We are listening to your word lyrics

We All Bow Down (D/E or Bb/C)

V1, C, V2, C, B, C2


Verse 1

Princes and paupers
Sons and daughters
Kneel at the throne of grace
Losers and winners
Saints and sinners
One day will see His face

Chorus 1

And we all bow down
Kings will surrender their crowns
And worship Jesus
He is the love unfailing love
He is the love of God

Verse 2

Summer and winter
The mountains and the rivers
Whisper the Savior’s name
Awesome and holy
A friend to the lonely
Forever His love will reign


He is the light of the world
And Lord of the cross

Chorus 2

And we all bow down
Kings will surrender their crowns
And we will worship
Yes we will worship
And we will worship Jesus
He is the love unfailing love
He is the love of God

We Are Free


Verse 1

We heard and we believed
The gospel truth received
We trusted, we obeyed
Why would we turn away?

Verse 2

It starts and ends with grace
The righteous live by faith
We’re crucified with Christ
He bought us with a price
to set us

Chorus 1

Free, we are free
Freed by grace, saved by faith
No longer slaves
We are free, we are free
If the Son sets us free
We’re free indeed
We are free

Verse 3

The curse He has removed
The promise He has proved
Adopted as His sons
He has redeemed us
and set us


Free from the chains of the past
Free from the shackles of sin
Free from the dread of death and hell
Free to love, free to live, free to hope, and forgive
Free to hear, free to see that for all eternity we shall be

We Are Listening

V1, PC, C, V2, PC, C, C


Verse 1

Father I
Long to be wise
Too see with new eyes
The truth that was written by Your hand
Father speak
Your truth into me
Because I still believe
That You will help me understand


And we are listening to Your word
And we are listening to Your word


Morning and evening we come
To delight in the words of our God
Give us eyes to see
Give us faith to hear
That the Word has come
That the Word is here

Verse 2

Father I
Long to see Christ
The truth and new life
The Word who made the universe
Father speak
Now I believe
I have been set free
By the Word that lived and died for me

We are the Body (G)



One heart one spirit
One voice to praise You
We are the body of Christ
One goal one vision
To see You exalted
We are the body of Christ


And to this we give our lives
To see You glorified

We Believe (Apostles Creed) – Dan Wilt (D)


Verse 1

We believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of the heavens
And the earth
And in Jesus Christ His Son
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
And given birth
We believe we believe
We believe we believe
We believe

Verse 2

(And) He was born of the Virgin Mary
And He suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried
(And) He descended to the depths of hell
And then He rose again
We believe we believe
We believe we believe
We believe


(And) We believe He sends His Spirit
On His church with grace and pow’r
(And) We believe He pours His Spirit
On His church this final hour

Verse 3

He ascended to the highest heavens
And is seated at the right hand of God
He will come again to judge the living
Yes He will come again
To judge the living and judge the dead
We believe we believe
We believe we believe
We believe

Verse 4

(And) We believe in the Holy Spirit
(And) We believe in the Holy Christian Church
(And) We believe in the communion of saints
(And) We believe in the forgiveness of sins
And the resurrection
We believe we believe
We believe we believe
We believe

We Believe – Travis Ryan (C)

V1, C, V2, C, B, C, Ending


Verse 1

In this time of desperation
When all we know is doubt and fear
There is only one foundation
We believe we believe
In this broken generation
When all is dark You help us see
There is only one salvation
We believe we believe


We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the Holy Spirit
And He’s given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that He conquered death
We believe in the resurrection
And He’s coming back again
(We believe)

Verse 2

So let our faith be more than anthems
Greater than the songs we sing
In our weakness and temptations
We believe we believe


Let the lost be found and the dead be raised
In the here and now let love invade
Let the church live loud our God will save
We believe we believe
And the gates of hell will not prevail
For the pow’r of God has torn the veil
Now we know Your love will never fail
We believe we believe


We believe we believe
We believe we believe
We believe!

