What is another word for Strange?
usual, unwell
unfamiliar, native
unconventional, deviating
Use filters to view other words, we have 1519 synonyms for strange.
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How is the word strange distinct from other similar adjectives?
Some common synonyms of strange are eccentric, erratic, odd, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, singular, and unique. While all these words mean «departing from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected,» strange stresses unfamiliarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unaccountable.
a journey filled with strange sights
When might eccentric be a better fit than strange?
The meanings of eccentric and strange largely overlap; however, eccentric suggests a wide divergence from the usual or normal especially in behavior.
the eccentric eating habits of preschoolers
When could erratic be used to replace strange?
The words erratic and strange can be used in similar contexts, but erratic stresses a capricious and unpredictable wandering or deviating.
a friend’s suddenly erratic behavior
In what contexts can odd take the place of strange?
Although the words odd and strange have much in common, odd applies to a departure from the regular or expected.
When is it sensible to use outlandish instead of strange?
While in some cases nearly identical to strange, outlandish applies to what is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric.
outlandish fashions of the time
When would peculiar be a good substitute for strange?
The synonyms peculiar and strange are sometimes interchangeable, but peculiar implies a marked distinctiveness.
the peculiar status of America’s first lady
When is quaint a more appropriate choice than strange?
In some situations, the words quaint and strange are roughly equivalent. However, quaint suggests an old-fashioned but pleasant oddness.
Where would singular be a reasonable alternative to strange?
While the synonyms singular and strange are close in meaning, singular suggests individuality or puzzling strangeness.
a singular feeling of impending disaster
When can unique be used instead of strange?
The words unique and strange are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, unique implies singularity and the fact of being without a known parallel.
a career unique in the annals of science
На занятиях со студентами в ENGINFORM мы много работаем с лексикой и обязательно подбираем, и рассматриваем синонимы для тех слов, которые изучаем.
Если уровень студента начальный или ниже среднего, обращаем внимание на заменители простых слов, таких, как funny, interesting, beautiful. На уровнях повыше вокабуляр, конечно, посложнее. Например, сегодня на занятии по подготовке к IELTS, мы со студенткой составляли список заменителей к harmful (вредный).
Если вы регулярно читаете мой блог, то знаете, что я часто публикую подборки синонимов. А чтобы ваше изучение слов было нескучным и осмысленным, стараюсь снабдить материал простыми объяснениями, которые не только помогут сохранить в памяти большой объем новой лексики, но и понять, как слова английского языка связаны между собой.
Сегодня мы поговорим о прилагательном strange (странный), вернее о тех словах, которые позволят вам его не использовать.
Слово strange знакомо нам, как «странный, чудной, необыкновенный», и применяя это прилагательное в своей речи, каждый вкладывает в него разные значения: «то, чего я не могу объяснить», «то, что мне непривычно», «то, чего я не одобряю», «то, что меня удивляет» и так далее.
Чтобы точно передать свою мысль и не подменять столько разных идей одним-единственным словом, стоит выбирать более четкие заместители. Как противник списков и любитель классификаций, предлагаю разделить их на несколько групп.
Самый простой способ образовать новое слово — добавить приставку или суффикс к знакомому слову и придать ему противоположное значение. К первой группе отнесем — прилагательные с отрицательными приставками UN-, IN-, а также A-:
Unusual /ʌn’juːʒ(ə)l/ — необычный, странный.
Unexpected /ʌnɪk’spektɪd/ — непредсказуемый.
Unfamiliar /ʌnfə’mɪlɪə/ — непривычный, чуждый.
Unaccountable /ʌnə’kauntəbl/ — непонятный, непостижимый, странный.
Inexplicable /ɪnɪk’splɪkəbl/ — неизъяснимый, непонятный, непостижимый.
Atypical /eɪ’tɪpɪk(ə)l/ — нетипичный.
Anomalous /ə’nɔmələs/ — аномальный, ненормальный.
Однако не стоит увлекаться добавлением приставок. Этот способ работает, но не в 100% случаев. Во-первых, не к каждому прилагательному можно добавить приставку. Во-вторых, слово с приставкой и без не всегда обозначают прямо противоположные вещи и являются антонимами.
Например, canny — это осторожный, осмотрительный, умный, проницательный, а uncanny/ʌn’kænɪ/ — странный, необъяснимый.
Отмечайте для себя прилагательные, для которых правило применимо, а значения новых слов лучше проверяйте по словарю или уточняйте у преподавателя.
