budget представлять смету profit budget плановая прибыль promotional budget ассигнования на рекламно-пропагандистскую деятельность rent budget смета расходов на аренду sales budget торговая смета sales promotion budget смета расходов на мероприятия по стимулированию сбыта storage budgets вчт. ресурсы памяти submit the budget представлять смету supplementary budget дополнительная финансовая смета timing budgets вчт. ресурсы времени unbalanced budget несбалансированный бюджет variable budget гибкая производственная программа-смета variable budget смета с учетом изменения издержек, связанных с колебаниями объема производства

    English-Russian short dictionary > budget

  • 9

    Politics english-russian dictionary > budget

  • 10



    1) бюджет; детальный план доходов и расходов правительства

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > budget

  • 11

    1) (государственный) бюджет; финансовая смета

    3) запас, уровень

    предусматривать в бюджете, ассигновать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > budget

  • 12

    1. сущ.
    1) бюджет;
    финансовая смета to draw up a budget ≈ составлять финансовую смету to submit a budget ≈ предложить на рассмотрение финансовую смету to balance a budget ≈ сбалансировать смету to adhere to budget;
    to keep, remain within a budget ≈ придерживаться составленной сметы;
    не превышать расходов, зафиксированных в смете to exceed, stretch a budget ≈ выходить за пределы сметы to cut, reduce a budget ≈ сократить смету, урезать смету annual budget ≈ ежегодный бюджет federal budget ≈ федеральный бюджет household budget ≈ семейный бюджет itemized budget ≈ уточненная смета municipal budget ≈ городской бюджет national budget, state budget ≈ государственный бюджет an item in/on a budget ≈ статья расходов в бюджете zero-based budget ≈ бюджет «с чистого листа» (финансовая процедура, используемая при подготовке бюджета программы какого-либо учреждения;
    основная цель состоит в максимальном сокращении расходов)
    2) запас budget of news ≈ куча новостей
    3) уст. сумка и ее содержимое
    2. гл.
    1) предусматривать в бюджете, ассигновать( for)
    2) составлять бюджет ∙ budget for
    финансовая смета (устаревшее) сумка;
    содержимое сумки или бумажника;
    пачка запас — a * of news куча новостей (устаревшее) кожаная бутылка предусматривать в бюджете;
    ассигновывать по бюджету намечать, планировать — * your time рассчитайте свое время
    activities ~ смета затрат по видам работ
    ad ~ смета расходов на рекламу
    advertising ~ смета на рекламу
    amended ~ бюджет с внесенными поправками
    annual ~ годовой бюджет
    balanced ~ сбалансированный бюджет
    basic ~ исходный бюджет
    budget ассигновать ~ ассигновывать ~ бюджет;
    финансовая смета ~ бюджет ~ запас;
    a budget of news куча новостей ~ запас ~ планировать ~ предусматривать в бюджете, ассигновать (for) ~ предусматривать в бюджете ~ составлять бюджет ~ уст. сумка и ее содержимое ~ уровень ~ финансовая смета
    ~ of authorizations бюджетные ассигнования
    ~ запас;
    a budget of news куча новостей
    ~ of profit and loss смета доходов и расходов
    ~ on accruals basis бюджет на основе накоплений
    capital ~ периодический отчет о состоянии основного капитала capital ~ смета вложений в основной капитал capital ~ смета капиталовложений
    cash ~ кассовый бюджет
    central government ~ государственный бюджет
    circumscribed ~ ограниченная смета circumscribed ~ ограниченный бюджет
    Community ~ бюджет Европейского экономического сообщества
    current and investment ~ текущие статьи доходов и расходов и смета капиталовложений
    current ~ текущие статьи доходов и расходов бюджета
    defence ~ ассигнования на оборону defence ~ военный бюджет
    draft ~ проект бюджета draft ~ проект сметы
    exceed the ~ выходить из бюджета
    federal ~ федеральный бюджет (США)
    framework ~ общий бюджет
    household ~ семейный бюджет
    introduce the ~ вносить бюджет на рассмотрение
    investment ~ смета капиталовложений
    lending ~ ссудный бюджет
    liquidity ~ бюджет ликвидности
    local authority ~ муниципальный бюджет
    long-term ~ долгосрочный бюджет
    municipal ~ городской бюджет
    national ~ государственный бюджет
    operating ~ оперативная смета operating ~ смета текущих затрат
    pared ~ урезанная смета pared ~ урезанный бюджет
    pass a ~ утверждать бюджет
    planned ~ предварительная сводная смета
    present the ~ представлять смету
    profit ~ плановая прибыль
    promotional ~ ассигнования на рекламно-пропагандистскую деятельность
    rent ~ смета расходов на аренду
    sales ~ торговая смета
    sales promotion ~ смета расходов на мероприятия по стимулированию сбыта
    storage ~s вчт. ресурсы памяти
    submit the ~ представлять смету
    supplementary ~ дополнительная финансовая смета
    timing ~s вчт. ресурсы времени
    unbalanced ~ несбалансированный бюджет
    variable ~ гибкая производственная программа-смета variable ~ смета с учетом изменения издержек, связанных с колебаниями объема производства

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > budget

  • 13



    1) бюджет; финансовая смета

    national / state budget — государственный бюджет

    an item in / on a budget — статья расходов в бюджете

    to adhere to / keep to/ remain within a budget — придерживаться составленной сметы; не превышать расходов, зафиксированных в смете

    to exceed / stretch a budget — выходить за пределы сметы

    to cut / reduce a budget — сократить смету, урезать смету



    сумка и её содержимое



    1) предусматривать в бюджете, ассигновать

    The university had to budget for an increase in the number of students. — Университету пришлось выделить деньги на увеличение числа студентов.

