What do we mean by external structure of the word

modern approach to word studies is based on distinguishing between
the external
of the word.

structure of the word
mean its morphological

For example, in the word post-impressionists
following morphemes can be distinguished: the prefixes post-,
root press,
noun-forming suffixes —ion,
and the grammatical suffix of plurality -s.
All these morphemes constitute the external structure of the word

structure of the word,
its meaning,
commonly referred to as the word’s semantic
is the word’s main aspect. Words can serve the purposes of human
communication solely due to their meanings.

area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the word
is called semantics.

structural aspect of the word is its unity.
The word possesses both external (or formal) unity and semantic
unity. Formal unity of the word is sometimes interpreted as
indivisibility. The example of post-impressionists
already shown that the word is not indivisible. Yet, its component
morphemes are permanently linked together in opposition to
word-groups, both free and with fixed contexts, whose components
possess a certain structural freedom, e.g. bright
light, to take for granted.

formal unity of the word can best be illustrated by comparing a word
and a word-group comprising identical constituents. The difference
between a
a black bird
explained by their relationship with the grammatical system of the
language. The word blackbird,
is characterized by unity, possesses a single grammatical framing:
first constituent black
not subject to any grammatical changes. In the word-group a black
constituent can acquire grammatical forms of its own: the
blackest birds I’ve ever seen.
words can be inserted between the components: a
black night bird

same example may be used to illustrate what we mean by semantic

the word-group a black
of the meaningful words conveys a separate concept: bird
kind of living creature; black

word blackbird
only one concept: the type of bird. This is one of the main features
of any word: it always conveys one concept, no matter how many
component morphemes it may have in its external structure.

further structural feature of the word is its susceptibility
grammatical employment. In speech most words can be used in different
grammatical forms in which their interrelations are realized.

that we have said about the word can be summed up as follows.

a speech unit used for the purposes of human communication,
materially representing a group of sounds, possessing a meaning,
susceptible to grammatical employment and characterized by formal and
semantic unity.

  1. The main problems of lexicology

of these have been already underlined. The
problem of word-building
associated with prevailing morphological word-structures and with
processes of making new words. Semantics
the study of meaning. Modern approaches to this problem are
characterized by two different levels of study: syntagmatic

the syntagmatic
semantic structure of the word is analysed in its linear
relationships with neighbouring words in connected speech. In other
words, the semantic characteristics of the word are observed,
described and studied on the basis of its typical contexts.

the paradigmatic
word is studied in its relationships with other words in the
vocabulary system. So, a word may be studied in comparison with other
words of similar meaning. E.g. work
n –

труд; 1
job that a person does especially in order to earn money. This word
has many meanings (in
Oxford Dictionary – 14),

many synonyms and idioms [`idiemz]: creative
деятельность; public
his life`s work
его жизни; dirty
чёрная работа; 2
дело, подлость.
work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
дело с бездельем, проживёшь век с

it is not healthy to spend all your time working; you need to relax

и “labour” не взаимозаменимы; labour
– 1
especially physical work: manual

labour camp

лагерь; 2
who work: a
shortage of labour; cheap labour; skilled labour

рабочие, Labour
Party; labour relations; a labour of

сизифов труд; тяжёлый и бесплодный труд
– of a task impossible to complete. From the Greek myth in which
Sisyphus was punished for the bad things he had done in his life with
the never-ending task of rolling a large stone to the top of a hill,
from which it always rolled down again.

words of similar meaning (e.g. to
refuse v – to reject v
opposite meaning (e.g. busy
adj – idle adj; to accept v – to reject v
different stylistic characteristics (e.g. man
n – chap n – bloke n – guy n


парень, малый; a
good chap

славный малый; old
chap –
becoming old-fashioned – used to talk about a man in a friendly
way: He
isn`t such a bad chap really.
парень: He
seemed like a nice bloke
US –
малый; wise
especially US)
group of people of either sex: Come
on, you guys

the main problems of paradigmatic studies are synonymy,
antonymy, functional styles.

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Лексикология английского языка


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Предмет: Лексикология английского языка 3-курс 6-семестр.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

What does Lexicology, a brunch of linguistics study?

Варианты ответов
  • It is the study of words.
  • It is the study of sentences.
  • It is the study of aspects.
  • It is the study o f definitions.

Вопрос 2

What is the name of the area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the word?

Варианты ответов
  • It is called semantics.
  • It is called phraseology.
  • It is called grammar.
  • It is called semasiology.

Вопрос 3

What do we mean by external structure of the word?

Варианты ответов
  • We mean its morphological structure.
  • We mean its semantic structure.
  • We mean its lexico- grammatical structure.
  • We mean its lexical meaning.