We Fall Down (D)

V, C, V, C, C



We fall down we lay our crowns
At the feet of Jesus
The greatness of mercy and love
At the feet of Jesus


And we cry holy holy holy
And we cry holy holy holy
And we cry holy holy holy
Is the Lamb

We Sing the Greatness (Ab)


Verse 1

We sing the greatness of our God
That made the mountains rise
That spread the flowing sea abroad
And built the lofty skies
We sing the wisdom that ordained
The sun to rule the day
The moon shines full at His command
And all the stars obey

Verse 2

We sing the goodness of the Lord
That filled the earth with food
He formed the creatures with His word
And then pronounced them good
Lord how Thy wonders are displayed
Where’er we turn our eyes
In every season of the year
And through the changing skies

Verse 3

There’s not a plant or flower below
But makes Thy glories known
And clouds arise and tempests blow
By order from Thy throne
While all that borrows life from Thee
Is ever in Thy care
And everywhere man can be
Thou God art present there amen

We’ve a Story to Tell (C-D)


Verse 1

We’ve a story to tell to the nations
That shall turn their hearts to the right
A story of truth and mercy
A story of peace and light
A story of peace and light


For the darkness shall turn to dawning
And the dawning to noonday bright
And Christ’s great kingdom shall come to earth
The kingdom of love and light

Verse 2

We’ve a song to be sung to the nations
That shall lift their hearts to the Lord
A song that shall conquer evil
And shatter the spear and sword
And shatter the spear and sword

Verse 3

We’ve a message to give to the nations
That the Lord who reigneth above
Hath sent us His Son to save us
And show us that God is love
And show us that God is love

Verse 4

We’ve a Saviour to show to the nations
Who the path of sorrow has trod
That all of the world’s great peoples
Might come to the truth of God
Might come to the truth of God

We Want to See Jesus Lifted High (C)

V, V, C1, B, V, C1, C2



We want to see Jesus lifted high
A banner that flies across this land
That all men might see the truth and know
He is the way to heaven

Chorus 1

We want to see we want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We want to see we want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high


Step by step we’re moving forward
Little by little taking ground
Ev’ry prayer a powerful weapon
Strongholds come tumbling down
And down and down and down

Chorus 2

We’re gonna see we’re gonna see
We’re gonna see Jesus lifted high
We’re gonna see we’re gonna see
We’re gonna see Jesus lifted high

What a Beautiful Name (D)

V1, C1, V2, C2, Inst, B1, B2, C3, B2, End


Verse 1

You were the Word at the beginning
One with God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ

Chorus 1

What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

Verse 2

We couldn’t reach heaven without you
So Jesus You brought heaven down
My sin was great Your love was greater
What could separate us now

Chorus 2

What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

Bridge 1

Death could not hold You
The veil tore before You
You silence the boast of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring
The praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again

Bridge 2

You have no rival
You have no equal
Now and forever God You reign
Yours is the kingdom
Yours is the glory
Yours is the Name above all names

Chorus 3

What a powerful Name it is
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a powerful Name it is
Nothing can stand against
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus


What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus

What a Friend We Have in Jesus (F)

V1, V2, V3


Verse 1

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Verse 2

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Verse 3

Are we weak and heavy laden
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Do thy friends despise forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee
Thou wilt find a solace there

Verse 4

Blessed Savior Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever Lord be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer
Soon in glory bright unclouded
There will be no need for prayer
Rapture praise and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there

What the Lord Has Done in Me (C)


Verse 1

Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Let the blind say I can see
It’s what the Lord has done in me


Hosanna hosanna
To the Lamb that was slain
Hosanna hosanna
Jesus died and rose again

Verse 2

Into the river I will wade
There my sins are washed away
From the heaven’s mercy stream
Of the Saviour’s love for me

Verse 3

I will rise from waters deep
Into the saving arms of God
I will sing salvation songs
Jesus Christ has set me free

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (F)

V1, V2, V3, V4


Verse 1

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride

Verse 2

Forbid it Lord that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my God
All the vain things that charm me most
I sacrifice them to His blood

Verse 3

See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did ever such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown

Verse 4 (MediaShout may have as Verse 5)

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were a present (an offering) far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all

When It’s All Been Said and Done (C)


Verse 1

When it’s all been said and done
There is just one thing that matters
Did I do my best to live for truth
Did I live my life for You

