What does base word mean

The suffix ‘-ment’ means the act of doing something or the result of an action. When you add ‘-ment’ to the end of a base word you create a brand new word!

Meant is the past tense and past participle of mean1. 2. adjective. You use meant to to say that something or someone was intended to be or do a particular thing especially when they have failed to be or do it. I can’t say any more it’s meant to be a big secret.

1200 “initial stage or first part ” verbal noun from begin. Meaning “act of starting something” is from early 13c. The Old English word was fruma (see foremost).

The word acceptable means “able to accept ” a word that comes from the Latin acceptare which meant “to take willingly.” Although the word acceptable suggests something that is fine it sometimes suggests the least that would be sufficient and can carry a somewhat negative connotation as was the case when Franz Kafka …

Is there a word busyness?

The definition of busyness is a state of having a lot of activity or of not being idle. When you have a lot of tasks to do all at once this is an example of busyness.

What is a short word for business?

There are two common abbreviations of business: bus. and biz. If you want to make either of these plural simply add on an “s.”

What are the four types of businesses?

There are 4 main types of business organization: sole proprietorship partnership corporation and Limited Liability Company or LLC. Below we give an explanation of each of these and how they are used in the scope of business law.

What are the 4 bases?

The four bases-ATCG. Adenine thymine cytosine and guanine are the four nucleotides found in DNA.

What part is the base?

In geometry the bottom of a three-dimensional object is called a base – if the top of the solid is parallel to the bottom it is also called a base.

What is the base word of the word activities?

activity (n.)

c. 1400 “active or secular life ” from Old French activité from Medieval Latin activitatem (nominative activitas) a word in Scholastic philosophy from Latin activus “active” (see active).

What is the base word in education?

The word “education” comes from the word “educate”.

What is a base word for 2nd grade?

Base words are words that can be combined with prefixes and suffixes. They can also be used on their own.

What is the base of had the verb?

The verb have has the forms: have has having had. The base form of the verb is have. The present participle is having. The past tense and past participle form is had.

What is the base verb of summary?

summarize. To prepare a summary of something. To give a recapitulation of the salient facts to recapitulate or review.

What are the examples of regular verbs?

Examples of Regular Verbs

ask–asked back–backed
gaze-gazed guess-guessed
hand–handed hunt–hunted
join–joined joke–joked
kick-kicked laugh-laughed

See also where does the hydrogen in glucose come from

What is the base word of university?

Just like the word universe (“the whole world”) university comes from the Latin word universus meaning “whole entire.” So think of a university as being sort of a world of its own — an institute of higher education where you live and study.

What is base in linguistic?

A base is simply any form to which can be added an affix (any derivational or inflectional morpheme). A root is the morpheme that carries the major component of the word’s meaning and which belongs to a lexical category. A stem is a base to which an inflectional affix is added.

What is the base word in heterogeneous?

It comes from the Greek heterogenḗs from hetero– meaning “different ” and génos “kind.” In general things that are homogeneous are all the same and things that are heterogeneous consist of a variety of different parts.

Is under a prefix?

The prefix under means less lower not enough beneath or below. So when you attach it to some words it will change their meanings. For example underground means beneath the ground.

What are the 5 examples of prefix?

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
de- down off away from devalue deactivate debug degrade deduce
dis- not apart away disappear disagreeable disbar dissect
en- put into cover with enclose entangle enslave encase
ex- out of from former extract exhale excavate ex-president

What prefixes mean not?

Non- Un- Dis- and Ir- are all prefixes meaning “not.” What do the following words have in common? All these words have a prefix that means not.

Video 24: Base Word Prefix Suffix

【YEAR 4 5 & 6 ENGLISH】Base Word

Word Parts: Prefix Base Word Suffixes | Grammar for Grade 2 | Kids Academy

Affix Root Stem Base

Base words are words that exist as recognizable words in the English language. These words cannot be divided into smaller units. Prefixes and suffixes can be added to these words to create new words. There are two theories about root words. Some people use the term root word as a synonym for the base word. However, in some contexts, root words refer to the part of the base word that comes from another language. This article will mainly focus on this second meaning. The key difference between base word and root word is that base words are recognizable words in the English language whereas root words are from another language.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is a Base Word
3. What is a Root Word
5. Side by Side Comparison – Base Word vs Root Word in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is a Base Word?