    We shall have to budget an additional amount for the new baby’s needs. — Нам придется откладывать дополнительные деньги на ребёнка.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > budget

  • 14

    1. n бюджет

    2. n финансовая смета

    3. n уст. сумка; бумажник

    4. n содержимое сумки или бумажника

    5. n пачка

    6. n запас

    7. n уст. кожаная бутылка

    8. v предусматривать в бюджете; ассигновать по бюджету

    9. v намечать, планировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. low cost (adj.) bargain; cheap; competitive; economical; inexpensive; low cost; low-priced

    4. body (noun) aggregate; amount; body; bulk; quantity; quantum; total

    7. compute (verb) allocate expenditures; allow for; calculate; compute; estimate; estimate expenditures; figure in; forecast; predict

    English-Russian base dictionary > budget

  • 15

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > budget

  • 16

    1) бюджет, (финансовая) смета расходов

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > budget

  • 17

    1. смета расходов; бюджет; баланс

    2. проф. сумка или карман для гвоздей

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > budget

  • 18

    Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь > budget

  • 19

    1. бюджет, финансовая смета;

    2. доходы и расходы за определенный период времени;

    3. ожидаемые доходы и расходы учреждения, государства;

    time budget of employees — баланс времени работников;

    budget, family — семейный бюджет;

    budget, state — государственный бюджет;

    budget, time — бюджет времени, распределение времени по видам его использования;

    budget studies — бюджетные обследования.

    * * *


    1) бюджет, финансовая смета;

    2) доходы и расходы за определенный период времени;

    3) ожидаемые доходы и расходы учреждения, государства;

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > budget

  • 20

    бюджет ; финансовая смета ; предусматривать в бюджете ; ассигновать ; ? budget balance ; ? budget balancer ; ? budget estimates ; ? budget format ; ? budget index ; ? budget inspection ; ? budget performance ; ? budget preparations ; ? budget presentatio

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > budget

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • budget — [ bydʒɛ ] n. m. • 1764; mot angl., d ab. « sac du trésorier », de l a. fr. bougette, dimin. de bouge « sac, valise » 1 ♦ « Acte par lequel sont autorisées les recettes et les dépenses annuelles de l État ou des autres services que les lois… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Budget de l’ue — Budget de l Union européenne Le budget de l Union européenne (UE) a pour but de donner à l Union les moyens de mener ses politiques. Il est issu des contributions des États membres et est établi et exécuté en euro depuis 1999. Les grandes lignes… …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Budget — Sn Finanzplanung erw. fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Über frz. budget entlehnt aus ne. budget, dieses aus afrz. bougette Lederbeutel , einem Diminutivum zu frz. bouge m. Ledersack , aus l. bulga f. (Eigentlich ist das englische Wort entlehnt und… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

    • budget — [buj′it] n. [ME bougette < OFr, dim. of bouge: see BUDGE2] 1. Obs. a bag, pouch, or purse, or its contents 2. a collection of items; stock 3. a plan or schedule adjusting expenses during a certain period to the estimated or fixed income for… …   English World dictionary

    • budget — I noun accountancy, accounts, allocation, allotment, allowance, appropriation, balance sheet, balance statement, distribution, estimated expenditures, planned disbursement, profit and loss account, provision, ration, statement, statement of… …   Law dictionary

    • Budget — Budget: Die Bezeichnung für »‹Staats›haushaltsplan« wurde im 18. Jh. aus engl. budget entlehnt, später in der Aussprache an frz. budget angelehnt, das selbst aus dem Engl. stammt. Engl. budget bedeutete ursprünglich wie das vorausliegende afrz.… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

    • budget — ► NOUN 1) an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. 2) the amount of money needed or available for a purpose. 3) (Budget) a regular estimate of national revenue and expenditure put forward by a finance minister. ► VERB… …   English terms dictionary

    • Budget — Budg et, n. [OE. bogett, bouget, F. bougette bag, wallet, dim. of OF. boge, bouge, leather bag. See {Budge}, n., and cf. {Bouget}.] 1. A bag or sack with its contents; hence, a stock or store; an accumulation; as, a budget of inventions. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Budget — (Etat) ist die planmäßig, in bestimmter Form aufgestellte Übersicht, in der die Staatsverwaltung oder eine sonstige öffentliche Wirtschaft für einen bestimmten Zeitabschnitt die von ihr in Aussicht genommenen Aufwendungen den zu ihrer Deckung… …   Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens

    • budget — BUDGÉT s.n. v. buget1. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  BUDGÉT s.n. v. buget. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN …   Dicționar Român

    • budget — [n] financial plan account, aggregate, allocation, allowance, bulk, cost, estimated expenses, finances, fiscal estimate, funds, means, planned disbursement, quantity, quantum, resources, spending plan, statement, total; concept 332 budget [v]… …   New thesaurus

    бюджет, запас, финансовая смета, составлять бюджет, ассигновать


    - бюджет
    - финансовая смета
    - уст. сумка; бумажник
    - содержимое сумки или бумажника
    - пачка
    - запас

    a budget of news — куча новостей

    - уст. кожаная бутылка


    - предусматривать в бюджете; ассигновать по бюджету
    - намечать, планировать

    budget your time — рассчитайте своё время

    Мои примеры


    the budget wars in Washington — бюджетные войны в Вашингтоне (войны за бюджетные деньги)  
    last year’s state budget crisis — прошлогодний кризис государственного бюджета  
    annual budget — ежегодный бюджет  
    household budget — семейный бюджет  
    municipal budget — городской бюджет  
    national / state budget — государственный бюджет  
    to draw up a budget — составлять финансовую смету  
    to balance a budget — сбалансировать смету  
    to exceed / stretch a budget — выходить за пределы сметы  
    bring in the budget — предоставлять на рассмотрение проект бюджета  
    budget account — бюджетный счет  
    budget analysis — анализ исполнения финансового плана или сметы  

    Примеры с переводом

    We discussed our household budget

    Мы обсудили наш семейный бюджет.

