What do the word significant mean



1) значительный, важный, существенный; знаменательный

2) многозначительный; выразительный

3) значимый (о суффиксе и т. п.)


grave, important, momentous, serious, vital, weighty


insignificant, marginal, trivial, unimportant

* * *

(a) важный; значительный; репрезентативный

* * *

(много)значительный, важный

* * *

[sig’nif·i·cant || sɪg’nɪfɪkənt]
знаменательный, многозначительный; важный, существенный, значительный, значимый; выразительный, показательный

* * *































* * *

1. сущ.
1) знак
2) лингв. означающее
1) значительный
2) многозначительный

Новый англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «significant» в других словарях:

  • Significant — Sig*nif i*cant, a. [L. significans, antis, p. pr. of significare. See {Signify}.] 1. Fitted or designed to signify or make known somethingl having a meaning; standing as a sign or token; expressive or suggestive; as, a significant word or sound;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • significant — 1570s, from L. significant , stem of significans, prp. of significare (see SIGNIFY (Cf. signify)). Earlier in the same sense was significative (c.1400). Related: Significantly. Significant other (n.) attested by 1961, in psychology, the most… …   Etymology dictionary

  • significant — [adj1] telling, meaningful cogent, compelling, convincing, denoting, eloquent, expressing, expressive, facund, forceful, heavy, important, indicative, knowing, meaning, momentous, powerful, pregnant, representative, rich, sententious, serious,… …   New thesaurus

  • significant — [sig nif′əkənt] adj. [L significans, prp. of significare, to SIGNIFY] 1. a) having or expressing a meaning b) full of meaning 2. important; momentous 3. having or conveying a special or hidden meaning; suggestive …   English World dictionary

  • Significant — Sig*nif i*cant, n. That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol. Wordsworth. [1913 Webster] In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • significant — index central (essential), consequential (substantial), considerable, constructive (creative), critical ( …   Law dictionary

  • significant — *expressive, meaningful, pregnant, eloquent, sententious Analogous words: cogent, telling, convincing, compelling, *valid, sound: forcible, forceful, *powerful: important, momentous, weighty (see corresponding nouns at IMPORTANCE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • significant — ► ADJECTIVE 1) extensive or important enough to merit attention. 2) having an unstated meaning; indicative of something. DERIVATIVES significantly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • significant — 01. I have noticed a [significant] improvement in Teddy s attitude since you had a talk with him. 02. I wonder what the [significance] of the snake is on the Mexican flag. 03. Mahatma Gandhi once said that whatever one does will be… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • significant — sig|nif|i|cant W1S3 [sıgˈnıfıkənt] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: , present participle of significare; SIGNIFY] 1.) having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future ≠ ↑insignificant ▪ His most… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • significant — adjective 1 having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future: His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty. | Please inform us if there are any significant changes in your… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

Last Updated: December 18, 2021 | Author: Jamie Runyon


  • 1 What does the word significant?
  • 2 What’s an example of significant?
  • 3 Does significant mean great?
  • 4 Does significant mean big?
  • 5 What makes someone significant?
  • 6 Is significant the same as severe?
  • 7 What is the other word for significant?
  • 8 What do you call something that is important?
  • 9 What do you call things that are important to you?
  • 10 Who is a significant person?
  • 11 What is the opposite of significant mean?
  • 12 What is a word that means small but important?
  • 13 What makes something important or significant?

1 : having meaning especially : suggestive a significant glance. 2a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important a significant piece of legislation also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount a significant number of layoffs producing significant profits.

What’s an example of significant?

The definition of significant is having meaning, influence or importance. An example of significant is the first person to undergo a heart transplant.

Does significant mean great?

1Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.

Does significant mean big?

A significant amount of something is large enough to be important or noticeable.

What makes someone significant?

Use the adjective significant to describe something that is important. Your “significant other” means the person who’s most important in your life. … This adjective is from Latin significans, from significare “to signify,” from signum “a sign, mark” plus facere “to make.”

Is significant the same as severe?

As adjectives the difference between significant and severe

is that significant is signifying something; carrying meaning while severe is severe, harsh.

What is the other word for significant?

What is another word for significant?

consequential big
notable noteworthy
serious sizable
substantial important
landmark meaningful

What do you call something that is important?

crucial. adjective. something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something.

What do you call things that are important to you?

Noun. Important thing, prominent thing. big thing. in thing. prominent thing.

Who is a significant person?

Significant Person means a person who is important or influential in a child’s life and may include a family member or close friend.

What is the opposite of significant mean?

