What does ing do to a word

Purpose of the -ING Suffix When you add -ING to the end of a word, you change its tense to the present participle. This suffix can be used to change a standard verb into a verbal adjective to describe the present action of the noun.

What are words with the suffix ing?


  • misunderstanding.
  • undiscriminating.
  • microprogramming.
  • narcotrafficking.
  • indiscriminating.
  • phototypesetting.
  • nonparticipating.
  • nonmanufacturing.

What is ING form called?

The “-ing” form can function as a noun. These nouns are called gerunds and can be the subject of a clause, followed by a third-person singular (he/she/it) form of the verb.

Are all ing words gerunds?

Yes, gerunds all end with -ing, simply by definition. A gerund is, in Latin, a form of the verb which can be construed as (i.e. has functional characteristics of) a noun – it can act as subject or object of a verb, for example, or can take a plural ending.

Why is ING used in a sentence?

1. Something is in progress. One way of using –ing is to show the progressive aspect of something – that means something is going on, has been going on, or will be happening.

What are three ing words?

1 Answer

  • calming.
  • quietening.
  • harmonizing.

Is ing a Derivational suffix?

Note that you’ve given “ing” as both an inflectional as well as a derivational suffix. Any suffix that transforms a base word, such as “know” into a different tense, etc. without changing the meaning of the underlying word is inflectional.

How do you teach ing endings?

Add -ing to each of the base words, demonstrating how to drop the e when adding the -ing. Explain that there is one more spelling rule to know about adding -ing to a word. If a word has a short vowel sound and follows the vowel + consonant ending, then you need to double the consonant before adding -ing.

How do you explain ing words?

-ing is a suffix used to make one of the inflected forms of English verbs. This verb form is used as a present participle, as a gerund, and sometimes as an independent noun or adjective. The suffix is also found in certain words like morning and ceiling, and in names such as Browning.

What does ing mean in gaming?

Cheese(ing) refers to a tactic in a video game that may be considered cheap, unfair, or overly easy, requiring no skill by others as to otherwise complete a difficult task.

Where do we use ing form?

The -ing form is used in past, present and future continuous tenses, for example: Anthony was fishing. The boys have been playing tennis. We will be working when you arrive.

What is the example of suffix?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘-ly’ or ‘- ness’, which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, often of a different word class. For example, the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to ‘ quick’ to form ‘quickly’. Compare affix and , prefix.

Are ing words bad?

Yes, it’s okay to use words ending in –ing. Yes, it’s okay to begin sentences with words, even participles, ending in –ing. Yes, words that end in –ing can be overused and can create a rash of problems for the writer. … Explore participles and participial phrases and the progressive tense.

Can two words ending in ing in a row?

To understand why two -ing words can appear in a row in English, you must first understand the present participle. A present participle is a word that is formed from a verb and ends in -ing. … But, the present participle can also act as a gerund or an adjective. Consider the verb to sing.

How many types of ING are there?

3 Types of -ing Verb.

Are ing words active?

“Brad was walking down the street.” Contrary to the common misperception that verbs with a form of “be” followed by an “ing” participle are passive, this sentence is in the active voice.

What are some ING action verbs?

For many verbs we make the ING form by simply adding -ING to end of the verb.

  • eat – eating.
  • speak – speaking.
  • cook – cooking.
  • start – starting.
  • do – doing.
  • stay – staying.
  • fix – fixing.
  • try – trying.

What is the longest word ending in ing?

Explanation: To floccinaucinihilipilificate is to estimate something as worthless. If you were doing it now then you would be floccinaucinihilipilificating.

Can we use ing with have?

The verb have can be followed by object + infinitive / -ing form. This structure can have two meanings: ‘to cause to happen’ or ‘to experience’. Note that in this case, the infinitive and the –ing form can be used with little or no difference in meaning. He had me wash his car.

Can we use ing after for?

We use for + the -ing form of a verb to refer to the reason for something: You should talk to Jane about it. You know, she’s famous for being a good listener. (A lot of people know she’s such a good listener.)

What is a gerund easy definition?

A gerund is a form of a verb that ends in -ing that is used as a noun. As you may know, a verb is a word that refers to actions or states of being, and a noun is a word that we use to refer to people, places, things, and ideas. A gerund is like a blend of verbs and nouns.

What are the 5 types of gerund?

Types of gerunds

  • Subjects.
  • Predicate Nominative.
  • Direct object.
  • Object of preposition.

Table of Contents

  1. What are three words that end with ING?
  2. Where do we use ing form?
  3. How do you teach ing?
  4. What is the difference between ING and S?
  5. How do you use two infinitives in a sentence?
  6. Why do we use ing?
  7. Why do we use ing after for?
  8. Can we use ing with have?

Adding “ing” to verbs can change the tense of the verb to various instances of the continuous, denoting ongoing actions. In the sentence, “I’m singing opera,” the verb “singing” denotes the present continuous tense. In, “I’ve been singing opera,” the phrase “been singing” portrays the present perfect tense.

What are three words that end with ING?

Words That End With ING

  • bing.
  • ding.
  • king.
  • ling.
  • ping.
  • ring.
  • sing.
  • ting.

Where do we use ing form?

“-ing” can also be used to turn a verb into a “gerund” – this is a verb that can also be used as a noun. You can transform most verbs into gerunds by adding the suffix – and then simply use the word as a regular noun. Eg. “Learning to drive is not hard.”

How do you teach ing?

Add -ing to each of the base words, demonstrating how to drop the e when adding the -ing. Explain that there is one more spelling rule to know about adding -ing to a word. If a word has a short vowel sound and follows the vowel + consonant ending, then you need to double the consonant before adding -ing.

What is the difference between ING and S?

We add -s only for he/she/it: She works every day. (“I works” is not correct) Present simple tense for habits and general facts. We add “to be” and -ing for continuous or temporary actions.

How do you use two infinitives in a sentence?

There are two infinitives in this sentence: walk and run. Walk follows the word why, and it is asking a question. Run works with the helping verb could….Practice

  1. What you should do is stop talking for a moment and listen.
  2. Oh, that must be Lebo at the door.
  3. Why walk when I could run?

Why do we use ing?

-ing is a suffix used to make one of the inflected forms of English verbs. This verb form is used as a present participle, as a gerund, and sometimes as an independent noun or adjective. The suffix is also found in certain words like morning and ceiling, and in names such as Browning.

Why do we use ing after for?

For + -ing: reason We use for + the -ing form of a verb to refer to the reason for something: You should talk to Jane about it. You know, she’s famous for being a good listener. (A lot of people know she’s such a good listener.)

Can we use ing with have?

The verb have can be followed by object + infinitive / -ing form. Note that in this case, the infinitive and the –ing form can be used with little or no difference in meaning. He had me wash his car.

What is a word that ends with ING?

15-letter words that end in ingnotwithstanding.multiprocessing.superconducting.uncomprehending.unprepossessing.unaccommodating.micropublishing.weatherboarding.

What words describe a wolf?

Here are some adjectives for wolf: well-behaved hairy, potentially rabid, supposedly vicious, brown arctic, fiery zeal, warm-hearted, straightforward, strictly lone, untamed and probably nervous, indomitable, terrible, veritable lone, stealthy gray, hungry, half-starved, gray fierce, unpleasant and most extraordinary.

What is the root word of wolves?

When something reminds you of a wolf, you can describe it as lupine. The adjective lupine comes from the French word of the same name, with Latin roots: lupinus, “of the wolf,” from lupus, “wolf.”

What is the rule for ING endings?

Use -ing words correctly in sentences. Rule 1: For words that end in a silent (not pronounced) -e, drop the -e and add -ing. Rule 2: For one-syllable words that end in consonant-vowel-consonant (except x and w), double the last letter and add -ing.

What does adding ING do to a word?

Adding “ing” to the ending of a verb in the English language changes both the meaning and the function of the verb. In some cases, it causes the verb to act as a noun or adjective, whereas in others, it changes the tense of the verb.

Where do we use ing in English?

The -ing form of a word can be used like a noun, a verb or an adjective.The noun form of -ing. When the -ing form is used as a noun, it modifies (or gives context to) a verb. The adjective form of -ing. When it is used as an adjective, the -ing form describes another noun. The verb form of -ing.

What is the ING form of a verb called?

The “-ing” form can function as a noun. These nouns are called gerunds and can be the subject of a clause, followed by a third-person singular (he/she/it) form of the verb. The gerund in the following sample sentences is bolded, and the verb is italicized: Writing is an important skill.

What are some ING verbs?

Verbs followed by the ‘-ing’ formI love swimming but I hate jogging. I wouldn’t mind having some fish and chips. Our leader suggested waiting until the storm was over. I haven’t finished writing this letter. We saw everybody running away. I caught someone trying to break in to my house. I don’t like being interrupted.

Do you mind to or ING?

We use the phrases would you mind + -ing form, and do you mind + -ing form to ask people politely to do things. Would you mind is more polite and more common: Would you mind opening the window, please? Do you mind turning down the volume a little, please?4 days ago

What does ING mean in text?

removing is used in Texting. subtracting. subtracting is used in Texting. The word -ing is used in Texting meaning removing,subtracting.

What is a gerund in Latin?

