Web are the word

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


something formed by or as if by weaving or interweaving.

a thin, silken material spun by spiders and the larvae of some insects, as the webworms and tent caterpillars;cobweb.


  1. a woven fabric, especially a whole piece of cloth in the course of being woven or after it comes from the loom.
  2. the flat woven strip, without pile, often found at one or both ends of an Oriental rug.

something resembling woven material, especially something having an interlaced or latticelike appearance: He looked up at the web of branches of the old tree.

an intricate set or pattern of circumstances, facts, etc.: The thief was convicted by a web of evidence. Who can understand the web of life?

something that snares or entangles; a trap: innocent travelers caught in the web of international terrorism.

Zoology. a membrane that connects the digits of an animal, as the toes of aquatic birds.


  1. the series of barbs on each side of the shaft of a feather.
  2. the series on both sides, collectively.

an integral or separate part of a beam, rail, truss, or the like, that forms a continuous, flat, narrow, rigid connection between two stronger, broader parallel parts, as the flanges of a structural shape, the head and foot of a rail, or the upper and lower chords of a truss.

Machinery. an arm of a crank, usually one of a pair, holding one end of a crankpin at its outer end.

Architecture. (in a vault) any surface framed by ribbing.

a large roll of paper, as for continuous feeding of a web press.

a network of interlinked stations, services, communications, etc., covering a region or country.

Informal. a network of radio or television broadcasting stations.

Sometimes Web .Digital Technology. World Wide Web (preceded by the, except when used before a noun).

verb (used with object), webbed, web·bing.

to cover with or as if with a web; envelop.

to ensnare or entrap.

verb (used without object), webbed, web·bing.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of web

First recorded before 900; Middle English (noun), Old English; cognate with Dutch, Low German webbe, Old Norse vefr; akin to weave

historical usage of web


webless, adjectiveweblike, adjective

Words nearby web

weave bead, weave in and out, weaver, weaverbird, weaver’s hitch, web, Web 2.0, web address, webapp, Webb, web-based

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to web

net, network, screen, cobweb, complexity, entanglement, fabric, fiber, filigree, gossamer, interconnection, interlacing, involvement, labyrinth, lacework, lattice, mat, maze, mesh, meshwork

How to use web in a sentence

  • Nothing specific is changing today with Google Search, but think about these changes in the long term and keep improving your web site.

  • To collect its facts, Diffbot’s AI reads the web as a human would—but much faster.

  • Neither Google Analytics nor Facebook Connect are essential to run these web pages and are services that could have been replaced or at least deactivated by now.

  • The room is a two-dimensional, pixelated drawing displayed in a web browser.

  • A site on the dark web associated with the NetWalker ransomware group posted screenshots of internal network files and directories believed to be associated with Cygilant.

  • He was referring to web censorship behind the Great Firewall.

  • With its vast web of resources and services, including its support groups, the Center has often helped save these people lives.

  • How has your experience been shaped by digital encounters and the social web?

  • The caller mentioned my work, which focused primarily on consumer products, mobile apps, emerging start-ups, and web trends.

  • That leads us to wonder why galaxies and their black holes somehow “know” where they are in the cosmic web.

  • It was no wonder that he felt quite at home in the duck-pond, which was made for web-footed folk.

  • «It is n’t distressingly calm now,» said the extra-strong frames—they were called web-frames—in the engine-room.

  • The touch of the soft fabric reassured him: it was as soft as though woven of spider’s web, and strong as fibres of steel.

  • These threads in the web of industry, which had shone that day for the first time, were the lives of two little children.

  • At first girders had solid or plate webs, but for spans over 100 ft. the web always now consists of bracing bars.

