What do the word inspire means

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Bruce Glover

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(43 votes)

verb (used with object), in·spired, in·spir·ing. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.

Is it inspired or inspire?

As adjectives the difference between inspired and inspiring

is that inspired is having excellence through inspiration while inspiring is providing inspiration; encouraging]]; [[stimulate|stimulating.

How do you use inspire?

1to give someone the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm to do something well inspire somebody (with something) The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm. The actors’ enthusiasm inspired the kids. inspire somebody to something His performance inspired the team to a thrilling win.

When to Use inspire and inspires?

If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it. If someone or something inspires you, they give you new ideas and a strong feeling of enthusiasm. If a book, work of art, or action is inspired by something, that thing is the source of the idea for it.

What is the meaning of inspire in one word?

transitive verb. 1a : to spur on : impel, motivate threats don’t necessarily inspire people to work. b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on was particularly inspired by the Romanticists.

23 related questions found

What is the best definition of inspire?

verb. 1. Inspire is defined as to influence, motivate or produce a feeling.

What is the synonym of Inspire?

In this page you can discover 85 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inspire, like: encourage, touch the imagination, spark, motivate, move, dissuade, spur, set off, stimulate, put one in the mood and galvanize.

How do you use the word inspire in a sentence?

Inspire sentence example

  1. These passages inspire a hope, but do not sustain a certainty. …
  2. Carmen must be quite a woman to inspire such admiration from Katie. …
  3. What would inspire someone to chisel their name into a rock so far from civilization? …
  4. He continued to visit the armies at the front, and to inspire them with energy.

Which preposition is used with Inspire?

In 89% of cases inspire by is used

But it’s inspired by it, I would say. I am inspired by their fighting spirit. Then I learned it was inspired by structures left by the ‘ old ones ‘ — the Anasazi.

How much does inspire cost for sleep apnea?

How much does the treatment cost? The Inspire device presently costs about $30,000 to $40,000 to place, including the expenses associated with surgery, and the replacement of the battery can cost another $17,000. These costs may be covered by insurance.

What does the word inspire mean to you?

Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. Inspire comes from the Latin word that means to inflame or to blow in to. When you inspire something, it is as if you are blowing air over a low flame to make it grow. A film can be inspired by a true story. Studying for your test will inspire confidence in you.

How does Inspiresleep work?

How does the Inspire sleep apnea device work? Based on your unique breathing patterns, the Inspire system delivers mild stimulation to the hypoglossal nerve, which controls the movement of your tongue and other key airway muscles. By stimulating these muscles, the airway remains open during sleep.

What is an example of inspired?

An example of inspired is a person who enters into an extensive weight loss program after seeing a close friend lose 100 pounds. An example of inspired is an accurate guess of what the results would be after an important political decision was announced.

How do you call someone who inspired you?

Luminary 1a person who inspires or influences others , especially one prominent in a particular sphere.

What does it mean to feel inspired?

When you are inspired, the dictionary states that: “mentally you are stimulated to do or feel something”. Above all, an inspired person often feels compelled to be different and do better than they currently are.

What can inspire a person?

The Simplest Ways To Inspire People And Change Their Life

  1. Care. If you can’t show a person that you genuinely care about them, do you think you will be able to inspire them? …
  2. Be enthusiastic. …
  3. Earn trust. …
  4. If it’s not positive, don’t say it. …
  5. Build people up. …
  6. Stand your ground. …
  7. Admit your flaws. …
  8. Be an active listener.

What does aspire to mean?

verb (intr) (usually foll by to or after) to yearn (for) or have a powerful or ambitious plan, desire, or hope (to do or be something)to aspire to be a great leader. to rise to a great height.

Is inspire an adjective or verb?

verb (used with object), in·spired, in·spir·ing. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.

Who inspires you most in your life?

“I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone. She was well respected and always gave more than she received.

What is the adjective of Inspire?

Inspiring is the adjective form of the verb inspire, which comes from the Latin word for «breath.» When something is inspiring, it’s as if the breath of life is coming into your body.

What are two synonyms for inspiration?


  • activate.
  • animate.
  • arouse.
  • cause.
  • drive.
  • egg on.
  • energize.
  • excite.

What is the synonym and antonym of inspiration?

inspiration. Antonyms: study, elaboration, learning, acquirement, observation, education. Synonyms: poesy, frenzy, impulse, revelation, intuition, afflatus.

