What does the word britain mean in everyday speech ответы

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National Emblems of the United Kingdon
The United Kingdom(abbreviated from «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland») is the political name of the country which consists ofEngland, Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster).
Great Britainis the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland,Wales, whereas the British Isles is the geographical name of all theislandsthe north-west coast of the European continent.
In everyday speech»Britain»is used to mean the UnitedKingdom.
The flag of the UnitedKingdom, known as the Union Yack, is made upof three crosses. The upright red cross on a white background is thecross ofthe 1st George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal crosson a blue background is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint ofScotland. Thered diagonal cross on a white background is. the cross of St. Patrick,thepatron saint of Ireland.
The Welsh flag, called the Welsh dragon, represents a red dragon on awhite and green background.
St. George’s Day falls on 23 April and is regarded as England’s nationalday. On this day some patriotic Englishmen wear a rose pinned to their jackets.A red rose is the national emblem of England from the time of the Wars of theRoses (15th century).
St. Andrew’s Day (the 30th of November) is regarded as Scotland’snational day. On this day some Scotsmen wear a thistle in their buttonhole. Asa national emblem of Scotland, thistle apparently first used in the 15thcenturyas a symbol ofdefence. The Order of the Thistle is one of the highest orders of knighthood.It was founded in 1687, and is mainly given to Scottish noblemen (limited to 16in number).
St. Patrick’s Day (the 17th of March) is considered as a national day inNorthern Ireland and an official bank holiday there. The national emblem ofIreland is shamrock. According to legend, it was the plant chosen by St.Patrick to illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish.
St. David’s Day (the 1st March) is the church festival of St.David, a 6th-century monk and bishop, the patron saint of Wales. Theday isregarded as the national holiday of Wales, although it is not anofficial holiday.
On this day, however, many Welshmen wear eithera yellow daffodil or a leek pinned to their jackets, as bothplants are traditionally regarded as national emblems of Wales. In theRoyal Arms three lions symbolize England, a lion rampant -Scotland, and a harp — Ireland. The whole is encircled and is supportedby alion and a unicorn. The lion has been used as a symbol of nationalstrength andof the British monarchy for many centuries. The unicorn, a mythicalanimal thatlooks like a horse with a long straight horn, has appeared on theScottish andBritish royal coats of arms for many centuries, and is a symbol ofpurity.
1. What does the word «Britain» mean in everyday speech?
2. What is the flag of the United Kingdom made up of?
3. How is the Welsh flag called?
4. What do some Englishmen wear on St. George’s Day?
5. What day is regarded as Scotland’s national day?
6. What day is a national day in Northern Ireland?
7. What do three lions in the Royal Arms symbolize?
8. What does theunicorn symbolize?

National Emblems of the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom (abbreviated from «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland») is the political name of the country which consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster).

Great Britain is the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, whereas the British Isles is the geographical name of all the islands off the north-west coast of the European continent. In everyday speech «Britain» is used to mean the United Kingdom.

The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross on a white background is the cross of the 1st George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross on a blue background is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, The red diagonal cross on a white background is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

The Welsh flag, called the Welsh dragon, represents a red dragon on a white and green background.

St. George’s Day falls on 23 April and is regarded as England’s national day. On this day some patriotic Englishmen wear a rose pinned to their jackets’. A red rose is the national emblem of England from the time of the Wars of the Roses (15th century).

St. Andrew’s Day (the 30th of November) is regarded as Scotland’s national day. On this day some Scotsmen wear a thistle in their buttonhole. As a national emblem of Scotland, thistle apparently first used in the 15th century as a symbol of defence. The Order of the Thistle is one of the highest orders of knighthood. It was founded in 1687, and is mainly given to Scottish noblemen (limited to 16 in number).

St. Patrick’s Day (the 17th of March) is considered as a national day in Northern Ireland and an official bank holiday there. The national emblem of Ireland is shamrock. According to legend, it was the plant chosen by St. Patrick to illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish.

St. David’s Day (the 1st of March) is the church festival of St. David, a 6th-century monk and bishop, the patron saint of Wales. The day is regarded as the national holiday of Wales, although it is not an official bank holiday.

On this day, however, many Welshmen wear either a yellow daffodil or a leek pinned to their jackets, as both plants are traditionally regarded as national emblems of Wales.

In the Royal Arms three lions symbolize England, a lion rampant — Scotland, and a harp — Ireland. The whole is encircled and is supported by a lion and a unicorn. The lion has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy for many centuries. The unicorn, a mythical animal that looks like a horse with a long straight horn, has appeared on the Scottish and British royal coats of arms for many centuries, and is a symbol of purity.

Национальные символы Соединенного Королевства

Соединенное Королевство (сокращенно от «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии») — это официальное название государства, которое состоит из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии (иногда называемой Ольстером).

Великобритания — это название острова, состоящего из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса, в то время как Британские острова — это географическое название всех островов северо-западного побережья европейского континента. В ежедневном употреблении слово «Британия» означает Соединенное Королевство.

