What does the word ancient means

Whats is ancient?

Ancient means belonging to the distant past, especially to the period in history before the end of the Roman Empire. … Ancient means very old, or having existed for a long time.

What does the word ancient mean in a sentence?

: very old : having lived or existed for a very long time. : of, coming from, or belonging to a time that was long ago in the past. See the full definition for ancient in the English Language Learners Dictionary. ancient.

What is a good sentence for history?

History is the life of nations and of humanity. And if history is an accurate guide, that wealth will be partially redistributed to the poor—even the poorest of the poor, the bottom billion. Our battles with diseases go as far back into history as we can see. She had a history with Wynn, and he was right.

What is called history?

History is the study of past events. People know what happened in the past by looking at things from the past including sources (like books, newspapers, and letters) and artifacts (like pottery, tools, and human or animal remains.) … A person who studies history is called a historian.

Who wrote The End of History?

Francis Fukuyama

Who is known as the father of liberalism?

These ideas were first unified as a distinct ideology by the English philosopher John Locke, generally regarded as the father of modern liberalism. Locke developed the radical notion that government acquires consent from the governed, which has to be constantly present for a government to remain legitimate.

What does liberal use mean?

Liberal means giving, using, or taking a lot of something, or existing in large quantities. As always he is liberal with his jokes. Synonyms: abundant, generous, handsome, lavish More Synonyms of liberal. liberally adverb [ADV with v] Chemical products were used liberally over agricultural land.

What is another word for liberal?

Frequently Asked Questions About liberal Some common synonyms of liberal are bountiful, generous, and munificent. While all these words mean «giving or given freely and unstintingly,» liberal suggests openhandedness in the giver and largeness in the thing or amount given.

Are Libertarians left or right?

Libertarianism is often thought of as ‘right-wing’ doctrine. This, however, is mistaken for at least two reasons. First, on social—rather than economic—issues, libertarianism tends to be ‘left-wing’.

Which word in para 4 means liberal?


What is the meaning of libertarian?

Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism and voluntary association. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power, but some of them diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing economic and political systems.

What is the meaning of liberal amount?

(politics) Open to political or social changes and reforms associated with either classical or modern liberalism. … Liberal means something that is generous or large. An example of liberal is a sizable amount of money given to charity.

What is the meaning of liberal family?

1 relating to or having social and political views that favour progress and reform. 2 relating to or having policies or views advocating individual freedom. 3 giving and generous in temperament or behaviour. 4 tolerant of other people. 5 abundant; lavish.

Asked by: Dr. Kevin Nitzsche

Score: 4.8/5
(25 votes)

Ancient, antiquated, antique, old-fashioned refer to something dating from the past. Ancient implies existence or first occurrence in a distant past: an ancient custom. Antiquated connotes something too old or no longer useful: an antiquated building.

Is it ancient or ancient?

Ancient means belonging to the distant past, especially to the period in history before the end of the Roman Empire. They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.

Is ancient an adjective yes or no?

As detailed above, ‘ancient’ can be an adjective or a noun. Adjective usage: an ancient city. Adjective usage: an ancient forest. Adjective usage: an ancient author.

What does it mean by ancient?

: very old : having lived or existed for a very long time. : of, coming from, or belonging to a time that was long ago in the past. See the full definition for ancient in the English Language Learners Dictionary. ancient. adjective.

Is ancient an adjective?

ANCIENT (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

18 related questions found

What is an adjective for ancient?

ancient. Having lasted from a remote period; having been of long duration; of great age; very old. Existent or occurring in time long past, usually in remote ages; belonging to or associated with antiquity; old, as opposed to modern.

What is an example of ancient?

Ancient is defined as someone or something that has lasted a very long time. The story of Hercules is an example of an ancient story. … The definition of ancient refers to an era that existed a very long time ago. The Roman Empire is an example of an ancient civilization.

How old is ancient?

The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, beginning with the Sumerian cuneiform script, with the oldest coherent texts from about 2600 BC. Ancient history covers all continents inhabited by humans in the period 3000 BC – AD 500.

What do you mean by ancient place old?

of or in time long past, especially before the end of the Western Roman Empire a.d. 476: ancient history. dating from a remote period; of great age: ancient rocks;ancient trees. very old; aged: She’s fifteen, which is ancient for a dog that size. being old in wisdom and experience; venerable. old-fashioned or antique.

What is the synonyms for ancient?

