What are three differences between dtp software and word processors

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    1. Word processing Software :
    Word processing software is a type of computer software application or an electronic device that has become very important in today’s generation. This software is running on general-purpose computers. So, word processing software is a kind of processor that provides the basic editing, input, formatting, and output of the text with some additional features. It is a kind of fully functioned desktop publishing program that helps in producing error-free documents.
    It is used by business organizations, higher authorities and many others firms for creating documents in various types. Examples of Word Processing software are Microsoft Word, iWork Pages, LibreOffice Writer

    2. Desktop publishing Software :
    Desktop publishing software is a type of frame based software that helps in creating documents with the use of page layouts software on the personal computer. They are being used to create documents like newsletters, brochures, etc.
    There are 2 main types of DTP:

    • Graphical Based- It is developed for editing and formatting graphic objects like pictures. For instance, Adobe Photoshop.
    • Layout Based- It is developed to create different page layout designs for pictures and text. For instance, Adobe PageMaker.

    Difference between Desktop publishing (DTP) and Word Processor Software :

    Word processing Software Desktop publishing Software
    It is a kind of software that focuses on the line-by-line creation of text documents. It is a kind of software which allows the complex pages of the given text and graphics.
    It Cannot handle more of the graphical elements into it as it has its own place. It generally Handles more graphical elements.
    They were created to create the document. They were originally created to design printed documents.
    These programs are running on general purpose computers. Desktop Publishing can be a solution for all sorts of projects.
    Helps in changing the shape and style of the characters of the paragraphs. They are often used to produce physical media like publications such as books, newspapers, brochures, and magazines, etc.
    In this you can also easily create columns as well as frames and pages. Text and graphics can also be easily imported from outside sources.
    It does not give you complete control over the look and feel of your document. DTP ideal for creating newspapers and magazines.
    It helps in storing and creating the typed documents in a new way. They are frame-based software.
    It helps in Formatting text like bold, underlining, font type, etc. They are very easy to import.
    It helps in Correcting grammar and spelling of sentences. It works in columns frames and pages.
    It provides the various tools like copying, deleting and formatting, etc. It helps in converting your document into a professional one.
    It is dynamic in nature for exchanging the data. It is dynamic in the only size.
    It make it easier for you to perform repetitive tasks. It has an automatic restructuring.
    It is Inexpensive. It is Very expensive.
    Helps in detailed formatting and editing of your document. It helps in creating the documents in electronic content with the help of page layout software.

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    Last Updated: February 7, 2022 | Author: Diana Compton

    What is DTP and its features?

    Desktop publishing software (DTP) is used to create documents like leaflets, brochures and newsletters. Modern word processors have the basic features of DTP software but features such as templates and frames make DTP software better for complex page layouts .

    DTP deals mainly with the production of print publications. More recently, DTP has also been active in the development of various online content forms. In order to become a DTP operator, computer application expertise, relevant hardware (such as a printer) and relevant software must be acquired (page layout software).

    What are 5 DTP software packages?

    The five most popular desktop publishing packages — Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, Adobe FrameMaker, and Corel VENTURA — can help you do that.

    How many types of DTP are there?

    DTP can be two types: Creates electronic pages. Creates virtual pages.

    What are common DTP applications?

    Common examples of desktop publishing software include Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign, Corel Ventura, CorelDraw, Microsoft Publisher, PageStream, and QuarkXPress.

    How does DTP software differ from word processing software?

    Word processing software is used to create and manipulate a text document, such as a resume or report. Software programs include Microsoft Word, Pages, Writer and WordPerfect. Desktop publishing (DTP) software is used to create page layouts of documents for publication in print or online.

    What is DTP package?

    Desktop publishing (DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout software on a personal (“desktop”) computer. It was first used almost exclusively for print publications, but now it also assists in the creation of various forms of online content.

    What is DTP example?

    Pagemaker, Framemaker, Ventura, QuarkXpress, and InDesign are examples of DTP software. The distinction between DTP and word processing is becoming less marked as each new version of word-processing software contains features formerly only available in DTP packages.

    What are the features of word processing explain?

    Some of the functions of word processing software include: Creating, editing, saving and printing documents. Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document. Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.

    What are three differences between DTP software and word processors?

    They are being used to create documents like newsletters, brochures, etc.

    Difference between Desktop publishing (DTP) and Word Processor Software :

    Word processing Software Desktop publishing Software
    They were created to create the document. They were originally created to design printed documents.

    Jan 19, 2021

    What is DTP explain the hardware and software requirement for DTP?