Флаг Соединенного Королевства, известный как Юнион Джек, состоит из трех крестов. Вертикальный красный крест на белом фоне — это крест Георга Первого, святого покровителя Англии. Желтый диагональный крест на голубом фоне — это крест св. Эндрю, покровителя Шотландии. Красный диагональный крест на белом фоне — это крест св. Патрика, покровителя Ирландии.

Уэльский флаг, называемый Уэльским драконом, представляет собой красного дракона на белом фоне.

День св. Георгия выпадает на 23 апреля и считается национальным праздником Англии. В этот день некоторые англичане-патриоты прикалывают розы к пиджакам. Красная роза — это национальная эмблема Англии со времен войн между Розами (XV столетие).

День св. Эндрю (30 ноября) считается национальным днем Шотландии. В этот день некоторые шотландцы вставляют в петли для пуговиц чертополох. Чертополох, по-видимому, использовали в качестве национальной эмблемы Шотландии в XV веке как символ защиты. Орден Чертополоха — один из самых высоких рыцарских орденов. Он был учрежден в 1687 г., и им, в основном, награждаются шотландские дворяне (число которых ограничено шестнадцатью).

День св. Патрика (17 марта) считается национальным днем Северной Ирландии и официально признан большим праздником. Национальная эмблема Ирландии — трилистник. Согласно легенде, это было растение, которое выбрал св. Патрик, чтобы пояснить на примере евреям христианскую доктрину Троицы.

День св. Давида (1 марта) — это церковный праздник св. Давида, монаха и епископа VI века, покровителя Уэльса. Этот день считается национальным праздником Уэльса, хотя он и не является официально большим праздником.

В этот день, однако, многие уэльсцы прикалывают к пиджакам желтые нарциссы или лук-порей, поскольку оба растения традиционно считаются национальными символами Уэльса.

Три льва, изображенные на королевском гербе, символизируют Англию, лев, стоящий на задних лапах — Шотландию, арфа — Ирландию. Все они изображены в круге, который поддерживается львом и единорогом. Лев считается символом национальной мощи и британской монархии уже многие столетия. Единорог — мифическое животное, похожее на лошадь с длинным прямым рогом, — появился на Шотландском и Британском королевском гербах много столетий назад, он является символом чистоты.


1. What does the word «Britain» mean in everyday speech?

2. What is the flag of the United Kingdom made up of?

3. How is the Welsh flag called?

4. What do some Englishmen wear on St. George’s Day?

5. What day is regarded as Scotland’s national day?

6. What day is a national day in Northern Ireland?

7. What do three lions in the Royal Arms symbolize?

8. What does the unicorn symbolize?


everyday speech — обыденная речь

background — основание

patron saint — святой-покровитель

pin — прикалывать булавкой

thistle — чертополох

knighthood — рыцарское достоинство

nobleman — дворянин

bank holiday — большой праздник

shamrock — трилистник

church festival — церковный праздник

monk — монах

bishop — епископ

daffodil — нарцисс

rampant — стоящий на задних лапах

unicorn — единорог

coats of arms — герб

purity — чистота

The United Kingdom (abbreviated from “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”) is the political name of the country which consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster).

Great Britain is the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, whereas the British Isles is the geographical name of all the islands off the north-west coast of the European continent. In everyday speech “Britain” is used to mean the United Kingdom.

The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross on a white background is the cross of the 1st George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross on a blue background is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, The red diagonal cross on a white background is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

The Welsh flag, called the Welsh dragon, represents a red

dragon on a white and green background.

St. George’s Day falls on 23 April and is regarded as England’s national day. On this day some patriotic Englishmen wear a rose pinned to their jackets’. A red rose is the national emblem of England from the time of the Wars of the Roses (15th century).

St. Andrew’s Day (the 30th of November) is regarded as Scotland’s national day. On this day some Scotsmen wear a thistle in their buttonhole. As a national emblem of Scotland, thistle apparently first used in the 15th century as a symbol of defence. The Order of the Thistle is one of the highest orders of knighthood. It was founded in 1687, and is mainly given to Scottish noblemen (limited to 16 in number).

St. Patrick’s Day (the 17th of March) is considered as a national day in Northern Ireland and an official bank holiday there. The national emblem of Ireland is shamrock. According to legend, it was the plant chosen by St. Patrick to illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish.

St. David’s Day (the 1st of March) is the church festival of St. David, a 6th-century monk and bishop, the patron saint of Wales. The day is regarded as the national holiday of Wales, although it is not an official bank holiday.

On this day, however, many Welshmen wear either a yellow daffodil or a leek pinned to their jackets, as both plants are

traditionally regarded as national emblems of Wales.

In the Royal Arms three lions symbolize England, a lion rampant – Scotland, and a harp – Ireland. The whole is encircled and is supported by a lion and a unicorn. The lion has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy for many centuries. The unicorn, a mythical animal that looks like a horse with a long straight horn, has appeared on the Scottish and British royal coats of arms for many centuries, and is a symbol of purity.

Национальные символы Соединенного Королевства

Соединенное Королевство (сокращенно от “Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии”) – это официальное название государства, которое состоит из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии (иногда называемой Ольстером).

