Ways to keep your word

Are you looking for some tips on how to keep your word?

keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your wordWell, you’ve come to the right place! We have created this amazing list of five tips which will help you with keeping your word on things. If you struggle with keeping your promises and need some simple tips on how to keep your word, then this list is just what you need. These tips will help you along the way to becoming a more trustworthy and respected individual who is know for sticking to their word. We hope that our list of tips on how to keep your word is helpful to you and we would love to hear your thoughts on our tips in our comments section below this article. If you know someone who may benefit from reading these tips too, then please do be sure to give this article a share with them!

A Bit About How to Keep Your Word

So what does it mean to keep your word and why is it so important in life? Here we will explore and discover the answers to these questions. There are many reasons why it is important to stick to your word, and here we will discover some of those reasons. keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your word

What does it mean to keep your word?

Keeping your word means that when you promise to do something, you actually do it. Some people will say that they’re going to do something and then they never actually do. However, people will respect you much more if you’re a person who sticks to their word. Keeping to your word means that you will work hard on impressing others and doing the things that you say that you’re going to do, no matter how hard it is, or how many obstacles get in the way. A person who sticks to their word is someone who will work hard to accomplish the things that they promise they are going to.

Why is it so important to keep your word?

It is important to keep your word because that way, people will be more likely to trust you and believe in you. You will also feel a sense of accomplishment by sticking to your word, and you will feel much better about yourself than if you choose not to stick to your word. Earning people’s trust and respect can be a very difficult thing. However, if you’re a person who stick to their word, it can become much easier to earn that trust and respect from others. Even keeping to the smallest of promises can help to build your reputation among the people around you.

Instructions — How to Keep Your Word

Following is our list of simple tips on how to keep your word. We hope that you enjoy reading these tips and that they are helpful and inspiring you in some way today. If you know someone else who may also benefit from reading these tips, then please do be sure to give this article a share with them!

Step 1 – Make it concrete

keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your word

You must make sure and certain that whatever it is that you’re saying you can do, is actually possible. Don’t commit to doing something if you feel like you might not be able to do it. It is important to only say that you’ll do something if you definitely feel like you will be able to go through with it.

Be clear on exactly what it is that you plan to do, so that you don’t find yourself making false promises. Once you know exactly what it is that you’re doing, set yourself a deadline as to when you’re going to complete that goal by.

Firm promises that have a set deadline date are more likely to be kept. Don’t make promises that you can’t keep or you will end up losing people’s trust. Keeping promises will allow you to have a sense of pride as well as give you a great reputation among other people.

Step 2 – Get it in writing

keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your word

Verbal agreements can often be problematic as different people in the conversation may take things in a different way and that can lead to some confusion. If you end up having different views of what’s expected of you, then you may end up not completing the task at hand correctly. Or you may end up disappointing some people as you’re both expecting different things.

When a promise is made verbally, it can also be very easy for one of the parties to forget what has been promised, or the promise may be unclear. This is where written promises come in very handy. Having things written down allows for both parties to be clear on what is expected and avoids any miscommunication along the way.

Writing things down can also solidify what you need to do. If you write things down, it can help to jam into your brain what exactly it is that you need to do. That way, you will have it completely in your brain and you will know exactly what you need to do when it comes down to actually doing it.

Step 3 – Small promises count

keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your word

A promis is a promise no matter how big or small it may seem. People must be able to trust you in order to take you seriously. This is easier when you are able to keep small promises. If you say you’re going to call someone at a certain time, make sure you do, if you say you’ll pay someone back some money they lent you, make sure you do. It’s little promises like this that, when ket, can earn you a lot of respect from the people around you.

When people see you as a person who keeps their smaller promises, then they may be more likely to trust you when it comes to helping them on bigger promises. Keeping smaller promises is a great way to build up your reputation. No matter how big or small a promise is, keeping to your word will always have a positive effect on you and the other people around you.

