Welcoming word is given to

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

приветственных слов

приветственными словами

приветственном слове

приветственные слова

приветственное слово

The event began with welcoming words from organizers.

Program The first day of the event began with the welcoming words of the organizers of the Primakov Readings.

Первый день мероприятия начался с приветственных слов организаторов Примаковских чтений.

In Makhachkala, Bezrukov has already visited one of the capital’s institutions, fr om where he recorded a video message with welcoming words.

В Махачкале Безруков уже побывал в одном из столичных заведений, откуда записал видеообращение с приветственными словами.

The second session of the Forum «Best practices to ensure trouble-free operation» was opened with welcoming words on behalf of the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin and from the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

Вторая сессия форума «Лучшие корпоративные практики для обеспечения безаварийного технологического процесса» открылась приветственными словами от имени президента Российского союза промышленников и предпринимателей Александра Шохина и министра труда и социальной защиты РФ Максима Топилина.

«The friendliest city in Spain» — that is the way Alicante is called in welcoming words on the city official website.

Самый дружелюбный город в Испании — именно так называют Аликанте в приветственном слове на официальном сайте.

In his welcoming words, Managing Director of the Administration of the Kursk region, Anatoly Strelkov called the amateur art contest of IDGC of Centre a very important humanitarian action and wished good luck to all participants.

В приветственном слове управляющий делами администрации Курской области Анатолий Стрелков назвал конкурс самодеятельного художественного творчества МРСК Центра очень важной гуманитарной акцией и пожелал всем участникам удачи.

Traditionally, the Congress of Belarusian Studies opened with welcoming words.

Всероссийский библиотечный конгресс традиционно начался с приветственных слов.

The traffic police posted a video on which the officer, after welcoming words and instructions, presents the license to the girl, and she thanks him with applause of the traffic police officers.

Дорожная полиция разместила видеозапись, на которой офицер после приветственных слов и наставлений вручает права девушке, а она благодарит его под аплодисменты присутствующих сотрудников дорожной полиции.

The grand opening of the school began with welcoming words of Lev Lazutin (head of the department of international and European law of the Ural State Law University).

Торжественное открытие школы началось с приветственных слов Льва Лазутина, заведующего кафедрой международного и европейского права Уральского университета.

We urge the company owner to discover a few welcoming words in Basque and have as lots of Basque languages check in the store as feasible.

«Мы призываем владельцев бизнеса выучить несколько приветственных слов на баскском языке и переименовать некоторые продукты в магазинах.

After the welcoming words, the project partners started to consider the priority areas for cooperation in the 9-th EU framework programme for research and innovation 2021-2027 «Horizon Europe.»

После приветственных слов партнеры по проекту приступили к согласованию приоритетных направлений сотрудничества в рамках стартующей в 2021 году 9-й Рамочной программы исследований и инноваций ЕС «Horizon Europe».

Ruskeala Symphony Festival was organized appeared upon an initiative of Artur Parfenchikov, the Acting Head of Karelia, who, in his welcoming words, congratulated everyone on this historic occasion — the first music festival in Ruskeala.

Фестиваль «Ruskeala Symphony» появился по инициативе врио Главы Карелии Артура Парфенчикова, который в своем приветственном слове поздравил всех с этим историческим событием — первым музыкальным фестивалем в Рускеале.

In his welcoming words, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that Kazakhstan is a major country in Central Asia and has a great influence in Central Eurasia.

Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин в своём приветственном слове подчеркнул, что Казахстан является крупной страной в Центральной Азии и имеет большое влияние в Центральной Евразии.

he Spoke with people’s artist of the Russian Federation Dmitry Artemyev, who gave the producer a number of welcoming words from fans residing in different parts of Russia: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, the North Caucasus and other regions.

Поговорил он и с народным артистом РФ Дмитрием Артемьевым, который передал продюсеру ряд приветственных слов от поклонников, проживающих в самых разных точках России: Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Северном Кавказе и других регионов.

The official opening of the conference was marked by the welcoming words of representatives of the CIS Executive Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Eurasian Economic Commission and the International Sugar Organization.

Официальное открытие конференции ознаменовалось приветственными словами представителей Исполнительного комитета СНГ, Министерства сельского хозяйства России, Евразийской Экономической Комиссии и Международной организации по Сахару.

The following persons spoke with welcoming words at the training: the chief specialist of the Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health B. A. Ismailova, PIU Deputy Director U.T. Torogeldiyev.

С приветственными словами на тренинге выступили: главный специалист Управления общественного здравоохранения Министерства здравоохранения Б.А.Исмаилова, заместитель директора ОРП — У.Т. Торогельдиев.

The seminar will begin its work on Monday, June 24, with welcoming words from the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Семинар начнет свою работу в понедельник 24 июня с приветственных слов от Представительства Европейского союза в Беларуси и Министерства образования Республики Беларусь.

Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk regional organization of trade union of power engineering, electrical engineering and fuel industry Evgeny Starovoitov and Chairman of the Smolensk regional organization «Russian Electroprofsoyuz» Elena Prudnikova spoke welcoming words.

С приветственными словами выступили заместитель председателя Витебской областной организации профсоюза работников энергетики, электротехники и топливной промышленности Евгений Старовойтов и председатель Смоленской областной организации «Всероссийский Электропрофсоюз» Елена Прудникова.

The event will begin with the welcoming words of Ms. Olimi Markhabo Latifzoda, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, and

Мероприятие началось с приветственных слов г-жи Олими Мархабо Латифзода, Первый Заместитель Председателя Комитета по делам женщин и семьи при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан и

Hello, a few welcoming words

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  • #1

What is the meaning of «word of welcome» or «welcoming word»?
What the examples of these words?

    • #2

    What is the meaning of «word of welcome» or «welcoming word»?
    What the examples of these words?

    A word of welcome to you, ogbanap, I hope you enjoy the WR forum.

    2 examples….

    1. I would like to give you a word of welcome on joining the forum.
    2. I hope you find my welcoming words as encouragement for you to participate in the forum…


    • #3

    They are what you say to people when you meet them to feel welcome and at home.

    • #4

    words as a noun can mean What tou say.In other words mean:saying it otherwise

    • #5

    A «word of welcome» is usually more than one word.

    It can refer to an entire (short) speech. For example, if I’m a conference chair, I might take the podium and say «Our dean will now open the conference with a word of welcome.» This would probably be a short speech, no more than ten minutes, saying how happy she is to host all of the attendees on campus, how proud she is of her faculty members for organizing and hosting the conference, how she hopes all the participants will learn a lot and have a good time …

    After that, she will go back to her office and do other things.

    At the other extreme, if she and her husband visit my home, my word of welcome would be something like «Come in, come in! We’re so glad you could be here with us this evening!» Then we could talk about how she feels after falling off her horse, or something else.

    As previously posted by George French, it doesn’t have to be spoken. One can be welcomed to the WR online community just as one is welcomed to a physical place.

