What does the word ability mean

Abilities are powers an agent has to perform various actions. They include common abilities, like walking, and rare abilities, like performing a double backflip. Abilities are intelligent powers: they are guided by the person’s intention and executing them successfully results in an action, which is not true for all types of powers. They are closely related to but not identical with various other concepts, such as disposition, know-how, aptitude, talent, potential, and skill.

Theories of ability aim to articulate the nature of abilities. Traditionally, the conditional analysis has been the most popular approach. According to it, having an ability means one would perform the action in question if one tried to do so. On this view, Michael Phelps has the ability to swim 200 meters in under 2 minutes because he would do so if he tried to. This approach has been criticized in various ways. Some counterexamples involve cases in which the agent is physically able to do something but unable to try, due to a strong aversion. In order to avoid these and other counterexamples, various alternative approaches have been suggested. Modal theories of ability, for example, focus on what is possible for the agent to do. Other suggestions include defining abilities in terms of dispositions and potentials.

An important distinction among abilities is between general abilities and specific abilities. General abilities are abilities possessed by an agent independent of their situation while specific abilities concern what an agent can do in a specific situation. So while an expert piano player always has the general ability to play various piano pieces, they lack the corresponding specific ability in a situation where no piano is present. Another distinction concerns the question of whether successfully performing an action by accident counts as having the corresponding ability. In this sense, an amateur hacker may have the effective ability to hack his boss’s email account, because they may be lucky and guess the password correctly, but not the corresponding transparent ability, since they are unable to reliably do so.

The concept of abilities and how they are to be understood is relevant for various related fields. Free will, for example, is often understood as the ability to do otherwise. The debate between compatibilism and incompatibilism concerns the question whether this ability can exist in a world governed by deterministic laws of nature. Autonomy is a closely related concept, which can be defined as the ability of individual or collective agents to govern themselves. Whether an agent has the ability to perform a certain action is important for whether they have a moral obligation to perform this action. If they possess it, they may be morally responsible for performing it or for failing to do so. Like in the free will debate, it is also relevant whether they had the ability to do otherwise. A prominent theory of concepts and concept possession understands these terms in relation to abilities. According to it, it is required that the agent possess both the ability to discriminate between positive and negative cases and the ability to draw inferences to related concepts.

Definition and semantic field[edit]

Abilities are powers an agent has to perform various actions.[1] Some abilities are very common among human agents, like the ability to walk or to speak. Other abilities are only possessed by a few, such as the ability to perform a double backflip or to prove Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. While all abilities are powers, the converse is not true, i.e. there are some powers that are not abilities. This is the case, for example, for powers that are not possessed by agents, like the power of salt to dissolve in water. But some powers possessed by agents do not constitute abilities either. For example, the power to understand French is not an ability in this sense since it does not involve an action, in contrast to the ability to speak French.[1] This distinction depends on the difference between actions and non-actions. Actions are usually defined as events that an agent performs for a purpose and that are guided by the person’s intention,[2][3] in contrast to mere behavior, like involuntary reflexes.[4][5] In this sense, abilities can be seen as intelligent powers.

Various terms within the semantic field of the term «ability» are sometimes used as synonyms but have slightly different connotations. Dispositions, for example, are often equated with powers and differ from abilities in the sense that they are not necessarily linked to agents and actions.[1][6] Abilities are closely related to know-how, as a form of practical knowledge on how to accomplish something. But it has been argued that these two terms may not be identical since know-how belongs more to the side of knowledge of how to do something and less to the power to actually do it.[7][1] The terms «aptitude» and «talent» usually refer to outstanding inborn abilities.[8] They are often used to express that a certain set of abilities can be acquired when properly used or trained. Abilities acquired through learning are frequently referred to as skills.[9] The term «disability» is usually used for a long-term absence of a general human ability that significantly impairs what activities one can engage in and how one can interact with the world.[10] In this sense, not any lack of an ability constitutes a disability. The more direct antonym of «ability» is «inability» instead.[11]

Theories of ability[edit]

Various theories of the essential features of abilities have been proposed. The conditional analysis is the traditionally dominant approach. It defines abilities in terms of what one would do if one had the volition to do so. For modal theories of ability, by contrast, having an ability means that the agent has the possibility to execute the corresponding action. Other approaches include defining abilities in terms of dispositions and potentials. While all the concepts used in these different approaches are closely related, they have slightly different connotations, which often become relevant for avoiding various counterexamples.

Conditional analysis[edit]

The conditional analysis of ability is the traditionally dominant approach. It is often traced back to David Hume and defines abilities in terms of what one would do if one wanted to, tried to or had the volition to do so. It is articulated in the form of a conditional expression, for example, as «S has the ability to A iff S would A if S tried to A».[12][13] On this view, Michael Phelps has the ability to swim 200 meters in under 2 minutes because he would do so if he tried to. The average person, on the other hand, lacks this ability because they would fail if they tried. Similar versions talk of having a volition instead of trying.[12] This view can distinguish between the ability to do something and the possibility that one does something: only having the ability implies that the agent can make something happen according to their will.[14] This definition of ability is closely related to Hume’s definition of liberty as «a power of acting or not acting, according to the determinations of the will».[15] But it is often argued that this is different from having a free will in the sense of the capacity of choosing between different courses of action.[16]

