Weekly planner template excel

Smartsheet Contributor

Kate Eby

April 26, 2016

Whether you’re a college student, business owner, or busy parent, balancing all your responsibilities can be tricky. Creating a simple weekly schedule makes it easier to stay organized and plan ahead, and using a pre-formatted template makes this even easier. There are many potential uses for a weekly schedule template. 

We’ve compiled templates for both Microsoft Excel and Word that are easy to use, customize and print, and they are free to download. These templates are compatible with older versions of Excel and Word, including Excel 2003 and 2007 and can also be saved in PDF format. Some of the templates are formatted like weekly calendars, but if you’re looking for monthly, yearly or other calendars, we have a variety of Excel calendar templates available.

We’ve also included weekly schedule templates in Smartsheet, a real-time work execution platform that makes tracking and planning weekly tasks more collaborative than Excel.

Smartsheet has been recognized as a leader in G2’s 2023 Best Software Awards, ranking #5 for Best Enterprise Products.

Excel Weekly Schedule Template, Sun-Sat with 30-minute Intervals

Download Weekly Schedule Sun-Sat 30-min Intervals Excel Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Plan each hour of your day with this weekly template showing 30-minute intervals. Organize your work day, create a personal planner, schedule family activities, or print the template to use as a simple weekly calendar.

Bi-Weekly Work Schedule Excel Template

Bi-Weekly Work Schedule Template

Download Bi-Weekly Work Schedule Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Adjust the date and starting time on this bi-weekly work schedule template to create a custom calendar. Keep track of your own work schedule, or use this template to plan employee shifts.

Excel Weekly Schedule Template, Mon-Sun

Weekly Schedule template

Download Weekly Schedule Excel Template, Mon-Sun 

Excel | Smartsheet

This blank weekly schedule template provides morning, afternoon and evening time periods for a full week, starting with Monday. Stay organized with this basic weekly calendar template.

Weekly Task Schedule Template

Download Weekly Task Schedule Excel Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Keep track of your weekly tasks with this free template. Whether you’re scheduling errands, appointments, chores or other tasks, this template shows which items have been completed and which are still pending. Think of this as an Excel version of a weekly to-do list.

Employee Schedule Excel Template

Download Employee Schedule Excel Template

Excel | Smartsheet

In addition to scheduling shifts for employees, this free template allows you to track work hours and labor costs. Create a simple yet functional weekly employee schedule to streamline your business organization.

Weekly Report Excel Template

Download Weekly Report Excel Template

Document progress and concerns for ongoing projects with this weekly report template. Get status updates from employees, create weekly reports for your boss, evaluate activities in process, and get feedback from team members. This simple template can be an important and effective communication tool.

Loan Amortization Schedule Template

Download Loan Amortization Schedule Excel Template

Track payments for a business loan, mortgage or other type of loan with this amortization schedule template. You can see how payments are applied to interest and principal, as well as the remaining balance on the loan.

Bill Payment Schedule Template

Download Bill Payment Schedule Excel Template

This bill payment schedule shows when each bill is due and the monthly total spent on bills. Keep track of where your money is going each month, and make sure your bills get paid on time.

Weekly Planner Template

Download Weekly Planner Excel Template

This weekly planner template makes it easy to see your week at a glance, with room for notes and priority tasks. This is a simple choice if you’re looking for a free, printable planner. Keep track of birthdays and events, create a to-do list, and plan for each day of the week.

Weekly Assignment Schedule Template

Download Weekly Assignment Schedule Excel Template

Stay on top of multiple assignments with this weekly assignment schedule template. The simple layout makes it easy to plan your week or create a weekly project calendar for your team.

Student Schedule Template

Download Student Schedule Excel Template

School days just got a little easier. Students can plan their weekly schedules with this simple template, keeping track of class times, extracurricular activities, a work schedule, or any of the important aspects of a busy student life.

Weekly College Schedule Template

Download Weekly College Schedule Excel Template

If you’re a college student with a busy weekly schedule, use this template to stay organized and keep track of classes, study groups, events and other activities. Organize your college schedule by time, day and priority.

Class Schedule Template

Download Class Schedule Excel Template

All students can benefit from a weekly class schedule template. It’s easy to plan for the week and create a daily routine based on a class schedule. Create time for studying, schedule meal times, and add any other important weekly obligations.

Weekly Homework Schedule Excel Template

Download Weekly Homework Schedule Excel Template

This homework schedule template may not keep you from procrastinating, but it will help you stay organized throughout the week. Track your homework assignments for each class, and record which items have been completed. 

Sports Schedule Template

Download Sports Schedule Excel Template

This sports schedule template is a roster and schedule in one. Coaches can easily access contact information for team members, schedule game days, and keep track of league teams.  

Weekly Chore Schedule Template

Download Weekly Chore Schedule Excel Template

Assign household chores to family members or housemates for each day of the week. This weekly chore schedule template shows morning and evening chores in a basic format that’s easy to read. Doing chores may not always be fun, but using a template can help ensure they get done.

