What does it mean by word choice

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    choice [tʃɔɪs]

    1) вы́бор, отбо́р; альтернати́ва;

    to make choice of smth. выбира́ть, отбира́ть что-л.


    2) не́что отбо́рное;

    3) избра́нник; избра́нница

    Hobson’s choice отсу́тствие вы́бора, нали́чие то́лько одного́ предложе́ния, «э́то и́ли ничего́»


    1) отбо́рный, лу́чший

    2) разбо́рчивый, осторо́жный;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > choice

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    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > choice

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    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > choice

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    Персональный Сократ > choice

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    choice of field

    выбор посадочной площадки

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > choice

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    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > choice

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    choice разборчивый, осторожный; to be choice of one’s company быть осторожным в знакомствах career choice выбор карьеры choice альтернатива choice ассортимент choice вариант choice возможность выбора choice выбор, отбор; альтернатива; a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор; to make choice (of smth.) выбирать, отбирать (что-л.) choice выбор choice избранник; избранница; Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, «это или ничего»; for choice преимущественно choice изощренный choice изысканный choice лучший choice нечто отборное; here is the choice of the whole garden это лучшее, что есть в саду choice отбор choice отборный, лучший choice отборный choice разборчивый, осторожный; to be choice of one’s company быть осторожным в знакомствах consumer choice потребительский выбор choice избранник; избранница; Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, «это или ничего»; for choice преимущественно free choice свободный выбор free: to make (или to set) choice освобождать; free choice свобода выбора choice нечто отборное; here is the choice of the whole garden это лучшее, что есть в саду choice избранник; избранница; Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, «это или ничего»; for choice преимущественно take your choice выбирайте; I have no choice but у меня нет иного выхода, кроме; я принужден make a choice делать выбор choice выбор, отбор; альтернатива; a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор; to make choice (of smth.) выбирать, отбирать (что-л.) to make (или to take) one’s choice сделать выбор menu choice вчт. выбор из меню occupational choice выбор профессии portfolio choice выбор портфеля ценных бумаг take your choice выбирайте; I have no choice but у меня нет иного выхода, кроме; я принужден choice выбор, отбор; альтернатива; a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор; to make choice (of smth.) выбирать, отбирать (что-л.)

    English-Russian short dictionary > choice

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    1. сущ.
    1) выбор, отбор;
    селекция to make/take one’s choice ≈ сделать выбор take your choice ≈ выбирайте careful choice ≈ тщательный отбор random choice ≈ случайный выбор free choice ≈ свободный выбор Syn: selection
    2) выбор, альтернатива;
    предмет выбора;
    результат выбора a choice among/between/of ≈ выбор из bad, sorry, wrong choice ≈ неправильный/ошибочный выбор difficult choice ≈ сложная альтернатива good, happy, intelligent, judicious, wise choice ≈ мудрое решение, хороший выбор individual choice ≈ личный выбор limited choice ≈ ограниченный выбор I have no choice but ≈ у меня нет иного выхода, кроме;
    я принужден Syn: alternative of choice ≈ предпочтительный Hobson’s choice ≈ отсутствие альтернативы
    3) ассортимент
    4) право выбора, возможность выбора Syn: option
    5) лучшее, отборное, «сливки»;
    (тж. о человеке) избранник;
    избранница here is the choice of the whole garden ≈ это лучшее, что есть в саду Syn: elect
    2. прил. лучший, наилучший, отборный;
    высокого качества Syn: excellent, select, picked
    выбор, отбор — to make a * of smth. выбирать что-л — to make one’s * сделать выбор — to take one’s * выбирать по своему усмотрению — take your * of rooms выбирайте любую комнату — for * по собственному выбору;
    по своему усмотрению;
    добровольно выбор, ассортимент — wide * большой выбор альтернатива;
    возможность выбора — I have no * in the matter выбора у меня нет, я ничего не могу поделать, я вынужден поступить так — he had no * in the determination of his profession он не имел возможности выбирать профессию — I have no * but… у меня нет выхода, кроме…;
    я вынужден… — he had no * but to go он был вынужден уйти — there is another * есть и другой выход (из положения) избранное, выбранное — this is my * я выбираю это;
    вот что я выбрал избранник;
    избранница — he was the people’s * он был избранником народа — everyone admires his * все восхищаются его избранницей нечто отборное;
    цвет, сливки — the flower and * цвет и краса( чего-л) — these flowers are the * of my garden эти цветы — гордость моего сада (устаревшее) умение разбираться;
    проницательность > there is small * in rotten apples (пословица) выбирать тут не из чего;
    хрен редьки не слаще отборный, лучший — * goods отборные товары — * wines тонкие вина — * passage отрывок, избранное место( из книги) — of the *st quality самого лучшего качества изысканный, изощренный, тонкий — * arguments хорошо продуманные аргументы — * phrases изысканный язык;
    отборная ругань — * and master spirit тонкий и глубокий ум преим. (диалектизм) разборчивый, привередливый — to be * of one’s company быть разборчивым в знакомствах преим. (диалектизм) бережливый, экономный — she is very * of it он этим очень дорожит
    ~ разборчивый, осторожный;
    to be choice of one’s company быть осторожным в знакомствах
    career ~ выбор карьеры
    choice альтернатива ~ ассортимент ~ вариант ~ возможность выбора ~ выбор, отбор;
    a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор;
    to make choice( of smth.) выбирать, отбирать( что-л.) ~ выбор ~ избранник;
    Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, «это или ничего»;
    for choice преимущественно ~ изощренный ~ изысканный ~ лучший ~ нечто отборное;
    here is the choice of the whole garden это лучшее, что есть в саду ~ отбор ~ отборный, лучший ~ отборный ~ разборчивый, осторожный;
    to be choice of one’s company быть осторожным в знакомствах
    consumer ~ потребительский выбор
    ~ избранник;
    Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, «это или ничего»;
    for choice преимущественно
    free ~ свободный выбор free: to make (или to set) ~ освобождать;
    free choice свобода выбора
    ~ нечто отборное;
    here is the choice of the whole garden это лучшее, что есть в саду
    ~ избранник;
    Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, «это или ничего»;
    for choice преимущественно
    take your ~ выбирайте;
    I have no choice but у меня нет иного выхода, кроме;
    я принужден
    make a ~ делать выбор
    ~ выбор, отбор;
    a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор;
    to make choice (of smth.) выбирать, отбирать (что-л.)
    to make (или to take) one’s ~ сделать выбор
    menu ~ вчт. выбор из меню
    occupational ~ выбор профессии
    portfolio ~ выбор портфеля ценных бумаг
    take your ~ выбирайте;
    I have no choice but у меня нет иного выхода, кроме;
    я принужден
    ~ выбор, отбор;
    a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор;
    to make choice (of smth.) выбирать, отбирать (что-л.)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > choice

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    1. n выбор, отбор

    2. n выбор, ассортимент

    3. n альтернатива; возможность выбора

    I have no choice but … — у меня нет выхода, кроме …; я вынужден …

    4. n избранное, выбранное

    5. n избранник; избранница

    6. n нечто отборное; цвет, сливки

    7. n арх. умение разбираться; проницательность

    8. a отборный, лучший

    9. a изысканный, изощрённый, тонкий

    10. a преим. диал. разборчивый, привередливый

    11. a преим. диал. бережливый, экономный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chosen (adj.) chosen; elect; exclusive; select

    2. dainty (adj.) dainty; delicate; elegant; exquisite; rare; recherche

    3. excellent (adj.) elite; excellent; exceptional; preferred; superlative; valuable

    4. fine (adj.) fine; first-class; prime; superior; top-quality

    5. array (noun) array; assortment; stock; supply; variety

    6. best (noun) best; cream; elite; fat; flower; pride; prime; primrose; prize; top

    7. pick (noun) acceptance; alternative; choosing; decision; election; option; pick; preference; selection

    9. wish (noun) desire; discernment; discretion; pleasure; propensity; taste; volition; will; wish

    Антонимический ряд:

    compulsion; indifference; inferior; mediocre; necessity; poor; refuse; second-rate

    English-Russian base dictionary > choice

  • 10

    1. [tʃɔıs]

    1. выбор, отбор

    to make a choice of smth. — выбирать /отбирать/ что-л.

    for choice — по собственному выбору; по своему усмотрению; добровольно

    2. выбор, ассортимент

    wide [poor] choice — большой /богатый/ [бедный] выбор

    3. альтернатива; возможность выбора

    I have no choice in the matter — выбора у меня нет, я ничего не могу поделать, я вынужден поступить так

    he had no choice in the determination of his profession — он не имел возможности выбирать профессию

