We life in wonderful word

„We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.“

As quoted in Building A Life Of Value : Timeless Wisdom to Inspire and Empower Us (2005) by Jason A. Merchey, p. 74

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Джавахарлал Неру фото

Джавахарлал Неру15

индийский политический деятель, премьер-министр Индии 1889 — 1964

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„You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.“

—  Charlie Chaplin British comic actor and filmmaker 1889 — 1977

The Great Dictator (1940), The Barber’s speech
Контексте: I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone, if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness — not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another.
In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world — millions of despairing men, women and little children — victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say — do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed — the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
Soldiers! Don’t give yourselves to brutes — men who despise you — enslave you — who regiment your lives — tell you what to do — what to think or what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men — machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate — the unloved and the unnatural!
Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty! In the 17th Chapter of St. Luke it is written: «the Kingdom of God is within man» — not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power — the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.
Then, in the name of democracy, let us use that power! Let us all unite! Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give youth the future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie! They do not fulfill their promise; they never will. Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people! Now, let us fight to fulfill that promise! Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness.
Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us all unite!
Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow — into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up.

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„Falling in love is the one illogical adventure, the one thing of which we are tempted to think as supernatural, in our trite and reasonable world.“

—  Robert Louis Stevenson, книга Virginibus Puerisque

Virginibus Puerisque, Ch. 3.
Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers (1881)
Контексте: Falling in love is the one illogical adventure, the one thing of which we are tempted to think as supernatural, in our trite and reasonable world. The effect is out of all proportion with the cause. Two persons, neither of them, it may be, very amiable or very beautiful, meet, speak a little, and look a little into each other’s eyes. That has been done a dozen or so of times in the experience of either with no great result. But on this occasion all is different. They fall at once into that state in which another person becomes to us the very gist and centrepoint of God’s creation, and demolishes our laborious theories with a smile; in which our ideas are so bound up with the one master-thought that even the trivial cares of our own person become so many acts of devotion, and the love of life itself is translated into a wish to remain in the same world with so precious and desirable a fellow-creature.

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„We must not only open our eyes, but our arms, our wings.“

—  Henri Barbusse French novelist 1873 — 1935

Light (1919), Ch, XXI — No!
Контексте: Ah, there are cloudy moments when one asks himself if men do not deserve all the disasters into which they rush! No — I recover myself — they do not deserve them. But we, instead of saying «I wish» must say «I will.» And what we will, we must will to build it, with order, with method, beginning at the beginning, when once we have been as far as that beginning. We must not only open our eyes, but our arms, our wings.

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„Wherever a way opens we are impelled to seek by the only methods that can be devised for that particular opening,“

—  Arthur Stanley Eddington British astrophysicist 1882 — 1944

Science and the Unseen World (1929)
Контексте: Physical science comes nearest to that complete system of exact knowledge which all sciences have before them as an ideal. Some fall far short of it. The physicist who inveighs against the lack of coherence and the indefiniteness of theological theories, will probably speak not much less harshly of the theories of biology and psychology. They also fail to come up to his standard of methodology. On the other side of him stands an even superior being—the pure mathematician—who has no high opinion of the methods of deduction used in physics, and does not hide his disapproval of the laxity of what is accepted as proof in physical science. And yet somehow knowledge grows in all these branches. Wherever a way opens we are impelled to seek by the only methods that can be devised for that particular opening, not over-rating the security of our finding, but conscious that in this activity of mind we are obeying the light that is in our nature.<!—VII, p.77-78

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Вижу зелень листвы и роз огонь
Они цветут для нас с тобой
И себе говорю
Как хорош этот мир…

Вижу синь небес, белизну облаков
Яркий радостный день, тёмной ночи покров
И себе говорю
Как хорош этот мир…

Всё многоцветье радуг, что в небесах висят
Я также вижу в лицах людей вокруг меня
Вижу встречу друзей и пожатие руки
Это всё для меня как признание в любви

Слышу плач детей, что после нас
Знать будут больше, чем мы сейчас
И себе говорю,
Как хорош этот мир…
Я себе говорю,
Как хорош этот мир…

На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 1.5к.

Последним хитом несравненного Луи Армстронга стала бесподобная композиция What a Wonderful World, которую он записал в возрасте шестидесяти шести лет, за четыре года до смерти.

Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world

История песни могла быть совсем иной, если бы ее согласился исполнить Тони Беннетт. Но он отказался, и классикой жанра ее сделал Армстронг, хотя поначалу обстоятельства не способствовали успеху.