    We live on a modest budget.

    Мы живём на скромный бюджет.

    They budgeted millions of dollars to make the film.

    Они заложили в бюджет миллионы долларов, для того чтобы снять этот фильм.

    He budgets $50 for entertainment each month.

    Каждый месяц он выделяет $50 на развлечения.

    The expenses are provided for in the budget.

    Эти расходы предусмотрены в бюджете.

    Costs overran the budget by about 30%.

    Расходы превысили бюджет приблизительно на 30 %.

    We’ll have to budget more carefully.

    Нам придётся более тщательно рассчитывать свой бюджет.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    The defence budget was still growing.

    The tax cuts have unbalanced the budget.

    The budget won’t stretch to a new car this year.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    Формы слова

    I/you/we/they: budget
    he/she/it: budgets
    ing ф. (present participle): budgeting
    2-я ф. (past tense): budgeted
    3-я ф. (past participle): budgeted

    ед. ч.(singular): budget
    мн. ч.(plural): budgets

    • Poll shows Lib Dem supporters ready to leave the party after the massive budget cuts announced by the coalition in the emergency budget• G20 communiqué expected to avoid criticism of austerity programmes in Europe ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Akaka���s bill gives the czar a budget for p.r. but no oversight over anyone else���s budget��� [and the] bill doesn���t specify to whom the czar would report ��� which leaves no one responsible when goals aren���t met. ❋ Unknown (2008)

    Each new budget message explained that, because of unforeseen circumstances, the promise of the previous year had not been met, but next year things would be better; next year there would be a balanced budget…. ❋ Unknown (1989)

    5: In April 2009 the Daily Telegraph set up a «Twitterfall» for its coverage of the budget, in which it tried to include any tweets with the tag «#budget«. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    «Instead, it is the process by which a particular type of budget is developed — a Performance Budget (or » program performance budget «). ❋ Unknown (2009)

    But at least they are now using the phrase «budget cuts» in polite company. ❋ Doug Bandow (2011)

    When you hear the term budget travel, we know what you think: cheap hotels, C-list attractions and meal portions that wouldn’t satisfy your average toddler.

    An 18th century pamphlet The Budget Opened likened Sir Robert Walpole to a mountebank opening his ` wallet of quack medicines and conjuring tricks ‘— a less polite explanation of the term budget in its financial sense than the discreeter view that it refers to the ` Chancellor’s leather bag or dispatch box,’ hence to its contents. ❋ Unknown (1981)

    If your budget is about $600 plus tip and want to take other family members, I would suggest giving me a call at 251-975-8111 and we can go do a 4 hour trolling trip for big bull redfish. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Good news … if you are one of the taxpayers of the City of Aurora who wants to see government spend less, this budget is the first major step in that direction. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Anyone who still believes that Clinton actually balanced the budget is an idiot! ❋ Unknown (2009)

    So much of the budget is a slush fund to buy votes and reward campaign contributors, and to indulge the imperial fantasies of our ruling elites. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    The Republicans balancing a budget is about as likely as Jamaica dominating the future of world curling. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Let me explain: a budget is a way to assign values in spending to certain priorities to ensure that more money than is available doesn’t get spent. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The Arizona budget is a vivid reflection of how the fiscal crisis afflicting state governments is cutting deeply into health care. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Why was he never brought to task for simultaneously advocating cutting taxes on the. 5% at the top of the wealth scale and arguing for cutting social security and medicare to balance the budget is a complete mystery … Oh wait, he was popular with the villagers, so no accountability is par for the course … abb1 says: ❋ Unknown (2010)

    You might find, that NASA’a budget is about 20 billion dollars a year … ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Taking 65 million out of their budget is a good start, 380.6 million would be just about right. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Beyond this however, there are of course other important elements and aspects when a budget is available for more extensive projects. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Did you see [that girl] that [Aaron] [hooked up] with, damn she was budget. ❋ Chris (2002)

    Man, after paying my bills with that [paycheck] from [Mack] [Donalds], I only have $3 to party on. ❋ Move Zig (2003)

    did you see his [bike]? hahaha [that thing] was budget like, it only had one [tyre] ❋ Rexx (2005)

    Yo [‘sup]! I’ve had a miserable time managing my money, ‘cuz I been so muthafuckin’ focused on [keepin’] up wid da bling! [Werd]. ❋ Truth2Power (2004)

    Now that I [bought] a new [Porsche], looks like I’m [gonna have to] be on a budget for the next 6 years. ❋ Ricky Roma (2003)

    [Hey girl], [come here] and [let me check] your budget. ❋ Blawck (2007)

    Stoner 1 — When we picking up that [we-]
    Stoner 1 — woah, chill out dude, I was only asking when we were going to get the wendy house from [my brother’s]… ❋ Satirejs (2011)

    This [years] [political] budget! ❋ Samydoot (2005)

    [I can’t even] buy [Ramen noodle] on [my baby daddy] budget. ❋ Artiquephenom (2015)

    example 1
    Hey man [you wanna go] to the [movies]?
    [Naw] that’s budget.
    example 2
    hey, buy me a beer?
    sorry, budget bro. ❋ Dee Dub (2004)

    What is BUDGET? What does BUDGET mean? BUDGET meaning, definition & explanation

    Video: What is BUDGET? What does BUDGET mean? BUDGET meaning, definition & explanation


    • What is Budget:
    • Zero-based budgeting
    • Sales budget
    • Federation expenditure budget

    What is Budget:

    A budget is a forecast, projection or estimate of expenses. As such, it is a action plan whose objective is to meet a predetermined goal. Budgets are part of the administration of the finances of families, professionals, companies, organizations or countries.