    Desktop publishing (DTP) relies on two primary hardware components: 1) a computer, supplemented by various input devices including scanners and cameras, and 2) a printer that can produce high quality typographical and pictorial output.

    What is the importance of DTP?

    Desktop publishing software is important because it increases productivity, helps in enhancing the appearance of all produced documents, minimized the production cost, easy customization of all kinds of projects, and also in a way to manage the presentation as well as its content.

    How do I use DTP in Excel?

    Delivering Data in Excel: The DTP Framework

    1. Data. Data is the raw material of any visualization or report. …
    2. Transform. We use PivotTables to transform the data into the structure we need.
    3. Present. The Presentation page copies data from the Transform page(s) and formats it for display. …
    4. Using a PivotTable as your interface.

    What is the best software for newsletter publishing?

    Five Best Desktop Publishing Programs for Newsletters

    • Microsoft Publisher 2019. Considered as an entry-level desktop publishing program, Microsoft Publisher is also deemed by a lot of its users as the best software for newsletters for small businesses. …
    • Adobe InDesign CC (2020 15.0. …
    • QuarkXPress 2019. …
    • LucidPress. …
    • Scribus.

    Can you make your own design in desktop publishing?

    There are templates and themes for every task — and you can also design your own.

    While desktop publishing software still provides extensive features necessary for print publishing, modern word processors now have publishing capabilities beyond those of many older DTP applications, blurring the line between word processing and desktop publishing.
    In the early days of graphical user interfaces, DTP software was in a class of its own when compared to the fairly spartan word processing applications of the time. Programs such as WordPerfect and WordStar were still mainly text-based and offered little in the way of page layout, other than perhaps margins and line spacing. On the other hand, word processing software was necessary for features like indexing and spell checking, features that are today taken for granted.
    The possibilities of DTP applications are more powerful than the ones of text processors like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. The tasks of text processors are, among other things, to register and to save text. The capability of text processors to arrange text is sufficient concerning the printing of these files on a laser- or inkjet printer, but not for extensive documents and professional printouts. Professional printouts are usually made with offset printing. Therefore, any newspaper- or magazine publisher uses a DTP application.
    The benefits of DTP applications in comparison with text processors
    • WYSIWYG ability (What You See Is What You Get).
    • Possibilities to judge the printout (Soft proof).
    • More possibilities to manipulate the typography (kerning, spacing)
    • Text and pictures are placed in frames.
    • Text- and picture frames are objects which can
    • More possibilities to design the layout.
    • Possibilities to adjust and control the pictures and illustrations
    related to their colours (colour management).
    • Exact positioning of objects (text, pictures) with the help of grid-
    and auxiliary lines.
    • Possibility to place objects outside of the document temporarily in
    order to use the whole area of the screen.
    • Tool palettes to manipulate objects.
    As computers and operating systems have become more powerful, vendors have sought to provide users with a single application platform that can meet all needs. Software such as Open Office.org Writer and Microsoft Word offers advanced layouts and linking between documents, and DTP applications have added in common word processor features.

    Other languages: Français‎, Italiano


    Many people use office suites like Microsoft Office™ or OpenOffice.org. But at some point, they are no longer satisfied with the capabilities of their preferred word processor. Perhaps they cannot fine-tune a layout, or some of their ideas are just not feasible. Or the magazine from the kiosk just looks more professional.

    So, these people look around for other applications. And they find professional Desktop Publishing (DTP) applications like QuarkXPress, Indesign or Scribus. The last one in particular has a great advantage: It is Open Source, so why not give it a try?
    After downloading, installing and starting the application an author who is used to word processors, sits in front of his screen like a rabbit in front of a snake. He doesn’t know what to do. Everything looks so strange; and why can’t he type text into his document?
    After some time, frustrated, the author uninstalls Scribus and goes back to his familiar word processor, accepting its limitations and disadvantages.

