What are you doing in arabic word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Garth, what are you doing here? she said sleepily.

Then what are you doing inside, conductor. Why you…

Not to be impolite, but what are you doing here?

I am asking the same, what are you doing here?

No offense, but what are you doing here, father?

I already helped you find good medicine, what are you doing now?

لقد ساعدتكَ بالفعل لايجاد دواء جيد، ما الذي تفعله الآن ؟

Anyway, what are you doing in town.

Dad, what are you doing in the basement this late?

أبي، مـاذا تفعـل في السرداب في هذا الوقت المتأخّر؟

Dad, what are you doing in the basement this late?

أبي، مـاذا تفعل في السرداب في هذا الوقت المتأخّر؟

Tom, what are you doing in the office so late?

توم، ماذا تفعل في المكتب في هذا الوقت المتأخر ؟

you’re a freshman. what are you doing in second-year math?

أنتي مبتدئة، ماذا تفعلين في قسم الرياضيات للسنة الثانية؟

So, what are you doing with level-nine access anyways?

لذلك، ماذا تفعل مع مستوى تسعة الوصول على أي حال؟

So then what are you doing here buying comic books?

حتى ذلك الحين ماذا تفعلين هنا شراء الكتب المصورة؟

you’re a freshman. what are you doing in second-year math?

أنتي مبتدئة، ماذا تفعلين في قسم الرياضيات للسنة الثانية ؟

if dead bodies make you queasy, what are you doing in homicide?

إذا الجثث الميته تجعلكِ مغثية، ماذا تفعلين في تحقيقات القتل؟

what are you doing here anyway, parked down the block?

ماذا تفعل هنا على كل حال، راكنًا بجانب المبنى؟

what are you doing picking pockets at your age?

ماذا تفعل. تنشل الجيوب وانت في هذا العمر؟

So what are you doing interning at a magazine?

ethan, what are you doing here so late?

In any case, what are you doing here?

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha: In each lesson of this 25 part series, you’ll master a common question for Arabic learners, and then learn how to answer it like a native. You’ll learn how these key phrases work by breaking them down into each component. Then through repetition and new vocabulary, you’ll expand your understanding of the question, its answers, and any variations.

Lesson focus

Alisha: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to respond to the common question «»What are you doing?»» In Arabic this is
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟
Alisha: The first word in the question is
Carole: ماذا
Alisha: «»meaning what»» in English.
Carole: (Slow, by syllable) ماذا
Alisha: Listen again and repeat.
Carole: ماذا
Alisha: This pattern of first introducing a word at natural speed, providing the translation, breaking it down, and then giving it again at natural speed will be repeated throughout the series. Try to speak aloud as often as possible. The next word in the question is
Carole: تفعل
Alisha: meaning you do.
Carole: (Slow, by syllable) تفعل
Alisha: Now repeat.
Carole: تفعل
Alisha: Listen to the entire question and repeat.
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟
★ Note that this is how you ask “What are you doing?” if you are asking a male person. If you are asking a female person, you would say:
Carole: ماذا تفعلين؟
Alisha: Please repeat.
Carole: ماذا تفعلين؟
Alisha: Master the following pattern and responses to the question What are you doing??
Carole: إني فقط أفكر
Alisha: «»I’m just thinking.. Again, slowly. Repeat the phrase.
Carole: (Slow) إني فقط أفكر
Alisha: Let’s break it down from the beginning. The first word:
Carole: إني
Alisha: means I’m.
Carole: (Slow, by syllable) إني
Alisha: Now repeat
Carole: إني
Alisha: And next
Carole: فقط
Alisha: meaning only.
Carole: (Slow, by syllable) فقط
Alisha: Now repeat.
Carole: فقط
Alisha: And next
Carole: أفكر
Alisha: meaning (I’m) thinking.
Carole: (Slow, by syllable) أفكر
Alisha: Now repeat.
Carole: أفكر
Alisha: Listen to the speaker say, I’m just thinking., and then repeat.
Carole: إني فقط أفكر
Alisha: To expand on the pattern, replace thinking with reading.
Carole: أقرأ
Alisha: reading
Carole: (slow) أقرأ (regular) أقرأ
Alisha: Listen to the phrase again, this time with reading
Carole: إني فقط أقرأ
Alisha: It mostly stays the same. Simply replace thinking. Say I’m just reading.
Carole: إني فقط أقرأ
Alisha: To expand on the pattern, replace reading with eating.
Carole: آكل
Alisha: eating
Carole: (slow) آكل(regular) آكل
Alisha: Listen to the phrase again, this time with eating
Carole: إني فقط آكل
Alisha: It mostly stays the same. Simply replace thinking. Say I’m just eating.
Carole: إني فقط آكل
Alisha: To use a different phrase, replace eating with relaxing.
Carole: أسترخي
Alisha: relaxing
Carole: (slow) أسترخي (regular) أسترخي
Alisha: Listen to the phrase again, this time with relaxing
Carole: إني فقط أسترخي
Alisha: It mostly stays the same. Simply replace eating. Say I’m just relaxing.
Carole: إني فقط أسترخي
Alisha: Now it’s time for a quiz. Imagine you are visiting Egypt and someone asks you what you’re doing. You are thinking. Respond to the question.
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟ (five seconds) إني فقط أفكر
Alisha: Now imagine you are reading. Respond to the question.
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟ (five seconds) إني فقط أقرأ
Alisha: Imagine you are eating. . Answer the speaker’s question.
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟ (five seconds) إني فقط آكل
Alisha: Imagine you’re relaxing. Respond to the question.
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟ (five seconds) إني فقط أسترخي
Alisha: You want to ask someone what they are is doing. Ask the question
(5 seconds)
Carole: ماذا تفعل؟


