Wednesday word this week

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Showing a lack of care or thought


Wicked or criminal


a person or thing that comes before another of a similar kind


Unable to be captured or broken into


Shy or modest

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Дни недели в английском — одна из первых и основных тем, которую изучают, приступив к освоению языка. Без обозначения конкретного дня нельзя рассказать о своем расписании или планах.

В этой статье мы разберем дни недели на английском языке с переводом и транскрипцией, напомним, как по-английски слово неделя, приведем примеры употребления этих слов и объясним их происхождение.

В некоторых англоязычных странах, а именно в США и Канаде, неделя начинается не с понедельника, как в России, а с воскресенья. В Великобритании, как и у нас — с понедельника. Помните, как по-английски будет слово “неделя”? Week [wiːk]. В англоязычных странах неделя также состоит из 7 дней. День по-английски — day. There are 7 days in a week (В неделе 7 дней). Рабочие дни — с понедельника по пятницу, они называются workday [‘wə:kdei]. Выходные (суббота и воскресенье) называются weekend [wiːk’end]. Обратите внимание, что weekend — это одни выходные (суббота и воскресенье одной недели), а weekends обозначает какое-то количество суббот и воскресений, “уикендов”.

Прежде чем мы начнем изучать дни недели, необходимо обратить ваше внимание на то, что по-английски дни недели являются именами собственными и пишутся с заглавной буквы. Сокращенные названия дней недели на английском также пишутся с большой буквы. Аналогично обстоит дело и с названиями месяцев.

Итак, начнем с первого дня американской недели. Воскресенье по-английски Sunday [‘sΛndei ]. Сокращенно — Sun (аналог нашего вс.)

I like to sleep On Sundays (По воскресеньям я люблю поспать).

Sunday is my favorite day of the week (Воскресенье — мой любимый день недели).

Если мы говорим о действии, которое происходит в какой-то конкретный день, то любой день недели на английском употребляется с предлогом on (в).

Понедельник по-английски Monday [‘mΛndei]. Сокращенно — Mon.

Monday is a hard day (Понедельник — тяжелый день).

I go to the swimming pool on Mondays (Я хожу в бассейн по понедельникам).

Вторник по-английски Tuesday [‘tju:zdei]. Сокращенно — Tue.

Tuesday is the third day of the week in the USA (Вторник — третий день недели в США).

We usually visit our friends on Tuesdays (Мы обычно навещаем друзей по вторникам).

Среда по-английски будет Wednesday [‘wenzdei]. Сокращенно — Wed.

Wednesday marks the middle of the week (Среда — это середина недели).

My mother cooks fish on Wednesdays (Моя мама готовит рыбу по средам).

Как по-английски будет четверг? Thursday [‘θə:zdei]. Сокращенно — Thu.

The shop is closed on Thursday (Магазин в четверг закрыт).

I don’t like Thursdays, I must get up early (Я не люблю четверги, я должен рано вставать).

Как пишется по-английски пятница? Friday [‘fraidei]. Сокращенно — Fri.

Friday is the last workday (Пятница — последний рабочий день).

We go to the tennis club on Fridays (По пятницам мы ходим в теннисный клуб).

И завершаем дни недели на английском языке по порядку, то есть субботой Saturday [‘sætədei]. Сокращенно — Sat.

Saturday is the first day of the weekend (Суббота — первый выходной день).

They never work on Saturdays (Они никогда не работают по субботам).

Повторим еще раз все дни недели на английском языке с произношением:


И сокращенные названия дней недели:


Чтобы быстрее запомнить дни недели, советуем вам распечатать приведенную выше таблицу и повесить ее на видном месте.

Также для эффективного запоминания помогают различные ассоциации. Например, происхождение названий дней недели.

Понедельник (Monday) произошел от слова “луна” (Moon).

Вторник (Tuesday) — от имени сына Одина, бога войны Тиу (Tui).

Среда (Wednesday) — от имени верховного бога викингов Одина (Woden).

Название четверга (Thursday) произошло от имени другого сына Одина, бога грома Тора (Thor).

Пятница (Friday) произошла от имени богини плодородия Фрэи (Freya).

А выходные произошли от названия звезд и планет. Суббота (Saturday) — от Сатурна (Saturn). Воскресенье (Sunday) — от Солнца (Sun).

При изучении английского с детьми, дни недели хорошо запоминать при помощи стихов. Например:

Sunday, Monday — мы в команде.
Tuesday, Wednesday — все объездим.
Thursday, Friday — жди гостей.
Saturday — и новостей.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too. (Воскресенье, понедельник, вторник тоже)
Wednesday, Thursday just for you. (Среда, четверг только для тебя)
Friday, Saturday that’s the end. (Пятница, Суббота — это конец недели)
Now let’s say those days again! (Теперь давай повторим эти дни!)