Some common synonyms of ancient are antiquated, antique, archaic, obsolete, old, and venerable. While all these words mean «having come into existence or use in the more or less distant past,» ancient applies to occurrence, existence, or use in or survival from the distant past.

What is YES in Old English?

The English word ‘yes’ is thought to come from the Old English word ‘gēse’, meaning ‘may it be so’, and can be traced back to earlier than the 12th century.

Does Latin have a word for yes?

Latin. Latin has no single words for yes and no. Their functions as word sentence responses to yes-no questions are taken up by sentence adverbs, single adverbs that are sentence modifiers and also used as word sentences.

What can I say instead of yes?

synonyms for yes

  • affirmative.
  • amen.
  • fine.
  • good.
  • okay.
  • yea.
  • all right.
  • aye.

Who studies ancient times and ancient peoples?

Archaeologist: A scientist who studies human history, particularly the culture of historic and prehistoric people, through discovery and exploration of remains, structures and writings.

When did the ancient era end?

The Early Middle Ages are a period in the history of Europe following the fall of the Western Roman Empire spanning roughly five centuries from CE 500 to 1000. Not all historians agree on the ending dates of ancient history, which frequently falls somewhere in the 5th, 6th, or 7th century.

Which are the ancient languages?

12 Oldest Languages In The World Still Widely Used!

  1. Tamil (5000 years old) — Oldest Living Language of the World. …
  2. Sanskrit (5000 years old) — World’s Oldest Language. …
  3. Egyptian (5000 years old) …
  4. Hebrew (3000 years old) …
  5. Greek (2900 years old) …
  6. Basque (2200 years old) …
  7. Lithuanian (5000 years old) …
  8. Farsi (2500 years old)

Who founded ancient India?

Ancient India History

The History of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the Aryans. These two phases are generally described as the pre-Vedic and Vedic periods.

Who is the first recorded human?

The First Humans

One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis, or “handy man,” who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Which is oldest civilization in the world?

The Sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization known to mankind. The term Sumer is today used to designate southern Mesopotamia. In 3000 BC, a flourishing urban civilization existed. The Sumerian civilization was predominantly agricultural and had community life.

Which country has the oldest history?

An old missionary student of China once remarked that Chinese history is “remote, monotonous, obscure, and-worst of all-there is too much of it.” China has the longest continuous history of any country in the world—3,500 years of written history. And even 3,500 years ago China’s civilization was old!

What is the sentences of ancient?

(1) Marriage became an institution in ancient societies. (2) According to ancient legend, the river is a goddess. (3) She’s very proud of her ancient royal lineage. (4) The aisle was floored with ancient bricks.

What is the word ancient in a sentence?

They found the ruins of an ancient civilization while digging for oil. He did his doctoral thesis on the marriage customs of slaves living in ancient Rome. My grandmother is ancient, almost 100 years old.

What is the root word of ancient?

ancient (adj.)

1400, of things, «having lasted from a remote period,» from Old French ancien «old, long-standing, ancient,» from Vulgar Latin *anteanus, literally «from before,» adjectivization of Latin ante «before, in front of, against» (from PIE *anti «against,» locative singular of root *ant- «front, forehead»).

What is the superlative form of ancient?

Ancientest meaning

Superlative form of ancient: most ancient.

What is the meaning of ancient in Oxford dictionary?

very old; having existed for a very long time.

Other forms: ancients

Ancient means very old. Sometimes there’s a sense of «older than old.» My grandmother, bless her soul, lived until she was positively ancient.

Ancient art is that made in places and times we refer to as Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, and «an ancient» is someone who lived either during those eras, or in a Biblical context, before the flood that brought us the story of Noah and the Ark.

Definitions of ancient

  1. adjective

    belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire

    ancient history”

    ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians”

    ancient Greece”



    earlier than the present time; no longer current

  2. “an
    ancient mariner”



    (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age

  3. noun

    a person who lived in ancient times

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Britannica Dictionary definition of ANCIENT

[more ancient; most ancient]


very old


having lived or existed for a very long time

  • The people in the village still observe the ancient customs/traditions of their ancestors.

  • a grove of ancient oak trees

often used in an exaggerated way to describe an old machine, person, etc.

  • We got a ride in an ancient truck.

  • an ancient barn

  • I never thought I’d feel ancient at age 31.

  • She finally decided to replace her ancient computer with something more modern and up to date.


of, coming from, or belonging to a time that was long ago in the past

  • The practice was more common in ancient times than it is now.