Step 4 – Do it anyway

keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your word

There may be a million reasons why you don’t want to or don’t feel like doing something. However, no matter what it is, you should always make an effort to do the things that you say you’re going to. You’ll feel great by accomplishing the thing that you say you’re going to, plus you’ll earn the respect of the people with whom you’ve made the promise to.

If you follow through on something that is difficult for you, you will earn plenty of respect from others. People will appreciate the extra effort that has been made by you to keep that promise and stick to your word.

Avoid making excuses, even when you’re finding things difficult. There is always a solution to your problems and it’s important that you find that solution rather than giving up on yourself. Giving up on yourself should never be the option. Keep to your word and make yourself proud every day.

Step 5 – Expect the same of others

keep your word, keep my word, keep to your word, not eeping your word, how to keep your word, staying true to your word

If other people are expecting you to stick to your word, then you should also expect the same from them. You should always expect the best of people and give them your utmost respect, until they are not worthy of it anymore. Be clear about what you’re expecting of others, and make sure that they follow through on it.

When someone fails to keep their word, make sure you let them know that you’re disappointed by them. Don’t allow them to just get away with it. Surely if it were the other way around, they would be disappointed in you. Let them know how them not keeping to their promise has affected you, so that they know to keep to their word in the future.

Make sure that you’re cautious with trusting that person again on future promises. Trust and respect are two things that must be earned, and once broken, it can take some time to fully earn respect and trust once again.

We hope you enjoyed our list of tips on how to keep your word. 

Did you enjoy this list of tips on how to keep your word? Perhaps you have some tips of your own on how to keep your word that you think should be on this list? Or maybe you have some stories about keeping your word that you would like to share with us? We would love to hear them! Please leave a comment in the comment section below this article.

If you enjoyed this article or know someone who may benefit from reading it then please be sure to give it a share! You never know whose life you could change with a simple share to your favourite social media sites.

Related Article: Encouragement Quotes To Inspire You To Achieve Your Dreams

Anna Parsons

Anna works as a full-time writer and editor and has devoted the last ten years of her career to assisting readers in improving their perspective on life. She is a Cultural Studies graduate and now contributes to Good Morning Quotes by sharing her traveling experiences and social knowledge with our readers. When she is not typing up her next article, Anna enjoys spending time with friends, visiting new places, and supporting a healthy lifestyle.

When our culture advises parents to “groom” their children for success, it typically encourages us to send our kids to the best schools or push them to squeeze out every possible SAT point they can muster. But what is often overlooked is our children’s integrity, the rudder that will steer their life’s ship. And integrity starts with keeping promises. If you really want your children to flourish, tell them what it means to keep your word, no matter what. When your kids say they will do something, they do. No questions asked.

If your children will live up to this principle, wherever they go, their reputation for being upstanding will make them outstanding. Equip them for success. Here are 8 ways to teach your children to keep their word.

1. Keep your word—always.

Like most clichés, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” contains practical wisdom. Children learn 100% of the time. Watching Dad back out of a promise will leave an imprint.

2. Model integrity in every aspect of your life.

Integrity isn’t selective. Dad the role model and Dad the leader amount to a broad sweep. Keeping our word is an example for so much more. Our integrity in all we say and do is the most powerful character lesson for our children.

Our integrity in all we say and do is the most powerful character lesson for our children.

3. Look for opportunities to teach.

The family is a living, learning laboratory, a learning center where “teachable moments” abound. It’s a simple task to pause, point out a truth, then move on. “Look, Junior, that wasn’t easy; but we made the commitment to help pick up trash this morning and I’m glad we did. What do you think?”

4. Share stories of family character and examples of famous people.

Talk about family history that supports promise-keeping. Watch movies together such as Chariots of Fire and talk afterward. Highlight news items and personalities that illustrate the value of integrity.