This approach has been criticized in various ways, often by citing alleged counterexamples. Some of these counterexamples focus on cases where an ability is actually absent even though it would be present according to the conditional analysis.[12] This is the case, for example, if someone is physically able to perform a certain action but, maybe due to a strong aversion, cannot form the volition to perform this action.[17][14] So according to the conditional analysis, a person with arachnophobia has the ability to touch a trapped spider because they would do so if they tried. But all things considered, they do not have this ability since their arachnophobia makes it impossible for them to try. Another example involves a woman attacked on a dark street who would have screamed if she had tried to but was too paralyzed by fear to try it.[14] One way to avoid this objection is to distinguish between psychological and non-psychological requirements of abilities. The conditional analysis can then be used as a partial analysis applied only to the non-psychological requirements.[12]

Another form of criticism involves cases where the ability is present even though it would be absent according to the conditional analysis. This argument can be centered on the idea that having an ability does not ensure that each and every execution of it is successful.[18][14] For example, even a good golfer may miss an easy putt on one occasion. That does not mean that they lack the ability to make this putt but this is what the conditional analysis suggests since they tried it and failed.[14] One reply to this problem is to ascribe to the golfer the general ability, as discussed below, but deny them the specific ability in this particular instance.[12]

Modal approach[edit]

Modal theories of ability focus not on what the agent would do under certain circumstances but on what is possible for the agent to do.[19][20][21] This possibility is often understood in terms of possible worlds. On this view, an agent has the ability to perform a certain action if there is a complete and consistent way how the world could have been,[22] in which the agent performs the corresponding action. This approach easily captures the idea that an agent can possess an ability without executing it. In this case, the agent does not perform the corresponding action in the actual world but there is a possible world where they perform it.[20]

The problem with the approach described so far is that when the term «possible» is understood in the widest sense, many actions are possible even though the agent actually lacks the ability to perform them.[21] For example, not knowing the combination of the safe, the agent lacks the ability to open the safe. But dialing the right combination is possible, i.e. there is a possible world in which, through a lucky guess, the agent succeeds at opening the safe.[21] Because of such cases, it is necessary to add further conditions to the analysis above. These conditions play the role of restricting which possible worlds are relevant for evaluating ability-claims.[21] Closely related to this is the converse problem concerning lucky performances in the actual world. This problem concerns the fact that an agent may successfully perform an action without possessing the corresponding ability.[22][19] So a beginner at golf may hit the ball in an uncontrolled manner and through sheer luck achieve a hole-in-one. But the modal approach seems to suggest that such a beginner still has the corresponding ability since what is actual is also possible.[21][22][19]

A series of arguments against this approach is due to Anthony Kenny, who holds that various inferences drawn in modal logic are invalid for ability ascriptions. These failures indicate that the modal approach fails to capture the logic of ability ascriptions.[19]

It has also been argued that, strictly speaking, the conditional analysis is not different from the modal approach since it is just one special case of it. This is true if conditional expressions themselves are understood in terms of possible worlds, as suggested, for example, by David Kellogg Lewis and Robert Stalnaker.[19][22] In this case, many of the arguments directed against the modal approach may equally apply to the conditional analysis.

Other approaches[edit]

The dispositional approach defines abilities in terms of dispositions. According to one version, «S has the ability to A in circumstances C iff she has the disposition to A when, in circumstances C, she tries to A«.[23][24][25] This view is closely related to the conditional analysis but differs from it because the manifestation of dispositions can be prevented through the presence of so-called masks and finks. In these cases, the disposition is still present even though the corresponding conditional is false.[23][24] Another approach sees abilities as a form of potential to do something. This is different from a disposition since a disposition concerns the relation between a stimulus and a manifestation that follows when the stimulus is present. A potential, on the other hand, is characterized only by its manifestation. In the case of abilities, the manifestation concerns an action.[26][24]


Whether it is correct to ascribe a certain ability to an agent often depends on which type of ability is meant. General abilities concern what agents can do independent of their current situation, in contrast to specific abilities. To possess an effective ability, it is sufficient if the agent can succeed through a lucky accident, which is not the case for transparent abilities.

General and specific[edit]

An important distinction among abilities is between general and specific abilities,[27] sometimes also referred to as global and local abilities.[18] General abilities concern what agents can do generally, i.e. independent of the situation they find themselves in. But abilities often depend for their execution on various conditions that have to be fulfilled in the given circumstances. In this sense, the term «specific ability» is used to describe whether an agent has an ability in a specific situation. So while an expert piano player always has the general ability to play various piano pieces, they lack the corresponding specific ability if they are chained to a wall, if no piano is present or if they are heavily drugged.[27][18] In such cases, some of the necessary conditions for using the ability are not met. While this example illustrates a case of a general ability without a specific ability, the converse is also possible. Even though most people lack the general ability to jump 2 meters high, they may possess the specific ability to do so when they find themselves on a trampoline.[18] The reason that they lack this general ability is that they would fail to execute it in most circumstances. It would be necessary to succeed in a suitable proportion of the relevant cases for having the general ability as well,[18] as would be the case for a high jump athlete in this example.