There are two types of words in the English language: the words that can be broken down into smaller units and words that cannot be broken down into smaller units. Words that cannot be broken down into smaller units are known as base words. In other words, base word is the base form of a word and gives its basic meaning. For example, let’s look at the two words happy and unhappy. The word happy cannot be broken down into smaller units, but unhappy can be broken down into two units since this word is made by adding the prefix un to the base word happy. Prefixes and suffixes are always added to base words.Difference Between Base Word and Root Word

Prefixes and Suffixes

  • Prefix is a word element is found in front of a base word.
  • Suffix is a word element is found after a base word.

Look at the following words and see if you can identify the base word by removing the suffixes and prefixes.

Reusable, disappear, unhappiness, unacceptable, disqualified, childish, unlikely, reinvention

The base words of the above list are underlined in the following section.

  1. Reusable – re + use + able
  2. Disappear – dis + appear
  3. Unhappiness – un + happy + ness
  4. Unacceptable – un + accept + ble
  5. Disqualified – dis + qualify + ed
  6. Childish – child + ish
  7. Unlikely – un + like + ly
  8. Reinvention – re + invent + ion

What is a Root Word?

In linguistics, the term root word is often used synonymously with base word, and refers to a morpheme from which words have been created by the addition of prefixes or suffixes. For example, the word transportation is formed from the root word transport.

However, the term root word also refers to the origin of the word. In this sense, root word is the part of the base word that comes from another language. For example, the word maternal comes from Latin mater and gives the meaning mother. So, this Latin word, mater can be considered as the root word of maternal. The root words of words like maternity, maternally, maternalism, etc. is also the Latin word mater.

Key Difference - Base Word vs Root Word

Examples of Base Words and Root Words

Let’s look at some other examples to understand the meaning of base words and root words more clearly.

  1. Tricycle

Base word = cycle, Root word = Latin cyclus (circle)

  1. Transportation

Base word = transport, Root word = Latin port (to carry)

  1. Immoderately

Base word = moderate, Root word = Latin moderatus (reduced, controlled)

What is the Difference Between Base Word and Root Word?

Base Word vs Root Word

Base Word is a morpheme from which words have been created by the addition of prefixes or suffixes. Root word is the part of the base word that comes from another language.
Individual Meaning
Base word can stand alone. Root word cannot often stand alone.
Base words cannot be further divided. Root word comes from another language.

Summary – Base Word vs Root Word

Base word is a form of a word to which affixes can be added to create new words.  Base words and root words are two terms that are sometimes used as synonyms. However, root words are also defined as parts of the base word that come from another language. This is the difference between base word and root word.

Download PDF Version of Base Word vs Root Word

You can download PDF version of this article and use it for offline purposes as per citation note. Please download PDF version here Difference Between Base Word and Root Word


1. Merrell, Shelly. “Base Words: Definition & Examples.” Study.com, Available here.
2. Nordquist, Richard. “Base Forms of Words in English.” ThoughtCo, Available here.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a base word mean?
  2. What is base form?
  3. What do you call the base form of a word?
  4. What is the base word for haven t?
  5. Is hadn’t a word?
  6. Is haven’t gotten proper English?
  7. What is haven’t short for?
  8. Is haven’t a helping verb?
  9. Who hasn’t or who haven-t?
  10. What haven’t means?
  11. How is haven’t used in a sentence?
  12. Where do we use haven t?
  13. How do you spell haven t?
  14. What type of verb is haven-t?
  15. What is short for should have?
  16. What is could’ve called?
  17. What does shoulda mean?
  18. What’s shoulda coulda woulda mean?
  19. Is shoulda a real word?
  20. Is coulda a word?
  21. Is Dismissiveness a word?
  22. Would a should a could a?
  23. How do you spell woulda coulda shoulda?

