счет, законопроект, вексель, банкнот, билль, расклеивать афиши, объявлять в афишах
существительное ↓
- счёт
- амер. купюра, банкнота, казначейский билет
five-dollar bill — пятидолларовая банкнота
This bill is queer. — Эта банкнота фальшивая.
- билль, законопроект
private bill — парл. частный законопроект; законопроект, касающийся отдельных лиц (физических и юридических)
to introduce /to bring in/ a bill — внести законопроект
to pass [to throw out] a bill — принять [отклонить] законопроект
- вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange)
short(-dated) [long(-dated)] bill — краткосрочный [долгосрочный] вексель
outstanding bill — неоплаченный вексель
bill at par — вексель по номиналу
bill at sight — тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении
bill on London — вексель на Лондон
to discount a bill — дисконтировать вексель
the bill becomes due — наступает срок уплаты по векселю
- клюв
duck’s bill — утиный клюв
hooked bill of a bird — загнутый клюв птицы
ещё 25 вариантов
глагол ↓
- объявлять в афишах
Irving was billed to appear as Hamlet — было объявлено, что Ирвинг будет выступать в роли Гамлета
- обклеивать афишами
- выставлять или выписывать счёт
bill me for $3 — запиши на мой счёт 3 доллара; запиши за мной 3 доллара
- фактурировать; выписывать накладную
- целоваться клювиками (о голубях)
- ворковать, ласкаться
to bill and coo — разг. целоваться, ласкаться
- работать садовыми ножницами, подстригать
- работать мотыгой, копать
Мои примеры
to fill the bill — а) не сходить с афиш (о пьесе); б) затмить всех своим успехом (об актёре); в) подходить, удовлетворять требованиям; соответствовать
that will fill /answer/ the bill — это пойдёт
Примеры с переводом
The bill runs to $100.
Счёт составляет сто долларов.
He paid his bill and left.
Он оплатил счёт и ушёл.
The bill was carried.
Законопроект был принят.
Could we have the bill, please?
Можно нам счёт, пожалуйста?
The bill came to £48.50.
Сумма счёта (за что либо) составила 48.50 фунтов стерлингов.
The bill amounts to £40.
Сумма счёта составляет сорок фунтов стерлингов.
Portland Bill
Портландский мыс
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Hello, Bill! How’s tricks?
The Senate approved the bill.
She sponsored the new tax bill.
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Возможные однокоренные слова
billing — выручка, составление счета, реклама в афишах, выдача накладной
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: bill
he/she/it: bills
ing ф. (present participle): billing
2-я ф. (past tense): billed
3-я ф. (past participle): billed
ед. ч.(singular): bill
мн. ч.(plural): bills
Britannica Dictionary definition of BILL
a document that says how much money you owe for something you have bought or used
He paid the telephone bill.
Did our water bill arrive yet?
I’ve been having a hard time paying the bills since I lost my job. [=paying what I owe for housing, heat, electricity, etc.]
The waiter gave us our bill.
I can’t pay for it now: just put it on my bill. [=add the amount I now owe to what I already owe and I will pay the total amount later]
compare bill of sale
a written description of a new law that is being suggested and that the lawmakers of a country, state, etc., must vote to accept before it becomes law
They will introduce an antismoking bill in Congress.
The Senate passed/rejected the bill.
How does a bill become a law?
such a bill after it has become a law
the GI bill
see also bill of rights
chiefly US
a piece of paper money
He handed me a 5-dollar bill.
bills and coins
— called also
a written or printed advertisement that is used to announce a play, movie, or concert to the public and to list the names of the performers
Who is on the bill? [=who is performing?]
a double bill [=a concert that has two parts] featuring two of the world’s best jazz trumpeters
The notice on the wall said “Post No Bills.” [=do not put any advertisements on the wall]
fill the bill
fit the bill
to be exactly what is needed
to be suitable
If you want to stay near the beach, this hotel will fit the bill.
foot the bill
see 2foot
give (someone or something) a clean bill of health
to officially say that someone is healthy or that something is working correctly
The doctor gave him a clean bill of health.
The governor gives the program a clean bill of health.
Britannica Dictionary definition of BILL
[+ object]
to send a bill to (someone or something)
to provide (a person, business, organization, etc.) with a statement that says how much money is owed for something that has been bought or used
They billed me for the repairs they made to the roof.
The company was billed for the deliveries.
to describe (someone or something) as a particular thing so that people will like or want that person or thing
— usually used as (be) billed
The city is being billed [=advertised] as one of the best places to live in the state.
She was billed as the next big movie star.
see also billing
to officially say that someone is going to do something
— usually used as (be) billed
Both writers are billed to appear at the conference.
Britannica Dictionary definition of BILL
a bird’s beak
a duck’s bill
see picture at bird
the part of a cap that sticks out in front
the visor of a hat
Britannica Dictionary definition of BILL
bill and coo
to kiss and talk quietly
A young couple sat together in the corner, billing and cooing.
Meaning Bill
What does Bill mean? Here you find 92 meanings of the word Bill. You can also add a definition of Bill yourself
1 |
0 n. 1) what is commonly called a «check» by which the signer requi…
2 |
0 BillRelationships Narrower Term: engrossed copy enrolled bill Related Term: act n. ~ 1. A statement of monies owed for goods or services. — 2. A document proposing new law or changes to existing law f [..]
3 |
0 BillThe principal vehicle employed by lawmakers for introducing their proposals (enacting or repealing laws, for example) in the Senate. Bills are designated S. 1, S. 2, and so on depending on the order i [..]
4 |
0 BillA draft Act, still being considered by Parliament.
5 |
0 BillThe name for proposed legislation entered into the house / houses of parliament to be debated upon for approval. If approved at all stages it then becomes an act and thus law.
6 |
0 Billancient weapon, Old English bill «sword (especially one with a hooked blade), chopping tool,» common Germanic (compare Old Saxon bil «sword,» Middle Dutch bile, Dutch bijl, Old Hig [..]
7 |
0 Bill«to send someone a bill of charge,» 1864, from bill (n.1). Related: Billed; billing.
8 |
0 Bill«written statement,» mid-14c., from Anglo-French bille, Anglo-Latin billa «list,» from Medieval Latin bulla «decree, seal, sealed document,» in classical Latin «bubb [..]
9 |
0 Bill«bird’s beak,» Old English bill «bill, bird’s beak,» related to bill, a poetic word for a kind of sword (especially one with a hooked blade), from a common Germanic word [..]
10 |
0 BillA proposed law introduced in the Legislature for consideration.
11 |
0 Billsuggested law.
12 |
0 BillA short-term debt instrument with a maturity usually no longer than two years, although terminology varies from country to country. Bill is often a shorthand reference to treasury bills, which are short-term government debt. Medium-term debt instruments are notes and longer-term instruments are bonds. In some markets a note has a maturity of two to [..]
13 |
14 |
0 BillAn account for goods sold, services rendered, or work done. [D02417]
15 |
0 Billa proposal for a new law which has been presented to Parliament
16 |
0 Bill1) A statement of what is owed. 2) A legislative proposal for enactment of a law. 3) An old-fashioned term for various documents filed in lawsuits or criminal prosecutions.
17 |
0 BillIf a boy misbehaves, he may be placed ‘On the Bill’, which means that the Head Master or Lower Master will see him and rebuke or punish him appropriately.
18 |
0 Billa statute in draft before it becomes law; "they held a public hearing on the bill" charge: demand payment; "Will I get charged for this service?"; & [..]
19 |
0 Billa written note of how much money is owing for work which has been done, or for something which has been bought. The same word also means a bird&rsuqo;s beak
20 |
0 BillFormally introduced legislation. Most legislative proposals are in the form of bills and are designated as H.R. (House of Representatives) or S. (Senate), depending on the House in which they are intr [..]
21 |
0 BillA piece of legislation under consideration by a legislative body.
22 |
0 Billa bill-hook, a weapon.
23 |
0 BillDefinitions (3) 1. A negotiable debt obligation issued by the U.S. government and backed by its full faith and credit, having a maturity of one year or less. Exempt from state and local taxes. also ca [..]
24 |
0 BillA suggestion for a law that Parliament is asked to consider.
25 |
0 BillA law proposed during a formal session of a legislative body. In AACR2, bills and drafts of legislation are cataloged under the heading for the appropriate legislative body. Bills proposed in the U.S. [..]
26 |
0 BillA proposed law that the House may consider. (See legislative process)
27 |
0 BillDraft of a proposed law presented to the legislature for consideration.
28 |
0 BillNew legislation, or changes to an existing law proposed to Parliament. Bills must be debated and passed by both the House of Commons and the Senate before they become laws.
29 |
0 BillA proposed law presented to the Legislature for consideration.
30 |
0 Bill1 : a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment ;also : the law itself [the GI ] ap·pro·pri·a·tions bill [ə-prō-prē-ā-shənz-] : a bill …
31 |
0 BillA draft of a proposed law introduced by a Member of the Legislature (Assembly Bill 4000-AB 4000, Senate Bill 1-SB 1).
32 |
0 BillProposed legislation is termed a Bill. Bills may start in either House but have to pass through both Houses to become law. The 5 stages of a Bill are:
33 |
0 BillShort for ‘newspaper billboard’. A large sheet of paper on a board placed where newspapers or magazines are sold, with eye-catching headline text or graphics promoting a story in that editio [..]
34 |
0 BillA short-term direct obligation of the U.S. Treasury that has a maturity of not more than one year (for example, 13-, 26- or 52-week maturity).
35 |
0 BillA proposed law. Bills must go through three readings, usually a committee process and Royal Assent before they become law.
36 |
0 Bill1) A) Short, informal note; B) document initiating proceedings at common law or in equity; C) petition in parliament, on which enactment may be made. (Sayles, George O. The King’s Parli [..]
37 |
0 BillA debt security- or more simply an IOU. It is very similar to a bond, but has a maturity of less than one year when first issued.
38 |
0 BillA draft Act introduced into Parliament.
39 |
0 BillA bill is a proposal for a new or amended law brought before parliament. The introduction of a bill is usually controlled by a minister on behalf of the government, but time may be made available for private members to introduce their own bills. Only the government can introduce bills for raising or spending funds (money bills).
40 |
0 Billposter promoting newspaper, usually highlighting main news story
41 |
0 BillA Bill could refer to the following
42 |
0 BillA proposal for an Act of Parliament.
43 |
0 BillA proposed law submitted to Parliament for its consideration and approval. It may originate either with the government, or with a Private Member, and may relate either to public or private interests. [..]
44 |
0 Bill(n) a statute in draft before it becomes law(n) an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered(n) a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)(n) th [..]
45 |
0 BillThe nose, also called the beak. Hence, Billy is slang for a pocket-handkerchief.
46 |
0 BillThe draft of an Act of Parliament.
47 |
0 BillFormal written declaration, petition, complaint or statement. E.g., a declaration of wrong a complainant has suffered is a bill of complaint. Also, a draft of a new or amended law presented to a legislature for action.
48 |
0 BillA narrow promontory.
49 |
0 BillYour bill is the breakdown of how much energy you have used, and what this has cost you. It is worked out from your meter readings, either estimated or the actual readings if you have provided these.
50 |
0 BillA form or draft of a proposed statute presented to legislature but not yet passed into law.
51 |
0 BillA monthly statement that lists the charges incurred on your account.
52 |
0 BillAn invoice from a supplier that, sooner or later, will need to be paid.
53 |
0 Billv. facturar; n. cuenta, factura; (legislation) proyecto de ley
54 |
0 BillA short-term direct obligation of the U.S. Treasury that has a maturity of not more than one year (for example, 13-, 26- or 52-week maturity).
55 |
0 BillA proposed new law, as it passes through the stages of consideration by the Assembly. If the Assembly passes the Bill and it receives Royal Assent, it becomes an Act of the Northern Ireland Assembly. [..]