    I have no choice but… — у меня нет выхода /выбора/, кроме…; я вынужден…

    he had no choice but to go — он был вынужден /ему ничего не оставалось, как/ уйти

    4. 1) избранное, выбранное

    this is my choice — я выбираю это; вот что я выбрал

    2) избранник; избранница

    everyone admires his choice — все восхищаются его избранницей /невестой/

    3) нечто отборное; цвет, сливки

    the flower and choice (of) — цвет и краса (чего-л.)

    these flowers are the choice of my garden — эти цветы — гордость моего сада


    умение разбираться; проницательность

    there is small choice in rotten apples — выбирать тут не из чего; ≅ хрен редьки не слаще

    2. [tʃɔıs]

    1. отборный, лучший

    choice passage /piece/ — отрывок, избранное место ()

    2. изысканный, изощрённый, тонкий

    choice phrases — а) изысканный язык; б) отборная ругань


    диал. разборчивый, привередливый


    диал. бережливый, экономный

    НБАРС > choice

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > choice

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    1) выбор, отбор; подбор

    2) альтернатива, вариант

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > choice

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    1) выбор, отбор; подбор; селекция

    to make / take one’s choice — сделать выбор


    2) выбор, альтернатива; предмет выбора; результат выбора

    a choice among / between / of smth. — выбор из чего-л.

    bad / sorry / wrong choice — неправильный, ошибочный выбор

    happy / intelligent / judicious / wise choice — мудрое решение, правильный выбор

    We had no choice but to accept the majority decision. — У нас не было иного выбора, кроме как принять решение большинства.


    4) право выбора, возможность выбора


    5) лучшее, отборное, «сливки»

    6) избранник; избранница





    лучший, наилучший, отборный; высокого качества


    Англо-русский современный словарь > choice

  • 14



    выбор, отбор, подбор

    I had no choice. — У меня не было выбора.

    There is small choice in rotten apples. — На безрыбье и рак рыба

    wide choice

    — careful choice
    — random choice
    — free choice
    — individual choice
    — good choice
    — bad choice
    — choice among
    — be careful in one’s choice of friends
    — make a bad choice
    — make one’s choice
    — take your choice

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > choice

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    имя существительное:

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > choice

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    They gave us no choice. — Они не оставили нам выбора.

    He is my choice for the next president. — Я буду голосовать за него на следующих президентских выборах.




    * * *

    «выбор»: ситуация на Лондонской фондовой бирже, когда брокер может купить ценную бумагу по той же цене, по которой ему предлагают ее продать (в отношениях с разными партнерами).

    * * *

    выбор, ассортимент

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > choice

  • 17

    1) выбор, отбор; альтернатива; a wide (a poor) choice большой (бедный) выбор; to make choice of smth. выбирать, отбирать что-л.; to make (или to take) one’s choice сделать выбор; take your choice выбирайте; I have no choice but у меня нет иного выхода, кроме; я принужден

    2) нечто отборное; here is the choice of the whole garden это лучшее, что есть в саду

    3) избранник; избранница

    Hobson’s choice отсутствие выбора, наличие только одного предложения, ‘это или ничего’

    for choice преимущественно

    1) отборный, лучший

    2) разборчивый, осторожный; to be choice of one’s company быть осторожным в знакомствах



    * * *

    (n) альтернатива; возможность выбора; выбор; отбор; ситуация на лондонской фондовой бирже, когда

    * * *

    * * *

    [ tʃɔɪs]
    выбор, отбор, альтернатива, пункт меню, избранник, избранница, нечто отборное
    отборный, лучший, разборчивый, осторожный

    * * *



    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) выбор
    2) выбор, альтернатива; предмет выбора; результат выбора
    3) ассортимент
    2. прил.
    лучший, наилучший, отборный; высокого качества

    Новый англо-русский словарь > choice

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    English-Russian electronics dictionary > choice

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    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > choice

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    1) ассортимент

    2) выбор; отбор

    3) альтернатива, возможность выбора

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > choice


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • choice´ly — choice «choys», noun, adjective, choic|er, choic|est. –n. 1. the act of choosing; selection: »She was careful in her choice of friends. We had the choice of a house or an apartment. The choice of color, material, and style is all important in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Choice FM — Broadcast area England and Wales Slogan Your Number One Urban Station Frequency 96.9, 107.1 MHz (London) Sky: 0114 Freesat: 720 TalkTalk TV: 622 …   Wikipedia

  • choice — n Choice, option, alternative, preference, selection, election are comparable when they mean the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen. Choice usually implies the right or the privilege to choose freely from a number (as of persons,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • choice — Ⅰ. choice UK US /tʃɔɪs/ noun [S or U] ► a range of different things that are available to choose from: a choice of sb/sth »Finding the best bank account takes patience there is a choice of more than 60. a choice between sth and sth »When… …   Financial and business terms

  • choice — [chois] n. [ME & OFr chois < choisir, to choose < Goth kausjan, to taste, test: see CHOOSE] 1. the act of choosing; selection 2. the right, power, or chance to choose; option 3. a person or thing chosen 4. the best or most preferable part 5 …   English World dictionary

  • Choice — (chois), n. [OE. chois, OF. chois, F. choix, fr. choisir to choose; of German origin; cf. Goth. kausjan to examine, kiusan to choose, examine, G. kiesen. [root]46. Cf. {Choose}.] 1. Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • choice — choice·less; choice·ly; choice·ness; mis·choice; an·ti·choice; choice; …   English syllables

  • choice — I (alternatives offered) noun delectus, discretion, discrimination, election, opportunities, option, pick, remaining courses, remaining options, selection, substitutes associated concepts: alternative causes of action, counsel of one s own… …   Law dictionary

  • Choice — Choice, a. [Compar. {Choicer}; superl. {Choicest}.] 1. Worthly of being chosen or preferred; select; superior; precious; valuable. [1913 Webster] My choicest hours of life are lost. Swift. [1913 Webster] 2. Preserving or using with care, as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Choice — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Choice (Minnesota) Choice (Texas) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • choice — (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. chois (12c., Mod.Fr. choix), from verb choisir to choose, from a Germanic source (Cf. Gothic kausjan to taste, test ), from P.Gmc. base *kaus , *keus , from PIE root *geus to taste, choose (see GUSTO (Cf. gusto)). Replaced …   Etymology dictionary

In the film The Matrix, Neo is offered the option of consuming either the red pill or the blue pill. Picking the red pill would result in the truth of Neo’s world being revealed to him, while picking the blue pill would allow him to continue in ignorance. Thus, Neo must judge the merits of the possible outcomes of his choice.

A choice is the range of different things from which a being can choose.[1] The arrival at a choice may incorporate motivators and models. For example, a traveler might choose a route for a journey based on the preference of arriving at a given destination at a specified time. The preferred (and therefore chosen) route can then account for information such as the length of each of the possible routes, the amount of fuel in the vehicle, traffic conditions, etc.

Simple choices might include what to eat for dinner or what to wear on a Saturday morning – choices that have relatively low-impact on the chooser’s life overall. More complex choices might involve (for example) what candidate to vote for in an election, what profession to pursue, a life partner, etc. – choices based on multiple influences and having larger ramifications.

Freedom of choice is generally cherished, whereas a severely limited or artificially restricted choice can lead to discomfort with choosing, and possibly an unsatisfactory outcome. In contrast, a choice with excessively numerous options may lead to confusion, reduced satisfaction, regret of the alternatives not taken, and indifference in an unstructured existence;[2][3]: 63 
and the illusion that choosing an object or a course, necessarily leads to the control of that object or course, can cause psychological problems.[4]

To every decision and choice made at any point in time there is at least an attending consequence either positive or negative. Humans have the ability to choose their relationships, their associations and also maximize their living by the choices they make. «When you make a correct choice, you live a correct life.» —Olubisi Akanbi[5]


One can distinguish four or five main types of decisions, although they can be expressed in different ways. Brian Tracy breaks them down into:[6]

  1. command decisions, which can only be made by you, as the «Commander in Chief», or owner of a company
  2. delegated decisions, which may be made by anyone. Decisions as to (for example) the color of the bike shed can be delegated, as the decision must be made but the choice is inconsequential.
  3. avoided decisions, where the outcome could be so severe that the choice should not be made, as the consequences can not be recovered from if the wrong choice is made. This will most likely result in negative actions, such as death.
  4. «No-brainer» decisions, where the choice is so obvious that only one choice can reasonably be made.