A base word can stand alone and has meaning (for example, help). A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word (for example, -ful). If you add the suffix -ful to the base word, help, the word is helpful. A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word or base word (for example, un-).

A base word is the core unit of the word that has no extra parts. While the base word gives the basic meaning of the word, the addition of prefixes, letters added to the beginning of words, and suffixes, letters added to the end of words, will change the base word’s meaning.

What is base form?

The base form (or root) of a verb is the form listed in the dictionary. It is the version of the verb without any endings (endings such as -s, -ing, and ed). The base form is the same as the infinitive (e.g., to walk, to paint, to think) but without the ‘to’.

What do you call the base form of a word?

In English grammar, a base is the form of a word to which prefixes and suffixes can be added to create new words. For example, instruct is the base for forming instruction, instructor, and reinstruct. Also called a root or stem. Put another way, base forms are words that are not derived from or made up of other words.

What is the base word for haven t?

Haven’t is the usual spoken form of ‘have not.

Is hadn’t a word?

Hadn’t is defined as a contraction of had not.

Is haven’t gotten proper English?

“I haven´t got” is a gramatically correct literal translation into English although not belletristically ideal. “Gotten” is American colloquial slang and not good English.

What is haven’t short for?

short form of have not: I haven’t been to Australia. More examples. I haven’t played tennis for years.

Is haven’t a helping verb?

Helpful hints to remember when identifying helping verbs Look for contractions such as haven’t, don’t, doesn’t, etc. and remember that not is not a helping verb. Peter did not finish his homework.

Who hasn’t or who haven-t?

Yes, as most answers say, hasn’t is used with singular subjects (He hasn’t arrived yet) and haven’t is used with plural subjects (They haven’t arrived yet). And they are the contractions of has not and have not respectively.

What haven’t means?

: have not haven’t heard the news.

How is haven’t used in a sentence?

[M] [T] I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll go to college or get a job. [M] [T] I’m pretty hungry since I haven’t eaten since early this morning. [M] [T] I haven’t heard anything from him since then.

Where do we use haven t?

Haven’t refers to the past up until now. So if you haven’t done something, you haven’t done it for a specific period of time (day, month, ever, etc.) Didn’t refers to a specific point of time that has already passed.

How do you spell haven t?

Correct pronunciation for the word “haven’t” is [hˈavənt], [hˈavənt], [h_ˈa_v_ə_n_t].

What type of verb is haven-t?

Take care: The normal negative forms of the main verb have / has are do not have and does not have, or their shortened forms. These are not the same as the normal negative forms of the auxiliary or modal verb have. The forms haven’t, hasn’t, (have not, has not) etc.

What is short for should have?

/ˈʃʊd. əv/ short form of should have: You should’ve come to the party last night, Manya. More examples.

What is could’ve called?

Could have, would have, and should have are sometimes called “modals of lost opportunities.” They work like a grammatical time machine. The simple past just tells what happened. Past modals tell what could have, would have, and should have happened.

What does shoulda mean?

—used for “should have” or “should’ve” in informal speech and in representations of such speech “They shoulda been here by now.””I shoulda quit while I was ahead.”

What’s shoulda coulda woulda mean?

An expression of dismissiveness or disappointment concerning a statement, question, explanation, course of action, or occurrence involving hypothetical possibilities, uncertain facts, or missed opportunities.

Is shoulda a real word?

Shoulda is simply a spelling of should have (or should’ve), based on a common, contracted, colloquial pronunciation of this modal verb phrase.

Is coulda a word?

—used for “could have” or “could’ve” in informal speech and in representations of such speech “It coulda been much better.” “They coulda tried a little harder.”

Is Dismissiveness a word?

A form of denial, characterized by either passively showing indifference or disregard, or actively dismissing or rejecting ideas or evidence.

Would a should a could a?

