What channel was c word on

Is the C word banned on twitch?

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What bad words are allowed on twitch?

Twitch Banned Words

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Is VOD short for VoDKA?

Whether from small craft producers or international behemoths, vodka is reacting and marketing to a sawier public….VoDKA.

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Does anyone know whether the C Word:

*admin edit*

is banned on TV, i was watching the documentary about Jordan the other night (about 11:00) and they allowed the word «F***» but they bleeped out the C Word at 11:00 clock at night! weird, they allowed the f word but bleeped the c word

is the c word completely banned on british telly? or does it have to be at least midnight or something?




  • SystemSystem

    Posts: 2,096,970

    Forum Member


    Someone might correct me here but I’m 99% certain they used the C word in Queer As Folk which was shown after 10pm on C4.


  • Probably NW , but C4 always like to be on the edge! :p
    I think somehow it has managed to find it’s self as the new taboo of swear words — being banned left right and centre.

    It’s no surprise djchrissy , even the BBC still edit Blade even if it has a late night showing rather than the unedited version that would have been shown by Sky Movies and before that on PPV at around the same time of the evening.


  • GeegGeeg

    Posts: 23,338

    Forum Member


    It’s not banned as far as i kn0wo — I’ve definately heard it — how odd they bleeped that but allowed the f word:confused:



    Posts: 3,149

    Forum Member


    i just wish that some folk would go and get a life !
    i mean the small number of bible bashing nutjobs who ring in and complain about a cursed word or gratuitous violence and get movies and the like edited for the rest of us..
    well they are nothing but a bunch of c**ts themselves !



  • dvboydvboy

    Posts: 3,983

    Forum Member


    It’s usually beeped out all the time, and I think it’s banned before 10:00 but depends on the context in which it’s used and the type of programme it appears in. One «****» used once in the programme is considered not as bad as ten «*****» used within five minutes of each other.

    On most shows it’ll be beeped out because they don’t know exactly what time it would be broadcast. If it was a repeat, it could be that the original broadcast was earlier.


  • maf571maf571

    Posts: 6,391

    Forum Member

    Originally posted by NRG
    i just wish that some folk would go and get a life !
    i mean the small number of bible bashing nutjobs who ring in and complain about a cursed word or gratuitous violence and get movies and the like edited for the rest of us..
    well they are nothing but a bunch of c**ts themselves !


    Now now…

    People do have a right to complain.

    Not that I’m one of them.


  • i am not one to complain, but for some reason i do find the c word offensive.
    When i am out with my mates i use the F**k word, and others but i think it has lost its effect.

    I think there is too much swaering on tv these days it has become glamourised. I think people overuse it these days and it is not particularly attractive to hear people using the word.

    My mate swears in front of young kids all the time. It has become such a habit for him to swear that i have to remind him that he shouldn’t swear in front of them. He was told off once on a Bus for swearing in front of a 5 year old, he looked sheepish for the rest of the journey. I ribbed him for it for the rest of the day.


  • KriZKriZ

    Posts: 4,336

    Forum Member


    It was Bleeped only last night on the Paramount Comedy channel — and that was about 1:00am in the morning !!!

    Yet they allow the F word all the time when it’s on late !!!

    Why oh why one word should get picked on whilst others are now becoming commonplace, I don’t know!

    As an expletive, the F word is no stronger than the C word to me! — I mean what’s the difference if I call you a C or instead tell you to F off — both are only being used as insults!


  • KriZKriZ

    Posts: 4,336

    Forum Member


    Originally posted by swellybro
    i am not one to complain, but for some reason i do find the c word offensive.
    When i am out with my mates i use the F**k word, and others but i think it has lost its effect.

    I think there is too much swaering on tv these days it has become glamourised. I think people overuse it these days and it is not particularly attractive to hear people using the word.

    My mate swears in front of young kids all the time. It has become such a habit for him to swear that i have to remind him that he shouldn’t swear in front of them. He was told off once on a Bus for swearing in front of a 5 year old, he looked sheepish for the rest of the journey. I ribbed him for it for the rest of the day.