Weekly Schedule Template for Word

Download Weekly Schedule Template, Sun-Sat for Word (landscape)

Download Weekly Schedule, Sun-Sat for Word Template (portrait)

Download Weekly Schedule, Mon-Sun for Word Template

Download Weekly Schedule, Mon-Sat for Word Template

Weekly Schedule Template, Sun-Sat for Word (landscape): If you need a full 24-hour schedule, this weekly template shows every hour for each day of the week. This template is printable in landscape format and can be easily adjusted to accommodate your schedule.

Weekly Schedule Template, Sun-Sat for Word (portrait): This weekly schedule template also shows a full 24-hour cycle for each day of the week, and is printable in portrait format.

Weekly Schedule Template, Mon-Sun for Word: Plan your days from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with this free weekly schedule template in Word format. This template shows a full week, starting with Monday.

Weekly Schedule Template, Mon-Sat for Word: This blank weekly schedule template offers simplicity and flexibility. Plan your week from Monday to Saturday using whatever time intervals suit your needs.

Weekly Agenda Template for Word

Download Weekly Agenda Word Template

Review project schedules and goals, track ongoing action items, address new agenda items, and plan for future meetings with this weekly agenda template. If you have a recurring weekly meeting, this free template is an easy way to organize your weekly agenda and provide meeting notes to team members.

Improve Weekly Scheduling Efforts with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

The ability to view and access schedules and task lists from anywhere, on any device, is key to balance workloads and ensure no task is missed. That’s why it’s essential to find a tool that makes it easy to view, track, and manage the details of your schedules, to-do lists, and agendas no matter if you’re in the office or on the go.

Smartsheet is an enterprise work execution platform that is fundamentally changing the way businesses and teams work. Over 74,000 brands and millions of information workers trust Smartsheet to help them accelerate business execution and address the volume and velocity of today’s collaborative work.

The familiar Smartsheet interface that is designed for how people actually work leads to rapid and broad adoption across your organization. Use Smartsheet to gain real-time visibility into task lists and schedules, and then access and manage them from anywhere, at any time. Share schedules with internal and external team members, to improve collaboration and ensure that deadlines are met.

Try Smartsheet and discover how you can maximize your task management efforts, today. 

Additional Resources

Time is on your side when you keep track of your schedule with customizable, easy-to-use Excel schedule templates. Scheduling everything from workday tasks to personal projects in Excel is easy to set up and esign to your liking with an intuituve template.

Follow a schedule to stay on top of your life

Design custom schedule templates to help you plan out your year and manage projects for your business. Use Excel to set schedules by the month, day, and even down to the hour. Leave fields for you to add in details of what task you want to complete during the time. Save your schedule template so that you can schedule it with your business partners and employees. Use it in a collaborative effort so that they can add to your schedule when you have availability. Rearrange your schedule during busy seasons, like for annual sales or holiday sales. Create a schedule for your different social media profiles so that your business knows when to post and what to post. Add your brand’s logo to the top of the schedule so that all your internal documentation stays consistent. Follow the schedule so that you’re using your time wisely and effectively.

Еженедельный планировщик помогает нам не отставать от наших еженедельных целей. Самое приятное в этом то, что мы можем использовать его для официальных запланированных задач. Например, вы можете назначить все встречи на следующую неделю, прежде чем посетить филиал в другом месте на следующей неделе в определенный день. Вы можете добавить его в еженедельный планировщик. Самое лучшее в этом планировщике то, что мы можем его распечатать. Таким образом, вы всегда можете держать его перед глазами и не пропустите ни одного действия. У нас есть два способа создать бесплатный шаблон Excel для еженедельного планировщика:


  • Бесплатный шаблон Еженедельного Планировщика и Календаря Excel
    • 2 способа создать бесплатный шаблон Excel для еженедельного планировщика и календаря
      • Пример №1: встроенный шаблон еженедельного планировщика
      • Пример №2: Создание шаблона еженедельного планировщика
    • То, что нужно запомнить
    • Рекомендуемые статьи
  1. Использование встроенных в Excel шаблонов еженедельного расписания/планировщика. Основная цель создания этих шаблонов Microsoft — предоставить пользователю простоту использования. Их можно скачать и использовать в той же форме.
  2. Создайте шаблон еженедельного планировщика Excel по своему усмотрению с нуля и использовать его. Преимущество этого шаблона в том, что пользователь может иметь полный контроль над созданием.

Мы увидим эти способы создания бесплатного шаблона Excel для еженедельного планировщика.


2 способа создать бесплатный шаблон Excel для еженедельного планировщика и календаря

Здесь мы объяснили два способа создания бесплатного еженедельного планировщика и шаблона календаря Excel.