Verse 2

When it’s all been said and done
All my treasures will mean nothing
Only what I’ve done for love’s reward
Will stand the test of time

Verse 3

Lord Your mercy is so great
That You look beyond our weakness
And find purest gold in miry clay
Making sinners into saints

Verse 4

I will always sing Your praise
Here on earth and ever after
For You’ve shown me Heaven’s my true home
When it’s all been said and done
You’re my life when life is gone


Lord I’ll live my life for You

Who is There Like You (D or E)

V, C, V, C



Who is there like You
And who else would give their life for me
Even suffering in my place
And who could repay You
All of creation looks to You
And You provide for all You have made


So I’m lifting up my hands
Lifting up my voice
Lifting up Your name
And in Your grace I rest
For Your love has come to me
And set me free
And I’m trusting in Your word
Trusting in Your cross
Trusting in Your blood
And all Your faithfulness
For Your pow’r at work in me
Is changing me

Wonderful Cross, The (C)

V1, V2, C, V3, C


Verse 1

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride

Verse 2

See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown


O the wonderful cross
O the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find
That I may truly live
O the wonderful cross
O the wonderful cross
All who gather here by grace
Draw near and bless Your name

Verse 3

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all

Wonderful Grace of Jesus (G)

V1, C, V2, C, V3,  C


Verse 1

Wonderful grace of Jesus greater than all my sin
How shall my tongue describe it
Where shall its praise begin
Taking away my burden setting my spirit free
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me


Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea
Wonderful grace allsufficient for me
Broader than the scope of my transgressions
Greater far than all my sin and shame
O magnify the precious name of Jesus
Praise His name

Verse 2

Wonderful grace of Jesus reaching to all the lost
By it I have been pardoned saved to the uttermost
Chains have been torn asunder giving me liberty
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me

Verse 3

Wonderful grace of Jesus reaching the most defiled
By its transforming power
Making Him God’s dear child
Purchasing peace and heaven for all eternity
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me

Wonderful, Merciful Saviour (C)

V1, V2, C, V3, C, C


Verse 1

Wonderful merciful Savior
Precious Redeemer and Friend
Who would have thought that a Lamb
Could rescue the souls of men
Oh You rescue the souls of men


You are the One that we praise
You are the One we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh our hearts always hunger for

Verse 2

Counselor Comforter Keeper
Spirit of wisdome and grace
You offer hope when our hearts
Have hopelessly lost the way
Oh we hopelessly lost the way

Verse 3

Almighty infinite Father
Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
Oh we’re falling before Your throne

Word of God (G)

V, PC, C, V, PC, C, B, B



The Word of God is light in my darkness
Hope for the hopeless strong and true
The Word of God is strength for the weary
A shield for those who trust in You
A shield for those who trust in You


Ev’rything will fade ev’rything will fade
The heavens and the earth will pass away
But You will remain
Yes You will remain always


Jesus faithful Word of God
The anchor of my heart
You’re ev’rything You say You are Lord
Greater than my deepest needs
The ground beneath my feet
Your promises won’t fail me now


You will not fail us
You will not fail us
You will not fail us
Oh Word of God

Worthy is the Lamb (G)

V1, V2, C, V1, V2, C


Verse 1

Thank You for the cross Lord
Thank You for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came and gave amazing grace

Verse 2

Thank You for this love Lord
Thank You for the nail-pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace


Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up Jesus Son of God
The Darling of heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb


Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

[Verse 1]
You say the word, and the dark turns into light
You say the word, and the dead comes back to life
You say be still to the crashing waves, and the wind and the water obey
At Your word every word is alive

We are listening. We are listening
Breathe Your living word into us, God breathe Your living word through us
We are listening. We are listening
Let us hear the sound of Your voice, and the beating of Your heart
We are listening

[Verse 2]
You say the word, the heavens open and the rains fall down
You say the word, and beauty springs from the frozen ground
And from the ashes of the our brokeness, comes a beauty that will take our breath
At Your word ’cause every word is alive

We’re listening

Holy Spirit, we come into Your presence
Please open up our hearts, and let us hear what You would say
We are listening. We are listening
Breathe Your living word in to us. God breathe Your living word through us
We’re listening. God we’re listening. We’re listening

