What do the word conclusion mean

заключение, вывод, завершение, окончание, результат, умозаключение, исход


- окончание, завершение

the conclusion of a speech — заключительная часть /окончание/ речи
in conclusion — в заключение
to bring to a conclusion — довести до конца, завершить
in conclusion I’d like to say … — в заключение я хочу сказать, что …

- заключение

conclusion of truce [of peace] — заключение перемирия [мира]

- (умо)заключение, вывод

to draw a conclusion — делать вывод
to arrive at /to reach/ a conclusion — прийти к заключению
to jump to /at/ a conclusion, to rush to a conclusion — делать поспешный вывод

- лог. вывод силлогизма
- исход, результат

what will be the conclusion of all this? — каков будет результат всего этого?; чем всё это кончится?

- решение суда

conclusion of law — признание судом (какого-л.) факта или права, которое впоследствии не может быть опровергнуто

- заключительная часть или обобщение документа или аргументации в процессе

to try conclusions with smb. — вступать в спор /в состязание/ с кем-л.; сразиться с кем-л.

Мои примеры


the conclusion of a business deal — заключение сделки  
the conclusion of the peace treaty — заключение мирного договора  
a conclusion based on deductive reasoning — вывод на основе дедуктивного мышления  
to draw / make up a conclusion — делать вывод  
conclusion to the country — постановка стороной вопроса на разрешение присяжных  
to jump at conclusion — делать поспешный вывод  
to reach a conclusion — прийти к заключению  
to rush to conclusion — делать поспешный вывод  
to come to the contrary conclusion — прийти к противоположному выводу  
falsehood of the conclusion — ложность вывода, заключения  
to jump at a conclusion — делать поспешный вывод  
legitimate conclusion — логичное заключение  

Примеры с переводом

In conclusion I want to say…

В заключение я хочу сказать…

It’s important not to jump to conclusions.

Важно не спешить с выводами.

We came to much the same conclusion.

Мы пришли почти к тому же выводу.

The evidence allows only one conclusion.

Улики позволяют сделать лишь один вывод.

She drew the wrong conclusion from the meeting.

Она сделала неправильные выводы из этой встречи.

All men gladded themselves with this conclusion.

Все порадовались такому окончанию дела.

Those wise heads came to the conclusion that there was hope.

Эти мудрецы пришли к выводу, что надежда ещё есть.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): conclusion
мн. ч.(plural): conclusions


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the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed

demonetisation, demonetization

ending something (e.g. gold or silver) as no longer the legal tender of a country

release, tone ending

(music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone

closing, completion, culmination, mop up, windup

a concluding action


withdrawal from your position or occupation

relinquishing, relinquishment

the act of giving up and abandoning a struggle or task etc.

breakup, dissolution

the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations)


the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)

adjournment, dissolution

the termination of a meeting

discharge, dismissal, dismission, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking

the termination of someone’s employment (leaving them free to depart)

destruction, devastation

the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists

kill, killing, putting to death

the act of terminating a life

abolishment, abolition

the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery)

liquidation, settlement

termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities

drug withdrawal, withdrawal

the termination of drug taking

closedown, closing, closure, shutdown

termination of operations

extinction, extinguishing, quenching

the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning

disappearance, fade

gradually ceasing to be visible


termination of pregnancy

deactivation, defusing

the act of deactivating or making ineffective (as a bomb)

discontinuance, discontinuation

the act of discontinuing or breaking off; an interruption (temporary or permanent)


the act of bringing to completion or fruition


the completion of marriage by sexual intercourse


the act of discharging someone because of age (especially to cause someone to retire from service on a pension)

finish, finishing

the act of finishing

finalisation, finalization

the act of finalizing


carrying some project or intention to full completion


the act of carrying a stroke to its natural completion


the successful completion of a program of study


the act of retiring into inactivity


the action of retiring to and living in the country

ceding, cession

the act of ceding


act of relinquishing property or authority etc

discharge, release, waiver

a formal written statement of relinquishment


separation or breakup or divorce

subversion, subversive activity

the act of subverting; as overthrowing or destroying a legally constituted government

conge, congee

an abrupt and unceremonious dismissal


dismissal from office


an act that has disastrous consequences


the destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile

laying waste, ruin, ruination, ruining, wrecking

destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined

demolishing, leveling, razing, tearing down

complete destruction of a building

annihilation, obliteration

destruction by annihilating something


the destruction or killing of a large part of the population (literally every tenth person as chosen by lot)

coup de grace, deathblow

the blow that kills (usually mercifully)


the act of killing

euthanasia, mercy killing

the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness)


the killing of a human being by another human being

despatch, dispatch

killing a person or animal


the act of felling something (as a tree)

self-annihilation, self-destruction, suicide

the act of killing yourself


the act of destroying yourself


the killing of animals (as for food)


the act of giving poison to a person or animal with the intent to kill

asphyxiation, suffocation

killing by depriving of oxygen

ritual killing, sacrifice

the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity


killing by electric shock

beheading, decapitation

killing by cutting off the head

viatical settlement, viaticus settlement

sale of an insurance policy by a terminally ill policy holder

cold turkey

complete and abrupt withdrawal of all addictive drugs or anything else on which you have become dependent

plant closing

act of shutting down operation of a plant

bank closing

act of closing down a bank because of a fiscal emergency or failure


the act of laying off an employee or a work force

miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, stillbirth

a natural loss of the products of conception

induced abortion

a deliberate termination of pregnancy

deactivation, inactivation

breaking up a military unit (by transfers or discharges)

honorable discharge

a discharge from the armed forces with a commendable record

dishonorable discharge

a discharge from the armed forces for a grave offense (as sabotage or espionage or cowardice or murder)