Alisha: This is the end of Lesson 18

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Examples of using
What are you doing
in a sentence and their translations

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ماذا تفعل مع حفنة من كيلجويس والسلع المسروقة؟?

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ماذا تفعل مع كازانوفاس السيرة الذاتية في مربع شطيرة الخاص بك؟?

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ماذا تفعلون تناول بلدي الملوثات العضوية الثابتة أوتر في الظلام؟?

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ماذا تفعل في المختبر في هـذه الســــاعة من الليل؟?

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How are you what are you doing in Arabic?

what are you doing? ماذا تفعل؟

How are you in formal Arabic?

If you want to ask someone or a group of people How are you in Arabic, use the following:

English Transliteration Arabic
How are you in Arabic kayfa halluka (m.) kayfa halluki (f.) كيف حالك كيف حالكِ

When should you say Mashallah?

‘Mashallah’ is generally used to express amazement, praise, thankfulness, gratitude, or joy for an event that has already occurred. In essence, it’s a way to acknowledge that God, or Allah, is the creator of all things and has bestowed a blessing.

What does Habibi Mashallah mean?

my love

Why do we say Alhamdulillah?

Alhamdulillah may be used in prayer. By thanking Allah, the creator of all things, one is lifting prayers to God. Alhamdulillah may be used as a term of acceptance for trials and difficulties placed before us. In other words, one can say “Alhamdulillah” in all situations because all situations have been created by God.

What do Muslims say when someone dies?

As soon as death has occurred, those present should say, “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un” (“Verily we belong to Allah, and truly to Him shall we return”).

Why do we say inshallah?

The Spanish Ojalá, for example, is borrowed from the Arabic “inshallah”, and has pretty much the same meaning – “God willing,” or more informally, “hopefully.” Strictly speaking, “inshallah” is meant to be used seriously, when you genuinely hope that something will come to pass.

Is it bad to say inshallah in Dua?

This is a very common mistake that people make after performing dua. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) specifically told us not to make dua and then say inshAllah afterwards. When we say inshAllah after asking Allah for something, it is like we are giving Him an option. This way is not appropriate when we are asking Allah.

What do Muslims say when they sneeze?


What is Arabic for God is good?

Allahu Akbar (Arabic: الله أكبر) is an Islamic phrase, called Takbir in Arabic, meaning “God is greater” or “God is [the] greatest”.