What is the synonym of passion?

Synonyms & Antonyms of passion

  • affection,
  • attachment,
  • devotedness,
  • devotion,
  • fondness,
  • love.

How do you describe inspiration?

Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, that gives you new and creative ideas. … If something or someone is the inspiration for a particular book, work of art, or action, they are the source of the ideas in it or act as a model for it.

Perhaps we can get women back into following good sense regarding clothing, and once again inspire the masculine men to paint pictures of them for all time, paintings that future generations would not be ashamed to see. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Did the family background you discovered while writing On Gold Mountain inspire you to focus on this aspect of your genetic inheritance in your fiction? ❋ Unknown (2010)

In the light of day, eyes open, he would use his hands, grabbing and kneading and pinching and gazing up at me, an adorable little beastie, ravenous and innocent and impossibly, impossibly soft, and I would wonder: how can a creature that brings such pain inspire such tenderness? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Sharing beautiful language and great stories that thrill and inspire is a pleasure for adults and children well into the middle-school years, and storytelling is such a welcome relief from all the policing jobs parents have to do. ❋ Unknown (2010)

But in works like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dracula, The Wolfman, the fear that they inspire is the fear of the total loss of self. ❋ Unknown (2008)

According to Random House, the word inspire means: ❋ Unknown (2009)

Caused to Hyperventilate by a Professor An attempt to inspire is a flop. ❋ Unknown (2007)

She listened with fair success for another five minutes, then her mind wandered to her landlady at the lodgings; was she perfectly honest, did her expression inspire confidence? ❋ Unknown (1902)

«Spire» has its roots in words that refer to plant shoots and blades of grass that taper to a point, while «inspire» comes from the Latin spirer, to breathe or take a breath. ❋ Unknown (1984)

It may in short inspire us with modesty and humility, and urge us on to fresh ardour in the practice of vir — tue. ❋ Georg Joachim Zollikofer (1812)

So, even though I think that they’re mega-talented, people like Kris and Dean and Kevin inspire me with their hard work. ❋ Unknown (2010)

He would be the force behind two of the major theaters in Midtown: the Roxy and Radio City Music Hall, where his name helped inspire the Rockettes. ❋ Will Friedwald (2011)

This year, may this phrase inspire us to remember the teaching from the Jewish tradition that says, «To save a single life is to save the whole world.» ❋ Unknown (2010)

This devotional is not meant to be an exhaustive treatment of any particular passage of Scripture, but instead is intended to encourage you to immerse yourself in His word and inspire a wholehearted love of God. ❋ Joel Osteen (2010)

I heard [Tom] [masturbates] while [thinking] of guys. How inspire of him. ❋ Blackout (2004)

inspire from [nsw] ❋ Online (2003)

In spite of all the [hurdles] in life, #20 rose up to the challenges, set and achieved goals ~ game-wise and personally, to becomme PRMHA [bantam] most inspirational [hockey player] of 2010. ❋ Isabelydancer00 (2010)

Bob: My [inspiration] is [my dad].
[Nel]: Why?
Bob: Because he can fix anything. ❋ Hidden_Unseen (2013)

[Mitchell], I really think your first idea was fantastic and spurred a lot of other ideas, but now we are [inspiraling] and need to refocus on which ideas are [realistic]. ❋ Table22forLife (2019)

Ex 1:
Person 1: Dude, I’m [so burnt] out from mid-terms, I really need some [inspirement] to make it through these [finals].
Person 2: I know, man, I’m so worn down from all this work. ❋ Zom-B2487 (2008)

Of such surpassing brilliance or excellence as to suggest divine inspiration: an inspired musician; an inspired performance.
Aroused or guided by or as if aroused or guided by divine inspiration an inspired performance she was like one inspired.
Extremely accurate or apt but based on intuition rather than knowledge or logical [deduction] an inspired guess.
Resulting from such inspiration: an inspired poem; an inspired plan.
Inhaled: inspired air.
To fill with an [animating], [quickening], or [exalting] influence: His courage inspired his followers.
To produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.
To fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc.: to inspire a person with distrust.
To give inspiration.
Being [inspirated].
Aroused or guided by or as if aroused or guided by divine inspiration: an inspired performance ; she was like one inspired
Extremely accurate or apt but based on intuition rather than knowledge or logical deduction: an inspired guess ❋ TX97 (2011)

