What are form fields in word

Word Form Fields û Part 1 — Overview

This FAQ is in two parts.  Part 1 (this one) is a general overview of Word Form Fields.  Part 2 details some specific VBA code dealing with some common tasks involving Form Fields.

What are Form Fields?

Form Fields are areas embedded in a document where the users inputs information.  It is important to understand the difference between Form Fields. ActiveX controls and VBA UserForms.   All three are areas where users input information.

Form Fields are actually parts of the document itself.  As the document author, you insert them directly into the document.  They are always visible, and their content remains with the document.

ActiveX Controls are also actual parts of the document.   As the document author, you insert them directly into the document.  They are always visible, and their content remains with the document.

You generate VBA forms by code, and therefore call them by code.  They are visible only when code makes them visible, and their content remains only as the code runs.

It sounds like FormFields and Activex Controls are the same?  Are there are differences?

Yes, but we will cover both the differences and similarities, using a FormField and a control to select from a drop down list, as an example.

Insert directly into the document
Always visible
Can set to a default item
List items can be entered manually in the document, or by code in procedures
Document must be protected
Do not have events û except for ability to run macros On Entry, and OnExit.
Do not work in PrintView
Do have a bookmark location.

ActiveX Control
Insert directly into document.
Always visible
Can set to a default item
List items can only be entered by code
Document does not have to be protected
Do have events
Do work in PrintView
Do not have a bookmark location

When should I use Form Fields?

You use Form Fields whenever you want to get some type of user input.  Unfortunately, there is a great deal of misuse of the word ôformö.  A form, from a typographical point of view, is a document that allows direct user input of information; a structure that has areas that you fill in with information.  Like an income tax form.  Generally, the purpose of forms is to restrict users to only putting in information.  Form Fields do just that.

It is my personal opinion that if you have a lot of user input, and especially if there are logical conditions between those inputs, it is better to use a UserForm.  For one thing, you can do error trapping on the fly, as they move between fields.

Creating a UserForm, however, is more involved than using simple Form Fields in the document.  You certainly can do error trapping on Form Fields, but generally, this occurs afterwards.

If you have a document with up to 20 separate pieces of user input, use FormFields.  More than that is possible (technically there is no limit), but a specifically designed UserForm may be a better solution.  For the purposes of this FAQ, the assumption is you are going to use Form Fields.

What kind of user input can I get?

There are three (3) types of information the user can input, using Form Fields.  These are:  text that the user types in, Boolean (True or False) choices, and choosing an item from a list.

TextInput û these are areas where the user can input any text.  This text can be numbers û as text — like ô25ö.  If you need to use actual numbers, you can change the type of default input.  See ôCan I set up default values for FormFields?ö

CheckBox û these are little boxes that the user can either make checked (True), or not (False).  They can toggle between either state.

DropDown û these are the commonly seen Windows dropdown lists.  The user can select from the list.  The list normally is created at design time (when you create the dropdown, you populate the list), but may also be created dynamically.  For example, the result of a checkbox could repopulate a dropdown list.

How do I get Form Fields into my document?

Insert Form Fields with the Forms Toolbar.  Normally this is not visible.  To see the toolbar, select View > Toolbars, and then select Forms.  The default order on the toolbar (from left to right) is Text Form Field, Checkbox Form Field, Drop Down Form Field.  The button to the right of that is the Form Field Options.

Clicking a button inserts that type of FormField, at the cursor location in the document.

Can I set up default properties and values for FormFields?

Yes.  If you know what they are, it is best to set up defaults as soon as you insert the FormField.  After inserting the FormField, click the Option button on the Forms toolbar.  The Options dialog will display according to the type of FormField.

You can also get to the Options by placing the cursor immediately to the left, or right, of the FormField, and clicking the Options button.  This also works with the cursor in the FormField.  If the Forms toolbar is not visible, with the cursor in the FormField, right click and select Properties

Text FormField properties.

Type of input — this can be set for text, numbers, dates, current date, or as calculations.
Default text û text will be displayed in the FormField.  You can allow changes, or not.  If you do not want to allow changes, uncheck ôFill-in enabledö
Maximum length û you can restrict the amount of text the user can input.  There is no message.  It simply does not allow any more than the length (including spaces) set here.
Text format û upper case, lower case, Title, first capital

Checkbox properties

Default — — whether the box shows as checked or unchecked
Size û auto sized, or exact size
Enabled û yes or no

Drop Down Properties

Here is where you add the items to a drop down list.  Type the item in the Drop Down item field, and press Enter, or click Add.  You may move items up or down, to fit the order you want.  It is a good idea to add a leading space to item, as they appear better in the drop down.

