What does the word beautiful mean to you

His delight in battle arises solely from the loss of a beloved wife, and sadly calculated was the end of the beautiful Mrs Macduff to make the most serious impression on a husband’s mind, all the more so, perhaps, in that so fully did she merit that epithet _beautiful_ which was always attached to her name. ❋ A. M. W. [Compiler] Stirling (N/A)

He owes (owns, possesses,) a beautiful harp — _beautiful_! ❋ Various (N/A)

— _More beautiful, most beautiful_, etc. can hardly be called degree forms of the adjective. ❋ Brainerd Kellogg (N/A)

Where the adjectives and adverbs have two or more syllables, most of them are compared by the use of the adverbs _more_ and _most_, or, if the comparison be a descending one, by the use of _less_ and _least_; as, _beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful_, and ❋ Thomas Wood (N/A)

Indoors I can’t breathe — but out of doors and at night this Paris of ours, — ah! she is still beautiful — _beautiful_! ❋ Humphry Ward (1885)

She was very young, I remember now with sorrow, and very beautiful; though _beautiful_ is not so much the word to describe her as _charming_ — magnetic, graceful, intelligent. ❋ Frances Fuller Victor (1864)

It may be said of many a man, as d’Annunzio says of the hero of his _Trionfo della Morte_ in relation to the woman he loved, that «he felt himself bound to her by the real qualities of her body, and not only by those which were most beautiful, but specially by _those which were least beautiful_» (the novelist italicizes these words), so that his attention was fixed upon her defects, and emphasized them, thus arousing within himself an impetuous state of desire. ❋ Havelock Ellis (1899)

How beautiful, how _beautiful_ it is to be alive! » ❋ Fanny Barry (N/A)

Oh, you are going to get such a beautiful, _beautiful_ bird! » ❋ Unknown (1888)

Yes, Miss Montague, if we can only work it up it will be a beautiful case — a _beautiful_ case, «he concluded, with singular enthusiasm. ❋ Mrs. Georgie Sheldon (1884)

«You live in such a beautiful, _beautiful_ place, with such an elegant husband, too! ❋ Caroline Lee Hentz (1828)

Leslie does not mean this as an insult, though perhaps she uses the word beautiful less easily than I. ❋ Leslie F. Miller (2009)

Although no attempt at decoration is ever made, either of the inside or the outside of the houses, it is not uncommon to hear the term beautiful applied to them. ❋ Cosmos Mindeleff (N/A)

Also this song is similar to Beautiful Disaster (hence the title beautiful mess) but now were watching it in Robs perspective. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In the surface the term beautiful mess can stand for Kristen not being the typical Hollywood starlet that weve been abused with. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The term beautiful gets thrown around a lot these days, when in fact there really aren’t that many celeb ladies worthy of the title — to quote that old saying ‘They don’t make em like they used to’ ❋ Unknown (2009)

The term beautiful is subjective and can not be quantified. ❋ Ssmith12 (2009)

[that girl] is beautiful! ❋ Kenz40 (2007)

I find myself [stunned] each morning by the [sunrise], similar to the feeling when I look over and see my love sleeping. Both are so full of beauty, [so very] beautiful. ❋ Noodletron (2009)

Person 1: She’s beautiful. [everything] about her is amazing.
[Person 2]: Yeah, she’s so [unique]. ❋ BlueberryXcookie (2010)

[My girlfriend], [Riley], is [the true] definition of the word beautiful. ❋ Woolley_mammoth (2010)

[Virginia] is a [beautiful woman]! ❋ Your Friend Forever (2005)

An [appropriate] response:
«[You’re beautiful].»
«[I love you too].» ❋ You Are Beautiful (2007)

Damn! [I am beautiful] [af] [today] ❋ Some Beautiful Girl (2017)

[Cletus]: «That [gurl] is soooo beautiful
Joe [Schmoe]: «No she’s not, that other girl is.» ❋ Thekidaren’talright (2011)

[She/He] [got his] stuff together, and confident not [cocky], he beautiful! ❋ YEYE (2005)

[You are beautiful]
If you [look up] beautiful in [the dictionary], it will come up with You. ❋ Kindheart (2010)

beautiful — перевод на русский


I’m beautiful.