A fifth type, however, (or fourth if «avoided» and «no-brainer» decisions are combined as one type), is the collaborative decision, made in consultation with, and by agreement of others. Collaborative Decision Making revolutionized air-traffic safety by not deferring to the captain when a lesser crew-member becomes aware of a problem.[7]

Another way of looking at decisions focuses on the thought mechanism used — whether the decision is:[8]

  • Rational
  • Intuitive
  • Recognition-based
  • Combination

Recognizing that «type» is an imprecise term, an alternate way to classify types of choices is to look at outcomes and the impacted entity. For example, using this approach three types of choices might be:[9]

  • business
  • personal
  • consumer

Or politicians may choose to support or oppose options based on local, national, or international effects.

In this approach, establishing the types of choices makes it possible to identify the related decisions that will influence and constrain a specific choice as well as be influenced and constrained by another choice.[citation needed]

There are many «executive decision-maker» products available, such as the decision wheels[10] and the Magic 8-Ball, which randomly produce yes/no or other «decisions» for someone who cannot make up their mind or who just wants to delegate.

As a moral principle, decisions should be made by those most affected by the decision, but this is not normally applied to persons in jail, who might likely make a decision other than to remain in jail.[11] Robert Gates cited this principle in allowing photographs of returning war-dead.[12]

One can distinguish between conscious and unconscious choice.[13]
Processes such as brainwashing or other influencing strategies may have the effect of having unconscious choice masquerade as (praiseworthy) conscious choice.[14]

Choices may lead to irreversible or to reversible outcomes; making irreversible choices (existential choices) may reduce choice overload.[15]

Evaluability in economics[edit]

When choosing between options one must make judgments about the quality of each option’s attributes. For example, if one is choosing between candidates for a job, the quality of relevant attributes such as previous work experience, college or high school GPA, and letters of recommendation will be judged for each option and the decision will likely be based on these attribute judgments. However, each attribute has a different level of evaluability, that is, the extent to which one can use information from that attribute to make a judgment.

An example of a highly evaluable attribute is the SAT score. It is widely known in the United States that an SAT score below 800 is very bad while an SAT score above 1500 is exceptionally good. Because the distribution of scores on this attribute is relatively well known it is a highly evaluable attribute. Compare the SAT score to a poorly evaluable attribute, such as the number of hours spent doing homework. Most employers would not know what 10,000 hours spent doing homework means because they have no idea of the distribution of scores of potential workers in the population on this attribute.

As a result, evaluability can cause preference reversals between joint and separate evaluations. For example, a 1999 review and theoretical analysis[16] looked at how people choose between options when they are directly compared because they are presented at the same time or when they cannot be compared because one is only given a single option. The canonical example is a hiring decision made about two candidates being hired for a programming job. Subjects in an experiment were asked to give a starting salary to two candidates, Candidate J and Candidate S. However, some viewed both candidates at the same time (joint evaluation), whereas others only viewed one candidate (separate evaluation). Candidate J had experience of 70 KY programs, and a GPA of 2.5, whereas Candidate S had experience of 10 KY programs and a GPA of 3.9. The results showed that in joint evaluation both candidates received roughly the same starting salary from subjects, who apparently thought a low GPA but high experience was approximately equal to a high GPA but low experience. However, in the separate evaluation, subjects paid Candidate S, the one with the high GPA, substantially more money. The explanation for this is that KY programs is an attribute that is difficult to evaluate and thus people cannot base their judgment on this attribute in separate evaluation.

Number of options and paradox[edit]

A number of research studies in economic psychology have focused on how individual behavior differs when the choice set size (the number of choices to choose from) is low versus when it is high. Of particular interest is whether individuals are more likely to purchase a product from a large versus a small choice set. Currently, the effect of choice set size on the probability of a purchase is unclear. In some cases, large choice set sizes discourage individuals from making a choice[17] and in other cases it either encourages them or has no effect.[18] One study compared the allure of more choice to the tyranny of too much choice. Individuals went virtual shopping in different stores that had a randomly determined set of choices ranging from 4 to 16, with some being good choices and some being bad. Researchers found a stronger effect for the allure of more choice. However, they speculate that due to random assignment of number of choices and goodness of those choices, many of the shops with fewer choices included zero or only one option that was reasonably good, which may have made it easier to make an acceptable choice when more options were available.[19]

There is some evidence that while greater choice has the potential to improve a person’s welfare, sometimes there is such a thing as too much choice. For example, in one experiment involving a choice of free soda, individuals explicitly requested to choose from six as opposed to 24 sodas, where the only benefit from the smaller choice set would be to reduce the cognitive burden of the choice.[18] A recent study supports this research, finding that human services workers indicated preferences for scenarios with limited options over extensive-options scenarios. As the number of choices within the extensive-options scenarios increased, the preference for limited options increased as well.[20] Attempts to explain why choice can demotivate someone from a purchase have focuses on two factors. One assumes that perusing a larger number of choices imposes a cognitive burden on the individual.[21] The other assumes that individuals can experience regret if they make a suboptimal choice, and sometimes avoid making a choice to avoid experiencing regret.[22]

Further research has expanded on choice overload, suggesting that there is a paradox of choice. As increasing options are available, three problems emerge. First, there is the issue of gaining adequate information about the choices in order to make a decision. Second, having more choices leads to an escalation of expectation. When there are increased options, people’s standards for what is an acceptable outcome rise; in other words, choice “spoils you.” Third, with many options available, people may come to believe they are to blame for an unacceptable result because with so many choices, they should have been able to pick the best one. If there is one choice available, and it ends up being disappointing, the world can be held accountable. When there are many options and the choice that one makes is disappointing, the individual is responsible.[23]

However, a recent meta-analysis of the literature on choice overload calls such studies into question.[24] In many cases, researchers have found no effect of choice set size on people’s beliefs, feelings, and behavior. Indeed, overall, the effect of «too many options» is minimal at best.

While it might be expected that it is preferable to keep one’s options open, research has shown that having the opportunity to revise one’s decisions leaves people less satisfied with the decision outcome.[25] A recent study found that participants experienced higher regret after having made a reversible decision. The results suggest that reversible decisions cause people to continue to think about the still relevant choice options, which might increase dissatisfaction with the decision and regret.[26]

Individual personality plays a significant role in how individuals deal with large choice set sizes. Psychologists have developed a personality test that determines where an individual lies on the satisficer-maximizer spectrum. A maximizer is one who always seeks the very best option from a choice set, and may anguish after the choice is made as to whether it was indeed the best. Satisficers may set high standards but are content with a good choice, and place less priority on making the best choice. Due to this different approach to decision-making, maximizers are more likely to avoid making a choice when the choice set size is large, probably to avoid the anguish associated with not knowing whether their choice was optimal.[18] One study looked at whether the differences in choice satisfaction between the two are partially due to a difference in willingness to commit to one’s choices. It found that maximizers reported a stronger preference for retaining the ability to revise choices. Additionally, after making a choice to buy a poster, satisficers offered higher ratings of their chosen poster and lower ratings of the rejected alternatives. Maximizers, however, were less likely to change their impressions of the posters after making their choice which left them less satisfied with their decision.[27]

Maximizers are less happy in life, perhaps due to their obsession with making optimal choices in a society where people are frequently confronted with choice.[28] One study found that maximizers reported significantly less life satisfaction, happiness, optimism, and self-esteem, and significantly more regret and depression, than did satisficers. In regards to buying products, maximizers were less satisfied with consumer decisions and were more regretful. They were also more likely to engage in social comparison, where they analyze their relative social standing among their peers, and to be more affected by social comparisons in which others appeared to be in higher standing than them. For example, maximizers who saw their peer solve puzzles faster than themselves expressed greater doubt about their own abilities and showed a larger increase in negative mood.[29] On the other hand, people who refrain from taking better choices through drugs or other forms of escapism tend to be much happier in life.

Others[who?] say that there is never too much choice and that there is a difference between happiness and satisfaction: a person who tries to find better decisions will often be dissatisfied, but not necessarily unhappy since his attempts at finding better choices did improve his lifestyle (even if it wasn’t the best decision he will continually try to incrementally improve the decisions he takes).

