Was there anything in the word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


And was there anything about that night…

Other than the winner himself, was there anything extraordinary in that campaign?

Кроме персоны победителя, было ли что-то чрезвычайное в той кампании?

Well, maybe I better not assume: was there anything truly otherworldly or demonic involved there?

Ну, возможно я лучше не буду предполагать: было ли что-нибудь действительно потустороннее или демоническое, включённое там?

And what about during the day, was there anything out of the ordinary, any strange phone calls?

А как насчёт всего дня, было ли что-нибудь необычное, какие-нибудь странные звонки?

Gloria, was there anything unusual about his behavior lately?

Глория, в последнее время в его поведении было что-нибудь необычное?

Well, was there anything elsein that station?

So was there anything that impressed me?

When you stole the costume, was there anything inside of it?

But was there anything before that?

Stress, and was there anything else?

Or was there anything before that?

So was there anything new this year?

And was there anything of value in the car?

Abby, was there anything on the floor mats from Agent Doyle’s car?

We all want to know, was there anything romantic between you and Millie?

Особенно всех интересовал вопрос: а было ли что-то на самом деле между ним и Натальей?

At that time, was there anything that was out of the ordinary?

David: In your own case, was there anything that they felt the need to focus on and spend more time talking about?

Д.У.: В Вашем случае, было ли что-то, на чем они хотели сфокусироваться или уделить больше времени?

In hindsight, was there anything specific that you feel the team could have worked on over the course of the four months to have achieved satisfactory results come conclusion of the trial period?

Оглядываясь назад, было ли что-то конкретное, над чем, по вашему мнению, команда могла бы работать в течение четырех месяцев, чтобы достичь удовлетворительных результатов после завершения испытательного периода?

Listen, the last time you saw him, was there anything odd about the way he was acting?

Слушайте, когда вы в последний раз видели его, было ли что-то странное в его поведении?

Q: As you were going to the Office of the Mayor was there anything unusual that happened?

О.: — Когда вы встретились в офисе, было ли что-то необычное?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат was there anything

Результатов: 520. Точных совпадений: 520. Затраченное время: 238 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

мужа миссис Копперфильд боялась приласкать своего сына. (In her husband’s presence, Mrs. Cooperfield was afraid to hug her son.) 9. После минутной нерешительно-

сти Давид подошел к миссис Копперфильд и поцеловал ее. (After a minute’s hesitation David came up to Mrs. Cooperfield and kissed her.) 10. После смерти жены мистер Мердстон послал Давида в Лондон, где мальчик должен был работать в торговом доме (warehouse) Мердстона и Гринби. (After his wife’s death, Mr. Merdson send the boy to London to work in Merdson and Grinbin’s warehouse.)

2.7 Underline the nouns and explain their functions in the sentences below: e.g., Many young people leave their hometown for work in the big city.

people – subject

hometown – direct object

for work – prepositional complement

1.Philip (subject) heard a man’s voice (direct object) talking quickly over the phone. (prepositional complement)

2.The boys and girls (compound subject) took some bread and cheese (direct object) with them.

3.Mr. Smith (subject) was still thinking of next morning’s papers. (prepositional complement)

4.The breakfast table (subject) at Mr. Boffin’s (prepositional complement) was usually very pleasant.

5.The woman (subject) needed a good night’s sleep. (direct object)

6.I will have extensively studied English grammar. (direct object)

7.The woman (subject) whom you are looking for is she.

8.My professor (subject) recommended an extremely captivating book. (direct object)

9.The woman (subject) has always hated mice. (direct object)

10.America (subject) recently elected Barack Obama (direct object) president. (indirect object)

11.The child (subject) drew his mother (indirect object) a picture. (direct object)

12.The students (subject) studied during their spring break. (prepositional complement)

13.Because of a lengthy delay, we missed our flight. (direct object)

14.We reserved twenty hotel rooms. (direct object)

15.The librarians’ report (subject) was informative.

16.The musician Stevie Nicks (subject) is a singer (predicative) in Fleetwood Mac.

(prepositional complement)

17.We decided to go home. (adverbial modifier)

18.Yesterday the children (subject) slept in late.

19.Both native speakers and ESL students (compound subject) must learn ten functions

(direct object) of nouns. (genitive case)

2.8 Underline the noun phrases in the sentences below. Put the head word(s) of the noun phrases above in parentheses.

Ex. (Indiana Jones) is famed for his adventures.

Indiana – pre-modifier (noun as an adjective)

Jones – head (word)

for his adventures – post-modifier (prepositional phrase)


1.The teacher gave an (determiner) exciting (pre-modifier) lecture (head) on noun phrases (post-modifier – prepositional phrase).

2.This news is such a (determiner) surprise (head).

3.My sister was born in the month of September.

4.The (determiner) battered old (pre-modifier) car (head) that my neighbour bought yesterday (post-modifier) was parked outside my house.

5.The (determiner) stairs (head) in my house (post-modifier – prepositional phrase) is made of wood.

6.The class was all (head) working on a project together (post-modifier – ing clause).

7.The police found some (determiner) glass (head) from the broken window (postmodifier – prepositional phrase) on the ground (post-modifier – prepositional phrase). One (determiner) of my (premodifier) friends (head) is a vet.

8.They saw an (determiner) old (pre-modifier) film (head) at the cinema (postmodifier – prepositional phrase).

9.I have a (determiner) terrible (pre-modifier) headache (head).

10.His father went to school (head) to see his teacher (post-modifier – infinitive clause). Many people spend their summer (pre-modifier) holidays (head) in one of the many cities in Italy (post-modifier – prepositional phrase).

11.Venice looks just as beautiful the (determiner) first, second or third (postdeterminer) time (head) you visit (post-modifier).

12.Some prefer the (determiner) small (pre-modifier) town (head) of Lecce in the south of the country (post-modifier – prepositional phrase).

13.Lecce attracts a lot of (determiner) Italian (pre-modifier) visitors (head).

14.Its (determiner) fine (pre-modifier) churches (head) are usually decorated the year round (post-modifiered-clause).

15.The (determiner) mountain (pre-modifier) country (head) to the north of Milan (post-modifier – prepositional phrase) provides skiing in winter and walking in summer.

16.Each (determiner) region (head) in Italy (post-modifier – prepositional phrase) offers something different.

17.His (pre-modifier) translations (head) of ancient scripts (post-modifier – prepositional phrase) show how intelligent and knowledgeable he is.

2.9 Analyze the following text:

2.9.1Analyze the nouns (morphological composition, types, category, genitive) in sentences 1, 3, 5.

2.9.2Underline the nouns and explain their functions in sentences 2, 4, 6.

2.9.3Underline the noun phrases in sentences 8, 10, 11. Put the head word(s) of the noun phrases above in parentheses. State their functions.

(1) Art experts have a large number of scientific ways to check whether a painting is a forgery. (2) Forged paintings are often discovered because the materials used were not available at the time the original painting was made. (3) Ultra-violet light, x-rays and powerful microscopes can show modern paints and repairs which cannot normally be seen. (4) Many new colors were introduced during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

(5) One of the commonest ways of proving that a supposedly seventeenth century painting is a forgery is to find paints in it which did not exist at the time that the original was produced. (6) For example, many forgeries of old paintings were uncovered when it was discovered that the artists had used titanium white, a paint first produced in 1921. (7) Unfor-


tunately forgeries of more modern paintings can be difficult to identify. (8) There are also techniques available for testing the age and origin of a painting’s frame, paper or canvas and backing. (9) However, many forgeries still slip through the expert’s net. (10) Many insist that the best way to spot a forgery is to compare it with an undisputed original. (11) One leading expert believes that no single scientific test can reliably prove a painting is a forgery. (12) The important thing is to look at the painting as a whole.

(1)Art experts (simple common-class plural genitive) have a large number of scientific ways (simple class-abstract plural) to check whether a painting (derivative commonclass singular) is a forgery (simple common-class singular).

(3)Ultra-violet light (simple common-abstract singular), x-rays (derivative commonabstract plural) and powerful microscopes (derivative common-class plural) can show modern paints (simple common-class plural) and repairs (simple common-class singular) which cannot normally be seen.

(5)One of the commonest ways of proving that a supposedly seventeenth century (simple common-class singular) painting is a forgery is to find paints in it which did not exist at the time that the original (derivative common-abstract singular) was produced.

(2)Forged paintings (subject) are often discovered because the materials (subject) used were not available at the time the original painting (predicative) was made.

(4)Many new colors (subject) were introduced during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (prepositional complement).

(6)For example, many forgeries of old paintings (subject-genitive case) were uncovered when it was discovered that the artists (subject) had used titanium (direct object) white, a paint (attribute) first produced in 1921.

(8) There are also techniques (head) available (post-modifier – adjective) for testing the age and origin of a painting’s frame, paper or canvas and backing. (post-modifier – prepositional phrase).

(10)Many insist that the (determiner) best (pre-modifier) way (head) to spot a forgery

(post-modifierinfinitive-clause) is to compare it with an undisputed original.

(11)One leading expert believes that no (determiner) single (post-determiner) scientific

(pre-modifier) test (head) can reliably prove a painting is a forgery.

2.10 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на 1) существительные во множественном числе; 2) существительные в притяжательной форме

1.Все данные говорят в пользу этой теории.

2.Наша левая рука не знает, что делает правая.

3.Эта реакция протекает в вакуумах.

4.Что касается работы этого ученого, то она имеет огромное значение.

5.После недельного отдыха кролику можно дать вторую дозу витаминов.

6.В нашем распоряжении существуетнесколько способовдостиженияэтой цели.

7.Они постоянно пытаются расширить сферу применения локальных свойств простоты этой программы.

8.Приемлемый уровень рабочих характеристик для данной машины может рассматриваться как ее собственные характеристики.

9.Очевидно, что сама структура будет определять правило полюсов как параметры системы.

10.Хотя меморандумы по этому вопросу и были неофициальными……..


11.Согласно статистическим данным, почти одна треть населения Земли испытывает недостаток пресной воды даже сегодня.

12.Наиболее важной проблемой является математическая природа задач……

13.Дурное окружение не влияет на хороших людей.

14.Следует видеть ситуацию своими собственными глазами.



3.1State the morphological composition of the following adjectives.

Pretty (grammar category conversion), bushy (grammar category conversion), weather-stained (composition), thoughtful (derivative), hard-hearted (composition), illegitimate (derivative), sober (grammar category conversion), non-party (derivative), low-bred (composition), improbable (derivative), sceptical (derivative), counter-revolutionary (derivative), careworn (composition), beloved (derivative), wicked (grammar category conversion), disobedient (derivative), long-legged (composition), regular (grammar category conversion), water-proof (composition), large (grammar category conversion), well-timed (composition), homeless (derivative), shaky (grammar category conversion), courageous (derivative), panic-stricken (composition), blindfold (composition), Portuguese (derivative), newly-baked (composition), antique (grammar category conversion), peace-making (composition), forlorn (grammar category conversion), illegible (derivative), abundant (grammar category conversion) , red-haired (composition), small (grammar category conversion), deep-blue (composition), bookish (derivative), snow-white (composition), respectable-looking (composition).

3.2 Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree.