British Dictionary definitions for web


any structure, construction, fabric, etc, formed by or as if by weaving or interweavingRelated adjective: retiary

a mesh of fine tough scleroprotein threads built by a spider from a liquid secreted from its spinnerets and used to trap insectsSee also cobweb (def. 1)

a similar network of threads spun by certain insect larvae, such as the silkworm

a fabric, esp one in the process of being woven

a membrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds or the digits of such aquatic mammals as the otter

the vane of a bird’s feather

architect the surface of a ribbed vault that lies between the ribs

the central section of an I-beam or H-beam that joins the two flanges of the beam

any web-shaped part of a casting used for reinforcement

the radial portion of a crank that connects the crankpin to the crankshaft

a thin piece of superfluous material left attached to a forging; fin

  1. a continuous strip of paper as formed on a paper machine or fed from a reel into some printing presses
  2. (as modifier)web offset; a web press

the woven edge, without pile, of some carpets

  1. the web (often capital) short for World Wide Web
  2. (as modifier)a web site; web pages

any structure, construction, etc, that is intricately formed or complexa web of intrigue

verb webs, webbing or webbed

(tr) to cover with or as if with a web

(tr) to entangle or ensnare

(intr) to construct a web

Derived forms of web

webless, adjectiveweblike, adjective

Word Origin for web

Old English webb; related to Old Saxon, Old High German webbi, Old Norse vefr

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for web

A structure of fine, elastic, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders to catch insect prey. The larvae of certain insects also weave webs that serve as protective shelters for feeding and may include leaves or other plant parts.

A membrane or fold of skin connecting the toes in certain animals, especially ones that swim, such as water birds and otters. The web improves the ability of the foot to push against water.

also Web The World Wide Web.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Cultural definitions for web

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

The coming of the digital age happened so quickly that English barely had time to react. English users had to invent or adapt new terms for an entire area of knowledge that sprang into being almost from nowhere.

In the ensuing confusion, many terms have not been standardized, and there are many spelling variants for certain terms. Website is one such term.

  • Is website one word?
  • It website capitalized?

When languages evolve so quickly, dictionaries, style guides, and other language authorities can lag behind common usage. The words used by the majority of English users might not reflect the prescribed usage in these books.

As we will see, that is where we stand with website.

What is the Difference Between Website and Web Site?

In this article, I will compare website vs. web site and out which term is the better choice for your writing.

After that, I will show you a helpful memory tool that you can use as a reminder of whether to use web site or website when you are writing about online content.

When to Use Website

web sites or websitesIs website one word? The word website is a noun. A website is a page or collection of pages on the Internet.

These days, most companies, governments, and organizations have websites. Even individual people have their own website sometimes, in addition to pages on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter.

Here are some usages of website in a sentence,

  • The company’s new website features sunny pictures of the main building and pictures of workers smiling in hard hats and safety goggles on the shop floor.
  • For more information, call us at the number on your screen or visit our website.
  • Facebook is testing a new tool designed to help media companies sell video advertising on their own websites, apps and other digital properties in a more automated fashion, the company said Tuesday. –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Web Site

Define web site and define websiteIs web site two words? The term web site is an alternative form of website. It means the same thing as its single-word counterpart, and, up until recently, it was used almost often as website.

Some writers and style guides capitalize both forms, as well, forming Website and Web site.

  • Log on to our Web site for more information.

This is clearly a dated spelling.

Having this many options leads to unnecessary confusion. The following chart shows the usage of all four variants in English: web site vs. website vs. Web site vs. Website.

website versus web site

As you can see, the term is fairly new, only gaining prominence around the 1990s, coinciding with the Internet boom. The capitalized two-word form Web site was the first-word to gain widespread use and was the dominant spelling until it began to drop in popularity in the early-2000s.

Given the short history of this term and the incomplete nature of the data, this chart should not be considered scientifically accurate or exhaustive. It doesn’t take into account website or blog themselves, as it only looks at books being published.

Given the continued surge of website, it is almost certain that the one-word, un-capitalized website is going to quickly and completely outpace Web site.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Definition of web site definition and definition of website definitionAlthough Web site is used with approximate frequency as website (in books at least), it is clearly a dated spelling that is destined to die out with the continued proliferation of the Internet.

Many style manuals, The Chicago Manual of Style, The AP Stylebook, and Garner’s Modern English Usage, all recommend website, while popular dictionaries are still split on the spelling.