Choice architecture is the process of encouraging people to make good choices through grouping and ordering the decisions in a way that maximizes successful choices and minimizes the number of people who become so overwhelmed by complexity that they abandon the attempt to choose. Generally, success is improved by presenting the smaller or simpler choices first, and by choosing and promoting sensible default options.[30]

Relationship to identity[edit]

Certain choices, as personal preferences, can be central to expressing one’s concept of self-identity or values. In general, the more utilitarian an item, the less the choice says about a person’s self-concept. Purely functional items, such as a fire extinguisher, may be chosen solely for function alone, but non-functional items, such as music, clothing fashions, or home decorations, may instead be chosen to express a person’s concept of self-identity or associated values.[31]

A 2014 review of previous studies on choice investigated how synchronic (changing) and diachronic (persisting) identity can influence choices and decisions that an individual makes and especially in consumer choices. The synchronic dimension of identity is more about the various parts of an identity and how these shifting aspects can change behavior. The diachronic dimension of identity is how a person’s identity persists and is the same and how they understand an object in relation to their identity. They found that stereotypes in concepts like gender norms play a big role in decision-making and that this might stem from significant historical beliefs in gender roles and identity. [32]


As part of his thinking on choiceless awareness, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986) pointed out the confusions and bias of exercising choice.[33]

Sophia Rosenfeld analyses critical reactions to choice in her 2014 review[34]
of some of the work of Iyengar,[35]
and Salecl.[38]

A study was conducted that looked into how attitude towards a particular brand would influence choice of a brand as it is being advertised. A picture of running shoes was created to either make the ad look good or bad and participants were asked to choose between four different brands. The attitude toward the add (Aad) shows to have a significant impact on choice of brand as well as the act of buying the brand (AB). This suggests that the attitude one had towards a brand can influence the choice and the intention to buy a particular item. [39]

Other uses[edit]

  • Animal behaviour: see preference tests (animals)
  • Law: the age at which children or young adults can make meaningful and considered choices poses issues for ethics and for jurisprudence
  • Mathematics: the binomial coefficient is also known as the choice function
  • Politics: a political movement in the United States and United Kingdom which favors the legal availability of abortion calls itself «pro-choice»
  • New Zealand English: slang synonym for «cool», «nice» or «good»; e.g. «That’s choice!»
  • Psychology: see choice theory

See also[edit]

  • Choice architecture
  • Decision making software
  • Example choice
  • Freedom of choice
  • Hobson’s choice
  • Intertemporal choice
  • Sheena Iyengar, author of The Art of Choosing[40]
  • Neuroscience of free will
  • Public choice theory, social choice theory
  • Rational choice theory
  • The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (book)
  • Two-alternative forced choice
  • Will (philosophy)


  1. ^ «CHOICE | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary». dictionary.cambridge.org. Retrieved 2021-01-09.
  2. ^ Barry Schwartz: The Paradox of Choice (2004)
  3. ^ Myers, David G. (2010). Social psychology (Tenth ed.). New York, NY. ISBN 9780073370668. OCLC 667213323.
  4. ^ Iyengar, Sheena S.; Lepper, Mark R. (December 2000). «When choice is demotivating: Can one desire too much of a good thing?». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 79 (6): 995–1006. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.79.6.995. ISSN 1939-1315. PMID 11138768.
  5. ^ Akanbi, Olubisi (2022). Choices: Navigating the unpredictable paths of life with divine light. 47, Alaafia Street Mokola Ibadan: Simplex Creations. pp. 13–16. ISBN 978-978-59646-3-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  6. ^ Time Power, Brian Tracy, 2007, pg. 153 ISBN 0-8144-7470-5
  7. ^ «CDM CDM — Collaborative Decision Making». cdm.fly.faa.gov. Retrieved 3 April 2018.
  8. ^ «Types of decision making — an overview». decision-making-confidence.com.
  9. ^ «Types of Decision Making». decision-making-solutions.com.
  10. ^ «A variety of decision wheels!». decision-making-confidence.com.
  11. ^ Ethical leadership in schools, Kenneth A. Strike, 2006, pg. 5 ISBN 1-4129-1351-9
  12. ^ «Pentagon ends photo ban on war dead return». boston.com. Retrieved 3 April 2018.
  13. ^
    Linehan, Marsha M. (14 May 1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders. New York: Guilford Press (published 1993). ISBN 9781606237786. Retrieved 4 October 2019. […] the intent and choice are simply conscious or unconscious. […]
  14. ^
    Cole-Whittaker, Terry (1989). Love and Power in a World Without Limits: A Woman’s Guide to the Goddess Within. Harper & Row. p. 37. ISBN 9780062501530. Retrieved 4 October 2019. Changing a reality can be a conscious choice, selected at will by the person, or it can be an unconscious choice based on an intended desire. It can also be an unconscious act of programming by something as simple as a friend telling you about something or a television commercial brainwashing you to buy a particular product.
  15. ^
    Bernstein, Richard J. (16 March 2009). «Existential Choice: Heller’s Either/Or». In Terezakis, Katie (ed.). Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books (published 2009). p. 89. ISBN 9781461633341. Retrieved 3 November 2021. Existential choice is by definition irreversible and irrevocable. You cannot choose your destiny in a reversible way, for a reversible choice is not a choice of destiny, by definition not an existential choice.
  16. ^ Hsee, C.K., Loewenstein, G.F., Blount, S., Bazerman, M.H. (1999). Preference reversals between joint and separate evaluations of option: A review and theoretical analysis. Psychological Bulletin 125(5), 576–590.
  17. ^ Iyengar and Lepper.
  18. ^ a b c Norwood, Lusk, Arunachalam, and Henneberry.
  19. ^ White, C. M., & Hoffrage, U. (2009). Testing the tyranny of too much choice against the allure of more choice. Psychology & Marketing, 26(3), 280-98.
  20. ^ Reed, D. D., DiGennaro Reed, F. D., Chok, J., & Brozyna, G. A. (2011). The ‘tyranny of choice’: Choice overload as a possible instance of effort discounting. The Psychological Record, 61(4), 547-60.
  21. ^ Norwood
  22. ^ Irons and Hepburn.
  23. ^ Schwartz, B. (2000). Self-determination: The tyranny of freedom. American Psychologist, 55(1), 79-88.
  24. ^ Scheibehenne, Benjamin; Greifeneder, Rainer; Todd, Peter M. (2010). «Can There Ever Be Too Many Options? A Meta-Analytic Review of Choice Overload» (PDF). Journal of Consumer Research. Oxford University Press (OUP). 37 (3): 409–425. doi:10.1086/651235. ISSN 0093-5301. S2CID 5802575.
  25. ^ Gilbert, Daniel T., Ebert, Jane E. J. (2002). Decisions and revisions: The affective forecasting of changeable outcomes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 82(4). 503-14.
  26. ^ Bullens, L., van Harreveld, F., & Förster, J. (2011). Keeping one’s options open: The detrimental consequences of decision reversibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(4), 800-05.
  27. ^ Sparks, E. A., Ehrlinger, J., & Eibach, R. P. (2012). Failing to commit: Maximizers avoid commitment in a way that contributes to reduced satisfaction. Personality And Individual Differences, 52(1), 72-77.
  28. ^ Schwartz, Barry[full citation needed]
  29. ^ Schwartz, B., Ward, A., Monterosso, J., Lyubomirsky, S., White, K., & Lehman, D. R. (2002). Maximizing versus satisficing: Happiness is a matter of choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(5) 1178-97.
  30. ^ Sheena Iyengar (2010). The Art of Choosing. Twelve. pp. 208–213. ISBN 978-0-446-50410-2.
  31. ^
    Sheena Iyengar (2010). The Art of Choosing. Twelve. p. 104. ISBN 978-0-446-50410-2.
  32. ^ Urminsky, Oleg; Bartels, Daniel M.; Giuliano, Paola; Newman, George E.; Puntoni, Stefano; Rips, Lance (2014-09-01). «Choice and self: how synchronic and diachronic identity shape choices and decision making». Marketing Letters. 25 (3): 281–291. doi:10.1007/s11002-014-9312-3. ISSN 1573-059X. S2CID 6708546.
  33. ^
    For example:
    Krishnamurti, Jiddu. «London, 4th Public Talk, June 12, 1962». Collected Works. Vol. 13. p. 188. You can’t be totally aware if you are choosing. […] you can’t be aware totally if you are condemning, if you are justifying, or if you say, ‘I will keep my beliefs, my experiences, my knowledge.’ Then you are only partially aware, and partial awareness is really blindness.
    Quoted in:
    Krishnamurti, Jiddu (1992). «The Nature of Choiceless Awareness». In Patterson, Albion W. (ed.). Choiceless Awareness: A Selection of Passages for the Study of the Teachings of J. Krishnamurti (Revised ed.). Ojai, California: Krishnamurti Foundation of America (published 2000). pp. 16–17. ISBN 9781888004045. Retrieved 13 August 2020.
  34. ^
    Rosenfeld, Sophie (2014-06-03). «Free to Choose?: How Americans have become tyrannized by the culture’s overinvestment in choice». The Nation (June 23–30, 2014 ed.). New York: The Nation Company, L.P. ISSN 0027-8378. Retrieved 2014-06-12. What if the real problem is the imperative of making all those choices in all those different realms, from sex to software, in the first place? This is the view of a small number of philosophers, legal theorists and culturally aware psychologists, including Barry Schwartz and, more recently, Sheena Iyengar, Sigal Ben-Porath, Kent Greenfield and Renata Salecl. They insist that we have become overwhelmed and even ‘tyrannized’ by our culture’s overinvestment in choice.
  35. ^
    Iyengar, Sheena (2010). The Art of Choosing: The Decisions We Make Everyday — What They Say About Us and How We Can Improve Them. Hachette UK. ISBN 9780748117444. Retrieved 2014-06-12.
  36. ^
    Ben-Porath, Sigal R. (2010). Tough Choices: Structured Paternalism and the Landscape of Choice. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691146416. Retrieved 2014-06-12.
  37. ^
    Greenfield, Kent (2012). The Myth of Choice: Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300169867. Retrieved 2014-06-12.
  38. ^
    Salecl, Renata (2011). The Tyranny of Choice. Big Ideas (reprint ed.). Profile Books Limited. ISBN 9781846681868. Retrieved 2014-06-12.
  39. ^ Biehal, Gabriel; Stephens, Debra; Curio, Eleonora (1992-09-01). «Attitude toward the Ad and Brand Choice». Journal of Advertising. 21 (3): 19–36. doi:10.1080/00913367.1992.10673373. ISSN 0091-3367.
  40. ^ aa (3 April 1994). «The Art of Choosing». Twelve. Retrieved 3 April 2018 – via Amazon.

