What does conduct mean in word

Last Updated: April 20, 2022 | Author: howto-Trust


  • 1 What is an example of conduct?
  • 2 What is the best definition of conduct?
  • 3 What does correct conduct mean?
  • 4 What is meant by personal conduct?
  • 5 What is my conduct?
  • 6 What is conduct in the workplace?
  • 7 What is proper conduct and behavior?
  • 8 Which word means one who conducts?
  • 9 What are the 5 codes of conduct?
  • 10 What does poor conduct mean?
  • 11 What is the code of conduct for employees?
  • 12 What are some good code of conducts?
  • 13 What are the 7 codes of ethics?
  • 14 Why does a company need a code of conduct?
  • 15 How do you handle conflict at work?
  • 16 What are examples of professional conduct?
  • 17 What happens if there is no code of conduct?
  • 18 Who needs a code of conduct?
  • 19 How do you develop a code of conduct?

What is an example of conduct?

Conduct means to direct, particularly a meeting or a group of musicians. An example of conduct is to lead a meeting. An example of conduct is to lead an orchestra.

What is the best definition of conduct?

Definition of conduct (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles questionable conduct. 2 : the act, manner, or process of carrying on : management praised for his conduct of the campaign. 3 obsolete : escort, guide.

1 usually prenominal appropriate or suited for some purpose. in its proper place. 2 correct in behaviour or conduct. 3 excessively correct in conduct; vigorously moral. 4 up to a required or regular standard.

What is meant by personal conduct?

A set of precepts that one individual tries to observe in daily life. For example, precepts of preserving human life, speaking truthfully, or being nice to people.

What is my conduct?

The noun conduct refers to behavior, like how students are rewarded for good conduct. … Your conduct (accent on the first syllable), or your own behavior, is the way you conduct (accent on the second syllable), or lead, yourself.

What is conduct in the workplace?

A company’s code of conduct outlines how the company expects its employees to behave and interact while at work. It sets the rules and expectations to guide employees to know how to behave and be successful in their work environment.

What is proper conduct and behavior?

: proper or correct conduct or deportment his sentence was reduced for good behavior — New York Times shall hold their offices during good behavior — U.S. Constitution. on one’s good behavior or upon one’s good behavior. 1 : in a state of trial with the final disposition dependent upon proper conduct.

Which word means one who conducts?

privatdocent. a college or university lecturer. a person who is a knowledgeable guide, especially one who conducts visitors through a museum and delivers a commentary on the exhibitions.

What are the 5 codes of conduct?

What are the five codes of ethics?

  • Integrity.
  • Objectivity.
  • Professional competence.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Professional behavior.

What does poor conduct mean?

Bad Conduct means acts or omissions constituting gross negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, fraud, intentional misrepresentation, criminal conduct, bad faith or a knowing violation of law.

What is the code of conduct for employees?

An employee code of conduct is a legal document that provides guidelines on acceptable behaviors of individuals in an organization. The employee code of conduct defines acceptable behavior and social norms that individuals in an organization should adopt on a day-to-day basis.

What are some good code of conducts?

A great code of conduct is:

  • Written for the reader. It is easy to understand and doesn’t include any technical or legal jargon.
  • Comprehensive. It covers all important details that may impact the daily lives of employees and answers common questions that arise.
  • Supported by leadership. …
  • Accessible. …
  • Visually appealing.

What are the 7 codes of ethics?

Terms in this set (7)

  • Beneficence. concern for well-being and safety of clients.
  • Nonmeleficence. refrain from causing intentional harm to cliens.
  • Autonomy/Confidentiality. respect client’s rights and opinions.
  • Social Justice. provide services in a fair and equitable manner.
  • Procedural Justice. …
  • Veracity. …
  • Fidelity.

Why does a company need a code of conduct?

A well-written code of conduct clarifies an organization’s mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. … A code encourages discussions of ethics and compliance, empowering employees to handle ethical dilemmas they encounter in everyday work.

How do you handle conflict at work?

How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

  1. Talk with the other person. …
  2. Focus on behavior and events, not on personalities. …
  3. Listen carefully. …
  4. Identify points of agreement and disagreement. …
  5. Prioritize the areas of conflict. …
  6. Develop a plan to work on each conflict. …
  7. Follow through on your plan. …
  8. Build on your success.

What are examples of professional conduct?

Examples of professional behavior include, but are not limited to: Showing compassion for others; responding appropriately to the emotional response of patients and family members; demonstrating respect for others; demonstrating a calm, compassionate, and helpful demeanor toward those in need; being supportive and …

What happens if there is no code of conduct?

A code of conduct is a set of principles or rules that define the way in which you expect your employees to behave. A well-written code provides guidance upon which employees can base their decision-making. … Conversely, not having a code of conduct in such a situation potentially exposes you to greater liability.

Who needs a code of conduct?

On top of ethical reasons, there are legal reasons for implementing a code of conduct as well. All public organizations in the U.S. are required by law to have a code of conduct in place. Private organizations would be smart to take note of this as well.

How do you develop a code of conduct?

It is also essential that the code address areas that are specific to the organization and how it conducts business.

  1. Step One: Gathering Information. …
  2. Step Two: Creating the Draft. …
  3. Step Three: Reviewing the Draft. …
  4. Step 4: Formally Adopting the Code. …
  5. Step 5: Introducing the Code. …
  6. Step Six: Enforcing the Code.

поведение, руководство, управление, проводить, вести, дирижировать


- поведение

good [bad, exemplary, irreproachable, unseemly] conduct — хорошее [плохое, примерное, безупречное, непристойное] поведение
infamous conduct — а) позорное поведение; б) нарушение профессиональной этики (особ. врачебной)
the rules of conduct — правила поведения

- ведение, руководство

conduct of a business — руководство делом
conduct of war — ведение войны
conduct of fire — воен. ведение огня


- вести, сопровождать; водить (по музею и т. п.)

the guide conducted the party round the museum — гид водил группу по музею
he was conducted over the school [the hospital, the factory] — ему показали школу [больницу, завод]
to conduct to a seat — проводить к месту

- вести, руководить; проводить

to conduct a meeting [a campaign, an examination, an inquiry] — проводить собрание [кампанию, экзамен, расследование]
to conduct siege [affairs] — вести осаду [дела]
to conduct an expedition — руководить экспедицией

- refl вести себя

he conducts himself well — он хорошо себя ведёт
I like the way your children conduct themselves — мне нравится поведение ваших детей

- дирижировать (оркестром, хором)

he conducts at all the big concerts — он дирижирует на всех больших концертах

- работать кондуктором

she’s conducted on buses for twenty years — она уже 20 лет работает кондуктором автобуса

- спец. проводить (теплоту, ток); служить проводником
- проводить, пропускать (воздух, воду)

Мои примеры


an inquiry into the conduct of the police — расследование поведения сотрудников полиции  
matters touching the conduct of diplomacy — вопросы, затрагивающие ведение дипломатии  
an action exemplary of his conduct — типичный образец его поведения  
to conduct / do / transact business — вести коммерческую деятельность  
to conduct a bombardment — вести бомбардировку  
to carry on / conduct / wage a campaign — проводить кампанию  
to conduct / hold / perform a ceremony — осуществлять церемонию, совершать обряд  
chivalrous conduct — рыцарское поведение  
as far as his conduct is concerned — что касается его поведения  
strong condemnation of her conduct — строгое осуждение её поведения  
good conduct — послушание, хорошее поведение  
to conduct tourists through a museum — водить туристов по музею  

Примеры с переводом

The interview was conducted in English.

