Weather use in a sentence for each word

1. Complete the adjectives that describe the weather in the pictures.

It’s 1thundery and 2c___________.

It’s 3s___________ and 4f___________.

It’s 5f___________ and 6i___________.

It’s 7s___________ and 8w___________.

It’s hot and 9s___________.

It’s cold and 10r___________.


2 cloudy   3 snowy   4 frosty   5 foggy   6 icy

7 stormy   8 windy   9 sunny   10 rainy

2. Write the nouns for the adjectives in exercise 1.

1   thunder

2   …………………………….

3   …………………………….

4   …………………………….

5   …………………………….

6   …………………………….

7   …………………………….

8   …………………………….

9   …………………………….

10   …………………………….


2 cloud   3 snow   4 frost   5 fog   6 ice   7 storm

8 wind   9 sun   10 rain

3. Complete the text with the words below.

blow      claps      flashes      raindrops      storm clouds

sunshine      thunderstorm

There was a terrible 1………………………… yesterday evening. We saw big, dark grey 2………………………… in the distance. Then a strong wind started to 3………………………… and it began to rain heavily – huge 4………………………… fell from the sky. We got incredibly wet! There were 5………………………… of lightning and loud 6………………………… of thunder. It was quite scary. But then the storm passed and there was bright 7…………………………!


1 thunderstorm   2 storm clouds   3 blow

4 raindrops   5 flashes   6 claps   7 sunshine

4. Number the adjectives in order from hottest (1) to coldest (7).

cold        hot        sweltering        cool

mild       warm         freezing


1 sweltering   2 hot   3 warm   4 mild   5 cool

6 cold   7 freezing

5. Write the temperatures in words.

1   -5°       It’s minus five.

2   26°C    It’s twenty-six degrees Celsius.

3   -15°C   …………………………………………..

4   14°C    …………………………………………..

5   -7°C     …………………………………………..

6   32°       …………………………………………..


3   It’s minus fifteen.

 It’s fourteen degrees (Celsius).

5   It’s minus seven.

 It’s thirty-two degrees (Celsius).

6. Listen to people describing the weather. Complete each sentence with one word from exercises 1, 2 or 3.

1   a   It was rainy all morning.

     b   It was …………………………… in the afternoon.

2   a   There was thick ……………………………

     b   There was …………………………… on the road.

3   a   Most of the day the sky was ……………………………

     b   It was mild and ……………………………

4   a   There was …………………………… on the grass.

     b   In the afternoon it was …………………………… and ……………………………


1 b sunny   2 a fog b ice   3 a cloudy b thundery

4 a frost b windy, snowy


1   Yesterday morning the weather was terrible. It started to rain just after breakfast and it only stopped at about one o’clock. But then the sun came out and we spent the afternoon sunbathing in the park.

2   When we drove to school this morning, it was really foggy. It was so thick that we could only see about 20 metres ahead. Not only that, the road was really icy and slippery because the temperature in the night was about minus ten degrees Celsius. The bus driver had to drive really slowly and carefully.

3   It was school sports day yesterday. Unfortunately the sky was quite cloudy for most of the day and the sun didn’t shine at all. It was quite mild and we heard some crashes of thunder, but luckily it didn’t rain.

4   I went to play football in the park with some friends on Sunday morning. It was a lovely clear day but it was freezing cold and very frosty. There wasn’t any snow but the grass was completely white! Then in the afternoon the weather changed. The wind started to blow and it snowed quite heavily. By the evening there was about 10 centimetres of snow on the ground.

7. Write a paragraph describing the weather one day last week. Write 15-30 words.









Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with the correct words related to the words in bold.

1   The sky is full of clouds. It’s very cloudy.

2   It’s snowing! Did you know that every ……………………….. is a different shape and pattern?

3   It’s a frosty morning. There’s ……………………….. all over the car.

4   There were showers yesterday. It was a ……………………….. day.

5   This is a sunny climate. The sun ……………………….. every day.

6   I like ……………………….. weather. Things look pretty in the mist.

7   What a thunderstorm! Did you hear that big ……………………….. of thunder?

8   This is a windy area. The ……………………….. blows all the time.

9   There was a hailstorm this morning and now there is ……………………….. on the ground.

10   It’s very foggy this morning. Be careful – ……………………….. is really dangerous when you’re driving.

11   It’s icy today. There’s a lot of ……………………….. on the roads.


1 cloudy   2 frost   3 showery   4 snowflake   5 shines

6 misty   7 crash / clap   8 wind   9 hail   10 fog   11 ice

2. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word only once.