Если в ситуации с первой группой слов, мы добавляли приставки к уже готовым прилагательным и образовывали новые слова с противоположным значением, то второй способ получить заменители для слова strange — образовать прилагательные от глаголов при помощи суффикса -ING:
Puzzling /’pʌzlɪŋ/ — приводящий в замешательство; сбивающий с толку (от глагола to puzzle).
Mystifying /ˈmɪstəˌfaɪɪŋ/ — странный, интригующий (от глагола to mystify).
Perplexing /pə’pleksɪŋ/ — запутанный (от глагола to perplex).
Baffling /’bæflɪŋ/ — загадочный; сбивающий с толку; приводящий в замешательство.
А чтобы образовать прилагательное от существительных, нам понадобится суффикс -OUS:
Mysterious /mɪ’stɪərɪəs/ — загадочный. От существительного mystery.
Иногда заменителями могут служить целые комбинации, в состав которых входят предлоги и артикли. Например, strange в определенных контекстах можно заменить выражением out of the ordinary — необычный, необыкновенный, что есть то же самое, что и extraordinary /ˌekstrə’ɔːdɪn(ə)rɪ/.
И в третью группу синонимов слова strange отнесем прилагательные без явных признаков словообразовательной связи с другими словами. Большинство из них многозначны и, помимо значения «странный», могут обозначать другие вещи. Чтобы их запомнить, вы можете создавать собственные ассоциации:
Odd /ɔd/ — чудаковатый, необычный, странный, эксцентричный. Еще одно значение — нечётный.
Curious /’kjuərɪəs/ — странный, чудной, необычный. А относительно человека это прилагательное обозначает «любознательный».
Funny /’fʌnɪ/ — странный. Слово, известное всем, как «смешной», в разговорной речи может заменить strange.
Bizarre /bɪ’zɑː/ — причудливый, странный, эксцентричный. Это слово французского происхождения. Чтобы его запомнить, один мой студент представлял себе базар, куда он попал в одном из своих путешествий по Азии. Место было достаточно необычным, странным, и эта ассоциация помогла запомнить слово.
Queer /kwɪə/ — странный, необычный, чудной. Для запоминания поможет словосочетание Queer Queen — странная королева, слова пишутся почти одинаково, и такие комбинации, из знакомого слова и похожего незнакомого, всегда улучшают запоминание.
Еще два слова, заменяющих strange можно запомнить, так как они оба содержат «странный» дифтонг /ɪə/: weird /wɪəd/ — странный, чудной, необъяснимый (предполагает вмешательство сверхъестественных сил) и peculiar /pɪ’kjuːlɪə/ — особенный; своеобразный; необычный.
Итак, в этой статье мы рассмотрели 22 способа заменить слово strange.
Некоторые синонимы образуются от других прилагательных при помощи отрицательных приставок, другие — от глаголов путем добавления суффиксов, есть и те, которые нужно запомнить, но при помощи ассоциаций сделать это гораздо проще.
Прямо сейчас проверьте свою память — вспомните и запишите как можно больше способов сказать «странный» на английском, пусть ваши методы запоминания и ассоциации будут немного strange, но главное ведь — знания и правильное использование!
Для тех, кто хочет иметь красивый и разнообразный устный и письменный английский, понимать английскую речь без проблем, получать официальное подтверждение своего уровня, знание синонимов — первое и обязательное условие успеха.
Второе обязательное условие — это практика, конечно. Если вам сложно практиковаться и оценивать свой прогресс самостоятельно — приглашаю вас на наш Общий и Разговорный курс английского по Скайп. Наши преподаватели используют только английский и делают акцент на разговорной практике. Они знают, как научить вас свободно выражать мысли на английском языке.
Если вы готовы попробовать индивидуальное обучение по Скайп в ENGINFORM — записывайтесь на вводное занятие, и не забывайте, что каждый вторник в нашем блоге появляется новый урок для изучающих английский.
Напишите мне в комментариях, как вы изучаете лексику сейчас: как пополняете словарный запас, какими способами пользуетесь для лучшего запоминания, помогают ли вам мои подборки слов с объяснениями?
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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
unknown, new, unfamiliarAntonyms:
familiar, known -
To be estranged or alienated.
He thought it strange that his girlfriend wore shorts in the winter.
out of the ordinary, fremd, unknown, new, odd, peculiar, unfamiliar, queer, weird, singular, bizarreAntonyms:
usual, standard, unsurprising, known, normal, regular, everyday, familiar -
Unfamiliar, not yet part of one’s experience.