Section Eight

a discharge from the US Army based on unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable

neutralisation, neutralization

(euphemism) the removal of a threat by killing or destroying it (especially in a covert operation or military operation)


the discontinuation of rights; especially the discontinuation of the right to vote


the act by a donor that terminates the right of a person to inherit


the act or instance of a planned discontinuation


discontinuation of the meeting (of a legislative body) without dissolving it

annulment, invalidation

(law) a formal termination (of a relationship or a judicial proceeding etc)


a deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged

extermination, liquidation

the act of exterminating

genocide, race murder, racial extermination

systematic killing of a racial or cultural group


an act of mass destruction and loss of life (especially in war or by fire)


the act of demolishing


(law) the intentional destruction of a document or an alteration of it that destroys its value as evidence

hooliganism, malicious mischief, vandalism

willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others


the act of dismounting (a horse or bike etc.)

explosion, plosion

the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conclusion may refer to:


  • Conclusion (music), the ending of a composition
  • Conclusion (album), an album by Conflict
  • The Conclusion (album), an album by Bombshell Rocks
  • Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, 2017 Indian film
  • «Conclusion», a song from Wu Tang Clan’s Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)


  • Conclusion of law, a question which must be answered by applying relevant legal principles
  • Conclusion of fact, a question which must be answered by reference to facts and evidence


  • Consequent, the second half of a hypothetical proposition
  • Logical consequence (or entailment), the relationship between statements that holds true when one logically «follows from» one or more others
  • Result (or upshot), the final consequence of a sequence of actions or events
  • Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise, a logical fallacy

Other uses[edit]

  • Conclusion (book), the concluding section of a book
  • Conclusion of Utrecht, a synod of the Christian Reformed Church
  • Statistical conclusion validity, a statistical test
  • Sudler’s Conclusion, a historic home in Puerto Rico, Somerset County, Maryland

See also[edit]

  • Closing (disambiguation)
  • End (disambiguation)
  • Final (disambiguation)

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result. … The phrase in conclusion means «finally, to sum up,» and is used to introduce some final comments at the end of a speech or piece of writing.

What does word conclusion mean?

noun. the end or close; final part. the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached. a result, issue, or outcome; settlement or arrangement: The restitution payment was one of the conclusions of the negotiations.

What is a conclusion in a sentence?

What is a Concluding Sentence? The conclusion is the last sentence in your paragraph. … — Wrap up your paragraph. — Consider using transition words to signify the end of your paragraph.

What is your conclusion?

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject.

How do you use the word conclusion?

—used to introduce the final comments at the end of a speech or a piece of writing In conclusion, I would like to thank you for inviting me to speak tonight.

34 related questions found

How do we write a conclusion?

Here are four key tips for writing stronger conclusions that leave a lasting impression:

  1. Include a topic sentence. Conclusions should always begin with a topic sentence. …
  2. Use your introductory paragraph as a guide. …
  3. Summarize the main ideas. …
  4. Appeal to the reader’s emotions. …
  5. Include a closing sentence.

What is an example of a conclusion?

For example, if you write a paper about zoo animals, each paragraph would probably be about one particular animal. In your conclusion, you should briefly mention each animal again. “Zoo animals like polar bears, lions, and giraffes are amazing creatures.” Leave your readers with something to think about.

How many sentences are in a conclusion?

Key aspects to remember:

A strong essay conclusion consists of three sentences minimum. It concludes thoughts, not presents new ideas.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?

The purpose of a conclusion is to summarise the main points of your essay. It is your last opportunity to bring together what you have been saying, and to make your opinion, and your understanding of the topic, very clear to your examiner.

How do you end a conclusion paragraph?

What to include in a conclusion

  1. End the essay on a positive note.
  2. Communicate the importance of your ideas and the subject matter.
  3. Provide the reader with a sense of closure.
  4. Reiterate and summarize your main points.
  5. Rephrase and then restate your thesis statement.

What is the final conclusion?

The “final conclusion” of an argument is simply a proposition in that argument that has been selected to be called “the final conclusion”. … This means that you cannot simply select any step in an argument to be the final conclusion. You have to select one of the conclusions of that argument.

What is the scientific definition of conclusion?

A conclusion is a statement based on experimental measurements and observations. It includes a summary of the results, whether or not the hypothesis was supported, the significance of the study, and future research.

What is a conclusion in an essay?

The last section of an academic essay is the conclusion. The conclusion should reaffirm your answer to the question, and briefly summarise key arguments. It does not include any new points or new information.

What is the best definition of conclusion?

A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result. … The phrase in conclusion means «finally, to sum up,» and is used to introduce some final comments at the end of a speech or piece of writing.

What is Project conclusion?

Definition. The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a summary of your points or a re-statement of your research problem but a synthesis of key points.

What is the synonym of conclusion?

In this page you can discover 86 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for conclusion, like: wrap-up, summing-up, resolution, finish, commencement, end, judgment, corollary, deduction, decision and consummation.

What are 3 purposes of a conclusion paragraph?

Generally, conclusions fulfill a rhetorical purpose—they persuade your readers to do something: take action on an issue, change a policy, make an observation, or understand a topic differently.

What is difference between summary and conclusion?

Summary refers to the concise statement or account of the key points of a text, research or essay. The conclusion is that section of the text, essay or book which serves as the final answer to the research question.

What is a conclusion and recommendation?

Conclusions interpret the findings of the research. It answers the statement of the problem and accepts or rejects the hypothesis. Recommendations come after the conclusions, these are the researcher’s opinions supported by the research findings.

How long is a conclusion?

Most conclusion paragraphs are four to five sentences long and should average between 50–75 words. They should be long enough to get your point across, but short enough that you’re not rehashing every idea you’ve ever had on the subject. Conclusion paragraphs begin by revisiting the main idea definition.

