What does short word form look like

1100+ Short form of words in English Texting and Chatting. This list of 1100 short form of words in English with meanings are used in texting and online chatting with friends. You can use these short words in your texting and chatting.

Short form of words in English

LOML —–Love Of My Life

SAE —–Stamped/Self Addressed Envelope

UTI —–Urinary Tract Infection

LBVS —–Laughing But Very Serious

ITM —–In the Mouth

EOTW —–End Of The World

NIAMY —–Never In A Million Years

DTP —–Disturbing The Peace

TYBG —–Thank You Based God

ROH —–Ring of Honor (wrestling)

YDMS —–You Don’t Make Sense

IYO —–In Your Opinion

AO —–Adults Only

LSP —–Love Sick Puppy

TYS —–Thank You Sir

RAS —–Remote Access Server

BFITW —–Best Friend In The World

OOMM —–Out Of My Mind

RFQ —–Request For Quotation

RATM —–Rage Against the Machine (band)

JSYK —–Just So You Know

YTMND —–You’re The Man Now, Dog (website)

YRMV —–Your Results May Vary

CCIE —–Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert

OY —–Oh Yeah

Common Abbreviations list

TWOC —–Taken Without Owner’s Consent

NCO —–Non-Commissioned Officer

ITOY —–I’m Thinking Of You

KIRF —–Keeping It Real Fake

IDK —–I Don’t Know

YTP —–YouTube Poop

TMN —–Touch Me Not

BG —–Bad Game Baby Gangster

WOTAM —–Waste of Time and Money

TGIM —–Thank God It’s Monday

TW —–Trigger Warning

OJT —–On Job Training

AD —–Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)

GWI —–Get With It

NER —–Non-Existent Relationship

NY —–New York

AT&T —–American Telephone & Telegraph

IHYDM —–I Hope You Don’t Mind

VA —–Various Artists

KTF —–Keep The Faith

MGM —–Male Genital Mutilation

HAY —–How Are You

WTH —–What/Where/Who The Hell

AR —–Assault Rifle

PFB —–Please Find Below

IMWTK —–Inquiring Minds Want To Know

HYD —–How Ya Doing?

BBR —–Blonde, Brunette, Redhead

HTBT —–Had To Be There

JCB —–J C Bamford (excavator manufacturer)

BC —–Before Christ

YOLO —–You Only Live Once

WDYWFM —–What Do You Want From Me?

SSC —–Safe, Sane, Consensual

FYEO —–For Your Eyes Only

DLS —–Dirty Little Secret

JLY —–Jesus Loves You

LOMO —–Lights Out, Missionary Only

NSF —–Not Sufficient Funds Not So Fast

TGFT —–Thank God For That

LRG —–Lifted Research Group (clothing)

STY —–Same To You

WOTS —–Word On The Street

GFU —–Good For You

AIO —–All In One

ALG —–Ain’t Life Grand

NYSE —–New York Stock Exchange

JSP —–Java Server Pages

LHYW —–Like Hell You Will

YGI —–You Got It

IKHYF —–I Know How You Feel

LDO —–Like Duh, Obviously

TYMBI —–Thought You Might Be Interested

NOMB —–None Of My Business

SNF —–So Not Funny

NMW —–No Matter What

MYSM —–Miss You So Much

DOE —–Depends On Experience

TPB —–The Pirate Bay

BBBW —–Big Beautiful Black Woman

WDYM —–What Do You Mean?

RAC —–Rock Against Communism

YSVW —–You’re So Very Welcome

YITB —–Yours In The Bond

USA —–United States of America

MTYK —–More Than You Know

You can Learn American and British Slang words.

short form of words in english

Short form of words in chat

UV —–Unpleasant Visual

MIRL —–Meet In Real Life

PLR —–Private Label Rights

GTO —–Gran Turismo Omologato

KIR —–Keepin’ It Real

OOH —–Out Of Here

HMB —–Hit Me Back (reply)

OMWH —–On My Way Home

MTC —–More To Come

GG —–Good Game

MOS —–Mom Over Shoulder

DRT —–Dead Right There

IDKY —–I Don’t Know Why

ILYSDM —–I Love You So Damn Much

TNB —–There’s Nothing Better

MSF —–Male Seeking Female

TFA —–Thanks For Asking

LYMY —–Love You, Miss You

ILMO —–In Loving Memory Of

SOA —–State Of Alert (band)

SOAG —–Son Of A Gun

PBN —–Paintball Nation

TMTH —–Too Much To Handle

TYFYT —–Thank You For Your Time

LMPO —–Laughing My Pants Off

GN —–Good Night

AON —–All Or Nothing As Of Now

ILM —–I lige m

IGS —–I Guess So

MGS —–Metal Gear Solid (game)

TFLN —–Texts From Last Night

UTS —–Under The Skin

LMS —–Like My Status Last Man Standing

IHDK —–I Honestly Don’t Know

DNS —–Domain Name Service Did Not Start

MTV —–Music Television

HDYK —–How Do/Did You Know?

CMI —–Count Me In

YP —–Your Problem Yes, Please

LDA —–Long Distance Affair

BNP —–British National Party

SBS —–Step By Step

HSL —–Hue, Saturation, Lightness

MFG —–Mit Freundlichen Gruessen (German)

WBN —–Would Be Nice

HAYT —–How Are You Today?

PEBCAC —–Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer

TOTD —–Tip Of The Day Tweet Of The Day

ACTA —–Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

IJS —–I’m Just Saying

LTIC —–Laugh Til I Cry

RC —–Random Chat Radio Controlled

NOI —–No Offense Intended

IAC —–In Any Case

LH —–Living Hell

SND —–Search And Destroy

OML —–Oh My Lord

NPO —–Never Pull Out

STYL —–Speak To You Later

HGTV —–Home and Garden Television

WOF —–While On Fire

HVD —–Happy Valentine’s Day

NFI —–No Freakin Idea

YNK —–You Never Know

LRF —–Low Resolution Fox

WOE —–What On Earth

NJPW —–New Japan Pro Wrestling

OTW —–On The Whole

ITS —–I Think/Thought So

MTG —–Magic  The Gathering (game)

TOD —–Time Of Death Time Of Day

AOK —–Age of Kings (game) All OK

NTM —–Not Too Much Nothing Much

JLUK —–Just Letting You Know

OMS —–Oh My Science

GBWY —–God Be With You

LRL —–Laughing Really Loud

PFC —–Private First Class

IITWI —–In It To Win It

RO —–Ragnarok Online ( )

MHR —–Many Happy Returns

ITO —–In Terms Of

OTR —–On The Run

NLM —–No Laughing Matter

BBC —–British Broadcasting Corporation

TCBY —–The Country’s Best Yogurt

GLTY —–Good Luck To You

NOLY —–No One Likes You

IKLY —–I Kinda Like You

PLUR —–Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect

MGO —–Metal Gear Online (game)

WTTJ —–Welcome To The Jungle

TDH —–Tall, Dark, and Handsome

GWK —–Game Winning Kill

PDF —–Portable Document Format

ILS —–Inflated Lat Syndrome

HFFA —–Hot From Far Away

IWBB —–I Will Be Back

FYI —–For Your Information

IAWTP —–I Agree With This Post

LART —–Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool

OTO —–One Time Only

JFYI —–Just For Your Information

ICBINB —–I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

BBT —–Be Back Tomorrow

GSOH —–Good Sense Of Humor

OCD —–Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

WTHIT —–What The Hell Is That?

LATM —–Laughing At The Moment

ONNTA —–Oh No, Not This Again

PKB —–Pot, Kettle, Black

PS & QS —–Pints and Quarts Please and Thank Yous

PDOA —–Public Display Of Affection

YMBJ —–You Must Be Joking

short form of words in english

Short form of words for texting

PPS —–Post-Post Script

USBM —–United States Black Metal

PB —–Personal Best

TCG —–Trading Card Game

EOE —–Equal Opportunity Employer

MLIB —–My Life Is Bro

STW —–Search The Web

SA —–Sibling Alert

KMN —–Kill Me Now

LE —–Limited Edition Law Enforcement

AGM —–Annual General Meeting

IME —–In My Experience

ERP —–Erotic Role-Play

IBTD —–In Before The Delete I Beg To Differ

WRU —–Where Are You?

IGU —–I Give Up

OGK —–Only God Knows

PDG —–Pretty Damn Good

TML —–Thank Me Later Text Me Later

GHD —–Good Hair Day

ICYMI —–In Case You Missed It

OOM —–Out Of Mana ( )

ATT —–At This Time All The Time

IYWW —–If You Were Wondering

WWU —–Where Were You?

IDT —–I Don’t Think

ILYSM —–I Love You So Much

HH —–Holding Hands

NFT —–No Further Text

TFLMS —–Thanks For Letting Me Share

SOTA —–State Of The Art

NBF —–New Best Friend

MHOTY —–My Hat’s Off To You

RAM —–Random Access Memory

IHAC —–I Have A Customer…

JTOL —–Just Thinking Out Loud

HSM —–High School Musical

YDEK —–You Don’t Even Know

LIHOP —–Let It Happen On Purpose

LYT —–Love You Too

MTW —–Mum’s the Word

RHD —–Right Hand Drive

USC —–University of Southern California

LLAP —–Live Long and Prosper

ITP —–Inside The Perimeter

ABG —–Asian Baby Girl

TTJASI —–Take This Job And Shove It

NMJCU —–Not Much, Just Chillin’, U?

HBY —–How About You?

WML —–Wish Me Luck

LOA —–Leave of Absence

TWYL —–Talk With You Later

LAN —–Local Area Network

BCF —–Best Cousin Forever

NLI —–Not Logged In

RTFAQ —–Read The FAQ

INBD —–It’s No Big Deal

SAHW —–Stay At Home Wife

LYR —–Love You Really

AFAICS —–As Far As I Can See

NFS —–Not For Sale

ATV —–All Terrain Vehicle

GDI —–God Damn It

HGH —–Haters Gonna Hate

OHS —–Operator Head Space

IIUC —–If I Understand Correctly

IWID —–It’s What I Do

GL —–Good Luck Good Looking

SNR —–Signal To Noise Ratio

BNI —–Batteries Not Included

ILY —–I Love You

SATA —–Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

TFFW —–Too Funny For Words

GFTW —–Go For The Win

WYF —–What’s Your Favorite …?

LYA —–Love You Always

WIWWY —–What Is Wrong With You?

LBR —–Loser Beyond Repair

ADSL —–Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

GGOH —–Gotta Get Outta Here

NCAA —–National Collegiate Athletic Association

BHH —–Bless His/Her Heart

NRFB —–Never Removed From Box

WNDITWB —–We Never Did It This Way Before

NLA —–No Longer Available

IGNB —–I’m Going Now, Bye

RFT —–Right First Time

AAT —–And Another Thing At All Times

WSUL —–Will See You Later

YBWM —–You Belong With Me

IIRC —–If I Remember Correctly

POV —–Point Of View

GMT —–Greenwich Mean Time

ALIHAL —–At Least I Have A Life

YSK —–You Should Know

YSC —–Your So Cute

IMAHO —–In My Absolutely Honest Opinion

TMT —–Too Much Tuna

KF —–Kinda Funny

BBN —–Be Back Never

USB —–Universal Serial Bus

PPC —–Pay Per Click

TLI —–Too Little Information

TCL —–Tool Command Language

LAK —–Love And Kisses

KIU —–Keep It Up

GNFB —–Good Night Facebook

BIFFL —–Best Internet Friend For Life

AEAP —–As Early As Possible

PIPA —–Protect IP Act

SATS —–Standard Attainment Tests

AOB —–Any Other Business

NT —–No Thanks

OOTB —–Out Of The Box

LFTI —–Looking Forward To It

TBS —–Tablespoon To Be Specified

RYN —–Read Your Note Regarding Your Note

ILYA —–I Love You All

JBU —–Just Between Us

LQTY —–Laughing Quietly To Yourself

ICBI —–I Can’t Believe It

DOC —–Doctor Drug of Choice

NWM —–No Worries Mate

MIA —–Missing In Action

NFSW —–Not For Showing Wife

WYW —–Whatever You Want

YVW —–You’re Very Welcome

TMP —–Tactical Machine Pistol

TGFI —–Thank God For the Internet

MAW —–Might As Well

MW2 —–Modern Warfare 2 (game)

TCFS —–Too Cool For School

INVU —–I Envy You

BO —–Body Odour

WLYB —–Who Loves You Baby

PR —–Public Relations

WSP —–What’s up?

LBM —–Little Big Man

LDS —–Latter Day Saint

TBD —–To Be Decided

BOGO —–Buy One Get One

OOP —–Out Of Place

ROFLOL —–Rolling On Floor, Laughing Out Loud

TNBM —–True Norwegian Black Metal

WDYMBT —–What Do You Mean By That?

IPO —–Initial Public Offering

LWT —–Look Who’s Talking

short form of words in english

Short form of words used in chat

IBYP —–I Beg Your Pardon

NSFW —–Not Safe For Work

AIDS —–Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

BGF —–Best Girl/Guy Friend

DST —–Daylight Saving Time

GTBB —–Good To Be Back

WNWY —–What’s New With You?

SRH —–Supporting Radical Habits (Clothing)

IJL —–I Just Laughed

PDP —–Pretty Darn Precious

JWTLYK —–Just Wanted To Let You Know

OTE —–Over The Edge

QOTSA —–Queens Of The Stone Age (Band)

TPAM —–The Person Above Me

GW —–Good Work

NYK —–Not Yet Known Now You Know

NVMS —–No Visible Means of Support

CRBT —–Crying Real Big Tears

KIO —–Knock it off

NFN —–Normal For Norfolk

DLN —–Don’t Look Now

NED —–Non-Educated Delinquent

AFK —–Away From Keyboard

ELOL —–Evil Laugh Out Loud

PATT —–Party All The Time

SMH —–Shaking My Head

DMM —–Don’t Mind Me

WR —–Warm Regards

ISLY —–I Still Love You

TCB —–Taking Care of  Business

MYODB —–Mind Your Own Damn Business

LIH —–Laugh In Head

MMT —–Makes Me Think

OWS —–Occupy Wall Street

IMVU —–Instant Messaging Virtual Universe

OOSOOM —–Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

LAL —–Laughing A Lot/Little

TYSM —–Thank You So Much

NTS —–Nothing To Say Note To Self

JDM —–Japanese Domestic Market

WWA —–Wiggers with attitude

EBM —–Electronic Body Music

ROV —–Remotely Operated Vehicle

NAL —–Need A Life

WTD —–What The Deuce?

PTO —–Paid Time Off

GPOY —–Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself

VGG —–Very Good Game

LBDN —–Look Busy Doing Nothing

GTG —–Got To Go

WTA —–Winner Takes All

GGNORE —–Good Game No Rematch

TCOY —–Take Care Of Yourself

TGP —–Thumbnail Gallery Post

PMFJI —–Pardon Me For Jumping In

BH —–Be Happy Bloody Hell Big Head

TFLMK —–Thanks For Letting Me Know

WAPCE —–Women Are Pure Concentrated Evil

GPA —–Grade-Point Average

QOL —–Quality Of Life

TMR —–Tomorrow

PDEA —–Public Display of Elderly Affection

IKWYL —–I Know Where You Live

ICR —–I Can’t Remember

NOKD —–Not Our Kind, Dear

TGIO —–Thank God It’s Over

IHT —–I Hate This

SSTS —–Snickering Softly To Self

WBT —–Will Be There

RVR —–Realm Versus Realm ( )

MLS —–My Life Sucks

BIAB —–Back In A Bit

IGN —–In Game Name

ILYK —–I’ll Let You Know

YMW —–You’re Most Welcome

AGT —–America’s Got Talent (TV show)

NMJ —–Not My Job

KOTL —–Kiss On The Lips

NTD —–Nothing To Do

WOS —–Waste Of Space Wife Over Shoulder

CYBI —–Can You Believe It?

NICU —–Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

ITYM —–I Think You Mean

TFTA —–Thanks For The Add

MIB —–Men In Black Mint In Box

YDK —–You Don’t Know

TYT —–Take Your Time

MMA —–Meet Me At…

GYO —–Get Your Own

QC —–Quality Control

BFA —–Best Friends Always

RFYL —–Run For Your Life

TDF —–To Die For

HSH —–Home Sweet Home

LHK —–Love, Hugs and Kisses

GOOML —–Get Out Of My Life

YKWIS —–You Know What I’m Saying?

USP —–Unique Selling Point

OHKO —–One Hit Knock Out

IOKIYAR —–It’s Okay If You’re A Republican

PSM —–Personal Short Message

IKWYDLS —–I Know What You Did Last Summer

LTB —–Looking To Buy

IWOOT —–I Want One Of Those

MMV —–Mileage May Vary

NPAA —–No Problem At All

GBA —–God Bless America

GLU —–Guys/Girsl Like Us

TRG —–Tiny Rascal Gang

NTT —–Name That Tune Not Touching That!

OOC —–Out Of Control/Character/Context

HJNTIY —–He’s Just Not That Into You

YRG —–You Are Good!

NFA —–No Further Action

EOC —–End Of Conversion

PTZ —–Pan-Tilt-Zoom

SOS —–Save Our Souls (Help!)

AFAIK —–As Far As I Know

LUI —–Living Under the Infuence

NTK —–Need To Know

LSAT —–Law School Admission Test

IAD —–It All Depends

WYR —–Would You Rather

ILYM —–I Love You More

TNF —–That’s Not Funny

SMN —–Shoot Me Now

IBMTS —–I’ve Been Meaning To Say

IOMW —–I’m On My Way

LPG —–Liquefied Petroleum Gas

GBNF —–Gone But Not Forgotten

OAN —–On Another Note

WNTT —–We Need To Talk

LFMF —–Learn From My Fail

ITA —–I Totally Agree

GFI —–Go For It

RMV —–Results May Vary

MR —–Mentally Retarded

BMX —–Bicycle Motocross

ICAM —–I Couldn’t Agree More

HAND —–Have A Nice Day

IABW —–In A Bad Way

MW3 —–Modern Warfare 3 (game)

HWYD —–How Was Your Day?

OBTW —–Oh, By The Way

LFW —–Looking For Work

MBR —–Master Boot Record

short form of words for chatting

Short form of words for chatting

NMH —–Nodding My Head

WDUD —–What Do You Do?

MAAB —–Male-Assigned At Birth

MTO —–Media Take Out (gossip website)

LIFO —–Last In First Out

KML —–Killing Myself Laughing

TCGB —–Take Care, God Bless

WSIC —–Why Should I Care?