Opposite of having great meaning or a lasting effect. insignificant. inconsequential. minor. trivial.

What is a word that means small but important?

2 insignificant, lesser, minor, negligible, paltry, petty, trifling, trivial, unimportant.

What makes something important or significant?

Significance means having the quality of being “significant” — meaningful, important. It also refers to the meaning of something. A certain date might have significance because it’s your birthday or the anniversary of Princess Di’s wedding. Significance starts with the word sign for a reason.

significant — перевод на русский


Very significantly, Wagner.

Очень значительно, Вагнер.

I was 14 at the time, and she was significantly older than me.

Мне было тогда 14, она же значительно старше.

However, they are significantly less complex.

Однако, они значительно менее сложные.

Too lovely and significant for you to half-finish.

Слишком красиво и значительно, чтобы не закончить.

But I find it significantly more difficult to live with a single human.

Но я нахожу, что значительно труднее ужиться с отдельным человеком.

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That is most significant.

Это очень важно.

And most significantly, we both use the identical code book to translate nucleic acid information into protein information.

И, что наиболее важно, мы используем одинаковые коды для перевода нуклеиновых кислот в белок.

That may be significant.

Ну, это может быть и важно.

That’s significant, you know, I’m sure it is.

Это важно, я в этом уверен.

That’s very significant.

Это важно.

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— That’s significant.

— Это существенно.

Significant shrinkage.

Существенно уменьшился.

Do you think it’s significant that as I begin to date somebody that may be—

Рене, ты думаешь, это существенно то, что я стала встречаться с кем-то, кто может быть…

The damage would’ve been significantly higher.

Конечно, уровень опасности был бы существенно выше.

Not according to our data. Our research indicates the presence of a chemical in Perrinia immortalis that can significantly prolong cellular life.

— Наши исследования указывают на присутствие в периния имморталис вещества, …которое способно существенно продлить жизнь клетки.

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Doubts exist and they are very significant.

Сомнения есть, и очень серьезные

But I’d like to go on record as stating that those who planned this expedition made significant misc…

Но хочу сделать заявление, что те, кто планировал эту экспедицию допустили серьёзные…

There are significant risks involved… to Seven and lcheb, but if you’re asking me if it’s possible, I’d have to say yes.

Существуют серьезные риски… для Седьмой и Ичеба, но если вы спрашиваете меня, возможно ли это, я должен сказать — да.

If you look at ecstasy, it isn’t a drug that causes significant problems.

Если взглянуть на экстази, то это не то вещество, которое может вызвать серьезные проблемы.

Any girlfriends, friends, significant relationships?

Какие-нибудь друзья, подруги, серьёзные отношения?

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I fill them with every significant symbol I can find.

Я собираю для него сны, наполняя их каждым значимым символом, который приходит мне на ум.

It was significant for me.

Он был значимым для меня.

I’ll underline anything I think is significant.

Я прослежу, что подчёркнуто что угодно, что я считаю значимым.

I guess everybody has a need to feel… significant in some way.

Я думаю, у каждого есть потребность чувствовать себя значимым в чем-то.

Maybe something happened which makes the location of the kill significant. Look.

Возможно, случилось что-то, что делает это место убийства значимым.

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However, there may be a significant break in that ring… here in the area of the Queen Victoria Sea near Franz Josef Land… north of Murmansk and Finland.

Однако, в этом кольце, есть большой разрыв, вот здесь, в районе моря королевы Виктории, вблизи Земли Франца Иосифа к северу от Мурманска и Финляндии.

You’ve taken a very significant leap.

Это очень большой шаг навстречу друг другу.

A significant fleet is securing Dakara.

Большой флот защищает Дакару.

Well, I say destruction is a work of art and requires significant talent.

Но я считаю, что разрушение — это искусство… и для этого требуется большой талант.

Today’s indictment is a significant step… in bringing these terrorists to justice.

Сегодняшние обвинительные акты — это большой шаг… в привлечении этих террористов к ответственности.

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It appears that the ratings for your show are down significantly.

Похоже, рейтинг твоего шоу очень сильно упал.

Agent Wedeck is currently running an interesting investigation that has diverged significantly from the methodology employed by the rest of the bureau.

Агент Уэдэк ведёт сейчас интересное расследование, которое сильно отклоняется от методики, используемой другими

.22s deteriorate significantly on impact, so there’s no slug and it’s below the waterline.

Такой калибр сильно деформируется при попадании, так что пули нет, и царапина ниже ватерлинии.

How significantly, we don’t know.

Мы не знаем, насколько сильно.