.free_excel_div{фон:#d9d9d9;размер шрифта:16px;радиус границы:7px;позиция:относительная;margin:30px;padding:25px 25px 25px 45px}.free_excel_div:before{content:»»;фон:url(центр центр без повтора #207245;ширина:70px;высота:70px;позиция:абсолютная;верх:50%;margin-top:-35px;слева:-35px;граница:5px сплошная #fff;граница-радиус:50%} Вы можете скачать этот шаблон Еженедельного Планировщика Excel здесь — Еженедельный планировщик Excel шаблон

Пример №1: встроенный шаблон еженедельного планировщика

Ниже приведены шаги для доступа к бесплатному встроенному шаблону еженедельного планировщика в Excel.

  1. Мы должны сначала открыть новый Excel. Затем щелкните меню «Файл» и нажмите «Создать».

    Новый вариант Excel

  2. Как только мы нажмем «Создать», он покажет вам список шаблонов Excel с окном поиска. Поместите Еженедельный планировщик в качестве критерия поиска под окном поиска и нажмите клавишу Enter, чтобы выполнить поиск по всем готовым шаблонам.

    Окно поиска шаблонов Excel

    На данный момент у нас есть только эти три планировщика. Но если мы введем Weekly Schedule, у нас может быть много шаблонов.

  3. Затем мы должны нажать на шаблон простого планировщика еды.

    Простой планировщик еды

  4. После этого нажмите на кнопку «Создать», которая появится в окне, всплывающем, как только мы нажмем на шаблон.

    Создать простой шаблон планировщика еды

  5. Как только мы нажимаем кнопку «Создать», шаблон загружается, и его можно увидеть, как показано на частичном снимке экрана ниже:

    Шаблон планировщика еды

    Хотя это кажется планировщиком еды на неделю, никогда не разочаровывайся. У нас есть тысячи онлайн-шаблонов, предоставленных пользователями и самой Microsoft. Вы всегда можете скачать их через Интернет и использовать в качестве готовых шаблонов. Для этого убедитесь, что вы подключены к высокоскоростной сети.

Пример №2: Создание шаблона еженедельного планировщика

В этом примере мы обсуждаем создание бесплатного шаблона Excel для еженедельного планировщика.

Шаг 1: В ячейке C2 мы должны использовать формулу как =СЕГОДНЯ()-НЕДЕНЬ(СЕГОДНЯ(),2)+1. Эта формула будет фиксировать дату понедельника на текущей неделе каждый раз, когда вы открываете лист. Поскольку мы написали эту статью 18 ноября 2019 года (понедельник), датой понедельника будет 18 ноября 2019 года.

Шаблон еженедельного планировщика — пример 2.1

Шаг 2: Теперь в ячейках от D2 до I2 мы должны использовать ячейку C2 в качестве постоянного значения и добавлять 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 и 6 в качестве приращений. Он должен дать вам все даты, связанные с этой конкретной неделей, начиная с понедельника. Это может выглядеть так, как показано на скриншоте ниже:

Шаблон еженедельного планировщика — пример 2.2

Шаг 3: Для строки C3 используйте формулу «Текст» в Excel:Формула «Текст». В ExcelФункция ТЕКСТ в Excel — это строковая функция, используемая для изменения заданного ввода на текст, предоставленный в указанном числовом формате. Он используется, когда мы получаем большие наборы данных от нескольких пользователей и форматы разные.Подробнее =ТЕКСТ(C2, «дддд»). Он извлечет день, связанный со значением даты в ячейке C2. Теперь перетащите эту формулу между D3 и I3, чтобы получить дни, связанные с датами, представленными в D2 и I2.

Шаблон еженедельного планировщика — пример 2.3

Шаг 4: Отформатируйте C2:I3 следующим образом:

  • «Шрифт» / «Размер шрифта» — «Calibri» / «12», изменение цвета ячейки.
  • Сделайте жирным и добавьте границы.
  • Добавьте «Пользовательский» формат даты как «дд ммм».

Шаблон еженедельного планировщика — пример 2.4

Шаг 5: В ячейке C4: I4 мы должны использовать ключевое слово «Список дел». Это будет поле, где мы можем написать все задачи. Нам нужно отформатировать его с помощью «Шрифт / Размер шрифта» — «Calibri / 12», «Жирный», «Курсив» и «Цвет текста» — «Серый». Мы оставим несколько строк пустыми под этим текстом, чтобы пользователь мог добавлять заметки о делах в эти строки. В идеале он должен выглядеть так:

Шаблон еженедельного планировщика — пример 2.5

Обратите внимание, что мы также добавили «Внешние границы» и «Правая граница», чтобы придать ему табличный вид.

Шаг 6: Повторите ту же процедуру, что и на шаге 5, чтобы добавить список собраний/встреч в планировщик из строк C10:I15. Вы можете увидеть скриншот ниже:

Пример 2.6. Встречи/встречи

Обратите внимание, что Meets/Appts расшифровывается как Meetings/Appointments.

Шаг 7: Наконец, найдите время, чтобы добавить заметки под еженедельником в строки C16:I21, следуя той же процедуре, что и в шаге 5.

