What are word associations

Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together. The game is based on the noun phrase word association, meaning «stimulation of an associative pattern by a word»[1] or «the connection and production of other words in response to a given word, done spontaneously as a game, creative technique, or in a psychiatric evaluation».[2]


Once an original word has been chosen, usually randomly or arbitrarily, a player will find a word that they associate with it and make it known to all the players, usually by saying it aloud or writing it down as the next item on a list of words so far used. The next player must then do the same with this previous word. This continues in turns for any length of time, but often word limits are set, so that the game is agreed to end after, for instance, 400 words.

Usually, players write down the next word by merely using the first word that comes to their mind after they hear the previous one. Sometimes, however, they may put in more thought to find a more creative connection between the words. Exchanges are often fast and sometimes unpredictable (though logical patterns can usually be found without difficulty). Sometimes, a lot of the game’s fun can arise from the seemingly strange or amusing associations that people make between words.

The game can be played actively or passively, sometimes taking many weeks to complete, and can in fact be played with any number of players, even one. Example: Soda, Sprite, Fairy, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Pans, Skillet, Kitchens, Refrigerator, Drinks, Soda


In some games, extra limitations are added; for instance:

  • The associations between words must be strictly obvious, rather than the usual «first word that comes to mind», which can often require explaining to see how it is connected with the previous word.
  • If played in-person, a time limit of two or three seconds can be placed to make a very fast-paced game, often combined with the previous rule of an ‘explicit’ connection, and extra emphasis on the idea that a previously used word cannot be repeated.
  • Word Disassociation (sometimes called Dissociation) is sometimes played. In this game, the aim is to say a word that is as unrelated as possible to the previous one. In such games, however, it is often found that creativity is lowered and the words stray towards[colloquialism] having obvious associations again. This game is sometimes known as «Word for Word».
  • Sometimes, repeated words are forbidden or otherwise noted on a separate list for interest.
  • A variant with an arbitrary name (sometimes called Ultra Word Association) involves associating words in a grid, where the first word is placed in the top-left, and where each word must be placed adjacent to another one and must associate with all those words adjacent to it.


It is believed[3][by whom?] that word association can reveal something of a person’s subconscious mind (as it shows what things they associate together), but others[who?] are skeptical of how effective such a technique could be in psychology.

Often, the game’s goal is to compare the first and final word, to see if they relate, or to see how different they are, or also to see how many words are repeated. Likewise, players often review the list of words to see the pathways of associations that go from beginning to end.

Word association has been used by market researchers to ensure the proper message is conveyed by names or adjectives used in promoting a company’s products. For example, James Vicary, working in the 1950s, tested the word ‘lagered’ for a brewing company. While about a third of his subjects associated the word with beer, another third associated it with tiredness, dizziness and so forth. As a result of the study, Vicary’s client decided not to use the word.[4]

In the early years of psychology, many doctors noted that patients exhibited behavior that they were not in control of. Some part of the personality seemed to have an influence on that person’s behavior that was not in their conscious control. This part was, by function, unconscious, and became so named the Unconscious. Carl Jung theorized that people connect ideas, feelings, experiences and information by way of associations … that ideas and experiences are linked, or grouped, in the unconscious in such a manner as to exert influence over the individual’s behavior.[] These groupings he named Complexes.[5]

See alsoEdit

  • Implicit Association Test
  • iAssociate
  • Password


  1. ^ Dictionary.com
  2. ^ Dictionary.com’s 21st Century Lexicon
  3. ^ Gough, Harrison G. Studying creativity by means of word association tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 61(3), Jun 1976, 348-353
  4. ^ Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders, Penguin, 1961 paperback edition, p. 129
  5. ^ Jung, Carl G. (1910). «The Association Method». American Journal of Psychology. 21 (2): 219–269. doi:10.2307/1413002. hdl:11858/00-001M-0000-002B-AD55-2. JSTOR 1413002. Retrieved 16 November 2013.

External linksEdit

  • Critical Stimulus — Psychoanalysis based on Carl Jung’s Association Method
  • powerhouse.me.uk
  • WordAssociation.org
  • Scientific study on word associations in various languages
  • Funny Farm Online Association Game
  • Online game of word association
  • Word Associations Network

Table of Contents

  1. What is word association used for?
  2. What is the purpose of word association test?
  3. What happens during free association?
  4. What is the purpose of free association?
  5. What is stimulus association test?
  6. How do you test associations?
  7. Who created the word association test?
  8. What is the sentence completion test used for?
  9. What is called sentence completion?
  10. What is completion type?
  11. What are completion questions?
  12. How do you solve sentence completion questions?
  13. What is short answer type test?
  14. What are the types of test items?
  15. How do you write a short answer question?
  16. What is test PPT?
  17. How many questions should be on a test?
  18. How long should a 20 question test take?
  19. What is 5 As a percentage of 20?
  20. How much time do you have per question?
  21. Is using old exams cheating?
  22. Are exams length?
  23. Are 5.0 cut score?
  24. Is 5.0 a pass rate?
  25. How much are the are exams?