    1. HOME

    2. Welcome speech

    3. Phrases for welcome speeches

    50+ different ways to say welcome to your guests

    By: Susan Dugdale | Last modified: 04-08-2021

    The challenge of a welcome speech is to find alternate ways to express yourself sincerely without resorting to a string of undifferentiated «same-old, same-old» words and phrases that have become meaningless through overuse to greet your guests with.

    And that there’s an additional question. Is the event formal or informal? Your answer will guide the language choices you make.

    What’s on this page?

    • help to decide whether you need formal or informal language
    • examples of informal and formal welcome speech openings
    • 50+ different ways to say welcome 
    • 28 example sentences

    Do you need to use formal or informal language?

    Is the welcome speech you’re preparing formal or informal?  

    There are major differences. The words you use in an informal speech will be entirely out of place in a formal one. You need to know what is right for the occasion if you want your speech to be a success.

    The video below explains the difference and provides six example speech openings to illustrate: three formal and three informal.

    How to avoid repetition making your speech boring!  

    Repetition of a familiar word is very easy to do and totally understandable.

    Sometimes we can’t find the words we want and we get stuck in a vocabulary rut, using the same phrase or word over and over, and over again, trying to make it cover multiple and/or different situations.

    Image: retro woman giving a welcome speech,and repeating the word "welcome" a lot.  Text: Repetition can be very boring! Text in s

    And yet we know, words are just like clothes. One size does does not fit all.

    What’s the solution?

    Here’s three suggestions to individualize or tailor your words to fit your event a little better. And they’ll be more interesting for the audience to listen to!

    With care you’ll find most will adapt either formal or informal use.

    1. Add an adjective to the word welcome

    Try working in an adjective to describe the quality of your welcome more fully.

    I’ve provided an example sentence or two alongside each adjective to show how it could be used in context.

    I know some examples are much more successful, (smooth to say and read), than others.

    Some, quite frankly, clunk a little. (I say this with a wry smile ☺!) 

    If you decide to use the feature word in those that do, perhaps you’ll find a way to use it more eloquently!  

    What sort of welcome are you offering?

    It could be a(n):

    • warm welcome
      «Luckily the weather is on our side today! The sun and I are pleased to offer you a warm welcome.»
    • hearty welcome
       «Here’s a hearty welcome, big and warm enough to encompass you all! To say we are thrilled to see you is an understatement.»
    • cheerful welcome
      «It’s my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all! Your presence makes us very happy.»
    • cordial welcome
      «Fellow members, please join me in giving our guests the most cordial of welcomes.»
    • sociable welcome
      «Let’s hear it for a sociable welcome! On the count of three, turn to your neighbor and say ‘hello’. There are no strangers here, only friends we are yet to meet.»
    • genial welcome
      «It’s my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome.»
    • convivial welcome
      «On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. We are going to have a merry and enjoyable time together.»
    • agreeable welcome
      «The flags are flying. The balloons are ready for release. It’s a great day, one we’ve been planning and waiting for. I’m sure you’ll concur, this is an agreeable welcome.»
    • pleasing welcome
      «It’s gratifying to look around and see so many familiar faces. That’s a pleasing welcome to what I know is a going to be a great 
      conference … «

    Or maybe it’s a(n):

    • glad welcome
      «It’s a glad welcome we bring to you this morning, filled with the desires, hopes and dreams we all share.»
    • hospitable welcome
      «We’re delighted to offer the most hospitable welcome we can.»
    • amiable welcome
      «Dear guests, look around you! An amiable welcome full of friendship is yours.»
    • gracious welcome
      «Our desire is to extend a gracious and inclusive welcome to all of you. For now let’s put aside our differences and instead celebrate what brings us together!»

    What about a(n):

    • genial welcome
      «It’s my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome.»
    • convivial welcome
      «On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. We are going to have a merry and enjoyable time together.»
    • agreeable welcome
      «The flags are flying. The balloons are ready for release. It’s a great day, one we’ve been planning and waiting for. I’m sure you’ll concur, this is an agreeable welcome.»
    • pleasing welcome
      «It’s gratifying to look around and see so many familiar faces. That’s a pleasing welcome to what I know is a going to be a great 
      conference … «

    Image -young retro salesman. Text: What sort of welcome words  do you want? We've got cheerful, hearty, warm (the classic) and delighted.

    Then there’s a:

    • pleasant welcome
      «You know what’s great about these events? You are always assured of a pleasant welcome. This is feel-good central and we aim …»
    • companionable welcome
      «Looking around I can see many familiar faces — peers, past and present colleagues. What a companionable welcome! It’s great to see you all here …»
    • grateful welcome
      «Many of you have made a huge effort to join us today. On behalf of us all, we are deeply appreciative and offer you our most grateful welcome.»
    • friendly welcome
      «Today is the day we begin to learn to look through the eyes of others; to find out and experience what the world is like for them. It is also the day we grow bigger than our differences and offer to everyone regardless of historical rights and wrongs, a friendly welcome, an outstretched hand.»

    Perhaps a(n):

    • appreciative welcome
      «Wow, what a gathering we have here tonight. We’ve got dignitaries, celebrities, fans, and organizational members all brought together for one cause. Ours. Here’s an appreciative welcome to you all.»
    • superb welcome
      «Ladies and gentlemen, the room is ready. The tables are set. The band is playing our theme song. And the waiting staff are preparing to take your orders. This is a superb welcome, fit for royalty, and that’s what you are to us.»
    • delighted welcome
      «To our special guests; look around. See the smiles of everyone’s faces? We are truly delighted to welcome you here today.»
    • favored welcome
      «Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have stars in the sky, and on stage. We are favored to welcome some the brightest the world has seen.»

    Or a(n):

    • honored welcome
      «I look around the stage and am in awe with the collected expertise gathered here. We are deeply honored to welcome you.»
    • big welcome
      «Here’s to a big welcome for our guests; Lady Amelia Thistledown and Sir Roger Godfrey!»
    • huge welcome
      «Ladies and gentlemen, please give a huge welcome to …»
    • rapturous welcome
      «Do you hear the applause? The audience joins me in a rapturous welcome! We are thrilled to have you with us today.»

    2. What about the guests you want to welcome?

    Think about the guests you want to welcome as part of your speech. What sort of guests are they?  Is there a word, or two, you could use to describe them more fully?

    Accurate descriptions of the people coming to the event, either as especially invited guests, or as members of the audience, helps build credibility and trust.

    The care you take to find the right words is an excellent investment for everybody involved.

    Image: hand drawn crowd figures. Text: Honor your guests by using words to help them stand out from the crowd.

    Could your guests be better described as:

    • esteemed guests?
    • brilliant guests?
    • celebrated guests?
    • dear guests?
    • admired guests?
    • acclaimed guests?
    • cherished guests?
    • respected guests?
    • revered guests?
    • wonderful guests?
    • popular guests?
    • much-loved guests?
    • famous guests?
    • expert guests?
    • distinguished guests?
    • honored guests?
    • valued guests?
    • appreciated guests?
    • remarkable guests?
    • renowned guests?
    • knowledgeable guests?
    • treasured guests?