All FormField types have the ability to run macros, either on Entry, or on Exit.  See ôCan I run macros with FormFields?ö

Can I run macros with FormFields?

Yes.  This is a very powerful feature of FormFields.  An On Entry macro, for example, could reset the properties of the FormField itself.  It could check the result (a name perhaps) from a previous FormField, and reset its default text to that name.  A certain name could reset the next check box to UnChecked, and disable allowing changes.  You may want to have a particular input skip the next FormField.  There is a multitude of possibilities.

Part 2 of this FAQ contains sample code covering these scenarios.

Can I put FormFields anywhere in a document?

Sort of.  There is no restriction on where you put FormFields.  There is a restriction on how you place them.

Important!  Form fields only work in protected sections.  It is important to distinguish protecting a document, from protecting a section.  Sections, in Word, are coded breaks in the document.  They can be defined as breaking to a new page (odd, even etc), or continuous.  Continuous means there is a new section, and that new section starts immediately.

Example:  This is on one page.

Text1 text1 text1 text1 text1 text1
    [Section break]

Text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2 text2
    [Section break]

Text3 text3 text3 text3 text3 text3 text3 text3 te

The area with ôtext2ö is a separate section from the other areas.  Protecting it is different from protecting the document, which essentially adds a password to opening the file.  Once protected no change in content, or format are permitted.  Even selecting the content fails.  The only exception is the use of FormFields.  This is the purpose of protecting sections (well it also works for tracking changes, and comments).  A user may only enter, or change, information only in FormFields.

The area marked as a section can be as small as a single word.  Actually it can be as small as a single character.

When designing a document that will use FormFields it is crucial to plan ahead.  Do you want the user to be able to edit the document?  They can always edit the FormFields, but what about editing other text?  If user editing is permitted, those parts need to be in unprotected sections.

You can make section breaks wherever you like.

The following is on ONE line.

Do you use Windows?  Yes  [section break] {Checkbox FormField}[section break]  No[section break] {Checkbox FormField}[section break]  

Protecting the sections containing the checkboxes allows any editing of the text ôDo you use Windows?  Yesö, as well as the text, ôNoö.  However, practically speaking, unless there is a need to allow user changes, it makes more sense to have fewer section breaks.

[section break] Do you use Windows?  Yes   {Checkbox FormField}  .No   {Checkbox FormField}[section break]    There is no real need to allow users to edit the question û so protect the whole line.

Placing FormFields takes consideration of precisely what the user needs to do with the document.

How does someone use FormFields?

Once protected for forms, when someone opens the file one of two things happens.  If the entire document is protected for forms û in other words, there is NO user editing permitted û the cursor jumps automatically to the first FormField.

With an unprotected first section, the cursor goes to the start of the document, as normal.  To enter information the user clicks on a FormField.  The Tab key moves the cursor from FormField to FormField.  Note that they do NOT have to start with the first FormField.  While the user has the document open, all FormFields (if properly protected) are available to them, in any order they like.  They may also jump back and forth, changing the FormField values, as much as they like.

What is a good design for a document that uses FormFields?

As the reason for FormFields is to gather user input, good design is a document that does not require the user to edit the document itself.  Form fields are generally a tool for fast data entry.  Good design has all text coming from the user within a text FormField.

In which case, simply keep the document as one section, and protect that.  The user cannot change anything, except their input, which seems fair.

Do FormFields print?

Yes  Text FormFields have the entire content visible.  The size of the FormField expands to match the text inside it.  Checkbox FormFields show as checked, or not.  Drop down FormFields show the item that is selected.  If the user has not changed the drop down, the first item shows.

How do I get information from the FormFields?

The information in FormFields is visible information.  However, it is also available to use programmatically, using code.  Please see ôUsing FormFields in Word Part 2 û ôCoding with Form Fieldsö

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are forms explain different form fields?
  • 2 What are the two types of forms file?
  • 3 What is Formfield?
  • 4 How do you insert a form field?
  • 5 How do you insert fields in Word?
  • 6 How do I automatically update fields in Word?
  • 7 What is a dynamic word document?
  • 8 How do I view the variables in a Word document?
  • 9 How do I put variables in a Word document?
  • 10 Where are quick parts saved?
  • 11 Why won’t my quick parts save?
  • 12 Can you export quick parts?
  • 13 What is Word Quick Parts?
  • 14 What’s the meaning of quick parts?