    One person can make a budget where you calculate the amount of money that you will use during the following month for personal expenses, such as food, housing, transportation, services, shopping and leisure, in order not to overdo it.

    The Business, for their part, carry out a regular financial budget where they include income, expenses, net flow, initial cash, final cash, minimum cash, all with the objective of evaluating its economic state.

    When we apply for someone’s job, we usually ask, in advance, for a budget of the work where the costs that it will incur, such as materials, time and labor, are detailed, in order to evaluate its costs and advantages in relation to other budgets.

    The State, for its part, must present to its citizens, annually and in the most transparent manner possible, the budget allocated for public spending for the following fiscal year.

    Regardless of the purpose of the budgetWhether it is to cut or control expenses, evaluate the economic status of a company or know how the economic resources of a nation are managed, its importance lies in the fact that it allows us to establish projections, programs and action plans to manage our money the way most efficient possible.

    However, the word budget It is also often used to mean a assumption or pretext: “He did not leave home under the budget that it was going to rain ”.

    Zero-based budgeting

    The zero-based budget, as the name implies, is a budget method used in business environments or in public organizations, where requests for resources are presented, evaluated and justified starting from scratch, that is, without taking into consideration previous periods or budgets. In this sense, it is a procedure aimed at presenting, in a reasoned and transparent way, all the budgetary requirements related to programs or expenses of an organization. Its purpose is to avoid vices, corruption or mismanagement of funds, as well as to reduce unnecessary expenses.

    Sales budget

    What sales or revenue budget is called the projected estimated revenue from sales for a company. Since revenue is the main source of funds for a company, the sales budget represents the expectations of profitability and sustainability of the company. It is essential to determine both the production schedule and the business direction. It is based on studies, analysis and forecasts of the demand in the sector, and it is useful to define a market penetration plan in companies that are starting their activity and that base their financial plan on the sales budget.

    Federation expenditure budget

    In Mexico, like Federation expenditure budget is called the annual budget document of a legal, accounting and economic policy nature submitted at the initiative of the President of the Republic, through the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, to the Chamber of Deputies for approval. It outlines and authorizes the spending program planned for the federation during the fiscal year. Based on this budget, the funds assigned must be distributed to the three branches of the Federation at their federal, state and municipal levels.

    The word budget, which can be a verb, noun or adjective, has several possible meanings. The term may refer to an estimate of the overall costs of a project or a forecast of expenses and revenues over a specific period. It may also relate to how much money I have for a project, product, or my department.

    When the term refers to estimating revenues and expenses over a future period, we compile and re-evaluate it regularly. In this sense, it does not have the same meaning as forecasting.

    Surplus budgets are good news. They mean we predict that sales will exceed expenses. In other words, they mean that we forecast a profit.

    Deficit budgets, on the other hand, mean we expect expenses will exceed income.

    Balanced budgets mean we predict an even balance of revenue and expenses. In other words, we forecast that revenue and expenses will be the same.

    Budget for the next quarter

    A budget may be a plan that we express in money. We prepare and approve it before the financial period. It typically shows income and expenditure. Sometimes it also includes the capital that the company is going to employ.

    Budgets are not only made for companies. Countries, governments, multinational organizations, and even private individuals use budgets. In fact, all entities that make, receive, and spend money have budgets.

    It is a microeconomic concept that shows the trade-off made when we exchange one good for another.

    Budget – money available to spend

    The term can also mean how much money is available to spend on something.

    Imagine you are buying a car. The sales person shows you a car that costs more than you had planned to spend. You might say “Lovely car, but I am afraid it exceeds my budget.”

    You might then ask what cars they have up to a certain price.

    My budget

    In this image, the woman’s budget is how much money she has put aside to buy a car, In other words, how much she can afford.

    To budget – verb

    If I say “Nice, but I had not budgeted for that amount,” it means I cannot afford it. I had planned to spend less than the price of that product.

    If a company needs to economize, it will probably reduce how much it spends on some departments.

    Imagine you own a company and want to reduce the advertising department’s spending by 10%. You might say “We will reduce the amount of money we had budgeted for the advertising department by ten percent.”

    Budget – adjective

    If you go on a ‘budget vacation’ it means a cheap vacation. If a customer at a car rental sales room says: “I’d like to rent a budget car,” it means he or she wants a cheap one.

    In other words, when the word is an adjective, it nearly always means ‘cheap.’

    The Budget – UK

    Every year, the British Government explains how it will spend the nation’s money for the next 12 months. This happens in March.

    The Government also announces how it will collect enough funds to pay for that spending.

    This announcement is called The Budget.

    The Chancellor of the Exchequer calculates how much the Government will spend and collect in taxes. People who work in the Treasury help the Chancellor with the calculations. The equivalent of the British Chancellor in other countries is Minister of Finance.

    The UK Government, like all others across the world, gets its money through taxes. The Chancellor explains what changes there will be in taxes over the next 12 months.

    Flexible budgets

    Companies have fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs remain the same all the time. Variable costs, on the other hand, change from month-to-month. Hence the word ‘variable.’

    Flexible budgets reflect the changing variable costs. When factory activity, for example, rises, the flexible budget or financial plan grows. Conversely, when it declines, the amount in the financial plan shrinks.