    To me the any sware word isn’t glamourous or lost it’s effect — it’s just that rather than calling someone a C, I normally use other straightforward words to prove that they are a C ! :D


  • SystemSystem

    Posts: 2,096,970

    Forum Member


    i dont think there should be any swearing on tv, there is no need for it. there are loads of words that can be used instead of swear words, the only excuse for using a swear word is by accident.


  • GeegGeeg

    Posts: 23,338

    Forum Member


    I find it bizarre that certian words that are part of our language that don’t denegrate sections of our society are seen as being «unnaceptable» — I would be interested to know how that came about.

    I am aware that «swear» words change throughout the centuries and that words that are acceptable now once were not — and vice versa.

    It’s not of course peculiar to the English language as most languages contain «swear» words which also constantly change.

    In Hamlet for example he says to Ophelia «Get thee to a nunnery» — an outrageous statement that leads her to kill herself. — of course he was using the term in what we’d now call «a whorehouse» (I cannot think of anythign which is equivelent now in the force) but nowadays «nunnery» is not a swear word or offensive term.


  • Ozzy said it when he was getting of his tour bus on the Osbournes on CH4


  • I do like a good swear and find its good for the soul — hehehe.

    I have to say though that i have NEVER said the ‘C’ word as i just hate it. When i hear others saying it i inwardly cringe.

    Having said that though, if im watching a gritty drama on TV it wouldnt bother me as i would expect to hear bad language.


  • According to the ITC who regulates stuff like this, the c word must be used rarely and justified within context. There is no absoulte ban. For example on Graham Norton one of his funny callers said the C word and on the repeat it was bleeped as the ITC said it wasn’t justified.


  • I am no prude and I don’t like sensorship(sp) but some words are more offensive that others and I do find the C word most offensive,as to use in films if some guy has just had is leg blown off «oh dear me «just don’t sound right so whatever is said is ok by me,I have watched many films that lose some credibility with to much bad language in them and are spoiled I have also watched many good films without bad language and I have realy enjoyed them.
    Just my thoughs for what they are worth.


  • Matthew Wright on TV this morning wouldn’t even say the v word.

    I think it’s ridiculous the v word can be considered offensive. Every woman has one.


  • Originally posted by Marillion fan
    Matthew Wright on TV this morning wouldn’t even say the v word.

    I think it’s ridiculous the v word can be considered offensive. Every woman has one.

    Heheheh — i just spent about a minute there trying to think what the ‘V’ word was — god im thick sometimes :confused:


  • Originally posted by Porcupine
    Heheheh — i just spent about a minute there trying to think what the ‘V’ word was — god im thick sometimes :confused:

    Well, I can think of two possibilties. Three if you include ‘valium’.


  • Originally posted by Midspan
    Well, I can think of two possibilties. Three if you include ‘valium’.

    And they ALL apply to Mr Weasel Wright.
    If you have seen Last tango in paris on telly it had the word in it, wonder if that went by.
    On a slightly different tack in the 70’s there was a record by David bowie about masterbation (OK he used the «W» word) and it was played to death all round the …. ummm, am I allowed to say Country.
    Lyrics, they aint wot they used to be!!!!


  • The episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm called ‘Beloved Aunt’ features the word several times.

    It shows on BBC4 at 10.30 on a Tuesday, repeated at 11pm on a Friday. I find it hilarious, but it’s not for everyone.


  • SystemSystem

    Posts: 2,096,970

    Forum Member


    Noticed that the C word was used in Shameless the other night.
    Once again thoigh it was on C4, it was after 10pm and, tbh, it was the sort of show where, if you’re going to be offended by swearing, you’d have turned off long before the word was used.