In Latin, a gerund is a verbal noun. That is, it derives from a verb but functions as a noun.

What is supine in Latin?

Page 1. THE SUPINE. The Supine is a verbal noun of the fourth declension, appearing only in the accusative singular (-um) and ablative singular (-ü) and limited to two usages.

What is the difference between a gerund and Gerundive in Latin?

In Classical Latin, the gerundive is distinct in form and function from the gerund and the present active participle. In Late Latin, the differences were largely lost, resulting in a form derived from the gerund or gerundive but functioning more like a participle.

What is the difference between a gerund and participle?

Gerunds, Infinitives, and Participles are all types of verbs. A gerund is a verb that ends with -ing (such as dancing, flying, etc.), that functions as a noun. A participle also ends in -ing like a gerund, but it does not function as a noun. Instead, they form the progressive tense of a verb.

How do you explain a participle?

What does participle mean? A participle is formed from a verb and modifies a noun, noun phrase, verb, or verb phrase. Most often, a participle functions as an adjective. A participle most often ends in –ed or –ing (except for some irregular verbs).

Are gerunds participles?

3 Answers. A gerund is a form of a verb used as a noun, whereas a participle is a form of verb used as an adjective or as a verb in conjunction with an auxiliary verb. When used as an adjective (“a walking contradiction”) it is also a participle. However, when used as a noun (“walking is good for you”), it is a gerund.

Adding “ing” to the ending of a verb in the English language changes both the meaning and the function of the verb. In some cases, it causes the verb to act as a noun or adjective, whereas in others, it changes the tense of the verb.

What are ING ending words called?

Words ending in -ing can be gerunds, verbal nouns, or present participles. Distinguishing (= gerund) between these, and using them correctly is not always easy – until you understand these three simple rules.

Can I use ING after to?

A phrasal verb is something like “look forward to”, “confess to”, etc. In this case, the “TO” is part of the verb itself and is followed by -ing. – I’m looking forward to meeting my friend again. It is not just the preposition TO that imposes the gerund, but the construction to be+ adjective+TO +V+ing .

Why is ING used in a sentence?

“-ing” can also be used to turn a verb into a “gerund” – this is a verb that can also be used as a noun. You can transform most verbs into gerunds by adding the suffix – and then simply use the word as a regular noun. Eg.

Will be verb ing examples?

It follows a general formula of will + to be + verb (ending in -ing). For example, “The children will be walking to school.” You can see how “will be” tells us that this is a future event, and “walking” here indicates a continuous event. Let’s take a look at a few more future progressive tense examples.

When to use will be ing?

2 Answers. We use will be + -ing form (present participle, not bare infinitive) to form the future continuous to talk about future actions. It’s used to express that something will be in progress at or around a time in the future. I’ll be out at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

Can verb be ing?

Future progressive is often expressed with will be -ing or a verb group with a modal (e.g., may, can, shall, might, should) This “tense” is used for reporting a scheduled activity with special focus on its timing— as if one is standing in the future and experiencing the flow of the time.

What word is wont?

People often leave the apostrophe out of “won’t,” meaning “will not.” “Wont” is a completely different and rarely used word meaning “habitual custom.” Perhaps people are reluctant to believe this is a contraction because it doesn’t make obvious sense like “cannot” being contracted to “can’t.” The Oxford English …

Adding “ing” to the ending of a verb in the English language changes both the meaning and the function of the verb. In some cases, it causes the verb to act as a noun or adjective, whereas in others, it changes the tense of the verb.

Noun Function

When the verb functions as a noun, it generally takes on the “ing” form, becoming a gerund. Gerunds may be the subjects, direct objects, subject complements or object of prepositions in sentences. In the sentence, “Singing is fun,” for example, “singing” serves as the subject. In, “They appreciate my singing,” however, “singing” serves as the direct object. The sentence, “My favorite hobby is singing,” places “singing” as the subject complement. In the example, “I got an award for singing,” “singing” is the object of the preposition.

Adjective Function

In some instances, adding “ing” to a verb makes it function like an adjective. For instance, in the sentence, “I was met by a singing party,” the word “singing” is an adjective describing the type of party. In the quote by Edward Hodnett, an American poet, «Only the inquiring mind solves problems,» the word «inquiring» is used as an adjective to describe the mind.

Verb Function

Adding “ing” to verbs can change the tense of the verb to various instances of the continuous, denoting ongoing actions. In the sentence, “I’m singing opera,” the verb “singing» denotes the present continuous tense. In, “I’ve been singing opera,” the phrase “been singing» portrays the present perfect tense. The sentence, “I was singing opera,” uses “was singing» in the past continuous tense. “I’ll be singing opera tomorrow night” portrays “be singing» in the future continuous tense.

Verb and “ing” Combinations

Some verbs are followed by a word ending in “ing” to portray certain actions. For instance, in author Charlotte Bronte’s quote, «I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward,» the phrase «avoid looking» illustrates a verb and «ing» combination. Other common verb and «ing» combinations include «look forward to seeing,» «keeps calling» and «can’t stand going.»

В этой статье мы разберем один из аспектов словообразования в английском языке, а именно — слова с окончанием ing. Инговое окончание в английском играет важную роль в грамматике. Мы расскажем, когда добавляется окончание ing, что оно означает, а также приведем конкретные примеры.

Окончание ing в английском языке может быть у четырех частей речи:

-отглагольных существительных

-глаголов временной группы Continuous

-причастий первого типа


Разберем последовательно все случаи.


Окончание ing отглагольных существительных

Как понятно из названия, речь пойдет о существительных, образованных от глаголов. В русском языке тоже есть такие примеры. Бег (от глагола бежать), чтение (от глагола читать), пение (от глагола петь).

Примеры отглагольных существительных с окончанием ing:

reading — чтение (от to read — читать)

smoking — курение (от to smoke — курить)

singing — пение (от to sing — петь)

meeting — встреча (от to meet — встречать, встречаться)

В предложении существительные, образованные от глаголов, выступают в качестве подлежащих или дополнений.

Примеры предложений с отглагольными существительными:

My hobby is reading. Чтение — мое хобби.

Smoking is prohibited in our office. В нашем офисе курение запрещено.

Singing is interesting but difficult for me. Пение для меня интересно, но трудно.

She will never forget their first meeting. Она никогда не забудет их первую встречу.


Как присоединяется окончание ing?

Прежде чем перейти ко второму случаю употребления ing в английском, давайте остановимся на правилах добавления окончания инг к словам.

Окончание ing добавляется как к правильным, так и к неправильным глаголам, и во всех случаях произносится как слог [iŋ].


  1. Если глагол оканчивается на немую гласную букву е, то эта буква убирается.


write — writing (писать — письмо (процесс написания)

close — closing (закрывать — закрытие)

smoke — smoking (курить — курение)

  1. Если глагол оканчивается на гласную букву y, то окончание ing добавляется после у.

copy — copying (копировать — копирование)

study — studying (изучать — изучение)

buy — buying (покупать — покупая)


  1. В случаях, когда глагол оканчивается на закрытый слог под ударением, то конечная согласная удваивается.

spin — spinning (вращать — вращение)

plan — planning (планировать — планирование)

get — getting (получать — получая)


Если ударение стоит не на предшествующем гласном звуке или этот гласный звук является долгим, то при добавлении окончания ing удвоения согласных не происходит.  Например: work — working (работать — работа), count — counting (считать — счет).


  1. В британском английском в словах, оканчивающихся на букву l, перед которой стоит короткий гласный звук, при добавлении окончания ing буква l удваивается.

travel — travelling (путешествовать — путешествие)


  1. Если глагол оканчивается на букву r в ударном слоге, то r также удваивается.

prefer — preferring (предпочитать — предпочитание)


  1. Слова, образование которых, нужно запомнить:

lie — lying (врать — ложь)

die — dying (умирать — умирая)

tie — tying (завязывать — завязывая)

age — ageing (стареть — старение)

ski — skiing (кататься на лыжах — катание на лыжах)

see — seeing (видеть — видя)

agree — agreeing (соглашаться — соглашаясь)

Во всех остальных случаях окончание ing добавляется без изменения исходного слова.

Глаголы с инговым окончанием во временах группы Continuous

Времена группы Continuous выражают факт какого-то действия, подчеркивая длительность процесса, а не его результат.

Предложения в длительном времени образуются по следующей схеме:

Подлежащее + to be в соответствующей форме и времени + сказуемое с окончанием ing + дополнения.

Present Continuous обозначает действие, которое происходит в настоящем времени, в момент речи или в конкретное время, и образуется следующим образом: подлежащее + am, is, are + глагол с ing + дополнения.

I am reading a book now. Я сейчас читаю книгу.

Children are playing piano every day from 2 till 3 o’clock. Дети каждый день играют на фортепиано с 2 до 3 часов.

Past Continuous обозначает действие, которое длилось какое-то время ранее и завершено к моменту речи. Схема образования Past Continuous: подлежащее + was, were + глагол с ing + дополнения.

I was sleeping when you called me. Я спал, когда ты мне позвонил.

They were playing tennis at this time yesterday. Вчера в это время они играли в теннис.