    Flexible budgets contrast with static budgets.


    Etymologists (people who study the origin of words) say the English word ‘budget’ appeared in the early fifteenth century. At that time it meant a ‘leather pouch.’ It came from the Middle French word bougette. Bougette is the diminutive of Old French bouge, meaning a ‘pouch, wallet or leather bag.’

    The French word originated from the Latin bulga, meaning a ‘leather bag.’

    It was not until 1733 that budget assumed its modern financial meaning. The Treasury Minister used to keep his fiscal plans in a leather wallet.

    According to BusinessDictionary.com, ‘budget’ is:
    “An estimate of costs, revenues, and resources over a specified period, reflecting a reading of future financial conditions and goals.”

    Video – What is a budget?

    This Vernon Davis video explains what a budget is.

    Today we are going to find out about the English word «budget«.

    Сегодня мы узнаем, что значит английское слово «budget«.

    But first, I asked you a question at the end of the last podcast. I told you about the supermarket check-out for people who are buying only a few things. I asked you whether the sign above this checkout should say «10 items or less» or «10 items or fewer».

    Но сначала вспомним вопрос, который я задал в конце прошлого подкаста. Я рассказывал вам о кассах супермаркета для покупателей, у которых всего несколько товаров. Я спросил, должно ли на указателе над такой кассой быть написано «10 items or less» или «10 items or fewer» (10 предметов или меньше).

    Well, I think it should say «10 items or fewer». We can count items – one item, two items etc – and «fewer» is a word which we use with things we can count, while «less» is a word we use with things we cannot count. But many people – and several supermarkets – say «10 items or less».

    Вообще-то я считаю, что там должно быть сказано «10 items or fewer». Мы можем посчитать предметы – один предмет, два предмета и т.д. – и «fewer» употребляется только с предметами, которые можно посчитать, в то время как «less» предназначено для тех вещей, которые посчитать нельзя. Но многие люди – и некоторые супермаркеты – говорят «10 items or less».

    That is the problem with English – English people don’t speak it properly.

    В этом и проблема с английским языком – сами англичане говорят на нём неправильно.

    But now let’s talk about budgets. What is a budget? Suppose you make a list of everything you need to spend money on in the next month – rent, food, clothes, bus fares etc. Then you work out how much money you will earn. And then you compare these two – your income and your expenditure – to see whether you will have enough money. This is a «budget» – a look into the future to see how much money will come in and how much will go out. It is a financial plan, in other words.

    Но теперь всё же поговорим о бюджете. Что такое бюджет? Допустим, вы составляете список всего, на что вы потратите деньги в следующем месяце – квартплата, еда, одежда, транспорт и т.д. Потом вы считаете, сколько денег вы должны заработать. А потом сравниваете оба списка – ваши доходы и расходы – чтобы понять, достаточно ли у вас денег. Это и есть «бюджет» — прогноз того, сколько денег прибудет и сколько убудет. Другими словами, это финансовый план.

    We use the word «budget» in other ways too. For example, suppose you want to buy a new computer. You work out how much money you have, and how much you will need to spend on other things. Then you calculate that you could afford to pay £450 for a new computer. £450 is your «budget» for the new computer.

    У слова «бюджет» есть и другие значения. Например, представьте, что вам нужно купить новый компьютер. Вы рассчитываете, сколько денег у вас есть, и сколько уйдет на прочие расходы. В результате получается, что вы можете потратить 450 фунтов на новый компьютер. 450 фунтов – это ваш «бюджет» для нового компьютера.

    We can use the word «budget» as a verb. «To budget» means to plan what you will spend money on. You might say, for example «I don’t have a lot of money. I need to budget carefully».

    Мы можем использовать слово «budget» и как глагол. «To budget» означает планировать, на что вы собираетесь потратить деньги. Можно сказать, например: «У меня не много денег. Мне нужно тщательно планировать бюджет».

    Sometimes «budget» just means «cheap«. The problem with the word «cheap» is that it implies poor quality as well as low price. So shops don’t like to advertise their goods as «cheap». They look for other words instead. They talk about «our value tinned tomatoes», «our bargain sofas» or «our budget range of computers».

    Иногда «budget» значит просто «дешёвый«. Проблема со словом «дешёвый (cheap)» состоит в том, что оно подразумевает не только низкую цену, но и плохое качество. Поэтому владельцы магазинов не любят заявлять, что их товары «дешёвые (cheap)». Вместо этого они используют другие слова. Они говорят о «качественных помидорах за низкую цену», «выгодной покупке диванов» или «недорогих (budget) компьютерах».

    You see how much better it sounds to say «budget» instead of «cheap». I should be an advertising executive, not a podcaster.

    Сами видите, насколько «бюджетный, недорогой (budget)» звучит лучше, чем «дешёвый (cheap)». Мне нужно работать рекламщиком, а не ведущим.

    And why are we talking about budgets in this podcast? Well, today is «budget day», one of the great events of British politics.

    И почему мы говорим о бюджетах в нашем подкасте? Всё дело в том, что сегодня «день бюджета (budget day)», одно из самых важных событий в британской политике.

    This afternoon our Finance Minister (or «Chancellor of the Exchequer» as we call him) will leave his home at number 11 Downing Street, next door to where the Prime Minister lives, carrying a red box.

    Сегодня днём наш министр финансов (или «канцлер казначейства», как мы его называем) выйдет из своего дома на Даунинг Стрит, 11, по соседству с домом премьер-министра, неся в руках красный чемоданчик.

    He will travel in his official car to Parliament, which is about 200 meters away. (I don’t know why he cannot walk, like a normal person.)