I moved to a strange town when I was ten.
bizarre, unknown, queer, singular, new, out of the ordinary, odd, unfamiliar, fremd, peculiar, weirdAntonyms:
unsurprising, normal, known, standard, regular, everyday, familiar, usual -
Having the quantum mechanical property of strangeness.
peculiar, fremd, odd, out of the ordinary, new, singular, weird, queer, unknown, bizarre, unfamiliarAntonyms:
standard, unsurprising, known, everyday, familiar, usual, regular, normal
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
Foreign refers to difference of birth, alien to difference of allegiance. In their figurative use, that is foreign which is remote, unlike, or unconnected; that is alien which is conflicting, hostile, or opposed. Impertinent and irrelevant matters can not claim consideration in a certain connection; inappropriate matters could not properly be considered. Compare ALIEN, n.; CONTRAST, v.
alien, alien, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, contrasted, distant, foreign, hostile, impertinent, inappropriate, irrelevant, opposed, remote, unconnected, unlikeAntonyms:
akin, appropriate, apropos, essential, germane, pertinent, proper, relevantPreposition:
Such a purpose was alien to (or from) my thought: to preferable.
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes
foreign, alien, exotic, unfamiliar, unusual, odd, irregular, abnormal, exceptional, surprising, wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, uncommon, peculiarAntonyms:
home, domestic, familiar, usual, ordinary, common, regular, customary, commonplace, unsurprising, universal, general
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 6 votes
strange, unusualadjective
being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird
«a strange exaltation that was indefinable»; «a strange fantastical mind»; «what a strange sense of humor she has»
foreign, unusual, unknownAntonyms:
common or garden, common, everyday, usual, familiar -
strange, unknownadjective
not known before
«used many strange words»; «saw many strange faces in the crowd»; «don’t let anyone unknown into the house»
unusual, unknown, unnamed, unidentified, obscure, foreign, nameless, unsungAntonyms:
familiar, everyday, common or garden, usual, common -
foreign, strangeadjective
relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world
«foreign nations»; «a foreign accent»; «on business in a foreign city»
foreign, extraneous, unknown, unusual, alienAntonyms:
common or garden, usual, familiar, everyday, common
Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
one can not know and it come to existence, it had to be of sense, real . mystery when you can not perfectly explain but with believe it always come to existence.
reading understanding and recalling, jesus as a healer and as a teacher
Submitted by anonymous on December 5, 2021
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
foreign, outlandish, exotic, alien, not native, not domestic, from abroad -
new, novel, unusual, uncommon, unnatural, abnormal, anomalous, singular, rare, irregular, extraordinary, wonderful, inexplicable, exceptional, unique, PRETERNATURAL, unheard of, out of the way -
odd, eccentric, queer, peculiar, BIZARRE
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote
foreign, unfamiliar, exotic, outlandish, novel, odd, unusual, queer, unique, nondescript, exceptional, singular, peculiar, rare, erratic, unique, bizarre, eccentric, inexplicable, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, reserved, distant, unfriendly, unknownAntonyms:
familiar, accustomed, wonted, commonplace, conventional
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «strange»:
odd, weird, bizarre, curious, peculiar, funny, ghraib, surprising, unusual, ghareb, gharib, freaky, uncanny, awkward, -weird, strange-looking, alien, remarkable, extraneous, unfamiliar, eerie, extraordinary, paradoxical
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by strange — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by strange on the Lyrics.com website.
How to pronounce strange?
How to say strange in sign language?
How to use strange in a sentence?
Kasper Schmeichel:
It’s a strange feeling. Huge disappointment. But also enormous pride about our team, i think today we had the opportunity. I think we were the better team in the second half and the extra time.
Rachel Lee:
So if and when it decides to start reengaging, it would not look strange to the North Korean people.
Drew Pinsky:
But I had a very strange reaction: I felt sorry for the kids who were perpetrating it, i really felt horrible for them. Their lives are going to be over.
Tzachi Hanegbi:
We condemn statements like that made by Sanders, which was really strange, the Israeli government is not a racist government, nor does it include a single racist minister.
Zac Brown:
This is really strange circumstances because normally under pressure entertainment and music always survives. People want to feel good. They wan na come out and see music and we wan na be able to be there as a beacon to help remind them that everything is going to be OK during hard times, but this has been crippling because people can’t gather together.