What are forms explain different form fields?

A web form consists of any number of input fields grouped in a <form> tag. HTML allows a number of different styles of fields, ranging from simple on/off checkboxes to drop-down menus and fields for text input.

What are the two types of forms file?

The types of forms: Simple forms, each representing a subset of the application’s data. Composite forms, composed of several simple forms.

What is Formfield?

The form body contains Field elements that define how each element of the Web page appears and behaves. Each Field can contain other fields, each with its own display component. Form fields comprise several parts, which are encapsulated by the tag set: Value Expressions.

What is FormField flutter?

FormField class Null safety. A single form field. This widget maintains the current state of the form field, so that updates and validation errors are visually reflected in the UI. When used inside a Form, you can use methods on FormState to query or manipulate the form data as a whole.

What is form fields in Word?

The Legacy Forms group (visible after you click the Legacy Tools icon) includes three types of form fields you can insert in a document: text, check box, and pull-down. Each of these form fields allows the user of the form to select or enter information of the type that you deem appropriate.

How do you insert a form field?

Click in your Word document wherever you wish to insert a Form Field. On the Legacy Forms menu click the first icon to insert a Form Field. Right-click on the Form Field and select Properties. Then provide a name for the field in the Bookmark section.

How do you insert fields in Word?

Inserting built-in fields

  1. Navigate to the location in the Word document where you want to insert a field.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon and then click Quick Parts in the Text group.
  3. Select Field.
  4. In the list of Field names, select a field.
  5. Under Field properties, select any properties or options you want.

How do I automatically update fields in Word?

Automatically Updating Fields and Links

  1. Choose Options from the Tools tab. Word displays the Options dialog box.
  2. Make sure the General tab is selected. (See Figure 1.)
  3. Click the Update Automatic Links at Open check box.
  4. Click on OK.

How do I create a dynamic field in Word?

Word’s dynamic field feature To add a field to a document, click the Insert tab and in the Text group and click the Quick Parts button. Choose the Field command to behold the Field dialog box, shown here. The Field dialog box. The scrolling list on the left side of the Field dialog box shows categories.

How do you create a dynamic document?

How Do I Create a Dynamic Word Document?

  1. Create a document in Word that looks about like what you want.
  2. Where you want your tags, add some special string, such as qqqMG_Custq.
  3. Save the document as HTML, then close it in Word.
  4. Edit the HTML with a text editor.
  5. Use this HTM file as your Merge template.
  6. For your output file name, use the DOC extension.

What is a dynamic word document?

A dynamic Word document is a document that has some VBA (Visual Basic for Application) code behind it to complete automated or complex tasks. These tasks can range anywhere from adding rows to tables to exporting information to other Office applications.

How do I view the variables in a Word document?

How to Retrieve the Value of a Document Variable by Using the DocVariable Field

  1. On the Insert menu, click Field.
  2. In the Categories box, select Document Automation.
  3. In the Field names list, select DocVariable.
  4. In the New Name box, under Field properties, type the name of the document variable.
  5. Click OK.

How do I put variables in a Word document?

  1. Open the Microsoft Word source document in which you want to insert a variable.
  2. Place your cursor in the location where you want to insert the variable.
  3. Go to the Insert ribbon and click on the Quick Parts dropdown and then select Field…
  4. In the Field names selection box, select DocProperty.

Where is quick parts in Word?

You can use the Building Blocks Organizer to find or edit a building block. To open the Quick Part Gallery, on the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts.

Where is quick parts in Word for Mac 2020?

In Microsoft Word, select the text and/or graphic that you wish to reuse. Under the Insert menu, click on Quick Parts, and select Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery. Give the selection a name and also a description, if you like.

Where are quick parts saved?


Why won’t my quick parts save?

If Outlook shuts down correctly but the Quick Parts are still not saved, then the issue is most likely caused by a damaged NormalEmail. dotm file. dotm file again. You should now be able to create your Quick Parts again and they should stay after a computer reboot as well.

Can you export quick parts?

If you need to export the Quick Part Gallery from Microsoft Outlook, just copy or cut the NormalEmail. dotm and Normal. dotm files from this folder, and paste them in your destination folder. If you need to import the quick part gallery into Microsoft Outlook, just copy the NormalEmail.