    Principal differences

    • A DTP application is not intended for creating text — at least if one is talking about a large amount of text, ie. many pages. For this purpose, it’s better to use a word processor or a simple text editor (with or without markup). After the text is finished it can be loaded into the DTP application. From this point, only minor changes to the text are done in the DTP application — you don’t want to edit long texts this way. This separation comes from the division of responsibilities in professional publishing: one person creates the text content, and another person does the layout.
    • Most modern DTP applications are frame-based. This means that all the content on a page is placed into frames. Content includes text, images, drawings and everything else an author would like to see on the printed page. These frames are freely moveable and can be placed anywhere on the page. Text from one frame can be continued (flow) in another.
      One might counter this by pointing out that word processors frequently have «text boxes», and it is possible to import a picture or graphic into a word processor document. However, as you attempt to precisely place, resize, increase or decrease graphics resolution, or rotate, you quickly discover the severe limitations of these «DTP-like» features. Often, it’s hard enough just to keep them from moving on their own as you add content to your document.
    • Once you have your text in a text frame, you can manipulate it with a high degree of precision. A word processor may offer size choices of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10… points, but with Scribus the precision is up to tenths of a point. Why is that important? So that you can fit a particular amount of text into an area of specific size. For example, you may need to match the width of a word with an underlying graphic element.
      You also have the capability to stretch a font horizontally or vertically, precisely set line spacing (again, to tenths of a point) and the space between letters (kerning). DTP thus gives you complete control over the placement of characters within text, allowing you to fit text within a rectangular or other shape. This is an example where that precise control over size and spacing is absolutely necessary. You can flow text around images (or not — try not having text flow around an image in a wordprocessor — yet this may be a desired layout feature in DTP), superimpose images on text (or vice versa), and create color separations for printing.
    • In DTP applications, the color palette contains just a few dozen different colors, more or less. Any other color which you need has to be defined manually. That’s because in a professional offset printing environment additional colors are often considered spot colors, which can be undesirable.
      DTP also allows for transparency of images, graphics elements, text — whatever you can put on the page.
    • You can define so-called master pages. If a normal page uses a master page as its basis, all the elements of the master page will appear on the normal page. Think about a magazine or newsletter, where certain elements like headers, footers, page numbers, logos, and the layout of the page are repetitive, yet there are differences between a right-hand and left-hand page. Within a document, you can define more than one master page; a large document may have many.

    What a DTP application can’t do for you

    • A DTP application is for creating a layout of a document; its purpose is not to structure a text. It may not build summaries or a table of contents for you; there is no function to add/manage footnotes to your text. Scribus 1.3.x can build a table of contents for you.
    • Generally, it will be difficult to connect a DTP application with external data sources like databases. Scribus allows you to do this with its scripter python plugin.

    Advantages of DTP applications

    • Absolute control of your layout. DTP applications never rearrange your frames to fit to text or printer requirements. Instead, you have to set up the text or printer correctly.
    • Text flow around irregular shapes.
    • Guidelines, margins and rulers are very useful for an exact placement of frames.
    • Professional output. PDF, PostScript or one of these really big offset printing machines? With a DTP application, you can satisfy them all.

    Where to go from here

    • Check the main Scribus site, explore the Scribus Wiki, and the mailing list. Make sure you have a basic understanding of what Scribus is, how it works, and what the requirements are in order to download and install (Linux, Windows, MacOS).
      If you have questions, that’s what the mailing list is for. Scribus now has versions for all flavors of Linux, Windows(2000 + XP), and MacOS.
    • While most of what you need is downloadable from Scribus, there are some other requirements, like ghostscript, that need to be obtained separately, before you install Scribus. This is all on the Scribus site under installation requirements.
    • Check out the tutorial on the Wiki site, «Get Started With Scribus», check out the «Working with…» pages of the Wiki in the HOWTOs section. You may even want to check these out before you install Scribus so you can fully understand Scribus’s capabilities and operations. It’s not a word processor, so it doesn’t work like a word processor.
    • Something probably not a good idea is to plan to use Scribus for the first time on an important piece of work with a tight deadline, like tomorrow morning. Even those who have some DTP experience would likely be frustrated by that task (and would probably know better than to attempt it).

    While desktop publishing software still provides extensive features necessary for print publishing, modern word processors now have publishing capabilities beyond those of many older DTP applications, blurring the line between word processing and desktop publishing.
    In the early days of graphical user interfaces, DTP software was in a class of its own when compared to the fairly spartan word processing applications of the time. Programs such as WordPerfect and WordStar were still mainly text-based and offered little in the way of page layout, other than perhaps margins and line spacing. On the other hand, word processing software was necessary for features like indexing and spell checking, features that are today taken for granted.
    The possibilities of DTP applications are more powerful than the ones of text processors like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. The tasks of text processors are, among other things, to register and to save text. The capability of text processors to arrange text is sufficient concerning the printing of these files on a laser- or inkjet printer, but not for extensive documents and professional printouts. Professional printouts are usually made with offset printing. Therefore, any newspaper- or magazine publisher uses a DTP application.
    The benefits of DTP applications in comparison with text processors
    • WYSIWYG ability (What You See Is What You Get).
    • Possibilities to judge the printout (Soft proof).
    • More possibilities to manipulate the typography (kerning, spacing)
    • Text and pictures are placed in frames.
    • Text- and picture frames are objects which can
    • More possibilities to design the layout.
    • Possibilities to adjust and control the pictures and illustrations
    related to their colours (colour management).
    • Exact positioning of objects (text, pictures) with the help of grid-
    and auxiliary lines.
    • Possibility to place objects outside of the document temporarily in
    order to use the whole area of the screen.
    • Tool palettes to manipulate objects.
    As computers and operating systems have become more powerful, vendors have sought to provide users with a single application platform that can meet all needs. Software such as Open Office.org Writer and Microsoft Word offers advanced layouts and linking between documents, and DTP applications have added in common word processor features.