56 |
0 BillA measure that creates new law, amends or repeals existing law, appropriates money, prescribes fees, transfers functions from one agency to another, provides penalties, or takes other action
57 |
0 BillBeak.
58 |
0 BillThe play or plays that together constitute what the audience is seeing at any one sitting. Short for «playbill.»
59 |
0 Billn the police, in the same sort of a way as Plod. There are two possible etymologies: The first, that its after William Wilberforce, a Member of Parliament who first proposed a U.K. police servic [..]
60 |
0 BillThe extremity of the arm of an anchor; the point of or beyond the fluke.
61 |
0 BillA short-term direct obligation of the U.S. Treasury (13, 26, or 52 weeks’ maturity). See also note and bond.
62 |
0 BillA point of land ; also the extreme points of the flukes of an anchor.
63 |
0 BillThe mouthpart of a bird; also called a «beak.»
64 |
0 BillA measure that creates new law, or changes an existing law.
65 |
0 Billa bill-hook, a weapon
66 |
0 Bill, sb. a bull.
67 |
0 BillA pole weapon with a large chopping head, and often with a hook and backspike. Characteristically used by English infantry.
68 |
0 BillThe bill was a polearm used by infantry in Europe in the Viking Age by Vikings and Anglo-Saxons as well as in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. It was a national weapon of the English, but was also common elsewhere, especially in Italy. Derived originally from the agricultural billhook, the bill consisted of a hooked chopping blade with several po [..]
69 |
0 BillA bill is a proposed item of legislation, prior to being passed by the parliament.
70 |
0 BillA proposal for legislation which is introduced to Parliament.
71 |
0 Billn. 1) what is commonly called a «check» by which the signer requires the bank to pay a third party a sum of money. This is a holdover from the days when a person would draw up a «bill o [..]
72 |
0 Billsometimes also called the Brown Bill or the Black Bill.
73 |
0 BillA narrow promontory.
74 |
0 BillA document giving evidence of indebtedness of one party to an other, as, for example, a written order for goods that can be used as security for a loan to the supplier of the goods from a bank, or a security such as a Treasury bill.
75 |
0 BillAlternative word for a birds beak.
76 |
0 BillA Bill is a draft Act of Parliament. Under Australia’s Constitution, a Bill may be introduced in either House of Parliament with the exception of a supply or money Bill which must be introduced in [..]
77 |
0 BillA piece of legislation being considered by Congress. A “printed bill” is the official version printed by the Government Printing Office. Also referred to as “legislation” or “measure.”
78 |
0 BillA bill refers to the beak of a bird, especially when it is slender, flattened, weak, or belongs to a web-footed bird or a bird of the pigeon family. It is also the name for the muzzle of the p [..]
79 |
0 BillAny of various bladed or pointed hand weapons, originally designating an Anglo-Saxon sword, and later a weapon of infantry, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, commonly consisting of a broad, [..]
80 |
0 Billen|Bill. First recorded as a Swedish given name in 1895.
81 |
0 Billa draft Act of Parliament not yet agreed.
82 |
0 BillA bill is a class of agricultural implement used for trimming tree limbs, which was often repurposed for use as an infantry polearm. In English, the term ‘Italian Bill’ is applied to the similarly fun [..]
83 |
0 BillA bill is proposed legislation under consideration by a legislature. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the legislature and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has bee [..]
84 |
0 BillBill is the first full-length album by Tripping Daisy. It was released in 1992 on the Dragon Street label, and then re-released in 1993 on Island Records. On the re-release, the track «Green Tambour [..]
85 |
0 BillBill is a 1981 American made-for-television biographical drama film starring Mickey Rooney and Dennis Quaid based on the life of Bill Sackter. The film was broadcast on CBS on December 22, 1981.Mickey [..]
86 |
0 BillBill (1973) is a compilation album of previously released material by Bill Cosby. All the routines are edited down compared to their original appearances on previous albums, some slightly, some consid [..]
87 |
0 Bill«Bill» is a song heard in Act II of Kern and Hammerstein’s classic 1927 musical Show Boat. The song was written by Kern and P.G. Wodehouse for their 1917 musical Oh, Lady! Lady!! for Vivienne Segal to [..]
88 |
0 BillRosimar Amâncio (born 2 July 1984), better known as Bill, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Chiangrai United as a striker.
89 |
0 BillBill is a surname, and may refer to: Alfred H. Bill (1879-1964), American writer
90 |
0 BillBill is a 2015 British family adventure comedy film from the principal performers behind children’s TV series Horrible Histories and Yonderland. It was produced by Punk Cinema, Cowboy Films and BBC Fi [..]
91 |
0 BillIn the United States Congress, a bill is proposed legislation under consideration by either of the two chambers of Congress: the House of Representatives or the Senate. Anyone elected to either body c [..]
92 |
0 BillShort form of William. This spelling was first used in the 19th century. The change in the initial consonant may have been influenced by an earlier Irish pronunciation of the name. Famous bearers incl [..]
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Where does the term bill come from?
It turns out that the origins of ‘bill’ can be traced to the Latin word bulla, which means ‘a rounded lump or swelling’. In the days when official documents were sealed with lead, a bulla was the name for the round mass that formed the seal on a document, and it later came to refer to the document itself.
What does the word bill mean?
Definition of bill (Entry 4 of 5) 1 : an itemized list or a statement of particulars (such as a list of materials or of members of a ship’s crew) a bill of quantities. 2 : a written document or note. 3 obsolete : a formal petition.
What was Bill’s other name?
It is sometimes abbreviated “Wm.” Shortened familiar versions in English include Will, Willy, Willie, Bill, and Billy.
What does Bill in government mean?
act of the legislature
What is Bill and act?
Difference between a bill and an act Legislative proposals are brought before either house of the Parliament of India in the form of a bill. A bill is the draft of a legislative proposal, which, when passed by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the President, becomes an act of Parliament.
What does 5 bills mean?
1. five dollar bill – a United States bill worth 5 dollars.
How much money is a bill slang?
one hundred dollars. That’ll cost you six bills. These shoes set me back a bill.
How much is a bill money?
U.S. banknote nicknames reflect their values (such as five, twenty, etc.), the subjects depicted on them and their color. $1 bill (ONE DOLLAR) is sometimes called a “single,” a “buck,” a “simoleon” or rarely an “ace”.
Why is 500 a monkey?
Derived from the 500 rupee banknote, which featured a monkey. Explanation: While this London-centric slang is entirely British, it actually stems from 19th century India. Referring to £500, this term is derived from the Indian 500 rupee note of that era, which featured a monkey on one side.
Why is a dollar a buck?
Buck is an informal reference to $1 that may trace its origins to the American colonial period when deerskins (buckskins) were commonly traded for goods. The buck also refers to the U.S. dollar as a currency that can be used both domestically and internationally.
Why is a $10 bill called a sawbuck?
Sawbuck, a term derived from the resemblance of the carpentry tool to the Roman numeral X, is commonly used by interbank forex dealers to signify a transaction of $10 million U.S. dollars (USD).
Why is $5 called a fin?
Fin is for Five Give your grandparents a great surprise by calling a $5 bill a “fin”. This was the dubbed nickname for the note in the 19th and early 20th century; a name that comes from the German/Yiddish language. In Yiddish, “fin” means “five”.
What is $100 bill called?
C-note is slang for $100 bill. The term was derived from the Roman numeral “C” for 100.
What is a 5 dollar bill called?
Who is on $2 bill?
Thomas Jefferson
What does a red stamp on money mean?
redemption of
What does a fake $5 bill look like?
If the security strip is not visible when held in front of a light or is visible without the light, it’s fake. Next, while holding it up to the light, a hologram image of the number “5” will appear on the front/right side of the bill. Place a bright light source directly behind it and you will see multiple “5”s appear.
Can ATMs detect fake money?
It is against the law to deposit counterfeit money, whether it is via the teller, or via an ATM. They will discover it, and be able to trace it back to you (that’s easily than you think). You will be charged with passing counterfeit bills.
How much is a $2 bill worth?
How much is a 2 dollar bill worth? In the vast majority of cases, the 2 dollar bill value is exactly two dollars. Even though many people believe $2 bills are rare or out-of-print, they’ve been printed regularly for decades, and there are close to a billion of them in circulation.
Are $2 bills rare?
The Rarest Currency Denomination According to Business Insider, 2-dollar bills account for less than 0.001% of all currency in circulation. They are the rarest currently-produced money in the United States, and only about 1.2 billion 2-dollar bills are in current circulation.
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bill 1
1. An itemized list or statement of fees or charges.
2. A statement or list of particulars, such as a theater program or menu.
3. The entertainment offered by a theater.
4. A public notice, such as an advertising poster.
a. A piece of legal paper money: a ten-dollar bill.
b. Slang One hundred dollars.
a. A bill of exchange.
b. Obsolete A promissory note.
a. A draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body.
b. The law enacted from such a draft: a bottle bill in effect in three states; the GI Bill.
8. Law
a. A document containing the formal statement of a case in equity; a complaint seeking equitable relief.
b. An indictment or charge in an indictment against an accused person.
tr.v. billed, bill·ing, bills
1. To present a statement of costs or charges to.
2. To enter on a statement of costs or on a particularized list.
a. To advertise or schedule by public notice or as part of a program.
b. To declare or describe officially; proclaim: a policy that was billed as an important departure for the administration.
[Middle English bille, from Norman French, from Medieval Latin billa, alteration of bulla, seal on a document, from Latin, bubble.]
bill′a·ble adj.
bill 2
1. A structure projecting from the head of a bird, consisting of the jaws and their horny covering and including the upper and lower mandibles; a beak.
2. A similar horny mouth part, such as that of a turtle.
3. The visor of a cap.
4. Nautical The tip of the fluke of an anchor.
intr.v. billed, bill·ing, bills
To touch beaks together.
bill and coo
To kiss or caress and murmur endearments.
[Middle English, from Old English bile.]
bill 3
1. A billhook.
2. A halberd or similar weapon with a hooked blade and a long handle.
[Middle English bil, from Old English bill.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. money owed for goods or services supplied: an electricity bill.
2. a written or printed account or statement of money owed
3. chiefly Brit such an account for food and drink in a restaurant, hotel, etc. Usual US and Canadian word: check
4. any printed or written list of items, events, etc, such as a theatre programme: who’s on the bill tonight?.
5. fit the bill fill the bill informal to serve or perform adequately
6. (Law) a statute in draft, before it becomes law
7. a printed notice or advertisement; poster
8. US and Canadian a piece of paper money; note
13. archaic any document
vb (tr)
14. to send or present an account for payment to (a person)
15. to enter (items, goods, etc) on an account or statement
16. to advertise by posters
17. to schedule as a future programme: the play is billed for next week.
[C14: from Anglo-Latin billa, alteration of Late Latin bulla document, bull3]
1. (Zoology) the mouthpart of a bird, consisting of projecting jaws covered with a horny sheath; beak. It varies in shape and size according to the type of food eaten and may also be used as a weapon
2. (Zoology) any beaklike mouthpart in other animals
3. (Physical Geography) a narrow promontory: Portland Bill.
4. (Nautical Terms) nautical the pointed tip of the fluke of an anchor
vb (intr)
5. (Zoology) (of birds, esp doves) to touch bills together
6. (of lovers) to kiss and whisper amorously
[Old English bile; related to bill bill3]
1. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a pike or halberd with a narrow hooked blade
[Old English bill sword, related to Old Norse bīldr instrument used in blood-letting, Old High German bil pickaxe]
(Zoology) ornithol another word for boom14
[C18: from dialect beel bell2 (vb)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. a statement of money owed for goods or services supplied.
2. a piece of paper money worth a specified amount: a ten-dollar bill.
3. a form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made law.
4. a written or printed public notice or advertisement.
5. any written statement of particulars.
6. a written statement, usu. of complaint, presented to a court.
7. Informal. a one-hundred-dollar bill or the sum of one hundred dollars.
9. entertainment scheduled for presentation; program: a good bill at the movies.