Reminds me of the famous quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson, “Tis better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.” Don’t relegate yourself to the cold masses of timid souls that long for a better future but cower instead of act. Those people – the should’a could’a would’a folks – are not you.

How do you spell woulda coulda shoulda?

If a person replies to something you said by remarking, “Yeah, right, woulda coulda shoulda,” it means they’re rejecting your argument that you could, would, or should have acted differently in a situation where your behavior led to a negative outcome.

Teachers frequently debate this question: What’s the difference between a root, base word, and stem? The reason teachers are forced to debate this question is that their textbooks present a model that quickly falls apart in the real world.

If teachers are confused, their students will also be confused. By the end of this page, you won’t be confused. To end this confusion, we will look at two systems:

1. The Traditional Root and Base-Word System for Kids
2. A Modern System of Morphemes, Roots, Bases, and Stems from Linguistics

The Traditional Root and Base-Word System for Kids

Here is a problem-filled system that, unfortunately, some students still learn.

Students learn that ROOTS are Greek and Latin roots. Most of these roots cannot stand alone as words when we remove the prefixes and suffixes.

Q e.g., Word: justify      Latin Root: jus (law)

Students also learn that BASE WORDS can stand alone as words when we remove all of the prefixes and suffixes. Students learn that if it cannot stand alone when we remove all of the prefixes and suffixes, then it is not a base word.

Q e.g., Word: kindness      Base Word: kind

The problem comes later in the day when the teacher is teaching verb tenses.

Q Teacher: Look at these two verbs: responded and responding. What’s the base word?

Q Student #1: Respond.

Q Teacher: Correct!

Q Student #2: Isn’t re- a prefix? If re- is a prefix, then respond can’t be a base word. I suspect that spond is a Latin root. Is it?

Q Teacher: I’m not sure. Let me research this. Yes, the word respond has the prefix re- attached to the Latin root spond. The Latin root spond comes from sponder, which means to pledge.

Although the teacher was looking for the answer “respond,” Student #2’s answer was the correct answer according to this Traditional System. That’s how easily the Traditional System falls apart. And the problems get worse from here.

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Modern Linguistics

I looked at a few current student textbooks from major publishers, and most of them don’t mention the terms base or base word. They only use the term root in their basic word studies. I suspect that this is because modern linguistics has created a new meaning for the term base.

In case you are not aware, modern linguistics and modern grammar fix many of the broken models from centuries past—i.e., models and definitions that quickly fall apart when you question them. These days, most books on linguistics and morphology present a somewhat standardized model. In English Word-Formation (1983), Laurie Bauer explains this model succinctly and definitively. Let’s take a look.

English Word-Formation (1983) by Laurie Bauer

As you can see below, Bauer acknowledges the root/stem/base problem and then explains a model that removes the ambiguity.

The Problem: “‘Root’, ‘stem’ and ‘base’ are all terms used in the literature to designate that part of a word that remains when all affixes have been removed. Of more recent years, however, there has been some attempt to distinguish consistently between these three terms.”

Root: “A root is a form which is not further analysable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology. It is that part of word-form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed… In the form ‘untouchables’ the root is ‘touch’.”

Stem: “A stem is of concern only when dealing with inflectional morphology. In the form ‘untouchables’ the stem is ‘untouchable’.” [In short, when you remove the inflectional suffixes, you have the stem.]

Base: “A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. This means that any root or any stem can be termed a base… ‘touchable’ can act as a base for prefixation to give ‘untouchable’.”

This model holds up across the curriculum. This model is the foundation of what I teach my students.

My Perfect Model: Roots, Stems, and Bases

I always like to have a complete model in mind that holds up across the curriculum. This lets me find teaching moments and ensures that I can answer my students’ questions clearly and consistently. Although I may not teach my students the entire model, at least the concepts are straight in my mind.

For this reason, I created this “Perfect Model of Roots, Stems, and Bases.” To be clear, this model is an interpretation and fuller explanation of what you might find in a linguistics book. Let me explain it to you. It all begins with morphemes.