5. Stay on top of the kids’ commitments.

Part of raising teenagers or raising younger kids means ongoing conversation and interest is a must. Cultivate an atmosphere where everything is on the table and you are familiar with your child’s life. We’re in a better position to help and encourage when we know what’s going on in our children’s lives.

6. Make it a priority to support your kids’ commitments.

Knowing is huge, but it’s not the whole picture. If we make it our priority to support our children’s obligations, then they can learn the habit of following through. “Dad knows about this, and I know he’s going to help if I need it.”

7. Don’t confuse support with letting them off the hook.

We all know parents who do kids’ homework for them, sell their Girl Scout cookies, or cough up a few dollars to bail them out. That’s not what we’re talking about here. Support means consultation, encouragement, “two heads are better than one,” and accountability when they fail.

8. Hold children accountable.

This is a hard one to get right. Child discipline is not always the same as punishment. Accountability is an extension of the support process and is specifically designed to help your child succeed. Accountability is for the child, not the parent. Failure in commitment is a learning opportunity, not a cue for the embarrassed parent to bail out the child and save face.

Sound off: How do you teach your kids to keep their word?

Huddle Up Question

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “Why is it important to keep your word?”

There are a number of ways we measure a person’s worth or our own worth. Perhaps none other evokes as much emotion as “keeping your word.”

Words hold immense power and emotion for us. In the right/wrong hand, they can start or squash a war! They can win the hearts and minds of people to a cause, or send somebody crashing to the depths of despair.

We use words to describe physical ‘things’ we can both see and touch.

The physical world you now see at one time didn’t have labels, but people like you and me began to label these “things” to communicate. Somebody had ideas and thoughts around the “things” and called them by sounds to begin simple language to share… to communicate.

Someone thought about a «thing«, words were spoken, and eventually items, buildings, cities, etc. were built.

Now that’s some pretty powerful stuff! And it all came about by the power of words.

But words are not only powerful… there’re also… important.

There’s two concepts of the importance of words I want to touch on in this resource. One is «keeping your word to others» and maybe surprisingly «keeping your word to yourself

I want to suggest to you both are effectively two sides of the same coin.


Keeping promise Dictionary EntryYour words have and hold more power than you think. So, it’s important to monitor what words you speak, as well as keeping your word because this defines who you are and what people think of you.

Words are building blocks of your existence and they reflect the integrity of their creator.

Since words hold power, it’s both important to speak words that hold positive intentions and always be prepared to keep your word to others, as they’re a reflection of your intentions and integrity.

You’re only as good as your word!

This may sound philosophical, but it’s true. You see, what you tell others through your words is what they’ll come to believe about you.

If you say you’re going to do something, then you’d best follow through as people will judge you not only on what you say, but on what you do. If you accomplish what you say you’re going to do, then your words hold power in the future… you gain the trust of others.

Words, in essence. become a perfect reflection of your character in a positive light.

Conversely, if you’re constantly saying you’re going to do something and not follow through, your words will eventually hold a negative symbolism of your integrity — you never follow through on what you say you’re going to do. In other words… you lose the trust of others.

People wont hold value in what you say because your actions speak louder than your words, or in this case, your lack of action.

Broken Promise ConceptA friend or colleague who continually lets you down when they promise to do something, or be somewhere, soon looses your trust and respect. Conversely, most of us feel bad if we let somebody down because we realize some trust and respect for us, from that person, has been eroded.

When it comes to family we tend to go the extra mile. For example, if you promise your son or daughter you’ll pick them up at school for 2:30pm, you’ll make sure you’re on time.

The consequences of not being there is too painful and embarrassing to imagine. So, nothing will stand in your way.

Likewise, if you promise to visit a friend in hospital and visiting hours finish at 9:00pm then if you value the friendship you’ll find a way of keeping your word whatever crops up that day.

Somebody once said “You are your word” and this is true.

We measure our respect, or not, for politicians by analyzing if they kept their campaign promises. This is why we don’t respect or trust our politicians because most of them follow a road of broken promises. But they’re not the first or only to do this – just convenient as an example.


