What a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

Упражнения для проверки (20-ти новых слов)

Exercise 1. Part A. Check two words that are related.


 a. laboratory, b. experiment

 c. shout, d. smell

 d. smell, a. laboratory

 b. experiment, c. shout


 a. shout, c. create

  b. carefully, c. create

 a. shout, d. laugh

 b. carefully, a. shout


 a. nervous, b. terrible

 b. terrible, c. approach

 d. worse, a. nervous

 b. terrible, d. worse


 c. loud, d. noise

 b. secret, d. noise

 a. chemical, c. loud

 d. noise, a. chemical


 b. adventure, d. scare

 c. project, a. nervous

 b. adventure, a. nervous

 a. nervous, d. scare

Part B. Check a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. William wanted to make a new thing.




2. I’m not having fun, so let’s go on an exciting trip.




3. Mrs. O’Malley asked me to get close to the desk and write my name.




4. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone your thing that other people don’t know.




I have to finish my special job before I can go home.




Exercise 2. Check the one that suits the blank naturally.

1. When the jar hit the floor,__________ .

 ___ a. it made a very loud sound

 ___ b. it shouted on the ground

2. When the sun went down, __________ .

 ___ a. it was scared

 ___ b. the woods looked evil

3. To test his idea, the scientist __________ .

 ___ a. went on an adventure

 ___ b. did an experiment

4. Your phone will not work __________ .

 ___ a. someone kills the window

 ___ b. if you don’t carefully pay attention to your power supply

5. The dog seemed unhappy when __________ . 

 ___ a. I approached it

 ___ b. it created me

6. Alex likes his class because he gets to __________ .

 ___ a. do fun projects

 ___ b. be a laboratory

7. What is wrong with your hair? __________ !

 ___ a. It is a chemical

 ___ b. It looks terrible

8. She’s quite funny. We always __________ .

 ___ a. laugh at her jokes

 ___ b. don’t tell me your secret

9. Did you hear that? __________ .

 ___ a. I just made it worse

 ___ b. There was a noise

10. I have a very important test tomorrow. __________ . 

 ___ a. I am nervous

 ___ b. I will smell it

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    Вопрос по английскому языку:

    ●3 Match the words (1−5) with the definitions
    1 ______ unskilled 4 ______ necessary
    2 ______ desirable 5 ______ on the job
    3 ______ skilled
    A) needed
    B)not requiring special training
    C)wanted, but not needed
    D)requiring special training or education
    E)happening while someone is at work

    ●4 Write a word that is similar in meaning to
    the underlined part.
    1 What period of work are you scheduled for?
    __ __ __ f __
    2 John doesn’t meet the requirements.
    __ __ __ l __ __ __ __ __ __ __ o __ s
    3 Do scientific studies on how the business is
    r __ __ __ __ r __ __
    4 People trying to get an available job should
    send their resume to the address below.
    a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ s
    5 An educational class is available.
    t __ __ __ n __ __ __ __ __ __ r __ __

    ●8 With a partner, act out the roles below,
    based on the dialogue from Task 7. Then
    switch roles.
    Thanks for coming in.
    It’s a great place to start a career in …
    And how long were you there?
    Student A: You are interviewing an applicant.
    Ask Student B about:
    • experience
    • length of experience
    • computer use
    Student B: You are applying for a job. Answer
    Student A’s questions. Make up your length of




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    Английский язык

    10 — 11 классы

    Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

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    Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

    Word List

    • acute [əˈkjuːt] adj.

      When a bad thing is acute, it is very severe and intense.

      When she fell out of the tree, the girl felt an acute pain in her arm.

    • aggression [əˈgreʃən] n.

      Aggression is behavior that is mean or violent to others.

      The problem was only made worse by Mark’s aggression.

    • banquet [ˈbæŋkwit] n.

      A banquet is a grand formal dinner.

      Both families brought a lot of food for the wedding banquet.

    • biography [baiˈɒgrəfi] n.

      A biography is an account of someone’s life that is written by someone else.

      We read a biography about Charles Darwin in science class.

    • boost [buːst] v.

      To boost something means to increase or improve it.

      Lowering prices boosts customers’ interest in shopping.

    • clap [klæp] v.

      To clap means to hit one’s hands together to express pleasure or get attention.

      After the speech, everyone in the crowd clapped their hands for the speaker.

    • compel [kəmˈpel] v.

      To compel someone to do something means to force them to do it.

      Traffic signs compel drivers to drive safely.

    • dominance [ˈdɒmənəns] n.

      The dominance of a person is their state of being more powerful than others.

      Large gorillas hit their chests to express their dominance over others.

    • gorgeous [ˈgɔːrdʒəs] adj.

      When something is gorgeous, it is very pleasing and attractive.

      The girl picked out a gorgeous dress to wear to the dance.

    • inevitable [inˈevitəbəl] adj.

      When something is inevitable, it is certain to happen or cannot be avoided.

      It is inevitable that the days will get longer in the summer.

    • legacy [ˈleɡəsi] n.