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Tod Hessel

    Score: 5/5
    (69 votes)

    Desktop publishing is the creation of documents using page layout software on a personal computer. It was first used almost exclusively for print publications, but now it also assists in the creation of various forms of online content.

    What is DTP software explain?

    Desktop publishing software (DTP) is used to create documents like leaflets, brochures and newsletters. Modern word processors have the basic features of DTP software but features such as templates and frames make DTP software better for complex page layouts . Templates – examples to base your own document on.

    What is an example of DTP software?

    Common examples of desktop publishing software include Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign, Corel Ventura, CorelDraw, Microsoft Publisher, PageStream, and QuarkXPress.

    What are the 5 uses of DTP?

    Use of desktop publishing

    • newspapers and magazines.
    • brochures, posters, flyer, leaflets and catalogues.
    • books and e-books.
    • PDF.
    • web pages.
    • banner.
    • newsletter.
    • design of resume.

    What is DTP what are its types?

    (i) DTP: Desk-Top Publishing

    DTP stands for Desktop Publishing. It is a publishing software used to create high quality printed material for individuals, businesses and organizations. The DTP software provides a good control over design and layout of a page as compared to the word processor.

    45 related questions found

    Who uses DTP?

    Advertising agencies, publishing, color separation, printing, and other related industries all use desktop publishing. DTP artists are usually responsible for translating graphic designer’s work into digital ready-to-go files for printing or digital publishing.

    What software do publishers use?

    The five most popular desktop publishing packages — Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, Adobe FrameMaker, and Corel VENTURA — can help you do that. Of course, no one program has all the tools to meet every publisher’s needs.

    Is a DTP software answer?

    PageMaker is a DTP software.

    How do you use DTP?

    Steps to Taking an Idea From Screen to Print

    1. Have a Plan, Make a Sketch. …
    2. Choose a Template. …
    3. Set up Your Document. …
    4. Place Text in Your Document. …
    5. Format Your Text. …
    6. Place Graphics in Your Document. …
    7. Apply the Rules of Desktop Publishing. …
    8. Print a Draft and Proofread It.

    What is the easiest desktop publishing software?

    Top Free Desktop Publishing Software

    • Canva for Enterprise.
    • Foxit PDF Editor.
    • Quark.
    • Lucidpress.
    • PDFelement.
    • Venngage.
    • Crello.
    • Adobe Spark.

    What are the 6 areas of desktop publishing?

    • Desktop Publishing Services.
    • Magazine Layout Services.
    • Book Layout Design.
    • Image Optimization & Vectorization.
    • Image to Vector Conversion.
    • Magazine Digitization Services.

    Is Canva a desktop publishing software?

    4. Canva. Joomag is an online publishing program designed specifically for people who want to produce, typeset and publish online magazines, photo books, corporate magazines or product catalogues.

    Why is DTP needed?

    Used properly, desktop publishing enhances visual communication and streamlines the process of disseminating information of all kinds. It’s also the method of file preparation that ensures files print properly so that communications get out in a timely manner.

    What are the main features of DTP software?

    The Features of Desktop Publishing Apps

    • Support for Numerous Project Types. The ability to create a variety of projects defines the flexibility of a desktop publishing application. …
    • Layout Tools. …
    • Text Tools. …
    • Graphic Tools. …
    • Printing and Sharing.

    What are advantages and disadvantages of DTP?

    The advantages of DTP

    • 1) Handles far more graphical elements than a word processor. Word processing software certainly has its place. …
    • 2) Frame-based. …
    • 3) Easy import. …
    • 4) WYSIWYG. …
    • 5) Automatic restructuring. …
    • 6) Work in columns, frames and pages. …
    • 1) Expensive tools. …
    • 2) Lack of large scalability.

