What 5 letter word can be made with these letters

Wordle is a global word game phenomenon that inspired other game creators, and many Wordle spin-offs are now catching on. Experienced players know that a letter that is the word but not in the right place receives a yellow square. A green square is your reward for a letter both in the word and in the correct location.
Since you only have a limited number of guesses, the first word you input is critical for the best results. You will want to develop a personal five-letter word list with answers that contain the most common letters: stare, crane, least, slant.
A well-played initial guess should net you a few yellow squares or even a green square. Once you have some information about the secret answer, our word tool can be a big help. When you input the letter you know, you will receive a list of five-letter possibilities.

Steps to Find Words with Your Letters

1. Length

Your first step will be to set the Length filter to five letters, the standard Wordle length. If you forget this step, you will have to scroll through a long list of words you cannot use. Our word tool can look for words up to 15 letters in length for Scrabble players.

2. Contains vs Include Filters

The second step will refine your possibilities. If you have some letters in green squares, you can use the Contains filter. You input underscores for letters that are still hidden and submit your known letters in their proper positions. For example, if you know the second letter is A and the last is M, your input would be _A__M.
The Include filter is for yellow-square letters. These letters belong in the word but you do not yet know their positions. You simply enter these letters into the filter field in the tool. A combination of the Include and Contains filters will quickly narrow down the possibilities.

3. Dictionary

You do not want to waste any guesses, so it is important to know that our word tool dictionary is broader than the official Wordle dictionary. You may receive some answers from our list that you can eliminate as Wordle guesses. For example, the NYT Wordle dictionary does not contain plural nouns or past tense verb forms. Using the tool on this page, you can find answers for any Wordle spin-off. Still, if you’re playing NYT Wordle, we highly recommend you our Wordle Solver.

Our word list also factors word scores for games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This arrangement may mean that you find unusual words that include high-scoring letters like Z and X at the top of your list. The Wordle dictionary uses more common words, so you may want to scroll down before you start guessing.

5 Letter Words with These Letters: ER, IS, ST

ER, IS and ST are some of the most common letter combinations on the Wordle dictionary list. That fact makes words that include these letters a great place to start your guesses.

Words with ER

ER frequently serves as a suffix that turns a verb into a noun. BOXER, FLYER, JOKER and MAKER all fall into this scheme. A few words start with the combination: ERECT, ERUPT, ERASE.

Words with IS

Be careful with guesses that end in IS because they may be plurals that are not part of the Wordle dictionary. Some words that end with IS have a Greek or Latin origin, such as BASIS and LAPIS. Some IS words also contain other helpful letters for your first guess: WRIST, HEIST, PRISM.

Words with ST

ST is a letter combination found at the start and end of many 5-letter words. STRIP, STRUM and STORM all feature it at the beginning. WORST, FIRST and TRUST end with the combination.

5 Letter Words Using These Letters: E and R, A and E, A and R

The Include filter lets you enter letters you know are in the word. Sometimes they will be in combination, but often they will sit apart.

Words with E and R

ER can reverse to RE and provide words like REACH, REMIX and CHORE. Separately, the letters appear in words like EXTRA, HORSE and GRIPE.

Words with A and E

EA is a common vowel combination in words like REACH, TEACH and CREAM. A silent E lengthens the A in QUAKE, GLAZE and PHASE.Words with A and R

Words with A and R

A and R can show up in many positions in five-letter words: SHARK, RANCH, ARMOR, CRATE.

What are five letter words with I in the middle?

A few 5 letter words with I in the middle are Child, Think, Thing, Unite, Voice, Swing, Trial, Trick, Sling, Prick, Noisy, Exile, Being, Align, Axial, Brick, Chick, Daily, Drink, Fairy, Glide, etc.

What are few 5 letter words that start with I?

A few English five letter words starting with I are Idiot, Idlis, Ideal, Infer, Inbox, Input, Icons, Issue, Inlet, Igloo, Islet, Idols, etc.

