What do you think of when you hear the word learning

Presentation on theme: «Bell Ringer 1/27 1. What do you think of when you hear the word learning? 2. Anything we are born knowing how to do is NOT a result of learning. List some.»— Presentation transcript:


Bell Ringer 1/27 1. What do you think of when you hear the word learning? 2. Anything we are born knowing how to do is NOT a result of learning. List some skills you did not learn, but were born with. 3. List a skill you posses. Briefly explain how you learned this skill.


Objectives You should be able to –Explain classic conditioning –Identify the components classic conditioning; including Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response


Learning Unit 6 Long lasting change in behavior due to experience.


Learning We will be studying three types of learning… –Conditioning Classic conditioning Operant conditioning –Latent learning –Observation learning


Conditioning – a type of learning that involves stimulus – response connection –Learned association: certain events occur together –stimulus – feature in the environment that is detected by an organism and produces a reaction. –response – observable reaction to a stimulus


Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov Studied Digestion of Dogs. Dogs would salivate before they were given food. Dogs must have LEARNED to salivate.



Classical Conditioning automatic…learner does NOT have to think). First thing you need is a automatic relationship. Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)- something that naturally and automatically triggers a response Unconditioned Response (UCR)- the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the UCS.


Classical Conditioning Next you find a neutral stimulus (something that by itself elicits no response). You present the stimulus with the Unconditioned Stimulus UCS a whole bunch of times.


Classical Conditioning After a while, the body begins to link together the neutral stimulus with the Unconditioned Stimulus ( UCS).


Classical Conditioning Conditioned Stimulus (CS): an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with the UCS, comes to trigger a response. Conditioned Response (CR): the learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.


Bell Ringer 1/28 Use your notes on learning to fill in the blanks with the correct word/words. 1. We know that learning has taken place if there is a long-lasting change in ________. 2. Three types of learning include ________, ________, and _________. 3. _________ discovered classic conditioning while studying the salivation reflex of dogs. 4. In classic conditioning the _____________ naturally and automatically triggers a response


Objectives You should be able to –Explain classic conditioning –Identify the components classic conditioning; including Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response


John Watson brought Classical Conditioning to psychology with his Baby Albert experiment.


Classic Conditioning Classic conditioning terms –Taste aversion –Extinction –Spontaneous recovery –Generalization –Discrimination Use of classic conditioning in psychology –Flooding –Systematic desensitization –Counter conditioning

What does economics study?

What do you
think of when you hear the word economics?
Money, certainly, and perhaps more complicated things like business,
inflation and unemployment. The science of economics studies all of
these, but many more things as well. Perhaps you think that economics
is all about the decisions that governments and business managers
take. In fact, economists study the decisions we all take every day.

simply, economics studies the way people deal with a fact of life:
resources are limited, but our demand for them certainly is not.
Resources may be material things as food, housing and heating. There
are some resources, through, that we cannot touch. Time, space and
convenience, for example, are also resources. Think of a day. There
are only 24 hours in one, and we have to choose the best way to spend
them. Our everyday lives are full of decisions like these. Every
decision we make is a trade-off.
If you spend more time working, you make more money. However, you
will have less time to relax. Economists study the trade-offs people
make. They study the reasons for their decisions. They look at the
effects those decisions have on our lives and our society.

Что изучает

О чем вы думаете,
когда слышите слово экономика?
О деньгах, конечно, и, возможно о более
сложных вещах, таких как бизнес, инфляция
и безработица. Экономическая наука
изучает все это, а также многое другое.
Возможно, вы думаете, что экономика –
это решения, которые делают правительства
и бизнес-менеджеры. На самом деле,
экономика изучает решения, которые
ежедневно делаем мы.

