What comes to your mind when you hear the word happiness

What springs to your mind when you hear the word “Happiness”? Are you happy when you live in Vietnam? Why? r6aDo

When I hear the word «Happiness», something comes up to my mind is making memories with my favourite people. It is not about making huge things, but just some small simple things. For example, I can have a warm dinner with my parents after a hard-working day, hang out with my friends and do best thing together. Moreover, I feel extremely happy when I have been born and live in Vietnam, especially during this covid-19. I love the beautiful places, the food, people, culture, . . . I’m in love with all the things of Vietnam.

When I hear the word


, something

up to my mind is making memories with my

. It is not about making huge things,

simple things.

For example

, I can have a warm dinner with my parents after a

-working day, hang out with my friends and do best thing together.


, I feel


happy when I have

been born


in Vietnam,


during this

. I


places, the food,

, culture

I’m in

with all the things of Vietnam.

The man who does not know other languages, unless he is a man of genius, necessarily has deficiencies in his ideas.

Victor Hugo

IELTS essay What springs to your mind when you hear the word “Happiness”? Are you happy when you live in Vietnam? Why?

This writing has been penalized,
text can’t be
less than 250 words in Task 2
and less than 150 words in Task 1


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Coherence and Cohesion:


  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?

    One main idea per paragraph

  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?

    Present relevant ideas

  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

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  1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word happiness? What is happiness for you?
  2. Are you a happy person?
  3. Do you think happiness comes from inside or it depends on other people and things?
  4. When did you last feel very happy? What happened?
  5. How do you show your happiness? Do you share it with others or keep it private?
  6. Who are happier, single people or married ones? Why?
  7. What makes you unhappy?
  8. Which country has the happiest people in the world? Which has the saddest? Why is it so?

   План- конспект открытого урока по
английскому языку в 11 классе

 по теме “ Healthy lifestyle”( « Здоровый образ жизни») по учебнику “ Spotlight”( авторы Д.Дули,, О. Михеева, др.)   Модуль 4” Healthy

Тип урока : урок
применения метапредметных и предметных знаний.

Цель урока:
Cовершенствовать навыки аудирования, владения монологической и диалогической
речью по теме.



— формировать лексические и грамматические
навыки, умение делать вывод, обобщать, выделять проблемы;

— способствовать выработке умений высказывать
свою точку зрения, основываясь на жизненный опыт.


— развивать умение систематизировать знания,
память, креативное мышление, логику изложения в устной речи, делать умозаключения.


— формировать сознание необходимости беречь
здоровье, что следует /не следует делать, чтобы быть здоровым.

Оснащение урока:

технические средства обучения (компьютер,
мультимедийный проектор,

материалы на электронных носителях, пособия)

Ход урока:

.Разговор учителя с классом.

Hi!  How are you? How do you feel today? Have you got any health problems? Have
you had breakfast? Did you come to school on foot or by bus? Are you energetic,
optimistic, ready to start working?  So, you are happy to see me, aren’t

Целеполагание. ( слайд  1)

what’s happiness? What comes to your mind when you hear the word “

( составляют высказывания по теме “ happiness is…)

You see, there are many components  in this phenomenon. And what comes first?
Of course, health. Do you remember, “ health is above wealth”?  So, do you
mind  to have the topic of our lesson as” healthy lifestyle”?  No? Then
, let’s speak about the secrets  of staying healthy and keeping fit. But to
start with, we’d better divide into two groups: a window group and a
door group.

Речевая зарядка  по теме   в режиме T-Cl,
T-P1P2P3 (
3) “ A healthy man is a successful man” ( прил.1 речевая зарядка)

 T: To start with , I’d like to know your opinion on the topic:

1. What makes people  happy and healthy
?(Being happy and healthy means:  to have good      family relations, to have
no great problems with studies, to have no serious illnesses , to have enough
money , to have many friends)

2. How does health depend on our lifestyle?( Only healthy
lifestyle can provide you with good health)

3. What can people do to stay healthy? And what do you do?(
to be healthy one should give up bad habits, do sports, avoid stresses, eat
more vegetables and fruit, get  enough sleep, relax properly, think positively
,have more vitamins)

4. Is sport a hobby or a part of your life?( Oh, it’s my
best hobby and may be even a part of my life)

5. Is healthy food essential  for our health?(It certainly
is. We should eat a rainbow of food every day and not skip meals, refuse from junk
food. Tasty does not mean healthy. And try to eat food of different colours !)