    3. What about the word «guests»?

    Image: cross section of an audience. Text: Who, exactly, is your audience? Are these people your peers, colleagues, customers, work mates ...

    Who are you talking to? Yes, everybody in the audience is a guest to your event but what could they be more accurately called? 

    Are these people your:

    • peers?
    • colleagues?
    • associates?
    • friends?
    • family?
    • patrons?
    • members?
    • classmates?
    • workmates?
    • co-collaborators?
    • fellow-travelers, nurses, teachers … ? (insert the appropriate descriptor)
    • affiliates?
    • visitors?
    • citizens?
    • cohorts?
    • conspirators?
    • comrades?
    • companions?
    • clients?
    • customers?

    And lastly, have fun experimenting!

    Do try mixing and matching your words and phrases to fit the occasion. After all there are more flavors to «welcome» than vanilla!

    Related pages:

    • How to write a welcome speech — with a sample speech
    • How to write a speech — step by step help — a good beginning point if you’ve never prepared a speech before.
    • Back to top of phrases for welcome speeches
    • Return to write-out-loud.com homepage

    Похожие слова: welcoming word

  • i very much look forward to welcoming — я очень с нетерпением жду
  • welcoming the efforts made — приветствуя усилия
  • welcoming the adoption by — приветствуя принятие
  • is welcoming — гостеприимный
  • a welcoming atmosphere — гостеприимная атмосфера
  • a welcoming smile — приветствуя улыбка
  • more welcoming — более приветствуя
  • nice welcoming — приятно приветствовать
  • welcoming host — приветствуя хозяина
  • in welcoming — приветствуя
  • we look forward to welcoming you soon — мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с Вами в ближайшее время
  • we look forward to welcoming you — Мы с нетерпением ждем возможности приветствовать вас
  • welcoming comments — приветствуя комментарии
  • we looking forward to welcoming you soon — мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с Вами в ближайшее время
  • we look forward to welcoming — мы с нетерпением ждем
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: welcoming word

    A rapt audience welcoming her with open arms, desperate to connect, hanging onto her every word.

    Восторженная публика приветствовала ее с распростертыми объятиями, отчаянно желая соединиться, ловя каждое ее слово.

    We move on the word of an actor?

    Двигаемся на слове актера?

    A Rajput never goes back on his word.

    Раджпут никогда не отказывается от своего слова.

    At least 64 verses of the Koran speak of these books as the Word of God and emphasize the need to read them and to carry out their commands.

    По меньшей мере 64 стиха Корана говорят об этих книгах как о Слове Божьем и подчеркивают необходимость читать их и выполнять их заповеди.

    Some Bible scholars apply this verse to faithful ones in general, citing as support the fact that in some Hebrew manuscripts the word for “loyal one” is in the plural.

    Некоторые библеисты применяют этот стих к верным вообще, ссылаясь в качестве подтверждения на тот факт, что в некоторых еврейских рукописях слово “верный” употребляется во множественном числе.

    Choose the delimiter that separates the keyword from the phrase or word to be searched.

    Выберите разделитель, который отделяет ключевое слово от фразы или слова для поиска.

    Here you can change your personal information, which will be used in mail programs and word processors, for example. You can change your login password by clicking Change Password.

    Здесь вы можете изменить свою личную информацию, которая будет использоваться, например, в почтовых программах и текстовых процессорах. Вы можете изменить свой пароль для входа, нажав кнопку Изменить пароль.

    Word boundary and non word boundary is not supported in Emacs syntax.

    Граница слова и не граница слова не поддерживаются в синтаксисе Emacs.

    Hence, the Greek word for “hypocrite” came to apply to one putting on a pretense, or one playing false.

    Поэтому греческое слово “лицемер” стало применяться к тому, кто притворяется, или к тому, кто притворяется.

    A word to the wise now to the garbage collectors of the world, to the curio seekers, to the antique buffs, to everyone who would try to coax out a miracle from unlikely places.

    Слово к мудрецам, к мусорщикам всего мира, к искателям диковинок, к любителям антиквариата, ко всем, кто попытается вытянуть чудо из невероятных мест.

    Can you confirm the memos were typed on a word processor?

    Можете ли вы подтвердить, что заметки были напечатаны на текстовом процессоре?

    Thus, while man has dominion over animals, he should not abuse that authority but use it in harmony with the principles of God’s Word.

    Таким образом, пока человек имеет власть над животными, он не должен злоупотреблять этой властью, но использовать ее в гармонии с принципами Слова Божьего.

    From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader, there will be seven weeks, also sixty — two weeks… .

    От исхода слова, чтобы восстановить и восстановить Иерусалим, до Мессии, вождя, будет семь недель, а также шестьдесят две недели… .

    Sentiment comes easily at 50 cents a word.

    Сантименты легко достигаются при цене 50 центов за слово.

    The middle is an English translation that was done by somebody who was a professional English translator who we paid 20 cents a word for this translation.

    Середина-это английский перевод, который был сделан кем-то, кто был профессиональным английским переводчиком, которому мы платили по 20 центов за слово за этот перевод.

    Are we not thankful that Jehovah committed his words to writing, instead of relying on transmission by word of mouth?—Compare Exodus 34:27, 28.

    Разве мы не благодарны за то, что Иегова посвятил свои слова написанию, вместо того чтобы полагаться на передачу из уст в уста?—сравните исход 34:27, 28.

    You date a special assistant to the President, word gets out.

    Ты встречаешься со специальным помощником президента, и об этом узнают все.

    If that word actually applies to anything that ever happens to me.

    Если это слово действительно применимо ко всему, что со мной когда-либо случалось.

    Koine was by that time a dynamic, living, well — developed tongue —a language ready at hand and well suited for Jehovah’s lofty purpose in further communicating the divine Word.

    Койне был к тому времени динамичным, живым, хорошо развитым языком-языком, готовым под рукой и хорошо подходящим для высокой цели Иеговы в дальнейшем сообщении Божественного слова.

    You haven’t said one word to me all afternoon.

    Ты не сказал мне ни слова за весь день.

    By regularly meeting to study the inspired Word of God, we can successfully fight against “the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places”.

    Регулярно собираясь для изучения вдохновенного Слова Божьего, мы можем успешно бороться против “злых духовных сил в небесных местах”.

    They have gotten the sense of the word and are bearing fine fruit.

    Они получили смысл этого слова и приносят прекрасные плоды.

    At the word from the giant king, they both began to eat.

    По слову великого короля, они оба начали есть.

    Sunday morning’s program will include the three — part symposium “Identifying the Right Kind of Messengers” and the talk “Listen to and Obey God’s Word.”.

    Воскресная утренняя программа будет включать в себя трехчастный симпозиум “определение правильных посланников” и беседу “слушайте и повинуйтесь Слову Божьему».