Further reading[edit]

Look up choice in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Choice.

  • Hsee, C.K., Loewenstein, G.F., Blount, S., Bazerman, M.H. (1999). Preference reversals between joint and separate evaluations of option: A review and theoretical analysis. Psychological Bulletin 125(5), 576–590.
  • Irons, B. and C. Hepburn. 2007. «Regret Theory and the Tyranny of Choice.» The Economic Record. 83(261): 191–203.
  • Iyengar, S.S. and M.R. Lepper. 2000. «When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 70(6): 996–1006.
  • Kahneman, Daniel; Tversky, Amos, eds. (1999). Choices, Values, and Frames. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-62749-8.
  • Norwood, F. 2006. «Less Choice is Better, Sometimes.» Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization. 4(1). Article 3.
  • Norwood, F. Bailey, Jayson L. Lusk, Bharath Arunachalam, and Shida Rastegari Henneberry. «An Empirical Investigation Into the Excessive-Choice Effect.» American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming.
  • Rosenthal, Edward C. (2006). The Era of Choice: The Ability to Choose and Its Transformation of Contemporary Life. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-68165-X.
  • Schwartz, Barry (2005). The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (1st ed.). Harper Perennial. ISBN 978-0-06-000569-6.

выбор, отбор, альтернатива, избранник, отборный, лучший, разборчивый, осторожный


- выбор, отбор

to make a choice of smth. — выбирать /отбирать/ что-л.
to make one’s choice — сделать выбор
to take one’s choice — выбирать по своему усмотрению
take your choice of rooms — выбирайте любую комнату
for choice — по собственному выбору; по своему усмотрению; добровольно

- выбор, ассортимент

wide [poor] choice — большой /богатый/ [бедный] выбор

- альтернатива; возможность выбора

I have no choice in the matter — выбора у меня нет, я ничего не могу поделать, я вынужден поступить так
he had no choice in the determination of his profession — он не имел возможности выбирать профессию
I have no choice but … — у меня нет выхода /выбора/, кроме …; я вынужден …
he had no choice but to go — он был вынужден /ему ничего не оставалось, как/ уйти
there is another choice — есть и другой выход (из положения)

- избранное, выбранное

this is my choice — я выбираю это; вот что я выбрал

- избранник; избранница

he was the people’s choice — он был избранником народа
everyone admires his choice — все восхищаются его избранницей /невестой/

- нечто отборное; цвет, сливки

the flower and choice (of) — цвет и краса (чего-л.)
these flowers are the choice of my garden — эти цветы

- арх. умение разбираться; проницательность

there is small choice in rotten apples — посл. выбирать тут не из чего; ≅ хрен редьки не слаще


- отборный, лучший

choice goods — отборные товары
choice wines — тонкие вина
choice passage /piece/ — отрывок, избранное место (из книги)
of the choicest quality — самого лучшего качества

- изысканный, изощрённый, тонкий

choice arguments — хорошо продуманные аргументы
choice phrases — а) изысканный язык; б) шутл. отборная ругань
choice and master spirit — тонкий и глубокий ум

- преим. диал. разборчивый, привередливый

to be choice of one’s company — быть разборчивым в знакомствах

- преим. диал. бережливый, экономный

she is very choice of it — она этим очень дорожит

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

They gave us no choice.

Нам не оставили выбора.

You made a good choice.

Вы сделали хороший выбор.

I did this by choice.

Я сделал это по собственному желанию.

That was a wise choice.

Это был правильный выбор.

She lives alone by choice.

Она сама решила жить одной. / Она живёт одна по собственному желанию.

We had no choice but to leave.

Нам оставалось только уйти.

Do you have a third choice?

(Кроме этих двух), ещё варианты есть?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Students who rank in the top third of their class have a better chance of being accepted to the college of their choice.

…the inn serves its choice viands on delicate china and its selection of vintage wines in the finest crystal available…

…although five different lines had been written, the best choice turned out to be an impromptu from the tired actor himself…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

choicely  — с выбором, осторожно
choiceful  — разборчивый, привередливый, дающий возможность выбора
choiceness  — отборность, высокое качество, высокие достоинства
overchoice  — слишком богатый выбор, избыток выбора, глаза разбегаются

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): choice
мн. ч.(plural): choices

срав. степ. (comparative): choicer
прев. степ. (superlative): choicest

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


an act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.

the right, power, or opportunity to choose; option: The child had no choice about going to school.

the person or thing chosen or eligible to be chosen: This book is my choice. He is one of many choices for the award.

an alternative: There is another choice.

an abundance or variety from which to choose: a wide choice of candidates.

something that is preferred or preferable to others; the best part of something: Mare’s Nest is the choice in the sixth race.

a carefully selected supply: This restaurant has a fine choice of wines.

a choice grade of beef.

adjective, choic·er, choic·est.

worthy of being chosen; excellent; superior.

carefully selected: choice words.

(in the grading of beef in the U.S.) rated between prime and good.




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about choice

    of choice, that is generally preferred: A detached house is still the home of choice.

Origin of choice

1250–1300; Middle English chois<Old French, derivative of choisir to perceive, choose <Germanic; see choose

synonym study for choice

2. Choice, alternative, option, preference all suggest the power of choosing between things. Choice implies the opportunity to choose: a choice of evils. Alternative suggests that one has a choice between only two possibilities. It is often used with a negative to mean that there is no second possibility: to have no alternative. Option emphasizes free right or privilege of choosing: to exercise one’s option. Preference applies to a choice based on liking or partiality: to state a preference. 9. See fine1.


choiceless, adjectivechoicely, adverbchoiceness, nounpre·choice, noun

Words nearby choice

Choctaw, Choctawhatchee, Choëphori, chog, Chogyal, choice, choir, choirboy, choirgirl, choir loft, choirmaster

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition of choice?

A choice is an act of choosing something from multiple options or is one of the options you can choose from. Choice also describes something as being carefully selected. Choice has several other senses as a noun and an adjective.

When a person makes a choice, they consider different options and select one of them. For example, you might look at different colors of paint for your bedroom and decide that you want red paint. Your choice of paint was red. When making a choice, the options can be physical things, like food to eat, or nonphysical things, like which direction to drive or what to name a baby. Choice comes from the verb choose, which means to select something from different options.

  • Real-life examples: Life is full of choices, ranging from what to eat for breakfast to what kind of job you want to have. Sadly, many people regret the choices they have made in life. We often face really tough choices where we don’t want to pick any of the options available.
  • Used in a sentence: She was really happy with her choice of becoming a Hollywood actress. 

Choice also refers to a person or thing that is one of the possibilities a person can choose from.

  • Used in a sentence: I’m pretty sure going into the woods at night was the wrong choice. 

Choice also describes something as being carefully chosen.

  • Used in a sentence: We narrowed down the menu to a few choice dishes.

Where does choice come from?

The first records of choice come from around 1250. It ultimately comes from the Old French choisir, meaning “to choose.”