Вопрос 4

What is the smallest meaningful unit of speech?

Варианты ответов
  • The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a morpheme.
  • The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a stem.
  • The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a word.
  • The smallest meaningful unit of speech is a sound.

Вопрос 5

Which words do we call homonyms?

Варианты ответов
  • Homonyms are the words which are identical in sound and spelling.
  • Homonyms are the words which are identical in speaking.
  • Homonyms are the words which are identical in pronunciation.
  • Homonyms are words which are identical in writing.

Вопрос 6

  By borrowing (or loan- word) we mean a word which came …

Варианты ответов
  • into the vocabulary of one language from another language.
  • into the vocabulary of many languages from one language.
  • into the stock of words of different languages from any foreign language.
  • into the vocabulary of one language from 2 or 3 other languages.

Вопрос 7

The conversion, derivation and composition are … .

Варианты ответов
  • the productive ways of word — building.
  • the productive ways of producing new words.
  • the productive ways of forming new meanings.
  • the productive ways of developing the language.

Вопрос 8

All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes: ….  and ….

Варианты ответов
  • roots and affixes.
  • suffixes and affixes.
  • roots and suffixes.
  • stems and roots.

Вопрос 9

The process of affixation consists in coining a new word by … .

Варианты ответов
  • adding an affix to some root.
  • adding a stem to some root.
  • adding a suffix to some root.
  • deriving words from different languages to some root morpheme.

Вопрос 10

What three aspects of composition are there in the English language?

Варианты ответов
  • They are simple, neutral and morphological.
  • They are neutral, morphological and syntactic.
  • They are syntactic, morphological and linguistic.
  • They are grammar, neutral and syntactic.

Вопрос 11

 What are the four types which represent the main structural types of Modern English words?

Варианты ответов
  • root words, derived words, compounds and shortenings.
  • compounds, shortenings, homonyms and root words.
  • root words, derived words, loan words and shortenings.
  • root words, derivatives, compounds and international words.

Вопрос 12

Can we define the language spoken in the USA as an American language?

Варианты ответов
  • We define it as a regional variety of the English language.
  • We define it as an independent language.
  • We define it as one of the dialects of the English language.
  • We define it as an American language.

Вопрос 13

The term ______________is of Greek origin / from «lexis» — «word» and «logos» — «science»/ .

Варианты ответов
  • lexicology
  • Lexicography
  • word-group
  • word-building

Вопрос 14

________________ is the part of linguistics which deals with the vocabulary and characteristic features of words and word-groups.

Варианты ответов
  • lexicology
  • Lexicography
  • word-group
  • word-building

Вопрос 15

The term ____________is used to denote the system of words and word-groups that the language possesses.

Варианты ответов
  • vocabulary
  • Lexicography
  • word-group
  • word-building

Вопрос 16

The ________________ is the smallest meaningful language unit.

Варианты ответов
  • morpheme
  • Lexicography
  • vocabulary
  • word-building

Вопрос 17

The branch of lexicology which deals with the meaning is called __________.

Варианты ответов
  • semasiology
  • word-meaning
  • word-building
  • word-formation

Вопрос 18

.___________________ are words different in meaning but identical in sound or spelling, or both in sound and spelling.

Варианты ответов
  • Homonyms
  • Borrowings
  • Homographs
  • Homophones

Вопрос 19

_________________are words different in their outer aspects, but identical or similar in their inner aspects.

Варианты ответов
  • Synonyms
  • Borrowings
  • Homographs
  • Homophones

Вопрос 20

_______________are words belonging to the same part of speech, identical in style, expressing contrary or contradictory notions.

Варианты ответов
  • Antonyms
  • Borrowings
  • phraseological synonyms
  • Synonyms

Вопрос 21

____________________dictionaries describe different objects, phenomena, people and give some data about them.

Варианты ответов
  • Encyclopedic
  • General
  • Specialized
  • Unilingual

Вопрос 22

________________ dictionaries describe vocabulary units, their semantic structure, their origin, their usage. Words are usually given in the alphabetical order.

Варианты ответов
  • Linguistic
  • General
  • Specialized
  • Unilingual

Вопрос 23

Linguistic dictionaries are divided into ____________ and ____________ .

Варианты ответов
  • general, specialized
  • linguistic, encyclopedic
  • general, linguistic
  • unilingual, bilingual

Вопрос 24

______________ dictionaries describe idioms and colloquial phrases, proverbs. Some of them have examples from literature. Some lexicographers include not only word-groups but also anomalies among words.