Keep in mind that teachers don’t need to teach their students this entire model. In fact, most teachers will want to keep their morphology lessons simple and focus on roots, prefixes, and suffixes. But all teachers will want to understand this entire model.

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The term morpheme unifies the concepts of roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and therefore, it is an extremely valuable word. In short, words are composed of parts called morphemes, and each morpheme contributes meaning to the word. Morphemes are the smallest unit of language that contains meaning. Roots, prefixes, and suffixes all have one thing in common—they are all single morphemes. In contrast, stems and bases can be composed of one or many morphemes.

Root / Root Morpheme

When I use the term root, I always mean the root morpheme. The root is always the main morpheme that carries the main meaning of a word. Since a morpheme is the smallest unit of language that contains meaning, we can’t divide or analyze the root morpheme any further. Although a root can be a stand-alone word, to avoid confusion, I never use the term “root word.” I use the term root, and I use the term root morpheme to reinforce what a root is.

We have two types of root morphemes:

1. Dependent (bound) Roots: These roots cannot stand alone as words. These roots are usually Greek and Latin roots. Here are a few examples:

    • liberty          root: liber (free)
    • interrupt         root: rupt (break)
    • similar         root: sim (like)

2. Independent (free) Roots: These roots are stand-alone words. Practically speaking, these roots are almost always single-syllable words. You know the ones. It seems to me that most multi-syllable words can be further divided and further analyzed. With a little research, one finds that an ancient prefix or suffix has merged with a root. In short, most multi-syllable words are not root morphemes.

Here is what they thought 150 years ago. Although modern linguistics does not agree with these statements, it’s still food for thought. My point is that most of the independent roots that we deal with inside of the classroom are single-syllable words.

Q “All languages are formed from roots of one syllable.” – New Englander Magazine (1862)

Q “All words of all languages can be reduced to one-syllable roots.” – New Jerusalem Magazine (1853)

Here are a few examples:

    • replaced          root: place
    • mindfulness         root: mind
    • carefully         root: care

The Terms: Dependent Root and Independent Root

Modern linguistics use the term bound (for dependent) and free (for independent) to classify morphemes. Since teachers spend so much time teaching students about dependent clauses and independent clauses, I transfer this knowledge and terminology over to morphemes. Put simply: independent morphemes CAN stand alone; dependent morphemes CAN’T stand alone.

Q PREFIXES and SUFFIXES are almost always dependent morphemes—i.e., they can’t stand alone as words.

Q ROOTS are either dependent or independent morphemes.

Now, we will examine words that contain one root and words that contain two roots. As you examine these words, pay special attention to the dependent root and independent root aspect.

One Root: Many words have just one root. That one root may be a Dependent Root or an Independent Root. Remember, the root carries the main meaning of the word.

Q Word: justify             Dependent Root: jus

Q Word: kindness           Independent Root: kind

Two Roots: Some words have two roots. The roots may be Dependent Roots or Independent Roots. With two roots, each root contributes near equal meaning to the word.

Two Dependent Roots

Q Word: geography       Dependent Root: geo (earth)    Root: graph (write)

Q Word: carnivore   Dependent Root: carn (flesh)   Dependent Root: vor (swallow)

Q Word: cardiovascular   Dependent Root: cardi (heart)    Dependent Root: vas (vessel)

Two Independent Roots

Q Word: bathroom    Independent Root: bath    Independent Root: room

Q Word: downfall    Independent Root: down    Independent Root: fall

Q Word: popcorn    Independent Root: pop    Independent Root: corn

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I use the term stem just as Bauer does. To find the stem, simply remove the inflectional suffixes. It’s that simple.

When to Use the Term Stem: The term stem is quite unnecessary in many classrooms, as all stems are bases. For this reason, teachers can always use the term base instead of stem. However, the concept of stems is helpful in teaching students about inflectional suffixes. Inflectional suffixes are different from derivational affixes (derivational prefixes and derivational suffixes).