    Потом он поедет на служебной машине в Парламент, до которого примерно двести метров. (Не знаю, почему он не может дойти пешком, как нормальный человек.)

    When he gets to Parliament, he will open the red box and take out a file of papers. He will then tell Parliament about the government’s budget for the next financial year – how much the government will spend and how much it will take from us in taxes. He will tell us about tax increases and tax cuts, and say how wise and careful the government is, and how the British economy is doing really well.

    Придя в Парламент, он откроет красный чемоданчик и достанет папку с бумагами. После чего он расскажет Парламенту о государственном бюджете на следующий отчётный период – сколько правительству придётся потратить и сколько им нужно будет собрать с нас налогов для этого. Он расскажет нам о повышении и понижении налогов, и о том, какое разумное и бережливое у нас правительство, и о том, насколько в Британии всё хорошо с экономикой.

    And then the opposition parties will say that the government is spending too much, or too little, or that taxes are too high, or too low, and that the British economy is in a terrible mess.

    А потом оппозиция скажет, что правительство тратит слишком много денег, или слишком мало, и что налоги слишком высокие, или слишком низкие, и что в британской экономике полный бардак.

    And by this evening, we will all be able to work out whether the budget has made us better off or worse off. I can hardly wait.

    И к вечеру мы все узнаем, к лучшему или худшему новый бюджет изменил нашу жизнь. Жду не дождусь.

    Peter Carter


    Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

    A, B
    C, D
    E, F
    G, H
    I, J
    K, L
    M, N
    O, P
    Q, R
    S, T
    U, V
    W, X
    Y, Z



    Recorded since 1432 as Middle English bogett, bouget, bowgette (leather pouch), borrowed from Old French bougette, the diminutive of bouge (leather bag, wallet) (also the root of bulge), itself from Late Latin bulga (leather bag, bellow), which derives from Gaulish *bolgā (compare Old Irish bolg (bag), Breton bolc’h (flax pod)), a common root with the Germanic family (compare Dutch balg (bellows)), from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰelǵʰ-. More at belly.


    • IPA(key): /ˈbʌd͡ʒ.ɪt/
    • Rhymes: -ʌdʒɪt


    budget (plural budgets)

    1. The amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or timeframe.
      limited budget
      unlimited budget
      tight budget
      within the budget
      over the budget
      • 1999, Des Lyver, Graham Swainson, Basics of Video Lighting (page 103)
        At the other extreme, with limitless budgets all they have to do is dream up amazing lighting rigs to be constructed and operated by the huge team of gaffers and sparks, with their generators, discharge lights, flags, gobos and brutes.
      • 2008, David Mutimer, Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2002 (page 220)
        The latest Tory budget continued the trend begun in 2000 by making further small cuts in family income taxes.
      • 2009, Andrew Paquette, Computer Graphics for Artists II: Environments and Characters:

        The most common poly budget in use for games at the time of this writing is between 5,000 and 10,000 tris.

      1. (by implication) A relatively small amount of available money.

        We’re on a budget, so we can’t afford to eat at that restaurant.

    2. An itemized summary of intended expenditure; usually coupled with expected revenue.
    3. (obsolete) A wallet, purse or bag.
      • 2020, Hilary Mantel, The Mirror and the Light, Fourth Estate, page 364:

        The king holds up a hand to the lute player: ‘Thank you, leave us.’ The boy stuffs his music back into his budget and goes out backwards.

    4. (obsolete) A compact collection of things.
    5. (obsolete, military) A socket in which the end of a cavalry carbine rests.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • balanced budget
    • black budget
    • budget constraint
    • budget hawk
    • budget-priced
    • budgetary
    • budgeteer
    • budgeter
    • budgetize
    • champagne taste on a beer budget
    • fuss-budget
    • high-budget
    • low-budget
    • minibudget
    • pattern budget
    • zero-based budget


    • Cantonese: budget
    • French: budget
      • Armenian: բյուջե (byuǰe), պյուտճե (pyutče)
      • German: Budget
      • Ottoman Turkish: بودجه(büdce)
        • Turkish: bütçe
        • Azerbaijani: büdcə
      • Russian: бюдже́т (bjudžét)
    • Italian: budget
    • Swahili: bajeti