4. Summing up(монологическая речь) один из группы  отвечает( обе группы

Well, summing  up our discussion how would you comment on the issue “Healthy
lifestyle”?   You are sure to agree with the opinion of our famous doctor , TV
presenter,  professor Elena Malusheva  who claims that  healthy life style is a
good habit.  Don’t forget to use       I agree with…    That’s absolutely
true that… I
m sure that

новой  лексики, аудирование текста и обсуждение прослушанного текста
5) (
прил. 2 для аудирования)

T: As our respected
guest  has said one of the most important sources of proper health is right
eating. Do you know what exactly should we  eat  to stay healthy for long? Well
, now lets watch this video.( предварительная  отработка слов из аудиотекста)

 (просмотр видеоролика  “Five foods you should eat every day”) слайд 6

 6. Контроль аудирования текста по вопросам в
TCl, TP1P2P3. 

T:  It’s evident
that a major role in staying healthy and fit is our well-balanced and regular
eating. After all,  it’s also our discipline and srong will to follow the
rules, isn’t it?  Well, now let’s check up what exactly you’ve understood from
the film.  Mark the statements:   True   False  Not Stated(
читают высказывания)

1 .Protein, magnesium, fiber  are useful  for the body.

2. Almonds can help to treat a lot of diseases.

3. WE should eat fried eggs instead of boiled eggs.

4. Eggs are rich in iron and can improve hair growth.

5. Fish should be eaten not less than twice a week.

7. T: As for 
our class, are you sure your friend enjoys healthy lifestyle?  Let’s find it
out making short exchanges
слайды 7,8)

Диалогическая речь.( T раздаёт
карточки  с вопросами для работы в группах )

Диалог по теме “ Sport in my life”           группа 1

Диалог по
теме “  
My hobbyDancing”    группа
2     ( прил.3 для составления микро-диалогов)

8.  Этап 

        T:  Well,
in my opinion, after a great job we have deserved a good rest. A good rest,
enough sleep , listening to nice music, having fun , relaxing  contributes  to
our good mood and health. So here’s      with his cheerful song      (  
Исполнение песни     Don’t worry) слайд 9

9. Составление памятки

T: To make our
lesson more productive  for us, I suggest making a kind of a leaflet for all
the students of our school “To stay healthy : what should we do?” Your ideas,
please.  Don’t forget to use  the modal verb   should-shouldn’t.  Well
done! (
Прил. 4)

10. T: And how will you decipher the letters in the word “
health” ?  What is a healthy man like? Are you personally  healthy? (
Слайд 10)

11. Proverbs and
sayings about health.

T:  Are you
tired a bit? Well, we are rounding up, just one more task. Do you know the
Russian equivalents to these proverbs?  Let’s try and guess them.(
Слайд 11)

      12.  Этап

   T: We’ve done
a great job speaking of the importance of healthy lifestyle. I hope, the lesson
was  informative, useful for all of us. What do you think of the lesson? (
Учащиеся высказываются об уроке.)

13. Заключительный этап . Подведение итогов.

12. T: Well,
it’s a pity, but the lesson is coming to an end. I’d like to thank all of you
for the great job and wish you all good health which is above wealth, you know.

How important is the pursuit of happiness, according to psychologists? When Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, he and our founders insisted it was among certain human rights. Not only is finding happiness necessary, but your well-being depends on it.

Is your ability to be happy intuitive, or is it something that must be cultivated over time? While the dictionary defines happiness as bliss and a joyful state of being, everyone puts their spin on its meaning. As you read this article, you are probably thinking about what makes you happy.