Великобритания – это название острова, состоящего из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса, в то время как Британские острова – это географическое название всех островов северо-западного побережья европейского континента. В ежедневном употреблении слово “Британия” означает Соединенное Королевство.

Флаг Соединенного Королевства, известный как Юнион Джек, состоит из трех крестов. Вертикальный красный крест на белом фоне – это крест Георга Первого, святого покровителя Англии. Желтый диагональный крест на голубом фоне – это крест св. Эндрю, покровителя Шотландии. Красный диагональный крест на белом фоне – это крест св. Патрика, покровителя Ирландии.

Уэльский флаг, называемый Уэльским драконом, представляет собой красного дракона на белом фоне.

День св. Георгия выпадает на 23 апреля и считается национальным праздником Англии. В этот день некоторые англичане-патриоты прикалывают розы к пиджакам. Красная роза – это национальная эмблема Англии со времен войн между Розами (XV столетие).

День св. Эндрю (30 ноября) считается национальным днем Шотландии. В этот день некоторые шотландцы вставляют в петли для пуговиц чертополох. Чертополох, по-видимому, использовали в качестве национальной эмблемы Шотландии в XV веке как символ защиты. Орден Чертополоха – один из самых высоких рыцарских орденов. Он был учрежден в 1687 г., и им, в основном, награждаются шотландские дворяне (число которых ограничено шестнадцатью).

День св. Патрика (17 марта) считается национальным днем Северной Ирландии и официально признан большим праздником. Национальная эмблема Ирландии – трилистник. Согласно легенде, это было растение, которое выбрал св. Патрик, чтобы пояснить на примере евреям христианскую доктрину Троицы.

День св. Давида (1 марта) – это церковный праздник св. Давида, монаха и епископа VI века, покровителя Уэльса. Этот день считается национальным праздником Уэльса, хотя он и не является официально большим праздником.

В этот день, однако, многие уэльсцы прикалывают к пиджакам желтые нарциссы или лук-порей, поскольку оба растения традиционно считаются национальными символами Уэльса.

Три льва, изображенные на королевском гербе, символизируют Англию, лев, стоящий на задних лапах – Шотландию, арфа – Ирландию. Все они изображены в круге, который поддерживается львом и единорогом. Лев считается символом национальной мощи и британской монархии уже многие столетия. Единорог – мифическое животное, похожее на лошадь с длинным прямым рогом, – появился на Шотландском и Британском королевском гербах много столетий назад, он является символом чистоты.


1. What does the word “Britain” mean in everyday speech?
2. What is the flag of the United Kingdom made up of?
3. How is the Welsh flag called?
4. What do some Englishmen wear on St. George’s Day?
5. What day is regarded as Scotland’s national day?
6. What day is a national day in Northern Ireland?
7. What do three lions in the Royal Arms symbolize?
8. What does the unicorn symbolize?


Everyday speech – обыденная речь
background – основание
patron saint – святой-покровитель
pin – прикалывать булавкой
thistle – чертополох
knighthood – рыцарское достоинство
nobleman – дворянин
bank holiday – большой праздник
shamrock – трилистник
church festival – церковный праздник
monk – монах
bishop – епископ
daffodil – нарцисс
rampant – стоящий на задних лапах
unicorn – единорог
coats of arms – герб
purity – чистота

План занятия





1.Тема программы: Англоговорящие страны, географическое положение, климат, флора и

фауна, национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство, наиболее развитые

отрасли экономики, достопримечательности, традиции

2.Тема занятия: Национальные символы и политическое устройство Великобритании

3. Цели занятия: Формирование ключевых языковых компетенций


знать: развивать умения учащихся в монологической речи и диалогической речи

уметь: отвечать на поставленные вопросы, выполнять лексические упражнения.

Развивающие: развивать навыки письма, чтения и говорения;

Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к культурным ценностям

Планируемые результаты:

Личностные: готовность и способность вести диалог на английском языке с представителями других культур, достигать взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать в различных областях для их достижения; умение проявлять толерантность к другому образу мыслей, к иной позиции партнера по общению;

– готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая самообразование, как в профессиональной области с использованием английского языка, так и непосредственно в сфере английского языка;

Метапредметные: умение организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать с ее участниками, учитывать их позиции, эффективно разрешать конфликты;

умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, используя адекватные языковые средства;

Предметные: сформированность коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире;

Общие компетенции: (поиск информации, извлечение информации, систематизация информации, обработка информации, письменная коммуникация, восприятие информации на слух)

Тип занятия: обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений

Вид занятия: практическое занятие

Формы организации: фронтальная, индивидуальная

Используемые приемы, методы и элементы пед. технологий: репродуктивный

Межпредметные связи: страноведение, русский язык

Оснащение занятия: ПК

Дидактические средства обучения: презентация, карточки

Технические средства обучения (ТСО):

Ход урока

1. Орг.момент.

What is the date today?

What is the day today?

Is it Tuesday today?

Who is absent today?

Thank you for your answers and let’s start our work

Let us begin our English lesson.

    — Who is on duty today? I am (on duty  today).