NBSB —–No Boyfriend Since Birth

NTB —–Not That Bothered Not Too Bad

LSHMBH —–Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts

YANA —–You Are Not Alone

NTMY —–Nice To Meet You

NAK —–Nursing At Keyboard

GUTI —–Get Used To It

IKWYM —–I Know What You Mean

IDHAC —–I Don’t Have A Clue

VIG —–Interest paid on a loan

LOTD —–Link Of The Day

ITSO —–In The Style Of

TCCIC —–Take Care ‘Cause I Care

NC —–No Comment No Choice

OOML —–Out Of My League

ETA —–Estimated Time of Arrival Edited to Add

WDYW —–What Do You Want?

NH —–Nice hand (poker slang)

ACU —–Army Combat Uniform

LMG —–Light Machine Gun

ALOL —–Actually Laughing Out Loud

BICBW —–But I Could Be Wrong

OLED —–Organic Light-Emitting Diode

AOD —–All Of Day

RD —–Real Deal

HEA —–Happily Ever After

EV —–Expected Value

AFAP —–As Far As Possible

BME —–Body Modification Ezine

WWY —–Where Were You?

LILABOC —–Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

PTW —–Play To Win Professional Time Waster

DOB —–Date Of Birth

OSLT —–Or Something Like That

TYFAYS —–Thank You For All Your Support

ACME —–A Company that Makes Everything

FYP —–Fixed Your Post

BNR —–But Not Really

LNT —–Leave No Trace

OAUS —–On An Unrelated Subject

GK —–Good Kid

GCWOK —–Gay Couple Without Kids

CD-RW —–Compact Disk Rewritable

MGBY —–May God Bless You

TMTC —–Too Many To Count

LTMA —–Less Talk, More Action

VM —–Voice Mail

HIWTH —–Hate It When That Happens

TYL —–Text You Later

OTM —–Of The Moment One Track Mind

HMS —–Her Majesty’s Ship (UK)

IYW —–If You Want/Will

OWNM —–Oh Well, Never Mind

NSAW —–Not Saying A Word

DTYT —–Don’t Take Your Time

BGT —–Britain’s Got Talent (TV show)

KWIS —–Know What I’m Saying?

KHYF —–Know How You Feel

TTYRS —–Talk To You Real Soon

PQ —–Party Quest (game)

SGTM —–Sounds Good To Me

NEI —–Not Enough Information

WDYG —–Where Did You Go?

GIYF —–Google Is Your Friend

RYC —–Regarding Your Comment

TBMS —–To Be More Specific

RN —–Right Now Registered Nurse

FYM —–Free Your Mind

GA —–Go Ahead

TOTB —–Think Outside the Box

YBW —–You’ve Been Warned

WAS —–Wait And See

HU —–Hollywood Undead (Band)

QS —–Quick Scope

FYA —–For Your Amusement

YMMS —–You Make Me Smile

AAP —–Always A Pleasure

MTD —–Month To Date

GLWS —–Good Luck With Sale

NFY —–Not Fixed Yet

HAYD —–How Are You Doing?

TMI —–Too Much Information

RWYS —–Reap What You Sow

MUNG —–Mash Until No Good

DMT —–Di-Methyl Tryptamine (drug)

MAC —–Media Access Control Macintosh

IYD —–In Your Dreams

WTHC —–Who The Hell Cares?

LBD —–Little Black Dress

IM —–Instant Message

WTB —–Want To Buy

GTTS —–Got The T-Shirt

TO —–Time Out

GDP —–Gross Domestic Product

LEC —–Local Exchange Carrier

RME —–Rolling My Eyes

IDEC —–I Don’t Even Care

CME —–Close My Eyes

RL —–Real Life

AAR —–At Any Rate

SCNR —–Sorry, Could Not Resist

WMMOWS —–Wash My Mouth Out With Soap!

GWTP —–Get With The Program

CLWY —–Can’t Live Without You

MWC —–Married With Children

DTC —–Down To Cuddle

WYMM —–Will You Marry Me?

PWT —–Poor White Trash

LALB —–Laughing A Little Bit

OPPS —–Misspelling of ‘oops’

NTWF —–Neopian Times Writers Forum

NAC —–Not A Chance Not A Chain (letter)

YDL —–Yellow Dog Linux

WDYE —–What Did You Expect?

KIT —–Keep In Touch

HTC —–Hit The Cell

WTHRU —–Who The Hell Are You?

ADN —–Any Day Now

BGD —–Black Gangster Disciples

IBTL —–In Before the Lock

MISO —–My Internet Shut Off

MIP —–Minor In Possession

ROAR —–Right Of Admission Reserved

PFA —–Please Find Attached

BDN —–Busy Doing Nothing

LTNT —–Long Time No Talk

OUO —–Official Use Only

short form of words for chatting

Make short form of words

PDT —–Pacific Daylight Time

MIDI —–Musical Instrument Digital Interface

OLTL —–One Life To Live

BMB —–Bebo Me Back

SMS —–Short Message Service

BFAM —–Brother From Another Mother

RWNJ —–Right Wing Nut Job

GOP —–Grand Old Party

NOC —–No One Cares

BFUT —–Best Friends Until Tomorrow

TNOP —–Totally Not Our Problem

SRO —–Standing Room Only

IDJ —–I Don’t Judge

HCDAJFU —–He Could Do A Job For Us

GB —–Great Britain Gigabyte

SSA —–Subject Says All

NIML —–Never In My Life Not In My Lifetime

JG —–Juicy Gossip

CMH —–Cross My Heart

HGV —–Heavy Goods Vehicle

TFM —–Total Frat Move

DTMWTD —–Don’t Tell Me What To Do

JTB —–Just Too Bad

TLDNR —–Too Long; Did Not Read

PV —–Promotional Video

WOM —–Women Over Mates

NBM —–Nil By Mouth Not Before Midnight

OMD —–Oh My Days

HTG —–Hard To Get

LOS —–Line Of Site

TNOT —–Take Note Of That

KPI —–Key Performance Indicator

MC —–Master of Ceremonies

POTUS —–President of the United States

PVM —–Player Versus Monster

IMOO —–In My Own Opinion

VBL —–Visible Bra Line

TBTH —–To Be Totally Honest

AKTF —–Always Keep the Faith

ILML —–I Love My Life

PBB —–Pirate Bulletin Board

HF —–Have Fun

MBN —–Must Be Nice

HNG —–Horny Net Geek

WEP —–Wireless Encryption Protocol

RPC —–Role Playing Chat

DTD —–Drunk Till Dawn Drunk Till Death

OMT —–One More Thing

MDR —–Mort De Rire (  in French)

LMR —–Last Minute Resistance

ILYL —–I Love You Lots

JWU —–Just Woke Up

US —–United States

MLG —–Major League Gaming

TOTGA —–The One That Got Away

HDMI —–High Definition Multimedia Interface

OOA —–Out Of Ammo

GWP —–Gift With Purchase

WTP —–What’s The Point?

WWOTW —–Wicked Witch Of The West

WWYD —–What Would You Do?

TGI —–Thank God It’s …

PFP —–Picture For Proof

RTFM —–Read The Flipping Manual

ROFL —–Rolling On Floor Laughing

WWJD —–What Would Jesus Do?

YTB —–You’re The Best

NOS —–New Old Stock

PK —–Player Kill ( )

USW —–Und So Weiter (German for etc)

NIB —–New In Box

GWTF —–Go With The Flow

WCG —–World Cyber Games

OTA —–Over The Air

WYWTA —–What You Wanna Talk About

TMY —–Tell Me Why

ISBN —–International Standard Book Number

OTK —–Over The Knee

RIYL —–Recommended If You Like

TD —–Touchdown

PNL —–Peace And Love

HIMYM —–How I Met Your Mother (TV show)

YBS —–You’ll Be Sorry

ISTATOY —–I Saw This And Thought Of You

TTYTT —–To Tell You The Truth

UTD —–Up To Date

LAM —–Leave A Message Run

GC —–Good Contition

HGI —–How Goes It?

WTTC —–Welcome To The club

SMOG —–Sweet Mother Of God

OLLG —–One Less Lonely Girl

NEET —–Not in Education, Employment or Training

TVM —–Thanks Very Much

PRC —–People’s Republic of China

UTF —–Unicode Transformation Format

TDG —–Too Damn Good Three Days Grace (band)

LMIRL —–Let’s Meet In Real Life

NBK —–Natural Born Killers Never Been Kissed

EUC —–Excellent Used Condition

AAMOF —–As A Matter Of Fact

HAGS —–Have A Great Summer

KISA —–Knight In Shining Armour

BNWOT —–Brand New Without Tags

JV —–Junior Varsity, amateur

AMW —–America’s Most Wanted (TV show)

IDU —–I Don’t Understand

OPB —–Other People’s Business

CYF —–Cross Your Fingers

OJ —–Only Joking

RPS —–Rock Paper Scissors (game)

NTTU —–Not Talking To You

NPNT —–No Picture, No Talk

IBS —–Irritable Bowel Syndrome

SBD —–Silent But Deadly

LMGTFY —–Let Me Google That For You

IOW —–In Other Words

WOTLK —–Wrath Of The Lich King ( )

ODF —–Own Damn Fault

WYUT —–What You Up To

SOI —–Statement of Intent

OFAY —–Offensive term for a white person

IDNK —–I Do Not Know

HWB —–Hottie With Body

IAB —–I Am Bored

HYU —–Hit You Up

SMDHE —–Some Mothers Do Have Em

OTW —–On The Way

short form of words for chatting

Short form of words used in facebook

RBV —–Red Bull and Vodka

PBP —–Please Be Patient

VHS —–Video Home System

ICCL —–I Couldn’t Care Less

BFFLE —–Best Friends For Like Ever

LMAM —–Leave Me A Message

MA —–Mom alert Master of Arts

RTM —–Read The Manual

WTLW —–Welcome To Last Week

CCG —–Collectible Card Game

MYGGWY —–May Your God Go With You

MBD —–My Bad Dudes

IHY —–I Hate You

LMSO —–Laughing My Socks Off

GMAB —–Give Me A Break

BMFL —–Best Mates For Life

ETC —–Et Cetera (and so on)

LZ —–Landing Zone

MYOB —–Mind Your Own Business

MLB —–Major League Baseball

WJD —–What Jesus Did

LYLT —–Love You Long Time

GMA —–Good Morning, America

MM2 —–Message Mode 2 ( )

SOHF —–Sense Of Humor Failure

OMSJ —–Oh My Sweet Jesus!

NTN —–No Thanks Needed

NALGO —–Not A Lot Going On

TFTL —–Thanks for the Link

IDLI —–I Don’t Like It

IHM —–I Hate Mondays

OCN —–Of Course Not

IJAF —–It’s Just A Fact

SME —–Small/Medium Enterprises

KOTC —–Kiss On The Cheek

CYL —–Catch You Later

DNE —–Do Not Erase Does Not Exist

VR —–Virtual Reality

PKIT —–Please Keep In Touch

DOD —–Day of Defeat

TMZ —–Thirty Mile Zone (celebrity news site)

HOV —–High Occupancy Vehicle

CNY —–Chinese New Year

OOYL —–Out Of Your League

NBB —–Never Been Better

ESL —–English as Second Language

TTTE —–Thomas The Tank Engine

LOVL —–Laughing Out Very Loud

USD —–United States Dollar

WHYB —–Where Have You Been?

IWHI —–I Would Hit It

MDK —–Murder Death Kill

GJWHF —–Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WWW —–World Wide Web

ILT —–I Like That

TPS —–Totally pointless stuff

GFP —–Good For Pics

NCNR —–Non-Cancelable, Non-Returnable

TYM —–Thank You Much

YOLF —–You Only Live Forever

IMAO —–In My Arrogant Opinion

ROI —–Return on Investment

PUV —–Public Utility Vehicle

DNW —–Do Not Want

ASAIC —–As Soon As I Can

LSH —–Laughing So Hard

TGFL —–Thank God For Life

PHAT —–Pretty Hot And Tempting

NMHJC —–Not Much Happening Just Chilling

TTGG —–Time To Go Girl

PBWY —–Peace Be With You

SFTBC —–Sorry For The Broadcast

BFB —–Better From Behind

SMGDH —–Shaking My God Damn Head

KICKS —–Shoes Thrills

MBO —–Must Be Off Management Buy-Out

RDM —–Random Death Match

YKTR —–You Know the Rest

TBH —–To Be Honest

WAMH —–With All My Heart

UY —–Up Yours

QAP —–Quick As Possible Quickly As Possible

WYDN —–What You Doing Now?

INPO —–In No Particular Order

VLSI —–Very Large-Scale Integration

SOH —–Sense Of Humor

BBO —–Being Bored Online

YHL —–You Have Lost

UT —–Unreal Tournament

GBU —–God Bless You

YKIMS —–You Know It Makes Sense

TTTTY —–Time To Talk To You

NNTO —–No Need To Open

AFAIC —–As Far As I’m Concerned

WMYB —–What Makes You Beautiful

PIU —–Pump It Up

GLWT —–Good Luck With That

NCIS —–Naval Criminal Investigative Service (TV show)

UTH —–Up The Hoods

CRB —–Criminal Records Bureau (UK)

G O A T —–Greatest Of All Time

IMYT —–I Miss You Too

ADTR —–A Day To Remember (band)

QB —–Quarter Back

DNC —–Democratic National Committee

TOL —–Thinking Out Loud Thinking Of Laughing

CDC —–Cult of the Dead Cow Crudely Drawn Cock

OP —–Original Poster

short form of words for chatting

English short form of words

VGC —–Very Good Condition

HBD —–Happy Birthday

NPC —–Non Player Character ( )

ANZAC —–Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

IEP —–Individualized Education Program

YTO —–You’re The One

DLTM —–Don’t Lie To Me

IIWY —–If I Were You

NSW —–New South Wales

KAFM —–Keep Away From Me

UWS —–Upper West Side (of Manhattan)

JRPG —–Japanese Role Playing Game

ICAY —–I Care About You

OWOA —–One Way Or Another

MCM —–Man Crush Monday

GKY —–Go Kill Yourself

ACP —–Automatic Colt Pistol

WYD —–What You Doing?

LD —–Link Dead (Disconnection From Internet)

MIL —–Mother In Law

LTD —–Live/Living The Dream

VDU —–Visual Display Unit

TTY —–Talk To You

TTUS —–Talk To You Soon.

TFTI —–Thanks For The Info

TBFU —–Too Bad For You

WUGOWM —–Will You Go Out With Me?

ATOY —–Always Thinking of you

GLAG —–Giggling Like A Girl

LYLAF —–Love You Like A Friend

BBK —–Boy Better Know

OMGD —–Oh My God Dude

OSFA —–One Size Fits All

OOT —–Out Of Town

GFF —–Grenade Free Foundation

VFM —–Value For Money

OMZ —–Oh My Zeus

RLF —–Real Life Friend

DTA —–Don’t Trust Anyone

RTG —–Ready To Go

NSFL —–Not Safe For Life

ISDK —–I Simply Don’t Know

MOL —–More Or Less

NBD —–No Big Deal

OED —–Oxford English Dictionary

TBBH —–To Be Brutally Honest

IDR —–I Don’t Remember

MMH —–Meet Me Halfway

JD —–Jack Daniel’s

ABH —–Actual Bodily Harm

PLD —–Poor Life Decision

HOAS —–Hold On A Second

CWYL —–Chat With You Later.

WDFD —–Whoop Dee F***ing Doo

WLM —–Windows Live Messenger

LYF —–Love You Forever

YSI —–You Stupid Idiot

POTW —–Patient of the Week (House M.D.)

VIBE —–Atmosphere, ambience

IIFYM —–If It Fits Your Macros

IDK —–I Don’t Know

ATH —–All Time High

PCMR —–PC Master Race

YG —–Young Gangster

WDYS —–What Did You Say?

LEV —–Low Emission Vehicle

TPE —–Total Power Exchange

short form of words for chatting

The short form of words

WYB —–Watch Your Back

APM —–Actions Per Minute

API —–Application Programming Interface

WUF —–Where are you from?

WIWWU —–Wish I Was With You

ESP —–Extra Sensory Perception

LOZ —–Legend of Zelda

TTYL —–Talk To You Later

TOM —–Time Of Month

DSP —–Digital Signal Processing

TTYITM —–Talk To You In The Morning

SUAD —–Shut Up And Drive

TBNT —–Thanks, But No Thanks

NC-17 —–No Children under 17 (movie rating)

MOTKU —–Master Of The Known Universe

GWG —–Girl With Glasses

DMY —–Don’t Mess Yourself

NKOTB —–New Kid On The Block

YDMT —–You Don’t Mean That

IPC —–Ignore Post Count

RDC —–Really Don’t Care

HENRY —–High Earner, Not Rich Yet

RPM —–Revolutions Per Minute

INS —–I’m Not Sure

LWP —–Laughing With Passion

BCG —–Birth Control Glasses

OMW —–On My Way

ADED —–All Day Every Day

IDW —–I Don’t Want

ROY —–Relative of yours?

TMBI —–Tell Me ‘Bout It

JHC —–Jesus H Christ

PNW —–Pacific North West

ION —–In Other News

KD —–Kraft Dinner

NNITO —–Not Necessarily In That Order

ASAIK —–As Soon As I Know

GPRS —–General Packet Radio Services

KOS —–Kill On Sight

PG —–Parental Guidance

HSIK —–How Should I Know?

GLA —–Good Luck All

WAP —–Wireless Access Point

AMAP —–As Much/Many As Possible

OAP —–Old Age Pensioner

QFT —–Quoted For Truth

UTO —–Unable To Obtain

PPPW —–Per Person, Per Week

TLYK —–To Let You Know

NDS —–Nintendo DS

WDE —–Worst Day Ever

RINO —–Republican In Name Only

TTO —–Time To Own

LARP —–Live Action Role Play

GBML —–Good Bye My Love

MTLBWY —–May The Lord Be With You

OMGA —–Oh My Giddy Aunt

AGP —–Accelerated Graphics Port

MIGA —–Make It Go Away

HTH —–Hope That Helps How The Hell

ALU —–Arithmetic Logic Unit

SAP —–Sad And Pathetic Fool

WWTBAM —–Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

GTD —–Getting Things Done

SBT —–Sorry ‘Bout That

GTH —–Go To Hell

IDL —–I Don’t Like …

GTBOSH —–Glad To Be Of Some Help

GBY —–God Bless You

NWLY —–Never Wanna Lose You

RFC —–Request For Comment

HAWT —–Hot Having A Wonderful Time

HST —–High Speed Train

HDD —–Hard Disk Drive

LFP —–Looking For Party (in  )

JIC —–Just In Case

ABU —–Anyone but (Manchester) United

PPD —–Post Potter Depression

NASCAR —–National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing

IIWII —–It Is What It Is

QI —–Quite Interesting

TTUT —–Talk To You Tomorrow

ATTT —–Ain’t That The Truth

TOFTT —–Take One For The Team

SSD —–Solid State Drive

WAYLT —–What Are You Listening To?