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum

V1, PC, C, V2, PC, C, Inst. C, PC, C (2x), PC


Em Father, I

C Long to be wise,

G To see with new eyes

D The truth that was written by Your hand

EmFather, speak

CYour truth into me

G Because I still believe

D7 That You will help me understand


C Em D And we are listening to Your word (2x)


G C D Morning and evening we come

G C DTo delight in the words of our God

Em Am Give us eyes to see

Em AmGive us faith to hear

G C that the Word has come

G D/F#that the Word is here


EmFather, I

CLong to see Christ:

G The Truth and New Life,

DThe Word that made the universe

Em Father, speak

CNow I believe

GI have been set free

DBy the Word that lived and died for me

We Are Listening Chords / Audio (Transposable):

Lyrics only

Transpose Chords


Verse 1
You say the word and the dark turns into light
You say the word and the dead comes back to life
Em C
You say be still to the crashing waves
And the wind and the water obey
C Am G
At Your word, every word is alive

C Em C
We are listening, we are listening
Breathe Your living Word into us
D/F# D
God, breathe Your living Word through us
C Em C
We are listening, we are listening
Let us hear the sound of Your voice
D/F# D C
And the beating of Your heart, we are listening

Verse 2
You say the word, the heavens open and the rains fall down
You say the word, and beauty springs from the frozen ground
Em C
From the ashes of our brokenness
Comes a beauty that will take our breath
C Am G
At Your word, 'cause every word is alive


We're listening

Bridge 1
Holy Spirit, we come into Your presence
Please open up our hearts
And let us hear what You would say

Bridge 2
C Em C
We are listening, we are listening
Breathe Your living Word into us
D/F# D
God, breathe Your living Word through us


We're listening, God, we're listening, we're listening

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We Are Listening - Steven Curtis Chapman

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни We Are Listening, исполнителя — Steven Curtis Chapman. Песня из альбома Worship And Believe, в жанре
Дата выпуска: 03.03.2016
Лейбл звукозаписи: Provident Label Group
Язык песни: Английский

Выберите на какой язык перевести:

We Are Listening


You say the word, and the dark turns into light
You say the word, and the dead comes back to life
You say be still to the crashing waves, and the wind and the water obey
At Your word every word is alive
We are listening.
We are listening
Breathe Your living word into us, God breathe Your living word through us
We are listening.
We are listening
Let us hear the sound of Your voice, and the beating of Your heart
We are listening
You say the word, the heavens open and the rains fall down
You say the word, and beauty springs from the frozen ground
And from the ashes of the our brokeness, comes a beauty that will take our
At Your word ’cause every word is alive
We’re listening
Holy Spirit, we come into Your presence
Please open up our hearts, and let us hear what You would say
We are listening.
We are listening
Breathe Your living word in to us.
God breathe Your living word through us
We’re listening.
God we’re listening.
We’re listening

Мы Слушаем


Вы говорите слово, и тьма превращается в свет
Вы говорите слово, и мертвый возвращается к жизни
Вы говорите, чтобы успокоиться перед грохотом волн, и ветер и вода повинуются
По Твоему слову каждое слово живо
Мы слушаем.
мы слушаем
Вдохни Свое живое слово в нас, Боже, вдохни Свое живое слово через нас
Мы слушаем.
мы слушаем
Дай нам услышать звук Твоего голоса и биение Твоего сердца
мы слушаем
Вы говорите слово, небеса открываются, и идут дожди
Ты говоришь слово, и красота рождается из мерзлой земли.
И из пепла нашей разбитости возникает красота, которая заберет наши
По Твоему слову, потому что каждое слово живо
мы слушаем
Святой Дух, мы входим в Твоё присутствие
Пожалуйста, открой наши сердца и позволь нам услышать, что Ты скажешь
Мы слушаем.
мы слушаем
Вдохните в нас Свое живое слово.
Бог дышит Твоим живым словом через нас
Мы слушаем.
Боже, мы слушаем.
мы слушаем