Since the word is so new, it isn’t surprising that multiple spellings exist because writers haven’t yet consolidated around a single, standard spelling. After all, this word was basically nonexistent 25 years ago.

Since website and webpage are each spelled as a single word with no capitalization, you can use the similarity between these terms as a reminder that website is the correct spelling variant here.


Is it website or web site? Website, website, Web site, and website are all variants of the same noun, which means a page on the Internet.

Until recently, Web site has been the preferred spelling—by a large margin (in books). This preference seem to be waning, however, and website appears to have taken over as the predominant spelling in the last 10 years.

These days, most stylebooks recommend website.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Website and Web Site?
  • 2 When to Use Website
  • 3 When to Use Web Site
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

сеть, паутина, ткань, стержень, перемычка, заманивать в сеть, заманивать в сети


- ткань; рулон ткани

in web — ком. в штуках, в торговых кусках (о ткани)

- тканое изделие
- паутина, сетка
- трикотажное полотно

circular web — круглое трикотажное полотно

- паутина

ещё 15 вариантов


- оплетать паутиной; плести паутину
- опутывать паутиной лжи и т. п.; заманивать в сети, вовлекать, втягивать

Мои примеры


web thinning of drill — подточка перемычки сверла  
web of intrigue — хитросплетения интриги  
pack / tissue / web of lies — паутина лжи  
a spider makes / spins / weaves a web — паук плетёт паутину  
spider’s web — паутина  
to surf the Net / Internet / Web — бродить по сети  
web viewer — стробоскоп для просмотра оттисков во время печати  
spider web — паучья сеть  
to spin / weave a web — плести паутину  
web of little roads — сеть мелких дорог  

Примеры с переводом

He watched a spider spinning its web.

Он наблюдал за тем, как паук плетёт свою паутину.

I spent the afternoon surfing the Web.

Вторую половину дня я провёл, сидя в Интернете.

The atmosphere was being webbed with telegraph wires.

Воздух был опутан сетями телеграфных линий.

He was ensnared in a web of folly.

Он был вовлечён в череду безрассудных поступков.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The spider was spinning its web.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): web
мн. ч.(plural): webs

We are the world

Мы – мир

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one.
There are people dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to life –
The greatest gift of all.

We can’t go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change.
We are all a part of
God’s great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need.

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving.
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives.
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me.

Well, send them your heart
So they’ll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free.
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
And so we all must lend a helping hand.

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we make a better day
Just you and me

When you’re down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There’s no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me

Настает время,
Когда мы слышим призыв,
Чтобы мир стал единым целым.
Люди умирают,
Пришло время, чтобы протянуть руку к жизни –
Величайшему дару на земле.

Мы больше не можем
Притворяться каждый день,
Что кто-то где-то вот-вот изменится.
Мы все – часть
Большой, великой Божьей семьи,
И правда в том, что любовь – все, что нам нужно.

Мы – мир,
Мы дети,
Мы те, кто делает день ярче,
Так давайте же начнем отдавать.
Мы делаем выбор,
Мы спасаем свои собственные жизни.
Но это так – мы сделаем день лучше,
Только ты и я.

Поделись своим сердцем —
Они узнают, что кто-то о них заботится,
И их жизни станут сильнее и свободнее.
Как Бог показал нам, превратив камень в хлеб,
Мы все должны протянуть руку помощи.

Мы – мир,
Мы дети,
Мы те, кто делает день ярче,
Так давайте же начнем отдавать.
Мы делаем выбор,
Мы спасаем свои собственные жизни.
Но это так – мы сделаем день лучше,
Только ты и я.

Когда ты беспомощен,
Кажется, что нет никакой надежды.
Просто поверь –
И ты не потерпишь поражение.
Давайте поймем:
Только тогда все изменится,
Когда мы объединимся

Мы – мир,
Мы дети,
Мы те, кто делает день ярче,
Так давайте же начнем отдавать.
Мы делаем выбор,
Мы спасаем свои собственные жизни.
Но это так – мы сделаем день лучше,
Только ты и я.