1.They had dined well and were now drinking hard … their faces getting redder and redder. (red, red)

2.Was there anything in the world worse than indecision? (bad)

3.He was only five years younger than I was which made him forty-five. (young)

4.She is stopping at one of best hotels in town. (good)

5.She received congratulations as if she were the happiest of women. (happy)

6.I think we’ll resume the conversation when you’re a little calmer, Caroline. (calm)

7.He felt her breathing grow slower and easier. (slow, easy)

8.It’s hotter in here than it is on the street. (hot)

9.I think you’re about the prettiest girl in school. (pretty)

10.All his life he had taken pains to be stronger, braver than his fellows. (strong, brave)

3.3 Put in the missing adjectives. Alternatives are sometimes possible.

alive asleep beautiful big complete fast fresh lovely pleased polished poor quick-drying shiny tall young


Three and a half years ago Mr. Bell received a beautiful present from his grandson. The boy had had a lovely holiday by the seaside and had bought his grandfather a present. It was a shiny sea-snail which had been stuck on top of an oyster and another shell. Mr. Bell was very pleased with his gift and put it on a shelf. While he was dusting one morning, he accidentally knocked the polished snail off the oyster. He went to find some quick-drying glue. When he came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The snail had moved along the shelf. It was alive! “It must have been asleep all these years and the shock woke it up” , Mr. Bell said. He put the snail in a paper bag to show his friends. At first they thought story was complete nonsense, until they saw the snail. The poor crea-


ture was so hungry, it had eaten a hole in the bag. Mr. Bell gave it a big meal of fresh cabbage leaves which it really enjoyed. “It’s not such a tall story”, a scientist explained. These creatures live on the seashore and don’t lead a fast life. They can hibernate years without eating.

3.4 Put in relative pronouns where necessary. Underline the adjective clauses.


People who tell the truth about the properties they are selling should be given prizes for honesty. A house which is described as “spacious” will be found to be large. Words like “enchanting”, “delightful”, “convenient”, “attractive”, that are commonly used all mean “small”. The words “small” and “picturesque” that are not so frequently used both mean “too small”. A “picturesque house” is one with a bedroom which is too small to put a bed in and a kitchen which is too small to boil an egg in. My prize for honesty goes to someone who recently described a house that he was selling in the following way: “This house which is situated in a very rough area of London is really in need of repair. The house which has a terrible lounge and a tiny dining room also has three miserable bedrooms and a bathroom which is fitted with a leaky shower. The central heating which is expensive to run is unreliable. There is a handkerchief-sized garden which is overgrown with weeds. The neighbours who are generally unfriendly are not likely to welcome you. This property that is definitely not recommended is ridiculously overpriced at $85.000.

3.5 Complete the following dialogue using the correct word from the box.

bored boring confusing convinced convincing relaxed disappointed entertained entertaining frightened interesting surprised

What sort of films do you like?

When I go to the cinema, I like to be entertained.

And what sort of films do you find interesting?

Well, I like films that tell a good entertaining story. And I mean a story that you can follow, not the sort that goes backwards and forwards in time. I find those very boring. I’m frightened when I watch a horror film. I usually close my eyes when the horror starts.

Yes, but if the story is too simple, surely you get disappointed because you know exactly what’s going to happen.

I don’t mean that. If something is intelligible, it’s not necessarily disappointing. Often good stories have confusing events or endings that you can’t possibly know at the beginning.

For me the most important thing is that the actors must be convincing so that you really believe that they are the person they are acting.

If that’s true, I image that you are bored most of the time because, well, for example, Harrison Ford is always Harrison Ford. I’m never convinced that he’s somebody else.

Yes, but it’s often not important in his films because they’re escapist (стремящийся уйти от действительности, жизненных проблем) if you’re feeling tense about work or


something, you have a good laugh and you come out feeling relaxed and happy with the world.

I’m surprised that you like his films. Although the special effects are good, the story is always terribly simple.

He’s not my favorite, but his films are not bad.

3.6Consider the uses of modifiers in this adjectivally rich paragraph from Thomas Wolfe’s Look Homeward, Angel. (Charles Scribner’s, 1929, p. 69). Underline them.

He remembered yet the East India Tea House at the Fair, the sandalwood, the turbans, and the robes, the cool interior and the smell of India tea; and he had felt now the nostalgic thrill of dew-wet mornings in Spring, the cherry scent, the cool clarion earth, the wet loaminess of the garden, the pungent breakfast smells and the floating snow of blossoms. He knew the inchoate sharp excitement of hot dandelions in young earth; in July, of watermelons bedded in sweet hay, inside a farmer’s covered wagon; of cantaloupe and crated peaches; and the scent of orange rind, bitter-sweet, before a fire of coals. He knew the good male smell of his father’s sitting-room; of the smooth worn leather sofa, with the gaping horse-hair rent; of the blistered varnished wood upon the hearth; of the heated calf-skin bindings; of the flat moist plug of apple tobacco, stuck with a red flag; of wood-smoke and burnt leaves in October; of the brown tired autumn earth; of honeysuckle at night; of warm nasturtiums, of a clean ruddy farmer who comes weekly with printed butter, eggs, and milk; of fat limp underdone bacon and of coffee; of a bakery-oven in the wind; of large deep-hued string beans smoking-hot and seasoned well with salt and butter; of a room of old pine boards in which books and carpets have been stored, long closed; of Concord grapes in their long white baskets.

3.7The following paragraph is taken from D.H. Lawrence’s short story «The Horse Dealer’s Daughter». Underline the adjectives, predicate adjectives, and modifying participles in the order in which they appear. For the purposes of this exercise, we have not included the articles «a, an, the», and we have not included the possessive pronouns «his» and «her».

And he hastened straight down, running over the wet, soddened fields, pushing through the hedges, down into the depression of callous, wintry obscurity. It took him several minutes to come to the pond. He stood on the bank, breathing heavily. He could see nothing. His eyes seemed to penetrate the dead water. Yes, perhaps that was the dark shadow of her black clothing beneath the surface of the water.

He slowly ventured into the pond. The bottom was deep, soft clay, then he sank in, and the water clasped… his legs. As he stirred he could smell the cold, rotten clay that fouled up into the water. It was objectionable in his lungs. Still, repelled and yet not heeding, he moved deeper into the pond. The cold water rose over his thighs, over his loins, upon his abdomen. The lower part of his body was all sunk in the hideous cold element. And the bottom was so deeply soft and uncertain, he was afraid of pitching with his mouth underneath. He could not swim, and was afraid.

3.8Translate into English.

1.Киев – более древний город, чем Москва; это один из древнейших городов России. (Kiev is older than more ancient than Moscow, which is one of the oldest cities in Russia.) 2. В XVI веке Испания была самой могущественной державой мира. (In


the 16th century Spain was the most powerful country in the world.) 3. Волга длиннее Днепра; это самая длинная река Европы. (The Volga is longer than the Dnieper, which is the longest river in Europe.) 4. Ватикан – самое маленькое государство в Европе.

(The Vatican is the smallest country in Europe.) 5. Одной из важнейших проблем сего-

дняшнего дня является установление прочного и длительного мира. (The most important problem today is to establish stable and permanent peace.) 6. Можно надеяться,

что в ближайшем будущем культурные связи с Англией будут еще более тесными. (In the near future the cultural relationship with England will be much closer.) 7. Точка кипения (the boiling point) спирта ниже точки кипения воды. (The boiling point of spirit is lower than that of water.) 8. Платина тяжелее золота; это один из самых тяжелых металлов. (Platinum is heavier than gold; it is the heaviest metal in the world.)

9. Утро было прекрасное, но к вечеру погода стала хуже, ветер усилился, и темные тучи покрыли небо. (It was a beautiful morning; but the weather became worse in the evening and dark clouds covered the sky.)



4.1Point out the pronouns in the following sentences and define the class each belongs to.

1.There’s nothing (negative) for any of us (objective) to do. 2. Both (defining) these (demonstrative) people were resolved to treat Mr. Polly very well, and to help his (possessive) exceptional incompetence in every (defining) possible way. 3. Such (demonstrative) were the reflections of Felix before the brass tablet. 4. She (personal) hesitated a moment, and then sat down beside me (objective), and laid her (possessive) hand on mine (possessive). 5. None (negative) of us (objective) except Collingwood knew what the Prime Minister thought of Roger or his (possessive) policy. 6. There were some aviators in the compartment who (relative) did not think much of me (objective). 7. Husbands and wives never listen when they (personal) talk to each other (reciprocal), only when the other (defining) is talking to somebody (indefinite) else. 8. Let me (objective) tell you (objective) something (indefinite). 9. There was at least one person in the world who (interrogative) knew that he (personal) was alive and attached some importance to the fact. 10. We (personal) said good-bye to one another (reciprocal) and arranged to meet in the autumn.

4.2Use the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun.

1.She put out __ hand and I took out __ (her, hers; my, mine). 2. «Let me see your passports», I gave him __ and Catherine got __ out of __ handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). 3. Mind __ own business and I’ll mind __ (your, yours; my, mine). 4. That, at least, is my opinion of him; and I see it is not very far removed from __ (your, yours). 5. __ was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). 6. __ nerves are as bad as __ (your, yours; my, mine). 7. His eyes were as bright as __ (her, hers). 8. After all, this is __ home just as much as __ (your, yours; my, mine). 9. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from __ and thanked her (her, hers).

4.3Point out the reflexive pronouns and define their function.

1.Much more than most politicians Gave knew himself (adverbial modifier of manner). 2. He did not doubt the logic, he realized suddenly; what he was doubting was himself (predicative). 3. Still, he must be thankful that she had been too young to do anything in that war itself (attribute). 4. Miss Adele Gerry opened the door herself (direct object). 5. They blamed themselves (direct object) for this unlucky marriage. 6. The theatre manager himself (attribute)… came to shake hands with them. 7. I have made myself (adverbial modifier of manner) perfectly pleasant here. 8. I want to be kept in constant touch with his progress myself (preceded by a preposition).

4.4Point out conjunctive, relative, and interrogative pronouns.

1.«Who (interrogative) is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes», he asked. 2. Who (interrogative) could tell what (interrogative) his son’s circumstances really were? 3. What (interrogative) do you expect me to believe? 4. It was evident, indeed, that (conjunctive) she wished me to drop the subject, which (relative) I did accordingly. 5. Would she go with them or stay here and write to William. Which (interrogative), which (relative) should it be? 6. He mentioned things in the play which (conjunctive) she most approved of, things which (relative) swayed her deeply. 7. What (interrogative) hurt him most was the fact that (conjunctive) he was being pursued as a thief.


4.5 Underline the pronouns and analyze them – type, function in the sentence.

1.It (personal – subject) follows that (conjunctive – a subordinate clause) this (demonstrative – subject) is not satisfactory way for preparing it.

2.The level density is roughly the same (demonstrative predicative) – in all (defining– attribute) the cases.

3.Now the impulse appeared, now it (personal – subject) disappeared.

4.It (personal – subject) reflects itself (reflexive – direct object) in many organizations.

5.The authors restricted themselves (reflexive – attribute) only to a description of the phenomenon.

6.It (personal – subject) is surprising that (conjunctive – a subordinate clause) such (demonstrative – attribute) a simple measure should give such (demonstrative – attribute) constant information.

7.The confidence was destroyed by the mistakes made by him (objective – adverbial modifier of manner).

8.This (demonstrative – subject) is exactly the subject of the paper.

4.6 Translate the word «it» in the following sentences.

1.It is no use to dispute the truth. – Бесполезно ставить под сомнение истину.

2.It was an underlying factor in their difference. – Это являлось обусловливающим фактором их различия.

3.It is a purely ethical system. – Это сугубо этическая система.

4.It is difficult to see in what respect the programs are different. – Сложно понять, чем отличаются программы.

5.It was stated the conclusion was right. – Было заявлено о правильности вывода.

6.It was quite right when he tried to prove his point. – Совершенно верно, что он попы-

тался доказать свою точку зрения.

7.It results that this postulate is universally accepted. – Это привело к тому, что данный постулат является общепринятым.

8.The supposition was correct. It was scientifically proved. – Предположение было вер-

ным и научно доказанным.

9.It was from the Portuguese that Europe first learned something about India. – Именно от португальцев Европа впервые хоть что-то узнала об Индии.

10.It concerns the conduct of human beings. – Это касается поведения людей.