What are the 3 parts of conclusion?

The conclusion of an essay has three major parts:

  • Answer: the thesis statement, revisited.
  • Summary: main points and highlights from the body paragraphs.
  • Significance: the relevance and implications of the essay’s findings.

How do you start a conclusion example?

Examples of conclusion paragraph starter words and phrases include:

  1. all things considered.
  2. clearly.
  3. given these points.
  4. I feel we have no choice but to conclude.
  5. in conclusion.
  6. in drawing to a close.
  7. in general.
  8. in light of this information.

What is an example of a conclusion in science?

My hypothesis was that Energizer would last the longest in all of the devices tested. My results do support my hypothesis. I think the tests I did went smoothly and I had no problems, except for the fact that the batteries recover some of their voltage if they are not running in something.

How do you write a conclusion for a review?

The conclusion should:

  1. summarise the important aspects of the existing body of literature;
  2. evaluate the current state of the literature reviewed;
  3. identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;
  4. outline areas for future study;
  5. link your research to existing knowledge.

How do you write a conclusion to a story?

What to include

  1. Your conclusion wraps up your essay in a tidy package and brings it home for your reader.
  2. Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement.
  3. Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant.
  4. Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas.

Their main conclusion is that the high returns earned on stocks over the last 75 years on average are not indicative of high returns in the future. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The main conclusion is that the majority of the governments have been backsliding; that is, they have taken concrete actions that actually run counter to the commitments signed at previous summits. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Here also, in conclusion, is a favorite poem of mine by Donald Hall … which reaches across some of the culture barriers that exist and addresses the real work at hand for all if us – readers and poets. ❋ Unknown (2007)

And as I said, my main conclusion is that Canada needs more of the world. ❋ Unknown (2005)

All I want to do in conclusion is say, «We’re in this together and let’s stay together.» ❋ Unknown (1994)

My main conclusion is that the Federal Government has identified the correct policy priorities to respond to the changed world, but it has allowed the list of priorities to become too long. ❋ Unknown (1986)

All I shall say in conclusion is that it is the wisdom of Canadians, as well as their high privilege, to make friends, real friends, with our neighbours to the west of us, the island Empire of the East, which resembles in so many respects our own mother country. ❋ Unknown (1915)

Secondly, her conclusion is a complete and utter falsehood. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And even after reading the story, my conclusion is the same. ❋ Unknown (2010)

If you are beginning with the position that people cannot be trusted to allocate for their own retirements the the conclusion is the most efficient policy would be forced savings. ❋ Unknown (2009)

My support for this conclusion is the following: Take the entire body of “international” law, and take the entire body of domestic law for every foreign country in the world. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Ms. MARINER: I think the conclusion is there’s a need for the military to be grappling more explicitly with these ethical issues. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This conclusion is the jumping off point for the remainder of the paper. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The movement also, for all its talk of principles, rarely voices any kind of attempt to base its arguments on underlying principles — the conclusion is a given, and both the legislature and the judiciary are expected to back-construct to come up with the desired outcome. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Read the book and you will understend everything exept the ending the author doesn´t mension what it´s going to be the conclusion is ours. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This conclusion is amply supported by the Florence Agreement, of which our country has been a signatory since 1952, and which was taken into account when RA 8047 was being deliberated on until fully enacted into law. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What makes me eager to see the conclusion is the fact that Oda takes a break from the floating-islands mayhem to take readers back to where everything started, centuries before Luffy was born, before he ever considered pillaging as a life calling. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Each time the conclusion is the same: single-payer saves enough on wasteful paperwork to provide high quality health coverage to all and contain future health spending. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Also supporting this conclusion is the fact that Larry E. Gugle’s name does not appear on the authentic ❋ Unknown (2010)

«what’s [the word] for an [outro], but it’s [written]?» «a conclusion??» ❋ Juck143 (2020)

«what’s [the word] for an [outro] but it’s [written]?» «a conclusion??» ❋ Juck143 (2020)

«[In conclusion], the most basic and simplest way to end your [essay] that you forgot was due [the next day] is «[in conclusion]».» ❋ The Ace-o-spades (2010)

1. After a tough hour with [the math] problem, he finally came to a [conclusion].
2. «She saw me and her best friend [on the couch] talking and she jumped to conclusion ❋ Rebanex (2008)

Woman (acting conclusive):
«I know what you did…»
«Ok if you would let me explain—»
«[No that’s] [not it] I—»

[After hours] of [hard work] and study, he got tired of thinking and finally came to a [conclusion]. ❋ Hopper91788 (2003)

Thomas: «It all makes sense now»
[Dustin]: «Ohh noo! Super [Conclusive] [Conclusion], Yes!»
Thomas: «(popping noise)»
Dustin: «WHY GOD, WHY» ❋ Dustin Emerson (2008)

Person A: «Yeah so I saw your girlfriend talking to Brad last night and she said…»
*Interruption by Person B*
Person B: «Holy [Sh*t]! She’s cheating on me!»
Person A: «Dude, stop [jumping to conclusions]! She said he needs to [get a life]!»
Person B: «Oh…» ❋ Future Mind-Controlling Robots (2010)

I saw your girl having lunch with some other dude, so [I came] to the [optical conclusion] that they were [bumpin’ uglies]! ❋ Jason Schueler (2007)

[self conclusion] is often [not the] best [solution] ❋ Nick A (2007)



: a reasoned judgment : inference

The obvious conclusion is that she was negligent.


: the necessary consequence of two or more propositions taken as premises


: the inferred proposition of a syllogism


: the last part of something

The team was exhausted at the conclusion of the game.

