Weather forecast listen to the recording again and write the word to fill the gaps


1. Listen the weather forecast for today and fill in the gaps, then talk about the weather in these places.

A. Havana : hot, dry_______ temperature high thirties,

B. Hong Kong: rainy season, hot,________ temperature 35ºC

C. Cape Town: wet, _______temperature bellow freezing.

D. Geneva: warm, dry, ________temperature 18ºC.

A, In havana is hot, dry and sunny. The temperature is in the high thirties.




Weather Forecaster

Good Afternoon. I’m Gil Winters with the weekly worldwide weather forecast.Let’s start off in Latin America. Here, you can see Havana, Cuba, where the weather is beautiful at the moment. Anyone heading off to Cuba for their holidays this summer will be pleased to hear that this is the perfect time to go. There are no signs of the tropical storms which sometimes hit the island at this time of the year. It’s hot, dry and sunny, with temperatures expected to be in the high thirties all week. Taking a look at the rest continent, now, you can see that… (fade)…

…We’re going to head night across the Pacific Ocean now and take a look at Hong Kong where it’s the beginning of the rainy season and the rains are expected at any time, although they haven’t arrived yet. At the moment, it’s very hot and humid there with temperatures reaching 35 ºC. The weather is also fairly hot and sticky in te rest of Asia— (fade)…

…let’s move down into the southern hemisphere again and see what the weather is like South Africa. Now, as you can probably tell from the chart, the rain has certainly arrived here. On the west coast the weather is very wintry indeed. In Cape town it has been raining and windy all WEEK. THEY’RE HAVING VERY WET, COOL WEATHER AND LAST NIGHT THE temperature  fell to bellow freezing for the first time this year. The temperatures are much the same throughout the rest of South Africa… (Fade).

… so We’ll head back up to Europe at the weather there. As you can see, the weather in the Swiss Alps here is very mild at the moment. I know many people hear the words “Swiss Alps” and conjure up images of snow on the mountains and all the great skiing that goes with it, but at his time of the year the climate is much more pleasant, although it can be quite changeable. In Geneva today it is warm and dry. If a little bit breezy. A high temperature of 18ºC is expected. So to take a quick look at the rest of Europe, the,,… (fade)…



Do this exercise before you listen. Draw a line to match the pictures with the words


1. Check your understanding: matching

Do this exercise while you listen.

Match the two halves of the sentence and write a d next to the number 1 4.

1.d. The weather in the north is mostly

2.a. The weather in the east is mostly

3.c. The weather in the west is mostly

4.b. The weather in the south is mostly

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Write the word to fill the gap.

1. Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, lets see what the weather is like today.

2. In the north of the country it’s very windy and cold. There is a chances of some rain, too.

3. The temperature is around 10 degree centigrade.

4. In the east it’s rainy all day today, I’m afraid. There may be a thunderstorm in the

afternoon. The temperature is a bit higher, at around 13 degrees.

5. In the west and middle of the country the weather is dry but cloudy.

Listen to the information broadcast by the local radio. Fill in the gaps with the words from the audio text.
1. Due to the heavy rain, the water … in the river may rise.
2. There is a danger of … in the area.
3. The … workers are available on the telephone at any time.
4. If the situation gets worse, the special services will … people from the area.
5. People are warned not to use their … unless necessary.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. UNIT 1. PROGRESS CHECK. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Послушайте информацию по местному радио. Заполните пропуски словами из аудиотекста.
1. Из−за сильного дождя вода … в реке может подняться.
2. Существует опасность … в этом районе.
3. Работники … доступны по телефону в любое время.
4. Если ситуация ухудшится, спецслужбы … людей из района.
5. Людей предупреждают, что нельзя использовать их … без необходимости.


According to the forecast the rain we have been having for three days already will continue tomorrow. Water coming down from the mountains may rise the water level in the river which could cause a flood in the valley. In case of emergency, please, call our telephone service. Emergency workers are monitoring this situation very carefully. If the water level in the river goes above the sea level, they will start to evacuate people. The instruction to evacuate will be broadcasted immidiately. And we do hope you all will be reasonable enough to follow it. A special warning to drivers: the roads are dangerously slippery at the moment. Please avoid driving your personal cars and stay at home if possible.

Перевод AUDIO
По прогнозу, дождь, который у нас идет уже три дня, продолжится завтра. Вода, стекающая с гор, может поднять уровень воды в реке, что может вызвать наводнение в долине. В экстренных случаях звоните в нашу телефонную службу. МЧС очень внимательно следят за этой ситуацией. Если уровень воды в реке поднимется выше уровня моря, начнется эвакуация людей. Приказ об эвакуации будет транслироваться незамедлительно. И мы очень надеемся, что все вы будете достаточно разумны, чтобы следовать ему. Специальное предупреждение для водителей: в данный момент дороги опасно скользкие. Пожалуйста, избегайте вождения личных автомобилей и по возможности оставайтесь дома.