10. to send a list of charges to.
11. to enter (charges) in a bill.
12. to advertise (something) by bill or public notice.
13. to schedule on a program: to bill the play for two weeks.
fill the bill, to fulfill a particular need.
[1300–50; Middle English bille < Anglo-French < Anglo-Latin billa, for Late Latin bulla bull 2]
bill′er, n.
1. the parts of a bird’s jaws that are covered with a horny or leathery sheath; beak.
2. the visor of a cap.
3. a beaklike headland.
4. to join bills, as doves.
bill and coo, to kiss or fondle and whisper endearments.
[before 1000; Middle English bile, bille, Old English bile beak, trunk; akin to bill 3]
1. a medieval shafted weapon having at its head a hooklike cutting blade with a beak at the back.
2. Also called billhook. a sharp, hooked instrument used for pruning, cutting, etc.
3. the extremity of a fluke of an anchor.
[before 1000; Middle English bil, Old English bill sword, c. Old High German bill pickax]
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
The horny, projecting mouthparts of a bird. Bills have different sizes and shapes depending on how birds feed and what they eat.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
A ship’s publication listing operational or administrative procedures.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
– check
In British English, a bill is a piece of paper showing how much money you must pay for a meal in a restaurant.
We paid our bill and left.
In American English, a piece of paper like this is called a check.
He waved to a waiter and asked for the check.
In both British and American English, a bill is a piece of paper that shows how much money you must pay for services such as electricity or gas.
If you are finding it difficult to pay your gas bill, please let us know quickly.
I ran up a huge phone bill.
In American English, a bill is also a piece of paper money.
– bill
1. ‘note’
In British English, a note is a piece of paper money.
He handed me a ten pound note.
2. ‘bill’
A piece of American paper money is called a bill, not a ‘note’.
He took out a five dollar bill.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: billed
Gerund: billing
Imperative |
bill |
bill |
Present |
I bill |
you bill |
he/she/it bills |
we bill |
you bill |
they bill |
Preterite |
I billed |
you billed |
he/she/it billed |
we billed |
you billed |
they billed |
Present Continuous |
I am billing |
you are billing |
he/she/it is billing |
we are billing |
you are billing |
they are billing |
Present Perfect |
I have billed |
you have billed |
he/she/it has billed |
we have billed |
you have billed |
they have billed |
Past Continuous |
I was billing |
you were billing |
he/she/it was billing |
we were billing |
you were billing |
they were billing |
Past Perfect |
I had billed |
you had billed |
he/she/it had billed |
we had billed |
you had billed |
they had billed |
Future |
I will bill |
you will bill |
he/she/it will bill |
we will bill |
you will bill |
they will bill |
Future Perfect |
I will have billed |
you will have billed |
he/she/it will have billed |
we will have billed |
you will have billed |
they will have billed |
Future Continuous |
I will be billing |
you will be billing |
he/she/it will be billing |
we will be billing |
you will be billing |
they will be billing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been billing |
you have been billing |
he/she/it has been billing |
we have been billing |
you have been billing |
they have been billing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been billing |
you will have been billing |
he/she/it will have been billing |
we will have been billing |
you will have been billing |
they will have been billing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been billing |
you had been billing |
he/she/it had been billing |
we had been billing |
you had been billing |
they had been billing |
Conditional |
I would bill |
you would bill |
he/she/it would bill |
we would bill |
you would bill |
they would bill |
Past Conditional |
I would have billed |
you would have billed |
he/she/it would have billed |
we would have billed |
you would have billed |
they would have billed |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
(restaurant) check
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | measure rider — a clause that is appended to a legislative bill legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument — (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right appropriation bill — a legislative act proposing to authorize the expenditure of public funds for a specified purpose bill of attainder — a legislative act finding a person guilty of treason or felony without a trial; «bills of attainder are prohibited by the Constitution of the United States» bottle bill — a statute that would require merchants to reclaim used bottles farm bill — a statute that would regulate farm production and prices trade bill — a statute that would regulate foreign trade law, jurisprudence — the collection of rules imposed by authority; «civilization presupposes respect for the law»; «the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order» |
2. | invoice, account financial statement, statement — a document showing credits and debits electric bill — a bill for money owed for electricity used hotel bill — statement of charges for staying in a hotel doctor’s bill, medical bill — statement of charges for medical services phone bill, telephone bill — statement of charges for telephone service reckoning, tally — a bill for an amount due tax bill — money owed for taxes tab, chit, check — the bill in a restaurant; «he asked the waiter for the check» |
3. | bank bill, bank note, banker’s bill, banknote, Federal Reserve note, government note, greenback, note folding money, paper currency, paper money — currency issued by a government or central bank and consisting of printed paper that can circulate as a substitute for specie silver certificate — formerly a bank note issued by the United States Treasury and redeemable in silver c-note, hundred dollar bill — a United States bill worth 100 dollars fifty dollar bill, fifty — a United States bill worth 50 dollars twenty dollar bill, twenty — a United States bill worth 20 dollars ten dollar bill, tenner — a United States bill worth 10 dollars five dollar bill, fiver, five-spot — a United States bill worth 5 dollars two dollar bill — a United States bill worth 2 dollars dollar bill, one dollar bill, buck, clam, dollar — a piece of paper money worth one dollar |
4. | bill — the entertainment offered at a public presentation
programme, program — a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; «the program lasted more than two hours» |
5. | broadsheet, broadside, circular, flyer, handbill, throwaway, flier ad, advert, advertisement, advertising, advertizement, advertizing — a public promotion of some product or service stuffer — an advertising circular that is enclosed with other material and (usually) sent by mail |
6. | placard, poster, posting, notice, card sign — a public display of a message; «he posted signs in all the shop windows» show bill, show card, theatrical poster — a poster advertising a show or play flash card, flashcard — a card with words or numbers or pictures that is flashed to a class by the teacher |
7. | list, listing — a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics) bill of entry — a list of goods received at a customhouse for export or import bill of goods — a consignment of merchandise bill of fare, carte, carte du jour, menu, card — a list of dishes available at a restaurant; «the menu was in French» playbill — a theatrical program; «he couldn’t find her name on the playbill» |
8. | billhook saw — hand tool having a toothed blade for cutting |
9. | eyeshade, visor, vizor, peak baseball cap, golf cap, jockey cap — a cap with a bill brim — a circular projection that sticks outward from the crown of a hat kepi, peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap — a cap with a flat circular top and a visor |
10. | beak, neb, nib, pecker bird — warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings cere — the fleshy, waxy covering at the base of the upper beak of some birds mouth — the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening; «she wiped lipstick from her mouth» |
Verb | 1. | bill — demand payment; «Will I get charged for this service?»; «We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights»
charge account, calculate — keep an account of levy, impose — impose and collect; «levy a fine» tithe — exact a tithe from; «The church was tithed» assess — charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine undercharge — charge (someone) too little money surcharge — charge an extra fee, as for a special service invoice — send an bill to; «She invoiced the company for her expenses» charge — enter a certain amount as a charge; «he charged me $15» |
2. | advertize, advertise, promote, push — make publicity for; try to sell (a product); «The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model»; «The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops» |
3. | bill — publicize or announce by placards
placard post — publicize with, or as if with, a poster; «I’ll post the news on the bulletin board» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. charges, rate, costs, score, account, damage (informal), statement, reckoning, expense, tally, invoice, note of charge They couldn’t afford to pay the bills.
2. banknote, green-back (U.S.), note The case contained a large quantity of US dollar bills.
1. charge, debit, invoice, send a statement to, send an invoice to Are you going to bill me for this?
2. advertise, post, announce, push (informal), declare, promote, plug (informal), proclaim, tout, flaunt, publicize, crack up (informal), give advance notice of They bill it as Britain’s most exciting museum.
fit the bill be suitable, fit, be right, be suited, be cut out for If you think you fit the bill, send a CV.
foot the bill pay, cough up (informal), meet the cost Who is footing the bill for her extravagant holiday?
noun beak, nib, neb (archaic or dialect), mandible Its legs and feet are grey, its bill brownish-yellow.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
bill 1
1. A precise list of fees or charges:
Informal: tab.
2. A document, such as a list or an outline, that gives, for example, the order of events in a public performance or the chief features of a stock offering:
3. A usually public posting that conveys a message:
4. The formal product of a legislative or judicial body:
To present a statement of fees or charges to:
bill 2
1. The horny projection forming a bird’s jaws:
2. The projecting rim on the front of a cap:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
bankovkaúčetvyúčtovatzobáknávrh zákona
novčanicaprijedlog zakonaračun
auglÿsingaspjaldfuglsnef, goggurpeningaseîillreikningursenda reikning
afišaaizsūtīt rēķinubanknoteknābisplakāts
dự luậtgiấy bạchóa đơn
[bɪl] N
1. (familiar form) of William
2. (Brit) the (Old) Bill → la poli, la pasma (Sp)
1 [bɪl]
2 [bɪl]
A. N
1. [of bird] → pico m
2. [of anchor] → uña f
B. VI to bill and coo [birds] → arrullarse (fig) [lovers] → arrullarse, hacerse arrumacos
El conjunto de las diez enmiendas (amendments) originales a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, en vigor desde 1791, recibe el nombre de Bill of Rights. Aquí se enumeran los derechos que tiene todo ciudadano norteamericano y se definen algunos de los poderes de los gobiernos estatales y federal. Se incluyen, por ejemplo, el derecho a la libertad de culto, de asociación y de prensa (First Amendment), el derecho a llevar armas (Second Amendment) y el derecho a un juicio justo (Sixth Amendment). Entre las enmiendas hechas a la Constitución después de 1791 están el derecho a la igualdad de protección legal para todos los ciudadanos (Fourteenth Amendment) y el derecho al voto (Fifteenth Amendment).
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(in restaurant) → addition f
Can we have the bill, please? → L’addition, s’il vous plaît.
May I have the bill please? → L’addition, s’il vous plaît?, Est-ce que je peux avoir l’addition, s’il vous plaît?
(in hotel) → note f
(POLITICS) (in parliament) → projet m de loi
(US) (= banknote) → billet m (de banque)
a five-dollar bill → un billet de cinq dollars
(= notice) → affiche f
«stick no bills», «post no bills» → «défense d’afficher»
[bird] → bec m
to fit the bill, to fill the bill (= be suitable) [person, thing] → faire l’affaire; [job applicant] → avoir le profil
(COMMERCE) bill of exchange, bill of lading, bill of sale
it is billed as (= said to be) [show, event] → on dit que c’est
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n (= heading) → Rechnungskopf m; (= sheet) → Rechnungsformular nt
(= statement of charges) → Rechnung f; could we have the bill please? (esp Brit) → zahlen bitte!, wir möchten bitte zahlen
(US: = banknote) → Banknote f, → Schein m; five-dollar bill → Fünfdollarschein m → or -note f
(Theat: = programme) → Programm nt; to head or top the bill, to be top of the bill → Star m → des Abends/der Saison sein; (act) → die Hauptattraktion sein
(esp Comm, Fin: = certificate, statement) bill of lading (Naut) → Seefrachtbrief m, → Konnossement nt; bill of exchange → Wechsel m, → Tratte f; bill of sale → Verkaufsurkunde f; bill of health (Naut) → Gesundheitsattest nt; to give somebody a clean bill of health (lit, fig) → jdm (gute) Gesundheit bescheinigen; to fit or fill the bill (fig) → der/die/das Richtige sein, passen
(Jur) bill of attainder (Brit Hist) Anklage und Urteil gegen politische Persönlichkeiten in Form eines Gesetzes (US) unmittelbare Bestrafung einer Person durch den Gesetzgeber bill of indictment → Anklageschrift f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1 [bɪl]
2 [bɪl]
1. n (of bird) → becco
2. vi to bill and coo → tubare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(bil) noun
a bird’s beak. a bird with a yellow bill.