Translations for strange
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- أَجْنَبِي, عَجِيب, غَرِيب, غريبArabic
- дзі́ўныBelarusian
- стра́ненBulgarian
- estranyCatalan, Valencian
- divný, zvláštní, neznámý, cizí, podivnýCzech
- underlig, mærkeligDanish
- komisch, fremd, ausländisch, verwunderlich, sonderbar, seltsamGerman
- παράξενος, περίεργος, παράδοξος, αλλόκοτοςGreek
- strangaEsperanto
- raro, desconocido, extrañoSpanish
- imelikEstonian
- عجیب و غریب, عجیبPersian
- outo, ihmeellinen, kummallinen, tuntematon, vierasFinnish
- løginFaroese
- inconnu, étrange, étrangerFrench
- nuver, frjemde, nuvere, frjemdWestern Frisian
- ait, aisteach, éagsúlachIrish
- coimheach, annasach, neònachScottish Gaelic
- raro, estrañoGalician
- מוזרHebrew
- अजीबHindi
- ismeretlen, különös, idegen, különleges, furcsaHungarian
- տարօրինակ, օտարArmenian
- anehIndonesian
- stranoItalian
- מוּזָרHebrew
- 変, 奇妙, 奇妙なJapanese
- უცნაურიGeorgian
- ចំឡែក, ប្លែកKhmer
- ವಿಚಿತ್ರKannada
- 이상하다, 이상한Korean
- seyr, ecêb, سهیر, عهنتیکه, mat, sosretKurdish
- extraneus, alienaLatin
- nepažįstamas, svetima, keistas, nepažįstama, svetimas, keistaLithuanian
- svešāds, dīvains, svešsLatvian
- чу́денMacedonian
- pelik, ganjil, gharib, anehMalay
- onbekend, uitheems, buitenlands, strange, vreemd, raarDutch
- ukjent, rar, sær, merkelig, fremmedNorwegian
- obcy, dziwnyPolish
- estranho, desconhecidoPortuguese
- straniu, ciudat, nenatural, neobișnuitRomanian
- стра́нный, чужо́й, необы́чный, чудно́й, чу́ждый, незнако́мый, странныйRussian
- чудноват, чудан, čudan, stran, čudnovat, стран, необичан, neobičanSerbo-Croatian
- divnýSlovak
- čudenSlovene
- çuditshëmAlbanian
- främmande, underlig, konstigSwedish
- விசித்திரமானTamil
- విచిత్రమైన, వింతTelugu
- แปลกThai
- yabancı, tuhaf, garipTurkish
- ди́вний, дивнийUkrainian
- عجیبUrdu
- lạ, lạ lùngVietnamese
- מאָדנעYiddish
- 奇怪Chinese
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Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for strange. These synonyms for the word strange are provided for your information only.
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1 abnormal, astonishing, bizarre, curious, curiouser and curiouser, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, fantastic, funny, irregular, left-field (informal) marvellous, mystifying, odd, oddball (informal) off-the-wall (slang) out-of-the-way, outré, peculiar, perplexing, queer, rare, remarkable, rum (Brit. slang) singular, unaccountable, uncanny, uncommon, unheard of, weird, wonderful
2 alien, exotic, foreign, new, novel, outside one’s experience, remote, unexplored, unfamiliar, unknown, untried
3 (often with)
to a stranger to, ignorant of, inexperienced, new to, unaccustomed, unpractised, unseasoned, unused, unversed in
4 awkward, bewildered, disoriented, ill at ease, like a fish out of water, lost, out of place, uncomfortable
1 & 2 accustomed, bog-standard (Brit. & Irish slang) common, commonplace, conventional, familiar, habitual, ordinary, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, typical, unexceptional, usual, well-known
3 accustomed, familiar, habitual
4 at ease, at home, comfortable, relaxed
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( stranger comparative) ( strangest superlative )
1 adj Something that is strange is unusual or unexpected, and makes you feel slightly nervous or afraid.
oft it v-link ADJ that/to-inf/how
Then a strange thing happened…, There was something strange about the flickering blue light…, It’s strange how things turn out.
strangely adv ADV with v, ADV adj
She noticed he was acting strangely…, The hut suddenly seemed strangely silent.
strangeness n-uncount
…the breathy strangeness of the music.
2 adj A strange place is one that you have never been to before. A strange person is someone that you have never met before.