Пример 2.7 — Добавление примечаний

Шаг 8: Теперь мы хотели бы добавить красивую цитату, которая будет мотивировать пользователя на протяжении всей недели каждый раз, когда он открывает этот планировщик. Используйте Merge & Center в Excel и опцию «Wrap Text», чтобы объединить ячейки B2: B6. И добавьте цитату «Оставайтесь сосредоточенными». Отформатируйте его с помощью «Шрифт» — «Каллиграфия Lucida», «Жирный», «Цвет текста» — «Черный».

Пример 2.8 — Цитата

Обратите внимание, что мы использовали «Внешние границы» для ячеек B2: B6.

Шаг 9: В ячейке B7 мы должны ввести «Список дел на неделю», «Шрифт / Размер шрифта» — «Calibri / 12» и «Выравнивание» — «По центру». Здесь мы можем упомянуть все наши еженедельные дела. Мы можем отформатировать его с помощью границы ячейки и использовать две строки для «Списка дел на неделю» во всех ячейках. Мы можем разделить каждые две строки, используя «Нижнюю границу» и «Левую границу».

Пример 2.9. Еженедельный список дел

Окончательный макет еженедельного планировщика должен выглядеть следующим образом:

Пример 2.10 — Окончательный макет

Примечание: Мы убрали линии сетки. В разделе «Показать» мы можем удалить линии сетки, перейдя в «Просмотр»> «Сетка» (снимите флажок).

Шаблон еженедельного планировщика — пример 2.11

Таким образом, мы можем создать еженедельный планировщик в Microsoft Excel. Давайте закончим эту статью некоторыми моментами, на которые стоит обратить внимание.

То, что нужно запомнить

  • Доступны тысячи онлайн-шаблонов, совместимых с Excel, которые можно использовать в качестве готового варианта для еженедельного планировщика. Эти шаблоны настраиваются. Следовательно, мы можем загрузить тот, который, по нашему мнению, подходит для нужд и использования.
  • Создание еженедельного планировщика с нуля также является лучшим способом, поскольку мы можем настроить шаблон в соответствии с вашими потребностями и отформатировать его соответствующим образом.
  • При создании шаблона следите за форматированием, стилем ячеек и объединением, так как это играет большую роль в визуальном виде шаблона.

Рекомендуемые статьи

Эта статья представляет собой руководство по шаблону еженедельного планировщика Excel. Здесь мы обсудим два способа создания бесплатного еженедельного планировщика и шаблона календаря в Excel с примерами. Вы можете узнать больше об Excel из следующих статей: –

  • Шаблон списка дел
  • Пустой шаблон счета-фактуры в Excel
  • Шаблон семейного древа в Excel
  • Создать организационную диаграмму в Excel

Create your own weekly planner using our Free Printable Weekly Planner template for Excel. Our weekly planner was designed to allow you to print weekly planner pages for letter-size 3-ring binders. If you’re schedule is extremely packed, you can try our daily planner.


If you need something really fast, go ahead and print one of our free weekly planner pages that are downloadable in PDF format. We also have a free weekly meal planner and a monthly planner template that you might want to take a look at.

NOTE (8/26/15): I’ve created a new weekly personal planner that in my opinion is much more useful than the one on this page. Try the new Personal Planner Template!

Printable Weekly Planners

These two printable weekly planners are free PDF files that you can download and print very quickly. They may be useful if you don’t care about showing dates or don’t mind writing the dates in manually.

Weekly Planner Template


⤓ Excel (.xlsx)

For: Excel 2010 or later (XLSX)

Other Versions

License: Personal Use (not for distribution or resale)

«No installation, no macros — just a simple spreadsheet» — by


This Weekly Planner spreadsheet lets you print a weekly planner page for any week or year. You can enter birthdays, anniversaries, and other annual events. When you change the week, up to 3 holidays or events will be shown under each day of the week (see the screenshot as an example).

Quick Fix for Old Bug: If you are using a customized older version of this weekly planner template and have noticed the January 2013 mini-calendar display problem, you can fix it by updating the formulas in the following two cells in the Events worksheet (after unhiding the rows): B3=YEAR(theDate), B4=MONTH(theDate)

Weekly Planner (Landscape)

for Excel

Weekly Planner (Landscape)

Weekly Planner Features

If you have to pay for your own paper and ink, it may not be cost effective for you to print your own weekly planner. That is something you’ll need to figure out and it depends on how fancy of a planner you were thinking of buying (leather binding vs. spiral bound softcover for example).

If you are a student and use 3-ring binders to hold your homework and stuff, you can print a semester’s worth of weekly planner pages and include them in your binder. That’s only about 8 pieces of paper if you print on the front and back.

Holidays and Birthdays

One of the fancy things about this weekly planner template is that you can record the month and day of all your family and friends’ birthdays and when you change the date to print a new week, up to 3 holidays or events per day are automatically listed in the planner. We’ve also included formulas for many common holidays.

Other Weekly Planner Features

  • The ISO Week Number is shown under the date as W01-7 where 01 is the week number and 7 is the day of the week.
  • Holidays and Dates that you define in the Events worksheet are highlighted in the mini calendars. The current week is also highlighted. The format for these calendars can be changed in the MiniCalendars worksheet (the highlighting is controlled using Conditional Formatting).
  • Has a Prioritized Task List area where you can include your weekly To Do list.
  • Includes a Notes and People to Call section.