Inspirate, per se, does not exist in English. The French term [inspirer] translated into English, is actually the verb to inspire in [correct English], not Inspirate. Although, I will [concede] one point; inspiration in French does indeed translate to inspiration in English. ❋ Sexydimma (2013)

[I need] some inspiration, [man]. ❋ AO’CB (2009)

[Perhaps] [a hundred] years ago or more, it was called inspiration. Now it’s called [plagiarism]. ❋ Killing Kittens (2005)

When inspire first came into use in the 14th century it had a meaning it still carries in English today: “to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural influence or action.” It’s this use that we see in phrases like “scripture inspired by God,” where the idea is that God shaped the scripture in an active and explicit way.

The meaning is a metaphorical extension of the word’s Latin root: inspirare means «to breathe or blow into.» The metaphor is a powerful one, with the very breath of a divine or supernatural force asserted as being at work.

The metaphor developed further, with inspire gaining similar but somewhat weaker meanings. Someone who is inspired by a particular artist, for example, is influenced by that artist in a way that animates or intensifies their own work. Something that inspires people to action motivates them. And if we say that something has inspired an emotion, thought, or idea, we are saying that it somehow had a part in its coming to be.

The word inspire has also drawn on the meaning of its literal root over the years, with meanings like «inhale,» «to breathe or blow into or upon,» and «to infuse (something, such as life) by breathing,» but these meanings are not commonly encountered in modern use.

Other forms: inspired; inspiring; inspires

The Olympics often inspire people to take up a sport, but they can also inspire patriotism. Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into.

Inspire comes from the Latin word that means to inflame or to blow in to. When you inspire something, it is as if you are blowing air over a low flame to make it grow. A film can be inspired by a true story. Studying for your test will inspire confidence in you. Successful people often have a role model who inspired them to greatness. Who inspires you?

Definitions of inspire

  1. verb

    serve as the inciting cause of

  2. verb

    supply the inspiration for

    “The article about the artist
    inspired the exhibition of his recent work”

  3. verb

    spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

  4. verb

    heighten or intensify


    animate, enliven, exalt, invigorate

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    show 8 types…
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    inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to

    barrack, cheer, exhort, pep up, root on, urge, urge on

    spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

    foster, nurture

    help develop, help grow


    encourage somebody by crying hollo

    buoy, cheer, embolden, hearten, recreate

    give encouragement to

    draw out

    make more sociable

    bring out

    encourage to be less reserved

    goad, spur

    give heart or courage to

    type of:

    excite, shake, shake up, stimulate, stir

    stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

  5. verb

    fill with revolutionary ideas

  6. “The patient has trouble

    “The lung cancer patient cannot
    inspire air very well”


    breathe in, inhale

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    breathe out, exhale, expire

    expel air


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    suck in (air)

    sniff, sniffle

    inhale audibly through the nose

    snivel, snuffle

    snuff up mucus through the nose


    inhale audibly through the nose

    drag, draw, puff

    suck in or take (air)

    huff, snort

    inhale recreational drugs


    inhale sharply and suddenly, as with shock

    type of:

    breathe, respire, suspire, take a breath

    draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘inspire’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Table of Contents

  1. What is a synonym for ambles?
  2. What ambles mean?
  3. What do you call an inspirational person?
  4. What does the word inspire mean?
  5. How do you use the word inspire?
  6. Is inspire a feeling?
  7. What does it mean when you are inspired by someone?
  8. Who inspired most?
  9. What inspires you to be a model?
  10. Where to start if you want to be a model?
  11. How do you introduce yourself in modeling?
  12. Why should we hire you as a model?
  13. What is your aim for the future professionally?
  14. What is your personal aim?
  15. How can I achieve my aim?

This moving little word may be traced back to the Latin inspirare (“to breathe or blow into”), which itself is from the word spirare, meaning “to breathe.” It didn’t take long to establish itself in a figurative sense, as our earliest written English uses of inspire give it the meaning “to influence, move, or guide (as …

What is a synonym for ambles?

Synonyms. promenade perambulation meander saunter walkabout walk stroll ramble.

What ambles mean?

: to go at or as if at an easy gait : saunter spent the day ambling through the park.

What do you call an inspirational person?