    — Who is absent?  (Is anybody absent today?)

      — What date is it today?

2.Повторение пройденного материала.

Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения.

rule, longest, beauty, countries, monarchy, mountain, western, mild, British Isles, continent

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the ……. .

2. The United Kingdom is made up of four ……… : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

3. The British Isles are separated from the ………. by the North Sea and the English Channel.

4. The ……… coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

5. The Severn is the ……… river.

6. The climate of the British Isles is …….. the whole year round.

7. The UK is a constitutional …….. .

8. In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not ……. .

9. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest ……. , but it is only 1343 metres high.

10. Shakespeare called Britain a «precious stone set in the silver sea» because of its natural ……. .

2. Мотивация детальное понимание иноязычного текста

3. Актуализация опорных знаний. – опора на материал на рус. языке

4. План изложения нового материала.

Изучение новой темы через презентацию.

5. Закрепление полученных знаний.

1) Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения. Переведите текст на русский язык.

The Queen and the parliament

includes, members, ruling, elected, independent, power, important, century

It is rather difficult to understand the British way of (1)_________ the country. In Britain the Queen is the Head of State, but in fact she doesn’t rule the country as she has no (2)_________. The Queen is a symbol of the country history and its traditions. She is very rich. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. So do all the (3)_________of the Royal family: the Queen’s husband, her son Prince Charles the Queen’s daughter Princess Anna, and Princess Margaret. At the beginning of the (4)__________ many countries all over the world were ruled by Britain. All of them were included into the British Empire and were its colonies. India, Pakistan, Ceylon, for example, were among them. Now these countries are (5)________ states. But in 1949 Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth (6)________ many countries such as Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of Commonwealth and the queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two ‘houses’: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords doesn’t have much power but it is very (7)________ as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many other things.

The members of the House of Lords are not (8)_______. These members are permanent. The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years.

2) Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does the word «Britain» mean in everyday speech?

2. What is the flag of the United Kingdom made up of?

3. How is the Welsh flag called?

4. What do some Englishmen wear on St. George’s Day?

5. What day is regarded as Scotland’s national day?

6. What day is a national day in Northern Ireland?

7. What do three lions in the Royal Arms symbolize?

8. What does the unicorn symbolize?

6. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

7. Домашнее задание.  

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full name of the country the United Kingdom of 
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland. 
The United Kingdom is
situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands,
Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total
area is over 314 000 sq. km. The British Isles are separated from the European
continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great
Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Northern Ireland
occupies one third of the island of Ireland. It borders on the Irish Republic
in the south. The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England
(the southern and middle part of the island), Wales (a mountainous peninsula in
the West) and Scotland (the northern part of the island).

are no high mountains in Great Britain. In the north the Cheviots
England from
Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England along its middle, the
Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of
Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains. There is very little flat
country except in the region known as East Anglia. Most of the river’s flow
into the North Sea. The Thames is. the deepest and the longest of the British
rivers. Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the
Thames, Mersey, Trent, T Clyde and Bristol Avon. Great Britain is not very rich
in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast
deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.

warm currents of the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain.
Winters are not severely cold and. summers are rarely hot. The population of
the United Kingdom is over 58 million people. The main nationalities are:
English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of
immigrants from former British Asian and African colonies. Great Britain is a
highly industrialized country. New industries have been developed in the last
three decades. The main industrial centres are 
Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow
and Bristol. The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary


1. What
islands do the British Isles consist of?

2. Where is the United Kingdom situated?
3. How many parts does the Island of Great
Britain consist of and what are they called?

4. What ocean and seas are the British Isles
washed by?

5. Are there any high mountains in Great

6. What country does Northern Ireland border on?
7. What mineral resources is Great Britain rich

8. What sea do most of the river’s flow into?
9. What is the population of Great Britain?
10. What is the climate like in Great Britain?
11. What kind of state is Great Britain?
12.What city is the capital of the U. K.?








National Emblems of the United Kingdom

United Kingdom (abbreviated from «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland») is the political name of the country which consists of
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster).

Britain is the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales,
whereas the British Isles is the geographical name of all the islands off the
north-west coast of the European continent. In everyday speech
«Britain» is used to mean the United Kingdom.

flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three
crosses. The upright red cross on a white background is the cross of the 1st
George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross on a blue
background is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, The red
diagonal cross on a white background is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron
saint of Ireland.

Welsh flag, called the Welsh dragon, represents a red dragon on a white and
green background.

George’s Day falls on 23 April and is regarded as England’s national day. On
this day some patriotic Englishmen wear a rose pinned to their jackets’. A red
rose is the national emblem of England from the time of the Wars of the Roses
(15th century).

Andrew’s Day (the 30th of November) is regarded as Scotland’s national day. On
this day some Scotsmen wear a thistle in their buttonhole. As a national emblem
of Scotland, thistle apparently first used in the 15th century as a symbol of
defence. The Order of the Thistle is one of the highest orders of knighthood.
It was founded in 1687, and is mainly given to Scottish noblemen (limited to 16
in number).