Q Word: reddest    Stem: red

Q Word: girls’    Stem: girl

Q Word: boats    Stem: boat

Q Word: preapproved    Stem: preapprove

Q Word: justifying    Stem: justify

Q Word: responded   Stem: respond

Q Word: unjustifiable    Stem: no stem

Q Word: kindness    Stem: no stem

Base / Base Word

Bauer says, “A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. This means that any root or any stem can be termed a base.”

In the table below, I use two labels to show how base and root relate to each other. Sometimes a base is a root (marked   Q Base/Root), and sometimes it is not a root (marked   Q Base).

To be clear, we can add a prefix or suffix to every base even if it already has a prefix or suffix. Furthermore, if we can add a prefix or suffix to something, we can call it a base.

Word: reread    Q Base/Root: read

Word: unhelpful    Q Base: helpful    Q Base/Root: help

Word: justifying    Q Base: justify    Q Base/Root: jus

Word: unreliable    Q Base: reliable    Q Base/Root: rely

Word: preponderance    Q Base: ponderance (uncommon)    Q Base/Root: ponder

Word: responded    Q Base: respond    Q Base/Root: spond

Word: preapproved    Q Base: preapprove    Q Base: approve    Q Base: approved    Q Base: proved    Q Base/Root: prove

Base vs. Base Word: To keep things simple, teachers should probably strike the term “base word” from their vocabulary. However, if the base is a complete word that can stand alone, teachers may choose to (or through force of habit) refer to it as a base word. If the base can’t stand alone, be sure not to call it a base word.

When to Use the Term Base: The term base is somewhat of a generic term for when we are not interested in or concerned with the root morpheme. As an example, we may choose to use the term base when we are ADDING prefixes and suffixes. When we are adding prefixes and suffixes, we often are unconcerned with finding or discussing the root morpheme. (Remember, we often add prefixes and suffixes to words that already contain prefixes and suffixes.) We may also choose to use the term base when removing a single, specific prefix or suffix, as the word may still contain other prefixes or suffixes.

Putting It All Together

Here is a table to help get you started in your word analysis studies related to root, stem, and base.

Example Word Stem Root: Dependent Root: Independent Base
1. undeniable  deny ** deny; deniable
2. reinvented reinvent ven/vent ven/vent; invent; reinvent
3. deforestation forest *** forest; forestation
4. interacted interact act * act; interact
5. demographics demographic demo graph * demo; graph; demographic
6. responding respond spond spond; respond
7. preserving preserve serv serv; preserve
8. hopefully hope hope; hopeful

The Asterisks: The asterisks may be the most important part of this table. They help illustrate that every word has a unique history that often makes analysis and classification complicated and debatable.

* act and graph are also Latin roots

** deny is from Latin denegare = de (away) + negare (to refuse; to say no); since deny technically
has a Latin prefix (de-), you may choose to classify the word differently.

*** forest is from Latin foris meaning outdoors, and unlike the word deny, cannot be analyzed as
having a prefix or suffix attached.

Table of Contents

  1. What does base word mean example?
  2. What is a root and base word?
  3. What is the base word of relationship?
  4. What is the base word of unhappy?
  5. What word means full of joy?
  6. What is the base word for admission?
  7. What is the base word of decision?
  8. What is the verb of decision?
  9. What is the root word of decision?
  10. What is another word for decision maker?
  11. What is the word for making decisions without thinking?
  12. What is it called when you make a decision on the spot?
  13. What is the word for using the wrong word?
  14. What means coerce?
  15. What does unlawful killing mean?
  16. Is culpable homicide a crime?
  17. What is meant by malice aforethought?
  18. What is legal homicide?
  19. Is it illegal to kill a pet?
  20. What is 1st 2nd and 3rd degree murders?
  21. How many years do you get for homicide?
  22. How long do you go to jail for manslaughter?
  23. Is 1st degree worse than 2nd?
  24. What does a 1st Degree Burn look like?
  25. What does a 2 degree burn look like?

Good examples of base words include “instruct,” “act,” “paint” and “call.” A base word can have a prefix or suffix added to create a new word. A base word is also known as a root word or a stem.

