What do the word knight mean

A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a head of state (including the Pope) or representative for service to the monarch, the church or the country, especially in a military capacity.[1][2] Knighthood finds origins in the Greek hippeis and hoplite (ἱππεῖς) and Roman eques and centurion of classical antiquity.[3]

In the Early Middle Ages in Europe, knighthood was conferred upon mounted warriors.[4] During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility. By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior. Often, a knight was a vassal who served as an elite fighter or a bodyguard for a lord, with payment in the form of land holdings.[5] The lords trusted the knights, who were skilled in battle on horseback. Knighthood in the Middle Ages was closely linked with horsemanship (and especially the joust) from its origins in the 12th century until its final flowering as a fashion among the high nobility in the Duchy of Burgundy in the 15th century. This linkage is reflected in the etymology of chivalry, cavalier and related terms. In that sense, the special prestige accorded to mounted warriors in Christendom finds a parallel in the furusiyya in the Islamic world. The Crusades brought various military orders of knights to the forefront of defending Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land.[6]

In the Late Middle Ages, new methods of warfare began to render classical knights in armour obsolete, but the titles remained in many countries. Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I is often referred to as the «last knight» in this regard.[7][8] The ideals of chivalry were popularized in medieval literature, particularly the literary cycles known as the Matter of France, relating to the legendary companions of Charlemagne and his men-at-arms, the paladins, and the Matter of Britain, relating to the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

Today, a number of orders of knighthood continue to exist in Christian Churches, as well as in several historically Christian countries and their former territories, such as the Roman Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Protestant Order of Saint John, as well as the English Order of the Garter, the Swedish Royal Order of the Seraphim, the Spanish Order of Santiago, and the Norwegian Order of St. Olav. There are also dynastic orders like the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Order of the British Empire and the Order of St. George. In modern times these are orders centered around charity and civic service, and are no longer military orders. Each of these orders has its own criteria for eligibility, but knighthood is generally granted by a head of state, monarch, or prelate to selected persons to recognise some meritorious achievement, as in the British honours system, often for service to the Church or country. The modern female equivalent in the English language is Dame. Knighthoods and damehoods are traditionally regarded as being one of the most prestigious awards people can obtain.[9]


The word knight, from Old English cniht («boy» or «servant»),[10] is a cognate of the German word Knecht («servant, bondsman, vassal»).[11] This meaning, of unknown origin, is common among West Germanic languages (cf Old Frisian kniucht, Dutch knecht, Danish knægt, Swedish knekt, Norwegian knekt, Middle High German kneht, all meaning «boy, youth, lad»).[10] Middle High German had the phrase guoter kneht, which also meant knight; but this meaning was in decline by about 1200.[12]

The meaning of cniht changed over time from its original meaning of «boy» to «household retainer». Ælfric’s homily of St. Swithun describes a mounted retainer as a cniht. While cnihtas might have fought alongside their lords, their role as household servants features more prominently in the Anglo-Saxon texts. In several Anglo-Saxon wills cnihtas are left either money or lands. In his will, King Æthelstan leaves his cniht, Aelfmar, eight hides of land.[13]

A rādcniht, «riding-servant», was a servant on horseback.[14]

A narrowing of the generic meaning «servant» to «military follower of a king or other superior» is visible by 1100. The specific military sense of a knight as a mounted warrior in the heavy cavalry emerges only in the Hundred Years’ War. The verb «to knight» (to make someone a knight) appears around 1300; and, from the same time, the word «knighthood» shifted from «adolescence» to «rank or dignity of a knight».

An Equestrian (Latin, from eques «horseman», from equus «horse»)[15] was a member of the second highest social class in the Roman Republic and early Roman Empire. This class is often translated as «knight»; the medieval knight, however, was called miles in Latin (which in classical Latin meant «soldier», normally infantry).[16][17][18]

In the later Roman Empire, the classical Latin word for horse, equus, was replaced in common parlance by the vulgar Latin caballus, sometimes thought to derive from Gaulish caballos.[19] From caballus arose terms in the various Romance languages cognate with the (French-derived) English cavalier: Italian cavaliere, Spanish caballero, French chevalier (whence chivalry), Portuguese cavaleiro, and Romanian cavaler.[20] The Germanic languages have terms cognate with the English rider: German Ritter, and Dutch and Scandinavian ridder. These words are derived from Germanic rīdan, «to ride», in turn derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *reidh-.[21]

Evolution of medieval knighthoodEdit

Pre-Carolingian legaciesEdit

In ancient Rome, there was a knightly class Ordo Equestris (order of mounted nobles). Some portions of the armies of Germanic peoples who occupied Europe from the 3rd century AD onward had been mounted, and some armies, such as those of the Ostrogoths, were mainly cavalry.[22] However, it was the Franks who generally fielded armies composed of large masses of infantry, with an infantry elite, the comitatus, which often rode to battle on horseback rather than marching on foot. When the armies of the Frankish ruler Charles Martel defeated the Umayyad Arab invasion at the Battle of Tours in 732, the Frankish forces were still largely infantry armies, with elites riding to battle but dismounting to fight.

Carolingian ageEdit

In the Early Medieval period, any well-equipped horseman could be described as a knight, or miles in Latin.[23] The first knights appeared during the reign of Charlemagne in the 8th century.[24][25][26] As the Carolingian Age progressed, the Franks were generally on the attack, and larger numbers of warriors took to their horses to ride with the Emperor in his wide-ranging campaigns of conquest. At about this time the Franks increasingly remained on horseback to fight on the battlefield as true cavalry rather than mounted infantry, with the discovery of the stirrup, and would continue to do so for centuries afterwards.[27] Although in some nations the knight returned to foot combat in the 14th century, the association of the knight with mounted combat with a spear, and later a lance, remained a strong one. The older Carolingian ceremony of presenting a young man with weapons influenced the emergence of knighthood ceremonies, in which a noble would be ritually given weapons and declared to be a knight, usually amid some festivities.[28]

A Norman knight slaying Harold Godwinson (Bayeux tapestry, c. 1070). The rank of knight developed in the 12th century from the mounted warriors of the 10th and 11th centuries.

These mobile mounted warriors made Charlemagne’s far-flung conquests possible, and to secure their service he rewarded them with grants of land called benefices.[24] These were given to the captains directly by the Emperor to reward their efforts in the conquests, and they in turn were to grant benefices to their warrior contingents, who were a mix of free and unfree men. In the century or so following Charlemagne’s death, his newly empowered warrior class grew stronger still, and Charles the Bald declared their fiefs to be hereditary, and also issued the Edict of Pîtres in 864, largely moving away from the infantry-based traditional armies and calling upon all men who could afford it to answer calls to arms on horseback to quickly repel the constant and wide-ranging Viking attacks, which is considered the beginnings of the period of knights that were to become so famous and spread throughout Europe in the following centuries. The period of chaos in the 9th and 10th centuries, between the fall of the Carolingian central authority and the rise of separate Western and Eastern Frankish kingdoms (later to become France and Germany respectively) only entrenched this newly landed warrior class. This was because governing power and defense against Viking, Magyar and Saracen attack became an essentially local affair which revolved around these new hereditary local lords and their demesnes.[25]

Multiple Crusades & Military OrdersEdit

Hungarian knights routing Ottoman spahi cavalry during the Battle of Mohács in 1526

Clerics and the Church often opposed the practices of the Knights because of their abuses against women and civilians, and many such as St. Bernard, were convinced that the Knights served the devil and not God and needed reforming.[29]
In the course of the 12th century knighthood became a social rank, with a distinction being made between milites gregarii (non-noble cavalrymen) and milites nobiles (true knights).[30] As the term «knight» became increasingly confined to denoting a social rank, the military role of fully armoured cavalryman gained a separate term, «man-at-arms». Although any medieval knight going to war would automatically serve as a man-at-arms, not all men-at-arms were knights.

The first military orders of knighthood were the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the Knights Hospitaller, both founded shortly after the First Crusade of 1099, followed by the Order of Saint Lazarus (1100), Knights Templars (1118), the Order of Montesa (1128), the Order of Santiago (1170) and the Teutonic Knights (1190). At the time of their foundation, these were intended as monastic orders, whose members would act as simple soldiers protecting pilgrims.

It was only over the following century, with the successful conquest of the Holy Land and the rise of the crusader states, that these orders became powerful and prestigious.

The great European legends of warriors such as the paladins, the Matter of France and the Matter of Britain popularized the notion of chivalry among the warrior class.[31][32] The ideal of chivalry as the ethos of the Christian warrior, and the transmutation of the term «knight» from the meaning «servant, soldier», and of chevalier «mounted soldier», to refer to a member of this ideal class, is significantly influenced by the Crusades, on one hand inspired by the military orders of monastic warriors, and on the other hand also cross-influenced by Islamic (Saracen) ideals of furusiyya.[32][33]

Knightly culture in the Middle AgesEdit


The institution of knights was already well-established by the 10th century.[34] While the knight was essentially a title denoting a military office, the term could also be used for positions of higher nobility such as landholders. The higher nobles grant the vassals their portions of land (fiefs) in return for their loyalty, protection, and service. The nobles also provided their knights with necessities, such as lodging, food, armour, weapons, horses, and money.[35] The knight generally held his lands by military tenure which was measured through military service that usually lasted 40 days a year. The military service was the quid pro quo for each knight’s fief. Vassals and lords could maintain any number of knights, although knights with more military experience were those most sought after. Thus, all petty nobles intending to become prosperous knights needed a great deal of military experience.[34] A knight fighting under another’s banner was called a knight bachelor while a knight fighting under his own banner was a knight banneret.


A knight had to be born of nobility – typically sons of knights or lords.[35] In some cases, commoners could also be knighted as a reward for extraordinary military service. Children of the nobility were cared for by noble foster-mothers in castles until they reached the age of seven.

These seven-year-old boys were given the title of page and turned over to the care of the castle’s lords. They were placed on an early training regime of hunting with huntsmen and falconers, and academic studies with priests or chaplains. Pages then become assistants to older knights in battle, carrying and cleaning armour, taking care of the horses, and packing the baggage. They would accompany the knights on expeditions, even into foreign lands. Older pages were instructed by knights in swordsmanship, equestrianism, chivalry, warfare, and combat (but using wooden swords and spears).


When the boy turned 14, he became a squire. In a religious ceremony, the new squire swore on a sword consecrated by a bishop or priest, and attended to assigned duties in his lord’s household. During this time, the squires continued training in combat and were allowed to own armour (rather than borrowing it).

Squires were required to master the seven points of agilities – riding, swimming and diving, shooting different types of weapons, climbing, participation in tournaments, wrestling, fencing, long jumping, and dancing – the prerequisite skills for knighthood. All of these were even performed while wearing armour.[36]

Upon turning 21, the squire was eligible to be knighted.


The accolade or knighting ceremony was usually held during one of the great feasts or holidays, like Christmas or Easter, and sometimes at the wedding of a noble or royal. The knighting ceremony usually involved a ritual bath on the eve of the ceremony and a prayer vigil during the night. On the day of the ceremony, the would-be knight would swear an oath and the master of the ceremony would dub the new knight on the shoulders with a sword.[34][35] Squires, and even soldiers, could also be conferred direct knighthood early if they showed valor and efficiency for their service; such acts may include deploying for an important quest or mission, or protecting a high diplomat or a royal relative in battle.