Future Continuous используется, когда мы говорим о действии в будущем времени, которое будет протекать в определенное время. Схема образования Future Continuous: подлежащее + will be + глагол с ing + дополнения.

Next Saturday at this time I will be swimming in the ocean. В это время в следующую субботу я буду купаться в океане.

My mother will be cooking when I come home. Моя мама будет готовить, когда я приду домой.

Также глаголы с инговым окончанием употребляются во временах группы Perfect Continuous. Рассмотрим настоящее, прошедшее и будущее время в Perfect Continuous.

Present Perfect Continuous используется в случаях, когда действие началось в прошлом, но продолжается до сих пор. Настоящее совершенное длительное время образуется: подлежащее + have/has + been + глагол с ing + дополнения.

I have been doing this for three days. Я делаю это уже 3 дня.

It has been snowing for a week. Уже неделю идет снег.

Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для обозначения действия, которое протекало и завершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. Прошедшее совершенное длительное время образуется: подлежащее + had + been + глагол с ing + дополнения.

Marry had been talking on the phone for an hour when her husband entered the room. Мэри разговаривала по телефону уже час, когда ее муж вошел в комнату.

When I woke up my mother had been cooking breakfast for half an hour. Когда я проснулся, моя мама уже пол часа как готовила завтрак.

Future Perfect Continuous используется для обозначения действия, которое будет протекать и иметь некий результат на определенный момент в будущем.

Будущее совершенное длительное время образуется следующим образом:

подлежащее + will + have been + глагол с ing + дополнения.

My grandparents will have been living together for 60 years next year. В следующем году будет 60 лет, как мои бабушка и дедушка живут вместе.

When you visit us in January, I and my brother will have been studying English for seven months. Когда вы навестите нас в январе, мы с братом будем изучать английский уже 7 месяцев.


Окончание ing у причастий первого типа

Причастие в английском языке — это неличная форма глагола. Participle I или причастие первого типа образуется добавлением к глаголу окончания ing. В русском языке Participle I соответствует причастию или деепричастию. В английском языке деепричастия, как отдельной части части речи, нет.

Participle I используется в следующих случаях:

  1. Для определения действия, которое происходит параллельно и одновременно с глаголом-сказуемым. В данном случае глагол с инговым окончанием переводится деепричастием и отвечает на вопрос «Что делая?».

I often call my friends while walking in the park . Гуляя в парке, я часто звоню своим друзьям.

When reading a book he usually writes down interesting thoughts. Читая книгу, он обычно выписывает интересные мысли.

  1. Для описания существительного. В этом случае Participle I переводится на русский язык причастием и отвечает на вопросы «какой?», «какая?», «какие?».  

The boy standing in the gate is my brother. Мальчик, стоящий в воротах — мой брат.

I can’t forget the girl sitting by the window during the concert. Я не могу забыть девушку, сидевшую у окна во время концерта.

Герундий с окончанием ing в английском языке

Герундий — это неличная форма глагола, которая образуется добавлением к глаголу окончания ing, и сочетает в себе признаки глагола и существительного. Переводиться на русский язык герундий может различными частями речи. Соответственно он может выступать и разными членами предложения.

I enjoy spending time with my family. Мне нравится проводить время вместе с семьей.

She likes painting. Ей нравится рисовать.

Thank you for helping. Спасибо, что помогли.

He left the room without shaking our hands. Он вышел, не пожав нам руки.

В английском языке ряд глаголов требует употребления после себя герундия. Приведем основные из них:

Admit — признавать

Avoid — избегать

Carry on — продолжать

Consider — рассматривать, считать

Delay — откладывать

Deny — отрицать

Discuss — обсуждать

Enjoy — наслаждаться

Escape — избежать

Finish — заканчивать

Imagine — представлять

Involve — вовлекать

Look forward to — с нетерпением ждать (чего-либо)

Postpone — откладывать

Resist — сопротивляться, противиться

Suggest — предполагать

Understand — понимать

Рассмотрим на конкретных примерах:

I avoid answering embarrassing questions. Я избегаю отвечать на неловкие вопросы.

He often delays doing homework. Он часто откладывает выполнение домашнего задания.

We enjoy playing basketball. Нам нравится играть в баскетбол.

She postponed returning to Moscow. Она отложила возвращение в Москву.

He suggests writing them. Он предлагает написать им.

Итак, мы разобрали правила употребления окончания ing в английском языке. Теперь вы знаете, в каких случаях оно используется и как переводится на русский язык. В следующих статьях мы подробнее разберем каждый случай отдельно. Удачи в изучении английского языка!


A 7 min read

Verb-ing Words – Three Functions

We are all familiar with the verb-ing words as clause modifiers when they are preceded by a comma or placed in the beginning of the sentence and separated from the main clause by a comma. Following is the overview of various modifications by verb-ing modifier according to its placement:


What does it modify

After clause preceded by comma

Preceding clause

Before clause preceded by comma

Following clause/ Subject

We have already written very detailed articles on verb-ing modifiers. Here are the links for the same:

  1. Usage of Verb Modifiers – Part 1
  2. Usage of Verb Modifiers – Part 2

But, the function of verb-ing words is not limited to only modifiers. They play various other roles in a sentence. Take a look at the following three sentences. By the way, they are all correct sentences, so don’t worry about correcting them.

  1. Growing plants is my hobby.
  2. Growing plants in your backward need more care.
  3. I am growing aromatic plants in my garden.

Anyone who aims to score above 700 in GMAT MUST understand the distinctions detailed out in this article.

Costly confusion

In all these three sentences, “growing”, the verb-ing word, plays three different roles. In the first sentence, “growing” is a noun, in the second, it’s an adjective, and in the last sentence together with “am”, it is a verb in present continuous tense. Many a times, test takers fail to identify the correct role of the verb-ing word because of the complex structure of sentences in Sentence Correction.

In my experience, students who cannot differentiate between the use of verb-ing word as a noun and as an adjective end up making Subject Verb Number Agreement error.  We have addressed over 20 such doubts in our internal forums.

Similarly, if students are unable to differentiate between the use of verb-ing word as an adjective and as a verb, they will toward a grammatical disaster.

Hence, it is necessary to be aware of the various functions of the verb-ing so that our mistakes do not reflect on our score card.


Function 1- Verb-ing word As A Noun

Verb-ing words can function as nouns. But these nouns are little different from conventional nouns. The verb-ing words function as those nouns that actually denote an action. So such verb-ing words fall under the category of nouns but unlike conventional nouns, they actually denote an action. These forms of verb-ing words are popularly known as gerunds. Since at e-gmat, we refrain from using grammatical jargons, we call the gerunds the verb-ing nouns that denote action.

Verb-ing words function as Nouns that denote an Action

Now let’s study our first example sentence in the light of this


  • 1. Growing plants is my hobby.

In this sentence, “growing” is the verb-ing noun because the word acts a noun and hence is the subject of the clause, but it also denotes an action. “Growing” most certainly does not follow the definition of the conventional noun – a thing, place or person – as it denotes the action of growing. Hence, it is a verb-ing noun.

One other thing to note about verb-ing nouns is that they are ALWAYS singular in number and hence, take singular verb when act as subjects. In our example sentence too, the verb is singular “is” as the subject “growing” is singular.

  •  2. Marketing baby products in the internet world requires a cohesive message to be spread through traditional print and social media.

In this sentence, “marketing”, the verb-ing word acts as a noun and forms a big noun phrase “Marketing baby products in the internet world” that is the subject of the sentence. Since “marketing” is the head of this noun phrase and is a verb-ing noun, it takes singular verb “requires”. The number of the nouns entities that follow “marketing” has no effect on the number of the verb “requires”.

Following are the examples of the verb-ing noun in official questions:

  • 1. Eating saltwater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, according to three research studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (OGV2#28)

In this sentence, “eating” is a verb-ing noun that makes the subject of this sentence. Now, this sentence uses the verb “may reduce” that actually does not talk much about the number of the subject. But if “may” is removed, then “eating” will take singular verb “reduces”.

  •   2. Many policy experts say that shifting a portion of health-benefit costs back to the workers not only helps to control the employer’s costs, but also helps to limit medical spending by making patients more careful consumers. (OGV2#63)

In this official sentence as well, “shifting”, the verb-ing noun takes singular verb “helps” in the idiom not only X but Y.

Function 2 – Verb-ing as an Adjective

Another role that a verb-ing word plays is of an adjective. As an adjective, it provides extra information of a particular noun entity. These verb-ing words can be present before or after the noun entity without any comma between the modified noun and the verb-ing adjective.

Verb -ing words function as Adjectives

The verb-ing word in our second example sentence falls in this category.

  • 1. Growing plants in your backyard need more care.

In this sentence, “growing” is the adjective that presents a characteristic of the “plants”. What kind of plants need more care? The plants that are growing.

The thing to notice here is that since the verb-ing word acts as an adjective, it does not have bearing on the verb of the sentence. The verb needs to agree in number and make sense with the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is “plants” and hence the verb used is plural “need”.

  • 2. Marketing channels that cost more generally provide higher returns.

In this sentence, “marketing” is the verb-ing adjective that talks about the characteristic of the channels. The sentence specifically talks about a particular type of channels – “marketing channels”. Since “marketing” is just an adjective or a modifier, the noun “channels” is the subject in this sentence and takes plural verb “provide” because the subject is plural.