If your happiness quotient is deficient, you are not alone. Out of 140 countries measured last year for a happiness index, the United States was ranked 108th. Such a low rank suggests that many people are not as happy as we want.

Are you satisfied with your happiness quotient? Are you procrastinating happiness until you’ve marked off everything on your list? Does your life seem lackluster when compared to others?

Take hope, because you can increase your happy number. The pursuit of happiness is not dependent on attaining beauty, wealth, or status. Little changes in your daily life can bring you the sustainable joy that you desire.

How Happy are You?

Your explanation of happiness may differ from other people’s views. What comes to mind when you hear the word? When you see the iconic yellow smiley face, is that how you feel on the inside?

Perhaps you already have the things that society dictates will make you happy. Even if you have the home, family, car, career, and all the world can offer, you may still be unfulfilled. Does this sound familiar?

If you could measure your happiness quotient on a scale from ten being the happiest to one being miserable, what would your score be? When you are honest with yourself and realize your life could be more content, then you can do something about it.

stress relief

The Myths of Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is a collective goal. How many times have you told yourself that all you want in life is to be happy? So, like most of us, you prepared a happiness “checklist” early in life.

Your happiness checklist has probably been modified hundreds of times over the years. Age and society’s expectations are continually shaping it. Shouldn’t everyone be happy all the time?

When you discover some of the myths of happiness, you may find its true meaning. Modern advertising depends on you to believe these delusions to keep them wealthy. Yet, when you buy into their skewed philosophy, you may be even less content.

Myth #1 – It’s Perpetual

The first happiness myth to dispel is that it is perpetual. Regardless of the painted-on smiles, you see on tv, and in magazines, nobody is happy all the time. Life is based on positive and negative experiences that help mold you.

If your life were total bliss, then how would you learn or grow? We learn from our mistakes and use pain to make us stronger. You need to reprogram your brain because “happily ever after” is not reality.

Myth #2 – You Don’t Need a Mental Checklist

Another myth that may suppress your goal of happiness is your mental checklist. Most entries probably start with “I will finally be happy when…” We all have these lists that only block happiness in the long run.

Re-evaluate your joy checklist and see what you have checked off from childhood to present. Has obtaining these goals brought pure delight? Many individuals find that they are only blissful for a short time, and then they go back to square one.

Have you bought into these myths that continue to rob you of a fulfilling life? If you want to be happy, look beyond the myths. You don’t need a checklist, because you were born with the ability to create your happiness.

A Truth: Happiness is Internal, Not External

Everything in our world is vying for your attention. Television, movies, books, magazines, and looping ads cry out to you and drive the need for more. In subtle ways, the media brainwashes people to believe that materialism brings contentment.

Would you be thrilled with a luxury home or car? Sure, but only temporarily. How would you feel if you won the lottery? Recent studies on mega-lottery winners show that their happiness quotients eventually returned to the level it was before they got money.

If materialism is the ticket to bliss, then why do you see so much unrest among the rich and famous? Even with their wealth and luxuries, stars are prone to depression, substance abuse, and suicide.

The adage is true that money cannot buy happiness.

Have you come to believe that having more, bigger, and better will make you better off? It’s a common misperception. When you get what you want, how long is it until you are unsatisfied and think you need more?

The reason that materialism is a deception is that “things” do not make you happy. As the novelty of the new item fades, so does your satisfaction.

The pursuit of happiness begins inside. Sociologists and anthropologists have studied primitive cultures and found that their happy quotient often doesn’t depend on materialism. How can people who have so little be so content in life?


Cultivating Joy in Your Life

If you follow society’s grand illusion of the “good life,” then you will be disappointed. Chasing after the illusion of external pleasure can leave you drained physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. You can take charge of your pursuit of happiness.

The good news is that bringing more satisfaction and happiness into your life won’t cost a penny. It will require that you be honest with yourself and dispel false preconceptions. Like anything, cultivating more delight takes practice and determination.

1 – Practice Gratitude

It has been said that true happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have. Gratitude is a powerful contentment booster. When you are grateful for the things in your life, it often brings peace and satisfaction.