MOT —–Ministry Of Transport test for car safety

PLC —–Public Limited Company

NHB —–No Holding Back No Holds Barred

LTNC —–Long Time No Chat

HFGL —–Have Fun, Good Luck

MST —–Mystery Science Theater

TBT —–Truth Be Told

NASA —–National Aeronautics and Space Administration

WYCM —–Will You Call Me?

ITILY —–I Think I Love You

KOTH —–King of the Hill (game)

WDUT —–What Do You Think?

TM —–Text Message Text Me Trademark

IHOP —–International House of Pancakes

WDIB —–Why Do I Bother?

IMUSM —–I Miss You So Much

GOAT —–Greatest Of All Time

GWAS —–Game Was A Success

Short form of words

TBYS —–Think Before You Speak

LAMN —–Look At Me Now

WEF —–With Effect From

VCR —–Video Cassette Recorder

FYT —–For Your Time

LF —–Looking For

RTFD —–Read The F***ing Description

VC —–Voice Chat

IYAM —–If You Ask Me

ROR —–Raughing out Roud

USCG —–United States Coast Guard

LIS —–Laughing In Silence

ILI —–I Love It

LQTMS —–Laughing Quietly To Myself

GBH —–Grievous Bodily Harm

TY —–Thank You

ATVB —–All The Very Best

WWWY —–What’s Wrong With You?

NABD —–Not A Big Deal

DMCA —–Digital Millennium Copyright Act

WYLT —–What You Listening To?

IMO —–In My Opinion

GMY —–Good Man Yourself

WSM —–Woman Seeking Man

MOPO —–Master Of the Painfully Obvious

HNR —–Hit ‘N’ Run

AOYP —–Angel on Your Pillow

ESD —–Electro-Static Discharge

LFDY —–Live Fast, Die Young

OMGNA —–Oh My Gosh, Not Again

SML —–Screw My Life Story of My Life

NSA —–No Strings Attached

ILYF —–I’ll Love You Forever

GBTM —–Get Back To Me

PUA —–Pick Up Artist

HR —–Human Resources

IJDK —–I Just Don’t Know

ASAS —–As Soon As Sensible

HMUL —–Hit Me Up Later

MNF —–Monday Night Football

UTR —–Under The Radar

YSMTU —–You So Made That Up

GWS —–Get Well Soon

TOFT —–Take One For the Team

short form of words for chatting

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Short forms of words used in WhatsApp Chatting including pdf

It is not uncommon to see strange spelling you are familiar with when it comes to chatting through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and other chatting applications. Over one billion people use WhatsApp messaging app to send text, voice calling and video calls.

On this post, I’m going to show you over 1400 short words used in WhatsApp chat. Yes! Over 1400 short words and more are been created every single day. These WhatsApp shortcut words were not made by WhatsApp but rather, they were created by WhatsApp users and they became popular over the cause of time.

If WhatsApp was a country, it would be the largest in population and will have its own unique language. Aside from English short form of words used in WhatsApp, some countries also have short words crafted in their language. E.g Hindu, Spanish, French etc. Nigeria for example, use more pidgin when using shortcut words on WhatsApp.

U don do am?
means Have you done it?
means What’s up

I chat with a lot of students who need motivation or counselling every single day on WhatsApp and for this reason, I come across new WhatsApp short words. Most often, pride won’t allow me to ask the meaning of the short words, so I google the word to understand them before attempting to reply to their message.

Although I enjoy reading WhatsApp messages with short words, I do not encourage anyone to use these short words in a formal setting. Short words used in WhatsApp are appropriate for informal conversations. Like I mentioned earlier, I Google newly found short words used in WhatsApp and over the course of my research, I discovered that there are over 1400 short words used in WhatsApp when chatting; that’s huge!!!

I know you are here to see these WhatsApp short words so I won’t waste your time with many stories. If you are here just to get the PDF of the Short form of words used in WhatsApp, you can scroll down. While doing that, take time to read through these short words.

Here is the most common short forms of words used in WhatsApp

  1. IKR: means I know, right.
  2. ILY: means I love you.
  3. BRB: means Be right back
  4. LMFAO: means Laughing my freaking *a* off.
  5. LMK: means Let me know.
  6. LOL: means Laughing out loud
  7. NVM: means Never mind.
  8. OFC: means Of course
  9. ROFL: means Rolling on the floor laughing.
  10. SMH: means Shaking my head.
  11. STFU: means Shut the *freak* up.
  12. YOLO: means You only live once.
  13. Mtchew connote hissing