Patrick’s Day (the 17th of March) is considered as a national day in Northern
Ireland and an official bank holiday there. The national emblem of Ireland is
shamrock. According to legend, it was the plant chosen by St. Patrick to
illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish.

David’s Day (the 1st of March) is the church festival of St. David, a
6th-century monk and bishop, the patron saint of Wales. The day is regarded as
the national holiday of Wales, although it is not an official bank holiday.

this day, however, many Welshmen wear either a yellow daffodil or a leek pinned
to their jackets, as both plants are traditionally regarded as national emblems
of Wales.

In the
Royal Arms three lions symbolize England, a lion rampant — Scotland, and a harp
— Ireland. The whole is encircled and is supported by a lion and a unicorn. The
lion has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy
for many centuries. The unicorn, a mythical animal that looks like a horse with
a long straight horn, has appeared on the Scottish and British royal coats of
arms for many centuries, and is a symbol of purity.


1. What is
the flag of the United Kingdom made up of?

2. What does the word «Britain» mean
in everyday speech?

3. What do some Englishmen wear on St. George’s

4. How is the Welsh flag called?
5. What day is a national day in Northern

6. What day is regarded as Scotland’s national

7. What does the unicorn symbolize?
8. What do three lions in the Royal Arms







Places of interest in Great Britain

Britain is the main English-speaking country in the world. It consists of
England, Scotland and Wales.

are many interesting sights in each of these countries and their capitals:
London, Edinburgh and Cardiff. Millions of people visit Great Britain every
year to learn more about its places of interest. One of the most thrilling sights
is the Stonehenge. It’s an ancient monument made of stones standing either in
circle or in a horseshoe shape. The origin and the meaning of these stones
remains a mystery. However, the scientists think that it was used as a
prehistoric calendar.

attractive sight is Stratford-upon-Avon. It’s a small city in England, where
the most famous English writer Shakespeare was born. Stratford-upon-Avon is not
only his birthplace. He also lived and created his plays there. Lots of people
come to see the Shakespeare’s house in Henley Street and the Royal Shakespeare

famous cities which attract lots of visitors are 
Oxford and Cambridge. These cities have become well-known
thanks to their educational features. The best and highly-respected
universities in the world are situated here. Nearly everyone wishes to study in
Cambridge and Oxford, as it’s considered to be a very prestigious education.

who are passionate followers of the music band “Beatles”, might want to visit
Liverpool. It’s a home town of this famous band.

British places of interest are situated in the capital-city of London. Among
them, the Buckingham Palace, which is the Queen’s official residence, the
Westminster Abbey, where the most prominent Englishmen are buried, Big Ben,
which is the biggest clock in the world, the Tower of London, which has once
been a fortress, a prison and a royal palace.

football fans will enjoy a trip to 
Manchester, which is a home city of a world-famous
team Manchester United.

attractions of Great Britain are also interesting. For example, the Scottish
Highlands, Loch Ness Lake, the Lake District and some others.


is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
situated on both sides of the Thames River; it’s the political, financial,
commercial, industrial, and cultural centre of Great Britain. It is the largest
city in Europe with the total population of about 8 million people (over 12
million with the suburbs). About one fifth of the total population of the UK
lives in Greater London, that is in London with its suburbs.

London is home for the headquarters of all
government departments, Parliament, the monarch and all the major legal
institutions. It’s the country’s business and banking centre and the centre of
its transport network. It contains the headquarters of national television
networks and of all the national newspapers. The financial services sector is a
major source of overall employment in London.

goods, clothing, precision instruments, jewelry, and stationery are produced in
London, but manufacturing has lost a number of jobs in the once-dominant
textile, furniture, printing, and chemical-processing industries as firms have
moved outside the area. Engineering and scientific research are also important
to the economy, as is tourism. The city is a centre for road, rail, and air
(its airports include Heathrow and Gatwick), and it is now linked to the
Continent by a high-speed rail line under the English Channel. London still
remains one of the world’s greatest ports. It exports manufactured goods and
imports petroleum, tea, wool, raw sugar, timber, butter, metals, and meat.

original walled city of London (then Londinium) founded by Romans was quite
small. In the Middle Ages it did not contain the Parliament or the royal Court,
because it would have interfered with the interests of the merchants and
traders living there. I t was in Westminster, another city outside
London’s walls, that these national institutions met. Today, both ‘cities’ are
just two areas in Central London. The City is London’s commercial centre; it is
also referred to as the «Square Mile of Money’ because of its area. The
Bank of England, Lloyd’s, the stock exchange, the Royal Exchange and numerous
other banks and investment companies have their headquarters there. The City of
Westminster contains London’s most famous tourist attractions: Westminster
Abbey, the Houses of Parliament and so on.

well-known areas of London include the West End and the East End. The former is
one of the main tourist attractions of London, where 
quite a number of world-famous museums are located. It is famous, too, for its
theatres, luxurious hotels and restaurants, and expensive shops. The latter is
known as a poorer residential area of London.

London makes up only a very small part of Greater London. The majority of
Londoners live in its suburbs, millions of them commuting into the centre every
day to work.

is a cosmopolitan city. People of several races and many nationalities live
there. A survey carried out in the 90s found that 137 different languages were
spoken in the homes of just one district of London.