История песни What a Wonderful World

К середине шестидесятых Луи Армстронг уже считался живой легендой. Он спел немало суперпопулярных песен, внес значительный вклад в развитие джаза и был обласкан вниманием критиков и публики. Хотя в то время вовсю гремели молодые группы, Армстронгу удавалось составлять им достойную конкуренцию.

В 1964 году его Hello, Dolly! потеснила с первого места Billboard Hot 100 The Beatles, которые с тремя разными композиторами восседали на вершине хит-парада четырнадцать недель подряд.

Три года спустя продюсер Боб Тиль и автор-песенник Джордж Дэвид Вайс предложили Армстронгу песню What a Wonderful World. Собственно, до того они обращались с ней к Тони Беннетту, но тот по какой-то причине не захотел ее исполнять. Кандидатуру Луи как возможного исполнителя песни им подсказал продюсер Арти Батлер, который знал, что Армстронг как раз собирал материал для новой пластинки.

Со времемнем, песня получила достойное признание и обрела новую волну популярности во всем мире, став гимном новой жизни в Прекрасном Новом Мире.

Перевод песни Louis Armstrong — What a wonderful world

What a wonderful world Как хорош этот мир
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
Вижу зелень листвы и роз огонь
Они цветут для нас с тобой
И себе говорю
Как хорош этот мир…
I see skies of blue
and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
Вижу синь небес, белизну облаков
Яркий радостный день, тёмной ночи покров
И себе говорю
Как хорош этот мир…
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They’re really saying I love you.
Всё многоцветье радуг, что в небесах висят
Я также вижу в лицах людей вокруг меня
Вижу встречу друзей и пожатие руки
Это всё для меня как признание в любви
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more than I’ll never know
And I think to myself
what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
Слышу плач детей, что после нас
Знать будут больше, чем мы сейчас
И себе говорю,
Как хорош этот мир…
Я себе говорю,
Как хорош этот мир…





I see trees of green… red roses too

Зелень яркой листвы… Роз красота

I see em bloom… for me and for you

В каплях чистой росы… И все это для нас…

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world…

Явлен мир волшебством, как же жить хорошо!

I see skies of blue… clouds of white

По лазури небес плывут облака,

Bright blessed days… dark sacred nights

Дней божественный блеск, ночей темнота…

And I think to myself … what a wonderful world…

Явлен мир волшебством, как же жить хорошо!

The colors of a rainbow… so pretty … in the sky

Пусть радуга украсит собою небосвод,

Are also on the faces… of people… going by

Пусть доброта людская на лицах расцветет.

I see friends shaking hands… sayin… how do you do

И в простых словах пусть живет любовь,

They’re really sayin… I love you…

Нам нужны друзья, чтоб обняться вновь!

I hear babies cry… I watch them grow

Стихнет детский плач, дети растут,

They’ll learn much more… than I’ll never know

Пролетят года, мудрость принесут…

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world

Явлен мир волшебством, как же жить хорошо!

* эквиритмический перевод

What a Wonderful World

Как прекрасен этот мир (перевод Jay Sky)

I see trees of green… red roses too

Я вижу зеленые деревья, а также красные розы

I see em bloom… for me and for you

Я вижу их цветущими, для тебя и для меня

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world…

И я думаю, как прекрасен этот мир

I see skies of blue… clouds of white

Я вижу голубое небо, белые облака

Bright blessed days… dark sacred nights

Светлые дни, темные ночи

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world…

И я думаю, как прекрасен этот мир

The colors of a rainbow… so pretty… in the sky

Цвета радуги, так красивы в небе,

Are also on the faces… of people… going by

Также на лицах людей, проходящих мимо.

I see friends shaking hands… sayin… how do you do

Я вижу друзей, пожимающих друг другу руки, спрашивающих: «Как дела?»

They’re really sayin… I love you…

На самом деле они говорят: «Я люблю тебя!»

I hear babies cry… I watch them grow

Я слышу детский плач, я вижу как они растут

They’ll learn much more… than I’ll never know

Они узнают намного больше, чем я когда-либо узнаю

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world

И я думаю, как прекрасен этот мир

(instrumental break)

(инструментальный проигрыш)

The colors of a rainbow… so pretty… in the sky

Цвета радуги, так красивы в небе,

Are there on the faces… of people… going by

Также на лицах людей, проходящих мимо.