(=unfamiliar) (Antonym: familiar)
I ended up alone in a strange city…, She was faced with a new job, in unfamiliar surroundings with strange people.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
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When something is unfamiliar, out of the ordinary, or hard to explain, the word strange is often used to describe it. However, there are many alternative words and phrases to use in place of strange that can add more depth and nuance to our language.
In this lesson, we’ll explore some useful synonyms for strange that you can use in conversation, writing, or even your everyday life.
Synonyms for Strange
Here are some popular synonyms for strange;
- Unusual
- Odd
- Curious
- Peculiar
- Funny
- Bizarre
- Weird
- Uncanny
- Queer
- Unexpected
- Unfamiliar
- Abnormal
- Atypical
- Anomalous
- Untypical
- Different
- Extraordinary
- Remarkable
- Puzzling
- Mystifying
Other Words for Strange
1- Ignorant
2- Fantastic
3- Singular
4- Queer
5- Puzzling
6- Phantasmagoric
7- Conspicuous
8- Funky
9- Off-the-wall
10- Off
11- Unheard of
12- Mystifying
13- Kooky
14- Uncustomary
15- Inexperienced
16- Fantastical
17- Remarkable
18- Way-out
19- Salient
20- Unaccustomed
21- Flaky
22- Astonishing
23- New
24- Rum
25- Uncanny
26- Extraordinary
27- Weirdo
28- Astounding
29- Wild
30- Perplexing
31- Abnormal
32- Nonconformist
33- Outstanding
34- Striking
35- Unwonted
36- Offbeat
37- Irregular
38- Wonderful
39- Peculiar
40- Screwy
41- Outrageous
42- Unconventional
43- Curious
44- Unique
45- Aberrant
46- Shocking
47- Bizarre
48- Whacky
49- Crotchety
50- Unaccountable
51- Far-out
52- Marvelous
53- Uncommon
54- Quaint
55- Funny
56- Bewildering
57- Phantasmagorical
58- Newfangled
59- Odd
60- Cranky
61- Freak
62- Off-kilter
63- Oddball
64- Confounding
65- Spaced-out
66- Notable
67- Eccentric
68- Unorthodox
69- Weird
70- Bizarro
71- Out-of-the-way
72- Out-there
73- Quirky
74- Nonmainstream
75- Freaky
76- Idiosyncratic
77- Unseasoned
78- Kookie
79- Atrocious
80- Addlepated
81- Prominent
82- Noticeable
83- Freakish
84- Crazy
85- Baffling
86- Exceptional
87- Unusual
88- Outré
89- Erratic
90- Different
91- Phenomenal
92- Outlandish
93- Kinky
94- Wacky
95- Rare
96- Atypical
Other Words for Strange with Examples
1- Notable: The notable achievement was impressive.
2- Inexperienced: His inexperienced behavior was peculiar.
3- Remarkable: The remarkable story was worth telling.
4- Mysterious: The mysterious circumstances left us curious.
5- Queer: The queer music in the background made me uneasy.
6- Unaccustomed: I was unaccustomed to her unusual accent.
7- Quaint: The quaint town was charming.
8- Quirky: The quirky design was unconventional.
9- Fantastical: The fantastical creatures in the story amazed me.
10- Outré: The outré fashion style was unusual.
11- Uncommon: The uncommon behavior was unexpected.
12- Bizarro: The bizarro world was surreal.
13- Oddball: Her oddball personality was intriguing.
14- Aberrant: The aberrant behavior was concerning.
15- Eccentrical: His eccentrical personality was intriguing.
16- Astounding: The astounding magic trick was mind-boggling.
17- Singular: Her singular behavior left everyone puzzled.
18- Otherworldly: The otherworldly experience was surreal.
19- Unusual: The unusual behavior was peculiar.
20- Outstanding: The outstanding achievement was remarkable.
21- Irregular: The irregular pattern was unusual.
22- Weirdo: His weirdo behavior was concerning.
23- Salient: The salient point of the argument was surprising.
24- Bewildering: The bewildering situation was confusing.
25- Kookie: Her kookie personality was unique.
26- Freaky: The freaky coincidence was strange.
27- Weird: The weird phenomenon was strange.
28- Erratic: The erratic behavior was unpredictable.
29- Unseasoned: The unseasoned food tasted strange.
30- Supernatural: The supernatural occurrence was strange.
31- Fantastic: The movie had a fantastic plot twist.
32- Exotic: The exotic cuisine was unusual.
