What do the word afford mean

предоставлять, давать, доставлять, приносить, иметь возможность


- иметь возможность, быть в состоянии (сделать что-л.); позволить себе (покупку, удовольствие)

I can’t afford the journey — я не могу себе позволить такое путешествие
I can’t afford the time — я не могу выкроить время; у меня нет на это времени, мне некогда
I can’t afford the money — мне это не по средствам
I can afford to speak freely — я могу себе позволить высказаться откровенно
you cannot afford to neglect your health — ты не имеешь права пренебрегать своим здоровьем

- предоставлять, давать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I can’t afford it.

Я не могу себе это позволить (купить).

I cannot afford the time.

Мне некогда.

She could not afford to pay.

Она была не в состоянии расплатиться.

I was unable to afford the trip.

Я был не в состоянии позволить себе поездку.

I can’t afford to spend two hours with this person.

Я не могу позволить себе потратить два часа на этого человека.

I cannot afford it at so little price.

Я не могу уступить по такой низкой цене.

We can’t afford to slip up.

Мы не можем себе позволить допустить ошибку.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.

We could only afford seats up in the gallery.

We can’t afford the luxury of waiting any longer.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: afford
he/she/it: affords
ing ф. (present participle): affording
2-я ф. (past tense): afforded
3-я ф. (past participle): afforded

  • 1

    2) дава́ть, предоставля́ть; приноси́ть;

    3) доставля́ть;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > afford

  • 2

    afford предоставлять позволить себе

    afford позволять

    см. также

    Персональный Сократ > afford

  • 3

    afford давать урожай; давать плоды

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > afford

  • 4

    əˈfɔ:d гл.
    1) (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford, be able to afford) I can’t afford it. ≈ Это мне не по карману. I cannot afford the time. ≈ Мне некогда. She could not afford to pay. ≈ Она не могла расплатиться
    2) давать, предоставлять;
    приносить The district affords minerals. ≈ В этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые. The hills afford а fine view. ≈ С холмов открывается красивый вид. He wondered how a country maid could afford such courtly behaviour. ≈ Его удивляло то, что у простой деревенской девушки могут быть такие изящные манеры. afford a basis afford cover afford ground for
    3) давать, доставлять, приносить to afford great pleasure ≈ доставлять большое удовольствие to affords great satisfaction ≈ доставлять большое удовлетворение
    4) фин. уступать, продавать( по определенной цене) I cannot afford it at so little price. ≈ Я не могу это уступить по такой низкой цене.

    afford быть в состоянии ~ давать, предоставлять;
    the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые;
    to afford a basis служить опорой;
    to afford cover давать укрытие ~ давать ~ доставлять;
    to afford great pleasure доставлять большое удовольствие ~ иметь возможность ~ (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford) ;
    I can’t afford it это мне не по карману;
    she can afford to buy a motorcar она может купить себе автомобиль ~ позволять себе ~ предоставлять

    ~ давать, предоставлять;
    the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые;
    to afford a basis служить опорой;
    to afford cover давать укрытие

    ~ давать, предоставлять;
    the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые;
    to afford a basis служить опорой;
    to afford cover давать укрытие

    ~ доставлять;
    to afford great pleasure доставлять большое удовольствие

    ~ давать, предоставлять;
    the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые;
    to afford a basis служить опорой;
    to afford cover давать укрытие

    ~ (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford) ;
    I can’t afford it это мне не по карману;
    she can afford to buy a motorcar она может купить себе автомобиль

    I cannot ~ the time мне некогда

    ~ (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford) ;
    I can’t afford it это мне не по карману;
    she can afford to buy a motorcar она может купить себе автомобиль

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > afford

  • 5


    afford быть в состоянии afford давать, предоставлять; приносить; the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые; to afford a basis служить опорой; to afford cover давать укрытие afford давать afford доставлять; to afford great pleasure доставлять большое удовольствие afford иметь возможность afford (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford); I can’t afford it это мне не по карману; she can afford to buy a motorcar она может купить себе автомобиль afford позволять себе afford предоставлять afford давать, предоставлять; приносить; the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые; to afford a basis служить опорой; to afford cover давать укрытие afford давать, предоставлять; приносить; the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые; to afford a basis служить опорой; to afford cover давать укрытие afford доставлять; to afford great pleasure доставлять большое удовольствие to afford ground for давать основания для; предоставлять возможность afford давать, предоставлять; приносить; the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые; to afford a basis служить опорой; to afford cover давать укрытие afford (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford); I can’t afford it это мне не по карману; she can afford to buy a motorcar она может купить себе автомобиль I cannot afford the time мне некогда afford (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford); I can’t afford it это мне не по карману; she can afford to buy a motorcar она может купить себе автомобиль