This is the list of the short form of words used in Whatsapp

  • ? — I don’t understand what you mean
  • ^^ —  Meaning read the line” or “read the message above
  • 1UP — Meaning extra life (online gaming)
  • 121 — One-to-one (private chat initiation)
  • 1337 — Leet, meaning ‘elite’
  • 143 — I love you
  • 1432 — I love you too
  • 182 — I hate you
  • 10X  — Thanks
  • 10Q  —  Thank you
  • 1CE  —  Once
  • 1DR  —  I wonder
  • 1NAM —   One in a million
  • 2  — Meaning “to” in SMS
  • 20  —  Meaning “location”
  • 2B  —  To be
  • 2EZ  —  Too easy
  • 2G2BT —  Too good to be true
  • 2M2H  — Too much too handle
  • 2MI  — Too much information
  • 2MOR  —  Tomorrow
  • 2M2H  —  Too much to handle
  • 2N8  —  Tonight
  • 2NTE  —  Tonight
  • 4  —  Short for “for” in SMS
  • 404 —   I don’t know
  • 420 — Let’s get high
  • 420 —   Meaning “Marijuana”
  • 4AO —   For adults only
  • 4COL —  For crying out loud
  • 4EAE — Forever and ever
  • 4EVA  — Forever
  • 4NR —  Foreigner
  • ^5  — High-five
  • 555 —   Sobbing, crying. (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
  • 55555 —   Crying your eyes out (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
  • 6Y  —  Sexy
  • 7K  — Sick
  • 831  — I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)
  • 88 —  Hugs and kisses
  • 9  — Parent is watching
  • *s* — Meaning “smile”
  • *w* —  Meaning “wink”
  • A3 — Anytime, anywhere, anyplace
  • AA —  Alcoholics Anonymous
  • AA — As above
  • AA–  Ask about
  • AAF — As a matter of fact
  • AAF — As a friend
  • AAK  — Asleep at keyboard
  • AAK  — Alive and kicking
  • AAMOF —  As a matter of fact
  • AAMOI —  As a matter of interest
  • AAP  — Always a pleasure
  • AAR —  At any rate
  • AAS  Alive and smiling
  • AATK  Always at the keyboard
  • AAYF  As always, your friend
  • ABBR  Meaning abbreviation
  • ABC  Already been chewed
  • ABD  Already been done
  • ABT  About
  • ABT2  Meaning ‘About to’
  • ABTA  Meaning Good-bye (signoff)
  • ABU All bugged up
  • AC Acceptable content
  • ACC Anyone can come
  • ACE Meaning marijuana cigarette
  • ACK Acknowledge
  • ACPT Accept (e-mail, Government)
  • ADAD Another day, another dollar
  • ADBB All done, bye-bye
  • ADD Address
  • ADDY Address
  • ADIH Another day in hell
  • ADIP Another day in paradise
  • ADMIN Administrator
  • ADN Any day now
  • ADR Address
  • AE Area effect (online gaming)
  • AEAP As early as possible
  • AF As *Freak*
  • AFC Away from computer
  • AFAIAA As far as I am aware
  • AFAIC As far as I am concerned
  • AFAIK As far as I know
  • AFAIUI As far as I understand it
  • AFAP As far as possible
  • AFFA Angels Forever, Forever Angels
  • AFK Away from keyboard
  • AFZ Acronym Free Zone
  • AFPOE A fresh pair of eyes
  • AGI Meaning “agility” (online gaming)
  • AH At home
  • AIAMU And I am a money’s uncle
  • AIGHT Alright
  • AIR As I remember
  • AISB As it should be
  • AISB As I said before
  • AISI As I see it
  • AITR Adult in the room
  • AKA Also known as
  • ALCON All concerned
  • ALOL Actually laughing out loud
  • AMA Ask me anything (Reddit)
  • AMAP As much as possible
  • AMBW All my best wishes
  • AML All my love
  • AMOF As a matter of fact
  • A/N Author’s note
  • AOC Available on cell
  • AOM Age of majority
  • AOTA All of the above
  • AOYP Angel on your pillow
  • APAC All praise and credit
  • APP Application
  • APP Appreciate
  • AQAP As quick (or quiet) as possible
  • ARC Archive (compressed files)
  • ARE Acronym rich environment
  • ARG Argument
  • ASIG And so it goes
  • ASAP As soon as possible
  • A/S/L Age/sex/location
  • ASL Age/sex/location
  • ASLA Age/sex/location/availability
  • AT At your terminal
  • ATB All the best
  • ATEOTD At the end of the day
  • ATM At the moment
  • ATSITS All the stars in the sky
  • ATSL Along the same line (or lines)
  • AWC After awhile crocodile
  • AWESO Awesome
  • AWOL Away without leaving
  • AWOL Absent without leave
  • AYDY Are you done yet?
  • AYBABTUAll your base are belong to us (online gaming)
  • AYEC At your earliest convenience
  • AYOR At your own risk
  • AYSOS Are you stupid or something?
  • AYS Are you serious?
  • AYT Are you there?
  • AYTMTBAnd you’re telling me this because
  • AYV Are you vertical?
  • AYW As you were
  • AYW As you want / As you wish
  • AZN Asian
  • B& Banned
  • B2B Business-to-business
  • B2C Business-to-consumer
  • B2W Back to work
  • B8 Bait (person teased or joked with, or under-aged person/teen)
  • B9 Boss is watching
  • B/F Boyfriend
  • B/G Background (personal information request)
  • B4 Before
  • B4N Bye for now
  • BAG Busting a gut
  • BA Bad *a*
  • BAE Before anyone else
  • BAE Meaning Babe or baby
  • BAFO Best and final offer
  • BAK Back at keyboard
  • BAM Below average mentality
  • BAMF Bad *a* mother *f*
  • BAO Be aware of
  • BAS Big ‘butt’ smile
  • BASOR Breathing a sigh of relief
  • BAU Business as usual
  • BAY Back at ya
  • BB Be back
  • BBC Big bad challenge
  • BBIAB Be back in a bit
  • BBIAF Be back in a few
  • BBIAM Be back in a minute
  • BBIAS Be back in a sec
  • BBL Be back later
  • BBN Bye, bye now
  • BBQ Barbeque, “Ownage”, shooting score/frag (online gaming)
  • BBS Be back soon
  • BBT Be back tomorrow
  • BC Because
  • B/C Because
  • BC Be cool
  • BCNU Be seeing you
  • BCOS Because
  • BCO Big crush on
  • BCOY Big crush on you
  • BD Big deal
  • BDAY Birthday
  • B-DAY Birthday
  • BDN Big darn number
  • BEG Big evil grin
  • BF Boyfriend
  • BF Brain fart
  • BFAW Best friend at work
  • BF Best friend
  • BFF Best friends forever
  • BFFL Best friends for life
  • BFFLNMWBest friends for life, no matter what
  • BFD Big freaking deal
  • BFG Big freaking grin
  • BFFN Best friend for now
  • BFN Bye for now
  • BG Big grin
  • BGWM Be gentle with me
  • BHL8 Be home late
  • BIB Boss is back
  • BIBO Beer in, beer out
  • BIC Butt in chair
  • BIF Before I forget
  • BIH Burn in hell
  • BIL Brother in law
  • BION Believe it or not
  • BIOYA Blow it out your *a*
  • BIOYN Blow it out your nose
  • BIS Best in slot (online gaming)
  • BITMT But in the meantime
  • BL Belly laugh
  • BLNT Better luck next time
  • Bloke Meaning Man (Discord)
  • BM Bite me
  • BME Based on my experience
  • BM&Y Between me and you
  • BOB Back off *buddy*
  • BN Bad news
  • BOL Best of luck
  • BOM *b* of mine
  • BOLO Be on the look out
  • BOOMS Bored out of my skull
  • BOP Meaning “bind on pickup” (online gaming)
  • BOSMKLBending over smacking my knee laughing
  • BOT Back on topic
  • BOT Be on that
  • BOYF Boyfriend
  • BPLM Big person little mind
  • BRB Be right back
  • BR Best regards
  • BRBB Be right back *babe*
  • BRNC Be right back, nature calls
  • BRD Bored
  • BRH Be right here
  • BRT Be right there
  • BSF But seriously folks
  • BSOD Blue screen of death
  • BSTS Better safe than sorry
  • BT Bite this
  • BT Between technologies
  • BTA But then again
  • BTDT Been there, done that
  • BTW By the way
  • BUBU Slang term for the most beautiful of women
  • Buff Meaning “changed and is now stronger” (online gaming)
  • BWL Bursting with laughter
  • BYOB Bring your own beer
  • BYOC Bring your own computer
  • BYOD Bring your own device
  • BYOH Bat you on (the) head
  • BYOP Bring your own paint (paintball)
  • BYTM Better you than me
  • C&G Chuckle & grin
  • C4N Ciao for now
  • CAD Control + Alt + Delete
  • CAD Short for Canada/Canadian
  • CAM Camera
  • CB Coffee break
  • CB Chat break
  • CB Crazy *b*
  • CD9 Code 9, Meaning “parents are around”
  • CFS Care for secret?
  • CFY Calling for you
  • CHK Check
  • CIAO Good-bye
  • CICO Coffee in, coffee out
  • CID Crying in disgrace
  • CID Consider it done
  • CLAB Crying like a baby
  • CLD Could
  • CLK Click
  • CM Call me
  • CMB Call me back
  • CMGR Meaning “Community manager”
  • CMIIW Correct me if I’m wrong
  • CMON Come on
  • CNP Continued (in) next post
  • COB Close of business
  • COS Because
  • C/P Cross post
  • CR8 Create
  • CRE8 Create
  • CRA Slang term meaning “crazy”
  • CRAFT Can’t remember a *freaking* thing
  • CRB Come right back
  • CRBT Crying really big tears
  • CRIT Meaning “critical hit” (online gaming)
  • CRZ Crazy
  • CRS Can’t remember *stuff*
  • CSG Chuckle, snicker, grin
  • CSL Can’t stop laughing
  • CT Can’t talk
  • CTC Care to chat?
  • CTHU Cracking the *heck* up
  • CTN Can’t talk now
  • CTO Check this out
  • CU See you too
  • CU See you
  • CU2 See you
  • CUA See you around
  • CUL See you later
  • CULA See you later alligator
  • CUL8R See you later
  • CUMID See you in my dreams
  • CURLO See you around like a donut
  • CWOT Complete waste of time
  • CWYL Chat with you later
  • CX Meaning “Correction”
  • CYA See you
  • CYE Check your e-mail
  • CYEP Close your eyes partner (online gaming)
  • CYO See you online
  • D46? Down for sex?
  • DA Meaning “The”
  • DAE Does anyone else?
  • DAFUQ (What) the *Freak*?
  • DAM Don’t annoy me
  • DBAU Doing business as usual
  • DBEYR Don’t believe everything you read
  • DC Disconnect
  • DD Dear (or Darling) daughter
  • DD Due diligence
  • DDG Drop dead gorgeous
  • DEGT Dear (or Darling) daughter
  • DERP Meaning stupid or silly
  • DF Don’t even go there
  • DFL Dead *freaking* last (online gaming)
  • DGA Don’t go anywhere
  • DGAF Don’t give a *freak*
  • DGT Don’t go there
  • DGTG Don’t go there, girlfriend
  • DGYF Dang, girl you fine
  • DH Dear (or Darling) husband
  • DHU Dinosaur hugs (used to show support)
  • DIIK Darned if I know
  • DIKU Do I know you?
  • DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a *freak*?
  • DILLIGAS Do I look like I give a sugar?
  • DIS Did I say?
  • DITYID Did I tell you I’m distressed?
  • DIY Do it yourself
  • DKDC Don’t know, don’t care
  • DKP Dragon kill points (online gaming)
  • D/L Download
  • DL Download
  • DL Down low
  • DL Dead link
  • DLBBB Don’t let (the) bed bugs bite
  • DLTBBB Don’t let the bed bugs bite
  • DM Doesn’t matter
  • DM Direct message (Twitter slang)
  • DM Do me
  • DM Dungeon Master (online gaming)
  • DMNO Dude Man No Offense
  • DMY Don’t mess yourself
  • DN Down
  • DNC Do not compute (meaning I do not understand)
  • DNR Dinner (SMS)
  • DNT Don’t
  • d00d Dude
  • DOE Daughter of Eve
  • DORBS Meaning “Adorable”
  • DOT Damage over time (online gaming)
  • DPS Damage per second (online gaming)
  • DQMOTDon’t quote me on this
  • DR Didn’t read
  • DS Dear (or Darling) son
  • DTR Define the relationship
  • DTRT Do the right thing
  • DTS Don’t think so
  • DTTD Don’t touch that dial
  • DUPE Duplicate
  • DUR Do you remember?
  • DV8 Deviate
  • DW Dear (or Darling) wife
  • DWF Divorced white female
  • DWM Divorced white male
  • DXNRY Dictionary
  • DYNWUTBDo you know what you are talking about?
  • DYFI Did you find it?
  • DYFM Dude, you fascinate me
  • DYJHIW Don’t you just hate it when…?
  • DYORDo your own research
  • E Ecstasy
  • E Enemy (online gaming)
  • E1 Everyone
  • E123 Easy as one, two, three
  • E2EG Ear to ear grin
  • EAK Eating at keyboard
  • EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair
  • ED Erase display
  • EF4T Effort
  • EG Evil grin
  • EI Eat it
  • EIP Editing in progress
  • ELI5 Explain like I’m 5
  • EM E-mail (Twitter slang)
  • EMA E-mail address (Twitter slang)
  • EMBAR Meaning “Embarrassing”
  • EMFBI Excuse me for butting in
  • EMFBI Excuse me for jumping in
  • EMSG E-mail message
  • ENUF Enough
  • EOD End of day
  • EOD End of discussion
  • EOL End of lecture
  • EOL End of life
  • EOM End of message
  • EOS End of show
  • EOT End of transmission
  • ES Erase screen
  • ESAD Eat *S* and die!
  • ETA Estimated time (of) arrival
  • ETA Edited to add
  • EVA Ever
  • EVO Evolution
  • EWG Evil wicked grin (in fun, teasing)
  • EWI Emailing while intoxicated
  • EYC Excitable, yet calm
  • EZ Easy
  • EZY Easy
  • F Meaning female
  • F2F Face to face
  • F2P Free to play (online gaming)
  • FAAK Falling asleep at keyboard
  • FAB Fabulous
  • FAF Funny as *freak*
  • FAQ Frequently asked questions
  • FAY *Freak* all you
  • FB Facebook
  • FBB Meaning “Facebook buddy”
  • FBC Facebook chat
  • FBF Flashback Friday
  • FBF Meaning “Facebook friend”
  • FBF Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries)
  • FBFR FaceBook friend
  • FBM Fine by me
  • FBOW For better or worse
  • FC Fingers crossed
  • FC Full card (online gaming)
  • FC’INGOFor crying out loud
  • FCOLFor crying out loud
  • Feelsgoodman A social meme that means to feel positive.
  • FEITCTAJ*Freak* ’em if they can’t take a joke
  • FFFollow Friday (Twitter slang)
  • FFS For *freak’*sakes
  • FICCL Frankly I couldn’t care a less
  • FIF *Freak* I’m funny
  • FIIK *Freaked* if I know
  • FIIOOH Forget it, I’m out of here
  • FIL Father in law
  • FIMH Forever in my heart
  • FISH First in, still here
  • FITB Fill in the blank
  • FML *Freak* My Life
  • FOMC Falling off my chair
  • FOAD *Freak* off and die
  • FOAF Friend of a friend
  • FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing
  • FRTFor real though
  • FTBOMHFrom the bottom of my heart
  • FTFY Fixed that for you
  • FTL For the loss
  • FTW For the win
  • FU *Freak* you
  • FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition
  • FUBB Fouled up beyond belief
  • FUD Face up deal (online gaming)
  • FUTAB Feet up, take a break
  • FW Forward
  • FWB Friend with benefits
  • FWIW For what it’s worth
  • FWM Fine with me
  • FWP First world problems
  • FYEO For your eyes only
  • FYA For your amusement
  • FYI For your information
  • G Grin
  • G Giggle
  • G+ Google+
  • G/F Girlfriend
  • G2CU Good to see you
  • G2G Got to go
  • G2GICYAL8ER Got to go I’ll see you later
  • G2R Got to run
  • G2TU Got to tell u (you)
  • G4C Going for coffee
  • G9 Genius
  • GA Go ahead
  • GAC Get a clue
  • GAFC Get a *freaking* clue
  • GAL Get a life
  • GAS Got a second?
  • GAS Greetings and salutations
  • GB Goodbye
  • GBTW Get back to work
  • GBU God bless you
  • GD Good
  • GDR Grinning, ducking, and running
  • GD/R Grinning, ducking, and running
  • GFI Go for it
  • GF Girl friend
  • GFN Gone for now
  • GG Gotta Go
  • GGU2 Good game, you too
  • GGMSOTGotta get me some of that
  • GGOH Gotta Get Outa Here
  • GGP Got to go pee
  • GH Good hand (online gaming)
  • GIAR Give it a rest
  • GIC Gift in crib (online gaming)
  • GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
  • GIRL Guy in real life
  • GJ Good job
  • GL Good luck
  • GL2U Good luck to you
  • GL/HF Good luck, have fun  (online gaming)
  • GLE Good luck everyone
  • GMBA Giggling my butt off
  • GMTA Great minds think alike
  • GMV Got my vote
  • GN Good night
  • GNA Good night all
  • GNE1 Good night everyone
  • GNIGHT Good night
  • GNITE Good night
  • GNSD Good night, sweet dreams
  • GOI Get over it
  • GOL Giggling out loud
  • GOMB Get off my back
  • GPOY Gratuitous picture of yourself
  • GR8 Great
  • GRATZ Congratulations
  • GRL Girl
  • GRWG Get right with God
  • GR&D Grinning, running and ducking
  • GS Good shot
  • GS Good split (online gaming)
  • GT Good try
  • GTFO Get the *freak* out
  • GTFOH Get the *freak* outta here
  • GTG Got to go
  • GTM Giggling to myself
  • GTRM Going to read mail
  • GTSY Great (or good) to see you
  • GUD Good
  • GWHTLCGlad we had this little chat
  • H Hug
  • H8 Hate
  • H8TTU Hate to be you
  • HAG1 Have a good one
  • HAK Hug and kiss
  • HALP Help (Discord)
  • HAU How about you?
  • H&K Hugs & kisses
  • H2CUS Hope to see you soon
  • HAGN Have a good night
  • HAGO Have a good one
  • HAND Have a nice day
  • HAWT Have a wonderful day (out-dated, see next in list)
  • HAWT Meaning “sexy” or “attractive”
  • HB Hurry back
  • HB Hug back
  • HBD Happy birthday
  • HBU How about you?
  • HF Have fun
  • HFAC Holy flipping animal crackers
  • H-FDAY Happy Father’s Day
  • HHIS Head hanging in shame
  • HIFW How I felt when… (Used with photo or gif)
  • HL Half Life (online gaming)
  • HLA Hola / hello (Spanish SMS)
  • H-MDAYHappy Mother’s Day
  • HOAS Hold on a second
  • HP Hit points / Health points (online gaming)
  • HRU How are you?
  • HTH Hope this helps
  • HUB Head up butt
  • HUYA Head up your *butt*
  • HV Have
  • HW Homework
  • HYFR Hell yeah, *Freaking* right!
  • I2 I too (me too)
  • IA8 I already ate
  • IAAA I am an accountant
  • IAAD I am a doctor
  • IAAL I am a lawyer
  • IAC In any case
  • IAE In any event
  • IANAC I am not a crook
  • IANAL I am not a lawyer
  • IAO I am out (of here)
  • IB I’m back
  • IB I’m back
  • IC I see
  • ICAM I couldn’t agree more
  • ICBW It could be worse
  • ICEDI I can’t even discuss it
  • ICFILWUI could fall in love with you
  • ICYMI In case you missed it (Twitter slang)
  • IDBI I don’t believe it
  • IDC I don’t care
  • IDGAF I don’t give a *freak*
  • IDK I don’t know
  • IDTS I don’t think so
  • IDUNNOI don’t know
  • IFYP I feel your pain
  • IG Instagram
  • IG2R I got to run
  • IGHT I got high tonight
  • IGN I (I’ve) got nothing
  • IGP I got to (go) pee
  • IHNI I have no idea
  • IIRC If I remember correctly
  • IIIO Intel inside, idiot outside
  • IK I know
  • IKR I know, right?
  • ILBL8 I’ll be late
  • ILU I love you
  • ILUM I love you man
  • ILYSM I love you so much
  • ILY I love you
  • IM Instant message
  • IMAO In my arrogant opinion
  • IMHO In my humble opinion
  • IMNSHOIn my not so humble opinion
  • IMO In my opinion
  • IMS I am sorry
  • IMSB I am so bored
  • IMTM I am the man
  • IMU I miss u (you)
  • INAL I’m not a lawyer
  • INV Meaning “Invite”
  • IOMH In over my head
  • IOW In other words
  • IRL In real life
  • IRMC I rest my case
  • ISLY I still love you
  • ISO In search of
  • ITT In This Thread
  • ITYK I thought you knew
  • IUSS If you say so
  • IWALU I will always love you
  • IWAWO I want a way out
  • IWIAM Idiot wrapped in a moron
  • IWSN I want sex now
  • IYKWIM If you know what I mean
  • IYO In your opinion
  • IYQ Meaning “I like you”
  • IYSS If you say so
  • j00 You
  • j00r Your
  • JAC Just a second
  • JAM Just a minute
  • JAS Just a second
  • JC (J/C) Just checking
  • JDI Just do it
  • JELLY Meaning “jealous”
  • JFF Just for fun
  • JFGI Just *freaking* Google it
  • JIC Just in case
  • JJ (J/J) Just joking
  • JJA Just joking around
  • JK (J/K) Just kidding
  • JLMK Just let me know
  • JMO Just my opinion
  • JP Just playing
  • JT (J/T) Just teasing
  • JTLYK Just to let you know
  • JV Joint venture
  • JW Just wondering
  • K Okay
  • KK Knock, knock
  • KK Okay, Okay!
  • K8T Katie
  • k/b Keyboard
  • KB Keyboard
  • KB Kick butt (online gaming)
  • KEWL Cool
  • KEYA I will key you later
  • KEYME Key me when you get in
  • KFY Kiss for you
  • KIA Know it all
  • KISS Keep it simple, stupid
  • KIT Keep in touch
  • KMA Kiss my *a*
  • KMK Kiss my keister
  • KMT Kiss my tushie
  • KOC Kiss on cheek
  • KOL Kiss on cheek
  • KOS Kid over shoulder
  • KOS Kill on sight
  • KOW Knock on wood
  • KOTC Kiss on the cheek
  • KOTL Kiss on the lips
  • KNIM Know what I mean?
  • KNOW Meaning “knowledge”
  • KPC Keeping parents clueless
  • KS Kill then steal (online gaming)
  • KSC Kind (of) sort (of) chuckle
  • KT Katie
  • KUTGW Keep up the good work
  • L2G Like to go?
  • L2G (would) Love to go
  • L2K Like to come
  • L2P Learn to play
  • l33t Leet, meaning ‘elite’
  • L8R Later
  • L8RG8R Later, gator
  • LBAY Laughing back at you
  • LBS Laughing, but serious
  • LBVS Laughing, but very serious
  • LD Later, dude
  • LD Long distance
  • LDO Like, duh obviously
  • LEMENOLet me know
  • LERK Leaving easy reach of keyboard
  • LFD Left for day
  • LFG Looking for group (online gaming)
  • LFG Looking for guard (online gaming)
  • LFM Looking for more (online gaming)
  • LGH Lets get high
  • LH6 Lets have sex
  • LHSX Lets have sex
  • LHM Lord help me
  • LHO Laughing head off
  • LI LinkedIn
  • LIC Like I care
  • LIK Meaning liquor
  • LIMT Laugh in my tummy
  • LLGB Love, later, God bless
  • LLS Laughing like *silly*
  • LMAO Laughing my *a* off
  • LMBO Laughing my butt off
  • LMFAO Laughing my freaking *a* off
  • LMIRL Lets meet in real life
  • LMK Let me know
  • LMMFAOLaughing my mother freaking a** off
  • LMNK Leave my name out
  • LMS Like my status (Facebook)
  • LNT Meaning lost in translation
  • LOA List of acronyms
  • LOB Left On Base
  • LOL Laughing out loud
  • LOL Laugh out loud
  • LOL Lots of love
  • LOLH Laughing out loud hysterically
  • LOLO Lots of love
  • LOLWTFLaughing out loud (saying) “What the *freak*?”
  • LOTI Laughing on the inside
  • LOTR Lord of The Rings (online gaming)
  • LQTM Laughing quietly to myself
  • LSHMBH Laugh so hard my belly hurts
  • LTD Living the dream
  • LTLWDLSLet’s twist like we did last summer
  • LTNS Long time no see
  • LTOD Laptop of death
  • LTS Laughing to self
  • LULT Love you long time
  • LULZ Meaning joke, or for laughs
  • LVM Left voice mail
  • LWOS Laughing without smiling
  • LY Love ya
  • LYLAS Love you like a sis
  • LYLC Love you like crazy
  • LYSM Love you so much
  • M$ Microsoft
  • M8 Mate
  • MB Mamma’s boy
  • MBS Mom behind shoulder
  • MC Merry Christmas
  • MDIAC My Dad is a cop
  • MEGO My eyes glaze over
  • MEH Meaning a “shrug” or shrugging shoulders
  • MEH Meaning a “so-so” or “just okay”
  • MEHH Meaning a “sigh” or sighing
  • MFI Mad for it
  • MGB May God bless
  • MGMT Management
  • MHOTY My hat (is) off to you
  • MIRL Me in real life
  • MIRL Meet in real life
  • MKAY Meaning “Mmm, okay”
  • MLM Meaning give the middle finger
  • MM Sister (Mandarin Chinese txt msg)
  • MMK Meaning okay? (as a question)
  • MNC Mother nature calls
  • MOD Moderator
  • MOD Modification
  • MORF Male or female?
  • MOMBOYMamma’s boy
  • MOO My own opinion
  • MOOS Member of the opposite sex
  • MOS Mother over shoulder
  • MOSS Member of same sex
  • MP Mana points (online gaming)
  • What is Mtchew in WhatsApp? hissing
  • MSG Message
  • MTF More to follow
  • Mtchew means hissing
  • MTFBWUMay the force be with you
  • MUMiss U (you)
  • MUAH Multiple unsuccessful attempts (at/to) humor
  • MUSM Miss you so much
  • MWAH Meaning “kiss” (it is is the sound made when kissing through the air)
  • MYO Mind your own (business)
  • MYOB Mind your own business
  • n00b Newbie
  • N1 Nice one
  • N2M Nothing too much
  • NADT Not a darn thing
  • NALOPKTNot a lot of people know that
  • NANA Not now, no need
  • NBD No big deal
  • NBFAB No bad for a beginner (online gaming)
  • NC Nice crib (online gaming)
  • ND Nice double (online gaming)
  • NE Any
  • NE1 Anyone
  • NFM None for me / Not for me
  • NFM Not for me
  • NGL Not gonna (going to) lie
  • NFS Need for Speed (online gaming)
  • NFS Not for sale
  • NFW No *freaking* way
  • NFW Not for work
  • NFWS Not for work safe
  • NH Nice hand (online gaming)
  • NIFOC Naked in front of computer
  • NIGI Now I get it
  • NIMBY Not in my back yard
  • NIROK Not in reach of keyboard
  • NLT No later than
  • NM Nothing much
  • NM Never mind
  • NM Nice meld (online gaming)
  • NMH Not much here
  • NMJC Nothing much, just chilling
  • NMU Not much, you?
  • NO1 No one
  • NOOB Meaning someone who is bad at (online) games
  • NOWL Meaning “knowledge”
  • NOYB None of your business
  • NP No problem
  • NPC Non-playing character (online gaming)
  • NQT Newly qualified teacher
  • NR Nice roll (online gaming)
  • NRN No response/reply necessary
  • NS Nice score (online gaming)
  • NS Nice split (online gaming)
  • NSA No strings attached
  • NSFL Not safe for life
  • NSFW Not safe for work
  • NSISR Not sure if spelled right
  • NT Nice try
  • NTHINGNothing (SMS)
  • NTS Note to self
  • NVM Never mind
  • NVR Never
  • NW No way
  • NWO No way out
  • O4U Only for you
  • OATUS On a totally unrelated subject
  • OB Oh baby
  • OB Oh brother
  • OBV Obviously
  • OFC Of course
  • OG Original gangster
  • OGIM Oh God, it’s Monday
  • OH Overheard
  • OHHEMMGEE Meaning “Oh My God” (alternate of OMG)
  • OI Operator indisposed
  • OIB Oh, I’m back
  • OIC Oh, I see
  • OJ Only joking
  • OL Old lady
  • OLL Online love
  • OM Old man
  • OM Oh, my
  • OMAA Oh, my aching *A* (butt)
  • OMDB Over my dead body
  • OMFG Oh my *freaking* God
  • OMG Oh my God
  • OMG Oh my gosh
  • OMGYG2BK Oh my God, you got to be kidding
  • OMGYS Oh my gosh you suck
  • OMS On my soul (meaning “promise”)
  • OMW On my way
  • ONL Online
  • OO Over and out
  • OOC Out of character
  • OOH Out of here
  • OOTD One of these days
  • OOTO Out of the office
  • OP On phone
  • ORLY Oh really?
  • OS Operating system
  • OT Off topic (discussion forums)
  • OTB Off to bed
  • OTFL On the floor laughing
  • OTL Out to lunch
  • OTOH On the other hand
  • OTP On the phone
  • OTT Over the top
  • OTTOMHOff the top of my head
  • OTW Off to work
  • OVA Over
  • OYO On your own
  • P Partner (online gaming)
  • P2P Parent to parent
  • P2P Peer to peer
  • P2P Pay to play (online gaming)
  • P911 Parents coming into room alert
  • PAT Meaning “patrol” (online gaming)
  • PAW Parents are watching
  • PBOOK Phonebook (e-mail)
  • PC Player character (online gaming)
  • PCM Please call me
  • PDA Personal display (of) affection
  • PDH Pretty darn happy
  • PDS Please don’t shoot
  • PDQ Pretty darn quick
  • PEEPS People
  • PFT Pretty *freaking* tight
  • PIC Picture
  • PIP Peeing in pants (laughing hard)
  • PIR Parents in room
  • PISS Put in some sugar
  • PITA Pain in the *butt*
  • PL8 Plate
  • PLD Played
  • PLMK Please let me know
  • PLS Please
  • PLU People like us
  • PLZ Please
  • PLZTLME Please tell me
  • PM Private Message
  • PMFI Pardon me for interrupting
  • PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
  • PMSL Pee myself laughing
  • POAHF Put on a happy face
  • POIDH Picture, or it didn’t happen
  • POS Parent over shoulder
  • POT Meaning “potion” (online gaming)
  • POV Point of view
  • PPL People
  • PPU Pending pick-up
  • PRESH Precious
  • PROBS Probably
  • PROLLY Probably
  • PROGGYMeaning computer program
  • PRON Meaning pornography
  • PRT Party
  • PRT Please Retweet (Twitter slang)
  • PRW People/parents are watching
  • PSOS Parent standing over shoulder
  • PST Please send tell (online gaming)
  • PTFO Pass the *freak* out
  • PTL Praise the Lord
  • PTMM Please tell me more
  • PTO Paid time off
  • PTO Personal time off
  • PTO Parent Teacher Organization
  • PUG Pick up group (online gaming)
  • PVP Player versus player (online gaming)
  • PWN Meaning “own”
  • PXT Please explain that
  • PU That stinks!
  • PUKS Pick up kids (SMS)
  • PYT Pretty young thing
  • PZ Peace
  • PZA Pizza
  • Q Queue
  • Q4U (I have a) question for you
  • QC Quality control
  • QFE Question for everyone
  • QFI Quoted for idiocy
  • QFI Quoted for irony
  • QFT Quoted for truth
  • QIK Quick
  • QL Quit laughing
  • QOTD Quote of the day
  • QQ (qq) (Q_Q) Meaning “crying eyes”
  • QQ Quick question
  • QSL Reply
  • QSO Conversation
  • QT Cutie
  • QTPI Cutie pie
  • R Meaning “are”
  • R8 Rate
  • RBAY Right back at you
  • RFN Right *freaking* now
  • RGR Roger (I agree, I understand)
  • RHIP Rank has its privileges
  • RIP Rest in peace
  • RL Real life
  • RLY Really
  • RME Rolling my eyes
  • RMLB Read my lips baby
  • RMMM Read my mail man
  • ROFL Rolling on floor laughing
  • ROFLCOPTER Rolling on floor laughing and spinning around
  • ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor, laughing my *butt* off
  • ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
  • ROTFLUTS Rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak
  • RSN Real soon now
  • RT Roger that
  • RT Retweet
  • RTBS Reason to be single
  • RTFM Read the *freaking* manual
  • RTFQ Read the *freaking* question
  • RTHX Meaning “Thanks for the RT (Retweet)” (Twitter slang)
  • RTMS Read the manual, stupid
  • RTNTN Retention (email, Government)
  • RTRCTV Retroactive (email, Government)
  • RTRMT Retirement (email, Government)
  • RTSM Read the stupid manual
  • RTWFQ Read the whole *freaking* question
  • RU Are you?
  • RUMOF Are you male or female?
  • RUT Are u (you) there?
  • RUOK Are you okay?
  • RX Regards
  • RW Real world
  • RX Meaning drugs or prescriptions
  • RYB Read your Bible
  • RYO Roll your own
  • RYS Read your screen
  • RYS Are you single?
  • S2R Send to receive (meaning send me your picture to get mine)
  • S2S Sorry to say
  • S4L Spam for life
  • SAL Such a laugh
  • What is SAT in WhatsApp? Sorry about that
  • SB Should be
  • SB Smiling back
  • SBIA Meaning Standing back in amazement
  • SBT Sorry ’bout that
  • SC Stay cool
  • SD Sweet dreams
  • SDMB Sweet dreams, my baby
  • SENPAI Meaning someone older than you, someone you look up to
  • SEO Search engine optimization
  • SETE Smiling Ear-to-Ear
  • SELFIE A photo that is taken of oneself for social media sharing (definition)
  • SFAIK So far as I know
  • SH Same here
  • SH^ Shut up
  • SHID Slapping head in disgust
  • SICNR Sorry, I could not resist
  • SIG2R Sorry, I got to run
  • SIHTH Stupidity is hard to take
  • SIMYC Sorry I missed your call
  • SIR Strike it rich
  • SIS Snickering in silence
  • SIS Meaning sister
  • SIT Stay in touch
  • SITD Still in the dark
  • SJW Social justice warrior
  • SK8 Skate
  • SK8NG Skating
  • SK8R Skater
  • SK8RBOISkater Boy
  • SLAP Sounds like a plan
  • SM Social media
  • SMAZEDSmoky haze (marijuana stoned)
  • SMEXI Combination of sexy and Mexican, used to describe attractive people
  • SMH Shaking my head
  • SMHID Scratching my head in disbelief
  • SNAFU Situation normal all fouled up
  • SNERT Snot nosed egotistical rude teenager
  • SO Significant other
  • SOAB Son of a *B*
  • S’OK Meaning It’ (s) okay (ok)
  • SOL Sooner or later
  • SOMY Sick of me yet?
  • SorG Straight or Gay?
  • SOS Meaning help
  • SOS Son of Sam
  • SOT Short of time
  • SOTMG Short of time, must go
  • SOWM Someone with me
  • SPK Speak (SMS)
  • SRSLY Seriously
  • SPST Same place, same time
  • SPTO Spoke to
  • SQ Square
  • SRY Sorry
  • SS So sorry
  • SSDD Same stuff, different day
  • SSIF So stupid it’s funny
  • SSINF So stupid it’s not funny
  • ST&D Stop texting and drive
  • STFU Shut the *freak* up
  • STR8 Straight
  • STW Search the Web
  • SU Shut up
  • SUITM See you in the morning
  • SUL See you later
  • SUP What’s up?
  • SUTH So use(d) to haters (Facebook)
  • SUX Meanings sucks or “it sucks”
  • SUYF Shut up you fool
  • SWAG Scientific wild *a* guess
  • SWAK Sent (or sealed) with a kiss
  • SWALK Sealed (or sealed) with a loving kiss
  • SWAT Scientific wild *butt* guess
  • SWL Screaming with laughter
  • SWMBOShe who must be obeyed. Meaning wife or partner
  • SYL See you later
  • SYS See you soon
  • SYY Shut your yapper
  • T+ Think positive
  • T4BU Thanks for being you
  • T:)T Think happy thoughts
  • TA Thanks a lot
  • TAFN That’s all for now
  • TAM Tomorro a.m.
  • TANK Meaning really strong
  • TANKED Meaning “owned”
  • TANKING Meaning “owning”
  • TARFU Things Are Really *fouled* Up.
  • TAU Thinking about u (you)
  • TAUMUALU Thinking about you miss you always love you
  • TBAG Process of disgracing a corpse, taunting a fragged/killed player (online gaming)
  • TBC To be continued
  • TBD To be determined
  • TBH To be honest
  • TBL Text back later
  • TBT Throwback Thursday (Twitter slang)
  • TC Take care
  • TCB Take care of business
  • TCOY Take care of yourself
  • TD2M Talk dirty to me
  • TDTM Talk dirty to me
  • TFF Too *freaking* funny
  • TFS Thanks for sharing
  • TFTF Thanks for the follow
  • TFTI Thanks for the invitation
  • TFTT Thanks for this tweet
  • TG Thank goodness
  • TGIF Thank God it’s Friday
  • THX Thanks
  • THT Think happy thoughts
  • THNX Thanks
  • THNQ Thank-you (SMS)
  • TIA Thanks in advance
  • TIAD Tomorrow is another day
  • TIC Tongue-in-cheek
  • TIL Today I learned
  • TILIS Tell it like it is
  • TIR Teacher in room
  • TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
  • TL Too long
  • TL;DR Too long; didn’t read
  • TM Trust me
  • TMA Take my advice
  • TMB Text me back
  • TMB Tweet me back
  • TMI Too much information
  • TMOT Trust me on this
  • TMTH Too much to handle
  • TMYL Tell me your location
  • TMWFI Take my word for it
  • TNSTAAFL There’s no such thing as a free lunch
  • TNT Til next time
  • TOJ Tears of joy
  • TOS Terms of service
  • TOTES Totally
  • TOU Thinking of you
  • TOY Thinking of you
  • TPM Tomorrow p.m.
  • TPTB The powers that be
  • TSH Tripping so hard
  • TSNF That’s so not fair
  • TSTB The sooner, the better
  • TT Trending topic (Twitter slang)
  • TTFN Ta ta for now
  • TTLY Totally
  • TTTT These things take time
  • TTUL Talk to you later
  • TU Thank you
  • TUI Turning you in
  • TURNT Turn up
  • TWSS That’s what she said
  • TTG Time to go
  • TTYAFN Talk to you awhile from now
  • TTYL Talk to you later
  • TTYS Talk to you soon
  • TY Thank you
  • TYFC Thank you for charity (online gaming)
  • TYFYC Thank you for your comment
  • TYS Told you so
  • TYT Take your time
  • TYSO Thank you so much
  • TYAFY Thank you and *freak* you
  • TYVM Thank you very much
  • ^URS Up yours
  • UCMU You crack me up
  • UDM U (You) da (the) man
  • UDS Ugly domestic scene
  • UFB Un *freaking* believable
  • UFN Until further notice
  • UFWM You *freaking* with me?
  • UGTBK You’ve got to be kidding
  • UKTR You know that’s right
  • UL Upload
  • U-L Meaning “You will”
  • UNA Use no acronyms
  • UN4TUN8 Unfortunate
  • UNBLEFBLE Unbelievable
  • UNCRTN Uncertain
  • UNPC Un- (not) politically correct
  • UOK (Are) You ok?
  • UR You are / You’re
  • UR2YS4ME You are too wise for me
  • URA* You are a star
  • URH You are hot (U R Hot)
  • URSKTM You are so kind to me
  • URTM You are the man
  • URW You are welcome
  • USBCA Until something better comes along
  • USU Usually
  • UT Unreal Tournament (online gaming)
  • UT2L You take too long
  • UTM You tell me
  • UV Unpleasant visual
  • UW You’re welcome
  • UX User experience
  • V Very
  • VAT Value added tax
  • VBL Visible bra line
  • VBS Very big smile
  • VC Voice chat
  • VEG Very evil grin
  • VFF Very freaking funny
  • VFM Value for money
  • VGC Very good condition
  • VGG Very good game (online gaming)
  • VGH Very good hand (online gaming)
  • VIP Very important person
  • VM Voice mail
  • VN Very nice
  • VNH Very nice hand (online gaming)
  • VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol (definition)
  • VRY Very
  • VSC Very soft chuckle
  • VSF Very sad face
  • VWD Very well done (online gaming)
  • VWP Very well played (online gaming)
  • “W” Text Message / Chat Abbreviations
  • [email protected] What?
  • W/ With
  • W/B Welcome back
  • W3 WWW (Web address)
  • W8 Wait
  • WAH Working at home
  • WAJ What a jerk
  • WAM Wait a minute
  • WAN2 Want to? (SMS)
  • WAN2TLKWant to talk
  • WAS Wait a second
  • WAS Wild *a* guess
  • WAT What
  • WAWA Where are we at?
  • WAYF Where are you from?
  • W/B Write back
  • WB Welcome back
  • WBS Write back soon
  • WBU What about you?
  • WC Welcome
  • WC Who cares
  • WCA Who cares anyway
  • W/E Whatever
  • W/END Weekend
  • WE Whatever
  • WEP Weapon (online gaming)
  • WH5 Who, what, when, where, why
  • WHATEVES Whatever
  • WIBNI Wouldn’t it be nice if
  • WDALYIC Who died and left you in charge
  • WDYK What do you know?
  • WDYT What do you think?
  • WGACA What do you think?
  • WIIFM What’s in it for me?
  • WISP Winning is so pleasurable
  • WITP What is the point?
  • WITW What in the world
  • WIU Wrap it up
  • WK Week
  • WKD Weekend
  • WRT With regard to
  • WL Whatta loser
  • W/O Without
  • WOA Work of Art
  • WOMBATWaste of money, brains and time
  • WOW World of Warcraft (online gaming)
  • WRK Work
  • What is WRU in WhatsApp Where are you?
  • [email protected] Where are you at?
  • WRUD What are you doing?
  • WTB Want to buy (online gaming)
  • WTF What the *freak* ?
  • WTFE What the *freak* ever
  • WTFO What the *freak* ?, over.
  • WTG Way to go
  • WTGP Want to go private (talk out of public chat area)
  • WTH What the heck?
  • WTM Who’s the man?
  • WTS Want to sell? (online gaming)
  • WTT Want to trade? (online gaming)
  • WU What’s up?
  • WUCIWUG What you see is what you get
  • WUF Where are you from?
  • WUP What’s up?
  • WUT Meaning “what”
  • WUW What u (you) want?
  • WUU2 What are you up to?
  • WUZ Meaning “was”
  • WWJD What would Jesus do?
  • WWNC Will wonders never cease
  • WWYC Write when you can
  • WYCM Will you call me?
  • WYD What (are) you doing?
  • WYGAM When you get a minute
  • WYHAM When you have a minute
  • WYLEI When you least expect it
  • WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
  • WYWH Wish you were here
  • X Kiss
  • X! Meaning “a typical woman”
  • XD Meaning “really hard laugh” (where D is a smiley mouth)
  • XD Meaning a “devilish smile”
  • XME Excuse Me
  • XOXOXOHugs & Kisses
  • XLNT Excellent
  • XLR8 Meaning “faster” or “going faster”
  • XYL Ex-young lady, meaning wife. (amateur radio)
  • XYZ Examine your zipper
  • Y? Why?
  • Y Meaning Yawn
  • Y2K You’re too kind
  • YA Your
  • YAA Yet another acronym
  • YABA Yet another bloody acronym
  • YARLY Ya, really?
  • YBIC Your brother in Christ
  • YBS You’ll be sorry
  • YCDBWYCID You can’t do business when your computer is down
  • YCHT You can have them
  • YCLIU You can look it up
  • YCMU You crack me up
  • YCT Meaning Your comment to?
  • YD Yesterday
  • YF Wife
  • YG Young gentleman
  • YGG You go girl
  • YGTBKMYou’ve got to be kidding me
  • YGTR You got that right
  • YHBT You have been trolled
  • YHBW You have been warned
  • YHL You have lost
  • YIU Yes, I understand
  • YKW You know what
  • YKWYCDYou know what you can do
  • YL Young lady
  • YMMV Your mileage may vary
  • YNK You never know
  • YOLO You only live once
  • YR Your
  • YR Yeah right
  • YSIC Your sister in Christ
  • YSYD Yeah sure you do
  • YT YouTube
  • YT You there?
  • YTB You’re the best
  • YTB Youth talk back
  • YTTL You take too long
  • YTG You’re the greatest
  • YW You’re welcome
  • YWHNB Yes, we have no bananas
  • YWHOL Yelling “woohoo” out loud
  • YWSYLS You win some, you lose some
  • YYSSW Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever
  • Z Zero
  • Z Z’s are calling (meaning going to bed/sleep)
  • Z Meaning “Said”
  • Z% Zoo
  • ZH Sleeping Hour
  • ZOMG Used in World of Warcraft to mean OMG (Oh My God)
  • ZOT Zero tolerance
  • ZUP Meaning “What’s up?”
  • ZZZZ Sleeping (or bored)