Варианты ответов
  • Phraseological
  • Encyclopedic
  • Specialized
  • Linguistic

Вопрос 25

Which words do we call homonyms?

Варианты ответов
  • Homonyms are the words which are identical in sound and spelling.
  • Homonyms are the words which are identical in speaking.
  • Homonyms are the words which are identical in pronunciation.
  • Homonyms are words which are identical in writing.

Вопрос 26

What is the synonym of the word  Annoy?

Варианты ответов
  • Bother
  • Irritate
  • Infuriate
  • Resent

Вопрос 27

What is the synonym of the word  Trade?

Варианты ответов
  • Business
  • Industry
  • Enterprise
  • Case

Вопрос 28

What is the synonym of the word  Assure?

Варианты ответов
  • Guarantee
  • Ensure
  • Pledge
  • Surety

Вопрос 29

What is the synonym of the word  Bargain?

Варианты ответов
  • Deal
  • Communicate
  • Consider
  • Apply

Вопрос 30

What is the synonym of the word  Respond?

Варианты ответов
  • Reply
  • Response
  • Answer
  • Apply

Вопрос 31

What is the antonym of the word  Bitter?

Варианты ответов
  • Sweet
  • Fragrant
  • Tender
  • Delightful

Вопрос 32

What is the antonym of the word  Chilly?

Варианты ответов
  • Warm
  • Cordial
  • Hot
  • Fervent

Вопрос 33

What is the antonym of the word  Complex?

Варианты ответов
  • Simple
  • Basic
  • Primitive
  • Plain

Вопрос 34

The term «lexicology» is______________________________________________ .

Варианты ответов
  • of Greek origin / from «lexis» — «word» and «logos» — «science»/ .
  • of latin origin / from «lexis» — «word» and «logos» — «science»/ .
  • used to denote the system of words and word-groups that the language possesses.
  • the smallest unit of a language which can stand alone as a complete utterance.

Вопрос 35

________________ are words different in sound and in meaning but accidentally identical in spelling.

Варианты ответов
  • Homographs
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Homophones

Вопрос 36

____________________ are words of the same sound but of different spelling and meaning.

Варианты ответов
  • Homophones
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Homographs

Вопрос 37

________________ are words different in sound but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.

Варианты ответов
  • Synonyms
  • Homographs
  • Antonyms
  • Homophones

Вопрос 38

Two or more words identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning, distribution and (in many cases) origin are called_____________________ .

Варианты ответов
  • homonyms
  • homographs
  • antonyms
  • homophones

Вопрос 39

The branch of linguistics concerned with the meaning of words and word equivalents is called ____________________ .

Варианты ответов
  • semasiology
  • etymology
  • phraseology
  • lexicology

Вопрос 40

What is the antonym of the word  Bitter?

Варианты ответов
  • Sweet
  • Fragrant
  • Tender
  • Delightful

Тема 1. Types of
language Units

1. Lexicology

2. Language Units.

3. Structural Types of words.

4. Word combination


The term lexicology is of Greek origin (from lexis –
word and logos —

science). Lexicology is the part of linguistics which deals
with the vocabulary and

characteristic features of words and word-groups.

      The term
word denotes the main lexical unit of a language resulting from the

association of a group of sounds with a meaning. This
unit is used in grammatical

functions characteristic of it. It is the smallest
unit of a language which can stand

alone as a complete utterance.

      The term
word-group denotes a group of words which exists in the language

as a ready-made unit, has the unity of meaning, the
unity of syntactical function,

e.g. the word-group as loose as a goose means clumsy (неуклюжий) and is used in a sentence as a predicative (именная часть составного сказуемого) (He is as loose as a goose).

can be general and special. General lexicology is the lexicology

of any language, part of General Linguistics. It is
aimed at establishing language

universals – linguistic phenomena and properties
common to all languages.

lexicology is the lexicology of a particular language (English,

German, Russian, etc.).

Lexicology can study the development of the vocabulary, the origin of

words and word-groups, their semantic relations and
the development of their

sound form and meaning. In this case it is called
historical lexicology.

branch of lexicology is called descriptive and studies the

vocabulary at a definite stage of its development.

Lexicology and its Connection
with Other Linguistc Disciplines

Lexicology is closely connected with other branches of

1. It is connected with Phonetics because the word‘s
sound form is a fixed

sequence of phonemes united by a lexical stress.

2. Lexicology is connected with Morphology and
Word-Formation as the

word‘s structure is a fixed sequence of morphemes.

3. It is connected with Morphology because the word‘s
content plane is a

unity of lexical and grammatical meanings.

4. The word functions as part of the sentence and
performs a certain

syntactical function that is why it is also connected
with Syntax.