Though we did have to significantly reduce your share.

Хотя твою долю нам пришлось сильно урезать.

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It’s all significant, I just don’t know why yet.

Ёто очень важно, только € пока не знаю, почему.

Lieutenant, this is significant because if you look at all the bloody footprints on the garage floor…

Лейтенант, это очень важно, потому что, если вы взглянете на кровавые следы на полу гаража…

We don’t know what the Supervisor for Earth has told Ricky, but undoubtedly it’s significant, and the world once again turns to a modest farm in Missouri.

Мы не знаем, что Наблюдающий сказал Рики, но, несомненно, это очень важно, и внимание всего мира снова приковано к скромному фермеру из Миссури.

[Glynn] I mean, that’s… that’s a significant event.

Я хочу сказать, что это очень важно.

And I went down to the huts below… to see if anything significant had been unearthed that day.

А я спустилась к хижинам, чтобы увидеть, если они обнаружили нечто очень важное.

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Another significant moment in history.

Ещё один знаменательный момент в истории.

On the most significant New Year’s Eve of our lifetime?

В самый знаменательный канун Нового Года в нашей жизни?

But I think we are in a very significant moment in history.

Но сейчас мы живём в знаменательный исторический момент.

You, my friend, have stumbled into the most significant moment in the history of the gay rights movement.

Но вы, друг мой, ввалились кубарем в самый знаменательный момент в истории движения за права геев.

But you, my friend, have stumbled ass over tea kettle into the most significant moment in the history of the gay-rights movement.

Но ты, мой друг, ввалился кубарем в самый знаменательный момент в истории движения за права геев.

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Yeah, we’re all gonna die, I know… but the chances of it actually happening are significantly higher for me.

Я знаю, мы все умрём. Но у меня намного больше шансов.

Look. the center is significantly safer than it seems.

Послушай, Центр охраняется намного лучше, чем это кажется.

There is something much more powerful you can do today… that will significantly reduce global warming within 8 years of the time you start.

Есть нечто более серьезное, что мы можем сделать уже сегодня… то, что намного уменьшит риск глобального потепления за 8 лет с момента начала.

No, the, human metabolism is significantly stronger.

Нет, человеческий метаболизм намного сильнее.

You’ll find subsequent visits to be significantly less invasive.

Все Ваши следующие визиты будут намного больше приятными.

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Отправить комментарий

значительный, существенный, значимый, знак, символ, указание


- знаменательный, важный

significant in its consequences [in its results] — имеющий важные последствия [результаты]
July 4, 1776 is a significant date for Americans — 4 июля 1776 года — знаменательная дата для американцев

- показательный, показывающий

a gesture significant of consent — кивок, показывающий /выражающий/ согласие
perhaps her glance was significant — возможно, она хотела что-то сказать взглядом

- существенный

a significant change — значительная /существенная/ перемена

- многозначительный
- лингв. значимый, несущий значение (об аффиксе и т. п.)
- мат. значащий, значимый


- знак, символ; указание
- лингв. означающее

Мои примеры


a significant event in the history of our nation — значительное событие в истории нашего народа  
a significant pullback in the stock market — значительный откат на фондовом рынке  
significant date — знаменательная дата  
major / significant event — важное событие  
meaningful, significant glance — многозначительный взгляд  
significant achievement — важное достижение  
to exercise a significant influence — оказывать существенное влияние  
to play a significant part — играть важную роль  
significant look — многозначительный взгляд  
significant range — область значимости  
significant figure — значащая цифра  
significant experiment — достоверный опыт  

Примеры с переводом

Fish is a significant part of their diet.

Рыба составляет значительную часть их рациона.

He gave me a significant look.

Он многозначительно посмотрел на меня.

A significant number of customers complained about the service.

На обслуживание пожаловалось значительное количество покупателей.

He gave us a significant wink.

Он многозначительно подмигнул нам.

He won a significant amount of money.

Он выиграл значительную сумму денег.

It was significant to note that the story did not appear in the newspapers.

Важно отметить, что эта история не появилась в газетах.

The energy expenditure was significant.

Энергетические затраты были значительными.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…over time, her petty thefts aggregated a significant shortfall in the company’s books…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

insignificant  — незначительный, ничтожный, несущественный, маловажный, невзрачный, пустяковый
significantly  — существенно, знаменательно



: having or likely to have influence or effect : important

a significant piece of legislation


: of a noticeably or measurably large amount

a significant number of layoffs

producing significant profits


: probably caused by something other than mere chance

statistically significant correlation between vitamin deficiency and disease


Example Sentences

Historians of ancient gender have seen this as crucially significant. Women in antiquity were by definition so disempowered that the authority of a new female ruler could only be captured by representing her in the guise of a man. Or so the argument goes.