    English-Russian short dictionary > afford

  • 6

    1. III

    1) afford smth. with can, usually in the negative I can afford new clothes я не в состоянии /не имею возможности/ покупать себе новые туалеты и т. д.; I am sure he can afford it я уверен, что он может это себе позволить /что это ему по средствам/; he couldn’t afford the time он не мог разрешить себе потратить столько времени

    2) afford smth. book. afford oil давать нефть и т. д.; the trees will afford refuge мы сможем укрыться под деревьями; the hills afford a fine view с холмов открывается красивый вид

    2. IV

    afford smth. in some manner I can well afford it я вполне и т. д. могу себе позволить это

    3. V

    afford smb. smth. book, it afforded him an opportunity to see the world это дало ему возможность повидать мир; it affords me great pleasure это доставляет [мне] большое удовольствие и т. д.

    4. XIII

    afford to do smth. with can, usually in the negative I can afford to buy such a hat я не в состоянии /не имею возможности/ купить себе такую шляпу и т. д.; I can scarcely /hardly/ afford to go away for a holiday я вряд ли и т. д. смогу позволить /разрешить/ себе уехать в отпуск; I cannot afford to go there every year ездить туда каждый год мне не по средствам

    5. XXI1

    afford smth. for smth. book. afford a basis for conclusions служить основанием для выводов и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > afford

  • 7


    1. иметь возможность, быть в состоянии (); позволить себе ()

    I can’t afford the time — я не могу выкроить время; у меня нет на это времени, мне некогда

    I can afford to speak freely — я могу себе позволить высказаться откровенно

    you cannot afford to neglect your health — ты не имеешь права пренебрегать своим здоровьем

    2. предоставлять, давать

    to afford shelter — предоставить /дать/ убежище

    to afford pleasure to smb. — доставить удовольствие кому-л.

    the transaction afforded him a good profit — сделка принесла ему большую прибыль

    НБАРС > afford

  • 8



    I can’t afford it. — Это мне не по карману.

    I cannot afford the time. — Мне некогда.

    She could not afford to pay. — Она была не в состоянии расплатиться

    He wondered how a country maid could afford such courtly behaviour. — Его удивляло то, что простая деревенская девушка могла демонстрировать такие изящные манеры.

    2) давать, доставлять; приносить

    The district affords minerals. — В этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые.

    The hills afford a fine view. — С холмов открывается прекрасный вид.

    afford a basis

    — afford cover
    — afford ground for



    уступать, продавать

    I cannot afford it at so little price. — Я не могу уступить по такой низкой цене.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > afford

  • 9

    1. v иметь возможность, быть в состоянии; позволить себе

    2. v предоставлять, давать

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. manage to buy (verb) be disposed to; be financially able; have enough for; have sufficient means for; make ends meet; manage to buy; spare the money for; suffer to lose; swing it

    4. provide (verb) allow; bear; furnish; grant; offer; permit; produce; provide; stand; supply; support; sustain; yield

    English-Russian base dictionary > afford

  • 10


    1) (быть в состоянии) позволить себе (часто can afford или be able to afford); I can’t afford it это мне не по карману; she can afford to buy a motor car она может купить себе автомобиль; I cannot afford the time мне некогда

    2) давать, предоставлять; приносить; the district affords minerals в этом районе имеются полезные ископаемые; to afford a basis служить опорой; to afford cover давать укрытие; to afford ground for давать основания для; предоставлять возможность

    3) доставлять; to afford great pleasure доставлять большое удовольствие

    * * *

    (v) позволить себе; позволять себе; предоставить; предоставлять

    * * *

    быть в состоянии, позволять себе

    * * *

    [af·ford || ə’fɔːd]
    быть в состоянии сделать, иметь возможность; позволить себе что-либо; предоставлять; доставлять, приносить, давать

    * * *







    * * *

    1) (быть в состоянии) позволить себе;
    2) давать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > afford

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > afford

  • 12


    1) Общая лексика: быть в состоянии , давать, давать возможность, дать, доставить , доставлять, иметь средства, оказывать, позволить себе, позволять себе, предоставить , предоставлять, принести , приносить, иметь возможность, представить

    5) Патенты: давать

    6) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: обеспечить

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > afford

  • 13

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > afford

  • 14



    2) (про)давать, (пре)доставлять

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > afford

  • 15

    предоставлять; придавать; обеспечивать

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > afford

  • 16



    иметь возможность, позволять себе, быть в состоянии (обыкновенно с глаголом can)

    I can’t afford the time. — Мне некогда/я не могу потратить столько времени.

