Website all one word

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The coming of the digital age happened so quickly that English barely had time to react. English users had to invent or adapt new terms for an entire area of knowledge that sprang into being almost from nowhere.

In the ensuing confusion, many terms have not been standardized, and there are many spelling variants for certain terms. Website is one such term.

  • Is website one word?
  • It website capitalized?

When languages evolve so quickly, dictionaries, style guides, and other language authorities can lag behind common usage. The words used by the majority of English users might not reflect the prescribed usage in these books.

As we will see, that is where we stand with website.

What is the Difference Between Website and Web Site?

In this article, I will compare website vs. web site and out which term is the better choice for your writing.

After that, I will show you a helpful memory tool that you can use as a reminder of whether to use web site or website when you are writing about online content.

When to Use Website

web sites or websitesIs website one word? The word website is a noun. A website is a page or collection of pages on the Internet.

These days, most companies, governments, and organizations have websites. Even individual people have their own website sometimes, in addition to pages on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter.

Here are some usages of website in a sentence,

  • The company’s new website features sunny pictures of the main building and pictures of workers smiling in hard hats and safety goggles on the shop floor.
  • For more information, call us at the number on your screen or visit our website.
  • Facebook is testing a new tool designed to help media companies sell video advertising on their own websites, apps and other digital properties in a more automated fashion, the company said Tuesday. –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Web Site

Define web site and define websiteIs web site two words? The term web site is an alternative form of website. It means the same thing as its single-word counterpart, and, up until recently, it was used almost often as website.

Some writers and style guides capitalize both forms, as well, forming Website and Web site.

  • Log on to our Web site for more information.

This is clearly a dated spelling.

Having this many options leads to unnecessary confusion. The following chart shows the usage of all four variants in English: web site vs. website vs. Web site vs. Website.

website versus web site

As you can see, the term is fairly new, only gaining prominence around the 1990s, coinciding with the Internet boom. The capitalized two-word form Web site was the first-word to gain widespread use and was the dominant spelling until it began to drop in popularity in the early-2000s.

Given the short history of this term and the incomplete nature of the data, this chart should not be considered scientifically accurate or exhaustive. It doesn’t take into account website or blog themselves, as it only looks at books being published.

Given the continued surge of website, it is almost certain that the one-word, un-capitalized website is going to quickly and completely outpace Web site.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Definition of web site definition and definition of website definitionAlthough Web site is used with approximate frequency as website (in books at least), it is clearly a dated spelling that is destined to die out with the continued proliferation of the Internet.

Many style manuals, The Chicago Manual of Style, The AP Stylebook, and Garner’s Modern English Usage, all recommend website, while popular dictionaries are still split on the spelling.

Since the word is so new, it isn’t surprising that multiple spellings exist because writers haven’t yet consolidated around a single, standard spelling. After all, this word was basically nonexistent 25 years ago.

Since website and webpage are each spelled as a single word with no capitalization, you can use the similarity between these terms as a reminder that website is the correct spelling variant here.


Is it website or web site? Website, website, Web site, and website are all variants of the same noun, which means a page on the Internet.

Until recently, Web site has been the preferred spelling—by a large margin (in books). This preference seem to be waning, however, and website appears to have taken over as the predominant spelling in the last 10 years.

These days, most stylebooks recommend website.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Website and Web Site?
  • 2 When to Use Website
  • 3 When to Use Web Site
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

Updated: 03/05/2023 by

Computer Hope website

A site or website is a central location of web pages that are related and accessed by visiting the home page of the website using a browser. For example, the Computer Hope website address URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is From our home page, you could access any of the web pages (like this one) on our website. The image shows how the Computer Hope website looked in 2021.

How to open a website

To view a website requires a browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome). For example, you are reading this web page using a browser. Once in a browser, you can open a website by entering the URL in the address bar. For example, typing «» opens the Computer Hope home page. If you don’t know the URL of the website you want to visit, you can use a search engine to find the website on the Internet.

When was the first website created?

The first website was built at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee and launched on August 6, 1991. Visit and browse the first website.