Интервью проводилось на английском языке.

He conducted us to the palace.

Он проводил нас во дворец.

There is no name for such conduct.

Нет слов, чтобы описать такое поведение.

Many metals conduct heat.

Многие металлы проводят тепло.

Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?

Неужели так необходимо проводить эксперименты на животных?

You will be called over the coals for your conduct.

За такое поведение вам здорово попадёт.

They conducted a campaign of bombings and assassinations.

Они провели серию терактов и убийств.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…contends that visiting a brothel is the sort of opprobrious conduct for which a public official should be censured…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conductance  — проводимость, активная проводимость
conduction  — проводимость, кондукция, передвижение электронов
conductive  — проводящий
conductor  — дирижер, проводник, провод, жила, кондуктор, руководитель, молниеотвод, гид
misconduct  — проступок, дурное поведение, дурно вести себя
conducting  — ведение

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: conduct
he/she/it: conducts
ing ф. (present participle): conducting
2-я ф. (past tense): conducted
3-я ф. (past participle): conducted

Table of Contents

  1. What is an example of conduct?
  2. What is a synonym of conduct?
  3. Does conduct mean behavior?
  4. What is proper conduct?
  5. What is personal conduct?
  6. What is an unacceptable behavior?
  7. What does conduct mean?
  8. What is conduct in the workplace?
  9. What are the 5 codes of conduct?
  10. What are the 6 codes of conduct?
  11. What is unprofessional conduct in the workplace?
  12. What are some examples of unprofessional conduct?
  13. What are the 5 qualities of a professional?
  14. What is considered unprofessional conduct in nursing?
  15. What is the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct?
  16. What is unprofessional communication?
  17. What does professionalism look like to you?
  18. How do you show your professionalism?
  19. What are 10 characteristics of professionalism?
  20. What are the six traits of professionalism?
  21. What is professionalism behavior?
  22. Is professionalism a skill?
  23. What could be the most important characteristic of a professional?
  24. What are examples of professional behavior?
  25. How do you conduct yourself professionally?
  26. What are the 5 professions?
  27. What is the oldest job in history?
  28. What jobs will exist in 2030?
  29. What are the four professions?

Proper Conduct means any action or conduct of the Indemnitee if all of the following are true with respect thereto: (i) the Indemnitee acted in good faith, (ii) the Indemnitee acted in a manner the Indemnitee reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation and its subsidiaries and …

What is an example of conduct?

An example of conduct is to lead a meeting. An example of conduct is to lead an orchestra. The definition of conduct means a person’s behavior. An example of conduct is the following of all the rules at a school.

What is a synonym of conduct?

demeanor, demeanour, behavior, control, guidance, behaviour, deportment, management, bearing, carry, convey, transmit. conduct(verb)

Does conduct mean behavior?

The noun conduct refers to behavior, like how students are rewarded for good conduct. The verb conduct means carry something through, as in “to conduct a survey.” And if you lead an orchestra, you conduct it.

  1. [S] [T] We’re conducting a survey. (
  2. [S] [T] I have an investigation to conduct. (
  3. [S] [T] His conduct was admirable. (
  4. [S] [T] I am ashamed of my conduct. (
  5. [S] [T] Metals conduct electricity. (
  6. [S] [T] I am ashamed of your conduct. (
  7. [S] [T] I don’t approve of his conduct.
  8. [S] [T] Copper conducts electricity well. (

What is proper conduct?

What is personal conduct?

personal conduct (uncountable) A set of precepts that one individual tries to observe in daily life. For example, precepts of preserving human life, speaking truthfully, or being nice to people. His personal conduct is above reproach. The way a person behaves.

What is an unacceptable behavior?

Unacceptable Behavior means any conduct that is unreasonable, regardless of the level of stress, frustration or anger experienced, because it compromises the health, safety or security of Employees, Participants or Visitors, including without limitation: Save.

What does conduct mean?

1 : a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles questionable conduct. 2 : the act, manner, or process of carrying on : management praised for his conduct of the campaign. 3 obsolete : escort, guide.

What is conduct in the workplace?

Conduct issues might include lateness, refusal to cooperate, misuse of IT or bullying. It might even include violent behaviour and other crimes. Your misconduct disciplinary procedure should usually include: Clear communication.

What are the 5 codes of conduct?

What are the five codes of ethics?

  • Integrity.
  • Objectivity.
  • Professional competence.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Professional behavior.

What are the 6 codes of conduct?

The Code of Conduct

  • I. I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life.
  • II. I will never surrender of my own free will.
  • III. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available.
  • IV. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners.
  • V.
  • VI.

What is unprofessional conduct in the workplace?

Unprofessional behavior in the workplace ranges from habitual tardiness or absence, to harassing other employees or bringing personal issues to the job. Unprofessional behavior can disrupt the workplace as a whole and should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

What are some examples of unprofessional conduct?

Examples of Unprofessional Conduct

  • Intimidation or bullying.
  • Sexual harassment.
  • Rude and loud comments.
  • Offensive and abusive language.
  • Persistent lateness in joining activities and attending meetings without valid and reasonable cause.
  • Vexatious litigation, retribution, and violent threats.

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

Here are a few that immediately came to mind:

  • Knowing your stuff. Please notice I didn’t say “know everything”.
  • Standing for something. This is about ethics and having a moral compass.
  • Keeping your word. This is a big one.
  • Being honest.
  • Supporting others.

What is considered unprofessional conduct in nursing?

In general, examples of unprofessional conduct include, but are not limited to, physical abuse of a patient, inadequate record keeping, not recognizing or acting upon common symptoms, prescribing drugs in excessive amounts or without legitimate reason, personal impairment (mental or physical) that hinders safely …

What is the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct?

The Code presents the professional standards that nurses, midwives and nursing associates must uphold in order to be registered to practise in the UK. It is structured around four themes – prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust.

What is unprofessional communication?

Unprofessional behavior indicates a lack of respect for yourself and others as well as immaturity, and it signifies a disregard for cultural and workplace standards. Remember, too, that while you can lie with words, nonverbal communication techniques are powerful ways to convey what you are really thinking and feeling.

What does professionalism look like to you?