    What is DTP and its advantages?

    With desktop publishing, you can increase productivity, minimize production cost, enhance the appearance of your documents, improve the level of creativity, reduce the time taken for printing and produce customized documents. …

    Is writer a DTP software?

    Desktop Publishing Software for Windows, macOS, Linux and other operating systems

    • LibreOffice Draw and LibreOffice Writer for Windows, macOS, Linux, BSDs and others.
    • LyX for Windows, MacOS, Linux, UNIX, OS/2 and Haiku, based on the LaTeX typesetting system, initial release in 1995.

    What software and hardware is used in DTP?

    Desktop publishing (DTP) relies on two primary hardware components: 1) a computer, supplemented by various input devices including scanners and cameras, and 2) a printer that can produce high quality typographical and pictorial output.

    Can I learn DTP online?

    Online Training Opportunities

    If your college days are behind you, there are plenty of online training possibilities to learn about DTP. Some of them are from professional training companies and some are from the manufacturers of the software programs used in desktop publishing.

    What are the difference between DTP and word processing?

    The differences between the two are: Word processing involves creation, editing, and printing of text while desktop publishinginvolves production of documents that combine text with graphics.

    What software does JK Rowling use?

    In the documentary “J.K. Rowling: A Year In The Life”, Rowling is seen finishing up the seventh book in the series using a laptop computer. In this frame from the film, it is clear she is using Microsoft Word.

    What is the best publisher program?

    The best desktop publishing software in 2021

    1. Adobe InDesign. The best desktop publishing software overall. …
    2. Affinity Publisher. The best desktop publishing software for value. …
    3. QuarkXPress. Well-established rival to InDesign. …
    4. Microsoft Publisher. …
    5. VivaDesigner. …
    6. Xara Page & Layout Designer. …
    7. Scribus. …
    8. Swift Publisher.

    What is the best software for publishing a book?

    Here are some of the best self-publishing software resources for authors:

    1. Scrivener. Writers praise the many features of the Scrivener platform, most of which are absent from generic programs like Microsoft Word. …
    2. Hemingway App. …
    3. Adobe InDesign. …
    4. Vellum. …
    5. Microsoft Word. …
    6. Google Docs. …
    7. Grammarly. …
    8. Gatekeeper Press.

    Many people use office suites like Microsoft Office™ or OpenOffice.org.
    But at some point, they are no longer satisfied with the capabilities
    of their preferred word processor. Perhaps they cannot fine-tune a
    layout, or some of their ideas are just not feasible. Or the magazine
    from the kiosk just looks more professional.

    So, these people look around for other applications. And they
    find professional Desktop Publishing (DTP) applications like
    QuarkXPress, Indesign.

    Principal differences

    • A DTP application is not intended for creating text —
      at least if one is talking about a large amount of text, ie. many
      pages. For this purpose, it’s better to use a word processor or a
      simple text editor (with or without markup). After the text is finished
      it can be loaded into the DTP application. From this point, only minor
      changes to the text are done in the DTP application — you don’t want to
      edit long texts this way. This separation comes from the division of
      responsibilities in professional publishing: one person creates the
      text content, and another person does the layout.
    • Most modern DTP applications are frame-based. This means
      that all the content on a page is placed into frames. Content includes
      text, images, drawings and everything else an author would like to see
      on the printed page. These frames are freely moveable and can be placed
      anywhere on the page. Text from one frame can be continued (flow) in another.

      might counter this by pointing out that word processors frequently have
      «text boxes», and it is possible to import a picture or graphic into a
      word processor document. However, as you attempt to precisely place,
      resize, increase or decrease graphics resolution, or rotate, you
      quickly discover the severe limitations of these «DTP-like» features.
      Often, it’s hard enough just to keep them from moving on their own as
      you add content to your document.

    • Once you have your text in a text frame, you can manipulate
      it with a high degree of precision. A word processor may offer size
      choices of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10… points, but with Scribus the precision is
      up to tenths of a point. Why is that important? So that you can fit a
      particular amount of text into an area of specific size. For example,
      you may need to match the width of a word with an underlying graphic

      You also have the capability to stretch a font horizontally
      or vertically, precisely set line spacing (again, to tenths of a point)
      and the space between letters (kerning). DTP thus gives you complete
      control over the placement of characters within text, allowing you to
      fit text within a rectangular or other shape. This is an example where
      that precise control over size and spacing is absolutely necessary. You
      can flow text around images (or not — try not having text flow
      around an image in a wordprocessor — yet this may be a desired layout
      feature in DTP), superimpose images on text (or vice versa), and create
      color separations for printing.