  • The history of the Internet.
  • Who invented the Internet?

How many websites are on the Internet?

As of January 2023, depending on which survey or hosting company being referenced, there are approximately 1.9 billion websites. Many of these websites are unused or not visited by many people, but the websites still exist and included in the count.

What is the difference between a website and a web page?

A website refers to a central location with more than one web page or several web pages. For example, Computer Hope is considered a website, which contains thousands of different web pages, including the page you’re reading now.

URL or Internet address

In the above URL example, the website is, and the web page is «url.htm.»


A web page does not need a file extension like .htm or .html to be a web page. Many sites are designed to show a default page in a directory (e.g., index.html) or set up to have no file extensions.


See our web page definition for a breakdown of all the elements that help make up a web page.

Who creates websites on the Internet?

Any business, government, organization, or person can create a website on the Internet. Today, the Internet consists of billions of websites created by billions of different people. You can even create a website or blog on the Internet. See the below types of websites section for a list of the types of categories of websites.

  • How to start in HTML and web design.

What can you do on a website?

On most websites, you read the information on each web page. If there are any interesting hyperlinks, you follow those links by clicking or tapping on them to find more information or perform a task. You can also listen to music, watch videos, shop, communicate, and more on many websites.

  • What things to do when bored on the Internet.

Types of websites

There are billions of websites on the Internet today that can be broken into one of the following types of website categories. Keep in mind that it is possible for a website to fall into more than one of the following categories. For example, a website may also be a forum, webmail, blog, or search engine.

  • Archive website.
  • Blog (weblog).
  • Business website and corporate website.
  • Community website.
  • Content website and information website.
  • Dating website.
  • Dynamic website.
  • E-commerce website.
  • Educational website.
  • Gaming website.
  • Government website.
  • Help and Q&A website.
  • Malicious website.
  • Media sharing website.
  • Mirror website.
  • News website.
  • P2P website and Torrent website.
  • Personal website.
  • Personality website.
  • Portal
  • Review website.
  • School website.
  • Scraper website.
  • Search engine website.
  • Secure website
  • Social networking website.
  • Social news website.
  • Static website
  • Unsecure website
  • Webcomic website.
  • Webmail website.
  • Wiki website.

Archive website

An archive website is a site that keeps a record of the contents of one or more other websites. The Internet Archive is the best example of an archive website.

Blog (weblog)

A blog is a website that is often created by an individual to keep a list of entries that interests them. See our weblog definition for a full description, services used to create a blog, and related pages. A microblog website is also another popular form of blogging website that limits the number of characters someone can post in each blog entry. Twitter is an example of a social networking website for a microblog.

Business website and corporate website

A business website or corporate website is created to provide account information and access to customers, partners, clients, and potential customers.

A community website is a website or section of a website that helps bring the visitors visiting the site together using chat, forums, or another form of bulletin boards.

Content website and information website

A content website and information website are created with the intention of displaying unique content that is often related to a specific category. For example, Computer Hope could be considered a content site with computer-related content. Other categories could include a political website with content relating to politics or a political view, or a religious website with information about a specific religion.

Dating website

A dating website is a site set up to help connect people who may be interested in meeting other people or dating other people. Most dating websites require a small fee, require a description of yourself, and often asks questions to help find people that would best match your interests.

Dynamic website

A dynamic website is a website that uses a database and server-side scripting to help dynamically generate the content on the website. WordPress sites and other CMS (content management system) solutions make it easier for anyone to have a website without knowing a lot about HTML or programming. See our dynamic website page for further information on dynamic and static websites.

E-commerce website

Amazon logo

An e-commerce (electronic commerce) website is any site that was created with the intention of selling online goods or services. Amazon is an example of an e-commerce website. An e-commerce website may be broken down even further into one of the following subcategories.

An affiliate website is a website created with the intention of selling third-party products. For example, Amazon has an affiliate program for anyone to link to their site and make a commission when products are purchased. An affiliate website should not be confused with an e-commerce website.