Promises to Yourself Concept ImageBut keeping our word is not only about respecting others – keeping your word to yourself is all about respecting yourself.

We need to pay as much attention about keeping promises to ourselves as we do to others.

Just as people will judge you based on whether or not you keep your word to others, you also need to keep your word for your own well-being.

If you’re continually setting intentions for change or resolutions, but do not follow through on them, eventually you’ll not believe in your own abilities to achieve your goals and intentions.

Basically, when you speak words over yourself (say you are going to make changes, etc.) and always fail to follow through on them, your unconscious mind basically says to itself, “Yeah right! Good luck with that, same ole, same ole!”

Unfortunately, most of us have a historical string of broken promises to ourselves. I’m going to stop smoking. I’m going to lose weight. I’ll go to the gym to get fit.

We’ve all done it so don’t feel isolated or full of shame if you see yourself here.

The fact is keeping promises to yourself show you respect and consider yourself as important as others. And you are as important as others. It’s not about becoming so self-important you abandon all others… it’s about balance.

No Sugar Diet ConceptIf you promise to go on a no sugar diet for the next week – avoid foods with sugar such as candy, bakery goods and carbohydrates such as pasta, pizza, potatoes, and white rice. This is every bit as important as meeting your child at school on time.

If your word to yourself is to exercise over the next month by taking a 20-minute brisk walk each day, then keeping this commitment is as vital as visiting your friend in hospital when you said you would.

Your unconscious mind is what keeps you in the same continual patterns and habits, and if you are continually not following through on your word, then your unconscious mind does not take you seriously and will offer the same old way of following through on your word — doing absolutely nothing!

You need to set intentions, ‘words’ you plan on keeping, or following through on.

This not only proves to others you’re serious and have integrity with keeping promises, but also for your own self (unconscious mind).

Keeping your word to yourself is a habit you can learn.

Keeping Your Word Muscle Concept ImageStart simple. Start a daily journal, and write out five tasks you want to achieve each day the night before or in the morning. These tasks don’t have to be grandiose or time consuming. Things like walking the dog, calling a friend, and reading a chapter in a book are fine.

Keep it simple and achievable.

As you complete each activity during the day tick it off. You’ll be amazed at how good you feel after number 5 is completed. Next day do whole thing again.

Exercise the muscle of “keeping your word to yourself” everyday. And quickly, you’ll feel confident to tackle life-changing events such as to quit smoking and losing weight because when you promise to do something… you do it – whatever it takes!

I’ve found those people who keep promises to themselves are more likely to be successful in making major life style changes.

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Now go ahead and read the other articles below in this series.


The Power of Spoken Words >>>

The Power of Words to Change your Outcomes >>>

Why Keeping Your Promise is Good for YOU! >>>

5 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People >>>

Self-Hypnosis Download MP3 Products For Purchase >>>

Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis

| June 11, 2021 | Motivational Quotes |

Looking for inspirational quotes about keeping your word and standing by it? We have rounded up the best collection of keep your word quotes, sayings, phrases, captions, messages, (with images and pictures) to encourage you to honor your promises and always stand on your words.

Also See: Broken Promises Quotes

“Keep Your Word” means to do what you say you’ll do. It’s shows your credibility and how much people can trust you. Its very important to keep your word in relationships, work, meetings, and in all aspects of your.

Going back on your words make people think that you are not good in keeping your promises as you had claimed them earlier. So be a person on integrity and character and stand up each time to your promises.

Keep Your Word Quotes

  1. “My word is my bond.”                                                                                                                   Keep Your Word Quotes
    Keep Your Word Quotes

  2. “I don’t trust words, I trust actions.”

  3. “Learn to keep your words.” – S. Koul

  4. “There is no greater fraud than a broken word.”

  5. “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”                                                                     Not Keeping Your Word Quotes
    Not Keeping Your Word Quotes

  6. “Stand on yours words more than on your limbs.”