It seems that the two terms are interdefinable but there is disagreement as to which one is the more basic term. So a specific ability may be defined as a general ability together with an opportunity. Having a general ability, on the other hand, can be seen as having a specific ability in various relevant situations.[27] A similar distinction can be drawn not just for the term «ability» but also for the wider term «disposition».[18] The distinction between general and specific abilities is not always drawn explicitly in the academic literature. While discussions often focus more on the general sense, sometimes the specific sense is intended.[27] This distinction is relevant for various philosophical issues, specifically for the ability to do otherwise in the free will debate.[28] If this ability is understood as a general ability, it seems to be compatible with determinism. But this seems not to be the case if a specific ability is meant.[18]

Effective and transparent[edit]

Another distinction sometimes found in the literature concerns the question of whether successfully performing an action by accident counts as having the corresponding ability.[21][29] For example, a student in the first grade is able, in a weaker sense, to recite the first 10 digits of Pi insofar as they are able to utter any permutation of the numerals from 0 to 9. But they are not able to do so in a stronger sense since they have not memorized the exact order. The weaker sense is sometimes termed effective abilities, in contrast to transparent abilities corresponding to the stronger sense.[21] Usually, ability ascriptions have the stronger sense in mind, but this is not always the case. For example, the sentence «Usain Bolt can run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds» is usually not taken to mean that Bolt can, at will, arrive at the goal at exactly 9.58 seconds, no more and no less. Instead, he can do something that amounts to this in a weaker sense.[21]

Relation to other concepts[edit]

The concept of abilities is relevant for various other concepts and debates. Disagreements in these fields often depend on how abilities are to be understood. In the free will debate, for example, a central question is whether free will, when understood as the ability to do otherwise, can exist in a world governed by deterministic laws of nature. Free will is closely related to autonomy, which concerns the agent’s ability to govern oneself. Another issue concerns whether someone has the moral obligation to perform a certain action and is responsible for succeeding or failing to do so. This issue depends, among other things, on whether the agent has the ability to perform the action in question and on whether they could have done otherwise. The ability-theory of concepts and concept possession defines them in terms of two abilities: the ability to discriminate between positive and negative cases and the ability to draw inferences to related concepts.

Free will[edit]

The topic of abilities plays an important role in the free will debate.[28][25][30][31] The free will debate often centers around the question of whether the existence of free will is compatible with determinism, so-called compatibilism, or not, so-called incompatibilism. Free will is frequently defined as the ability to do otherwise while determinism can be defined as the view that the past together with the laws of nature determine everything happening in the present and the future.[28][32] The conflict arises since, if everything is already fixed by the past, there seems to be no sense in which anyone could act differently than they do, i.e. that there is no place for free will.[30][32] Such a result might have serious consequences since, according to some theories, people would not be morally responsible for what they do in such a case.[13]

Having an explicit theory of what constitutes an ability is central for deciding whether determinism and free will are compatible.[30] Different theories of ability may lead to different answers to this question. It has been argued that, according to a dispositionalist theory of ability, compatibilism is true since determinism does not exclude unmanifested dispositions.[25][28] Another argument for compatibilism is due to Susan Wolf, who argues that having the type of ability relevant for moral responsibility is compatible with physical determinism since the ability to perform an action does not imply that this action is physically possible.[13] Peter van Inwagen and others have presented arguments for incompatibilism based on the fact that the laws of nature impose limits on our abilities. These limits are so strict in the case of determinism that the only abilities possessed by anyone are the ones that are actually executed, i.e. there are no abilities to do otherwise than one actually does.[33][34][30]


Autonomy is usually defined as the ability to govern oneself.[35] It can be ascribed both to individual agents, like human persons, and to collective agents, like nations.[36][37] Autonomy is absent when there is no intelligent force governing the entity’s behavior at all, as in the case of a simple rock, or when this force does not belong to the governed entity, as when one nation has been invaded by another and now lacks the ability to govern itself.[37] Autonomy is often understood in combination with a rational component, e.g. as the agent’s ability to appreciate what reasons they have and to follow the strongest reason.[36] Robert Audi, for example, characterizes autonomy as the self-governing power to bring reasons to bear in directing one’s conduct and influencing one’s propositional attitudes.[38]: 211–2 [39] Autonomy may also encompass the ability to question one’s beliefs and desires and to change them if necessary.[40] Some authors include the condition that decisions involved in self-governing are not determined by forces outside oneself in any way, i.e. that they are a pure expression of one’s own will that is not controlled by someone else.[14] In the Kantian tradition, autonomy is often equated with self-legislation, which may be interpreted as laying down laws or principles that are to be followed. This involves the idea that one’s ability of self-governance is not just exercised on a case-by-case basis but that one takes up long-term commitments to more general principles governing many different situations.[41][40]

Obligation and responsibility[edit]

The issue of abilities is closely related to the concepts of responsibility and obligation. On the side of obligation, the principle that «ought implies can» is often cited in the ethical literature. Its original formulation is attributed to Immanuel Kant. It states that an agent is only morally obligated to perform a certain action if they are able to perform this action.[42][43] As a consequence of this principle, one is not justified to blame an agent for something that was out of their control.[44] According to this principle, for example, a person sitting on the shore has no moral obligation to jump into the water to save a child drowning nearby, and should not be blamed for failing to do so, if they are unable to do so due to Paraplegia.