    Would you like to learn more about God’s purpose to restore our earth, as outlined in his Word, the Bible?

    Хотели бы вы узнать больше о Божьей цели восстановить нашу землю, как она изложена в Его Слове, Библии?

    In a similar way, God has given us his Word, which describes striking global trends.

    Подобным образом Бог дал нам Свое Слово, в котором описаны поразительные мировые тенденции.

    Word of advice, pet, if you want to live to our age, take a breath.

    Дай совет, любимец, хочешь дожить до нашего возраста, сделай вдох.

    What does God’s Word say about the economic plight of religion and its outcome?

    Что в Слове Бога говорится о тяжелом экономическом положении религии и ее последствиях?

    The corresponding Hebrew word meant “certain, true.”.

    Соответствующее слово на иврите означало «верный, верный».

    If we search in his Word, the Bible, we can learn much, not only concerning his creation, but of the grand purpose that lies behind it all.

    Если мы исследуем его Слово, Библию, мы можем многое узнать не только о его творении, но и о великой цели, которая стоит за всем этим.

    And that our entire Candid Murdock audience can hear every word.

    И что вся наша аудитория откровенного Мердока слышит каждое слово.

    A welcome speech is a speech given by the host at the beginning of a ceremony or to show warmth and gratitude to those who have taken pains to mark their presence. It is a statement that marks the beginning of any event, meeting, gathering or celebration.

    Start your speech by greeting the audience, before giving an overview of the event and end the speech by introducing the next speaker, then thanks to the audience again for attending the program.

    In simple terms, welcome speech is given to start any special occasion or event, and it is given to welcome an individual into a function.

    Why do you need a Welcome Speech?

    Most of the gatherings and ceremonies should be filled with joy and enthusiasm from beginning to end.

    It is the duty of each host or organizer to make all participants feel satisfied and entertained.

    Let me describe a scenario: Imagine that you were invited to lecture; you arrived on time. The speaker then talks directly to the key points.

    Don’t you think you came late or missed the first part? The need for a welcome speech, i.e. introduction, which is appropriate for any assembly.

    Here you will learn in detail, how to deliver a welcome speech & various speeches are described below:

    Welcome Speech for the Chief Guest:

    Good Morning to all of you.

    Today, on behalf of the _______ Academy, I welcome you all to this annual sports day, year _____. Sports is an integral part of our life which gives us health and vitality.

    Along with studying in schools, it is very important to have sports as well; therefore, in our school, students are given facilities of education as well as sports.

    Physical education brings confidence and inspiration in the lives of children that is why every year we organize an annual sports day in our school so that children can further develop their sportsmanship.

    Another great pleasure is that this year our school has been
    given the status of the best institution and our effort will always be such
    that our institute can get precious status here every year.

    I would like to thank my school teachers as well as the parents who encouraged their children to progress in education as well as sports.

    So welcome with respect our chief guest, sports minister of our state Mr. ________ who has won three gold medals and two bronze medals for our country in the first Olympics.


    Welcome speech for the seminar

    Welcome Speech for the Seminar:

    Honourable Chief Guest, Respected Principal, Teachers, and
    all my Dear Friends!

    It gives me a warm welcome for every one present in the interest of the entire school committee.

    I might likewise want to offer my thanks to our regarded judges who have acknowledged our encouragement to direct this school workshop for self-improvement.

    The school organizes seminars consistently for students to gain information and to be effectively associated with school exercises.

    Each subject chose to the greatest interests for students of
    this school. In additionally guaranteed that the subject members are enjoyed
    and preferred.

    Last year, the seminar was based on “Accent Improvement” which has greatly helped the students in achieving an excellent accent in the English language.

    The reason for the class was to assemble our students just as staff, to communicate in English easily and effectively, also to emphasize the significance involving, tension, stagnation and pitch while talking.

    Personal development, help students to gain an understanding the life-changing skills and it will focus primarily on important aspects such as goal setting, leadership development, improved confidence, effective communication and life coaching.

    Through this seminar, students will be able to identify
    their vulnerable places that include improvements as well as the usual changes
    needed in their lifestyles.

    In addition, students will also be trained on how to improve their social skills. The agenda of the seminar will include debate, encouragement through various experts and real-life examples.

    I ensure the seminar will be profitable and the next few
    hours will be enjoyable and fruitful for every one of you.

    Thank you very much!

    Welcome Speech for College Function:

    Good morning to all of you.

    Honorable Guest Mr. _________, Chairman _________, Principal Sir _______, teachers and my dear classmates, all of you are warmly welcomed at our college’s annual function.

    My name is Ishwar Kumar and I am a student of class XII and also the secretary of this cultural program.

    Today I am very happy to tell that today our college has completed 25 years and today we are celebrating Silver Jubilee. We all know that today is an important day for our college.

    It is a matter of great honour that our college has
    completed its 25 years with great success, but this is no end but the first
    phase of the beginning after which our college will move forward.

    Everyone in our college has an equal hand behind the success of our college because only by working together one gets success.

    We should always do our extreme to take our college forward. Now it is time for us to start this mythical program.

    Before starting the program, I would like to honour our
    honourable Chief Guest Mr. ______ on stage so that he can start the festival
    with his thoughts and blessings.

    Thank you!

    Welcome speech for the conference

    Welcome Speech for the Conference:

    Honourable Guests, Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends…

     Warm Good Evening to
    all of you!

    I, ___________ and my co-host _________ welcome every one of you to the conference and might want to widen a note of much appreciated.

    The Principal of __________ College comes to acknowledge our invitation and to finish the conference.

    Friends, our guest of honour has made a powerful contribution to the field of research and is working with the Department of Oxford University.

    In this way, I feel proud to introduce you to this
    incredible researcher.

    To every fresher who have joined this conference this year, I need to disclose to you that consistently our college arranges the national level conference every year.

    Obviously, it goes without saying that great efforts went in preparing for this day because the preparation could not happen overnight.

    It requires careful inspection of every detail as even the slightest carelessness can spoil the entire efforts.

    So let us appreciate the efforts of all the members who are
    working hard day and night to shine in their performances.

    After a series of conference, there will also be an awarding ceremony, where the students of our college who took an interest at the zonal, state and national level will be rewarded.

    The conference will run till 10 am, trailed by the speeches,
    where our visitors will address the students at the honour ceremony.

    There will also be a question and answer round where our students can ask questions and participate in discussions with our guest.

    Finally, tea and breakfast will be served. So, please sit till the end of the program and support our participants.

    Friends, this is all from me, thank all of you for being a patient listener. I will see you after this presentation round, till then enjoy the day.


    Welcoming Speech for Freshers:

    Respected Principal, Respected Teacher and my dear friends.

    Today we all gather here for the fresher’s party. It is part of a custom and it has been practised for centuries that when any new member comes in the family, it is welcomed.

    It is the responsibility of other family members to welcome
    him. Today we are all gathered for the same work, it is a fresher party of
    first-year students.