Similarly, since “that” refers to the plural “channels”, it also takes plural verb “cost”.

It’s time to review some official sentences with verb-ing word acting as an adjective:

  •  1. Declining values for farm equipment and land, the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, are going to force many lenders to tighten or deny credit this spring. (OGVR2#20)

In this correct official sentence, “declining” is the adjective that presents additional information about the noun “values” The verb-ing word again presents the characteristic of the value. It talks about the values that decreasing. So the subject of the sentence is “values”, a plural noun that takes plural verb “are” which actually falls in the underlined portion.

So if you mistook “declining” for noun instead of adjective, you would probably choose the answer choice that would have “is”. This is the grammatical fiasco we are talking about.

  •  2. Rising inventories, if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead to production cutbacks that would hamper economic growth. (OG13#14)

We have already seen that test takers do get confused in determining the role of “rising” in this one. Clearly, “rising” here talks about a feature of “inventories”. The sentence talks about those inventories that rise.  Now here the verb is “can lead” that does not speak anything about the number of the noun. But there are a few answer choices that have the singular verb “leads”. These answer choices have been explained as incorrect as “rising inventories” does not agree in number in with the verb “leads”.

Function 3 – Verb-ing as a Verb with a helping verb

The function of verb-ing words as verbs is a very popular function. However, there are many who make the mistake of identifying JUST the verb-ing word as the verb. This is not correct.

Verb-ing words along with helping verbs function as Verbs

One thing we must be aware of is that verbs MUST have a tense. But the verb-ing words just by themselves do not have any tense. Can you tell what is the tense of “eating”, “drinking”, or “dancing”. Certainly not.

But you will be able to do so the moment I add some helping verb before these words. Check it for yourself – “is eating”, “was drinking”, “have been dancing”. Right?

So NEVER consider just the verb-ing word as a verb in a sentence. It’s time to bring our third example sentence here:

  • 3. I am growing aromatic plants in my garden.

Here, if we just read the word “growing”, we would not be able to tell the tense of this word. It is the helping verb “am” that tells me that the verb “am growing” is in simple present continuous tense.  We can never write sentences such as:

  1. Joe eating pizza.
  2. Julia dancing on the stage.

In these sentences, “eating” and “dancing” CANNOT be termed as verbs because we don’t know the timeframe of these continuous actions. But adding a helping verb – is/are/were/was/has been/have been etc. – will not only make the tense of the verb clear but also provide a proper verb to make the structure a proper grammatical sentence.

  1. Joe is eating pizza.
  2. Julia was dancing on the stage.

Following is the instance where an e-GMAT student rejected a choice because he thought that the verb-ing word was a present continuous tense.


As you can recognize, this question is OG13#47. Although choice A is incorrect, the student rejected that choice because he thought that “taking” is a present continuous tense.

This is incorrect because here “taking” is not preceded by any helping verb. We cannot even determine its tense in absence of the helping verb.

Well, this is just one instance. In our internal forums, we have many more such queries and analysis where students mistook just the verb-ing word to be continuous tense verb. This confusion is quite common and can cost you dearly.

Hence, whenever you see a verb-ing word, make sure that you find a preceding helping verb before declaring it a verb in continuous tense. Do remember that the verb-ing words CANNOT be verbs without the helping verbs preceding them.

Take Aways

  1. Verb-ing words can function as a noun that denotes an action, an adjective or as a verb when preceded by a helping verb.
  2. Verb-ing word functioning as a noun is ALWAYS singular and must take a singular verb when it is a subject.
  3. Verb-ing word as an adjective bears no effect on the number of the verb.
  4. Verb-ing words just by themselves CANNOT act as verbs. They must be preceded by a helping verb to act as proper verbs.

Rules for joining ing to verbs. The -ing ending in English: education and use cases

когда добавляется окончание ing

Many students are often confused -ed и -ing graduations in English. For example, you want to say that you miss (bored), but it turns out that you are boring (boring) or vice versa.

There is a big difference between these two meanings, there can be confusion, and this is due to the incorrect application of the endings. But the rule is actually very simple.

You will find in this article the rules for using adjective endings, examples of their use, and exercises with answers, and.

Rules of Use -ed и -ing graduations in english

Many adjectives have endings -ing or -ed… The best way to understand the difference is by looking at specific examples:

Oleg has been reading the same story for a very long time. He does it for his little son John, because John’s story is very much. Oleg is already bored with it.

(Oleg reads the same story for his little son John for a long time, because John really likes this story. Oleg is already bored with this story.)

End -ed used to express the feelings and emotions of a person or any living being.

End -ing used in an adjective that describes an object that evokes feelings or emotions.

Oleg is reading the very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring. (Oleg reads a very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring)

Can a person be boring? Of course, then it causes boredom in others:

Oleg is boring, Yo soy bored with him. (Oleg is boring, I’m bored with him)

Comparisons and examples

IMPORTANT: you cannot use –ed endings with things, since things do not have feelings and emotions.

Finishing exercises in English -ed and -ing

  1. It’s very irritated irritating when people don’t listen when you’re tlaking to them.
  2. I think the whale is the most fascinated fascinating creature in the ocean.
  3. I heard some really interesting interesting news yesterday.
  4. The new project sounds excited exciting.

    I’m looking forward to working on it.

  5. It was a really terrified terrifying experience. Everybody was very shocking shocked.
  6. The hot chocolate was comforted comforting.
  7. The storm was threatened threatening.
  8. I was really amazing when I was offered the job.
  9. I was very annoyed annoying when my sister forgot our dinner date.
  10. My children were very hungry. The apples were satisfying satisfied.

To view the answers, click on this phrase

Ingoing ending in English is a sign of several grammatical forms.

The ending ing is usually added to the verbs, while the action takes on the meaning of a process, duration.

ING ending in grammar

The ending -ing in English is used in the following cases:

In the days of the Continuous group

The tenses of this group have two common features: first, the verb to be in the right tense, and secondly, the semantic verb with — ing.

For example:

Lima is constantly chatting with her friends on the Internet. (Present Continuous) — Lima is constantly chatting with her girlfriends on the Internet.

Source: https://einp.ru/pravila-prisoedineniya-ing-k-glagolam-okonchanie--ing-v-angliiskom/

The ending -ing in English — where is it used and how is it added?

когда добавляется окончание ing

End -ing in English, this is a question that can be dealt with with varying degrees of scholarship, seriousness and tediousness. In this article I will analyze it from a purely practical point of view. If you are writing a thesis — do not read this article, if you are learning English, just to communicate in it — welcome!

The ending -ing turns the verb into a “long verb”

End -ing can be added to any verb, regular or irregular, as a result, we get a word with a long-lasting meaning. It is noteworthy that this word is no longer a verb, but one of these parts of speech:

  • Present participle,
  • Adjective,
  • Gerund.

The -ing ending in the present participle

The present participle is a cross between a verb and an adjective, a part of speech that answers the questions “what? what is he doing? » For example: to fly — fly, flying — flying (during flight), to play — play, playing — playing, to jump — jump, jumping — jumping.

Using the verb to be and present participles are formed at all Continuous tenses:

That bird is flying above my house. — This bird flies over my house (lit. “is flying«)

I was playing was playing chess when you gave me a call. — I was playing chess when you called me (lit. “appeared playing«)

Adjectives ending in -ing

Verb ending -ing is often not a verb, but an adjective — when used before a noun, naming its sign.

We don’t have any playing cards at home. — We don’t have a home playing kart.

Have you ever seen a flying saucer? — Have you ever seen flying a plate?

The -ing ending in a gerund

End -ing also has a gerund. A gerund is something in between a noun and a verb, a part of speech that denotes a process, an occupation. In this, the gerund is similar to verbal nouns in Russian, such as «running», «swimming», «drawing», etc.:

Swimming is good for your health. Swimming is good for your health.

I don’t drawing… — I don’t like drawing.

How is the ending -ing added?

Usually ending -ing

Source: https://langformula.ru/ing-verbs/

Present continuous

когда добавляется окончание ing
Download this online tutorial in PDF

Present continuous — one of the present times of the English language. Used in cases when it comes to what is happening at the moment. In other words, it happens at the time of speaking. You can literally translate Present continous time. Below is the complete information:

I. Education

Present Continuous is formed using verb forms to be in present time (am, is, are) and a semantic verb with ing-ovym ending (play — playing).

Let’s clarify in what cases each of the forms of the verb to be is used: with a pronoun I — am; with pronouns he, she, it — is; with pronouns you, we, they — are.

For convenience, I recommend remembering the following: the singular pronouns (he, she, it — he, she, it) — IS; plural pronouns (you, we, they — you, we, they) — ARE; one «exception» — I — AM.

II. Spelling ending -ing

If the verb ends in a combination vowel + consonant, then the final letter is doubled (run — running); if it ends in several consonants in a row, then only — ing (wash — washing, watch — watching); if the verb ends with a letter e, then it is replaced by ing (hide — hiding) if it ends in y, the ending is added —ing… There are exceptions: to lie, to die, to tie (lie / lie, die, tie).