  7. “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”                                                                 Famous Quotes About Keeping Your Word
    Famous Quotes About Keeping Your Word

  8. “The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it.”

  9. “Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver.”

  10. “A promise made is a debt unpaid.” ― Robert W. Service

  11. “Keeping your word is very important.” – George Bronner                                                 Always Keep Your Word Quotes
    Always Keep Your Word Quotes

  12. “But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep….”

  13. “Never promise more than you can perform.” ― Publilius Syrus

  14. “Your word…is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

  15. “Not keeping your word is a quick way to get completely cut off.”

  16. “Sounds like a pie crust promise, easily made and easily broken.”

  17. “If you can’t keep your word to someone…keep your mouth shut!”

  18. “Half the promises people say were never kept, were never made.”

  19. “Keeping your word shouldn’t be a chore; it should be a privilege.”

  20. “Don’t destroy the works of your hands by not keeping your word.”

  21. “Better break your word than do worse in keeping it.”- Thomas Fuller

  22. “When a man repeats a promise again and again, he means to fail you.”

  23. “When you don’t keep your word, you lose credibility.” – Robin Sharma                                   Keep Your Word Quotes Images
    Keep Your Word Quotes Images

  24. “I am a man of my word… and that word is “unreliable.”- Demetri Martin

  25. “The value of a promise is the cost to you of keeping your word.”- Brian Tracy

  26. “Keeping your word is not as easy as saying it. Proving it? That’s another story.”

  27. “If you keep your mouth shut you will never put your foot in it.” – Austin O’ Malley

  28. “When you make a commitment, you build hope. When you keep it, you build trust.”

  29. “The greatest thing you have to offer is your word, but only if you plan on keeping it.”

  30. “People with good intentions make promises. People with good character keep them.”

  31. “Respect my time. Match my effort. Keep your word. Always be honest. Stay consistent.”

  32. “Keep every promise you make, and only make promises you can keep.” ― Anthony Hitt

  33. “Word is bond. If you say something about anything, make sure your actions back it up!”

  34. “Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.”- Mahatma Gandhi

  35. “Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word.”                                                                                                                                       Sayings About Keeping Your Word
    Sayings About Keeping Your Word

  36. “All you have in business is your reputation, so it’s very important that you keep your word.”

  37. “And you can’t step out of your comfort zone unless you have character and keep your word.”

  38. “Your word is your bond, and you do what you say and keep your promise.” – Melania Trump

  39. “I would rather be accused of breaking precedents than breaking promises.”- John F. Kennedy

  40. “People ask me why is it so hard to trust people. I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise.”

  41. “I would rather be accused of breaking precedents than breaking promises.” ― John F. Kennedy

  42. “Honoring your word shows people that you value their feelings, and in turn, they will value yours.”

  43. “Sure sign of spiritual growth: Keeping your word is more important than keeping up appearances.”

  44. “Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.”- Zig Ziglar

  45. “Your word is your honor. If you say you’re going to do something, then you need to do it.”- Joyce Meyer

  46. “Don’t ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.” ― Lou Holtz

  47. “Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word.”- Brian Tracy

  48. “Keeping your word is one of the smallest yet impactful things you can do to build trust in your marriage.”

  49. “Promises are like crying babies in a theater; they should be carried out at once.” ― Norman Vincent Peale

  50. “Never make a promise that you’re not 100% committed to fulfill. Not to your friends, partner or yourself.”

  51. “Keeping your word will often cost you something, but it’s worth it to be described as a committed person.”

  52. “Keep your word. Never get too big for your britches. Trust in God. Have no fear; and never forget a friend.”

  53. “Keep your commitments…even when you don’t want to. Nothing is more important than keeping your word.”