Word association has been a popular tool for research in linguistics and psychology over the last century. The paradigm presents participants with a cue word and asks them to respond with the first associated word that comes to mind.

What is the purpose of word association test?

A procedure for investigating how word meanings are stored in memory.

What happens during free association?

In traditional free association, a person in therapy is encouraged to verbalize or write all thoughts that come to mind. The idea is that free association reveals associations and connections that might otherwise go uncovered. People in therapy may then reveal repressed memories and emotions.

What is the purpose of free association?

In free association, psychoanalytic patients are invited to relate whatever comes into their minds during the analytic session, and not to censor their thoughts. This technique is intended to help the patient learn more about what he or she thinks and feels, in an atmosphere of non-judgmental curiosity and acceptance.

What is stimulus association test?

In the free-association test, the subject is told to state the first word that comes to mind in response to a stated word, concept, or other stimulus. In “controlled association,” a relation may be prescribed between the stimulus and the response (e.g., the subject may be asked to give opposites).

How do you test associations?

The chi-square test for association (contingency) is a standard measure for association between two categorical variables. The chi-square test, unlike Pearson’s correlation coefficient or Spearman rho, is a measure of the significance of the association rather than a measure of the strength of the association.

Who created the word association test?

Francis Galton

What is the sentence completion test used for?

Definition. Sentence completion tests require an individual to provide the final word to a series of sentences. In personality assessments, these are used to examine for themes in personality, psychopathology, and aptitude.

What is called sentence completion?

Sentence completion tests typically provide respondents with beginnings of sentences, referred to as “stems”, and respondents then complete the sentences in ways that are meaningful to them. The responses are believed to provide indications of attitudes, beliefs, motivations, or other mental states.

What is completion type?

Completion items are a type of short answer question. In completion items, learners are required to insert a word, or words, to complete a sentence, or a series of sentences. It is better to break the item up into a number of sentences with fewer blanks in each.

What are completion questions?

Completion questions require a student to complete a statement that is missing one or more key elements (words, phrases, numbers, etc.).

How do you solve sentence completion questions?

7 Tips for Answering GRE Sentence Completion Questions

  1. Read the Entire Sentence.
  2. Come Up With Your Own Answer.
  3. Identify Signal Words and Phrases.
  4. Consider Word Positivity/Negativity.
  5. Use Process of Elimination.
  6. Read Through the Passage Once You’ve Chosen the Answer.
  7. Remember All Questions Are Worth the Same Point Amount!

What is short answer type test?

Short-answer questions are open-ended questions that require students to create an answer. They are commonly used in examinations to assess the basic knowledge and understanding (low cognitive levels) of a topic before more in-depth assessment questions are asked on the topic. Structure of Short Answer Questions.

What are the types of test items?

Five test item types are discussed: multiple choice, true-false, matching, completion, and essay. Information covers the appropriate use of each item type, advantages and disadvantages of each item type, and characteristics of well written items.

How do you write a short answer question?

Short answer questions in exams

  1. Deconstruct the question.
  2. Rephrase the question in your own words.
  3. Plan the structure of your answer before starting to write.
  4. Use examples to give evidence and help give your writing credibility.
  5. Use plain language and keep your writing straight to the point.

What is test PPT?

Test Tests are the tools, which measure the quality and quantity of performance of the trainee.  A test is a systematic procedure for measuring an individual’s behavior . It is a formal and systematic way of gathering information about learners’ behavior, usually through paper-and- pencil procedure .

How many questions should be on a test?

Standardized assessments tend to have higher number of questions with favorite being about 15 questions while a class assessment (such as a quiz or chapter test) the favorite count goes to 10.

How long should a 20 question test take?

about 30 minutes

What is 5 As a percentage of 20?


How much time do you have per question?

If you are giving a multiple choice exam, it has been shown that approximately 45 seconds per question is more than enough time for students who know the material to be able to answer the question.

Is using old exams cheating?

Yes, if you saw a copy of an exam that was not released after the exam, it could be considered a form of cheating and you might get in trouble. If it was released to the class (or is a take home exam everyone had a chance to see), then there is no issue.