III. Clue words

Now, at the moment, right now, this week / month / year (this week / this month /; Look! / Listen! two words — contextual. Thanks to them, it becomes clear that the action is taking place at the moment. Read more in the article: words-companions of times in English.

IV. Interrogative sentences

To form an interrogative sentence, you need to swap the form of the verb to be (am / is / are) with the subject.

For example: They are playing tennis now. — Are they playing tennis now?

V. Denials in Present Continuous

To form a negative form, you must use the particle not (not) after am / is / are. It is worth remembering that it is not uncommon for the forms to be (I’m — I’m not; He’s / She’s / It’s — He isn’t / She isn’t / It isn’t;   You’re / We’re / They’re — You aren’t / We aren’t / They aren’t).

For example: She is playing the guitar at the moment. — She isn’t playing the guitar at the moment.

Vi. Examples from fiction

Big Brother Is watching You.// George Orwell «1984»

Higgins is standing up near him, closing two or three file drawers which are hanging out.// Bernard Shaw «Pygmalion»

I’m beginning to feel better now.// William Somerset Maugham «Theater»

Vii. Present Continuous Exercises: Test

Source: http://englishgu.ru/present-continuous/

What does the ending ing mean in english

Long (progressive) times do not indicate an action or state, as it happens in tailored tensions, but the process of performing this action. Below we will consider the features of the construction of verbs and when to use the ending ing.

Formation of verbs with the ending ‑ing

The ending ing have three parts of speech:

  • Verbal nouns (nouns derived from a verb);
  • Present participles or type I participles (that is, they are translated into Russian as a verb with the suffix -yusch, -asch, -usch, for example “doing”; or gerunds, for example “doing”);
  • Gerund (denotes an action, a process).

The ending ing forms forms with both regular and irregular verbs and is pronounced like a sound [ŋ].

When forming verb forms with the ending ing keep in mind the following features:

If a verb ends in a vowel e… then it goes down:

If the verb ends in a consonant, and before it a stressed short vowel sound, then the last consonant is doubled (so that the stressed sound remains closed and its pronunciation does not change):

Also ending ing not added after verbs expressing feelings and thoughts (state verbs):

  • (like),
  • love (be in love),
  • smell (smell),
  • hear (hear) and others.

Modal verbs also cannot form verb forms with this ending. But depending on the context of the sentence, some verbs in one case cannot have an end ing… and in another they can:

  • It smells terrible. — It smells awful.
  • A perfumer is smelling new fragrants. — The perfumer smells new scents.

The first sentence says that some object smells awful. And here we are talking about the state of the object, and it cannot be expressed by the process ing.

But in the second example, just the process of a perfumer’s work on checking aromas is shown, so in the second sentence the verb «smell» is considered as a long process in the present tense (present continuous), which we’ll talk about next.

And another example for consolidation:

  • I think we won’t dress this clothes. — I think we will not wear these clothes (here the verb «think» expresses the state in which the person is).
  • I am thinking how I can decide this question. — I think how can I solve this issue (and here the verb “think” expresses the process of a person thinking about a problem).

That is, if feelings and thoughts express some kind of process, then the ending can be added to them ing.

Ending ing — spelling rules

The letter «y»Remains

If the verb ends with the letter «y «, Then it does not change when adding an ending —ing… as opposed to adding an ending -ed .

  • to carry → carrying
  • to studyy → studying
  • to play → playing
  • to try → trying
  • to knowy → saying
  • to worky → worrying

Doubling consonants

Doubling occurs when adding —ing… if the verb ends with one consonant, before which there is a stressed vowel sound .

  • to get → ge tt ing
  • to hit → hi tt ing
  • to run → ru nn ing
  • to occ ur → occu rr ing
  • to ref er → refe rr ing
  • to beg in → begi nn ing
  • to st op → sto pp ing
  • to forg et → forge tt ing

When adding —ing doubling of consonants does not occur if the stress is not on the forthcoming vowel, or the forthcoming one is a long vowel (digraph).

The final letter «x «Does not double, because this letter transmits two sounds at once [ks ] or [gz ]. Also, the final letter «w».

Doubling -l in british english

  • According to British rules grammar when adding an ending —ing the final letter to the verbs «l »Is always doubled, even if the stress is not on the last syllable.
  • But, according to American rules doubling the consonant letter «l »No, if the stress is not on the forthcoming vowel sound, or if the forthcoming sound is a long vowel sound.
  • If the verb ends with one consonant «l », Before which there is a short stressed vowel sound, doubling occurs in any case.

Ending -ic

If the verb ends with a combination of letters «ic «, Then when adding —ing… suffix —ic changes to —ick .

Reading rules

End / suffix ing always pronounced as a nasal sound [-ıŋ ] in which the sound [g] should not be heard.

What do the ‑ing and ‑ed adjectives mean

Adjectives ending in —ing describe the qualities and characteristics of an object or person, report a property. They are translated into Russian most often by adjectives.

  • This book is very interesting… — This book is very interesting.
  • She finds her job exhausting… — She considers her work exhausting .
  • it was an exciting experience for her. — It was amusing experience for her.

Adjectives ending in —ed show the feelings, emotions or state of a person. We usually translate such an adjective into Russian with a verb or participle, sometimes a noun, adverb or other parts of speech.

  • I’m interested in landscape design. — I AM interested in landscape design.
  • At the end of the day she is often finished… — Often at the end of the working day she tired .
  • She is excited about going to Portugal.– She excited from a trip to Portugal.

For an even better understanding of the material, be sure to watch the video.

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Source: https://englandlearn.com/grammatika/okonchanie-ing

Adjective endings ing ed. Examples of

Details Karina Galchenko

: 10 March 2016


: 5/5

I think you’ve already met the endings of the adjectives –ing and –ed… Usually such words-characteristics are formed from a verb (a word expressing an action). Take the verb tire, for example. It has the meaning of «tired», «tired», «tire». If we add –ing or –ed to this word, then another part of speech is formed — an adjective.

Moreover, tired and tiring will be used in completely different situations, since their meanings differ due to the endings. According to the information offered by the dictionary, tired is «tired», «tired». But tiring has a completely different translation — «tiresome» or «exhausting».

Below we will try to figure out how not to confuse the use of words like tired and tiring.

How do you apply the endings of the adjectives –ing and –ed?

As for the rules, it is necessary to apply the endings of the adjectives –ing and –ed according to the following diagram:

Word + -ing = description of an object or person

Word + -ed = description of the speaker’s feelings and opinions

Let’s give an illustrative example:

The movie is boring — The movie is boring.

They are bored — They are bored.

If we use boring in the second sentence, then the meaning is completely different:

They are boring — They are boring.

This option is also possible, but in order to convey the effect of the film on the audience, you still have to choose bored.

The adjectives –ing and –ed in English. Examples of

Of course, it’s easier to remember adjectives –ing and –ed in English through examples and practice. Pay attention to the following suggestions.

-ing -ed
My friend is sure politics is interesting. — My friend is sure that politics is interesting. My friend is interested in politics. — My friend is interested in politics.
Her behavior was surprising. — Her behavior was amazing. I was surprised by her behavior. — I was surprised by her behavior.
I need a relaxing massage just now. — I need a relaxing massage right now. You look so relaxed. — You look so peaceful.
The news is shocking. — The news is disgusting. I am shocked by the news. — I was shocked (shocked) by the news.
Your offer is annoying. — Your proposal is insulting.

Source: http://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/31-intermediate/416-okonchaniya-prilagatelnykh-ing-ed-primery.html

Using Present Continuous

Present continuous — Present long (or present long) time.
Most often, Present Continuous is used to indicate an action that is happening now (at the moment).

However, there are some nuances in the use of this tense in English. For example, in some situations Present Continuous can speak of the future tense.
Let’s take a look at all these nuances. This will allow you to use the present correctly for a long time, and will also help you when taking tests in English.

How Present Continuous is formed

Present Continuous is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb to be used in the present tense + the main verb with the ending -ing.

For example, the

I’m working
you are working
He is working
she is working
it is working
We are working
They are working

In the negative form, the particle not is added after the auxiliary verb.

I am not working
You are not working
He is not working
She is not working
It is not working
We are not working
They are not working

In order to ask a question in Present Continuous, it is enough to swap the pronoun with the auxiliary verb.

Am I working?
Are you working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?
Are we working?
Are they working?

As you can see, with the formation of time, everything is simple. It is enough to memorize the form of the verb to be for each pronoun and add the ending -ing to the main verb.

When Present Continuous is Used

Now let’s look at the use.

At the initial stages of training, students often confuse Present Simple and Present Continuous, and sometimes even try to make a mix of these times.

In fact, it is enough to remember that:

Present Simple tells us about the action that usually happens, while Present Continuous usually talks about the action that is happening at the moment.

For example:

I work every Saturday. — I work every Saturday (that is, I do it usually and regularly) — we use Present Simple.
Sorry, I can’t speak, I am working now. — Sorry, I can’t talk, I’m working now. — the action takes place at the time of speech — we use Present Continuous.

Here is the basic rule of use and the main differences. This is the first thing to remember when studying Present Simple and Present Continuous.

However, Present Continuous can be used in several other situations, which we will consider next.