That is all these short forms of words used in WhatsApp. I know there are more and if you know a short form of words not mentioned on the list, please kindly submit via comment.

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Asked By: Brian Hayes Date: created: Apr 14 2022

How long is 200 words written

Answered By: Christopher Thompson Date: created: Apr 15 2022

Writing 200 words will take about 5 minutes for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 10 minutes for handwriting.

However, if the content needs to include in-depth research, links, citations, or graphics such as for a blog article or high school essay, the length can grow to 40 minutes..

Asked By: Alejandro Roberts Date: created: Feb 10 2023

Answered By: Philip Perry Date: created: Feb 10 2023

As a general rule, 250 words is around ½ page – if you’re using single spacing, that is. Double-spaced, this word count is more likely to come to 1 entire A4 page.

Asked By: Oliver James Date: created: Jun 23 2022

How do you write a 200 word essay

Answered By: Alfred Nelson Date: created: Jun 23 2022

How to Write a 200 Word Short EssayWrite a plan for your essay. You should plan your essay into three main sections: the introduction, the body and the conclusion. … Paraphrase, rather than quote, a source. … Avoid ambiguous and verbose sentences or paragraphs. … Check your work meticulously.

Asked By: Martin White Date: created: Jul 12 2022

How many sentences is 100 words

Answered By: Aidan Nelson Date: created: Jul 13 2022

5-7 sentencesHow Many Sentences Is 100 Words? 100 words is about 5-7 sentences. A sentence typically has 15–20 words.

Asked By: John Adams Date: created: Dec 14 2021

How many minutes does it take to say 500 words

Answered By: Fred Perry Date: created: Dec 14 2021

3.33 minutesHow minutes is 500 words? 500 words is 3.33 minutes of speaking time.

Asked By: Jake Thompson Date: created: Jan 25 2022

How many handwritten pages is 350 words

Answered By: Justin Young Date: created: Jan 28 2022

1.4 pagesHow Many Pages Is 350 Words Handwritten? 350 words handwritten and single-spaced make 1.4 pages. Handwriting is about twice as large as words typed in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font which makes single-spaced handwritten pages equivalent to double-spaced pages.

Asked By: Andrew Thompson Date: created: Dec 15 2021

How many pages is 750 words

Answered By: Oswald Powell Date: created: Dec 18 2021

3 Pages = 750 words. I looked this up. 250 words per page is considered to be the standard accepted number of words per page. So, three standard pages are about 750 words.

Asked By: Ethan Ross Date: created: Oct 07 2022

Is it possible to write 2000 words in two hours

Answered By: Leonars Harris Date: created: Oct 07 2022

To write a 2,000 word essay in 2 hours, the following is necessary. There are 120 minutes in 2 hours. Dividing the total number of words (2000) by the number of minutes available for writing, yields the number of words needed for writing each minute. 2000 divided by 120 minutes = 16.66.

Asked By: Alexander Price Date: created: Jan 17 2022

What is a 100 word story called

Answered By: Alan Walker Date: created: Jan 18 2022

DrabbleDrabble. Drabble is a story of exactly 100 words (not including the title). Just because the form is short doesn’t mean you can skimp on the basics of a good story.

Asked By: Martin Thompson Date: created: Sep 13 2022

What does 150 words look like typed

Answered By: Herbert Morgan Date: created: Sep 14 2022

Answer: 150 words is 0.3 pages single-spaced or 0.6 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 150 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy. … A 150 word count will create about 0.3 pages single-spaced or 0.6 pages double-spaced when using normal margins (1″) and 12 pt.

Asked By: Richard Howard Date: created: Dec 31 2022

Can you write 2000 words in a day

Answered By: Neil Simmons Date: created: Jan 01 2023

In sum, there is really no reason why anyone can’t write 2000 words a day. That said, it’s important to take care of your health during the process. … No point writing a book you’ll never read.

Asked By: Edward Washington Date: created: Dec 03 2021

How many sentences is 200 words

Answered By: Landon Rodriguez Date: created: Dec 05 2021

They may say that a paragraph should be 100 to 200 words long, or be no more than five or six sentences.

Asked By: Oswald Griffin Date: created: Dec 07 2022

What does 500 words look like

Answered By: Luke Brown Date: created: Dec 10 2022

Answer: 500 words is 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced.

Asked By: Seth Ramirez Date: created: Mar 31 2023

How many words is 10 sentences

Answered By: Noah Bailey Date: created: Apr 03 2023

There’s no set minimum or maximum, regardless of the type of report. I usually write about 250 words in each paragraph, ending up writing about 5 paragraphs. A sentence could be anywhere from 10 to 40 words (just as a guess–a sentence could be shorter or longer than that).

Asked By: Devin Clark Date: created: Nov 03 2022

How many minutes is 700 words

Answered By: Patrick Lewis Date: created: Nov 04 2022

2.3 minutesAnswer: 700 words will take about 2.3 minutes to read for the average reader.