The problem of moral responsibility is closely related to obligation. One difference is that «obligation» tends to be understood more in a forward-looking sense in contrast to backward-looking responsibility. But these are not the only connotations of these terms.[45] A common view concerning moral responsibility is that the ability to control one’s behavior is necessary if one is to be responsible for it.[14] This is often connected to the thesis that alternative courses of action were available to the agent, i.e. that the agent had the ability to do otherwise.[32] But some authors, often from the incompatibilist tradition, contend that what matters for responsibility is to act as one chooses, even if no ability to do otherwise was present.[32]

One difficulty for these principles is that our ability to do something at a certain time often depends on having done something else earlier.[46][47] So a person is usually able to attend a meeting 5 minutes from now if they are currently only a few meters away from the planned location but not if they are hundreds of kilometers away. This seems to lead to the counter-intuitive consequence that people who failed to take their flight due to negligence are not morally responsible for their failure because they currently lack the corresponding ability. One way to respond to this type of example is to allow that the person is not to be blamed for their behavior 5 minutes before the meeting but hold instead that they are to be blamed for their earlier behavior that caused them to miss the flight.[46]

Concepts and concept possession[edit]

Concepts are the basic constituents of thoughts, beliefs and propositions.[48][49] As such, they play a central role for most forms of cognition. A person can only entertain a proposition if they possess the concepts involved in this proposition.[50] For example, the proposition «wombats are animals» involves the concepts «wombat» and «animal». Someone who does not possess the concept «wombat» may still be able to read the sentence but cannot entertain the corresponding proposition. There are various theories concerning how concepts and concept possession are to be understood.[48] One prominent suggestion sees concepts as cognitive abilities of agents. Proponents of this view often identify two central aspects that characterize concept possession: the ability to discriminate between positive and negative cases and the ability to draw inferences from this concept to related concepts.[50][51] So, on the one hand, a person possessing the concept «wombat» should be able to distinguish wombats from non-wombats (like trees, DVD-players or cats). On the other hand, this person should be able to point out what follows from the fact that something is a wombat, e.g. that it is an animal, that it has short legs or that it has a slow metabolism. It is usually taken that these abilities have to be possessed to a significant degree but that perfection is not necessary. So even some people who are not aware of their slow metabolism may count as possessing the concept «wombat». Opponents of the ability-theory of concepts have argued that the abilities to discriminate and to infer are circular since they already presuppose concept possession instead of explaining it.[50] They tend to defend alternative accounts of concepts, for example, as mental representations or as abstract objects.[51][48]


  1. ^ a b c d Maier, John (2021). «Abilities: 1. A taxonomy». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  2. ^ Wilson, George; Shpall, Samuel; Piñeros Glasscock, Juan S. (2016). «Action». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
  3. ^ Honderich, Ted (2005). «Action». The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
  4. ^ Audi, Robert (1999). «action theory». The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
  5. ^ Craig, Edward (1996). «Action». Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
  6. ^ Bird, Alexander (2016). «Overpowering: How the Powers Ontology Has Overreached Itself». Mind. 125 (498): 341–383. doi:10.1093/mind/fzv207.
  7. ^ Stanley, Jason; Willlamson, Timothy (2001). «Knowing How». Journal of Philosophy. 98 (8): 411–444. doi:10.2307/2678403. JSTOR 2678403.
  8. ^ «Aptitude — definition and meaning». www.collinsdictionary.com.
  9. ^ «Skill — definition and meaning». www.collinsdictionary.com.
  10. ^ «Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly». refworld.org. UN General Assembly. 24 January 2007. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  11. ^ «The American Heritage Dictionary entry: inability». www.ahdictionary.com. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing. Retrieved 12 September 2021.
  12. ^ a b c d e Maier, John (2021). «Abilities: 3. Hypothetical theories of ability». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  13. ^ a b c Wolf, Susan (1990). «5. Ability and Possibility». Freedom Within Reason. Oup Usa.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g Wolf, Susan (1990). «1. The Dilemma of Autonomy». Freedom Within Reason. Oup Usa.
  15. ^ Hume, David (1748). «SECTION VIII: OF LIBERTY AND NECESSITY — PART I». An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Project Gutenberg.
  16. ^ Timpe, Kevin. «Free Will: 1. Free Will, Free Action and Moral Responsibility». Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 3 September 2021.
  17. ^ Lehrer, Keith (1968). «Cans Without Ifs». Analysis. 29 (1): 29–32. doi:10.1093/analys/29.1.29.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g Whittle, Ann (2010). «Dispositional Abilities». Philosophers’ Imprint. 10.
  19. ^ a b c d e Maier, John (2021). «Abilities: 4. Modal theories of ability». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  20. ^ a b Maier, John (2018). «Ability, Modality, and Genericity». Philosophical Studies. 175 (2): 411–428. doi:10.1007/s11098-017-0874-9. S2CID 171890231.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h Schwarz, Wolfgang (2020). «Ability and Possibility». Philosophers’ Imprint. 20.
  22. ^ a b c d Menzel, Christopher (2021). «Possible Worlds». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 4 September 2021.
  23. ^ a b Fara, M. (2008). «Masked Abilities and Compatibilism». Mind. 117 (468): 843–865. doi:10.1093/mind/fzn078.
  24. ^ a b c Maier, John (2021). «Abilities: 5. New approaches to ability». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  25. ^ a b c Clarke, Randolph (2009). «Dispositions, Abilities to Act, and Free Will: The New Dispositionalism». Mind. 118 (470): 323–351. doi:10.1093/mind/fzp034.
  26. ^ Vetter, Barbara (2013). «‘Can’ Without Possible Worlds: Semantics for Anti-Humeans». Philosophers’ Imprint. 13.
  27. ^ a b c d Maier, John (2021). «Abilities: 2. Two fundamental distinctions». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  28. ^ a b c d Kittle, Simon (2015). «Abilities to Do Otherwise». Philosophical Studies. 172 (11): 3017–3035. doi:10.1007/s11098-015-0455-8. S2CID 170485685.
  29. ^ Mandelkern, Matthew; Schultheis, Ginger; Boylan, David (2017). «Agentive Modals». Philosophical Review. 126 (3): 301–343. doi:10.1215/00318108-3878483.
  30. ^ a b c d Maier, John (2021). «Abilities: 6. Abilities and the free will debates». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 31 August 2021.
  31. ^ Vihvelin, Kadri (2004). «Free Will Demystified: A Dispositional Account». Philosophical Topics. 32 (1/2): 427–450. doi:10.5840/philtopics2004321/211.
  32. ^ a b c d Talbert, Matthew (2019). «Moral Responsibility: 1. Freedom, Responsibility, and Determinism». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  33. ^ Inwagen, Peter Van (1983). «III Three Arguments for Incompatibilism». An Essay on Free Will. Oxford University Press.
  34. ^ Vihvelin, Kadri (2004). «Free Will Demystified: A Dispositional Account». Philosophical Topics. 32 (1/2): 427–450. doi:10.5840/philtopics2004321/211.
  35. ^ Christman, John (2020). «Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy: 1. The Concept of Autonomy». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  36. ^ a b Buss, Sarah; Westlund, Andrea (2018). «Personal Autonomy: 2. Four More or Less Overlapping Accounts of Personal Autonomy». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  37. ^ a b Foldvary, Fred E. (2011). «Political Autonomy». Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Springer Netherlands: 853–854. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9160-5_350. ISBN 978-1-4020-9159-9.
  38. ^ Audi, Robert (2001). The Architecture of Reason: The Structure and Substance of Rationality. Oxford University Press.
  39. ^ Haji, Ish (9 March 2002). «Review of The Architecture of Reason: The Structure and Substance of Rationality». Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  40. ^ a b Dryden, Jane. «Autonomy». Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 20 November 2020.
  41. ^ Kleingeld, Pauline; Willaschek, Marcus (2019). «Autonomy Without Paradox: Kant, Self-Legislation and the Moral Law». Philosophers’ Imprint. 19.
  42. ^ «Ought implies can». Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  43. ^ Chituc, Vladimir; Henne, Paul; Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter; Brigard, Felipe De (2016). «Blame, Not Ability, Impacts Moral «Ought» Judgments for Impossible Actions: Toward an Empirical Refutation of «Ought» Implies «Can»«. Cognition. 150: 20–25. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2016.01.013. PMID 26848732. S2CID 32730640.
  44. ^ Stern, Robert (2004). «Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? And Did Kant Think It Does?». Utilitas. 16 (1): 42–61. doi:10.1017/s0953820803001055. S2CID 7013146.
  45. ^ van de Poel, Ibo (2011). «The Relation Between Forward-Looking and Backward-Looking Responsibility». Moral Responsibility: Beyond Free Will and Determinism. Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy. Vol. 27. Springer Netherlands. pp. 37–52. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-1878-4_3. ISBN 978-94-007-1878-4.
  46. ^ a b Buckwalter, Wesley (1 March 2020). «Theoretical Motivation of «Ought Implies Can»«. Philosophia. 48 (1): 83–94. doi:10.1007/s11406-019-00083-7. ISSN 1574-9274.
  47. ^ Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter (1984). «‘Ought’ Conversationally Implies ‘Can’«. The Philosophical Review. 93 (2): 249–261. doi:10.2307/2184585. ISSN 0031-8108. JSTOR 2184585.
  48. ^ a b c Margolis, Eric; Laurence, Stephen (2021). «Concepts: 1. The ontology of concepts». The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  49. ^ Earl, Dennis. «Concepts». Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 8 September 2021.
  50. ^ a b c Fodor, Jerry (2004). «Having Concepts: A Brief Refutation of the Twentieth Century». Mind and Language. 19 (1): 29–47. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2004.00245.x.
  51. ^ a b Weiskopf, Daniel A.; Bechtel, William (2004). «Remarks on Fodor on Having Concepts». Mind and Language. 19 (1): 48–56. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2004.00246.x.