Я красивая.

And she’s beautiful.

А она красивая.

She was so beautiful.

Она такая красивая.

And now, you’re still very beautiful.

вы очень красивая.

Who is that beautiful girl?

Кто эта красивая девушка?

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It’s beautiful in, though.

Здесь прекрасно.

You still think it’s beautiful and sweet to die for your country, don’t you?

Вы всё ещё думаете что это прекрасно и сладко погибнуть за свою родину?

And wait. One day, London will glow with incandescence… and will be so beautiful that even you will be moved by it.

Однажды Лондон засветится светом ламп накаливания… и это будет так прекрасно, что даже тебя тронет.

— It’d go just beautifully with my neck. — Hmm.

Оно будет так прекрасно смотреться на моей шее.

Why, Ellen, she dances beautifully.

Да ведь, Эллен, она прекрасно танцует.

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Hello there, beautiful.

Привет, красавица.

She’s beautiful, isn’t she?

Красавица, правда? — Да.

You look beautiful, Red.

Ты красавица, Рыжая.

It was beautiful.

Она красавица.

Beautiful, my baby.

Ты красавица, крошка.

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— Pierre. It’s too beautiful coming all at once.

— Пьер, это слишком хорошо и неожиданно.

Everything’s so beautiful here!

Здесь так хорошо!

If something hurts very much or if something is so beautiful that it is beyond impressions, then this could be a way to tell it.

Если тебя что-то очень беспокоит или наоборот так хорошо, что не знаешь, как это передать, то всё это можно сказать музыкой.

I had everything laid out in the dining room and it was just beautiful.

Я все приготовила там, в гостиной, да так хорошо!

This is so beautiful..

Здесь хорошо, да?

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All those beautiful things that were destroyed… I could restore.

Вся эта красота была уничтожена и я хочу её восстановить.

That’s beautiful.

Какая красота!

Isn’t that beautiful?

Ну не красота?

Oh, how… beautiful.

Какая, красота.

Sure is beautiful.

Просто красота.

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It was beautiful there.

Там было так замечательно.

It’s so beautiful, Cousin Felipe.

Это так замечательно, кузина Фелипе.

Mother won’t ride in the dogcart. But i’m afraid there isn’t room for all of you. Mais certainement, it will do beautifully.

но я боюсь свободных номеров нет о все будет замечательно моя служанка может расположиться рядом с вашим грумом она худенькая а Купидон встанет в ногах и мою сумку поставим в ноги о я уверяю вас я уверена, портье в отеле падет к моим ногам

— Yes, but it is beautiful.

— Да, но это же замечательно.

Oh, that was beautiful!

Просто замечательно.

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Marjorie, I was just having the most beautiful dream about you.

Марджори, мне снился чудесный сон, я видел вас…

She has such a beautiful mouth too.

У неё чудесный ротик.

Tell me, Wolfie dear, will we have a beautiful home?

Скажите мне, Вольф дорогой, будет ли у нас чудесный дом?

Oh, look at my beautiful tail.

Взгляните на мой чудесный хвостик.

Beautiful view from there. Come on.

Оттуда открывается чудесный вид.

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I’ll fix it with flowers, and it will look beautiful.

Я бы предложил это сделать с цветами, будет очень красиво.

Yes, it’s beautiful — the foam on the crests of the waves

Да, очень красиво — пена на гребнях волн.

Did you ever see anything as beautiful?

Правда, очень красиво?

You’re right, it’s beautiful here.

Да, очень красиво здесь.

The sunset is beautiful in the woods.

Пойдём на озеро, посмотрим закат, там очень красиво.

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You dance beautifully, my dear.

Вы великолепно танцуете, моя дорогая.

Beautiful, Lance.

Великолепно, Ланс!

Luz, darling, you look just beautiful!

Лаз, дорогая, ты выглядишь великолепно.

— Yes, it looks beautiful.