Chivalric codeEdit

Knights were expected, above all, to fight bravely and to display military professionalism and courtesy. When knights were taken as prisoners of war, they were customarily held for ransom in somewhat comfortable surroundings. This same standard of conduct did not apply to non-knights (archers, peasants, foot-soldiers, etc.) who were often slaughtered after capture, and who were viewed during battle as mere impediments to knights’ getting to other knights to fight them.[37]

Chivalry developed as an early standard of professional ethics for knights, who were relatively affluent horse owners and were expected to provide military services in exchange for landed property. Early notions of chivalry entailed loyalty to one’s liege lord and bravery in battle, similar to the values of the Heroic Age. During the Middle Ages, this grew from simple military professionalism into a social code including the values of gentility, nobility and treating others reasonably.[38] In The Song of Roland (c. 1100), Roland is portrayed as the ideal knight, demonstrating unwavering loyalty, military prowess and social fellowship. In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival (c. 1205), chivalry had become a blend of religious duties, love and military service. Ramon Llull’s Book of the Order of Chivalry (1275) demonstrates that by the end of the 13th century, chivalry entailed a litany of very specific duties, including riding warhorses, jousting, attending tournaments, holding Round Tables and hunting, as well as aspiring to the more æthereal virtues of «faith, hope, charity, justice, strength, moderation and loyalty.»[39]

Knights of the late medieval era were expected by society to maintain all these skills and many more, as outlined in Baldassare Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier, though the book’s protagonist, Count Ludovico, states the «first and true profession» of the ideal courtier «must be that of arms.»[40] Chivalry, derived from the French word chevalier (‘cavalier’), simultaneously denoted skilled horsemanship and military service, and these remained the primary occupations of knighthood throughout the Middle Ages.

Chivalry and religion were mutually influenced during the period of the Crusades. The early Crusades helped to clarify the moral code of chivalry as it related to religion. As a result, Christian armies began to devote their efforts to sacred purposes. As time passed, clergy instituted religious vows which required knights to use their weapons chiefly for the protection of the weak and defenseless, especially women and orphans, and of churches.[41]


In peacetime, knights often demonstrated their martial skills in tournaments, which usually took place on the grounds of a castle.[42][43] Knights could parade their armour and banner to the whole court as the tournament commenced. Medieval tournaments were made up of martial sports called hastiludes, and were not only a major spectator sport but also played as a real combat simulation. It usually ended with many knights either injured or even killed. One contest was a free-for-all battle called a melee, where large groups of knights numbering hundreds assembled and fought one another, and the last knight standing was the winner. The most popular and romanticized contest for knights was the joust. In this competition, two knights charge each other with blunt wooden lances in an effort to break their lance on the opponent’s head or body or unhorse them completely. The loser in these tournaments had to turn his armour and horse over to the victor. The last day was filled with feasting, dancing and minstrel singing.

Besides formal tournaments, they were also unformalized judicial duels done by knights and squires to end various disputes.[44][45] Countries like Germany, Britain and Ireland practiced this tradition. Judicial combat was of two forms in medieval society, the feat of arms and chivalric combat.[44] The feat of arms were done to settle hostilities between two large parties and supervised by a judge. The chivalric combat was fought when one party’s honor was disrespected or challenged and the conflict could not be resolved in court. Weapons were standardized and must be of the same caliber. The duel lasted until the other party was too weak to fight back and in early cases, the defeated party were then subsequently executed. Examples of these brutal duels were the judicial combat known as the Combat of the Thirty in 1351, and the trial by combat fought by Jean de Carrouges in 1386. A far more chivalric duel which became popular in the Late Middle Ages was the pas d’armes or «passage of arms». In this hastilude, a knight or a group of knights would claim a bridge, lane or city gate, and challenge other passing knights to fight or be disgraced.[46] If a lady passed unescorted, she would leave behind a glove or scarf, to be rescued and returned to her by a future knight who passed that way.[citation needed]


One of the greatest distinguishing marks of the knightly class was the flying of coloured banners, to display power and to distinguish knights in battle and in tournaments.[47] Knights are generally armigerous (bearing a coat of arms), and indeed they played an essential role in the development of heraldry.[48][49] As heavier armour, including enlarged shields and enclosed helmets, developed in the Middle Ages, the need for marks of identification arose, and with coloured shields and surcoats, coat armoury was born. Armorial rolls were created to record the knights of various regions or those who participated in various tournaments.


Elements of a harness of the late style of Gothic plate armour that was a popular style in the mid 15th to early 16th century (depiction made in the 18th century)

Knights used a variety of weapons, including maces, axes and swords. Elements of the knightly armour included helmet, cuirass, gauntlet and shield.

The sword was a weapon designed to be used solely in combat; it was useless in hunting and impractical as a tool. Thus, the sword was a status symbol among the knightly class. Swords were effective against lightly armoured enemies, while maces and warhammers were more effective against heavily armoured ones.[50]: 85–86 

One of the primary elements of a knight’s armour was the shield, which could be used to block strikes and projectiles. Oval shields were used during the Dark Ages and were made of wooden boards that were roughly half an inch thick. Towards the end of the 10th century, oval shields were lengthened to cover the left knee of the mounted warrior, called the kite shield. The heater shield was used during the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. Around 1350, square shields called bouched shields appeared, which had a notch in which to place the couched lance.[50]: 15 

Until the mid-14th century, knights wore mail armour as their main form of defence. Mail was extremely flexible and provided good protection against sword cuts, but weak against blunt weapons such as the mace and piercing weapons such as the lance. Padded undergarment known as aketon was worn to absorb shock damage and prevent chafing caused by mail. In hotter climates metal rings became too hot, so sleeveless surcoats were worn as a protection against the sun, and also to show their heraldic arms.[50]: 15–17  This sort of coat also evolved to be tabards, waffenrocks and other garments with the arms of the wearer sewn into it.[51]

Helmets of the knight of the early periods usually were more open helms such as the nasal helmet, and later forms of the spangenhelm. The lack of more facial protection lead to the evolution of more enclosing helmets to be made in the late 12th to early 13th centuries, this eventually would evolve to make the great helm. Later forms of the bascinet, which was originally a small helm worn under the larger great helm, evolved to be worn solely, and would eventually have pivoted or hinged visors, the most popular was the hounskull, also known as the «pig-face visor».[52][53]

Plate armour first appeared in the Medieval Ages in the 13th century, plates were added onto the torso and mounted to a base of leather. This form of armour is known as a coat of plates. The torso wasn’t the only part of the knight to receive this plate protection evolution, as the elbows and shoulders were covered with circular pieces of metal, commonly referred to as rondels, eventually evolving into the plate arm harness consisting of the rerebrace, vambrace, and spaulder or pauldron. The legs too were covered in plates, mainly on the shin, called schynbalds which later evolved to fully enclose the leg in the form of enclosed greaves. As for the upper legs, cuisses came about in the mid 14th century.[54] Overall, plate armour offered better protection against piercing weapons such as arrows and especially bolts than mail armour did.[50]: 15–17 

Knights’ horses were also armoured in later periods; caparisons were the first form of medieval horse coverage and was used much like the surcoat. Other armours, such as the facial armouring chanfron, were made for horses.[55]

Medieval and Renaissance chivalric literatureEdit

Knights and the ideals of knighthood featured largely in medieval and Renaissance literature, and have secured a permanent place in literary romance.[56] While chivalric romances abound, particularly notable literary portrayals of knighthood include The Song of Roland, Cantar de Mio Cid, The Twelve of England, Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Knight’s Tale, Baldassare Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier, and Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, as well as Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur and other Arthurian tales (Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae, the Pearl Poet’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, etc.).

Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), written in the 1130s, introduced the legend of King Arthur, which was to be important to the development of chivalric ideals in literature. Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur), written in 1469, was important in defining the ideal of chivalry, which is essential to the modern concept of the knight, as an elite warrior sworn to uphold the values of faith, loyalty, courage, and honour.

Instructional literature was also created. Geoffroi de Charny’s «Book of Chivalry» expounded upon the importance of Christian faith in every area of a knight’s life, though still laying stress on the primarily military focus of knighthood.

In the early Renaissance greater emphasis was laid upon courtliness. The ideal courtier—the chivalrous knight—of Baldassarre Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier became a model of the ideal virtues of nobility.[57] Castiglione’s tale took the form of a discussion among the nobility of the court of the Duke of Urbino, in which the characters determine that the ideal knight should be renowned not only for his bravery and prowess in battle, but also as a skilled dancer, athlete, singer and orator, and he should also be well-read in the humanities and classical Greek and Latin literature.[58]

Later Renaissance literature, such as Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote, rejected the code of chivalry as unrealistic idealism.[59] The rise of Christian humanism in Renaissance literature demonstrated a marked departure from the chivalric romance of late medieval literature, and the chivalric ideal ceased to influence literature over successive centuries until it saw some pockets of revival in post-Victorian literature.


By the mid to late 16th century, knights were quickly becoming obsolete as countries started creating their own professional armies that were faster to train, cheaper to equip, and easier to mobilize.[60][61] The advancement of high-powered firearms contributed greatly to the decline in use of plate armour, as the time it took to train soldiers with guns was much less compared to that of the knight. The cost of equipment was also significantly lower, and guns had a reasonable chance to easily penetrate a knight’s armour. In the 14th century the use of infantrymen armed with pikes and fighting in close formation also proved effective against heavy cavalry, such as during the Battle of Nancy, when Charles the Bold and his armoured cavalry were decimated by Swiss pikemen.[62] As the feudal system came to an end, lords saw no further use of knights. Many landowners found the duties of knighthood too expensive and so contented themselves with the use of squires. Mercenaries also became an economic alternative to knights when conflicts arose.

Armies of the time started adopting a more realistic approach to warfare than the honor-bound code of chivalry. Soon, the remaining knights were absorbed into professional armies. Although they had a higher rank than most soldiers because of their valuable lineage, they lost their distinctive identity that previously set them apart from common soldiers.[60] Some knightly orders survived into modern times. They adopted newer technology while still retaining their age-old chivalric traditions. Examples include the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Knights Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights.[63]

Radiance of knighthood into the 21st centuryEdit

When chivalry had long since declined, the cavalry of the early modern era clung to the old ideals. Even the first fighter pilots of the First World War, in the 20th century, still resorted to knightly ideas in their duels in the sky, aimed at fairness and honesty. At least; such chivalry was spread in the media. This idea was then completely lost in later wars or was perverted by Nazi Germany, which awarded a «Knight’s Cross» as an award.[64][65] Conversely, the Austrian priest and resistance fighter Heinrich Maier is referred to as Miles Christi, a Christian knight against Nazi Germany.[66]

While on the one hand attempts are made again and again to revive or restore old knightly orders in order to gain prestige, awards and financial advantages, on the other hand old orders continue to exist or are activated. This especially in the environment of ruling or formerly ruling noble houses. For example, the British Queen Elizabeth II regularly appointed new members to the Order of the British Empire, which also includes members such as Steven Spielberg, Nelson Mandela and Bill Gates, in the 21st century.[67][68][69] In Central Europe, for example, the Order of St. George, whose roots go back to the so-called «last knight» Emperor Maximilian I, was reactivated by the House of Habsburg after its dissolution by Nazi Germany and the fall of the Iron Curtain.[70][71] And in republican France, deserved personalities are highlighted to this day by the award of the Knight of Honor (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur — Legion of Honour).[72][73][74] In contrast, the knights of the ecclesiastical knightly orders like the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Order of Saint John mainly devote themselves to social tasks and care.[75]

The journalist Alexander von Schönburg dealt with nature and the possible necessity of chivalry. In view of the complete social disorientation of the people he diagnosed, he calls for a return to virtues such as modesty, wisdom and, above all, loyalty. For, according to him, the common creed today is roughness, ignorance and egocentrism.[76] Vinzenz Stimpfl-Abele, Procurator of the Habsburg Order of St. George, goes back to Bernhard von Clairvaux to consider the importance of knights in the 21st century. Accordingly, knights must take an active part in the fight against misery in society, especially today.[77] The current activities of the Knights of the Order of Malta and the Order of St. John, who since the beginning of the 20th century have increasingly provided extensive medical and charitable services during wars and peacetime, have also developed in this direction.[75]

Types of knighthoodEdit

Hereditary knighthoodsEdit

Continental EuropeEdit

In continental Europe different systems of hereditary knighthood have existed or do exist. Ridder, Dutch for «knight», is a hereditary noble title in the Netherlands. It is the lowest title within the nobility system and ranks below that of «Baron» but above «Jonkheer» (the latter is not a title, but a Dutch honorific to show that someone belongs to the untitled nobility). The collective term for its holders in a certain locality is the Ridderschap (e.g. Ridderschap van Holland, Ridderschap van Friesland, etc.). In the Netherlands no female equivalent exists. Before 1814, the history of nobility is separate for each of the eleven provinces that make up the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In each of these, there were in the early Middle Ages a number of feudal lords who often were just as powerful, and sometimes more so than the rulers themselves. In old times, no other title existed but that of knight. In the Netherlands only 10 knightly families are still extant, a number which steadily decreases because in that country ennoblement or incorporation into the nobility is not possible anymore.