4.7 Translate the following sentences.

1.Это его часы? Да, эти – мои. (Is this his watch? Yes, and this is mine). 2. Чьи это дети? – Наши. Они играют со своими друзьями. (Whose children are these? – Ours. They are playing with their friends). 3. Ты сделал это для меня? – Нет, для него. (Did you do for me? – No, I did it for him). 4. Это моя комната, а та – Бориса. Моя больше, чем его. (This is my room, and that one is Boris’s. Mine is larger than his). 5. Почитай, пожалуйста, эту информацию. Она поможет тебе. (Please, read this information. It may help you). 6. Ее родители очень приятные люди. Ты их знаешь? (Her parents are very pleasant people. Do you know them?). 7. Моя кошка любит играть со своим хвостом. (My cat likes playing with its tail). 8. Это ее фотография? Дай ее мне. (Is this her photo?

– Give it to me). 9. Где мои очки? Я не могу найти. (Where are my glasses? I can’t find them). 10. Познакомься с моими друзьями. Их зовут Лена и Алексей. (Let me intro-


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Was there anything
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Было что-нибудь необычное или странное в поведении Слави перед тем, как его убили?

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У нее было что-то на вас, может, вы о


ей проболтались?

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  • 1



    ► In negative constructions, anything is generally translated by rien.





    is there anything more boring than…? y a-t-il rien de plus ennuyeux que… ?

    * * *



    1) () rien

    she didn’t say/do anything — elle n’a rien dit/fait

    2) () quelque chose

    if anything happens ou should happen to her — s’il lui arrive quoi que ce soit

    is there anything in the rumour that…? — est-il vrai que…?

    I’d do ou give anything to get that job — je ferais tout pour obtenir cet emploi

    she likes anything sweet/to do with football — elle aime tout ce qui est sucré/qui a rapport au football

    to cost anything between £50 and £100 — coûter de 50 à 100 livres sterling

    he was anything but happy/a liar — il n’était pas du tout heureux/menteur

    ‘was it interesting?’ — ‘anything but!’ — ‘est-ce que c’était intéressant?’ — ‘tout sauf ça’

    he wasn’t annoyed, if anything, he was quite pleased — il n’était pas fâché, au contraire, il était content


    as easy/funny as anything — facile/drôle comme tout

    to run/laugh/work like anything — courir/rire/travailler comme un fou (colloq)

    English-French dictionary > anything

  • 2



    1) da; dort; da

    be down/in/up there — da unten/drin/oben sein

    there goes… — da geht/fährt usw.

    are you there? — sind Sie noch da od. dran?

    hello or hi there! — hallo!

    there’s a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]

    there, it is a loose wire — da haben wir’s — ein loser Draht

    4) dahin, dorthin [gehen, gelangen, fahren, rücken, stellen]

    down/in/up there — dort hinunter/hinein/hinauf

    get there — es [schon] schaffen; es verstehen

    there are many kinds of… — es gibt viele Arten von…

    there was once an old woman who… — es war einmal eine alte Frau, die…

    … if ever there was one —… wie er/sie/es im Buche steht



    there, there — na, na


    there [you are]! — da, siehst du! (see also 1. 3))

    there, you’ve dropped it! — da, jetzt hast du es doch fallen lassen!



    da, dort

    * * *

    [ðeəʳ, ðəʳ, AM ðer, ðɚ]

    there’s that book you were looking for hier ist das Buch, das du gesucht hast

    here and there hier und da

    there and then [or then and there] auf der Stelle, sofort

    to be there to do sth dazu da sein, etw zu tun

    to be there for sb für jdn da sein

    there or thereabouts (at or near place) in der Gegend dort, dort irgendwo fam; (approximately) so ungefähr

    forty years, there or thereabouts, had elapsed so ungefähr vierzig Jahre waren vergangen

    2. (at the place indicated) dort, da

    I’ve left the boxes under there ich habe die Schachteln dort unten hingestellt

    if anyone wants out, there’s the door! wenn jemand gehen möchte, dort ist die Tür!

    that girl there has it das Mädchen dort hat es

    in there da drin[nen]

    out there da draußen

    over there da [o dort] drüben

    up there dort oben

    put the chair there stell den Stuhl dahin

    we’ll never get there in time wir kommen niemals rechtzeitig hin

    try again, you’ll get there in the end versuch es nochmal, du schaffst es schon

    you’ll get there if you think about it hard enough du verstehst es schon, wenn du lange genug darüber nachdenkst

    there and back hin und zurück

    in there dort hinein

    4. (in speech or text) an dieser Stelle; (on that subject) in diesem Punkt

    read out the rest of the letter, don’t stop there! lies’ den Brief fertig, hör’ nicht hier auf

    I’d have to disagree with you there in diesem Punkt [o da] muss ich Ihnen leider widersprechen

    there’s Linda coming da kommt Linda

    there’s a good boy/girl/dog braver Junge/braves Mädchen/braver Hund

    tie your shoelaces, there’s a good girl binde dir die Schnürsenkel zu, sei ein liebes Mädchen

    there once was [or lived] ( liter) einst lebte…, es war einmal…

    there appears [or seems] to be… anscheinend gibt es…

    there appeared to be some difficulty in fixing a date for the meeting es scheint Schwierigkeiten zu geben, einen Termin für die Sitzung zu finden

    there comes a point where… ( form) es kommt der Punkt, an dem…

    there is es gibt

    there’s someone on the phone for you [da ist jemand am] Telefon für dich

    there’s no doubt as to who is the best candidate es besteht kein Zweifel, wer der beste Kandidat/die beste Kandidatin ist

    there are lives at stake es stehen Leben auf dem Spiel

    is there any food left? ist noch etwas zu essen da?

    there isn’t any milk, is there? — yes. there is es gibt keine Milch, oder? — doch

    there being no other possibility,… da es keine andere Möglichkeit gab,…

    I don’t want there to be any problems ich will nicht, dass es irgendwelche Probleme gibt

    7. (said to attract attention)

    hello there! hallo!

    there goes the phone das ist das Telefon


    to be all there [up top] ( fam) geistig voll da sein fam

    there you are — that’ll be £3.80 please hier bitte — das macht 3,80 Pfund

    you press the button and there you are du drückst auf den Knopf, das ist alles

    we didn’t win the competition, but there you go — we can always try again next year wir haben den Wettkampf zwar nicht gewonnen, aber bitte — wir können es nächstes Jahr noch einmal versuchen

    there you are! I knew you’d forget if you didn’t write it down da haben wir’s! ich wusste, dass du es vergessen würdest, wenn du es dir nicht aufschreibst

    sometimes it is embarrassing, but there you go manchmal ist es peinlich, aber so ist es nun mal

    to have been there before ( fam) alles schon wissen fam

    at the end of the day we are there to make money schließlich sind wir dazu da, Geld zu verdienen

    been there, done that ( fam) kalter Kaffee sl

    best friends are [always] there for each other in times of trouble gute Freunde sind in schweren Zeiten [immer] füreinander an

    there you go again das übliche Spiel

    there she goes again — she never knows when to stop es ist immer dasselbe — sie weiß nie, wann es genug ist

    there goes sth etw geht gerade den Bach runter fam

    there goes my career das war’s wohl mit meiner Karriere! fam

    there you have it na siehst du

    simply turn the handle three times and there you have it drehe einfach dreimal den Griff und schon geht’s

    to be neither here nor there keine Rolle spielen

    there it is was soll’s

    pretty ridiculous, I know, but there it is ziemlich lächerlich, ich weiß, aber was soll’s

    to not be there yet noch nicht bereit sein

    1. (expressing sympathy) da!, schau!

    there, there! [or there now!] ganz ruhig!, schon gut!

    2. (expressing satisfaction) na bitte!, siehst du!

    there, I’ve made it work at last na also, ich hab’s wieder repariert

    there, I told you she wouldn’t mind! siehst du, ich habe dir gesagt, dass es ihr nichts ausmacht

    there, now you’ve broken it! da, jetzt hast du es kaputt gemacht! fam

    so there! und damit basta!

    you can’t share, so there! du kannst nicht teilen, und damit basta!

    * * *


    1) dort, da; dorthin, dahin

    look, there’s Joe/there’s Joe coming — guck mal, da ist/kommt Joe

    it’s under/over/in there — es liegt dort or da drunter/drüben/drin

    put it under/over/in/on there — stellen Sie es dort or da drunter/rüber or hinüber/rein or hinein/drauf or hinauf

    2) da

    you’ve got me there —


    there is/are — es or da ist/sind

    is there any wine left? – well, there was — ist noch Wein da? – gerade war noch welcher da

    there isn’t any food/time/point, is there? – yes there is — es gibt wohl nichts zu essen/dazu haben wir wohl keine Zeit/das hat wohl keinen Sinn, oder? – doch!

    there seems to be no-one at home —

    there comes a time when… — es kommt eine Zeit, wo…

    there being no alternative solution —

    there will be an opportunity for shopping God said: let there be light, and there was light — es wird Gelegenheit zum Einkaufen geben und Gott sprach: es werde Licht! und es ward Licht

    there you or we are, you see, I knew he’d say that — na, sehen Sie, ich habe es ja gewusst, dass er das sagen würde

    wait, I’ll help you… there you are! — warten Sie, ich helfe Ihnen,… so(, das wärs)!

    I can’t dance, but there again, I never could — ich kann nicht tanzen, aber das habe ich eigentlich noch nie gekonnt

    stop crying now, there’s a good boy —

    drop it, there’s a good dog — lass das fallen, komm, sei brav

    now there’s a good boy, don’t tease your sister — komm, sei ein braver Junge und ärgere deine Schwester nicht

    there, take this to your mother —

    but there, what’s the good of talking about it? — was solls, es hat doch keinen Zweck, darüber zu reden

    * * *

    A adv

    1. da, dort:

    down (up, over, in) there da oder dort unten (oben, drüben, drinnen);

    are you still there? TEL hören Sie?;

    a) hier und jetzt,

    b) auf der Stelle, sofort;

    a) da ist es,

    b) fig so steht es, so stehen die Dinge;

    a) (da,) bitte schön,

    b) siehst du, da hast du’s;

    you there! (Anruf) du da!, he!; academic.ru/1723/all»>all Bes Redew

    2. (da-, dort)hin:

    down (up, over, in) there (da oder dort) hinunter (hinauf, hinüber, hinein);

    a) hingelangen, -kommen,

    b) fig umg es schaffen;

    3. darin, in dieser Sache oder Hinsicht:

    4. fig da, hier, an dieser Stelle (in einer Rede etc)

    5. es:

    there’s a good boy sei schön brav!

    B int

    1. da!, schau (her)!, na!:

    there now! na, bitte!

    * * *



    be down/in/up there — da unten/drin/oben sein

    there goes… — da geht/fährt usw.

    hello or hi there! — hallo!

    there’s a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]

    there, it is a loose wire — da haben wir’s — ein loser Draht

    there you are — [da,] bitte schön (see also 2. 2))

    4) dahin, dorthin [gehen, gelangen, fahren, rücken, stellen]

    down/in/up there — dort hinunter/hinein/hinauf

    get there — es [schon] schaffen; es verstehen

    there are many kinds of… — es gibt viele Arten von…

    there was once an old woman who… — es war einmal eine alte Frau, die…

    … if ever there was one —… wie er/sie/es im Buche steht




    there, there — na, na


    there [you are]! — da, siehst du! (see also 1. 3))

    there, you’ve dropped it! — da, jetzt hast du es doch fallen lassen!



    da, dort

    * * *


    da adv.

    dort adv.

    dorthin adv.