What are 5 letter words starting with R?

A few five letter words starting with r are Repay, Relax, Risky, Rural, Ready, Realm, Reefs, Rapid, Rated, Reels, React, Rings, Raker, Rummy, Right, Racon, Rooms, etc

What are 5 letter words starting with N?

A few 5 letter words starting with N are Novel, Nukes, Novel, Noted, Nooks, Nasty, Nurse, Naïve, Noddy, Nudge, Netty, Nifty, Nacho, Niece, Nasal, Ninja, etc

What are 5 letter words starting with C?

A few 5 letter words starting with c are Cabin, Cadre, Chore, Cramp, Canal, Cable, Cello, Calyx, Candy, Cadre, Cakes, Camps, Cruck, Cabal, Comet, Charm, etc

What are 5 letter words ending with Y?

A few five letter words ending with Y are Sorry, Barky, Happy, Marry, Agony, Crazy, Shady, Deity, Daddy, Empty, Hanky, Juicy, Needy, Madly, etc

What are 5 letter words containing no vowels?

A few 5 letter words no vowels are Crypt, Gypsy, Myths, Hymns, Byrls, Slyly, Lymphs, Synds, Pygmy, Thymy, Ghyll, Nymph, Cysts, Skyfs, etc.

What are few 5 letter words starting with thi?

A few 5 letter words that start with thi are Thing, Thirl, Thick, Think, Third, Thief, Thigs, Thigh, Thiol, Thine, Thilk, Thill, and Thins.

What are few 5 letter words ending in er?

A few 5 letter words ending with er are Rover, Racer, Hyper, Joker, Laser, Hover, Power, Owler, Fixer, Boxer, Cyber, Duper, Eager, Baker, Later, etc.

What are few 5 letter words ending in T?

A few five letter words ending with T are Crust, Asset, Chest, Blast, Dealt, Spelt, Smart, Tenet, Yacht, Tweet, Visit, Theft, Worst, Sweet, etc

What are few 5 letter words beginning with T?

A few five letter words starts with T are Tests, Tempo, Tenor, Telly, Tharf, Tesla, Terra, Tenny, Their, Tenet, Tenth, Tones, Tried, Tenor, etc.

What are few 5 letter words ending in O?

A few 5 letter words ending in O are Turbo, Polio, Nanto, Ditto, Pollo, Ratio, Piano, Intro, Igloo, Anglo, Romeo, Narco, Nitro, etc

What are few 5 letter words beginning with O?

A few common five letter words that starts with O are Obese, Ozone, Opium, Odour, Order, Orbit, Oasis, Olive, Occur, Ocean, Optic, Offer, Ovary, etc.

What are few 5 letter words beginning with S?

A few 5 letter words starting with S are Stare, Store, Sandy, Suite, Score, Salsa, Stick, Skull, Snake, Spray, Skill, Score, Scarf, Share, Super, Shred, Scene, Squad, Swine, Slice, etc

What are few 5 letter words ending with A?

A few 5 letter words ending with A are Delta, Apnea, Copra, Comma, Flora, Amnia, Arena, Costa, Biota, Edema, Facia, Flora, Cilia, Conga, Asana, etc.

What are few 5 letter words beginning with A ?

A few 5 letter words starting with A are Abide, Above, Alone, Aback, Aptly, Apart, Align, Alarm, Alive, Agree, Arena, Abuse, Affix, Admin, etc.

What are few 5 letter words ending in E?

A few five letter words ending with E are Quite, Prune, Rouse, Abide, Rinse, Purge, Raise, Quote, Purse, Reuse, Puree, Rogue, etc

What are few 5 letter words starting with E?

A few 5 letter words starting with E are Emits, Extra, Eases, Earth, Emend, Eater, Enemy, Early, Eight, Earns, etc.

How to use five letter words finder?

Just visit wordswithletters.org and type the required letters in the search area and then click the search button. You can customize your results with advanced filters to generate 5 letter words.