Likewise Ridder, Dutch for «knight», or the equivalent French Chevalier is a hereditary noble title in Belgium. It is the second lowest title within the nobility system above Écuyer or Jonkheer/Jonkvrouw and below Baron. Like in the Netherlands, no female equivalent to the title exists. Belgium still does have about 232 registered knightly families.

The German and Austrian equivalent of an hereditary knight is a Ritter. This designation is used as a title of nobility in all German-speaking areas. Traditionally it denotes the second lowest rank within the nobility, standing above «Edler» (noble) and below «Freiherr» (baron). For its historical association with warfare and the landed gentry in the Middle Ages, it can be considered roughly equal to the titles of «Knight» or «Baronet».

In the Kingdom of Spain, the Royal House of Spain grants titles of knighthood to the successor of the throne. This knighthood title known as Order of the Golden Fleece is among the most prestigious and exclusive chivalric orders. This order can also be granted to persons not belonging to the Spanish Crown, as the former Emperor of Japan Akihito, Queen of United Kingdom Elizabeth II or the important Spanish politician of the Spanish democratic transition Adolfo Suárez, among others.

The Royal House of Portugal historically bestowed hereditary knighthoods to holders of the highest ranks in the Royal Orders. Today, the head of the Royal House of Portugal Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza, bestows hereditary knighthoods for extraordinary acts of sacrifice and service to the Royal House. There are very few hereditary knights and they are entitled to wear an oval neck badge with the shield of the house of Braganza. Portuguese hereditary knighthoods confer nobility.

In France, the hereditary knighthood existed similarly throughout as a title of nobility, as well as in regions formerly under Holy Roman Empire control. One family ennobled with a title in such a manner is the house of Hauteclocque (by letters patents of 1752), even if its most recent members used a pontifical title of count. In some other regions such as Normandy, a specific type of fief was granted to the lower ranked knights (French: chevaliers) called the fief de haubert, referring to the hauberk, or chain mail shirt worn almost daily by knights, as they would not only fight for their liege lords, but enforce and carry out their orders on a routine basis as well.[78] Later the term came to officially designate the higher rank of the nobility in the Ancien Régime (the lower rank being Squire), as the romanticism and prestige associated with the term grew in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Italy and Poland also had the hereditary knighthood that existed within their respective systems of nobility.


There are traces of the Continental system of hereditary knighthood in Ireland. Notably all three of the following belong to the Hiberno-Norman FitzGerald dynasty, created by the Earls of Desmond, acting as Earls Palatine, for their kinsmen.

  • Knight of Kerry or Green Knight (FitzGerald of Kerry) — the current holder is Sir Adrian FitzGerald, 6th Baronet of Valencia, 24th Knight of Kerry. He is also a Knight of Malta, and has served as President of the Irish Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
  • Knight of Glin or Black Knight (FitzGerald of Limerick) — now dormant.
  • White Knight (see Edmund Fitzgibbon) — now dormant.

Another Irish family were the O’Shaughnessys, who were created knights in 1553 under the policy of surrender and regrant[79] (first established by Henry VIII of England). They were attainted in 1697 for participation on the Jacobite side in the Williamite wars.[80]

British baronetciesEdit

Since 1611, the British Crown has awarded a hereditary title in the form of the baronetcy.[81] Like knights, baronets are accorded the title Sir. Baronets are not peers of the Realm, and have never been entitled to sit in the House of Lords, therefore like knights they remain commoners in the view of the British legal system. However, unlike knights, the title is hereditary and the recipient does not receive an accolade. The position is therefore more comparable with hereditary knighthoods in continental European orders of nobility, such as Ritter, than with knighthoods under the British orders of chivalry. However, unlike the continental orders, the British baronetcy system was a modern invention, designed specifically to raise money for the Crown with the purchase of the title.

Chivalric ordersEdit

Military ordersEdit

  • Order of the Holy Sepulchre, founded very shortly after the First Crusade in 1099
  • Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also founded after the First Crusade in 1099
  • Order of Saint Lazarus established about 1100
  • Knights Templar, founded 1118, disbanded 1307
  • Teutonic Knights, established about 1190, and ruled the Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia until 1525

Other orders were established in the Iberian peninsula, under the influence of the orders in the Holy Land and the Crusader movement of the Reconquista:

  • Order of Aviz, established in Avis in 1143
  • Order of Alcántara, established in Alcántara in 1156
  • Order of Calatrava, established in Calatrava in 1158
  • Order of Santiago, established in Santiago in 1164.

Honorific orders of knighthoodEdit

After the Crusades, the military orders became idealized and romanticized, resulting in the late medieval notion of chivalry, as reflected in the chivalric romances of the time. The creation of chivalric orders was fashionable among the nobility in the 14th and 15th centuries, and this is still reflected in contemporary honours systems, including the term order itself. Examples of notable orders of chivalry are:

  • the Order of Saint George, founded by Charles I of Hungary in 1325/6
  • the Order of the Most Holy Annunciation, founded by Count Amadeus VI in 1346
  • the Order of the Garter, founded by Edward III of England around 1348
  • the Order of the Dragon, founded by King Sigismund of Luxemburg in 1408
  • the Order of the Golden Fleece, founded by Philip III, Duke of Burgundy in 1430
  • the Order of Saint Michael, founded by Louis XI of France in 1469
  • the Order of the Thistle, founded by King James VII of Scotland (also known as James II of England) in 1687
  • the Order of the Elephant, which may have been first founded by Christian I of Denmark, but was founded in its current form by King Christian V in 1693
  • the Order of the Bath, founded by George I in 1725

Francis Drake (left) being knighted by Queen Elizabeth I in 1581. The recipient is tapped on each shoulder with a sword.

From roughly 1560, purely honorific orders were established, as a way to confer prestige and distinction, unrelated to military service and chivalry in the more narrow sense. Such orders were particularly popular in the 17th and 18th centuries, and knighthood continues to be conferred in various countries:

  • The United Kingdom (see British honours system) and some Commonwealth of Nations countries such as New Zealand;
  • Some European countries, such as The Netherlands, Belgium and Spain among others (see below).
  • The Holy See (see Papal Orders of Chivalry).

There are other monarchies and also republics that also follow this practice. Modern knighthoods are typically conferred in recognition for services rendered to society, which are not necessarily martial in nature. The British musician Elton John, for example, is a Knight Bachelor, thus entitled to be called Sir Elton. The female equivalent is a Dame, for example Dame Julie Andrews.

In the United Kingdom, honorific knighthood may be conferred in two different ways:

  • The first is by membership of one of the pure orders of chivalry such as the Order of the Garter, the Order of the Thistle and the dormant Order of Saint Patrick, of which all members are knighted. In addition, many British orders of merit, namely the Order of the Bath, the Order of St Michael and St George, the Royal Victorian Order and the Order of the British Empire are part of the British honours system, and the award of their highest ranks (Knight/Dame Commander and Knight/Dame Grand Cross), comes together with an honorific knighthood, making them a cross between orders of chivalry and orders of merit. By contrast, membership of other British orders of merit, such as the Distinguished Service Order, the Order of Merit and the Order of the Companions of Honour does not confer a knighthood.
  • The second is being granted honorific knighthood by the British sovereign without membership of an order, the recipient being called Knight Bachelor.

In the British honours system the knightly style of Sir and its female equivalent Dame are followed by the given name only when addressing the holder. Thus, Sir Elton John should be addressed as Sir Elton, not Sir John or Mr John. Similarly, actress Dame Judi Dench should be addressed as Dame Judi, not Dame Dench or Ms Dench.

Wives of knights, however, are entitled to the honorific pre-nominal «Lady» before their husband’s surname. Thus Sir Paul McCartney’s ex-wife was formally styled Lady McCartney (rather than Lady Paul McCartney or Lady Heather McCartney). The style Dame Heather McCartney could be used for the wife of a knight; however, this style is largely archaic and is only used in the most formal of documents, or where the wife is a Dame in her own right (such as Dame Norma Major, who gained her title six years before her husband Sir John Major was knighted). The husbands of Dames have no honorific pre-nominal, so Dame Norma’s husband remained John Major until he received his own knighthood.

Since the reign of Edward VII[citation needed] a clerk in holy orders in the Church of England has not normally received the accolade on being appointed to a degree of knighthood. He receives the insignia of his honour and may place the appropriate letters after his name or title but he may not be called Sir[82] and his wife may not be called Lady. This custom is not observed in Australia and New Zealand, where knighted Anglican clergymen routinely use the title «Sir». Ministers of other Christian Churches are entitled to receive the accolade. For example, Sir Norman Cardinal Gilroy did receive the accolade on his appointment as Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1969. A knight who is subsequently ordained does not lose his title. A famous example of this situation was The Revd Sir Derek Pattinson, who was ordained just a year after he was appointed Knight Bachelor, apparently somewhat to the consternation of officials at Buckingham Palace.[82] A woman clerk in holy orders may be made a Dame in exactly the same way as any other woman since there are no military connotations attached to the honour. A clerk in holy orders who is a baronet is entitled to use the title Sir.

Outside the British honours system it is usually considered improper to address a knighted person as ‘Sir’ or ‘Dame’ (notable exceptions are members of the Order of the Knights of Rizal in the Republic of the Philippines.) Some countries, however, historically did have equivalent honorifics for knights, such as Cavaliere in Italy (e.g. Cavaliere Benito Mussolini), and Ritter in Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire (e.g. Georg Ritter von Trapp).

State knighthoods in the Netherlands are issued in three orders: the Order of William, the Order of the Netherlands Lion, and the Order of Orange Nassau. Additionally there remain a few hereditary knights in the Netherlands.

In Belgium, honorific knighthood (not hereditary) can be conferred by the king on particularly meritorious individuals such as scientists or eminent businessmen, or for instance to astronaut Frank De Winne, the second Belgian in space. This practice is similar to the conferral of the dignity of Knight Bachelor in the United Kingdom. In addition, there still are a number of hereditary knights in Belgium (see below).

In France and Belgium, one of the ranks conferred in some orders of merit, such as the Légion d’Honneur, the Ordre National du Mérite, the Ordre des Palmes académiques and the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in France, and the Order of Leopold, Order of the Crown and Order of Leopold II in Belgium, is that of Chevalier (in French) or Ridder (in Dutch), meaning Knight.

In the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth the monarchs tried to establish chivalric orders, but the hereditary lords who controlled the Union did not agree and managed to ban such assemblies. They feared the king would use orders to gain support for absolutist goals and to make formal distinctions among the peerage, which could lead to its legal breakup into two separate classes, and that the king would later play one against the other and eventually limit the legal privileges of hereditary nobility. But finally in 1705 King August II managed to establish the Order of the White Eagle which remains Poland’s most prestigious order of that kind. The head of state (now the President as the acting Grand Master) confers knighthoods of the order to distinguished citizens, foreign monarchs and other heads of state. The order has its chapter. There were no particular honorifics that would accompany a knight’s name, as historically all (or at least by far most) of its members would be royals or hereditary lords anyway. So today, a knight is simply referred to as «Name Surname, knight of the White Eagle (Order)».

In Nigeria, holders of religious honours like the Knighthood of St. Gregory make use of the word Sir as a pre-nominal honorific in much the same way as it is used for secular purposes in Britain and the Philippines. Wives of such individuals also typically assume the title of Lady.