: such as


: result, outcome

The peace talks came to a successful conclusion.


conclusions plural

: trial of strength or skill

used in the phrase try conclusions


: a final summation

the counsel’s conclusion to the jury


: the final decision in a law case


: the final part of a pleading in law


: an act or instance of concluding

hoped for a quick conclusion to the war


Example Sentences

The evidence does not support the report’s conclusions.

The evidence points to the inescapable conclusion that she was negligent.

The logical conclusion is that she was negligent.

What led you to that conclusion?

They haven’t yet arrived at a conclusion.

the conclusion of a business deal

The case was finally brought to conclusion last week.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The Masters will pare down the field after the conclusion of the second round, with the low 50 players and ties qualifying for the final 36 holes.

Scooby Axson, USA TODAY, 8 Apr. 2023

Balint observes that, in the 1930s, the majority of Poles felt their country would be better off if the Jews disappeared; the Nazis simply took that idea to its ultimate conclusion.

Adam Kirsch, The New Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

For their parts, Cain and Robinson are living in the moment with the Heat, back with the team following the conclusion of the Skyforce season, each eligible to be active with the Heat the balance of the regular season.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2023

At its conclusion, new kid and British exchange student Michael Carrington arrives.

Maureen Lee Lenker, EW.com, 5 Apr. 2023

The Alaska Association of Basketball Coaches announced its All-State teams as well as both player and coach of the year award winners for all four divisions last week following the conclusion of the 2022-2023 season.

Josh Reed, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023

Yellowstone fans may have to wait a bit longer for the conclusion of season 5.

Stephanie Wenger, Peoplemag, 3 Apr. 2023

But the national intrigue has paled in comparison to the conclusion of the women’s NCAA tournament.

Josh Criswell, Chron, 3 Apr. 2023

But perhaps the most enduring moment of the trial came at its conclusion.

Maham Javaid, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘conclusion.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin conclusion-, conclusio, from concludere — see conclude

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of conclusion was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near conclusion

Cite this Entry

“Conclusion.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conclusion. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
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Alternative forms[edit]

  • concl. (shortening)


From Middle English, borrowed from Old French conclusion, from Latin conclūsiō, from the past participle stem of conclūdere (to conclude), from con- +‎ claudō, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *kleh₂u- (key, hook, nail).


  • IPA(key): /kənˈkluːʒən/
  • Rhymes: -uːʒən


conclusion (plural conclusions)

  1. The end, finish, close or last part of something.
    • 1855–1858, William H[ickling] Prescott, History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain, volume (please specify |volume=I to III), Boston, Mass.: Phillips, Sampson, and Company, →OCLC:

      A flourish of trumpets announced the conclusion of the contest.

  2. The outcome or result of a process or act.
  3. A decision reached after careful thought.

    The board has come to the conclusion that the proposed takeover would not be in the interest of our shareholders.

    • 1598–1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, Much Adoe about Nothing. [], quarto edition, London: [] V[alentine] S[immes] for Andrew Wise, and William Aspley, published 1600, →OCLC, [Act I, scene i]:

      [I]n her boſome Ile vnclaſpe my heart, / And take her hearing priſoner with the force / And ſtrong incounter of my amorous tale: / Then after to her father will I breake, / And the concluſion is, ſhe ſhal be thine, […]

    • 1992, Rudolf M[athias] Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, New York, N.Y.: Columbia University Press, →ISBN, page vii:

      With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get […]

  4. (logic) In an argument or syllogism, the proposition that follows as a necessary consequence of the premises.
    • 1716 April 20 (Gregorian calendar), Joseph Addison, “The Free-holder: No. 32. Monday, April 9. [1716.]”, in The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; [], volume IV, London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], published 1721, →OCLC:

      He granted him both the major and minor, but denied him the conclusion.

  5. (obsolete) An experiment, or something from which a conclusion may be drawn.
    • 1631, Francis [Bacon], “New Atlantis. A Worke Vnfinished.”, in Sylua Syluarum: Or A Naturall Historie. In Ten Centuries. [], 3rd edition, London: [] William Rawley; [p]rinted by J[ohn] H[aviland] for William Lee [], pages 33–34, →OCLC:

      [W]ee practiſe likewise all Concluſions of Grafting, and Inoculating, as well of VVilde-Trees, as Fruit-Trees, which produceth many Effects.

  6. (law) The end or close of a pleading, for example, the formal ending of an indictment, «against the peace», etc.
  7. (law) An estoppel or bar by which a person is held to a particular position.
    • 1818, William Cruise, A Digest of the Laws of England Respecting Real Property:

      It was determined, that though the fine operated at first by conclusion, and passed no interest, yet the estoppel should bind the heir


  • (end): endpoint, terminus; see also Thesaurus: finish
  • (end of literary work): epilogue, postamble; see also Thesaurus: afterword


  • (end): beginning, initiation, start; see also Thesaurus: beginning

Coordinate terms[edit]

  • (in logic): premise

Derived terms[edit]