Luminary 1a person who inspires or influences others , especially one prominent in a particular sphere. ( Oxford Dictionary)

What does the word inspire mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to spur on : impel, motivate threats don’t necessarily inspire people to work. b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on was particularly inspired by the Romanticists.

How do you use the word inspire?

Inspire in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The writer loved to inspire others with his uplifting poems.
  2. My teacher loved to inspire our appreciation for math.
  3. To inspire other students to take acting classes, my drama troupe performed a flash mob in the school cafeteria.

Is inspire a feeling?

inspire verb (GIVE AN IDEA OR FEELING) to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction: She inspires great loyalty among her followers.

What does it mean when you are inspired by someone?

When you are inspired, the dictionary states that: “mentally you are stimulated to do or feel something”. Above all, an inspired person often feels compelled to be different and do better than they currently are.

Who inspired most?

Talk to the interviewer about who has inspired your life and why. “I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone.

What inspires you to be a model?

Some of the traits that are important for working in modeling are a good sense of style, adaptability, a positive attitude, excellent stamina, communication skills, ability to look good at all times, and outstanding facial projection. If you believe you posses these traits remember to draw attention to them.

Where to start if you want to be a model?

Here are 5 expert tips to get you started on your modeling career.

  1. Get an Honest Evaluation by Experienced Professionals.
  2. Get As Much Exposure As Possible.
  3. Don’t Spend Money on Expensive Photoshoots.
  4. Modeling Schools Are Not Necessary.
  5. Only Work With Legitimate Modeling Agencies.

How do you introduce yourself in modeling?

When auditioning, I suggest that you honestly introduce yourself to someone in the room (usually the person running the session) while looking into the camera lens. You should be positive and enjoy introducing yourself. Smile, if it feels right, but if you smile just to smile, it will look fake and insincere.

Why should we hire you as a model?

You can do the work and deliver exceptional results. You will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team. You possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out. Hiring you will make him look smart and make his life easier.

What is your aim for the future professionally?

Sample Answer 3 – Entry-Level Position “Since I’m new to this industry, I hope to gain valuable insight and experience that will help me in the future. I plan to build on the skills I learn in this job and develop a clear picture of where I see myself professionally over several years working with the company.”

What is your personal aim?

Personal goals are the expressions of the things you want to achieve for yourself in life, whether those are business goals, family goals, or lifestyle goals. When you think about what you want to achieve in life and set goals towards achieving them, you will become more self-motivated and positive.

How can I achieve my aim?

Time Bound.

  1. Set Specific Goals. Your goal must be clear and well defined.
  2. Set Measurable Goals. Include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of success.
  3. Set Attainable Goals. Make sure that it’s possible to achieve the goals you set.
  4. Set Relevant Goals.
  5. Set Time-Bound Goals.

Britannica Dictionary definition of INSPIRE

[+ object]


to make (someone) want to do something


to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create

  • He inspired generations of future scientists.

  • Her courage has inspired us.

often followed by to + verb

  • She has inspired us to live better lives.

  • Her early childhood inspired her to write her first novel.


to cause (something) to happen or be created

  • His discoveries inspired a whole new line of scientific research.

  • Her first novel was inspired by her early childhood.


to cause someone to have (a feeling or emotion)

  • The news inspired hope that the war might end soon.

  • His unusual management style does not inspire confidence. [=it makes people worry about his ability to manage properly]

Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. Inspire comes from the Latin word that means to inflame or to blow in to.

What is the Latin root of inspiration?

The Inspirational History of Inspiration It comes from the Latin inspiratus (the past participle of inspirare, “to breathe into, inspire”) and in English has had the meaning “the drawing of air into the lungs” since the middle of the 16th century.

What Greek word means inspiration?

émpnef̱si̱ More Greek words for inspiration. έμπνευση noun. émpnef̱si̱ brainstorm, brain wave, afflatus, infusion.

Does inspire mean breath?

The word inspire has also drawn on the meaning of its literal root over the years, with meanings like “inhale,” “to breathe or blow into or upon,” and “to infuse (something, such as life) by breathing,” but these meanings are not commonly encountered in modern use.

What is to inspire someone?

Inspiration, on the other hand, involves changing the way people think and feel about themselves so that they want to take positive actions. It taps into people’s values and desires. Commencement speakers – the best ones, at least – inspire their audiences.

What does Spir mean in Latin?

