What cuss word are you

fuck, shit, bitch, uncle fucker, muther fucker, donkey raping shit eater, ass, skank, slut, hoe, whore, Barbra Streisand, dildo, condom, fagget, fagget-ass, horny-ass, fucker, gringo, nigger, wetback, kraker, Brittney Spears vagina, cockmaster, suck my balls mr.garrison, mrs.chokesondik, pussy, asshole, and FUCK YOU!!! those are cuss words

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Words that have been deemed inappropriate and you dont normally hear in public or «normal» conversation. Fun to use and you get to watch people over-react when you scream «FUCK» at the top of your lungs.

fuck, shit, cock, titties, boner, muff, pussy, asshole, cunt, ass, cockfoam, dicksmoke, nigger, clit, clitoris, clit chewer, anul rocket, whore, bitch, BARBRA STREISAND, and more to come.

Reverend FootJoy 69:42

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An offensive word, used chiefly as an expression of anger. Fuck, shit, bitch, motherfucker, and cunt are some examples. Some cuss words can actually be used directly as a term of abuse. Nigga, honky, whore, and kike are some examples of derogatory terms.

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About the song: Whats Your Favorite Curse Word Lyrics (Tiktok Remix). A Viral Tiktok Sound.

Chorus 1:
I actually do cuss a little
What’s your favourite curse word?
Probably fu^k

Chorus 2:
Uhahaha ha hah

Chorus 1:
I actually do cuss a little
What’s your favourite curse word?
Probably fu^k

Chorus 2:
Uhahaha ha hah

Chorus 1:
I actually do cuss a little
What’s your favourite curse word?
Probably fu^k

Chorus 2:
Uhahaha ha hah

Chorus 1:
I actually do cuss a little
What’s your favourite curse word?
Probably fu^k

Chorus 2:
Uhahaha ha hah


This is the end of Whats Your Favorite Curse Word Lyrics. If any query, leave us a comment.

Table of Contents

  1. What nice word starts with F?
  2. What are all the words that start with F?
  3. What are the f words of Spanish?
  4. How do you say bad words on Roblox?
  5. Do Spaniards swear a lot?
  6. What is Chingona?
  7. What are the bad f words?
  8. What’s the D word?
  9. What is the longest curse word?
  10. How do I stop saying the F word?
  11. Can PG movies say the F word?
  12. What is an appropriate age to swear?
  13. What can I say instead of cursing?
  14. How do you cuss politely?
  15. How do you swear someone out professionally?
  16. What words are cuss words?
  17. What is the Z word swear?
  18. When did the F word come into common use?
  19. What is the magic F-word that turns a girl on?
  20. Is frickin a cuss word?
  21. Is fricking rude?
  22. Does Frick mean the F word?
  23. Is Flipping a bad word?

You can use the star key to indicate the curse or the bad word in the game, as there is no specific method to denote the bad word or curse in the games. Also make sure the words should clear and not to be more vulgar because then the player will be eliminated from the game.

What nice word starts with F?


  • Fab wonderful; fabulous; extremely pleasing.
  • Fabulous astonishing; exceedingly pleasing; outstanding.
  • Facile easy; easily achievable or done; quick; ready.
  • Factual real; genuine; containing or characterized by facts.

What are all the words that start with F?

5 letter words that start with F

  • fable.
  • faced.
  • facer.
  • faces.
  • facet.
  • facia.
  • facon.
  • facta.

What are the f words of Spanish?

spanish word english translation
furioso furious
fresco cool
feliz happy
filete steak

The definition of cuss means a curse word, or an odd person or animal. Cuss is defined as to use a foul word. An example of cuss is to scream obscenities at someone.

How do you say bad words on Roblox?

Do Spaniards swear a lot?

Spanish people swear – a LOT. I didn’t know this prior to arriving, having only socialised with students and the English ones swear in normal conversation anyway (well my friends do!). The difference here is that apparently in Spain, doesn’t carry the same connotations that it does in England.

What is Chingona?

noun. 1. a Spanish slang term meaning “bad ass woman” Although the word “chingona” is a Spanish term, it is not limited to Latinas.

What are the bad f words?

20 F-Words for Describing People

Number F-Word Meaning
1 facetious not being serious about a serious subject
2 faltering not decisive, walking unsteadily
3 fanatical overly enthusiastic
4 fastidious hard to please

What’s the D word?

The name “D-Word” is defined as “industry euphemism for documentary,” as in: “We love your film but we don’t know how to sell it. It’s a d-word.” As of 2019 it has over 17,000 members in 130 countries.

What is the longest curse word?

Try ‘n top me. (If any person, group, club etc.

How do I stop saying the F word?

How can I get myself to stop? Just say more appropriate words rather than the really offensive ones. For example, instead of saying the F word, say, “Flipping” or “Freaking” or “Fudge” or “Frickin”, and for the S word, “sugar”, “shoot”, “shiz”, “shingles”, “crap” or “crud.”