    the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame

    • Afan Oromo: baajeta
    • Afrikaans: begroting (af)
    • Albanian: buxhet (sq) m
    • Arabic: مِيزَانِيَّة (ar) f (mīzāniyya), مُوَازَنَة‎ f (muwāzana)
    • Armenian: բյուջե (hy) (byuǰe), պյուտճե (pyutče) (Western Armenian)
    • Asturian: presupuestu m
    • Azerbaijani: büdcə (az)
    • Basque: aurrekontu (eu)
    • Belarusian: бюджэ́т (be) m (bjudžét)
    • Bengali: বাজেট (bajeṭ)
    • Bulgarian: бюдже́т m (bjudžét)
    • Burmese: ဘတ်ဂျက် (my) (bhatgyak)
    • Catalan: pressupost (ca) m
    • Cebuano: badyet
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 預算预算 (zh) (yùsuàn)
    • Czech: rozpočet (cs) m
    • Danish: budget (da) n
    • Dutch: begroting (nl) f, budget (nl) n
    • Esperanto: budĝeto, buĝeto
    • Estonian: eelarve, büdžett
    • Faroese: fíggjarætlan f
    • Finnish: määräraha (fi), budjetti (fi), kustannusarvio (fi)
    • French: budget (fr) m
    • Galician: orzamento (gl) m
    • Georgian: ბიუჯეტი (biuǯeṭi)
    • German: Budget (de) n, Etat (de) n, Haushalt (de) m
    • Greek: προϋπολογισμός (el) m (proÿpologismós)
    • Greenlandic: budgeti
    • Hebrew: תַּקְצִיב (he) m (taktsív)
    • Hindi: बजट (hi) m (bajaṭ)
    • Hungarian: költségvetés (hu), büdzsé (hu)
    • Icelandic: fjárhagsáætlun (is) f
    • Ido: budjeto (io)
    • Indonesian: anggaran (id), bujet (id)
    • Irish: buiséad m
    • Italian: bilancio (it) m
    • Japanese: 予算 (ja) (よさん, yosan), バジェット (bajetto)
    • Kazakh: бюджет (kk) (büdjet)
    • Khmer: ថវិកា (km) (thaʼvikaa)
    • Korean: 예산(豫算) (ko) (yesan)
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: بۆجا (ckb) f (boca)
      Northern Kurdish: budce (ku) f
    • Kyrgyz: бюджет (ky) (byudjet)
    • Lao: ງົບປະມານ (lo) (ngop pa mān), ງົບ (ngop)
    • Latvian: budžets (lv) m
    • Lithuanian: biudžetas m
    • Macedonian: буџет m (budžet)
    • Malay: belanjawan (ms), bajet (ms)
    • Maori: mahere pūtea
    • Mongolian:
      Cyrillic: төсөв (mn) (tösöv)
      Mongolian: ᠲᠥᠰᠦᠪ (tösüb)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: budsjett n (government) statsbudsjett n
      Nynorsk: budsjett n, (government) statsbudsjett n
    • Ottoman Turkish: بودجه(büdçe)
    • Pashto: بوديجه‎ f (budija)
    • Persian: بودجه (fa) (budje)
    • Polish: budżet (pl) m, preliminarz (pl) m
    • Portuguese: orçamento (pt) m, verba (pt) f
    • Romanian: buget (ro) n
    • Russian: бюдже́т (ru) m (bjudžét)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: бу̀џет m, про̏рачӯн m
      Roman: bùdžet (sh) m, prȍračūn (sh) m
    • Slovak: rozpočet m
    • Slovene: proračun m
    • Spanish: presupuesto (es) m
    • Swahili: bajeti (sw) class n
    • Swedish: budget (sv) c
    • Tagalog: talagugulan
    • Tajik: буҷа (buja), буҷет (bujet)
    • Thai: งบ (th) (ngóp), งบประมาณ (th) (ngóp-bprà-maan)
    • Turkish: bütçe (tr)
    • Turkmen: býujet (tk)
    • Ukrainian: бюдже́т (uk) m (bjudžét)
    • Urdu: بَجَٹ‎ m (bajaṭ)
    • Uyghur: بۇدجېت(budjët)
    • Uzbek: byudjet (uz)
    • Vietnamese: ngân sách (vi) (銀冊)

    itemized summary of intended expenditure

    • Albanian: buxhetor (sq), ardhur (sq)
    • Arabic: مِيزَانِيَّة (ar) f (mīzāniyya), مُوَازَنَة‎ f (muwāzana)
    • Armenian: բյուջե (hy) (byuǰe)
    • Belarusian: бюджэ́т (be) m (bjudžét)
    • Bulgarian: бюдже́т m (bjudžét)
    • Burmese: ဘတ်ဂျက် (my) (bhatgyak)
    • Cebuano: badyet
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 預算预算 (zh) (yùsuàn), 經費经费 (zh) (jīngfèi)
    • Czech: rozpočet (cs) m
    • Dutch: begroting (nl) f, budget (nl) n
    • Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
    • Finnish: talousarvio (fi), budjetti (fi), kustannusarvio (fi)
    • French: budget (fr) m
    • Georgian: ბიუჯეტი (biuǯeṭi)
    • German: Budget (de) n, Etat (de) n, Haushalt (de) m
    • Greek: προϋπολογισμός (el) m (proÿpologismós)
    • Greenlandic: budgeti
    • Hungarian: költségvetés (hu)
    • Indonesian: anggaran (id)
    • Irish: cáinaisnéis m
    • Italian: bilancio (it) m
    • Japanese: 予算 (ja) (よさん, yosan), バジェット (bajetto)
    • Khmer: ថវិកា (km) (thaʼvikaa)
    • Korean: 예산(豫算) (ko) (yesan)
    • Lao: ງົບປະມານ (lo) (ngop pa mān)
    • Malay: belanjawan (ms), bajet (ms), perbelanjaan (ms)
    • Maori: mahere pūtea
    • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: budsjett n
      Nynorsk: budsjett n
    • Persian: بودجه (fa) (budje)
    • Polish: preliminarz (pl) m
    • Portuguese: orçamento (pt) m
    • Russian: бюдже́т (ru) m (bjudžét), сме́та (ru) f (sméta)
    • Spanish: presupuesto (es)
    • Swedish: budget (sv) c
    • Tagalog: talagugulan
    • Thai: งบประมาณ (th) (ngóp-bprà-maan)
    • Turkish: bütçe (tr)
    • Ukrainian: бюдже́т (uk) m (bjudžét)
    • Vietnamese: ngân sách (vi) (銀冊)


    budget (not comparable)

    1. Appropriate to a restricted budget.
      We flew on a budget airline.
      • 1991, The YS Official Top 100 Part 3 (in Your Sinclair issue 72, December 1991)
        A classic budget game, there isn’t really anything outstanding about Rescue at all.