  54. “Be able to keep a secret or promise when you know in your heart that it is the right thing to do.” ― Marilyn vos Savant

  55. “Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you’ll have to eat them, you can swallow it well.”- Oprah Winfrey

  56. “Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

  57. “You should always keep your word. All the setbacks in life come only because you don’t keep your word.”- Sivananda

  58. “With a secret like that, at some point the secret itself becomes irrelevant. The fact that you kept it does not.” – Sara Gruen

  59. “If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. Otherwise keep your lies to yourself.” – Michael L. Georgoveanu

  60. “There is no greater reward than honoring your word. It leaves both you and the person you gave it to a feeling of fulfillment.”                                                           Keep Your Word Picture Quotes
    Keep Your Word Picture Quotes

  61. “Keep your word. When you say you will do something and don’t do it, you teach others (including yourself) that you cannot be trusted.”

  62. “If you tell me you’re going to do something, I remember. if you don’t do it, I remember. We can still be cool, but your words will mean less.”

  63. “Some people still make promises and keep their word. When they do, they help make life around them more stably human.” ― Lewis B. Smedes

  64. “Work Hard. Do your best. Keep your word. Never get too big for your britches. Trust in God. Have no fear; and Never forget a friend.”- Harry S. Truman

  65. “Broken vows are like broken mirrors. They leave those who held to them bleeding and staring at fractured images of themselves.” ― Richard Paul Evans

  66. “Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.” ― Hannah Arendt

  67. “Self-esteem is like a difficult-to-cultivate flower. It requires frequent nurturing that occurs when you keep your word and follow through on your promises.”- Derrick Bell

  68. “If you say something and back it up with your actions, you will provide the ‘proof’ for people who are listening to you, and they will much more willingly follow your lead.”- Jim Rohn

  69. “I believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a man’s word should be as good as his bond; that character — not wealth or power or position — is of supreme worth.” ― J.D. Rockefeller

  70. “We discussed politics, but we also talked about the importance of hard work, personal responsibility, living within your means, keeping your word. Those lessons stay with you throughout your life.”- Bob Ehrlich

  71. “You can’t be a successful leader or mentor until you have served. You can’t serve until you have stepped out of your comfort zone. And you can’t step out of your comfort zone unless you have character and keep your word.”- Bill Courtney

  72. “Keep your words. This pain is no life.” “You only feel pain because you’re alive, boy!” the keeper thundered. “This is the mystery of it. Life is lived on the ragged edge of the cliff. Fall off and you might die, but run from it and you are already dead!”- Ted Dekker

  73. “Oversimplifying somewhat, honoring your word as we define it means you either keep your word (do what you said you would do and by the time you said you would do it), or as soon as you know that you will not, you say that you will not to those who were counting on your word and clean up any mess caused by not keeping your word.” – Werner Erhard

  74. “Honor was never about taking the easy way when it was also the wrong one. Never telling a falsehood unless the truth was painful and unnecessary, or a lie was necessary to save others. Never manipulating the truth to serve only yourself. Protecting the weak and helpless; standing fast even when fear made you weak. Keeping your word.” ― Mercedes Lackey

  75. “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”- Mahatma Gandhi

More Inspirational Quotes

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Feeling Empty Quotes

Hurtful Love Quotes

Depressing Love Quotes

Fake Friends Quotes

Two Faced People Quotes

Quotes About Cheating Men Who Lie

Let us know which of these keep your words quotes and sayings inspired you the most.

Also feel free to share these ideas with your family, loved ones, friends, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms.

About The Author

Ananya Bhatt

I am Ananya, a professional speaker and I love motivating people and inspiring them to pursue their dreams. Sharing quotes, proverbs, and sayings of great authors to touch people’s lives to make it better.

Have you ever stopped to think about the power of your WORD?

Tune in.  When you keep it – your heart soars with a forward movement that runs through you.  It feels like love.

Balance. Rightness. You’re aligned — in your heart center.

It’s beautifully subtle. You’ll see (and rather feel)  how an energetic breeze of honesty, integrity + keeping your word can positively affect your life + work.