Which platform works best for the 5 letter word solver?

If you are looking for 5 letter word solver then wordswithletters.org is the great choice to begin with.

How do I find 5 letter words that will be best for me?

It is you who can make the best 5 letter words by using our free online word finder tool. Just visit wordswithletters.org website.

What are some five letter words containing these letters W?

Some five letter words containing with these letters W are woozy, swizz, chowk.

How can I pick a 5 letter word search that will work best for me?

wordswithletters.org 5 letter word finder is the best five-letter word finder for most use cases!

What 5 letter words that contain 3 vowels?

Vowels are letters representing a vowel sound, such as a, e, i, o, and u. These are 5 letter words that contain 3 vowels: abuse, alone, argue, arise, house, juice, media, etc.

What is a combination of 5 letter words using these letters “STEAL” can become a word in any order?

The combination of 5 letters word using these letters that become a word in any order are Tales, Tesla, Stale, Least, and Slate.

What is the most prominent 5 letter word with these letters ‘TENSE’?

The most prominent 5 letter word with these letters is TEENS.

What are a few 5 letter words that starts and ends with the same letter?

There are probably thousands of letters and few of them are Comic, Sales, Stays, Stars, Going, Modem, Hiegh, Algal, Onion, Eagle, Seems, Sense, Front, Local, etc.

Why we should use this tool?

Convenience- When a puzzle stops being funny and starts being frustrating, «5 letter word with these letters» tool is here to save the day.
Relaxation- Its really hard to remember all the words made by 5 letter words. Now no worries ask our tool instead. It’ll help.
Victory- Who doesn’t like to win? But winning word puzzle is not easy every time. Many times we stuck and get frustrated. We have made our tool simple, fast and handy, we make the best in the business. It’s how we do. Use our tool well and liberally, and win word games without any constrain.

Why we should play word games?

Crosswords, word searches and hangman aren’t just handy ways to get entertained but it also boost our learning in some surprising ways. Here’s how…
1. Improved Vocabulary: Word games can help us to reinforce words in our mind. The more words we encounters and understands, the broader our day-to-day vocabulary will become.
2. Encourage problem-solving: The ability to think logically and strategically is a necessary part of many word puzzles. Word games encourages us to think outside the box.
3. Fun for the whole family: It’s a great way to spend some quality time with your family when you solve word puzzles together.
As an added bonus, Word games helps to develop language, memory, and other learning skills But don’t tell kids these games are educational ;)
Nevertheless, winning a word game can be frustrating and challenging at times. This is why we have developed advanced AI based «five letter words with these letters» tool. Discover the highest scoring games and become a champion.

How to find high scoring five letter words?

It can be difficult to find high scoring words, however we made it simple for you. Our goal is to make finding high-scoring words easy. We have designed an online tool that will give high scoring words with just a few clicks.
Some of the top 5-letter word scores are:
Despite our best efforts, it is very difficult to memorize all the high scoring words, therefore, we are here to assist you.

What are the most common five letter words used in word games?

Most of the words in the condensed Oxford Dictionary begin with the letter E followed by A, R, I, O, T, N, and S. For example, words such as «ratio», «irate», «stain» or «stare» that include those commonly used letters are great choices for word games. It would be ideal if you used a five-letter word with five distinct and commonly used letters as your first guess, such as «roast» or «arise.»

What are some of the best five-letter words to start Wordle with?

Do you love Wordle? It is not always easy to guess the five-letter word in this delightfully simple online puzzle. Although it can be difficult to find high-scoring words, we made it easy for you to do so. We have developed an online tool that provides high scoring words just by clicking. You can earn more points with five-letter words, but it can be difficult to keep up with all of them. The five-letter word can be figured out by starting with the vowels, since most of the words have vowels. A different tactic is to try to use words with the most common letters in the English alphabet. For example T, N,S, L etc.
Use our tool and a list of the most often used five-character words.