5. The word functions in different situations and
spheres of life therefore it

is connected with Stylistics, Socio- and

there is also a great difference between lexicology and other linguistc

disciplines. Grammatical and phonological systems are
relatively stable. Therefore

they are mostly studied within the framework of

Lexical system is never stable. It is directly
connected with extralinguistic

systems. It is constantly growing and decaying (распадаться). It is immediately reacts to changes in social
life, e.g. the intense development of science and technology in the 20th
century gave birth to such words as computer, sputnik, spaceship. Therefore
lexicology is a sociolinguistic discipline. It studies each particular word,
both its intra- and extralingiustic relations.

Lexicology is subdivided into a number of autonomous
but interdependent


1. Lexicological Phonetics. It studies the expression
plane of lexical units in

isolation and in the flow of speech.

2. Semasiology. It deals with the meaning of words and
other linguistic

units: morphemes, word-formation types, morphological
word classes and

morphological categories.

3. Onomasiology or Nomination Theory. It deals with
the process of

nomination: what name this or that object has and why.

4. Etymology. It studies the origin, the original
meaning and form of words.

5. Praseology. It deals with phraseological units.

6. Lexicography. It is a practical science. It
describes the vocabulary and

each lexical unit in the form of dictionaries.

7. Lexical Morphology. It deals with the morphological
structure of the word.

8. Word-formation. It deals with the patterns which
are used in coining new


English lexicology investigates the problems of word structure and word
formation; it also investigates the word structure of English, the classification
of vocabulary units; the relations between different lexical layers4 of the
English vocabulary and some other. Lexicology came into being to meet the
demands of different branches of applied linguistic!

 Language units

The main unit of the lexical system of a language
resulting from the association of a group of sounds
with a meaning is a word. This unit is used in
grammatical functions characteristic of it. It is the smallest language unit
which can stand alone as a complete utterance.        

The modern approach to word studies is based on
distinguishing between the

external and the internal structures of the word.

external structure of the word we mean its morphological structure. For

example, in the word post-impressionists the following
morphemes can be

distinguished: the prefixes post-, im-, the root
press, the noun-forming suffixes –

ion, -ist, and the grammatical suffix of plurality –s.

external structure of the word, and also typical word-formation patterns,

are studied in the framework of word-building.

internal structure of the word, or its meaning, is nowadays commonly

referred to as the word‘s semantic structure. This is
the word‘s main aspect.

area of lexicology specialising in the semantic studies of the word is

called semantics.

         One of
the main structural features of the word that it possesses both

external (formal) unity and semantic unity.

further structural feature of the word is its susceptibility-
восприимчивость) to grammatical employment. In speech most
words can be used in different grammatical forms in which their interrelations
are realized.

A word  can be
divided into smaller sense units — morphemes. The morpheme is the smallest
meaningful language unit. The morpheme consists of a class of variants,
allomorphs, which are either phonologically or morphologically conditioned,
e.g. please, pleasant, pleasure.
Morphemes are divided into two large groups: lexical morphemes and grammatical
(functional) morphemes. Both lexical and grammatical morphemes can be free and
bound. Free lexical morphemes are roots of words which express the lexical
meaning of the word, they coincide with the stem of simple words. Free
grammatical morphemes are function words: articles, conjunctions and
prepositions ( the, with, and).
Bound lexical morphemes are affixes: prefixes (dis-), suffixes (-ish) and also
blocked (unique) root morphemes (e.g. Fri-day, cran-berry). Bound grammatical
morphemes are inflexions (endings), e.g. -s for the Plural of nouns, -ed for
the Past Indefinite of regular verbs, -ing for the Present Participle, -er for
the Comparative degree of adjectives.
In the second half of the twentieth century the English word building system
was enriched by creating so called splinters which scientists include in the
affixation stock of the Modern English wordbuilding system. Splinters are the
result of clipping the end or the beginning of a word and producing a number of
new words on the analogy with the primary word-group. For example, there are
many words formed with the help of the splinter mini- (apocop
е (апокопа, отпадение последнего слога или звука в слове) produced by clipping the word «miniature»), such as
«miniplane», «minijet», «minicycle», «minicar», «miniradio» and many others.
All of these words denote objects of smaller than normal dimensions.
   On the analogy with «mini-» there
appeared the splinter «maxi»- (apocop
е produced
by clipping the word «maximum»), such words as «maxi-series», «maxi-sculpture»,
«maxi-taxi» and many others appeared in the language.
   There are also splinters which are
formed by means of apheresis, that is clipping the beginning of a word.