An auction website is a website that allows other people to sell their goods or services. For example, eBay is one of the most well-known online auction websites. See our online auction page for further information and examples.

A classified ads website is a site that allows anyone to list goods or services, usually for free or at a small cost. Craigslist is an example of a classified ads website.

A crowdfunding website is set up to help support a business, person, or another cause by making a one time or monthly payment. An example of a crowdfunding website is Kickstarter.

Educational website

An educational website is any website containing content that aids in learning. It could be a school website, a library website, a homework assistance website, or any other tools for gaining knowledge online.

Gaming website

A gaming website is any website that features games that can be played on the website. Often these online games are created using HTML5, Flash, or Java. Gaming websites should not be confused with a gaming content website with content relevant to gaming with no actual games to play on the website.

Government website

A government website is a department, local, or state government site that was created to help inform the public about government business and services. A local government website may also be set up to help promote tourism.


In the United States a government website has the domain suffix .gov. In the United Kingdom, they use

question mark

Help and Q&A website

A help website and questions and answers website is a site where anyone can post questions and other users help answer those questions. A full listing of help websites where you can ask any question is on the link below.

  • Where can I ask a question on the Internet?

Malicious website

A malicious website is any website that was set up with the intention of infecting another computer or collecting personal data. For example, a malware website is a site created with the intention of infecting any visitor with malware, spyware, or a trojan horse. These types of sites could have a download that’s infected and, if downloaded, infects your computer.

Other common malicious websites include phishing websites. These sites are designed to look like other official sites (e.g., your bank) with the hope that they can phish sensitive information such as your username and password.

Fake news websites are another type of malicious site created to appear as a legitimate source of news with the intention of helping to spread fear and lies.

  • How to protect yourself while on the Internet.

Media sharing website

YouTube logo

A media sharing website is any website that specializes in allowing visitors to share one or more types of media. For example, YouTube is a site for sharing video media. SoundCloud is a site for sharing music. Flickr is a place to share photos. DeviantArt is a page for sharing art.

Mirror website

A mirror website is a complete duplicate of another website that is used when a website becomes overloaded. It helps with a website’s speed in different parts of the world. See our mirror definition for further information. Also, although similar, a mirror site should not be confused with a scraper website or a CDN.

News website

A news website is a site dedicated to giving the latest local or world news. A news site may also be dedicated to a specific topic. For example, many computer-related news websites are dedicated to talking about the latest computer and technology related news.

P2P website and Torrent website

A P2P website and Torrent website are sites created to list available torrents that can be downloaded using a file-sharing program.

A warez website is similar to a torrent website, except that it stores and hosts music, video, and software that anyone can download to their computer. When referring to a warez website, it is describing a site where copyrighted material is illegally downloaded.

Personal website

A personal website is a site created by an individual that talks about their personal life, family, life experiences, and maybe contains a résumé. Today, many people are creating personal websites as a blog or using a social networking website as a place to store information about themselves.

Personality website

A personality website is any website covering an individual, such as an artist, celebrity, musician, author, or any other person. These types of websites are set up by someone affiliated with the person, such as a publicist, agency, or fan of the personality.


A portal is an idea of a website or service that offers a broad range of services, such as e-mail, games, quotes, search, news, and stocks. See our portal term page for further information.

Review website

Yelp logo

A review website is any site that focuses on reviews about a product or service. For example, Yelp allows consumers to review businesses in their area. Other review sites may review other things such as movies or products. Also, many e-commerce sites have reviews from people who’ve purchased the product they’re selling.

Secure website

A secure site or secure website is any website that transmits data securely (encrypted). Secure websites are identified by looking for a lock next to the URL or a URL starting with «https» instead of «http.»

School website

A school website is a site created to represent a local school or college. School sites have an overview of a school and give students and parents a place to log in and review grades and other school-related information.

Scraper website

A scraper website is a website that is illegally stealing (scraping) another website’s content. Doing this could allow the person to generate advertising revenue if enough traffic was driven to the scraper website. However, these types of sites are against all advertisers’ TOS (terms of service) and, when caught, they are blocked by the company providing the advertising. A scraper website should not be confused with a mirror website that was set up with permission.

