Weekend one word or two

Asked by: Junius Medhurst

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(48 votes)

Weekend, no hyphen no matter what. Despite bouncy’s dogmatism, if you were writing in BE, you would be very welcome to write either weekend or week-end, whichever you choose. In fact, if you were to go by the Shorter OED, only week-end is acceptable.

Is weekend one word or two words?

We checked nine standard dictionaries in the US and the UK, and all of them now list “weekend” without the hyphen. However, the Oxford English Dictionary still hyphenates the word in its main entry (“week-end”), though the term is hyphen-free in all OED citations from the 1970s onward.

Is the weekend the end of the week?

The weekend is most commonly considered the period between Friday evening and the end of Sunday. More strictly speaking, the weekend is thought to consist of Saturday and Sunday (often regardless of whether the calendar week is considered to begin on Sunday or Monday).

Is week and weekend the same thing?

One week consists of 7 days. (Monday to Sunday). Weekends consist of Saturday and Sunday (generally)

What does weekend mean?

idioms time dates. Say the 24th is a Monday and you say that you’ll be doing something the weekend of the 24th, meaning the 22nd and 23rd.

22 related questions found

How long is a weekend?

A weekend consists of a Saturday and the Sunday that comes after it. Sometimes Friday evening is also considered to be part of the weekend. The weekend is the time when most people in Europe, North America, and Australia do not go to work or school.

Is Sunday the weekend or a weekday?

What is a weekday? A weekday is any day that is not a weekend day. Since the weekend is considered to consist of Saturday and Sunday, the weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (Even though Friday evening is sometimes considered the start of the weekend, Friday is still considered a weekday.)

Why is there a 5 day work week?

In 1926, Henry Ford, the man at the helm of the Ford Motor Company, shut down his seven-day automotive factories for two days a week — giving rise to the foundation of the five-day workweek in North America. … In 1940, the 40-hour workweek was mandated nationally across the United States along with the two-day weekend.

What is Monday to Friday called?

What does weekdays mean? Weekdays is an adverb that means on the days from Monday through Friday. Each of these days is considered a weekday—a day that is not a weekend day (Saturday or Sunday).

Who invented weekends?

Henry Ford, the legendary car maker, made Saturday and Sunday days off for his staff as early as 1926 and he was also keen to set down a 40-hour working week.

What day is the end of this week?

According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and final day.

What day is classed as the end of the week?

According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and last day of the week.

Why is it called weekend?

So what is the origin of the weekend? The weekend evolved from the religious concept of the sabbath. The weekend evolved from the religious concept of the sabbath, a day devoted to God and not work. In Jewish tradition, the sabbath is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.

Is weekend a French word?

Le Week-end, Le Weekend, La Fin de Semaine

A lot of books will tell you the French word for it is “la fin de semaine”. … It may be the French official word for “weekend”, but in France, it’s not very used at all.

What part of speech is weekend?

part of speech: noun. definition: the end of the week, esp. the period beginning Friday evening and ending Sunday evening.

What are the 7 days in a week?

In English, the names are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, then returning to Sunday. Such a week may be called a planetary week.

What God is Saturday named after?

Saturday, Sunday and Monday are named after the celestrial bodies, Saturn, Sun and Moon, but the other days are named after Germanic gods, Tuesday (Tiw’s day), Wednesday (Woden’s day), Thursday (Thor’s day) and Friday (Freya’s day).

What country has the shortest working week?

The Netherlands Has The World’s Shortest Working Week.

What country has the longest work week?

New Zealand has a maximum 40-hour week over five days, and even before coronavirus hit the government was encouraging employers and employees to consider work-life balance and more flexible working hours. It’s an initiative that is paying off as, in 2019, New Zealanders worked just 37.8 hours per week on average.

How many hours is a 5 day week?

Later, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which established a five-day, 40-hour workweek for many workers.

Is Sunday a first day of the week?

In the United States, Sunday is still considered the first day of the week, while Monday is the first day of the working week.

Who decided the weekend was only 2 days?

A prominent factory owner — Henry Ford — also played a big role. Even though the federal government didn’t begin to limit companies to a 40-hour workweek until 1938, Ford began to give his factory workers a two-day weekend in the early 1900s.

Which country has 3days weekend?

Microsoft Japan’s 2019 three-day weekend trial led to 40% productivity gains and other increased efficiencies, such as 23% electricity savings.

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Weekend = one weekend (two days). Weekends = several weekends, in general.

E.g. I will go to ski this weekend = I’m talking about 2 concrete days.
I like to go to ski on weekends = I’m not talking about a concrete weekends, but any weekend. Probably I have gone to ski on several weekends in the past, and I’m planning to do it in several weekends in the future. Not all weekends, but some of them.

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В чем разница между weekend и weekends ?

  • В чем разница между weekend и weekends ?


    Weekend: Singular. We use the singular form to talk about 1 unit.
    Weekends: Plural. We use the plural form to talk about multiple units.

  • В чем разница между weekend и weekends ?


    weekend is only one weekend, while weekends is the plural. for example two weekends ago we went out.

  • В чем разница между weekend и weekends ?


    weekend is 1 weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
    weekends is plural (more than 1 weekend. Saturday Sunday and the next Saturday and Sunday………..

  • В чем разница между weekend и weekends ?