What Is The Meaning Of Ability?

The Meaning Of Ability In English,

The meaning of ability is the possession of the means or skill to do something. The ability, in other words, is talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular person or area. The ability can also be defined as the physical or mental power or skill needed for the person to perform something.

The ability of a person to do something is the fact that he can do it.

Every person hides some kind of ability in it not all have the same brain. God has gifted everybody with some unique abilities with which he can stand in front of the whole world.

Ability is the quality of being able to do something, especially the physical, mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish something. God has gifted everybody many different kinds of abilities such as some have sharp IQ’s, some have the good numerical ability, some can do beautiful paintings, some can make the best out of waste by using their minds, etc.

In other words, we can also say that ability is an individual capacity to perform various tasks in their jobs. The person with great abilities also holds the superpowers to modify the world with his abilities.

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What Are The Synonyms Of Ability?

Synonyms Of Ability Are:

  • capacity
  • power
  • capability
  • skill
  • talent
  • capability
  • able
  • possible
  • genius

What Are The Antonyms Of Ability?

Antonyms Of Ability Are:

  • inability
  • weakness
  • limitation
  • stupidity
  • incompetence
  • paralysis
  • incapacity
  • silliness

Related Words Of Ability Are:

  • proficiency
  • potential
  • faculty
  • expertise
  • opportunity
  • flair
  • competence
  • strength
  • expertness

What Is The Noun Form Of Ability?

Noun Form Of Ability Is:

  • ability

What Is The Verb Form Of Ability?

Verb Form Of Ability Is:

  • ably

What Is The Adjective Of Ability?