    English-german dictionary > there

  • 3

    2 (in questions, conditional sentences) quelque chose ; is there anything in the box? est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose dans le carton? ; have you got anything in blue/red? est-ce que vous avez quelque chose en bleu/rouge? ; if anything happens ou should happen to her si quoi que ce soit lui arrive ; is there anything to be done? peut-on faire quelque chose? ; is there anything in the rumour that…? est-il vrai que…? ; is there anything in what he says? est-ce qu’il y a du vrai dans ce qu’il dit? ;

    3 ( no matter what) tout ; anything is possible tout est possible ; you can have anything (you like) tu peux avoir tout ce que tu veux ; she’ll eat anything elle mange tout or n’importe quoi ; I’d do ou give anything to get that job je ferais tout pour obtenir cet emploi ; they’d do anything for you ils sont toujours prêts à rendre service ; she likes anything sweet/to do with football elle aime tout ce qui est sucré/qui a rapport au football ; it could cost anything between £50 and £100 ça peut coûter de 50 à 100 livres sterling ; he was anything but happy/intelligent/a liar il n’était pas du tout heureux/intelligent/menteur ; ‘was it interesting?’-‘anything but!’ ‘est-ce que c’était intéressant?’-‘tout sauf ça’ ; he wasn’t annoyed, if anything, he was quite pleased il n’était pas fâché, au contraire, il était content.

    anything goes tout est permis ; as easy/funny as anything facile/drôle comme tout ; to run/laugh/work like anything courir/rire/travailler comme un fou

    ; do you need a towel or anything? as-tu besoin d’une serviette ou de quelque chose? ; it’s not that I don’t like you or anything ce n’est pas que je ne t’aime pas.

    Big English-French dictionary > anything

  • 4

    1) algo; nada

    2) lo que, cualquier cosa



    cualquier cosa


    is there anything left? ¿queda algo?

    algo, alguna cosa


    cualquier cosa





    a) ( something) (in interrog, conditional sentences) algo

    if anything, he seemed slightly worse — en todo caso, parecía que estaba algo peor




    1) algo, alguna cosa

    is there anything more boring than…? — ¿puede haber algo más aburrido que…?

    anything else? — ¿algo más?, ¿alguna cosa más?

    if anything it’s much better — es mucho mejor si cabe

    is there anything in what he says? — ¿hay algo de verdad en lo que dice?

    have you heard anything of them? — ¿tienes alguna noticia de ellos?

    2) nada

    we can’t do anything else — no podemos hacer otra cosa, no podemos hacer nada más

    I don’t think there’s anything more annoying than… — no creo que haya nada más irritante que…

    anything but that — todo menos eso

    «was she apologetic?» — «anything but!» — -¿se disculpó? -¡nada de eso!

    I’m not buying just anything — yo no compro cualquier cosa

    sing anything you like — canta lo que quieras, canta cualquier cosa

    it could take anything up to three months — podría llevar hasta tres meses


    as much as anything, I’m in it for the publicity as much as anything — más que nada estoy en esto por la publicidad

    he ran like anything * — corrió hasta más no poder, corrió como loco *

    he’s not ugly or anything, just strange — no es feo ni nada por el estilo, solo raro

    * * *




    a) ( something) (in interrog, conditional sentences) algo

    if anything, he seemed slightly worse — en todo caso, parecía que estaba algo peor


    English-spanish dictionary > anything

  • 5


    & pronoun

    1) was [immer]; alles, was

    2) irgendetwas

    I don’t want anything [further] to do with him — ich möchte nichts [mehr] mit ihm zu tun haben

    3) alles

    as… as anything — wahnsinnig…

    not for anything [in the world] — um nichts in der Welt

    anything but… — alles außer…; alles andere als

    we don’t want [just] anything — wir wollen nicht einfach irgendetwas [Beliebiges]



    not anything like as… as — keineswegs so… wie

    * * *

    1) irgendetwas

    2) irgendetwas

    * * *



    1. (one of any) [irgend]etwas, [irgend]was fam; (one of set also) ein/eine

    anything you like alles, was du willst

    nobody found/said anything keiner fand/sagte etwas

    anything but! von wegen! fam

    he is anything but racist er ist alles, nur kein Rassist!

    anything and everything absolut alles

    for anything:

    ready for anything auf alles vorbereitet

    not anything nichts

    not anything like sb/sth nicht annähernd wie jd/etw

    it doesn’t taste anything like rum das schmeckt absolut nicht nach Rum

    or anything ( fam) oder so was fam

    you don’t have to join up or anything du musst weder beitreten noch sonst was fam

    she could be anything between 30 and 40 [or from 30 to 40] sie könnte alles zwischen 30 und 40 sein

    is there anything I can do to help? kann ich irgendwie helfen?

    does it look anything like an eagle? sieht das irgendwie wie ein Adler aus?

    anything else? sonst noch etwas?; (in shop) darf es noch was sein?

    hardly anything kaum etwas

    not anything much nicht viel


    [as]… as anything ( fam) ausgesprochen…

    not for anything [in the world] um nichts in der Welt

    anything goes (permitted) erlaubt ist, was gefällt; (unforeseeable) alles kann passieren

    like anything ( fam) wie verrückt fam

    anything for a quiet life Hauptsache Ruhe fam

    * * *


    is it/isn’t it worth anything? — ist es etwas/gar nichts wert?

    it’s worth anything between £1,000 and £5,000 — es ist irgendwas zwischen £ 1000 und £ 5000 wert

    did/didn’t he say anything else? — hat er (sonst) noch etwas/sonst (gar) nichts gesagt?

    did/didn’t they give you anything at all? — haben sie euch überhaupt etwas/überhaupt nichts gegeben?

    is there anything more tiring than…? — gibt es etwas Ermüdenderes als…?

    anything you like —


    if it looked anything like him… — wenn es ihm gleichsehen würde…

    it didn’t cost anything like £100 —

    if it costs anything like as much as before… — wenn es auch nur annähernd so viel kostet wie früher…

    anything/not anything like as wet as… — auch nur annähernd/nicht annähernd so nass wie…

    * * *

    A pron & s

    1. (irgend)etwas, etwas Beliebiges:

    it’s not just anything es ist nicht irgendetwas;

    not … for anything um keinen Preis, um nichts in der Welt;

    be (as) afraid as anything umg fürchterliche Angst haben;

    (as) boring as anything umg stinklangweilig;

    be (as) cross as anything umg in einer Stinklaune sein;

    (as) dark as anything umg stockfinster;

    he is (as) drunk as anything umg er ist blau wie ein Veilchen;

    (as) easy as anything umg kinderleicht;

    (as) fast as anything umg wie der Blitz;

    (as) surprised as anything umg völlig überrascht;

    be (as) pleased as anything umg sich freuen wie ein Schneekönig;

    2. alles(, was es auch sei):

    a) alles andere als,

    b) von wegen!;

    I’ll pay anything ich zahle jeden Preis;

    B adv irgend(wie), etwas, überhaupt, in gewissem Maße:

    a) wenn überhaupt, höchstens,

    b) womöglich;

    not anything like as … as keineswegs so … wie;

    * * *


    & pronoun

    1) was [immer]; alles, was

    2) irgendetwas

    I don’t want anything [further] to do with him — ich möchte nichts [mehr] mit ihm zu tun haben

    as… as anything — wahnsinnig…

    not for anything [in the world] — um nichts in der Welt

    anything but… — alles außer…; alles andere als

    we don’t want [just] anything — wir wollen nicht einfach irgendetwas [Beliebiges]



    not anything like as… as — keineswegs so… wie

    * * *


    alles pron.

    etwas pron.

    irgendetwas pron.

    jedes pron.

    jedes beliebige pron.

    English-german dictionary > anything

  • 6



    1) (with negative, implied negative) niente

    2) (in questions, conditional sentences) qualcosa

    I’d do o give anything to get that job farei o darei qualsiasi cosa per avere quel lavoro; they’d do anything for you farebbero qualsiasi cosa per te; she likes anything sweet, to do with ballet le piace tutto ciò che è dolce, che ha a che fare con la danza classica; it could cost anything between Ј 50 and Ј 100 potrebbe costare tra le 50 e le 100 sterline; he was anything but happy, a liar era tutto fuorché o tutt’altro che felice, un bugiar do; «was it interesting?» — «anything but!» «era interessante?» — «tutt’altro»; he wasn’t annoyed, if anything, he was quite pleased — non era irritato, anzi, era piuttosto contento


    anything goes — tutto è concesso, va bene qualsiasi cosa

    as easy, funny as anything — facilissimo, divertentissimo

    to run, laugh, work like anything — correre, ridere, lavorare come un pazzo

    * * *

    1) qualcosa; niente

    2) qualsiasi cosa

    * * *



    1) (with negative, implied negative) niente

    2) (in questions, conditional sentences) qualcosa

    I’d do o give anything to get that job farei o darei qualsiasi cosa per avere quel lavoro; they’d do anything for you farebbero qualsiasi cosa per te; she likes anything sweet, to do with ballet le piace tutto ciò che è dolce, che ha a che fare con la danza classica; it could cost anything between Ј 50 and Ј 100 potrebbe costare tra le 50 e le 100 sterline; he was anything but happy, a liar era tutto fuorché o tutt’altro che felice, un bugiar do; «was it interesting?» — «anything but!» «era interessante?» — «tutt’altro»; he wasn’t annoyed, if anything, he was quite pleased — non era irritato, anzi, era piuttosto contento


    anything goes — tutto è concesso, va bene qualsiasi cosa

    as easy, funny as anything — facilissimo, divertentissimo

    to run, laugh, work like anything — correre, ridere, lavorare come un pazzo

    English-Italian dictionary > anything

  • 7

    any·thing [ʼeniɵɪŋ] pron

    indef pronoun, + sing vb

    anything you like alles, was du willst;

    let’s go to a movie — pick anything you like schauen wir uns einen Film an — such dir einfach einen aus;

    she could be anything between 30 and 40 [or from 30 to 40] zwischen 30 und 40 könnte sie echt alles sein;

    he is anything but racist er ist alles, nur kein Rassist!;

    anything and everything absolut alles

    is there anything I can do to help? kann ich irgendwie helfen?;

    anything else? darf es noch was sein?;

    does it look anything like an eagle? sieht das irgendwie wie ein Adler aus?;

    hardly anything kaum etwas;

    not anything much nicht viel

    not anything nichts;

    not anything like… nicht annähernd…;

    it doesn’t taste anything like wine das schmeckt absolut nicht nach Wein;

    no strings attached, you don’t have to join up or anything keinerlei Verpflichtungen, du musst weder beitreten noch sonst was


    anything for a quiet life Hauptsache Ruhe ( fam)

    anything goes ( fam) erlaubt ist, was gefällt ( fam)

    when lots of kids from the neighbourhood come over for a party, anything goes wenn viele Kinder aus der Nachbarschaft zu einer Party kommen, kann alles passieren;

    [as]… as anything ( fam) ausgesprochen…;

    not for anything [in the world] um nichts in der Welt;

    like anything ( fam) wie verrückt ( fam)

    English-German students dictionary > anything

  • 8

    ˈenɪθɪŋ мест.;
    1) что-нибудь( в вопросительных и условных предложениях) Is there anything you want? ≈ Вам что-нибудь нужно?
    2) ничто, ничего( в отрицательных предложениях) He hasn’t taken anything. ≈ Он ничего не взял.
    3) все, все что угодно( в утвердительных предложениях) He will do anything to help you. ≈ Он сделает все, чтобы помочь вам. ∙ like anything — if anything