What are some top scoring 5 letter words in scrabble ?

Some top scoring 5 letter words in scrabble are Zippy, Jiffy, Quaff, Jimmy, Zilch, Junky, Enzym, Zaxes, Crazy, Jokey, Jacky, Quick, Furzy, Kudzu, Jumpy, Quaky, Cozey, Boozy, Zinky, Jumpy, Qophs, Zappy, Jemmy, Quiff, Woozy, Zymes, Kylix, Quack, Hafiz, Jimpy, Hamza, and Jammy.

What are a few common 5 letter words?

Few common 5 letter words are Agree, Blind, Apart, About ,Above, Birth, Blood, Cover, Dance, Entry, Group, False, Human, Ideal, Noise, Paint, Never, Phone, Light, Photo, Plate, Style, There, Truck, Unity, Words, Voice etc

What is the most beautiful 5 letter word?

SMILE is the most beautiful 5 letter word

What is a 5 letter word starting with L?

Some 5 letter word starting with L are laari,labia,labis,labor,labra,laced,lacer,laces,lacet,lacey,lacks,laddy,laded,laden,lader,lades,ladle,laers,laevo,lagan,lager,lahal

What 5 letter word can have its last 4 letters removed and still sound the same?

Queue is the only 5 letter word which sounds same even its last 4 letters are removed

How many 5 letter words are there in the English language?

It depends on the dictionary that you approach. There are more than 12478 words of 5 letters present in English as per the official scrabble dictionary.

How many 5 letter words are present in SOWPODS scrabble dictionary ?

There are 12,972 5 letter words present in SOWPODS scrabble dictionary

How many 5 letter words are present in TWL06 scrabble dictionary ?

There are 9,403 5 letter words present in TWL06 scrabble dictionary

Is JERKY a scrabble word?

Yes,JERKY is a valid scrabble word

Is ZOUKS a scrabble word?

Yes,ZOUKS is a valid scrabble word

Is ZINGY a scrabble word?

Yes, ZINGY is a valid scrabble word

Is CAPIZ a scrabble word?

Yes,CAPIZ is a valid scrabble word

Is KAZOO a scrabble word?

Yes, KAZOO is a valid scrabble word

Is AFFIX a scrabble word?

Yes, AFFIX is a valid scrabble word

Is GYOZA a scrabble word?

Yes, GYOZA is a valid scrabble word

Is NUDZH a scrabble word?

Yes, NUDZH is a valid scrabble word

Is GAUZY a scrabble word?

Yes, GAUZY is a valid scrabble word

Is GHAZI a scrabble word?

Yes, GHAZI is a valid scrabble word

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters MUZJIKS ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters MUZJIKS are mujik, kumis

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters BIENTAOR ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters BIENTAOR are bairn, baron, baton, beano, bento, beton, biont, boner, borne, brain, brane, brant, brent, brine, robin, abort beira, biota, biter, boart boite etc

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters LOKERTOM ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters LOKERTOM are ketol, metol, molto, morel, motel, toker, troke, metro, motor, romeo

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters YOUPARTY ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters YOUPARTY are pouty, roupy, atopy, party, payor, pruta, aport, yurta

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters ENGLEIBOR ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters ENGLIEBOR are bling, begin, being, bilge, binge, bingo, bogle, boing, bring, glebe, globe, beige, bogie, giber, grebe, grebo,leben, noble etc

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters GHIJORT?

5 letter words that you can create with letters GHIJORT are girth, grith, right, griot, trigo

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters BONORITA ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters BONORITA are aboon, bairn, baron, baton, biont, boron, brain, brant, robin, abort, biota, boart, booai, orbat

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters JKOLXYRU ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters JKOLXYRU is loury

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters FORMINTE ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters FORMINTE are fermi, forme motif, enorm, feint, finer, freon, front, infer, mento, miner, minor, monie, monte, often, fetor, forte merit

How many 5 letter words can you create with the letters FIDORITY ?