  • foregone conclusion
  • in conclusion


  • conclude
  • conclusive
  • conclusively
  • conclusiveness


end, final part

  • Armenian: եզրակացություն (hy) (ezrakacʿutʿyun)
  • Bulgarian: край (bg) m (kraj), завъ́ршване (bg) n (zavǎ́ršvane), приклю́чване (bg) n (prikljúčvane)
  • Catalan: conclusió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 結束结束 (zh) (jiéshù)
  • Danish: konklusion c, afslutning (da) c
  • Dutch: conclusie (nl), einde (nl)
  • Esperanto: konkludi (eo)
  • Finnish: päätös (fi), lopetus (fi), päätösosa
  • French: conclusion (fr) f, fin (fr) f
  • Galician: conclusión (gl) f
  • German: Schluss (de) m, Ende (de) n
  • Greek: κατάληξη (el) f (katálixi), λήξη (el) f (líxi), πέρας (el) n (péras)
    Ancient: καταστροφή f (katastrophḗ)
  • Indonesian: kesimpulan (id), konklusi (id), simpulan (id)
  • Italian: conclusione (it) f
  • Japanese: 終わり (ja) (おわり, owari), 結び (むすび, musubi), 終結 (ja) (しゅうけつ, shūketsu), 終了 (ja) (しゅうりょう, shūryō)
  • Korean: 종결(終結) (ko) (jonggyeol)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: کۆتایی (ckb) (kotayî)
  • Latin: clausula f
  • Malay: kesimpulan, konlusi
  • Maori: whakamutunga, kupu whakatepe, porotutukitanga
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: avslutning (no) m or f
    Nynorsk: avslutning f
  • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
  • Romanian: concluzie (ro) f
  • Russian: оконча́ние (ru) n (okončánije), заверше́ние (ru) n (zaveršénije)
  • Scottish Gaelic: eàrr m or f
  • Sicilian: cunchiusiuni f, accapata f
  • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
  • Tagalog: pasyahin
  • Vietnamese: kết thúc (vi) (結束)


  • Bashkir: һөҙөмтә (höðömtä), нәтижә (nätijä), йомғаҡ (yomğaq)
  • Belarusian: рэзульта́т m (rezulʹtát), вы́нік (be) m (výnik)
  • Bulgarian: и́звод (bg) m (ízvod), резулта́т (bg) m (rezultát)
  • Catalan: conclusió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 結果结果 (zh) (jiéguǒ)
  • Dutch: besluit (nl), conclusie (nl)
  • Esperanto: konkludi (eo)
  • Finnish: tulos (fi), ratkaisu (fi), lopputulos (fi)
  • French: conclusion (fr) f
  • Galician: conclusión (gl) f
  • German: Abschluss (de) m, Ergebnis (de)
  • Greek: αποτέλεσμα (el) n (apotélesma)
  • Italian: conclusione (it) f
  • Japanese: 結果 (ja) (けっか, kekka), 結末 (ja) (けつまつ, ketsumatsu)
  • Korean: 결과(結果) (ko) (gyeolgwa)
  • Navajo: ałtso bééʼdeetánígíí
  • Persian: نتیجه (fa) (natije)
  • Polish: wniosek (pl), wynik (pl), rezultat (pl)
  • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
  • Romanian: concluzie (ro) f
  • Russian: результа́т (ru) m (rezulʹtát), исхо́д (ru) m (isxód)
  • Scottish Gaelic: buil f
  • Sicilian: accapata f, cunchiusiuni f
  • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
  • Tagalog: pasyahin
  • Ukrainian: результа́т (uk) m (rezulʹtát), ви́слід (uk) m (výslid)
  • Vietnamese: kết quả (vi) (結果)

decision, judgment

  • Armenian: որոշում (hy) (orošum)
  • Asturian: conclusión f
  • Azerbaijani: nəticə (az), qənaət
  • Belarusian: вы́вад (be) m (vývad), вы́нік (be) m (výnik), заключэ́нне n (zaključénnje)
  • Bulgarian: заключе́ние (bg) n (zaključénie)
  • Catalan: conclusió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 結論结论 (zh) (jiélùn)
  • Czech: závěr (cs) m
  • Dutch: besluit (nl), conclusie (nl) f
  • Esperanto: konkludo
  • Finnish: ratkaisu (fi), johtopäätös (fi), päätelmä (fi)
  • Galician: conclusión (gl) f
  • German: Schlussfolgerung (de) f
  • Greek: συμπέρασμα (el) n (sympérasma)
  • Hungarian: következtetés (hu)
  • Italian: conclusione (it) f
  • Japanese: 結論 (ja) (けつろん, ketsuron)
  • Kazakh: тұжырым (tūjyrym)
  • Korean: 결론(結論) (ko) (gyeollon)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: konklusjon (no) m
    Nynorsk: konklusjon m
  • Polish: wniosek (pl) m, konkluzja (pl) f
  • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
  • Russian: вы́вод (ru) m (vývod), заключе́ние (ru) n (zaključénije)
  • Sicilian: cunchiusiuni f
  • Slovak: záver m
  • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
  • Swedish: slutsats (sv)
  • Tagalog: pasyahin
  • Ukrainian: ви́сновок m (výsnovok), заклю́чення n (zakljúčennja)
  • Vietnamese: kết luận (vi) ( (vi))

of a syllogism

  • Arabic: نَتِيجَة‎ f (natīja)
  • Azerbaijani: nəticə (az)
  • Bashkir: һөҙөмтә (höðömtä), нәтижә (nätijä), һығымта (hığımta), йомғаҡ (yomğaq)
  • Bulgarian: заключе́ние (bg) n (zaključénie)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 結論结论 (zh) (jiélùn)
  • Czech: závěr (cs) m
  • Dutch: logisch gevolg, conclusie (nl)
  • Finnish: johtopäätös (fi), päätelmä (fi)
  • German: logische Schlussfolgerung f, Vernunftsschluss m, Folgerung (de) f
  • Greek: συμπέρασμα (el) n (sympérasma)
  • Japanese: 結論 (ja) (けつろん, ketsuron)
  • Korean: 결론(結論) (ko) (gyeollon)
  • Polish: konkluzja (pl) f
  • Portuguese: conclusão (pt) f
  • Russian: умозаключе́ние (ru) n (umozaključénije)
  • Sicilian: cunchiusiuni f, èsitu m, diduzziuni f, nnuzziuni f, abduzziuni f
  • Spanish: conclusión (es) f
  • Swedish: slutsats (sv) c
  • Thai: ข้อสรุป (th)
  • Ukrainian: умови́від m (umovývid)



From Old French, from Latin conclūsiō, from the past participle stem of conclūdere (conclude).