    I am thankful to the management committee that has given me the confidence to welcome all of you, and I promise that I will not let my faith be broken down even more during my address.

    Friends, if I talk about the level of education in our college is simply countless, the teachers here are a fantasy of kindness and humility, they are truly redefining the values of being a teacher.

    Overall, I feel that I want to thank all of you for the confidence you have expressed in us as part of our college, this college opens its two arms and welcomes promising students to you.

    I hope from all of you that you will understand the values of our college and will enhance the reputation of our college. friends, now I stop my speech.

     Thank you all for
    hearing my thoughts.

    children’s day

    Welcome Speech for Children’s Day:

    Good morning everybody!

    We welcome our dear students for Children’s Day.

    Children are important all over the world. Therefore, it is
    celebrated with equal grandeur in different countries.

    In India, we celebrate it on 14 November for a special reason. The history associated with this date, it is the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the first Prime Minister of India.

    He loved children and loved spending his time with young children, affectionately called Chacha Nehru.

    After his death in 1959, it was decided to celebrate
    Children’s Day on his birth anniversary; to celebrate his love for children.

    He believed that children are God’s creation and his innocence breaks anyone’s heart. A child’s sweet smile brings a sweet smile to everyone face, it works as a calming balm for both parents and teachers.

    The school is considered a second home for the children; Teachers not only impart education and knowledge but also become parents in some circumstances because every child has a different talent. They should mould the child according to its strengths and weaknesses.

    Home with awkward living room layout ideas might be tough, but it can bring elegance and eccentricity to your home.

    Therefore, teachers should not miss any opportunity to pass, the treasure of talent to their students, as children need inspiration at home as well as at school.

    Children’s Day is celebrated with lots of fun and attractive events like indoor games, outdoor games, dance, drama, essay writing, etc.

    It is a day that removes all obstacles against children and
    allows them to celebrate according to their will, and now you can enjoy all the
    fun-filled events and participate in various competitions.

    Thank you!

    Welcome Speech for Teachers Day:

    Respected Principal, teachers and all my dear friends!

    Today we welcome you all, to celebrate this joyous occasion of Teacher’s Day. Today is September 5 and it is the day when we celebrate this day of Teacher’s Day with cheerfulness.

    On this fortunate occasion, I would like to thanks my class teacher for giving me the opportunity to welcome you all.

    This day is celebrated not only in India but in the honour of teachers all over the world.

    Our teachers treat us very well, for which they do not
    desire to get anything from us. As a student, we should always respect them.

    Our teachers are our ideals and that is why we are grateful to them. They inspire us to achieve success in this world and is always ready to help us.

    Now I would like to invite my esteemed class teacher and Principal to come to this stage and be pleased to light the lamp on this auspicious occasion.

    Thank you!

    Welcome Speech for a Farewell:

    Good morning, respected teachers and my dear friends,

    Today I welcome you for Farewell Party, this is the last day of our “school life”.

    We have learned many enlightening things in this life from
    childhood till now. The credit goes to our dear teachers who always inspired us
    to move forward and taught us the way of life.

    “School life” is the best stop of our life, in which along with the scolding of parents and teachers, there is also the support of friends who always support us.

    It is in school life that we learn to make friends, with
    whom we fight and argue and in a few moments influence them.

    Today is nearing the end of school life, so we are feeling very sad to leave with our teachers and friends.

    But it is destiny to move forward in life, so today I want to celebrate this party with my friends and teachers by being happy and wish that all my friends get success in their future life.

    Thank you.


    Vote of Thanks Speech | Farewell Speech | Teachers Day Speech | Independence Day Speech | Republic Day Speech

    Welcoming Speech for the Annual Day:

    Good Morning / Good Evening.

    All of you present are warmly welcomed by _________ Public School, Mumbai on this 50th annual day. Today we are celebrating the Golden Jubilee of our school with great pleasure.

    For any educational institution, completing 50 years is a
    very big thing and it seems like the fulfilment of a dream.

    Today, we remember the day when we saw the walls of our
    school being built and in its courtyard planted beautiful small trees which
    have become very tall and beautiful today.

    I am proud that I have chosen a task in which I have got a chance to teach our responsible citizens here.

    Today I also want to congratulate and thank all the parents who supported their children as well as our school members.

    On behalf of everyone present here, I welcome the inaugurator and guest of this conference Mr. _____.

    It is an honour for us and our school that he has taken his important time and has joined our Golden Jubilee program today.

    She has taken many priceless steps to remove illiteracy as well as her main contribution towards promoting women empowerment.

    Along with this, he has also started many rituals and orphanage for girl education where girls are given free education.

    So let us welcome our guest Mrs. _______ on stage with
    thunderous applause and listen to his life experiences and precious words.



    Many types of events are organized in schools, colleges or
    any educational institution, in which many big personalities and successful
    people of the city, town or state participate as the chief guest.

    At such an event, the chief guest is greeted and honoured by giving welcome speech several times to welcome them.

    • Section Under Speeches

    Asked by: Prof. Wendell Champlin Sr.

    Score: 5/5
    (19 votes)

    adjective. If someone is welcoming or if they behave in a welcoming way, they are friendly to you when you arrive somewhere, so that you feel happy and accepted.

    Is it correct to say welcoming?

    Welcome or Welcomed. After someone thanks you, the correct phrase is “you’re welcome,” not “you’re welcomed.” In the previous example, welcome is used as an adjective. Welcome can also serve as a verb (We welcome the summer!) or as an interjection (Welcome!), usually stated when greeting someone.

    What can I say instead of welcoming?


    • affable.
    • affectionate.
    • agreeable.
    • amicable.
    • buddy-buddy.
    • cheerful.
    • clubby.
    • companionable.

    What is the meaning of welcoming guests?

    1. Received with pleasure and hospitality into one’s company or home: a welcome guest. 2. Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying: a welcome respite from hard work.

    How can I be welcoming?

    How to Be More Approachable

    1. Smile. Although it is possible to overdo smiling, generally it is better to smile versus frown. …
    2. Be Accessible. …
    3. Avoid Blocks. …
    4. Keep Your Head Up. …
    5. Use Eye Contact. …
    6. Angle Towards. …
    7. Avoid Nervous Habits. …
    8. Mirror the Other Person.

    39 related questions found

    How do you welcome a guest?

    What to say when welcoming guests?

    1. “It’s My Pleasure…” / “ I Am Happy To…”
    2. “Thank You…” / “ We Appreciate…”
    3. “Welcome…”
    4. “Is There Anything Else…”
    5. “We’re Looking Forward To Having You Again As Our Guest”

    What is a welcoming personality?

    If someone is welcoming or if they behave in a welcoming way, they are friendly to you when you arrive somewhere, so that you feel happy and accepted. When we arrived at her house Susan was very welcoming. ‘welcoming’

    What are some words of welcome?