1. Due to the heavy rain, the water level in the river may rise.
2. There is a danger of flood in the area.
3. The emergency workers are available on the telephone at any time.
4. If the situation gets worse, the special services will evacuate people from the area.
5. People are warned not to use their cars unless necessary.

Перевод ответа
1. Из−за сильного дождя уровень воды в реке может повыситься.
2. Существует опасность наводнения в этом районе.
3. Работники службы экстренной помощи доступны по телефону в любое время.
4. Если ситуация ухудшится, спецслужбы эвакуируют людей из этого района.
5. Людей предупреждают, чтобы они не использовали свои автомобили без необходимости.

Методическая разработка урока

Предмет: Английский
Weather forecast”                                                                   
Кунисбаева А. Ш.


проведения урока

1. Организационный момент                      

2. Вводное слово преподавателя                

3. Актуализация опорных знаний               

4. Работа с темой “Weather forecast”         

5. Закрепление темы                                    

6. Подведение итогов

7. Домашнее задание                                    

Ход проведения

1. Организационный момент

 . проверка присутствующих, готовности
студентов к занятию

2. Мотивация темы

 . ознакомить студентов с целью
проведения занятия

3. Актуализация опорных знаний

. фронтальный опрос (Приложение № 1)

4. Unit
8“Time to come”

. (Приложение № 2)

. Vocabulary Work (Приложение № 3)

. Listening (Приложение № 4, 5)

. Grammar (Приложение № 6)

5. Закрепление темы (Приложение №

6. Подведение итогов урока

7. Домашнее задание: упражнение
10 стр. 114.

№ 1

Speak about your weekend trip. Use the question
as plan.

1. Where
are you going?

2. When
are you leaving?

3. How long are you staying there?

4. Are you travelling alone?

5. When are you coming back?

Fill the gaps

I’ll go to … . I’ve never been to a place like that. I’ll see
… and visit … .I think it is … . I can … . I will … . I am sure it’s going to
be interesting?

Приложение № 2

Answer the question:

1. What
is the weather like now?

2. What
is going to be in the evening?

3. Have
you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow? What will the weather be like?

Приложение № 3

Match the symbols to the phrases in English and
in Russian:

1. sunny
spells, mainly dry                                   
ясная солнечная погода

2. a good deal of cloud, mist                                 облачно, туман

3. a risk of frost                                                   заморозки

4. showers,
heavy rain                                         
сильные дожди

5. strong
winds, patchy rain                                 
ветер, местами дожди

6. clear

Приложение № 4

Look at the map of Great Britain and show:

a. northern/
western/ southern/ eastern Britain

b. southeast

c. northwest Scotland

d. eastern England

Say where these places are:

Liverpool, Plymouth, London, Manchester, Cardiff, Brighton.

For example:

Liverpool is in northwest of England.

Plymouth is in south west England.

is in south east England.

Manchester is in the northwest of England.

Cardiff is in southern Wales.

Brighton is in the south of England.

Приложение № 5

Listen to a weather forecast for Britain and
take notes:


Southeast England

Northwest Scotland



Northern parts

Western parts

Eastern England


Southern and eastern parts

Northern and western parts

The Northwest


Southeast England — patchy rain

Northwest Scotland — patchy rain

Elsewhere — mainly dry, ( a good deal of) clouds, ( a risk
of) frost and mist, clear spells


Northern parts — cloud, (heavy) rain

Western parts — cloud, (heavy) rain

Eastern England — (odd) shower, many parts dry, bright or sunny spells


Southern and eastern parts — mainly dry, bright or sunny

Northern and western parts — patchy rain

Northwest — heavy rain

Приложение № 6


Used to predict the future. It is often used with the words:

think, expect, believe, be sure, be afraid,

Read the sentences and answer the questions

1. Patchy
rain will affect southeast England.

2. Patchy
rain is likely across northern and
western parts.

3. The
odd shower is possible.

a. Do
the sentences refer to the past, present or future?

b. Who
made these predictions?

c. Are
they confident in their prediction?

d. Which
sentence shows they are

. sure,

. quite

. not very sure in their predictions?


a. The sentences refer to the future.

b. Scientists made these predictions.

c. They are more or less sure.

d. Sentence 1 – sure,

sentence 2 — quite sure,

sentence 1 — not very sure.

1. adjective, 2. verb, 3.
verb, 4. noun, 5. noun, 6.
verb, 7. noun

Приложение № 7

Use the following words
and phrases to make predictions about the weather tomorrow:

rain heavily, frost, snow,
temperatures above 0 degree C, strong winds, hot weather, sunny spells, cloudy.

For example:

1. I
don’t think it will rain heavily.

2. There
is risk of frost tomorrow night.

3. It
is likely to snow tomorrow.

4. Temperatures
above 0 degree C.

5. There
is a risk of strong winds tomorrow.

6. Hot
weather isn’t possible tomorrow.

7. I
hope there will be sunny spells tomorrow.

8. I’m
sure it will be cloudy tomorrow.




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LISTENING Task 1. Listen to the recording and fill the words in the gaps.​

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LISTENING Task 1. Listen to the recording and fill the words in the gaps.​

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