    I went out this weekend. (one weekend). (weekend is Saturday and Sunday).
    I had a class for several consecutive weekends. (more than one …

  • В чем разница между the weekend и a weekend ?


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Weekend or Weekends: Weekend or weekends, which is the correct word? Both the words Weekend or weekends are correct in English grammar. But there is a difference between both the words. A weekend is a singular form that states a single weekend. Whereas ‘weekends’ is a plural form of the weekend.

The word weekend has been being used in some structure since basically the 1600s, yet the principal records of the word weekend as a verb modifier come from the 1870s. The postfix – s makes weekends an intensifier. It’s pre-owned this way incomparable time-related words like here and there and workdays. You can add this – s addition to different words to transform them into qualifiers, like evenings, as in I fill in for late shifts, or Saturdays, as in Is this spot open Saturdays?

What is the Meaning of a Weekend?

The word weekend can be utilized as a qualifier meaning each weekend or on or during the weekend, as in I show up on Saturday or Sunday, so I generally miss my child’s Saturday games.

The weekends is obviously likewise the plural of the thing weekend. The weekend is most generally thought to be the period between Friday evening and the finish of Sunday. All the more stringently talking, the weekend is thought to comprise of Saturday and Sunday

In pragmatic terms, the weekend is normally viewed as the period between the finish of the week’s worth of work (or school week) and the start of another one—which is the reason the vast majority think about their weekend to begin on Friday night, after work or school.

Nonetheless, when the weekend is utilized as a modifier, it generally implies each Saturday and Sunday or on Saturdays and Sundays. For instance, a store that is open weekend is open to some degree a few hours each Saturday and Sunday.

When Do We Use Weekend?

We use weekends when we talk around one weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday when you have relaxation time and no everyday schedule. Friday evening could likewise be viewed as the weekend.

Over the course of the weekend implies exactly the same thing as during the weekend. It is utilized to discuss something that occurred (or will occur) between Friday evening and Sunday evening.

The importance of toward the weekend is like the significance of throughout the weekend, despite the fact that it isn’t utilized very as frequently. The two articulations are typically tradable and picking either is for the most part an issue of individual inclination. In every one of the models beneath with toward the weekend, throughout the weekend would likewise be right.

We normally utilize this/next/last with the weekend since we are discussing one explicit weekend.


  • I will be going to the movie this weekend
  • I may not be free this weekend
  • Have a happy weekend
  • John and I will go to a restaurant this weekend
  • We went to market last weekend
  • Every weekend there should be something interesting

Weekend or Weekends 1

Use of Weekends

We use weekends when we talk about over one weekend. Frequently, we use weekends to discuss things overall or schedules so it is normal to utilize the current straightforward tense.

  • I am usually free on my weekends
  • I play cricket on my weekends
  • Mani go for sailing on the weekends
  • On the weekends, I like to watch movies
  • I will be able to do it during weekends

FAQ’s on Weekend or Weekends

Question 1.
Which is correct, weekend or weekends?

Weekend and weekends both are correct. Weekend is the singular noun which means one weekend and weekends is the plural noun which means more than one weekend.

Question 2.
Is weekends singular or plural?

Weekends is a plural word.

Question 3.
Is ‘at the weekend’ grammatically correct?

‘At the weekend’ is also grammatically correct in British English, whereas ‘On the weekend’ is correct in American English.

Question 4.
What days are weekends?

Weekend is used for the end of the week, i.e., Saturday and Sunday.

Question 5.
What does every weekend mean?

The word weekend can be utilized as a modifier meaning each end of the week or on or during ends of the week, as in I show up on Saturday or Sunday, so I generally miss my child’s Saturday games. Nonetheless, when weekends are utilized as a modifier, it normally implies each Saturday and Sunday or on Saturdays and Sundays.

Weekend is the singular noun so it means one weekend. Weekends is the plural noun so we use it when there is more than one weekend.

When to use weekend?

We use weekend when we talk about one weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday when you have leisure time and no school or work. Friday evening could also be considered the weekend.

We usually use this/next/last with weekend because we are talking about one specific weekend.

I went to the park last weekend.

I want to go to a restaurant this weekend.

Next weekend is my grandmother’s birthday.

When to use weekends?

We use weekends when we talk about more than one weekend.

Often, we use weekends to talk about things in general or routines so it is common to use the present simple tense.

I play tennis on the weekends?

What do you do with your weekends?

On the weekend is American English.

At the weekend is British English.

In the weekend is incorrect.

What are you doing on the weekend?(American English)

What are you doing at the weekend?(British English)

What are you doing in the weekend?(Incorrect)

On weekends On the weekend? What is the difference?

The main difference is that “weekends” is plural and “weekend” is singular.

In my experience, it is more common to use the plural form “on weekends” in American English than “at weekends” in British English.

Is Weekend hyphenated?

No, weekend is not hyphenated. It is one word,


Week end and week-end are incorrect.

“Have a nice weekend” or “Have a nice weekends”?

When you want to wish someone a good weekend(Probably on a Friday) you should say “Have a nice weekend”. 

Have a nice weekends” is incorrect because we are only talking about one weekend.

“The weekend” Why use “the”?

When we use “the weekend” we are signaling that we are talking about the weekend coming. 

We use the article “the” when it is understood that we are talking about a specific thing, in this case “this weekend”.

Example conversation on a Friday:

What are you doing for the weekend?

It is understood that we are talking about this weekend because it is Friday. 

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

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