    I can’t afford the money (a car, such a coat). — Я не могу потратить столько денег (позволить себе машину по карману, такое пальто.)

    I can’t afford to do it. — Я не могу себе позволить это сделать

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > afford

  • 17

    предоставлять, давать

    afford an effective protection

    — afford proofs

    Patent terms dictionary > afford

  • 18

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > afford

  • 19

    позволя́ть себе́, быть в состоя́нии

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > afford

  • 20

    əˈfɔ:dиметь возможность, быть в состоянии, позволять себе, давать, предоставлять, представить

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > afford


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Afford — Af*ford ([a^]f*f[=o]rd ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Afforded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Affording}.] [OE. aforthen, AS. gefor[eth]ian, for[eth]ian, to further, accomplish, afford, fr. for[eth] forth, forward. The prefix ge has no well defined sense. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • afford — [ə fôrd′] vt. [ME aforthen < OE geforthian, to advance < forthian, to further] 1. to have enough or the means for; bear the cost of without serious inconvenience: used with can or be able [I m not able to afford a car; can you afford the… …   English World dictionary

  • afford — UK US /əˈfɔːd/ verb [T] ● can afford Cf. can afford …   Financial and business terms

  • afford — (v.) O.E. geforðian to put forth, contribute; further, advance; carry out, accomplish, from ge completive prefix (see A (Cf. a ) (1)) + forðian to further, from forð forward, onward (see FORTH (Cf. forth)). Change of th to d took place late 16c.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • afford — [v1] able to have or do; within financial means allow, be able to, bear, be disposed to, have enough for, have the means for, incur, manage, spare, stand, support, sustain; concepts 335,713 afford [v2] give, produce bestow, furnish, grant, impart …   New thesaurus

  • afford — ► VERB 1) (can/could afford) have sufficient money, time, or means for. 2) provide (an opportunity or facility). DERIVATIVES affordability noun affordable adjective. ORIGIN Old English, «promote, perform»; related to FORTH(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • afford — index administer (tender), allow (endure), bear (yieid), bequeath, bestow, contribute (supply) …   Law dictionary

  • afford — *give, confer, bestow, present, donate Analogous words: *offer, proffer: *furnish: *grant, accord Antonyms: deny (something one wants, asks, hopes for) pm4]Contrasted words: withhold, hold, hold back (see KEEP): refuse, * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • afford */*/*/ — UK [əˈfɔː(r)d] / US [əˈfɔrd] verb [transitive] Word forms afford : present tense I/you/we/they afford he/she/it affords present participle affording past tense afforded past participle afforded Get it right: afford: Afford is never followed by a… …   English dictionary

  • afford — v. 1) to well afford 2) (formal) (A) it afforded great pleasure to him; or: it afforded him great pleasure 3)(E; preceded by the forms: can cannot can t could) we cannot afford to buy a new house; we can ill afford to lose this contract 4)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • afford — af|ford W3S1 [əˈfo:d US o:rd] v [T] [: Old English; Origin: geforthian to carry out , from forth] 1.) can/could afford [usually negative] a) to have enough money to buy or pay for something afford [to do] sth ▪ We can t afford to go on vacation… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

Other forms: afforded; affords; affording

To afford means you have enough money or time for something. If you only have ten dollars on you, you can’t afford to buy a twenty-dollar hat.

Afford is a verb that has to do with means. You either have a surplus and therefore can afford something, or else you have a deficit and can’t. It can be in the monetary sense: «$100 for cashmere socks? I can’t afford that!” It can also refer to time: “Since my train wasn’t scheduled to leave for another hour, I could afford to wait for my sister ten more minutes.” Or even access: “The castle walls afforded a wonderful view of the moat.”

Definitions of afford

  1. verb

    have the financial means to do something or buy something

    “We can’t
    afford to send our children to college”

    “Can you
    afford this car?”

  2. verb

    be able to spare or give up

    “I can’t
    afford to spend two hours with this person”

  3. verb

    be the cause or source of

    “Our meeting
    afforded much interesting information”


    give, yield


    cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘afford’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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transitive verb



: to manage to bear without serious detriment

You can’t afford to neglect your health.


: to be able to bear the cost of

can’t afford to be out of work long


: to make available, give forth, or provide naturally or inevitably

The sun affords warmth to the earth.

a delay that will afford us more time


Choose the Right Synonym for afford

gave her a ride on a pony

give my love to your mother

present carries a note of formality and ceremony.

donate is likely to imply a publicized giving (as to charity).

donate a piano to the orphanage

bestow implies the conveying of something as a gift and may suggest condescension on the part of the giver.

confer implies a gracious giving (as of a favor or honor).

confer an honorary degree

afford implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver.

a development that affords us some hope

Example Sentences

We were too poor to afford a doctor.