In the seventieths of the twentieth century there was
a political scandal in the hotel «Watergate» where the Democratic Party of the
USA had its pre-election headquarters. Republicans managed to install bugs
there and when they were discovered there was a scandal and the ruling American
government had to resign. The name «Watergate» acquired the meaning «a
political scandal», «corruption». On the analogy with this word quite a number
of other words were formed by using the splinter «gate» (apheresis of the word
«Watergate»), such as: «Irangate», »Westlandgate», »shuttlegate», »milliongate»
etc. The splinter «gate» is added mainly to Proper names: names of people with
whom the scandal is connected or a geographical name denoting the place where
the scandal occurred.
The splinter «mobile» was formed by clipping the beginning of the word
«automobile» and is used to denote special types of automobiles, such as:
«artmobile», «bookmobile», «snowmobile», «tourmobile» etc.

     3.    According to
the nature and the number of morphemes constituting a word there are different
structural types of words in English: simple, derived, compound,
Simple words consist of one root morpheme and an inflexion (in many cases the
inflexion is zero), e.g. «seldom», «chairs», «longer», «asked».
Derived words consist of one root morpheme, one or several affixes and an
infection, e.g. «deristricted (
снимать ограничения)», «unemployed».
Compound words consist of two or more root morphemes and an inflexion, e.g.
искусств.спутник земли), «wait-and-see (policy) выжидательная политика».
Compound-derived words consist of two or more root morphemes, one or more
affixes and an inflexion, e.g. «middle-of-the-roaders»
человек занимающий половинчатую позицию, «job-hopper»летун, человек часто меняющий работу.

When speaking about the structure of words stems also
should be mentioned. The stem is the part of the word which remains unchanged
throughout the paradigm of the word, e.g. the stem «hop» can be found in the
words: «hop», «hops», «hopped», «hopping». The stem «hippie» can be found in
the words: «hippie», «hippies», «hippie’s», «hippies’». The stem «job-hop» can
be found in the words : «job-hop», «job-hops», «job-hopped», «job-hopping». 
So stems, the same as words, can be simple, derived, compound and
compound-derived. Stems have not only the lexical meaning but also grammatical
(part-of-speech) meaning, they can be noun stems («girl» in the adjective
«girlish»), adjective stems («girlish» in the noun «girlishness»), verb stems
(«expell» in the noun «expellee») etc. They differ from words by the absence of
inflexions in their structure, they can be used only in the structure of words.
Sometimes it is rather difficult to distinguish between simple and derived
words, especially in the cases of phonetic borrowings from other languages and
of native words with blocked (unique) root morphemes, e.g. «perestroika»,
«cranberry», «absence» etc.

In the English language of the second half of the twentieth century there
developed so called block compounds, that is compound words which have a
uniting stress but a split spelling, such as «chat show», «pinguin suit» etc.
Such compound words can be easily mixed up with word-groups of the type «stone
wall», so called nominative binomials

два названия. Such linguistic units serve to denote a notion which
is more specific than the notion expressed by the second component and consists
of two nouns, the first of which is an attribute to the second one. If we
compare a nominative binomial with a compound noun with the structure N+N we
shall see that a nominative binomial has no unity of stress. The change of the
order of its components will change its lexical meaning, e.g. «vid kid» is «a
kid who is a video fan» while «kid vid» means «a video-film for kids» or else
«lamp oil» means «oil for lamps» and «oil lamp» means «a lamp which uses oil
for burning».
Thus, we can draw the conclusion that in Modern English the following language
units can be mentioned: morphemes, splinters, words, nominative binomials,
non-idiomatic and idiomatic word-combinations, sentences.

4.  Word-Combination

What is a Word-Combination?

The word-combination (WC) is the largest two-facet
lexical unit observed

on the syntagmatic level of analysis. By the degree of
their structural and semantic

cohesion(kouhizhn связь)

Lexical combinability (collocation) is the aptness of a word to appear

certain lexical contexts, e.g. the word question
combines with certain adjectives:

delicate, vital, important.

word has a certain norm of collocation. Any departure from this norm

is felt as a stylistic device: to shove a question.

          The collocations
of correlated words in different languages are not identical,

e.g. both the English flower and its Russian
can be combined

with a number of words denoting the place where the
flowers are grown: garden-

flowers, hot-house flowers; садовые цветы, оранжерейные цветы. But the

English word cannot enter into combination with the
word room to denote flowers

growing in the rooms, cf.: комнатные цветы – pot flowers.