Are exams length?

How is ARE 5.0 organized? ARE 5.0 is a computer-based test and has content divided into six divisions that may be taken in any order. They are: Practice Management (80 items, two hours and 45 minutes test duration)

Are 5.0 cut score?

A cut score is the minimum passing standard for exam performance. It identifies the number of items you need to answer correctly in order to receive a “Pass” on an ARE 5.0 division. If you score at or above the cut score on a division, you will receive a “Pass.”

Is 5.0 a pass rate?

These pass rates are by division for all candidates (first time and repeat) who took ARE 5.0. Note: 2020 pass rates include all administrations through December 13, 2020….ARE 5.0 Pass Rates.

Division Project Management
2017 59%
2018 62%
2019 63%
2020 63%

How much are the are exams?

*Please Note: NCARB fees are subject to change. Candidates should check periodically with NCARB for the most current fees and methods of payment….Examination.

Title Fee
Architect Registration Examination (ARE) 5.0* $235 Per Division
California Supplemental Examination (CSE) $100


What does word association mean?

The game is based on the noun phrase word association, meaning «stimulation of an associative pattern by a word» or «the connection and production of other words in response to a given word, done spontaneously as a game, creative technique, or in a psychiatric evaluation.» …

What is the word association technique?

A simple enabling exercise where research participants suggest words they can associate in any way with something relevant to the research, such as a brand or activity. They are asked to do this quickly, without thinking too hard and without analysing or censoring their responses.

What is word association used for?

Word association is one of the major subjects studied in linguistics, psychology and psycholinguistics. According to Richards et al. (1985) word association is a way in which words come to be associated with each other and which influence the learning and remembering of words.

How do you improve word association?

How to improve your vocabulary

  1. Make use of spaced repetition algorithms (SRSs) …
  2. Study vocabulary in context. …
  3. Make the vocabulary personal, and emotional. …
  4. Read regularly, and from a variety of sources. …
  5. Link vocabulary with mnemonics and word associations. …
  6. Pool new vocabulary from a frequency list.

How do I prepare a word association test?

10 Tips To Make Better Sentences In Word Association Test (WAT)

  1. Be spontaneous, and not studied: Your response should be voluntary and unconstrained. …
  2. Practice helps: It is always useful. …
  3. Selection of words: The SSBs select such words for WAT that bring out particular officer like qualities. …
  4. Write short, crisp and meaningful: Write simple and brief sentences to save time.

How do you create a mental association?

The three basic steps of the V&A technique are:

  1. Use «substitute words» to break down complex concepts.
  2. Use your imagination to create vivid mental images of the ideas.
  3. Mentally associate the visual images you created to each other.

How I improve my vocabulary?

7 Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary

  1. Develop a reading habit. Vocabulary building is easiest when you encounter words in context. …
  2. Use the dictionary and thesaurus. …
  3. Play word games. …
  4. Use flashcards. …
  5. Subscribe to “word of the day” feeds. …
  6. Use mnemonics. …
  7. Practice using new words in conversation.

How can I learn words quickly?

How to memorize new vocabulary faster: 9 tips

  1. Use Memory Techniques. …
  2. Create a learning environment. …
  3. Put the words in context. …
  4. Learn from real-life situations. …
  5. Take it to the next level. …
  6. Find the tools that work for you. …
  7. Make it interactive. …
  8. Focus on useful words.

What is another word for vocabulary?


  • argot,
  • cant,
  • dialect,
  • jargon,
  • jive,
  • language,
  • lingo,
  • patois,

What is the vocabulary word?

Vocabulary is all about words — the words in a language or a special set of words you are trying to learn. … First used in the 1500s to mean a list of words with explanations, the noun vocabulary came to refer to the “range of language of a person or group” about two hundred years later.

What are vocabulary skills?

Vocabulary refers to the words we must understand to communicate effectively. Educators often consider four types of vocabulary: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. … Reading vocabulary refers to the words we need to know to understand what we read. Writing vocabulary consists of the words we use in writing.

How do you describe someone’s vocabulary?

articulate: having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. eloquent: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. fluent: able to express oneself easily and articulately. expressive: effectively conveying thought or feeling.

What are some great vocab words?

262 SAT Vocab Words You’re Bound to See on Test Day

Word Definition
Allude v. to make a secretive mention of something
Altercation n. a noisy argument or confrontation
Ambiguous adj. unclear or vague in meaning
Ambitious adj. having a powerful desire for success or achievement

What are some unfamiliar words?