Рейтинг перевода: 5

/5 |
Голосов: 1

  • Тексты песен
  • OST «Анжелика»
  • Listen to our words

Listen to our words
what they say
ain‘t what we want them to say
Listen how they sound
what we hear
shimmering of heated air

all wasted tears
over wasted years

Look into our eyes
what they see
ain‘t what they want us to see
look into ourselves
what we feel
is not for real

all wasted tears
over projected fear
in an unbreathable atmosphere

all we‘d need
from eachother
to readjust our trust in another
We got to believe
the killer of you and me
ain‘t no one in between
ain‘t no one who can‘t be seen

all wasted tears
over projected fear
in an unbreathable atmosphere
Еще OST «Анжелика»

Статистика страницы на pesni.guru ▼

Просмотров сегодня: 1

Другие названия этого текста

  • The Maneken — Wasted Tears (2)
  • OST «Анжелика» — Listen to our words (1)
  • Песня из сериала — «Анжелика» (1)
  • из — Анжелики (1)
  • The Maneken — Wasted Tears (OST Анжелика) (1)
  • PN — a (0)
  • Песня из сериала — «Анжелика» (медляк) (0)
  • Лика — «Анжелика» (0)
  • Песня из сериала — назерке (0)
  • Listen to your heart-

    — Слушай свое сердце

  • неизвестен — …никому не нужная Ульяна… (0)
  • . — (0)
  • Песня из сериала — грустненькая:3 (0)
  • A.Cavid — ты успокойся (0)
  • Haley Reinhart — Wasted Tears (0)
  • Emany — Anzhelika (0)
  • ПЕЧАЛЬКА — «Анжелика» (0)
  • Включай микрофон! — Дурочка (0)
  • a hav lav — Listen to our words (0)
  • …. — Сколько можно всё это терпеть? (0)
  • нов — нот (0)
  • . — Make love to mе (0)
  • НЕЗНАЮ — Прросто так вроде не знаю как называется (0)
  • Danil — Tru over (0)
  • Listen to your heart-(Слушай свое сердце) — . (0)

Популярное сейчас

  • Ты скажи ромашка любит ли Наташка — Любит ли хорошая моя
  • Король и Шут — Утренний рассвет
  • Паша Изотов — Нежно
  • Kagamine Len-kun feat. Girls — +♂-Plus Boy
  • А.С. Пушкин — Мы любим тех, кто нас не любит
  • Токийский гуль — Opening оригинал
  • Айки Душевный — Ты Моя Бро (LIFE)
  • Vspak — Хочу
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Анекдоты из Зоны — Черный Сталкер (vk.com/stalkerjokes)
  • Куба — Вставай Донбасс
  • Юлия Славянская — «Будьте солнышками на земле!»
  • Юлия Славянская — Так дано много
  • Кулху Аллаху ахад — Сура 112 (Аль-Ихляс | Искренность)
  • 01. Kolobanga (OST) — Песенка Глюка (OST Колобанга)
  • Король и Шут — Будь как дома, путник

Crossing, my church here in the ville, planted 3 years ago August from Sojourn here in the ville. Sojourn has some great music you can find here. A friend loaned me their newest regular cd – Before the Throne – and I’ve been listening to it pretty much non-stop in my car. I have come to appreciate the songs and the Spirit usually convicts on some point while I am intentionally listening to them.
One of the songs, #6 (because I skip to it sometimes), We Are Listening, has been especially convicting. We sang it Sunday at Crossing. I loved it! Its always fun singing songs corporately that have meant a lot to you individually. Here are the lyrics:
Father, I long to be wise, to see with new eyes
The truth that was written by your hand
Father, speak, your truth into me
Because I still believe, that you will help me understand
And we are listening to your word
Morning and evening we come
To delight in the words of our God,
Give us eyes to see, give us faith to hear
That the Word has come, the the Word is here
Father, I long to see Christ
The Truth and New Life, the Word, that made the universe
Father, speak, now I believe
I have been set free, by the Word that lived and died for me.