Adjective Of Ability Is:

  • able

Examples Of Using The Word Ability Are:

  1. In evaluating applicants, we examine both objective criteria, such as test scores, and subjective criteria, such as leadership ability.
  2. Garrett shows an amazing ability to access the audience through anthem-like burdens.
  3. However, the feature bananalike shape of most boomerangs has little to do with their ability to return.
  4. The combination, however, gambles upon Icahn’s ability to supplies a bridge loan to help Pan Am cover losses during the low-traffic season.
  5. Then the believer, every man according to his ability, examined to send belief unto the brethren.
  6. Neither Honorius nor Arcadius ever exhibited any ability either as rulers or as generals, and both lived as the puppets of their courts.
  7. His toughness was a natural ability to lead and train his men, and his moral authority.
  8. The Marquess of Halifax, a man familiar for his ability to chart an average political course, gained Williams confidence early in his govern.
  9. A cognitive of substantial ability, he is said to have been the figure who found Wren to arithmetic and geometry.
  10. Henry endured a minor and his government’s lawful ability to make permanently binding resolutions on his behalf was restricted.
  11. Developing taxes attempt to minimize the tax load of people with a lower ability to pay.


What Is Ability And Examples?

Ability is synonymous with capability, potential, or capacity. It determines whether or not you possess the means to do something. For example, stamina is the ability to exert yourself physically over long periods of time without getting winded or out of breath.

What Are Your Abilities Meaning?

power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc. competence in an activity or occupation because of one’s skill, training, or other qualification: the ability to sing well. abilities, talents; special skills or aptitudes: Composing music is beyond his abilities.

What Is The Word Means Ability?

ability, faculty, talent denote qualifications or powers. ability is a general word for power, native or acquired, enabling one to do things well: a person of great ability; ability in mathematics. faculty denotes a natural ability for a particular kind of action: a faculty of saying what he means.

What Is The Meaning Of Ability In The Bible?

Ability can be defined as the skill to do something. We should aim to do that which we are able to do in the best way possible. In Exodus 35:30-33, God filled Bezalel with His power and gave him the ability for every kind of artistic work.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Astrid Lindgren

Score: 4.1/5
(28 votes)

Abilities are powers an agent has to perform various actions. They include common abilities, like walking, and rare abilities, like performing a double backflip.

What does it mean of ability?

1a : the quality or state of being able the ability of the soil to hold water especially : physical, mental, or legal power to do something a writer’s ability to engage the reader’s interest did the work to the best of her ability [=as well as she could] b : competence in doing something : skill artistic abilities.

What is ability and example?

Ability means a special talent or skill. An example of ability is a batting average of . … The definition of ability is having the ability to do something. An example of ability is having enough money to pay a bill.

What does a person’s ability mean?

power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc. competence in an activity or occupation because of one’s skill, training, or other qualification: the ability to sing well. abilities, talents; special skills or aptitudes: Composing music is beyond his abilities.

What are the example of abilities?

Ability is synonymous with capability, potential, or capacity. It determines whether or not you possess the means to do something.

For example:

  • Good communication skills.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Working well in a team.
  • Self-motivation.
  • Being flexible.
  • Determination and persistence.
  • Being a quick learner.
  • Good time management.

26 related questions found

What are my abilities?

What are my skills?

  • Time management.
  • Taking initiative.
  • Resourceful.
  • Creative.
  • Problem solving.
  • Building relationships.
  • Verbal communication.
  • Developing a plan.

What do you consider as your abilities?

Your abilities are the things that you can do because either you studied it, or it was taught to you. Your talents, on the other hand, are the things that you can do at an exceptional level.

What is the difference between skills and abilities?

In very basic terms, abilities are natural or inbuilt whilst skills are learned behaviours. … Skills can be developed and improved over time, by combining our abilities and our knowledge, but the underlying abilities are needed in order for the skills to be developed.

How do you use ability?

Ability sentence example

  1. Freedom from that ugly feeling gave her the ability to speak of it lightly for the first time. …
  2. I can only applaud this man’s ability to deduce. …
  3. Machines multiply our labor and increase our ability to do work. …
  4. Tugging at her ability to reason. …
  5. He never mastered the ability to run.

What is a sentence for ability?

«I have the ability to draw cartoons.» «She really displayed her ability to sing.» «Don’t underestimate my ability.» «I need to improve my ability to draw.»

What is the ability to do well?

noun. the ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well: Carpentry was one of his many skills. competent excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity: The dancers performed with skill.

How do I know my special ability?

10 Ways To Identify Your Talents And Utilize Them

  1. Take a life assessment. …
  2. Find what makes you feel strong. …
  3. Find what you spend the most money on. …
  4. Ask your friends what your best and worst qualities are. …
  5. Ask your family what you loved as a child. …
  6. Write in a journal. …
  7. Look for talent in others.

What are the two types of ability?

It can be essentially perceptual, essentially motor or a combination of both. There are two types of abilities, intellectual and physical abilities, which organizations look for employees to have to depend on the job requirements.

What is overall ability?

· The notion of overall ability is directly related to the commonsense idea that someone can be good (quite good, or poor) at a language and that someone is good at a language because performance in one skill is usually a reasonable predictor of performance in another.

What are your natural abilities?

The definition of Ability is the quality of being able, being suitable or being receptive to do something. The definition of Natural Ability is ability that you are born with. Other words commonly used to describe natural abilities are Aptitude, Talents, and Gifts.

Are qualities and abilities the same?

Skills might be considered as an ability or expertise that can be learned through practice, while qualities might be viewed as something more inherent, a characteristic trait, but which can be nurtured and perhaps developed.

Does skill mean ability?