A professional person should aim to be courteous and should at the very least respect the rights, dignity and autonomy of others. A professional person will: Take pride in doing a job well and pay attention to detail. Take personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences.

How do you show your professionalism?

Professionalism: Tips for Being Your Best on the Job

  1. Show respect to others. Respecting others is one of the best ways to show professionalism.
  2. Learn to communicate effectively. Most disagreements and arguments begin with a lack of communication.
  3. Be proactive.
  4. Dress for success.
  5. Don’t complain.
  6. Practice your basic manners.
  7. Keep learning.
  8. Look up from your phone.

What are 10 characteristics of professionalism?

True professionals possess a number of important characteristics that can apply to virtually any type of business.

  • Appearance. A professional is neat in appearance.
  • Demeanour.
  • Reliability.
  • Competence.
  • Ethics.
  • Maintaining Your Poise.
  • Phone Etiquette.
  • Written Correspondence.

What are the six traits of professionalism?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Be the best. …
  • Be dependable. …
  • Be a teamplayer. …
  • Be respectful. …
  • Be ethical. …
  • be positive. …

What is professionalism behavior?

Professional behaviour is a form of etiquette in the workplace that is linked primarily to respectful and courteous conduct. Being conscious of how you treat co-workers and clients, and ensuring a positive workplace attitude can help you to improve your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace.

Is professionalism a skill?

Professional workers take responsibility for their own behavior and work effectively with others. High quality work standards, honesty, and integrity are also part of the package. This is because professionalism, in and of itself, is not one skill but the blending and integration of a variety of skills.

What could be the most important characteristic of a professional?

Professionalism includes a variety of personal qualities and behaviors that demonstrate commitment to effective performance in a given job. Commitment and confidence, responsibility and dependability, honesty and ethics, and appearance and professional presence are central professional characteristics.

What are examples of professional behavior?

Examples of professional behavior include, but are not limited to: Showing compassion for others; responding appropriately to the emotional response of patients and family members; demonstrating respect for others; demonstrating a calm, compassionate, and helpful demeanor toward those in need; being supportive and …

How do you conduct yourself professionally?

To make sure you always present yourself professionally, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Make sure your attire is consistent with the company culture.
  2. Make sure you’re well groomed.
  3. Accessorize appropriately.
  4. Dress according to the position you want.
  5. Be mindful of your workspace.
  6. Behave professionally.

What are the 5 professions?

Professions & Occupations

  • Accountant – a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
  • Actor /Actress – a person that acts in a play or a movie.
  • Architect – a person that designs building and houses.
  • Author – They write books or novels.
  • Baker – They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.

What is the oldest job in history?


What jobs will exist in 2030?

12 Jobs You’ll Be Recruiting for in 2030

  • Organ Creator.
  • Augmented-reality journey builder.
  • Biofilm installer.
  • Earthquake forecaster.
  • Makeshift structure engineer.
  • Rewilder.
  • Digital currency advisor.
  • Drone traffic optimizer.

What are the four professions?

Scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants; each of the four peoples had their respective profession. Those who studied in order to occupy positions of rank were called the shi (scholars).

What do we mean by conduct?

To direct the course of; manage or control. intransitive verb

To lead or guide. intransitive verb

To direct the performance of (an orchestra or chorus, for example). intransitive verb

To serve as a medium for conveying; transmit. intransitive verb

To comport (oneself) in a specified way. intransitive verb

To act as a director or conductor. intransitive verb

To show the way; lead. intransitive verb

The way a person acts, especially from the standpoint of morality and ethics. noun

The act of directing or controlling; management. noun

A guide; an escort. noun

To accompany and show the way to; guide; escort; lead.

To direct; act as leader of.

As a director of a musical performance. See conductor, 4.

To direct the course of; manage; carry on: as, he conducted his affairs with prudence.

Reflexively, to direct the action or conduct of; behave: as, he conducted himself nobly.

In physics, to carry, convey, transmit, or propagate: as, metal conducts heat better than wood.

In physics, to carry, convey, transmit, or propagate motion or energy; especially, to transmit electricity, heat, light, or sound.

To act as musical conductor.

To behave: used without the reflexive pronoun.

The act of guiding or leading; guidance; escort. noun

The act or method of controlling or directing

Skillful guidance or management; leadership

Behaviour; the manner of behaving

(of a literary work) plot; storyline

Convoy; escort; person who accompanies another

Something which carries or conveys anything; a channel; an instrument.

Conduct Urban Dictionary

When heat or electricity is moving from place to another Urban Dictionary

To have set something alight. Used amongst professional pyromaniac. Urban Dictionary

When heat or electricity is moving from place to place Urban Dictionary

Conduct disorder is a set of ongoing emotional and behavioral problems that occurs in children and teens. Problems may involve defiant or impulsive behavior, drug use, or criminal activity. Children with conduct disorder may go on to develop personality disorders as adults, particularly antisocial personality disorder. As their behaviors worsen, these individuals may also develop problems with drug abuse and the law. Urban Dictionary

A vaguely defined charge that any police office can exploit to arrest anyone they want. Urban Dictionary

The act of performing a heroic task in a god like manner. Urban Dictionary

Gettin in fucking trouble at school Urban Dictionary

Something that usually happens in shop class.
Penis Conduction is like initiation or a dare, when you make an electrical circut using batteries and wires and complete the circuit using your penis. THis usually ends in what people like to call a feeling that feels like getting head, although this is unaccurate. Urban Dictionary

A code of conduct is a tool to improve the behaviour of brainless slaves. This bible of good behaviour is mostly used by big corporates like Audit firms or BoA where its usual to have low expectations about natural common sense of employees. It can be in written or electronic form. Urban Dictionary

Other forms: conducted; conducting; conducts

The noun conduct refers to behavior, like how students are rewarded for good conduct. The verb conduct means carry something through, as in «to conduct a survey.» And if you lead an orchestra, you conduct it.

Your conduct (accent on the first syllable), or your own behavior, is the way you conduct (accent on the second syllable), or lead, yourself. Keep the accent on the second syllable to conduct, or lead, an orchestra, and to conduct an interview by asking someone questions. Also, metals like copper or gold conduct electricity by letting the electricity pass through.