-spir- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “breathe; have a longing for. ” This meaning is found in such words as: aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, perspire, respiration, respiratory, respire, spiracle, spirit, transpire.

What does inspiration mean in French?

1. (= stimulus) inspiration f. a source of inspiration une source d’inspiration. 2. ( person or thing that inspires) inspiration f.

What is the biblical meaning of inspiration?

Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology that the human writers and canonizers of the Bible were led by God with the result that their writings may be designated the word of God.

What does OXIA mean in Latin?

oxia (English) vowel quantity, breathing, and pitch”).

Which word root means nose?

rhinoplasty. Prefix: Prefix Definition: 1st Root Word: rhin/o. 1st Root Definition: nose.

What are some inspiring words?


  • “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” –
  • “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” –
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –
  • “Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don’t give up.” –

How do you say inspire in different languages?

In other languages inspire

  1. American English: inspire /ɪnˈspaɪər/
  2. Brazilian Portuguese: inspirar.
  3. Chinese: 鼓舞
  4. European Spanish: inspirar.
  5. French: inspirer.
  6. German: inspirieren.
  7. Italian: stimolare.
  8. Japanese: ~する気にさせる

inspire — перевод на русский


We have taken the liberty of naming it after the man who inspired its creation. — The Leslie Special.

Мы позволили себе назвать автомобиль в честь человека, который вдохновил нас на его создание — автомобиль Лесли.

This reflections made me approach to them very carefully and do what God inspired me to do and look them to enjoy his bloody banquet and no interrupt them.

Это размышления заставили меня приближаться к ним очень осторожно и делать то, на что Бог вдохновил меня. Я смотрел на их наслаждения кровавым банкетом и не перебивал их.

But how he inspired us, Philip!

Но как он вдохновил вас.филипп!

I was, uh, inspired.

Меня кое-кто вдохновил.

I was inspired by the hero.

ћен€ вдохновил герой.

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It’s inspiring, Admiral, if nothing else.

Это вдохновляет, адмирал. И никак иначе.

We are happy for your support which inspires us to carry on with fulfilling… our duties, in order to reach the ideals of socialism and peace.

Мы очень рады вашей поддержке, которая вдохновляет нас на продолжение выполнения наших обязанностей, с целью достижение идеалов социализма и мира.

This place doesn’t inspire you?

Это место не вдохновляет вас?

But surely there must be some lady somewhere in the world who inspires you?

Где-то есть дама, которая вас вдохновляет?

This wild region inspires me.

Меня вдохновляет этот дикий уголок.

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One man, if he’s inspired, can change the world.

Один человек, если он вдохновлен, может изменить мир.

The writer was inspired by a historical figure of the seventeenth century,

Писатель вдохновлен исторической личностью 17 века Диего ла Матина из Регальбуто, его родного города.

The young Champollion was inspired by reading Fourier’s description of Egypt.

Молодой Шампольон был вдохновлен описаниями Египта, сделанными Фурье.

I’m so inspired by your leadership, I’m thinkin’ principal school.

Я столь вдохновлен вашим примером, что тоже думаю стать директором школы.

He’s so inspired.

Он так вдохновлён.

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Inspiring sermon.

Какая вдохновляющая проповедь!

It’s very inspiring and… oh, hey, this looks like it does something.

Такая вдохновляющая… Эй, кажется, это должно работать.

Inspiring metaphor, huh?

Вдохновляющая метафора, да?

That was some of the most inspired design work I’ve done in my entire career.

Это была самая вдохновляющая проектная работа за всю карьеру.

And that inspiring woman, my mother, Is one of the reasons I am standing up here today.

А эта вдохновляющая женщина, моя мать, является одной из причин, почему я стою сегодня здесь.

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Gemma, darling, to write really good music, you’ve got to be… inspired.

Джемма, дорогая, чтобы написать действительно хорошую музыку, мне нужно… вдохновение.

Inspired is when you think you can do anything.

Вдохновение — это когда ты считаешь, что можешь сделать, что угодно.

But mostly, I just want to be inspired.

Но, прежде всего, мне важно вдохновение.

Hilly, you’re inspired.

Хилли, у тебя вдохновение.

Hell I was feeling inspired.

Я чувствовал вдохновение.

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She is gradually taming him, a modest girl, she is inspiring.

Постепенно приручает, скромная девушка, внушает доверие.

Doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, does it?

Не внушает особого доверия.

Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Не внушает доверия.

His voice alone seemed to inspire absolute credulity.

Один его голос внушает мне абсолютное доверие.

Whoa! That doesn’t inspire confidence.

Доверия не внушает.

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Truly inspiring.

Во истину вдохновляюще.

Good heavens, what an impossi… eh, well, you are inspired.

О боже, какой неверо… а, ну, в общем, вдохновляюще.

That’s inspiring, sir.

Это вдохновляюще, сэр.


Вдохновляюще, правда?

It was very inspiring.

Это было очень вдохновляюще.

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such spiritually inspired faces, instead of the stereotyped, soulless physiognomies, all looking alike?

такие одухотворенные, вдохновенные лица, а не трафаретные, бездушные, похожие друг на друга физиономии?

During this period, Japanese filmmakers continued to create… inspired works — despite of the deplorable toll inflicted by the war, the government, the military operations… And this affected not just individual artists… but also cinema as a whole.

В этот период японские кинематографисты продолжали создавать вдохновенные произведения, несмотря на печальную дань, которой война, правительство и военные действия обложили не только жизни отдельных художников, но и кинематограф в целом.

I had say good bye to Mr Warren, and thank him for all the really inspiring literature lessons that we have..

Я должна была попрощаться с мистером Уорреном и поблагодарить его за вдохновенные уроки литературы, которые он проводил с нами.

You are what makes Pawnee great, And I just want to tell you that I am totally supportive Of your inspiring efforts here today!

Вы те, кто делает город Поуни таким великолепным, и я лишь хочу сказать, что полностью поддерживаю все ваши вдохновенные усилия с этим концертом!

— It was inspired.

— Это было вдохновенно.

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I got inspired one day in May, 1911, in El Paso.

Однажды я вдохновился, это было в мае 1911, в Эль Пасо.

I feel guilty that I’m not inspired all the time.

Я чувствую себя виноватым, за то что не вдохновился за всё это время.

Did that ever inspire you, that Charles Atlas comic strip?

Ты вдохновился от комиксов в Чарльз Атлас? — Это вдохновило тебя?

I was a little inspired by what Draper did.

Я отчасти вдохновился поступком Дрейпера.

So I’m just really inspired by op art.

Так что я вдохновился оп-артом.

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What good is making music… except to teach and inspire the people?

Что толку в музыке, которая не учит, не воодушевляет массы?

Truly inspiring.

Весьма воодушевляет.

And the electric fence, inspired.

И электрическая изгородь воодушевляет.


Очень… воодушевляет.

— It’s inspiring’, innit?

— Это воодушевляет, правда?

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How To Use “Aspire” and “Inspire” Correctly

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There are many words that seem to mean the same thing but don’t, like “aspire” and “inspire.” We’ll teach you what these two words mean and how to always use them correctly.

Aspire vs. Inspire (Difference between aspire and inspire, aspiring to inspire)

“Aspire” and “inspire” aren’t synonyms.
  • Aspire means “to have a strong desire to achieve or become something.”
  • Inspire can mean “to encourage someone,” “to elicit a particular feeling or emotion in someone,” or “to give someone an idea for something.”

Believe it or not, there’s a difference between aspire and inspire. If you’ve been using these words synonymously, don’t worry, you’re not alone. The similar spelling and pronunciation of these words lead many people to believe that they can be used interchangeably. Do you aspire to learn the difference? After reading this blog post, you’ll know how to use these words correctly and might feel inspired to teach others, too.

What Does “Aspire” Mean?

Let’s start with aspire. This word is a verb that means “to have a strong desire to achieve a goal or to become something.” So, if your goal is to become a doctor, you could say I aspire to become a doctor. Similarly, you could also say I aspire to a career in medicine.

Aspire is usually followed by the word “to.” Here are a few more examples of aspire in a sentence:

We aspire to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Chloe aspires to win the Teacher of the Year award.

I aspire to become a published writer.

There are noun and adjective forms of the word aspire. As a noun, the word is aspiration, which means “a strong desire to have or do something.”

He never had any aspiration to become a lawyer.

There are two adjective forms of the word aspire. Aspirational refers to “wanting to achieve success in your career and improve your social status or standard of living.”

Teachers help mold loving, compassionate, and aspirational children.

Aspirational can also refer to “a goal that is very ambitious.”

The CEO listed three aspirational goals he wanted to reach by the end of the quarter.