Понравился перевод?


Перевод песни We are the world — Michael Jackson

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208 мнений

A network
is an intricately connected system of objects or people. Networks are
all around us, even inside us. Your own nervous system and
cardiovascular system are networks.

and computer networks have changed the way we do almost everything –
the way we teach, learn, do research, access or share information,
communicate with each other, and even the way we entertain ourselves.
A computer network consists of two or more computing devices (often
called nodes) interconnected by means of some medium capable of
transmitting data that allows the computers to communicate with each
other in order to provide a variety of services to users.

the very early days, computer networks were relatively small, and
computer or modem vendors tended to develop proprietary protocols
that allowed their machines to communicate with each other, but not
necessarily with those made by others. This created the need to
interconnect two or more compatible or incompatible networks together
to create an Internet, or a network of networks. In the mid1970s,
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) was
developed and became the main communication protocol. Today, TCP/IP
is the defacto standard and is available for almost all computers.
When sending a file from one machine to another, TCP breaks it into a
number of data packets, which also include other information such as
the type of packet, source, and destination addresses. IP then takes
over, routing those packets from the source to the destination, where
TCP takes over and reassembles them into the original file.

that span a local area such as one or more neighboring buildings are
called local-area
or LANs. Ethernet is by far the most widely used LAN technology
today. LANs
make it possible for businesses that use computer technology to
share, efficiently, such items as files and printers, and to make
possible communications such as e-mail.

computer use in businesses grew, it soon became apparent that even
LANs were not sufficient. In a LAN system, each department, or
business was a kind of electronic island. What was needed was a way
for information to move efficiently and quickly from one business to
another. The solution was the creation of metropolitan-area

(MANs) and


(WANs). Generally,
a MAN spans a larger geographic area than a LAN, but a smaller
geographic area than a WAN.
WANs connected user networks over a large geographical area, they
made it possible for businesses to communicate with each other across
great distances. As a result of being networked or connected,
computers, printers, and other devices on a WAN could communicate
with each other to share information and resources, as well as to
access the Internet. Some common WAN technologies are: modems, ISDN
(Integrated Services Digital Network), ADSL (Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Line), Frame Relay, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), The
T (US) and E (Europe) Carrier Series: T1, E1, T3, E3, etc., SONET
(Synchronous Optical Network)

MANs and WANs have always had one thing in common, though, and that
is the use of the term bandwidth
to describe their capabilities. Bandwidth is the measure of how much
information can flow from one place to another in a given amount of


and peer-to-peer
are phrases used to describe networks with different types of
hierarchy and access control. Client/server computing describes
distributed network systems in which transaction responsibilities are
divided into two parts: client (front end) and server (back end).
Peer-to-peer computing calls for each network device to run both
client and server portions of an application.

your study of networking, you will hear references to the word
(Note: The plural form of medium is media.) In networking, a medium
is a material through which data packets travel. It could be any of
the following materials:

  • telephone

  • Category
    5 UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) (used for Ethernet)

  • coaxial
    cables (used for cable TV)

  • optical
    fibers (thin glass fibers that carry light)

  • atmosphere
    (carries radio waves, microwaves, and light).

Networking Academy


Answer these questions about the text.

  1. Using
    computers as stand-alone devices is ineffective for businesses,
    isn’t it? Why?

  2. What
    does a data packet include?

  3. What
    are LANs designed for?

  4. What
    is the difference between client/server computing and peer-to-peer

  5. What
    are the media types used in networking?


Decide if the statement is true, false or there is no

the text.

  1. Computer
    networks appeared because people wanted something more quick and
    efficient than a conventional postal service.

  2. TCP/IP
    was developed in 1980s.

  3. A
    peer-to-peer network does not have any dedicated servers or
    hierarchy among its computers.

  4. Routers
    make logical decisions regarding the best path for the delivery of


Using the paragraph number references given, look back in the text
and find words that have a similar meaning to.

environment (1)

sender address (2)

finding a path (2)

covers (3)

move (4)

the correct words.