Definitions of conduct

  1. verb

    behave in a certain manner

    conducted themselves well during these difficult times”


    acquit, bear, behave, carry, comport, deport

  2. verb

    direct the course of; manage or control

    “You cannot
    conduct business like this”


    carry on, deal

  3. verb

    take somebody somewhere

    conducted us to the palace”


    direct, guide, lead, take

  4. verb

    lead musicians in the performance of

    conducted Mahler like no other conductor”

    “she cannot
    conduct modern pieces”


    direct, lead

    lead, as in the performance of a composition

  5. verb

    lead, as in the performance of a composition

    conduct an orchestra”

    conducted the Chicago symphony for years”


    direct, lead

  6. verb

    transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

    “Many metals
    conduct heat”


    carry, channel, convey, impart, transmit

    carry, convey, express

    serve as a means for expressing something


    be conveyed over a certain distance

Definitions of conduct

  1. noun

    (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people


    behavior, behaviour, demeanor, demeanour, deportment

    see moresee less


    show 29 types…
    hide 29 types…

    social deportment


    conduct as a citizen


    flamboyantly reckless and boastful behavior

    correctitude, properness, propriety

    correct or appropriate behavior

    improperness, impropriety

    an improper demeanor

    manner, personal manner

    a way of acting or behaving


    inappropriately childish behavior or manner


    the behavior or manner expected of or appropriate to an adult

    decorousness, decorum

    propriety in manners and conduct

    appropriateness, rightness

    appropriate conduct; doing the right thing


    the quality of conformity to social expectations

    good form

    behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time

    priggishness, primness

    exaggerated and arrogant properness

    modesty, reserve

    formality and propriety of manner

    grace, seemliness

    a sense of propriety and consideration for others


    the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality


    lack of conformity to social expectations

    inappropriateness, wrongness

    inappropriate conduct


    the trait of being indelicate and offensive

    indecorousness, indecorum

    a lack of decorum


    the quality of being indecent

    bearing, comportment, mien, presence

    a person’s manner or conduct

    bedside manner

    manner or conduct of a physician in the presence of a patient

    dandyism, foppishness

    the manner and dress of a fop or dandy

    gentleness, mildness, softness

    acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered

    formality, formalness

    a manner that strictly observes all forms and ceremonies


    a manner that does not take forms and ceremonies seriously

    courtesy, good manners

    a courteous manner

    discourtesy, rudeness

    a manner that is rude and insulting

    type of:


    a distinguishing feature of your personal nature

  2. noun

    manner of acting or controlling yourself


    behavior, behaviour, doings

    see moresee less


    show 18 types…
    hide 18 types…

    deliberately unfriendly behavior


    conduct characteristic of a bohemian

    dirty pool

    conduct that is unfair or unethical or unsportsmanlike

    dirty tricks

    underhand commercial or political behavior designed to discredit an opponent

    discourtesy, offence, offense, offensive activity

    a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others


    the quality of being easy in behavior or style

    the way of the world, the ways of the world

    the manner in which people typically behave or things typically happen

    aggravation, irritation, provocation

    unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment


    aggressive remarks and behavior like that of a spiteful malicious woman

    bullying, intimidation

    the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something

    hell raising, raising hell

    making trouble just for the fun of it


    the act of asserting yourself in an aggressive manner

    derision, ridicule

    the act of deriding or treating with contempt


    an impolite act or expression


    an offensive disrespectful impudent act

    affront, insult

    a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect


    a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming

    rebuff, slight

    a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)

    type of:


    any specific behavior

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Englishfor English speakers

Meaning conduct meaning

What does conduct mean?

Definitions in simple English


If you conduct music, you stand in front of the musicians and show them how to sing or play.

; The way you conduct yourself is the way you act or treat others.

I hope the children will be able to conduct themselve well at the party.

If something conducts energy, it lets the energy move through or along it.

Glass is a good insulator because it will not conduct electricity.

If you conduct somebody or a tour, you show people around a place.

Please conduct him to the waiting room.


A persons conduct is the way they act or treat others.

Killing a person, for any reason, is a criminal act and such conduct must not be allowed.

This teacher clearly broke the schools rules for professional conduct.



direct the course of; manage or control

You cannot conduct business like this

(= lead)

lead, as in the performance of a composition

conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years

(= behavior)

manner of acting or controlling yourself

(= demeanor)

(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people

(= lead, take)

take somebody somewhere

We lead him to our chief

can you take me to the main entrance?

He conducted us to the palace

(= behave, bear, carry)

behave in a certain manner

She carried herself well

he bore himself with dignity

They conducted themselves well during these difficult times

(= transmit, carry)

transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

Sound carries well over water

The airwaves carry the sound

Many metals conduct heat


lead musicians in the performance of

Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductor

she cannot conduct modern pieces

Synonyms conduct synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as conduct?

Topics conduct topics

What do people use conduct to talk about?

  • What words refer to behaving in a particular way?

  • What words refer to the way a person behaves?

  • What general words refer to how people act in relationship to each other?

  • What words refer to guiding someone?

  • What words refer to moving something?

  • What general words refer to someone doing something?

  • What do spies do?

  • What words refer to saving someone from trouble?

  • What words refer to investigating a crime or accident?

  • What words refer to a riot?

Conjugation conduct conjugation

How do you conjugate conduct?

conduct · verb

Present I conduct

Positive I conduct


1st person I conduct

2nd person you conduct

3rd person he/she/it conducts


1st person we conduct

2nd person you conduct

3rd person they conduct

Negative I don’t conduct


1st person I don’t conduct I do not conduct

2nd person you don’t conduct you do not conduct

3rd person he/she/it doesn’t conduct he/she/it does not conduct


1st person we don’t conduct we do not conduct

2nd person you don’t conduct you do not conduct

3rd person they don’t conduct they do not conduct

Question do I conduct?


1st person do I conduct?

2nd person do you conduct?

3rd person does he/she/it conduct?


1st person do we conduct?

2nd person do you conduct?

3rd person do they conduct?

Negative question don’t I conduct?


1st person don’t I conduct? do I not conduct?

2nd person don’t you conduct? do you not conduct?

3rd person doesn’t he/she/it conduct? does he/she/it not conduct?


1st person don’t we conduct? do we not conduct?

2nd person don’t you conduct? do you not conduct?

3rd person don’t they conduct? do they not conduct?

Past I conducted

Positive I conducted


1st person I conducted

2nd person you conducted

3rd person he/she/it conducted


1st person we conducted

2nd person you conducted

3rd person they conducted

Negative I didn’t conduct


1st person I didn’t conduct I did not conduct

2nd person you didn’t conduct you did not conduct

3rd person he/she/it didn’t conduct he/she/it did not conduct


1st person we didn’t conduct we did not conduct

2nd person you didn’t conduct you did not conduct

3rd person they didn’t conduct they did not conduct

Question did I conduct?


1st person did I conduct?

2nd person did you conduct?

3rd person did he/she/it conduct?


1st person did we conduct?

2nd person did you conduct?

3rd person did they conduct?

Negative question didn’t I conduct?


1st person didn’t I conduct? did I not conduct?

2nd person didn’t you conduct? did you not conduct?

3rd person didn’t he/she/it conduct? did he/she/it not conduct?


1st person didn’t we conduct? did we not conduct?

2nd person didn’t you conduct? did you not conduct?

3rd person didn’t they conduct? did they not conduct?