How do I restore quick parts?

To back up your Quick Parts, close Outlook and copy this file to a save location. To restore Quick Parts, copy the file from your backup location to the Templates folder, with Outlook closed.

How do I transfer quick parts?

4. Export Quick Parts in Outlook

  1. First of all, open a folder.
  2. Enter %APPDATA%MicrosoftTemplates in the address box.
  3. Press the Enter key.
  4. You’ll then get the NormalEmail. dotm and Normal. dotm files in the new opening folder.
  5. Now, simply copy these two files from the folder, and paste them in your desired folder.

What is Word Quick Parts?

Quick parts, also referred to as “building blocks,” are frequently used text saved in a gallery, from which it can be inserted quickly into a document. Microsoft Office Word 2007 helps you. recycle content in business documents by creating and using building blocks.

What’s the meaning of quick parts?

Quick Parts are reusable text elements in Microsoft Office applications. You can use them to add frequently-used blocks of text to your documents. Types of Quick Parts. Inserting Quick Parts into your document.

What are forms explain different form fields?

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are forms explain different form fields?
  • 2 How do I get a form name?
  • 3 How do you input a name in JavaScript?
  • 4 What are the input types?
  • 5 What is a form name The basic attributes for creating a form?
  • 6 What is fname and lname in HTML?
  • 7 How do you add value to a form?
  • 8 How do you add data to a form?
  • 9 How to add a field to a form in JavaScript?
  • 10 How to create a form dynamically with the JavaScript?
  • 11 What is the difference between form and div?
  • 12 What are forms explain it?
  • 13 How to change the contents of a contact form in jQuery?
  • 14 Can a container be used to replace a Div?

What are forms explain different form fields?

A web form consists of any number of input fields grouped in a tag. HTML allows a number of different styles of fields, ranging from simple on/off checkboxes to drop-down menus and fields for text input. This book won’t try to comprehensively discuss all field types, but we will start with a rough overview.

How do I get a form name?


  1. Open your browser and navigate to the page where the form exists.
  2. Right-click on the page and select Inspect.
  3. In the Elements (in Firefox, go to Inspector)tab of Developer Tools, look for the tag.
  4. To get the CSS selector, right-click on the tag and select Copy > Copy selector.

How do you input a name in JavaScript?

The HTML name Attribute is used to specify a name for an element. It is used to reference the form-data after submitting the form or to reference the element in a JavaScript. Attribute Values: It contains a single value name which describes the name of the element.

How do I add another field to a form before submitting?

“append to form before submit” Code Answer

  1. $(‘#form’). submit(function(eventObj) {
  2. $(this). append(‘ ‘);
  3. return true;
  4. });

What is form and example?

The definition of form is the shape of a person, animal or thing or a piece of paperwork that needs to be filled out. An example of form is the circular shape of an apple. An example of form is a job application. noun.

What are the input types?

Following is a list of all types of element of HTML.

type=” “ Description
text Defines a one-line text input field
password Defines a one-line password input field
submit Defines a submit button to submit the form to server
reset Defines a reset button to reset all values in the form.

What is a form name The basic attributes for creating a form?

The HTML name Attribute is used to specify the name of a form Element. It is used to reference the form-data after submitting the form or to reference the element in a JavaScript. Attribute Values: It contains a single value name which describes the name of the element.

What is fname and lname in HTML?

The name attribute specifies the name of an element. The name attribute is used to reference elements in a JavaScript, or to reference form data after a form is submitted. Note: Only form elements with a name attribute will have their values passed when submitting a form.

Why name is used in HTML?

Definition and Usage The name attribute specifies the name of an element. The name attribute is used to reference elements in a JavaScript, or to reference form data after a form is submitted. Note: Only form elements with a name attribute will have their values passed when submitting a form.

What is the difference between name and ID in HTML?

There is no literal difference between an id and name. name is identifier and is used in http request sent by browser to server as a variable name associated with data contained in the value attribute of element. The id on the other hand is a unique identifier for browser, client side and JavaScript.

How do you add value to a form?

Adding values to form fields From the Order tab, go to the page that you wish to add or edit fields. Select the field that you wish to add or edit and click the Add or Edit button. Add or edit the new field and select a field type. From the Field Attributes page, click the Next button.

How do you add data to a form?