Features of using Present Continuous

  1. The action takes place at the moment of speech.
    She is talking with her mother about this situation. — She is discussing this situation with her mother (right now).
  2. The action takes place now, but not specifically at this moment, but covers a wider time frame.
    He is learning Spanish. — He’s studying Spanish.

    For example, this may mean that he is now taking Spanish courses and is studying it, but at that very moment he can eat, sleep or do something else.

  3. When the action lasts for a limited period of time.
    She is staying in London for a couple of weeks. “She will be in London for a couple of weeks.
  4. When the new state contrasts with the previous one.
    Most young people aren’t listening classical music these days. — Most young people these days don’t listen to classical music.
  5. When something grows, develops, or changes.
    This city is growing very quickly. — This city is growing very quickly.
  6. When an activity starts before the specified time and continues after it.
    When I get home from work my parents are already having dinner. — When I come home from work, my parents are already having lunch.
  7. When actions are repeated over and over.

    A distinctive feature of Present Simple will be the speaker’s negative attitude towards this habit.

    You are always losing your phone. — You always lose your phone.

  8. It is about planned actions in the future. Moreover, it is worth using Present Continuous if the action is definitely decided to be carried out.
    Tomorrow I am going to the doctor. — Tomorrow I’m going to the doctor. (It will mean that I have already definitely decided to go to the doctor and even made an appointment).
    I’m leaving soon. — I got to go soon.


As you can see, the use of Present Continuous comes down not only to the designation of actions that occur at the time of speech.

In general, this is one of the most frequently used tenses in English speech. Therefore, the simple rules of use are best learned and hone in practice.

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Source: https://a-mega.info/upotreblenie-present-continuous/

Endings in English

Reading time: ~ 8 min.

People who have just started learning English can easily get confused among the large flow of information, rules and exceptions. A well-chosen ending is like the icing on the cake that will brighten your speech and demonstrate your language skills.

From the point of view of grammar, the ending connects a word in a phrase or sentence, and also indicates the characteristics of the word: gender, number or case.

In order to «finally» deal with the topic of endings and not get confused, we propose to consider each case in more detail. 

Ending -s

The same letter «s» can be seen at the end of both the noun and the verb. Let’s see when and how the -s ending is used.

Plural of nouns

Perhaps the first «s» that we meet when meeting with the English language is the ending in the plural noun.

If we have a noun in the singular (singular noun), then to form the plural (plural noun) we need to add the ending -s.

Most nouns are plural according to the scheme: singular noun + s = plural noun.

For example: a banana — bananas, a book — books. 

And it seems that everything is simple, but there are no rules without exceptions. If the noun ends with the letter «s» itself and sibilant consonants, we add the ending -es. This is done to make the word easier to pronounce.

Thus, the plural is formed according to the scheme: singular noun + es = plural noun.

So, the rule is: after consonants -s, -x, -sh, -ch, -tch we put the ending «es».

a kiss a box a wish a church a witch  kisses boxes wishes churches witches 

The ending «es» is also placed after the vowel -o:

A hero exceptions: piano photo heroes exceptions: pianosphotos

Nouns ending in -y are a special case.

If there is a vowel before the -y at the end of the noun, then we simply add the ending -s: a monkey — monkeys (monkey — monkeys). 

But if there is a consonant before -y at the end of the noun, then we add the ending -es, and the letter «y» is replaced by «i». To make it easier to understand, let’s look at the diagram: singular noun + y i + es = plural noun. 

And then an example: a country — countries.

Now for the tricky part: special rules and exceptions.

If a noun ends in -f, then in the plural it takes the ending -es, and «f» is changed to «v». If at the end of the noun there is already -e (-fe), then we simply add the ending -s, while «f» still changes to «v». 

After -f -v+es a leaf a wolf exception: a roof a chief leaves wolves roofs chiefs
-ve+s a knife wife exception: safe

Source: https://blog.appewa.com/okonchaniya-v-angliyskom-yazyke/

Present Continuous — present continuous tense in English

Present continuous tense Present Continuous (sometimes also called Present Progressive) is formed as follows:

Subject + am / is / are + Verbing

Rules for adding the ending -ing

  1. Most often, an ending is simply added to the verb –Ing:

    work — working

  2. If the word ends in -E, then the last letter is removed:

    take — taking

  3. If the word ends in a short stressed vowel + consonant, then the last consonant is doubled:

    run — running

  4. If the word ends in –Ie, then this letter combination is transformed into –Y–:

    lie — lying

Formation of negation (short form)

I ‘m not working
He / she / it is not
We / you / they aren’t

Present Continuous Times

1. The action taking place at the time of speech:

James is reading a book now. — James now is reading a book. 

2. Action taking place at the present time, but not specifically at the moment of speech:

Alex is learning to drive. — Alex is learning drive.

(That is, at the moment he may be busy with something else, but the process of learning to drive has already started and continues).

3. To describe temporary situations in the present:

Maggie usually works 9 to 5, but this week she is working 9 to 8. — Usually Maggie works from 9 to 5, but this week it works with 9 to 8.

(The situation is only this week).

4.With the word always to express criticism or disapproval:

Source: https://www.start2study.ru/english-grammar/present-continuous/

How do you share your hobby in English?

So what’s the best way to answer the question «What is your hobby?» — What’s your hobby? / What do you like to do?

The easiest option is to start like this:

I to — that is, I like to do something

Please note that only in Russian we say: «I like» or «We like», in English, you always need to start with the one we are talking about — «I» and «We».


  • I to write short stories — I like to write short stories
  • I to travel — I like to travel

Why put «To» after «I»?

In Russian, for example, we put the verb after the predicate in the infinitive — the impersonal form of the verb — «I like to draw», «He likes to play football.» In English, as a rule, the second verb is placed either in the infinitive (this is “to”), or the ending “ing” is added to it. We were lucky with the verb «», because to the next verb after it, you can freely add both «To» and «ing» — both will be correct. Therefore, let’s take a look at these examples:

  • I baking — I love baking
  • I traveling — I like to travel

You see, we put both «To travel» and «traveling», and this is equally true.

At the same time, do not forget that if the pronouns He / she / it (he / she / it) in the Present Simple act as the subject, the ending “s” must be added to the verb “”.


  • He S
  • She S
  • It S


  • He s drawing but not painting — he loves to draw with a pencil, not paints.
  • My sister s listening to pop music — my sister loves to listen to pop music.

The phrase «I to» is pretty simple, and if you want to complicate your speech a little, to make it more sophisticated, let’s add synonyms.

The phrases that are presented below also mean «I like», but are constructed grammatically differently.

All the phrases presented below contain the verb «To be» — they begin with it. For example, «To be fond of» — like, get carried away.

Let’s first figure out what «to be» is and how to work with it, and then we’ll dwell on each phrase and look at examples.

I want to start by saying that «to be» is a verb. And, since we need the present tense (we’re talking about what we like now), «TO BE» breaks down into three verbs AM, IS, ARE, depending on the subject (what or who is referred to in the sentence ):

I (I) — amShe (she) / He (he) / It (it) — is

You (you, you) / We (we) / They (they) — are

If we need to construct negation, we use the NOT particle:

I (I) — am not She (she) / He (he) / It (it) — is not (isn’t)

You (you, you) / We (we) / They (they) — are not (aren’t)

For comparison, if we do negation with an action verb, «», for example, then we use «don’t» if the subject is I (I) / You (you, you) / We (we) / They (they). And «doesn’t» if She (she) / He (he) / It (it). You can read more about negation with action verbs in this article.

So, synonym phrases of the verb «»:

1. To be fond of — like, to be carried away by something


  • I am fond of taking pictures — I love taking pictures
  • My nephew is fond of collecting toy cars — my nephew loves collecting toy cars

2. To be into — like, to be carried away by something


  • I am into snowboarding, but my husband is into fishing — I like snowboarding and my husband loves fishing
  • My sisters are into fitness and my brother is into football — my sisters love fitness, and my brother is fond of football

3. To be a fan of — like, get carried away, be a fan


  • I am a fan of yoga — I’m a yoga fan
  • My best friend is a fan of sewing

4. To be keen on — like, to be carried away by something


  • I am not really keen on dancing — I’m not really into dancing
  • All of my classmates are keen on web design — all my classmates love web design

And a small list of activities that can be proudly called HOBBIES

Source: https://linguafromhome.com/blog/kak-rasskazat-o-svoem-hobbi-na-anglijskom/

/ foreign-languages ​​/ english / Fortunately for learners of English, the number of endings in it is much less than in Russian, Ukrainian and even German. This is due to the special structure of the language, which belongs to the analytic group, the connection and coordination of words in which is provided using prepositions, conjunctions and word order, and not endings.

The ending in English is that part of the word that serves for shaping, coordination with other words and the connection of words in a phrase and a sentence. For example, we all remember very well from school that certain endings help nouns to form cases and take the forms of the singular and plural: table-table-table-tables-tables and so on. We can observe the same phenomenon in adjectives, in conjugation of verbs, etc.