    • In DTP applications, the color palette contains just a few
      dozen different colors, more or less. Any other color which you need
      has to be defined manually. That’s because in a professional offset
      printing environment additional colors are often considered spot colors, which can be undesirable.
      DTP also allows for transparency of images, graphics elements, text — whatever you can put on the page.
    • You can define so-called master pages.
      If a normal page uses a master page as its basis, all the elements of
      the master page will appear on the normal page. Think about a magazine
      or newsletter, where certain elements like headers, footers, page
      numbers, logos, and the layout of the page are repetitive, yet there
      are differences between a right-hand and left-hand page. Within a
      document, you can define more than one master page; a large document
      may have many.

    What a DTP application can’t do for you

    • A DTP application is for creating a layout of a document; its purpose is not to structure
      a text. It may not build summaries or a table of contents for you;
      there is no function to add/manage footnotes to your text. Scribus
      1.3.x can build a table of contents for you.
    • Generally, it will be difficult to connect a DTP application
      with external data sources like databases. Scribus allows you to do
      this with its scripter python plugin.

    Advantages of DTP applications

    • Absolute control of your layout. DTP applications never
      rearrange your frames to fit to text or printer requirements. Instead,
      you have to set up the text or printer correctly.
    • Text flow around irregular shapes.
    • Guidelines, margins and rulers are very useful for an exact placement of frames.
    • Professional output. PDF, PostScript or one of these really
      big offset printing machines? With a DTP application, you can satisfy
      them all.


    Desktop publishing (DTP) and word processing are both types of software applications. While there is some overlap between them, they are designed for distinctly different tasks.
    Word Processing: A word processor application focuses on text entry, enabling users to enter and edit text. Some text formatting tools are usually included so that the font style and color can be modified. More advanced word processors include features such as image and table support, as well as tools for creating headers and footers. Word processing tools are typically used to produce letters, business documents and essays.
    Desktop Publishing: A desktop publishing application includes some word processing elements, but has a greater breadth of layout tools and improved support for photos and other graphics. DTP packages have a wider selection of import and output options for various forms of content, are better able to combine text and graphics in a single document and are typically used to produce brochures, magazines and newspapers.
    Overlap: As word processors have grown more powerful, the distinction between them and DTP programs has become less clear. The more advanced word processors on the market are capable of producing basic newsletters and posters (suitable for home and casual use), though for professional and industry use (magazines and newspapers) a DTP application is always employed.

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    • Tags: Software,

    3. Read the text again and answer these questions [4].

    What are the differences between raster graphics and vector graphic?

    Which graphics file formats are mentioned?

    What is compositing?

    What does CAD stand for?

    What are the benefits of using graphics in the car industry?

    What type of graphics software is used to make maps or 3-D models of the Earth?

    Who uses computer animation? How [4]?


    4. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).







    a)special effects that can be applied to pictures

    b)technique that generates realistic reflections, shadows and highlights

    c)geometrical figures with special properties

    d)irregular or uneven

    e)the number of pixels in an image


    f) the drawing of a model by using features like edges or contour lines [4]

    5. In pairs and then small groups discuss which application of computer graphics you think is the most important or useful. Give reasons for your answers.


    6. Language work: the -ing form

    Look at the HELP box and decide if the -ing forms in these sentences are gerunds, present participles or adjectives [4].

    1)PCs generate graphics by performing mathematical calculations on data.

    2)Businesspeople use graphics to make information more interesting visually.

    3)Graphs and diagrams can be more effective ways of communicating with clients than lists of figures

    4)She is designing a logo for the company.

    5)If you need to make a presentation, I suggest using PowerPoint

    6)The Internet is a network linking other networks

    7. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. There are seven mistakes in total.

    1)Computer animation is the process of create objects which move across the screen.

    2)Texturing involves add paint, colour and filters to drawings and designs.

    3)You can open the colour palette by click on the corresponding icon.

    4)CAD programs are very fast at to perform drawing functions.

    5)A lot of time and money is saved by test a car design before to make the product.

    6)To render refers to the techniques used to make realistic images.

    *HELP box: The -ing form

    We use the -ing form in three ways:

    1.Rendering includes lighting and shading.

    2.We are designing a new car on computer.

    3.They use special applets to create amazing fractals.

    In 1, rendering is a gerund (see below), acting as the subject. Lighting and shading are also gerunds, acting as the objects. A gerund refers to an activity or process.