Grammatical combinability (colligation) is the aptness of a word to

in certain grammatical contexts, e.g. the adjective
heavy can be followed by a noun

(heavy storm), by an infinitive (heavy to lift). Each
grammatical unit has a certain

norm of colligation: nouns combine with pre-positional
adjectives (a new dress),

relative adjectives combine with pre-positional
adverbs of degree (dreadfully


departure from the norm of colligation is usually impossible:

mathematics at clever is a meaningless string of words
because English nouns do

not allow of the structure N + at + A.

Categories of

 The study of
WCs is based on the following set of oppositions each

constituting a separate category:

      1. Neutral
and stylistically marked WCs: old coat – old boy;

Variable and stable WCs: take a pen – take place;

Non-idiomatic and idiomatic WCs: to speak plainly – to call a spade a


Usual and occasional WCs: blue sky – angry sky;

Conceptually determined and conceptually non-determined WCs: clean

dress – clean dirt;

Sociolinguistically determined and sociolinguistically non-determined

cold war – cold soup.

II.   Meaning of Word-Combinations

      Meaning of
WCs is anlysed into lexical and grammatical (structural


Lexical meaning of the WC is the combined lexical
meanings of its component

words: red flower – red + flower. But in most cases
the meaning of the whole

combination predominates over the lexical meaning of
its constituents, e.g. the

meaning of the monosemantic adjective atomic is
different in atomic weight and

atomic bomb.

Polysemantic words are used in WCs in one of their meanings: blind man

(horse, cat) – blind type (print, handwriting). Only
one meaning of the adjective

blind (unable to see) is combined with the lexical
meaning of the noun man

(human being) and only one meaning of man is realized
in combination with blind.

The meaning of the same adjective in blind type is

meaning of the WC is conveyed by the pattern of arrangement of

the component words, e.g. the WCs school grammar and
grammar school consist

of identical words but are semantically different
because their patterns are

different. The structural pattern is the carrier of a
certain meaning quality-

substance that does not depend on the lexical meanings
of the words school and


     III.   Interdependence of Structure and Meaning in

pattern of the WC is the syntactic structure in which a given word is

used as its head: to build + N (to build a house); to
rely + on + N (to rely on sb).

The pattern and meaning of head-words are
interdependent. The same head-word

is semantically different in different patterns, cf.:
get+N (get a letter); get+to+N

(get to Moscow); get+N+inf (get sb to come).

      In these
patterns notional words are represented in conventional symbols

whereas form-words are given in their usual graphic
form. The reason is that

individual form-words may change the meaning of the
word with which it is

combined: anxious+for+N (anxious for news),
anxious+about+N (anxious about

his health).

Structurally simple patterns are usually polysemantic: the pattern

represents several meanings of the polysemantic
head-word: take tea (coffee), take

neasures (precautions). Structurally complex patterns
are usually monosemantic:

the pattern take+to+N represents only one meaning of
take – take to sports (to sb).

IV.   Motivation in

in WCs may be lexical or grammatical (structural). The WC is

motivated if its meaning is deducible from the
meaning, order and arrangement of

its components: red flower – red+flower –
quality+substance – A+N. Non-

motivated WCs are indivisible lexically and
structurally. They are called

phraseological units.

      The WC is
lexially non-motivated if its combined lexical meaning is not

deducible from the meaning of its components: red tape
–bureaucratic methods.

The WC represents a single indivisible semantic

      The WC is
structurally non-motivated if the meaning of its pattern is not

deducible from the order and arrangement of its
components: red tape – substance

– N. The WC represents a single indivisible structural

V.    Categories of

      The study
of WCs is based on the following set of oppositions each

constituting a separate category:

      1. Neutral
and stylistically marked WCs: old coat – old boy;

Variable and stable WCs: take a pen – take place;

Non-idiomatic and idiomatic WCs: to speak plainly – to call a spade a


Usual and occasional WCs: blue sky – angry sky;

Conceptually determined and conceptually non-determined WCs: clean

dress – clean dirt;

Sociolinguistically determined and sociolinguistically non-determined

cold war – cold soup.

Denote main characteristics of words.

The modern approach to word studies is based on distinguishing between the external and the internal structures of the word.

When we consider the “external structure” of the word, we mean its morphological structure. For instance, in the word post-impressionists the following morphemes can be distinguished: the prefix: post-, im-, the root press, the noun-forming suffixes -ion, -ist, and the grammatical suffix of plurality -s. All these morphemes constitute the external structure of the word post-impressionists

We will study the external structure of words, and also typical word-formation patterns in the session on word-building.

The internal structure of word, or its meaning, is nowadays commonly referred to as the word’s semantic structure.