Не так ли? О да, великолепно!

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The most beautiful creature west of Exeter.

–Лучшая красотка в округе.

The beautiful one is at the bar. She will probably have trouble.

Красотка у стойки бара и, кажется, она попала в беду.

Beautiful girl You’re a lovely picture

Красотка моя, прелестная картинка.

Beautiful girl You’re a gorgeous mixture

Красотка моя прекрасная блондинка

Beautiful girl What a gorgeous creature

Красотка моя, Прекрасное создание

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Отправить комментарий

красивый, прекрасный, превосходный, прекрасное, красотка, красивые люди


- прекрасный, красивый

beautiful face [poem, painting] — прекрасное лицо [-ые стихи, -ая картина]
beautiful women [roses, clothes] — красивые женщины [розы, -ая одежда]

- превосходный, великолепный; прекрасный, приятный

beautiful weather — прекрасная погода
beautiful ride — приятная прогулка
beautiful soup [dinner, wine] — превосходный суп [обед, -ое вино]
beautiful patience — отменное терпение
beautiful organization — безукоризненная /отличная/ организация


- прекрасное

love of the beautiful — любовь к прекрасному

- (the beautiful) собир. красивые люди

the young, the beautiful, the brave — молодые, красивые, смелые

- разг. красотка (в обращении)

Мои примеры


a beautiful day in early spring — прекрасный день в начале весны  
a song with a beautiful lyric — песня с красивыми стихами  
a closet full of beautiful clothes — шкаф, полный красивых вещей  
a beautiful dress in raw silk — красивое платье из шёлка-сырца  
the beautiful edifices of nature — прекрасные природные сооружения  
beautiful / handsome — красивое лицо  
beautiful landscape — красивый пейзаж  
the beautiful panoply of summer — чудесное убранство лета  
her pathetic beautiful eyes — её красивые, печальные глаза  
beautiful scene — красивый вид  
beautiful sight — прекрасное зрелище  
the beautiful game брит.; разг. — футбол  

Примеры с переводом

What a beautiful shot!

Какой прекрасный снимок! (фотоснимок)

She is so beautiful.

Она так красива.

The weather was beautiful.

Погода была чудесная.

She was still beautiful.

Она была всё ещё красива.

She’s fucking beautiful!

Она офигенно красива!

She had a beautiful face.

У нее было красивое лицо.

Black is beautiful

Черное прекрасно (лозунг негритянского освободительного движения)

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She fingered the beautiful cloth.

He has written many beautiful haiku.

He gazed out at the beautiful landscape.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Beautifull is a common mispelling for the word beautiful.

The word beautiful is an adjective to describe something or someone that is very pretty, like full of beauty. Other synonyms would be handsome(masculine), gorgeous, pretty, good-looking, and a bombshell when describing people. Synonym examples for things might include breath-taking, wonderful, magnificent, incredible, and amazing.

It comes from the French word beaute, so that is why it has a very different spelling from normal English words.

A sunset can be beautiful, as well as a person like a model, for example.

The correct word is beautiful, there is no such thing as beautifull, it is a common error.

Beautifull or beautiful?

How to spell?

Beautiful (adjective) means very pleasing to look at


She is beautiful in her wedding gown.

Beautifully (adverb) means in a beautiful manner.


That wall portrait is beautifully carved.

The correct spelling for beautiful is single /l/ if the word denotes an adjective and double /ll/ if the word denotes an adverb.


This word is an adjective which is used to talk about the beauty of something.

How to use in a sentence

Since ‘beautiful’ is an adjective, so you should use it before nouns.

Your beautiful car is on the street.

Or you can use it after to be verbs.

Your smile is beautiful.

The correct spelling is Beautiful — one l.
The definition of beautiful is having qualities of what is regarded as beauty — having an appearance that pleases others.

Synonyms for Beautiful

Attractive, pretty, handsome, good-looking, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, gorgeous, heavenly, stunning, arresting, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching.
What is beautiful for one may be different to another

Different cultures can have a different understanding and appreciation to what is considered beautiful.