cold      cool      freezing      hot      mild      sweltering

1   The temperature was -20°C. It was ………………………..!

2   San Diego has a ……………………….. climate. The average temperature is 23°C.

3   It was a ……………………….. day, it was so hot we couldn’t go out.

4   The city is warm in the summer, but it’s always pleasantly ……………………….. by the sea.

5   It’s too ……………………….. in this house. It’s only 10°C!

6   It’s a bit ……………………….. in the classroom. Let’s open the window.


1 freezing   2 mild   3 sweltering   4 cool   5 cold   6 hot

3. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1   We gave money to a charity to provide food during the ………………………..

     a   hurricane        b   famine        c   mudslide

2   After the dry summer, heavy rain caused ……………………….. in the mountains.

     a   mudslides        b   eruptions        c   epidemics

3   I was on the twentieth floor during the ……………………….. . The whole building was shaking!

     a   tsunami        b   famine        c   earthquake

4   After a year with no rain, there was a serious ………………………..

     a   drought        b   tsunami        c   flood

5   Mount Vesuvius is famous for its many ………………………..

     a   epidemics        b   forest fires        c   volcanic eruptions

6   We can’t control this ……………………….. without medicine.

     a   forest fire        b   epidemic        c   avalanche


1 b   2 a   3 c   4 a   5 c   6 b

4. Complete the texts with the words below.

approached      headed      landed      reach      spun      took off

A   The plane 1……………………….. from the airport and rose into the air. A few minutes later, the pilot noticed a problem with one of the engines. He turned round and 2……………………….. back to the airport. Luckily, the plane 3……………………….. safely on the ground.

B   As the car 4……………………….. the red traffic light, it slowed down. But there was ice on the road and it 5……………………….. round and round. We were standing on the pavement nearby, but luckily the car didn’t 6……………………….. us – it stopped just two metres away.


1 took off   2 headed   3 landed   4 approached

5 spun   6 reach

5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

 The road sign / pedestrian crossing informed us that we were near a school and should drive slowly.

 I saw a billboard / shop sign advertising a pop concert.

 The fire hydrant / lamp post outside my flat shines light into my sitting room.

 It’s a good idea not to drive to town this week because of the pedestrian crossing / road works.

 For some reason, the drivers often pass this traffic light / bus stop without picking up passengers.

 It’s annoying when people ride their bikes on the pavement / street corner.


1 road sign   2 billboard   3 lamp post

4 road works   5 bus stop   6 pavement

Different Weather Conditions
Ver the words in the box to complete the sentences below. You use each
word once
rainbow hot storm cold thunder hail
snow spring sunny cloudy
windy raining
1. When it is
you see water drops fall from the sky.
2. The noise you hear after a flash of lightning is called
3. Frozen small balls falling from the sky are called
4. Flowers and trees grow again in
5. In
leaves change colour and fall from the trees.
6. You see a
when there is both sun and rain.
7. When the sky is free of clouds, we say it is a
8. It is
when there are a lot of clouds.
9. Thunder, lightning, wind and rain is called a
10. When it is
it is very difficult to see.
11. If it is
there is a lot of wind.
12. You wear warm clothes when it is
13. Days are longer in the
than in winter
14. Some schools are closed if there is a lot of
35. The weather is very
in Dubai in the summer.​

Synonym: climate. Similar words: sweater, feather, death, leather, breath, beneath, breathing, out of breath. Meaning: [‘weðə(r)]  n. the meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation. v. 1. face or endure with courage 2. cause to slope 3. sail to the windward of 4. change under the action or influence of the weather. adj. towards the side exposed to wind. 

Random good picture Not show

1. After black clouds, clear weather.

2. The good seaman is known in bad weather

3. We didn’t reckon for having such bad weather.

4. We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.

5. She keeps in during the bad weather.

6. There’s going to be a change in the weather.

7. The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality.

8. Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.

9. Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.