England and the United KingdomEdit

Women were appointed to the Order of the Garter almost from the start. In all, 68 women were appointed between 1358 and 1488, including all consorts. Though many were women of royal blood, or wives of knights of the Garter, some women were neither. They wore the garter on the left arm, and some are shown on their tombstones with this arrangement. After 1488, no other appointments of women are known, although it is said that the Garter was conferred upon Neapolitan poet Laura Bacio Terricina, by King Edward VI. In 1638, a proposal was made to revive the use of robes for the wives of knights in ceremonies, but this did not occur. Queens consort have been made Ladies of the Garter since 1901 (Queens Alexandra in 1901,[83] Mary in 1910 and Elizabeth in 1937). The first non-royal woman to be made Lady Companion of the Garter was The Duchess of Norfolk in 1990,[84] the second was The Baroness Thatcher in 1995[85] (post-nominal: LG). On 30 November 1996, Lady Fraser was made Lady of the Thistle,[86] the first non-royal woman (post-nominal: LT). (See Edmund Fellowes, Knights of the Garter, 1939; and Beltz: Memorials of the Order of the Garter). The first woman to be granted a knighthood in modern Britain seems to have been Nawab Sikandar Begum Sahiba, Nawab Begum of Bhopal, who became a Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India (GCSI) in 1861, at the foundation of the order. Her daughter received the same honor in 1872, as well as her granddaughter in 1910. The order was open to «princes and chiefs» without distinction of gender. The first European woman to have been granted an order of knighthood was Queen Mary, when she was made a Knight Grand Commander of the same order, by special statute, in celebration of the Delhi Durbar of 1911.[87] She was also granted a damehood in 1917 as a Dame Grand Cross, when the Order of the British Empire was created[88] (it was the first order explicitly open to women). The Royal Victorian Order was opened to women in 1936, and the Orders of the Bath and Saint Michael and Saint George in 1965 and 1971 respectively.[89]


A modern artistic rendition of a chevalière of the Late Middle Ages

Medieval French had two words, chevaleresse and chevalière, which were used in two ways: one was for the wife of a knight, and this usage goes back to the 14th century. The other was possibly for a female knight. Here is a quote from Ménestrier, a 17th-century writer on chivalry: «It was not always necessary to be the wife of a knight in order to take this title. Sometimes, when some male fiefs were conceded by special privilege to women, they took the rank of chevaleresse, as one sees plainly in Hemricourt where women who were not wives of knights are called chevaleresses.» Modern French orders of knighthood include women, for example the Légion d’Honneur (Legion of Honor) since the mid-19th century, but they are usually called chevaliers. The first documented case is that of Angélique Brûlon (1772–1859), who fought in the Revolutionary Wars, received a military disability pension in 1798, the rank of 2nd lieutenant in 1822, and the Legion of Honor in 1852. A recipient of the Ordre National du Mérite recently requested from the order’s Chancery the permission to call herself «chevalière,» and the request was granted.[89]


As related in Orders of Knighthood, Awards and the Holy See by H. E. Cardinale (1983), the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded by two Bolognese nobles Loderingo degli Andalò and Catalano di Guido in 1233, and approved by Pope Alexander IV in 1261. It was the first religious order of knighthood to grant the rank of militissa to women. However, this order was suppressed by Pope Sixtus V in 1558.[89]

The Low CountriesEdit

At the initiative of Catherine Baw in 1441, and 10 years later of Elizabeth, Mary, and Isabella of the house of Hornes, orders were founded which were open exclusively to women of noble birth, who received the French title of chevalière or the Latin title of equitissa. In his Glossarium (s.v. militissa), Du Cange notes that still in his day (17th century), the female canons of the canonical monastery of St. Gertrude in Nivelles (Brabant), after a probation of 3 years, are made knights (militissae) at the altar, by a (male) knight called in for that purpose, who gives them the accolade with a sword and pronounces the usual words.[89]


To honour those women who defended Tortosa against an attack by the Moors, Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, created the Order of the Hatchet (Orden de la Hacha) in 1149.[89]

The inhabitants [of Tortosa] being at length reduced to great streights, desired relief of the Earl, but he, being not in a condition to give them any, they entertained some thoughts of making a surrender. Which the Women hearing of, to prevent the disaster threatening their City, themselves, and Children, put on men’s Clothes, and by a resolute sally, forced the Moors to raise the Siege. The Earl, finding himself obliged, by the gallentry of the action, thought fit to make his acknowlegements thereof, by granting them several Privileges and Immunities, and to perpetuate the memory of so signal an attempt, instituted an Order, somewhat like a Military Order, into which were admitted only those Brave Women, deriving the honour to their Descendants, and assigned them for a Badge, a thing like a Fryars Capouche, sharp at the top, after the form of a Torch, and of a crimson colour, to be worn upon their Head-clothes. He also ordained, that at all publick meetings, the women should have precedence of the Men. That they should be exempted from all Taxes, and that all the Apparel and Jewels, though of never so great value, left by their dead Husbands, should be their own. These Women having thus acquired this Honour by their personal Valour, carried themselves after the Military Knights of those days.

— Elias Ashmole, The Institution, Laws, and Ceremony of the Most Noble Order of the Garter (1672), Ch. 3, sect. 3

Notable knightsEdit

  • Adrian von Bubenberg
  • Andrew Moray
  • Baldwin of Boulogne
  • Balian of Ibelin
  • Bertrand du Guesclin
  • Bohemond I of Antioch
  • El Cid
  • Francis Drake
  • Francisco Pizarro
  • Franz von Sickingen
  • Gerard Thom
  • Geoffroi de Charny
  • Gilles de Rais
  • Godfrey of Bouillon
  • Götz von Berlichingen
  • Henry Percy (Hotspur)
  • Heinrich von Bülow (Grotekop)
  • Heinrich von Winkelried
  • Hernán Cortés
  • Hugues de Payens
  • Jean III d’Aa of Gruuthuse
  • Jean Le Maingre
  • Joanot Martorell
  • John Hawkwood
  • Philip Riedesel zu Camberg
  • Pierre Terrail, seigneur de Bayard
  • Raymond IV of Toulouse
  • Roger Bigod
  • Roger Mortimer
  • Ruggero di Lauria
  • Simon de Montfort, the Elder
  • Simon V de Montfort
  • Stibor of Stiboricz
  • Suero de Quiñones
  • Vincenzo Anastagi
  • William Clito
  • William Marshal
  • William Wallace
  • Zawisza Czarny

See alsoEdit

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Knights.

Look up knight in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Accolade
  • Auxilium ad filium militem faciendum et filiam maritandam
  • Chivalric orders
  • Christian state
  • Christian nationalism
  • Military order (religious society)
  • Spanish military orders
  • Destrier
  • Heavy cavalry
  • Knightly virtues
  • Knights of Alleberg
  • Knight-errant
  • Knight banneret
  • Knight bachelor
  • Black knight
  • Imperial Knight
  • Medieval warfare
  • Nobility
  • Orders, decorations, and medals of the United Kingdom
  • Papal Orders of Chivalry

Counterparts in other culturesEdit

  • Aswaran
  • Baghatur
  • Boyar
  • Cataphract
  • Condottieri
  • Conquistador
  • Eagle warrior
  • Equites
  • Eso Ikoyi
  • Furusiyya
  • Housecarl
  • Hwarang
  • Janissaries
  • Juramentado
  • Kshatriya
  • Kheshig
  • Legion of Honour
  • Maharlika
  • Medjay
  • Mujahideen
  • Myinsi
  • Pasha
  • Praetorian Guard
  • Rajput
  • Samurai
  • Shi
  • Sipahi
  • Timawa
  • Youxia