      A legacy is an effect that exists because of a person or thing in the past.

      The legacy of the ancient Egyptians can be seen in their monuments.

    • masterpiece [ˈmæstərpiːs] n.

      A masterpiece is a very good painting, novel, movie, or other work of art.

      The Arc de Triomphe is considered a masterpiece in the world of architecture.

    • multiple [ˈmʌltəpəl] adj.

      If there are multiple things, there are many of them.

      When the stunt went wrong, the man suffered multiple injuries.

    • narrate [næˈreit] v.

      To narrate a story means to write about it or read it aloud.

      This story was written by John, but Aaron is narrating it to the crowd.

    • notorious [nouˈtɔːriəs] adj.

      When something is notorious, it is well-known because of something bad.

      This area of town is notorious for gang activity.

    • outdated [ˈautˈdeitid] adj.

      When something is outdated, it is old and no longer useful in modern time.

      Tape players are becoming outdated because of digital music.

    • overall [ˈouvərɔːl] adv.

      When a thing is talked about overall, the whole thing is considered.

      Overall, the party was a huge success.

    • partiality [ˌpɑːrʃiˈæləti] n.

      A partiality is a tendency to prefer one thing to another.

      She has a partiality for walking to school instead of driving.

    • spontaneous [spɒnˈteiniəs] adj.

      When an act is spontaneous, it is not planned. It happens suddenly.

      My wife made a spontaneous decision to buy a new sofa while I was at work.

    • virtue [ˈvəːrtʃuː] n.

      A virtue is a good quality or way of behaving.

      My best virtue is forgiveness.

    Beethoven’s Gift

    Beethoven was a great composer of classical music in the 1800s. Many biographies have been written that narrate his dominance in the music world. But do you know what really makes him special? Even though millions of people got to hear his multiple masterpieces, he never did. Beethoven wrote his best pieces after he went completely deaf!

    His partiality toward classical music developed when he was very young. He wasn’t interested in anything else as a child. When he was five, he learned how to play the piano. From then, nothing could stop his passion for writing and playing music.

    When Beethoven was twenty, he began to lose his hearing. He got acute, spontaneous pains in his ears. His hearing kept getting worse over time. It was inevitable that he would eventually lose it altogether. It was very hard for him to keep writing music. He lost the virtue of patience, and he became notorious for his aggression. Still, he never stopped trying. His passion for music compelled him to keep performing even after he went deaf. He couldn’t hear himself play, but he knew that his creations sounded gorgeous.

    His final concert was held at a huge banquet. He gave the musicians a cue, and they began to play. He directed the concert with all his heart. He couldn’t hear the music, but he said that he could feel it. Overall, performance was one of the finest in history. When it was over, he turned to the crowd. They clapped and cheered wildly. In that beautiful moment, the applause boosted his emotions, and he began to cry.

    In 1827, he suffered from lead poisoning. He didn’t survive the sickness, but his music did because great music never becomes outdated. Even though Beethoven is gone, his legacy will live on forever.

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A: Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to make them true.

    1. _____ People have narrated biographies about Beethoven’s dominance.

      • _____________________________________________________
    2. _____ Beethoven created multiple masterpieces that sounded gorgeous.

      • _____________________________________________________
    3. _____ It was inevitable that Beethoven would lose his virtue altogether.

      • _____________________________________________________
    4. _____ Beethoven became notorious for his aggression.

      • _____________________________________________________
    5. _____ Beethoven’s legacy lives on because great music is outdated.

      • _____________________________________________________

    Part B: Answer the questions.

    1. What did the young Beethoven develop a partiality for?

    2. How old was Beethoven when he first learned to play the piano?

    3. What did Beethoven do when he saw the crowd clap and cheer at the banquet?

    4. What compelled him to keep performing after his acute, spontaneous hearing loss?

    5. What was special about Beethoven’s last performance?


    Answer Key

    Answer Key

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A

    1. T
    2. T
    3. F / It was inevitable that Beethoven would lose his hearing altogether.
    4. T
    5. F / Beethoven’s legacy lives on because great music never becomes outdated.

    Part B

    1. The young Beethoven developed a partiality for classical music.
    2. He first learned to play the piano when he was five.
    3. He began to cry.
    4. His passion for music compelled him to keep performing.
    5. It was one of the finest in history.

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 1: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

    Read more

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 2: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

    Read more

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 3: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

    Read more

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 4: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

    Read more

    The activities in «4000 Essential English Words» are specially designed to make use of important learning conditions. Firstly, the words are introduced using sentence definitions and an example sentence. 4000 Essential English Words 6: 600 words (Unit 1 — Unit 30).

    Read more

    Describing Placement

    1. Read the passage and fill in the table.

    2. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

    3. Place the words from the word bank under the correct headings.

    4. Listen and read the email again. What are some other ways to say that something is close to another thing?

    5. Listen to a conversation between two designers. Tick the changes that are suggested in the conversation.

    5.1. Listen again and complete the conversation.

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