Many people find that keeping a gratitude journal is useful. Make a list of anything you can think of in your life for which you are grateful. As you add to your list and reflect on it each day, you may find your happiness levels rising. Always count your blessings to avoid dwelling on the negative things in life.

2 – Make Happiness Contentment a Priority

Abraham Lincoln said, “most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Based on his expertise, it’s possible to sabotage your joy.

To be happy, you must be your cheerleader. Reflect on the things that ring true for you and bring lasting joy. Resolve to think more positive thoughts and less negative ones. Be kind to yourself and determine that you have a right to be joyful.

Instead of procrastinating cheerfulness until you attain a goal on your mental checklist, decide to be blissful today. While it is unrealistic to think you will have joy all the time, you can determine to have happiness in the present. As you practice being present in the moment, you take possession of your happy quotient.

pursuit of happiness quotes

3 – Practice Forgiveness and Releasing Guilt

Another stumbling block to your pursuit of happiness is holding grudges. Unforgiven trespasses dampen your spirits and keep you sad. Forgiveness does not excuse the offender, but it allows you to move on with your life.

Make a mental list of the grudges that still rob you of joy. Even if you offer forgiveness in your heart and not in person, it will be a tool of healing. If you have said or done something that warrants guilt, seeking forgiveness, and making amends can boost your spirits and contentment.

pursuit of happiness quotesFinal Thoughts: Revise Your Requirements in the Pursuit of Happiness

There is nothing wrong with having goals and wanting nice things. If you become dependent on them for contentment, then they become more of a problem than a solution. The pursuit of happiness requires a lot of honest souls searching and revising what you assumed were truths.

When people with high happiness quotients are studied, a common characteristic is found. These people often focus on “quality” rather than “quantity” in their lives. As you explore your happiness checklist, do you find that it has become more spiritual and less material-oriented?

Nobody has all the answers in this life. You may find that your relentless race for pleasure is the very thing that stands in your way. Raising your happy meter is a life-long journey, and it’s not a quick fix.

Everyone wants joy and satisfaction in our lives. Your “aha” moment may be like Dorothy’s red slippers in the iconic movie. It’s time to click your heels and realize that you had the power within you all along. Now all you need to do is activate it.

This seven part series, from the Project Happiness curriculum, explores the many facets of happiness and provides practical techniques to generate greater happiness and a more meaningful life — from the inside. Each door can be done alone or the Seven Doors journey can be done in sequence. You can use this exercise to explore your own relationship to happiness, and/or bring it to your students to help them build a stronger sense of their own happiness. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below.


1) Happiness Is Personal

Everyone wants happiness. Yet, because each of our characters and preferences is unique, and since we also come from different families, communities and cultures, what makes one person happy may not be the same for another. At the end of the day, for happiness to be meaningful, we have to create our own individual definition of what it is.

Reflection: What comes to your mind when you hear the word happiness?

2) The Brain Can Change

It used to be widely accepted that brain cells do not grow. Newest findings reveal the opposite. The science of neuroplasticity has discovered that the brain can change. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson points out that the average adult grows 5,000 new brain cells a day. With certain practices, including mindfulness (bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis), meditation (a self-directed practice, often using focused breathing, for relaxing the body and calming the mind) and gratitude, it is possible to re-access a deeper happiness that is available regardless of the day-to-day challenges that life presents.

In the 1940s, psychologist Donald Hebb stated, «The neurons that fire together wire together.» As we think a thought over and over, it forms a neural pathway. So by practicing new positive ways of thinking, we can actually create new neural pathways that support the lives we wish to create.

Reflection: How do you want to be in the world? Adopting and then practicing new ways of thinking can make a huge difference.

3) Short-Term and Long-Term Happiness

Meeting our desires (for chocolate, new shoes, the latest gadget on the market — you name it!) can definitely give us feelings that we define as happiness. But after the pleasure of having this object fades, we often just desire something else. This kind of happiness, which depends on external attainment of immediate desires, often brings only temporary or short-term satisfaction. Then, when we find ourselves wanting something new, we repeat the process. For some, it can feel like a never-ending cycle of constantly searching for more objects or increasingly intense experiences that satisfy.