5 letter words that you can create with letters FIDORITY are forty, drift,fiord, dirty, dorty, droit, idiot torii

What 5 letter word is the same upside down?

A 5 letter word that is same upside down is ‘SWIMS’

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word JERKY ?

Meaning- A person showing unpleasant behavior.Score-19

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word ZINGY ?

Meaning- It stands for a person full of Zest.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word CAPIZ ?

Meaning-It is the breed of an oyster whose shell is used to make window pane and jewellery.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word QUIRK ?

Meaning- A slight change in the manner or style of something or someone.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word QUAKE ?

Meaning- It stands for trembling or shaking of ground, or an earthquake.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word AFFIX ?

Meaning- To fix something somewhere permanently.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word GYOZA ?

Meaning-It is the type of Japanese dish called dumpling which is having a filling in it.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word FAZED?

Meaning-It is used as simple past tense or past participle for the word faze.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word GLAZY ?

Meaning- Anything which appears shiny or smooth.Score-18

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word JOCKS ?

Meaning — A slang used for a common man.Score-17

What is the meaning and score in scrabble of 5 letter word PAWKY ?

Meaning- A characterstics associated with sarcastic sense of humour.Score-17

Word games, such as Words with Friends, Scrabble, and now Wordle are very popular. In these games, you unscramble letters to make words for points or to be the first one to find the Wordle daily answer. Using five-letter words offers you the potential to earn a lot of points or share your skills on Twitter.

The WordFinderX Guide to 5-Letter Words

It’s important to find a good word finder list of some of the higher-scoring words you may want to know to bring your word-building skills to new levels for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends or when you need an answer for 4 pics 1 word 5 letters or the daily Wordle word.

Top-Scoring Words with Five Letters

To get the most points, you’ll want to try to make 5 letter words with these letters:

  • J
  • Q
  • X
  • Z

Additionally, you may want to find 5 letter words with these letters due to their mid-range scoring potential:

  • F
  • H
  • K
  • V
  • W
  • Y

Your goal could be to use the highest-scoring letters in your rack in each word you create.

The Most Common Five-Letter Words

Just thinking about some words that you use daily in the course of life can grant you some good options.
Other — Other makes a distinction between objects or people.
About — When talking about approximate size, you might say that the fish that got away was about two feet long.
Which — Choices can be narrowed down depending on which option you choose.
Their — If those are their belongings, they certainly don’t belong to you.
Every — Like the word all, every encompasses the totality of what you’re discussing.
Faith — Faith means something different to everyone, but it’s certainly meant to be a positive word.
Lunch — Whether you decide to eat or not, you’re likely given a lunch break at work.
Maybe — Maybe is a great word to use when you don’t want to get yourself stuck into a commitment.


For example, if you have the letters T W L or O C T W L in your rack, you could form words such as CLOWN, CLOTH, COLTS, OWLET, SCOWL, or TOWEL provided you have the other letters available for use.

Five-letter Word Tip for Wordle

Knowing the most popular five-letter words comes in handy when playing Wordle, the disrupting word game. The most important tip for finding the daily Wordle answer fast is to smartly choose the first word. You should always start with a word made of five different letters three of them being vowels. Some examples above, like ABOUT and MAYBE, fit into this pattern. But using our Wordle solver tool and its advanced search options to uncover other recommended words to start the daily puzzle. VIDEO and PIANO are such examples.

What 5 letter word can be made from people?


  • 2 letter Words made out of people. 1). op 2).
  • 3 letter Words made out of people. 1). pep 2). pol 3). pop 4). pee 5). lop 7).
  • 4 letter Words made out of people. 1). pope 2). peep 3). pele 4). pepo 5). lope 6). plop 7). pole 8). peel.
  • 5 letter Words made out of people. 1). elope.

What words can I make out of these?