Asked By: Devin Russell Date: created: Feb 09 2022

How long is a 250 word essay

Answered By: Richard Turner Date: created: Feb 12 2022

Answer: 250 words is 0.5 pages single-spaced or 1 page double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 250 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy. It will take approximately 1 minutes to read 250 words.

Asked By: Miles Rogers Date: created: Aug 08 2022

What is 200 words in pages

Answered By: Noah Patterson Date: created: Aug 09 2022

Answer: 200 words is 0.4 pages single-spaced or 0.8 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 200 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy.

Asked By: Ian Williams Date: created: Sep 29 2022

How many pages is 50000 words

Answered By: Samuel Collins Date: created: Sep 30 2022

165 pagesA 50,000 word manuscript is about 165 pages.

Asked By: Alex Hayes Date: created: Oct 24 2022

How many pages is 2000 words

Answered By: Oscar Cooper Date: created: Oct 26 2022

4 pages2,000 words is around 4 pages of A4 with single spacing, or 8 pages of A4 with double spacing.

Asked By: Francis Phillips Date: created: Jun 29 2022

Can an essay be 200 words

Answered By: Bernard Green Date: created: Jul 01 2022

Detailed Explanation as to How to Write a 200-word Essay. A piece of writing including 200 words is usually 3 or 4 paragraphs long. Depending on the spacing, the text may occupy about either 2/3 of the page (if it is double-spaced) or less than a half of a page (if it is single-spaced).

Asked By: Dennis Washington Date: created: Nov 24 2022

What do 2000 words look like

Answered By: Miguel Simmons Date: created: Nov 24 2022

Answer: 2000 words is 4 pages single spaced or 8 pages double spaced.

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John Morgan


Question: How Can I Get Free Quality Backlinks?

How do I get quality backlinks 2020? 7 Ways You Can Earn More Backlinks in 2020Create link round-up posts.Link roundups posts, which feature the opinions of industry experts, can generate a ton of traffic, and for good reason….Give interviews….Guest Blogging….Connect with clients….Post case studies and industry statistics….Monitor your competitors….Connect with experts on Facebook groups.Jan 3, 2020. Which backlink is least important? Nofollow backlinks are less common. They’re also less valuable. They’re used to tell search engines to ignore a particular link. Google’s official definition of the nofollow tag is, “’Nofollow’ provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines ‘Don’t follow links on this page’ or ‘Don’t follow this specific link. How can I create backlinks for free? 12 Ways to Get Free Backlinks for Your Business This MonthAnalyze Your Current Backlink Profile (The “Second Serving” Technique) … Ask Your Friends for Backlinks (the Right Way) … Reach Out to…

Benjamin Hall


How Much Should I Charge For Guest Post?

How do I credit a guest blog? Include a Brief Bio At the end of the post, include a head shot of your author along with a brief bio (written by the author).Make sure they include a link to their own website.It’s also recommended to include a link to their LinkedIn and Google+ profile pages as well.. What are the benefits of guest blogging? Here are the top 11 benefits of guest blogging.Instant Exposure to Targeted Traffic. … Expand Your Personal Network. … Stimulate Social Media Shares. … Grow Your Social Media Following. … Improve Your Online Authority. … Fortify Your Backlink Profile. … Grow Brand Awareness. … Generate Qualified Leads.More items…•Oct 12, 2017 How much should I charge for a guest post on my blog? So, the answer to, ‘How much does guest blogging service cost’ is – there’s no typical rate. You can easily find someone willing to…

Connor Hill


Quick Answer: Which Backlinks Is The Best For SEO?

What kind of links are most valuable for SEO? The most common backlinks are natural Glen found that natural (i.e.earned) backlinks top the chart, which is as it should be.However, the study also found that many high ranking websites have some very low quality backlinks.They are things like forum pages, blog comments, and non-English Blogspot blogs.. What are SEO backlinks examples? Backlinks are one of many metrics used by Google to measure the value of a page. Backlinks are sometimes referred to as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, or inward links. Above is an example of a backlink that we received from an article on the website Forbes. Which backlink is least important? Nofollow backlinks are less common. They’re also less valuable. They’re used to tell search engines to ignore a particular link. Google’s official definition of the nofollow tag is, “’Nofollow’ provides a way for webmasters to tell search…

Christopher Foster


Guest Posting Services

How do guest posts make money? Sell Guest Posts to Various BlogsLook for Niche Blogs Paying for Content….Pitch High Profile Blog Editors….Sell Customized Content to Any Site….Sell to Magazine Websites….Sell to Aggregators….Sell Listicles….Sell to Anyone on This List.Apr 1, 2017. What is guest posting service? Guest blogging, also called “guest posting,” is the act of writing content for another company’s website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their industry in order to: Attract traffic back to their website. Does guest posting still work? ? Yes! Guest blogging still works in 2019. Bottom line is that guest posting does work. The facts speak for itself and show that it is still a relevant way to gain high-quality links. What is the process of guest posting? “Guest posting” means writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. I offer this on my own site (occasionally) and do…

Geoffrey Adams


Quick Answer: How Many Backlinks Per Day Is Safe?

Are Backlinks important in 2020? Backlinks to your website can garner traffic, build credibility, and help your brand rank higher on search engines….If you’re looking to leverage link building techniques in 2020 and increase the organic traffic pouring into your website, it’s vital to know which practices to follow and which to avoid.. What is toxic score of site? Toxic Score is how the Backlink Audit Tool determines which of your links are the most dangerous for your website. Toxic Score is based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being good and 100 being very toxic. How many backlinks is too many? Generally, a ranking of 60 to 100 is phenomenal, 40 to 50 is okay, and below 40 isn’t great. If you want to build high-quality backlinks, then start by building links from high domain authority websites that are also relevant to your niche and trusted…

Patrick Roberts


Question: What Is Link Building And How It Works?

What are link building strategies? 13 Efficient Link Building Strategies for Busy MarketersUse Strategic Guest Blogging.Create and Distribute Infographics….Get Active on Social Media….Use Resource Links From Trusted Sites….Leverage the Broken Links Strategy….Grow Your Personal Brand….Check Competitor’s Backlinks….Replicate Best Links From Competitors.More items…. What is link building services? A link building service is a digital marketing service performed by an experienced SEO consultant or an SEO agency that helps a company acquire backlinks through link building activities. Link building activities include manual outreach, guest blogging and broken link building, among other tactics. What is the importance of linking? If the content of a page makes someone talk, it indicates authority, credibility, and/or trustworthiness. Thus, links on pages are like votes of trust, credibility, and authority. The more links a page gets, the more votes they are getting, which can improve their ranking. How do I make SEO backlinks? Here are ten:The…

Sean Rogers


Quick Answer: Affordable Link Building Services

Which is the best link building type? Backlinks are the most important type of link, but outbound links—links from your website to other sites—can also improve your site’s search ranking.In a list of Google’s 200 ranking factors, Backlinko put outbound link quality at #35.. Does link building still work? Despite being a straight-up violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and a tactic that is clearly defined as a link scheme, paid link building is still relatively common in 2021 for the simple reason that it guarantees results. Earning links is hard work; there is no denying that. What is a SEO backlink? A backlink is simply a link from one website to another. … High-quality backlinks can help to increase a site’s ranking position and visibility in search engine results (SEO). How do I create a link for SEO? Simple link building tipsAsk for backlinks. This is a good way to…

What is she like? (personality/character) — Какая она? (Личность / характер) 

Вопрос «What is she like?» касается личности человека, его характера, поэтому ответы должны описывать его характеристики, как в таблице и видео.

Большая подборка качеств личности, которые можно использовать в ответе на этот вопрос, приведена в статье «Как легко рассказать о себе на английском»

My sister is shy, but very nice. Her neighbour is quite bad-tempered, so she does not want to contact him. Моя сестра застенчивая, но очень милая. Ее сосед довольно раздражительный, поэтому она не хочет общаться с ним.
You are brave, but I am not brave enough. Ты смелый, а я не достаточно смелый.
Her mother is very talkative, I cannot spend any time to listen to her. Ее мать очень болтливая, я не хочу терять время, слушая ее.
 I am nervous and pessimistic.  Я нервный и пессимистичный.
 She is fun and friendly.  Она веселая и дружелюбная.
 He is impatient.  Он нетерпеливый.
 My niece is an extremely lazy person.  Моя племянница очень ленивый человек.
 His parents are intelligent.  У него интеллигентные родители.
 What is Ms Brown like?  Какая она — мисс Браун?

What does she look like? (physical appearance) — Как она выглядит? (внешность)

Этот вопрос касается внешности, варианты ответов на него в следующей таблице:

He is chubby with short fair hair. Он пухлый с короткими светлыми волосами
They look like scientists. Они похожи на ученых.
She looks like her mother. Она похожа на свою мать.
I am tall and thin with long black hair. Я высокий и худой с длинными черными волосами.
 She is tall, thin and she has big blue eyes  Она высокая и тонкая, у нее большие голубые глаза.

What does she like? (hobby, interests) — Что ей нравится? (Хобби, интересы)

А этот вопрос о вкусах, предпочтениях, интересах

She likes reading and eating ice-cream. He likes swimming in the sea. Она любит читать. Он любит плавать в море.
What do you like? — I like to go shopping. Что Вам нравится? — Мне нравится ходить по магазинам.
They like to play football. Они любят играть в футбол.

Suffixes in English: 40 Most Common

как образовывать слова в английском языке


Source: https://corp.lingualeo.com/ru/2016/11/16/suffiksyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike/

Formation of adjectives in English

как образовывать слова в английском языке

The formation of adjectives in English is a rather important and interesting topic. Of course, you can speak English at a fairly high level without going into such details, but such information will not be superfluous.

As in Russian, English adjectives can be derived from other parts of speech. These are usually verbs and nouns. Adjectives are formed using suffixes and prefixes. So, first things first.

Formation of English adjectives using prefixes

Prefixes, or prefixes, are added at the beginning of a word and change its meaning. Usually they change the meaning of the adjective to the opposite, negative. A few examples:

  • un— (unlucky)
  • in— (invisible)
  • dis— (discontent)
  • il— (illegal)
  • ir— (irrational)
  • im— (immovable)

There are several prefixes that change the meaning of a word, but without a negative meaning:

  • pre— (pre-emptive)
  • hyper— (hypertensive, hyperactive)

Formation of English adjectives using suffixes

There are a lot of varieties of English adjectives formed in the suffix way. As an example, there is a picture with the main suffixes, as well as a few examples of words.

  • ful (wonderful, graceful)
  • less (pointless, careless)
  • able (vulnerable, tolerable)
  • ible (terrible, permissible)
  • ant (pleasant, hesitant)
  • ent (different, patient)
  • ic (scientific, iconic)
  • ive (active, impressive)
  • y (angry, dirty)
  • ing (interesting, worrying)
  • ed (confused, excited)
  • al (general, typical)
  • (i) an (Victorian, American)
  • You reprise the theme of the  (gorgeous, famous)
  • ish (childish, Irish)

There is also a classification of English adjectives according to the parts of speech from which they are derived. Adjectives can be formed from nouns, verbs, as well as from other adjectives using various suffixes and prefixes, examples of which have already been considered. The very form of the word may also change. For example, the adjective long is formed from the noun length with a change at the root of the word.

Source: https://english-bird.ru/forming-adjectives/

Suffixes in English — types, education, application

как образовывать слова в английском языке

›Learning a language› Vocabulary ›Word formation› Suffixes in English with different parts of speech

Remember those moments in Russian lessons when you were asked to parse a word by defining its prefix, root, suffix and ending? Perhaps this event only caused you headaches, but fear not, everything will be different in English. Let’s not analyze the entire morphological analysis at once, but consider only the suffixes in the English language, which have many interesting features.

A suffix or just the English suffix is ​​a morpheme for word formation in English, which usually comes after the root. In simple words, a suffix is ​​one or more letters, thanks to which a word can change its part of speech, for example, from a verb to a noun:

Verb Noun
read reader (reader)

Or, in general, acquire a different meaning:

Noun / Verb Noun
bruise (bruise / wrinkle) bruiser (fighter)

There are no specific rules regarding suffixes in English. That is, you cannot take one suffix, which, for example, forms nouns, and use it with all words in a row. Suffixes are not always attached to words that look similar or have the same root letter. Nevertheless, a certain logic in their use shines through, and therefore, knowing the suffixes and their functions, you can learn to intuitively form words.

English suffixes: location

As mentioned earlier, English suffixes, like Russian ones, follow immediately after the root:

Root Suffix
length en

Suffixes can be followed by an ending:

Root Suffix End
direct or s

One sentence can contain both a prefix and a suffix:

Console Root Suffix
im patient ly

The suffix can change if the word is used in plural:

Singular Plural
opportunity (opportunity) opportunities

Having dealt with the peculiarities of the location and use of suffixes in the word, let’s move on to their types.

Suffixes in English: species

Suffixes can be used to form almost all independent parts of speech. Based on this, they are divided into 5 categories:

  • Noun suffixes
  • Vertex suffixes
  • Adjective suffixes
  • Adverb suffixes
  • Numeral suffixes

Let’s analyze each group separately. Note that there are very, very many suffixes in the English language, and therefore we will consider only the most used of them.

Noun suffixes

The group of suffixes for the formation of nouns is perhaps the most voluminous. It includes:

  • participate in the formation of inanimate nouns from verbs. Table for clarity:
Verb Noun
print printer (a printer)
ventilate ventilationor (fan)
project (project) projector (projector)
  • and also in the formation of nouns expressing a person who is engaged in what the verb denotes. To make it clearer, let’s turn to examples:
Verb Noun
chase (to chase) chaser
run runner
call (to call) caller (caller)
object (object) objector (objector / objector)
compete (to compete) competitor
survive survivor

Often these suffixes are used to form vocabulary words:

rescue rescuer
sail sailor
teach teacher (teacher)
act (play / act) actor (actor)
wait waiter
  • A couple of these professions can be used in conjunction with the -ess (-ress) suffix, perhaps the only feminine suffix used in English:
Masculine nouns Feminine nouns
actor (actor) actress (actress)
waiter waitress (waitress)
steward (steward) stewardess
  • In addition to professions, the following nouns can be changed using the suffix:
Masculine nouns Feminine nouns
God goddess
prince princess
count (count) countess (countess)
lion (lion) lioness (lioness)
  1. — of — a suffix that is used to indicate the person to whom the action is directed, that is, this suffix is ​​the opposite of the -er and -or suffixes:
-er / -or — of
interviewer interviewee (interviewee)
employer employee
addresser (addresser / sender) addressee (addressee / recipient)
  1. -ian — another suffix with which you can express the type of activity. Words are formed from nouns, examples:
Nouns Nouns with -ian
sparrowic (music) musician (musician)
academy academicician (academician)
Physic (medicine) physician
history historian (historian)

The same functions are performed by suffixes:

Nouns Suffixed nouns
study (study) student
residency (residence) resident
account accountant
merchantry (trade) merchant
  1. -ist, is usually used with professions related to the scientific field:
Nouns Nouns with -ist
science scientist
zoology zoologist
cynology (cynology) cynologist

And with music:

guitar (guitar) guitarist (guitarist)
cello (cello) cellist
piano pianist (pianist)

Although this suffix is ​​often found in nouns that express supporters of some views and their perception of the world. In this case, the English suffix performs the same function as the Russian suffix -ist, forming almost identical words:

  1. -ism Is another English suffix that is similar to Russian -ism. It denotes concepts related to the ideological currents and beliefs of a person:
liberalism (liberalism)

Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/suffiksy-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

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For knowledge of a foreign language, a wealth of vocabulary is no less important than an understanding of grammar. The more words a person speaks, the freer he feels in a foreign language environment.

The variety of vocabulary is largely determined by the richness of word formation in the English language. The construction of new words is based on general principles. And the one who knows these principles feels much more confident among unfamiliar vocabulary.

The structure of the word and its change

New words are learned gradually. Most often, at first we only understand them in texts or someone else’s speech, and only then we begin to actively use them in ours. Therefore, mastering new vocabulary is a long process and requires patience from the student, active practice of reading, listening and working with a dictionary.

One of the methods to quickly expand your vocabulary is to master the ways of word formation in English. Having understood the principles by which words are built, it is possible to derive the meanings of its cognate words from an already known word.

The building blocks for every word are the root, prefixes and suffixes. The root is the part of the word that carries the main meaning. A word cannot exist without a root. Whereas prefixes and suffixes are an optional part, however, when added to the root, it is they that help form new words. Therefore, when describing word formation in English, we will separate prefix and suffix methods.

All prefixes and suffixes have their own meaning. It is usually quite blurry and serves to change the basic meaning of the word. When a prefix or suffix (or both) is added to the root, their value is added to the root value. This is how a new word turns out.

The formation of new words can lead not only to a change in meaning, but also to change parts of speech. Suffixes are more common in this function. By adding to the root, they translate a word from one part of speech to another, for example, they make an adjective from a verb or a verb from a noun.

So, from one root a whole group can be formed, all the elements of which are interconnected. Therefore, word formation helps learners of English to see the semantic relationships between words and better navigate the variety of vocabulary.

You can get a new word not only through prefixes and suffixes. Another way is compounding, in which two roots are combined into one word, forming a new meaning. In addition, word formation includes the reduction of words and the creation of abbreviations.

Prefixes as a way of word formation in English

A prefix (the term «prefix» is also used) is an element of a word that is placed before the root. Prefix word formation is rarely used by the English language to change parts of speech (as an exception, the prefix «en-» / «em-» for the formation of verbs can be called). But prefixes are actively used to change the meaning of a word. The prefixes themselves can have different meanings, but among them there is a large group of prefixes with a similar function: to change the meaning of a word to the opposite.

1. Prefixes with negative values:

  • un-: unpredictable (unpredictable), unable (unable)
  • dis-: disapproval, disconnection

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/wordbuilding

Features of word formation in English

Good afternoon friends! Today I and the teacher of English, Ekaterina, would like to tell you what word formation in English is. The processes of the emergence of new words can be observed in every language.

And in languages ​​related by origin, the methods of replenishing the dictionary will be very similar, and may even have the same names in the meaning. British and Russian have a number of similar techniques for forming new words.

Let’s dwell on each of them in more detail, and you will see that Word Formation in English is very similar to Russian, and in some respects even simpler.

Plus suffix

Affixing is one of the most common and well-known ways to get new words. You just need to add a suitable suffix or prefix — and the new word is ready.