It is important to remember that the term ending in English, as a rule, is not used, and the familiar «endings» -s, -es, -ed, -ing will be more accurately called suffixes. This is due to the peculiarities of the evolution of the language, during which it lost the primordially wide variety of proper endings and switched to the analytical way of connecting words. But in educational literature for non-specialists, this name successfully functions due to its simplicity for perception.

Ending -s / -es

This ending in English has several functions.

    Primarily, it is used to form plural forms of nouns:

  • car cars,
  • trees,
  • box-boxes.
      The choice between the two ending options depends on which letter is in front of it. The form


      used if it is preceded by

-ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z, -o


  • church-churches,
  • tax-taxes,
  • potato-potatoes,
  • dress-dresses.

The second use of this ending is for third person singular verbs in present indefinite tense… An ending is added to verbs that refer to pronouns he, she, it or a noun similar in meaning to them. For example: he writes (he writes) and my father writes (my dad writes «he»).

      Variant rules

-s / -es

    in this case, the uses are the same as in the first:

  • Mary reads a book every day;
  • my brother goes to school every weekday.

The ending is -ed

The -ed ending also has two main functions.

At first

      , it is used to form the simple past tense of regular verbs —

Source: https://doubleyoustudio.org/articles-english/endings-in-english/

What does the –ing ending in English do? — we learn English ourselves


Words ending in -ing are constantly found not only in English, but also in Russian: diving, training, marketing and dozens of other borrowings, which are more and more every year. What is it? What words does it join? When is it used?

In this article, I will discuss the use of this ending and the varied life of –ing words in the English language. 

Rules for adding the ending -ing in English

In English, you will often notice that the mysterious -ing appears at the end of a word. It can be part of various structures, but they all have one thing in common: the ending -ing is attached only to words denoting an action (run, jump, walk, etc.).

In most cases, we just add -ing at the end of the word:

play («play») + ing = playing
talk («to talk») + ing = talking

But there are a couple of exceptions to the rule.

1. If suddenly our action ends in -e, then -ing «eats» this -e:

Bite + ing = biting.

Hide + ing = hiding.

2. There are two words in -ie where the following change occurs:

Lie («lie» or «lie») + ing = lying.

Die + ing = dying.

When does this happen and, most importantly, why? There are three main cases when we need -ing. Let’s consider them in order.

3 uses of the -ing ending in English

So, we use this ending in the following cases:

1) -ing as part of extended times

Among English times, there is a whole group of those who have the word «continuous» in their name. They are called «continued» because they deal with a process, that is, rather long actions.

These are exactly the times that are formed with be («to be») in different forms and actions in -ing.

Let’s take a look at the most commonly used ones:

  • Present continuous (present continous)

It means an action that is happening right now, at the time of speech. In order to form it, we use: am / is / are + ___ing.

I amwatching TV.
Я look television.

Are you listening is it me?
You me listen?

I told you in detail about Present Continuous here.

Source: https://valente-shop.ru/individualnoe-obuchenie/chto-delaet-okonchanie-ing-v-anglijskom-yazyke-uchim-anglijskij-sami.html


There can be only one negation in an English sentence. It can be expressed in different ways:

1.not (negation of a verb) — is placed after modal verbs, the verb to be or auxiliary verbs.

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Past Perfect Continuous

Example in Russian: «Katya had been reading the book for 2 hours when dad returned home.»

For all times of the Perfect Continuous subgroup, we use 2 auxiliary verbs «to have», or rather, its forms, «been» for all, the ending «-ing» is always added to the semantic verb.

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Plural of Nouns

Nouns have two numbers: singular and plural.

1. Singular characterized by the absence of an ending:
a cup, a table, a teacher, a day.

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The verb must is used:

To express duties, the need to take action in the present or in the future:
I must go. I have to go.

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I would rather (not) translates as “I would rather (not)”, “I, perhaps, (not)”. After would rather, the infinitive of another verb is used without the to particle. Would be used in all persons and numbers.

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Communion in English

A participle is an impersonal form of an English verb that has the properties of a verb, adverb, and adjective.

English participles are divided into present participle (Participle I) and past participle (Participle II).

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What are Auxiliary and Modal Verbs?

Auxiliary verbs are “helper verbs” used in combination with other verbs to assist in stating tone, tense, condition / state, voice or mood. A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that expresses a possibility, necessity or obligation. Because of their commanding tone, modals must be used carefully, and some writers attempt to avoid them entirely.

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Modal verb Dare

The modal verb Dare, like the modal verb Need, is sometimes called semi-modal, it also occupies a bordering position between the modal and the full-valued verb.

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Modal verb «can»

MODAL VERB «CAN» is one of the most used modal verbs in the English language. It has the meaning of ability or ability, both physical and mental. It can be used to express a request, permission or prohibition, and likelihood or improbability.

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Pluralization of nouns

The main way of forming the plural of nouns is by adding an ending -s or -Is to the singular form of a noun.

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Source: http://begin-english.ru/grammatika/page4/

RAW or JPEG, which is better?

»Roofing materials» Ing ending. Ending ing in english

The grammar of the English language has its own characteristics. In order to speak a foreign language fluently, you need to know the rules for constructing sentences and the basics of word formation. When the basics become clear, expressing your thoughts in English will not cause difficulties. One of the important components of grammar is the ending of ing in English. We will consider the rules for its use below.

When is the ending -ing used?

There are three such cases:

  1. Gerund.
  2. Verbal noun.
  3. Present participle.

In order to understand in which cases ing (ending in English) is put, the rules of use need to be thoroughly memorized. This will help you understand the essence of the above concepts.

What is a gerund?

Gerund is difficult to understand, since it does not have a similar grammatical form in Russian. Gerund is a verb in an impersonal form, which is used to name an action.

The peculiarity of the gerund is that it combines an action and an object or process. In its formation, the ending ing in English is used. The rules for constructing sentences are pretty simple. For example: I love playing different games.

— I like to play different games.

When the gerund is used

Gerund is used in the following cases:

  1. After certain verbs like enjoy, finish, suggest and others.
  2. When forming stable phrases using some prepositions. For example, the idea of, to be good at, the advantage of, etc.
  3. After the adjectives worth and busy.
  4. After prepositions on (upon), after, before and others.

When is a verbal noun used?

When forming a verbal noun, the ending ing in English is used. The rules for translating it are quite simple, since a noun is also used to denote it in Russian.

Verbal nouns are used in speech with an article or with a possessive pronoun. A verbal noun can be either singular or plural. For example: Her loud talking gets on my nerves.

When is the present participle used?

  1. A participle with the ending ing is used before the noun. In English, the rules for constructing a sentence can be clearly seen for example: Therisingsunisverybeautiful.
  2. In participial sentences: The girl standing by the door is my sister.
  3. In sentences that consist of a verb, object and participle: She saw him gettingon thebus.

Source: https://karelia-dom.ru/ing-okonchanie-okonchanie-ing-v-angliiskom-yazyke-pravila-napisaniya/

Which verbs do not add ing. ending ing in english

Many students are often confused -ed и -ing graduations in English. For example, you want to say that you miss (bored), but it turns out that you are boring (boring) or vice versa.

There is a big difference between these two meanings, there can be confusion, and this is due to the incorrect application of the endings. But the rule is actually very simple.

You will find in this article the rules for using adjective endings, examples of their use, and exercises with answers, and.

Present Continuous in English: Education and Use

The tenses of the English language Present Simple and Present Continuous are the most used ways to express actions in the present. However, everything is not so simple with Present Continuous time as it might seem at first glance.

Never become an expert who has stopped learning. Consider your life as a long educational process.

~ Denis Waitley

Present Continuous / Progressive describes events that are reliable at the time of the conversation, but which can change at any time. Moreover, Present Continuous can also convey future actions.

In this article we will tell you how Present Continuous is used, how it differs from other times and when it should be used.

Present Continuous tense in English

Everything that is happening now or is related to the present, which is relevant, but which can change, is transmitted using Present Continuous time.

Present continuous tense, or as it is often called Present Progressive Tense, is translated into Russian as the present long or present continuous tense of the verb. As it is already clear from the name itself, this time shows the duration, the process of action that occurs at the moment of speech.

The formation of the Present Long-term action takes place according to completely different rules than the formation of the Present Simple time.

Formation of the affirmative form Present Continuous

Present Long Tense Formation Support Table in English

Let’s first get acquainted with the fact how Present Continuous Tense is formed… It refers to compound tenses, since even in affirmative sentences it consists of an auxiliary and a main verb.

An auxiliary verb for the present for a long time is the verb to be in the present tense, or rather its forms am, is, are. The ending -ing is added to the main verb, which will denote the action being performed.

To form an affirmative sentence in Present Continuous, use one of the verb forms be (am / is / are) and the main verb with the ending -ing.