    • (appropriate to a restricted budget): low-cost

    Derived terms[edit]

    • budget airline


    of, or relating to a budget

    • Albanian: buxhetor (sq)
    • Armenian: բյուջետային (hy) (byuǰetayin)
    • Bulgarian: бюджетен (bjudžeten)
    • Dutch: budgettair (nl)
    • French: budgétaire (fr)
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: بۆجا (ckb) (boca)
    • Mandarin: (please verify) 預算预算 (zh) (yùsuàn), (please verify) 预算 (zh) (yù suàn)
    • Polish: budżetowy (pl) m
    • Portuguese: orçamentário (pt)
    • Spanish: presupuesto (es)
    • Swedish: compounds with budget (sv) c


    budget (third-person singular simple present budgets, present participle budgeting, simple past and past participle budgeted)

    1. (intransitive) To construct or draw up a budget.
      Budgeting is even harder in times of recession
    2. (transitive) To provide funds, allow for in a budget.
      The PM’s pet projects are budgeted rather generously
    3. (transitive) To plan for the use of in a budget.
      The prestigious building project is budgeted in great detail, from warf facilities to the protocollary opening.


    plan for the use of in a budget


    Alternative forms[edit]

    • 筆直笔直 (bǐzhí)


    From English budget.


    • Cantonese (Jyutping): bat1 zet4, bat1 zik4

    • Cantonese
      • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou–Hong Kong)+
        • Jyutping: bat1 zet4, bat1 zik4
        • Yale: colloquial sounds not defined, bāt jìhk
        • Cantonese Pinyin: bat7 dzet4, bat7 dzik4
        • Guangdong Romanization: bed1 zéd4, bed1 jig4
        • Sinological IPA (key): /pɐt̚⁵ t͡sɛːt̚²¹/, /pɐt̚⁵ t͡sɪk̚²¹/


    • bat1 zet4 — younger speakers;
    • bat1 zik4 — older speakers.



    1. (Hong Kong Cantonese) budget (allocated resources or money) (Classifier: )
    2. (Hong Kong Cantonese) budget (itemized summary or list of intended expenditure) (Classifier: )

    See also[edit]

    • bud



    budget m inan

    1. Alternative spelling of budžet (budget)
      Synonym: rozpočet

    Further reading[edit]

    • budget in Příruční slovník jazyka českého, 1935–1957
    • budget in Slovník spisovného jazyka českého, 1960–1971, 1989



    Borrowed from French budget, from English budget.


    budget n (singular definite budgetet, plural indefinite budgeter)

    1. budget



    Borrowed from English budget.


    • IPA(key): /bʏˈdʒɛt/, /bʏtˈʃɛt/
    • Hyphenation: bud‧get
    • Rhymes: -ɛt


    budget n (plural budgetten or budgets, diminutive budgetje n)

    1. a budget


    • begroting


    • budgetair
    • budgetbewaking
    • budgetneutraal
    • budgetrecht
    • budgetteren


    • Indonesian: bujet

    Further reading[edit]

    • “budget” in Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal – Officiële Spelling, Nederlandse Taalunie. [the official spelling word list for the Dutch language]



    Orthographic borrowing from English budget, from Old French bougette. Doublet of bougette.


    • IPA(key): /by.dʒɛ/


    budget m (plural budgets)

    1. a budget


    • budgétaire
    • budgétivore m & m or f


    • Armenian: բյուջե (byuǰe), պյուտճե (pyutče)
    • German: Budget
    • Ottoman Turkish: بودجه(büdce)
      • Turkish: bütçe
      • Azerbaijani: büdcə
    • Russian: бюдже́т (bjudžét)

    Further reading[edit]

    • “budget”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



    Unadapted borrowing from English budget.


    • IPA(key): /ˈbad.d͡ʒet/[1]
    • Rhymes: -addʒet
    • Hyphenation: bùd‧get


    budget m (invariable)

    1. a budget


    • budgetario


    1. ^ budget in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)



    budget n (plural budgete)

    1. Alternative form of buget




    Borrowed from English budget.


    budget c

    1. a budget (a plan for economic spending)

    Usage notes[edit]

    • When used as a prefix, can also mean cheap.


    Declension of budget 
    Singular Plural
    Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
    Nominative budget budgeten budgetar budgetarna
    Genitive budgets budgetens budgetars budgetarnas
    Declension of budget 
    Singular Plural
    Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
    Nominative budget budgeten budgeter budgeterna
    Genitive budgets budgetens budgeters budgeternas

    Derived terms[edit]

    • budgetalternativ
    • budgetansvar
    • budgetarbete
    • budgetbalans
    • budgetbehandling
    • budgetberedning
    • budgetbeslut
    • budgetbesparing
    • budgetbidrag
    • budgetchef
    • budgetdepartement
    • budgetdisciplin
    • budgetera
    • budgetering
    • budgetfråga
    • budgetförhandling
    • budgetförslag
    • budgetförstärkning
    • budgethotell
    • budgetklass
    • budgetläge
    • budgetmedel
    • budgetminister
    • budgetmässig
    • budgetmål
    • budgetnedskärningar
    • budgetplanering
    • budgetpolitik
    • budgetpolitisk
    • budgetpost
    • budgetpris
    • budgetprocess
    • budgetproposition
    • budgetproppen
    • budgetram
    • budgetrådgivning
    • budgetsanering
    • budgetsystem
    • budgettak
    • budgetunderlag
    • budgetunderskott
    • budgetuppgörelse
    • budgetutfall
    • budgetär
    • budgetår
    • budgetårsskifte
    • budgetöverdrag
    • budgetöverskott
    • försvarsbudget
    • höstbudget
    • kulturbudget
    • vårbudget


    • budget in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL)
    • budget in Elof Hellquist, Svensk etymologisk ordbok (1st ed., 1922)

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