What does the word affect mean

The words “affect” and “effect” are both verbs as well as nouns — and their meanings overlap. This can be pretty confusing for those trying to learn the difference between these two English terms. Not to worry, though; The Word Counter is here to help. 

In this post, we’re exploring the word “affect” to uncover its meaning and how it differs from “effect.” So if you’ve ever wondered about the definition and proper usage of “affect,” keep reading. 

What Is the Definition of Affect?

/əˈfekt/ /ˈæfekt/ /ə.fĕkt’/ /ə-fĕkt/

Our word of the day — affect — can be used as either a verb or noun with a few slightly varying meanings. Below you will find a list of the different usages of affect as both a verb as well as a noun:

  • As a verb, affect means — to produce a change in or to produce an effect; to act on 
  • As a noun, affect refers to (primarily used in relation to psychiatry and psychology) — an observed emotional response or expressed emotional response; most commonly manifested through body language or facial expression.
  • As a verb, affect can additionally mean: to make a pretense of; to make a show of, or to put on an appearance (as in to affect ignorance).

What Is the Etymology of Affect?

The late Middle English word affect was first recorded in 1400-1450. Affect is a derivative of Latin affectus (which is the past participle of afficere), as well as Latin affectāre, Middle French affecter, and Middle English affecten.

What Are the Synonyms and Antonyms of Affect?

To further your understanding of the word “affect,” you may find it helpful to review its synonyms and antonyms. In short, a synonym is a word that has the same (or nearly the same) meaning as another word, whereas antonyms are words with opposite meanings. 

Synonyms of Affect 

  • Influence
  • Touch
  • Upset
  • Impinge upon
  • Shake up
  • Take hold of
  • Guide
  • Impact on
  • Exert influence on
  • Damage
  • Devastate
  • Trouble
  • Stir
  • Strike
  • Modify
  • Tug at your heartstrings
  • Bowl over
  • Work on 
  • Prevail
  • Mark
  • Regard
  • Relate
  • Go to your head
  • Turn someone’s head
  • Counterfeit
  • Fake
  • Feign 
  • Sham
  • Give the appearance of
  • Make a show of
  • Aspire to
  • Profess
  • Contrive
  • Imitate
  • Fabricate 
  • Go against the grain
  • Be disturbing
  • Playact
  • Bluff
  • Assume
  • Adopt
  • Embrace
  • Be of interest to
  • Be relevant to 
  • Be the business of
  • Espouse
  • Put on
  • Make one’s own
  • Pick up on
  • Go down the line
  • Engage in
  • Tap into
  • Go in for
  • Have an adverse effect on
  • Strike down
  • Cause
  • Induce
  • Trigger 
  • Be distasteful
  • Be injurious to
  • Provoke
  • Compel
  • Elicit 
  • Cause illness to
  • Cause problems 
  • Enact
  • Evoke 
  • Enkindle
  • Break the ice
  • Break-in
  • Be at the bottom of
  • Do
  • Effectuate
  • Work up
  • Bring to pass
  • Make unwell
  • Frequentative 
  • Be sickening
  • Cause discomfort to 
  • Be unsuitable
  • Agonize
  • Martyr
  • Smite
  • Cause suffering to
  • Grieve
  • Burden
  • Persecute
  • Irk
  • Irritate
  • Apply to
  • Impact on
  • Pertain to
  • Bear on
  • Psych out
  • Stun 

Antonyms of Affect

  • Desensitise 
  • Numb
  • Stupefy
  • Blunt
  • Deaden
  • Be indifferent to
  • Paralyze 
  • Represent
  • Embody
  • Epitomize 
  • Exemplify
  • Typify
  • Stand for
  • Portray
  • Show
  • Emblematize
  • Admit
  • Allow
  • Guard
  • Safeguard
  • Keep safe
  • Keep from harm
  • Stop
  • Save
  • Refrain from
  • Throw out
  • Toss out
  • Give up
  • Dispense with 
  • Get rid of
  • Limit
  • Fend
  • Render null and void
  • Declare null and void 
  • Shield
  • Screen
  • Shelter
  • Tell the truth about
  • Give away
  • Unfold
  • Release
  • Be unaffected
  • Be indifferent
  • Not touch 
  • Spill
  • Bare
  • Be real
  • Be honest
  • Tell the truth
  • Unveil
  • Betray
  • Discourage
  • Deter
  • Obstruct
  • Counteract
  • Aid
  • Soothe
  • Have no consequence on 
  • Support
  • Take care of
  • Calm
  • Compose
  • Yield
  • Enlighten
  • Surrender
  • Have no bearing on
  • Have no relevance on
  • Organize
  • Be happy
  • Make happy
  • Stay away from
  • Please
  • Be irrelevant to
  • Have no effect on 
  • Delight
  • Assist
  • Cancel out
  • Clamp down on
  • Crackdown on
  • Comfort
  • Solace 

How Can You Use Affect in a Sentence?