(bil) noun
1. an account of money owed for goods etc. an electricity bill.
2. (American) a banknote. a five-dollar bill.
3. a poster used for advertising.
to send an account (to someone). We’ll bill you next month for your purchases.
ˈbillboard noun
a large board on which advertising posters are displayed. He stuck posters on the billboard.
ˈbillfold noun
(American) a wallet. a billfold full of dollars.
fill the bill
to be suitable; to be exactly what is required. We are looking for a new car and this will fill the bill.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ فاتُورَة, مَشْرُوع قانون, وَرَقَة مالِيَّة, وَرَقةٌ نِقْدِيَةِ bankovka, návrh zákona, účet lovforslag, pengeseddel, regning Banknote, Gesetzentwurf, Rechnung λογαριασμός, νομοσχέδιο, χαρτονόμισμα billete, billete de banco, cuenta, proyecto de ley lakiesitys, lasku, seteli billet, billet de banque, note, projet de loi novčanica, prijedlog zakona, račun banconota, conto, progetto di legge 法案, 紙幣, 請求書 계산서, 법안, 지폐 bankbiljet, rekening, wetsontwerp lovforslag, pengeseddel, regning, seddel banknot, projekt ustawy, rachunek cédula, conta, nota, projeto de lei банкнота, законопроект, счет proposition, räkning, sedel ใบแจ้งหนี้, ธนบัตร, ร่างกฎหมาย banknot, hesap, kağıt para, yasa dự luật, giấy bạc, hóa đơn 帐单, 议案, 钞票
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. [statement] cuenta; [currency] billete.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Please prepare the bill
- Put it on my bill
- Do you have change for this bill? (US)
Do you have change for this note? (UK) - May I have an itemized bill? (US)
Can I have an itemized bill? (UK) - The bill is wrong
- Please bring the check (US)
Please bring the bill (UK)
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n (statement of charges) cuenta, factura
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Other forms: bills; billing; billed
When thinking about all the many meanings of the simple word bill think of the bill you get in a restaurant. A piece of paper that someone pushes toward you, right?
In the legislature, laws draft form are called bills––pieces of paper being passed around. Dollar bills and advertising bills get passed around too. A bird will push the bill of their beak into things too, and the bill of your baseball hat is the part that sticks out in front of the rest of you. When an actor demands top billing, they want to come first on the billboard marquis in front of the theater (and everywhere else).
Definitions of bill
an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
“he paid his
bill and left”-
account, invoice
a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)
Federal Reserve note, bank bill, bank note, banker’s bill, banknote, government note, greenback, note
see moresee less-
- show 9 types…
- hide 9 types…
silver certificate
formerly a bank note issued by the United States Treasury and redeemable in silver
c-note, hundred dollar bill
a United States bill worth 100 dollars
fifty, fifty dollar bill
a United States bill worth 50 dollars
twenty, twenty dollar bill
a United States bill worth 20 dollars
ten dollar bill, tenner
a United States bill worth 10 dollars
five dollar bill, five-spot, fiver
a United States bill worth 5 dollars
two dollar bill
a United States bill worth 2 dollars
buck, clam, dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill
a piece of paper money worth one dollar
nickel, nickel note
five dollars worth of a drug
type of:
folding money, paper currency, paper money
currency issued by a government or central bank and consisting of printed paper that can circulate as a substitute for specie
a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)
an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement
the entertainment offered at a public presentation
“We were
billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights”-
enter a certain amount as a charge
publicize or announce by placards
advertise especially by posters or placards
“He was
billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso” -
a statute in draft before it becomes law
“they held a public hearing on the
horny projecting mouth of a bird
beak, neb, nib, pecker
see moresee less-
the fleshy, waxy covering at the base of the upper beak of some birds
type of:
the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes
“he pulled down the
bill of his cap and trudged ahead”-
eyeshade, peak, visor, vizor
a long-handled saw with a curved blade
“he used a
bill to prune branches off of the tree”-
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Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote
bill, measurenoun
a statute in draft before it becomes law
«they held a public hearing on the bill»
bill, account, invoicenoun
an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
«he paid his bill and left»; «send me an account of what I owe»
bill, note, government note, bank bill, banker’s bill, bank note, banknote, Federal Reserve note, greenbacknoun
a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)
«he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes»
the entertainment offered at a public presentation
circular, handbill, bill, broadside, broadsheet, flier, flyer, throwawaynoun
an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution
«he mailed the circular to all subscribers»
poster, posting, placard, notice, bill, cardnoun
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement
«a poster advertised the coming attractions»
a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)
bill, billhooknoun
a long-handled saw with a curved blade
«he used a bill to prune branches off of the tree»
bill, peak, eyeshade, visor, vizornoun
a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes
«he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead»
beak, bill, neb, nib, peckerverb
horny projecting mouth of a bird
charge, billverb
demand payment
«Will I get charged for this service?»; «We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights»
advertise especially by posters or placards
«He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso»
placard, billverb
publicize or announce by placards
WiktionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A diminutive of the male given name William.
A nickname for the British constabulary. Often called «The Bill» or «Old Bill»
One Hundred Dollars.
Etymology: bille, from bulle, from bulla. Compare bull.
Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
The beak of a fowl.
Etymology: bile, Sax.
Their bills were thwarted crossways at the end, and, with these, they would cut an apple in two at one snap.
Richard Carew, Survey of Cornwal.It may be tried, whether birds may not be made to have greater or longer bills, or greater and longer talons.
Francis Bacon, Natural History, №. 757.In his bill
An olive leaf he brings, pacifick sign!
Paradise Lost, b. xi.No crowing cock does there his wings display,
Nor with his horny bill provoke the day.
John Dryden, Fables. -
Etymology: bille, Sax. twibille, a two edged axe.
1. A kind of hatchet with a hooked point, used in country work, as a hedging bill; so called from its resemblance in form to the beak of a bird of prey.
Standing troops are servants armed, who use the lance and sword, as other servants do the sickle, or the bill, at the command of those who entertain them.
William Temple.2. A kind of weapon anciently carried by the foot; a battle axe.
Yea distaff women manage rusty bills;
Against thy seat both young and old rebel.
William Shakespeare, R. II. -
Etymology: billet, French.
1. A written paper of any kind.
He does receive
Particular addition from the bill
That writes them all alike.
William Shakespeare, Macbeth.2. An account of money.
Ordinary expence ought to be limited by a man’s estate, and ordered to the best, that the bills may be less than the estimation abroad.
Francis Bacon, Essays.3. A law presented to the parliament, not yet made an act.
No new laws can be made, nor old laws abrogated or altered, but by parliament; where bills are prepared, and presented to the two houses.
Francis Bacon, Advice to Villiers.How now, for mitigation of this bill,
Urg’d by the commons? Doth his majesty
Incline to it, or no?
William Shakespeare, Henry V.4. An act of parliament.
There will be no way left for me to tell you, that I remember you, and that I love you; but that one, which needs no open warrant, or secret conveyance; which no bills can preclude, or no kings prevent.
Francis Atterbury, to Pope.5. A physician’s prescription.
Like him that took the doctor’s bill,
And swallow’d it instead o’ th’ pill.
Hudibras, p. i. cant. ii.The medicine was prepar’d according to the bill.
Roger L’Estrange, fab. 183.Let them, but under your superiours, kill,
When doctors first have sign’d the bloody bill.
Dryden.6. An advertisement.
And in despair, their empty pit to fill,
Set up some foreign monster in a bill.
Dryden.7. In law.1. An obligation, but without condition or forfeiture for nonpayment.
2. A declaration in writing, that expresseth either the grief and the wrong, that the complainant hath suffered by the party complained of; or else some fault, that the party complained of, hath committed against some law. This bill is sometimes offered to justices errants in the general assizes; but most to the lord chancellor. It containeth the fact complained of, the damages thereby suffered, and petition of process against the defendant for redress. John CowellThe fourth thing very maturely to be consulted by the jury, is, what influence their finding the bill may have upon the kingdom.
Jonathan Swift.8. A bill of mortality. An account of the numbers that have died in any district.
Most who took in the weekly bills of mortality, made little other use of them, than to look at the foot, how the burials encreased or decreased.
John Graunt, Bills of Mortality.So liv’d our sires, ere doctors learn’d to kill,
And multiply’d with theirs the weekly bill.
Dryden.9. A bill of fare. An account of the season of provisions, or of the dishes at a feast.
It may seem somewhat difficult to make out the bills of fare for some of the forementioned suppers.
John Arbuthnot, on Coins.10. A bill of exchange. A note ordering the payment of a sum of money in one place, to some person assigned by the drawer or remitter, in consideration of the value paid to him in another place.
The comfortable sentences are our bills of exchange, upon the credit of which we lay our cares down, and receive provisions.
Jeremy Taylor, Rule of living holy.All that a bill of exchange can do, is to direct to whom money is due, or taken up upon credit, in a foreign country, shall be paid.
John Locke. -
To Billverb
To publish by an advertisement: a cant word.
Etymology: from bill, a writing.
His masterpiece was a composition that he billed about under the name of a sovereign antidote.
Roger L’Estrange. -
To Billverb
To caress, as doves by joining bills; to be fond.
Etymology: from bill, a beak.
Doves, they say, will bill, after their pecking, and their murmuring.
Ben Jonson, Catiline.Still amorous, and fond, and billing,
Like Philip and Mary on a shilling.
Hudibras, p. iii. c. i.They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress’d,
Seven days sits brooding on her floating nest.
Dryden.He that bears th’ artillery of Jove,
The strong pounc’d eagle, and the billing dove.
WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
Bill.com is a company based in San Jose, California, that provides automated, cloud-based software for financial operations. A white-labeled, end-to-end payments automation platform, Bill.com Connect is offered to financial institutions as part of their single sign-on online business banking ecosystem.
Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
a beak, as of a bird, or sometimes of a turtle or other animal
to strike; to peck
to join bills, as doves; to caress in fondness
the bell, or boom, of the bittern
a cutting instrument, with hook-shaped point, and fitted with a handle; — used in pruning, etc.; a billhook. When short, called a hand bill, when long, a hedge bill
a weapon of infantry, in the 14th and 15th centuries. A common form of bill consisted of a broad, heavy, double-edged, hook-shaped blade, having a short pike at the back and another at the top, and attached to the end of a long staff
one who wields a bill; a billman
a pickax, or mattock
the extremity of the arm of an anchor; the point of or beyond the fluke
to work upon ( as to dig, hoe, hack, or chop anything) with a bill
a declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant, or a fault committed by some person against a law
a writing binding the signer or signers to pay a certain sum at a future day or on demand, with or without interest, as may be stated in the document
a form or draft of a law, presented to a legislature for enactment; a proposed or projected law
a paper, written or printed, and posted up or given away, to advertise something, as a lecture, a play, or the sale of goods; a placard; a poster; a handbill
an account of goods sold, services rendered, or work done, with the price or charge; a statement of a creditor’s claim, in gross or by items; as, a grocer’s bill
any paper, containing a statement of particulars; as, a bill of charges or expenditures; a weekly bill of mortality; a bill of fare, etc
to advertise by a bill or public notice
to charge or enter in a bill; as, to bill goods
FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A bill is a proposed law under consideration by a legislature. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the legislature and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has been enacted into law, it is called an act or a statute.
Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
bil, n. the beak of a bird, or anything like it, applied even to a sharp promontory, as Portland Bill: the point of the fluke of an anchor—hence Bill′-board, n., used to protect the planking from being injured by the bill when the anchor is weighed.—v.i. to join bills as doves: to caress fondly.—adj. Billed. [A.S. bile, most prob. the same word as the preceding.]
bil, n. an account of money: a draft of a proposed law: a written engagement to pay a sum of money at a fixed date: a placard or advertisement: any written statement of particulars: in the criminal law of England, the formal name of a written accusation of serious crime preferred before a grand-jury.—n. Bill′-book, a book used in commerce in which an entry is made of all bills accepted and received.—n.pl. Bill′-brok′ers, persons who, being skilled in the money-market, the state of mercantile and personal credit, and the rates of exchange, engage, either on their own account or that of their employers, in the purchase and sale of foreign and inland bills of exchange and promissory notes: the business of Bill′-discount′ers, or discount-brokers, again, consists in discounting or advancing the amount of bills of exchange and notes which have some time to run before they come due, on the faith of the credit of the parties to the bill.—n. Bill′-cham′ber, a department of the Court of Session in Scotland which deals with summary business—so called because formerly both summonses and diligence or execution were for the most part commenced by a writ called a bill; Bill′-stick′er, one who sticks or posts up bills or placards.—Bill of adventure, a writing by a merchant stating that goods shipped by him, and in his name, are the property of another, whose adventure or chance the transaction is—the shipping merchant, on the other hand, undertaking to account to the adventurer for the produce; Bill of complaint, the name given in the English Court of Chancery, prior to the Judicature Act of 1873, to the formal statement of the facts and prayer for relief submitted by a plaintiff to the court; Bill of costs, an account stating in detail the charges and disbursements of an attorney or solicitor in the conduct of his client’s business; Bill of exceptions, a statement of objections, by way of appeal, against the decision of a judge who is trying a case with a jury in the Court of Session; Bill of exchange, a document purporting to be an instrument of pecuniary obligation for value received, and which is employed for the purpose of settling a debt in a manner convenient to the parties concerned; Bill of fare, in a hotel, the list of dishes or articles of food; Bill of health, an official certificate of the state of health on board ship before sailing; Bill of lading, a paper signed by the master of a ship, by which he makes himself responsible for the safe delivery of the goods specified therein; Bill of mortality, an official account of the births and deaths occurring in a certain district within a given time; Bill of sale, in English law, a formal deed assigning personal property, the usual mode of transferring ships, and valuable as mercantile securities over stock-in-trade, furniture, &c.; Bill of sight, an entry of imported goods of which the merchant does not know the quantity or the quality; Bill of store, a license from the customs authorities to reimport British goods formerly exported; Bill of victualling, a list of necessary stores shipped from the bonded warehouse, or for drawback on board vessels proceeding on oversea voyages. [Through Low L. billa, from L. bulla, anything round, a knob, a seal appended to a charter, hence a document bearing a seal, &c. See Bull, an edict.]
Dictionary of Military and Associated TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A ship
Dictionary of Nautical TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A weapon or implement of war, a pike or halbert of the English
infantry. It was formerly carried by sentinels, whence Shakspeare
humorously made Dogberry tell the sleepy watchmen to have a care that
their bills be not stolen. Also, the point or tapered extremity of the
fluke at the arm of an anchor. Also a point of land, of which a familiar
instance may be cited in the Bill of Portland.
Military Dictionary and GazetteerRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A weapon much used by infantry, in the 14th and 15th centuries, for defense against cavalry, consisting of a broad, hook-shaped blade, having a short pike at the back and another at the summit, and attached to the end of a long staff.
Rap DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A banknote. We got to get you for that dollar bill — Mack 10 & Scarface (You Delinquent)
Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A specific and accurate form of proposed legislation.
The bill is approved to create a form of banking taxation and it is vital to ensure a just and fair contribution to society.
Submitted by MaryC on March 7, 2020
Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Bill is ranked #6474 in terms of the most common surnames in America.
The Bill surname appeared 5,246 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 2 would have the surname Bill.
74.9% or 3,934 total occurrences were White.
8.1% or 426 total occurrences were Black.
7% or 367 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
6.2% or 330 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
1.9% or 101 total occurrences were Asian.
1.6% or 88 total occurrences were of two or more races.
Matched Categories
- Account
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- Brim
- Law
- Legal Document
- List
- Paper Money
- Post
- Program
- Statement
British National Corpus
Spoken Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘bill’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1157
Written Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘bill’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #1095
Nouns Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘bill’ in Nouns Frequency: #367
How to pronounce bill?
How to say bill in sign language?
Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of bill in Chaldean Numerology is: 9
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of bill in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8
Examples of bill in a Sentence
Jackie Speier:
I cannot stand by while these provisions are slipped into an otherwise excellent bill through underhanded maneuvers that run contrary to our democratic process.
Javier Gomez:
I fear other students in Florida and across the country will not be able to get the same support because of hateful legislation like the don’t say gay bill, but my presence here is a testament that we are fighting back.
Wesley Korir:
The Bill has not been brought to Parliament as we are speaking and even if it is brought today, we cannot complete the process in two days because we shall be going on recess on Friday and returning on April 6.
Emerson Petriv:
It is a shocking bill, but unfortunately a majority of politicians steal taxpayers’ money.
White House:
The president fully supports both the Goodlatte bill and the House leadership bill. In this morning’s interview, he was commenting on the discharge petition in the House, and not the new package. He would sign either the Goodlatte or the leadership bills.
Popularity rank by frequency of use
Translations for bill
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- حساب, منقار, فاتورةArabic
- дзюбаBelarusian
- фактура, афиш, човка, сметка, клюн, законопроект, програма, лапа, афиширам, разгласявам, секач, градинска ножица, алебарда, представям сметкаBulgarian
- bec, facturaCatalan, Valencian
- zobák, účet, směnkaCzech
- næbDanish
- Schnabel, Gesetzesentwurf, Landzunge, RechnungGerman
- συναλλαγματική, διαφήμιση, τιμολόγιο, κατηγορητήριο, ράμφος, λογαριασμός, εγκλητήριο, νομοσχέδιο, αφίσα, εκδίδω τιμολόγιο, χαϊδολογιέμαι, εκδίδω λογαριασμό, αποστέλλω λογαριασμόGreek
- beko, kalkuloEsperanto
- cartel, proyecto de ley, nota, pico, declaración, letra, factura, proposición de ley, cuentaSpanish
- صورتحسابPersian
- vekseli, lasku, lakiehdotus, nokka, luettelo, julistus, juliste, kanne, kynsi, hilpari, vesuri, hakata, kuhertaa, laskuttaaFinnish
- nevFaroese
- promontoire, acte, facture, addition, greffe, tract, projet de loi, bec, note, serpe, hallebardier, piocher, serpette, hallebardeFrench
- snaffelWestern Frisian
- gobIrish
- bileScottish Gaelic
- מקור, תכניה, כרזהHebrew
- चोंचHindi
- csőr, váltóHungarian
- կտուցArmenian
- nef, frumvarp, nóta, goggur, reikningurIcelandic
- becco, poster, conto, cambiale, nota, fatturaItalian
- שטר כסףHebrew
- 嘴, 勘定, 請求書Japanese
- ნისკარტიGeorgian
- 계산서Korean
- snapasLithuanian
- likumprojektsLatvian
- сметка, клун, нацрт-закон, меница, законски проектMacedonian
- चोचMarathi
- bek, snavel, rekenen, in rekening brengen, factureren, BillDutch
- nebbNorwegian
- rachunek, dziób, faktura, halabardaPolish
- conta, bico, declaração, fatura, [[projeto]] [[de]] [[lei]]Portuguese
- plisc, notă, afiș, factură, inventar, bilet de bancă, proiect de lege, notă de plată, plângere, placardă, act, cioc, poster, cosor, halebardier, halebardă, anunțaRomanian
- билль, расписка, клюв, счёт, програмка, афиша, заявление, законопроект, вексель, алебардаRussian
- kljun, кљунSerbo-Croatian
- zobákSlovak
- kljunSlovene
- sqep, çukëAlbanian
- växel, faktura, motion, program, affisch, intyg, näbb, förteckning, räkning, lista, nota, proposition, sedel, anslag, lagförslag, hillebardiär, hillebard, hacka, kyssas, affischera, faskinkniv, näbbas, debiteraSwedish
- mswada, mwsadaSwahili
- gagaTurkish
- дзьобUkrainian
- bödahoned, länalineg, honedVolapük
- 法案Chinese
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a statement of money owed for goods or services supplied: He paid the hotel bill when he checked out.
a piece of paper money worth a specified amount: a ten-dollar bill.
Government. a form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made law.
a written or printed public notice or advertisement.
any written paper containing a statement of particulars: a bill of expenditures.
Law. a written statement, usually of complaint, presented to a court.
Slang. one hundred dollars: The job pays five bills a week.
entertainment scheduled for presentation; program: a good bill at the movies.
- a promissory note.
- a written and sealed document.
- a written, formal petition.
verb (used with object)
to charge for by bill; send a bill to: The store will bill me.
to enter (charges) in a bill; make a bill or list of: to bill goods.
to advertise by bill or public notice: A new actor was billed for this week.
to schedule on a program: The management billed the play for two weeks.
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Idioms about bill
fit the bill, to be just what is needed for a particular purpose: If you’re looking for things to do with the family, this not-too-spooky Great Pumpkin Fest is sure to fit the bill.Also fill the bill .
Origin of bill
First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English bille, from Anglo-French, from Anglo-Latin billa for Late Latin bulla “seal”; see bull3
bill·er, noun
Words nearby bill
biliteral, biliterate, bilith, biliverdin, bilk, bill, billable, billabong, billbergia, billboard, bill broker
Other definitions for bill (2 of 5)
the parts of a bird’s jaws that are covered with a horny or leathery sheath; beak.
the visor of a cap or other head covering.
a beaklike promontory or headland.
verb (used without object)
to join bills or beaks, as doves.
Origin of bill
First recorded before 1000; Middle English bile, bille, Old English bile “beak, trunk”; akin to bill3
Other definitions for bill (3 of 5)
a medieval shafted weapon having at its head a hooklike cutting blade with a beak at the back.
Also called billman. a person armed with a bill.
Also called billhook. a sharp, hooked instrument used for pruning, cutting, etc.
Also called pea. Nautical. the extremity of a fluke of an anchor.
Origin of bill
First recorded before 1000; Middle English bil, Old English bill “sword”; cognate with Old High German bil “pickax”
Other definitions for bill (4 of 5)
Origin of bill
First recorded in 1780–90; akin to bell2, bellow
Other definitions for bill (5 of 5)
a male given name, form of William.
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to bill
check, debt, note, statement, agenda, card, program, act, draft, measure, proposal, announce, chit, damage, invoice, knock, reckoning, score, tab, advertisement
How to use bill in a sentence
What starts with a few innocent bills can—before you know it—become an overwhelming document pile you’re forced to tear through in a panic looking for your lost passport.
“We are currently growing at 110% average month on month in sales and our average bill value has gone up by 10 times in the last 6 months,” he said.
An investigation this year by ProPublica found that companies run by the governor’s family have accumulated $128 million in judgments and settlements in cases brought by vendors and other businesses and government entities over unpaid bills.
The bills are usually paid in private, with no public disclosure.
They would allow lawmakers to pass, or at least put up to vote, targeted bills on unemployment, increased testing, and other issues.
“Someone is determined to keep Bill Cosby off TV,” she continued.
True, this may not be what James Madison had in mind when he was writing the Bill of Rights.
But at the heart of this “Truther” conspiracy theory is the idea that “someone” wants to destroy Bill Cosby.
She fails to appreciate the congressional and constitutional obstacles Johnson had to overcome to win passage of the bill.
That is the difference between the protections embedded in our Bill of Rights and the lived lives of our citizenry.
The lack of bill buyers in foreign countries who will quote as low rates on dollar as on sterling bills.
Several able speakers had made long addresses in support of the bill when one Mr. Morrisett, from Monroe, took the floor.
He is what the bill wishes to make for us, a regular root doctor, and will suit the place exactly.
Then, you know, she had no right to play in the Rooms again; she was supposed to pay her hotel bill, and leave Monte Carlo.
For Mrs. Robin had an end of a pinkish-white worm in her bill, on which she was tugging as hard as she could.