  1. ^ Almarez, Felix D. (1999). Knight Without Armor: Carlos Eduardo Castañeda, 1896-1958. Texas A&M University Press. p. 202. ISBN 9781603447140.
  2. ^ Diocese of Uyo. El-Felys Creations. 2000. p. 205. ISBN 9789783565005.
  3. ^ Paddock, David Edge & John Miles (1995). Arms & armor of the medieval knight : an illustrated history of weaponry in the Middle Ages (Reprinted. ed.). New York: Crescent Books. p. 3. ISBN 0-517-10319-2.
  4. ^ Clark, p. 1.
  5. ^ Carnine, Douglas; et al. (2006). World History:Medieval and Early Modern Times. USA: McDougal Littell. pp. 300–301. ISBN 978-0-618-27747-6. Knights were often vassals, or lesser nobles, who fought on behalf of lords in return for land.
  6. ^ «Crusades». History. 21 February 2020. Retrieved 11 March 2022. The Crusades set the stage for several religious knightly military orders, including the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, and the Hospitallers. These groups defended the Holy Land and protected pilgrims traveling to and from the region.
  7. ^ „Der letzte Ritter“: 500. Todestag von Kaiser Maximilian I.
  8. ^ Sabine Haag «Kaiser Maximilian I.: Der letzte Ritter und das höfische Turnier» (2014).
  9. ^ Mason, Christopher (13 October 2015). «Has Being Knighted Lost Its Prestige?». Town & Country. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  10. ^ a b «Knight». Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2009-04-07.
  11. ^ «Knecht». LEO German-English dictionary. Retrieved 2009-04-07.
  12. ^ William Henry Jackson. «Aspects of Knighthood in Hartmann’s Adaptations of Chretien’s Romances and in the Social Context.» In Chretien de Troyes and the German Middle Ages: Papers from an International Symposium, ed. Martin H. Jones and Roy Wisbey. Suffolk: D. S. Brewer, 1993. 37–55.
  13. ^ Coss, Peter R (1996). The knight in medieval England, 1000-1400. Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books. ISBN 9780938289777. Retrieved 2017-06-18.
  14. ^ Clark Hall, John R. (1916). A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Macmillan Company. p. 238. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  15. ^ «Equestrian». The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2000.
  16. ^ D’A. J. D. Boulton, «Classic Knighthood as Nobiliary Dignity», in Stephen Church, Ruth Harvey (ed.), Medieval knighthood V: papers from the sixth Strawberry Hill Conference 1994, Boydell & Brewer, 1995, pp. 41–100.
  17. ^ Frank Anthony Carl Mantello, A. G. Rigg, Medieval Latin: an introduction and bibliographical guide, UA Press, 1996, p. 448.
  18. ^ Charlton Thomas Lewis, An elementary Latin dictionary, Harper & Brothers, 1899, p. 505.
  19. ^ Xavier Delamarre, entry on caballos in Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise (Éditions Errance, 2003), p. 96. The entry on cabullus in the Oxford Latin Dictionary (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982, 1985 reprinting), p. 246, does not give a probable origin, and merely compares Old Bulgarian kobyla and Old Russian komońb.
  20. ^ «Cavalier». The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2000.
  21. ^ «Reidh- [Appendix I: Indo-European Roots]». The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2000.
  22. ^ Petersen, Leif Inge Ree. Siege Warfare and Military Organization in the Successor States (400–800 A.D.). Brill (September 1, 2013). pp. 177–180, 243, 310–311. ISBN 978-9004251991
  23. ^ Church, Stephen (1995). Papers from the sixth Strawberry Hill Conference 1994. Woodbridge, England: Boydell. p. 51. ISBN 978-0-85115-628-6.
  24. ^ a b Nelson, Ken (2015). «Middle Ages: History of the Medieval Knight». Ducksters. Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI).
  25. ^ a b Saul, Nigel (September 6, 2011). «Knighthood As It Was, Not As We Wish It Were». Origins.
  26. ^ Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.«How Knights Work». How Stuff Works. January 22, 2008.
  27. ^ «The Knight in Armour: 8th–14th century». History World.
  28. ^ Bumke, Joachim (1991). Courtly Culture: Literature and Society in the High Middle Ages. Berkeley, US and Los Angeles, US: University of California Press. pp. 231–233. ISBN 9780520066342.
  29. ^ Richard W. Kaeuper (2001). Chivalry and Violence in Medieval Europe. Oxford University Press. pp. 76–. ISBN 978-0-19-924458-4.
  30. ^ Church, Stephen (1995). Papers from the sixth Strawberry Hill Conference 1994. Woodbridge, England: Boydell. pp. 48–49. ISBN 978-0-85115-628-6.
  31. ^ «The Middle Ages: Charlemagne». Archived from the original on 2017-11-09. Retrieved 2015-11-05.
  32. ^ a b Hermes, Nizar (December 4, 2007). «King Arthur in the Lands of the Saracen» (PDF). Nebula.
  33. ^ Richard Francis Burton wrote «I should attribute the origins of love to the influences of the Arabs’ poetry and chivalry upon European ideas rather than to medieval Christianity.» Burton, Richard Francis (2007). Charles Anderson Read (ed.). The Cabinet of Irish Literature, Vol. IV. p. 94. ISBN 978-1-4067-8001-7.
  34. ^ a b c «Knight». The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. November 15, 2015.
  35. ^ a b c Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.«How Knights Work». How Stuff Works. 22 January 2008.
  36. ^ Lixey L.C., Kevin. Sport and Christianity: A Sign of the Times in the Light of Faith. The Catholic University of America Press (October 31, 2012). p. 26. ISBN 978-0813219936.
  37. ^ See Marcia L. Colish, The Mirror of Language: A Study in the Medieval Theory of Knowledge; University of Nebraska Press, 1983. p. 105.
  38. ^ Keen, Maurice Keen. Chivalry. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press (February 11, 2005). pp. 7–17. ISBN 978-0300107678
  39. ^ Fritze, Ronald; Robison, William, eds. (2002). Historical Dictionary of Late Medieval England: 1272–1485. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p. 105. ISBN 9780313291241.
  40. ^ Deats, Sarah; Logan, Robert (2002). Marlowe’s Empery: Expanding His Critical Contexts. Cranbury, NJ: Rosemont Publishing & Printing–Associated University Presses. p. 137.
  41. ^ Keen, p. 138.
  42. ^ Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.«How Knights Work». How Stuff Works. January 22, 2008.
  43. ^ Johnston, Ruth A. All Things Medieval: An Encyclopedia of the Medieval World, Volume 1. Greenwood (August 15, 2011). pp. 690–700. ASIN: B005JIQEL2.
  44. ^ a b David Levinson and Karen Christensen. Encyclopedia of World Sport: From Ancient Times to the Present. Oxford University Press; 1st edition (July 22, 1999). pp. 206. ISBN 978-0195131956.
  45. ^ Clifford J. Rogers, Kelly DeVries, and John Franc. Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume VIII. Boydell Press (November 18, 2010). pp. 157–160. ISBN 978-1843835967
  46. ^ Hubbard, Ben. Gladiators: From Spartacus to Spitfires. Canary Press (August 15, 2011). Chapter: Pas D’armes. ASIN: B005HJTS8O.
  47. ^ Crouch, David (1993). The image of aristocracy in Britain, 1000–1300 (1. publ. ed.). London: Routledge. p. 109. ISBN 978-0-415-01911-8. Retrieved 4 December 2011.
  48. ^ Platts, Beryl. Origins of Heraldry. (Procter Press, London: 1980). p. 32. ISBN 978-0906650004
  49. ^ Norris, Michael (October 2001). «Feudalism and Knights in Medieval Europe». Department of Education, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  50. ^ a b c d «The Art of Chivalry: European Arms and Armor from The Metropolitan Museum of Art». www.metmuseum.org. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  51. ^ Watts, Karen (23 April 2012). «Black Prince: achievements of The Black Prince at Canterbury». Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles. doi:10.1163/9789004124356_emdt_com_157. Retrieved 2021-07-05.
  52. ^ David., Lindholm (2007). The Scandinavian Baltic crusades, 1100-1500. Osprey Pub. ISBN 978-1-84176-988-2. OCLC 137244800.
  53. ^ Mann, James G. (October 1936). «The Visor of a Fourteenth-century Bascinet found at Pevensey Castle». The Antiquaries Journal. 16 (4): 412–419. doi:10.1017/s0003581500084249. ISSN 0003-5815. S2CID 161352227.
  54. ^ «The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology». Oxford University Press. 2010-01-01. doi:10.1093/acref/9780195334036.001.0001. ISBN 978-0-19-533403-6.
  55. ^ «Online Etymology Dictionary». 2015-03-24. Archived from the original on 2015-03-24. Retrieved 2021-07-05.
  56. ^ W. P. Ker, Epic And Romance: Essays on Medieval Literature pp. 52–53
  57. ^ Hare (1908), p. 201.
  58. ^ Hare (1908), pp. 211–218.
  59. ^ Eisenberg, Daniel (1987). A Study of «Don Quixote». Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta. pp. 41–77. ISBN 0936388315. Revised Spanish translation in Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes
  60. ^ a b Gies, Francis. The Knight in History. Harper Perennial (July 26, 2011). pp. Introduction: What is a Knight. ISBN 978-0060914134
  61. ^ «The History of Knights». All Things Medieval. Archived from the original on 2020-02-23. Retrieved 2015-11-15.
  62. ^ «History of Knights». How Stuff Works. 4 September 2008.
  63. ^ «Malta History 1000 AD–present». Carnaval.com. Archived from the original on 2012-02-04. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  64. ^ Manfred von Richthofen: A legend with scratches (german)
  65. ^ Johan Huizinga: Herbst des Mittelalters. Stuttgart 1987, pp 67.
  66. ^ Bernhard Kreutner «Gefangener 2959. Das Leben des Heinrich Maier, Mann Gottes und unbeugsamer Widerstandskämpfer» (2021), p 82.
  67. ^ Order of the British Empire
  68. ^ What is the difference between a CBE, OBE, MBE and a knighthood?
  69. ^ Hillevi Hofmann „Royale Würdigung: Diese Stars wurden von der Queen geadelt“ In: Kurier 23 July 2018; „Elton John bekommt die höchste Auszeichnung von Frankreich“ In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung 21 June 2019.
  70. ^ Investiture of the Order of St. George with Karl von Habsburg
  71. ^ Johannes Weichhart «St.-Georgs-Orden feierte im Dom» In: Der Kurier, 10 May 2014.
  72. ^ «What is the Legion d’Honneur?». BBC News. 24 May 2004.
  73. ^ «5 Things to Know about the Legion of Honor». U.S. News & World Report, 24 August 2015.
  74. ^ Klaus-Peter Schmid „Der Kampf ums rote Band. Die Ehrenlegion – ein Kapitel französischer Eitelkeit.“ In: Die Zeit 28 September 1979.
  75. ^ a b Jürgen Sarnowsky «Die geistlichen Ritterorden» (2018), pp 221.
  76. ^ Andrea S. Klahre „Zwischen lässig und lästig: Warum Anstand cool ist“ In Handelsblatt, 14 July 2019.
  77. ^ Vinzenz Stimpfl-Abele „Ritter heute – ein Anachronismus?“ In: Magazin der Union der Europäischen wehrhistorischen Gruppen Nr. 048/2019, pp 24.
  78. ^ «Fief de haubert». Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases. enacademic.com. Retrieved January 2, 2020.
  79. ^ John O’Donovan, «The Descendants of the Last Earls of Desmond», Ulster Journal of Archaeology, Volume 6. 1858.
  80. ^ The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Kilmacduagh by Jerome Fahey 1893 p.326
  81. ^ Burke, Bernard & Ashworth Burke (1914). General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. London: Burke’s Peerage Limited. p. 7. Retrieved 4 December 2011. The hereditary Order of Baronets was erected by patent in England by King James I in 1611, extended to Ireland by the same Monarch in 1619, and first conferred in Scotland by King Charles I in 1625.
  82. ^ a b «Michael De-La-Noy, obituary in». The Independent. London. 2006-10-17. Archived from the original on 2007-11-23. Retrieved 2009-11-19.
  83. ^ «No. 27284». The London Gazette (Supplement). 13 February 1901. p. 1139.
  84. ^ «No. 52120». The London Gazette. 24 April 1990. p. 8251.
  85. ^ «No. 54017». The London Gazette. 25 April 1995. p. 6023.
  86. ^ «No. 54597». The London Gazette. 3 December 1996. p. 15995.
  87. ^ Biddle, Daniel A. Knights of Christ : Living today with the Virtues of Ancient Knighthood (Kindle Edition). West Bow Press. (May 22, 2012). p.xxx. ASIN: B00A4Z2FUY
  88. ^ «No. 30250». The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 August 1917. p. 8794.
  89. ^ a b c d e «Women Knights». Heraldica.org. Retrieved 2011-08-23.


  • Arnold, Benjamin. German Knighthood, 1050-1300. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. ISBN 0-19-821960-1 LCCN 85-235009
  • Bloch, Marc. Feudal Society, 2nd ed. Translated by Manyon. London: Routledge & Keagn Paul, 1965.
  • Bluth, B. J. Marching with Sharpe. London: Collins, 2001. ISBN 0-00-414537-2
  • Boulton, D’Arcy Jonathan Dacre. The Knights of the Crown: The Monarchical Orders of Knighthood in Later Medieval Europe, 1325–1520. 2d revised ed. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, 2000. ISBN 0-85115-795-5
  • Bull, Stephen. An Historical Guide to Arms and Armour. London: Studio Editions, 1991. ISBN 1-85170-723-9
  • Carey, Brian Todd; Allfree, Joshua B; Cairns, John. Warfare in the Medieval World, UK: Pen & Sword Military, June 2006. ISBN 1-84415-339-8
  • Church, S. and Harvey, R. (Eds.) (1994) Medieval knighthood V: papers from the sixth Strawberry Hill Conference 1994. Boydell Press, Woodbridge
  • Clark, Hugh (1784). A Concise History of Knighthood: Containing the Religious and Military Orders which have been Instituted in Europe. London.
  • Edge, David; John Miles Paddock (1988) Arms & Armor of the Medieval Knight. Greenwich, CT: Bison Books Corp. ISBN 0-517-10319-2
  • Edwards, J. C. «What Earthly Reason? The replacement of the longbow by handguns.» Medieval History Magazine, Is. 7, March 2004.
  • Embleton, Gerry. Medieval Military Costume. UK: Crowood Press, 2001. ISBN 1-86126-371-6
  • Forey, Alan John. The Military Orders: From the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries. Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Macmillan Education, 1992. ISBN 0-333-46234-3
  • Hare, Christopher. Courts & camps of the Italian renaissance. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908. LCCN 08-31670
  • Kaeuper, Richard and Kennedy, Elspeth The Book of Chivalry of Geoffrey De Charny : Text, Context, and Translation. 1996.
  • Keen, Maurice. Chivalry. Yale University Press, 2005.
  • Laing, Lloyd and Jennifer Laing. Medieval Britain: The Age of Chivalry. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996. ISBN 0-312-16278-2
  • Oakeshott, Ewart. A Knight and his Horse, 2nd ed. Chester Springs, PA: Dufour Editions, 1998. ISBN 0-8023-1297-7 LCCN 98-32049
  • Robards, Brooks. The Medieval Knight at War. London: Tiger Books, 1997. ISBN 1-85501-919-1
  • Shaw, William A. (1906). The Knights of England: A Complete Record from the Earliest Time. London: Central Chancery. (Republished Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1970). ISBN 0-8063-0443-X LCCN 74-129966
  • Williams, Alan. «The Metallurgy of Medieval Arms and Armour», in Companion to Medieval Arms and Armour. Nicolle, David, ed. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, 2002. ISBN 0-85115-872-2 LCCN 2002-3680


A knight (warrior).
A knight (chess).