This is certainly the word’s major aspect. Word can serve the purposes of human communication solely due to their meanings, and it is the most unfortunate when this fact is ignored by some contemporary scholars who, in their obsession with the fetish of structure, tend to condemn as irrelevant anything that eludes mathematical analysis. And this is exactly what meaning, with its subtle variation and shifts, is apt to do.

The area of lexicology specializing in the semantic studies of the word is called semantics. Another structural aspect of the word is sometimes inaccurately interpreted as indivisibility. The example of post-impressionists has already shown that the word is not, strictly speaking, indivisible.

Its component morphemes are permanently linked together in opposition to word-groups, both free and with fixed contexts, whose components possess a certain structural freedom, example bright light, to take for granted .

A further structural feature of the word is its susceptibility to grammatical employment. In speech most words can be used in different grammatical forms in which their interrelations are realized.

So far we have only underlined the word main peculiarities, but this suffices to convey the general idea of the difficulties and questions faced  by the scholars attempting to give a detail definition of the word.

The difficulty does not merely consist in the considerable number of aspects that are to be taken into account, but, also in the essential unanswered questions of word theory which concern the nature of its meaning.

All that we have studied the word can be summed up as follows:

The word is a speech unit used for the purposes of human communication, materially representing a group of sounds, possessing a meaning, susceptible to grammatical employment and characterized by formal and semantic unity.

К содержанию номера журнала: Вестник КАСУ №2 — 2007
Автор: Дудник А. А.

Speaking of the semantic
structure of the word, I’d like to point out that, the branch of the study of
language concerned with the meaning of words is called semasiology. The
name comes from the Greek semasia ‘signification’ (from sema ‘sign’
and semantikos ‘significant’). As semasiology deals not with every kind
of linguistic meaning but with lexical meaning only, it may be regarded as a
branch of lexicology.

This does not mean that the semasiologist
needn’t pay attention to grammatical meaning. On the contrary, grammatical
meaning must be taken into consideration in so far as it bears a specific
influence upon lexical meaning. This influence is manifold and will be
discussed at length later. At this stage it will suffice to point out that a
certain basic component of the word meaning is described when one identifies
the word morphologically, i. e. states to what grammatical word class it
belongs. If treated diachronically, semasiology studies the change in meaning,
which words undergo. Descriptive synchronic approach demands a study not of
individual words but of semantic structures typical of the language studied,
and of its general semantic system.

We will have noticed that two
terms, “semasiology” and “semantics”, have so far been used indiscriminately as
if synonymous (What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name
would smell as sweet… (W. Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Sc.2)).

fact, they are synonyms but not equally appropriate for our purpose. The first
term is preferable because it is less ambiguous. The term “semantics” on the
other hand, is used to cover several different meanings. It is also used to
denote the phenomena studied, i. e. the meaning of words and phrases. Had this
been all, it might have been tolerated, because the same double purpose is
served by the terms “phonetics” and “grammar”. In the case of “semantics”,
however, there are other meanings, not sufficiently divorced from linguistics and
apt to create confusion.

can much time ask a question: What is a word? What is Lexicology? We can
compare with such an expression as:

These famous lines reflect one
of the fundamental problems of linguistic research: what is in a name, in a
word? Is there any direct connection between a word and the object it
represents? Could rose have been called by “ any other name” as Juliet says?
These and similar questions are answered by lexicological research. Lexicology, a branch of linguistics, is the study of words. For some people studying words
may seem uninteresting. But if studied properly, it may well prove just as
exciting and novel as unearthing the mysteries of Outer Space.

It is significant that many
scholars have attempted to define the word as a linguistic phenomenon. Yet none
of the definitions can be considered totally satisfactory in all aspects. It is
equally surprising that, despite all the achievements of modern science,
certain essential aspects of the nature of the word still escape us. Nor do we
fully understand the phenomenon called “language”, of which the word is a
fundamental unit. We know nothing- or almost nothing – about the mechanism by
which a speaker’s mental process is converted into sound groups called “
words”, nor about the reverse process whereby a listener’s brain converts the
acoustic phenomena into concepts and ideas, thus establishing a two — way
process of communication. We know very little about the nature of relations
between the word and the referent (i.e. object, phenomenon, quality, action,
etc. denoted by the word). If we assume that there is a direct relation between
the word and the referent — which seems logical- it gives rise to another
question: how should we explain the fact that the same referent is designated
by quite different sound groups in different languages.

We do know by now —
though with vague uncertainty- that there is nothing accidental about the
vocabulary of the language; that each word is a small unit within a vast,
efficient and perfectly balanced system. But we do not know why it possesses
these qualities, nor do we know much about the processes by which it has
acquired them. The list of unknowns could be extended, but it is probably high
time to look at the brighter side and register some of the things we do know about the nature of the word.