A Mini-Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words

  • casuistry.
  • ululation.
  • pax.
  • frond.
  • antiphonal.
  • propitiate.
  • bourdon.
  • coign.

What are some smart words to say?

10 Words to Make You Sound Wicked Smart

  • Your Vocabulary Can Make You Sound Smart. Why use a simple 25-cents word when you can use an impressive $20 word? …
  • Elucidate. Elucidate [elu·ci·date] – to explain or make something clear. …
  • Malaise. …
  • Non sequitur. …
  • Obfuscate. …
  • Perfunctory. …
  • Quid Pro Quo. …
  • Scintillating.

What are difficult words?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out. …
  • Ironic. …
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless) …
  • Whom. …
  • Colonel. …
  • Nonplussed. …
  • Disinterested. …
  • Enormity.

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Professional items |
World psychology |

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Word association was first developed as a research instrument by Francis Galton and was subsequently developed by Carl Jung as a clinical diagnostic tool.

Galton, who thought that there might be a link between a person’s I.Q. (intelligence quotient) and word associations. A typical association is such: if I say «cat», you might say «dog». This indicates that you associate dog with cat, a common association. A common «association test» would be list of trigger words that the person being tested would respond to as quickly as possible. Often these responses were timed, and it became obvious that certain words could cause a considerable delay in the individual’s response. Sir Francis was unable to find a direct link between intelligence and word association, however Jung became curious about the time delay that occurred in responding to certain words. Jung theorized that the delay between stimulus and response indicated some sort of block in self expression. One type of block might be that too many possible answers rush to the surface and create a sort-of expression log-jam, and that one is unable to answer until one sorts out all the possible answers. Another possibility is that the individual feels “uncomfortable” with the response, or that the response is “inappropriate”, thus they resist expressing the answer. This resistance to answer is part of the phenomena that Freud described as repression.

See also

  • Associative processes
  • Paired associate learning

In semantics, associative meaning refers to the particular qualities or characteristics beyond the denotative meaning that people commonly think of (correctly or incorrectly) in relation to a word or phrase. Also known as expressive meaning and stylistic meaning.

In Semantics: The Study of Meaning (1974), British linguist Geoffrey Leech introduced the term associative meaning to refer to the various types of meaning that are distinct from denotation (or conceptual meaning): connotative, thematic, social, effective, reflective, and collocative.

Cultural and Personal Associations

«A word can sweep by your ear and by its very sound suggest hidden meanings, preconscious association. Listen to these words: blood, tranquil, democracy. You know what they mean literally but you have associations with those words that are cultural, as well as your own personal associations.»
(Rita Mae Brown, Starting From Scratch. Bantam, 1988)

«[W]hen some people hear the word ‘pig’ they think of a particularly dirty and unhygienic animal. These associations are largely mistaken, at least in comparison with most other farm animals (although their association with various cultural traditions and related emotional responses are real enough), so we would probably not include these properties in the connotations of the word. But the associative meaning of a word often has very powerful communicative and argumentative consequences, so it is important to mention this aspect of meaning.»
(Jerome E. Bickenbach and Jacqueline M. Davies, Good Reasons for Better Arguments: An Introduction to the Skills and Values of Critical Thinking. Broadview Press, 1998)

Unconscious Association

«A good example of a common noun with an almost universal associative meaning is ‘nurse.’ Most people automatically associate ‘nurse’ with ‘woman.’ This unconscious association is so widespread that the term ‘male nurse’ has had to be coined to counteract its effect.»
(Sándor Hervey and Ian Higgins, Thinking French Translation: A Course in Translation Method, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2002)

Conceptual Meaning and Associative Meaning

«We can … make a broad distinction between conceptual meaning and associative meaning. Conceptual meaning covers those basic, essential components of meaning that are conveyed by the literal use of a word. It is the type of meaning that dictionaries are designed to describe. Some of the basic components of a word like «needle» in English might include ‘thin, sharp, steel instrument.’ These components would be part of the conceptual meaning of «needle.» However, different people might have different associations or connotations attached to a word like «needle.» They might associate it with ‘pain,’ or ‘illness,’ or ‘blood,’ or ‘drugs,’ or ‘thread,’ or ‘knitting,’ or ‘hard to find’ (especially in a haystack), and these associations may differ from one person to the next. These types of associations are not treated as part of the word’s conceptual meaning.
[P]oets, songwriters, novelists, literary critics, advertisers, and lovers may all be interested in how words can evoke certain aspects of associative meaning, but in linguistic semantics, we’re more concerned with trying to analyze conceptual meaning.»
(George Yule, The Study of Language, 4th ed. Cambridge University Press, 2010)

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