  • Where does it originate from anyway? :confused:


  • How odd….I don’t particularly find the C word offensive although I never use it…..I do however find the word t*at grossly offensive and I never ever use it….:o


  • C**T

    As per the Universal Dictionary from Readers Digest (R);

    cu*t. noun/vulgar

    1/. The female Genitals

    2/. The Vagina,

    [Middle English, from Germanic; akin to Middle Dutch kunte, Old Norse kunta .

    So now you know!!:D


  • GaryBGaryB

    Posts: 4,259

    Forum Member


    It’s just been used several times in «Trainspotting» on C4.


The Channel 9 Mornings program this morning ran a story about a Christian couple who claim to be able to cure cancer by the power of prayer. Not surprisingly, for those who missed it, there is no acknowledgement of the segment on the show’s website, as such claims made by people who are not registered health practitioners are a breach of the NSW Code of Conduct for unregistered Health Practitioners.

To say that airing such a segment is irresponsible would be putting it too mildly. There is enough misinformation and fearmongering about cancer treatment as it is without having a highly popular and well-regarded show give a free kick to such claims. Such simple-minded tomfoolery also stigmatises cancer patients since the obvious implication is that they have cancer because they are not morally worthy, or in some way deserve to have it.

People are perfectly free to follow their religious urges wherever they lead them, but they do not have the right to make unsupported and implausible claims about serious illnesses being curable by prayer or other supernatural means. That’s not just my opinion. It’s the law. Both under the NSW Code mentioned above, and the TGA Advertising Code, you are expressly and specifically forbidden from claiming to cure cancer, HIV or other serious illnesses.

By failing to provide any disclaimer or critical response as part of the story, it is possible (I am no lawyer!) that Channel 9 has itself breached the TGA Code by providing what is essentially an advertorial for these so-called healers. There is a precedent for such a finding by TGA.

Around lunchtime, the following information appeared on the official Twitter feed of the show

Today we had a young couple on claiming faith healing can cure cancer. Tomorrow medical science hits back, GP Dr Penny Adams with her view.

This looks to me like damage control. Medical science should not have to “hit back” as if there is a genuine debate to be had. There is no contest. Faith healing is not a proven treatment for serious illness, as its adherents have never produced any useful or convincing evidence to suggest that it is. Chemotherapy works the same regardless of the religious beliefs of the recipient, because it is based on sound science.

In this day and age it is utterly remarkable that there are TV producers who are willing to risk breaching serious laws that have significant consequences to allow sincerely misguided so-called “healers” free advertisements in the guise of genuine information. Remarkable….and depressing.

I await with interest the regulatory action that one feels is inevitable given the blatant flouting of specific prohibitions against claiming to cure cancer. Lack of such action by Channel 9, the Healthcare Complaints Commission, TGA or the Australian Communications and Media Authority would be even more remarkable and depressing.

35 episodes

Lena Dunham hosts this podcast miniseries about friendship, love, work, bodies and more.

Lena Dunham hosts this podcast miniseries about friendship, love, work, bodies and more.

    • JUL 21, 2021

    The C-Word: Amy Winehouse Part 1

    The C-Word: Amy Winehouse Part 1

    Lena is back with Alissa Bennet to share another episode of their new podcast, The C-Word! It’s a chat show about women history loves to call “crazy.”
    Recognized for her singular voice and iconic beehive, Amy Winehouse became a near-instant music legend as well as a tabloid mainstay in the 2000s. On the 10th anniversary of her death, Lena and Alissa discuss the singer-songwriter’s precocious talent, her rebellious teen years, and the beginnings of a bad romance that would fuel her later work as well as her addictions.
    Other episodes of The C-Word are available on Luminary, a new podcast app, or by subscribing to the Luminary channel on Apple Podcasts. For the rest of The C-Word, go to apple.co/cword or https://luminarypodcasts.com/

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    • NOV 20, 2019

    The C-Word: Sean Young

    The C-Word: Sean Young

    It’s a special episode of The C-Word! With each episode, Lena Dunham and Alissa Bennett take you on an historical deep-dive into the life of a woman society dismissed by calling her mad, sad, or just plain bad. Join them for a rich, hilarious, and heartbreaking look into exactly what it means when we call a woman “crazy”.