  • enPR: nīt, IPA(key): /naɪt/
  • Rhymes: -aɪt
  • Homophones: night, nite

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English knight, knyght, kniht, from Old English cniht (boy, servant), from Proto-West Germanic *kneht.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • knyght


knight (plural knights)

  1. (historical) A young servant or follower; a trained military attendant in service of a lord.
  2. (historical) A minor nobleman with an honourable military rank who had served as a page and squire.
  3. (by extension) An armored and mounted warrior of the Middle Ages.
    King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
  4. (law, historical) A person obliged to provide knight service in exchange for maintenance of an estate held in knight’s fee.
  5. (modern) A person on whom a knighthood has been conferred by a monarch.
  6. (literary) A brave, chivalrous and honorable man devoted to a noble cause or love interest.
  7. (chess) A chess piece, often in the shape of a horse’s head, that is moved two squares in one direction and one at right angles to that direction in a single move, leaping over any intervening pieces.
  8. (card games, dated) A playing card bearing the figure of a knight; the knave or jack.
  9. (entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Ypthima.
  10. (modern) Any mushroom belonging to genus Tricholoma.
  • (chess piece): horse (informal)
  • knight banneret, banneret
Coordinate terms[edit]
  • knight’s fee, knight service
Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from the noun knight


warrior, especially of the Middle Ages

  • Afrikaans: ridder
  • Albanian: kalorës (sq) m, kalorëse f
  • Arabic: فَارِس (ar) m (fāris)
  • Armenian: ասպետ (hy) (aspet)
  • Aromanian: caballeru m
  • Azerbaijani: cəngavər, rıtsar
  • Basque: zaldun
  • Belarusian: ры́цар m (rýcar), ві́цязь m (vícjazʹ), багаты́р m (bahatýr), лы́цар m (lýcar)
  • Breton: marc’heg (br)
  • Bulgarian: ри́цар (bg) m (rícar)
  • Catalan: cavaller (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 騎士骑士 (zh) (qíshì), 大俠大侠 (zh) (dàxiá), 爵士 (zh) (juéshì)
  • Cornish: marghek m, marghoges f
  • Czech: rytíř (cs) m, vítěz (cs)
  • Danish: ridder (da) c
  • Dutch: ridder (nl) m
  • Esperanto: kavaliro
  • Estonian: rüütel (et)
  • Finnish: ritari (fi)
  • French: chevalier (fr) m
    Middle French: chevalier m
    Old French: chevalier m
  • Friulian: cavalîr m
  • Galician: cabaleiro (gl) m, cabaleira f
  • Georgian: რაინდი (raindi)
  • German: Ritter (de) m
    Middle High German: rîtære m, rîter m, riter m, ritter m
  • Greek: ιππότης (el) m (ippótis)
  • Hebrew: פָּרָשׁ (he) m (parásh), אַבִּיר (he) m (abír)
  • Hindi: शूरवीर (hi) m (śūrvīr), राउल (hi) m (rāul), नाइट m (nāiṭ)
  • Hungarian: lovag (hu)
  • Icelandic: riddari (is) m
  • Ido: kavaliero (io)
  • Indonesian: ksatria (id)
  • Interlingua: cavallero, cavaliero
  • Irish: ridire m
  • Italian: cavaliere (it) m
  • Japanese: 騎士 (ja) (きし, kishi), ナイト (ja) (naito)
  • Kazakh: сері (serı)
  • Khmer: អស្សឬទ្ធិ (ahsa’ rɨɨ tʰi’)
  • Korean: 기사(騎士) (ko) (gisa), 나이트 (naiteu)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: سوارا (ckb) (swara)
    Northern Kurdish: şovalye (ku), siwarî (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: рыцарь (ky) (rıtsarʹ)
  • Latin: eques (la) m
    Medieval Latin: mīles (la) m, mīlitāris (la) m
  • Latvian: bruņinieks m
  • Lithuanian: riteris m
  • Low German:
    German Low German: ridder
  • Macedonian: витез m (vitez), рицар (mk) m (ricar), ритер (mk) m (riter)
  • Malay: kesatria
  • Maltese: kavallier
  • Manx: reejerey
  • Maranao: kabayo
  • Middle English: knyght, chivaler
  • Norwegian: ridder (no)
    Nynorsk: riddar
  • Norwegian Bokmål: ridder (no) m
  • Old English: ridda m
  • Old Occitan: cavaller, cavalier
  • Persian: شهسوار (fa) (šahsavâr), شوالیه (fa) (šovâliye)
  • Polish: rycerz (pl) m pers, raciądz (pl) m pers
  • Portuguese: cavaleiro (pt) m
  • Romanian: cavaler (ro) m
  • Russian: ры́царь (ru) m (rýcarʹ), ви́тязь (ru) m (vítjazʹ), богаты́рь (ru) m (bogatýrʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: ridire m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: витез m
    Roman: vitez (sh) m
  • Sicilian: cavaleri (scn) m
  • Slovak: rytier m, víťaz m
  • Slovene: vitez (sl) m
  • Spanish: caballero (es) m, caballera f
  • Swedish: knekt (sv) c, riddare (sv) c
  • Tagalog: kabalyero (tl), maginoo
  • Tajik: баҳодур (bahodur), ритсар (ritsar)
  • Thai: อัศวิน (th) (àt-sà-win)
  • Turkish: şövalye (tr)
  • Ukrainian: ли́цар m (lýcar), ри́цар m (rýcar), ви́тязь m (výtjazʹ), богати́р (uk) m (bohatýr)
  • Uyghur: چەۋەنداز(chewendaz)
  • Uzbek: ritsar (uz)
  • Vietnamese: hiệp sĩ (vi)
  • Vilamovian: rycyż m
  • Welsh: marchog m
  • West Frisian: ridder
  • Yiddish: ריטער‎ m (riter)
  • Zazaki: sahsuar m, sowalya m, aspar (diq)

person on whom a knighthood has been conferred

  • Armenian: ասպետ (hy) (aspet)
  • Basque: zaldun
  • Belarusian: ры́цар m (rýcar)
  • Bulgarian: ри́цар (bg) m (rícar)
  • Catalan: cavaller (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 騎士骑士 (zh) (qíshì)
  • Czech: rytíř (cs) m
  • Danish: ridder (da) c
  • Dutch: ridder (nl) m
  • Esperanto: kavaliro
  • Finnish: ritari (fi)
  • French: chevalier (fr) m
  • Galician: cabaleiro (gl) m, cabaleira f
  • Georgian: რაინდი (raindi)
  • German: Ritter (de) m
  • Greek: ιππότης (el) (ippótis)
  • Icelandic: riddari (is) m
  • Indonesian: ksatria (id)
  • Irish: ridire m
  • Japanese: 騎士 (ja) (きし, kishi)
  • Kazakh: сері (serı)
  • Khmer: អស្សឬទ្ធិ (ahsa’ rɨɨ tʰi’)
  • Korean: 기사(騎士) (ko) (gisa)
  • Macedonian: витез m (vitez)
  • Middle English: knyght
  • Norwegian: ridder (no) m
  • Polish: rycerz (pl) m pers (ancient), kawaler (pl) m pers (modern)
  • Portuguese: cavaleiro (pt) m
  • Romanian: cavaler (ro) m
  • Russian: ры́царь (ru) m (rýcarʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: ridire m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: витез m
    Roman: vitez (sh) m
  • Slovak: rytier m
  • Slovene: vitez (sl) m
  • Spanish: caballero (es) m, caballera f
  • Swedish: riddare (sv) c
  • Turkish: şövalye (tr)
  • Ukrainian: ли́цар m (lýcar)
  • Uyghur: چەۋەنداز(chewendaz), سېر ئۇنۋانى(sër unwani)

chess piece

  • Afrikaans: ruiter (af), perd (af)
  • Albanian: kalë (sq) m
  • Arabic: حِصَان (ar) m (ḥiṣān), فَرَس‎ m (faras)
  • Armenian: ձի (hy) (ji)
  • Azerbaijani: at (az)
  • Basque: zaldi (eu)
  • Belarusian: конь m (konʹ), ве́ршнік m (vjéršnik), ко́ннік m (kónnik), ко́ньнік m (kónʹnik)
  • Bengali: ঘোড়া (bn) (ghōṛa)
  • Bulgarian: кон (bg) m (kon)
  • Burmese: မြင်း (my) (mrang:)
  • Catalan: cavall (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (maa5), 騎士骑士 (ke4 si6)
    Mandarin:  (zh) (), 騎士骑士 (zh) (qíshì)
  • Czech: jezdec (cs) m
  • Danish: springer (da) c, hest (da) c
  • Dutch: paard (nl) n
  • Esperanto: ĉevalo (eo)
  • Estonian: ratsu (et)
  • Faroese: riddari m
  • Finnish: ratsu (fi)
  • French: cavalier (fr) m
  • Galician: cabalo (gl) m
  • Georgian: მხედარი (mxedari)
  • German: Springer (de) m, (please verify) Gaul (de) m, Pferd (de) n, Ross (de) n, Rössel n (South German), Rössl n (South German)
  • Greek: ίππος (el) m (íppos), άλογο (el) n (álogo)
  • Hebrew: פָּרָשׁ (he) m (parash)
  • Hindi: घोड़ा (hi) m (ghoṛā)
  • Hungarian: huszár (hu),  (hu)
  • Icelandic: riddari (is) m
  • Indonesian: kuda (id)
  • Irish: ridire m
  • Italian: cavallo (it) m
  • Japanese: ナイト (ja) (naito) (in Western chess), 桂馬 (けいま, keima) (in shogi)
  • Javanese: jaran (jv)
  • Kashmiri: گُر (ks) m (gur)
  • Kazakh: ат (kk) (at)
  • Khmer: សេះ (km) (seh)
  • Korean: 나이트 (naiteu)
  • Kyrgyz: ат (ky) (at)
  • Lao: ມ້າ ()
  • Latvian: zirdziņš m
  • Lithuanian: žirgas (lt) m
  • Luxembourgish: Sprénger (lb) m
  • Macedonian: коњ m (konj)
  • Malay: kuda (ms)
  • Malayalam: കുതിര (ml) (kutira) (cavalry)
  • Maori: toa (mi)
  • Middle English: knyght
  • Middle Persian: SWSYA(asp)
  • Mongolian: морь (mn) (morʹ)
  • Navajo: hashkééjí naatʼááh
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: springer m, hest (no) m
    Nynorsk: springar m, hest m
  • Ojibwe: zhiimaaganish
  • Persian: اسب (fa) (asb)
  • Polish: skoczek (pl) m anim, konik (pl) m anim, koń (pl) m anim
  • Portuguese: cavalo (pt) m
  • Romanian: cal (ro) m
  • Russian: конь (ru) m (konʹ)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: коњ m, скакач m
    Roman: konj (sh) m, skakač (sh) m
  • Slovak: jazdec m
  • Slovene: konj (sl) m, skakač m
  • Spanish: caballo (es) m
  • Swedish: springare (sv) c, häst (sv) c
  • Tajik: асп (tg) (asp)
  • Tatar: ат (tt) (at)
  • Thai: ม้า (th) (máa)
  • Turkish: at (tr)
  • Turkmen: at (tk)
  • Ukrainian: кінь (uk) m (kinʹ)
  • Urdu: گھوڑا‎ m (ghoṛā)
  • Uyghur: ئات (ug) (at)
  • Uzbek: asp (uz), ot (uz)
  • Vietnamese:  (vi)
  • Yiddish: ריטער‎ m (riter), שפּרינגער‎ m (shpringer), זקן‎ m (zokn)
  • Zazaki: bergir (diq) m
See also[edit]
  • ,
Chess pieces in English · chess pieces, chessmen (see also: chess) (layout · text)
♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟
king queen rook, castle bishop knight pawn
  • Appendix:Chess pieces

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English knighten, kniȝten, from the noun. Cognate with Middle High German knehten.


knight (third-person singular simple present knights, present participle knighting, simple past and past participle knighted)

  1. (transitive) To confer knighthood upon.

    The king knighted the young squire.