Search engine website

A search engine website is a website dedicated to helping people find information on the Internet. Google is an example of a search engine website. See our search engine definition for further information on search engines and related links.

A social networking website connects users with friends, family, celebrities, groups, and organizations. The service is usually free, on the condition that the website may collect and use the users information. Facebook and Twitter are examples of a social networking website. See our social networking definition for other examples of social networks and further information.

A social news website is a site that generates its content from its members and, once posted, all other members can vote if they enjoyed or liked the story. Reddit is an example of a social news website that allows everyone to post almost anything. It is a great place to find things that would most interest you on the Internet.

Static website

A static website is a website designed using only HTML and doesn’t change or update automatically. See our dynamic website page for further information on dynamic and static websites.

Unsecure website

A unsecure site or unsecure website is any website that does not transmit data securely (encrypted). Unsecure websites are identified by looking for a URL starting with «http» instead of «https.» When on an unsecure website, be cautious with transmitted information that could be intercepted and read with a man-in-the-middle attack.

Webcomic website

A webcomic website is a site that posts a comic strip daily, weekly, or monthly.

Webmail website

A webmail website is a website that a person to view, send, and receive e-mail without the need for software. An example of a webmail program is Gmail. See our webmail definition for other examples, information, and related links.

Wiki website

A wiki website is a site that is created using Wiki software, and is often edited and updated by more than one person.

Should I use «website» or «web site» when writing?

Both versions are technically correct. However, most style guides (e.g., Microsoft Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook) suggest website (one word) instead of web site (two words) in all forms of writing.


If you’re writing documentation for a software program or user interface, always use the style used in the interface.

Should I capitalize the «W» in website?

Unless the word «website» is at the beginning of a sentence, it should be all lowercase. See our web definition for further information about the capitalization of the word «web.»

Coupon code, Dynamic website, Internet, Internet terms, Portal, Review, Static website, Web, Web design, Web design terms, Web page

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While it is possible to generate an HTML page with Word, it’s generally recommended that you do not do so if you intend for the page to be used in any professional or widely promotional capacity. Making your own website with Word is like building your own house with LEGO blocks: it works well enough if you don’t have the expertise to do a proper job of it, don’t want to buy new software or you’re just playing around for your own amusement, but using the right tools or even hiring a professional will yield immeasurably better results if you need a professional website.

Word is made for creating paper documents, which have a fixed page size, typeface, and layout, whereas the page size, typeface and layout available to someone viewing your website may be completely different than yours. Because Word is purpose-built for fixed paper formatting, the web page code it creates is loaded with non-standard, paper-based styling which may not appear as you intend it to in any browsers other than Microsoft’s own Internet Explorer.

  1. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 1


    Load Word.

  2. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 2


    Type «Homepage» into the page.


  3. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 3


    Click File > Save as Webpage. In Office 2007, click the Office button > Save As >Other Formats.

  4. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 4


    Save your page as index.html. In 2007, change «Save as type» to «Web Page.»

  5. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 5


    You will see now that the page doesn’t look like a normal Word document — you are now in web layout mode.

  6. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 6


    Add some additional text; try typing «This is my home page.»

  7. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 7


    Save your work frequently (just click the save icon — Word will remember it’s a web page.)

  8. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 8


    Do the same to make the other pages (keep reading to make a hyperlink).

  9. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 9


    Type «Link to homepage» under the text.

  10. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 10


    Highlight the text.

  11. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 11


    Click Insert > Hyperlink (All versions.)

  12. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 12


    Find index.html.

  13. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 13


    When you find it, select it and click OK.

  14. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 14


    Note that you have just created a hyperlink. This means that in a browser you can click that hyperlink and go to another page in your site.

  15. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 15


    You can add a hyperlink to another website — in the «Insert Hyperlink» dialog, in the «Address» text box, type the address of the web page.

  16. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 16


    Keep doing this until your website is complete!

  17. Image titled Make a Website With Word Step 17


    Good job making your website. Remember the information in the introduction.