Long-term happiness tends to be associated with experiences that bring meaning and a deeper fulfillment into our lives. These include acts of kindness, working toward a deeply held goal, or immersing ourselves in an activity which engages us so fully that time seems to disappear.

Both types of happiness are important and can work hand in hand. Tal Ben Shahar, whose «Positive Psychology» course is the most popular at Harvard, suggests, «Happiness is the intersection between pleasure and meaning.» Both have their merits.

Reflection: What is your favorite path to short-term and to long-term happiness? This is an interesting question for a class or family discussion, too.

4) Waves of Appreciation

Thoughts are like boomerangs: what we project out into the world often comes back, and when we put our attention on something, that thing grows. In this way, anger begets anger, and appreciation both incites and expands happy feelings. Gratitude is a pillar of happiness. Research has proven that as we reflect and write down a few things we are grateful for, this simple act can change the brain, creating a happier state.

Some Benefits of Gratitude:

  • Gratitude helps you savor the good stuff of life. Whether enjoying a meal or spending time with an ailing parent, an attitude of gratitude makes each moment even more precious.
  • Gratitude makes you feel more confident of your strengths and less sorry for yourself, even in a financially volatile environment.
  • Gratitude improves relationships, as grateful people tend to be more positive, which often attracts new friendships.
  • Gratitude, as an antidote for disappointment and envy, helps you focus on what is here and now in your life.

5) Take the Happiness Challenge

During the day, take five minutes to look around you and notice anything, however insignificant, that makes you feel good. It might be, «I love the sun on my back,» «That meal was awesome,» or «Amazing conversation.» You can jot it down or store it in your mind to enter in your gratitude journal later. Consider how these simple forms of appreciation feel, and how they affect your experience of happiness. If you do this for 21 days, you can experience noticeable changes.

Reflection: For now, what is your definition of happiness? What are you grateful for in your life: personally, professionally or in the relationships that matter to you most?

Next blog will be on obstacles to happiness and how to overcome them.

What Is the meaning of Happiness

If you ask people, what is happiness and what does it means to them, you will probably receive many different answers to your question.

Some would say that happiness means being wealthy. Others would say that for them, it means to be healthy.

You will also find people saying that for them happiness means having love in their life, having many friends, a good job, or achieving a certain goal.

There are people, who believe that the fulfillment of a certain wish would create joy and contentment in their life, but this is not always true. Often, when we get our wish fulfilled, we just move to the next wish, without even enjoying and celebrating our achievement.

As you see, different people interpret this word in different ways.

The pursuit of happiness is common to all people. Everyone is seeking happiness in one way or another.

To most people this word signifies a good feeling, satisfaction, pleasure or fun.

You may enjoy a good meal, a movie, a show or a vacation, and you may have fun at a party, but this is pleasure and fun, not necessarily happiness.

Pleasure and fun depends on external factors, and often relate to the five senses. However, the feeling and mental frame we are talking about here is something different.

What Is Happiness? – Definitions

People pursue happiness in every situation, even if they are not aware that this is one of their goals, even if it is short term happiness.

What is the definition of happiness? Can happiness be defined? What does the word happiness mean?

Is it just a good feeling, joy, satisfaction or more?

People throughout the ages have asked these questions. They have wondered what is this feeling of happiness, what makes it arise, and how to hold it longer.

Is happiness a physical reaction, the effect of certain hormones in the body? Is it dependent on certain external circumstances, or is it some kind of inner, mental, emotional or state? All these could be triggers that lead to experiencing it.

Happiness often comes and goes. It comes, stays for a little while, and then some negative feeling replaces it and it is gone. Does this mean that we have no control of happiness and we cannot lengthen its duration?

We can define this word as satisfaction. When there is job satisfaction, love, relationship and life satisfaction, there is a greater level of happiness.

It is a good feeling, joy and a sense of wholeness.

Research suggests that happiness is related to kindness, gratitude, and the capacity for love.

What Is happiness According to Various Sources

Happiness definition according Wikipedia, Merriam Webster and other sources.