What does base word mean example?

A base word can stand alone and has meaning (for example, help). A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word (for example, -ful). … A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word or base word (for example, un-).

What is a root and base word?

Root Words vs. A base word is a standalone English word that can also form other words with affixes (prefixes and suffixes). A root word is the Latin or Greek basis of a word that, generally speaking, can’t be used as a standalone word.

What is the base word of relationship?

1640s, “sense or state of being related,” from relation + -ship. From relation +‎ -ship. As we suspected, at first glance, relationship comes down to a compound of two words: relation and ship.

What is the base word of unhappy?

The root word in unhappy is happy; ‘un’ is a prefix.

What word means full of joy?

sprightly; bustling; happy; lively; cheerful; gay; full of joy; buoyant; brisk; jolly; high-spirited; merry; upbeat; in high spirits; good-tempered.

What is the base word for admission?

The noun admission stems from the Latin word admissionem, meaning “a letting in.” It often refers to a fee charged for entry, but it can also describe the process of being granted entry. The university’s admission of the new student was welcome news — now he has access to the school’s research facilities.

What is the base word of decision?

The root word cis and its variants cid and -cide come from a Latin root which means ‘cut’ or ‘kill. ‘ A decision, for instance, is a ‘cutting off’ of all possibilities except for one; if you are decisive you have ‘killed’ all other options.

What is the verb of decision?

The verb form of decision is decide.

What is the root word of decision?

The definition of “Decision” actually has Latin roots. The meaning of the word “decide” comes from the Latin word, decidere, which is a combination of two words: de = ‘OFF’ + caedere = ‘CUT’

What is another word for decision maker?

Alternate Synonyms for “decision maker“: administrator; head; chief; top dog.

What is the word for making decisions without thinking?

If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. … Impulses are short, quick feelings, and if someone is in the habit of acting on them, they’re impulsive.

What is it called when you make a decision on the spot?

To improvise means to make something up on the spot, or figure it out as you go. … Improvise comes from the Latin word improvisus, meaning “unforeseen, unexpected.” Think about when something unexpected happens to youyou have no choice but to react in the moment, or improvise.

What is the word for using the wrong word?

wrong wording or expression; an instance of this (OED). When someone uses an incorrect word in place of a similar sounding word, it’s called a malapropism. To use your example, if I were to say, I empathize with you, when I mean to say that I sympathize with you, that would be a malapropism.

What means coerce?

transitive verb. 1 : to compel to an act or choice was coerced into agreeing abusers who coerce their victims into silence. 2 : to achieve by force or threat coerce compliance coerce obedience.

What does unlawful killing mean?

In English law, unlawful killing is a verdict that can be returned by an inquest in England and Wales when someone has been killed by one or several unknown persons. The verdict means that the killing was done without lawful excuse and in breach of criminal law.

Is culpable homicide a crime?

Thus, homicide means the killing of a man by a man. Homicide can be lawful or unlawful. Culpable homicide is punishable by law and is further divided into two categories: Culpable homicide amounting to murder.

What is meant by malice aforethought?

law. —used to describe a criminal act that was deliberately planned to cause harm to someone Murder is the killing of another person with malice aforethought.

What is legal homicide?

Primary tabs. Homicide is when one human being causes the death of another. Not all homicide is murder, as some killings are manslaughter, and some are lawful, such as when justified by an affirmative defense, like insanity or self-defense.

Is it illegal to kill a pet?

Abusing or neglecting an animal and then killing it is a crime. While most states see a pet as your property, you must follow federal animal rights laws. If you are worried about animal cruelty charges or are facing penalties or fines for killing your pet, you should talk to a criminal defense attorney right away.

What is 1st 2nd and 3rd degree murders?

1st degree murder is premeditated, i.e. i stalk someone over a few days and plan their murder. … technical terms: 1st degree is premeditated, 2nd degree is not. they are both intentional. 3rd degree is manslaughter.