    в вопросительных и условных предложениях что-нибудь — is there * you want? вам что-нибудь нужно? — if you need * they will help you если вам что-нибудь понадобится они вам помогут — if * should happen to him… если с ним что-нибудь случилось… — I’m going to the post. Anything I can do for you? я иду на почту. Вам ничего не нужно? в вопросительных и условных предложениях (разговорное) сколько-нибудь — do you see * of your friend? вы когда-нибудь видите своего друга? — if he is * of a gentleman he will apologize если в нем есть хоть капля порядочности, он извинится в отрицательных предложениях ничего;
    никто — he hasn’t taken * он ничего не взял — he doesn’t do * at all он совсем ничего не делает — not that he knows * about it вряд ли он что-нибудь об этом знает;
    наверно, он ничего об этом не знает — I was cut a little in the fight, but it wasn’t * в драке меня немного поранили, но это ничего — he isn’t * in the local government в местных органах власти он никто в утвердительных предложениях все, что угодно — he will do * to help you он сделает все, чтобы помочь вам — I would give * to know я бы отдал все на свете, чтобы узнать, я бы многое дал, чтобы узнать — he eats * он есть все подряд — * you say все, что вы хотите;
    как хотите, так и будет в сочетаниях — * but все что угодно, только не…;
    далеко не, совсем не — he is * but a scholar он все что угодно, только не ученый — it is * but pleasant это отнюдь не приятно — he is * but mad он вовсе не сумасшедший;
    он себе на уме — if * если уж на то пошло;
    во всяком случае, как бы то ни было, скорее… чем — like * сильно, стремительно, изо всех сил — though he ran like *, he missed the train хотя он и бежал сломя голову, он опоздал на поезд — as * чрезвычайно, ужасно — he will be as peeved as * он будет страшно раздражен — it’s as simple as * это совсем просто — not for * ни за что — I wouldn’t do it for * я ни за что бы этого не сделал — or * (разговорное) или что-нибудь такое;
    что-нибудь в этом роде — if he wants to speak to me or * I’ll be here all day если он захочет поговорить со мной или если ему еще что-нибудь понадобиться, то я буду здесь весь день > * goes все сойдет > in this case * goes в этом случае все сойдет;
    тут все дозволено > an * goes attitude /approach/ нетребовательность, неразборчивость > not make /not think/ * of smth. не придавать значения чему-л. сколько-нибудь;
    в какой-либо мере — is this article * like his? разве эта статья сколько-нибудь похожа на его статью? — is her dress * like mine? разве ее платье хоть чем-то напоминает мое?

    anything pron indef. что угодно, все (в утверд. предл.) ;
    take anything you like возьмите все, что вам нравится ~ pron indef. что-нибудь (в вопр. предл.) ;
    ничто (в отриц. предл.) ;
    have you lost anything? вы что-нибудь потеряли?

    ~ but все что угодно, только не;
    he is anything but a coward он все что угодно, только не трус ~ but далеко не;
    it is anything but clear это далеко не ясно but: anything ~ далеко не;
    все что угодно, только не;
    he is anything but a coward трусом его не назовешь

    ~ pron indef. что-нибудь (в вопр. предл.) ;
    ничто (в отриц. предл.) ;
    have you lost anything? вы что-нибудь потеряли?

    he hasn’t found ~ он ничего не нашел;
    is he anything like his father? есть у него что-нибудь общее с отцом?, он хоть чем-нибудь похож на отца?

    ~ but все что угодно, только не;
    he is anything but a coward он все что угодно, только не трус but: anything ~ далеко не;
    все что угодно, только не;
    he is anything but a coward трусом его не назовешь

    like ~ разг. сильно, стремительно, изо всех сил;
    he ran like anything он бежал изо всех сил

    if ~ пожалуй, если хотите;
    if anything he has little changed пожалуй, он совсем не изменился

    he hasn’t found ~ он ничего не нашел;
    is he anything like his father? есть у него что-нибудь общее с отцом?, он хоть чем-нибудь похож на отца?

    ~ but далеко не;
    it is anything but clear это далеко не ясно

    like ~ разг. сильно, стремительно, изо всех сил;
    he ran like anything он бежал изо всех сил like ~ разг. чрезвычайно, очень ужасно like: ~, ~ anything, ~ mad разг. стремительно;
    изо всех сил;
    сильно, чрезвычайно, ужасно;
    do not talk like that не говорите так

    anything pron indef. что угодно, все (в утверд. предл.) ;
    take anything you like возьмите все, что вам нравится

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > anything

  • 9

    1. adv там

    2. adv туда

    3. adv на этом, в этом отношении; здесь, тут

    4. adv употр. для усиления вот, вон

    5. adv то место

    there is a story that … — говорят, что …

    there and then, then and there — тут же, на месте

    6. adv эмоц. -усил. тот, та, то, те

    hand me that book there, please — передайте-ка мне, пожалуйста, ту книгу

    7. adv разг. надёжный; готовый

    8. adv непринуждённый, свободный, нескованный

    9. adv ну вот!, ну конечно!, вот тебе!, надо же!

    10. adv служит для привлечения внимания

    there and then, then and there

    neither here, nor there — некстати; ни к селу ни к городу

    to get there — добиться своего; добиться успеха, преуспеть

    11. лишённое лексического значения слово, употребляющееся с глаголом, а также с некоторыми глаголами существования и движения

    Синонимический ряд:

    beyond (other) beyond; in the distance; thither; thitherward; yon; yonder

    English-Russian base dictionary > there

  • 10

    1. [ʹenıθıŋ]


    1) что-нибудь

    is there anything you want? — вам что-нибудь нужно?

    if you need anything they will help you — если вам что-нибудь понадобится /будет нужно/, они вам помогут

    if anything should happen to him… — если бы с ним что-нибудь случилось…

    I’m going to the post. Anything I can do for you? — я иду на почту. Вам ничего не нужно?

    do you see anything of your friend? — вы когда-нибудь видите своего друга?

    if he is anything of a gentleman he will apologize — если в нём есть хоть капля порядочности, он извинится

    not that he knows anything about it — вряд ли он что-нибудь об этом знает; наверно, он ничего об этом не знает

    I was cut a little in the fight, but it wasn’t anything — в драке меня немного поранили, но это ничего /но это пустяк/

    he isn’t anything in the local government — в местных органах власти он никто /не имеет никакого влияния/

    he will do anything to help you — он сделает всё, чтобы помочь вам

    I would give anything to know — я бы отдал всё на свете, чтобы узнать (об этом); я бы многое дал, чтобы узнать (об этом)

    anything you say — всё, что вы хотите; как хотите, так и будет

    anything but — а) всё что угодно, только не…

    he is anything but a scholar — он всё что угодно, только не учёный; б) далеко не, совсем не

    he is anything but mad — он вовсе не сумасшедший; ≅ он себе на уме

    if anything — если уж на то пошло; во всяком случае, как бы то ни было, скорее… чем

    like anything — сильно, стремительно, изо всех сил

    though he ran like anything, he missed the train — хотя он и бежал сломя голову, он опоздал на поезд

    as anything — чрезвычайно, ужасно

    it’s as simple [easy] as anything — это совсем просто [легко]

    or anything — или что-нибудь такое; что-нибудь в этом роде

    if he wants to speak to me or anything I’ll be here all day — если он захочет поговорить со мной или если ему ещё что-нибудь понадобится, то я буду здесь весь день

    anything goes — всё сойдёт

    in this case anything goes — в этом случае всё сойдёт /пройдёт/; тут всё дозволено

    an anything goes attitude /approach/ — нетребовательность, неразборчивость

    not make /not think/ anything of smth. — не придавать значения чему-л.

    2. [ʹenıθıŋ]

    сколько-нибудь; в какой-либо мере

    is this article anything like his? — разве эта статья (хоть) сколько-нибудь похожа на его статью?

    is her dress anything like mine? — разве её платье хоть чем-то напоминает моё?

    НБАРС > anything

  • 11

    1 რაიმე, რამე

    2 არაფერი, ვერაფერი

    I`m not afraid of anything არაფრის მეშინია

    he doesn`t do anything არაფერს აკეთებს

    I don`t see anything ვერაფერს ვხედავ

    3 ყველაფერი, ნებისმიერი რამ

    I’ll do anything I can რაც შემიძლია, ყველაფერს გავაკეთებ

    better than anything ყველაფერზე ძალიან / უფრო

    he ran/ swore like anything თავქუდმოგლეჯილი მირბოდა // ლანძღვაგინებით ქვეყანა შეძრა

    he works like anything when he is interested როცა დაინტერესებულია, მხეცივით მუშაობს

    he didn’t work or did anything else არ მუშაობდა და არც სხვა რამეს აკეთებდა

    I don’t want to have anything to do with him მასთან არაფერი საერთო არ მინდა მქონდეს

    anything may happen ყველაფერი შეიძლება მოხდეს // არაფერია გამორიცხული

    I’m hanged if I know anything! გინდა მომკალი, არაფერი ვიცი!

    I didn’t expect anything better whatsoever მაინცდამაინც უკეთესს არაფერს მოველოდი

    English-Georgian dictionary > anything

  • 12
    anything ***** any·thing pron


    2) non… niente, non… nulla

    3) qualsiasi cosa, qualunque cosa

    it can cost anything between £15 and £20 — può costare qualcosa come 15 o 20 sterline

    if anything, I have more to do now — se mai or piuttosto adesso ho più da fare

    English-Italian dictionary > anything ***** any·thing pron

  • 13



    որևէ բան (հարց. և


    նախ.) որևէ բանի կարիք ունես (ժխտ. նախ.) ոչինչ I can’t see anything Ես ոչինչ չեմ տեսնում. He hasn’t anything to do Նա ոչինչ չունի անելու. not for anything ոչ մի դեպքում. There is hardly anything left Համարյա ոչինչ չի մնացել. I was anything but pleased Դա ինձ բոլորովին հաճելի չէր. (հաստ. նախ.) ամեն ինչ. I will do anything I can Ես կանեմ ամեն հնարավոր բան. anything will do for me Ինձ ամեն ինչ հարմար է, Ես ամեն ինչի համաձայն եմ. I like gardening better than anything Ես ամենից շատ սիրում եմ պարտեզում աշխատել. It’s as easy as anything Դա շատ հեշտ է. He ran like anything Նա գլխապատառ վազում էր. anything goes Անց կկենա. In this case anything goes Այստեղ ամեն ինչ թույլատրելի է/կարելի է/անց կկենա. an anything goes attitude/approach ոչ խստա պա հանջ/պահանջկոտ վե րաբերմունք

    English-Armenian dictionary > anything

  • 14
    as anything

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > as anything

  • 15

    1) Nachricht, die

    be in the or make news — Schlagzeilen machen

    bad/good news — schlechte/gute Nachrichten

    Cultural note:

    Eine britische Sonntagszeitung. Schwerpunkte der Berichterstattung sind die Themen Verbrechen und Sport. Das Blatt ist besonders für seine Sensationsberichterstattung über Prominente und die königliche Familie bekannt. Es ist eine academic.ru/73058/tabloid»>tabloid-Zeitung, Teil der Boulevardpresse, und ist in Großbritannien die auflagenstärkste Zeitung

    Eine 1933 gegründete amerikanische Wochenzeitschrift, die in New York herausgegeben wird. Berichte und Artikel beschäftigen sich mit wissenschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Themen. Mit einer Auflage von drei Millionen gehört das New Yorker Nachrichtenmagazin jetzt zum Medienunternehmen der Washington Post

    * * *


    die Nachrichten (pl.), Nachrichten-…


    — newsagent
    — newscast
    — newscaster
    — newsletter
    — newspaper

    * * *

    [nju:z, AM nu:z, ˈnju:z]

    the news that she had resigned took everybody by surprise die Neuigkeit, dass sie zurückgetreten ist, hat alle überrascht

    bad/good news schlechte/gute Neuigkeiten

    to be bad/good news [for sb/sth] ( fig) schlecht/gut [für jdn/etw] sein

    he’s bad news for the company der bedeutet Ärger für die Firma

    to break the news to sb jdm die schlechte Nachricht [o die Hiobsbotschaft] überbringen

    I’ve got news for you buster, you’re not wanted here! ich sag’ dir mal was, mein Lieber, du bist hier überflüssig!