Now that you understand what “affect” means, it’s time to practice using it in a sentence. 

Take the next few minutes testing your newfound knowledge by conjuring up as many sentences as you can using our word of the day. To get you started, we went ahead and compiled a short list of example sentences for you to study below:

“Various victims of schizophrenia most commonly lapse into flat affect — which is this zombie-like state of ostensible apathy.” 

“I know the definition behind affect, but I am not quite sure what effect means… could you please explain?”

“Her hugs affect me in such a positive way; I just can’t explain it.” 

“Bella’s speech was full of strong emotions and affected me greatly.”

“My childhood teacher may not be aware of it, but she affected my self-image in a way that I can never repay her. I would not be the man I am today without her guidance and how she believed in me.” 

“Come on now, don’t let a little bad weather affect your mood for the entire day. There is still plenty we can do indoors; why don’t we finally get some art projects started!” 

What Are the Translations of Affect?

The word “affect” is used all around the globe. With this in mind, let’s review some of the most common translations, shall we?

Translations of affect:

  • Afrikaans — Beïnvloed
  • Arabic — تؤثر
  • Bulgarian — засягам
  • Chinese (simplified) — 影响
  • Croatian — utjecati
  • Czech — ovlivnit
  • Danish — påvirke
  • Dutch — beïnvloeden
  • Finnish — vaikuttaa
  • French — affecter
  • German — beeinflussen, Affek 
  • Greek — επηρεάζω
  • Italian — influenzare
  • Japanese — 障る
  • Korean — 영향
  • Norwegian — påvirke
  • Polish — wpływać
  • Portuguese — afetar
  • Russian — влиять (affékt)
  • Spanish — afectar
  • Swedish — påverka
  • Thai — กระทบ
  • Turkish — etkilemek
  • Ukrainian — вплинути
  • Vietnamese — Ảnh hưởng đến


Our word of the day — affect — is most often used as a verb, meaning “to have an impact on,” as in “the rainy weather will affect our camping plans.” Not to be confused with the noun effect, affect is the outward expression of emotion and feelings. 


Affect Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

AFFECT: Definition | Cambridge English Dictionary

55 Synonyms & Antonyms for AFFECT | Thesaurus.com


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

влиять, затрагивать, затронуть, аффект


- (воз)действовать (на что-л.); влиять

the climate has affected his health — этот климат (вредно) повлиял на его здоровье
to affect public opinion [smb.’s resolution, smb.’s choice] — оказать влияние на общественное мнение [на чьё-л. решение, на чей-л. выбор]
it affects me personally — это имеет ко мне прямое отношение, это касается меня лично

- волновать, трогать

the news [smb.’s words] affected him greatly — это известие [чьи-л. слова] на него сильно подействовало [подействовали]
to affect smb. to tears — растрогать кого-л. до слёз
he was not affected by the play — пьеса его не тронула, пьеса оставила его равнодушным

- вредить, наносить ущерб; плохо отражаться, задевать

to affect smb.’s interests — задевать чьи-л. интересы
smoking affects health — курить вредно для здоровья

- мед. поражать

to affect smb.’s heart [eye, lungs] — подействовать кому-л. на сердце [глаза, лёгкие]; отразиться на чьём-л. сердце [чьих-л. глазах, лёгких]
smb.’s lungs [heart, liver] are [is] affected — затронуты лёгкие [-о сердце, -а печень]

- притворяться, прикидываться; делать вид, принимать вид

to affect ignorance [indifference] — притворяться незнающим [безразличным]
he affected illness not to go to work — он симулировал болезнь, чтобы не идти на работу
to affect composure — напускать на себя показное спокойствие
to affect the freethinker — изображать из себя вольнодумца
he affected not to hear me — он сделал вид, что не слышал меня

- имитировать, копировать, подражать

to affect a Southern accent — говорить с нарочитым южным акцентом

- часто употреблять; любить (пользоваться чем-л.)

to affect loud neckties — любить /носить/ яркие /броские/ галстуки
she affects old furniture — она увлекается старинной мебелью
he affects carelessness in dress — он одевается нарочито небрежно
he affects long words that few people can understand — он щеголяет длинными словами, которые мало кто понимает

- принимать форму, вид

drops of every fluid affect a round figure — капли любой жидкости принимают округлую форму