He’ll be able to afford a house next year.

Don’t spend more than you can afford.

They couldn’t afford new coats for the children.

We can afford waiting a while longer.

All of the rooms afford views of the lake.

He was afforded the opportunity to work for a judge.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

The Giants could afford to get funky, too.

John Shea, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 Apr. 2023

But nobody can afford life right now!

Kara Baskin, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023

For a nation increasingly viewed as an avatar of repression and autocracy, Russia had, until recently, afforded Western correspondents a fair amount of leeway in reporting on its politics, society and culture.

Michael M. Grynbaum, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

World & Nation Chinese Communist Party Congress affords another step for Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power Oct. 15, 2022 The fervor also spread among Chinese nationals abroad.

Stephanie Yang, Los Angeles Times, 6 Apr. 2023

The pandemic also afforded her an opportunity – joining a student equity advisory board – that otherwise may have been challenging, given her parents’ work schedules.

Jackie Valley, The Christian Science Monitor, 6 Apr. 2023

With salary cap space increasing each year in the NFL, the Cowboys can afford to let Prescott maintain a high salary similar to other top quarterbacks.

Calvin Watkins, Dallas News, 5 Apr. 2023

But Damon can’t afford them.

Marco Della Cava, USA TODAY, 5 Apr. 2023

What closure Chung does receive is afforded through the ritual of the funeral, a small mercy.

Qian Julie Wang, Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘afford.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


respelling (after Latin borrowings with initial aff-) of Middle English iforthen, aforthen, going back to Old English geforðian «to send out, promote, carry out,» from ge-, perfective prefix + forðian «to send out, promote,» verbal derivative of forþ «forth, forward» — more at co-, forth entry 1

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of afford was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near afford

Cite this Entry

“Afford.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/afford. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on afford

Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Table of Contents

  1. Where does the word afford originate from?
  2. What is affording mean?
  3. What is the root word for money?
  4. What is another word for afford?
  5. What is the antonym of afford?
  6. What does bestow upon mean?
  7. How do you use bestow?
  8. Is bestow legit?
  9. What are the worst insurance companies?
  10. At what age should you buy life insurance?
  11. What is the number 1 life insurance company?
  12. Which term insurance is best 2020?
  13. Is life insurance a waste of money?
  14. Which type of life insurance is best?
  15. Can I have 2 life insurance policies?
  16. What happens to term life insurance if you don’t die?
  17. What reasons will life insurance not pay?
  18. Should a 70 year old buy life insurance?
  19. How much does a $10000 life insurance policy cost?
  20. Do you need life insurance after 65?
  21. Does Suze Orman recommend life insurance?
  22. What happens if I outlive my term life insurance?
  23. What is the best life insurance for seniors?
  24. Is AARP life insurance any good?
  25. How much is a $25000 life insurance policy?
  26. How much is a 500k life insurance policy?

afford (v.) Middle English aforth, from Old English geforðian “to put forth, contribute; further, advance; carry out, accomplish,” from ge- completive prefix (which in Middle English regularly reduces to a-; see a- (1)) + forðian “to further,” from forð “forward, onward” (see forth).

What is affording mean?

to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time: I don’t know how he can afford a new car on his salary.

What is the root word for money?


What is another word for afford?

Frequently Asked Questions About afford Some common synonyms of afford are bestow, confer, donate, give, and present. While all these words mean “to convey to another as a possession,” afford implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver.

What is the antonym of afford?

afford. Antonyms: withhold, deny, withdraw, retain, stint, grudge. Synonyms: produce, supply, give, yield, grant, confer, bestow, impart, administer, extend.

What does bestow upon mean?

to present as a gift; give; confer (usually followed by on or upon): The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.

How do you use bestow?

Bestow sentence example

  1. It is a big honor to bestow on a person.
  2. He was ever ready to take blame on himself and bestow praise on others.
  3. I would ask that you bestow defenses upon them to thwart his inevitable attack.
  4. With this act we bestow upon any honorary member the right to vote on any matter.

Is bestow legit?

Bestow is a life insurance company that wants to make getting life insurance easy. The policies Bestow offers are provided by North American Company for Life and Health Insurance. This company is rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best, which is the second-highest rating available out of the 15 categories A.M. Best rates.

What are the worst insurance companies?