What is greeting Arabic?

Some of the most common ways to greet someone in Arabic are. ahlan (hello) marHaban (hello; greetings) ahlan wa sahlan (welcome)

How to Say What are you doing? in ArabicAdvertisement

If you want to know how to say What are you doing? in Arabic, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Arabic better.

Here is the translation and the Arabic word for What are you doing?:

ماذا تفعل؟

[madha tafiel?]


What are you doing? in all languages

Cite this Entry

«What are you doing? in Arabic.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/what_are_you_doing%3F/arabic. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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Today we are going to learn daily expression in Arabic, asking someone what are you doing, what is he doing, what is she doing in Arabic.

In this lesson, beside understanding the expressions, you can enrich your Arabic vocabulary because I’ll list the verbs with the translation.

how to express what is he doing in arabic


In addition to this, you can learn sentence structure and a word by word translation, so you will obtain complete understanding after reading this material lesson.

OK, enjoy the material. We will start from the what is he doing? in Arabic.

How to express what is he doing in Arabic? 

In this section, I’ll show you the expression in Arabic with the examples answering this kind of questions.

What is he doing? , you can state it  «مَاذَا يَفْعَلُ؟«

The example answer :  هُوَ  يَدْرُسُ    (He is studying) 

A word by word translation

Observe the translation in the picture below.

what is he doing in arabic

Let’s modify the sentence

1st modification : add the fa’il (the doer)

You’ve learn what is he doing statement in Arabic, now we try to modify the sentence. 

How to ask «What is Ahmad doing?» 

You can simply add the word Ahmad after verb.

Therefore What is Ahmad doing? in Arabic is «مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  أَحْمَدُ؟«

Let’s study one more example. How to ask «What is the student doing?» 

By doing the same step like above, you can simply state «مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  الطَّالِبُ؟«

OK, let’s start to do some exercise.

Translate the following sentence into Arabic.

1. What is the teacher doing?

2. What is the boy doing?

3. What is the doctor doing?


1. What is the teacher doing? => مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  المُدَرِّسُ؟

2. What is the boy doing? => مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  الوَلَدُ؟

3. What is the doctor doing? => مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  الطَّبِيْبُ؟

2nd modification : modify the fa’il (the doer)

If we change the doer, the consequence is we have to change the verb also. 

Why? Because there is an agreement between verb (fi’l) and the doer (fa’il).

Suppose you ask «What is she doing?». In this case, the doer is «she» or هِيَ , then you must change the verb to تَفْعَلُ  instead of يَفْعَلُ  

So, what is she doing? in Arabic is => مَاذَا تَفْعَلُ ؟

We will learn more the verb conjugation in sarf lesson, in shaa Allah. 

For this time, just focus memorizing the table below.

tasrif fi'l mudari

There are four types of question based on the table above, they are:

a. What is he doing?

he = هُوَ = third person, singular, masculin.

You use the word يَفْعَلُ , so «what is he doing?» is  مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ؟

b. What is she doing?

 she = هِيَ = third person, singular, feminine.

You use the word  تَفْعَلُ , so «what is she doing?» is  مَاذَا  تَفْعَلُ ؟

c. What are you doing?

you = أَنْتَ = second person, singular, masculine.

You use the word تَفْعَلُ, so «what are you doing?» is  مَاذَا  تَفْعَلُ ؟

d. What are you doing?

you = أَنْتِ  = second person, singular, feminine.