- редк. нуждаться в определённых условиях (о животных и растениях)

rice affects moist land — рису нужна влажная почва

- населять, обитать (о животных и растениях)

lions affect Africa — львы обитают в Африке
moss affects the northern slopes — мох предпочитает северные склоны /чаще растёт на северных склонах/


- психол. аффект

Мои примеры


a study of health problems that can affect young infants — исследование проблем со здоровьем, которые могут затрагивать детей раннего возраста  
to affect smb. deeply — сильно повлиять на кого-л.  
to affect / feign indifference — притворяться равнодушным  
to increase / affect potency — повышать, влиять на потенцию  
ability to affect — способность воздействовать  
affect function — функция аффекта  
to affect public opinion — оказать влияние на общественное мнение  
to affect the price — влиять на цену  
to affect the market — влиять на рынок  
to affect guilt — влиять на определение вины  
to affect punishment — влиять на определение наказания  

Примеры с переводом

The medicine affects my heart rate.

Это лекарство влияет на мой пульс.

Will the new rules affect me?

Коснутся ли меня новые правила? / Будут ли новые правила распространяться на меня?

Global warming will affect all of us.

Глобальное потепление затронет всех нас.

We were all deeply affected by her death.

Мы все были глубоко тронуты ее смертью.

He used to affect a foreign accent.

Он имитировал иностранный акцент.

He has never affected to be surprised.

Он никогда не разыгрывал удивление.

Any body affects some regular shape.

Любое физическое тело стремится принять какую-то определённую форму.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

No one is better than Didion at using flatness of affect and formality of diction to convey seething anger and disdain.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

affected  — пораженный, тронутый, напускной, жеманный, задетый, растроганный, неестественный
affection  — привязанность, любовь, влияние, воздействие, влечение, склонность, болезнь
affective  — эмоциональный
affecting  — затрагивающий, трогательный, волнующий, впечатляющий
affectless  — безрезультатный, бесплодный, напрасный, неэффективный, недейственный, недействительный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: affect
he/she/it: affects
ing ф. (present participle): affecting
2-я ф. (past tense): affected
3-я ф. (past participle): affected

ед. ч.(singular): affect
мн. ч.(plural): affects

Do you think of yourself as a Korean-American writer, and does this acceptance or rejection of the label affect how you write and market your work? ❋ Unknown (2006)

The teabagger voices were dominating the news, the republicans not shying away from some of the most offensive comments and signs shown at these rallies embraced the teabaggers and in affect all of the craziness that has accompanied them. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I prefer a more scientific materialist viewpoint myself, that affect is rooted in the kinaesthetics of physiology and is therefore as much a part of physical nature as any other sensory experience. ❋ Hal Duncan (2009)

Sadly, it has been used to «clean-up» Portland’s image – to in affect hide the problem of homelessness – during the Rose Festival and other public times. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In fact, many voted for Obama and by dissing the Republicans he is in affect dissing the population of those states. sickoflibs ❋ Unknown (2009)

But one thing it does not affect is certainly the mind and let me tell you, in the film that she had just seen, which was the premiere called Inkheart, it had flying monkeys that were lifted from The Wizard of Oz. Now Megan, 11 years old at the time, told me after the movie was over “Uh Brendan, you know the flying monkeys have been done before.” ❋ Unknown (2010)

Each of those ways of using the revenue has different implications for specific households but the “average” affect is still the same. ❋ Unknown (2009)

How does/did Frankenstein affect art in general during the 19th Century? ❋ Unknown (2009)

It doesn’t take a great stretch of the imagination to see that there will be a tremendous ripple affect from the passage of this bill. ❋ Unknown (2009)

To the extent that cultures are prevented from interacting with each other, the ‘we the kids’ vs ‘the establishment’ affect is probably fostered. ❋ Unknown (2010)

CO2 can and does warm the planet, but the affect is less than critical. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Usually all you can hope to affect is where the ‘last seat’ in each constituency goes. ❋ Nwhyte (2010)

May I remind him that the people of this country voted for the Republican Senators as well and when the POTUS only meets with the Democratic Senators, he is in affect turning his back on the population who are Republican or Independants. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Bob Woodward’s affect is that of a human tape recorder. ❋ Russ Baker (2010)

During our initial job hunting stages, the post-dot com recession was already in affect, and shortly after graduation, 9-11 really through a wrench into our plans. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The net affect is no different, no, but there is significance in this in regards underlying motivation and how one goes about doing something about it. ❋ Unknown (2010)

There’s no telling the longterm affect of the Deepwater Horizon, which continues to gush after nearly three months. ❋ Unknown (2010)