  • life in ancient Egypt/Rome/Greece/China

  • the gods of the ancient Romans

  • ancient artifacts

  • She studied both ancient and modern history.

◊ In informal use, something that happened long ago and that is not important any more is ancient history.

  • Our relationship is ancient history.

  • Forget about the problems we’ve had in the past. They’re ancient history.

— anciently



  • a drink that was used anciently [=in ancient times] as a love potion

«_All magistrates, who have been_ unjustly turned out, shall _forthwith resume their former_ employments; as well as all the boroughs of England shall return again to _their ancient prescriptions and charters_, and, more particularly, that _the ancient_ charter of the great and famous city of London shall again be in force; and that the writs for the members of Parliament shall be addressed to the _proper officers, according to law and custom_.» ❋ Edmund Burke (1763)

II. i.286 (46,8) [This ancient morsel] For _morsel_ Dr. Warburton reads _ancient moral_, very elegantly and judiciously, yet I know not whether the author might not write _morsel_, as we say a _piece of a man_. ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

The term ancient Greece refers to the period of Greek history lasting from the Greek Dark Ages ca. 1100 BC and the Dorian invasion, to 146 BC and the Roman conquest of Greece after the Battle of Corinth. ❋ Unknown (2010)

PHILLIPS: However, Dahn Yoga claims its treatments are not, «hocus pocus» but based on what it calls ancient wisdom. ❋ Unknown (2010)

PHILLIPS: However, Dahn Yoga claims its treatments are not, quote, «hocus-pocus» but based on what it calls ancient wisdom. ❋ Unknown (2010)

PHILLIPS: However, Dahn yoga claims its treatments are not quote, hocus pocus, but based on what it calls ancient wisdom. ❋ Unknown (2010)

My father said it would take a lifetime of patient study to learn thoroughly all that can to-day be learned of what we call ancient ❋ Deristhe L. Hoyt (N/A)

The distinguished author to whom we have already referred < 13 > speaks of what he calls the ancient Peruvians as distinguished from the modern tribes that acknowledged the government of the Incas. ❋ Emory Adams Allen (N/A)

I may plead, on the contrary, that what we call the ancient Church was the youthful Church. ❋ Wilfred T. Grenfell (N/A)

Surprising as it will seem to those who hear of it for the first time, dentistry reached high perfection even in what we know as ancient history. ❋ James Joseph Walsh (1903)

Over 2,000 ago in ancient Greece, the quintessential philosopher Socrates said it best when he uttered those immortal words, «The unexamined life is not worth living.» ❋ Vaishali (2010)

Belief in ancient myths joins with other negative forces in our society to keep most of the world from advancing scientifically, economically, and socially at a time when a rapid advancement in these areas is absolutely essential for the survival of humanity. ❋ Victor Stenger (2010)

The problem is that his arguments about the “motivations” for those soldiers often tend into right wing fairy land, while his articles purporting to draw parallels between the US and happenings in ancient Greece are beyond ridiculous. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It was one of the most important cities in ancient times. ❋ Unknown (2010)

«Man, that [song’s] ancient»
«[I heard that] [story] before, that’s ancient» ❋ C. Wallace (2004)

[Daniel jackson] became an ancient [in season] 6, but he de acenended beacuse he couldn’t follow [the rules]. ❋ Uchena Kema (2005)

[Ancient] is [signed] to [Metal Blade Records]. ❋ In Extremo (2004)

Anchient [Pistol], [ye], [dog]! ❋ Kung-Fu Jesus (2004)

[Man], that [shirt’s] [Ancient]! ❋ [email protected] (2005)

The Ancients would say: «If you immediately know the candlelight is [fire], [the meal] was [cooked] long ago.» ❋ LordBaal (2006)

When youre talking to someone who can [recall] how life isnt at this very point in time but can recall it as if they woke up from it the other day. «20 years ago we couldn’t do that because it was [politically incorrect]…»
«Stfu you talking about [sticks and stones] again you ancient ❋ Standingondirt (2015)

Oh my god! [This dude] is [ANCIENT]! We are not fucking [worthy] bruh! ❋ Phatcat009 (2017)

I got stuck behind a group of [Ancients] at the [golf course] today. I almost didn’t finish [the back nine]. ❋ Donnie336 (2005)

[My mum] is Ancient ❋ Flipity Flopity (2017)

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