33- Off-kilter: The off-kilter design was unconventional.
34- Far-out: The far-out theory was fascinating.
35- Offbeat: The offbeat humor was entertaining.
36- Atypical: The atypical behavior was unexpected.
37- Unearthly: The unearthly creature was strange.
38- New: The new discovery opened up endless possibilities.
39- Atrocious: The atrocious behavior was unacceptable.
40- Unsolved: The unsolved mystery was puzzling.
41- Unclassifiable: Her unclassifiable personality was unique.
42- Screwy: The screwy logic was hard to understand.
43- Weirded out: I was weirded out by his behavior.
44- Outrageous: The outrageous behavior was unacceptable.
45- Wonderful: The wonderful experience was unforgettable.
46- Unnatural: The unnatural behavior was concerning.
47- Prominent: The prominent feature was noticeable.
48- Baffling: The baffling mystery was difficult to solve.
49- Off-the-wall: Her off-the-wall personality made her stand out.
50- Striking: The striking resemblance was uncanny.
51- Wild: Her wild imagination was creative.
52- Ignorant: His ignorance was strange to me.
53- Unheard of: The idea was unheard of but intriguing.
54- Whacky: The whacky idea was entertaining.
55- Nonconformist: The nonconformist attitude was admirable.
56- Addlepated: His addlepated behavior was strange.
57- Spaced-out: His spaced-out behavior was strange.
58- Esoteric: The esoteric knowledge was mysterious.
59- Conspicuous: His conspicuous absence was noticeable.
60- Unorthodox: The unorthodox method was effective.
61- Freak: His freak accident left everyone shocked.
62- Peculiar: The peculiar situation was strange.
63- Off-center: The off-center painting was unconventional.
64- Freakish: The freakish occurrence was unusual.
65- Out of the ordinary: The event was out of the ordinary.
66- Nonmainstream: The nonmainstream music was unique.
67- Phantasmagoric: The phantasmagoric artwork was captivating.
68- Bizarre: The bizarre behavior was strange.
69- Noticeable: The noticeable difference was surprising.
70- Rum: The rum story was hard to believe.
71- Unprecedented: The unprecedented event was unexpected.
72- Unsettling: The unsettling feeling was strange.
73- Alien: The alien landscape was surreal.
74- Confounding: The confounding puzzle was difficult to solve.
75- Idiosyncratic: Her idiosyncratic behavior was unique.
76- Shocking: The shocking news was unexpected.
77- Wacky: The wacky idea was amusing.
78- Irregular: The irregular pattern was unique.
79- Newfangled: The newfangled idea was innovative.
80- Unaccountable: The unaccountable loss left us puzzled.
81- Flaky: The flaky behavior was out of character.
82- Abnormal: The abnormal behavior was alarming.
83- Phenomenal: The phenomenal performance was impressive.
84- Crazy: The crazy idea was unconventional.
85- Off: The off timing of the event caused confusion.
86- Eccentric: His eccentric personality was intriguing.
87- Different: The different approach was unique.
88- Unidentified: The unidentified object was strange.
89- Rare: The rare occurrence was unusual.
90- Unique: The unique perspective was refreshing.
91- Zany: The zany comedy was entertaining.
92- Marvelous: The marvelous performance was impressive.
93- Perplexing: The perplexing situation left me confused.
94- Out-there: The out-there idea was unusual.
95- Kooky: Her kooky sense of humor was unique.
96- Exceptional: The exceptional talent was impressive.
97- Kinky: The kinky behavior was unusual.
98- Funny: The funny joke left everyone laughing.
99- Way-out: The way-out concept was innovative.
100- Unique: The unique approach was innovative.
101- Phantasmagorical: The phantasmagorical dream was surreal.
102- Unfamiliar: The unfamiliar customs were unusual.
103- Uncanny: The uncanny resemblance was shocking.
104- Unusual: The unusual behavior was peculiar.
105- Curious: The curious behavior left us wondering.
106- Funky: The funky outfit was quite eccentric.
107- Odd: The odd behavior was peculiar.
108- Uncustomary: His uncanny abilities were uncustomary.
109- Cranky: Her cranky mood was unusual.
110- Outlandish: The outlandish idea was unconventional.
111- Puzzling: The puzzling question took me by surprise.
112- Unconventional: The unconventional approach was successful.
113- Extraordinary: The extraordinary performance was memorable.
114- Unwonted: The unwonted occurrence was unexpected.