I see friends shaking hands… sayin… how do you do

Я вижу друзей, пожимающих друг другу руки, спрашивающих: «Как дела?»

They’re really sayin… *spoken*(I… love… you)…

На самом деле они говорят: «Я люблю тебя!»

I hear babies cry… I watch them grow

Я слышу детский плач, я вижу, как они растут.

You know they’re gonna learn a whole lot more than I’ll never know

Они узнают намного больше, чем я когда-либо узнаю,

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world

И я думаю, как прекрасен этот мир

Yes I think to myself… what a wonderful world…

Да, я думаю, как прекрасен этот мир

What a Wonderful World

Что за прекрасный мир (перевод Rossy из Москвы)

I see trees of green… red roses too

Вижу зелёные деревья… красные розы

I see em bloom… for me and for you

Цветут для тебя и меня.

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world…

Говорю про себя… что за прекрасный мир!

I see skies of blue… clouds of white

Вижу небо голубое… белые облака.

Bright blessed days… dark sacred nights

Свет благословляет дни… тьма освящает ночи.

And I think to myself … what a wonderful world…

Говорю про себя… что за прекрасный мир!

The colors of a rainbow… so pretty … in the sky

Небо сияет всеми цветами радуги,

Are also on the faces… of people… going by

Как и лица людей проходящих мимо.

I see friends shaking hands… sayin… how do you do

Вижу здоровающихся друзей, они спрашивают: «Как дела?»

They’re really sayin… I love you…

На самом деле они говорят: «Я люблю тебя»

I hear babies cry… I watch them grow

Слышу детский плач… наблюдаю как они растут.

They’ll learn much more… than I’ll never know

Они будут знать гораздо больше, чем я когда-нибудь смогу узнать.

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world

Говорю про себя… что за прекрасный мир!

What a Wonderful World

Как прекрасен мир (перевод Максим из Хабаровска)

I see trees of green… red roses too

А деревье зеленые… а розы красные,

I see em bloom… for me and for you

Смотрю — они цветут… для нас прекрасных,

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world…

И подумал тут я… как красив этот мир.

I see skies of blue… clouds of white

Небеса голубые… облака белые,

Bright blessed days… dark sacred nights

Счастливы яркие дни… темны ночи священные,

And I think to myself … what a wonderful world…

И подумал тут я… как красив этот мир.

The colors of a rainbow… so pretty … in the sky

Цвета радуги… так милы в небесах,

Are also on the faces… of people… going by

У идущих людей…. отражаясь в глазах.

I see friends shaking hands… sayin… how do you do

Жмут руки друзья, вижу я… говорят — как дела,

They’re really sayin… I love you…

На самом деле сказав… я люблю тебя.

I hear babies cry… I watch them grow

Слышу дети плачут… Смотрю они вырастают,

They’ll learn much more… than I’ll never know

И будут знать много больше… чем я в жизни узнаю,

And I think to myself… what a wonderful world

И подумал тут я… как красив этот мир.

* — OST Madagascar (cаундтрек к мультфильму «Мадагаскар»)


(picture of Philip P. Bliss)


“Lord, to whom shall we go?  Thou hast the words of eternal life” (John 6:68)

     INTRO.:  A song which mentions the blessings that we can find in God’s word of life is “Wonderful Words of Life” (#405 in Hymns for Worship Revised, #13 in Sacred Selections for the Church).   The text was written and the tune (Words of Life) was composed both by Philip Paul Bliss, who was born in a log cabin near Rome in Clearfield County, PA, on July 9, 1838.  Always interested in music, while a boy he was carrying items from his family’s home into town to sell and heard a lady playing the piano in a house along the way.  Walking into the house without her knowledge, he asked her to play some more but was ordered to leave.  His family was poor, and at age eleven he left home to work on farms and in lumber camps.  The following year he joined the Baptist Church at Elk Run, PA, and began studying music.  His first instruction was under J. G. Towner.  Also, he attended a music convention conducted by William B. Bradbury.  Then in 1859 he married Lucy J. Young of Rome, PA, and for a year afterward worked on her father’s farm.  Beginning in 1860, with the help of his horse, Old Fanny, a ramshackle buggy, and a $20 melodeon, he rode about rural Pennsylvania as a professional music teacher, conducting singing schools in the winter and continuing his own music education during the summers at the Normal Academy of Music at Geneseo, NY, conducted by Theodore E. Perkins and others.  In 1864, at age 26, he wrote his first song, “Lora Vale,” and sold it to the famous Chicago, IL, publishing firm of Root and Cady.