It’s a simple choice that has the power to affect everything.  Keeping your word is not just the right thing to do, it’s an energetic + spiritual space you hold.

Let’s explore further:

So,  be honest — how often do you break your word, others or to yourself? To the world?

 Last week I posted this on Facebook:

 “the world needs you standing in your WORTH when you are doing that thing called your life’s work. don’t go cheatin’ us. ♥”

The point is — if you are not standing in your worth while you are doing “that thing” called your life’s work — you aren’t keeping your word to yourself + the world.

Dramatic?  I don’t think so.  You’re word is a powerful piece of the puzzle.  It’s your integrity.   It has the power to make movement in your  life + attract what you desire most as a result.

So keep it. 

Ask yourself these questions:   Are you keeping the promises to your PEOPLE?  To yourself?  To the world?  To a purpose that

literally called you?

Are you showing up the way you promised in your heart?

I think about this each + every time I’m afraid to take action in my life’s work, and then I boldly ask:

Who’s losing out because I’m too afraid to keep my word, to show up?  Ugh.  Me.  Them. 

(then, “let’s do this thing no matter what” resounds from the corners of my heart.

So, keep it.  To others + the world.  It’s important.  To yourself – it’s dire + symbolic of the deeper commitment to your dreams + life purpose.

It almost seems a little strange that I write a list on “how to keep your word”, because it’s merely a choice.  And you just DO. 

But I’m going to do it any way, because I like to ferret things out — and of course there are a few exceptions to every rule.  ( we’ll tip toe)

How To Keep Your Word…

1.  Do what you say you’ll do.  If you say you’ll do xyz, then do it.  And here comes the exception:

If you fall out of alignment with a “that thing” you said you’d do or be — then be transparent + communicate.  Ask “what the greatest kindness” as Glenda Green says.  Take a vow of honesty + kindness + transparency…and over all, keep your word here.  Come from love always.

So, yes — I don’t mean that you should go off and get married because you said you would– and then live a loveless life — I mean keep a deeper commitment to yourself + humanity — and make keeping your word a priority.  But when you can’t (because it wouldn’t be keeping your word to yourself or a higher virtue….deal in the highest integrity that you can muster up.

Life isn’t as clear cut as we’d like it to be. So if you are going to make an exception to keeping your word — do it under these virtues.

Now — on to a few more….

2.  Use language that  is accurate.  This is easier — I’m working on crackin’ the bad habit of “just a second”, when what I mean is “in an hour”.  Communicate with your people in ways that are true + real.  Your word can be that small but have huge impact, don’t minimize.  Remember this when it comes to your kids, your employees + your boss. Set expectations you’re willing to stand behind — oh be a living example of.  (Now that’s keeping your word)

3.  Keep your word to yourself.  Probably should be #1.  We don’t keep our word to ourselves…to go after a dream, to be in extreme self appreciation or to follow a new regime for health, wealth or happiness.  You name it.   For good old happiness.  Be fierce in your commitment to yourself first + foremost.  How could you keep your WORD with yourself right now?  What would you do?

4.  Say no when you mean no.  Don’t say yes when you mean no… just say no.  When he asks you to marry him in front of his family and long lost cousins, it’s ok to say NO.  Say, I love that you asked me, but no.  Say, I wish I could, but no.  Say, I can’t today – but please ask again. Just say no…(no need to justify either btw).   Every time you say yes vs no — you are playing with “break your word fire”.  Just sayin.

5.  Stop over promising.  What’s that you ask?  Don’t promise the whole pie + give a slice.  Much better to promise a slice + give the whole pie because you can, or are inspired to.  Much easier to keep your word + follow through + be on the high end of the deal. On all planes.

6.  Show up.  If you promised, then show up.  And don’t make promises you can’t keep… And on another note — you’ll want to attract others who  keep their word with YOU.

So, keep your word to yourself.  To your people.  And to the world. Life will love you back.

Love to you!

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