But if it seems to you that in Russian adding morphemes to the root of a word is very easy, then remember that the most frequent mistakes that we make in spelling words are found in suffixes, and there are a lot of spelling rules for their spelling, not to mention exceptions …

Compared to Russian, the British affixation is very simple: for each part of speech, separate types of morphemes are characteristic:

  •  Verb suffixes — help to form a predicate from adjectives, nouns.

— en or -ize, -ise you add to words in order to give them the meaning of «becoming like the original word»: thick (thick) — thicken (thicken, become thick);
modern (new) — modernize (modernized, modernize);

— ify, fy will help you get a word that means transformation into what the original word said: simple (simple) — simplify (simplify).
— ate is attached to nouns to denote transformation into something or when we show that we are exposed to the initial word: granule (granules) — granulate (granulate).

  • Suffixes of nouns — are needed to get the names of objects, professions, phenomena from words denoting a sign of an object and an action.
  1. By adding -er, -or will get the person doing this action or profession:
    Run (run) — runner (runner), act (play) — actor (actor).
  2. A verbal noun denoting a process can be denoted by using –ing: dance (to dance) — dancing (to dance)
  3. The two suffixes –ness and –ty / -ity will help to form words from adjectives that mean a property or quality, state or condition: kind (kind) — kindness (kindness), major (large) — majority (majority).
  4. Abstract concepts meaning concepts related to the original word can be obtained using a number of suffix morphemes: -ment, — ance (y) / — ence (y), -dom, -ion / -tion / -sion / -ssion, -ure, -hood, -ship, -th: neighbor — neighborhood, move — movement, translate — translation, educate — education , friend (friend) — friendship (friendship).
  5. Nationality or professional identity can be specified using -an / -ian: Italia — Italian (Italian)
  6. It is possible to show that a person belongs to a certain movement or profession by adding –ist — just like in Russian: piano (piano) — pianist (pianist).

The correct use of morphemes to form nouns will help you greatly increase your vocabulary. Often, it is possible to understand which affix should be added at the level of intuition and auditory perception of the language.

Exercises will help you develop these skills. Try the following activity and check your hearing. It is necessary to form new words using the indicated bases and morphemes.

Well, how did it work? If you are in doubt about the correctness of adding an affix, try entering the resulting word into an electronic translator. And of course, try to remember the resulting lexical units.

All these rules will come in handy when preparing for international exams in English.

  1. To indicate a trait, quality or property of an item, you will need the following morphemes:
    -al, -ic, -ical, — ous, -ful, -ly / -y (for nouns), -ant / -ent, -ive, -able / -ible, -ite (for actions), -ary, -ate, -ed.
  2. Lack of quality or feature is always indicated with –less: use — useless.
    • as part of a word in an adjective indicates the similarity bird (bird) — bird- (similar to a bird).
  3. Nationality can be shown by several suffixes, for which there is no specific rule for their use. These are –ish, -ese, -ian / -an: Spain — Spanish.
  4. By adding –ern to the cardinal point, you get the same adjective: south — southern.
    Consider the examples in the table to better understand the principles of adding morphemes:
  • Separately, we can single out the prefix way of forming words. Each prefix has its own meaning, as in Russian:

You also need to know how to form a verb in English, and there is a separate article about this.

Changing nothing

Conversion words are very common in English. This is not a characteristic feature of the appearance of new words for Russian, but it allows you to significantly increase your vocabulary, simply by looking at all the meanings of a word in the dictionary.

Conversion as a way of word formation consists in the fact that the whole word, completely unchanged, passes from one part of speech to another. Therefore, often in the dictionary opposite a foreign word, you can see several translations with the signs adj (adjective), n (noun), v (verb), adv (adverb), which mean different parts of speech.

For example plant (plant, plant) — to plant (plant).

One plus one makes one

Another common way of word formation is word composition. For us to understand its meaning is very simple: merged two roots — got a new meaning: smoke-free (smokeless). These roots can be written together or with a hyphen.

Strokes and sounds

You can get a new part of speech by changing the stress in the word or one of the sounds: export (export) — to export (export).
And you certainly can’t help but stop at the abbreviation, because the British are so fond of abbreviating words and even whole phrases, replacing letters with an apostrophe. As a result of this reduction, we all got the well-known e-mail, which was originally an electronic mail (electronic message).

Now that you have plenty of exercise, sit back and check out the article on England’s coastline with beaches and the Titanic Museum.

Now you see that it is not so difficult to increase your vocabulary, you just need to remember the words you know and try to form other parts of speech from them.

Marina Rusakova’s school will help you improve your English. You will be able to memorize words without memorization by the method of associations, these words you will remember for 10 years, even if you do not learn the language. Understand rules with verbs, prepositions, times. Learn to comprehend English by ear, you will understand what bloggers, anchors in the news are saying and you will understand films.

I hope my story today was helpful to you.

Subscribe and learn languages ​​with us! You will also receive as a gift a basic phrasebook in three languages, English, German and French. Russian transcription will tell you the pronunciation of words, even if you don’t know the language.

I was with you, Natalya Glukhova, I wish you a good day!

Don’t forget to tell your friends about it! You will find new interesting and useful information in my blog.

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  • Payments in Germany in connection with the coronavirus for pensioners

Source: https://vivaeurope.ru/languages/english/gramatika/slovoobrasovanije

The ending is ous in English. Suffixes in adjectives in English: the nuances of word-formation definitions

A large number of new words in the English language are formed by attaching suffixes and prefixes to the root of a word.

Suffixing is the process of forming new words using suffixes, prefixing is a similar process where prefixes are involved.

Common noun suffixes:

  1. The suffix -age forms, which show the action or its result (leakage — leakage, coverage — coverage), and nouns expressing the essence of a concept or quantity (acreage — area in acres, voltage — voltage). Due to the ambiguity of some neologisms, the meaning can expand to the name of the place (orphanage — orphanage).
  2. Suffixal added to some verbs to form abstract nouns that denote an action or its result: arrival — arrival, recital — presentation, referral — direction.
  3. The suffix -ance (with its variants -ence / -ancy / -ency), when attached mainly to verbs, forms action names: absorbance — absorption, riddance — elimination.

    This suffix is ​​closely related to -cy / -ce, which are involved in the formation of nouns from adjectives that have suffixes -ant / -ent.

  4. Suffix -ant forms that are related to a person (especially in the technical or business sphere: applicant — candidate, defendant — defendant) or to substances involved in biological, chemical or physical processes: attractant — attractant, dispersant — dispersant.

    Most of the producing words are verbs of Latin origin.

  5. Suffixes -cy / -ce join productively with adjectives ending in -ant / -ent (convergence — interaction, efficiency — efficiency) and nouns ending in -ant / -ent: agency, agency, presidency, presidency.
  6. Suffix -dom semantically similar to -hood and -ship, which denote similar concepts.

    This suffix is ​​attached to nouns to form common nouns, which denote regions, kingdoms or territories: kingdom — kingdom, maoridom — Maori kingdom.

  7. The suffix -ee participates in the formation of nouns, which denote persons who inadvertently appear in a context without volitional action on their part: biographee — the one about whom the biography is being written; standee — a person who is forced to stand (for example, on a bus).
  8. Suffix -eer forms nouns, the meaning of which can be expressed as follows: «a person who has business or is associated with someone / something»: auctioneer — auctioneer, budgeter — budgetary, mountaineer — climber, cameleer — camel driver.
  9. The suffix -er in derivative words indicates that persons from the context are active participants in the events: teacher — teacher, singer — singer.

    Also, this suffix is ​​used to form nouns indicating the place of origin or residence: Londoner — a resident of London, Highlander — Scottish Highlander.

  10. Suffix— (e) ry forms nouns with the meaning of a place where certain actions are performed or specific services can be provided: bakery — bakery, carwashery — washing.
  11. Derivatives with a suffix — (e) ry can also denote aggregate concepts: confectionery — confectionery, pottery — earthenware.
  12. The -ess suffix refers to a small number of derivative nouns that denote female people and animals: princess — princess, tigress — tigress.
  13. Suffix -ful indicates that the noun acts as a divisible object that has a capacity: cupful — a full cup, handful — a handful, tumblerful — 240 ml, a measure of the volume of liquid.
  14. The suffix -hood forms nouns that denote states and aggregate concepts: childhood — childhood, beggarhood — poverty.
  15. Suffix -ism forms nouns from this part of speech and adjectives denoting state, position, attitude, belief, system of theories: Parkinsonism — Parkinsonism, conservatism — conservatism, Marxism — Marxism.
  16. The -ist suffix forms words that in most cases have a matching -ism noun pair.

    Semantically, this suffix denotes a person who is dealing with something: a careerist is a careerist, a fundamentalist is a fundamentalist.

  17. Suffix -ity forms nouns that denote quantity, state or quality and are mainly of Latin origin: curiosity — curiosity, profundity — depth.
  18. The -ness suffix is ​​the most productive in the English language and can be attached to almost any adjective: witness — wisdom, darkness — darkness.
  19. Suffix -ship forms nouns that denote state or position: friendship — friendship, membership — membership.

Verb → noun

-AL Refuse-refusal
-ATION/TION Locate location
-SION Impress-impression
-URE Press pressure
-MENT Punish Punishment

Source: https://chemistry-gid.ru/kapitanskaya-dochka/okonchanie-ous-v-angliiskom-yazyke-suffiksy-v-prilagatelnyh-v.html

Suffixes in English — Learn All

There can be confusion between suffixes and endings in English (both are often called word endings), besides, English terminology in this matter is slightly different from Russian. Therefore, let’s start with the basic concepts.

The ending is an inflectional morpheme. It changes the form of a word, but not its meaning, and at the same time carries a grammatical load:

  • pencil — pencils (ending indicates plural)
  • work — worked (the ending indicates the elapsed time)

The suffix, in turn, is a derivational morpheme. Suffixes in English create new words, either by changing the meaning of the original one, or by converting one part of speech to another:

  • red — reddish (red — reddish)
  • teach — teacher (teach — teacher)

There are very few endings in English — these are -s (-es), -ed and -ing. There are a lot of suffixes in English. In this article, we will consider only the most common ones.

Profession and occupation suffixes (-er, -ent, -ess)

The -er suffix is ​​perhaps the most common and productive for «doers.» With it, you can form a noun from almost any verb.

  • write> writer — write> writer
  • bake> baker — oven> baker
  • paint> painter — paint> painter

Most modern words denoting the performer of an action are formed precisely with his help. This also applies to inanimate objects.

  • printer — printer
  • scanner — scanner

Many words that come from French and Latin have the -or suffix:

  • doctor — doctor
  • tailor — tailor
  • actor — actor

The English suffix -ist often denotes an activity related to science and medicine:

  • scientist — scientist
  • dentist — dentist
  • biologist — biologist

It also denotes an adherent of any views and beliefs:

  • pacifist — pacifist
  • communist — communist
  • realist — realist

Other suffixes in English of words of Latin and Greek origin:

Suffix -ian:

  • musician — musician
  • librarian — librarian
  • mathematician — mathematician

Suffix -ent:

  • student — student
  • resident — resident, resident
  • agent — agent

Suffix -ant:

  • informant — informant
  • assistant — assistant
  • confidant — confidant

The -ess suffix is ​​one of the few «feminine» suffixes in English:

  • waitress — waitress
  • actress — actress
  • princess — princess

Process, action, phenomenon suffixes (-ment, -ion, -ism)

The suffix in English -ment is needed when forming verbal nouns and means an action or its result:

  • movement — movement
  • entertainment — entertainment
  • concealment — concealment

The -ion suffix also denotes an action, process, or result of that process:

  • revolution — revolution
  • isolation — isolation
  • restriction — restriction

The suffix -ism denotes a system of views, beliefs:

  • racism — racism
  • communism — communism
  • pacifism — pacifism

State, quality, property suffixes (-ance / -ence, -dom, -hood, -ity, -ness, -ship, -th)

The -ance / -ence suffix in a noun usually matches the -ant / -ent suffix in an adjective:

  • different — difference
  • important — importance (important — importance)
  • independent — independence

The suffixes in English -hood and -ship mean a person’s condition associated with his age, social relations, and sometimes activity; or a group of people united by this state.

  • childhood — childhood
  • motherhood — motherhood
  • priesthood — clergy
  • friendship — friendship
  • internship — internship, internship

The suffix -dom means states and properties of a broader meaning:

  • freedom — freedom
  • wisdom — wisdom
  • martyrdom — Martyrdom

The suffix in English -ness means possession of some quality and serves to form nouns from adjectives:

  • kindness — kindness
  • usefulness — usefulness
  • vastness — vastness

The -th suffix more often means physical properties:

  • strength — strength
  • length — length
  • warmth — warm

The suffix -ity means property, quality, and is common for words of Latin origin:

  • brevity — brevity
  • velocity — speed
  • purity — purity

Adjective suffixes

The suffix -ful in English means possession of quality (and is related to the adjective full — «full»):

  • beautiful — beautiful
  • useful — useful

The -less suffix is ​​opposite in meaning to the previous one and means lack of quality:

  • careless — carefree
  • harmless — harmless

The suffix -able, -ible characterizes the property or accessibility for any action:

  • edible — edible
  • portable — portable, portable
  • admirable — admirable

The suffixes -ic and -al mean «related, related»:

  • heroic — heroic
  • mythic — mythical
  • cultural — cultural
  • musical — musical

The -ous suffix also carries a characteristic:

  • dangerous — dangerous
  • nutritious — nutritious

The English suffix -ish has several meanings:

expresses similarity (in terms of appearance, behavior)

  • girlish — girlish
  • childich — childish, childish
  • foolish — stupid

weakens the meaning of an adjective

  • reddish — reddish
  • narrowish — narrowish

means nationality, language or country

  • English — English
  • Swedish — Swedish

The suffix -ive means possession of a property, the ability:

  • attractive — attractive
  • sedative — sedative

The English suffix -y is used to form many simple adjectives:

  • rainy — rainy
  • dirty — dirty
  • sunny — sunny

Vertex suffixes

Verb suffixes are not so diverse and almost all have the meaning of «doing something» or «becoming something.»

Suffix -ate

  • motivate — to motivate
  • activate — activate

Suffix -en

  • lengthen — lengthen
  • strengthen — strengthen

Suffix -ify

  • verify — confirm
  • clarify — to clarify

Suffix -ize, -ise

  • visualize — render
  • neutralize — neutralize

Adverb suffix

Adverbs are formed with just one suffix in English -ly:

  • loudly — loudly
  • beautifully — beautifully
  • politely — politely

We read further:

10 ways to tell an adjective from an adverb in English

What are the types of sentences in English

5 simple rules for word order in English

Adverb, know your place!

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/chto-vy-ne-znali-o-suffiksah-v-anglijskom

Formation of nouns in English: suffixes, prefixes, etc.

To do it right assignments 26 — 31 from section «Grammar and Vocabulary» on the Unified State Exam in English, You need to know the most used prefixes and suffixes of nouns. 

I want to say right away that the article will be long, so be patient and read it to the end.

Helpful advice: 

Be sure to learn all the words from this article, as they are selected from real assignments of past years, which were proposed for implementation on the exam in English.

Work separately with each block, spelling out the words, even if they seem familiar to you.

Remember that in assignments 26 — 31 along with your ability to form new words using various affixes, your spelling skills are assessed!

Education model: Verb + er = Noun

When adding a suffix — er to a verb or noun, a noun is formed, denoting a profession, occupation of a person, as well as the names of some objects:

To write — writer, to sing — singer, to drive — driver, to teach — teacher, to examine — examiner, to learn — learner, to build — builder, to loaf — loafer (quitter)

Trumpet — trumpeter (trumpeter), bank — banker (banker), finance — financier (financier)

To contain — container (container), to dust — duster (duster), to grate — grater (grater), to mix — mixer (mixer), to shake — shaker (shaker), to blend — blender (blender), to open — opener (can-opener)

Mince (minced meat) — mincer (meat grinder)

Exception:   to lie (lie) — LIAR   (liar / liar)

Education model:Verb + or = noun

When adding a suffix — or a noun denoting a profession, occupation of a person is formed to the verb (these are mainly nouns of Latin and French origin):

To act — actor (actor), to advise — advisor / —er (advisor, consultant), to animate — animator (animator), to conduct — conductor (conductor), to create — creator (creator), to decorate — decorator (decorator, painter, wallpaper passer), to direct — director (director, director), to educate — educator (teacher), to illustrate — illustrator (illustrator), to invent — inventor (inventor), to invest — investor (investor, contributor), to instruct — instructor (instructor), to translate — translator (translator), to sail — sailor (sailor), to visit — visitor (visitor), to conquer — coqueror (conqueror)

Here are some more nouns with the suffix or, to remember:

doctor, professionalor, sculptureor, sponsor, ancestor (ancestor), tutor, mentor (mentor)

Education model: Noun + ist = Noun

When adding a suffix  -ist a noun is formed to the noun, denoting a profession, occupation of a person:

art — art (artist), cello — cell (cellist), chemistry — chem (chemist, pharmacist), drama — dramat (playwright), ecology — ecolog (ecologist), economics — econom (economist), geology — geolog (geologist), genetics — genetic (geneticist), guitar — guitar (guitarist), journal — journal (journalist), medal — medal (medalist), meteorology — meteorolog (meteorologist), optimism — optim

Source: https://crownenglishclub.ru/dlya-nachinayushhih/obrazovanie-sushhestvitelnyh-v-anglijskom-yazyke-suffiksy-pristavki-i-dr.html

Plural in English — online lessons for beginners

Read the entire lesson and do a short, easy listening exercise (a translation is shown after each assignment). In the second block of the exercise, you will be asked to write the same phrases under dictation, so listen and read carefully the phrases that you compose in the first block.  

  Start exercise  

In most cases, the plural in English is formed very simply — the ending “-s» or «-Is«, which read differently depending on the consonant in front of it — voiced or voiceless:

For words ending in «s, ss, ch, tch, x» (hissing or whistling sounds), the ending «-Is«, Which reads loudly [of].

In a side-by-side exercise (see the main exercise below), an English noun is shown; to see it in the plural, just click on the word.