This song was such a hit that the company induced him to come to the Windy City where he held music conventions and gave concerts.  While associated with Root and Cady for four years, he cared little for popular music.  Wanting to write hymns, his association with two Chicago evangelists caused him to give up his music teaching and to begin composing gospel songs for their crusades.  One of these evangelists was Dwight L. Moody, and the other, for whom Bliss became music director, was Daniel Webster Whittle.  Over the next eight years, Bliss became one of the foremost gospel musicians in the nation.  One night he heard Moody tell the story of a shipwreck and wrote “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.”  On another occasion he listened to Whittle speak of a battle during the Civil War and wrote “Hold the Fort.”  While on a stopover in an eastern town during a train trip, he attended a church service where the preacher discussed Paul’s interview with Agrippa and as a result wrote “Almost Persuaded” (#348).  Furnishing many songs for various collections of others, he went on to publish several hymnbooks of his own.  Some of his other well-known hymns which have appeared in books published by members of the Lord’s church include “Hallelujah! What A Savior!”, “More Holiness Give Me,” “Whosoever Will,” “Once For All,” Hallelujah, ‘Tis Done,” “Dare to Be a Daniel,” “The Light of the World is Jesus,” and “Jesus Loves Even Me;” tunes for Francis R. Havergal’s “I Gave My Life For Thee” and “I Bring My Sins to Thee,” Emily Oakley’s “What Shall the Harvest Be?”, Mary Brainard’s “He Knows,” and Horatio G. Spafford’s “It Is Well With My Soul;” and the text for “My Redeemer” with music provided by James G. McGranahan.

While at age 25 Bliss had been an impoverished music teacher making only $13 a month, by 36 he was earning a fortune with his royalties being counted in the tens of thousands of dollars, although he gave much of it away to charity.  “Wonderful Words of Life” was produced in 1874 for the first issue of a religious paper named Words of Life, published by Fleming H. Revell in New York City, NY.  Two years later, in 1876, after a grueling fall schedule, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss spent the Christmas holiday with their family in Rome, PA.  Leaving the children with relatives in Rome, they left for Chicago and an engagement at Moody’s tabernacle.  On Dec. 29, while they were riding their Chicago-bound express through Ohio, the bridge over a ravine near Ashtabula gave way, and seven cars crashed through the trestle.  They plunged into the icy riverbed below and burst into flame.  Bliss, just 38 years old at the time, survived the fall, escaped through a window, and crawled from the wreckage.  However, when he did not see his wife, he fought his way back through the fire into the burning mass in a vain effort to locate and rescue her.  Both of them perished in the flames, along with a hundred other people.    This song had its first hymnbook appearance in the 1878 Gospel Hymns No. 3, edited by Ira David Sankey.

Among hymnbooks published by members of the Lord’s church for use in churches of Christ, the song has appeared in the 1921 Great Songs of the Church (No. 1) and the 1937 Great Songs of the Church No. 2 edited by E. L. Jorgenson; the 1935 Christian Hymns (No. 1), the 1948 Christian Hymns No. 2, and the 1966 Christian Hymns No. 3 all edited by L. O. Sanderson; the 1959 Majestic Hymnal No. 2 and the 1978 Hymns of Praise both edited by Reuel Lemmons; the 1963 Christian Hymnal edited by J. Nelson Slater; the 1963 Abiding Hymns edited by Robert C. Welch; the 1965 Great Christian Hymnal No. 2 edited by Tillit S. Teddlie; the 1971 Songs of the Church, the 1990 Songs of the Church 21st C. Ed., and the 1994 Songs of Faith and Praise all edited by Alton H. Howard; the 1978/1983 Church Gospel Songs and Hymns edited by V. E. Howard; the 1986 Great Songs Revised edited by Forrest M. McCann; the 1992 Praise for the Lord edited by John P. Wiegand; the 2007 Sacred Songs of the Church edited by William D. Jeffcoat; the 2009 Favorite Songs of the Church and the 2010 Songs for Worship and Praise both edited by Robert J. Taylor Jr.; and the 2012 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs edited by Steve Wolfgang et. al.; in addition to Hymns for Worship and Sacred Selections.

The song emphasizes the importance of God’s words of life and why they is so wonderful.

I. According to stanza 1, they teach faith and duty

Sing them over again to me,

Wonderful words of life,

Let me more of their beauty see,

Wonderful words of life;

Words of life and beauty

Teach me faith and duty.