  2. (chess, transitive) To promote (a pawn) to a knight.
  • dub
Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from the verb to knight


to confer a knighthood upon

  • Czech: pasovat (cs)
  • Danish: slå til ridder
  • Dutch: ridderen (nl)
  • Esperanto: kavaliri
  • Estonian: rüütliks lööma
  • Finnish: lyödä ritariksi
  • French: faire chevalier
  • German: zum Ritter schlagen
  • Hebrew: העניק תואר אבירות(he’eník tó’ar abirút)
  • Hungarian: lovaggá üt
  • Macedonian: прогласува за витез (proglasuva za vitez)
  • Maori: whakanaiti
  • Persian: شوالیه کردن(šovâlye kardan)
  • Polish: pasować na rycerza impf nadać rangę kawalerską
  • Portuguese: dar o título de cavaleiro
  • Russian: посвяща́ть в ры́цари (posvjaščátʹ v rýcari)
  • Swedish: dubba (sv)
  • Yiddish: באַריטערן(baritern)
  • Zazaki: sowalya kerden

See also[edit]

  • paladin
  • baronet


  • knight at OneLook Dictionary Search

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of knyght
Character 6
Hyphenation knight
Pronunciations /naɪt/

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What do we mean by knight?

A medieval tenant giving military service as a mounted man-at-arms to a feudal landholder. noun

A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire. noun

A man holding a nonhereditary title conferred by a sovereign in recognition of personal merit or service to the country. noun

A man belonging to an order or brotherhood. noun

A defender, champion, or zealous upholder of a cause or principle. noun

The devoted champion of a lady. noun

A chess piece, usually in the shape of a horse’s head, that can be moved two squares along a rank and one along a file or two squares along a file and one along a rank. The knight is the only piece that can jump other pieces to land on an open square. noun

To raise (a person) to knighthood. transitive verb

To dub or create a knight; confer the honor of knighthood upon. The ceremony is regularly performed by touching the person on whom the dignity is conferred with a sword as he kneels. See accolade, 1.

A boy; a youth; a young man. noun

An attendant or servant; especially, a military attendant; a man-at-arms; a soldier. noun

Specifically In Europe during the middle ages, a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry, first as page and afterward as squire to the sovereign, or to some earl, baron, or other superior lord, to whom he attached himself, and whom he was bound to follow to war on horseback. noun

In Great Britain in modern times, a man upon whom a certain honorary dignity has been conferred by a sovereign as a reward of personal merit of some kind, without reference to birth or possessions, and in no way involving military service, which disappeared as a feature of knighthood with the other institutions of chivalry. noun

A champion; a warrior; especially, a champion devoted to the service of another; a defender. noun

One of the pieces in the game of chess, having usually the figure of a horse’s head. noun

In card-playing, the knave or jack. Abbreviated knt., or in combination K. (as K. G., Knight of the Garter; K. C. B., Knight Commander of the Bath). noun

A branch of the fraternity of Freemasons in the United states, with an organization based upon that of the medieval order of the same name. noun

A young servant or follower; a military attendant. noun

A young servant or follower; a trained military attendant in service of a lord.

A minor nobleman with an honourable military rank who had served as a page and squire.

(by extension) An armored and mounted warrior of the Middle Ages.

(modern) A person on whom a knighthood has been conferred by a monarch.

A brave, chivalrous and honorable man devoted to a noble cause or love interest.

A chess piece, often in the shape of a horse’s head, that is moved two squares in one direction and one at right angles to that direction in a single move, leaping over any intervening pieces.

A playing card bearing the figure of a knight; the knave or jack.

Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Ypthima.

(modern) A generic name for various mushrooms belonging to the fungal order gilled mushrooms; scientific name Tricholoma.

Rank in the fuedal system, one below baron and one above the general peasants.
Developed during the 800s in a kingdom covering France and a lot of the surrounding area, and rapidly spread to the rest of Europe as far east as Russia and as far south as Spain and Italy. Kings were finding they owned more land than they could control, so they gave vast expanses of it to barons (dukes, counts, etc) in return the barons would pay taxes to the king and would fight for him when it was demanded of them, and they must provide an agreed number of men. Barons are like the medieval equivilant of generals.
The barons continued to break up this land into smaller patches, which was controlled by a knight. The knight usually owned one or two villages in his land. The knight would tax the peasants in his land. In return for this, the knight must fight for their lord baron when called upon, and also pay taxes to him, exactly the same duties that the king expects from the barons.
The knight could be viewed as the medieval equivilant of captains/minor officers today. They recruited both men-at-arms (peasants aspiring to be honourable warriors) and archers (peasants that played the less honourable role of using bows/crossbows to fight,) and took these men with them when the baron called them to fight.
The knight is a trained killer. Taken from a family of high rank, the young knight (or «page») left home at about the age of 6 to live with another knight, or even a baron, in their manor or castle. For the first 4 or so years, they were taught manners, such as how to speak different languages or how to carve a roast. From the age of around 10, they were upgraded into «squires:» knights to be. Training as a squire was particulry difficult. By about the age of 18, the knight was a fully trained and honed killer, and was knighted by their master in a long knighting ceremony.
Knights from around 1100AD onwards were expected to follow a code of chivalry, which meant being polite to everyone and being generous to the poor. Knights are sometimes dramatised; many knights ignored the code and were simply ruthless, greedy killers. Most base rules were followed however: it was considered cowardly to use a bow, and it was also very dishonourable (and also a waste of ransom money) to kill a defenceless or surrendering opponent.
Contrary to popular belief, knights were NOT common soldiers in armour. Knights were men of rank, and it was rare to see huge armies of knights without a vast number of peasant infantry accompanying them. Sometimes the knights and men-at-arms would gather to lead the first wave, as it was their honour and right to do so, but as tactics became more and more important in medieval warfare this custom was less common. Urban Dictionary

A chess piece resembling a horse head that can only move in an «L» pattern. It can also be used as an extremely odd shaped butt-plug. Urban Dictionary

An intermediate Graffiti Artist that is good but still improving;
not as good as a king. Urban Dictionary

Putting a girl down on 1 knee, like she is to be knighted by a king or queen. proceed to slap her in the face repeatedly with your dick, until you finally ejaculate on her face. Urban Dictionary

The art of a male tapping his penis on the head and shoulders of a suspecting or unsuspecting female, like a knight being dubbed.
knighting can be done after sex to give approval to the female.
knighting can also be done to an unsuspecting female kind of like a raunchier chiefing. Urban Dictionary

A common word used to replace the term ‘scene’. Urban Dictionary

When you’re done getting a prime blow job. You knight the person who blew you with your penis, by placing your penis on her left shoulder then you move your penis to her right shoulder. You may also use your penis to slap her in the face so she doesn’t forget, depends on tradition. Urban Dictionary

Knight is a good friend, but sometimes he acts like he’s on crack, and can be pretty weird, but he is very cool Urban Dictionary

A warrior who is fully armored Urban Dictionary

The act of standing in front of a bowed or seated male or female with an erect penis. Placing said penis on each shoulder and head in the same manner as king or Queen dubbing a true knight.
As with tea bagging this action is sexual in nature usually meaning to gratify, punish, embarrass, or promote laughter. Urban Dictionary


a man awarded a nonhereditary title (Sir) by a sovereign in recognition of merit; a man devoted to the service of a woman

Not to be confused with:

night – darkness between sunset and sunrise

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree





a. A medieval tenant giving military service as a mounted man-at-arms to a feudal landholder.

b. A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire.

c. A man holding a nonhereditary title conferred by a sovereign in recognition of personal merit or service to the country.

2. A man belonging to an order or brotherhood.


a. A defender, champion, or zealous upholder of a cause or principle.

b. The devoted champion of a lady.

4. Abbr. Kt or N Games A chess piece, usually in the shape of a horse’s head, that can be moved two squares along a rank and one along a file or two squares along a file and one along a rank. The knight is the only piece that can jump other pieces to land on an open square.

tr.v. knight·ed, knight·ing, knights

To raise (a person) to knighthood.

[Middle English, from Old English cniht.]

knight′ly adj. & adv.

knight′li·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Historical Terms) (in medieval Europe)

a. (originally) a person who served his lord as a mounted and heavily armed soldier

b. (later) a gentleman invested by a king or other lord with the military and social standing of this rank

2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in modern times) a person invested by a sovereign with a nonhereditary rank and dignity usually in recognition of personal services, achievements, etc. A British knight bears the title Sir placed before his name, as in Sir Winston Churchill

3. (Chess & Draughts) a chess piece, usually shaped like a horse’s head, that moves either two squares horizontally and one square vertically or one square horizontally and two squares vertically

4. a heroic champion of a lady or of a cause or principle

5. (Historical Terms) a member of the Roman class of the equites


(tr) to make (a person) a knight; dub

[Old English cniht servant; related to Old High German kneht boy]




(Biography) Dame Laura. 1887–1970, British painter, noted for her paintings of Gypsies, the ballet, and the circus

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. (in the Middle Ages)

a. a mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior.

b. a man, usu. of noble birth, who after serving as page and squire was raised to honorable military rank and bound to chivalrous conduct.

2. any person of a rank similar to that of the medieval knight.

3. a man upon whom nonhereditary knighthood is conferred by a sovereign, in Great Britain ranking next below a baronet.

4. a member of any association that designates its members as knights.

5. a chess piece shaped like a horse’s head, moved one square vertically and then two squares horizontally or one square horizontally and two squares vertically.


6. to dub or make (a man) a knight.

[before 900; Middle English; Old English cniht boy, manservant; c. Old High German kneht]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • esquire — At its root, it means «shield bearer (in service to a knight),» from Latin scutarius.
  • forget-me-nots — May have gotten their name from the last words of a knight who drowned while trying to pick these flowers by a riverside.
  • heart on one’s sleeve — Comes from chivalry, when a knight wore a scarf or other item from his lady tied to his sleeve.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: knighted
Gerund: knighting

I knight
you knight
he/she/it knights
we knight
you knight
they knight
I knighted
you knighted
he/she/it knighted
we knighted
you knighted
they knighted
Present Continuous
I am knighting
you are knighting
he/she/it is knighting
we are knighting
you are knighting
they are knighting
Present Perfect
I have knighted
you have knighted
he/she/it has knighted
we have knighted
you have knighted
they have knighted
Past Continuous
I was knighting
you were knighting
he/she/it was knighting
we were knighting
you were knighting
they were knighting
Past Perfect
I had knighted
you had knighted
he/she/it had knighted
we had knighted
you had knighted
they had knighted
I will knight
you will knight
he/she/it will knight
we will knight
you will knight
they will knight
Future Perfect
I will have knighted
you will have knighted
he/she/it will have knighted
we will have knighted
you will have knighted
they will have knighted
Future Continuous
I will be knighting
you will be knighting
he/she/it will be knighting
we will be knighting
you will be knighting
they will be knighting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been knighting
you have been knighting
he/she/it has been knighting
we have been knighting
you have been knighting
they have been knighting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been knighting
you will have been knighting
he/she/it will have been knighting
we will have been knighting
you will have been knighting
they will have been knighting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been knighting
you had been knighting
he/she/it had been knighting
we had been knighting
you had been knighting
they had been knighting
I would knight
you would knight
he/she/it would knight
we would knight
you would knight
they would knight
Past Conditional
I would have knighted
you would have knighted
he/she/it would have knighted
we would have knighted
you would have knighted
they would have knighted

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


حامِل وِسام رُتْبَة فارِسفارسفارِسفَرَس في لُعْبَة الشَّطْرَنْجيَمْنَح لَقَب فارِس





hevonenlyödä ritariksiratsuritari


lovaggá üthuszárlovag

riddarisá sem sæmdur er riddaratignslá til riddara


„knight“ titulassuteikti „knight“ tituląžirgas

bruņinieksiecelt bruņinieku kārtāpiešķirt muižnieku kārtas tituluzirdziņš

jazdecpasovať na rytiera



atşövalyeşövalye unvanı vermekşövalye yapmaksir ünvanlı kimse

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(nait) noun

1. in earlier times, a man of noble birth who is trained to fight, especially on horseback. King Arthur and his knights.