According to the Oxford Dictionaries, a skill is ‘the ability to do something well; expertise,” whereas an ability is defined as “possession of the means or skill to do something.” As it can be seen, the two terms are interrelated, which is why the definitions even use them to define each other.

What do the words abilities and qualities mean?

1. a. The quality of being able to do something, especially the physical, mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish something. b. A skill, talent, or capacity: a student of many abilities.

What are my talents and abilities?

Below is a list of skills that just might be yours.

  • Public Speaking.
  • Writing.
  • Self Management.
  • Networking (person to person)
  • Networking (in the virtual world)
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Decision Making.
  • Math.

What are talents examples?

Talents might include innovation, adaptability, persuasion, communication, and teamwork. You may have previously described these capabilities as “soft skills,” and in a way, “talent” is another term for “soft skill.”

What are your core strengths?

The Three Realms of Core Strengths

Core strengths generally fall into the three key areas of play, personal and work. But of these, the personal area is fundamental. It might include optimism, generosity, energy, empathy, or honesty. These comprise the background of every activity you undertake.

əˈbɪlɪtɪ сущ.
1) способность, возможность делать что-л. (at, in;
to+inf.) ability to hear ≈ способность слышать ability to pay climbing ability cross-country ability germinating ability inborn ability innate ability natural ability negotiation ability spring ability
2) способность как мера (по умолчанию высокая) умения что-л. делать;
дарование to appreciate, recognize ability ≈ ценить способность ability in doing smth., to do smth. ≈ ловкость в каком-л. деле to demonstrate, display, exhibit, show ability ≈ проявлять способности, демонстрировать умение to treat smth. with ability ≈ умело справляться с чем-л. ability to write well ≈ владение слогом to be possessed of great ability ≈ быть одаренным a person of great ability ≈ человек с большими способностями, человек со значительными способностями a man of small abilities ≈ человек со способностями ниже среднего, немного стоящий в профессиональном плане ability above the ordinary ≈ неординарные способности, талант do smth to the best of one’s ability ≈ стараться изо всех сил an ounce of ability ≈ зачаточные навыки He doesn’t have an ounce of ability. ≈ Он ни на что не годен, совершенно неспособен делать что-л. ability for music ≈ музыкальные способности Every trader who issues notes beyond his abilities to answer must in the end be ruined. ≈ Каждый биржевой маклер, выпускающий ценные бумаги, не располагая возможностью сделать по ним выплаты, в конце концов потерпит крах. The success attests his ability. ≈ Подобный успех свидетельствует, что у этого человека талант. Each man will be paid according to his ability. ≈ Каждому рабочему будут платить в соответствии с его квалификацией. ability factor creative ability exceptional ability latent ability marginal abilities mean abilities moderate abilities intellectual abilities native ability no mean abilities outstanding ability remarkable ability Syn : talent, capability
3) юр. компетенция, правоспособность ∙ Syn : fitness, aptitude

способность, возможность;
— * to walk способность ходить;
— a child’s * to learn обучаемость ребенка способность, ловкость;
квалификация, умение;
— * test (специальное) психотехническое испытание;
— * factor (техническое) показатель работоспособности;
— a man of * способный или знающий человек;
— * to write well владение слогом;
— * to think clearly способность ясно мыслить;
— * in doing smth. ловкость в каком-л. деле;
— to treat smth. with * умело справляться с чем-л.;
— to the best of one’s * по мере сил способность;
дарование, одаренность;
— * for music музыкальные способности;
— to be possessed of great * быть одаренным;
— composing music is beyond his abilities он не способен сочинять музыку (коммерческое) платежеспособность (юридическое) правоспособность, компетенция

ability дарование;
a man of great abilities высокоодаренный человек ~ квалификация ~ юр. компетенция ~ компетенция ~ ловкость ~ платежеспособность ~ правоспособность ~ способность;
to the best of one’s abilities по мере сил и способностей ~ способность ~ умение

~ to meet payments платежеспособность

~ to pay ком. платежеспособность

~ to supply способность обеспечить поставку

business ~ способность к коммерческой деятельности

ability дарование;
a man of great abilities высокоодаренный человек

~ способность;
to the best of one’s abilities по мере сил и способностей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «ability» в других словарях:

  • Ability — may be: * aptitude * ability to pay * Intelligence * physical ability * skill * expertiseAbility: The way to do something.Ability may also refer to: * Ability score, in role playing games * Ability Plus Software, makers of the office suite… …   Wikipedia

  • ability — I noun ableness, adaptability, adeptness, adequacy, aptitude, aptness, capability, capacity, competence, competency, enablement, facultas, faculty, fitness, fittedness, ingenium, mastership, mastery, potentiality, potestas, proficiency, prowess,… …   Law dictionary

  • ability — ability, capacity, capability are often confused in use. Ability primarily denotes the quality or character of being able (as to do or perform) and is applied chiefly to human beings. Capacity in its corresponding sense means the power or more… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Ability — A*bil i*ty ([.a]*b[i^]l [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Abilities} ([.a]*b[i^]l [i^]*t[i^]z). [F. habilet[ e], earlier spelling habilit[ e] (with silent h), L. habilitas aptitude, ability, fr. habilis apt. See {Able}.] The quality or state of being able;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ability — UK US /əˈbɪləti/ noun [C or U] ► the power or skill needed to do something, or the fact that someone is able to do something: »There s no doubting her ability. the ability to do sth »A good leader has the ability to motivate people. »We like our… …   Financial and business terms

