What do you think of when you hear the word business

Presentation on theme: «What do you think of when you hear the word business? What do you think of when you hear the word free enterprise? What do you think of when you hear the.»— Presentation transcript:


What do you think of when you hear the word business? What do you think of when you hear the word free enterprise? What do you think of when you hear the word profit? What do you think of when you hear the word loss?










Free Enterprise – people are free to produce the goods and services they choose. Individuals are free to use their money as they wish: spend it, invest it, save it, or donate it. (Competition) (Profit) (Loss) Whatever its size a business must do two things to survive. It must operate at a profit, and it must attract and keep an individual willing to take the risk to run it. Need for profit Capital – money that investors, banks, or business owners supply is called capital


Entrepreneur – is a person who transforms ideas for products or services into real- world business. 1. Pros 2. Cons 3. Traits – Strong organizational skills, marketing knowledge, accounting expertise.


Types of Business Operations – Money that investors, banks, or business owners supply is called. 1. Service Business – provides a needed service for a fee. 2. Merchandising Business – buys finished products and resells then to individuals or other business. 3. Manufacturing Business – buys raw materials, uses labor, and machinery to transform them into finished products, and sells the finished products to individuals or other businesses.


Types of Business Ownership Sole Proprietorship – business owned by one person. Oldest form of business ownership. Partnership – is a business owned by two or more persons, called partners, who agree to operate the business as co-owners. Corporation — is a business recognized by law to have a life of its own. Must get permission from the state to operate. This legal permission, called a charter, gives a corporation certain rights and privileges. Corporations often start as sole proprietorships or partnerships. To raise money, organizes sell shares of stock to hundreds or even thousands of people. These shareholders, or stockholders are the corporation’s owners.


Sole Proprietorship Pros 1. Easy to startup 2. All profits go to owner 3. Owner has total control 4. Few regulations to follow Cons 1. Limited expertise 2. Hard to raise money 3. Owner has all the risks 4. Hard to attract talented employees


Partnership Pros 1. Easy startup 2. Easy to expand 3. More money available Cons 1. Risk of partner conflict 2. Shared profits 3. Shared risks


Corporation Pros 1. Easier to raise money 2. Easier to expand 3. Easy to transfer ownership 4. Losses to investment Cons 1. More complex 2. More costs to start 3. More regulation 4. Higher taxes


What is Business?What do you think of when you hear the word “business перевод - What is Business?What do you think of when you hear the word “business русский как сказать

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What is Business?
What do you think of when you hear the word “business”? Some of us think of our jobs, others of the merchants they deal with as consumers, and still others of the millions of firms that make up the world`s economy. This broad, all-inclusive term can be applied to many kinds of enterprise. Business provides the bulk of our employment as well as the products we enjoy.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Что такое бизнес?Что вы думаете о когда вы слышите слово «бизнес»? Некоторые из нас думать о наших рабочих мест, другие купцы, которыми они имеют дело с как потребителей и все еще другие миллионы фирм, которые составляют мировой экономики. Этот широкий и всеобъемлющий термин может применяться для многих видов предпринимательства. Бизнес обеспечивает основную часть нашей занятости, а также продуктов, мы пользуемся.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Что такое бизнес?
Что вы думаете о том, когда вы слышите слово «бизнес»? Некоторые из нас думают о наших рабочих мест, другие купцов они имеют дело , как потребителей, а третьи из миллионов фирм, составляющих экономику `ы. Этот широкий, все включено термин может быть применен ко многим видам предприятия. Бизнес обеспечивает большую часть нашей работы, а также продукты , которые мы нравятся.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


какой бизнес?что ты думаешь, когда слышишь слово «бизнес»?некоторые из нас думают, что наши рабочие места, а другие торговцы они рассматривают как потребители, и еще другие миллионы фирм, которые составляют World ` s экономики.этот широкий, все широкий термин может применяться для многих видов предпринимательской деятельности.компания предоставляет большую часть нашей работы, а также продуктов мы пользуемся.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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What you’ll learn to do: define the concept of business

What do you think of when you hear the word business? Hold that thought as you watch the following video. Then see if your initial idea of business has changed.

Business can refer to a particular organization such as WalMart or to an entire market sector—for example, “the music business.” Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word’s broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services in the agricultural industry.  Business can also refer to an individual who earns his or her income by working from home selling items through an online auction site like eBay.  The concept of business has enough definitions and applications that we could almost say that everything is business. Throughout this course we will explore the various functions, roles, and characteristics of business while keeping in mind that business is like the air we breathe—everywhere!


The learning activities for this section include:

  • Reading: Getting Down to Business
  • Self Check: What is Business?

Take time to review and reflect on each of these activities in order to improve your performance on the assessment for this section.

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык______________________

По специальности 43.02.11 Гостиничный сервис_________


ТЕМА: What is Economics? Что такое экономика? Будущее продолженное время.

ЦЕЛЬ : Сформировать лексические и грамматические навыки то теме;

Понятие об экономике англоговорящих стран.

Формируемые компетенции:

ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 9. Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной деятельности.