Use a data form

  1. In the data form, click New.
  2. In the data form that appears, type the data for the new row in the fields provided. To move to the next field in the row, press Tab.
  3. After you have finished typing data, press Enter to save your changes and add the row to the bottom of the range or table.

How to add a field to a form in JavaScript?

formData.append (name, blob, fileName) – add a field as if it were <input type=”file”>, the third argument fileName sets file name (not form field name), as it were a name of the file in user’s filesystem, formData.has (name) – if there exists a field with the given name, returns true, otherwise false

How can I modify a field in formdata?

We can modify fields in FormData with methods: formData.append (name, value) – add a form field with the given name and value, formData.append (name, blob, fileName) – add a field as if it were <input type=”file”>, the third argument fileName sets file name (not form field name), as it were a name of the file in user’s filesystem,

How to dynamically add and remove form fields?

Here are the following code snippets for it. Here, you can view HTML coding for the blog. It will display form buttons. When you click on those buttons, it’s respective field will appear. var i = 0; /* Set Global Variable i */ function increment () { i += 1; /* Function for automatic increment of field’s “Name” attribute.

How to create a form dynamically with the JavaScript?

Approach 1: Use document.createElement () to create the new elements and use setAttribute () method to set the attributes of elements. Append these elements to the <form> element by appendChild () method. Finally append the <form> element to the <body> element of the document. This example creates a Registration form.

formData.append (name, blob, fileName) – add a field as if it were , the third argument fileName sets file name (not form field name), as it were a name of the file in user’s filesystem, formData.has (name) – if there exists a field with the given name, returns true, otherwise false

We can modify fields in FormData with methods: formData.append (name, value) – add a form field with the given name and value, formData.append (name, blob, fileName) – add a field as if it were , the third argument fileName sets file name (not form field name), as it were a name of the file in user’s filesystem,

Here are the following code snippets for it. Here, you can view HTML coding for the blog. It will display form buttons. When you click on those buttons, it’s respective field will appear. var i = 0; /* Set Global Variable i */ function increment () { i += 1; /* Function for automatic increment of field’s “Name” attribute.

Approach 1: Use document.createElement () to create the new elements and use setAttribute () method to set the attributes of elements. Append these elements to the element by appendChild () method. Finally append the element to the element of the document. This example creates a Registration form.

A web form consists of any number of input fields grouped in a tag. HTML allows a number of different styles of fields, ranging from simple on/off checkboxes to drop-down menus and fields for text input.

What is the difference between form and div?

Both and elements are block level elements. So, they are same design-wise and I can use form element as wrapper for everything inside it. Based on it, I want to know, should I use Div as the wrapper for form element or work with form element itself! Purpose is to add CSS to them.

What are forms explain it?

Form is the shape, visual appearance, or configuration of an object. In a wider sense, the form is the way something happens. Form also refers to: Form (document), a document (printed or electronic) with spaces in which to write or enter data. Form (education), a class, set, or group of students.

Can you use JavaScript to replace a Div?

The first is the id of the div that will have its content replaced. The second is the replacement content. This example replaces the content of the div with whatever you specify. You may use HTML tags and CSS definitions with your content. For security reasons, no JavaScript may be used.

How to replace the content in a Div?

The div where the content is replaced has id=”example2div”. When the textarea field is changed and the button clicked, the EffectReplacement () function is called. The EffectReplacement () function looks for all instances of “script” and replaces them with “s.c.r.i.p.t” to ensure no JavaScript will run.

How to change the contents of a contact form in jQuery?

First, we change the entire contents of the #contact_form div (remember I said we would be needing that div) with the following line: This replaces all the content inside the contact form, using jQuery’s html () function. So instead of a form, we now have a new div with an id of message.

Can a container be used to replace a Div?

The content being replaced does not have to be in a div. It can be in a span, p, h3, pre, or any other container tag. A container is an HTML tag with both an opening and a corresponding closing tag, and can contain content between the two.

Word provides a way that you can create standardized documents rather easily, allowing users to enter only the information that changes from one document to the next. These are called forms and they consist of a protected document template that has special fields inserted within the template.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the ‘Forms’ topic. Click the
article»s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Allowing Only Form Field Changes
Word allows you to create forms that other people can use to enter information. One of the last steps normally taken with forms is to protect them so that data can only be entered where you specified.

Auto-incrementing Form Fields
Templates are a great way to create new documents because they act as intricate patterns to what those new documents should contain. What if you want the new documents to include some sort of automatically incrementing number? This tip looks at ways you can accomplish the task.