    In this episode: Sean Young got her big break when she was cast in Blade Runner at 22-years old. But after rumblings that she was “difficult to work with,” and troubling romantic rumors, her reputation plummeted. Lena and Alissa trace Sean’s career through her plea to play Catwoman to some ill-fated talk show appearances to Hollywood outcast.

    If you like what you hear, we invite you to join us for all episodes of The C-Word on the Luminary podcast app. Luminary Premium is the only place you’ll find all episodes of The C-Word, as well as other premium, ad-free shows you can’t hear anywhere else. Go to LuminaryPodcasts.com to learn more.

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    • JUL 13, 2019

    The C-Word: Miranda Grosvenor feat. Sia

    The C-Word: Miranda Grosvenor feat. Sia

    Lena is back with Alissa Bennet to share another episode of their new podcast, The C-Word! It’s a chat show about women history loves to call “crazy.” 

    In this episode: Lena and Alissa dive into the story of legendary love-scammer Miranda Grosvenor, a woman who anonymously enchanted Hollywood’s most famous men over the phone. Some of her confirmed callers include Warren Beatty, Robert DeNiro, and Billy Joel. Lena and Alissa discuss the isolation of fame, the long-lost magic of landlines, and then talk to Sia about the intentions behind hiding one’s face.
    Other episodes of The C-Word are available only on Luminary, a new podcast app. Visit https://luminarypodcasts.com/ for the rest of season one.

    To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy

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    • MAY 11, 2019

    The C-Word: Casey Johnson

    The C-Word: Casey Johnson

    Lena is back with Alissa Bennet to share the first episode of their new podcast, The C-Word! It’s a chat show about women history loves to call “crazy.” 

    In this episode: Heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, Casey was a 2000s tabloid staple known for her wild partying, badly-behaved pets, and tumultuous relationships, before her untimely death at age 30. Lena & Alissa discuss wealth, fame, and growing up in the public eye.

    The C-Word is available only on Luminary, a new podcast app.

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    • JUN 26, 2017

    Bonus: Never Before with Janet Mock and Lena Dunham

    Bonus: Never Before with Janet Mock and Lena Dunham

    Janet Mock talks to Lena about her history of activism, dealing with public scandals, and their unlikely friendship. To hear Janet’s conversations with Tina Knowles-Lawson, Maxine Waters, Rowan Blanchard, and more, subscribe to Never Before.

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    • MAY 29, 2017

    Announcing a New Podcast: Never Before with Janet Mock

    Announcing a New Podcast: Never Before with Janet Mock

    Lena is here to tell you about a brand new Lenny Podcast, Never Before with Janet Mock.

    To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy

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Customer Reviews

3.6 out of 5

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Old school TAL vibes

Lena Dunham is a great interviewer because she’s interesting and original. Like Ira. Interesting slice of life audio stories that are both particular and universal—even a Sedaris on the ep!


Favorite Podcast ever!!! Listen, listen, listen now!! Lena and Alissa have such great chemistry and are so entertaining!!!

lena dunham forever

i love lena dunham. i have gobbled up (read/listened to/watched) every single thing she has created or had a hand in creating and i’m still hungry for more. She speaks right to me in all the ways i needed. i haven’t fan girl’d this diligently since i discovered Miranda July in high school.

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Даю 60 баллов

1.documentary а) бульварная газета

2. to subscribe b) книга в бумажной обложке

3. subscription c) подписываться (на газету и др.)

4. tabloid d) документальный фильм

5. choice e) подписка

6. paperbacks f) колонка (в газете)

7. column g) выбор

8. channel h) трансляция, радиовещание

9. broadcasti) жестокий

10. current j) спутник

11. TV listings k) зрители

12. satellite l) доступный

13. violent m) развлечение

14. viewers n) реклама

15. available о) текущие события

16. weekly p) канал (на ТВ)

17. entertainment q) программа (передач)

18. commercial r) еженедельный

Exercise 2. Choose the right word from the given above.