  1. We need to hear God’s words over and over again: 2 Pet. 3:1-2
  2. When we do, their beauty will be seen in that they are sweeter than honey: Ps. 119:103
  3. And their value is that they teach us faith and duty: Tit. 2:11-12

II. According to stanza 2, they woo us to heaven

Christ, the blessèd One, gives to all

Wonderful words of life;

Sinner, list to the loving call,

Wonderful words of life;

All so freely given,

Wooing us to heaven.

  1. Christ is the one who gives us these wonderful words: Jn. 6:63
  2. Therefore, we need to listen to His loving call: 2 Thess. 2:13-14
  3. If we follow them, they will woo us to heaven: Col. 1:5

III. According to stanza 3, they present Jesus as Savior

Sweetly echo the Gospel call,

Wonderful words of life;

Offer pardon and peace to all,

Wonderful words of life;

Jesus, only Savior,

Sanctify forever.

  1. The gospel is God’s power unto salvation: Rom. 1:16
  2. The gospel offers pardon and peace through forgiveness of sins: Acts 13:38-39
  3. But we must respond to the gospel in obedience because Jesus is the only Savior: Heb. 5:8-9

CONCL.:  The refrain continues the note of praise for the word of God:

Beautiful words,

Wonderful words,

Wonderful words of life,

Beautiful words,

Wonderful words,

Wonderful words of life.

Note Matt. 4:4.  We can have guidance through life, the hope of heaven, and salvation in Christ only by believing and obeying the “Wonderful Words of Life.”

Representative Text

1 Sing them over again to me,
Wonderful words of life;
Let me more of their beauty see,
Wonderful words of life;
Words of life and beauty
Teach me faith and duty.

Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life;
Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life.

2 Christ, the blessed one, gives to all
Wonderful words of life;
Sinner, list to the loving call,
Wonderful words of life;
All so freely given,
Wooing us to heaven. [Refrain]

3 Sweetly echo the gospel call,
Wonderful words of life;
Offer pardon and peace to all,
Wonderful words of life;
Jesus, only Savior,
Sanctify forever. [Refrain]

1 ¡Oh, cantádmelas otra vez,
bellas palabras de vida;
hallo en ellas mi gozo y luz,
bellas palabras de vida.
Sí, de luz y vida,
son sostén y guía.

¡Qué bellas son, qué bellas son!
Bellas palabras de vida.
¡Qué bellas son, qué bellas son!
Bellas palabras de vida.

2 Jesucristo a todos da
bellas palabras de vida;
oye su dulce voz, mortal,
bellas palabras de vida.
Bondadoso te salva,
y al cielo te llama. [Estribillo]

Author: P. P. Bliss

Philip P. Bliss (b. Clearfield County, PA, 1838; d. Ashtabula, OH, 1876) left home as a young boy to make a living by working on farms and in lumber camps, all while trying to continue his schooling. He was converted at a revival meeting at age twelve. Bliss became an itinerant music teacher, making house calls on horseback during the winter, and during the summer attending the Normal Academy of Music in Genesco, New York. His first song was published in 1864, and in 1868 Dwight L. Moody advised him to become a singing evangelist. For the last two years of his life Bliss traveled with Major D. W. Whittle and led the music at revival meetings in the Midwest and Southern United States. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey published a popular series of hym… Go to person page >

Page Scans


Instances (1 — 39 of 39)

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African American Heritage Hymnal #332

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: 8 6 8 6 66 with refrain Scripture: Psalm 119:103 Date: 2001 Subject: Bible—Word of God | ; Jesus Christ | His Glory and Power; Testimony, Witness and Evangelism |

African American Heritage Hymnal #332

Ambassador Hymnal #514

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WONDERFUL WORDS Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: 86 86 66 w/refrain Date: 1994 Subject: Proclamation | ; Salvation | ; Testimony | ; Word of God |

Ambassador Hymnal #514

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Baptist Hymnal 2008 #338

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: with Chorus Date: 2008 Subject: Bible, Word of God | ; Comfort,Encouragement, Hope |

Baptist Hymnal 2008 #338

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Chalice Hymnal #323

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: 86.86.66 w. refrain Date: 1995 Subject: Bible | ; Forgiveness | ; God’s Church | The Church at Worship: The Bible; The Church at Worship | The Bible

Chalice Hymnal #323

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Hymns for a Pilgrim People #255

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: with Refrain Scripture: John 6:63 Date: 2007 Subject: Gospel Call and Response | ; Word of God |