Aspiring which is also an adjective means “wanting to become successful in life or in a career that was mentioned.”

Aspiring writers should spend a lot of time reading.

Please Note:

The word aspirate is completely unrelated to the words mentioned above. Instead, it can be used as a noun that means “a consonant that is pronounced with a breath that can be heard.” As a verb, aspirate means “to pronounce something with a breath that can be heard,” “to breathe something in,” or “to remove liquid from a person’s body with a machine.” Additionally, the noun aspiration can also refer to “the action of pronouncing a word with a breath that can be heard.”

What Does “Inspire” Mean?

Inspire, on the other hand, is a verb that means “to give somebody the desire, confidence, or encouragement to do something well,” “to give somebody the idea for something,” or “to evoke a certain feeling in someone.”

Julissa inspired me to continue my education.

I want to inspire children to do their best in whatever they do.

Carly inspired a sense of confidence in her art students.

Although not as common, inspire can also mean “inhale.”

Inspire also has noun and adjective forms. The adjective forms of inspire can be either inspirational, inspired, or inspiring.

Inspirational means “providing exciting or innovative ideas,” or “making somebody want to create something.”

He was inspirational in the sense that he always made us want to be the best versions of ourselves.

Inspired means “having excellent qualities,” or “produced with inspiration.” It can also be used to show that something has been influenced.

It was an inspired performance.

Inspiring means “exciting or encouraging someone to do or feel something.”

She was an inspiring leader.

If you have been inspired, then you have inspiration within you, which is the noun form of this word.

All I needed was a bit of inspiration to get through the semester.

“You’re My Latest, My Greatest Inspiration” is a song by Teddy Pendergrass.

Now that you know the difference between these two words, we hope you’re feeling inspired to use them confidently in your writing. And if you aspire to write exceptional texts, make sure to use LanguageTool as your writing assistant. This multilingual text editor will correct any mistakes and also suggest stylistic improvements.

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вдохновлять, вдохновить, внушать, воодушевить, воодушевлять, вселить, вселять


- внушить; вселить; пробудить; заронить (мысль, чувство и т. п.)

To inspire smb. with hope [confidence, distrust, terror], to inspire hope [confidence, distrust, terror] in /into/ smb. — вселить в кого-л. надежду [уверенность, недоверие, ужас]
to inspire smb. with new life — вдохнуть в кого-л. новую жизнь; придать кому-л. свежие силы
to inspire smb. with respect — внушать кому-л. уважение
to inspire respect — вызывать уважение

- инспирировать, тайно внушать

to inspire false stories about smb. — распространять /инспирировать/ ложь о ком-л.

- вдохновлять, воодушевлять; стимулировать

the book was inspired by his travels in the Far East — стимулом для написания книги послужила его поездка по Дальнему Востоку

- вдыхать, дышать

the air we inspire — воздух, которым мы дышим

- рел. ниспослать наитие

Мои примеры


to arouse / inspire / raise / stir up hope — пробуждать надежду  
to inspire smb. with fear — наполнить кого-л. чувством страха  
to inspire love for smb. — вызывать любовь к кому-л.  
to command / inspire respect — внушать, вызывать уважение  
to inspire terror — вызывать, возбуждать страх  
inspire a certain trust — внушать некоторое доверие  
inspire hopes — возбуждать надежды  
air we inspire — воздух, которым мы дышим  
inspire a renewed interest — возродить к жизни  
inspire confidence — внушать доверие  

Примеры с переводом

Her courage has inspired us.

Ее смелость вдохновила нас.

We need someone who can inspire the team.

Нам нужен кто-то, кто может вдохновить команду.

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

Он вдохновил многих молодых людей на занятие спортом.

Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.

Вдохновленный солнечной погодой, я решил осмотреть лес.

Threats don’t necessarily inspire people to work.

Угрозы не всегда заставляют людей работать.

His driving hardly inspires confidence.

Его уровень вождения едва ли внушает доверие.

The general’s speech inspired vigour in the men.

Речь генерала воодушевила людей.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

inspired  — вдохновленный, вдохновенный, инспирированный
inspirer  — вдохновитель
inspiring  — вдохновляющий, вдохновительный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: inspire
he/she/it: inspires
ing ф. (present participle): inspiring
2-я ф. (past tense): inspired
3-я ф. (past participle): inspired

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