Wikipedia defines happiness as, “A mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.”

Wikipedia also says, “Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion.”

In an article on forbes.com, George Bradt writes that a survey of Harvard’s class of 1980, concluded that, “Happiness comes from choosing to be happy with whatever you do, strengthening your closest relationships and taking care of yourself physically, financially and emotionally.”

The same article says that 2015 Survey by Grant and Glueck studies shows:

  1. 67% of those extremely happy said the happiest period of their lives is now.
  2. 77% of those extremely happy said the state of their relationship was either the “greatest” of “very good”.
  3. 93% of those extremely happy said they are in excellent or very good health.

Merriam Webster defines happiness as, “A state of well-being and contentment.”

What is happiness according to vocabulary.com? “Happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can’t help but smile. It’s the opposite of sadness.”

I would like to suggest another definition for happiness, which I found from experience. This is a different definition, which I have written about in several articles and in my books.

“Happiness is a state of inner joy, which comes about when the mind becomes quiet, free from restless thinking and worries.”

People, who have been practicing meditation regularly, and who have learned to calm down their mind, would know exactly what I mean.

This might seem strange to you, but if you pay attention to your state of mind when you are happy, you would find out that this is true.

  • How do you feel after a completion of a difficult task or of a goal?
  • How do you feel when you solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time?
  • What do you feel when you are in love?
  • How would you feel, if you get the job you wanted, a big sum of money, or a promotion at work?

In all these situations, you experience a feeling of relief, freedom and joy.

For a while, your mind is free from planning, thinking, anticipating and worrying. When this happens, for a while, you feel happy. For a while, there are no thoughts in your mind that attract your attention and you enjoy happiness.

What does all this mean? It means that happiness and inner peace are interconnected. When the mind is quiet, there is happiness, and when there is happiness, the mind becomes quiet.

When a problem disappears, or when you achieve a goal, the mind becomes quiet for a while, and relieved of its worrying and constant thinking. At this moment, happiness rises within you, since there is nothing to stop it.

However, after a while, the mind returns to its habitual thinking and worrying, get out of this state inner calmness.

If you experience happiness when there is inner peace, it means that if you train your mind to be peaceful you would have more happiness in your life. I do not want to go deeply into this topic, since I have written about it in my other articles, which can find on this website.

What Is Happiness and How It Improves Your Life

Here are a few additional definitions of happiness and its affect on one’s health and life.

  • It is the experience of joy, contentment, and a good feeling about yourself and your life.
  • It is a positive emotion that makes you feel good and satisfied.
  • It is joy, satisfaction, well-being, and a sense of bliss.
  • Happiness comes from within you, rising into your awareness, when the mind is calm and quiet.
  • Happiness leads to good relationships, love and harmony.
  • It leads to peace, joy, and a feeling of freedom.
  • Happiness strengthens the immune system and reduces stress.
  • Its presence makes you more positive and you expect good things to happen.
  • When you enjoy this feeling, you become more tolerant and patient with people.
  • You are in a better position to solve problems.
  • Happiness neutralizes negative emotions.
  • Happy people are positive, optimistic, tolerant and more patient people. They are helpful and it is easier to get along with them.

Tips and Suggestions to Follow

  1. To be happy, stop focusing on lack and on the things that you don’t have. It is better to thank the Universe for what you have, and focus optimistically on what you want to achieve. This is positive psychology.
  2. To become happy, you also need to calm your mind and your thinking. When you are calm you free yourself from stress and worry and are more relaxed. This brings a sense of contentment and inner joy.
  3. To be happy, start living in the present moment, not in the past and not in the future. With this state of mind, you focus on the now, instead of dwelling on painful memories and worrying about the future.
  4. Strive to be positive and stay away from negativity. This means you need to avoid negative thoughts about failure, problems and obstacles, and focus on solutions and improvement.
  5. Strive to take everything more easily, and avoid taking things too personally. This might not be easy, but with persistence you can develop this habit. Learning a little emotional detachment and learning to let go can definitely help.
  6. I would be a good idea to learn to calm down the restlessness of the mind, and the tendency to think about problems and difficulties. This of course, requires some training, but the rewards are great. How do you do it? Through meditation and developing a certain measure of inner peace.
  7. You can maintain a state of joy and satisfaction if you express gratitude for the good things of life.
  8. Some, seek greater happiness. They seek to find and maintain happiness through meditation and mindfulness.