1) The ……… said that there had been an earthquake in Chile.

2) According to the TV ……… there’s a thrilling film on Channel five at ten o’clock.

3) Have you seen the new …….. for soap with that funny dog?

4) Some people pay for …….. TV and they have a kind of dish on their roof to receive the signal from space.

5) You can receive hundreds of TV ……… if you have a …….. dish.

6) Journalists can make mistakes, so don’t believe everything you read in the …….

7) TV companies …….. theirprogrammes across the country or even across the world.

8) Books printed with soft covers are called …….. .

9) I’m quite interested in ……. affairs and watch the news every day.

10) Could you pass me the …….. so I can see what time the film starts?

You remember that time a children’s TV presenter, one who has been working in children’s television for decades and is now employed on a channel aimed at under-8-year-olds, decided to risk it all and say one of the worst possible swear words on a show for pre-schoolers that he is famous for co-hosting? Remember how he took a huge risk for no appreciable gain and uttered a context-free profanity to an audience of toddlers? How he must have wanted to swear on children’s TV but paradoxically didn’t want anyone to notice so “snuck it in” as part of a song, where it would be more ambiguous? How all the editors and regulators at the BBC happened to completely miss it and allow it to be aired?

Remember this happening? Well you shouldn’t, because it clearly didn’t. No presenter and/or channel would risk their whole livelihood in such a pointless, meaningless way, especially not the ever-pressured BBC. And, yet, an alarming number of people do think it happened. Apparently, there have been some “outraged parents” who are aghast at the whole thing.

This seems reasonable in some respects; if your toddler was subjected to extreme cursing then as a parent you probably would object. On the other hand, if your very small child is able to recognise strong expletives, then perhaps misheard lyrics on cheerful TV shows aren’t the most pressing issue in their life.

Regardless, a surprising number of people report that they did genuinely “hear” the c-word. This is less likely to be due to a TV presenter having some sort of extremely-fleeting breakdown, and more likely due to the quirks and questionable processing of our senses by our powerful yet imperfect brains.

A visitor peers into US artist John Baldessari’s “Beethoven’s Trumpet (With Ear) Opus # 133” at the Art Basel fair in Hong Kong
What goes into your ears isn’t always the same as what you hear. Photograph: Anthony Wallace/AFP/Getty Images

The vast majority of people will be able to recall at least one time when they misheard a song lyric, thinking the artist was saying something entirely different. I still hear “I can see clearly now Lorraine has gone” when listening to the classic John Nash song. I assumed Lorraine was an ex of Nash’s who caused him much turmoil and confusion. These misheard lyrics or “mondegreens” are very common, often leading to humorous discussions. But why do they happen?

Part of it is due to the way the brain works. One argument is, rather than constantly having to work what’s going on second by second based on sensory information, the brain creates mental models of how the world works, based on memory and experiences. This frees up a lot of time and resources, but it does result in our perception being influenced by what we expect, rather than what we do experience. Notice how people gravitate to things they already believe/agree with via confirmation bias; there’s usually nothing specific to make one argument or observation stand out amongst countless others, but it’s one we already have in our mental model, so we focus on that one (eg you believe the moon landings were faked, so you ignore all the official evidence but focus on one poorly-spelled blogpost which supports this view).

You can also find many demonstrations of how our ears, as well as other sensory apparatus, mislead or confuse us often. Check out auditory illusions, the sound equivalent of optical illusions like the two face/candlestick thing. The sound waves hitting your ear drum aren’t doing anything wrong, but your brain is processing them in ways which end up as confusing and befuddling.

It gets even more surreal when other senses get involved. Taste is especially vulnerable to other senses getting involved, but our hearing is often overruled by vision. If you go to a cinema, you perceive the sound coming from the screen. It’s not, though; it’s coming from the speakers surrounding you. But we don’t perceive that; our brains hear sound and see movement and talking on the screen, so determine that that’s where it’s coming from. Despite the fact that it’s not.