Mary Beard, New York Review of Books, 12 Feb. 2009

While Congress will take a significant role in designing new regulation and is not likely to rubber-stamp the administration’s proposals, momentum is strong for the creation of comprehensive financial reform.

Marc I. Seltzer et al., Commonweal, 19 June 2009

A new study on women and the media from the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that overweight women and women with eating disorders are not the only ones negatively affected by unrealistic advertisements (as previous studies have indicated). After viewing images of models, women of all sizes reported a significant decrease in satisfaction with their weight, hair, physical shape and sexual attractiveness.

Ms., Summer 2007

One of [Charles] Darwin’s most extraordinary qualities was his ability to recognize when a scientific question could not be answered because of the limitations of the science of his day. He knew, for instance, that during his lifetime, no significant progress would be made on the question of how life began.

Amy Stewart, Wilson Quarterly, Winter 2004

A significant number of customers complained about the service.

He won a significant amount of money.

There is a significant difference in prices between the two stores.

The study found a statistically significant decrease in symptoms in patients who had taken the drug.

a significant event in the history of our nation

Fish is a significant part of their diet.

It is significant that she never mentioned him.

He gave us a significant wink.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

The possibility of a spring game being an inter-squad scrimmage has been bandied about for years, but has gained significant traction this offseason after Division II approved a proposal for its football teams to scrimmage four-year schools starting in the spring of 2024.

oregonlive, 13 Apr. 2023

The South, where more than half of the nation’s Black population resides, has seen significant labor, delivery and hospital closures throughout its rural communities.

Nada Hassanein, USA TODAY, 12 Apr. 2023

The man accused of fatally shooting a child and wounding two others in a domestic violence incident had been experiencing significant tax problems with the IRS, which filed two tax liens against him in recent years.

Jacob Beltran, San Antonio Express-News, 12 Apr. 2023

Scott has already shown the ability to attract significant money.

Meg Kinnard, Fortune, 12 Apr. 2023

The report says reasserting those environmental rules would have significant and challenging regulations on energy providers and the nation’s economy.

J.d. Davidson | The Center Square, Washington Examiner, 12 Apr. 2023

This is a significant step in helping millions of people — particularly those who are young and on the lower end of the wage scale — who rely on having a good credit score to get an apartment or an affordable loan.

Michelle Singletary, Washington Post, 12 Apr. 2023

This a big win for Arizonans and a significant shift in the tech industry, signaling that our efforts to make the Valley a microchip manufacturing hub are working.

From Staff Reports, The Arizona Republic, 12 Apr. 2023

There will be significant betting placed at the track and at sportsbooks around the world and online once again this year.

Ryan Black, The Courier-Journal, 12 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘significant.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Latin significant-, significans, present participle of significare to signify

First Known Use

1579, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of significant was
in 1579

Dictionary Entries Near significant

Cite this Entry

“Significant.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/significant. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
14 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged



From Latin significans, present participle of significare, from signum (sign) + ficare (do, make), variant of facere.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /sɪɡˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt/
  • (US) IPA(key): /sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.kənt/, /sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.ɡənt/


significant (comparative more significant, superlative most significant)

  1. Signifying something; carrying meaning.
    Synonym: meaningful

    a significant word or sound

    a significant look

    • It was well said of Plotinus, that the stars were significant, but not efficient.
    • 1856, Charles Dickens; Wilkie Collins, chapter III, in The Wreck of the Golden Mary, part two, page 99:

      As evening came on, it grew prematurely dark and cloudy; while the waves acquired that dull indigo tint so significant of ugly weather.

  2. Having a covert or hidden meaning.
  3. Having a noticeable or major effect.
    Synonym: notable

    That was a significant step in the right direction.

    The First World War was a significant event.

    • 2015, Shane R. Reeves; David Wallace, “The Combatant Status of the “Little Green Men” and Other Participants in the Ukraine Conflict”, in International Law Studies, US Naval War College[1], volume 91, number 361, Stockton Center for the Study of International Law, page 393:

      The “little green men”—faces covered, wearing unmarked olive uniforms, speaking Russian and using Russian weapons—have played a significant role in both the occupation of Crimea and the civil war in eastern Ukraine.196

  4. Reasonably large in number or amount.
  5. (statistics) Having a low probability of occurring by chance (for example, having high correlation and thus likely to be related).


