What comes to mind when you hear the word security


1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘security’?
2. What would life be like with little security?
3. What do you think of airline security?
4. What do you do to make sure your Internet security is strong?
5. What kinds of security are there in life?
6. Do you worry about job security?
7. What kinds of security measures are there in your home?
8. “Security is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.” Do you agree?



The Social Security card and number explained.


What comes to your mind when you hear the word “security”? You start thinking about locks and keys and tall walls. You start wondering about those watchmen in uniforms and a police jeep patrolling around your locality.  

You might be thinking why am I talking about these things? The answer to this lies in another simple question of mine: “what comes to your mind when you think about security over the internet?”

All the locks and keys vanish all of a sudden, there are no tall walls to be seen and the police jeep doesn’t get along well inside these computers.

So, what is security over the internet or Cybersecurity? Let us get to the answer as quickly as possible.

Cybersecurity-An overview

The practice of protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks is known as Cybersecurity. It’s also known as electronic information security or information technology security. 

In simple words, Cybersecurity is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. 

(Must check: Cybersecurity with IoT)

Now, let us understand the importance of cybersecurity

What is the importance of Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is significant because administration, military, corporate, monetary, and clinical associations gather, cycle, and store extraordinary measures of information on PCs and different gadgets. 

A critical segment of that information can be touchy data, regardless of whether that be protected innovation, monetary information, individual data, or different sorts of information for which unapproved access or openness could have adverse results. 

Associations communicate delicate information across networks and to different gadgets throughout working together, and network safety portrays the order committed to securing that data and the frameworks used to measure or store it. 

(Much check: Impact of Covid19 on Security Analysis)

As the volume and refinement of digital assaults develop, organizations and associations, particularly those that are entrusted with defending data identifying with public safety, wellbeing, or monetary records, need to find ways to ensure their delicate business and faculty data. 

As ahead of schedule as Walk 2013, the country’s top insight authorities forewarned that digital assaults and computerized spying are the top danger to public safety, overshadowing even psychological oppression.

Types of cybersecurity

There are 5 main types of cybersecurity

  1. Critical infrastructure security:  

The cyber-physical structures that modern societies depend on make critical infrastructure defense.

Examples of vital infrastructure include: grid energy and purification of water. Since a power grid’s infrastructure is connected to the internet, it is vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

  1. Application security:  

Application security is the process of making apps more secure by finding, fixing, and enhancing the security of apps. Much of this happens during the development phase, but it includes tools and methods to protect apps once they are deployed.

This is becoming more important as hackers increasingly target applications with their attacks. Antivirus programs and windows firewalls are examples of application security.

  1. Network security: 

Your network and data are protected by network security against hacks, intrusions, and other attacks. This is a broad term that encompasses hardware and software, as well as procedures, laws, and configurations relating to network use, usability, and overall threat security.

Common examples of network security are extra logins and new passwords.

  1. Cloud security: 

Cloud computing is the distribution of hosted services over the Internet, including software, hardware, and storage. Cloud security refers to the technologies, policies, controls, and services that protect cloud data, applications, and infrastructures from threats.

  1. IoT security: 

The act of protecting Internet of Things devices and the networks to which they are attached is known as IoT protection. Industrial robots, smart energy grids, building automation, and whatever personal IoT devices workers carry to work are examples of IoT devices in the workplace.

(Related read: Top Trends in Software Development)

Now we must be curious about the thing that is a cyber threat that amplifies the need for cybersecurity. Let us try to find this out.

About Cyber-Threats

A cyber threat is a pernicious demonstration that tries to harm information, take information, or upset advanced life as a rule. Cyber threats incorporate PC infections, information breaks, Disavowal of Administration (DoS) assaults, and other assault vectors. 

Cyber threats additionally allude to the chance of a fruitful digital assault that expects to acquire unapproved access, harm, disturb, or take a data innovation resource, PC organization, protected innovation, or some other type of delicate information. 

Cyber threats can emerge from inside an association by confiding in clients or from distant areas by obscure gatherings.

The International Data Corporation believes that high spending on cyber-security solutions will hit a whopping $133.7 billion by 2022, as the size of the cyber challenge continues to grow. 

Governments all over the world have issued guidelines to help businesses develop appropriate cyber-security practices in response to the growing cyber threat. 

Types of Cyber Threats

The types of cyber threats include the following-

  1. Cybercrime: mainly used for financial gain, Cyber Crime is done by a single person or a group of people.

  2. Cyber attacks: they are mainly done for information gathering and are mostly politically motivated. 

  3. Cyber terrorism: this involves hacking of electronic systems to cause panic or fear. These types of Cyber Crime use different methods to commit them. The most common of them is through malware.

  4. Malware: Malware is an example of malicious programs. When a user clicks on a malicious connection or attachment, malware is enabled, and dangerous software is installed. According to Cisco, once the malware is allowed, it can:

  • Access to critical network components is limited (ransomware)

  • Install more potentially dangerous apps

  • Obtain information invisibly by transmitting data from the hard disk drive.