Future I‘ll conduct

Positive I‘ll conduct


1st person I‘ll conduct I will conduct

2nd person you‘ll conduct you will conduct

3rd person he/she/it‘ll conduct he/she/it will conduct


1st person we‘ll conduct we will conduct

2nd person you‘ll conduct you will conduct

3rd person they‘ll conduct they will conduct

Negative I won’t conduct


1st person I won’t conduct I will not conduct

2nd person you won’t conduct you will not conduct

3rd person he/she/it won’t conduct he/she/it will not conduct


1st person we won’t conduct we will not conduct

2nd person you won’t conduct you will not conduct

3rd person they won’t conduct they will not conduct

Question will I conduct?


1st person will I conduct?

2nd person will you conduct?

3rd person will he/she/it conduct?


1st person will we conduct?

2nd person will you conduct?

3rd person will they conduct?

Negative question won’t I conduct?


1st person won’t I conduct? will I not conduct?

2nd person won’t you conduct? will you not conduct?

3rd person won’t he/she/it conduct? will he/she/it not conduct?


1st person won’t we conduct? will we not conduct?

2nd person won’t you conduct? will you not conduct?

3rd person won’t they conduct? will they not conduct?

Conditional I‘d conduct

Positive I‘d conduct


1st person I‘d conduct I would conduct

2nd person you‘d conduct you would conduct

3rd person he/she/it‘d conduct he/she/it would conduct


1st person we‘d conduct we would conduct

2nd person you‘d conduct you would conduct

3rd person they‘d conduct they would conduct

Negative I wouldn’t conduct


1st person I wouldn’t conduct I would not conduct

2nd person you wouldn’t conduct you would not conduct

3rd person he/she/it wouldn’t conduct he/she/it would not conduct


1st person we wouldn’t conduct we would not conduct

2nd person you wouldn’t conduct you would not conduct

3rd person they wouldn’t conduct they would not conduct

Question would I conduct?


1st person would I conduct?

2nd person would you conduct?

3rd person would he/she/it conduct?


1st person would we conduct?

2nd person would you conduct?

3rd person would they conduct?

Negative question wouldn’t I conduct?


1st person wouldn’t I conduct? would I not conduct?

2nd person wouldn’t you conduct? would you not conduct?

3rd person wouldn’t he/she/it conduct? would he/she/it not conduct?


1st person wouldn’t we conduct? would we not conduct?

2nd person wouldn’t you conduct? would you not conduct?

3rd person wouldn’t they conduct? would they not conduct?

Present continuous I‘m conducting

Positive I‘m conducting


1st person I‘m conducting I am conducting

2nd person you‘re conducting you are conducting

3rd person he/she/it‘s conducting he/she/it is conducting


1st person we‘re conducting we are conducting

2nd person you‘re conducting you are conducting

3rd person they‘re conducting they are conducting

Negative I‘m not conducting


1st person I‘m not conducting I am not conducting

2nd person you aren’t conducting you‘re not conducting you are not conducting

3rd person he/she/it isn’t conducting he/she/it‘s not conducting he/she/it is not conducting


1st person we aren’t conducting we‘re not conducting we are not conducting

2nd person you aren’t conducting you‘re not conducting you are not conducting

3rd person they aren’t conducting they‘re not conducting they are not conducting

Question am I conducting?


1st person am I conducting?

2nd person are you conducting?

3rd person is he/she/it conducting?


1st person are we conducting?

2nd person are you conducting?

3rd person are they conducting?

Negative question aren’t I conducting?


1st person aren’t I conducting? am I not conducting?

2nd person aren’t you conducting? are you not conducting?

3rd person isn’t he/she/it conducting? is he/she/it not conducting?


1st person aren’t we conducting? are we not conducting?

2nd person aren’t you conducting? are you not conducting?

3rd person aren’t they conducting? are they not conducting?

Past continuous I was conducting

Positive I was conducting


1st person I was conducting

2nd person you were conducting

3rd person he/she/it was conducting


1st person we were conducting

2nd person you were conducting

3rd person they were conducting

Negative I wasn’t conducting


1st person I wasn’t conducting I was not conducting

2nd person you weren’t conducting you were not conducting

3rd person he/she/it wasn’t conducting he/she/it was not conducting


1st person we weren’t conducting we were not conducting

2nd person you weren’t conducting you were not conducting

3rd person they weren’t conducting they were not conducting

Question was I conducting?


1st person was I conducting?

2nd person were you conducting?

3rd person was he/she/it conducting?


1st person were we conducting?

2nd person were you conducting?

3rd person were they conducting?

Negative question wasn’t I conducting?


1st person wasn’t I conducting? was I not conducting?

2nd person weren’t you conducting? were you not conducting?

3rd person wasn’t he/she/it conducting? was he/she/it not conducting?


1st person weren’t we conducting? were we not conducting?

2nd person weren’t you conducting? were you not conducting?

3rd person weren’t they conducting? were they not conducting?

Future continuous I‘ll be conducting

Positive I‘ll be conducting


1st person I‘ll be conducting I will be conducting

2nd person you‘ll be conducting you will be conducting

3rd person he/she/it‘ll be conducting he/she/it will be conducting


1st person we‘ll be conducting we will be conducting

2nd person you‘ll be conducting you will be conducting

3rd person they‘ll be conducting they will be conducting

Negative I won’t be conducting


1st person I won’t be conducting I will not be conducting

2nd person you won’t be conducting you will not be conducting

3rd person he/she/it won’t be conducting he/she/it will not be conducting


1st person we won’t be conducting we will not be conducting

2nd person you won’t be conducting you will not be conducting

3rd person they won’t be conducting they will not be conducting

Question will I be conducting?


1st person will I be conducting?

2nd person will you be conducting?

3rd person will he/she/it be conducting?


1st person will we be conducting?

2nd person will you be conducting?

3rd person will they be conducting?

Negative question won’t I be conducting?


1st person won’t I be conducting? will I not be conducting?

2nd person won’t you be conducting? will you not be conducting?

3rd person won’t he/she/it be conducting? will he/she/it not be conducting?


1st person won’t we be conducting? will we not be conducting?

2nd person won’t you be conducting? will you not be conducting?

3rd person won’t they be conducting? will they not be conducting?

Conditional continuous I‘d be conducting

Positive I‘d be conducting


1st person I‘d be conducting I would be conducting

2nd person you‘d be conducting you would be conducting

3rd person he/she/it‘d be conducting he/she/it would be conducting


1st person we‘d be conducting we would be conducting

2nd person you‘d be conducting you would be conducting

3rd person they‘d be conducting they would be conducting

Negative I wouldn’t be conducting


1st person I wouldn’t be conducting I would not be conducting

2nd person you wouldn’t be conducting you would not be conducting

3rd person he/she/it wouldn’t be conducting he/she/it would not be conducting


1st person we wouldn’t be conducting we would not be conducting

2nd person you wouldn’t be conducting you would not be conducting

3rd person they wouldn’t be conducting they would not be conducting

Question would I be conducting?