ПК 2.2. Предоставлять гостю информацию о гостиничных услугах.

Оборудование, наглядность: 1. Задания для практических работ;

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст «What is Economics?» (ОИ-2, упр.8, стр.79,80):

What do you think of when you hear the word economics? Money? Certainly, and perhaps more complicated things like business, inflation and unemployment. Knowledge of economics will help you run a business or manage your personal finances. Very simply, economics studies the decisions people make every day. Every decision we make is a trade-off. If you spend more time working, you earn more money. However, you will have less time to relax. Economists study the trade-offs people make, the reasons for their decisions. They look at the effects these decisions have on our lives and society.

Economics is a social science that seeks to analyze and describe the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. It is characteristic of any society that while wants of people are growing constantly, the economic resources required to satisfy these wants are limited and scarce. Scarcity of resources makes it necessary to save them. As a result any economic system is trying to find most effective and efficient ways of utilizing resources for the production of goods and services. The rational solution of the problem brings about the maximum economic growth, full employment, stable prices, equitable distribution of revenues, and social security of the needy.

There are different economic systems in the world today. Many economists argue that free enterprise, or the market economy is the most effective system, because businesses are free to choose whom to buy from and sell to and on what terms, and free to choose whom to compete with. It is done through a market, which is a set of arrangements through which buyers and sellers make contact and do business. In the market individual consumers and producers act on their own behalf.

The market functions as a rationing device with the price mechanism as its principal instrument. In free markets, prices direct allocations of inputs of firms that make the most profitable use of them. The market mechanism brings about an allocation of resources that reflect two basic factors: consumer preferences and production costs. The prices which play the coordinating role of the market mechanism are determined through the interaction of demand and supply.

All businesses produce goods and services and seek profits. They all compete with other businesses for inputs of labour, capital and natural resources.

Freedom of enterprise is not total in the market economy. Businesses are subject to laws and government regulations.

Economic machines do not always run smoothly. They are subject to a business cycle that alternates between periods of rapid expansion and periods of recession in which outputs fall and unemployment rises.

Economic environment is determined by the economic policies of the government, fiscal and monetary policies being the major factors. So, if an economic system is to perform well it must deal with many economic challenges.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русских фраз (ОИ-2, упр.9, стр.80):

Вести бизнес; управлять личными средствами; принимать компромиссные решения; оказывать влияние на нашу жизнь и общество; производство, распределение и потребление материальных благ; ресурсы, необходимые для удовлетворения потребностей людей, ограниченны; нехватка ресурсов делает необходимой их экономию; использовать ресурсы наиболее эффективным образом; производство товаров и услуг; вызывать максимальный экономический рост; справедливое распределение доходов; социальное обеспечение нуждающихся; свободное предпринимательство – наиболее эффективная экономическая система; устанавливать контакты; действовать от своего имени; распределение ресурсов; взаимодействие спроса и предложения; подчиняться законам.

Задание 3. Поставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке (ОИ-2, упр.10, стр.80):

1. are, different, today, in, world, there, systems, economic, the 2. demand, if, price, exceeds, tends, rise, to, the, supply 3. wants, constantly, people, are, of, growing 4. is, competition, force, the, market, of, an, important 5. producers, must, scarce, economically, and, suppliers, utilize, resources 6. figures, dropped, according, production, to, official, oil, of 7. service, of, consists, the, transport, banking, sector, insurance, and 8. smoothly, run, always, machines, not, economic, do 9. between, rapid, business, and, periods, alternates, recession, cycle, periods, of, expansion, of 10. to, businesses, regulations, government, subject, laws, are, and

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, поставив слово, выделенное курсивом в правильную форму. Иногда необходима отрицательная форма:

1. Economy

1) What sort of … system do you have in your country? 2) Strict financial controls ensure that an organization’s resources are used … . 3) Some countries have a mixed … while others have a high degree of state control.

2. engage

1) The line is … so I’ll have to try again later. 2) Cancel all my … for the rest of the day, please.

3. finance

1) Her … adviser says the project will be a success. 2) If the company is … sound we might consider taking it over.

4. grow

1) There is a …awareness of the need to improve productivity. 2) The government is worried about the … in public expenditure.

5. legal

1) It’s … to sell such goods without a proper permit. 2) They questioned the … of the company’s action.

Задания для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы:

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, поставив слово, выделенное курсивом в правильную форму. Иногда необходима отрицательная форма (ДИ-1, у.10, с.34):

1. possess

1) I had in my … a portion of money. 2) I am a proud …of two kiosks in Plekhanov Street. 3) A small business is one which … at least two characteristics.

2.. own

1) The … is held by an individual or a small group. 2) Julie’s father … a business that deals with bulk orders. 3) The … of the bookstore was sitting at his desk.

3. distribute

1) British Leyland … their cars throughout the world. 2) His job is to organize the … of money to students.

4. know

1) We need somebody with a good working … of French. 2) Our company is well-… abroad.

5. establish

1) The … of legal minimum pay is one of the objectives. 2) There he had set out to … his own business.

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