More Weekly Planners

Weekly Schedule Template

Weekly Schedule

This schedule isn’t what I’d call a «weekly planner», but this type of format is very common for weekly planning and scheduling.

There are hundreds of different free weekly planners on the internet, for different paper sizes, different ways of organizing the days of the week, etc. Here are another helpful link.

  • Printable Weekly Calendars — CalendarsQuick.com — Some very nice formats.


  1. Weekly Schedules for Microsoft Excel
  2. Weekly schedule templates in Excel format — 18 layouts, free to download & print
  3. Weekly Planner Templates
  4. Simple Weekly Schedule Template in PDF
  5. Weekly Task List Template in PDF
  6. Weekly Planner Template in PDF
  7. Shift Schedule Template in Excel
  8. Weekly Planner Template in Word
  9. Weekly Schedule Template in Excel
  10. Weekly Planner Template in Excel
  11. Weekly To Do List Template in PDF
  12. Weekly Task List Template in Excel
  13. Simple Weekly Schedule Template in Excel
  14. Weekly To Do List Template in Word
  15. Weekly To Do List Template in Excel
  16. Simple Weekly Schedule Template in Word
  17. Weekly Task List Template in Word
  18. Create An Excel Schedule Template in Minutes
  19. Download Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Schedule Templates for Excel
  20. Weekly Schedule Template in Excel
  21. Common uses:
  22. Daily Schedule Template in Excel
  23. Common uses:
  24. Monthly Schedule Template in Excel
  25. Common uses:
  26. Weekly Schedule Templates in Smartsheet
  27. Daily Schedule Templates in Smartsheet
  28. Monthly Schedule Templates in Smartsheet
  29. Which Schedule Template to Use?
  30. 1. What is your timeframe or duration?
  31. 2. How many people will be using it?
  32. 3. How many events or projects need to be tracked?
  33. How to Customize Your Excel Template
  34. 1. Format Fonts
  35. 2. Change Colors
  36. 3. Add a Photo
  37. Printable vs Online Schedule Templates
  38. Create Easier, Collaborative Schedules with Smartsheet
  39. Improve Scheduling Efforts with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

Weekly Schedules for Microsoft Excel

Weekly schedule templates in Excel format — 18 layouts, free to download & print

Weekly schedule maker for three different weekly periods: Monday through Friday (5-day week), Monday through Saturday (6-day week) and Sunday through Saturday (7-day week). Stay organized with these flexible and easily printable week schedules in Microsoft Excel format. Handy for use in school and college, for home schoolers, at work and in business situations, for class trips, activities, field trips, summer camps, conferences and courses & for scheduling meetings of all kinds. Also perfect for keeping track of your time and making sure you get things done within a limited period! Use these generic blank templates as school timetable, lesson plan, class schedule, college schedule, sport, exercise, gym and training schedule, meeting schedule, daily scheduler, academic, course or student schedule, bell schedule, to record class times, as a job schedule or shift schedule, work planner, employee schedule, workers schedule, appointment scheduler, weekly scheduling tool, time sheet, time tracking tool, for your weekly agenda, as project management tool, team collaboration tool, team project plan, EMM, ERP/MRP, SCM, PLM, CRM, HR, construction, reporting, maintenance, bill payment, to do list, home cleaning, for task management or general purposes. Perfect for Kindergarten, grade school kids, teachers, college students, professors and volunteers. Also suitable for numerous work and business applications, banks, staff/employee scheduling, people planner, workshop, workout, symposium, conference and event schedules. Timetable your daily errands, tasks, weight loss plan, diet plan, meal plan, chores and appointments, schedule time with your kids and family, use for a baby feeding and sleep schedule, activity or exercise scheduler, make time for your interests and hobbies, or keep track of your goals. The spreadsheet templates are easy to use and fully editable, customizable and reusable – simply download, fill in your details, save and print. If you need more detailed daily time planning tools we also have weekly calendars.

The templates are blank, printable and macro-free and are easy to edit, amend, save and use again later. They are saved in Microsoft Excel «.xlsx» format and can be used with the newer versions of Excel that support the XML document standard (files with «.xlsx» extension — Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and Office 365). If you have one of the older versions of Excel that only supports the «.xls» format (Excel 2000, 2002/XP & 2003), or if you don’t have Excel installed, use Microsoft Office Online or one of the free Microsoft Excel/Microsoft Office alternatives FreeOffice PlanMaker, LibreOffice Calc and Google Sheets, which are all free of charge ( OpenOffice Calc unfortunately has minor formatting problems when opening our calendars). Also compatible with Microsoft Office for Mac (macOS) and Microsoft Office mobile for iPad/iOS, Android and Windows 10 mobile. Read more about the various Excel versions and file formats on Wikipedia. More free Excel calendar templates are also available from the Microsoft template gallery (calendar section).