Did you know … ?

How is choice used in real life?

Choice is a very common word that means an act of picking something or an option that a person can choose.

My choice of music will tell you more about me than I ever will.

— Eric Alper 🎧 (@ThatEricAlper) November 29, 2020

The 7-11 candy aisle gives me anxiety, too many choices.

— Sean O’Donnell (@TheSeanODonnell) January 11, 2016

Try using choice!

True or False?

A yes-or-no question has two choices for the answer.

Words related to choice

excellent, preferred, prime, alternative, decision, distinction, election, favorite, finding, judgment, opportunity, option, pick, preference, variety, vote, 10, elect, elite, exclusive

How to use choice in a sentence

  • People have been forced to go online, who might not have gone there as a first choice.

  • The Prismacolor pencil set comes with an impressive variety of 150 colors, making this a great choice for art enthusiasts.

  • The economy ranks as the top issue in the state, with 27 percent of registered voters citing it as the single most important issue in their choice for president.

  • Zero-rating is detrimental to consumers, it compromises their freedom of choice.

  • He said he wants to create a “workplace of choice,” with policies that allow anyone who desires to be successful within the company to find their path.

  • The choice between freedom and fear is not difficult when seen with perspective.

  • Serve with the warm sauce and your choice of ice cream, whipped cream, or yogurt.

  • Removing choice is bullying and seems a horrid basis on which to anchor your relationship.

  • When Hitler became chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933, Hildebrand was confronted with a choice: Would he remain in Nazi Germany?

  • Disney has a choice whether to produce a program with certain fictional characters; the storyline could be re-written or changed.

  • With some difficulty Jos explained his mother’s disclaimer of the title of Senora, and the choice of names she offered to Ramona.

  • Then Mr. Blackbird selected a good many choice tidbits here and there, which he bolted with gusto.

  • Pedantic, unimaginative and presumptuous, Theobald was the logical choice for a Dunce King in 1728.

  • He apologized for interrupting their tête-à-tête, but said he had no choice, as the saloon was completely full.

  • The poor artist reconciled himself to go for a time to Brittany, and his choice fell on Concarneau.

British Dictionary definitions for choice


the act or an instance of choosing or selecting

the opportunity or power of choosing

a person or thing chosen or that may be chosenhe was a possible choice

an alternative action or possibilitywhat choice did I have?

a supply from which to selecta poor choice of shoes

of choice preferred; favourite


of superior quality; excellentchoice wine

carefully chosen, appropriatea few choice words will do the trick

vulgar or rudechoice language

Derived forms of choice

choicely, adverbchoiceness, noun

Word Origin for choice

C13: from Old French chois, from choisir to choose

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with choice

see by choice; Hobson’s choice; of choice; pays your money and takes your choice. Also see under choose.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • choise, choyse (both obsolete)


From Middle English chois, from Old French chois (choice), from choisir (to choose, perceive), possibly via assumed Vulgar Latin *causīre (to choose), from Gothic 𐌺𐌰𐌿𐍃𐌾𐌰𐌽 (kausjan, to make a choice, taste, test, choose), from Proto-Germanic *kauzijaną, from *keusaną (to choose), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵews- (to choose). Akin to Old High German kiosan (to choose), Old English ċēosan (to choose), Old Norse kjósa (to choose). More at choose.

The adjectival meaning of «especially good, preferred, select» was likely influenced by Middle English chyse, chys, chis (choice, excellent), from Old English ċīs, *ċīes (choice; dainty; nice), related to Old English ċēosan (to choose).


  • IPA(key): /t͡ʃɔɪs/
  • Rhymes: -ɔɪs


choice (countable and uncountable, plural choices)

  1. An option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something.
    • 2012 January 1, Steven Sloman, “The Battle Between Intuition and Deliberation”, in American Scientist[1], volume 100, number 1, page 74:

      Libertarian paternalism is the view that, because the way options are presented to citizens affects what they choose, society should present options in a way that “nudges” our intuitive selves to make choices that are more consistent with what our more deliberative selves would have chosen if they were in control.

    Do I have a choice of what color to paint it?
  2. (uncountable) The power to choose.
    She didn’t leave us much choice.
    • 1907, Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States, page 68:

      For he is also the political leader of the nation, or has it in his choice to be.

  3. One selection or preference; that which is chosen or decided; the outcome of a decision.
    The ice cream sundae is a popular choice for dessert.
  4. Anything that can be chosen.

    You have three choices: vanilla, strawberry or chocolate

  5. (usually with the) The best or most preferable part.
  6. (obsolete) Care and judgement in selecting; discrimination, selectiveness.
    • 1625, Francis [Bacon], Apophthegmes New and Old. [], London: [] Hanna Barret, and Richard Whittaker, [], →OCLC:

      I imagine they [the apothegms of Caesar] were collected with judgment and choice.

    • 1757, Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, London: R. & J. Dodsley, Part I, Section I, p. 1,[2]
      We see children perpetually running from place to place to hunt out something new; they catch with great eagerness, and with very little choice, at whatever comes before them; their attention is engaged by every thing, because every thing has, in that stage of life, the charm of novelty to recommend it.
  7. (obsolete) A sufficient number to choose among.
    • c. 1591, Shakespeare, William, Henry VI, Part 1, act 5, scene 5, lines 17–18:

      And, which is more, she is not so divine, / So full replete with choice of all delights

  8. (set theory) Ellipsis of axiom of choice..
    • 2016 July 15, Decio Krause, Jonas R.B. Arenhart, The Logical Foundations of Scientific Theories: Languages, Structures, and Models (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics)‎[3], Routledge, →ISBN, page 51:

      5. ZF* is the theory obtained from the aforementioned axiomatics (without choice) by adding the Axiom of Inaccessible Cardinals to be explained in the next secion; similarly, we get ZFC*.


  • (selection or preference): option, possibility; see also Thesaurus:option
  • (anything that can be chosen): assortment, range, selection
  • (definite: best or most preferable part): the cream
  • (sufficient number to choose among): abundance, profusion; see also Thesaurus:cornucopia

Derived terms[edit]

  • agreement on the choice of court
  • anti-choice
  • axiom of countable choice
  • choice function
  • choice of court agreement
  • choice of forum agreement
  • choice of forum clause
  • choice theory
  • choice word
  • choicy
  • dealer’s choice
  • discrete choice analysis
  • drug of choice
  • fielder’s choice
  • first choice
  • for choice
  • Hercules’ choice
  • Hobson’s choice
  • intertemporal choice
  • multiple-choice
  • multiple-choice question
  • of choice
  • of one’s choice
  • pro-choice
  • rational choice theory
  • sailor’s-choice
  • Sophie’s choice
  • spoiled for choice
  • spoilt for choice
  • you pays your money and you takes your choice
  • you pays your nickel and you takes your choice


  • choose
  • choosey
  • chosen


option or decision

  • Albanian: zgjedhje (sq) f
  • Arabic: اِخْتِيَار‎ m (iḵtiyār)
  • Armenian: ընտրություն (hy) (əntrutʿyun)
  • Azerbaijani: seçim (az)
  • Basque: aukera
  • Belarusian: вы́бар m (výbar)
  • Bulgarian: и́збор (bg) m (ízbor)
  • Catalan: tria (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 選擇选择 (zh) (xuǎnzé)
  • Czech: volba (cs) f, výběr (cs) m
  • Danish: valg (da) n
  • Dutch: keuze (nl) f, keuzemogelijkeheid f
  • Esperanto: elekto
  • Estonian: valik
  • Faroese: val (fo) n
  • Finnish: valinta (fi), valikoima (fi)
  • French: choix (fr) m
  • Georgian: არჩევა (arčeva)
  • German: Wahl (de) f
  • Greek: επιλογή (el) f (epilogí)
    Ancient: ἐκλογή f (eklogḗ), αἵρεσις f (haíresis)
  • Hebrew: ברירה בְּרֵרָה (he) f (brera)
  • Hindi: चुनाव (hi) m (cunāv)
  • Hungarian: választás (hu)
  • Icelandic: val (is) n
  • Irish: rogha (ga) f
  • Italian: scelta (it) f
  • Japanese: 選択 (ja) (せんたく, sentaku)
  • Korean: 선택 (ko) (seontaek)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھەڵبژاردە (ckb) (hellbjarde), بژارە(bjare), سەرتڵ(sertill)
  • Latin: delectus (la) m, optiō f
  • Latvian: izvēle f
  • Lithuanian: rinklus, šiurkštus
  • Macedonian: избор m (izbor)
  • Malay: pilihan (ms), opsyen
  • Maltese: għażla
  • Maori: whiringa, kōwhitinga
  • Middle English: chois
  • Norwegian: valg (no)
    Nynorsk: val n
  • Old English: cyre m
  • Persian: گزینه (fa) (gozine)
  • Polish: wybór (pl) m
  • Portuguese: escolha (pt) f
  • Russian: вы́бор (ru) m (výbor)
  • Scottish Gaelic: taghadh m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: ѝзбор m
    Roman: ìzbor (sh) m
  • Silesian: wybier m
  • Sinhalese: තේරීම (tērīma)
  • Slovak: voľba f, výber m
  • Slovene: izbira f
  • Spanish: selección (es) f, decisión (es) f, opción (es) f
  • Swedish: val (sv) n
  • Thai: ทางเลือก (th) (taang-lʉ̂ʉak)
  • Turkish: seçim (tr)
  • Ukrainian: ви́бір m (výbir)
  • Vietnamese: sự quyết định
  • Walloon: tchuze (wa) f, tchoi (wa) m
  • Welsh: dewis (cy)
  • Yiddish: ברירה‎ f (breyre)