    In 2, designing is a present participle. This is used in continuous tenses (in the above example, the present continuous) and reduced relative clauses.

    A representation showing the outlines of all edges. (= which shows the outlines…)

    In 3, amazing is an adjective.

    We use gerunds in the following ways:

    • As the subject of a verb

    Compositing is combining parts of different images to create a single image.

    • As the complement of the subject

    Compositing is combining parts of different images…

    As the object of a verb I enjoy editing pictures.

    After a preposition

    Designers start a project by making a wireframe.

    • As the complement of a verb

    This course involves painting and drawing in various media.

    • Some verbs are followed by the gerund, not by the infinitive (e.g. avoid, fancy, finish, give up, hate imagine, involve, keep, look forward to mind suggest, enjoy) [4]


    8. Work in pairs. Choose a task from the list (1-6) and match it with the most appropriate graphics software for the task (a-f). Gives reasons for your choices [4]. Look at the text in exercise 2 and Useful language to help you.

    1)to edit and retouch photos

    2)to create illustrations and drawings for a magazine

    3)to prepare slideshows for training sessions or conferences

    4)to make mechanical designs and architectural plans

    5)to create dynamic simulations and special effects for films, TV, advertisements and games

    6)to analyze geographic data and make maps

    a)Computer animation software, for example 3-D Studio Max

    b)GIS software, for example ArcView

    c)Presentation software, for example PowerPoint

    d)A CAD package, for example AutoCAD


    e)Vector graphics software, for example Freehand

    f)A paint and image-editing program, for example Photoshop

    Useful language

    If I need to…, what software would you recommend?

    For that kind of task, the best thing would be…

    It allows you to … and…

    I wouldn’t recommend… because..

    A good program of this type is … [4]

    9. Look at the images (1-4), which show the stages involved in drawing a plane

    using computer software. Write a short description of stages 2, 3 and 4. Look at

    the text exercise 1 and Useful language below help you [4].

    Useful language

    This picture shows …

    In this (next) stage …

    The designer has used …

    This stage is called …

    Rendering techniques include …

    As a finishing touch, …

    This first image shows a wireframe model, probably made using CAD software. A wireframe is a drawing with edges and contour lines. The parts of the plane are shown in different colours (violet, green, blue, etc.) [4].



    Process of page layout with InDesign


    1. Discuss these questions.

    What is desktop publishing?

    What kind of documents can be produced with a desktop publishing system?

    Page layout software is the key component of a desktop publishing system. Which file types can be imported into a page layout program [4]?


    2. Read the text and check your answers.


    Desktop publishing (DTP) refers to the use of computers to design and publish books, brochures, newsletters, magazines and other printed pieces. DTP is really a combination of several different processes including word processing, graphic design, information design, output and pre-press technologies, and sometimes image manipulation.

    DTP centers around a page layout program. Typically, a layout program is used to import texts created in word processing programs; charts and graphs from spreadsheet programs; drawings and illustrations created in CAD, drawing or paint programs; and photographs. The program is then used to combine and arrange them all on a page. It is this ability to manipulate so many different items and control how they are used that makes layout software so popular and useful. However, modern word processors also have publishing capabilities, meaning the line separating such programs from DTP software is becoming less clear. In general, though, powerful new publishing systems use high-quality scalable fonts and give you control over typographic features such as kerning (adjusting the spaces between letters to achieve even, consistent spacing). Another key feature of DTP software is text flow — the ability to put text around graphic objects in a variety of ways.

    Once composed, DTP documents are printed on a laser printer or on a highresolution imagesetter. For transfer to a commercial printer, the documents are generally saved in their native page layout format (such as Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress) or as PDF files. PDF stands for Portable Document Format and allows people to view, search and print documents exactly as the publisher intended — you don’t need to have the software and fonts used to create it. PDF files can be published and distributed anywhere; in print, attached to email, posted on websites, or on DVD. To open a PDF file, only the Adobe Acrobat Reader (a free download) is required.

    In modern commercial printing, DTP files are output directly to the printing plates without using film as an intermediate step. This new technology is known as Computer-To-Plate (CTP) or direct to plate, and the machine that generates plates for a printing press is called a platesetter. CTP machines are expensive, so most people take their files to a service bureau, a company that specializes in printing other people’s files. Service bureaux offer a full range of scanning and printing solutions [4].

    3. Read the text again and answer these questions [4].

    — What type of software is used for the creation of DTP documents?