The files can be easily modified and adapted to meet your specific requirements, then saved and used again at a later stage. All our weekly schedule templates are blank, macro-free, editable and printable and may be used free of charge for non-commercial use, provided that the Calendarpedia logo, the copyright notice («© Calendarpedia®, www.calendarpedia.com») and the disclaimer («Data provided ‘as is’ without warranty») are not removed. Not for commercial distribution or resale. For commercial use please contact us. All content of this website is copyright © 2011-2023 Calendarpedia®. All rights reserved. Data provided ‘as is’ without warranty and subject to error and change without notice.

Important note regarding paper size:
All templates downloadable below are in US letter paper size (8.5 by 11 inches — as used in the USA, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines and some South American countries). For templates in A4 paper size (the international standard paper size used in all other parts of the world) please see Calendarpedia’s UK edition.

See also:

  • Weekly planners (20+ multi-purpose weekly planning templates, undated)
  • Weekly calendars for 2023 (dated, 1 page for every week of the year)
  • Other schedules: hourly · daily · monthly · quarterly
  • Other calendars for 2023: monthly · quarterly · yearly
  • Multi-year calendars: split year · school year · academic year · fiscal year · two years · three years
  • Weekly schedule templates in other paper sizes: A4
  • Weekly schedule templates in other file formats: Word · Excel · PDF


Weekly Planner Templates

Free downloadable and printable weekly planner templates that are compatible with PDF and Microsoft Word and Excel. You can also customize the forms and templates according to your needs.

Simple Weekly Schedule Template in PDF

This simple weekly schedule template can help record your plans, goals, and tasks on a weekly basis. It’s printable and downloadable in PDF format.

Weekly Task List Template in PDF

Use this weekly task list template in tracking your weekly goals, tasks, or plans. This template can be edited, printed, or downloaded in PDF format.

Weekly Planner Template in PDF

This Weekly Planner Template in PDF can help in effectively managing your time and weekly output. It gives you an overview of your weekly tasks/plans.

Shift Schedule Template in Excel

This free shift schedule template can help in planning out your employees’ work schedules on a weekly basis. It’s editable and downloadable in Excel.

Weekly Planner Template in Word

This Weekly Planner Template in Word can help in effectively managing your time and weekly output. It gives you an overview of your weekly tasks/plans.

Weekly Schedule Template in Excel

This weekly schedule template can be used to plan out your tasks and activities within a seven-day period. The template can be downloaded in Excel format.

Weekly Planner Template in Excel

This Weekly Planner Template in Excel can help in effectively managing your time and weekly output. It gives you an overview of your weekly tasks/plans.

Weekly To Do List Template in PDF

For a better management of your weekly tasks, download this weekly-to-do list template in PDF format. It’s free to use, download, or print.

Weekly Task List Template in Excel

Use this weekly task list template in tracking your weekly goals, tasks, or plans. This template can be edited, printed, or downloaded in Excel format.

Simple Weekly Schedule Template in Excel

This simple weekly schedule template can help record your plans, goals, and tasks on a weekly basis. It’s printable and downloadable in Excel format.

Weekly To Do List Template in Word

For a better management of your weekly tasks, download this weekly-to-do list template in Word format. It’s free to use, download, or print.

Weekly To Do List Template in Excel

For a better management of your weekly tasks, download this weekly-to-do list template in Excel format. It’s free to use, download, or print.

Simple Weekly Schedule Template in Word

This simple weekly schedule template can help record your plans, goals, and tasks on a weekly basis. It’s printable and downloadable in Word format.

Weekly Task List Template in Word

Use this weekly task list template in tracking your weekly goals, tasks, or plans. This template can be edited, printed, or downloaded in Word format.


Create An Excel Schedule Template in Minutes

February 3, 2016

A schedule is important for every aspect of your life. It not only helps you manage your time, it can also reduce stress, help you evaluate progress as you work, and prepare you for the unexpected.

From organizing your to-do list to planning an event, a schedule will keep you on track and make sure you never miss a thing.

Using a template is the easiest way to make a schedule. In this article, you’ll find the best daily, weekly, and monthly schedule templates in Excel. We’ll give you step-by-step instructions for finding the best schedule template for your needs and tell you how to customize these Excel templates.

Additionally, we’ve provided customizable schedule templates in Smartsheet, a work execution platform that empowers you to better manage tasks, timelines, and due dates with real-time collaboration and process automation.

Download Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Schedule Templates for Excel

You can find a variety of schedule templates in Excel, ranging from monthly schedules, weekday displays, and schedules with notes. There templates are pre-made and formatted, ready for you to add your own information.

With so many available schedule templates, how do you know which one is the easiest to use? We’ve sorted through them all and found the best daily, weekly, and monthly schedule templates for Excel.

Weekly Schedule Template in Excel

In a weekly Excel schedule template, each day is broken up into morning, afternoon, and evening, and you can adjust how much space you would like for each block of the day.