Check out the McGurk Effect for a more blatant example of this. This may also explain why, when a video has the visual and audio out-of-synch, it can be very hard to watch.

Mishearing important words has been the cause of a many a humorous misunderstanding and divorce.
Mishearing important words has been the cause of a many a humorous misunderstanding and divorce. Photograph: Piotr Powietrzynski/Getty Images/age fotostock RM

Any and all of these things can happen at any given time. When you’re only half-listening to something, not giving it your full attention, it can be even easier as things are more ambiguous. A simple word like “kite” can become a far more alarming one like the unfortunate c-word, especially if the preceding word features similar syllabic and phonetic elements, like “fluttering” does. It suggests a rhythm that could easily fool a half-concentrating brain.

Why would so many other people hear it too, though? Because, as previously stated, much of what we perceive is based on expectation. As soon as you see an article or video online titled “Did He Really Say That!?!” or even just asking “What do you think this guy is saying?”, that predisposes people to expect something unusual/shocking. And, as stated, expectation plays a big part in perception. The extra-weird thing is that, once the brain has decided what it’s heard, it’s very difficult to hear anything else, no matter how unlikely or illogical its conclusions may be. The brain doesn’t like questioning or doubting itself. So it doesn’t do that. And if you still doubt that your brain will do this, just remember “that dress”.

This isn’t to say that TV presenters would never say the C-word, of course. Just ask Jeremy Hunt about that.

Dean Burnett has written a book about the many things the brain does wrong. The Idiot Brain is available now in the UK, US and Canada.

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Материальнотехническое обеспечение: ПК с СD приложением к учебнику Кузовлева

В. П., интерактивная доска, учебник «Английский язык» 9 класс, Москва «Просвещение»

2010 г., лингафонное оборудование.

План урока.

I. Introduction/ Организационный момент.

сообщение темы урока, постановка цели; T.: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Today we

continue our talk about mass media. We will practise using of our thematic words and learn what

channels do British and Russian viewers like watching аnd talk about your preferences.

оформление тетрадей. Let’s prepare our copy— books for the lesson.

II. Warming-up /Актулизация знаний. TV viewing is the most popular entertainment in

Britain. At first let’s review the meaning of the words from the box. Проверка домашнего задания.

Цель: проверка знания тематической лексики (на стр. 65 в таблице), Задание у доски: соотнести

слово с его транскрипцией.

III. Работа с учебником.

1. Аудирование. Цель:

прослушать текст (С 64, №1). (CDдиск к учебнику Кузовлева В. П.),

осуществить перевод;

выбрать в тексе слованазвания TV программ, жанров.

2. Письменная часть работы.

повторить типы вопросительных предложений (общий, специальный,

разделительный, альтернативный, вопрос к подлежащему), теория.

Используя интерактивную программу закрепить грамматический материал в

практической деятельности.

Выполнение самостоятельной тестовой работы по теме: «Типы вопросительных

предложений. Ключ к проверочной работе: 1-в: 1- D, 2-A, 3- C, 4-B, 5- E; 2- B: 1-

B, 2- c, 3-E, 4- D, 5- A.

Выполнение упражнения учебника с 66, №3 Цель: соотнести названия

отечественных каналов и процент их популярности, проверить аудированием.

3. Речевой блок. Соцопрос. Цель: пользуясь отработанным лексическим материалом,

высказаться о том, какие телевизионные программы тебе нравятся больше всего. Учащиеся

Asked by: Dr. Ellis Mertz

Score: 4.7/5
(62 votes)

a polite way of referring to the offensive word cunt : Very few TV networks actually use the C-word.

What is the C word in slang?

A vulgar slang word for a woman’s genitals or a person you dislike, cunt is a contender for most offensive word in English. The c-word should be avoided at all costs. This is one of the most disliked and inappropriate words around.