1. [Twinkies], Ho-hos and ding-dongs will affect your heart in a a negative way
2. Not protecting your computer with an [anti-virus] may affect its performance due to the possible presence of many a harmful [virii]. ❋ Squirrelavenger (2007)

v. [Yo], that affects me, [you know what I’m sayin’]? ❋ Whoak (2010)

The college sophomore down the hall who wears a fedora every day (known, unknowingly, to his hallmates as «[Fedora Guy]»): «I like to think I’m an endearingly mysterious gentleman.»
The kid with the fake accent/other [contrived] manner of speaking: «The way I casually throw in [SAT words] into my everyday speech makes the [Normals] uncomfortable, which is really cool because that means I’m impressing them and earning their respect.»
Self-proclaimed nerd: «I really like showing people that I know a whole lot about really obscure things like math and the internet, because when I meet people who are ‘in the know’ like me and who actually deserve to be in my presence, they’ll know what I’m talking about and they’ll be really impressed, which is epic hacks!»
Dumb college kid at top-tier liberal arts school: «I’m so glad I’ve finally found a community where people like me can [just bounce] ideas off one another. I’m really excited about completely changing the way I think about everything by surrounding myself with such a diverse population of people who are exactly like me. Also I really really care about the actually important stuff, like politics and [Darfur] and voting and political correctness and intellectual conversations and getting drunk once in a while and [being offended] while remaining open-minded.»
Generic affected individual: «What? No, that’s not an affectation, that’s just the way I’ve always done that. No, you’ve got it all wrong—I do it for a reason. Plus—heh heh—it just plain looks cool.»
[No dice], buddy. ❋ Futanari Basashi (2009)

[My lover’s] [constant] affection is a great [reminder] of how much he cares for me. ❋ CountryAngel (2006)

1. She [nibbled] on his [ear] as a sign of [affection].
2. He did not know how to show his affections. ❋ MissyKittyKitKat (2005)

I got so affected last night that I had some [serious] blind-screamin’ [munchies] [later]. ❋ The Vanilla Godzilla (2017)

By [telling] him she loves him she’s [showing] [affection] ❋ Sweeeeeert (2019)

[Anna] [showed] affection to all her friends and [family]. ❋ Abby Lindel (2021)

Everyone appeared to be upset with the passing [Grandma] mother while [Grandad] appear to have no [affect] ❋ Breaking Dancing On Cardboard (2019)

❋ Anonymous (2003)


show 72 types…
hide 72 types…
strike a blow

affect adversely


cause repercussions; have an unwanted effect

tell on

produce an effect or strain on somebody


have an effect for good or ill

excite, stimulate

act as a stimulant

process, treat

subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition

hydrolise, hydrolize

make a compound react with water and undergo hydrolysis

color, colour, distort, tinge

affect as in thought or feeling

endanger, expose, peril, queer, scupper

put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position

hit, strike

affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely


cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to

bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, inconvenience, put out, trouble

cause inconvenience or discomfort to

act upon, influence, work

have and exert influence or effect


make a forceful move against


cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering

bacterise, bacterize

subject to the action of bacteria

iodise, iodize

treat with iodine


treat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound into a nitrate


treat in a tank

aerate, oxygenate, oxygenise, oxygenize

impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen

mercerise, mercerize

treat to strengthen and improve the luster


treat with malt or malt extract

fluoridate, fluoridise, fluoridize

subject to fluoridation; treat with fluoride


treat with creosote


treat or combine with chlorine


treat with carbon dioxide


treat with camphor

bromate, brominate

treat with bromine


treat with ammonia

irradiate, ray

expose to radiation


treat with boiling water

invigorate, quicken

give life or energy to


treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition


stimulate to action


excite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus

nitrify, nitrogenise, nitrogenize

treat with nitrogen or a nitrogen compound


treat, process, heat, melt, or refine in a reverberatory furnace


treat by incorporating fat


sprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain


treat with an agent; add (an agent) to

sulfur, sulphur

treat with sulphur in order to preserve

vulcanise, vulcanize

subject to vulcanization


treat with a chromium compound

bituminise, bituminize

treat with bitumen

Agenise, Agenize

age or bleach flour with Agene (nitrogen trichloride)


cause to perform


treat (a chemical compound) with carboxyl or carboxylic acid


convert into a simple soluble fermentable sugar by hydrolyzing a sugar derivative or complex carbohydrate


process (ores or other raw materials), as by reduction

prejudice, prepossess

influence (somebody’s) opinion in advance


expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute


convert food into absorbable substances


expose to the effects of vitriol or injure with vitriol


cause (someone) to undergo something


cause to experience shipwreck


subject to refraction


expose or make accessible to some action or influence


expose to light, of photographic film

fume, fumigate

treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests


control the humidity and temperature of

form, imprint

establish or impress firmly in the mind


have force or influence; bring about an effect or change

manipulate, pull strings, pull wires

influence or control shrewdly or deviously

color, colour

modify or bias

swing, swing over

influence decisively

blackjack, blackmail, pressure

exert pressure on someone through threats

carry, persuade, sway

win approval or support for

get at

influence by corruption


influence an event or its outcome by illegal means

distress, straiten

bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship


be in control


make oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to

Table of contents:

  1. What does the word affect mean?
  2. What does Anhedonic mean?
  3. What is labile mood?
  4. Is emotional blunting permanent?
  5. What is excessive crying a sign of?
  6. How do you control tears when arguing?
  7. How do you not cry when getting hit?
  8. Why does your body hurt after a fight?
  9. How do you deal with the pain of a fight?
  10. Do fighters take painkillers before a fight?
  11. Do MMA fighters feel pain?
  12. Should I take pre workout before a fight?
  13. How do UFC fighters deal with pain?
  14. Do you feel pain in a fight?

What does the word affect mean?

Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change.

What does Anhedonic mean?

Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure. It’s a common symptom of depression as well as other mental health disorders. Most people understand what pleasure feels like. They expect certain things in life to make them happy.Oct 20, 2020

What is labile mood?

Emotional lability refers to rapid, often exaggerated changes in mood, where strong emotions or feelings (uncontrollable laughing or crying, or heightened irritability or temper) occur. These very strong emotions are sometimes expressed in a way that is greater than the person’s emotions.

Is emotional blunting permanent?

Despite how it may feel, emotional numbness is not permanent. Treatment is available to provide both immediate relief and long-term remission. The first step in treating emotional numbness is to identify and treat the underlying cause.

What is excessive crying a sign of?

Crying more than is normal for you may be a symptom of depression or a neurological disorder. If you’re concerned about the amount you’re crying, talk to your doctor.

How do you control tears when arguing?

Read on all the way to the end for a few words about why that’s okay.

  1. Take a Deep Breath. …
  2. Use Your Tongue, Your Eyebrows, or Your Muscles. …
  3. Take a Break and Get Away From the Situation. …
  4. Stop the Thoughts That Are Making You Cry (This’ll Take Some Practice) …
  5. Pretend You’re an Actor in a Movie.

How do you not cry when getting hit?

Here are seven surprisingly effective ways to stop yourself from crying when you feel it coming on.

  1. Use Props. …
  2. Pinch the Skin Between Your Thumb and Pointer Finger. …
  3. Deep Breathing is Your Friend. …
  4. Pinch Your Nose. …
  5. Tilt Your Head Back. …
  6. Step Back from the Situation, Literally. …
  7. When All Else Fails, Embrace the Tears.

•Sep 2, 2018

Why does your body hurt after a fight?

Once The Fight Is Over You can suffer bruising, which is caused by damage to the blood vessels under the skin called capillaries. You could receive mild head or perhaps severe head trauma. You may experience nerve damage, especially in those areas which are repeatedly kicked.

How do you deal with the pain of a fight?

“No pain, no gain,” or so the saying goes. But not all pain yields positive gain….5 Mental Tricks to Fight Pain

  1. Let Your Body Do Its Job. …
  2. Distract Yourself. …
  3. Put Your Pain in Perspective. …
  4. Cough Through Quick Pain. …
  5. Breathe Through It All.

Oct 14, 2013

Do fighters take painkillers before a fight?

Do Fighters Take Painkillers Before a Fight Injury and pain are common in this sport, which is why painkillers are used. Even when the fighter has an injury or feels pain, he has to continue the training as long as it doesn’t have a severe effect on his health or life-threatening.

Do MMA fighters feel pain?

They feel the pain, but it can be in control. … Again, as a trained person, they feel too. But their level of tolerance are higher than us. There are possibilities for them to get traumatized (from the fight), but of course it would not be felt as big as it’s for a normal person.

Should I take pre workout before a fight?

Yes, fighters can use preworkout supplements to increase their energy and workload capacity. …

How do UFC fighters deal with pain?

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, can enable a fighter to feel less pain when it is pumping through their blood. The initial pain is dulled as the body uses the adrenaline rush to protect itself.Jul 13, 2015

Do you feel pain in a fight?

The pain: There’s hardly any pain during the fight, brain chemicals kill off most of the pain senses during a fight. … You will rarely feel as arrogant and self righteous as you do when you win a physical fight.

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