I’m sure if you listen and meditate on music at all, there seems to be a part that sticks in your brain. Well, the first verse of this song pierced me first. How the Word makes me wise, by listening and obeying the Word of truth (we’ve been in Proverbs at church). And the doctrine of Scripture is in there too – that the Word is very words inspired by God and breathed by Him into man for our good and sanctification.
Sunday night, the Scripture read right before this song was John 1.1-14 – about Jesus being the Word, creating the universe, dwelling among us, bringing grace and truth into our lives, being God with skin on to us – so that we might see and hear and come and believe. After hearing this passage read in prelude to these songs, I really focused on the second part.
The Incarnation of Christ – how He is the very Word of God brought down to man. How He made everything we see – but came in grace and truth to dwell (pitch his tent) among us. He made it possible for us to know the unseeable God.
Learning point from listening to the sermon from Sunday night in light of this song: Dustin preached on self-discipline. I had already been convicted of still trying to work for my standingi n Christ. My consistent or daily reading of the Word makes me no less “worthy” of participating in communion then if I didn’t read the Word at all. My “ability” to take communion is based on His finished work of the Cross. If I start equating my standing before God with what I do and how self-disciplined I am – then I have gone away from the teaching of Scripture and have subscribed to my own form of idolatry with a works-based salvation.
How grateful I am for both – the Word (as in the Bible) and the Word (as in Jesus, the Incarnate God, God with us – as we celebrate at Christmas). And I’m also grateful for talented musicians at Sojourn who wrote the lyrics and music to this song – and for Crossing worship band who played it on Sunday.

About kimddavidson

I am bought with the blood of Christ and being graced every day to know Him more. I am a writer. Love to read, run, hang out, watch movies, cook, bake, work hard/play harder. God is so abundantly good to me.

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{Verse 1}
We come to hear Your word
Lord, open up our hearts and lives again
So let Your voice be heard
We’re ready to receive this daily bread

Your word is truth and life to us, so light the way
As we believe Your promises, renew our faith

{Verse 2}
We come to hear Your word
Let revelation shape our hearts anew
We long to know You more
Come, Spirit, lead us deeper into truth

Your word is truth and life to us, so light the way
As we believe Your promises, renew our faith
Your word is truth and life to us, so light the way
As we believe Your promises, renew our faith


{Verse 2+}
We come to hear Your word
Let revelation shape our hearts anew
We long to know You more
Come, Spirit, lead us deeper into truth
We long to know You more
Come, Spirit, lead us deeper into truth

More RESOUNDworship lyrics

RESOUNDworship — Come and Worship Christ the King
{Verse 1} Come and worship Christ the King, come and bow before Him Christ the author of all things, every heart adore Christ the everlasting God Reigning at the

RESOUNDworship — Worship the Lord
{Instrumental} {Verse 1} Worship the Lord with joyful songs of praise Sing of His love, His everlasting grace He is the Lord, the maker of all things

RESOUNDworship — You Who Fear the Lord
{Verse 1} You who fear the Lord, do not be afraid God will comfort you and lift you up You who wait for God, do not be dismayed God, who hears your prayers, will answer

RESOUNDworship — We Come to Hear Your Word
{Instrumental} {Verse 1} We come to hear Your word Lord, open up our hearts and lives again So let Your voice be heard We’re ready to receive

RESOUNDworship — We Believe in One God
{Verse 1} We believe in one God, the Father The maker of the world We believe in one Lord, the Saviour Jesus Christ the Son God from God and Light from light

RESOUNDworship — Those Who Hope
{Verse 1} Those who hope in the Lord Will renew their strength Those who hope in the Lord Will renew their strength {Chorus 1} They will rise,

RESOUNDworship — Send Us Out
{Verse 1} Send us out in the power of Your Spirit To shine Your light in the way we live Send us out in the power of Your Spirit As we’ve received, may we freely

RESOUNDworship — Oh What a Friend
{Verse 1} Oh what a friend, what a friend we have in Jesus Who knows our every weakness and the burdens that we bear Oh what a joy, what a privilege and mercy To carry

RESOUNDworship — Most Merciful God
{Verse} Most merciful God, our Father of grace We confess we have sinned, we have walked our own way Our love has been fickle, our hearts they have strayed So, Lord, in

RESOUNDworship — May the Grace
{Verse} May the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God And the fellowship of the Spirit be with us May the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God And the

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