Проще говоря,
экономика изучает то, как люди справляются
с таким жизненным фактом: ресурсы
ограничены, а наш спрос на них – нет.
Ресурсами могут быть такие материальные
вещи, как питание, жилье и отопление.
Есть ресурсы, которые мы не можем
потрогать. Время, пространство и комфорт,
например, тоже ресурсы. Подумайте о
сутках. В них всего лишь 24 часа и нам
необходимо выбрать лучший способ
провести их. Наша жизнь полна таких
решений. Каждое наше решение – это
Если вы потратите больше времени на
работу, вы получите больше денег. Однако
у вас будет меньше времени на отдых.
Экономисты изучают компромиссы, на
которые идут люди. Они изучают причины
этих решений. Они анализируют, какие
последствия оказывают эти решения на
нашу жизнь и на общество.

What are microeconomics and

talk about microeconomics
and macroeconomic.
Microeconomics deals with people, like you and me, and private
businesses. It looks at the economic decisions people make every day.
It examines how families manage their household budgets.
Microeconomics also deals with companies – small or large – and
how they run their business. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, looks
at the economy of a country – and of the whole world. Any economist
will tell you, through, that microeconomics and macroeconomics are
closely related. All of our daily microeconomic decisions have an
effect on the wider world around us.

Another way
to look at the science of economics is to ask, ‘what’s it good
for?’ Economists don’t all agree on the answer to this question.
Some practice positive economics. They study economic data and try to
explain the behaviour of the economy. They also try to guess economic
changes before they happen. Others practice normative economics. They
suggest how to improve the economy. Positive economists say, ‘this
is how it is’. Normative economists say, ‘we should…’.

So what do economists do?
Mainly, they do three things: collect data, create economic models
and formulate theories. Data collection can include facts and figures
about almost anything, from birth rates to coffee production.
Economic models show relationships between these different data. For
example, the relationship between the money people earn and
unemployment. From this information, economists try to make theories
which explain why the economy works the way it does.

Что такое
микроэкономика и макроэкономика?

Экономисты говорят
о микроэкономике и макроэкономике.
Микроэкономика имеет дело с людьми,
такими как вы и я, и частным бизнесом.
Она смотрит на экономические решения,
которые люди делают каждый день. Она
исследует, как семьи управляют домашними
хозяйствами. Микроэкономика также имеет
дело с предприятиями – малыми или
большими – и как они ведут бизнес. С
другой стороны, макроэкономика
рассматривает экономику страны и всего
мира. Любой экономист скажет, что
микроэкономика и макроэкономика тесно
связаны. Все наши ежедневные
микроэкономические решения влияют на
мир вокруг нас.

По-другому посмотреть
на экономическую науку можно, задав
вопрос: «для чего это надо?» Не все
экономисты согласны с ответом на этот
вопрос. Некоторые занимаются позитивной
экономикой. Они изучают экономические
данные и пытаются объяснить поведение
экономики. Они также пытаются предугадать
экономические изменения до того, как
они произошли. Другие занимаются
нормативной экономикой. Они предлагают
способы улучшения экономики. Позитивные
экономисты говорят: «именно так оно и
есть». Нормативные экономисты говорят:
«мы должны…».

Итак, что делают
экономисты? Главным образом, они делают
три вещи: собирают информацию, создают
экономические модели и формулируют
теории. Сбор информации может включать
факты и цифры почти о чем угодно, от
рождаемости до производства кофе.
Экономические модели показывают
взаимосвязь между этими различными
данными. Например, взаимосвязь между
деньгами, которые зарабатывают люди и
безработицей. С помощью этой информации
экономисты пытаются сформулировать
теории, которые объяснят, почему экономика
работает так, как работает.

History of economic thought

thought goes back thousands of years. The ancient Greek, Xenophon,
used the word oikonomikos
meaning family, household, estate, and nomos,
for usage, law). He was talking about skilful or clever ways to
manage land and households. We could call many of Aristotle’s
political writings economics, although he did not use the word. The
English word economics
first appeared in the 19th
century – two and a half thousand years after Xenophon.

economic thought was all about the meaning of wealth or being rich.
There early thinkers asked, ‘what makes a state or a country
wealthy?’ For nearly 2,000 years, the answer was very simple: gold.
A country or a nation’s wealth depended on its owning precious
metals. This simple view of the economy remained until medieval

medieval times – roughly the period between 1100 and 1500 AD,
trading between nations grew, and a new social class appeared. These
were merchants, people who made their money through the buying and
selling of goods, and they began to write their own thoughts on the
economy. They saw the economy as a way to make the state strong. For
them, the nation’s wealth depended on stocks of gold and the size
of population. More people meant bigger armies and a stronger state.