What is the P word?

P word is a euphemism that may refer to the following: Paki, a derogatory term for a person from South Asia (particularly Pakistan), mainly used in the United Kingdom. Prostitute, considered an offensive term by most sex workers’ rights activists. Pussy, slang for female sex organ.

What is the Class C word?

the c-word (sometimes capital) a euphemistic way of referring to the word cunt taboo.

What is the G word?

Filters. (humorous) Any word beginning with g that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context. noun.

29 related questions found

What is the H word?

h-word (plural h-words) (euphemistic) The word hell/Hell.

What are Type C drugs?

Class C Substances: Usually includes prescription tranquilizers and prescription narcotics such as Clonazepam, diazepam (Valium), and Hydrocodone (Vicodin;) Also mescaline, mushrooms (“psilocybin,”) and similar hallucinogenic drugs.

Is Crikey a bad word?

Crikey. Some may argue that this isn’t a swear word, but it’s an important English word to recognized nevertheless. Crikey is often used to show astonishment and surprise, similar to the way the word ‘Christ! ‘ is used.

What is the baddest word?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries.

What are the 70 taboo words?

There are 70 taboo words found in the raw data and the functions of those taboo words are to express sympathy, surprise, disappointment, disbelief, fear, annoy— ance, metaphorical interpretation, reaction to mishap, to emphasize the associated item, function as adjectival intensifier, name-calling, anaphoric use of …

What is a Class C controlled drug?

Class C includes: certain drugs related to the amfetamines such as benzfetamine and chlorphentermine, buprenorphine, mazindol, meprobamate, pemoline, pipradrol, most benzodiazepines, tramadol hydrochloride, zaleplon, zolpidem tartrate, zopiclone, androgenic and anabolic steroids, clenbuterol, chorionic gonadotrophin ( …

What is a Class D drug?

Class D – Class D drugs are considered to be less dangerous on the controlled substance scale, and this class includes marijuana, hashish, or any drug containing THC as its psychoactive component.

What is a Class 3 drug?

The drug has a potential for abuse less than the drugs in schedules 1 and 2. The drug has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Abuse of the drug may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.

What is a 5 letter word starting with G?

5 letter words that start with G

  • gabby.
  • gable.
  • gadid.
  • gaffe.
  • gaffs.
  • gaged.
  • gager.
  • gages.

How do you describe someone with the letter G?

Starting with GR

  • graceful.
  • gracious.
  • grand.
  • grateful.
  • gratified.
  • gratifying.
  • grave.
  • great.

What is H word on twitter?

The h/t is most at home on Twitter, where it’s used to tell the people your followers that something you’re tweeting about was brought to your attention by someone else: I just read a great article and you might want to read it too: [insert link to a great article].

What is a Class C drug during pregnancy?

Category C

Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.

Can you go to jail for possession of drugs?

Jail or prison time is also possible when a person is convicted of possession of a controlled substance. Jail sentences range widely depending on the crime charged, the type of drugs involved, and the state’s laws, but can range from a few days or weeks to 10 years or more in prison. Probation.

Is it illegal to have diazepam?

Doctors warn the authenticity of diazepam bought online cannot be trusted. It is illegal to possess without a prescription. The medicines regulator said selling such drugs was a «serious offence».

What are the 4 types of drugs?

What types of drug are there?

  • stimulants (e.g. cocaine)
  • depressants (e.g. alcohol)
  • opium-related painkillers (e.g. heroin)
  • hallucinogens (e.g. LSD)

What are the 5 classes of drugs?

The five “schedules” of drugs should not be confused with the five “classes” of drugs, a different way of organizing drugs according to their main properties. The five classes of drugs are narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and anabolic steroids.

What is the oldest cuss word?

Fart, as it turns out, is one of the oldest rude words we have in the language: Its first record pops up in roughly 1250, meaning that if you were to travel 800 years back in time just to let one rip, everyone would at least be able to agree upon what that should be called.