1st person would I be conducting?

2nd person would you be conducting?

3rd person would he/she/it be conducting?


1st person would we be conducting?

2nd person would you be conducting?

3rd person would they be conducting?

Negative question wouldn’t I be conducting?


1st person wouldn’t I be conducting? would I not be conducting?

2nd person wouldn’t you be conducting? would you not be conducting?

3rd person wouldn’t he/she/it be conducting? would he/she/it not be conducting?


1st person wouldn’t we be conducting? would we not be conducting?

2nd person wouldn’t you be conducting? would you not be conducting?

3rd person wouldn’t they be conducting? would they not be conducting?

Present perfect I‘ve conducted

Positive I‘ve conducted


1st person I‘ve conducted I have conducted

2nd person you‘ve conducted you have conducted

3rd person he/she/it‘s conducted he/she/it has conducted


1st person we‘ve conducted we have conducted

2nd person you‘ve conducted you have conducted

3rd person they‘ve conducted they have conducted

Negative I haven’t conducted


1st person I haven’t conducted I have not conducted

2nd person you haven’t conducted you have not conducted

3rd person he/she/it hasn’t conducted he/she/it has not conducted


1st person we haven’t conducted we have not conducted

2nd person you haven’t conducted you have not conducted

3rd person they haven’t conducted they have not conducted

Question have I conducted?


1st person have I conducted?

2nd person have you conducted?

3rd person has he/she/it conducted?


1st person have we conducted?

2nd person have you conducted?

3rd person have they conducted?

Negative question haven’t I conducted?


1st person haven’t I conducted? have I not conducted?

2nd person haven’t you conducted? have you not conducted?

3rd person hasn’t he/she/it conducted? has he/she/it not conducted?


1st person haven’t we conducted? have we not conducted?

2nd person haven’t you conducted? have you not conducted?

3rd person haven’t they conducted? have they not conducted?

Past perfect I had conducted

Positive I had conducted


1st person I had conducted

2nd person you had conducted

3rd person he/she/it had conducted


1st person we had conducted

2nd person you had conducted

3rd person they had conducted

Negative I hadn’t conducted


1st person I hadn’t conducted I had not conducted

2nd person you hadn’t conducted you had not conducted

3rd person he/she/it hadn’t conducted he/she/it had not conducted


1st person we hadn’t conducted we had not conducted

2nd person you hadn’t conducted you had not conducted

3rd person they hadn’t conducted they had not conducted

Question had I conducted?


1st person had I conducted?

2nd person had you conducted?

3rd person had he/she/it conducted?


1st person had we conducted?

2nd person had you conducted?

3rd person had they conducted?

Negative question hadn’t I conducted?


1st person hadn’t I conducted? had I not conducted?

2nd person hadn’t you conducted? had you not conducted?

3rd person hadn’t he/she/it conducted? had he/she/it not conducted?


1st person hadn’t we conducted? had we not conducted?

2nd person hadn’t you conducted? had you not conducted?

3rd person hadn’t they conducted? had they not conducted?

Future perfect I‘ll have conducted

Positive I‘ll have conducted


1st person I‘ll have conducted I will have conducted

2nd person you‘ll have conducted you will have conducted

3rd person he/she/it‘ll have conducted he/she/it will have conducted


1st person we‘ll have conducted we will have conducted

2nd person you‘ll have conducted you will have conducted

3rd person they‘ll have conducted they will have conducted

Negative I won’t have conducted


1st person I won’t have conducted I will not have conducted

2nd person you won’t have conducted you will not have conducted

3rd person he/she/it won’t have conducted he/she/it will not have conducted


1st person we won’t have conducted we will not have conducted

2nd person you won’t have conducted you will not have conducted

3rd person they won’t have conducted they will not have conducted

Question +’ll I have conducted?


1st person +’ll I have conducted? will I have conducted?

2nd person +’ll you have conducted? will you have conducted?

3rd person +’ll he/she/it have conducted? will he/she/it have conducted?


1st person +’ll we have conducted? will we have conducted?

2nd person +’ll you have conducted? will you have conducted?

3rd person +’ll they have conducted? will they have conducted?

Negative question won’t I have conducted?


1st person won’t I have conducted? will I not have conducted?

2nd person won’t you have conducted? will you not have conducted?

3rd person won’t he/she/it have conducted? will he/she/it not have conducted?


1st person won’t we have conducted? will we not have conducted?

2nd person won’t you have conducted? will you not have conducted?

3rd person won’t they have conducted? will they not have conducted?

Conditional perfect I‘d have conducted

Positive I‘d have conducted


1st person I‘d have conducted I would have conducted

2nd person you‘d have conducted you would have conducted

3rd person he/she/it‘d have conducted he/she/it would have conducted


1st person we‘d have conducted we would have conducted

2nd person you‘d have conducted you would have conducted

3rd person they‘d have conducted they would have conducted

Negative I wouldn’t have conducted


1st person I wouldn’t have conducted I would not have conducted

2nd person you wouldn’t have conducted you would not have conducted

3rd person he/she/it wouldn’t have conducted he/she/it would not have conducted


1st person we wouldn’t have conducted we would not have conducted

2nd person you wouldn’t have conducted you would not have conducted

3rd person they wouldn’t have conducted they would not have conducted

Question would I have conducted?


1st person would I have conducted?

2nd person would you have conducted?

3rd person would he/she/it have conducted?


1st person would we have conducted?

2nd person would you have conducted?

3rd person would they have conducted?

Negative question wouldn’t I have conducted?


1st person wouldn’t I have conducted? would I not have conducted?

2nd person wouldn’t you have conducted? would you not have conducted?

3rd person wouldn’t he/she/it have conducted? would he/she/it not have conducted?


1st person wouldn’t we have conducted? would we not have conducted?

2nd person wouldn’t you have conducted? would you not have conducted?

3rd person wouldn’t they have conducted? would they not have conducted?

Imperative conduct!


you conduct!

we let’s conduct!


you don’t conduct!

we let’s not conduct!

Examples conduct examples

How do I use conduct in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom was accused of disorderly conduct.

You will soon regret your rash conduct.

Your conduct doesnt become a gentleman.

Your conduct is beyond bearing.

I am ashamed of your conduct.

I cannot support your conduct.

Your conduct is absolutely shameful.

We were surprised at his conduct.

I blush to think of such conduct.

The astronaut had to conduct many experiments in the space shuttle.

Ill overlook your conduct this time.

Im not accountable to you for my conduct.

You should be ashamed of your conduct.

His diligence and good conduct earned him the scholarship.

The boy was awarded a prize for good conduct.

The girl was given a prize for good conduct.

You must answer for your careless conduct.

I am ashamed of my sons conduct.

No blame attaches to his conduct.

I cant explain the reason for his conduct.