There is a saying that «beauty is skin-deep” meaning it does not relate to outer appearances but qualities of a person such as being kind, gracious, gentle, compassionate, confident and happy.

Beautiful means something/someone is very nice to look at, makes people feel good and appreciative.

It can be used on people whether it’s about their look or their inner self. It can also be used on objects, animals, basically everything! It’s a very good and positive word for daily used.

A) Mary, you look beautiful today! I love your dress.
B) Thanks for bringing me to this beautiful park.


Beautiful means attractive or pleasing or pretty or handsome or good looking.
A person can be beautiful if you find them attractive.

Landscape can be beautiful eg: mountains, beach etc..


That girl is so beautiful

The sunset is so beautiful this evening.

We can have beautiful in three ways, as an adjective, a noun and an intejection


having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.

excellent of its kind:a beautiful putt on the seventh hole; The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.

wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.


the beautiful,

  1. the concept of beauty.

  2. (used with a plural verb) beautiful things or people collectively:the good and the beautiful.

the ideal of beauty:to strive to attain the beautiful.


wonderful; fantastic:You got two front-row seats? Beautiful!

extraordinary; incredible: used ironically:Your car broke down in the middle of the freeway? Beautiful!



delighting the senses or mind:a beautiful dress;a beautiful speech.


the good and the beautiful.


wonderful; fantastic:You got two front-row seats? Beautiful!

extraordinary; incredible: used ironically:Your car broke down in the middle of the freeway? Beautiful!

What does the word word «beautiful» mean?

We use the word «beautiful» to refer to something or someone, that has a pleasant appearance.

Bora Bora is a beautiful vacation destination.

Jessica is absolutely beautiful.


Beautiful is an adjective to describe anything positively, particularly in the way that it/they look or appear.

My wife is beautiful.

Use it to compliment anyone or anything! Give it a go, compliment anyone or anything you think is beautiful.

beautiful — adjective

very attractive:

a beautiful woman

How to use it in daily English:

A breathtakingly beautiful scenery.

She was wearing a beautiful dress.


Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples

a beautiful person, painting, sight, etc.

beautiful: I’ve never seen a more beautiful view in my life.

attractive: her husband is really attractive.

good-looking: I think they’re very good-looking.

handsome: He’s so handsome.

pretty: Your daughter is very pretty.

gorgeous: You look gorgeous in that dress!

The meaning of beautiful

The Answer

Beautiful means that something is attractive.

Examples of ‘Beautiful»

There are so many flowers in the field. The colours are so beautiful and bright.


«Beautiful» can refer to a sound or something that we see. It can also refer to abstract nouns such as feelings or one’s personality.



Learn to pronounce


adjective: beautiful

  1. pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

    «beautiful poetry»

  • of a very high standard; excellent.

    «she spoke in beautiful English»








  • What is the real definition of beautiful?

  • : having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure. 2 : generally pleasing : excellent.

What does beautiful mean to you?

What is beautiful? The form of the word is an adjective, to describe a noun as pretty or attractive. The pronunciation is fluid and not complicated. A simple start with a push of air from your lips when pronouncing the «b» sound » /ˈbjuːtɪfʊl,ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)l/.» The language considered the most romantic in the world is French, and then you would say «Magnifique», but what is «beautiful» to you?

In the eye of the beholder!

Something pure or opulent, something symmetrical or a kaleidoscope of colours? How you see beauty is in your eye only. In English, we say «BEAUTY is in the eye of the BEHOLDER,» thus a matter of personal opinion. Beautiful has no colour, no nationality, no ethnicity or religion. The word is what you need from it, at a time when you need to say it.

A Descriptive Word

The word «beautiful» is an everyday adjective to describe what an item, a person, or an idea looks like to you in a generic manner.

Adjectives in Writing

Adjectives are powerful words to make your writing pieces compelling for readers. The better you use them, the more likely it will be for your piece to be a success.

Adjectives in Speaking

The word «beautiful» is a rather vague adjective. However, if you are a beginner, it is OK to use it. As time goes by, I’d suggest that you look for more elaborate words to make your speech sound more intriguing.