    Welcome synonyms

    • greetings. Hello. 122. …
    • warmly received. Willingly received as a guest. …
    • come right in. …
    • honored. Respected, having received honor. …
    • gladly admitted. Willingly received as a guest. …
    • how-do-you-do. …
    • friendliness. The quality of being friendly. …
    • glad to see you.

    How do you welcome someone in English?

    Let’s go over 10 different ways that we can say hello or greet someone in English.

    1. Hello. This is the most basic greeting in English. …
    2. Hi. This is a shorter version of «hello». …
    3. Hey. …
    4. Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. …
    5. It’s nice to meet you. …
    6. It’s a pleasure to meet you. …
    7. It’s good to see you again. …
    8. What’s up?

    How do you welcome in one sentence?

    (2) Our host gave us an effusive welcome. (3) The team was given a royal reception/welcome. (4) They made us very welcome in their home. (5) They were at the door to welcome us.

    Is Welcomeness a word?

    1. To greet, receive, or entertain (another or others) cordially or hospitably. 2. To receive or accept gladly: would welcome a little privacy.

    How do you write a welcome message?

    That’s you. Welcome aboard! Congratulations on being part of the team! The whole company welcomes you, and we look forward to a successful journey with you!

    Welcome aboard!

    1. A big congratulations on your new role! …
    2. A warm welcome to the office! …
    3. Congratulations on being part of our dynamic team!

    What is a formal greeting?

    In English, formal greetings are used when interacting with others to be polite and show respect. It’s not necessary to use formal greetings with family members, friends, classmates, and other people you know well.

    How do you greet someone in chat?

    Formal ways to greet someone include: Hello. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Good morning/afternoon/evening.

    Some informal greetings:

    1. Hi.
    2. Hello.
    3. Hey.
    4. Yo!
    5. What’s up? – this is an informal way to say: how are you?

    How do you greet someone in a message?

    The Six Best Ways to Start an Email

    1. 1 Hi [Name], In all but the most formal settings, this email greeting is the clear winner. …
    2. 2 Dear [Name], Although dear can come across as stuffy, it’s appropriate for formal emails. …
    3. 3 Greetings, …
    4. 4 Hi there, …
    5. 5 Hello, or Hello [Name], …
    6. 6 Hi everyone,

    How do you greet someone professionally?

    There are many other options, but here are six of the most common formal ways to say “hello”:

    1. “Hello!”
    2. “Good morning.”
    3. “Good afternoon.”
    4. “Good evening.”
    5. “It’s nice to meet you.”
    6. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)
    7. 7. “ Hi!” ( …
    8. 8. “ Morning!” (

    What is a cool personality?

    “A ‘cool’ person is generally someone whose attitude and behaviors are composed but seen as uniquely their own,» says clinical psychologist Dr. Julie Gurner. Coolness is also about accepting who you are, showing up authentically, being kind to everyone — the list goes on. … Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist.

    How would you describe welcoming atmosphere?

    Happy. Usually when we talk positively about the atmosphere of a place, we talk about a friendly or welcoming atmosphere. It may also be described as a warm atmosphere.

    What is a friendly person like?

    The definition of friendly is someone or something exhibiting the characteristics of a friend, such as being kind, helpful or affectionate. An example of a friendly gesture is smiling, waving and saying hello. An example of a friendly person is someone who is always kind. … In the manner of a friend; amicably.

    Why is it important to welcome the guest?

    A welcome goes beyond words, it creates a feeling of caring and gives a sense of pleasure. A sincere welcome reaches out and positively pulls guests in to the hospitality environment they have chosen and makes guests feel like they have made a good choice.

    What is a warm welcome?

    A hearty, hospitable reception or greeting, as in We got a very warm welcome when we finally arrived. This expression, dating from the mid-1700s, should not be confused with the similar warm reception, which from about 1700 signified a hostile welcome, as in His rivals were planning a warm reception for him.

    What is welcome address?

    A welcome speech is a speech given by the host of the show at the beginning of an event to show his gratitude towards the guest for making an effort to attend the event. A welcome speech marks the beginning of an event. Many people still have no idea how to give a welcome address for a chief guest.

    What is a proper greeting?

    The most common classic greetings are «hello» and «hi», while «hey» is popular in some regions and with some slices of society. The person’s name generally accompanies the «hello», along with a pleasant smile. In some regions, «good morning», «good afternoon», and «good evening» are still common.

    How do you write a polite message?

    At a minimum, a formal email should contain all of the following elements:

    1. Subject line. Be specific, but concise. …
    2. Salutation. Address the recipient by name, if possible. …
    3. Body text. This section explains the main message of the email. …
    4. Signature. Your email closing should be formal, not informal.

    Is greetings a formal greeting?

    Greetings,” is a safe, polite and conservative start to an email. It can be used for emailing a single recipient or multiple people at once. Starting emails this way is a generic, but acceptable, option for professional and personal communication.

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    Harbour Island in the Bahamas is a wonderful little island with beautiful beaches, a great restaurant culture and friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

    Helena Christensen





    Welcoming is an adjective.

    The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


    Definition of welcoming in the English dictionary

    The first definition of welcoming in the dictionary is if someone is welcoming or if they behave in a welcoming way, they are friendly to you when you arrive somewhere, so that you feel happy and accepted. Other definition of welcoming is bidding welcome. Welcoming is also warm and comfortable.


    Synonyms and antonyms of welcoming in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «welcoming» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «welcoming» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of welcoming to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of welcoming from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «welcoming» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi

    स्वागत करते हुए

    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean

    따뜻이 맞이하는

    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    chào đón

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi

    स्वागत आहे

    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of welcoming


    The term «welcoming» is very widely used and occupies the 12.512 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «welcoming» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of welcoming

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «welcoming».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «welcoming» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «welcoming» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about welcoming


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word welcoming.

    The film industry has been extremely welcoming to me. It’s an industry which is biased to what they think is talent. If they think you can bring value to cinema, they’ll support you.

    ‘Encores!’ is, to me, a wonderful, warm, welcoming place, and I hope it always will be.

    For many observers, a child who has known nothing but war, a child for whom the Kalashnikov is the only way to make a living and for whom the bush is the most welcoming community, is a child lost forever for peace and development. I contest this view. For the sake of these children, it is essential to prove that another life is possible.

    Harbour Island in the Bahamas is a wonderful little island with beautiful beaches, a great restaurant culture and friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

    By welcoming eager, talented workers, we expand America’s potential for growth, and our competitive culture of invention and possibility.

    We’re just welcoming people to our city.

    As soon as I got up on that stage, and I remembered how welcoming and warming the judges, their presence is, and it was just all uphill from there.

    Often as a child you see someone with a learning disability or Down’s Syndrome and my mum and dad were always very quick to explain exactly what was going on and to be in their own way inclusive and welcoming.

    Several years ago, I was asked by a songwriter’s association to go to Nashville — I think it involved some kind of award — and be part of the showcase. It was myself and Stevie Winwood and Michael McDonald and then some country people that I didn’t know. The whole community was just so welcoming to me.