British Dictionary definitions for bill (1 of 4)
money owed for goods or services suppliedan electricity bill
a written or printed account or statement of money owed
mainly British such an account for food and drink in a restaurant, hotel, etcUsual US and Canadian word: check
any printed or written list of items, events, etc, such as a theatre programmewho’s on the bill tonight?
fit the bill or fill the bill informal to serve or perform adequately
a statute in draft, before it becomes law
a printed notice or advertisement; poster
US and Canadian a piece of paper money; note
archaic any document
verb (tr)
to send or present an account for payment to (a person)
to enter (items, goods, etc) on an account or statement
to advertise by posters
to schedule as a future programmethe play is billed for next week
Word Origin for bill
C14: from Anglo-Latin billa, alteration of Late Latin bulla document, bull ³
British Dictionary definitions for bill (2 of 4)
the mouthpart of a bird, consisting of projecting jaws covered with a horny sheath; beak. It varies in shape and size according to the type of food eaten and may also be used as a weapon
any beaklike mouthpart in other animals
a narrow promontoryPortland Bill
nautical the pointed tip of the fluke of an anchor
verb (intr)
(of birds, esp doves) to touch bills together
(of lovers) to kiss and whisper amorously
Word Origin for bill
Old English bile; related to bill bill ³
British Dictionary definitions for bill (3 of 4)
a pike or halberd with a narrow hooked blade
Word Origin for bill
Old English bill sword, related to Old Norse bīldr instrument used in blood-letting, Old High German bil pickaxe
British Dictionary definitions for bill (4 of 4)
Word Origin for bill
C18: from dialect beel bell ² (vb)
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with bill
see clean bill of health; fill the bill; foot the bill; sell a bill of goods.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
bill [bɪl]
1) клюв
2) у́зкий мыс
3) козырёк (фура́жки)
4) носо́к я́коря
1) целова́ться клю́виками ( о голубях)
bill [bɪl]
1) законопрое́кт, билль;
2) счёт;
4) спи́сок; инвента́рь; докуме́нт;
6) афи́ша; рекла́ма, рекла́мный листо́к
б) пе́рвые де́сять попра́вок в конститу́ции США;
G. I. Bill (of Rights) амер. льго́та для демобилизо́ванных
to fill the bill удовлетворя́ть тре́бованиям; соотве́тствовать своему́ назначе́нию
1) объявля́ть в афи́шах
2) раскле́ивать афи́ши
3) выпи́сывать накладну́ю, выдава́ть накладну́ю (to, for)
2) садо́вые но́жницы
3) топо́р(ик), сека́ч
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Bill
bill [bɪl]
1) клюв
2) у́зкий мыс
3) козырёк (фура́жки)
4) носо́к я́коря
1) целова́ться клю́виками ( о голубях)
bill [bɪl]
1) законопрое́кт, билль;
2) счёт;
4) спи́сок; инвента́рь; докуме́нт;
6) афи́ша; рекла́ма, рекла́мный листо́к
б) пе́рвые де́сять попра́вок в конститу́ции США;
G. I. Bill (of Rights) амер. льго́та для демобилизо́ванных
to fill the bill удовлетворя́ть тре́бованиям; соотве́тствовать своему́ назначе́нию
1) объявля́ть в афи́шах
2) раскле́ивать афи́ши
3) выпи́сывать накладну́ю, выдава́ть накладну́ю (to, for)
2) садо́вые но́жницы
3) топо́р(ик), сека́ч
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bill
Large English-Russian phrasebook > bill
Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > bill
Bill Jim Билл Джим (прозвище австралийского солдата) Bill: Finance Bill законопроект об ассигнованиях (Великобритания) bill: bill: finance Bill финансовый вексель finance Bill финансовый законопроект, законопроект об ассигнованиях
English-Russian short dictionary > Bill
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Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > bill
English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > bill
Персональный Сократ > bill
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > bill
1) счёт к оплате
2) перечисление сумм, подлежащих выплате
3) разг. затраты по счетам (на приобретённые товары, услуги)
4) торг. счёт, фактура || выписывать счёт [фактуру]
5) торговый контракт; свидетельство, декларация
6) накладная, список || выписывать накладную
7) вексель; тратта
долговое обязательство
9) опись товаров (при перевозках по железной дороге)
10) амер. банкнота
11) законопроект, билль
12) рекламное объявление в афише || объявлять в афишах
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > bill
1) иск, исковое заявление
3) петиция, просьба, заявление
4) билль, законопроект; закон, акт парламента, законодательный акт
5) список; изложение пунктов
6) обязательство; вексель
счёт; инвойс || выставлять счёт; фактурировать, инвойсировать, выписывать накладную
банкнота, казначейский билет
12) подготовленный к подписанию монархом патент с пожалованием, назначением и т. п.
bill at… days’ sight — тратта, срочная через… дней после предъявления;
bill at sight — тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении;
bill at usance — вексель на срок, установленный торговым обычаем;
bill in equity — иск, основанный на праве справедливости; иск в суд права справедливости;
no true bill — нет оснований для обвинительного акта;
bill obligatory — документ за печатью с безусловным обязательством уплаты денежной суммы;
bill quia timet — иск о предотвращении возможного нарушения имущественных прав;
bill rendered — расчёт, представленный кредитором по контокорренту;
bill single — документ за печатью с безусловным денежным обязательством;
to call up a bill — потребовать предъявления (таможенной) декларации;
to clear a bill — уплатить пошлины в соответствии с (таможенной) декларацией;
to guillotine a bill — назначить законопроект к голосованию в определённое время;
to jettison a bill — отказаться от законопроекта вследствие затруднительности его проведения;
— bill of advocation
— bill of attainder
— bill of bankruptcy
— bill of bottomry
— bill of certiorari
— bill of complaint
— bill of conformity
— bill of costs
— bill of credit
— bill of debt
— bill of discovery
— bill of divorcement
— bill of divorce
— bill of entry
— bill of exceptions
— bill of exchange
— bill of health
— bill of indictment
— bill of information
— bill of interpleader
— bill of lading
— bill of Middlesex
— bill of oblivion
— bill of order
— bill of pain and penalty
— bill of particularities
— bill of peace
— bill of proof
— bill of review
— bill of revivor
— bill of revivor and supplement
— bill of rights
— bill of sale
— bill of sight
— bill of store
— bill of sufferance
— accommodation bill
— addressed bill
— air bill of lading
— ancillary bill
— anti-impoundment bill
— appropriation bill
— bank bill
— bearer bill
— claused bill of lading
— clean bill of lading
— controversial bill
— counterfeit bill
— creditor’s bill
— crime bill
— cross bill
— decided bill
— deficiency bill
— demand bill
— dishonoured bill
— documentary bill
— domestic bill of lading
— domiciled bill
— draft bill
— engrossed bill
— enrolled bill
— enroled bill
— exchequer bill
— fee bill
— finance bill
— floor-managed bill
— foreign bill
— foul bill of lading
— government bill
— guillotined bill
— health bill
— House bill
— insurance bill
— introduced bill
— inward bill of lading
— King’s bill
— legal bill
— local bill
— long-dated bill
— longdated bill
— money bill
— negotiable bill of lading
— no bill
— non-controversial bill
— not a true bill
— noted bill
— obligatory bill
— ocean bill of lading
— omnibus bill
— omnibus bill of lading
— on board bill of lading
— order bill of lading
— original bill
— original bill of lading
— outward bill of lading
— overdue bill
— parcel bill of lading
— pending bill
— pertinent bill
— private bill
— private member’s bill
— pro forma bill
— proposed bill
— public bill
— Queen’s bill
— railroad bill of lading
— reclaiming bill
— relief bill
— revenue bill
— secured bill
— Senate bill
— shipped bill of lading
— ship’s bill
— short bill
— sight bill
— single bill
— skeleton bill
— sole bill
— straight bill of lading
— supplemental bill
— tax bill
— through bill of lading
— time bill
— to-order bill of lading
— trade bill
— transhipment bill of lading
— Treasury bill
— true bill
— bill of particulars
— security bill
— long-sighted bill
Англо-русский юридический словарь > bill
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > bill
3) документ
4) вексель; тратта
банкнота, казначейский билет
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > bill
вексель; тратта; plвексельные активы
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > bill
accepted bill акцептованнный вексель accepted bill акцептованный вексель accommodation bill of exchange дружеский переводный вексель accomodation bill дружеский вексель addressed bill домицилированная тратта after date bill вексель с указанным сроком оплаты aftersight bill вексель, подлежащий оплате через определенное время после предъявления для акцепта aftersight bill предъявительский вексель all-inclusive bill объединенный счет bank bill акцептованный банком вексель bank bill банкнота bank bill банковский акцепт bank bill банковский билет bank bill тратта, выставленная на банк bank bill тратта, выставленная банком banker’s bill акцептованный банком вексель banker’s bill банкнота banker’s bill банковский акцепт banker’s bill банковский билет banker’s bill тратта, выставленная на банк banker’s bill тратта, выставленная банком bill уст. алебарда bill афиша; реклама, рекламный листок bill амер. банкнот; a five dollar bill билет в пять долларов bill (амер.) банкнота, казначейский билет bill банкнота bill билль, законопроект, закон, акт парламента, законодателльный акт bill вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange); short bill краткосрочная тратта bill вексель bill выписывать накладную, выдавать накладную (to, for) bill выписывать накладную bill выписывать счет bill выставлять счет bill декларация bill декларация (тамооженная и т.п.) bill долговое обязательство bill законопроект, билль; to pass (to throw out) the bill принять (отклонить) законопроект bill законопроект bill юр. иск; to find a true bill передавать дело в суд; to ignore the bill прекращать дело bill иск, исковое заявление bill иск bill исковое заявление bill казначейский билет bill клюв bill козырек (фуражки) bill накладная bill нежничать, ласкаться (особ. to bill and coo) bill носок якоря bill обвинительный акт bill амер. объявлять, обещать bill объявлять в афишах bill обязательство, вексель bill опись товаров bill переводный вексель bill петиция, просьба, заявление bill подготовленный к подписанию королем патент с пожалованием, назначением bill программа (концерта и т. п.) bill расклеивать афиши bill рекламное объявление в афише bill садовые ножницы bill свидетельство bill список; инвентарь; документ; bill of credit аккредитив; bill of entry таможенная декларация; bill of fare меню; bill of health карантинное свидетельство; bill of lading накладная, коносамент bill список, изложение пунктов bill список bill статья взаимных расчетов bill судебный приказ bill счет, выставлять счет, фактуировать, инвойсировать, выписывать накладную bill счет bill счет; padded bills раздутые счета; bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела; omnibus bill счет по разным статьям bill топор(ик), секач bill торговый контракт bill тратта bill узкий мыс bill фактура bill целоваться клювиками (о голубях) Bill: Bill: Finance bill законопроект об ассигнованиях (Великобритания) bill: bill: finance bill финансовый вексель billhook: billhook =bill bill due at fixed date вексель к оплате на определенную дату bill eligible for refinancing счет, подлежащий рефинансированию bill for collection вексель для инкассирования bill for collection вексель на инкассо bill for services счет за услуги bill in distress вексель, подлежащий срочной оплате bill in set дубликат векселя bill of attainder закон о лишении гражданских и имущественных прав за государственную измену bill of carriage счет за перевозку груза bill of charges счет расходов bill of clearance счет таможенной очистки bill of commission счет за комиссию bill of complaint жалоба bill of consignment транспортная накладная bill счет; padded bills раздутые счета; bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела; omnibus bill счет по разным статьям bill of costs ведомость издержек по делу bill of costs счет адвокатских