Hymns for a Pilgrim People #255

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Hymns of Faith #115

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: [Sing them over again to me] Author: Philip P. Bliss Scripture: John 6:68 Date: 1980

Hymns of Faith #115

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Rejoice Hymns #181

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: Irregular Date: 2011 Subject: Word of God | The Bible

Rejoice Hymns #181

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Santo, Santo, Santo #549

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life (Bellas palabras de vida) First Line: Sing them over again to me (Oh cantádmelas otra vez) Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Julia A. Butler; Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: 8 6 8 6 66 with refrain Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16; Romans 10:8-10; 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Date: 2019 Subject: Forgiveness | ; Palabra de Dios | ; Perdón | ; Salvación | ; Salvation | ; Word of God |

Santo, Santo, Santo #549

TextPage Scan

Sing Joyfully #177

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: [Sing them over again to me] Author: Philip P. Bliss Date: 1989 Subject: Witness Songs | ; Word of God |

Sing Joyfully #177


Small Church Music #136

Display Title: Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: P. P. Bliss Meter: with refrain

Small Church Music #136

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The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal #505

Display Title: Sing Them Over Again to Me (Wonderful Words Of Life) First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: P. P. B. Meter: 8. 6. 8. 6. 6. 6. with Refrain Date: 1999 Subject: Assurance and Faith |

The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal #505

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The Book of Praise #498

Display Title: Sing them over again to me First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: 8 6 8 6 6 6 with refrain Scripture: Proverbs 8:35; John 6:68 Date: 1997 Subject: Children and Youth | The Bible; Christian Nurture / Teaching | ; Forgiveness / Pardon | ; Grace | ; Jesus Christ | Call of; The Bible |

The Book of Praise #498

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The Celebration Hymnal #406

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: with Refrain Date: 1997 Subject: The Living Church | The Word of God

The Celebration Hymnal #406

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The Covenant Hymnal #525

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: with Refrain Scripture: John 6:63 Date: 1996 Subject: Word and Teaching |

The Covenant Hymnal #525


The Cyber Hymnal #7601

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life Tune Title: [Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life] Author: Philip P. Bliss

The Cyber Hymnal #7601

TextPage Scan

The New Century Hymnal #319

Display Title: Sing Them Over Again to Me (Wonderful Words of Life) First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: C.M. with refrain Date: 1995 Subject: Hymns About the Bible |

The New Century Hymnal #319

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The United Methodist Hymnal #600

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: 86.86.66 Date: 1989 Subject: Faith | ; Forgiveness | ; Music and Singing | ; Service Music | Prayer for Illumination; The Book of the Church : Holy Scripture |

The United Methodist Hymnal #600


Timeless Truths #1038

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: [Sing them over again to me] Author: P. P. B. Meter: R Scripture: Philippians 2:15-16 Subject: Bible/Word | Source: Anonymous/Unknown, The Blue Book (34); Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Wonderful_Words_of_Life)

Timeless Truths #1038

TextPage Scan

Total Praise #330

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Scripture: Psalm 119:103 Date: 2011 Subject: Discipleship | ; Faith | ; Jesus Christ | His Glory and Power; Jesus Christ | Savior; Obedience | ; Sanctification | ; Testimony, Witness, Evangelism |

Total Praise #330

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Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #697

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: Scripture: John 6:68 Date: 1990 Subject: Christ | Words of; Gospel | Excellency of; The Christian Life | Peace and Joy

Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #697

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Worship and Rejoice #668

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Meter: Scripture: Psalm 119:11; Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 16:24; John 6:68; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 22:17 Date: 2003

Worship and Rejoice #668

TextPage Scan

Yes, Lord! #61

Display Title: Wonderful Words of Life First Line: Sing them over again to me Tune Title: [Sing them over again to me] Author: Philip P. Bliss Date: 1982 Subject: Bible — Word of God |

Yes, Lord! #61

Include 509 pre-1979 instances

[Verse 1]
It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg

There is no end to what I’m saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
And t takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

La la la la la la la, life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la, life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la, life is wonderful
Ah la la la la

[Verse 2]
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn, brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
And it takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished, yeah

Ah la la la la la la, life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la, life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la
Life is so… (Life is so)

[Verse 3]
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain

Ah la la la la la la, life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la, life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la, life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la, life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la, life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la, life, it is so wonderful

It is so meaningful
It is so wonderful
It is meaningful
It is wonderful
It is meaningful
It goes full circle
Full circle

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

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