10. The weather got very bad later in the day.

11. I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.

12. The weather forecast says there will be rain.

13. The cold weather exhilarated the walkers.

14. Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

15. The weather is a bit warmer today.

16. She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather.

17. Did you have good weather on your trip?

17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

18. The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.

19. In hot weather lettuces can suddenly run to seed.

20. In hot weather the temperature gets very high.

21. The bad weather aggravated his illness.

22. Meteorology is the science of the weather.

23. I hope the weather stays this way.

24. The bad weather detained us for several hours.

25. The variable weather is a great trial to me.

26. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.

27. They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather.

28. The weather is not fit to go out.

29. Given good weather(, we will have an outing.

30. We had good weather on our holiday.

More similar words: sweater, feather, death, leather, breath, beneath, breathing, out of breath, put to death, the death penalty, wear, weary, swear, weave, weaken, wear off, wealth, wear out, wealthy, math, father, rather, gather, at hand, baths, eat, at heart, at home, apathy, athlete. 

Local news in brief

Thresham Valley under water?

Plans to turn much of the Thresham Valley into a large (1) puddle / reservoir to provide drinking water for the local area have received mixed reactions. Local councillors have praised the scheme, arguing that the environmental and economic benefits of (2) flooding / pouring the valley will far outweigh the disadvantages. Several small (3) rural / urban communities – two villages, three hamlets and two farms – in the valley will disappear, however.

Lucky escape for farmer

A farmer was struck by (4) lightning / thunder on Thursday evening, while mending a fence in one of his (5) plains / fields. The farmer, Jack Dobson, received treatment for slight burns at Meldew Hospital. Talking about the incident later, he said: ‘It was (6) drizzling / showering slightly when I went out, but I’d checked the weather (7) prediction / forecast and it hadn’t said there was going to be a thunderstorm. It was lucky I was wearing my wellington boots!

Save bags and save money

Shoppers at a local supermarket are being urged not to throw away the supermarket’s plastic shopping bags. A spokesperson for Asdo said: ‘For every new bag we make, the factory has to pump out industrial (8) waste / litter and that’s increasing pollution in the (9) suburban / surrounding area. We want to reduce the number of bags we make each year. We’re offering a financial incentive to our customers to (10) reuse / repeat their bags by bringing them with them every time they shop with us rather than getting new ones each time.’

Local academic causes a stir

An academic from Davington University has caused controversy by claiming that (11) global / worldwide warming is not caused by human disregard for the (12) weather / environment. In her new book entitled Are We to Blame?, Professor Angela Lucini argues that large-scale changes in the Mediterranean (13) land / climate, for example, have taken place ever since the world was formed. ‘People weren’t responsible for the Ice Ages, or their coming to an end, and we certainly weren’t responsible for the fact the dinosaurs became (14) extinct / endangered so it’s a bit presumptuous of us to think we’re responsible for all the problems were facing now, isn’t it?’ she said.

Councillor calls for an end to the fireplace

Local councillor Davina Forrest is calling for a ban on the use of coal fires at home. ‘There’s no doubt that if domestic chimneys stopped pumping out (15) smoke / fog into the atmosphere, the (16) air / wind we’d all be breathing would be much (17) cleaner / clearer,’ she said.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«We are having beautiful weather today.«
(beautiful, good, nice, lovely)

«What awful weather we’re having today.«
(awful, bad, terrible, gloomy, lousy, miserable)

«The weather was humid in California.«
(humid, hot, muggy, warm)

«I wish we had sunny weather all year round.«
(sunny, clear)

«The weather is unpredictable around here.«
(unpredictable, uncertain)

«We have severe weather during the winter.«
(severe, harsh, extreme)

«I hate living in cold weather.«
(cold, freezing)

«We can expect rainy weather tomorrow.«
(rainy, wet)

Used with verbs:

«He braved the stormy weather.«
(braved, faced, endured)

«I hope the weather clears up soon.«
(clears up, improves, lets up, warms up)

«We checked the weather before going camping.«
(checked, watched)

«Can you predict the weather?«
(predict, forecast)

«The weather stayed beautiful for weeks.«
(stayed, remained)

«Bad weather threatened our beach trip.«
(threatened, prevented, ruined, spoiled)

Used with nouns:

«What is the weather condition up in the mountains?«

«There was a change in the weather forecast.«
(forecast, report, pattern, system, data)

«The meteorologist refers to the weather map.«
(map, chart, satellite, station)

Used with prepositions:

«There was a sudden change in the weather.«

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