These were still simple ideas.
However, daily experience had also taught people many basic economic
concepts. For example, they understood the importance of trade with
other states. They realized that scarcity makes things more expensive
and abundance makes them cheaper.

economics was really born in the 19th
century. At this time, thinkers like Adam Smith wrote down ideas that
are still important today. Adam Smith if often called the
Father of Modern Economics
although the science was called political

then. Smith realized that a nation’s wealth depended on its ability
to produce goods. The value of these goods depended on the cost of
production. The cost of production depended on the cost of workers,
raw materials and land. This was really the first example of

Smith and other classical
economists were writing at a time of great change. The industrial
revolution had begun. Paper money began to replace precious metals.
The middle classes were growing stronger. Economists’ theories
echoed these changes. They wrote about the division of labour (each
worker taking part in the production process). They discussed the
problem of population growth. They influenced thinking about social

classical economists, the value of goods depends on the cost of
production. However, the price of goods is not always the same as
their real cost. Later economists developed new theories to explain
the weakness in classical economics. These are known as the
neoclassical economists and they were writing at the end of the 19th
and the early 20th

neoclassical economics, supply and demand make the economy work. In
other words, the price of goods depends on how much people want them
and how easily they can be found. Consumers want satisfaction from
their resources (time and money). Firms want profit. In neoclassical
economics this is the basic relationship in the economy. These ideas
are still the basic of economic thinking today.

экономической мысли

мысль насчитывает тысячи лет.
Древнегреческий писатель, Ксенофонт,
использовал слово oikonomikos
(от oikos
– семья, домашнее хозяйство, имущество,
и nomos
– пользование, закон). Он говорил об
умелых и рациональных способах
распоряжения землей и домашним хозяйством.
Множество политических писаний Аристотеля
можно назвать экономикой,
хотя он и не использовал это слово.
Английское слово экономика
впервые появилось в 19-ом веке – через
две с половиной тысячи лет после

Ранние экономические
мысли были только о значении благосостояния
и богатства. Ранние мыслители спрашивали:
«что делает государство или страну
богатыми?» Почти 2000 лет ответ был очень
прост: золото. Богатство страны или
нации зависело от владения драгоценными
металлами. Этот простой взгляд на
экономику просуществовал до средневековья.

В средневековье
– приблизительно в период между 1100 и
1500 н.э., росла торговля между странами,
появился новый социальный класс. Это
были купцы – люди, которые зарабатывали,
продавая и покупая товары. Они начали
записывать собственные мысли об
экономике. Они видели экономику, как
один из способов сделать государство
устойчивым. По их мнению, благосостояние
нации зависело от запасов золота и
численности населения. Все больше людей
имело в виду более многочисленные армии
и более сильное государство.

Пока это все еще
были простые мысли. Однако повседневный
опыт научил людей многим базовым
экономическим концепциям. Например,
они осознали важность торговли с другими
странами. Они поняли, что дефицит делает
товары дороже, а избыток – дешевле.

экономика, в действительности, родилась
в 19-ом веке. В это время, такие мыслители,
как Адам Смит, высказали мысли, которые
до сих пор важны. Адама Смита часто
называют отцом
современной экономики
хотя тогда наука называлась политической
экономией. Смит понял, что богатство
нации зависит от ее возможностей
производить товары. Стоимость этих
товаров зависит от стоимости производства,
которая, в свою очередь, зависит от
стоимости рабочей силы, сырья и земли.
На самом деле, это был первый пример

Смит и другие
классические экономисты писали во
времена великих изменений. Началась
промышленная революция. Бумажные деньги
стали заменять драгоценные металлы.
Крепли средние классы. Теории экономистов
отражали эти изменения. Они писали о
разделении труда (каждый работник
принимает участие в процессе производства).
Они обсуждали проблемы роста численности
населения. Они обратили внимание на
социальные классы.