  • important


  • insignificant
  • ignorable
  • negligible
  • slight


  • significance
  • significand
  • significant other
  • signify


signifying something; carrying meaning

  • Bulgarian: изрази́телен (bg) (izrazítelen)
  • Esperanto: signifa
  • Finnish: merkitsevä (fi)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: σημαντικός (sēmantikós)
  • Hungarian: jelentős (hu)
  • Icelandic: marktækur
  • Italian: significativo (it), eloquente (it)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: watedar (ku)
  • Latin: significans
  • Latvian: nozīmīgs
  • Plautdietsch: wichtich
  • Romanian: semnificativ (ro)
  • Russian: зна́чимый (ru) (znáčimyj)
  • Sanskrit: आर्थिक (sa) (ārthika)
  • Spanish: significativo (es)
  • Tagalog: makahulugan

having noticeable effect

  • Arabic: هَامّ(hāmm)
  • Armenian: էական (hy) (ēakan)
  • Belarusian: зна́чны (znáčny), ва́жны (vážny)
  • Bulgarian: съще́ствен (bg) (sǎštéstven), значи́телен (bg) (značítelen)
  • Catalan: significatiu (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 重要 (zh) (zhòngyào), 有意義有意义 (yǒu yìyì)
  • Czech: významný (cs), důležitý (cs)
  • Danish: signifikant
  • Dutch: voelbaar (nl), waarneembaar (nl), beduidend (nl), significant (nl), veelbetekenend (nl), betekenisvol (nl)
  • Finnish: merkittävä (fi), merkityksellinen (fi)
  • French: significatif (fr)
  • Georgian: მნიშვნელოვანი (mnišvnelovani)
  • German: signifikant (de), bedeutend (de)
  • Hebrew: משמעותי(mashma’uti), ממשי(mamashi)
  • Hungarian: jelentős (hu)
  • Interlingua: significante
  • Italian: significativo (it), epocale, rimarchevole (it), notevole (it)
  • Japanese: 重要な (ja) (じゅうような, jūyō na), 著しい (ja) (いちじるしい, ichijirushii)
  • Korean: 중요(重要)하다 (ko) (jung’yohada), 상당(相當)하다 (ko) (sangdanghada)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: giring (ku)
  • Latin: ponderōsus, significāns
  • Latvian: redzams, ievērojams
  • Macedonian: значаен (značaen)
  • Maori: tāpua
  • Old English: please add this translation if you can
  • Persian: please add this translation if you can
  • Polish: znaczny (pl), znaczący (pl)
  • Portuguese: significativo (pt)
  • Romanian: semnificant (ro), important (ro), semnificativ (ro)
  • Russian: значи́тельный (ru) (značítelʹnyj), суще́ственный (ru) (suščéstvennyj)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: зна̏ча̄јан
    Roman: znȁčājan (sh)
  • Slovak: významný, dôležitý (sk), značný, signifikantný (sk)
  • Slovene: pomemben
  • Spanish: importante (es), significativo (es)
  • Swedish: signifikant (sv), betydelsefullt (sv), betydande (sv)
  • Turkish: önemli (tr), anlamlı (tr), manalı (tr), kayda değer (tr)
  • Ukrainian: значни́й (značnýj), істо́тний (istótnyj), суттє́вий (suttjévyj)
  • Vietnamese: quan trọng (vi)

statistics: having a low probability of occurring by chance


significant (plural significants)

  1. That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.
    • 1591 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The First Part of Henry the Sixt”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene iv]:

      In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts.

    • a. 1850, William Wordsworth, The Egyptian Maid
      And in my glass significants there are


  • significant in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913




  1. present participle of significar




  1. third-person plural present active indicative of significō

«If the commission were to define the term significant error … we believe it would effectively be substituting its judgment» for the credit-rating agencies, S&P President Deven Sharma said in the letter. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The SEC’s proposal asks questions about whether the SEC should define the term «significant error.» ❋ Unknown (2011)

As I would soon learn, not only was the word significant here but its specific connection with lilies was important as well. ❋ Phd Gary E. Schwartz (2011)

The January, 2007 National School Boards Association document, «More Than a Horse Race: A Guide to International Comparisons,» contains this sentence: «Throughout this guide the term significant differences always refers to a statistically significant difference meaning the differences between scores are meaningful and did not happen by chance» (emphasis in the original). ❋ Unknown (2008)

Is the title significant, or it is something like Manager vs Senior Manager? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Well, Norm just used the term significant, am I to take that in the accounting sense, ❋ Unknown (2008)