You use the word تَفْعَلِيْنَ ,  so «what are you doing?» is  مَاذَا  تَفْعَلِيْنَ ؟

Question and Answer English and Arabic

1. What is the teacher doing? The teacher is asking the students.


:   مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  المُدَرِّسُ؟  (what is the teacher doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا = what

— يَفْعَلُ  = do

It is fi’l mudari

— المُدَرِّسُ = the teacher

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


:  يَسْأَلُ المُدَرِّسُ الطُّلَّابَ  (The teacher is asking the students)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  يَسْأَلُ  = ask

It is fi’l mudari’

— المُدَرِّسُ = the teacher

It is fa’il (the doer), marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— الطُّلَّابَ = the students

It is maf’ul bih (object), mansub, the indication of the nasb is fat-hah «a»

الطُّلَّابُ  is plural, the singular form of  الطُّلَّابُ  is طَالِبٌ

2. What is the student doing? The student is writing on the notebook.


:  مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  الطَّالِبُ؟ (what is the student doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا  = what

— يَفْعَلُ = do

It is fi’l mudari’

— الطَّالِبُ = the student

It is fa’il (the doer),  marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


: يَكْتُبُ الطَّالِبُ عَلَى الدَّفْتَرِ  (the student is writing on the notebook)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  يَكْتُبُ = write

It is fi’l mudari’

— الطَّالِبُ = the student

It is fa’il, marfu, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— عَلَى = on

It is harf jar

— الدَّفْتَرِ  = the notebook

It is majrur because of the harf jar عَلَى, the indication of the jar is kasrah «i»

3. What is the boy doing? The boy is drawing the flower.


: مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  الوَلَدُ؟ (what is the boy doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا = what

— يَفْعَلُ = do

It is f’il mudari’

— الوَلَدُ = the boy

It is fa’il, marfu, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


:  يَرْسُمُ الوَلَدُ الزَّهْرَةَ  (the boy is drawing the flower)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

— يَرْسُمُ = draw

It is fi’l mudari’

— الوَلَدُ = the boy

It is fa’il, marfu, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— الزَّهْرَةَ = the flower

It is maf’ul bih (object), mansub, the indication of the nasab is fat-hah «a»

4. What is the doctor doing? The doctor is sitting on the chair.


: مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  الطَّبِيْبُ؟  (What is the doctor doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا = what

— يَفْعَلُ  = do

It is fi’l mudari’. 

— الطَّبِيْبُ = the doctor

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


: يَجْلِسُ الطَّبِيْبُ عَلَى الكُرْسِيِّ (The doctor is sitting on the chair)

Sentence structure and word by word translation: 

— يَجْلِسُ = sit

It is fi’l mudari’

— الطَّبِيْبُ = the doctor

It is fa’il, marfu, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— عَلَى = on

It is harf jar.

— الكُرْسِيِّ = the chair

It is majrur because of harf jar عَلَى, the indication of the jar is kasrah «i»

5. What is the merchant doing? The merchant is walking on the street.


: مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  التَّاجِرُ؟  (What is the merchant doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا  = what

— يَفْعَلُ  = do 

It is fi’l mudari’

— التَّاجِرُ = the merchant

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


: يَسِيْرُ التَّاجِرُ فِي الشَّارِعِ  (The merchant is walking on the street)

Sentence structure and word by word translation: 

— يَسِيْرُ = walk

It is fi’l mudari’

— التَّاجِرُ  = the merchant

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— فِي = in

It is harf jar

—  الشَّارِعِ = the street

It is majrur because of the harf jar فِي , the indication of the jar is kasrah «i»

6. What is Muhammad doing? Muhammad is reading the book.


: مَاذَا  يَفْعَلُ  مُحَمَّدٌ؟  (What is Muhammad doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا  = what

— يَفْعَلُ  = do 

It is fi’l mudari’

—  مُحَمَّدٌ = muhammad

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of it’s rafa’ is dammah «u»


:   يَقْرَأُ مُحَمَّدٌ الكِتَابَ   (Muhammad is reading the book)

Sentence structure and word by word translation: 

 —  يَقْرَأُ  = read

It is fi’l mudari’.