First, we do know that a word is a
unit of speech, which, as such, serves the purposes of human communication.
Thus, the word can be defined as a unit of communication.

Secondly, the word can be perceived as
the total of the sounds, which comprise it.

Third, the word, viewed
structurally, possesses several characteristics.

modern approach to word studies is based on distinguishing between the external
and internal structures of the word.

By external structure of the
word we mean its morphological structure. For example, in the word post-impressionists the following morphemes can be distinguished: the prefixes post-, im-, the
root press, the noun- forming suffixes –ion, -ist, and the
grammatical suffix of plurality –s. All these morphemes constitute the
external structure of the word post-impressionists.

The internal structure of the
word, or its meaning, is nowadays commonly referred to as the word’s semantic
. This is certainly the word’s main aspect. Words can serve the
purposes the human communication solely due to their meanings, and it is most
unfortunate when this fact is ignored by some contemporary scholars who, in
their obsession with the fetish of structure tend eludes mathematical analysis.
And this is exactly what meaning, with its subtle variations and shifts is apt
to do.

question posed by the title of it is one of those questions, which are easier
to ask than to answer. The linguistic science at present is not able to put
forward a definition of meaning which is conclusive. However, there are certain
facts of which we can be reasonably sure, and one of them is that the very
function of the word as unit of communication is made possible by it possessing
a meaning. Therefore, among word’s various characteristics, meaning is
certainly the most important.

speaking, meaning can be more or less described as a component of the word
through which a concept is communicated, in this way endowing the word with the
ability of denoting real objects, qualities, actions and abstract notions. The
complex and somewhat mysterious relationships between referent (object,
etc. denoted by the word), concept and word are traditionally
represented by the following triangle:

By the “symbol” here is meant
the word; thought or reference is concept. The faltering line suggests that
there is no immediate relation between word and referent: it is established
only through the concept.

If speaking about components
of semantic structure of the word, we can say that, the leading semantic
component is usually termed denotative component (also, the term referential component may be used). The denotative component expresses the
conceptual component of a word.

following list presents denotative components of some adjectives and verbs:

Lonely, adj.
Alone, without


Notorious, adj.
Widely known


Widely known

To glare, v.
to look

To glance, v.
to look

To shiver, v.
to tremble

To shudder,
v. to

is quite obvious that the definitions given in the right column only partially
and incompletely describe the meanings of their corresponding words. To give a
more or less full picture of the meaning of the word, it is necessary to
include in the scheme of analysis additional semantic components, which are
termed connotations, or connotative components.

Let us complete the semantic structures of the words given
above introducing connotative components into the schemes of their semantic

above show how by singling out denotative and connotative components one can
get a sufficiently clear picture of what the word really means. The schemes
presenting the semantic structures of glare, shiver, shudder also show
that a meaning can have two or more connotative components.

given examples do not exhaust all the types of connotations but present only a
few: emotive, evaluative connotations, and also connotations of duration.

the branch of linguistics, which specializes in the study of meaning, is called semantics. As with many terms, the term “semantics” is ambiguous for it can
stand, as well, for the expressive aspect of language in general and for the
meaning of one particular word in all its varied aspects and nuances (i.e. the
semantics of a word= the meaning(s) of a word). Meaning can be described as a
component of the word through which a concept is communicated, endowing the
word with the ability of denoting real objects, qualities, actions, and abstract
notions. The semantic structure of the word does not present an indissoluble
unity (that is actually, why it is referred to as “structure”), nor does it
necessarily stand for one concept. Most words convey several concepts and thus
possess the corresponding number of meanings. A word having several meanings is
called polysemantic, and the ability of the word to have more than one
meaning is described by the term polysemy. The vocabulary is the most
flexible part of the language and it is precisely its semantic aspect that
responds most readily to every change in the human activity in whatever sphere
it may happen to take place. Speaking about different types of semantic
structure they play their own role and affect in various aspect on the word and
its structure but so that to make any changes, elements of the word exist and
have an important part in changes of the word causes by different changes of
the epoch, and different races.


1. The
English Word I.V. Arnold, Moscow 1973 (the second edition).

2. Лексикология
английского языка. Ворно Е.Ф., Кащеева М.А., Малишевская Е.В., Потапова И.А..Ленинград

3. A Course
in Modern English Lexicology, R.S. Ginzburg, S.S. Khidekel, G.Y. Knyazeva, A.A.
Sankin. Moscow

4. Лексикология
английского языка (практический курс) Т.И. Арбекова 1977

5. www. yahoo.com.

6. www. google.ru

К содержанию номера журнала: Вестник КАСУ №2 — 2007

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