He says we need to go beyond diplomacy and talk about action, which he defined as significant, meaningful, and impactful sanctions against Iran. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Two professors who conducted the study uncovered what they refer to as a significant «democratic deficit,» in Michigan. ❋ Patricia Lesko (2011)

Onnie Carr says he registered his crowd-funding site, WealthForge LLC, as a broker dealer in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas and Colorado at what he describes as a significant expense. ❋ Angus Loten (2011)

Last month, the company said it experienced what it called a «significant and tenacious attack» on its networks. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Where nuclear-armed Pakistan is concerned, facing what he called a significant though small radicalized minority, Biden said there is no choice but to continue current efforts. ❋ Unknown (2011)

[I like] yungsaphars, [call me] significances ❋ Yungmetre (2019)

Winning [an Oscar] significized [Marisa] [Tomei’s] career. Or, at least it should have… ❋ G. Thomas (2006)

I gave you a [back rub] [Jen] and now I would like to feel [significant] . ❋ Twostepbobby (2019)

[Rachael] and [Margaret] have a very high significancy level.
Koariee is [strait up] significancy. ❋ Benny Boooo (2008)

[Joe]: dude, you ready to go again?
John: Oh-muh-gawd… you just [blew my mind]!
Joe: Dude, you are very [significant] right now! ❋ Tru Fuckin Gangstas (2008)

yungsaphars [makes me wet], significances ❋ Yungmetre (2019)

I gave you a [back rub] [Jen] and now I would like to feel [significant] . ❋ Twostepbobby (2019)

We will pay a [significant] [bonus] in [March]. ❋ Asultan Sans Brunei (2018)

Ex. 1: Though [Jen] loved Mike, she was certain that her friends perceived him only as her significant sasquatch.
Ex. 2: I have it on authority of an expert that the [perfect gift] for my significant sasquatch is [a pig] ear. ❋ Malazoth (2010)

Why’s [Roger] always talking about his significant other? Why don’t he just say [girlfriend]?
Because his «girlfriend» is a guy named [Bruce]. ❋ Alex Firmament (2009)

Table of Contents

  1. What does the word significant means?
  2. What’s a better word for significant?
  3. What does significant mean in history?
  4. Is Significant a positive word?
  5. What type of word is significant?
  6. How do you use the word significance?
  7. Is significant the same as important?
  8. Is need and significance same?
  9. What makes someone significant?
  10. Does significance mean importance?
  11. Who are the most significant person in your life?
  12. Who is the most influential person in the world 2020?
  13. What is the most important thing in life?
  14. Who is the most important in a family?
  15. What family really means?
  16. Who more important children or parents?
  17. Who comes first your spouse or your parents?
  18. Who is more important to a man wife or mother?
  19. Who plays a bigger role in shaping a child?
  20. Who is the biggest influence in a child life?
  21. What is the role of the mother in shaping the future of her child?
  22. Who has more influence parents or teachers?
  23. Do teachers spend more time with students than parents?
  24. Who influences a person the most parents or friends?
  25. Why parents influence a person’s character?
  26. How family influences a person’s development?
  27. How does school influence you as a person?
  28. How does your culture influence you?
  29. Can a person be limited by culture?

1 : having meaning especially : suggestive a significant glance. 2a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important a significant piece of legislation also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount a significant number of layoffs producing significant profits.

What’s a better word for significant?

What is another word for significant?

consequential big
notable noteworthy
serious sizable
substantial important
landmark meaningful

What does significant mean in history?

Historical significance is a historiographical concept that defines and influences the social remembrance of past events. Historians consider knowledge of dates and events the primary content of history, or “first-order knowledge”.

Is Significant a positive word?

That is, the relationship or difference is probably not just random “noise.” A significant effect can be either positive (we can be confident it’s greater than zero) or negative (we can be confident it’s less than zero). In other words, it is “significant” insofar as it’s not nothing.

What type of word is significant?

adjective. important and deserving of attention; of consequence: Their advice played a significant role in saving my marriage. relatively large in amount or quantity: a significant decrease in revenue. having or expressing a meaning; indicative: a significant symbol of royalty.

How do you use the word significance?

Examples of significance in a Sentence His age is of little significance. This building should be preserved because of its historical significance. Does the ceremony have any religious significance? Her work has a significance that will last beyond her lifetime.

Is significant the same as important?

The main difference between significance and importance is that the word significant means something meaningful in a certain context while the word importance means having a crucial value, have a certain influence on another thing. Therefore, these two words are most often used interchangeably.

Is need and significance same?