Common uses:

  • College class schedule: Get a high-level view of all your classes for the week with a class schedule. You can quickly fill in their course information, like class name, location, and time, and better manage your time during the week.
  • Housekeeping/chore schedule: Organize your housekeeping and chore list by printing out a weekly schedule template and filling in the task for each day, like vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, etc., and assigning each task. It’s an easy way to see all the housekeeping planned for the week and who is doing what.
  • Employee shift schedule: Make sure the right people are working at the right times with an employee shift schedule. Assign shifts to each person and indicate their position (manager, cashier, front desk, support, etc). You could even add a column with total weekly hours to track employee workload.
  • Travel itinerary: Never miss a flight, train, or bus again. Track departure cities, arrival cities, flight numbers, airport locations, hotel reservations and more with a weekly travel itinerary. All your important information will be in one place, keeping you on time and informed.
  • Project schedule: Coordinate tasks, deliverables, due dates, owners, and more with a project schedule. Ensure your project meets deadlines and manage resource allocation over your workweek.

Daily Schedule Template in Excel

A daily schedule template usually spans Sunday-Saturday and includes duration in hours, with 30 minute increments. This kind of schedule will give you the most granular level of detail, letting you track even the smallest tasks during the day.

Common uses:

  • Personal appointment/meeting planner: Manage all your personal appointments and meetings on a daily, hour-by-hour basis. Print out the daily schedule and put it in your purse, bag, or wallet so it’s always accessible. Or, even better, access it on your phone so you can easily add, delete, or edit items.
  • To-do list planner: Instead of writing all your to-do items in a never-ending list, break them out and distribute them during the week so you know exactly what you have to achieve each day. Organize your to-dos by time of day and cross them out when you’ve completed each one.
  • Baby feeding schedule: Record the exact times you nurse throughout the day to make sure you’re sticking with the appropriate feeding schedule. You can also track how long you nurse for and the number of total feeds per day.

Monthly Schedule Template in Excel

A monthly schedule template provides a high-level view of the entire month. Each of the 12 months in 2016 are typically a different tab in the Excel file.

Common uses:

  • Seasonal maintenance: Remind yourself to change your HVAC filters, clean the gutters, winterize the air conditioning system and more with a monthly seasonal maintenance schedule. Add all the items you need to track at the beginning of the calendar year and display the schedule in your garage or on the fridge.
  • Monthly menu planner: Plan out your meals for the entire month with a menu planner. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas for each calendar day and print out the planner when you go grocery shopping for a ready-made list.
  • Event planning schedule: Use a monthly event planning schedule to coordinate the hundreds of activities and tasks that need to happen before the big day. Add due dates and owners to ensure you meet deadlines.

Weekly Schedule Templates in Smartsheet

These weekly schedule templates span the entire week, from Monday-Sunday. Many of the templates use hierarchy to organize information, with collapsible rows so you can hide or display certain dates or tasks.

All these templates highlight Smartsheet’s collaboration features. For example, in the weekly class schedule, you can color-code your courses so you can quickly visualize your schedule for the week. In the meal planner template, you can easily attach links to your favorite recipes for easy access. And, in the house cleaning schedule, you can assign chores to certain people to hold your family accountable.

Daily Schedule Templates in Smartsheet

Smartsheet’s daily schedules are organized by 30-minute increments, from 7am-9pm. If you want the schedule to span more or less time, just right-click on a cell and select Delete Row or Insert Row. Use the star symbols in the daily to-do list to designate priority and set reminders for your daily meetings and appointments, and daily work so you never miss a beat.

Monthly Schedule Templates in Smartsheet

These monthly schedules include every month of the year for 2017, and you can adjust how much space you want to designate for each month by adding or delete rows. If you want to change any of the dates in the schedule (like if you need to change the year), simply enter the first couples date by hand, then select these cells and drag the bottom right-hand corner all the way down to autofill the rest.

Have comments directly in the project schedule template to unclog your inbox, automatically create dynamic Gantt charts, and use symbols to quickly convey status, priority, and progress.

Gantt Chart Project Schedule: Excel | Smartsheet

Which Schedule Template to Use?

Once you decide on a daily, weekly, or monthly template, you then need to choose a layout, duration type (do you want Monday-Friday or Sunday-Saturday?), the sharing capabilities, and printing options. With all these factors to consider, it can be difficult to know which schedule template to use.

Here are some things to consider as you’re searching for a schedule template:

1. What is your timeframe or duration?

You first need to figure out if you need a daily, weekly, or monthly template. The daily schedule is the only template that has duration in hours (with 30 minute increments), the weekly schedule’s duration is broken up into morning, afternoon, and evening, and the monthly template has the least amount of granularity, with duration in days.

The events, tasks, or projects that you need to track on the schedule will dictate what kind of template you need. If you need to organize to-dos or appointments, the daily schedule will work the best. If you need to track longer term tasks or repeating events, consider a template that spans more time.