In the lesson exercise, beginners will be able to compose phrases on their own — click on the English words to translate the phrase proposed in Russian. A few words that we will meet in the exercise:

  • to want [that uOnt] — to want (the verb following the verb «to want» requires the use of a particle «to«- I want to help you — I want to help you) to have [tu hEv] — to have one [uan] — one

Features of the use of plural nouns

Grammatical addition: in English, the plural can be in «countable nouns«. There are a number of nouns that are used only in the singular (we emphasize, in English; the use of words in Russian and English can both coincide and diverge, but we need to get out of the habit of making comparisons with the native language, and plunge into the logic of English):

  • money [mani] — money hair [hea] — hair advice [adv] — advice

A number of other nouns are used only in the plural form:

  • glasses [glAsiz] — glassesgoods [goodz] — goods trousers [trauzez] — trousers people [people] — people (singular, but implies the plural)

A number of English nouns form the plural in a special way:

  • man — men [men] — [men] — man / men, people woman — women [umen] — [wiming] — woman / women (we prepare the organs of speech for pronouncing [y], but immediately pronounce the next sound) child — children [child] — [chIldren] — child / children

A separate lesson will be devoted to these features of the plural in English; now it is important for beginners to remember the basic rule for the formation of the plural.

Plural adjectives

Adjectives in english do not change in the plural and do not change by gender:

  • good guy [good boy] — good boy good boys [good boys] — good boys good girl [good girl] — good girl good girls [good girls] — good girls

A noun before another noun can act as an adjective; in this case, it is not used in the plural:

  • life situations — life situations

▲ Start online exercise

Next: Articles A, AN, THE and a bit of TO. • Tutor: preparation for the exam and exam, passing international exams.
«My day» / «Working day» / «My day off»
TEST elementary / intermediate

Source: http://english.prolingvo.info/beginner/plural.php

Suffixes in English — how to spell English suffixes correctly? — SPEAK ENGLISH

English suffixes, like Russian ones, are the elements of a word following the root. They help us form new words. Some suffixes change the part of speech, for example, turning a verb into a noun. You should also not forget about those suffixes that, changing the form of a word, do not affect its very meaning.

If you have at least a little understanding of the suffixes table in English, then any word-formation «delights» in English will seem like child’s play.

Moreover, having understood the principles of constructing new words using prefixes and suffixes (by the way, prefixes are significantly inferior to suffixes in terms of flexibility and prevalence), a language learner can easily translate masculine nouns into feminine ones, form a nationality or profession.

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to set records for the number of words learned. Indeed, in English, as in Russian, there is the concept of «single-root words» that differ from each other only by suffixes and prefixes. Therefore, knowing, for example, the meaning of the verb paint (to paint, to paint), you will easily understand that a painter is an artist.

Word-building and form-building suffixes: differences

Some English suffixes are considered by Russian speakers as endings. For example, some English textbooks call the suffix -ed an ending. All Suffixes in English are divided into two large groups: form-building and word-building. Thanks to the first, the word does not change its meaning, only the form changes. Compare short and shorter.

Word-forming suffixes in English form a new word with a different meaning, albeit often similar to the meaning of the original word. For example, neighbor is a neighborhood.

Shaping suffixes in english

So, in English, unlike Russian, one word can take not so many forms. This is due to the fact that in English many grammatical meanings of a word, such as gender, verb tense, etc., are expressed not by the word itself, but by various auxiliary elements (articles, auxiliary verbs, etc.).

In Russian, an adjective alone (depending on case, number, gender) can have more than 20 forms. For example, beloved — beloved — beloved — beloved, etc. In English, the adjective favorite (beloved) may not change at all, but we can guess about its exact form from the context (environment): This is my favorite book (This is my favorite book) ).

— He is my favorite writer.

However, in some cases, English words do change shape. And for this, there are five formative suffixes in English that are important to remember: -ed, -est, -ing, -s (-es), -er.

Now it’s worth understanding English words that can take different forms. So, the English suffix -ed is needed in order to form the second and third forms of the regular verb. For example, finish is finished.

The suffixes -er and -est in English are used to form comparative forms of adjectives. We use these suffixes with short adjectives like close (close), big (big), etc. The suffix -er is used for the comparative form, and -est for the excellent one. For example, close — closer — closest.

Among English suffixes, -s and -es are widespread.

They apply in the following cases:

Source: https://ekaterina-alexeeva.ru/nachinayushhim/suffiksy-v-anglijskom-yazyke-kak-pravilno-pisat-anglijskie-suffiksy.html

Word formation. Noun suffixes in English (grade 9)

This is a lesson from the cycle «Word formation in English»  and in it we will consider the common noun suffixes: -er / or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence / ance (5). Exercises on word formation of a noun will help you understand how nouns are formed in English using suffixes, as well as prepare for English exams in the form of the OGE and USE.

for posting on other Internet resources is prohibited. EnglishInn.ru.

Basic noun suffixes in English (grade 9)

Remember 5 main noun suffixes. 

  1. er / or (worker)
  2. tion (informaproduction)
  3. ing (reading)
  4. ness (happyness)
  5. ence / ance (difference)

Next, let’s dwell in more detail on each of them.

1. Suffixes of nouns formed from a verb

  1. -er / or (doer suffix) dance — dancer work — workercollect — collector

    invent — inventor

  2. -tion (process suffix) collect — collection

    invent — invention

  3. -ingsuffer — suffering warn — warning

    mean — meaning

Remember three suffixes -er (-or), -tion, -ing, with the help of which nouns are formed from the verb.

2. Suffixes of nouns formed from an adjective

  1. -nessill — illness

    kind — kindness

  2. -ance / -ence (corresponding adjectives have suffixes: -ant / -ent) important — importance

    different — difference

Remember two suffixes: -ness, -ence (ance), with the help of which nouns are formed from an adjective.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

 Suffixes -ness & -tion Are the most common noun suffixes.
Exercise 1. Suffix -ness. Translate these nouns and indicate the adjectives from which they are derived.

foolishness, happiness, seriousness, illness, readiness, richness, strangeness, carelessness, whiteness, cleverness, greatness, brightness


Source: http://englishinn.ru/slovoobrazovanie-suffiksyi-sushhestvitelnyih-v-angliy.html

Methods of forming nouns in English

How to replenish vocabulary more than 3 times without memorizing? Adopt this method and — voila! Vocabulary enlarged before our eyes.
This method is word formation. How does this work for nouns?

Briefly — about the main thing Usually the topic is studied indefinitely. There is a more effective method: covering the entire «puzzle» at a time. Seeing a clear picture, you can easily refine the little things without negativity.

So, the formation of nouns in English assumes skills:

  1. convert a noun from a verb and vice versa;
  2. use affixes;
  3. put a different emphasis;
  4. replace the consonant at the root;
  5. form compound words.

Many do not assume how many words they ALREADY know. They simply do not know how to use this wealth competently.
Having learned 5 skills, you can refer to the dictionary just to check it.

1. Conversion

Nouns in English are related to verbs in an interesting way: they can be the same word. This method is called  conversion… This is the first skill. Using it, it is easy to guess about the translation of 60% of English words. Moreover, verbs can be converted not only into nouns, but also into adjectives.

The examples below will help you understand the phenomenon of conversion.

Example: love = to love / love.  

Verb convergent word noun

dream, dream dream dream
call name name, title
lift up lift lift, lift
to send email mail
milk milk milk
pour water water
mind mind mind, opinion

Many are embarrassed that in translation into Russian, both words are not the same root. But the language is different.
It’s funny, but the British created it for themselves! For native speakers, these are absolutely identical words: to milk — milk (milk), to name — name (name — name).

2. Affixation

This «scary» word means suffixes plus prefixes. All prefixes are of two types: negative and significant.
Acquaintance with negative ones has already taken place through borrowing: dysfunction, antispam, deflation. Significant — different in meaning, but amenable to logic.


2 groups of prefixes will allow you to find the meaning of a word by context without a dictionary. If you learn the meaning of each prefix separately, the brain starts to panic, it looks for the right algorithm. It takes time, and speech slows down.

And most importantly, the desire to study the language at all disappears.

Example: everyone knows the prefixes «dis-«, «de-«, «anti-«. But for some reason they do not notice them in English!
An important detail: most negative prefixes of nouns work with verbs.  

Negative prefixes

Console Examples
anti- Antistress, antipode, antispam.
dis- Disharmony, disqualification.
de- Depiction, departure.
mis- Misfortune, misunderstanding.
as- Sedition, separation.
not- Nonconformist, nonstop.

Significant prefixes

Most are present in their native language, in borrowings.

You can check the skill of forming nouns in English using a dictionary, but after an independent attempt.
For example, form words: disqualification, pseudoscience, professional, extraordinary, hyperactive, and others. Such training is enjoyable and helps to understand the language.

Attachment type Examples of prefixes
involvement Anti-, co-, con-, contra-, vice-.

Source: https://www.study.ru/courses/elementary/obrazovanie-sushchestvitelnyh

Plural of Nouns

In English, everything countable nouns * used both in the singular and in the plural.

* Countable Nouns denote items that can be counted (one, two, three, four, five, etc.): one apple, two apples, three apples; one story, two stories, three stories.

Countable and uncountable nouns

The main way of forming the plural

In English, the plural of nouns is formed by attaching an ending -s (-es) to a noun in the singular:

a pen — pens (handle — handles)

a book — books (book — books)

a box — boxes (box — boxes)

Features of attaching the ending -s (-es)

If a noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z, -x, then the ending is added -Is:

a bus — buses (bus — buses)
a glass — glasses (glass — glasses)
a bush — bushes (bush — bushes)
a bench — benches (bench — benches)
a match — Played (match — matches)
a fox — foxes (fox — foxes)

If a noun ends in consonant + y, then -y changes to i, and added -Is:

a baby — babies (baby — babies)
a story — stories (story — stories)
a city — cities (city — cities)

If a noun ends in vowel + y, then the ending is simply added -s:

a toy — toys (toy — toys)
a tray — trays (tray — trays)
a monkey — m (monkey — monkeys)

If a noun ends in -f or -faiththen -f changes to -v, and added -Is:

a leaf — leaves (leaf — leaves)
a thief — thieves (thief — thieves)
a wife — wives (wife — wives)
a knife — knives (knife — knives)

But in some cases, nouns ending in -f, the ending is simply added -s:

a roof — roofs (roof — roofs)
a cliff — cliffs (rock — rocks)
a chief — chiefs (leader — leaders)
a dwarf — dwarfs (gnome — gnomes)

If a noun ends in -o, then the ending is added -Is:

a tomato — tomatoes (tomato — tomatoes)
a hero — heroes (hero — heroes)

In some cases, for nouns ending in -o, the ending is added -s:

a photo — beautiful photos (photography — photographs)
a kilo — kilos (kilogram — kilograms)
a piano — pianos (piano — multiple pianos)
a radio — radios (radio — multiple radio)
a video — videos (video — several videos)
a studio — (studio — studios)

There are also nouns on -o, the plural of which can be formed by adding -s or -Is, while the -es form is used more often:

a memento — mementoes / mements (souvenir — souvenirs)
a mosquito — mosquitoes / Mosquitoes (mosquito — mosquitoes)
a tornado — tornadoes / torandos (hurricane — hurricanes)
a volcano — volcanoes / volcanoes (volcano — volcanoes)
a zero — zeoroes / zeroes (zero — zeros)

Special plural forms of nouns

There are nouns in English, the plural of which must be remembered:

a man [mæn] — men (man — men)
a woman [ˈwʊmən] — women [ˈWɪmɪn] (woman — women)
a child [tʃaɪld] — children [ˈTʃɪl.

drən] (child — children)
a tooth [tuːθ] — teeth [tiːθ] (tooth — teeth)
a foot [fʊt] — feet [fiːt] (foot — feet)
a mouse [maʊs] — mice [maɪs] (mouse — mice)
a goose [ɡuːs] — geese [ɡiːs] (goose — geese)
a louse [laʊs] — face [laɪs] (louse — lice)
an ox [ɒks] — oxen [ˈⱰksn] (bull — bulls)

Remember also nouns in which the plural form coincides with the singular form:

one deer — two deer (one deer — two deer)
one fish — two fish (one fish — two fish)
one sheep — two sheep (one ram — two rams)
one series — two series (one episode — two episodes)
one species — two species (one kind — two kinds)
one aircraft — two aircraft (one plane — two planes)
one spacecraft — two spacecraft (one spaceship — two spaceships)
one salmon — two salmon (one salmon — two salmon)
one cod — two code (one cod — two cod)
one moose — two mosses (one moose — two moose)
one means — two means (one remedy — two remedies)
one offspring — two Offspring (one offspring — two offspring)

 Please note that the same noun can be either countable or uncountable, depending on its lexical meaning. For example, salmon (salmon) in the meaning of «kind of fish» is a countable noun, therefore, has the plural form:

I was very excited when I caught a salmon… — I was delighted when I caught the salmon.
I was very excited when I caught two salmon… — I was delighted when I caught two salmon.

Source: https://myefe.ru/reference/nouns/plurals

Adverb in English

An adverb is a word that defines the meaning of a verb, adjective, other adverb, or noun phrase. Most adverbs are formed by adding the suffix –ly to the adjective.

Rules for the formation of adverbs in English

1. To form an adverb in English from an adjective that ends in — l, you need to add the suffix –ly.
Example: careful-carefully.

2.Adjectives ending in — y, when forming an adverb in English, take the suffix — ily.
Will take: lucky-luckily.

3. The suffix Ble is changed to bly.
Example: responsible-responsibly.

Mode of action adverb

The adverb of the mode of action characterizes the verb. It describes the way in which an action is performed.

Example: She did the work carefully. Carefully characterizes the verb to describe the quality of the action.

Adverb of place or location

The adverb of place indicates where the action takes place.

Example: They live locally. (She lives in this area.)

Adverb of time

The adverb of time indicates when an action is performed or its duration, or how often this action is performed.


— He did it yesterday. (When) — He did it yesterday. (When)

— They are permanently busy. (Duration) — They are constantly busy. (Duration)

— She never does it. (Frequency) — She never does that. (How often)

Adverb of Degree in English

The degree adverb increases or decreases the effect of the verb.

Example: I completely agree with you. (I totally agree with you.) This increases the effect of the verb, while the adverb `partially` decreases it.

Adverbs characterizing adjectives

An adjective can be defined by an adverb. It usually comes before the adjective, with the exception of the adverb enough, which follows it.


— That`s really good. (This is really good.)

— It was a terribly difficult time for all of us. (It was a terribly difficult time for all of us.)

— It wasn`t good enough. (It wasn’t good enough.) The word enough follows the adjective.

Adverbs characterizing adverbs

An adverb can define another adverb. As with adjectives, the adverb comes before the adverb it defines, while enough is the exception.


— She did it really well. (She did it very well.)

— He didn`t come last night, funnily enough. (He didn’t show up last night, which is funny enough.)

Noun adverb

An adverb can characterize a noun to indicate a time or place.


— The concert tomorrow. (Tomorrow’s concert)

Source: http://www.the-world.ru/narechie

Ways of word formation in English

Learning English vocabulary is much easier if you understand how words are formed and what parts they consist of. Today we will look at the main ways of word formation in English. By understanding the basic principles and ways of forming words, you will not get lost in all the variety of English vocabulary.

1. Affixation

Affixation Is the formation of new words by adding prefixes and suffixes. In linguistics, prefixes and suffixes are called affixes, which is why this method of word formation bears this name. Affixation is the most common way to create new words.

Depending on what exactly is added to the word stem (prefix or suffix), prefix and suffix are distinguished. If both are added, then the method of formation is prefix-suffix.

The advantage of affixing is that suffixes and prefixes give us a lot of information about a word.

Suffixes indicate part of speech. If you carefully analyze English words, then you probably noticed that there are special suffixes for nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, thanks to which you immediately determine which part of speech is in front of you. In addition, suffixes can give additional meanings to words. In this article, I will not dwell on the meanings of all suffixes, but I will give a few examples of how suffixes work in English:

teacher — suffix –Er indicates that the word is a noun, and also that it is the name of a profession or occupation

Beautiful — suffix –Ful indicates that the word is an adjective

Lucky — suffix –Ate also adjective suffix

fortunately — suffix –Ly indicates that the word is an adverb

information — suffix –Ation indicates that the word is a noun

informative — suffix –Ive indicates that this is an adjective

informatively — suffix –Ly indicates that the word is an adverb

stability — suffix –Ity indicates that the word is a noun

stabilizes — suffix –Ise indicates that we have a verb

Please note that not one, but two suffixes can be added to the stem, as, for example, when forming an adverb from an adjective that already has a suffix.

As for the prefixes, they do not change the part of speech, but affect the meaning of the word. For example, they make the word negative:

dishonest — dishonest

irrational — irrational

unimportant — unimportant

In addition to changing the sign from plus to minus, prefixes can give words a variety of shades of meaning. There are a lot of prefixes in English, each of them can be devoted to a separate article. Here I will give just a few examples to illustrate how the set-top boxes work:

prehistoric — prehistoric

overeat Overeat

replace — move

international — international

Knowing the meanings of prefixes and suffixes, you can increase your active and passive vocabulary. Firstly, you will be able to independently form new parts of speech, and change the meanings of words. And secondly, you will easily guess what the new words that you come across mean.

2. Composition

There are many so-called compounds in the English language. These words are formed by the fusion of two stems. A word constructed in this way takes on a new meaning. Many verbs, nouns, adjectives are formed by word composition:

hair + to cut = the haircut — a haircut

driving + license = a driving license — rights

baby + to sit = to babysit — look after the child

brain + to wash = to brainwash — brainwash

well + dressed = well-dressed — well dressed

green + eye = green-eyed — green-eyed

Some adverbs and pronouns are also formed in this way:

every + where = everywhere — everywhere, everywhere

any + time = anytime — Anytime

some+body= somebody — somebody

3. Conversion

Sometimes you know a word and you know it’s a verb. And suddenly you meet him again — and it is a noun. This is how it works conversion — the transition of a word from one part of speech to another. In this case, the spelling and pronunciation of the word does not change. This can be confusing, but the good news is that, although the meaning of a word changes with the transition, it still often remains close to the original word.

There are different types of conversion. The most common of these is the transition from noun to verb and from verb to noun:

an email — to email a host — to host a name — to name to call — a call to visit — a visit (to visit — visit)

to date — a date (to date — the one with whom you are dating: a guy or a girl)

Adjectives can be converted to verbs and nouns:

to empty — empty dry — to dry clean — to clean final — a final

rich — the rich

4. Changing stress

To my surprise, many have never heard of this word formation method and confuse it with conversion. Although some linguists consider it as an example of conversion, in order to avoid mistakes, it is more expedient to consider it separately.

When we perceive a word in a text, at first glance it seems that it simply «passed» into another part of speech, because it is written in the same way as the corresponding verb or noun.

However, not all so simple. Some words do not just convert, but also change the stress! Surprised? Let’s look at some examples, you may have mispronounced many of them:

to permit

Source: https://enginform.com/article/slovoobrazovanie-v-angliyskom

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