There are different types of malware. These include viruses, trojans, botnets, spyware, ransomware, and adware.

The other ways by which these organizations commit Cyber Crime are listed below-

  • SQL Injection

  • Man-in-middle-attack

  • Phishing

  • Denial-of-service-attack

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cybersecurity

The following are the advantages of Cybersecurity for a user-

  • Defends against malware, worms, spyware, and other potentially unwanted programmes.

  • Anti-theft protection for data.

  • Prevents hackers from gaining access to the device.

  • Reduces the chances of your machine freezing or crashing.

  • Provides users with privacy

There are some disadvantages of cybersecurity for an average internet user. They include the following-

  • Firewalls can be tricky to set up properly.

  • Incorrectly configured firewalls can prevent users from performing certain Internet activities until the firewall is properly configured.

  • Slows the machine down even further than before.

  • New software must be updated on a regular basis to maintain protection.

  • It may be expensive for the average consumer.


We looked at everything, from the need for cybersecurity to its importance, from the types of threats involved to their most common practices. We read about the types of cybersecurity and their needs. But at last, we are here reading it on the internet, aware of the threats we are surrounded by.

It is said that “if you are on the internet, you are never safe.” This is the reason why we got to go to cybersecurity. As the market on the internet is growing with every passing second, the attacks and threats are also growing. 

But we have a positive side and that is cybersecurity and its applications which are present almost everywhere to protect every system, from the large supercomputers to the desktop you are reading this blog from.

TASK 1. Образуйте форму множественного числа

security, threat, asset, actor, science,capacity, data, consumer, loan, money, smurf, technique, tax, remedy, crime, woman, diary, year, factory, wage.

TASK 2. Перефразируйте, употребляя притяжательный падеж:

1. the concept of security

2. the end of the cold war

3. the safety of an organization

4. the introduction of new concepts

5. the abilities of a state

TASK 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

1. I live in … big flat in … centre of … Chita. My flat is on … ground floor. There are … three rooms in my … flat. … rooms are large. There is … kitchen and … bathroom in my flat.

2. On … fifth of … October I visited my … friend. He is … economist. He has … big family. He has got … wife, … two sons and … daughter.

3. There is not … table in … middle of … living–room. … table is in … corner. …table is brown.

4. Nick has … lot of books at … home. …books are interesting. They are in … bookcase.

5. Will you go for … walk tomorrow? We will have … good time.

TASK 4 Преобразуйте данные предложения, употребляя оборот «there + be»:

1. The figures are on the display

2. The changes were on the market

3. The new prices will be for oil and machinery

4. Our company has a lot of skilled economists on the staff

5. Nobody was in the office yesterday.

TASK 5 Вставьте необходимые предлоги и переведите предложения:

1. We sign a licensing agreement …Pepsi Co.

2. We obtain a right to manufacture computers …IBM.

3. We pay Tex Inc 12% …our income as a royalty.

4. I know much …how to sell these products …Russia.

5. We need to have more control … your manufactures.

TASK 6 Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

Рыночная экономика, учетная ставка, использовать методику, ставка процента, плановая экономика, контролировать инфляцию, финансовая интеграция, банковская ставка, ограничить торговлю, беспошлинная торговля, передовая технология, значительное изменение, заложенный актив, частная жизнь, ценные бумаги, политика безопасности.

TASK 7 Замените модальные глаголы на их эквиваленты в следующих предложениях:

1. Our company can easily enter the foreign market.

2. We must sign a licensing agreement with Apple Computer.

3. We may pay you royalty.

4. You could control the quality of our computers.

5. Must we sell these products abroad?

TASK 8 Составьте словосочетания, дайте их пояснение на английском языке, а перевод самих словосочетаний – на русском:

1 столбец:

security, stock, realm, nation, pledged, foreclosure, desirable, legal, deliberate, cold

2 столбец:

asset, conditions, action, policy, exchange, state, war, of high politics, sale, right

TASK 9 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:

Economic security or financial security is the condition of having stable income or other resources to support a standard of living now and in the foreseeable future. It includes: probable continued solvency, predictability of the future cash flow of a person or other economic entity, such as a country, employment security or job security.

Financial security more often refers to individual and family money management and savings. Economic security tends to include the broader effect of a society’s production levels and monetary support for non–working citizens.

Economic security, in the context of politics and international relations, is the ability of a nation state to follow its choice of policies to develop the national economy in the manner desired. Historically, conquest of nations have made conquerors rich through plunder, access to new resources and enlarged trade through controlling of the conquered nations’ economy. In today’s complex system of international trade, characterized by multi–national agreements, mutual inter–dependence and availability of natural resources, economic security today forms, arguably, as important a part of national security as military policy.

Economic security has been proposed as a key determinant of international relations, particularly in geopolitics. It is widely believed that there is a trade off between economic security and economic opportunity.

TASK 10 Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

1. What comes to mind when you hear the word «security»?

2. Do people nowadays have all the security they need?

3. What would life be like with better security?

4. What do you do to improve your Internet security?

5. How important is financial security to you?

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Q: What comes on your mind when you heard te word security?

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