    have you heard the news about Tom and Tina? they’re getting divorced hast du das von Tom und Tina schon gehört? sie lassen sich scheiden

    we’ve had no news of them since they left for Australia seitdem sie nach Australien abgereist sind, haben wir noch nichts von ihnen gehört

    really! that’s news to me tatsächlich! das ist mir neu

    2. (media) Nachrichten pl

    financial/sports news Wirtschaftsbericht m/Sportnachrichten pl

    to be news Nachrichtenwert haben

    to be in the news in den Schlagzeilen sein

    the news die Nachrichten

    was there anything interesting on the news this evening? ist heute Abend irgendetwas Interessantes in den Nachrichten gekommen?


    all the news that’s fit to print alle Nachrichten, die es wert sind, gedruckt zu werden

    no news is good news ( prov) keine Neuigkeiten sind gute Neuigkeiten

    news blackout Nachrichtensperre f

    the news media die [Nachrichten]medien

    news story Bericht m, Story f fam

    news summary Nachrichtenüberblick m, Kurznachrichten pl

    * * *


    n no pl

    1) Nachricht

    ; Neuigkeit(en)




    I have news/no news of him — ich habe von ihm gehört/nicht von ihm gehört, ich weiß Neues/nichts Neues von ihm

    have you heard the news? —

    bad/sad/good news —

    that is good news — das ist erfreulich zu hören, das sind ja gute Nachrichten

    when the news of his death/the news broke — als sein Tod/es bekannt wurde

    it will be news to him that… — er wird staunen, dass…

    as far as I’m concerned, he’s bad news — für mich bedeutet er (nichts als) Ärger

    * * *

    news [njuːz; US auch nuːz] spl (als sg konstruiert)

    1. (das) Neue, Neuigkeit(en) f(pl), (etwas) Neues, Nachricht(en) f(pl), ( RADIO, TV) Nachrichten pl:

    we’ve had no news from her for a long time wir haben schon lange nichts mehr von ihr gehört;

    I heard on the news that … ich hörte in den Nachrichten, dass …;

    what(’s the) news? was gibt es Neues?;

    it’s news to me that … es ist mir (ganz) neu, dass …;

    2. neueste (Zeitungs- etc)Nachrichten pl:

    a) (in der Öffentlichkeit) von sich reden machen,

    b) Schlagzeilen machen

    * * *

    [njuːz] noun, no pl.

    be in the or make news — Schlagzeilen machen

    bad/good news — schlechte/gute Nachrichten

    Cultural note:

    Eine britische Sonntagszeitung. Schwerpunkte der Berichterstattung sind die Themen Verbrechen und Sport. Das Blatt ist besonders für seine Sensationsberichterstattung über Prominente und die königliche Familie bekannt. Es ist eine tabloid-Zeitung, Teil der Boulevardpresse, und ist in Großbritannien die auflagenstärkste Zeitung

    Eine 1933 gegründete amerikanische Wochenzeitschrift, die in New York herausgegeben wird. Berichte und Artikel beschäftigen sich mit wissenschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Themen. Mit einer Auflage von drei Millionen gehört das New Yorker Nachrichtenmagazin jetzt zum Medienunternehmen der Washington Post

    * * *


    Nachricht f.

    English-german dictionary > news

  • 16

    [nju:z, Am nu:z, ʼnju:z] n

    the news that she had resigned took everybody by surprise die Neuigkeit, dass sie zurückgetreten ist, hat alle überrascht;

    bad/good news schlechte/gute Neuigkeiten;

    to be bad/good news [for sb/sth] ( fig) schlecht/gut [für jdn/etw] sein;

    he’s bad news for the company der bedeutet Ärger für die Firma;

    to break the news to sb jdm die schlechte Nachricht [o die Hiobsbotschaft] überbringen;

    I’ve got news for you buster, you’re not wanted here! ich sag’ dir mal was, mein Lieber, du bist hier überflüssig!;

    have you heard the news about Tom and Tina? they’re getting divorced hast du das von Tom und Tina schon gehört? sie lassen sich scheiden;

    we’ve had no news of them since they left for Australia seitdem sie nach Australien abgereist sind, haben wir noch nichts von ihnen gehört;

    really! that’s news to me tatsächlich! das ist mir neu

    2) ( media) Nachrichten pl;

    financial/sports news Wirtschaftsbericht m /Sportnachrichten pl;

    to be news Nachrichtenwert haben;

    to be in the news in den Schlagzeilen sein;

    the news die Nachrichten;

    was there anything interesting on the news this evening? ist heute Abend irgendetwas Interessantes in den Nachrichten gekommen?


    all the news that’s fit to print alle Nachrichten, die es wert sind, gedruckt zu werden;

    no news is good news (news) keine Neuigkeiten sind gute Neuigkeiten n

    modifier Nachrichten-; (channel, programme);

    news blackout Nachrichtensperre f;

    the news media die [Nachrichten]medien;

    news story Bericht m, Story f ( fam)

    news summary Nachrichtenüberblick m, Kurznachrichten pl

    English-German students dictionary > news

  • 17
    in the nature of…

    напоминающий, похожий; имеющий характер…

    I am sorry to ask you this, but in your opinion was there anything in the nature of a love affair between Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brenda Leonides? (A. Christie, ‘Crooked House’, ch. VII) — Сожалею, что приходится задавать вам такой вопрос, но не считаете ли вы, что отношения между мистером Брауном и Брендой Леонидес очень похожи на роман?

    Desperation had driven him to utter something in the nature of a threat. (S. Chaplin, ‘Sam in the Morning’, ch. 4) — Отчаяние заставило Уокера пробормотать что-то вроде угрозы.

    His request was in the nature of a command. — Его просьба была очень похожа на приказание.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in the nature of…

  • 18

    has the mail arrived? est-ce que le courrier est arrivé?;

    was there anything in the mail for me? est-ce qu’il y avait du courrier pour moi?;

    envoyer ou expédier par la poste; poster;

    Press the Mail = nom abrégé du ‘Daily Mail’;

    Press the Mail on Sunday = édition dominicale du ‘Daily Mail’


    Computing mail address adresse



    American mail carrier facteur(trice)



    American mail clerk employé(e)


    responsable du courrier;

    American mail drop boîte


    à ou aux lettres;

    Computing mail forwarding réexpédition


    du courrier électronique;

    Computing mail gateway passerelle


    (de courrier électronique);

    Computing mail path chemin


    du courrier électronique;

    Computing mail reader logiciel


    de courrier électronique, client


    de messagerie électronique;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > mail

  • 19


    más, otro

    — or else

    I don’t like meat, can I have something else? no me gusta la carne, ¿puedo pedir otra cosa?

    it’s not mine; it must be someone else’s no es mío; debe de ser de otra persona

    the park’s closed; where else can we go? el parque está cerrado; ¿adónde más podemos ir?


    1 más, otro,-a

    anything else? ¿algo más?

    nothing else, thank you nada más, gracias

    does anyone else want to go? ¿alguien más quiere ir?

    is there someone else? ¿hay alguien más?

    what else do you expect? ¿qué más esperas?

    where else have you been? ¿en qué otro(s) sitio(s) has estado?

    who else knows? ¿quién más lo sabe?


    behave yourself or else… pórtate bien, si no (ya verás)

    hurry up or else we’ll be late! ¡date prisa, si no llegaremos tarde!

    either you come today, or else don’t bother coming o vienes hoy, o no te molestes en venir

    he must be drunk, or else he’s gone mad debe de estar borracho, si no es que se ha vuelto loco

    de otro modo, de otra manera

    de otro sitio, de otro lugar

    or else si no, de lo contrario







    somebody o someone else — otra persona

    everybody o everyone else — todos los demás

    nobody o no one else — nadie más

    what/who else? — ¿qué/quién más?


    do as I tell you or else…! — o haces lo que te digo o vas a ver!, haz lo que te digo porque si no…!



    all else — todo lo demás

    anything else, anything else is impossible — cualquier otra cosa es imposible

    anything else, sir? — ¿algo más, señor?

    anywhere else — en cualquier otro sitio

    nothing else, thank you — nada más, gracias, es todo, gracias

    nowhere else — en ningún otro sitio

    there’s somebody else, isn’t there? — hay alguien más, ¿verdad?

    somewhere else — en otro sitio, en otra parte

    how else? — ¿de qué otra manera?

    what else…? — ¿qué más…?

    where else…? — ¿en qué otro sitio…?, ¿dónde más…? (LAm)

    who else…? — ¿quién si no…?, ¿quién más…?

    there is little else to be done — poco se puede hacer aparte de eso

    he said that, and much else — dijo eso y mucho más


    do as I say, or else! * — ¡haz lo que te digo o si no verás!

    * * *



    somebody o someone else — otra persona

    everybody o everyone else — todos los demás

    nobody o no one else — nadie más

    what/who else? — ¿qué/quién más?


    do as I tell you or else…! — o haces lo que te digo o vas a ver!, haz lo que te digo porque si no…!

    English-spanish dictionary > else

  • 20



    1) bekommen; kriegen ; kaufen; sich (


    ) anschaffen [Auto usw.]; sich (


    ) besorgen [Visum, Genehmigung, Arbeitskräfte]; sich (


    ) beschaffen [Geld]; einholen [Gutachten]; kommen zu; finden [Zeit]

    he got him by the leg/arm — er kriegte ihn am Bein/Arm zu fassen

    get somebody a job/taxi, get a job/taxi for somebody — jemandem einen Job verschaffen/ein Taxi besorgen od. rufen

    get oneself something/a job — sich (Dat.) etwas zulegen/einen Job finden


    get the bus — etc. den Bus usw. erreichen od. kriegen; den Bus nehmen

    4) machen , zubereiten [Essen]

    5) : essen

    6) erreichen

    8) bekommen; erhalten, kriegen [Geldsumme]

    the country gets very little sun/rain — die Sonne scheint/es regnet nur sehr wenig in dem Land

    9) bekommen, kriegen [6 Monate Gefängnis, Geldstrafe, Tracht Prügel]

    you’ll get it — du kriegst Prügel ; es setzt was ; du kriegst was zu hören

    10) töten; erlegen [Wild]; treffen

    11) bekommen; finden [Anerkennung]; sich (


    ) verschaffen [Ansehen]; erzielen [Tor, Punkt, Treffer]; gewinnen [Preis, Belohnung]; belegen [ersten usw. Platz]

    12) finden [Schlaf, Ruhe]; bekommen [Einfall, Vorstellung, Gefühl]; gewinnen [Eindruck]; bekommen [Kopfschmerzen, Grippe, Malaria]

    get an idea/a habit from somebody — von jemandem eine Idee/Angewohnheit übernehmen


    have got a toothache/a cold — Zahnschmerzen/eine Erkältung haben od. erkältet sein

    something has got to be done [about it] — dagegen muss etwas unternommen werden

    14) bringen; kriegen

    get everything packed/prepared — alles [ein]packen/vorbereiten

    get something ready/done — etwas fertig machen

    you’ll get yourself thrown out/arrested — du schaffst es noch, dass du rausgeworfen/verhaftet wirst

    get somebody talking/drunk/interested — jemanden zum Reden bringen/betrunken machen/jemandes Interesse wecken

    I can’t get the car to start/the door to shut — ich kriege das Auto nicht in Gang/die Tür nicht zu

    17) : empfangen [Sender]

    get somebody [on the phone] — jemanden [telefonisch] erreichen

    I’ll get it! — ich geh’ schon!; ich mach’ auf!; ich gehe ran od. nehme ab!