What is the most taboo word in the English language?

There is still one word I can never bring myself to say in front of my mother. Even here, I’ll have to punt. That’s because it is the rudest, crudest, most taboo term in the English language, the superstar of four-letter words.

Watching TV.  What channel to choose? Составила: учитель английского языка I категории  Шилько Вера Андреевна  МБОУ «СОШ» с. Визинга

Watching TV. What channel to choose?

Составила: учитель английского языка I категории

Шилько Вера Андреевна

МБОУ «СОШ» с. Визинга

Read and translate into Russian: a commercial to transmit worldwide daily an audience news a service an advertisement a network on average to go online a channel

Read and translate into Russian:

a commercial

to transmit



an audience


a service

an advertisement

a network

on average

to go online

a channel

Watching TV.  What channel to choose?

Watching TV. What channel to choose?

Make the questions  and ask each other Do you like watching TV? watching/ you /TV/like/ Do ?  often/TV/do/watch/you/how?  you/watch/when/do/TV/usually?  often/family/who/in/TV/your/watches?  you/on/TV channels/have/how many/do/TV/your? How often do you watch TV? When do you usually watch TV? Who often watches TV in your family? How many channels do you have on your TV ?

Make the questions and ask each other

Do you like watching TV?

  • watching/ you /TV/like/ Do ?
  • often/TV/do/watch/you/how?
  • you/watch/when/do/TV/usually?
  • often/family/who/in/TV/your/watches?
  • you/on/TV channels/have/how many/do/TV/your?

How often do you watch TV?

When do you usually watch TV?

Who often watches TV in your family?

How many channels do you have on your TV ?

Russian TV Channels Which television channel do you/your parents usually watch? What are your favorite TV channels? Which TV channel should everyone watch?

Russian TV Channels

  • Which television channel do you/your parents usually watch?
  • What are your favorite TV channels?
  • Which TV channel should everyone watch?

NTV TNT Russia1 STS The First Channel Russia K (Kultura) REN TV TVC Other channels





The First Channel

Russia K (Kultura)



Other channels

What kinds of TV programmes do you like/dislike watching? Why? I love/like …..  I enjoy watching….  I am fond of watching….  I’m a fan of …..  I can’t help watching…..  I dislike….  I hate…..  I can’t stand…… I think they are……. I find them….. … .because they are…. great, exciting, enjoyable, interesting, fantastic, fine, wonderful boring, awful, terrible, disgusting, dull, horrible

What kinds of TV programmes do you like/dislike watching? Why?

  • I love/like …..
  • I enjoy watching….
  • I am fond of watching….
  • I’m a fan of …..
  • I can’t help watching…..
  • I dislike….
  • I hate…..
  • I can’t stand……

I think they are…….

I find them…..

.because they are….

great, exciting, enjoyable, interesting, fantastic, fine, wonderful

boring, awful, terrible, disgusting, dull, horrible

 gives/makes a wide choice of broadcasts/transmits a great variety of produces/provides offers a great range of shows high/poor quality programmes is based around (art/politics/news/sport…) дает широкий выбор передает огромное разнообразие предоставляет предлагает широкий ряд показывает программы высокого/низкого качества строится вокруг This channel is based around art. It gives a vide choice of educational programmes about literature, art, famous people and history of our country. It also shows feature films and documentary films.

  • gives/makes a wide choice of
  • broadcasts/transmits a great variety of
  • produces/provides
  • offers a great range of
  • shows high/poor quality programmes
  • is based around (art/politics/news/sport…)

дает широкий выбор

передает огромное разнообразие


предлагает широкий ряд

показывает программы высокого/низкого качества

строится вокруг

This channel is based around art. It gives a vide choice of educational programmes about literature, art, famous people and history of our country. It also shows feature films and documentary films.

What channels do you like watching in your family? Why?

What channels do you like watching in your family? Why?

Homework  Answer the questions.  Learn new words by heart.


  • Answer the questions.
  • Learn new words by heart.

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