Image source – DepositPhotos

About the Author

Remez SassonMy name is Remez Sasson. I am the author and creator of SuccessConsciousness.com, which I have been running since 2001. Join me on a fabulous journey to self improvement, happiness, success, positive lifestyle, conscious living and meditation, through my website, articles and books.

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There is no universally agreed-upon definition of happiness. If you google the definition of happiness, you’ll read that happiness means «the state of being happy». Not very helpful! So what does happiness mean to you? And what does happiness mean to me?

If I asked you and your neighbor what happiness means to you, the two answers would be wildly different. In fact, a survey we ran amongst 1,155 respondents proved that virtually no two people share the same meaning of happiness.

If you’re still looking for personal meanings of happiness, varying from person to person, then you’re in luck. Here are 11 varying answers to this question, which you can use to get inspired to think of what happiness means to you!


  • Our survey on the meaning of happiness
  • What does happiness mean to you?
    • Raffi Bilek — Director and therapist at the Baltimore Therapy Center
    • Traci Shoblom — MS. in Psychology, Certified Whole Health Educator and Personal Development Coach
    • Emma Donovan – M.A., LPC, Therapist and Coach
    • Dana Avey — Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at Fulfillment Counseling and Life Coaching
    • Amrita Madhusudan — Neuroscientist, emotional wellness practitioner, and productivity coach
    • Kahlil King — Professor teaching Psychology at Hofstra University and Economics
    • Wendy Jones — Life Design Coach at The Optimists Journal
    • Lauren Cook — Master’s of Marriage and Family
    • Kellie Zeigler — Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner
    • Carla Manly — Clinical psychologist and happiness expert
    • Hugo — Founder of Tracking Happiness
  • Closing words

Our survey on the meaning of happiness

If you were asked to describe what happiness means to you without actually using the word “happiness”, what would you answer? We asked this question to over a thousand people and recorded the answers. 

We asked them the following question:

Of the following words, which 5 words do you associate most with “happiness”?

Each respondent had to pick 5 words that they felt most associated with the word happiness.

Here’s which words they associated most with «happiness»:

word association study tracking happiness featured

These results showed us how differently people think about the meaning of happiness. (If you want more details on our results, you can find them here!)

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. If you want to start feeling better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

Thumbnail Mental Self-Care Cheat Sheet by Tracking Happiness

hugo huijer

Being Happy Is Freaking Hard!

But it doesn’t have to be! These 10 tips will protect you from anything that’s trying to steal your happiness!

What does happiness mean to you?

So it’s clear that the meaning of happiness varies from person to person. In fact, it even changes over time. What made me happy as a kid probably won’t make me happy as I get older.

That means that no one will share my exact meaning of happiness. Sure, some people will agree with what happiness means to me, but when you get into the details, my definition of happiness is as unique as I am myself.

That’s why I rounded up a handful of different people, with varying backgrounds and personalities, and asked them this simple question:

What does happiness mean to you?

Here are their answers:

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

Thumbnail Mental Self-Care Cheat Sheet by Tracking Happiness

hugo huijer

Instantly Improve Your Mental Health For Free

Thrive under stress and crush your goals with these 10 instant tips for your mental health.

Closing words

There you have it: 11 different examples of what happiness can mean to you. What this article proves, once again, is that happiness is different for everybody. What makes me happy doesn’t necessarily have to make you happy as well. It’s what makes happiness such a beautiful thing to learn about.

With that said, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! What does happiness mean to you?


Hi! I’m from the Netherlands, love skateboarding, ran 5 marathons, with one of them in under 4 hours (3:59:58 to be exact). I consider myself to be a data junkie and have tracked my happiness for over 10 years.

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