  • IPA(key): /kɔ̃.kly.zjɔ̃/


conclusion f (plural conclusions)

  1. conclusion


  • conclure

Further reading[edit]

  • “conclusion”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


  • concluions



conclusion (plural conclusiones)

  1. conclusion



From Latin conclūsiō.



conclusion f (plural conclusions)

  1. conclusion


  • conclure

What is a Concluding Sentence? The conclusion is the last sentence in your paragraph. … – Wrap up your paragraph. – Consider using transition words to signify the end of your paragraph.

What is your conclusion?

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject.

How do you use the word conclusion?

—used to introduce the final comments at the end of a speech or a piece of writing In conclusion, I would like to thank you for inviting me to speak tonight.

How do we write a conclusion?

Here are four key tips for writing stronger conclusions that leave a lasting impression:

  1. Include a topic sentence. Conclusions should always begin with a topic sentence. …
  2. Use your introductory paragraph as a guide. …
  3. Summarize the main ideas. …
  4. Appeal to the reader’s emotions. …
  5. Include a closing sentence.

What is an example of a conclusion?

For example, if you write a paper about zoo animals, each paragraph would probably be about one particular animal. In your conclusion, you should briefly mention each animal again. “Zoo animals like polar bears, lions, and giraffes are amazing creatures.” Leave your readers with something to think about.

How many sentences are in a conclusion?

Key aspects to remember:

A strong essay conclusion consists of three sentences minimum. It concludes thoughts, not presents new ideas.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?

The purpose of a conclusion is to summarise the main points of your essay. It is your last opportunity to bring together what you have been saying, and to make your opinion, and your understanding of the topic, very clear to your examiner.

How do you end a conclusion paragraph?

What to include in a conclusion

  1. End the essay on a positive note.
  2. Communicate the importance of your ideas and the subject matter.
  3. Provide the reader with a sense of closure.
  4. Reiterate and summarize your main points.
  5. Rephrase and then restate your thesis statement.

What is the final conclusion?

The “final conclusion” of an argument is simply a proposition in that argument that has been selected to be called “the final conclusion”. … This means that you cannot simply select any step in an argument to be the final conclusion. You have to select one of the conclusions of that argument.

What is the scientific definition of conclusion?

A conclusion is a statement based on experimental measurements and observations. It includes a summary of the results, whether or not the hypothesis was supported, the significance of the study, and future research.

What is a conclusion in an essay?

The last section of an academic essay is the conclusion. The conclusion should reaffirm your answer to the question, and briefly summarise key arguments. It does not include any new points or new information.

What is the best definition of conclusion?

A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result. … The phrase in conclusion means “finally, to sum up,” and is used to introduce some final comments at the end of a speech or piece of writing.

What is Project conclusion?

Definition. The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a summary of your points or a re-statement of your research problem but a synthesis of key points.

What is the synonym of conclusion?

In this page you can discover 86 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for conclusion, like: wrap-up, summing-up, resolution, finish, commencement, end, judgment, corollary, deduction, decision and consummation.

What are 3 purposes of a conclusion paragraph?

Generally, conclusions fulfill a rhetorical purpose—they persuade your readers to do something: take action on an issue, change a policy, make an observation, or understand a topic differently.

What is difference between summary and conclusion?

Summary refers to the concise statement or account of the key points of a text, research or essay. The conclusion is that section of the text, essay or book which serves as the final answer to the research question.

What is a conclusion and recommendation?

Conclusions interpret the findings of the research. It answers the statement of the problem and accepts or rejects the hypothesis. Recommendations come after the conclusions, these are the researcher’s opinions supported by the research findings.

How long is a conclusion?

Most conclusion paragraphs are four to five sentences long and should average between 50–75 words. They should be long enough to get your point across, but short enough that you’re not rehashing every idea you’ve ever had on the subject. Conclusion paragraphs begin by revisiting the main idea definition.

What are the 3 parts of conclusion?

The conclusion of an essay has three major parts:

  • Answer: the thesis statement, revisited.
  • Summary: main points and highlights from the body paragraphs.
  • Significance: the relevance and implications of the essay’s findings.

How do you start a conclusion example?

Examples of conclusion paragraph starter words and phrases include:

  1. all things considered.
  2. clearly.
  3. given these points.
  4. I feel we have no choice but to conclude.
  5. in conclusion.
  6. in drawing to a close.
  7. in general.
  8. in light of this information.

What is an example of a conclusion in science?

My hypothesis was that Energizer would last the longest in all of the devices tested. My results do support my hypothesis. I think the tests I did went smoothly and I had no problems, except for the fact that the batteries recover some of their voltage if they are not running in something.

How do you write a conclusion for a review?

The conclusion should:

  1. summarise the important aspects of the existing body of literature;
  2. evaluate the current state of the literature reviewed;
  3. identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;
  4. outline areas for future study;
  5. link your research to existing knowledge.

How do you write a conclusion to a story?

What to include

  1. Your conclusion wraps up your essay in a tidy package and brings it home for your reader.
  2. Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement.
  3. Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant.
  4. Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas.

conclusion — перевод на русский


You can draw your own conclusions.

Делайте выводы сами.

Draw your own conclusions.

Делайте выводы сами.

— I’m jumping to conclusions!

Поспешные выводы.

Our comrade Bobby X… is going to read the sentences. and then draw his own conclusions from the trial.

Наш товарищ Бобби Х прочтет приговоры и затем извлечет собственные выводы из процесса.

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And now, in conclusion, I’d like to tell you a humorous anecdote.

А теперь, в заключение, я хотел бы рассказать вам весёлый анекдот.

And in conclusion, I’d like to add that if you took the embryonic metamorphosis, the only thing…

И в заключение я хотел бы повторить гипотезу о происхождении.. — Единственное, что..