Words that can be made with these

  • eths.
  • hest.
  • hets.
  • tees.
  • thee.

How many words can you make out of someone?

70 words can be made from the letters in the word someone.

How many words can you make with these letters solver?

59 words can be made from the letters in the word solver.

What words can you make with the letters static?

Words made by unscrambling the letters S T A T I C

  • attic.
  • scatt.
  • tacit.
  • tacts.

What words can I make with these letters generator?

Words made by unscrambling the letters G E N E R A T O R

  • garrote.
  • grantee.
  • granter.
  • grantor.
  • greaten.
  • greater.
  • groaner.
  • negater.

Is there an app that makes words out of letters?

Word Generator is the perfect tool to create words. Be you in search of a Scrabble word generator or just in need of some random words, the device generates all possible words from the given letters. Try it and transform random letters into winning words!

How many words can you make with these letters game?

Words that can be made with game 16 words can be made from the letters in the word game.

How do I fix scrambled words?

Another good trick is to start with common consonant patterns and swap out vowels. Pick 2 consonants and start swapping vowels them around. This type of quick thinking can help you max out your points in scrabble by unscrambling lots of words. This works for scrambled word puzzles as well (without an unscramble tool).

What is Unjumble word?

Word Unjumble Unjumble is a new acronym for solving jumbled letters.It finds all possible words from the given letter by looking up the approved dictionaries. Our online word unjumbling tool can process any sequence of english alphabets limited to 12 characters.

How do you rearrange letters in words?

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the word anagram itself can be rearranged into nag a ram, also the word binary into brainy and the word adobe into abode.

What are jumbled words with examples?

3rd Class English Jumbled Words and Sentences Question Bank

  • Birds are the flying in the sky. clear.
  • The birds are flying in the sky. clear.
  • Flying in the sky are the birds. clear.
  • In the sky flying are the birds. clear.

What you mean by jumbled sentences?

Jumbled sentence are some puzzled sentences or words that has to be put together in a proper sequence in order to make a complete sense out of a passage or sentence.

How do you use jumble in a sentence?

Jumble sentence example

  1. He followed her up a jumble of rocks to the top of the ridge.
  2. “It still just looks like jumble of letters and numbers,” Dean said as he read the first portion.
  3. He took her hand and led her across the camp, heading for a jumble of rocks.

What does clutter mean?

transitive verb. : to fill or cover with scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness a room cluttered with toys —often used with up Too many signs were cluttering up the street corner. clutter.

What tangled means?

Tangled is an adjective that describes a confused mass. You’re likely to hear tangled used most often when referring to hair. If it’s tangled, you can’t brush or comb through it. Other than discussing hair, tangled can be used to refer to anything that’s jumbled up and confused.

What causes tangled hair?

Tangles are caused when the outer layer of your hair (cuticle) is damaged and opens up. The open cuticles block each other and form knots. Basically, a hair knot forms when two single strands of hair wrap around each other to become intertwined.

How do you describe tangled hair?

Hair that is tangled is twisted into an untidy mass: I’m just trying to comb through Emily’s tangled hair. If hair is windswept, it is untidy because it has been blown in different directions by the wind: We were both looking a bit windswept.

How do you use tangled in a sentence?

Tangled sentence example

  1. She sighed and ran fingers through her tangled hair.
  2. Her foot became tangled in the bedroll and she sprawled on the floor.
  3. Donnie got his skies tangled up, trying to move away.
  4. The girl was close enough behind him to smell the dankness of his tangled locks.

What is the meaning of tangled up?

1. phrasal verb [usually passive] If a person or thing is tangled up in something such as wire or ropes, they are caught or trapped in it.

What part of speech is tangled?

transitive verb

Is Tangled a verb or noun?

verb (used with object), tan·gled, tan·gling. to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts; snarl. to involve in something that hampers, obstructs, or overgrows: The bushes were tangled with vines. to catch and hold in or as if in a net or snare.