2. How many people will be using it?

Think about who you need to share your schedule with. Is this a personal document that you will to track your own tasks and to-dos? Is this a family housekeeping/chore schedule that you need to print out and tape on the fridge or email to your spouse and children? Or, will you be using this schedule at work, collaborating and editing it with colleagues and external collaborators?

As a general tip, if you need to share your schedule with more than one person, you should look for an online version of the template so you can share, collaborate, and edit it in real time. If it will be a personal schedule, then make sure you have robust customization and printing capabilities to make sure it fits all your needs.

3. How many events or projects need to be tracked?

While you can choose the level of granularity in duration of your schedule, you also need to identify the level of detail you need to add to your template and the number of items you want to include.

To get a sense of the complexity of your events or projects, jot down one or two items you anticipate adding to your schedule. Write down all the details you need to include (item name, item details, assigned to, due date, location, contact information, etc). This exercise will give you a sense of the amount of space you need on your schedule. If you are sticking with a high-level view of the details, you could use the monthly schedule. If you are tracking multiple tasks per day, you may want to look at the daily schedule template.

How to Customize Your Excel Template

It’s easy to customize your daily, weekly, or monthly schedule template in Excel. You can color-code certain items, like appointments or birthdays, or change font size and type. You can even add a logo to the calendar if you’re using it for work or with clients.

1. Format Fonts

  1. To change the font size of the headers, first highlight all the headers. In the Home tab, you can format the font type and size.
  2. To format the date or time markers, highlight the entire column or all the date boxes. In the Home tab, you can adjust the font type and size.

2. Change Colors

You can change the font colors or the background colors in your schedule. Color-coding may be especially helpful for labeling certain types of events or tasks.

  1. To change the background color of a header, highlight the whole row, click the paint bucket icon, and select the fill color.
  2. To color code an event, type a task or appointment into a date box. Then, select the text, click the paint bucket icon, and select the appropriate fill color.

3. Add a Photo

Customize your schedule by adding images, like your company logo.

  1. In the Insert tab, click Pictures. Upload the picture you would like to use.
  2. The image will be added to your spreadsheet and you can drag it anywhere in the sheet.

If you would like to add your logo or picture to the top of the schedule, you may need to add extra space so the image can fit.

  1. Right-click the first row of the whole spreadsheet and select Insert.
  2. Click Entire Row.
  3. Repeat depending on how many extra rows you’d like.
  4. To make the background of the new rows white, highlight the new rows, click the paint bucket icon, and select white.
  5. To remove the grid line above the title row, select the title row, click the grid icon, and click the options with the removed gridlines.

Now you have extra white space to drag your image to the top.

Printable vs Online Schedule Templates

In addition to finding the best schedule template for your needs, you’ll also have to think about printing and online collaboration capabilities.

Many people print out their schedules and put them on a fridge or wall. Or, for schedules like the to-do list planner or personal appointment/meeting planner, some put them in their purse or wallet for easy access.

While it can be helpful to print out and display the schedule for everyone to see, a paper calendar can actually make your life more chaotic and disorganized. If you forget or misplace the schedule, you have to start over from scratch. If someone wants to edit or add something, you won’t know who did it, unless you can recognize their handwriting. And, with limited space, your calendar can quickly get cluttered and messy with multiple edits and additions.

To have guaranteed, 24/7 access to your schedule, look for a cloud-based, collaborative solution. You want to be able to view and edit your schedule wherever you are, on a smartphone or on a desktop.

And, you’ll save a ton of paper by moving your schedule online. If you are sharing your calendar with multiple people, an online tool will streamline communication and changes. You can track edits and control permission levels, choosing whether someone is a viewer, editor, or admin.

And, many online tools have collaboration features to bring your schedule to the next level. You can have comments directly in the tool, set reminders or notifications, switch between a normal view, a Gantt view, or a calendar view, or add attachments.

Create Easier, Collaborative Schedules with Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-inspired work management tool with robust collaboration and communication features. With dozens of pre-built templates and sharing capabilities, Smartsheet is perfect for simple to-do list planners or more complex project schedules. And it’s easy to customize the templates — simply right-click on any column to rename the column headers and double-click on any cell to add your own information. You can also change the colors, fonts, and switch between grid view, Gantt view, or calendar view.

Improve Scheduling Efforts with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

Tracking schedules, documenting deadlines, and staying up-to-date on daily, weekly, and monthly schedules is the key to making sure day-to-day operations run smoothly. Having the right tool to keep everyone in sync ensures that all projects and processes stay on track and all critical deadlines are met.

One such tool is Smartsheet, an enterprise work execution platform that is fundamentally changing the way businesses and teams work. Over 74,000 brands and millions of information workers trust Smartsheet as the best way to plan, track, automate, and report on schedules and timelines.

The familiar Smartsheet interface that is designed for how people actually work leads to rapid and broad adoption across your organization. Use Smartsheet to gain real-time visibility into task lists and schedules, and then access and manage them from anywhere, at any time. Share schedules with an unlimited number of internal and external team members, to improve collaboration and ensure that deadlines are met.

Try Smartsheet to discover how you can maximize your scheduling efforts, today.


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