Can PG movies say the F word?

Some mild to moderate coarse language is allowed in PG and PG13 films; the word ‘fuck’ is also allowed infrequently at the PG13 category.

What is an appropriate age to swear?

Some are able to cuss at the lowest at 10 years old, some are allowed to cuss when they hit adulthood. Of course, most kids today curse behind their parents backs with their friends at school or some other places. SWEARING or cussing is bad, whether you are a toddler , a teenager or an adult.

What can I say instead of cursing?

What the cuss? 50 swear-word alternatives

  • Balderdash!
  • William Shatner!
  • Corn Nuts!
  • Dagnabbit!
  • Son of a monkey!
  • Barnacles!
  • Holy cow!
  • Poo on a stick!

How do you cuss politely?

101 Great Cuss/Swear Word Alternatives

  1. Shnookerdookies!
  2. Fudge nuggets!
  3. Cheese and rice!
  4. Sugar!
  5. God bless America!
  6. Poo!
  7. Snickerdoodle!
  8. Banana shenanigans!

How do you swear someone out professionally?

Deliver the dressing down right.

  1. Yell. A good cursing out deserves as much volume as you can muster.
  2. Show your anger in your face. Bulge your eyes, stick your nose out with nostrils flared, and let the blood rush to your face.
  3. Use body language. Get inside your target’s personal space.

What words are cuss words?

A definitive ranking of every swear word from worst to best

  • Arse.
  • Git.
  • Bugger.
  • Sod.
  • Bloody.
  • Crap.
  • Damn. This isn’t even a swear word and I’m annoyed that I’ve included it in the list to be honest.
  • Cow. If someone calls you a cow, regardless of whether they are Kat Slater or not, you cannot truly feel offended.

What is the Z word swear?

These “Z” words are proper and accepted descriptions, but based on their meaning they could easily be used in a rude or bad way: zatch – female genitalia. zigzig – have sexual intercourse. zendik – heretic. zingaro – gypsy.

When did the F word come into common use?

F*** appears to have hit its stride by the late 16th century. In 1598, John Florio published an Italian-English dictionary intended to teach people these languages as they were really spoken.

What is the magic F-word that turns a girl on?

The magic F-word is “friend”. Apparently, if you throw thins word in a convo, she is 3 tImEs MoRe LiKeLy to want to sleep with you. Say “Haha, thanks for doing this with me, friend.” Or some other iteration of this She will see it as a challenge and it will increase her attraction towards you.

Is frickin a cuss word?

“Frigging,” previously profanity in its own right, lost both its edge and its original meaning and became wholly acceptable as an anodyne substitute for a completely different swear word. “By the mid-20th century it’s become a minced oath, so it’s not considered offensive anymore, really,” says Bergen.

Is fricking rude?

Fricking ranks much lower on the profanity scale. It’s not really polite, and it can certainly be used in a rude manner, but it lacks most of the built-in potential for offense that makes us avoid saying certain other words.

Does Frick mean the F word?

F-word euphemisms Frig, frack, frick, fork, and fug, d’fuq, fux, and WTF (or whiskey tango foxtrot) are all popular substitutions, especially for the spoken f-word.

Is Flipping a bad word?

Flipping is not vulgar. Flipping is not rude. Flipping may bother those who choose to be bothered. Most any adjective or noun can do that.

Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate?
hooyóvo Badly



«Na kaleni, suka» On your knees, bitch



Bliad’ Whore



Blyadischa Whore



Chto za huy What the fuck



Chush’ sobach’ya Bull shit!



Chyort voz’mi! Damn it!, Oh shit!



Cyka blyat fucking whore



Debil Yobani Fucking idiot



Dolbo yeb Dumb Fuck



Dolboeb fuckhead



Drochit’ To Jerk off



Durak Stupid



Ebat’ To fuck



Ebat’ (ебать) to fuck



Eblan. Dumbass.



Ee-dee nah hooy Fuck you!



Ey, parshiviy, syuda idi! Hey jackass, get over here!



Gandon Condom



Hooyeélo Fool (rude



Hooyovi / zayebátelski Bad/good



Huesos cocksucker



Hui dick



Huiplet Some one who talks a lot.



Idi na xuy husesos fuck off cocksucker



Kto eto? Chto za huy? Who is it?



Loh (лох) Stupid (very strong)



Malafyá Sperm (derog.)



Mne pohui I dont give a fuck



Morgaly vikalyu, padla (моргала выколю, падла) I’ll poke your eyes out, fucker.



Mudak (pronounced MOOdak) bastard



Na hooyá? What for?(rude)



Ostyn’ Chill out



Otebis’ Fuck off



Oyah Dah Papakina,Yoscho Papakina Oh Yea Daddy.more daddy



Oyobuk Fucking retard



P’yan v stel-ku Really drunk



Pashla na hui. Go on a dick.