Translate the following sentences into English — Переведите
следующие предложения на английский

Лондон — столица Великобритании и ее политический, финансовый,
коммерческий, промышленный и культурный центр.

Около одной пятой всего населения Великобритании живет в Большом
Лондоне, то есть Лондоне с пригородами.

Там находятся все центральные учреждения правительственных
организаций, парламент, монарх, основные судебные учреждения, центральные офисы
телесетей, он является центром транспортной сети страны.

Финансовый сектор — основной источник общей занятости в Лондоне.

Многие товары производятся в Лондоне, такие как потребительские
товары, одежда, точные приборы, ювелирные изделия и канцелярские

Когда-то доминировавшие в Лондоне текстильная промышленность, производство
мебели, и переработка химических продуктов были вынесены за границы района, что
привело к потере рабочих мест в промышленности.

Лондон экспортирует промышленные товары и импортирует нефть, чай,
сахар, лес и так алее, значение для экономики также представляют научные

Первоначальный Лондон, окруженный стеной, был основан римлянами,
парламент и королевский двор находились не в нем, чтобы не вступать в
противоречие с интересами купцов.

Финансовый центр Лондона — Сити, который называют «квадратной
милей денег», там находятся банки, фондовая биржа, Королевская биржа и
многочисленные инвестиционные компании.

К другим известным районам Лондона относятся Вест-Энд и Ист-Энд,
первый является основным центром интереса туристов в Лондоне и содержит
многочисленные достопримечательности, роскошные отели и рестораны, второй
является более бедным районом Лондона.


is not only the political, financial and manufacturing centre of Great Britain.
It is the main tourist attraction of the country, too. London’s many places of
interest attract thousands of tourists every year. Tourists usually want to see
Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, 
Buckingham Palace, St.
Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London.

is now the political centre of London. In the 11th century king Edward the
Confessor decided to build a great abbey church there. Now there are royal
tombs in the Abbey, as well as memorials to Britain’s famous people, including
memorials to writers, poets and musicians in the Poets’ Corner. William the
Conqueror was crowned there, and since then all the coronations have been held
in the Abbey. The Palace of Westminster was built, too, during the reign of
Edward the Confessor. It was the royal residence and the country’s main court.
The Parliament met there since the 16th till the 19th century. The present
Houses of Parliament were built after the fire in the Palace of Westminster in
1834. St. Stephen’s Tower of the Houses of Parliament contains the famous Big

palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Londoners usually watch the
Changing of the Guards in the Forefront of the Palace, lasting about 30
minutes. St. Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece built from
1675 to 1709. It is crowned with a huge dome; inside the dome there is the
famous Whispering Gallery. Inside the cathedral there are many memorials,
including memorials to Wellington and Nelson. The Tower of London is associated
with many important events in British history. It used to be a fortress, a
palace, a mint and a prison famous for its prisoners (like Sir Thomas More and
Guy Fawkes). The Tower is guarded by ‘Beefeaters’, the Yeomen guards.

and Regent streets and Covent Garden are noted for their shops. London’s most
famous parks include Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Corner, Kensington Gardens,
Regent’s Park with the London Zoo, and St. James’s Park.

is noted for its museums and art galleries which include 
the British Museum, the
Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the Wallace
Collection, the Institute of Contemporary Art, the Museum of the Moving Image,
Madame Tussaud’s Museum and many others. London also has numerous commercial
art galleries and plays a major role in the international art market. The
British Library, one of the world’s great libraries, is located in London.

city is rich in other artistic and cultural activities. Its approximately 100
theatre companies reflect the importance of drama, and it has several
world-class orchestras, a well-known opera house, performance halls, and clubs.


the following sentences into English — Переведите следующие предложения на

Лондон — это политический, финансовый и промышленный центр
Великобритании, а также основной предмет интереса туристов в стране.

Эдуард Исповедник построил Вестминстерское аббатство как
монастырскую церковь, сейчас там находятся гробницы королей и мемориалы
известных людей Британии. Там также проводятся коронации.

Вестминстерский дворец был построен во время правления Эдуарда
Исповедника как королевская резиденция и главный суд страны.

Туристы приходят, чтобы увидеть Букингемский дворец, официальную
резиденцию королевы, а также смену караула около него.

Лондонский Тауэр ассоциируется со многими важными событиями в Британской
истории, сейчас его охраняют бифитеры.

Лондон знаменит своими музеями и картинными галереями, там также
находятся многочисленные коммерческие художественные галереи. Он играет важную
роль на международном рынке искусства.

Очень нужна помощь, заранее спасибо

Перевести вопросы и дать на них ответы по тексту.

Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consists of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 240 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In everyday speech “Great Britain” is used to mean the United Kingdom. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.
The surface of the British Isles varies much. There are mountains on the north and west. The center and southeast is a vast plain. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain (1343m). There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain but they are not very long. The Severn is the largest river while the Thames is the deepest and most important one.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the climate. It is mild the whole year round.
The United Kingdom is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, textile, and electronics. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen. In practice, the country is ruled by the elected Government, with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The Conservative party is ruling nowadays. The Prime Minister is David Cameron.
The United Kingdom is one of the most powerful economically developed countries in the world.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1) Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?
2) What parts is the United Kingdom made up of?
3) What is the capital of Great Britain?
4) What can you say about the surface of Great Britain?
5) What influence the climate of the British Isles?
6) What is the chief industry of Great Britain?
7) What is the political structure of the United Kingdom?
8) What is the ruling party?
9) Who is the Prime Minister nowadays?

continued from No. 9

Text 2


Lowland and Highland Britain Mountains and
The Chief Rivers • The Lake District • The Largest Cities

Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles
and it is made up of England, Scotland and Wales, it does not include Northern Ireland. In
everyday speech “Great Britain” is used to mean the United Kingdom. Geographically,
the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions – Lowland Britain and
Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain
consists of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines, and the Lake District. The
Pennine Chain extends southward from the Cheviot Hills into the Midlands, a
plains region with low hills and valleys.
England is separated from Scotland by the Cheviot Hills, running from east to west.
The chief rivers of Great Britain are: the Severn, flowing along the border between
England and Wales, tributaries of which include the Avon, famed by Shakespeare, the
Thames, which flows eastward to the port of London and some others. The swiftest flowing
river in the British Isles is the Spey. Part of the border between Scotland and
England is along the lower reaches of the Tweed, near which is made the woollen
fabric that bears its name.
There are many lakes in Great Britain. On the northwest side of the Pennine system lies
the Lake District, containing the beautiful lakes which give it its name. This district is
widely known for its association with the history of English literature and especially
with the name of William Wordsworth (1770–1859), the founder of the Lake School
of poets.
The largest cities of Great Britain are: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool,
Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, Edinburgh. The most important ports are: London,
Liverpool, Southampton, Belfast, Glasgow and Cardiff.


Lowland and Highland Britain низменная и
гористая части Великобритании
the Lake District Озерный край (живописный район
гор и озер на северо-западе Англии)

the Pennines = the Pennine Chain Пеннинские горы
the Cheviot Hills Чевиот-Хилс (горы)
the Midlands Мидлендз, центральные графства Англии
the Severn p. Северн
the Spey р. Спей
the Tweed p. Твид
the Lake School “Озерная школа” (литературное
сотрудничество поэтов-романтиков начала XIX в.;
названа по Озерному краю, где жили поэты)

Southampton г. Саутгемптон

Spaghetti Junction, Birmingham

Spaghetti Junction, Birmingham

I. Comprehension.

A. What parts may the text be divided into? What parts of the text
give information about:

  • the mountains of the UK;

  • the chief rivers of Great Britain;

  • the largest lakes in the British Isles;

  • the largest cities and most important ports.

B. Find answers to the following questions in the text:

  • where does the Pennine chain extend?

  • which is the highest point in the British Isles?

  • which river is associated with the name of Shakespeare?

  • which is the swiftest flowing river in the UK?

  • what is Lake district known for?

II. Word Study

A. Find in column В the word similar in meaning to the word in column A:


to run
to be composed of
to lie
to take
to comprise


to flow
to occupy
to include
to be situated
to consist of

III. Grammar Practice. The Article. Remember:

THE before

mountain chains

the Pennines,
the Pennine Chain,
the Cheviot Hills,
the Urals


the Thames,
the Volga
the Severn
the Avon
the Spey
the Tweed.

But: no article before individual mountain peaks: Ben Nevis,
Elbrus, Everest

Text 3


The Largest Part of the UK • Population • Location • The Sea
in the History of England • Rivers • “Dales” • Industries

Of the four parts which make up Great Britain England is the largest,
the most industrial and most densely-populated part of the United Kingdom. Over 46 million
people of the UK live in England.
The greatest concentrations of population are in London, Birmingham and northwestern
industrial cities. The coasts of England are washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the
English Channel and the Straits of Dover. No part of England is more than 120 kilometres
from the sea.
It is interesting to note that the sea has been important in the history of England. It
was a good protection against the attacks of outside peoples. Fishing has always been an
important industry, especially in the east. The sea also has a great effect on England’s
There are many rivers in England. The longest and the most important is the Thames. The
rivers are of great importance for communication and especially for carrying goods.
England is mostly a lowland country. there are upland regions in the north and the
southwest, but the rest of England is almost flat.
Northern England, Midlands and Southern England – each part of England is different. The
Lake District in Northern England with its lakes, mountains and valleys is a favourite
holiday area. On either side of the Pennines the plains of Yorkshire and Lancashire
stretch to the sea. In Yorkshire swift rivers flow down from the hills into valleys called
The wool industry is centred in Leeds and Bradford, the cotton industry in
Manchester, iron ore goes to the steel, heavy machinery and shipbuilding industries of
Newcastle and other cities. The industries of the Midlands, with Birmingham as its chief
city, produce metal goods, from motor cars and railway engines to pins and buttons. The
Midland plain makes good farm land.
In Southern England are found some of the oldest British settlements and traces of ancient
monuments such as Stonehenge.


dale горная речка (букв. “желоб”)
Yorkshire Йоркшир (графство в Англии)
Lancashire Ланкашир (графство в Англии)
Bradford г. Брадфорд (крупный промышленный город)
Stonehenge Стоунхендж (один из самых больших и
известных в мире кромлехов; сооружен в 1900–1600 гг.
до н.э.; состоит из огромных отдельно стоящих
каменных глыб в виде круглых или квадратных
оград; использовался для астрономических
наблюдений и определения времен года)

I. Comprehension

A. Which of the paragraphs of the text gives the information about:

  • industries of England;

  • South England;

  • the Lake District;

  • the importance of rivers for communication;

  • the reasons why the sea has been important in the history of England;

  • the most industrial and most densely populated part of the UK.