His conduct is above suspicion.

His conduct was admirable.

Movie subtitles

Its very important for you to understand that this is not the way that we conduct ourselves, and of course we will pay for it, so if you just send us the cost, well reimburse you for the window.

Observe and remember my modes of conduct!

Safe conduct from these halls I demand for me and my following!

Bernard is quite capable of such a crime and his past conduct and brutal nature leave him open to suspicion.

I thought your conduct quite disgusting.

Thats not a matter of conduct, but of elementary instinct.

I want to be clean, not only in my conduct, but in my innermost thoughts and desires.

Your conduct was disgusting.

To be frank, Jekyll, Im not at all satisfied with your conduct.


Kindly conduct us. — Yes, maam.

Do you want a black mark for conduct?

The effect of my powers is limited to the ones you call The Blessed, but I conduct multiple telepathic transmissions simultaneously.

This mans conduct is inexcusable!

Master Copperfield, your conduct has always been of most delicate And obliging description. You have never been a lodger.

Captain Bligh, apart from the conversation you overheard was Mr. Byams previous conduct such that you believe him guilty?

Sir, his entire conduct convinces me that he plotted with Christian.

Captain Bligh, in my opinion, your openboat voyage was the most remarkable conduct of navigation in the history of the sea.

What interests me most is your conduct.

I have a series of articles written by a newspaperwoman, who witnessed his conduct since he came to New York.

We have witnesses from Mandrake Falls, who will tell of his conduct throughout his lifetime, proving that his derangement is neither a recent nor a temporary one.

You will tell us on what your method is based, we will consider it and possibly conduct clinical tests. Just a moment.

I suppose what you want from me, Dr. Finley. is permission to deal as drastically with Harvey. as his future conduct might deserve.

And I think it would be very interesting to see just how Dr. Hackenbush does conduct an examination.

Even a woman like me who is unfamiliar with the arts of war can tell from your conduct and expression that you appear to be a man who could be slashed to death at any moment.


Caroline Meade, how can you let your husband conduct this slave auction!

Id like to extend my apology for my conduct of last night.

Ill take the box and conduct you myself to er. your relative.

News and current affairs

In fact, the obligation of states to abide by humanitarian rules of conduct while their enemies are free to barbarize warfare is what makes asymmetric wars especially insoluble.

Because EU membership affects every aspect of a state, economy, and society, while the war on terror demands a completely new way to conduct diplomacy and security policy.

Though Ayatollah Khomeinis Islamic revolution in 1979 disrupted Israels old alliance with Iran, the two countries continued to conduct business with Americas blessing.

Similarly, membership of bodies that conduct peer review of scientific proposalsa process that is fundamental to scientific progresssurely ought to be free of all barriers to entry that are unrelated to professional qualifications.

In 2002, China and ASEAN agreed on a legally nonbinding code of conduct for managing such disputes, but, as a large power, China believes that it will gain more in bilateral rather than multilateral negotiations with small countries.

As a large power, China will have great weight in any circumstance, and it can reduce its selfinflicted damage by agreeing to a code of conduct.

This is undoubtedly to the good, and necessary to the conduct of orderly democratic life; but to those not used to it, the ability to combine enmity with bonhomie can seem counterintuitive.

The UNs weapons inspectorate chief and Iraq have agreed on tentative terms for the conduct of weapons inspections, which in theory could begin as early as two weeks from now.

But a growing body of research concludes that greed is not always good, and that moral values are a necessary element in the conduct of business.

There are three explanations for the ECBs position, none of which speaks well for the institution and its regulatory and supervisory conduct.

One reason that economics is such a difficult subject, and why there are so many disagreements among economists, is that economists cannot conduct controlled experiments.

In principle, in a laboratory, we can conduct controlled experiments, and therefore make more reliable inferences.

Chinese officials have also become more willing to discuss the creation of a code of conduct for the South China Sea.

Cultural messages can also be conveyed by the way that sports teams or stars conduct themselves, or in the multiple images purveyed by television or cinema.

The cop, joined by several colleagues, arrested the professor for disorderly conduct.

But their main effect may be an erosion of reasoned debate and civil conduct, without which democracy is powerless against the forces of polarization and extremism.

Government and rebel leaders around the globe have been put on notice that criminal conduct will no longer be given a free pass.

Notice that most of these measures are actually aimed at reducing damagefor example, climate change, military conflict, and financial crimethat otherwise results from rich countriesconduct.

The EFSF could then conduct very large purchases of government debt by levering up its limited capital through ECB refinancing, using the government bonds it is buying as collateral.

Alzheimers might be more predictable if scientists had the time and resources to conduct farreaching longitudinal studies over many years.

Yes, the IMF ought to develop a voluntary code of conduct for SWFs, but it should not be used as a weapon to enforce financial protectionism.

Today, the EU is being asked to conduct complex missions in adverse circumstances.

But, without a broadly consistent approach, the authorities risk creating a legal patchwork that would make crossborder banking less efficient, more expensive, and more difficult to conduct.

Recently, the discovery of mustard gas canisters left behind by Japanese forces during World War II has also served to keep memories of the Imperial Japanese Armys wartime conduct alive among older Chinese.

Nor could it conduct credible negotiations with Israel or deliver necessary services to ordinary Palestinians.

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Conduct Scrabble Word Score, Definitions + More

Love word games? Check the definition and popular synonyms of conduct. Find all the anagrams, permutations and unscrambles of conduct. We also have lists of Words that end with conduct, and words that start with conduct.

What is conduct? What does conduct mean?

conduct is normally defined as to lead or guide

How much does conduct score in a game of Scrabble?

Playing conduct scores 12 points in a game of Scrabble. This assumes no use of double or triple word or letter multipliers, and no wildcards

How many points is conduct worth in Words With Friends?

If you play the word conduct in Words With Friends, it scores 16 points.
Playing on a triple word score, this would be 48 points.

What’s another way to say conduct? What are its synonyms?

How else can you write conduct?
In our thesaurus we found there are 8 synonyms of conduct.
Some of these are:

  • conduct
  • lead
  • direct
  • deal
  • behave
  • impart
  • behavior
  • demeanor

Want to see all the different synonyms of conduct? See all synonyms of conduct

How may anagrams can you make from conduct?

There are 0 anagrams of conduct.

What words can you unscramble using the letters in conduct?

There are 47 words that can be unscrambled or created from the letters in conduct.
These include :

  • toun
  • to
  • un
  • con
  • nod
  • tun
  • undo
  • duct
  • dunt
  • unto
  • ou
  • nout
  • doc
  • donut
  • cond

Check out all the words you can create from the letters in conduct

What other words can be made from using the letters in conduct?