    France is very welcoming to foreign writers.


    Discover the use of welcoming in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to welcoming and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    Welcoming But Not Affirming: An Evangelical Response to …

    A respected evangelical speaks out on the church’s most controversial issue, proposing that it is possible for Christian communities to welcome homosexuals without affirming same-sex unions.

    Stanley James Grenz, 1998


    Welcoming Children: A Practical Theology of Childhood

    This book develops a theology of childhood both from a theoretical basis in biblical theology (especially the gospel of Mark) and practical experience in children and youth ministry.


    The Welcoming Garden: Designing Your Own Front Garden

    The Welcoming Garden provides the blueprint for creating your own imaginative front-yard combinations and offers fresh ideas in light of any budget or skill level.


    Welcoming the Undesirables: Brazil and the Jewish Question

    Jeffrey Lesser’s invaluable book tells the poignant and puzzling story of how earlier this century, in spite of the power of anti-Semitic politicians and intellectuals, Jews made their exodus to Brazil, «the land of the future.


    Welcoming a Visitation of the Holy Spirit

    In Welcoming a Visitation of the Holy Spirit, Wesley Campbell takes a refreshing firsthand look at the renewal movement known as the Toronto Blessing.


    Welcoming Your Second Baby

    Parents will find this book filled with helpful information for their own adjustment to the new baby as well as their child’s.


    The Welcoming Congregation: Roots and Fruits of Christian …

    This practical book by pastor and writer Henry G. Brinton studies the biblical basis for Christian hospitality and how it is practiced in congregations today.


    Welcoming Justice: God’s Movement Toward Beloved Community

    We have seen remarkable progress in recent decades toward Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of beloved community. But this is not only because of the activism and sacrifice of a certain generation of civil rights leaders.

    Charles Marsh, John M. Perkins, 2010


    Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the …

    In this book World Relief staffers Matthew Soerens and Jenny Hwang move beyond the rhetoric to offer a Christian response to immigration.

    Matthew Soerens, Jenny Hwang Yang, 2010


    Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to …

    Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to LGBT Youth is the first book to offer a comprehensive view of the complex lives of LGBT youth of all ages, from kindergarten through college.

    Annemarie Vaccaro, Gerri August, Megan S. Kennedy, 2011


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term welcoming is used in the context of the following news items.

    Mayor Peduto’s Welcoming Pittsburgh Initiative takes naturalization …

    The idea was conceptualized through a partnership between Welcoming Pittsburgh, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Pittsburgh Field Office, … «New Pittsburgh Courier, Jul 15»

    Dayton has no plans to stop welcoming immigrants

    2 NEWS confirmed it is not, but the Gem City is open and welcoming to immigrants. Nearly 250 people pile into various sessions at the Dayton Convention … «WDTN, Jul 15»

    Top tips for welcoming and sending off employees

    While most business owners are familiar with the importance of creating a great experience when welcoming new employees, they often neglect to do the same … «Sydney Morning Herald, Jun 15»

    Welcoming new neighbors: Mayor Peduto releases plan to diversify …

    “In Pittsburgh, immigrants are part of our DNA,” Mayor Bill Peduto said in a letter introducing the plan. His goal is to grow the city’s population by 20,000 residents … «Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jun 15»

    Welcoming Pittsburgh Hopes To Make Immigrant Experience Easier

    Following a naturalization ceremony in Pittsburgh City Council Chambers on Monday morning, Mayor Bill Peduto and his staff introduced Welcoming Pittsburgh; … «90.5 WESA, Jun 15»

    Welcoming Christ’ statue dedicated at Archbishop Carroll HS

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    Mayors join Obama’s ‘welcoming‘ parade for immigrants

    On April 23 Reed signed an agreement with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) making Atlanta a “welcoming city,” following similar deals … «WND.com, May 15»

    Bevy Smith Breaks Down Why TV Is More Welcoming Than Film To …

    “As you’ve seen on TV for women and with people of color, [television networks] are much more welcoming because TV is a really kind of strict business model,” … «atlantadailyworld, Apr 15»

    Obama demands ‘welcoming‘ for illegals

    Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas … «WND.com, Apr 15»

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    LGBT welcoming business, gay news, Washington Blade The Washington Blade announced this week the launch of its “LGBT Welcoming Business” campaign. «Washington Blade, Mar 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Welcoming [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/welcoming>. Apr 2023 ».

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    Definitions For Welcoming


    • Very cordial


    • To greet (someone) in a warm and friendly manner
    • To receive or accept (something) with happiness or pleasure
    • The way in which someone is greeted

    English International (SOWPODS)

    Points in Different Games


    Words with Friends

    The word Welcoming is worth 17 points in Scrabble and 22 points in Words with Friends

    Examples of Welcoming in a Sentence

    • She welcomed the students into her home.
    • We welcome you to the show.
    • He’s a bright student who welcomes a challenge.
    • That will be a welcome change.
    • He was a welcome sight.
    • He was given a hero’s welcome when he returned home after winning the race.
    • Offered a warm welcome to the stranger

    Antonyms for Welcoming

    • Dictionary
    • W
    • Welcoming


      • US Pronunciation
      • US IPA
      • UK Pronunciation
      • UK IPA
      • [wel-kuh m]
      • /ˈwɛl kəm/
      • /ˈwel.kəm.ɪŋ/
      • US Pronunciation
      • US IPA
      • [wel-kuh m]
      • /ˈwɛl kəm/

    Definitions of welcoming word

    • noun welcoming a kindly greeting or reception, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure: to give someone a warm welcome. 1
    • verb with object welcoming to greet the arrival of (a person, guests, etc.) with pleasure or kindly courtesy. 1
    • verb with object welcoming to receive or accept with pleasure; regard as pleasant or good: to welcome a change. 1
    • verb with object welcoming to meet, accept, or receive (an action, challenge, person, etc.) in a specified, especially unfriendly, manner: They welcomed him with hisses and catcalls. 1
    • adjective welcoming gladly received, as one whose arrival gives pleasure: a welcome visitor. 1
    • adjective welcoming agreeable, as something arriving, occurring, or experienced: a welcome rest. 1

    Information block about the term

    Origin of welcoming

    First appearance:

    before 900

    One of the 4% oldest English words

    before 900; Middle English < Scandinavian; compare Old Norse velkominn, equivalent to vel well1 + kominn come (past participle); replacing Old English wilcuma one who is welcome, equivalent to wil- welcome (see will2) + cuma comer

    Historical Comparancy

    Parts of speech for Welcoming

    welcoming popularity

    A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 94% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

    This word is included in each student’s vocabulary. Most likely there is at least one movie with this word in the title.

    Synonyms for welcoming

    adjective welcoming

    • friendly — characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting.
    • warm — having or giving out a moderate degree of heat, as perceived by the senses: a warm bath.
    • hospitable — receiving or treating guests or strangers warmly and generously: a hospitable family.
    • convivial — Convivial people or occasions are pleasant, friendly, and relaxed.
    • openhearted — Frank and candid.

    noun welcoming

    • greeting — the act or words of a person who greets.