B. Rearrange this information in the order it was really given in the

C. Answer the following questions:

  • Which is the largest, most industrially developed and most densely
    populated part of the UK?

  • How long is the longest river in the UK and which river is it?

  • Do you know how long the Volga is?

  • What is the population of the UK and what is the population of

  • Which are the chief cities of South England?

II. Grammar Practice. Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison. Remember.

the Positive

the Comparative

the Superlative



long + er= longer

long + est= longest



more important

most important

A. Find sentences with the adjectives in the
superlative degree in the text, read and translate them.

В. Insert adjectives in the superlative degree:

  • Russia is … (large) country in the world.

  • The Thames is … (long) river in Britain.

  • Stonehenge is one of… (old) settlements in Britain.

  • The Volga is … (long) river in Russia.

  • England is … (large) part of Great Britain.

III. Communication Practice

Remember how to read figures:

56,2 — fifty six point two
120 — one hundred and twenty
304 — three hundred and four.

A. Find sentences with figures in the text, read and translate them.

B. Read aloud:

23,5 million sq. km; 284 million people; 388 km; 354 km; 244 thousand
sq. km.

C. Answer the following questions:

  • what is the land area of Russia?

  • what is the land area of Great Britain?

  • how long is the Thames?

  • what is the population of Russia?

  • what is the population of the USA?

By Viktoria Oschepkova

to be continued

в повседневной речи, «великобритания» используется для обозначения великобритании.соединенное королевство великобритании и северной ирландии занимает территории британских островов, которые расположены на северо — западе европы.они состоят из двух главных островах: в великобритании и ирландии.англия — в южной части острова великобритании, шотландии и уэльсе, на севере — на западе.северной ирландии расположен в северо — восточной части ирландии.это в 30 раз площадь европы.в великобритании окружена морями, со всех сторон.ее западного побережья омывается атлантическим океаном.на востоке острова великобритании омывается водами северного моря.ирландское море, северо — канал и сент — джордж канал отдельных ирландии от великобритании.в великобритании отделяется от франции английский канал, который является 32 км шириной в ее узком месте.еще есть много озер в шотландии.самый прекрасный лох — ломонд.здесь нет больших рек в великобритании.крупнейшими являются северн и темза.есть много горных в великобритании, но они не являются высокими.самая высокая гора — бен — невис — в шотландии.флора британских островов очень различны, и фауны аналогична северо — западной европы.в стране не очень богатых природных ресурсов.лондон — столица великобритании.он был основан римлянами.население лондона составляет более 8 млн. человек.крупнейший.в городах великобритании помимо лондона: бирмингем, глазго, ливерпуль, манчестер, шеффилд, Bristol,лидс, и эдинбурге.наиболее важных морских портов: лондон, ливерпуль, белфаст, глазго, кардиффе.оксфорд и кембридж университетах городов.великобритания имеет очень хорошую позицию, что он находится на crossways из морских путей из европы в других частях мира.есть много стран, которые связаны с великобританией на море.благодаря гольфстрим климат великобритании умеренный.она часто пасмурно и дождливо.лето не очень жарко, а зимой не очень холодно в великобритании является высокоразвитой индустриальной страны.он живет за счет производства и торговли.свое сельское хозяйство обеспечивает только половину необходимых продуктов, другая половина его питание должно быть импортированы.британия является одним из наиболее промышленно развитые страны в мире: для каждого лица, занятые в сельском хозяйстве, одиннадцать работают в добывающей, обрабатывающей промышленности и строительстве.основные отрасли экономики великобритании являются машиностроение, горнодобывающей промышленности, судостроения, автомобиль anufacturing, текстильная промышленность, химия, электроника, рыболовство и пищевой промышленности.промышленные центры великобритании, лондон,в манчестере, ливерпуле, бирмингеме, лидсе, шеффилда и другие.в его политической системы — это конституционная монархия.силы королевы (в настоящее время элизабет) ограничена парламентом, который включает в себя два дома — в палате общин и палаты лордов.премьер — министр, как правило, главой партии, которая находится у власти.существуют следующие стороны: консервативная партия,партия труда и либеральной партии.великобритания — это страна с сильной достопримечательностью для туристов, особенно весной и летом.очарование она заключается в ее различных sccnefy: лучшее сочетание моря и земли, долинах южного уэльса, улыбаясь, садов, кент, море озера шотландии, поля и леса, парки — всё спокойно и зелёный.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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