Something that is necessary is something that must be done. For a human to survive, food and water are necessary. Things that are necessary are called “necessities”. Something that is important is not absolutely needed, but should be prioritized (a priority).

What makes someone significant?

C) EXPLINATION OF THEIR SIGNIFICANCE – Make sure you explain why this person is significant – are they someone of being worthy of attention; importance that others must learn about. More than being well known, what impact did their actions and life have upon History.

Does significance mean importance?

Significance means having the quality of being “significant” — meaningful, important. It also refers to the meaning of something. A certain date might have significance because it’s your birthday or the anniversary of Princess Di’s wedding.

Who are the most significant person in your life?

Many people answer that the most important person is their child, their parent, their spouse or some other loved one. But the real answer is YOU! You are the most important person in your life! Most of us were raised to believe that putting ourselves first is selfish.

Who is the most influential person in the world 2020?

  • Anthony Fauci.
  • Kamala Harris.
  • Tsai Ing-wen.
  • John Roberts.
  • Xi Jinping.
  • Donald Trump.
  • Caesar.
  • Angela Merkel.

What is the most important thing in life?

1. Health. Being healthy is the single, most important part of our existence – without good health, our lives can be cut short. That said, it’s important not to take good health for granted and feed our bodies nutrients that they deserve by eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

Who is the most important in a family?

And the most important person in a family are the parents. The most important thing about children is the need to prepare them properly for responsible citizenship.

What family really means?

A group of people who have each other’s back and are willing to go to the ends of the earth to bring a smile to the others’ face. Call it a true family or a real family—the true family definition is the sense of loyalty, selflessness, love and genuine care and concern for the others.

Who more important children or parents?

Contrary to the popular belief, children are not the glue that holds a family together. It is actually the parents who are the most important part of a family. If parents are asked the question about the most significant members of their family, their answers are almost always the kids.

Who comes first your spouse or your parents?

Your partner must be your first priority now and it’s critical that your parents “support the sanctity and priority of your marriage,” he adds.

Who is more important to a man wife or mother?

A wife can only be the one on whom a man can rely on, other than his mother. They say that “Behind every successful man there is a woman” who can be his mother, wife, sister or friend. A man can be a good husband as well as a good son when he cares for both women in his life.

Who plays a bigger role in shaping a child?

School, teachers and parents play vital role in holistic development of the child. Parents are the first mentor of the child and the teacher is the second. Both have an immense contribution and responsibility in shaping child’s personality.

Who is the biggest influence in a child life?


What is the role of the mother in shaping the future of her child?

“Parents are a child’s first teachers and role models” They are responsible for shaping up the child’s behavior and implementing positive values in them. Instilling and inculcatting good values in a child will in future make him/her a good person and a better citizen.

Who has more influence parents or teachers?

Parents who want their children to succeed academically in school have more influence over that outcome than the schools themselves, according to a study by researchers from three universities.

Do teachers spend more time with students than parents?

So what can schools and teachers do to bring some joy into children’s formal education? Children typically spend from six to seven hours each day in school for nearly 10 months each year. During the school year, children generally spend more time interacting with their teachers than with their parents.

Who influences a person the most parents or friends?

12. Basically, whether parents or peers have more influence depends on the age of the child. Starting as early as age 12–and for some kids at least by 14–friends definitely have more influence than parents. Kids want to do what their friends are doing, whether it’s good or bad.

Why parents influence a person’s character?

It helps children identify themselves through the parent’s role modeling. The parent’s positive influence provides a secure environment for proper development of children. The parent’s influence can help add to better society. Much of the child’s basic personality is developed in the first seven years.

How family influences a person’s development?

The Role of Family in Child Development. Humans rely heavily on learning for child development. A child’s learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the family is the child’s primary social group. Child development happens physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually during this time.

How does school influence you as a person?

The school plays an important role in helping children learn to interact positively with their peers and teachers. They learn about healthy relationship skills and develop them further through interactions, both in the classroom and on the playground.

How does your culture influence you?

Personality traits: Culture influences whether and how you value traits like humility, self-esteem, politeness, and assertiveness. Culture also influences how you perceive hardship and how you feel about relying on others.

Can a person be limited by culture?

Those who feel rejected from their heritage culture can be left feeling alone and unsupported. This has been linked with depressive symptoms, poor well-being and greater stress. It can also leave people feeling as if their two cultural identities are in conflict with each other.

Asked by: Luis Farrell

Score: 5/5
(63 votes)

1 : having meaning especially : suggestive a significant glance. 2a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important a significant piece of legislation also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount a significant number of layoffs producing significant profits.