  • -ability — suffix expressing ability, fitness, or capacity, from L. abilitas, forming nouns from adjectives ending in abilis (see ABLE (Cf. able)). Not etymologically related to ABILITY (Cf. ability), though popularly connected with it …   Etymology dictionary

  • ability — [n1] power to act, perform aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, competency, comprehension, dexterity, endowment, facility, faculty, intelligence, might, potentiality, qualification, resourcefulness, skill, strength, talent, understanding;… …   New thesaurus

  • -ability — [ə bil′ə tē] [L abilitas: see ABLE & ITY] suffix forming nouns a (specified) ability, capacity, or tendency …   English World dictionary

  • -ability — [əbılıti] suffix also ibility [: Old French; Origin: abilité, from Latin abilitas, from abilis; ABLE] makes nouns from adjectives ending in ↑ able and ↑ ible ▪ manageability ▪ suitability …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • -ability — [ ə bıləti ] suffix used with adjectives ending in able to make nouns meaning a particular quality: suitability dependability …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ability — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. ableté expert at handling (something), from L. habilitatem (nom. habilitas) aptitude, noun of quality from habilis easy to manage, handy (see ABLE (Cf. able)). One case where a Latin silent h failed to make a return in… …   Etymology dictionary

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What do we mean by ability?

The quality of being able to do something, especially the physical, mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish something. noun

A skill, talent, or capacity. noun

The quality of being suitable for or receptive to a specified treatment. noun

See -able, -bility, -ibility. noun

The state or condition of being able; power or capacity to do or act in any relation; competence in any occupation or field of action, from the possession of capacity, skill, means, or other qualification. noun

Plural In a concrete sense, talents; mental gifts or endowments. noun

The condition of being able to pay or to meet pecuniary obligations; possession of means: called distinctively financial or pecuniary ability. noun

That which is within one’s power to do; best endeavor. noun

Synonyms Ability, Capacity, power, strength, skill, dexterity; faculty, capability, qualification, efficiency. Ability denotes active power or power to perform, and is used with regard to power of any kind. Capacity conveys the idea of receptiveness, of the possession of resources; it is potential rather than actual, and may be no more than undeveloped ability. Ability is manifested in action, while capacity does not imply action, as when we speak of a capacity for virtue. Capacity is the gift of nature; ability is partly the result of education or opportunity. noun

Abilities, Talents, Parts, etc. (see genius), gifts, faculty, aptitude, accomplishments. noun

The quality or state of being able; power to perform, whether physical, moral, intellectual, conventional, or legal; capacity; skill or competence in doing; sufficiency of strength, skill, resources, etc.; — in the plural, faculty, talent. noun

Possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done noun

The quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment noun


The quality or state of being able; capacity to do or of doing something; having the necessary power.

The legal wherewithal to act.

Physical power.

Financial ability.

A unique power of the mind; a faculty.

A skill or competence in doing; mental power; talent; aptitude.

The quality of being able to do something. attach it to the end of any verb to make up new words! Urban Dictionary

Abil is a fun, kind, caring, special girl with a big heart. She is a dark-haired, big eyed, intelligent beauty who puts others in front of herself. When she loves you. You better hold it dear, as it is the most precious thing to hold. She would walk around the world for you, and you would (obviously) do the same! She is a one of a kind angel. A creative, humorous, compassionate girl. She can though however be self-doubtful. But something as simple as a smile can brighten her day Urban Dictionary

The ability to do something Urban Dictionary

The material that is left behind when something sticky is removed from a surface. Urban Dictionary

To destroy or demolish. To utterly abliterate. Used as term when you pwn the opponent. Urban Dictionary

Its my name u fag Urban Dictionary

The natural equipment to accomplish some small part of the meaner ambitions distinguishing able men from dead ones. In the last analysis ability is commonly found to consist mainly in a high degree of solemnity. Perhaps, however, this impressive quality is rightly appraised; it is no easy task to be solemn. Urban Dictionary

Eyedea & Abilities is an Underground Hip Hop duo. Eyedea acting as the MC, and DJ Abilities serving as the producer. Michael «Eyedea» Larsen was born November 9, 1981 and passed away October 17, 2010. He was known as a prominent Underground Hip Hop artist, as well as a freestyle battle champion with notable wins at Scribble Jam in 1999 and the HBO aired Blaze Battle in 2000. DJ Abilities is known for winning 3 DMC awards, as well his mixtapes. Although initially known as a B-boy/Battle rapper, Eyedea & Abilities shocked their audience with the release of their debut album First Born. The album covers a wide range of Philosophical topics embodying the teachings of Krishnamurti, Plato, Ayn Rand and many other intellectual thinkers. The album E&A was released in 2004, and By the Throat was released in 2009. Michael “Eyedea” Larsen passed away on October 17, 2010 due to an accidental opiate overdose. The legacy of E&A will never fade from existence. The duo was always loyal to their fan base often times humbled by the simple act of a fan seeking an autograph or passing on encouragement. Eyedea has found posthumous fame in death, allowing his message to reach a wider audience. He was one of the greatest to ever pick up a microphone, and while he was certainly flawed as a person, his love for humanity shows that he was a beautiful being, this world isn’t good enough for him. R Eye P finally free. Urban Dictionary

An ESPN cult catchphrase used to describe relatively strong and/or fast college football players. Must be immediately followed by highlights of that player bursting through the line of scrimmage, breaking multiple tackles, or upending a would-be blocker. Herbstreit or Mark May are the likely sources Urban Dictionary

The fact that I’m grown, gives me the ability to do whatever the fuck I want. Urban Dictionary

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