The following list contains the 11 WORST insurance companies in America:

  • State Farm.
  • Anthem.
  • Farmers.
  • UnitedHealth.
  • Global Life.
  • Liberty Mutual.
  • USAA.
  • Progressive.

At what age should you buy life insurance?

Your 20s are the best time to buy affordable term life insurance coverage (even though you may not “need it”). Generally, when you’re younger and healthier, you pose less risk to an insurer, which is why you’re offered the most affordable rates.

What is the number 1 life insurance company?

Prudential is our best overall life insurance company We publish unbiased product reviews; our opinions are our own and are not influenced by payment we receive from our advertising partners. Learn more about how we review products and read our advertiser disclosure for how we make money.

Which term insurance is best 2020?

Best 10 Term Insurance Plans in India of 2021

Sr. No. Company Name Term Insurance Plans
1. LIC of India LIC Tech Term
2. HDFC Life HDFC Click 2 Protect 3D Plus Term Plan
3. SBI Life SBI Life eShield
4. ICICI Prudential Life ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart Term Plan

Is life insurance a waste of money?

Basic life insurance policies are designed to provide replacement funds that can approximately match what the policy owner was making or a percentage of it. A life insurance policy on someone with no earnings or someone with no dependent beneficiaries can be a waste of money.

Which type of life insurance is best?

The best types of life insurance for 4 life stages

  • Best for single adults on a budget: Term life insurance.
  • Best for young families: Whole life insurance.
  • Best for investing in your child’s future: Whole life insurance.
  • Best for older adults: Guaranteed issue life insurance.

Can I have 2 life insurance policies?

It’s totally possible — and legal — to have multiple life insurance policies. Many people have life insurance coverage through their employer in addition to their own term life policy or permanent life insurance policy. But there are also benefits to having more than two life insurance policies.

What happens to term life insurance if you don’t die?

If you outlive your term life insurance policy, the money you have put in, will stay with the insurance company. The premiums paid by those who don’t die while their policies are in force will ultimately be used for life insurance payouts to the families of those who were not as lucky to have outlived their policy.

What reasons will life insurance not pay?

If you commit life insurance fraud on your insurance application and lie about any risky hobbies, medical conditions, travel plans, or your family health history, your insurance company can refuse to pay out the life insurance death benefit to your beneficiaries when you die.

Should a 70 year old buy life insurance?

While term life insurance is the most common life insurance on the market today, it is not the best option for seniors over the age of 70. When you obtain the term life insurance policy at 70 years old, you will inevitably pay a premium that will increase dramatically over the next 10 years.

How much does a $10000 life insurance policy cost?

Whole Life Insurance $10,000 Cost By Age

Female Male
25 $14.75 $15.84
30 $16.18 $17.38
35 $17.97 $19.52
40 $19.98 $21.96

Do you need life insurance after 65?

If you retire and don’t have issues paying bills or making ends meet you likely don’t need life insurance. If you retire with debt or have children or a spouse that is dependent on you, keeping life insurance is a good idea. Life insurance can also be maintained during retirement to help pay for estate taxes.

Does Suze Orman recommend life insurance?

Ask any financial advisor if you need life insurance, and the answer is almost always, “Yes.”Financial personalities like Suze Orman are no different. She’s quick to recommend life insurance to many of her fans.

What happens if I outlive my term life insurance?

If you outlive your term life policy, you usually don’t get any money. Return of premium (ROP) term life gives you back the premiums. The downside is you’ll pay more than a regular term life policy. If ROP interests you, compare policies with and without that rider to see whether the extra cost is worth it.

What is the best life insurance for seniors?

The 7 Best Life Insurance for Seniors in 2021

  • Best Overall: Mutual of Omaha.
  • Best Final Expense Insurance: AIG.
  • Best Term Life Insurance: Banner.
  • Best Whole Life Policy: MassMutual.
  • Best for Grandchildren: Gerber.
  • Best for Seniors Over 80: Transamerica.
  • Best Living Benefits: Prudential.

Is AARP life insurance any good?

Rated 4.5 stars out of 5 by NerdWallet. Offers small selection of New York Life term and whole life policies to AARP members. No medical exam required to apply.

How much is a $25000 life insurance policy?

$25,000 15 Year Term Life for 65 Year Old: $49.85 Monthly. $25,000 20 Year Term Life for 65 Year Old: $60.11 Monthly.

How much is a 500k life insurance policy?

Term length A 35-year man in excellent health, looking for $500,000 of coverage will pay: About $16 a month for a 10-year term. Approximately $17 a month for a 15-year term. Around $23 a month for a 20-year term (a popular term length for our mid-thirties to early-forties customers)

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