    20) : in Verwirrung bringen

    you’ve got me there; I don’t know — da bin ich überfragt — ich weiß es nicht

    21) kapieren ; verstehen [Personen]; mitkriegen

    22) : aufregen



    tt-, got, gotten

    when did you get here/to school? — wann bist du gekommen?/wann warst du in der Schule?

    get talking [to somebody] — [mit jemandem] ins Gespräch kommen

    get going or started — losgehen; aufbrechen; loslegen ; in Schwung kommen


    he got to like/hate her — mit der Zeit mochte er sie/begann er, sie zu hassen

    get ready/washed — sich fertig machen/waschen

    get frightened/hungry — Angst/Hunger kriegen

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    1) erhalten

    2) besorgen

    4) bringen

    5) werden

    6) veranlassen

    7) gelangen

    8) bekommen

    9) bekommen

    10) erwischen

    11) verstehen


    — get-together
    — get-up
    — be getting on for
    — get about
    — get across
    — get after
    — get ahead
    — get along
    — get around
    — get around to
    — get at
    — get away
    — get away with
    — get back
    — get by
    — get down
    — get down to
    — get in
    — get into
    — get nowhere
    — get off
    — get on
    — get on at
    — get out
    — get out of
    — get over
    — get round
    — get around to
    — get round to
    — get there
    — get through
    — get together
    — get up
    — get up to

    * * *

    <got, got or AM, CAN usu gotten>


    to get sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] erhalten [o bekommen]

    let’s get some breakfast/groceries lass uns frühstücken/Lebensmittel besorgen

    have you got a moment? haben Sie einen Augenblick Zeit?

    where did you get your radio from? woher hast du dein Radio?

    to get a glimpse of sb/sth einen Blick auf jdn/etw erhaschen

    to get a radio station einen Sender empfangen [o fam reinbekommen]

    to get time off freibekommen

    to get sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] bekommen [o fam kriegen]

    to get sth for one’s birthday etw zum Geburtstag bekommen

    to get a [telephone] call from sb von jdm angerufen werden

    to get sth etw erleben

    we don’t get much snow in this country in diesem Land schneit es nicht sehr viel

    to get the impression that… den Eindruck gewinnen, dass…

    to get sth to sb jdm etw bringen

    to get sth sich dat etw holen fam

    you can’t get measles twice Masern kannst du nicht zweimal bekommen

    to get the flu sich dat die Grippe einfangen [o ÖSTERR a. holen] fam

    to get food poisoning sich dat eine Lebensmittelvergiftung zuziehen [o ÖSTERR fam a. holen

    to get [sb] sth [or sth for sb] jdm etw besorgen [o holen]

    can I get you a drink? möchtest du was trinken?, kann ich Ihnen etwas zu trinken anbieten?; ( form)

    could you get a newspaper for me, please? könntest du mir bitte eine Zeitung mitbringen?

    to get sth somewhere irgendwo auf etw akk treffen

    you get lions in Africa in Afrika gibt es Löwen


    to get a plane/train (travel with) ein Flugzeug/einen Zug nehmen; (catch) ein Flugzeug/einen Zug erwischen fam

    to get sth etw verdienen

    to get sth for sth etw für etw akk bekommen

    to get sth etw kaufen

    to get sth out of sth:

    what do I get out of it? was habe ich davon?

    sb gets a lot of pleasure out of [or from] sth etw bereitet jdm viel Freude

    to get something out of sth aus etw dat seine Vorteile ziehen

    to get sth etw berechnen

    to get sb/sth jdn/etw fangen

    to get sb [for sth] jdn [für etw akk] kriegen fam

    I’ll get you for this/that! ich kriege dich dafür! fam

    to get it es bekommen, bestraft werden

    to get sb to oneself jdn für sich akk haben

    to get the door die Tür aufmachen

    to get the telephone das Telefon abnehmen, ans Telefon gehen

    to get sth etw bezahlen

    to get sth confused etw verwechseln

    to get sth delivered sich dat etw liefern lassen

    to get sth finished etw fertig machen

    to get sth typed etw tippen lassen

    to get sb/sth doing sth:

    we’ll soon get you talking wir werden Sie schon zum Reden bringen

    haven’t you got the photocopier working yet? hast du den Kopierer noch nicht zum Laufen gekriegt? fam

    to get sb/sth to do sth jdn/etw dazu bringen, etw zu tun

    to get one’s computer to work seinen Computer zum Laufen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. Funktionieren] kriegen fam

    to get sb/sth somewhere jdn/etw irgendwohin bringen

    we can’t get the bed through the door wir bekommen das Bett nicht durch die Tür

    to get sth etw herausbekommen [o fam herauskriegen

    to get sth etw verstehen

    to get the meaning es verstehen

    to get the message es kapieren fam

    to get the picture ( fam) kapieren fam

    get the picture? kapiert? fam, kapische? fam

    to get sb/sth wrong jdn/etw falsch verstehen


    to get dinner (prepare) das Abendessen zubereiten; (eat) zu Abend essen

    to get sb jdn verwirren

    to get sb jdn amüsieren

    to get sb jdm auf die Nerven gehen fam

    to get sb jdm unter die Haut gehen fam

    to get sb [in sth]:

    that nearly got me in the eye! das ist mir fast ins Auge geflogen!

    get him/her! sieh dir mal den/die an!


    to get one’s own back [on sb] BRIT ( fam) sich akk [an jdm] rächen

    are you getting better? geht es dir besser?

    to get real (sl) am Boden bleiben fam

    to get to be sth etw werden

    how did you get to be a belly dancer? wie bist du zu einer Bauchtänzerin geworden?

    to get to like sth etw langsam mögen

    to get married heiraten

    to get somewhere irgendwohin kommen

    to get home [from somewhere] [von irgendwo] nach Hause kommen

    to get nowhere/somewhere [with sth] es nicht weit/weit [mit etw dat] bringen

    we were not getting far with the negotiations unsere Verhandlungen kamen nicht weit voran

    to get to do sth die Möglichkeit haben, etw zu tun

    to get to see sb jdn zu Gesicht bekommen

    to get to do sth schaffen, etw zu tun

    to get doing sth anfangen, etw zu tun

    to get going [or moving] gehen

    we’d better get going wir sollten besser gehen

    to get with it sich akk informieren

    get with it! setz dich damit auseinander!

    [go on,] get! hau [doch] ab! fam

    * * *





    got or ( US) gotten

    1) bekommen, kriegen ; abbekommen, abkriegen ; sich zuziehen; kommen zu; haben (from von)

    this country gets very little rain —

    he got the idea for his book while he was abroad/from an old document — die Idee zu dem Buch kam ihm, als er im Ausland war/hatte er von einem alten Dokument

    I get the feeling that… — ich habe das Gefühl, dass…

    2) sich besorgen; sich beschaffen or besorgen; finden; kaufen; sich anschaffen

    to get sb/oneself sth, to get sth for sb/oneself — jdm/sich etw besorgen; jdm/sich etw verschaffen

    to get a glimpse of sb/sth — jdn/etw kurz zu sehen bekommen

    you’ll have to get a job/more staff —

    he’s been trying to get a house/job — er hat versucht, ein Haus/eine Stelle zu bekommen

    he got himself a wife/a good job — er hat sich eine Frau zugelegt

    3) holen

    I got him/myself a drink — ich habe ihm/mir etwas zu trinken geholt

    4) bekommen, kriegen ; fangen; fahren mit

    to get sb by the arm/leg — jdn am Arm/Bein packen

    5) treffen, erwischen

    6) RAD, TV bekommen, kriegen

    7) TELEC erreichen; bekommen; geben

    get me 339/Mr Johnston please — geben Sie mir bitte 339/Herrn Johnston; verbinden Sie mich bitte mit 339/Herrn Johnston

    8) machen

    I’ll get you/myself some breakfast — ich mache dir/mir etwas zum Frühstück

    9) essen

    let’s get Italian/Chinese/Indian etc — gehen wir zum Italiener/Chinesen/Inder (essen)

    10) bringen

    this discussion isn’t getting us anywhere —

    11) bekommen, kriegen

    12) kapieren , mitbekommen; mitbekommen, mitkriegen ; notieren


    what do you get from it? — was hast du davon?, was bringt es dir?


    get (a load of) that! — was sagst du dazu! , hat man Töne!

    15) person inf ärgern, aufregen; an die Nieren gehen ; packen ; amüsieren

    17) etw von jdm machen lassen; jdn dazu bringen, etw zu tun

    you’ll get me/yourself thrown out —

    to get sth made for sb/oneself — jdm/sich etw machen lassen

    I’ll get the grass cut/the house painted soon — ich lasse bald den Rasen mähen/das Haus streichen

    did you get your expenses paid/your question answered? — haben Sie Ihre Spesen erstattet/eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage bekommen?

    to get sb/sth/oneself ready — jdn/etw/sich fertig machen

    to get sth clean/open/shut — etw sauber kriegen/aufkriegen/zukriegen

    that’ll get it open/shut — damit geht es auf/zu

    he can’t get the sum to work out/the lid to stay open — er kriegt es nicht hin, dass die Rechnung aufgeht/dass der Deckel aufbleibt

    1) kommen

    how’s the work going? – we’re getting there! — wie geht die Arbeit voran? – langsam wirds was! es zu etwas/nichts bringen; weiterkommen/nicht weiterkommen

    to get somewhere/nowhere (with sb) —

    you won’t get far on £10 — mit £ 10 kommst du nicht weit

    2) werden

    to get old/tired etc — alt/müde etc werden

    I’m getting cold/warm — mir wird es kalt/warm

    the weather is getting cold/warm — es wird kalt/warm

    to get dressed/shaved/washed etc — sich anziehen/rasieren/waschen etc

    things can only get better —

    to get to know sb/sth — jdn/etw kennenlernen

    after a time you get to realize… — nach einiger Zeit merkt man…

    to get to be… — (mit der Zeit)… werden

    to get to see sb/sth — jdn/etw zu sehen bekommen

    to get working/scrubbing etc —

    you lot, get cleaning/working! — ihr da, ans Putzen/an die Arbeit!

    gehen; kommen

    how did you get yourself home? —

    to get oneself dirty/wet — sich schmutzig/nass machen

    to get oneself pregnant/fit — schwanger/fit werden

    to get oneself washed/dressed — sich waschen/anziehen

    he managed to get himself promoted —

    * * *

    A s

    1. Tennis: umg Rückschlag m

    2. ZOOL Nachkomme(


    ) m(pl)

    3. Br Fördermenge f

    B v/t prät got [ɡɒt; US ɡɑt], obs gat [ɡæt], pperf got [ɡɒt; US ɡɑt], US auch gotten [ˈɡɑtn]

    1. einen Brief, keine Antwort etc bekommen, erhalten, kriegen umg:

    he didn’t get much for his old car;

    get it umg sein Fett (ab)kriegen, eins aufs Dach kriegen;

    he’s got it bad(ly) umg ihn hat es schwer erwischt (er ist schwer erkrankt, heftig verliebt etc)

    2. sich etwas verschaffen oder besorgen:

    3. erwerben, gewinnen, verdienen, erringen, erzielen:

    4. Wissen, Erfahrung etc erwerben, sich aneignen, (er)lernen:

    5. Kohle etc gewinnen, fördern

    6. erwischen:

    a) (zu fassen) kriegen, fassen, packen, fangen

    b) ertappen

    c) treffen:

    he’ll get you in the end er kriegt dich doch;

    you’ve got me there! umg da bin ich überfragt!;

    that gets me umg das kapiere ich nicht; das geht mir auf die Nerven; das packt mich, das geht mir unter die Haut

    7. a) Hilfe etc holen:

    I’ll get it ich mach schon auf; TEL ich


    schon ran

    b) abholen ( from von)

    c) (hin)bringen:

    d) schaffen, bringen, befördern:

    8. beschaffen, besorgen ( beide:

    please get me … TEL verbinden Sie mich bitte mit …

    I’ve got no money;

    got a knife? umg hast du ein Messer?