    What are three differences between DTP software and word processors?

    What is a PDF and what can it do?

    Which program do you need to view a PDF document?

    Why do people send their DTP files to service bureaux?


    4. Find words in the text with the following meanings [4].

    1)shape, style and size of a typeface, for example Courier at lOpt

    2)the process of adjusting the space between characters

    3)feature that enables you to wrap text around images on the page

    4)metal surfaces that carry the image to be printed

    5)a machine that creates the printing plates

    5. In groups discuss the question What is desktop publishing? in as much detail as you can. Then look back at the text in exercise 2 to see how much you remembered.


    6. Language work: order of adjectives

    Look at the HELP Box and then make phrases using the words in the correct order.

    Example: computer programmer / young / clever a clever, young computer programmer

    1.software / desktop publishing / user-friendly

    2.hardware company/reliable/young

    3.German /industry /graphic design

    4.word processing / applications / modern

    5.Sony/new/music player/portable

    *HELP Box

    Order of adjectives

    Adjectives usually come before the noun (also known as the headword).

    They give you control over typographic features

    For transfer to a commercial printer, the document is…

    However, adjectives come after certain verbs (e.g. be, look, become, seem, sound), complementing the subject of the sentence.

    CFP machines are expensive


    Adjectives can also complement the object of the sentence. This makes layout software popular and useful

    This is the usual order of adjectives before a noun:

    Adjectives are ordered from the most subjective (e.g. nice) to the most objective (e.g. silicon).

    Brand names (Microsoft, Sony, etc.) are considered adjectives of origin/place. If there is more than one adjective in a sentence, they are usually separated by commas, unless the adjective forms an integral part of the headword (A fantastic, thin, Sony MP3 player.) [4]

    7. Translate these sentences into Russian. How does the use of adjectives differ from English? Think about word order and whether the form of the adjective changes or not.


    DTP refers to the use of personal computers to produce high-quality

    printed documents.


    A page layout application is used to import text from word processing

    programs and pictures from painting and drawing programs.


    In modern commercial printing, DTP files are output directly to the

    printing plates [4].

    8.In pairs, think of five objects (e.g., in your classroom or apartment) and choose three words to describe each of them. Put the words into the correct order and make a sentence.

    Example: PC — black, old, DELL

    On my desk I’ve got an old, black, DELL PC [4].

    9.Look at this extract from an online tutorial for DTP publishing. Put the steps in the creation of a DTP document (a-f) into the correct order.

    When the text has been edited, the designer imports the pictures and uses precise tools to position, scale, crop and rotate all the items.

    First, the DTP designer decides the basic form of the document (the type of

    document, general design, colour, fonts, images required, etc.).

    The last step is to take the files to a service bureau, which will print the publication.


    To create the DTP document, the designer begins by selecting a template or by specifying the settings of a new document (the page size, margins, columns, paragraph styles, master pages, etc.).

    The next step is to type the text directly or to import it from a word processing program like Word or WordPerfect.

    Once the file is composed and saved, the designer has to prepare it for printing, which involves verifying the colour specification, creating a Postscript or PDF file, exporting the file in HTML format for the Web, checking proofs, etc. [4]

    10. Label the features of this page designed with Adobe InDesign (1-6) with words from the box.


    layout of master pages





    scanned photo


    11.Writing a letter. Although most written communication these days is carried out by email, letters are still appropriate for more formal correspondence. Look at this letter. What is the writer asking for [4]?

    12.Match the parts of the letter (a-h) with the descriptions (1-8).


    1 — b. For example, the 28th March 2008, or 28 March 2008, or 28/03/2008.

    2.This is usually in the top right corner of the letter, but can be in the centre if it’s a printed letterhead.

    3.State the reason for writing: I am / We are writing to… / We are currently…

    4.This should be included on the left hand side of the page, before the greeting.

    5.Start with Dear Sir / Madam or Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms… Use Ms if you are not sure if the recipient is married or not. It is often best to use Ms, as Mrs can cause offence.

    6.Make any requests or ask any questions you need to: We would be grateful if you could…, Could you also …

    7.Request further contact, if necessary: We / I look forward to hearing from you

    / Please contact us by…

    8. If you have started the letter with the person’s name (for example, Dear Mr Robinson), then end with Yours sincerely. If you do not know the name of the recipient, end with Yours faithfully [4].

    13. Write a letter to a local newspaper, asking for information about the hardware they use in their production, the page layout software they use, and the data communications systems they use. Use the materials from exercises 10-11 to help you [4].


    Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык

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