There are 931 words that can be made from the letters in conduct.
These include :

  • education
  • production
  • conduct
  • document
  • introduction
  • introduce
  • continued
  • reduction
  • destruction
  • educational
  • noctuids
  • constuprated
  • nonconductors
  • noneducational
  • polynucleotide
  • wonderstruck
  • touchdown
  • unconnected
  • unconcocted
  • educationalists
  • undomestic
  • edulcorating
  • miseducations
  • deuteranopic
  • reconstituted

There are 931 words that can be made from the letters in conduct.
See all words that can be made from the letters in conduct

Examples from texts

The appropriate procedure for the conduct of a prior art search and communicating the findings thereof shall be determined by the Federal executive authority on intellectual property.

Порядок и условия проведения информационного поиска и предоставления сведений о его результатах устанавливаются федеральным органом исполнительной власти по интеллектуальной собственности.

«Yes, challenged me.I at once accepted the challenge, but resolved before our meeting to send him a letter in which I explain my view of my conduct, and my deep regret for my horrible blunder …for it was only a blunder, an unlucky, fatal blunder!

— Да, вызвал; я тотчас же принял вызов, но решил, еще раньше встречи, послать ему письмо, в котором излагаю мой взгляд на мой поступок и всё мое раскаяние в этой ужасной ошибке… потому что это была только ошибка — несчастная, роковая ошибка!

Достоевский, Фёдор / ПодростокDostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw Youth

A Raw Youth

Dostoevsky, Fyodor


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Советская Россия», 1979

Locke, Hume, Voltaire, Bentham and Mill were men of affairs with plenty to say about the conduct of life.

Локк, Юм, Вольтер, Бентам и Милль были деловыми людьми, и у них было что сказать о том, как вести себя в жизни.

Lewis, John / Science, faith and scepticismЛьюис, Джон / Наука, вера и скептицизм

Наука, вера и скептицизм

Льюис, Джон

Science, faith and scepticism

Lewis, John

A general confessed, in my presence, «that he got a victory purely by the force of cowardice and ill conduct;» and an admiral, «that, for want of proper intelligence, he beat the enemy, to whom he intended to betray the fleet.»

Один генерал сознался в моем присутствии, что он одержал победу единственно благодаря своей трусости и дурному командованию, а один адмирал открыл, что он победил неприятеля вследствие плохой осведомленности, тогда как собирался сдать ему свой флот.

Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver’s travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера

Путешествия Гулливера

Свифт, Джонатан

© Издательство «Правда», 1987

Gulliver’s travels into several remote nations of the world

Swift, Jonathan

The Rwandan Government must create an auspicious environment for the smooth conduct of the 2002 presidential elections.

Правительство Руанды должно теперь создать необходимые условия для нормального проведения президентских выборов в 2003 году.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Explain that this module describes how to conduct Quarterly reporting on case finding.

Расскажите, что этот модуль учит, как составлять квартальный отчет по выявлению случаев заболевания.

© 2001-2006 EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network and American International Health Alliance

Furthermore, they require the ability to conduct operations in collaboration with military contingents and in support of the mission mandate.

Кроме того, им необходимо иметь возможность осуществлять свою деятельность в сотрудничестве с воинскими контингентами и в рамках поддержки выполнения мандата миссии.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

However, in order to counter the transportation by road of goods connected with terrorism, there is need to amend both legislation to allow the police who conduct roadblocks to inspect the goods on board a vehicle.

Однако для борьбы с транспортировкой дорожным транспортом товаров, связанных с терроризмом, необходимо изменить оба законодательных акта, с тем чтобы полиция имела возможность останавливать движение для инспекции перевозимых товаров.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

I will conduct you where you shall be lodg’d;

Я вас сведу туда, где ждет вас отдых,

Shakespeare, William / Alls Wel that ends WellШекспир, Вильям / Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается

Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается

Шекспир, Вильям

© Издательство «ACADEMIA», 1937

Alls Wel that ends Well

Shakespeare, William

Less than a day on the farm, and already his standards and conduct had begun to deteriorate.

Он провел на ферме менее суток, а его стандарты уже начали вырождаться.

Koontz, Dean Ray / BreathlessКунц, Дин / Затаив дыхание

Затаив дыхание

Кунц, Дин

© В. Вебер, перевод на русский язык, 2010

© 2009 by Dean Koontz

© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2010


Koontz, Dean Ray

Countries that conduct comprehensive surveillance are more likely to have an accurate picture of their epidemic, and can better plan an effective response.

Страны, проводящие комплексный эпиднадзор, скорее получат точную картину о своей эпидемии и смогут лучше спланировать свои эффективные ответные меры.

© UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

The culmination of the peace process in El Salvador was the peaceful conduct of elections at the presidential, national and local levels on 20 March 1994 and 24 April 1994, under verification by ONUSAL.

Кульминацией мирного процесса в Сальвадоре было мирное проведение выборов на президентском, национальном и местном уровнях 20 марта 1994 года и 24 апреля 1994 года при контроле со стороны МНООНС.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

Among them is the International Investment Forum, which has become the most important place to connect those who wish to conduct business in Russia.

Один из них — Международный инвестиционный форум, ставший важнейшим местом встречи для тех, кто желает вести бизнес в России.

Yet controls over technology need not imply limitations on the freedom to conduct research.

Однако контроль над технологией не обязательно подразумевает ограничения свободы проводить исследования.

Toffler, Alvin / Future ShockТоффлер, Элвин / Шок Будущего

Шок Будущего

Тоффлер, Элвин

© Alvin Toffler, 1970

© Перевод. К. Бурмистров, 2001

© Перевод. Л. Бурмистрова, 2001

© Перевод. Е. Комарова, 2001

© Перевод. В. Кулагина-Ярцева, 2001

© Перевод. А. Микиша, 2001

© Перевод. А. Мирер, 2001

© Перевод. И. Москвина-Тарханова, 2001

© Перевод. Е. Руднева, 2001

© Перевод. Н. Хмелик, 2001

Future Shock

Toffler, Alvin

Encourage the application of initiatives on transparency-related codes of conduct in the extractive industries

следует поощрять реализацию инициатив по применению обеспечивающих транспарентность кодексов поведения в добывающих отраслях;

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

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‘kɔndʌktNounруководство; управление

User translations

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.

    1) поведение

    2) руководство; ведение | вести

    3) сопровождать; эскортировать

    translation added by ` AL


abusive conduct

оскорбительное поведение

adverse conduct of an officer

поведение должностного лица

adverse conduct of an officer

противоречащее его должностному статусу

alleged conduct

вменяемое в вину, инкриминируемое поведение

alleged conduct

предполагаемое поведение

anticompetitive conduct

антиконкурентное поведение

bad conduct

упречное поведение

bad conduct discharge

увольнение из армии за недостойное поведение

business conduct

ведение дела

certificate of good conduct

положительная характеристика

certificate of good conduct

справка о хорошем поведении

code of conduct

кодекс поведения

conduct a business

вести дело

conduct a campaign

вести кампанию

conduct a case

вести судебный процесс

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