selection or preference

  • Afrikaans: fyn
  • Belarusian: вы́бар m (výbar)
  • Bulgarian: и́збор (bg) m (ízbor)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 選擇选择 (zh) (xuǎnzé)
  • Czech: volba (cs) f, možnost (cs) f
  • Danish: valg (da) n
  • Dutch: keuze (nl) f
  • Esperanto: elekto
  • Estonian: valik
  • Finnish: vaihtoehto (fi)
  • French: choix (fr) m
  • German: Wahl (de) f
  • Greek: επιλογή (el) f (epilogí), εκλογή (el) (eklogí)
    Ancient Greek: ἐκλογή f (eklogḗ), αἵρεσις f (haíresis)
  • Hebrew: בְּחִירָה (he) f (b’khirá)
  • Hindi: पसंद (hi) f (pasand)
  • Irish: rogha (ga) f, toghadh m
  • Italian: scelta (it) f
  • Japanese: 選択 (ja) (sentaku)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ئارەزوو (ckb) (arezû)
  • Maori: whiringa
  • Ngazidja Comorian: mtsauo class 3/4
  • Persian: گزینه (fa) (gozine), پسند (fa) (pasand)
  • Polish: wybór (pl) m
  • Portuguese: escolha (pt) f
  • Quechua: akllay
  • Russian: вы́бор (ru) m (výbor)
  • Scottish Gaelic: taghadh m, roghainn m or f
  • Silesian: wybier m
  • Spanish: elección (es) f
  • Swedish: val (sv) n
  • Ukrainian: ви́бір m (výbir)
  • Walloon: tchuze (wa) f

anything that can be chosen

  • Belarusian: вы́бар m (výbar)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 選項选项 (zh) (xuǎnxiàng)
  • Danish: valg (da) n
  • Finnish: vaihtoehto (fi)
  • French: choix (fr) m
  • German: Auswahl (de) f
  • Greek: επιλογή (el) f (epilogí)
  • Higaonon: pilion
  • Irish: rogha (ga) f
  • Japanese: 選択肢 (ja) (せんたくし, sentakushi)
  • Korean: 선택 (ko) (seontaek)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھەڵبژاردە (ckb) (hellbjarde), بژارە(bjare), سەرتڵ(sertill)
  • Maori: whiringa, kōwhitinga
  • Persian: برگزیده (fa) (bargozide), برگزیده شده(bargozide šode)
  • Polish: wybór (pl) m
  • Portuguese: escolha (pt) f
  • Russian: вы́бор (ru) m (výbor)
  • Scottish Gaelic: taghadh m
  • Spanish: opción (es) f
  • Swedish: sortiment (sv) n, urval (sv) n
  • Ukrainian: ви́бір m (výbir), ви́бір m (výbir)
  • Walloon: tchuze (wa) f, sôre (wa) f


choice (comparative choicer or more choice, superlative choicest or most choice)

  1. Especially good or preferred.
    Synonyms: prime, prize, quality, select, choicy

    It’s a choice location, but you will pay more to live there.

    • 1851 November 14, Herman Melville, chapter 33, in Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers; London: Richard Bentley, →OCLC, page 162:

      This it is, that for ever keeps God’s true princes of the Empire from the world’s hustings; and leaves the highest honors that this air can give, to those men who become famous more through their infinite inferiority to the choice hidden handful of the Divine Inert, than through their undoubted superiority over the dead level of the mass.

  2. (obsolete) Careful in choosing; discriminating.
    • 1856, J. R. Planché (tr.), Fairy Tales by the Countess d’Aulnoy, The Princess Carpillon:
      Thus musing, he ate nothing; the Queen, believing that it was in consequence of his having been unkindly received, loaded him with caresses; she herself handed him some exquisite fruits, of which she was very choice.


especially good or preferred

  • Bulgarian: отбран (bg) (otbran)
  • Danish: udsøgt
  • Dutch: uitgelezen (nl)
  • French: de choix
  • German: erlesen (de)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: ἐξαίρετος (exaíretos)
  • Hebrew: מובחר‎ m (muvkhar), מובחרת‎ f (muvkheret)
  • Irish: tofa
  • Italian: di prima scelta
  • Latin: ēlectus
  • Maori: pūwharu
  • Middle English: chois
  • Polish: wyborowy (pl) m
  • Portuguese: seleto (pt) m
  • Spanish: exquisito (es)
  • Swedish: prima (sv), utsökt (sv), utvald (sv)



  1. (slang, New Zealand) Cool; excellent.
    «I’m going to the movies.» —«Choice

See also[edit]

  • choicy


  • choice at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • “choice”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


  • echoic

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of chois



  1. Alternative form of chois

Other forms: choices; choicest; choicer; choicely

When you come to a fork in the road, you have to make a choice. If you can’t decide, maybe you should flip a coin.

If you have to choose between two schools, the one you end up going to is your choice. If there’s only one option, we say we «have no choice,» while «the choice is yours» means it’s up to you. Choice can also be an adjective for something of high quality, something worth choosing. The choice apples had all been picked by the time you arrived, so you had to settle for the bruised ones.

Definitions of choice

  1. noun

    the act of choosing or selecting

    choice of colors was unfortunate”


    option, pick, selection

    see moresee less


    show 26 types…
    hide 26 types…

    the choice of actors to play particular roles in a play or movie

    coloration, colouration

    choice and use of colors (as by an artist)


    (statistics) the selection of a suitable sample for study

    conclusion, decision, determination

    the act of making up your mind about something

    volition, willing

    the act of making a choice


    the act of selecting someone or something; the exercise of deliberate choice

    ballot, balloting, vote, voting

    a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative

    random sampling

    the selection of a random sample; each element of the population has an equal chance of been selected

    proportional sampling, representative sampling, stratified sampling

    the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum


    an act of intending; a volition that you intend to carry out

    appointment, assignment, designation, naming

    the act of putting a person into a non-elective position


    (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee


    the act of deciding to do something

    casting lots, drawing lots, sortition

    making a chance decision by using lots (straws or pebbles etc.) that are thrown or drawn


    a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner

    co-optation, co-option

    the selection of a new member (usually by a vote of the existing membership)

    block vote

    a vote proportional in magnitude to the number of people that a delegate represents

    cumulative vote

    an election in which each person has as many votes as there are positions to be filled and they can all be cast for one candidate or can be distributed in any manner

    secret ballot

    a vote in which each person’s choice is secret but the totaled votes are public

    split ticket

    a ballot cast by a voter who votes for candidates from more than one party

    straight ticket

    a ballot cast by a voter who votes for all the candidates of one party

    multiple voting

    the act of voting in more than one place by the same person at the same election (illegal in U.S.)

    casting vote

    the deciding vote cast by the presiding officer to resolve a tie


    a vote that blocks a decision


    a vote cast by writing in the name of a candidate who is not listed on the ballot


    the act of declining to vote for or against something

    type of:


    something done (usually as opposed to something said)

  2. noun

    one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

    “my only
    choice is to refuse”


    alternative, option

  3. noun

    the person or thing chosen or selected

  4. adjective

    of superior grade


    prime, prize, quality, select


    of high or superior quality or performance

  5. adjective

    appealing to refined taste



    pleasing to the sense of taste

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choice — перевод на русский


It’s your choice to believe in it or not, but this is real, so…

Это твой выбор верить тебе или нет, но это реальность, так что..

My choice… is you.

Мой выбор… ты.

Making a choice and protecting something is a difficult thing to do.