— مُحَمَّدٌ  = muhammad

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— الكِتَابَ  = the book

It is maf’ul bih (object), mansub, the indication of the nasb is fat-hah «a»

7. What is the female student doing? The female student is entering the classroom.


: مَاذَا تَفْعَلُ الطَّالِبَةُ ؟  (What is the female student doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا = what

— تَفْعَلُ = do 

It is fi’l mudari’

—  الطَّالِبَةُ = the female student

It is fa’il (subject), marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


:   تَدْخُلُ الطَّالِبَةُ الفَصْلَ   (The female student is entering the classroom)

Sentence structure and word by word translation: 

— تَدْخُلُ = enter

It is fi’l mudari’

— الطَّالِبَةُ = the female student

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— الفَصْلَ  = the classroom

It is object, mansub, the indication of the nasb is fat-hah «a»


8. What is the girl doing? The girl is drinking the juice.


: مَاذَا تَفْعَلُ البِنْتُ ؟  (What is the girl doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا = what

— تَفْعَلُ  = do

It is fi’il mudari’

— البِنْتُ  = the girl

It is fa’il, marfu, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


:   تَشْرَبُ البِنْتُ العَصِيْرَ   (The girl is drinking the juice)

Sentence structure and word by word translation: 

— تَشْرَبُ = drink

It is fi’l mudari’

— البِنْتُ = the girl

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— العَصِيْرَ  = the juice

It is maf’ul bih (object), mansub, the indication of the nasb is fat-hah «a»

9. What is the mother doing? The mother is cooking the meal.


: مَاذَا تَفْعَلُ الأُمُّ ؟  (What is the mother doing?)

Sentence structure and word by word translation:

—  مَاذَا = what

— تَفْعَلُ  = do

It is fi’il mudari’

—  الأُمُّ = the  mother

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»


:   تَطْبُخُ الأُمُّ الطَّعَامَ   (The mother is cooking the meal)

Sentence structure and word by word translation: 

— تَطْبُخُ = cook

It is fi’il mudari’

—  الأُمُّ= the mother

It is fa’il, marfu’, the indication of the rafa’ is dammah «u»

— الطَّعَامَ   =  the meal

It is maf’ul bih, mansub, the indication of the nasb is fat-hah «a»

List of Verbs

Below are the verbs, fi’l madi and fi’l mudari with the English translation.

Please memorize them, so that you can make more sentences.

كَتَبَ — يَكْتُبُ  = write

قَرَأَ — يَقْرَأُ  = read

فَهِمَ — يَفْهَمُ  = understand

دَرَسَ — يَدْرُسُ = study

سَأَلَ — يَسْأَلُ  = ask

رَسَمَ — يَرْسُمُ = draw

دَخَلَ — يَدْخُلُ = enter

خَرَجَ — يَخْرُجُ = exit

سَارَ — يَسِيْرُ = walk

وَقَفَ — يَقِفُ  = stop; stand

ذَهَبَ — يَذْهَبُ  = go

جَلَسَ — يَجْلِسُ  = sit

نَامَ — يَنَامُ  = sleep

أَكَلَ — يَأْكُلُ  = eat

شَرِبَ — يَشْرَبُ  = drink

طَبَخَ — يَطْبُخُ  = cook

غَسَلَ — يَغْسِلُ = wash; clean; bath

عَمِلَ — يَعْمَلُ = work

Additional information

These are answers of the questions in the video.

1. Muhammad is studying in the classroom
يَدْرُسُ مُحَمَّدٌ فِي الفَصْلِ

2. The car is parking in the parking lot
تَقِفُ السَّيَّارَةُ فِي المَوْقِفِ

3. The baby is sleeping on the bed
يَنَامُ الطِّفْلُ عَلَى السَّرِيْرِ

4. Ahmad is working in the office
يَعْمَلُ أَحْمَدُ فِي المَكْتَبِ

5. The girl is reading the magazine
قَرَأَ البِنْتُ المَجَلَّةَ

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This community is for people who are actively trying to learn Arabic, in its standard form and dialects. هدف هذا المنتدى هو معاونة الدارس للغة العربية في تطوير مهاراته اللغوية سواء كانت بالعربية الفصحى أو العامية الدارجة



u/sempaisebas avatar

How to Say «What are you doing?»

I know that in Egypt they would say بتعمل ايه؟ But can you say بتعمل شو in the Levant or is the word order different or is a different phrase used?

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