Five letter WORDS are where things START to get fun and interesting. When used correctly, a five-letter word will score mega points! Using these JAZZY words can deliver you 33 points, not including a BONUS or a BINGO! READY to learn some new 5 Letter Words with the meanings?

This is a list of all 5 letter words. We have 12986 words in this word list.

Filter Your Word List

Use the letter filter below, word search, or word finder to narrow down your 5 letter words. There are 12986 words in this word list, so narrowing it down might be a good idea.

5-Letter Words List

Take a look at the list of popular Five letter words starting with D below. They are valid in most word scramble games, including Scrabble and Words With Friends.

  • donny
  • douce
  • dited
  • dodgy
  • diode
  • doddy
  • drere
  • demos
  • datal
  • dozen
  • ducat
  • dungs
  • deman
  • dayan
  • debel
  • decry
  • doups
  • doges
  • dabba
  • duits

Five-Letter Word Information

Are you up-to-date on all words with five letters? If askedcould you pull a few random five-character words out of thin air? Without using a word finder tool? If not, read on and we will teach you everything you need to know about 5-letter words.  Don’t forget to try the viral word game, Wordle, using our Wordle Helper!

How Many 5-Letter Words Are There?

It depends on which word list you are looking at. Here is a breakdown:

  • In the English dictionary, there are over 158,000 words with exactly 5 letters.
  • In Scrabble NWL Word List, there are 8,938
  • In Scrabble CSW Word List, there are 12,478
  • In Words With Friends Word List there are 8,636

Common Five-Letter Words

Here is a short list of the most frequently used words that have five characters. You are sure to see most of these words daily. These words are so popular that you will probably use a few of them at least once per day. See? Without even trying, I found these great examples in this paragraph.

  • about
  • other
  • which
  • their
  • there
  • first
  • would
  • these
  • click
  • price
  • state
  • email
  • world
  • music
  • after
  • video
  • where
  • books
  • links
  • years

How To Choose Words With Five Letters That Have a High Score?

You can easily find the words with the most points if you focus on 5 letter words with these letters: Z, X, Q, J.  These letters will earn you the most points in both Scrabble and Words With Friends. The reason words with these letters are worth the most is because they occur the least amount in the dictionary. In fact, many of the 5-letter words you will find are kind of funny or unusual, like ZABRA, OR ZHOMO.

  • Z and Q are worth 10 points 
  • X and J are worth 8 points

5 Letter Words With Z

  • zippy
  • zingy
  • zoned
  • zeros
  • zooms
  • zilch

Five-Letter Words With Q

  • quaky
  • query
  • quill
  • quilt
  • queen
  • quote

Five Letter Words With X

  • xerox
  • xenon
  • xysts
  • xebec
  • xylyl
  • xerus

5-Letter Words With J

  • jacks
  • jazzy
  • junks
  • jammy
  • jeeps
  • juror

What Are The Highest Scoring 5 Leter Words?

  • In the Scrabble, Collins Word List, the word with the highest points, not including bonuses is pzazz and it is worth a whopping 34 points! 
  • In the Scrabble, NASPA Word List, jazzy is the highest scoring word, punching in at 33 points!
  • The Words With Friends ENABLE word list also has the word jazzy at the head of the list, but it added a point to the score, which puts it at 34 points.

Word Dictionaries, Word Lists, and Lexicons

Each word game uses its own dictionary. These word game dictionaries also work for other popular word games, such as, the Daily Jumble, Text Twist, Word Cookies, and other word puzzle games. We also have a Word Unscrambler for each word puzzle game.

These are the Word Lists we have:

  • «All» contains an extremely large list of words from all sources.
  • Scrabble US — NWL — contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL (USA, Canada and Thailand)
  • Scrabble UK — CSW — contains Scrabble words from the Collins Scrabble Words, formerly SOWPODS (All countries except listed above)
  • Words With Friends — WWF — contains Words With Friends words from the ENABLE word list

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