Будет нелегко сделать выбор защищать ее.

The choice is for each one to make.

Выбор… каждый делает сам.

So, you ready to make a choice?

Итак, вы готовы сделать выбор?

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Well, if it is a choice between my personal interest… and the good of my country, how can I waver?

Что ж… если выбирать между личным интересом… и благом для родины, какие могут быть сомнения?

If he had his choice between whiskeys and weddings, he’d take the whiskeys.

Если бы ему пришлось выбирать между виски и свадьбами, он бы выбрал виски.

Females shouldn’t be allowed no choice.

Женщины не должны выбирать!

You can take your choice.

Вы можете выбирать.

The choice isn’t up to him. That’s called education.

Он не должен выбирать, учиться ему игре на фортепиано или нет.

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It wasn’t a very pleasant choice.

Оба варианта были неприятными.

We have two choices.

Есть два варианта.

As I see it, we have three choices:

Как я это вижу, у нас три варианта.

You have three choices.

У тебя три варианта.

Now, you got three choices.

У тебя теперь три варианта.

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I wonder if you’d care to make a choice?

Не хочешь выбрать?

You will need to make another choice.

Вам нужно выбрать кого-то другого.

You can have your choice of Kiki the Cossack, Amazon Annie Lolita, Suzette Wong, Mimi the Maumau and then, of course, there’s Irma la Douce.

Вы можете выбрать казачку Кики, амазонку Энн,… ..Лолиту, Сюзетту Уонг, Мими Маумау,… ..ну и, конечно же, Ирму ля Дюс.

What you are saying, captain, is that we seem to have a choice between dealing with you or your enemies.

Похоже, капитан, вы хотите сказать, что нам предстоит выбрать, с кем иметь дело — с вами или с вашими врагами.

At Delos you get your choice of the vacation you want.

В Делосе вы можете выбрать мир для отдыха, какой пожелаете.

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Well, we’ve no choice. We’ve got to take them out.

Но у нас нет выхода, мы должны извлечь их.

To be loved by you or to die. I have no other choice.

Быть любимым вами или умереть Мне нет другого выхода.

Gentlemen? I regret I see no other choice for you, captain.

Мне жаль, но я не вижу другого выхода, капитан.

If he’s malfunctioning I don’t see any choice but disconnection.

Если компьютер неисправен я не вижу иного выхода, кроме его отключения.

We of the Movement feel… that there are only 2 choices.

Мы, члены Движения, чувствуем, что существует лишь два выхода:

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Well, Pollyanna, you’re not gonna have much choice in the matter this time.

Поллианна, на этот раз у тебя нет выбора.

There was little choice, right?

» нас нет выбора, не так ли?

We may not have any choice at all.

Возможно, у нас вообще нет выбора.

We have only one choice.

У нас нет выбора.

Besides … we don’t have much choice, do we?

Кроме того, у нас ведь нет выбора, правда?

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Vicky, if you don’t make your choice like an intelligent, civilized…

Вики, если ты не примешь решение сама, как умная и цивилизованная…

General Carter, sir, I really think you should reconsider your choice. I just don’t think I’m the right kind of man for this kind of job.

Генерал Картер, прошу вас пересмотреть свое решение, уверен, я не подхожу для такой работы.

And your choice?

И каково ваше решение?

A simple phone call. I made the best choice I could.

Я принял наилучшее решение, мне важно, чтоб ты мне верила.

I have made my choice.

Я приняла решение.

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Now you have no choice but to go.

Теперь тебе остаётся только одно — уйти.

With him behind me, I have no other choice. Are you cold?

С ним ничего другого не остается.

We have no choice but to march against Rome herself… and end this war the only way it could have ended:

Нам остаётся одно: идти на Рим… и довести эту войну до справедливого конца:

Our only choice is to follow the example of other clans:

Нам остается последовать примеру других кланов:

And we have no choice?

И нам ничего не остается?

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If I won’t listen to me, I’ll have no choice but to kill you.

Если вы не послушаетесь, у меня не останется выбора.

But if that glacier passes beyond the river, I will have no choice. I will have to release the lava.

Но если ледник перейдет за реку, у меня не останется выбора — придется выпустить лаву.

Will he leave when he sees there’s no other choice?

Согласится ли он уйти, если не останется выбора?

If you won’t negotiate, we have no choice!

Если вы не согласитесь, у нас не останется выбора!

Now, surrender the council members or we will have no choice but to take them by force.

Теперь, я требую выдать членов совета, или у меня не останется выбора, как забрать их силой.

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Every person has his own choice,

У каждого человека есть свой шанс,

Our only choice for safety, is to act before them.

— Наш единственный шанс для безопасности, опередить их.

— It’s the only choice we got.

— Это единственный шанс для нас.

And they have you to take that choice away.

Тогда как же им повезло, что у них есть вы, чтобы отобрать этот шанс.

— There’s no other choice.

Это единственный шанс.

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He has some important choices to make.

You made a good choice.

She was faced with a difficult choice.

You can either accept the job or not. It’s your choice.

I read about the various options so that I could make an informed choice.

Given the choice, I’d rather stay home tonight.

A flexible health insurance plan gives patients more choice about doctors and coverage.

There is a wide range of choices.

Other choices on the menu looked equally tempting.


Choice beef is not as expensive as prime beef.

choice chocolates for which chocolate lovers are willing to pay extra

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Recent Examples on the Web

Dispatches from the Garden: How To Build a Stone Wall A broadcast spreader is a better choice than a drop spreader for homeowners.

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And for internet speeds faster than the speed of light (OK, perhaps not that fast), the AT&T Fiber/DirecTV Stream bundle is the ideal choice.

Stefanie Waldek, EW.com, 10 Apr. 2023

That signature look wasn’t exactly his choice, Mr. Fieri, 55, says.

Lane Florsheim, WSJ, 10 Apr. 2023

For an average 4-person household, medium or large gas grills are a popular choice.

Camryn Rabideau, Peoplemag, 10 Apr. 2023

The North Rim has also been a popular choice for park goers looking for the road less traveled as only about 10 percent of all park visitors go there.

Alison Fox, Travel + Leisure, 10 Apr. 2023

Gain Botanicals is an economical choice that not only has 65% of its formula coming from plants, but in our test, cleaned better than traditional formulas costing more.

Carolyn Forté, goodhousekeeping.com, 8 Apr. 2023

The problem is that season-ticket holders have no choice in the matter.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 8 Apr. 2023

Find out why Tide Free & Gentle is the best choice for households both big and small.

Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023

In the pro-choice moment from which Roe emerged, few thought that what happened in Dobbs could ever occur.

Claudia Dreifus, CNN, 21 Jan. 2023

Word spread quickly in the country’s relatively small pro-life community—around 90 percent of Britons identify as pro-choice—and Colquhoun set up more groups around the U.K.

Jessica Bateman, The New Republic, 9 Jan. 2023

But that was intolerable to the coalition of pro-choice and pro-life advocates who fought for the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA).

Erika Bachiochi, CNN, 14 Dec. 2022

Long before the June decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, medical providers and pro-choice advocates braced for a future with diminishing access to legal abortions.

Molly Glick, Discover Magazine, 13 July 2022

Nearly fifty years later, not a day has passed since the Court’s ruling where anti-choice, far-right extremists haven’t tried to take us backwards.

Essence, 8 Apr. 2022

This time, the strategy failed, and Hanks lost the primary to pro-choice Republican Joe O’Dea.

Grayson Quay, The Week, 21 July 2022

But the governor’s success as a pro-choice Republican looks to be a vestige of a time nearly gone.

Globe Staff, BostonGlobe.com, 24 June 2022

Capitol riot to the Blake Lives Matter riots and protests in summer 2020, as well as the difference in response to actions taken by pro-life versus pro-choice activists.

Rachel Schilke, Washington Examiner, 15 Jan. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘choice.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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Inflections of ‘choice‘ (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
choice n (range of options) выбор м
   (в продаже) ассортимент м
  There was a good choice of desserts on the menu.
  В меню был большой выбор десертов.
choice n (act of choosing) выбор м
  He needs to make a choice between the apple and the orange.
  Ему надо сделать выбор между яблоком и апельсином.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

choice [tʃɔɪs]
n (selection) вы́бор
adj (cut of meat, fruit etc) отбо́рный
this is a possible choice э́то возмо́жный вариа́нт
by or from choice доброво́льно
a wide choice большо́й вы́бор
to have first choice выбира́ть (вы́брать*perf) пе́рвым

I have no choice, but/but to у меня́ нет друго́го вы́хода кро́ме +gen/кро́ме как +infin

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

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