    Antonyms for welcoming

    adjective welcoming

    • unwelcome — a kindly greeting or reception, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure: to give someone a warm welcome.

    noun welcoming

    • expulsion — The action of depriving someone of membership in an organization.
    • brush-off — a refusal to talk or listen to someone; abrupt or final dismissal or rebuff.
    • disbarment — to expel from the legal profession or from the bar of a particular court.
    • kiss off — an act or instance of kissing.
    • eviction — The action of expelling someone, especially a tenant, from a property; expulsion.

    See also

    • All definitions of welcoming
    • Synonyms for welcoming
    • Antonyms for welcoming
    • Related words to welcoming
    • Sentences with the word welcoming
    • Words that rhyme with welcoming
    • welcoming pronunciation
    • The plural of welcoming

    Matching words

    • Words starting with w
    • Words starting with we
    • Words starting with wel
    • Words starting with welc
    • Words starting with welco
    • Words starting with welcom
    • Words starting with welcomi
    • Words starting with welcomin
    • Words starting with welcoming
    • Words ending with g
    • Words ending with ng
    • Words ending with ing
    • Words ending with ming
    • Words containing the letters w
    • Words containing the letters w,e
    • Words containing the letters w,e,l
    • Words containing the letters w,e,l,c
    • Words containing the letters w,e,l,c,o
    • Words containing the letters w,e,l,c,o,m
    • Words containing w
    • Words containing we
    • Words containing wel
    • Words containing welc
    • Words containing welco
    • Words containing welcom
    • 1

      Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > welcoming

    • 2

      welcoming adj. гостеприимный

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > welcoming

    • 3

      English-Bulgarian dictionary > welcoming

    • 4

      [person, smile, place] accueillant ; [atmosphere] chaleureux ; [banquet, ceremony, speech] d’accueil

      * * *


      adjective gen

      accueillant; [ceremony, committee] d’accueil

      English-French dictionary > welcoming

    • 5

      1 ( warm) [atmosphere, smile, person] accueillant ;

      2 ( reception) [ceremony, committee] d’accueil.

      Big English-French dictionary > welcoming

    • 6


      a welcoming cup of tea awaited us — zur Begrüßung erwartete uns eine Tasse Tee

      * * *


      * * *



      adj freundlich

      he ran to his mother’s welcoming arms er rannte in die ausgebreiteten Arme seiner Mutter

      welcoming shout Willkommensruf m

      welcoming smile freundliches Lächeln

      * * *



      zur Begrüßung; einladend

      * * *


      * * *


      begrüßend adj.

      English-german dictionary > welcoming

    • 7







      a) <ceremony/delegation> de bienvenida or recibimiento

      b) <smile/hug> acogedor, cordial



      1) amable, cordial; acogedor

      2) de bienvenida

      * * *



      a) <ceremony/delegation> de bienvenida or recibimiento

      b) <smile/hug> acogedor, cordial

      English-spanish dictionary > welcoming

    • 8

      English-Italian dictionary > welcoming

    • 9

      English-Norwegian dictionary > welcoming

    • 10

      wel·com·ing [ʼwelkəmɪŋ] adj


      he ran to his mother’s welcoming arms er rannte in die ausgebreiteten Arme seiner Mutter;

      welcoming shout Willkommensruf m;

      welcoming smile freundliches Lächeln

      English-German students dictionary > welcoming

    • 11

      varm; hjertelig

      * * *

      varm; hjertelig

      English-Danish dictionary > welcoming

    • 12

      adj. 1. добредојден (човек/насмевка)

      2. пријатен (атмосфера)

      3. be welcoming to sb a) добредојден е некому/за некого, б) пријатен е/му годи некому (атмосферата/пијалакот);

      4. welcoming party/committee одбор за пречек

      English-Macedonian dictionary > welcoming

    • 13

      vinalegur, fagnandi, gestrisinn

      English-Icelandic dictionary > welcoming

    • 14

      English-Hungarian dictionary > welcoming

    • 15

      English-Portuguese dictionary > welcoming

    • 16

      1. karşılama (n.)
      2. karşıla (v.)
      3. iyi karşılayarak (prep.)

      * * *

      buyur edici, dostça

      English-Turkish dictionary > welcoming

    • 17

      English-Slovenian dictionary > welcoming

    • 18

      • hyväntahtoinen

      * * *


      English-Finnish dictionary > welcoming

    • 19

      [Swahili Plural]


      [Derived Word]

      -karibia V


      English-Swahili dictionary > welcoming

    • 20



      serdeczny; przyjemny; powitalny

      * * *


      English-Polish dictionary > welcoming


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • welcoming — index receptive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • welcoming — wel|com|ing [ˈwelkəmıŋ] adj 1.) someone who is welcoming is friendly when you arrive in a place ▪ Everyone was very welcoming. ▪ Stephanie was standing at the door with a welcoming smile. 2.) a welcoming place is pleasant and makes you feel… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • welcoming — [[t]we̱lkəmɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If someone is welcoming or if they behave in a welcoming way, they are friendly to you when you arrive somewhere, so that you feel happy and accepted. When we arrived at her house Susan was very welcoming… Her… …   English dictionary

    • welcoming — adjective a person or place that is welcoming makes you feel happy and relaxed when you meet them or arrive there: a welcoming smile | The room was bright and welcoming. | welcoming committee/party (=group of people who welcome someone) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • welcoming — wel|com|ing [ welkəmıŋ ] adjective friendly and pleasant, especially to someone who has just arrived at a place: The people are all so friendly and welcoming. It s a traditional hotel with a welcoming atmosphere …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • welcoming — UK [ˈwelkəmɪŋ] / US adjective friendly and pleasant, especially to someone who has just arrived at a place The people are all so friendly and welcoming. It s a traditional hotel with a welcoming atmosphere …   English dictionary

    • Welcoming — Welcome Wel come, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Welcomed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Welcoming}.] [AS. wilcumian.] To salute with kindness, as a newcomer; to receive and entertain hospitably and cheerfully; as, to welcome a visitor; to welcome a new idea. I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • welcoming — adj. Welcoming is used with these nouns: ↑address, ↑arm, ↑atmosphere, ↑party …   Collocations dictionary

    • welcoming — adjective very cordial (Freq. 1) a welcoming smile • Similar to: ↑hospitable …   Useful english dictionary

    • Welcoming Congregation — A welcoming congregation can be* A Unitarian Universalist community affiliated with the Welcoming Congregation program * Any of several LGBT welcoming church programs …   Wikipedia

    • Welcoming Home the Astronauts — Infobox Album Name = Welcoming Home the Astronauts Type = studio Artist = Flickerstick Released = Recorded = Genre = Length = Label = 226 Records Producer = Reviews = Last album = This album = Next album = Welcoming Home the Astronauts is… …   Wikipedia

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