Запомнить слово “неделя” по-английски поможет двустишие:

К названиям я уже привык
Неделя по-английски — week.

Выучить дни недели по-английски не сложно, у вас все получится! И не стоит откладывать это на завтра, начинайте прямо сегодня, какой бы день ни был на календаре: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday или Saturday. Желаем удачи!

  • 1

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  • 2

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    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > Wednesday

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    имя существительное:

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    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Wednesday

  • 13


    Wednesday среда (день недели)

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  • 17


    среда (день недели)

    * * *

    1 (0) в среду

    * * *

    * * *

    [Wednes·day || ‘wenzdɪ]

    * * *

    * * *

    среда (день недели)

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    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > wednesday


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Wednesday — is the fourth day of the week [ [http://www.merriam wednesday Definition from the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary ] ] in most western countries. This day is between Tuesday and Thursday. Origins of the name: See …   Wikipedia

  • Wednesday 13 — (eigentlich Joseph Poole; * 12. August 1976 in Landis, North Carolina) ist ein US amerikanischer Glam Rock und Horrorpunk Musiker. Derzeit ist er Frontmann seiner nach ihm benannten Band Wednesday 13, und betreibt mit Bourbon Crow ein Outlaw… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wednesday 13 — Nom Joseph Poole Naissance Charlotte, Caroline du Nord Genre musical Metal Horror punk …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wednesday 13 — Datos generales Nombre real Joseph Poole Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wednesday — bezeichnet: die englische Bezeichnung für Mittwoch, benannt nach der westgermanischen Namensform des germanischen Gottes Wodan/Odin den US amerikanischen Musiker Wednesday 13 eine US amerikanische Horrorpunk Musikgruppe, siehe Wednesday 13 (Band) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wednesday — Wednes day (?; 48), n. [OE. wednesdai, wodnesdei, AS. W[=o]dnes d[ae]g, i. e., Woden s day (a translation of L. dies Mercurii); fr. W[=o]den the highest god of the Teutonic peoples, but identified with the Roman god Mercury; akin to OS. W[=o]dan …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wednesday — O.E. Wodnesdæg Woden s day, a Germanic loan translation of L. dies Mercurii day of Mercury (Cf. O.N. Oðinsdagr, Swed. Onsdag, O.Fris. Wonsdei, M.Du. Wudensdach). For Woden, see ODIN (Cf. Odin). Contracted pronunciation is recorded from 15c. The… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Wednesday — (engl., spr ūénnsdē), Mittwoch …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Wednesday — see Friday …   Modern English usage

  • Wednesday — ► NOUN ▪ the day of the week before Thursday and following Tuesday. ORIGIN Old English, named after the Germanic god Odin; translation of Latin Mercurii dies day of Mercury …   English terms dictionary

  • Wednesday — [wenz′dā; ] occas [., wenz′dē] n. [ME Wednes dei < OE Wodnes dæg, Woden s day (see WODEN & DAY), like ON Othinsdagr (lit., Odin s day), early transl. of L dies Mercurii, Mercury s day] the fourth day of the week: abbrev. Wed, We, or W …   English World dictionary

  • Top Definitions
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  • More About Wednesday
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  • British

[ wenz-dey, -dee ]

/ ˈwɛnz deɪ, -di /


the fourth day of the week, following Tuesday.


Where Did The Days Of The Week Get Their Names?

We’re here today to talk about how our favorite (and least favorite) days of the week got their names. Here are the real stories …




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of Wednesday

before 950; Middle English Wednesdai,Old English *Wēdnesdæg, mutated variant of Wōdnesdæg Woden’s day; cognate with Dutch Woensdag,Danish onsdag; translation of Latin Mercuriī diēs day of Mercury

Words nearby Wednesday

wedgie, Wedgwood, Wedgwood blue, wedgy, wedlock, Wednesday, Wednesdays, wee, weed, weed cutter, weeder Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does Wednesday mean?

Wednesday is the weekday between Tuesday and Thursday.

In much of North and South America, where most countries (including the U.S. and Canada) consider the calendar week to begin on Sunday, Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. (In other places, where the week is considered to begin on Saturday or Monday, Wednesday is the fifth or third day of the week.)

Regardless of when the week officially begins, in many places Wednesday is considered the third day of the workweek, the five-day span from Monday to Friday during which many people work (with Saturday and Sunday considered the weekend).