AutoFormat within Form Fields
When entering information into protected form fields, Word doesn’t apply the formatting inherent in the AutoFormat As You Type feature. This tip explains why this is so and discusses one possible workaround.

Converting Forms to Regular Documents
Word allows you to protect documents that are intended to be used as forms. If you want to convert the form responses back to regular text, you need to follow a couple of steps that will stop the data from being changed, as described in this tip.

Copying Form Field Contents
Are you developing a form with Word? In some instances it is advantageous to copy whatever is entered in a form field to another location in your document. This tip explores two ways you can reuse information entered into your document’s fields.

Creating Traditional Forms
Do you use Word to create printed forms? If so, here’s some ideas and techniques you can use to make those forms look as good as possible.

Entering a Name in the Header of a Locked Form
When you lock a document as a form, then Word limits what you can do with that document. That includes not being able to change whatever is in the header and footer. This tip explains how you can bypass the need for putting a form field in an area of the document you can’t change once the form is protected.

Entering Calculations in a Form Field
One of the many uses for Word is to create forms that can be easily filled in by other people. This is made possible by the use of special form fields. Word even lets you perform simple calculations on the values entered into form fields, as described in this tip.

Field Calculations in Locked Forms
When adding form fields to a document, you may want some of the fields to be automatically calculated from other fields. If you don’t understand how Word handles the fields, it is easy to get the wrong result. Here is a quick overview and resolution for one common trap.

Filling Forms and Editing Documents
Word allows you, as part of your document, to create forms. To start using the form, you need to protect the document. If you want to also allow people to edit parts of the document besides the form, you’ll appreciate the guidance provided in this tip.

Handling Returns in Form Data
Word allows you to create forms and then export the data from those forms into files that can be used by other programs. Part of making forms work properly for you is making sure that the data collected by the forms is standardized and normalized. Here’s how to handle one particular problem that can crop up with form data.

Lines that Don’t Change When You Type
Create a form in Word and you will invariably be faced with the need to places fill-in-the-blank lines in the document. If you want those lines to remain as people fill in the form, there are a couple of ways you can format the document.

Protecting Parts of a Document
Word doesn’t require you to protect entire documents. Instead, you can protect different sections within a document, as described in this tip.

Safely Relocking Forms
In order to use a form in Word, it must be protected. This means that you cannot make any changes to the form, even if you need to. If you unlock the form to make changes, then when you relock it, the data in the form is wiped out. This tip provides a solution you can use to safely relock your forms without losing data.

Saving and Using a Form
After you have created your custom form, you will need to save it so that you can use it as often as needed. Word makes this easy and here’s how.

Saving Form Data for a Database
Use Word to create a form, and you can easily collect standardized data from a large number of users. When it comes time to get that data into a different program (such as a database program), then you’ll need the info in this tip.

Spell Checking Forms
Word may be used to create protected forms that limit where the user may input data. Normally spell checking is disabled in protected documents. This tip shows how to enable spell checking in protected forms.

Stopping Enter from being Pressed In a Form
If you create a form using Word, chances are good that you don’t want a user to mess up the layout of the form by pressing Enter where they shouldn’t. Here’s a tip that explains what is happening and how you can best protect against users distorting the form.

Understanding Forms
If you have ever created several documents that contain the same basic information with only a few minor differences, then you need to know how to use the forms feature in Word. It’s easy to enter only the information that changes on standard documents. Here’s how to set that up.

Undesired Font in Form Fields
If you get unwanted formatting in your form fields, it could be because of the way you are formatting the line on which the form field appears. This tip discusses the way that form field formatting occurs and provides examples of how you can format the fields.

Updating Calculated Fields in a Form
When creating a Word form, you use special form fields to collect information from users. You can even perform calculations on some of those fields. Here’s how to make sure that the calculations are always current.

Using Mandatory Form Fields
When using form fields to gather information from users of your documents, you may want to make sure that some of the fields aren’t skipped over. Here’s a way you can make sure that information is entered into a particular form field.

Valid Numbers in Form Fields
When you create a form, you need to use special form fields. If you want to limit what users can enter in a form field, you’ll need to understand the ideas presented in this tip.

Working with Form Fields
You know you want to use form fields in your document (they are essential in creating forms, after all) but you need to specify what can be entered in the fields. This tip explains how to customize your form fields.

What are Microsoft Word Fields?