Now, men, in conclusion… I would like to say that in the two years… that it has been my privilege to be your commanding officer… I have always expected the best from you… and you have never given me anything less than that.

Теперь, в заключение я хотел бы сказать, что те два года в которые я имел честь быть вашим командиром я всегда ожидал от вас самого лучшего и вы выкладывались по полной.

Based on the findings of the report… my conclusion was that this idea was not a practical deterrent… for reasons which at this moment must be all too obvious.

На основе их отчета мое заключение было в том, что эта идея не была практическим средством устрашения по причинам, которые в это мгновение должны быть слишком очевидны.

My conclusion is this.

Вот моё заключение.

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But we must not jump to conclusions.

Но не будем делать поспешных выводов.

You mustn’t jump to conclusions.

Не стоит делать поспешных выводов.

Perhaps we should not jump to conclusions.

Возможно, не стоит делать поспешных выводов.

Oh, no, no, no. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Да нет-нет, не надо делать поспешных выводов:

— Let’s not jump to conclusions.

— Давайте не будем делать поспешных выводов.

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Events must play themselves out to an aesthetic, moral and logical conclusion.

События должны получить эстетическое, моральное и логическое завершение

So, in conclusion, good luck on tomorrow’s big final exam.

И в завершение желаю вам удачи на завтрашнем выпускном экзамене.

And now, the conclusion.

А теперь завершение.

Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion: «Woody’s Finest Hour.»

Смотрите через неделю захватывающее завершение: «Чудеснейший Час Вуди.»

And now the conclusion.

А теперь — завершение.

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— No jumping to conclusions now.

— ќ, ћэгги, не нужно спешить с выводами.

But we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Но мы не должны спешить с выводами.

Let’s not jump to conclusions

Давай не спешить с выводами.

Let’s not jump to conclusions.

Давай не будем спешить с выводами.

We shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Мы не должны спешить с выводами.

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You can’t jump at conclusions that way.

Ты не можешь просто вот так делать выводы.

Sir, the data support no conclusions as yet.

Данных пока недостаточно, чтобы делать выводы.

yu cannot reach conclusions based on what yu read in the bible.

Нельзя делать выводы на основании Библии.

It is a deal of trouble for you and you are better off watching and drawing your conclusions from a distance than you would be if I got my tarse up your petticoats.

Уж лучше вам наблюдать за мной и делать выводы на расстоянии, чем если бы я полез к вам под юбки.

— That’s good. But before you reach any hasty conclusions, let me show you something.

Хорошо, но не торопитесь делать выводы.

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You must understand. There are times when one must really look at himself and draw conclusions.

Ты должен понять, иногда нужно действительно посмотреть на себя и сделать выводы.

I’m not saying I elected the President of the United States, but you can draw your own conclusions, Harry.

Я не говорю, что я выбрал президента США, но ты сам можешь сделать выводы.

Like I’m incapable of reaching a conclusion!

Как будто я не способна сама сделать выводы!

Perfectly capable of drawing my own conclusions.

Я сам могу спокойно сделать выводы.

We need a little more time to give you our conclusion. Okay.

Нам нужно больше времени, чтобы сделать выводы.

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Object. The witness would be making a conclusion.

Свидетеля просят сделать умозаключение.

I reject your conclusion.

я отклоняю твоё умозаключение.

They’ll have the little summaries at the end of every talk and you are now left with the conclusion that’s presented to you.

У них будет краткое резюме в конце каждого обсуждения, и у Вас остается умозаключение, которое было вам подсказано.

I’m making a conclusion based on years of experience and training.

Я делаю умозаключение основываясь на многолетнем опыте и подготовке

That’s a reasonable conclusion.

Это логичное умозаключение.

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Direct observation and analysis of samples being brought to the surface lead us to the conclusion that a deep fissure has opened in the ocean floor.

Подробно проанализировав фотографии, сделанные со дна океана, мы пришли к выводу, что на дне океана существует огромная подземная трещина.

We’ve come to the conclusion, the doctor and myself that this whole story is a game of the mind.

Доктор и я пришли к выводу, что эта история является настоящей игрой ума.

But the washing powder people have come to the conclusion that we prefer this bloke with a clipboard we’ve had since the ’50s.

Но рекламщики стирального порошка пришли к выводу, что мы предпочитаем чуваков с планшетами из 50-х

But, since there has to be a reason for everything… with some caution and plenty of research, the Church scholars… got to the conclusion… the Deluge took place in one part of the world only.

Но всему должна быть своя причина… с некоторой осторожностью, после многих исследований… церковные мыслители пришли к выводу… что Великий потоп, на самом деле, охватил лишь одну часть света.

And this experiment led to your conclusion that the police investigation was accurate?

— И в результате его вы пришли к выводу, что полиция не ошиблась в своем расследовании?

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Michael Logan, while I have no doubt that the jury must have reached their conclusion in utmost fairness and solemn regard for justice, I cannot help expressing my personal disagreement with their verdict.

Майкл Логан, хотя я не сомневаюсь в том, что присяжные вынесли свое решение не предвзято и с ответственным отношением к правосудию, я не могу не выразить своего личного не согласия с их вердиктом.

So I thought and thought… ’til my head ached from thinking so hard… and I came to the conclusion that I just didn’t know what the fuck to do.

Вот я думал, думал сколько мог. Пока голова не заболела. И, наконец, я принял решение то, что делаю… не то, что мог бы делать

It is always advisable to do a thorough inspection, before coming to the final conclusion.

Гастингс, всегда полезно провести полный осмотр перед тем, как принять окончательное решение.

What strikes me about ’em right off… is the examiner’s prior conclusion in each instance… the body parts were removed while the victims were alive.

Что сразу же меня поразило в них… так это то, решение судебно-медицинского эксперта -— в каждом случае… части тела были удалены пока жертвы были живы.