Past’ zakroi Shut it



Peetoókh (TheMost rude) gay



Peezdit’ Steal



Perdet’ Fart



Perhot’ podzalupnaya Pee hole dandruff



Pidor Gay man



Piz’da Cunt-Pussy



Piz’duk Bullshitter



Pizdet’ To bullshit



Pokazhi pizdu detka Show your cunt baby



Polnyi pizdets FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair)



Poloochít Pizdyooléy To Be hitted by



Poshol Na Hui Fuck off! (Go to the dick!)



Poshyol ty’ Fuck you



Péezdit To steal ,rob also to beat smbody



S’ebis’ Get the fuck out



Sassu Moi Hui Suck My Dich !



Shalava dirty slut



Shluha vokzal’naja Train station whore



Sooka Bitch/traitor/whore



Sosat’ To suck



Sosi Hui Suck a dick (meaning, suck my dick)



Spermu gluboko v gorlo . Sperm deep down your throat.



Svoloch’ Bastard



Tebe Pizd’ets You are fucked.



Tee Karova You cow!



Tolstak fatass



Trajat’sya To have sex



Tupa shmara Stupid whore



Tvar’ Creature



Wed’ma Witch



Yeban’ko maloletnee Adolescent jerk



Yeto maloebuchi faktor It is not important



Yob Twy eh Mach Fuck you



Yob tebye suka fuck you bitch



Yob tvoyiu mat! Fuck your mother



Yблюдок ( ublyudok ) Bastard



Zaebis`! Awesome!



Zalupa dick head



Zatknis’ na hui Shut the fuck up



Zavali yebalo Shut the fuck up!



bliad’ whore



eban’ko jerk



ebanatyi pidaraz fucking motherfucker



ebat’ kopat’ Oh, shit!



gandon used condom



golubaya bl’yad gay whore



goluboi gay



govno shit (literally)



huesos cock sucker



kooshi govno ee oomree eat shit and die



ma’mkoo tvoyu’ yeba’l i’ve fucked your mother



manda cunt



omped owned fucker



oslayob donkey fucker



pedik gay



pidaryuga fucking gay



poshol ti nahoo go fuck yourself



shloocha slut



sooka ebnataya fucked whore



sookin syn son of a bitch



sosi ebanataya suka! suck it you fucking whore



sosi hooi i ne psihooy relax and suck dick



sosi moi hui sooka! suck my cock bitch



suka (сука) bitch



suka poshel nakhuy uyebok Fuck you bitch motherfucker



ya tivayou mait yeball i fuck ur mom



yebanutaya suka fucked whore



yebatsya to fuck



yob fuck



yob tuvoyu mat go fuck your mother



yob tvou mat’ go fuck your mother



yob tvoyu mat’ fuck your mother



zhopa an asshole or an ass



Заткнись, иди на хуй (Zat-knees, ee-dee na khuy) Shut up and fuck you



Пиздаеб (Pizdayob) Cunt fucker



Хуй тебе в рот! ( Chlen v rot ! ) Dick in your mouth



Хуй тебе в роть! [Khuy tebee v rod] A dick in your mouth



охуеть (ohooiet’) holy fuck!!!



соси хуй suck my dick



соси хуй русский suck my dick



твою мать (tvoyu mat’) fuck your mother



cuss word

Американский английский: ругательство, матерное слово

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «cuss word» в других словарях:

  • cuss word — cuss ,word noun count INFORMAL an offensive word that you say because you are annoyed: SWEAR WORD …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cuss word — n old fashioned a rude word that you use because you are angry …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cuss|word — «KUHS WURD», noun. Informal. a word used to express a curse or oath: »The epithet should not…be taken as a political cussword (Economist) …   Useful english dictionary

  • cuss word — noun Curse word or phrase …   Wiktionary

  • cuss word — noun (C) AmE a swear word …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • cuss word — n. informal a swear word …   Useful english dictionary

  • cuss·word — /ˈkʌsˌwɚd/ noun, pl words [count] US informal : an offensive word that people say when they are angry : ↑curse, ↑swearword …   Useful english dictionary

  • cuss — cuss1 [ kʌs ] verb intransitive or transitive INFORMAL to swear ,cuss out phrasal verb transitive AMERICAN INFORMAL cuss someone out to shout offensive words at someone because you are annoyed with them cuss cuss 2 [ kʌs ] noun count 1. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cuss — Synonyms and related words: bloke, boy, buck, chap, curse, curse and swear, cuss word, damn, dirty name, dirty word, dysphemism, dysphemize, epithet, execrate, expletive, fellow, foul invective, gent, guy, he, imprecate, man, naughty word, no no …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cuss — n. & v. colloq. n. 1 a curse. 2 usu. derog. a person; a creature. v.tr. & intr. curse. Phrases and idioms: cuss word US a swear word. Etymology: var. of CURSE …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cuss Control — Cuss Control: The Complete Book on How to Curb Your Cursing   …   Wikipedia

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