Microsoft Word Fields are used as placeholders for data that might change in a document and for creating form letters and labels in mail-merge documents.

Microsoft Word inserts relevant fields automatically at certain times.  For example, when a table of contents is created by using the References -> Tables of Contents command.  Use fields to automatically insert document information (such as the author or file name), to perform calculations, to create links and references to other documents or items and to perform other special tasks.

Field codes appear between curly brackets, or braces ( { } ).  To display the results of field codes, such as the results of calculations, hide the field codes (see below).

Field braces cannot be inserted by typing characters on the keyboard.  Fields are either inserted by particular commands or by pressing [CTRL]+[F9] and typing the appropriate information between the field braces.

Inserting Microsoft Word Fields

    To insert a field:

  1. Position the insertion point where the field is to be added.Microsoft Word Fields Quick Parts
  2. Choose Insert -> Quick Parts -> Field.
  3. Select a field category from the Categories list.
  4. Select a field from the Field names list.
  5. If the field requires additional instructions, do one or both of the following:

In the Field Options section, choose the required options.

Using the Field Codes button, type the instructions after the field type.

  1. Choose the OK button.

Word inserts the field and displays either the field’s code or its result (see below).


  1. To insert an empty field, press [CTRL]+[F9].
  2. Between the field braces ( { } ), enter the field type and any additional instructions.
  3. To update the field with information to which the field codes refer, press [F9].

Viewing Field Results or Codes

Field results look like any other text in a document, unless they are shaded.  ChooseFile ->Options -> Advanced to select field shading:


  1. Select the field.
  2. Press [SHIFT]+[F9].Show Word Field Codes

    To view the field codes of an entire document:

  1. File ->Options -> Advanced.
  2. Select Field Codes under Show.


  1. Press [ALT]+[F9].

Field Keys

To: Press:
Insert a DATE field [ALT]+[SHIFT]+[D]
Insert a PAGE field [ALT]+[SHIFT]+[P]
Insert a TIME field [ALT]+[SHIFT]+[T]
Insert a blank field [CTRL]+[F9]
Update selected fields [F9]
Switch between field codes and field results [SHIFT]+[F9]
Double-click a field [ALT]+[SHIFT]+[F9] (simulates mouse action for GOTOBUTTON and MACROBUTTON fields)
Replace a field with its last result [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[F9]
Go to the next field [F11]
Go to the previous field [SHIFT]+[F11]
Lock a field to prevent updates [CTRL]+[F11]
Unlock a field [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[F11]

Useful Fields


Use to insert the current system date or time.

for ease of use, Save a {DATE} field with optimum format as an autotext entry.


Use to insert the date that the document was created.

the {CreateDate} field is generally of more use in a template than the {Date} field.


Use to insert the user’s name from the User Name box of File -> Options -> General.


Use to insert a variety of information from a document’s property page (File ->Properties).


Use to prompt for user input.  Particularly useful in template forms, memos etc. in conjunction with automatic macros.

e.g.      {Fillin “Please enter your name”}

This field would display the following dialog box when updated:

Use the d switch to include a default in a Fillin field.

Fillin fields are updated automatically when a new document is created from a template that contains them.


Use to insert the filename of the document.  This field is particularly useful in a header or footer.

Add p for path as well as filename.


Use to insert total number of pages in document. This field is particularly useful in a header or footer.

e.g.      {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}

    {REF bookmark}

Use Word Cross Referenceto insert the text or graphics represented by the specified bookmark.  The bookmark must be defined in the active document.  To insert bookmarked text or graphics from another document, use the INCLUDEPICTURE or INCLUDETEXT field.  The References-> Cross-reference command inserts REF fields to create cross-references.

Field Switches

Instruction Result
Text Test:    fred bloggs
* lower fred bloggs
* firstcap Fred bloggs
* caps Fred Bloggs
Numbers Test:    1
* ordinal 1st
* cardtext One
* ordtext First
# “£0.00” £1.00
Dates Test:    1 Jan 2003
@ “d-M-yy” 1-1-03
@ “dd/MM/yy” 01/01/03
@ “ddd d MMM yy” Mon 1 Jan 03
@ “dddd d MMMM yyyy” Monday 1 January 2003

When inserting a new field with Insert -> Quick Parts -> Field, choose the Options button for a list of general and/or field specific switches.

Date and Time Default Formats

To change the default date and time format choose Insert ->Date and Time, select an available format and then choose the OK button.

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