ADSL is more commonly known as __________.

longband B. broadband C. wideband

Broadband Internet connection is much faster than _________.

dial-in B. dial-through C. dial-up

Each time you want to connect to the network, you have to enter a
log-in name and a __________.

security word B. safe word C. password

With dial-up, you can usually choose a ________ tariff.

pay-as-you-go B. pay-what-you-want C. pay-if-you-like

Some broadband contracts limit the amount of _________ you can have
each month.

pages B. traffic C. use

Looking at web pages can be called «navigating the Web» but
is more commonly called ________.

«surfing the net» B. «skiing the net» C.
«swimming the net»

When your computer is not connected to the Internet, it is ________.

out of line B. offline C. off the line

An unexpected disconnection from the Internet is called a __________.

lost connection B. missed connection C. dropped connection

A file which is copied from the Internet onto your computer is called

an upload B. a download C. a load

The word “blog” which means “online journal” originates from

“block” B. “web log” C. “best log”

The word “spam” originates from _________.

“spice and ham” B. “spend and have” C. “spoiled ham”


Match the network topologies with their descriptions

/ Ethernet Star Switched Ring

In this configuration, the central computer performs all processing
and control functions. All access devices are linked directly to the
central computer. The configuration has two major limitations. First
of all, the remote devices are unable to communicate directly.
Instead, they must communicate via the central computer only.
Secondly, the network is very susceptible to failure, either in the
central computer or the transmission links.

The central device, which could be a telephone exchange, is used to
connect different devices on the network directly. Once the link is
established, the two devices communicate as though they were directly
linked without interference from any other device. At the end of the
session, the connection is closed, freeing capacity for other users
and allowing access to other devices. Multiple switches can be used
to create alternative transmission routes.

Each device is attached to a network shaped as a continuous loop.
Data proceeds in only one direction and at a constant speed round the
loop. Devices may send information only when they are in control of
the ‘token’. The token is a package of data which indicates which
device has control. The receiving device picks up the token, then
clears it for another’s use once it has received the message. Only
one device may send data at any given moment, and each device must be
working for the network to function.

This network consists of one piece of cable terminated at each end to
which all devices are connected. In such a network, each device is
able to broadcast a message when it has detected silence for a fixed
period of time. All devices receive the broadcast and determine from
the content of the message whether it was intended for them. The only
problem occurs when two devices try to send at the same time. When a
sending device detects another’s transmission, it aborts its own.


Read the text and choose the correct words.

the difference between the Web and the Internet?

people think that the Internet and the Web are the same thing, but in
fact they are different. The Internet (often called simply «the
net») is a global (1)
network/ net

of interconnected computers. These computers communicate with each
other (2)
over / through

existing telecommunications networks – principally, the telephone
system. The Word Wide Web (usually known as just «the Web»)
is the billions of web pages that are stored on large computers
called web (3)
servers / services.

see / access

the web, you may need a computer and a modem. You then connect over
your telephone line to an Internet Service (5)
Port / Provider

(ISP), which sends your request to view a particular web page to the
correct web server.

are not the only service available on the Internet. It is also used
for many other functions, including sending and receiving e-mail, and
connecting to newsgroups and (6)
discussion / talking


could say that the Internet is a system of roads, and web pages and
e-mails are types of traffic that travel on those roads.


Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. You may change
some words slightly. Consult the Appendix for confusable words.

proscribe, inscribe, prescribe

The name of the National hero was _______ on the memorial plaque.

The medicine was made as the doctor had _______.

The word alphanumeric
is used to _______data that contains numbers and letters.

Bringing food and drinks into computer laboratories is strictly

deport, report, import

Oil and gas are the main _______ of Russia.

The notorious spy was _______ from the country.

If there is an attempt of an unauthorised access, the security system
________ to an administrator.

DTP software can ________ text and graphics from another application.

oppress, impress, depress

He was really _______ by his failure in the exam.

I must _______ my thanks for your help.

I was hoping to _______ my new boss with my computer skills.

The rural poor were _______ by the land-owners.

and Translation

11. Make the written translation into Russian (3,000 characters).

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