По мнению классических
экономистов, стоимость товаров зависит
от стоимости производства. Однако цена
товаров не всегда равна их реальной
стоимости. Позже экономисты разработали
новые теории, чтобы объяснить этот
недостаток классической экономики. Они
известны как неоклассические экономисты,
писавшие в конце 19-го, начале 20-го веков.

В неоклассической
экономике, предложение и спрос заставляют
экономику работать. Другими словами,
цена товаров зависит от того, как сильно
люди хотят их и насколько легко достать
эти товары. Потребители желают получить
удовлетворение от своих ресурсов
(времени и денег). Фирмы хотят получить
прибыль. В неоклассической экономике
это основная взаимосвязь. До сих пор,
это основные идеи экономической мысли.

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развернуто ответьте на вопросы
• What things do you think about when you hear the word ‘nature’?
• How important is nature to you? Why?
• What is the most beautiful thing in nature? Why?
• How does being in nature make you feel? Why?
• What bad things are people doing to nature?
пожалуйста помогите 3(

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Community Regular


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I’m in the process of making a new logo for my website and I’m completely out of ideas. So, I thought of something fun that may get me thinking:

What do you think of when you hear the word «technology» or «tech» ? Objects? Other words? Etc.


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Grand Master


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I think of smartphones and computers mainly, but that’s moreso just IT. «Technology» is a very broad term.

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I think primarily as Reacon does; though you can add «Space Technology to that.»

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Grand Master



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I think of Michael Jackson behind a pc trying to lure kids to his house :rofl:

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Grand Master



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Well, think of something that is brand new, or current.

Networking and Internet on the move with Handheld Devices is probably the latest thing.

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Grand Master

Glassed Silver

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I think of logicboards (motherboards). :D

Glassed Silver:mac

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Why does Apple not just call it what it is

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Grand Master

Glassed Silver

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Why does Apple not just call it what it is

Think different.

Call that renaming BS or not, I like the term.

Glassed Silver:mac

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Roger H.


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i’m a IT guy so whenever i hear the word technology i think computers and server, however electronics is when i think gadgets and gizmos :D

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Grand Master



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Steel rods.. Assembly lines

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Grand Master


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Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, Trash it, change it…

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Grand Master


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Dennis and Dee podcast on technology from always sunny in Philadelphia.

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Grand Master


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Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, Trash it, change it…

:) me too.

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Technologic by Daft Punk!

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Grand Master


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I think of stuff with circuitry.

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Grand Master


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I think of logicboards (motherboards). :D

Glassed Silver:mac

I agree

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Grand Master

Glassed Silver

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Evil spotted. :shifty:

No joke, I liked Clippy. :o

He was cute, but I turned him off eventually either way! :D

Now I use iWork and no more Clippy for me, big improvement after all.

Little distraction-monster! :D

Glassed Silver:mac

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Grand Master


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Grand Master


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Problems, headaches, possibilities, money, success and failure.

Not in that order, and certainly not limited to the above. :p

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Geoffrey B.


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I generally think of any advancement beyond the human body that is used as a tool (eg, a Fork is technology.)

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Pretty much anything that is born out of computing, television or radio.

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Grand Master


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my first thought was penis

then was CPU, water cooled and a 3 monitor setup + 2 semi naked chicks

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The Natural World


Work in pairs and interview each other.

LEARNER A’s QUESTIONS 1. What things do you think about when you hear the word ‘nature’? 2. How important is nature to you? Why? 3. What is the most beautiful thing in nature? Why? 4. How does being in nature make you feel? Why? 5. What bad things are people doing to nature?

LEARNER B’s QUESTIONS 1. What is nature? 2. What would life be like without nature? 3. How important is nature in your culture? 4. Are there any bad things about nature? 5. What three things can you do today to help nature?


Nature is the whole world around you.

For me, nature is important, if it were not for us, too.

I like the ocean, the sea, dolphins in nature.

When I’m out in nature I feel light, it calms me down.

Millions of species of plants and animals are dying ….. people are killing themselves: They are polluting the environment.

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