  18. Advertisement

Add New Question

  • Question

    How do I publish my website I made with Word?

    Community Answer

    You would have to find a piece of server software and put your files into the working directory where you want your web page and host it yourself, or you would have to pay for hosting from a provider like GoDaddy and upload the files there.

  • Question

    How do I name my website?

    Community Answer

    When you are saving your website, there should be a Change Title button below the File Type menu. Click that, and a dialog box will open asking you to enter a page title. This title will appear as the tab name when visiting the website in a web browser.

  • Question

    What should I do to make money?

    Community Answer

    First, you will have to publish your site. You would have to find a piece of server software and put your files into the working directory where you want your web page and host it yourself, or you would have to pay for hosting from a provider like GoDaddy and upload the files there. Then, use Google AdSense to add online advertisements to your site. Apart from ads, you can sell products and merchandise online, provide software services online, etc.

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  • Except for the index page, name the rest of your pages something you could remember.

  • Make your website attractive with lots of photos, links and information.

  • Learn something called HTML

Show More Tips

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • If you plan on putting up your site to the web, be careful not to include any personal information you don’t intend to release in the document info.

  • As noted in the article header, creating HTML with any Microsoft Office product other than Expression Web is generally a bad idea. Just because a program can save a file as HTML doesn’t make it a web design software.


Things You’ll Need

  • Computer
  • Microsoft Office Word (all versions)

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You’ve heard the phrase, “Quality over quantity,” right?

Well, when it comes to maximizing all parts of SEO, quality is just as important as quantity.

You may already know that, over the years, Google’s search engine results have skewed in favor of high-value, actionable, and readable (by humans) content. So anyone who was using the old keyword-spam-and-jam technique to gain rankings had to re-think their SEO strategy fast.

In other words, quality content on webpages matters and Google rewards you for it! That’s as it should be.

However, quantity matters just as much. Part of catapulting your website, blog post, or content to the first and second pages of Google’s search results is to ensure that the amount of copy you’re writing is competitive.

Competitive with other top-performing, comparable pieces of content, that is.

So the Bulk Word Count Checker totally simplifies this part of your research process. It’s designed to help you learn about the specific word counts of the top 10-20 search URLs that are currently ranking for your chosen keyword.

The right Bulk Word Count Checker tool will run through each of these URLs and generate the word count of each. Searchbloom’s own Bulk Word Count Checker tool will also give you the average word count, so you have a clear limit of where to aim your content’s word count.

The Bulk Word Count Checker is pretty straightforward to use. You can just grab URLs and populate them one at a time, or you can use a .CSV file if you’re just an organization nut.

Here’s how it works:

  • Do a search for your keyword
  • Pop open the first 10 (up to 20) search results in new tabs
  • Grab the URLs of each and copy+paste each into the Word Count Checker tool — make sure to hit “Enter” after each entry so that there’s only one URL per line)
  • You can also upload a .CSV file with one link per cell in the spreadsheet
  • Hit the “Perform Check” button and you’re done!
  • You can then take a screenshot or export the results data into a new CSV

It’s a fantastic idea to bookmark this simple but powerful tool for later use. But pay attention to the insights you gain from each of the numbers.

Our Bulk Word Count Checker focuses on four metrics:

  • The total number of words (Word Count Total)
  • The corrected word count (which is Total Word Count minus all appearances of the Anchor Text Word, which is the keyword you searched for)
  • The total number of times the main keyword appeared (Anchor Text Words)
  • The above number as a percentage of the total word count (Anchor Percentage).

The results in the Anchor Percentage column might end up subverting some of your expectations. For example, the Word Stream URL only features the main keyword in 11% of the total word count. However, it’s also the top result.

In contrast, Moz’s URL features the anchor keyword more than twice that amount. It also has a smaller total word count. These metrics may point to some compelling insights as to why it occupies the third position in search results, not the first, and what Google’s search results for a keyword is looking for in its “ideal” or “top” piece of content.

Every online detail checked & analyzed

It goes to show that every site is different, we will help you make your mark.

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