So I have reached a conclusion and I rather…

И я уже приняла решение, я…

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Смотрите также

  • выводы
  • заключение
  • делать поспешных выводов
  • завершение
  • спешить с выводами
  • делать выводы
  • сделать выводы
  • умозаключение
  • пришли к выводу
  • решение

  • Top Definitions
  • Synonyms
  • Quiz
  • Related Content
  • More About Conclusion
  • Examples
  • British
  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ kuhn-kloo-zhuhn ]

/ kənˈklu ʒən /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


the end or close; final part.

the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached.

a result, issue, or outcome; settlement or arrangement: The restitution payment was one of the conclusions of the negotiations.

final decision: The judge has reached his conclusion.

a reasoned deduction or inference.

Logic. a proposition concluded or inferred from the premises of an argument.


  1. the effect of an act by which the person performing the act is bound not to do anything inconsistent therewith; an estoppel.
  2. the end of a pleading or conveyance.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about conclusion

    in conclusion, finally: In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your attention.

    try conclusions with, to engage oneself in a struggle for victory or mastery over, as a person or an impediment.

Origin of conclusion

1300–50; Middle English <Latin conclūsiōn- (stem of conclūsiō), equivalent to conclūs(us) closed, past participle of conclūdere (conclūd- to conclude + -tus past participle suffix) + -iōn--ion

synonym study for conclusion


con·clu·sion·al, adjectivecon·clu·sion·al·ly, adverbnon·con·clu·sion, nounpre·con·clu·sion, noun

Words nearby conclusion

concision, conclave, conclavist, conclude, concluded, conclusion, conclusive, conclusory, concoct, concoction, concomitance

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a conclusion?

The conclusion is the final section of an essay. It summarizes the points made in the essay and restates the thesis statement in different words.

Students are usually taught to write an essay in three parts, with the first part being the introduction, followed by the body and ending with a conclusion.

While the introduction is often considered the most important part of an essay, the conclusion is often the trickiest part to write. The goal of the conclusion is to summarize all of the major points of the essay without repeating them word for word.

Articles, opinion pieces, blog posts, research papers, and other types of writing also include conclusions to tie all the points together and emphasize their importance.

Why is conclusion important?

The first records of the word conclusion come from around 1300. It ultimately comes from the Latin verb conclūdere, meaning “to end an argument.”

Just like with introductions, your teacher will likely tell you that the conclusion should only be as long as it needs to be to do its job.

To write a good conclusion, you often begin with a transition and restate your thesis using different wording from the introduction. Next, you’ll repeat the main points you made in the body using the same wording and without introducing any new information or arguments. You can then end your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action that demonstrates the importance of the essay’s topic.

The most important job of the conclusion is to tie everything together and to avoid rambling or repeating things that have already been said.

Did you know … ?

Because the conclusion comes last in an essay, writers often write it last. This can make writing the conclusion easier because you know what your introduction and body say.

What are real-life examples of conclusion?

This image gives an example of how an effective conclusion can be used even in an essay covering a complex subject.

While most students aren’t fans of writing conclusions, they often see them as the finish line of essay writing.

The conclusion to my essay on «Savitri: Some Aspects of Its Style.»
Ed. RY. Deshpande. Perspectives of Savitri, Part II. pic.twitter.com/bUJCEaAJcn

— Goutam Ghosal (@GoutamGhosal3) June 4, 2021

Quiz yourself!

True or False?

The conclusion repeats the thesis statement and summarizes the main points of the essay.

Words related to conclusion

closure, completion, consequence, denouement, development, ending, outcome, result, agreement, conviction, inference, opinion, resolution, settlement, verdict, cease, cessation, close, culmination, eventuality

How to use conclusion in a sentence

  • The conclusions were drawn by the majority staff under committee Chairman Peter DeFazio.

  • It has been a difficult journey for her, but fortunately it has a happy conclusion.

  • The real conclusion, yet again, is that getting the most bang out of your altitude buck is complicated and highly individual.

  • Westlake has disputed the conclusions and details of a legislative report that corroborated three women’s complaints that he made unwanted sexual advances.

  • Local research into police stops has reached similar conclusions.

  • Was there an investigation of people at DOJ before they arrived at that conclusion?

  • Editorial and political cartoon pages from throughout the world almost unanimously came to the same conclusion.

  • Following this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, the way to achieve world peace is to give everyone atomic bombs.

  • In that sense, the last Report was mildly unsatisfying as a conclusion, in that it left so much unresolved.

  • Magnum came into being as a cooperative only two years after the conclusion of World War II.

  • And the others, not knowing that he had that day repented, sat at their distance and tried to form no conclusion.

  • The conclusion is reached that, despite these drawbacks, the Jesuit mission in Canada has made a hopeful beginning.

  • The interest of the story is now at an end; but much yet remains before the conclusion.

  • How would the involuntary accusation have been embittered, had he known that the Empress drew the same conclusion!

  • I made the experiment two years ago, and all my experience since has corroborated the conclusion then arrived at.

British Dictionary definitions for conclusion


end or termination

the last main division of a speech, lecture, essay, etc

the outcome or result of an act, process, event, etc (esp in the phrase a foregone conclusion)

a final decision or judgment; resolution (esp in the phrase come to a conclusion)


  1. a statement that purports to follow from another or others (the premises) by means of an argument
  2. a statement that does validly follow from given premises


  1. an admission or statement binding on the party making it; estoppel
  2. the close of a pleading or of a conveyance

in conclusion lastly; to sum up

jump to conclusions to come to a conclusion prematurely, without sufficient thought or on incomplete evidence

Word Origin for conclusion

C14: via Old French from Latin; see conclude, -ion

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with conclusion

see foregone conclusion; jump to a conclusion.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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