    11. machen, werden lassen, in einen (bestimmten) Zustand versetzen oder bringen:

    get one’s feet wet nasse Füße bekommen;

    12. (mit pperf) lassen:

    get one’s hair cut sich die Haare schneiden lassen;

    a) etwas erledigen (lassen),

    b) etwas zustande bringen

    13. (mit inf) dazu oder dahin bringen, bewegen, veranlassen:

    a) eine Maschine etc, fig a. Verhandlungen etc in Gang bringen,

    b) fig Schwung in eine Party etc bringen;

    17. Br umg essen:

    I didn’t get his name;

    I don’t get him ich versteh nicht, was er will;

    I don’t get that das kapier ich nicht;

    20. umg nicht mehr loslassen, überwältigen

    C v/i

    1. kommen, gelangen:

    get home nach Hause kommen, zu Hause ankommen;

    where has it got to? wo ist es hingekommen?;

    how far have you got with your homework? wie weit bist du mit deinen Hausaufgaben gekommen?;

    a) es schaffen, sein Ziel erreichen,

    2. (mit inf) dahin gelangen oder kommen, dazu übergehen:

    3. (mit adj oder pperf) werden, in einen bestimmten Zustand etc geraten:

    4. (mit ppr) beginnen, anfangen:

    a) in Gang kommen (Maschine etc, fig a. Verhandlungen etc),

    b) fig in Schwung kommen (Party etc);

    a) zu reden anfangen,

    b) ins Gespräch kommen

    5. reich werden

    6. sl verduften, abhauen (beide umg)

    * * *



    1) bekommen; kriegen ; kaufen; sich (


    ) anschaffen [Auto usw.]; sich (


    ) besorgen [Visum, Genehmigung, Arbeitskräfte]; sich (


    ) beschaffen [Geld]; einholen [Gutachten]; kommen zu; finden [Zeit]

    he got him by the leg/arm — er kriegte ihn am Bein/Arm zu fassen

    get somebody a job/taxi, get a job/taxi for somebody — jemandem einen Job verschaffen/ein Taxi besorgen od. rufen

    get oneself something/a job — sich (Dat.) etwas zulegen/einen Job finden


    get the bus — etc. den Bus usw. erreichen od. kriegen; den Bus nehmen

    4) machen , zubereiten [Essen]

    5) : essen

    8) bekommen; erhalten, kriegen [Geldsumme]

    the country gets very little sun/rain — die Sonne scheint/es regnet nur sehr wenig in dem Land

    9) bekommen, kriegen [6 Monate Gefängnis, Geldstrafe, Tracht Prügel]

    you’ll get it — du kriegst Prügel ; es setzt was ; du kriegst was zu hören

    10) töten; erlegen [Wild]; treffen

    11) bekommen; finden [Anerkennung]; sich (


    ) verschaffen [Ansehen]; erzielen [Tor, Punkt, Treffer]; gewinnen [Preis, Belohnung]; belegen [ersten usw. Platz]

    12) finden [Schlaf, Ruhe]; bekommen [Einfall, Vorstellung, Gefühl]; gewinnen [Eindruck]; bekommen [Kopfschmerzen, Grippe, Malaria]

    get an idea/a habit from somebody — von jemandem eine Idee/Angewohnheit übernehmen


    have got a toothache/a cold — Zahnschmerzen/eine Erkältung haben od. erkältet sein

    something has got to be done [about it] — dagegen muss etwas unternommen werden

    14) bringen; kriegen

    get everything packed/prepared — alles [ein]packen/vorbereiten

    get something ready/done — etwas fertig machen

    you’ll get yourself thrown out/arrested — du schaffst es noch, dass du rausgeworfen/verhaftet wirst

    get somebody talking/drunk/interested — jemanden zum Reden bringen/betrunken machen/jemandes Interesse wecken

    I can’t get the car to start/the door to shut — ich kriege das Auto nicht in Gang/die Tür nicht zu

    17) : empfangen [Sender]

    get somebody [on the phone] — jemanden [telefonisch] erreichen

    I’ll get it! — ich geh’ schon!; ich mach’ auf!; ich gehe ran od. nehme ab!

    20) : in Verwirrung bringen

    you’ve got me there; I don’t know — da bin ich überfragt — ich weiß es nicht

    21) kapieren ; verstehen [Personen]; mitkriegen

    22) : aufregen



    tt-, got, gotten

    when did you get here/to school? — wann bist du gekommen?/wann warst du in der Schule?

    get talking [to somebody] — [mit jemandem] ins Gespräch kommen

    get going or started — losgehen; aufbrechen; loslegen ; in Schwung kommen

    get going on or with something — mit etwas anfangen


    he got to like/hate her — mit der Zeit mochte er sie/begann er, sie zu hassen

    get ready/washed — sich fertig machen/waschen

    get frightened/hungry — Angst/Hunger kriegen

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *

    (give) the stick expr.

    eine Tracht Prügel bekommen (verabreichen) ausdr. (oneself) something expr.

    sich etwas anschaffen ausdr.

    sich etwas zulegen ausdr. v.

    (§ p.,p.p.: got)

    or p.p.: gotten•) = aneignen v.

    bekommen v.

    besorgen v.

    bringen v.

    (§ p.,pp.: brachte, gebracht)

    erhalten v.

    erreichen v.

    erringen v.

    erwerben v.

    holen v.

    kapieren v.

    schaffen v.

    sich etwas verschaffen ausdr.

    verstehen v.

    English-german dictionary > get

    • 1. Needed
    • 2. Waited
    • 3. Developed
    • 4. Wanted
    • 5. Expected
    • 1. Diffecult
    • 2. Dufficult
    • 3. Difficalt
    • 4. Deefficult
    • 5. Difficult

    • 1. Dry
    • 2. Fast
    • 3. Old
    • 4. Neat
    • 5. Light
    • 1. To appeal
    • 2. To go on
    • 3. To apply
    • 4. To trouble
    • 5. To turn
    • 1. Salt
    • 2. Sugar
    • 3. Sand
    • 4. Flour
    • 5. Juice
    • 1. Arm
    • 2. Body
    • 3. Finger
    • 4. Palm
    • 5. Neck
    • 1. Possible
    • 2. Impossible
    • 3. Inpossible
    • 4. Dispossible
    • 5. Unposssible
    • 1. Expensive
    • 2. Graduation
    • 3. Beautiful
    • 4. Demonstration
    • 5. Airport
    • 1. wifes’s
    • 2. wife’s
    • 3. wifes’
    • 4. wife
    • 5. wives
    • 1. haven’t it?
    • 2. wasn’t it?
    • 3. did it?
    • 4. don’t it?
    • 5. were it?
    • 1. grown
    • 2. have grew
    • 3. grow
    • 4. will grow
    • 5. grew
    • 1. shamrock
    • 2. tulip
    • 3. violet
    • 4. rose
    • 5. maple leaf

    • 1. school
    • 2. schools
    • 3. the school’s
    • 4. school’s
    • 5. a school
    • 1. in
    • 2. from
    • 3. to
    • 4. for
    • 5. with
    • 1. eight hundred sixty-nine
    • 2. seven hundred and sixty-nine
    • 3. eight hundred sixty-five
    • 4. eight hundred sixty-three
    • 5. eight hundred and sixty-nine
    • 1. Twelvth
    • 2. Twelfth
    • 3. Twelve
    • 4. Twelveth
    • 5. Twenty
    • 1. July
    • 2. February
    • 3. May
    • 4. July
    • 5. April
    • 1. her
    • 2. other
    • 3. its
    • 4. their
    • 5. ours
    • 1. These big black box is rather new.
    • 2. This big black box is rather new.
    • 3. That big black boxes are rather new.
    • 4. These big black box are rather new.
    • 5. Those big black box is rather new.
    • 1. What there something in the bag?
    • 2. Was there something in the bag?
    • 3. Was there anything in the bag?
    • 4. There was nothing in the bag, wasn’t there?
    • 5. There wasn’t anything in the bag, wasn’t it?
    • 1. oxes
    • 2. oxens
    • 3. oxs
    • 4. oxen
    • 5. ox
    • 1. was
    • 2. were
    • 3. am
    • 4. are
    • 5. is

    • 1. Taughted
    • 2. Teaching
    • 3. Teached
    • 4. Teaches
    • 5. Taught
    • 1. was sleeping
    • 2. were sleep
    • 3. was sleep
    • 4. were sleeping
    • 5. were to sleeping
    • 1. Are built
    • 2. Has been built
    • 3. Were build
    • 4. Will be build
    • 5. Have build
    • 1. He stands at the window every evening.
    • 2. Why are you standing here?
    • 3. The stand with many books is in the corner of the room.
    • 4. Stand up, please.
    • 5. The computer for children stands in the room.
    • 1. gave up
    • 2. gave out
    • 3. gave away
    • 4. gave back
    • 5. gave in
    • 1. Nonsense.
    • 2. I’m very happy.
    • 3. Can you pull it out?
    • 4. Can you examine it out?
    • 5. Can you show it out?
    • 1. … by halves.
    • 2. … than to go astray.
    • 3. … three minutes behind.
    • 4. … so you must lie on it.
    • 5. … too late to learn.
    • 1. She was sixteen last year.
    • 2. She was at the cinema.
    • 3. Mother is at home.
    • 4. What are you doing?
    • 5. The delegation is to come on Monday.
    • 1. Stopped
    • 2. Stopped
    • 3. To stopped
    • 4. To stoppd
    • 5. Stopet
    • 1. To leave school
    • 2. To have school
    • 3. To enter school
    • 4. To get school
    • 5. To begin school
    • 1. Delay
    • 2. Adjustment
    • 3. Presence
    • 4. Substance
    • 5. Isolation
    • 1. meal
    • 2. light
    • 3. banana
    • 4. window
    • 5. mood
    • 1. Get into
    • 2. Get up
    • 3. Get from
    • 4. Get down
    • 5. Get off
    • 1. singer
    • 2. luggage
    • 3. passport
    • 4. customs
    • 5. aircraft
    • 1. Sugar
    • 2. Wheat
    • 3. Butter
    • 4. Peace
    • 5. Republic
    • 1. определение
    • 2. сказуемое
    • 3. обстоятельство
    • 4. дополнение
    • 5. подлежащее
    • 1. Collected
    • 2. Collects
    • 3. Collect to
    • 4. Collecting
    • 5. Collect
    • 1. Admiral Nelson
    • 2. Abraham Lincoln
    • 3. Winston Churchill
    • 4. John Glenn
    • 5. General Washington
    • 1. Car
    • 2. Dress
    • 3. Tulip
    • 4. Fire
    • 5. Burn
    • 1. Paper
    • 2. Dress
    • 3. Towel
    • 4. Leaves
    • 5. Water
    • 1. I would/ All right.
    • 2. Yes, we are/ We go.
    • 3. Yes,a lot/ All right.
    • 4. I would/ You are going.
    • 5. No, I like it./ Good bye.
    • 1. She really won the prize.
    • 2. She is good at growing plants.
    • 3. She does more than it is necessary.
    • 4. She likes boasting.
    • 5. She cannot grow plants.
    • 1. -/the/ the/the/ -.
    • 2. -/ a/ the/ -/ -.
    • 3. -/ the/ the/ -/ the.
    • 4. -/the/ -/-/ -.
    • 5. the/ the/ the/ the/ the.
    • 1. of
    • 2. from
    • 3. on
    • 4. during
    • 5. by
    • 1. bad
    • 2. well
    • 3. badly
    • 4. brightly
    • 5. nicely
    • 1. eat
    • 2. slowly
    • 3. organization
    • 4. nine
    • 5. fruitful
    • 1. Less cold
    • 2. Much cold
    • 3. Colder
    • 4. As cold
    • 5. More cold
    • 1. their
    • 2. that
    • 3. these
    • 4. this
    • 5. those

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