Why is it significant meaning?

Significance means having the quality of being «significant» — meaningful, important. It also refers to the meaning of something. A certain date might have significance because it’s your birthday or the anniversary of Princess Di’s wedding. Significance starts with the word sign for a reason.

What does very significant mean?

adjective. important and deserving of attention; of consequence: Their advice played a significant role in saving my marriage. relatively large in amount or quantity: a significant decrease in revenue. having or expressing a meaning; indicative: a significant symbol of royalty.

How do you use significant in a sentence?

Significant in a Sentence ?

  1. Without any significant proof of his involvement, the man was let off with a stern warning.
  2. The lawyer argued that there was not significant evidence to convict his client.
  3. The biggest challenge to his debate strategy was the lack of significant support.

What does significant Significantly mean?

1 : in a significant manner : to a significant degree the salaries differed significantly. 2 : it is significant significantly, they were on time.

21 related questions found

What does a significant change mean?

Significant change means a sudden or major shift in behavior or mood, or a deterioration in health status such as unplanned weight change, stroke, heart condition, or stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure sore.

What are significant features?

1 having or expressing a meaning; indicative. 2 having a covert or implied meaning; suggestive. 3 important, notable, or momentous.

What is significant example?

The definition of significant is having meaning, influence or importance. An example of significant is the first person to undergo a heart transplant.

How can I use the word significant?

He won a significant amount of money. There is a significant difference in prices between the two stores. The study found a statistically significant decrease in symptoms in patients who had taken the drug. a significant event in the history of our nation Fish is a significant part of their diet.

Does significant mean good?

Use the adjective significant to describe something that is important. Your «significant other» means the person who’s most important in your life. A significant result in a scientific study is a result large enough to matter.

What makes a person significant?

ideas of what you need to include. C) EXPLINATION OF THEIR SIGNIFICANCE – Make sure you explain why this person is significant – are they someone of being worthy of attention; importance that others must learn about. More than being well known, what impact did their actions and life have upon History.

What is the meaning of significant person?

Related Definitions

Significant Person means a person who is important or influential in a child’s life and may include a family member or close friend.

What is the synonyms of significant?

In this page you can discover 55 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for significant, like: important, eloquent, great, substantial, show, critical, valid, notable, vital, compelling and decisive.

What does 333 stand for?

Seeing 333 repeatedly may be a sign that a looming decision needs your attention. It’s a signal that your path ahead is clear for moving forward. The 333 angel number indicates that despite your fears, anxieties, mislaid plans, or wrong turns, you’re on the right path. The universe is urging you to keep going.

Is significant more than substantial?

The word ‘significant’ often means something less than the word ‘substantial‘. … These words are often used in legal documents and care must be taken to use them correctly in the context.

How do you explain why something is significant?

Significance means having the quality of being “significant” — meaningful, important. It also refers to the meaning of something. A certain date might have significance because it’s your birthday or the anniversary of Princess Di’s wedding. Significance starts with the word sign for a reason.

Is significant and important the same?

The main difference between significance and importance is that the word significant means something meaningful in a certain context while the word importance means having a crucial value, have a certain influence on another thing. … Therefore, these two words are most often used interchangeably.

What is a significant amount?

A significant amount or effect is large enough to be important or affect a situation to a noticeable degree.

How do you describe very important?

1 momentous, vital, essential, significant.

What is a significant item?

Significant Item means any non-cash and non-recurring item of income or expense of such size, nature or incidence that is relevant to the user’s understanding of the performance of the entity and is disclosed as a “Significant Item” in the Accounts.

What do you mean by significant events?

Significant Event means: (a) any significant social, labor, health and safety, security or environmental incident, accident, or circumstance involving the Project, including, without limitation, explosions, spills, and any workplace accidents that result in death, serious or multiple injury, material pollution, or any …

What is features and significance?

Significance of anything refers to the advantages of that thing being in present or past. Feature of anything is the characterstics of that thing which signify its importance.

What are the rules of significant figures?

To determine the number of significant figures in a number use the following 3 rules:

  • Non-zero digits are always significant.
  • Any zeros between two significant digits are significant.
  • A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant.

What does significant mean in chemistry?

Significant figures are any non-zero digits or trapped zeros. They do not include leading or trailing zeros. When going between decimal and scientific notation, maintain the same number of significant figures.

What is a significant life change?

Examples: The death of a family member or divorce or separation. The birth of a child or return of another child. Son or daughter leaving or returning to jail, school, or other institution. A child being permanently removed from a parent.

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