расходов bill список; инвентарь; документ; bill of credit аккредитив; bill of entry таможенная декларация; bill of fare меню; bill of health карантинное свидетельство; bill of lading накладная, коносамент bill of discharge свидетельство об освобождении от пошлин bill of divorce свидетельство о разводе bill список; инвентарь; документ; bill of credit аккредитив; bill of entry таможенная декларация; bill of fare меню; bill of health карантинное свидетельство; bill of lading накладная, коносамент bill of entry ввозная таможенная декларация bill of entry таможенная декларация по приходу bill of exchange переводный вексель, тратта bill of exchange (B/E) переводный вексель bill of exchange (B/E) тратта exchange: bill фин. размен денег; rate (или course) of exchange валютный курс; foreign exchange иностранная валюта; переводный вексель; bill of exchange вексель, тратта bill of exchange form бланк тратты bill of exchange payable переводный вексель к уплате bill список; инвентарь; документ; bill of credit аккредитив; bill of entry таможенная декларация; bill of fare меню; bill of health карантинное свидетельство; bill of lading накладная, коносамент bill of freight транспортная накладная bill список; инвентарь; документ; bill of credit аккредитив; bill of entry таможенная декларация; bill of fare меню; bill of health карантинное свидетельство; bill of lading накладная, коносамент bill of health карантинное свидетельство bill of health карантинное свидетельтство bill of health карантинное удостоверение bill of health санитарный патент bill of indictment обвинительный акт bill список; инвентарь; документ; bill of credit аккредитив; bill of entry таможенная декларация; bill of fare меню; bill of health карантинное свидетельство; bill of lading накладная, коносамент bill of lading (B/L) коносамент bill of lading коносамент bill of lading (B/L) транспортная накладная bill of lading (амер.) транспортная накладная bill of lading guarantee гарантированный коносамент bill of lading in blank коносамент с бланковой передаточной надписью bill of lading made out to order ордерный коносамент bill of lading port terminal порт назначения, указанный в коносаменте bill of lading to bearer коносамент на предъявителя bill of lading to order ордерный коносамент bill of materials накладная на предметы материально-технического обеспечения bill of materials спецификация материалов bill of parcels накладная bill of parcels фактура; накладная; bill of sale купчая, закладная bill of parcels фактура bill of particulars детальное изложение возражений ответчика bill of particulars детальное изложение исковых требований bill of quantities (BOQ) перечень предложений цены Bill of Rights ист. «Билль о правах» (в Англии) Bill of Rights первые десять поправок в конституции США bill of parcels фактура; накладная; bill of sale купчая, закладная bill of sale закладная bill of sale суд. корабельная крепость bill of sale купчая bill of sale чек на проданный товар bill of short currency краткосрочный вексель bill of sufferance разрешение на перевозку неочищенных от пошлины грузов из одного порта в другой bill of tonnage суд. мерительное свидетельство bill of tonnage тоннаж bill on deposit депонированный вексель bill to order ордерный коносамент bill with attached documents тратта с приложенными документами blank bill бланковый вексель butcher’s bill sl. список убитых на войне; to fill the bill амер. удовлетворять требованиям; соответствовать своему назначению butcher: bill искусственная муха (для ловли лососей); butcher’s bill список убитых на войне claim based on bill иск на основании векселя clean bill of lading бланк коносамента clean bill of lading бланк транспортной накладной clean bill of lading чистый коносамент combined transport bill of lading (CT B/L) коносамент на смешанные перевозки commercial bill коммерческий вексель commercial bill торговый вексель commercial bill of exchange коммерческий переводный вексель corporation bill облигация, выпущенная муниципалитетом defeat a bill отклонить законопроект defeat a bill провалить законопроект demand bill предъявительский вексель demand: bill attr.: bill bill счет, оплачиваемый по предъявлении; вексель, срочный по предъявлении; demand deposit бессрочный вклад; demand loan заем или ссуда до востребования discount a bill дисконтировать вексель discount a bill учитывать вексель discounted bill of exchange учтенный переводный вексель dishonour a bill отказывать в акцепте векселя dishonour a bill отказывать в платеже по векселю dishonoured bill of exchange опротестованный переводный вексель documentary bill документарная тратта dollar bill банкнота в один доллар domestic bill of exchange внутренний переводный вексель domestic bill of exchange внутренняя тратта domiciled bill домицилированная тратта domiciled bill домицилированный вексель draft bill законопроект due bill вексель с наступившим сроком due bill счет к оплате due bill счет на доплату за перевозку груза eligible bill вексель, могущий быть учтенным в банке eligible bill вексель, могущий быть переучтенным в банке butcher’s bill sl. список убитых на войне; to fill the bill амер. удовлетворять требованиям; соответствовать своему назначению finalize a bill завершать работу над законопроектом bill юр. иск; to find a true bill передавать дело в суд; to ignore the bill прекращать дело bill амер. банкнот; a five dollar bill билет в пять долларов fixed-date bill вексель с установленным сроком оплаты foreign bill иностранный вексель freight bill счет за провоз freight bill счет за фрахт government bill государственный вексель government bill правительственный законопроект guaranteed bill гарантированный вексель heating bill счет за отопление heavy bill счет на большую сумму bill юр. иск; to find a true bill передавать дело в суд; to ignore the bill прекращать дело introduce a bill ставить законопроект на обсуждение itemized bill подробный счет local bill местный вексель long bill долгосрочный вексель long: bill обширный, многочисленный; long family огромная семья; long bill длинный, раздутый счет; long price непомерная цена; long shillings хороший заработок long-dated bill долгосрочный вексель long-term bill долгосрочный вексель matured bill вексель, по которому наступил срок платежа negotiate a bill переуступать вексель negotiate a bill продавать вексель банку negotiate a bill пускать вексель в обращение negotiate a bill учитывать вексель nonnegotiable bill непередаваемый вексель nonnegotiable bill непереуступаемый вексель nonprotestable bill неопротестованный вексель noting a bill нотариальное опротестование векселя bill счет; padded bills раздутые счета; bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела; omnibus bill счет по разным статьям order bill of lading ордерный коносамент original bill исковое заявление original bill оригинал векселя original bill of exchange оригинал переводного векселя, тратты original bill of lading оригинал коносамента overdue bill просроченный вексель bill счет; padded bills раздутые счета; bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела; omnibus bill счет по разным статьям pass a bill принимать законопроект bill законопроект, билль; to pass (to throw out) the bill принять (отклонить) законопроект pay a bill оплачивать вексель private bill частный законопроект; законопроект, касающийся отдельных лиц (физических или юридических) private: bill частный; личный; private bill парламентский законопроект, касающийся отдельных лиц или корпораций private member’s bill личный законопроект (внесенный депутатом, не занимающим правительственного поста) prolong a bill пролонгировать вексель protested bill опротестованный вексель received for shipment bill of lading коносамент на груз, принятый к погрузке rediscountable bill вексель, подлежащий переучету rediscountable bill переучитываемый вексель renewal bill пролонгированный вексель rent bill счет за аренду repairs bill стоимость ремонта repairs bill счет за ремонт to run up a bill иметь счет (у портного, в магазине и т. п.) secured bill вексель, обеспеченный ценными бумагами secured bill вексель, обеспеченный товарными документами bill вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange); short bill краткосрочная тратта bill: short bill вексель, оплачиваемый сразу же при предъявлении или в течение короткого срока short-dated bill краткосрочный переводный вексель sight bill предъявительский вексель sola bill вексель, выставленный в одном экземпляре table a bill вносить законопроект tax bill налоговый законопроект tax bill сумма взимаемых налогов tax bill сумма выплачиваемых налогов tax reform bill законопроект о налоговой реформе telephone bill счет за телефонный разговор term bill вексель с фиксированным сроком through bill of lading сквозной коносамент time bill вексель с оплатой через определенный срок time bill вексель со сроком платежа через определенный промежуток времени time bill срочный вексель trade bill торговая тратта treasury bill казначейский вексель (Великобритания) treasury bill (англ.) казначейский вексель treasury bill налоговый сертификат (США) treasury bill (амер.) налоговый сертификат true bill юр. утвержденный обвинительный акт unpaid bill неоплаченный счет usance bill вексель, оплачиваемый в сроки, установленные торговой практикой wage bill фонд заработной платы
English-Russian short dictionary > bill
bill in the name of (smb.) — счет на имя (кого-л.)
the bill comes to— счет составляет…
билль, законопроект
to introduce [propose] a bill — предложить законопроект
to move [railroad] a bill through a legislature — «протолкнуть» законопроект через законодательный орган
to quash a bill, to vote down a bill — забаллотировать законопроект
appropriation bill, authorization bill, bill of attainder, bill of rights, budget bill, clean bill 2), finance bill, government bill 1), private bill, private member’s bill, public bill, revenue bill, tax bill 2) act 1. 2), closure 1. 6), debate, defeat, parliamentary draftsman
список, инвентарь; опись
транспортная накладная
bill drawn on (smb.) — вексель, выданный на имя (кого-л.)
bill market — вексельный рынок, рынок векселей
accepted bill, agency bill 2), bank bill 1), bill accepted, bill at sight, bill of acceptance, clean bill, demand bill, documentary bill, domestic bill, foreign bill, inland bill, renewal bill, sight bill, term bill, time bill, trade bill, usance bill, bill auction, bill broker, bill creditor, bill of exchange, accommodation bill, blank bill, commercial bill, long bill, short bill, tax anticipation bill, Treasury bill, bills-only policy, bill of exchange, allonge, aval, drawer 3), acceptor, discount 2. 2), rediscount 2. 2)
банкнота, купюра
Please note: if paying by cash, bring only small bills. — Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: если расплачиваетесь наличными, приносите только мелкие купюры.
to head [top] the bill — быть гвоздем программы
иск, исковое заявление
выписывать [выставлять] счет; предъявлять счет (к оплате)
I have billed him for the damage. — Я выставил ему счет за ущерб.
He had been billed £3000 for his licence. — За лицензию ему был выставлен счет в размере £3000.
объявлять [рекламировать] в афишах [программах]
This comedy duo was billed to appear at an anti-smoking rally. — Было объявлено, что этот комедийный дуэт выступит на митинге против курения.
This book was billed as a «riveting adventure story». — Эта книга рекламировалась как «захватывающая приключенческая история».
He was billed as «Captain Cody, King of the Cowboys,» and his act consisted of demonstrations of his skills as a marksman and cowboy. — В афише он был представлен как «Капитан Коди, король ковбоев», а его выступление состояло из демонстрации навыков меткой стрельбы и умений ковбоя.
* * *
1) переводный вексель (тратта); приказ одного лица другому произвести платеж в пользу третьего лица;
2) казначейский вексель;
3) банкнота;
4) счет за услугу или купленный товар;
5) документ о передаче права собственности на товар;
6) свидетельство долга заемщика кредитору; документ о признании долга, используемый в операциях с ценными бумагами (напр., акции продаются без права на дивиденд до его выплаты, и покупатель выписывает на имя продавца документ на сумму дивиденда);
7) билль: закон (напр., Билль о правах) (США).