No Special Shades of Meaning: Usage

Use the word in everyday conversation. As it is quite generic and plain, and it doesn’t have any special shades of meaning to it, it is actually extremely easy to use it. Mix it with other adjectives to make your sentences more powerful.

My sister is a beautiful, young girl.

The valley’s landscape is beautiful.

The city I was born in is beautiful and hectic.

Use it Freely

Given it’s nature, the word «beautiful» won’t make anybody feel confused about the message you’re trying to convey. So, don’t wait any longer: start using the word now. You can describe people’s looks, landscapes, or items.

beautiful (adjective)


—having physical features which look pleasing to the eyes


Ladies always want to be beautiful by combing their hair and putting makeup on their faces.

The beautiful movie star is always admired by the audience.

I like looking at the pictures of beautiful houses.

The painting in the museum is beautiful and colorful.

Further explanation:

We can use the word «beautiful» to describe all kinds of nouns such as people, places, things, animals, even ideas.

Beautiful is a powerful word that I feel like a lot of people just throw around. Beautiful should be a word that is used only when truly deeming. Beautiful is something that you just can’t describe in words or looks. It has to be the moment, the heart, and the soul of what is truly beautiful. It’s underneath. Not outward.

I believe that there are a lot of good looking women in the world. But good looking and beautiful are two completely different things. I also believe that everyone has beautiful qualities deep down but the women who know how to express them daily and lovingly are the women and girls who I define as beautiful.

What makes a girl beautiful instead of just “hot”? 


Character is another word which is often tossed around yet easily overlooked. Not many girls have a beautiful character these days. One who loves others, cares about people, wants to make others feel loved, notices the needs of others and is quick to care for them. She also has a gift for making others feel accepted and care free-meaning that she doesn’t judge them or act prideful around them. She knows that she is a human and that there are more people in the world besides herself.

When she meets people she takes the time to spend quality time getting to know them-not sharing very much about herself but allowing the other person to talk while she intentionally listens. She goes out of her way to make others feel loved.


A beautiful girl has a personality that does not try to overshadow others but does not hide in the background either. She is confident but not boastful. She recognizes that she is beautiful inwardly and outwardly and chooses to shine. But on the flip-side she realizes that she is not the only person who has a great personality so she does not flaunt herself.

She has many characteristics that attribute to her personality that she uses to get others to feel engaged. She makes others laugh, she makes them comfortable and she chooses to be the person that everyone can go to for help. She does not look down on others who haven’t fully developed and outstanding personality, instead, she chooses to help them form one.


A beautiful girl has a beautiful soul. Because Jesus radiates in her there will always be something about her that attracts everyone to her. Not her looks. Not her laugh. Not her voice. But something that comes from within that is a gift from God. It’s her soul. The soul that knows that she was once dark but now clean. The soul that loves deeply and is loved deeper still.

There will always be hot girls in the world, but the beautiful ones are fading. What makes a girl truly beautiful is her heart. Her caring spirit, her willingness to make others feel worthwhile while not making them feel less than.

I am sure you’ve experienced a girl who looked really pretty but made you feel worse about yourself. But have you ever met a girl who was pretty inwardly and made you feel treasured?

Maybe God is calling you to be that beautiful girl who goes out of her way to help other people feel beautiful.

There is no magic cure to make people super attractive. They say beauty is found in the eyes of the beholder. You want a “beholder” who loves God and will see the love of God in you. And that will be more beautiful to him than any clothing brand, hair product and beauty formula. It will be real And that is what will last.

I love this quote by Elisabeth Elliot about being a real woman who is truly beautiful inside and out:

“To me, a lady is not frilly, flouncy, flippant, frivolous and fluff-brained, but she is gentle, she is gracious, she is godly and she is giving. You and I have the gift of femininity… the more womanly we are, the more manly men will be and the more God is glorified. Be women, be only women, be real women in obedience to God.”

― Elisabeth Elliot

What does the word beautiful mean to you?
What defines a beautiful woman?

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Lisa Sig.1

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