2. a man of rank, having the title `Sir’. Sir John Brown was made a knight in 1969.

3. a piece used in chess, usually shaped like a horse’s head.


to make (a person) a knight. He was knighted for his services to industry.

ˈknighthood noun

the rank or title of a knight. He received a knighthood from the Queen.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


He was made a knight.


He is to be knighted by the Queen for his career as an actor.

Recent Examples on the Web

Canonically, Ahsoka left the Jedi Order before receiving her official rank as knight.

Charna Flam, Variety, 8 Apr. 2023

There are hundreds of Swarovski crystals divided by color in a lucite container, a silver antique teapot and a knight’s helmet.

Brooke Bobb, Vogue, 20 Feb. 2023

Grayson Waller walked out wearing a knight’s headdress a la Scott Steiner.

Alfred Konuwa, Forbes, 4 Feb. 2023

Boston Globe turned to Shakespeare, likening Kennedy to Sir John Falstaff, and quoting the fat knight’s plea to Henry V.

Time, 29 Oct. 2022

Burberry also addresses the brand’s logo changes over the years, from the monogram print logo implemented by Riccardo Tisci (Burberry’s creative director from 2018-2022) and current creative director Daniel Lee’s equestrian knight logo.

Isiah Magsino, Town & Country, 29 Mar. 2023

The prologue gives us Don Quixote in his old-fashioned study/bedroom dreaming of knight errantry.

Jeffrey Gantz, BostonGlobe.com, 17 Mar. 2023

Ethan’s knight costume also appears to be a reference to the 2007 film Murder Party, where the main character wears an identical costume.

Brendan Morrow, The Week, 13 Mar. 2023

And the backstory of how Peltz targeted the once impregnable Disney castle and dueled versus the returning knight-savior Bob Iger is a Hollywood saga in itself.

Shawn Tully, Fortune, 24 Feb. 2023

Queen Victoria knighted him, granting him the further honor of a baronetcy in 1886, finally creating him a peer as 1st Baron Leighton of Stretton, in 1896.

Barrymore Laurence Scherer, WSJ, 31 Mar. 2023

Lloyd Webber was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1992 for his contribution to theater.

Mirna Alsharif, NBC News, 19 Mar. 2023

Queen guitarist Brian May returned to Buckingham Palace to be knighted by King Charles III and officially join the order of the British Empire.

Elvia Limón, Los Angeles Times, 16 Mar. 2023

The monarch officially knighted Queen guitarist May, 75, in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday.

Naledi Ushe, USA TODAY, 15 Mar. 2023

The Queen’s son, now King Charles III, officially knighted the musician on Tuesday.

Kory Grow, Rolling Stone, 15 Mar. 2023

But that seemed more like a case of Brits having a bias toward a Welsh actor who has literally been knighted by the queen.

Brendan Morrow, The Week, 12 Mar. 2023

He was knighted in 2010.

Robin Pogrebin, New York Times, 7 Mar. 2023

He was knighted in 2010 and won both the Mies van der Rohe Award and RIBA Royal Gold Medal the next year before becoming the first British architect to curate the Venice Architecture Biennale.

Oscar Holland, CNN, 7 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘knight.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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  • 1

    knight [naɪt]

    1) (име́ющий) зва́ние «ры́царь» (ниже баронета, наследственное дворянское звание с титулом Sir)

    2) кавале́р одного́ из вы́сших англи́йских ордено́в;

    K. of the Garter кавале́р о́рдена Подвя́зки

    3) ры́царь; ви́тязь

    а) разбо́йник;

    б) коммивояжёр;

    в) бродя́га;

    г) шофёр такси́;

    д) води́тель грузовика́



    дава́ть зва́ние «ры́царь»; возводи́ть в ры́царское досто́инство

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > knight

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > knight

  • 3


    knight всадник (член сословия всадников в древнем Риме) knight давать звание «knight»; возводить в рыцарское достоинство knight (имеющий) звание «knight» (ниже баронета, ненаследственное дворянское звание с титулом sir) knight кавалер одного из высших английских орденов; Knight of the Garter кавалер ордена Подвязки knight шахм. конь knight рыцарь; витязь knight of fortune авантюрист knight of the brush художник knight кавалер одного из высших английских орденов; Knight of the Garter кавалер ордена Подвязки knight of the pen журналист knight of the road коммивояжер knight of the road разбойник

    English-Russian short dictionary > knight

  • 4

    1. n рыцарь; витязь

    2. n рыцарь, благородный человек

    3. n рыцарь, поклонник

    4. n кавалер одного из высших английских орденов

    5. n шутл. рыцарь; мастер

    6. n всадник

    7. n шахм. конь

    8. n карт. уст. валет

    9. v посвящать в рыцари; возводить в рыцарское достоинство

    10. v присваивать личное дворянское звание рыцаря

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cavalier (noun) aristocrat; cavalier; equestrian warrior; gallant; gentleman; horse soldier; horseman; knight-errant; noble; nobleman; patrician; prince; rider

    3. liege (noun) liege; paladin; retainer; warrior

    Антонимический ряд:

    knave; peasant; ruler

    English-Russian base dictionary > knight

  • 5

    1. [naıt]

    1. 1) рыцарь; витязь

    knight’s fee — отводимый рыцарю участок земли, за владение которым он должен нести воинскую службу

    Knight of the Rueful Countenance — рыцарь Печального Образа, Дон-Кихот

    the Knight of the Swan — рыцарь Лебедя, Лоэнгрин

    2) рыцарь, благородный человек

    3) рыцарь, поклонник ()

    3. кавалер одного из высших английских орденов

    Knight of the Garter [of the Bath, of the British Empire] — кавалер ордена Подвязки [Бани, Британской Империи]

    knight of the brush [of the cue, of the green cloth, of the napkin, of the cleaver, of the needle] — художник [биллиардист, картёжник, официант, мясник, портной]

    knight of the pen — рыцарь пера; журналист; писатель

    knight of the carpet — а) рыцарь, получивший своё звание не на войне, а за службу при дворе; б) салонный шаркун; в) солдат, отсиживающийся в тылу

    knight of the road — а) разбойник (с большой дороги); б) бродяга

    knight of the post — мошенник, пройдоха

    knight of fortune — авантюрист, искатель лёгкой наживы

    2. [naıt]

    1. посвящать в рыцари; возводить в рыцарское достоинство

    2. присваивать личное дворянское звание рыцаря

    to be knighted for war services — получить звание рыцаря за военные заслуги

    НБАРС > knight

  • 6




    б) рыцарь, поклонник

    to dub smb. knight — посвятить кого-л. в рыцари



    посвящать в рыцари, возводить в рыцарское достоинство

    Англо-русский современный словарь > knight

  • 7

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > knight

  • 8

    1) рыцарь; витязь

    2) knight of the pen журналист; knight of the brush художник; knight of fortune авантюрист;

    knight of the road

    а) коммивояжер;

    б) разбойник

    3) (имеющий) звание ‘knight’ (ниже баронета, ненаследственное дворянское звание с титулом sir)

    4) кавалер одного из высших английских орденов; Knight of the Garter кавалер ордена Подвязки

    5) chess конь

    6) всадник (член сословия всадников в древнем Риме)

    давать звание ‘knight’; возводить в рыцарское достоинство

    * * *

    (n) кавалер одного из высших английских орденов; ненаследственное дворянское звание с титулом; рыцарь

    * * *

    * * *

    [ naɪt]
    рыцарь, витязь, всадник, конь [шахм.]
    возводить в рыцарское достоинство, давать звание рыцаря

    * * *



    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) а) рыцарь
    б) рыцарь (поклонник дамы)
    2) рыцарь (личное дворянское звание)
    3) кавалер одного из высших английских орденов
    4) шутл. рыцарь (какой-л. профессии)
    2. гл.
    посвящать в рыцари, возводить в рыцарское достоинство

    Новый англо-русский словарь > knight

  • 9

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > knight

  • 10

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > knight

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > knight

  • 12

    2) ненаследственное дворянское звание «Knight» с титулом Sir

    присваивать ненаследственное дворянское звание «Knight» и титул Sir

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > knight

  • 13

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > knight

  • 14

    ненаследственное дворянское звание «Knight» с титулом Sir

    присваивать ненаследственное дворянское звание «Knight» и титул Sir

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > knight

  • 15

    Англо-русский морской словарь > knight

  • 16

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > knight

  • 17

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > knight

  • 18

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Knight

  • 19

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > knight

  • 20

    Англо русский политехнический словарь > knight


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Knight — Knight, n. [OE. knight, cniht, knight, soldier, AS. cniht, cneoht, a boy, youth, attendant, military follower; akin to D. & G. knecht servant; perh. akin to E. kin.] 1. A young servant or follower; a military attendant. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knight — knight·age; knight; knight·ess; knight·ful·ly; knight·hood; knight·ia; knight·li·hood; knight·li·ness; knight·ling; rad·knight; rod·knight; knight·ly; Knight; …   English syllables

  • Knight XV — на Викискладе …   Википедия

  • knight|ly — «NYT lee», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. of or like a knight; brave, generous, and courteous; chivalrous: »knightly courage. SYNONYM(S): noble. 2. belonging to or appropriate to a knight: »a knightly sword, knightly deeds. 3. consisting or composed …   Useful english dictionary

  • knight — ► NOUN 1) (in the Middle Ages) a man raised to honourable military rank after service as a page and squire. 2) (in the UK) a man awarded a non hereditary title by the sovereign and entitled to use ‘Sir’ in front of his name. 3) a chess piece,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Knight — Knight, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Knighted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Knighting}.] To dub or create (one) a knight; done in England by the sovereign only, who taps the kneeling candidate with a sword, saying: Rise, Sir . [1913 Webster] A soldier, by the honor …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Knight — [nait] der; s, s <aus engl. knight »Ritter«, dies aus mittelengl. knight »Knabe« (verwandt mit dt. Knecht)> die nicht erbliche, unterste Stufe des engl. Adels …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • knight — [nīt] n. [ME kniht < OE cniht, boy, retainer, akin to Ger knecht, lad, servant < IE * gnegh : for base see KNEAD] 1. in the Middle Ages, a) a military servant of a king or other feudal superior; tenant holding land on condition that he… …   English World dictionary

  • Knight [1] — Knight (engl., spr. nait, vom angelsächs. cniht, »Knecht«), in England soviel wie Ritter. Das Wort findet sich seit dem 10. Jahrh., nachdem sich aus der frühern Gefolgschaft der angelsächsischen Könige ein erblicher Stand von Grundbesitzern… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Knight — (engl., spr. neit, das deutsche Wort Knecht), Ritter; die unterste und älteste Stufe der persönlichen Ritterwürde, die des Knight bachelor (spr. bättschĕlĕr), ist seit 1660 bloßer Titel mit dem Prädikat »Sir« …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Knight [1] — Knight (engl., spr. Neiht), 1) der Knecht; 2) in England so v.w. Ritter, so K. Bachelours (spr. Neit Bätschelohrs), die unterste Stufe der versönlichen Ritterwürde; K. Bannerets (spr. Neit Bennerets), Bannerherr, eine Würde, welche eigentlich nur …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Other forms: knights; knighted; knighting

Traditionally the noun knight means someone born of the nobility and trained to fight, usually in heavy metal armor. If a king decides to knight you, that means the king wants to make you into a knight.

Real life knights haven’t been around since the Middle Ages, which ended around 600 years ago. These days knight is an honorary title awarded by nations with royal families like the UK. These nations will knight anyone they think is deserving from a rock star to a politician. More casually, you can use knight to describe anyone who acts chivalrously, or bravely. If you are rescued from a burning building, you might call your rescuer, a «knight in shining armor.»

Definitions of knight

  1. noun

    originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit

  2. verb

    raise (someone) to knighthood

    “The Beatles were



  3. noun

    a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)

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Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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