* * *
выставлять счет; предъявлять счет
* * *
Международные перевозки/Таможенное право
1. опись товара — при перевозках на железнодорожном транспорте
Международные перевозки/Таможенное право
Англо-русский экономический словарь > bill
Politics english-russian dictionary > bill
1. n Билл
2. n счёт
legal bill — счёт адвоката, счёт адвокатских расходов
3. n список, инвентарь
4. n документ
5. n билль, законопроект
private bill — законопроект, имеющий местное значение
kill a bill — провалить законопроект; провалить предложение
pending bill — законопроект, находящийся на рассмотрении
6. n программа
7. n афиша, плакат
8. n амер. банкнот, казначейский билет
9. n вексель, тратта
bill at sight — тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении
10. n торговый контракт; декларация
11. n накладная
12. n опись товаров
13. n юр. заявление, иск
bill of indictment — обвинительный акт, предъявляемый на решение «большому жюри»
14. n уст. документ с печатью
15. n уст. папская булла
16. n уст. уст. пасквиль, памфлет
17. n уст. уст. жалоба, просьба
18. n уст. уст. заявление в форме петиции в верховный суд
19. n уст. уст. рецепт
20. n уст. мор. список членов команды с распределением обязанностей
21. v объявлять в афишах
22. v обклеивать афишами
bill at usance — вексель на срок; законопроект; билль; счет; афиша; вексель; объявлять; объявить; меню; закладная
23. v выставлять или выписывать счёт
bill me for $3 — запиши на мой счёт 3 доллара; запиши за мной 3 доллара
24. v фактурировать; выписывать накладную
25. n клюв
26. n мыс
27. n амер. разг. козырёк
28. n мор. носок якоря
29. v целоваться клювиками
30. v ворковать, ласкаться
31. n садовые ножницы; секач, кривой нож для обрубания сучьев
32. n кирка, мотыга
33. n уст. алебарда
34. n уст. короткий меч
very short bill — вексель, оплачиваемый в течение очень короткого срока
35. n остриё лапы якоря
36. v работать садовыми ножницами, подстригать
37. v работать мотыгой, копать
Синонимический ряд:
1. account (noun) account; charges; check; invoice; reckoning; score; statement; tab
2. announcement (noun) advertisement; affiche; announcement; broadside; bulletin; circular; handbill; notice; placard; poster
3. beak (noun) beak; mandible; neb; nib; pecker; projection
7. paper money (noun) bank note; certificate; federal reserve note; greenback; paper money
10. promontory (noun) cape; foreland; head; headland; naze; point; promontory
11. proposed law (noun) act; draft; law; legislation; measure; proposal; proposed law
12. announce (verb) advertise; announce; post; publicise; publicize; publish
13. invoice (verb) draw upon; dun; invoice; send a statement; solicit
Антонимический ряд:
English-Russian base dictionary > Bill
̈ɪbɪl счет — grocery * счет в бакалейной лавке — padded *s раздутые счета — payable *s счета, подлежащие оплате — * of costs (юридическое) ведомость издержек по делу;
счет адвокатских расходов — to charge smth. on the * поставить что-л в счет — to foot the * оплатить расходы( по счету) — to meet a * оплатить счет — to make out a * составить счет — to run up a * иметь счет (в магазине, у портного) — have you paid the hotel *? вы оплатили счет в гостинице? список, инвентарь — * of materials спецификация — * of parcels фактура, накладная — to make out a * составить список документ — * of credit аккредитив — * of debt долговая расписка — * of sight разрешение на бепошлинный провоз товаров билль, законопроект — private * законопроект, имеющий местное значение — to introduce a * внести законопроект — to pass a * принять законопроект программа( театральная, концерта) — to change * сменить программу — to head the * быть гвоздем программы афиша, плакат (американизм) банкнот, казначейский билет — five-dollar * билет в пять долларов вексель, тратта — short( — dated) * краткосрочный вексель — outstanding * неоплаченный вексель — * at par вексель по номиналу — * at sight тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении — * on London вексель на Лондон — to discount a * дисконтировать вексель — the * becomes due наступает срок уплаты по векселю торговый контракт;
декларация накладная опись товаров (при перевозке) (юридическое) (исковое) заявление, иск — * of complaint исковое заявление — * of indictment обвинительный акт, предъявляемый на решение «большому жюри» — * of review иск о пересмотре решения суда — to ignore the * прекращать дело — the Grand Jury ignored the * «большое жюри» признало обвинение необоснованным и прекратило дело( устаревшее) документ с печатью (устаревшее) папская булла( устаревшее) пасквиль, памфлет( устаревшее) письменное заявление высокопоставленному лицу( устаревшее) жалоба, просьба( устаревшее) заявление в форме петиции в верховный суд( устаревшее) рецепт( морское) список членов команды с распределением обязанностей > butcher’s * список убитых на войне > to fill the * не сходить с афиш (о пьесе) ;
затмить всех своим успехом (об актере) ;
подходить, удовлетворять требованиям;
соответствовать — that will fill the * это пойдет объявлять в афишах — Irving was *ed to appear as Hamlet было объявлено, что Ирвинг будет выступать в роли Гамлета обклеивать афишами выставлять или выписывать счет — * me for $3 запиши на мой счет 3 доллара;
запиши за мной 3 доллара фактурировать;
выписывать накладную клюв (узкий) мыс;
— Portland B. Портландский мыс (американизм) (разговорное) козырек( фуражки) (морское) носик якоря целоваться клювиками (о голубях) ворковать, ласкаться > to * and coo (разговорное) целоваться, ласкаться садовые ножницы;
секач, кривой нож для обрубания сучьев кирка, мотыга( устаревшее) алебарда( редкое) рабочий, работающий киркой, мотыгой (редкое) алебардщик( устаревшее) короткий меч острие лапы якоря работать садовыми ножницами, подстригать работать мотыгой, копать
banker’s ~ акцептованный банком вексель banker’s ~ банкнота banker’s ~ банковский акцепт banker’s ~ банковский билет banker’s ~ тратта, выставленная на банк banker’s ~ тратта, выставленная банком
bill уст. алебарда ~ афиша;
реклама, рекламный листок ~ амер. банкнот;
a five dollar bill билет в пять долларов ~ (амер.) банкнота, казначейский билет ~ банкнота ~ билль, законопроект, закон, акт парламента, законодателльный акт ~ вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange) ;
short bill краткосрочная тратта ~ вексель ~ выписывать накладную, выдавать накладную (to, for) ~ выписывать накладную ~ выписывать счет ~ выставлять счет ~ декларация ~ декларация (тамооженная и т.п.) ~ долговое обязательство ~ законопроект, билль;
to pass (to throw out) the bill принять (отклонить) законопроект ~ законопроект ~ юр. иск;
to find a true bill передавать дело в суд;
to ignore the bill прекращать дело ~ иск, исковое заявление ~ иск ~ исковое заявление ~ казначейский билет ~ клюв ~ козырек (фуражки) ~ накладная ~ нежничать, ласкаться ( особ. to bill and coo) ~ носок якоря ~ обвинительный акт ~ амер. объявлять, обещать ~ объявлять в афишах ~ обязательство, вексель ~ опись товаров ~ переводный вексель ~ петиция, просьба, заявление ~ подготовленный к подписанию королем патент с пожалованием, назначением ~ программа (концерта и т. п.) ~ расклеивать афиши ~ рекламное объявление в афише ~ садовые ножницы ~ свидетельство ~ список;
bill of credit аккредитив;
bill of entry таможенная декларация;
bill of fare меню;
bill of health карантинное свидетельство;
bill of lading накладная, коносамент ~ список, изложение пунктов ~ список ~ статья взаимных расчетов ~ судебный приказ ~ счет, выставлять счет, фактуировать, инвойсировать, выписывать накладную ~ счет ~ счет;
padded bills раздутые счета;
bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела;
omnibus bill счет по разным статьям ~ топор(ик), секач ~ торговый контракт ~ тратта ~ узкий мыс ~ фактура ~ целоваться клювиками (о голубях) Bill: Bill: Finance ~ законопроект об ассигнованиях (Великобритания) bill: bill: finance ~ финансовый вексель billhook: billhook =bill
~ in distress вексель, подлежащий срочной оплате
~ of attainder закон о лишении гражданских и имущественных прав за государственную измену
~ of complaint жалоба
~ счет;
padded bills раздутые счета;
bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела;
omnibus bill счет по разным статьям ~ of costs ведомость издержек по делу ~ of costs счет адвокатских расходов
~ список;
bill of credit аккредитив;
bill of entry таможенная декларация;
bill of fare меню;
bill of health карантинное свидетельство;
bill of lading накладная, коносамент
~ of discharge свидетельство об освобождении от пошлин
~ of divorce свидетельство о разводе
~ список;
bill of credit аккредитив;
bill of entry таможенная декларация;
bill of fare меню;
bill of health карантинное свидетельство;
bill of lading накладная, коносамент ~ of entry ввозная таможенная декларация ~ of entry таможенная декларация по приходу
~ of exchange переводный вексель, тратта ~ of exchange (B/E) переводный вексель ~ of exchange (B/E) тратта exchange: ~ фин. размен денег;
rate (или course) of exchange валютный курс;
foreign exchange иностранная валюта;
переводный вексель;
bill of exchange вексель, тратта
~ of exchange payable переводный вексель к уплате
~ список;
bill of credit аккредитив;
bill of entry таможенная декларация;
bill of fare меню;
bill of health карантинное свидетельство;
bill of lading накладная, коносамент
~ список;
bill of credit аккредитив;
bill of entry таможенная декларация;
bill of fare меню;
bill of health карантинное свидетельство;
bill of lading накладная, коносамент ~ of health карантинное свидетельство ~ of health карантинное свидетельтство ~ of health карантинное удостоверение ~ of health санитарный патент
~ of indictment обвинительный акт
~ список;
bill of credit аккредитив;
bill of entry таможенная декларация;
bill of fare меню;
bill of health карантинное свидетельство;
bill of lading накладная, коносамент ~ of lading (B/L) коносамент ~ of lading коносамент ~ of lading (B/L) транспортная накладная ~ of lading (амер.) транспортная накладная
~ of lading in blank коносамент с бланковой передаточной надписью
~ of lading to order ордерный коносамент
~ of materials накладная на предметы материально-технического обеспечения ~ of materials спецификация материалов
~ of particulars детальное изложение возражений ответчика ~ of particulars детальное изложение исковых требований
~ of parcels фактура;
bill of sale купчая, закладная ~ of sale закладная ~ of sale суд. корабельная крепость ~ of sale купчая ~ of sale чек на проданный товар
~ of tonnage суд. мерительное свидетельство ~ of tonnage тоннаж
~ to order ордерный коносамент
clean ~ of lading бланк коносамента clean ~ of lading бланк транспортной накладной clean ~ of lading чистый коносамент
commercial ~ of exchange коммерческий переводный вексель
dollar ~ банкнота в один доллар
due ~ вексель с наступившим сроком due ~ счет к оплате due ~ счет на доплату за перевозку груза
eligible ~ вексель, могущий быть учтенным в банке eligible ~ вексель, могущий быть переучтенным в банке
butcher’s ~ sl. список убитых на войне;
to fill the bill амер. удовлетворять требованиям;
соответствовать своему назначению
~ юр. иск;
to find a true bill передавать дело в суд;
to ignore the bill прекращать дело
~ амер. банкнот;
a five dollar bill билет в пять долларов
fixed-date ~ вексель с установленным сроком оплаты
freight ~ счет за провоз freight ~ счет за фрахт
guaranteed ~ гарантированный вексель
heavy ~ счет на большую сумму
~ юр. иск;
to find a true bill передавать дело в суд;
to ignore the bill прекращать дело
introduce a ~ ставить законопроект на обсуждение
~ счет;
padded bills раздутые счета;
bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела;
omnibus bill счет по разным статьям
order ~ of lading ордерный коносамент
original ~ of exchange оригинал переводного векселя, тратты
original ~ of lading оригинал коносамента
~ счет;
padded bills раздутые счета;
bill of costs счет адвоката (или поверенного) клиенту за ведение дела;
omnibus bill счет по разным статьям
~ законопроект, билль;
to pass (to throw out) the bill принять (отклонить) законопроект
private member’s ~ личный законопроект (внесенный депутатом, не занимающим правительственного поста)
rediscountable ~ вексель, подлежащий переучету rediscountable ~ переучитываемый вексель
rent ~ счет за аренду
to run up a ~ иметь счет (у портного, в магазине и т. п.)
secured ~ вексель, обеспеченный ценными бумагами secured ~ вексель, обеспеченный товарными документами
~ вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange) ;
short bill краткосрочная тратта bill: short ~ вексель, оплачиваемый сразу же при предъявлении или в течение короткого срока
short-dated ~ краткосрочный переводный вексель
sight ~ предъявительский вексель
sola ~ вексель, выставленный в одном экземпляре
tax reform ~ законопроект о налоговой реформе
term ~ вексель с фиксированным сроком
time ~ вексель с оплатой через определенный срок time ~ вексель со сроком платежа через определенный промежуток времени time ~ срочный вексель
usance ~ вексель, оплачиваемый в сроки, установленные торговой практикой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bill