It is important to remember that the auxiliary verb to be always agrees with the subject, that is, its form am / is / are must correspond to the number and person of the subject. Let’s consider in more detail in examples:

  • I am reading a book (Rus. I am reading a book): I — subject, am — auxiliary verb (consistent with the subject), reading — the main verb (inconsistent with the subject, frozen form).
  • He is working as a secretary now (Russian. He is now working as a secretary): he is the subject, is is an auxiliary verb (agrees with the subject), working is the main verb (does not agree with the subject, the frozen form)
  • Hey, you are eating my ice-cream (Russian Hey, you eat my ice cream): you — subject, are — auxiliary verb (consistent with the subject), eating — main verb (inconsistent with the subject, frozen form)

Examples of affirmative sentences in Present Continuous with translation:

Sample sentencesRussian translation

He’s still doing his homework in the classroom. He is still doing his homework in class.
They’re sleeping at the moment. They are already (now) asleep.
We are working right now. We are working now.
look! Children are playing and laughing. Look! Children play games and laugh.
We’re going to the country in summer. We will go out of town in the summer.
The sun is shining in the sky. The sun is shining in the sky. (= It’s sunny now)

In colloquial speech, are often used abbreviated forms of the linking verb to be: I’m, You’re, He’s / She’s / It’s, etc.

If there are homogeneous predicates in a sentence, then the linking verb to be is usually omitted, for example:

James and Sally are spending the evening together, watching a new video.

Rules for adding the ending -ing to Present Continuous

Reference table adding the ending -ing to form a Present Continuous.

When forming Present Continuous Tense, as a general rule, we add the ending — ing to the verb. However, there are a number of verbs that require a little transformation when adding such an ending.

Consider basic rules for adding the ending -ing for Present Continuous education.

Rule № 1

If the verb ends in ththen this final vowel is omitted:

make — making, drive — driving

Rule № 2

If the verb consists of 1 syllable and ends with 1 vowel and 1 consonant, then the consonant is doubled:

Source: https://ienglish.ru/blog/grammatika-angliiskogo-iazika/vremena-angliiskogo-glagola/904-present-continuous-v-angliiskom

Form ing formation. Ending ing in english

The verb in the form of an infinitive or gerund is very common in English and at first gives beginners a lot of difficulties. Gerund mistaken for present continuous, although the gerund looks like a verb with ing and is never used with be. For example, in the sentence «I go swimming to the lake in summer», swimming is a gerund. We will translate it as “I walk to swim to the lake in summer. «

Infinitive with the to particle causes a lot of translation difficulties. Very often in Russian, you need to use additional words or a subordinate clause. For example, a simple sentence «He stood up to say something» as soon as they do not translate, until they guess that the correct option would be «He stood up, (tosomething say».

English verb forms

In total, there are 5 options for what an English verb might look like:

— the initial form of the verb (infinitive) — the verb with the ending -s (es) — We use for the present simple — the verb with the ending ing — we use it for the tenses continuous, as a gerund, participle or adjective. — the verb with the ending –ed (2 and 3 the form)

— irregular verbs (2 and 3 forms)

The most common are 2 forms of the verb — infinitiveи verb ending ing… These 2 forms are included in different tenses, are used in conjunction with modal verbs, and often I convey only an additional action, without reference to the time. We will talk about the latter case in our article.

Remember an important rule:

An infinitive or gerund is a verb that is not part of the predicate and does not carry tense.

Other names you may come across: Complex object, to-infinitive and verb -ing.

So, we already know that verbs are not always predicate, it does not always convey tense. In Russian, you can often find a verb in an indefinite form (initial form):

He wanted help.
«Help» is the initial form of the verb, it is free of tense. In English grammar, this topic is called “Infinitive and gerund «.

Infinitive (infinitive) is a verb in its initial form, a verb unchanged. The infinitive is usually preceded by the particle to.

Gerund (gerund, ing-clause, participle with -ing) is a verb with the ending ing that is not part of the continuous. It is never preceded by the to particle.

When there are several verbs in a row in an English sentence, the first is a predicate (responsible for the tense), and the next verb, free of tense, is in the form of an infinitive / gerund. There can be several such verbs in one sentence.

The infinitive and gerund are usually found in the second half of a sentence. But you may encounter situations where to-infinitive or ing-verb begin a sentence. The infinitive / gerund will not always appear in the second half of the sentence. But in most cases, you will find them in this position.

When in a Russian sentence you see a verb in its initial form («to do», «to play», «to worry»), then in English, most likely, it will be translated by an infinitive («to do», «worry»), less often — by a gerund. There is practically no difference when translating the infinitive and the gerund.

The infinitive and the gerund are translated in several ways: — the initial form of the verb («to do») — the participle («doing») — the subordinate clause («to do»).

— gerund can also be translated by a noun

Unfortunately, there are no clear rules for the use of these two forms. Native speakers often use these 2 forms on a whim or because it is so common in the area. But still, there are general guidelines for choosing the right form of the verb, let’s study them.

Usually the infinitive or gerund is chosen based on what it costs in front of him:— verb — verb + object — adjective

— preposition

There is a list of verbs, after which the next going verb is usually put in the form of an infinitive or in the form of a gerund. The list of such verbs must be memorized.

Now let’s look at the basic rules that the infinitive or gerund obeys.


English has verbs followed by the to-infinitive to indicate an additional action.

List of verbs followed by the to infinitive

want — wantneed — needplan — plandecide — decide, make a decisionoffer — offerhope — hopepromise — promise try — tryforget — forget learn — learn

Link would — would like

I promised to call you later. — I promise to call you later.
He forgot tocall me. — He forgot to call me.

The infinitive usually follows the verb. But often they can be separated by the object to which the predicate action is directed.

I Asked Mike to call me… — I AM asked Singlet call.
Between the verb asked and the infinitive to come there is an object (Mike) to which the action is directed.

Very often we indicate the object after the following verbs:ask — asktell — talkadvice — adviseexpect — expectpersuade — persuade

teach — teach

Specifics of using the infinitive after make, let and help

After verbs make and let alwayswe use the infinitive, but without the to particle.

The let verb conveys the meaning of «allow».
let me go… — Let me go. (Let me go).

In the imperative mood, we went through the conjunction let’s, which in its full version looks like the verb let with the object us.
let’s = let us — let us (literally)

When there is another verb after make, which in this case the verb make means «to force (someone to do)». After make, we indicate who the action is directed at (we indicate the object).
Make John work… — Make John work.

After the verb helpwe can specify the infinitive with or without the to particle. This does not change the meaning.
Help me finish my work. = Help me finish my work. — Help me finish the job.

Infinitive after adjectives in English

If you need to put a verb after a verb link to be + adjective, then use the infinitive with the to particle. Please note that we translate the to be + adjective into Russian with an adverb.

It is difficult to understand English. — It’s hard to understand English.
difficult — difficult (adjective), but we translate it into Russian with the adverb “difficult”.

Popular phrases: It’s good to — It’s nice (of you) to — It’s nice I’m sorry to — Sorry for

I’m happy to — I’m happy

Infinitive for indicating the reason for the action

If an English speaking person wants to indicate reason for action (the purpose for which it is performed), then it will use the infinitive with the to particle. When translating into Russian, you need to use a subordinate clause, which begins with the words: «in order to» or a shorter version «to».
I saw Make and stop tosay Hello. — I saw Mike and stopped, to say hello.


Gerund is a cross between a verb and a noun. Because of this, it is translated in different ways — with a noun, and a verb, and a participle, although the gerund is always formed from verbs. In English, the gerund is grammatically closer to a noun than to a verb.

Gerund after prepositions

If after the first verb (predicate) there is a preposition, then we always use the second verb with the ending –ing. This is one of the «reinforced» rules that you should know well.

General scheme:
predicate + preposition + gerund
Keep on working… — Continue work.

Verbs followed by a gerund

List of popular verbs, after which it is customary to use gerund.

Verbs that indicate the beginning, duration or end of a process: start *, begin * — start stop — stop finish — finish give up (= stop) — stop continue * — continue carry on / go on / keep (on) (= continue) — continue

* after these verbs, you can use not only the gerund, but the infinitive. This does not change the meaning.

Source: https://ortait.ru/obrazovanie-ing-formy-okonchanie-ing-v-angliiskom-yazyke/

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In this article, we will analyze one of the aspects of word formation in the English language, namely, words with the ending ing. Ingenious ending in English plays an important role in grammar. We will tell you when the ending ing is added, what it means, and also give specific examples.

The ending ing in English can have four parts of speech:

-verbal nouns
-verbs of the temporary group Continuous
— participles of the first type

Let us examine all the cases sequentially.

Ending ing verbal nouns

As the name implies, we will focus on nouns formed from verbs. The Russian language also has such examples. Running (from the verb to run), reading (from the verb to read), singing (from the verb to sing).

Examples of verbal nouns with the ending ing:

reading — reading (from to read — to read)
smoking — smoking (from to smoke — smoking)
singing — singing (from to sing — to sing)
meeting — meeting (from to meet — to meet, to meet)

In a sentence, nouns formed from verbs act as subjects or additions.

Examples of sentences with verbal nouns:

My hobby is reading. Reading is my hobby.

Smoking is prohibited in our office. Smoking is prohibited in our office.

Singing is interesting but difficult for me. Singing is interesting for me, but difficult.

She will never forget their first meeting. She will never forget their first meeting.

How is the ending ing attached?

Before moving on to the second use of ing in English, let’s dwell on the rules for adding the ending ing to words.

The ending ing is added to both regular and irregular verbs, and in all cases is pronounced as the syllable [iŋ].

  1. If the verb ends in a dumb vowel e, then this letter is removed.

For example:

write — writing

close — closing

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/ing-ending

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