Because Wednesday falls directly in the middle of the workweek (around what is called midweek), with two days on either side, it is sometimes informally referred to as hump day. This is a humorous way of expressing the idea that it is the day on which everyone makes it “over the hump,” as if the workweek were a hill with Wednesday as the point after which everything starts to be “downhill” toward the weekend.

The word Wednesdays can be used as an adverb meaning every Wednesday or on Wednesdays, as in I work Wednesdays or The shop is closed Wednesdays.

To indicate the general time of day during which something will happen on a Wednesday, the word can be followed by the general time, as in Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and Wednesday night. 

Example: I’m glad it’s finally Wednesday and the workweek is halfway over, but that means we still have two days to go.

Where does Wednesday come from?

The first records of the word Wednesday come from before 950. It comes from the Middle English Wednesdai, from the Old English Wōdnesdæg, meaning “Woden‘s day.” This is a translation of (or is modeled on) the Latin term Mercuriī diēs, meaning “Mercury’s day.” In Old English, the Roman god Mercury was subbed out in favor of Woden, the chief god of Anglo-Saxon mythology (equivalent to the Norse god Odin).

Wednesday is just one of the days of the week named after a mythological figure. Tuesday derives its name from Tiu, war god of Anglo-Saxon mythology. Thursday is named for Thor, hammer-wielding god of thunder (and son of Odin). Friday is thought to be named for love goddess Freya or chief goddess Frigg, wife of Odin. Saturday’s name comes from Saturn, Roman god of agriculture.

In pop culture, Wednesday is known as the name of the character Wednesday Addams from the Addams Family series of shows and movies.

If you’re curious to know more about the history behind the word Wednesday, just read our article on the name’s fascinating origins.

Did you know … ?

How is Wednesday used in real life?

Wednesday is especially associated with its position in the middle of the workweek, meaning it is often seen as a hopeful halfway point to the weekend.

Wednesday!! Halfway to the weekend! I can see Friday from here!

— Zay Keyz (@keyz_zay) January 13, 2021

just your midweek reminder to check (even double triple check) who’s in that group chat before hitting send … happy wednesday

— gabby (@gabbazaba) January 13, 2021

Why does this week feel like it’s takin a month to get to Wednesday

— kaylaGracie🧸 (@kayla_ramos_) August 26, 2020

Try using Wednesday!

Which mythological figure is Wednesday named for?

A. Hermes
B. Woden
C. Ares
D. Saturn

How to use Wednesday in a sentence

  • On Wednesday, leaders of the National Urban League, NAACP, and National Action Network, were among those taking part in a virtual press conference urging Congress to pass the bill.

  • Through Wednesday’s games, only the Warriors, Jazz, Trail Blazers and Clippers sport better five-man units among those to play at least 100 minutes, providing further validation of Kings hoops trending in the right direction.

  • The family behind Marriott hotels has gifted $20 million to Howard University to create a hospitality leadership center, officials said Wednesday.

  • The effort, said Supervisor Nathan Fletcher during the county’s Wednesday press conference, should lead to safe reopening of schools, which San Diego Unified set for April 12.

  • Nearly 45 million Americans have received at least one shot of the two-dose regimen as of Wednesday, according to Washington Post data.

  • The cartoonist, better known as Charb, was shot dead Wednesday.

  • Late Wednesday night, French authorities reported that Mourad had surrendered to police, while the two brothers remained at large.

  • But by Wednesday evening there was little in the way of organized protests or random unrest in the area.

  • And it was sad, very sad, to be with Mister Ham Wednesday afternoon.

  • On Wednesday, U.S. warplanes targeted a car he was traveling in on the eastern side of the city.

  • It was Wednesday night; over forty men sat down to the house-dinner at the Pandemonium Club.

  • Although it was the second Thursday in the month she turned to the portion appointed for the first Wednesday.

  • Mr. and Mrs. G—— request the favor of Mr. and Mrs. L——’s company to dinner, on Wednesday, March 8th, at —— o’clock.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Howard’s compliments to Mrs. Garret, and accept with pleasure her kind invitation for Wednesday.

  • It seems that Wednesday is her birthday, and nothing will serve her but to eat her dinner in the old Roman camp.

British Dictionary definitions for Wednesday


the fourth day of the week; third day of the working week

Word Origin for Wednesday

Old English Wōdnes dæg Woden’s day, translation of Latin mercurii dies Mercury’s day; related to Old Frisian wōnsdei, Middle Dutch wōdensdach (Dutch woensdag)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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