How many years do you get for homicide?

First-degree murder: An intentional killing, punishable by death or mandatory life in prison without parole. A life sentence is no longer mandatory for juveniles. Second-degree murder: A killing committed during a felony, punishable for adults with mandatory life in prison without parole.

How long do you go to jail for manslaughter?

10 to 16 month

Is 1st degree worse than 2nd?

In most US jurisdictions there is a hierarchy of acts, known collectively as homicide, of which firstdegree murder and felony murder are the most serious, followed by second-degree murder, followed by voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter which are not as serious, and ending finally in justifiable …

What does a 1st Degree Burn look like?

The most common things you may notice at first are skin redness, pain, and swelling. The pain and swelling may be mild and your skin may start to peel after a day or so. In contrast, second-degree burns blister and are more painful due to an increased depth of the burn wound.

What does a 2 degree burn look like?

Seconddegree burn They affect the epidermis and dermis, with the burn site often appearing swollen and blistered. The area may also look wet, and the blisters can break open, forming a scab-like tissue. Doctors also call them partial-thickness burns.

• Categorized under Language | Difference Between Root and Base Word

Root vs Base Word

A word can be simple or complex. In its simplest form, it can have a definite meaning. When combined with other words, it can form new words that may or may not have similar meanings as the original word which can either be a root word or a base word.

A root word is the primary form of a word which can either be free morphemes or bound morphemes. Free morphemes are words that can stand alone or that can appear with other words while bound morphemes are prefixes and suffixes that appear with other morphemes to form a word.

A root word may be a word that has a meaning or one that does not have a meaning. It is the term that a certain word comes from originally and is a word’s basic linguistic unit. It may come from several different languages like Greek and Latin.

Affixes are usually added to root words in order to create new words. In words that have two or more syllables, there is a root word and two or more prefixes or suffixes. The meaning of a word can be easily determined if one knows the root word. Root words are parts of a base word.

A base word is a word that does not have any other words added either at the beginning or its ending. It can stand on its own and has meaning. It is a word that is easily apparent in every language and is a word in its simplest form.
It can be modified by adding suffixes and prefixes to form new words with related meanings although it can have a meaning on its own. Take the word “cycle” for example. It means “wheel.” And if the prefix “bi” is added, it forms the word “bicycle” which means “two wheels.”

It can be further modified by adding the suffix “ist” which means “doer” in order to form the word “cyclist” which means “one who rides a bicycle.” Its root word is the Greek word “kyklos” which means “disk, wheel, or ring” which in turn evolved into the Latin “cyclus” then the Middle English “cicle.”

Root words and base words are stem words. They form the base of other words which are created after affixes are added. The word “act” is a stem word which is also a base word as it can stand on its own. Adding the prefix “counter” would form the new word “counteract” which has an opposite meaning to the base word. Its root word is the Latin “actus.”


1.A root word is the primary form of a word while a base word is a word that can stand on its own.
2.A root word may or may not have a meaning while a base word has a meaning on its own.
3.New words can be formed using root words and base words by adding suffixes or prefixes, and several affixes can be added to root words for it to have a meaning.
4.A root word is the basic linguistic unit, and it is the original form of a word while a base word is a word in its simplest form.

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M, E. (2016, June 8). Difference Between Root and Base Word. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-root-and-base-word/.

M, Emelda. «Difference Between Root and Base Word.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 8 June, 2016, http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-root-and-base-word/.

Written by : Emelda M.
and updated on 2016, June 8

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What does the word root word and base word mean?

A «root» or «base» word is the original word that a different
form came from. For example- the root/base word of wonderful is
wonder; the root/base word of shakily is shake; the root/base word
of tasty is taste.

What does the base word roga mean?

roga means Ask; Seek

What does the root word end mean?

It means the base word like **something** the root word is some
and the suffix is thing

What is howling a root word or a base word?

a base word
Base = root
Howl is the base or root word with a suffix » ing «.

What is the base word for respect?

the base word of respect is respect. the word respect has no
base word

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